The Entanglement Concept in Polymer Rheolgy
The Entanglement Concept in Polymer Rheolgy
The Entanglement Concept in Polymer Rheolgy
Polymer Rheology
Chemical Engineering a n d Materials Science Departments, Northwestern University,
Evanston, Illinois 60201, U.S.A.
Table of Contents
General Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Large Scale Configuration on Concentrated Systems
. . . . . . . . . . .
Theoretical Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Evidence o n C h a i n Dimensions from Physical Measurements . . . . . . . .
Collapsed Coil Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Evidence o n Chain Dimensions from Chemical Properties . . . . . . . . .
Extended Configuration Theories
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Short-Range Organization in Concentrated Systems . . . . . . . . . . . .
Structural Aspects of Flow a n d Flow History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
W. W. Graessley:
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1. Introduction
The concept of chain entanglement first arose more than 40 years ago from
attempts to explain the mechanical properties of amorphous polymers above the
glass transition temperature. In 1932 Busse (I) noted that if unvulcanized rubber
is subjected to a large deformation, held for a short time and released, it recovers
its original shape almost completely, while if held for a long time it flows and
recovers only partially when released. He distinguished between the weak van der
Waals forces between molecules (flexible fibrous units in his terminology) over
most of their length which offer almost no resistance to motion, and a few
widely-separated strong interactions which serve, for short times at least, to bind
the structure into a three-dimensional network. He attributed these strong interactions to a physical interlocking of the molecules which can slip to new equilibrium positions if given time, and he distinguished such temporary links from
the permanent chemical linkages provided by vulcanization.
In 1940 Treloar (2) pointed out that such physical coupling or entanglement
might indeed be expected, given the long flexible nature of individual molecules
and a random, interpenetrating arrangement in the solid. Regions where molecules
were looped through one another might offer high resistance to deformation for
a time, but the loops would eventually slip or be removed and reformed by
random thermal motion. He commented further that most of the observations on
unvulcanized rubber--large, recoverable deformations for short times, stress
relaxation and viscous flow for long times--could be satisfactorily explained if
one regarded entanglements as isolated regions of high viscosity, interconnected by
freely extensible molecular segments.
In 1944, Flory (3) noted that the moduli of cross-linked butyl rubbers
generally differ somewhat from values calculated from the crosslink density
according to the kinetic theory of rubber elasticity. In many cases, the modulus
also depends on the primary (uncross-linked) molecular weight distribution of the
polymer. He attributed both observations to three kinds of network defects: chain
ends, loops, and chain entanglements. The latter are latent in the system prior to
cross-linking and become permanent features of the network when cross-links
are added.
W.W. Graessley:
W.W. Graessley:
provide plentiful intermolecular contacting. On the other hand, crosslinked networks can undergo large and reversible deformations, a property which demands
a rest state of relatively unextended configurations for the network strands. The
random coil configuration, such as that observed in dilute solutions, fulfills both
requirements. The volume fraction of segments from any individual chain is small
throughout its own pervaded volume. Since the space in concentrated systems
is densely filled with polymer segments, random coils must overlap and interpenetrate extensively. Intermolecular contacts are therefore plentiful for all
repeating units in each chain. At the same time, the end-to-end distance is small
compared to contour length in random coils, so considerable extension is possible
without the breaking of chemical bonds.
Despite its plausibility and the apparent absence of driving forces to produce
other large scale arrangements, the random coil configuration has been questioned
on various grounds. It seems worthwhile to review the evidence at this point,
since most molecular theories for amorphous polymers are based on the random
coil picture.
2n (r2)
3(x~ + x 2 + x 2)
2(r2 )
dxldx2dx 3
in which F(xl, x2, xa)dxl dx 2 dxa is the fraction of chains with end-to-end coordinate differences in the range
W.W. Graessley:
For dilute solutions in good solvents the net excluded volume is positive, and
coil dimensions are expanded beyond their unperturbed values. The expansion
ratio a,
~2 = ( r Z ) / ( r Z ) o '
increases with chain length (19). A repulsive potential exists between chains in
good solvents because of volume exclusion, so the distribution of molecular
centers of gravity in dilute solutions is probably not quite random.
It is generally supposed that coil dimensions in good solvents decrease with
increasing concentration, the intramolecular effects of excluded volume on dimensions gradually being offset by a forced increase in intermolecular contacts.
How rapid the contraction with increasing concentration is not known with
certainty, since unambiguous methods for determining coil dimensions in the
moderate concentration range are not available. The calculations of Fixman and
Peterson (23) and Yamakawa (24) suggest that dimensions in good solvents contract rather rapidly through the dilute range until the coils begin to overlap
(c[q] ~ 1). Above this range the local density of polymer segments becomes
uniform, and the molecular centers again become randomly distributed in the
solution, According to Fixman and Peterson (23), the coils continue a gradual
concentration at higher concentrations, the expansion factor e 2 _ 1 eventually
becoming inversely proportional to polymer concentration. The actual magnitude
of ez _ 1 in the concentrated region of in undiluted polymers is not given by the
theory. Computer simulations of volume-excluding polymers (25, 26) support the
idea of coil concentration with increasing concentration in the dilute range.
In Flory's theory of the excluded volume (27), the chains in undiluted
polymer systems assume their unperturbed dimensions. The expansion factor in
solutions is governed by the parameter (-Z)/v, v being the molar volume of
solvent and ~ the segment-solvent interaction (regular solution) parameter. In undiluted polymers, the solvent for any molecule is simply other polymer molecules.
If it is assumed that the excluded volume term in the thermodynamic theory
of concentrated systems can be applied directly to the determination of coil
dimensions, then :~ is automatically zero but v is very large, reducing the expansion to zero.
in which K is a concentration independent parameter for the given polymersolvent system. From the standpoint of any polymer molecule in the system the
surroundings consist of a mixture of solvent and other polymer molecules. The
mean interaction coefficient with this two-component environment might
reasonably be taken to be Zo(1 -q~), where Xo is the interaction coefficient with
pure solvent as the surroundings and q~ is the volume fraction of polymer. The
molar volume of the environment is
v = 1/(q~/% + (1 - ~o)/vs) ,~, vs/(l - ~o),
v~and Vpbeing the molar volumes of pure solvent and polymer, and Vp~>vs. Thus:
K 1
ct5 - ct3 = -~-[-~- - Xo(1- ~o)](1 - q~).
Accordingly, coil dimensions in typical good solvents (~0 = 0.4) should expand at
intermediate concentrations, pass through a maximum near ~0= 0.35 and finally
subside slowly toward the theta dimensions at very high concentrations. Even
without the modification of Z, the molar volume effect makes ~5 _ ~3 proportional to 1 -q~, which suggests that coil dimensions are still only partially contracted even out to rather high concentrations.
W.W. Graessley:
S ]~
unreported 269b
but probably
8000 unreported 28-30
97100 1.06
So ~
235 b
Bueche et al. (33) determined chain dimensions indirectly, through measurements of the diffusion coefficient of C13-tagged polymers in concentrated
solutions and melts.The self-diffusion coefficient is related to the molar frictional
coefficient N~n(o through the Einstein equation:
,7 -
Nan(oc(r 2>
Dt 1
36M "
D = K M 'Ss .
W.W. Graessley:
The exponent would be 0.33 for collapsed coils, 0.5 for random coils, and 1.0 for
fully extended chains. The observed values of D lie within a factor of three of the
dilute solution values for (r2) 1/2 of molecules with the same molecular weight
as the blocks.
where ~o is the volume fraction of polymer in the system, eo is [q] Q/2, e0~ is
approximately 4.0, Q is the density of undiluted polymer, and [q] is its intrinsic
viscosity in the solvent in question. Particle-like flow properties are indeed
observed in the dilute to moderately concentrated range for polymer solutions
(see Section 5). Moreover the idea of coil contraction with increasing concentration, due to cancellation of excluded volume in good solvents, is quite a
reasonable idea, as noted earlier. However, the authors go on to infer from this
result that coil contraction continues unabated into the regime of concentrated
solutions and melts, with relatively little intermolecular contact except at the coil
periphery at all concentration levels.
Maron has incorporated this collapsing coil picture into a thermodynamic
theory of polymer solutions (39).The free energy of mixing for n 1 moles of solvent
and nz moles of polymer at constant volume turns out to be the Flory-Huggins
expression with two modifications, an additional term containing the contraction
ratio e/Co and a somewhat different handling of the interaction coefficient )~, the
latter having nothing directly to do with coil contraction:
+ zn~q~].
Table 2.2. Extents of reaction in acetone between alcohol and isocyanate functions on
differentpoly(n-butylacrylate)molecules,extrapolated to 0% reactive functions
Polymerconcentration(%) Extentof reaction (%)
W.W. Graessley:
The authors propose that these extents of reaction reflect the degree of coil
overlap at each polymer concentration. They conclude that each molecule in
concentrated solution has a segregated core, and that the intermolecular contact
occurs only near the periphery. As the concentration increases the overall
molecular size must shrink correspondingly. [We note in passing that fluorescence
and fluorescence quenching by groups attached to different polymer molecules
appears to be a promising alternative method for analyzing segregation in concentrated systems (45), although no results applicable to questions of coil
dimensions have appeared as yet.]
It seems impossible to reconcile such collapsed coil models with a wealth of
other observations on chemical reactivity in amorphous polymers. For example,
any significant collapse of molecular size in concentrated systems should cause
deviations from the predictions of random cross-linking theory. The theory
assumes that all repeating units in a molecule have equal probabilities of undergoing cross-link formation. Only intermolecular cross-links can be effective in
developing a gel structure. Collapsed coils would result in appreciable amounts
of intramolecular cross-linking, and the intermolecular cross-linking density
would be proportional to the molecular surface a r e a , M 2/3, rather than total
molecular weight M as in the case of intermingling coils. Gel point dosages Rg,
corrected for chain scission and small amounts of end-linking, are shown in
Table 2.3 for polystyrene films which were cross-linked by gamma radiation (46).
Rg(megarads) RgMw
0.0562 10 6
2.1 107
5.6 105
as a factor of two from their 0-solvent values, a different of 15% between the
extremes of molecular weight would be expected. No such trend is observed.
The frequency of intramolecular cross-linking can be estimated from the
material balance on Hz in linear polyethylene irradiation. The total number of
cross-links (obtained from gel point determination) plus the number of unsaturated
links formed (obtained from infrared measurements) minus the number of chain
scission reactions (obtained from the limiting solubility at high radiation doses)
should be equal to the number of H2 molecules evolved, assuming all cross-links
are intermolecular. There does indeed appear to be a discrepancy in the material
balance for irradiation in the melt state, implying some intramolecular linking,
although there is some dispute about its actual magnitude (47, 48). In any case,
the discrepancy appears to be independent of molecular weight, an unlikely
circumstance for collapsed coils since intramolecular cross-linking would surely
vary with molecular weight for that configuration.
More quantitative chemical evidence for random coil configuration comes
from cyclization equilibria in chain molecules (49). According to the random coil
model there must be a very definite relationship among the concentrations of
x-mer rings in an equilibrated system, since the cyclization equilibrium constant
K~ should depend on configurational entropy and therefore on equilibrium chain
and ring dimensions. Values of (r2)/M deduced from experimental values on Kx
for polydimethylsiloxane, both in bulk and in concentrated solution, agree very
well with unperturbed dimensions deduced from dilute solution measurements(49).
w . w . Graessley:
W.W. Graessley:
2.5. Summary
Both direct measurements and a wealth of compelling indirect evidence
support the random coil, perhaps slightly expanded beyond 0-dimensions, as the
correct description of large-scale chain configuration in amorphous systems of
flexible, relatively non-polar polymers. It is certain that neither greatly contracted
nor highly extended configurations can be reconciled with these data. Evidence
does exist for short-range intermolecular correlations which are probably related
to molecular asymmetry. The degree of orientation correlation is similar in extent
to that in systems of asymmetric small molecules. Its effect on the mechanical
and thermodynamic properties of polymer systems appears to be negligible in the
cases so far investigated. Judged by agreement among investigators using different
samples and flow geometries, the effects of preparation history on flow properties
is negligible in narrow distribution linear polymers, and the flow pattern itself
is locally homogeneous in the absence of various types of viscoelastic instability.
12 P131
W.W. Graessley:
for example). In incompressible simple fluids these attributes of the stress are
governed only by the history of the relative deformation gradient. The property
of fading memory requires that recent strains relative to the current configuration
be weighted more heavily in determining the current stress than strains in the
more distant past.
The response of simple fluids to certain classes of deformation history can be
analyzed. That is, a limited number of material functions can be identified which
contain all the information necessary to describe the behavior of a substance in
any member of that class of deformations. Examples are the viscometric or steady
shear flows which require, at most, three independent functions of the shear rate
(79), and linear viscoelastic behavior (80, 81) which requires only a single function,
in this case a relaxation function. The functions themselves must be determined
experimentally for each substance.
The utility of the simple fluid theory lies in the plausibility and generality of
its assumptions about how materials behave and in the exactness with which its
conclusions are worked out. In particular, one is inclined to believe, as a
working hypothesis and in the absence of contradictory evidence, that the theory
is general enough to encompass the behavior of homogeneous polymeric liquids.
On this basis the role of molecular theories is a complementary one, to provide
forms for the material functions and to account for their systematic change with
molecular structure and temperature.
Most rheological data on polymer liquids of known structure has been obtained in simple shearing deformations. The velocity field for homogeneous simple
shear in rectangular Cartesian coordinates may be expressed:
/91 = ~(t)X2
V2 = 0
/)3 = 0
in which the coordinates xi(i = 1, 2, 3) are measured from some suitably chosen
fixed origin, and in which 1 denotes the direction flow, 2 is the direction normal
to the shearing planes, and 3 is the third or neutral direction. The shear rate,
~}(t), characterizes the flow field; the current stress depends on the history of the
Thus, the effects of deformation on the stress tensor reduce to the effect of the
values of y ( t - s ) from s = 0 to s = oo on the values of Px2 (=P21), Pll -P22, and
P22 - P3a at time t. The shear stress will be denoted by a in all further discussions.
For steady shear flow, the shear rate ~ is constant for all past time. Since deformation history now depends only on the parameter 3, the stress components
become functions of ~ alone:
Pl 1 -- P22 = Nl = ~PI(~)~2
p ~ - p~3 = N2 = ~ 2 ( ; ) ; ~.
I~-~--~.pz~= ~r
The symbols N1 and N 2 denote the normal stress functions in steady state shear
flow. Symmetry arguments show that the viscosity function q(~) and the first and
second normal stress coefficients ~z(~) and ~z(~) are even functions of ~;. In the
W.W. Graessley:
limit of zero shear rate q(~) and ~1(??) become constants, termed the zero-shear
viscosity r/o and the zero-shear normal stress coefficient 7/1(0) respectively.
Of major interest in this review are q(~) and 7~1(0) for which a large quantity
of data has now been accumulated on well-characterized polymers. Some limited
information is also available on the shear rate dependence of 7~1. The second
normal stress function has proved to be rather difficult to measure; N) appears to
be negative and somewhat smaller in magnitude than NI (82).
Viscoelastic behavior is classified as linear or non-linear according to the
manner by which the stress depends upon the imposed deformation history (80).
Insteady shear flows, for example, the shear rate dependence of viscosity and the
normal stress functions are non-linear properties. Linear viscoelastic behavior
is obtained for simple fluids if the deformation is sufficiently small for all past
times (infinitesimal deformations) or if it is imposed sufficiently slowly (infinitesimal rate of deformation) (80, 83). In shear flow under these circumstances, the
normal stress differences are small compared to the shear stress, and the expression for the shear stress reduces to a statement of the Boltzmann superposition
principle (15, 81):
The shear stress relaxation modulus of the fluid, G(t), is a monotonically decreasing function of time, with G(oe)= 0. If the fluid initially at rest is given a
small shear deformation 7o at t = 0, the shear stress at later times becomes simply:
g(t) = ?o G(t).
The value G(0) is called the instantaneous modulus, and will be denoted by G.
It turns out that stress relaxation following a simple shear deformation is
seldom employed experimentally. A more common technique is to measure the
steady state response to small sinusoidal deformations as a function of angular
frequency o9. The dynamic storage modulus G'(o)) and loss modulus G"(~o) in small
sinusoidal deformations are related to G(t):
Go = 2
~ G"(co)dlnc9.
In creep and creep recovery experiments, the stress is imposed and the
deformation is observed. Equation (3.8) can be inverted to describe those cases:
The shear creep compliance, J(t), is related to the relaxation modulus through:
(3. t4)
7(0 = J(t) a o .
At long times, the deformation rate becomes constant, and the creep function
approaches a straight line:
J(t) = jo + t/~lo
in which ~/o is the zero shear viscosity and jo is the steady state recoverable
shear compliance, or more simply the steady state compliance. If the stress is
removed at a time to, the liquid recoils and a portion of the total deformation
is eventually recovered. If to lies in the region of steady state deformation, the total
recoverable shear or elastic recoil yr is
7r = jo tr0.
Both jo and r/o can be evaluated from the response in other linear viscoelastic
experiments also.
rlo = S
G ( t ) d t = lim G"((0_____)),
j o = ~-o ! tG(t) dt = ~
lim G'((0)
~/0 oJ--,0
(0 2
W.W. Graessley:
Behavior in steady state shearing flows likewise provide values of these parameters
jo = 2~/o
2 Jim ~1('~).
The factor of two in Eq. (3.21) was a matter of some dispute until recently, but it
now seems well established (84).
The linear viscoelastic properties are often expressed in terms of an auxiliary
function, the relaxation time distribution, H(z); H(z)din z is the portion of the
initial modulus contributed by processes with relaxation times in the range
lnz, l n z + d l n z :
This alternative representation is entirely arbitrary of course, but its use is well
established in the literature. It offers some advantage in discussing the connections
between the macroscopic and microscopic descriptions of viscoelasticity. The
parameters, ~/o, jo, and G O can be expressed in terms of the moments of H(z):
rlo = ~ z H(z) d In z,
z 2 H(z) dlnz
s =
- ~
[ ~ H(z)dlnz]
S zH(z)dlnz
z,, -
- rlo/G,
Zw~ - ~
= r/oJ ,
~ "cH(z)dlnz
~ n ( z ) d In z
S z2H(z)dlnz
= j~ G}.
The mean times z, and Z~vwill be called the number-average and weight-average
relaxation times of the terminal region, and zw/z, can be regarded as a measure
of the breadth of the terminal relaxation time distribution, It should be
emphasized that these relationships are merely consequences of linear viscoelastic behavior and depend in no way on assumptions about molecular behavior.
The observed relationships between properties such as r/o, jo, and G and
molecular parameters provides the primary evidence for judging molecular
theories of the long relaxation times in concentrated systems.
Other types of linear viscoelastic experiments may be used. Dynamic shear
compliance measurements provide the storage and loss compliances J'(og) and
J"(o). An equation analogous to Eq.(3.12) is available for determining the initial
modulus from J"(og):
G O=
J"(og)d lnw
Stress build-up at the beginning of a steady shearing flow and stress decay at its
termination can also be employed. The analysis of results is somewhat different
than in the more usual experiments, but again, as long as the response obeys the
rules of linear viscoelasticity, the same fundamental information is obtained.
Flow birefringence measurements can also be used, subject to the additional
assumption that the stress and optical anisotropy tensors are linearly related.
A large body of experimental evidence supports this assumption (18). For
example, the recoverable compliance can be obtained from the extinction
angle X in steady shearing flow:
l lim[~
d~- ~0~L
w.W. Graessley:
properties of chains from local bond angle restrictions and the differences in
energy among the rotational isomeric states (22).
The pearl necklace model also provides the conceptual basis for theories of
chain dynamics and viscoelastic properties. As formulated by Kramers (86) and,
somewhat differently, by Kirkwood and co-workers (87), the configuration is
specified by the positions of n main chain atoms. The positions of each atom
relative to its nearest neighbors along the chain are subject only to bond length
and valence bond angle restrictions (excluded volume effects are neglected). For
simplicity, all allowed configurations are considered to have the same energy.
The configuration changes when chain elements move to new positions by bond
rotation. These changes are opposed by the viscous resistance of the medium.
As the change takes place, the effects are felt by other segments in the vicinity
(but perhaps remote along the chain contour) through the motions induced in the
fluid. Random collisions between chain elements and their surroundings provide
the impetus for configurational change in accordance with the theory of
Brownian motion (88). The large-scale motions of the chain, those of interest in
flow properties, arise out of the myriad of such primitive local bond rotations.
Necklace models can in principle deal with chain dynamics for all characteristic
frequencies which lie well below the collision rate in the liquid ( ~ 1012 sec-1),
and with response to external fluid motions of arbitrary magnitude. In practice,
they are seldom used because of the following problem. Given the local configurational restrictions, the subsequent movement of adjacent chain elements
must somehow be coordinated in order to satisfy the restrictions (preservation
of valence bond angles and lengths throughout the motion) and yet at the same
time not to require large portions of the chain to move each time a local
rotation occurs. It is not known how to determine the types of locally coordinated
motions and their relative frequencies from the chain structure. The relative
importance of the various possible motions probably are influenced by both the
viscosity of the medium and the internal activation barriers.
Attempts have been made to identify primitive motions from measurements
of mechanical and dielectric relaxatioja (89) and to model the short time end of
the relaxation spectrum (90). Methods have been developed recently for calculating the complete dynamical behavior of chains with idealized local structure
(91,92). An apparent internal chain viscosity has been observed at high frequencies
in dilute polymer solutions which is proportional to solvent viscosity (93) and
which presumably appears when the external driving frequency is comparable
to the frequency of the primitive rotations (94, 95). The beginnings of an analysis
of dynamics in the rotational isomeric model have been made (96). However,
no general solution applicable for all frequency ranges has been found for chains
with realistic local structure.
4.3. Spring-Bead Models
The bead-spring models are devices to circumvent the complications of the
local motion problem and still obtain information on the large-scale configurational relaxations which control viscoelastic behavior. Their utility lies in the
W.W. Graessley:
intuitive notion, borne out by calculations with specific models for the primitive
motions (91, 92), that the large-scale chain motions are largely independent of the
details of the primitive motions. Stated another way, the thermal motions of
long flexible molecules can be characterized by a set of relaxation times. The
nature of the short time end of the spectrum is very sensitive to the details of
local structure through the latter's influence on the primitive motions. However,
the relative spacings of the longest relaxation times is independent of the primitive
motions. Their net effect appears only as a featureless scaling factor, representable
in terms of a segmental mobility or its reciprocal, a segmental frictional
coefficient ~.
The Rouse-Bueche model (97, 98) replaces the real molecule of n main chain
atoms by a mechanical chain of N + 1 beads joined in sequence by N linear
springs. The frictional interactions with the medium, which are distributed
uniformly along the length of the real molecule to give a molecular frictional
coefficient n~o, are concentrated at regular intervals in the beads. The frictional
coefficient for each bead is taken to be ~
~0, so the model has the same total
frictional coefficient as the real molecule. The restraining effects of the n/N main
chain bonds which connect the sites of the beads are provided by linear springs
of spring constant 3NkT/(r2); (r 2) is the equilibrium mean-square end-to-end
distance of the entire molecule and kT is the Boltzmann factor. This expression
for the force is appropriate for Gaussian subchains undergoing random thermal
motion (98, 99), and it provides the model with the same equilibrium distribution
of large scale configurations as the real molecule. The actual value of N is
immaterial, provided that n/N is large enough for the Gaussian approximation
to be valid for the sub-chains, and that N itself is large enough for the frictional
sites to be distributed in a fairly uniform manner over the chain contour.
Calculated properties which turn out to be independent of N for N >> 1 should
be independent of local details of structure. Those which depend on N are, by
inference, sensitive to local structure and cannot be expected to be well represented
by spring-bead models.
The configuration of any chain is specified by the 3(N + I) coordinates of its
s dr,, is the probability
beads. In an ensemble of v chains per unit volume, ku//m=O
of finding a chain with a specified set of bead coordinates r,,(rn = 0, 1..... N),
where rr, is the position vector of bead m. Conservation of beads in the system
requires the probability distribution function 7j to satisfy the equation of
0-~- +
Pjk=V ~ (F~Xk),.
1 -1
2 -1
0 -1
2 -1
0 -1
2 -1
0 -1
0 -1
2i =
i = 0, 1, 2 . . . . .
1 This equation has recently been derived in rather complete fashion for bead-spring
models by Lodge and Wu (101). Derivation and application to models other than springbead systems is given by Bird and co-workers (t02).
W.W. Graessley:
(r2)n(o 1
zi-- 6~z2kT ~-
i = 1, 2. . . . .
The internal modes are periodic functions of bead position along the chain; the
characteristic wavelength of internal mode i is N/i. Thus the lower modes govern
the large scale motions and have the longest relaxation times.
in which r (0) = r. - ro is the end-to-end vector at some initial time, and r (t) is
the vector for the same chain at a later time t. For the spring-bead model one
can easily show"
C(t)= ~~z-
- t[2 tl
i= 1,3,5,...
The correlation soon becomes dominated by the relaxation of the lowest mode:
The relaxation of (r 2) towards its equilibrium value (r2)e for chains with an
initial value (r2)o is given by an equation similar to Eq.(4.7), and is similarly
dominated by z 1 (103). Furthermore, for chains which are all stretched initially
to the same end separation ro and released, the relaxation of (r 2) to the
equilibrium value (r2)e is given by (103):
where C(t) is given by Eq.(4.7). Again, like the autocorrelation function, the
recovery to (r2)e is soon dominated by zl. Ingeneral, one might expect any
measure of the configurational memory time of the chains to be of the order
of the relaxation time of the lowest normal mode.
G(t)=vkT ~ e-'m
in which z~ is the relaxation time associated with the ith internal mode. The
steady shear viscosity and recoverable shear compliance in dilute solutions
are therefore:
q-rh=vkT ~, zi,
1 (r/- q~)2
jo _
~ zi
where qs is the solvent viscosity. These expressions can be converted to macroscopic variables by replacing vkT by cRT/M.
The validity of Eqs. (4.10)-(4.12) probably extends well beyond the Rouse
model itself [characterized by the specific set of ~ values in Eq.(4.5)], and it seems
likely that they will apply, at least for small disturbances, whenever the elements
supporting the stress are joined by sufficiently flexible connectors and configurational relaxation is driven by simple Brownian diffusion. One might speculate
further that these same forms would apply even in concentrated systems, with
Eq.(4.10) expressed in a somewhat more general form because of intermolecular
~-kT ~ e-'m.
W.W. Graessley:
In Eq. (4.13) Nv is the total number of internal degrees of freedom per unit volume
which relax by simple diffusion (ArT= 3 v N for dilute solutions), and zi is the
relaxation time of the ith normal mode (i = 1, 2, ..., 3 NT) for small disturbances.
Equation (4.13), together with a stipulation that all relaxation times have the
same temperature coefficient, provides, in fact, the molecular basis of timetemperature superposition in linear viscoelasticity. It also reduces to the expression
for the equilibrium shear modulus in the kinetic theory of rubber elasticity
when zi = oo for some of the modes.
Zimm (i00) has extended the Rouse model to allow for intramolecular hydrodynamic interaction, i.e., changes in medium velocity near each bead caused by
the flow disturbance from other beads on the same chain. The Oseen approximation, evaluated with the beads located at their mean equilibrium positions, was
used to estimate the velocity disturbances. The intensity of the disturbance
depends on the parameter h'
(12n3)1/2 r/s(r 2) 1/2 "
Note that h is proportional to n ~/2 in 0-solvents, and thus to N 1/z. For h = 0 the
flow disturbance is zero, the chain is said to be free draining, and the original
Rouse model is recovered. For h >>1, flow in the coil interior is presumed to be
substantially reduced, the chain is frequently said to behave as an impenetrable
coil, and the Zimm model is obtained. Equations (4.10-4.12) continue to apply
for all values of h, although the distribution of relaxation times depends on h.
Some results for the two limiting cases and large N are:
h = 0 (Rouse model)
tlo - qs
~o(r 2) vn
q0 - t/s -
i2 '
t (qo-qs )2
h>>l ( Z i m m m o d e l )
6 qo - rls 1
zl = ~-~--z- v k T
The Zimm model is most appropriate for long flexible chains in dilute
solution. Tschoegl (104) has calculated eigenvalues for intermediate values of h
and non-theta solvents. Fixman and Pyun (105) used a perturbation scheme to
allow the elements in the Oseen matrix to change as the coil deforms, obtaining
thereby slightly different eigenvalues for h >>1. Thurston and Morrison (106) have
evaluated the pre-averaged eigenvalues for unperturbed dimensions more precisely
and have examined the effect of the number of subchains on the results. Lodge
and Wu (107) recently extended the calculations to N = 300 for a range of
values of h* = h/N 1/2.
Constitutive equations for the Rouse and Zimm models have been derived,
and are found to be expressible in the form of Lodge's elastic liquid equation
[Eq.(6.15)], with memory function given by (101):
N e-(t- t')m
M ( t - t') = vkT ~
i= 1
In steady shear flow, the viscosity is independent of shear rate: r/= qo for all ~.
This property alone represents a serious qualitative failure of the conventional
bead-spring models. The normal stress functions are (108):
~o c((r2)/M) 1 M
36Na mo ] "
2 M
jo = 5 - cR~-T
in which mo is the molecular weight per main chain atom and N, is Avogadro's
number. In polydisperse systems (109):
qo =
jo = 2 M,~ M~ Mz+l
5 cRT
W.W. Graessley:
The various average molecular weights are defined as ratios of successive moments
ofthe weight distribution function W(M): Qk = ~ Mk W(M) dM and Mw = Q1/Qo,
~lz= Q2/Qx, and J~/z+ 1 = Q3/Qz. The steady state values of r/o and jo are independent of the number of elements in the bead-spring model as long as N is
sufficiently large. However, the initial modulus depends explicitly on N:
Go = v N k T - ~
H ( J = vk T ~ c5(~- zi)
in which 6( ) is the Dirac delta function. For the Rouse model with negligible
solvent contribution and N large:
i = h~ i2 ,
6 r/oM
The form of the spectrum is the same for Rouse chains fixed at one or both
ends, although h in these cases is no longer given by Eq. (4.32). This is also the
spectrum at long times for various models with explicit forms for the local motions
(91, 92). The Rouse spectrum can also be represented by a continuous function for
times which are small compared to h - For N ~ oe :
v k T { z , t~n
z<r~/a 2
H(z) = 0
~ > "ct/a 2.
The cut off parameter a is of order unity. Its value is somewhat arbitrary,
reflecting the inability of this continuous spectrum to represent the long time
behavior of the Rouse model precisely. Thus, with Eq. (4.33) and Eqs. (3.24) and
r/o =
1 cRT
a M
3a c R T '
and no value of a will give the correct numerical coefficients in both equations
(rt2/6 and 2/5, respectively).
Ck = 1 ~ (Xk)~ k = 1, 2, 3.
/q i = 1
q0 - q~ =
W.W. Graessley:
In rigid models each macromolecule has the same set of ~k, so (~k)~---~k
and ( ~ k ) = ~i~k" For flexible models the averages are calculated from the
equilibrium distribution of internal configurations (each configuration weighted
according to its energy through the Boltzmann equation). Thus, one sees
immediately that jo = 0 for rigid models with sufficient symmetry to yield
~1 = ~2 =~3, and hence for the rigid-spherical cloud model. Likewise in any
model with only two beads, ~2 = Ca = 0, and
jo _
(~1z) 01o -
rh) 2
5 (~1) 2 vkT~l~
For the rigid dumbbell, therefore, jo =3(q _ rh)Z/vk T rl~ ' while for the elastic
(linear spring connector) dumbbell it is easy to show that ( ~ ) / ( ~ 1 ) 2 = 5/3,
so jo = ( q o - q~)2/vkT q~. It is clear that all rigid models with the same set of Ck
and the same value of ~n give the same values of r/o - t h and jo, and that it is
molecular asymmetry in rigid models (differences among ~1, ~2 and ~3) which
governs the value of jo. The numerical factor can never exceed 3/5 in rigid
models. Molecular flexibility contributes to jo also. Thus, from the nature of the
averages in Eq. (4.37), one would expect jo always to be greater for a flexible
model than for a rigid model whose ~k are taken equal to (~k) (k = 1, 2, 3) of
the flexible model.
These results make it clear that the forms of t/0 - q s and jo are completely
independent of model details. Only the numerical coefficient of jo contains information on the properties of the model, and even then the result depends on
both molecular asymmetry and flexibility. Furthermore, polydispersity effects are
the same in all such free-draining models. The forms from the Rouse theory carry
over directly, so that t/0 - rh, translated to macroscopic terms, is proportional to
h4w and jo is proportional to the factor M~Mz+ 1/Mw. Unfortunately, no such
general analysis has been made for models with intramolecular hydrodynamic
interaction, and of course these results apply in principle only to cases where
intermolecular interactions are negligible.
Completely rigid models appear to provide rather peculiar short time response
The stress relaxation modulus for rigid dumbbells is (I 02):
In each the relaxation time z is (t/o -th)/vk T, and each satisfies the requirement
from linear viscoelasticity that
G(t) dt =
r/o - r h .
G ( t ) d t ~ rl o - rh
over some range of sufficiently small ~. Elastic dumbbells behave this way for
~ ~, since
and acquire the extra ](r/0- r/s) only when e becomes literally zero. Thus, the
experimental stress relaxation behavior of a solution of rigid dumbbells would
appear to show large deviations from the laws of linear viscoelasticity. Similar
anomalies would appear in the dynamic loss modulus.
The delta function anomaly is probably present in the stress relaxation
modulus of all rigid models. It arises because the frictional sites in rigid models
must move relative to the solvent in any small but arbitrarily rapid deformation,
thereby generating a frictional force proportional to the deformation rate. In
models with flexibility the frictional sites can move instantaneously with the fluid.
The resisting force generated by the macromolecule is then simply that associated
with connector stretches, the latter remaining bounded even for arbitrarily rapid
deformation rates as long as the total deformation remained small. It seems clear
therefore that models must contain some degree of flexibility to simulate the
observed behavior of polymer systems.
4.5. Discussion
All calculations of visoelastic properties described here apply in principle
only to dilute solutions, since no allowance for intermolecular interactions has
been made. Nevertheless, the Rouse model in particular has been widely applied
to concentrated systems. There is probably no fundamental justification for such
an application. One simply assumes that each chain responds independently to
the systematic motions of a medium which is composed of other chains and
solvent, and which is taken to be a homogeneous Newtonian liquid (t09). The
contribution of the chains to the stress are taken to be additive.
The viewpoint parallels that of many other theories of condensed state behavior. The van der Waals theory develops an equation of state for dense gases
from the assumption that each molecule moves in an average field provided by
its neighbors and that the molecules contribute additively to the pressure. The
Flory-Huggins thermodynamic theory of concentrated polymer solutions proceeds similarly. Chains select configurations on a lattice partially occupied by
W.W. Graessley:
other chains and contribute additively to the configurational entropy. The cell
theory for flow in concentrated suspensions is developed along a similar line.
Each such theory seeks to capture the essential features of concentrated systems,
although without necessarily expecting agreement in detail. The Rouse theory
is qualitatively correct in many respects in concentrated systems. It therefore
provides a convenient framework for the empirical organization of experimental
data. It is also an appropriate starting point for theories which attempt to explain
linear viscoelasticity on a more quantitative molecular basis and to remedy its
failure to predict such non-linear properties as the shear-rate dependence of
Although both the Rouse and Zimm models provide for chain connectivity in
the sense that motions of individual beads are felt by adjacent beads, these models
do not rule out motions in which one section of chain literally crosses through
another. The success of the Zimm model in dilute solutions implies that
restrictions on the motion due to connectivity, i.e., self entanglement, are relatively unimportant in dilute solutions. The reason for this may be that hydrodynamic interaction already tends to rule out relaxation paths through the coil
interior, and it is just these paths for which self-entanglement effects would be
most prevalent. In Monte Carlo studies of lattice chains, Verdier (110) noted a
considerable slowing in configurational relaxation when the chain was programmed for excluded volume (non-simultaneous occupancy of lattice sites). In
this case volume exclusion disallows chain crossing as well, and so perhaps allows
the display of an effect caused by self-entanglement, unobscured by hydrodynamic
interaction but unobservable in systems of real chains in dilute solution.
( r32 _) (2
Data on several polymers in both good solvents and theta solvents are now
available (114-116). With h* as an adjustable parameter, reduced plots of
[G']~ M/R T and [G"] ~ M/R T vs [q] rha)/RT can be placed in essentially quantitative agreement with moduli calculated from the Zimm eigenvalues (107, 116a)
for large numbers of submolecules (Fig. 5.1). Highly accurate calculations have
now been carried out for up to N = 200 submolecules. The deduced values of
h*00 vary somewhat with solvent power, but results for different polymers,
molecular weights and solvent powers are brought together by the correlation
h~0o a, = 0.21 _ 0.02
W. W. Graesstey:
Polystyrene in 2 Q-Solvents, M=860,000
3 /
10g Wl]s
Fig. 5.1. Intrinsic moduli for narrow distribution polystyrene (M = 860000) in two theta
solvents (114).This comparison with theory is equivalent to that of reduced moduli described
in the text. [Reproduced from Polymer J. 1, 747 (1970).]
J '
iff 2
10 "~
I0 o
i0 ~
i O3
Fig. 5.2. Reduced dynamic moduli for undiluted narrow distribution polystyrene of low
molecular weight. Data for a sample of ~-1w=28900 were reduced to 160C, for which
e= 1.0 gm/ml and ~/0= 54500 poise (124). The solid lines were calculated from the Rouse
Theories of k' for random coil molecules are very difficult and still somewhat
lacking in experimental confirmation (24, t21).
Fundamental theories of the relaxation spectrum at finite concentration have
yet to be developed. Experimentally, intermolecular contributions appear quickly
as the concentration increases. In the dynamic moduli they appear first as an increase in the longest relaxation time, the more rapid relaxations remaining relatively unaffected (114). Apparently the largest scale molecular motions are. slowed
as peripheral segments begin to impinge upon those of neighboring chains. At
somewhat higher concentrations, as the coils begin to overlap appreciably, the
faster relaxations also shift successively to longer times. The relative spacings at
long times increasingly resemble the Rouse spectrum (I 5,122,123). This behavior is
believed to reflect an increasing free-draining character in the local flow patterns,
caused by a gradual cancellation of intramolecular hydrodynamic effects as the
solution becomes uniformly filled with polymer segments.
The culmination of this trend is illustrated in Fig. 5.2 by dynamic data on
undiluted polystyrene of low molecular weight (124). Agreement with the Rouse
model here is by no means as good as that seen in Fig. 5.1 with the Zimm
model for a high molecular weight polystyrene at infinite dilution. Indeed, the
value of jo deduced from G'(o)) for the sample in Fig. 5.2 exceeds the value from
w.w. Graessley:
4~ [q] M
3 q~o 63/2
The number of molecules per unit volume v is 6.02 x 1023 c/M. If the molecular
centers are distributed randomly, the product v V is the average number of
other molecules with centers lying within the pervaded volume of any one
molecule. Accordingly, v V is a measure of the potential degree of coil overlap, and
with q~oo= 2.68 x 1023 :
v V = 0.64 c[q].
Simha and Zakin (126), Onogi et al. (127), and Cornet (128) develop overlap
criteria of the same form but with different numerical coefficients. Accordingly,
flow properties which depend on concentration and molecular weight principally
through their effects on coil overlap should correlate through the Simha
parameter c[t/], or cM a, in which a is the Mark-Houwink viscosity exponent
(0.5 < a < 0.8). If coil shrinkage, caused by the loss of excluded volume in good
solvents, is itself a function of coil overlap, then c [r/] would remain an acceptable
correlating parameter even in good solvents.
A second source of intermolecular interactions , segment-segment contacts
between molecules, has been considered in concentrated solutions and melts where
free draining flow is assumed to dominate. This appears to be the mode of
interaction envisioned by Bueche in his discussion of chain entanglement (7). In
a system of uniform segment density the number of intermolecular contacts per
unit volume is proportional to c a. Since the number of polymer molecules per unit
volume is proportional to c/M, the number of intermolecular contacts per
molecule is proportional to cM. Thus, properties which depend on c and M
principally through their effects on the number of segment-segment contacts per
molecule should correlate in terms of the Bueche parameter cM. In free draining
systems the variation of (0 with polymer concentration must be accounted for
separately of course. Since tit/] and cM involve different combinations of c and
M, it should in principle be possible to distinguish between Simha and Bueche
5.3.2. Viscosity Correlations
The effects of interaction on viscoelastic properties at low concentrations
depend on the Simha parameter. For example, Ferry has pointed out the
importance of c[q] for the transition from Zimm-like to Rouse-like behavior in
the dynamic properties and in the observed values of jo (15). The shear rate
dependence of viscosity undergoes a corresponding transition as a function of
e[t/] (see Part 8).
The usefulness of c[tl] as an approximate reducing parameter for the zero
shear viscosity at moderate concentrations is very well established. Master
equations of the form
t/0 = qs F(c[q])
are fairly successful in unifying data for different concentrations and molecular
weights in the same polymer-solvent system. One such expression is the Martin
equation (129):
~/o -
q~ = qs c [ q ]
e k' ct.~
Somewhat improved reductions can be obtained by using cM ~" as the independent variable, where a' is chosen empirically. In these cases a' is usually rather
close to the Mark-Houwink exponent for the system (129-133).
Cornet (128) points out that plots of logr/0 vs logc tend to be curved at low
concentrations but become straight lines at high concentrations. The concentration at the onset of straight line behavior, designated c*, was assumed by Cornet
to be the concentration at which a uniform segment density is attained in the sotu-
W.W. Graesstey:
tion. He calculates theta dimensions for several polymers from c*, finding reasonably good agreement with literature values. With Eq. (5.1), his relation between c*
and (rZ)o can be cast in the form:
c* = 6.14/[0]0
Fig. 5.3. Viscosity at various concentrations and molecular weights in the low to moderate
concentration range. Polystyrene-decalin and polymethyl methacrylate-xylene are theta or
near-theta systems; the remainder are good solvent systems (121, 177). Note that the c[~]
reduction is somewhat better in theta solvents, and that the Martin equation [Eq. (5.9)],
which would give a straight line in the figure, is a somewhat better representation for
theta solvents
and hence with T8 for the polymer-solvent mixture. Vinogradov and co-workers
(141) have recently emphasized that such a dependence might develop as free
draining behavior is approached at the higher concentrations, since the viscosity
must lose its direct proportionality to solvent viscosity and become proportional
instead to a local frictional coefficient (o. The value of ~0 depends on the nature
of both solvent and polymer since both influence the free volume and glass
temperature of the mixture. The glass temperature of most solvents is well below
room temperature. In polyisobutylene solutions Tg probably remains relatively
constant and always well below room temperature because T~ for pure polyisobutylene is so low (Tg = - 70 C). For pure polyvinyl acetate Tg is 30 C, so Tg for
its solutions must ,rise somewhat with increasing concentrations. The effect for
polystyrene (Tg = 95 C) should be larger, while that for polymethyl methacrylate
W.W. Graessley:
(Tg= 100 C) should not only be large but might be unusual if the unusual
dependence of Tg with concentration in diethyl phthalate solutions (16, 142)
holds true in other solvents as well.
Variations in the temperature coefficient of viscosity with solvent, which have
also been presented as evidence of association in concentrated solutions (135,143),
could be similarly related to differences in Tg among the solutions. When free
draining behavior is a possibility, the relative viscosities in different solvents
should be compared at the same value of (o for the mixtures (that is, at constant
free volume rather than at constant temperature). In any case, it is clear that a
very well planned series of experiments is necessary in order to test for the
existence of additional specific effects such as association. These comments are
not meant to suggest that association can not occur at moderate concentrations.
Indeed, the existence of association in various forms of polymethyl methacrylate
seems welt established (144). The purpose is rather to advocate that less specific
causes be eliminated before association is inferred from viscosity measurements
5.3.3. Relationships between Low and High Concentration Regimes
An important and unanswered question is just how the low and high concentration regimes fit together (130). For long chains the viscosity changes from
dependence on c[q] at moderate concentrations to dependence on the product
of a local friction factor and a large-scale structure factor at high concentrations
(16). tn many of the studies already cited the reducing property of the parameter
c[q] persists to high concentrations (> 30% polymer), but this may be fortuitous.
Free draining behavior combined with a mild concentration dependence in the
friction factor could produce a similar correlation form [see Ref. (16), p. 303].
Perhaps the two flow regimes can be distinguished at least conceptually in the
following way. When steady motions are imposed on the boundaries of a fluid,
the flow pattern established in the interior is that which minimizes the rate of
energy dissipation per unit volume /~v (145). In steady shearing flow /~v= t/~2,
so the local flow pattern in a polymer solution will be that which yields a minimum
value for the viscosity. This principle then dictates the extent to which local lines
of flow are diverted around the individual pervaded volumes. Non-draining or
partial draining behavior is observed at infinite dilution because it results in a
lower dissipation rate (lower viscosity) than free draining behavior.
Let us suppose that the experimental contribution of polymer to solution
viscosity at low concentration, qo-q~, can be represented to a sufficient
approximation by the Martin equation [Eq.(5.9)]. An alternative which is
presumably always available to the solution is free draining behavior [Eq. (4.16)].
As concentration is increased, then, according to the minimum dissipation
principle, the behavior would be expected to change from the Martin form to the
free draining form in the range where the two expressions for t / o - q~ become
= qsc[q] e k'4"~
If [r/] in the front factor on the right side of Eq.(5.11) is replaced by its value
according to the Zimm theory [Eq.(5.1)], and, if (o is replaced by the Stokes
formula for spheres, ~0 = 6 rc~/sR0, in which R0 is the effective Stokes radius of a
main chain atom, Eq.(5.11) becomes:
= e k"ct'l~
1.i (rZ)X/~
Thus, if Ro is approximately equal to the length of a main chain bond, the left
side of Eq.(5.12) is essentially the ratio of the contour length of a random coil
to its mean end-to-end distance, a quantity which depends on solvent power and
chain length, and which typically ranges from perhaps 10 to 100. Free draining
then begins to dominate in a critical range of c [~] values, given by Eq. (5.12):
1 In r~xtende~~5--15.
(c[~])* ,~ k-7
These values provide the upper limit for a subrange of solution concentrations,
beginning with the onset of coil overlap near c[r/] ~ 1 and ending with essentially
complete free draining character near c[q] ~ 10. This estimate of the upper limit
is very approximate of course, since the behavior must also depend somewhat on
solvent power and chain length. It is also subject to errors from the assumption
that (o is essentially constant through the subrange, and that the free draining
expression can be used without regard for other types of intermolecular interaction, such as chain entanglement.
W.W. Graessley:
5.3.5. Summary
r/o = ~F.
The Rouse expression for the viscosity [Eq.(4.25)] is of this form. The frictional
coefficient per main chain atom (0 is the friction factor in this case; the
remainder of the expression is the structure factor.
The friction factor depends upon the same features that govern the viscosity
of small-molecule liquids. At low temperatures (0 depends on T - Tg (Tg < T< Tg+
+ 100 C), and at higher temperatures it depends on an activation energy for
flow. The value of T~for a solution depends on the properties of both components
and their concentrations, but it is independent of the large scale structure of the
polymer as long as its molecular weight is large ( M , > 104 for most linear
The structure factor, on the other hand, depends on the number of chains
per unit volume and on their molecular weight and dimensions. Its behavior is
largely the same from one polymer system to another, which is to say, independent
of the chemical structure of the repeating unit. The Rouse equation, in fact,
gives a good account of experimental results on linear chains if the molecular
weight is not too large. Thus, after correction to constant friction factor, the
viscosity for many undiluted polymers is nearly linear in molecular weight when
the chain length is less than 300--500 main chain atoms (t6). Moreover, the
numerical values of ~0 deduced from qo with the Rouse equation and known
values of (SZ/M)o are in quite reasonable accord with entirely independent
estimates based on the diffusion coefficients of small molecules in the same
system (t5). Thus, for polymers of low molecular weight the Rouse model, with
no adjustment for intermolecular interaction, gives not only the form but even
the correct order of magnitude of the viscosity.2
For longer chains the form of the structure factor changes, becoming a much
stronger function of molecular weight. At high molecular weights the well
known 3.4 power dependence results:
qo = K M
M < Mc
M > Me.
W. W. Graessley:
10 8
iO1 /
cM w
Fig. 5.4. Viscosity vs the product c/~w for polystyrenes at concentrations between 25%
and 100%: O, undiluted at 217 C (154); d3, 0.55 gm/rnl in n-butyl benzene at 25 C (155);
O--, 0.415 gm/ml in di-octyl phthalate at 30 C (156); Q, 0.310 gm/ml in di-octyt phthatate
at 30 C (156); and -O, 0.255 gm/ml in n-butyl benzene at 25 C (155). Data at the various
concentrations have been shifted vertically to avoid overlap
Concentrated solutions (c > ca. 0.25 gm/ml) show similar behavior, although
with characteristic molecular weights that increase with concentration. In many
systems the transition remains fairly well defined and, within the accuracy of the
data, conforms to
(Me)so,,.= ( O_] M = Mc
where Me is the value for undiluted polymer, Q is its density, and tO is the volume
fraction of polymer in the solution. One can partially interpret this result by
noting that the transition takes place for different concentrations at the same
value of the segment contact parameter cM (see Part 5.3.1). Figure 5.4 shows
r/0 vs cM for polystyrene melts (154) and polystyrene solutions at several con-
Table5.1. Intersection points from Fig. 5.4 for ~/0 vs cM in polystyrenes of various
concentrations (visually estimated)
Concentration (gm/ml)
cM at intersection
10 8
lo 5
io ~
I0 7
IO s
10 4
i0 3
iO 2
IOIto z
i 3
lo 4
io 7
eM w
Fig. 5.5. Viscosity vs cM, for polystyrenes at concentrations between 25% and 100%.
The data in Fig. 5.5 have been shifted vertically to produce superposition at high
molecular weights
centrations (155, 156). The data have been shifted by arbitrary amounts vertically
(corresponding to arbitrary values of the friction factor ~o) to avoid overlap.
Table 5.1 shows visually estimated values of c M at the intersection for the different
concentrations. Figure 5.5 shows the same data, shifted vertically to achieve
W.W. Graessley:
oO o~
o 6o
i0 ~
io I
I0~10~ - - -
-- 0.68
cM w
~ -4- - _
superposition at high molecular weights. The asymptotic lines are drawn with
slopes 1.0 and 3.4.
Figure 5.6 shows the same data plotted as a function of cM 6s to test the
low concentration reduction scheme based on c[~/] with a typical value of the
Mark-Houwink exponent for good solvents. The data have been shifted vertically
to achieve superposition at high molecular weights. It is clear that the c M variable
produces a better superposition of data at all molecular weights and concentrations. The apparent variation in the values of c M at the intersections in
Fig. 5.4 (Table 5.1) is largely due to a lack of data to define the limiting behavior
at low molecular weights at some concentrations. The intersection on the superposed plot in the composite Fig. 5.5 is c M = 3 0 0 0 0 , giving M~=30600 for
undiluted polystyrene (0 = 0.98 at T = 217 C, in good agreement with the value
31200 reported by Berry and Fox (16).
i0? x
=~-I DN~ ~0 iD
c (gm/ml)
Fig. 5.7. Characteristic molecular weight for the viscosity vs concentration for the polyisobutylene-toluene system. The open circles (O) were obtained from 7o vs c at constant
molecular weight (t59); the open squares (IS]) were obtained from ~/0 vs/~w at constant
concentration (159); the solid square (11) was obtained on undiluted polyisobutylene (9)
W.W. Graessley:
centration dependence of (M)~o~n., and the fact that Me for different polymers
corresponds to roughly the same number of main chain bonds, all suggest the
onset of an intermolecular interaction based on geometrical rather than chemical
attributes. It must be noted that the transition itself is not intrinsically a sharp
one; indeed all sense of a transition is lost if the data are plotted in other ways,
such as logq0 vs M 1/2 (9). The curves in the vicinity of the transition appear to be
representable as the simple sum of high and low molecular weight forms (I 60):
{ (cM
%=KcM I+\oM~j
The dashed line in Fig. 5.5 was calculated with this formula.
Rather than emphasizing the form of the transition region it is perhaps
preferable to recall that the Rouse free-draining theory, with (0 estimated
independently from the diffusion coefficient of small molecules in the system (15)
and without modification for interchain interactions, accounts almost quantitatively for the viscosity of concentrated systems at low molecular weights. For
molecular weights beyond the neighborhood of (Mc)so~,. the unmodified theory
is not adequate. An intermotecular interaction of some sort, differing fundamentally from the c[~/] interactions and dependent on the product cM, is required
to account for the behavior. The observed properties of Mc and (Mc)~o~n., cited
above, are consistent with the type of interaction which might arise from a
physical, rope-like coupling of chains, presuming that the number of couples
along a molecule is proportional to the number of its intermolecular contacts.
Porter and Johnson (14) surveyed the literature prior to 1965, assembling
Mc and (Mc) for a large number of polymers. Berry and Fox (16) have
critically examined the values from this source and others, in many cases
reanalyzing the data upon which the reported values were based. Apart from
general questions about the accuracy of viscosity and molecular weight data, the
main problem in determining Mc is the need to correct isothermal viscosity
correlations to viscosities at constant segmental friction factor. Information is
required on the temperature dependence of viscosity as a function of molecular
weight, which is not always available. The corrections are largest for lower
molecular weights, and are especially important if the viscosities are measured at
temperatures within 50-100 C of Tr Without correction, the slope of the low
molecular weight branch of the curve is too large, and the deduced value of Mc
is too big. Values of ME for several well studied polymers are given in
Table 5.2 (15, 16).
5.4.2. Properties of the Plateau Modulus
Other viscoelastic properties also acquire new characteristics at high concentration. In undiluted systems the long time end of the relaxation time
distribution remains approximately Rouse-like for chains with molecular weight
below Me, as suggested by the agreement with reduced Rouse moduli in Fig. 5.2.
Poly (or-methylstyrene)
1,4 Polybutadiene
Poly (vinyl acetate)
Poly (dimethyl siioxane)
Poly (methyl methacrylate)
13 500
1900 (2200)
8 i00
-5 800 (4500)
5900 (10000)
24 500
3 800
27 500
> 150000
The values of M, [defined by Eq.(5.19)] are those reported by Ferry (15) and Berry
and Fox (16), except that for polystyrene (124) and the values in parentheses for poly-methyl
methacrylate (I46), polybutadiene (79, 197), and cis-polyisoprene (79, 197). The values of Mr
(defmed as described in 5.4.1) are from the same compilations, except that for poly (or-methyl
styrene) (/61). The values of M~were obtained as described in Section 5.4.4.
W. W. Graessley:
LI2 )
Iogt~o T
, s e c -1
Fig, 5.8. Storage modulus vs frequency for narrow distribution polystyrene melts, reduced to
160C by temperature-frequency superposition. Molecular weight range from M'~,= 8900
(L9) to ~rw= 581000 (L 18) (124). [Reproduced from Macromolecules 3, i l l (1970).]
2 --
-4 '
logt~a T
s e c -1
Fig. 5.9, Loss modulus vs frequency for narrow distribution polystyrene melts (124).
See Fig. 5.8. [Reproduced from Macromolecules 3, 112 (1970).]
io -4
IC 3
1 .
io -z
IG ~
(SEC - i )
W.W. Graessley:
The plateau region appears when the molecular weight exceeds Me [(M)soln.
for solutions], and is taken to be a direct indication of chain entanglement. Indeed
the presence of a plateau may be a more reliable criterion than t/0 vs M behavior,
especially in solutions of moderate concentration where viscosity may exhibit
quite complex concentration and molecular weight behavior. It is postulated
that when M greatly exceeds Me, a temporary network structure exists due to
rope-like interlooping of the chains. Rubber-like response to rapid deformations
is obtained because the strands between coupling points can adjust rapidly, while
considerably more time is required for entire molecules to slip around one
another's contours and allow flow or the completion of stress relaxation.
Plateau moduli are commonly expressed in terms of Me, the apparent average
molecular weight between coupling junctions. The modulus equation from the
kinetic theory of rubber elasticity\ Eq. (7.2) with g (r-7~o = 1 and v = c/Me or
(Me)so,,. = (-0c-)M,.
This behavior, again paralleling that of (Mc)soln., is now clearly established for
a number of polymers (15, 142, 166, 167). Figure5.11 shows Eq.(5.21) to be
valid over approximately the same range of concentrations as the corresponding
equation for (Mo)sol,..
5.4,3. Properties of the Terminal Zone Spectrum
Relaxation time spacings in the terminal region are quite different than the
Rouse spacings: much more tightly grouped around the mean but with a tail
of faster relaxations which trails back into the plateau region. Tobotsky and
co-workers have found that the empirical form G(t) = A exp [ - (t/r) ~] fits experimental stress relaxation data in the terminal region (165). The parameter B correlates with molecular weight distribution with values of ca. 0.60 for typical narrow
distribution polystyrenes and an extrapolated value B =0,75 for hypothetical
iO_ 2
iO_ ~
. . . . .
Fig. 5.11. Plateau modulus vs. concentration for polymethyl methacrylate 0 {t42) and cispolyisoprene [] (167). The solid points are undiluted samples
Observed form
Rouse form
"~mOC cbT
J~oc cb T
6 rloM
n2 cRT
W.W. Graessley:
The exponent b is a matter of some current dispute, being 2 in nearly all studies
but appearing to range as high as 3 in a few instances (Section 5.4.4). In any
case, the explicit molecular weight dependence is lost, and concomitantly the concentration dependence is increased (173). If all relaxation times had been scaled
up by the same factor (the relative spacings and intensities of the Rouse spectrum
being retained), the Rouse forms would have been preserved for M ~>(Mc)~oln.
Table 5.3
Method for obtaining jo
Stress relaxation
lim [7,/%]
lim {J(t) - t/rlo}
- - tim
~o~ ~ o t - J - J
l olim~ N1}
1 tim[ cot2z ]
~/o ~t 3; J
lower shear stresses. Values from steady flow birefringence rely in addition on
the validity of the stress-optical law (18).
The data collected for review here were obtained on samples of narrow, but
still somewhat variable, molecular weight distribution. Steady-state compliance is
highly sensitive to polydispersity, so some disagreement among investigators is to
be expected, due simply to slight differences in the distributions of their samples.
The difficulties in all methods are probably somewhat reduced in systems of
low polydispersity because the distribution of relaxation times is narrow, and
relatively high stresses can be imposed before non-linearities appear. Nevertheless,
t h e presence of even small amounts of high molecular Weight species can
increase jo significantly (163). Non-linear response is difficult to avoid in such
circumstances and may cause apparently different values to result from the
various methods.
The steady-state compliance data have been analyzed in reduced form
~ -
t/o - t/$
This form for reduced compliance is suggested by the dilute solution molecular
theories, according to which J~R is governed by the dispersity of molecular
relaxation times [from Eq. (4.12)]:
W. W. Graessley:
o ~
-o ",,~
' o6,
Fig. 5.12. Values of reduced compliance deR for solutions of a narrow distribution polystyrene (M,= 860000) according to several investigators and methods. Symbols: Q from
G'(o)) (175, 176), Ck from N1 (177), (3- from N 1 (178), 0 from flow birefringence (179),
- from flow birefringence (180), from G'(o)) and N1 (181), and -O from creep
recovery (182)
flow birefringence seem consistent with each other and generally follow the same
trend. Values from creep recovery differ (I82), exceeding those from other methods
by approximately a factor of two in the concentration range 0.15-0.25 grn/ml,
then decreasing rapidly towards them again at higher concentrations. Comparison
of literature data on two other Pressure Chemical samples [sample 3a,
1~,=411,000 in Fig. 5.13 (t77-179, 181, 182, 184, 185), and sample 14a,
1~,= 1,800,000] shows similar behavior. The reported creep recovery results
(182) exceed other values for jo at intermediate concentrations by factors as
large as three.
This discrepancy is rather disturbing because the creep recovery experiments
were obviously designed and tested with considerable care (186). Furthermore,
as pointed out earlier, creep recovery is the most direct method for measuring
J~. Most of the likely errors (such as inertial effects in the instrument or nonattainment of steady state) would tend to give values which are too small rather
than too large. Similar but smaller effects have been observed by other methods
in solutions of polyisoprene (67) and poly (a-methyl styrene) (187). In the latter
'o d
/ / ~ o ~q~
' o,6
( gm/m,t )
Fig. 5.13. Values of J~R for solutions of a narrow distribution polystyrene (Mw=411000).
According to several investigators and methods. Symbols are the same as Fig. 5.12,
except "(3 from N 1 (184) and Cr from three methods (185)
W.W. Graessley:
= ::~--.-...--...~ _ ~
( M < IO0,O00)
REF 124
k~ k.~.xo~ -o
REF. 188
. . . .
. . . . .
. . . .
Fig. 5.14. Reduced compliance vs molecular weight for undiluted polystyrenes of narrow
molecular weight distributions. Symbols are: O from creep recovery (I63), (Y from G'(~o)
(192), O- from flow birefringence (180), CL from N1 (189), (~ from G'(~o) (M> 105 only)
(124), .(D extrapolated from steady state creep (191),-0 from stress relaxation (I65), and
-(3 from N 1 (193)
Table 5.4. Values of JoR for narrow distribution polystyrenes from Pressure Chemical
Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., USA; JeR= J~QRT/
Prest (181)
Mills and
Wales (190)
Nevin (192)
Mieras and
van Rijn (189)
Crawley (193)
some of the normal stress data (189) are slightly displaced. The values of Zosel
(194), after his corrections for polydispersity, are also in good agreement.
The scatter may perhaps be partially accounted for by differences in polydispersity a m o n g the samples. However, as Table 5.4 shows, even measurements
on the same polymer may result in values which differ appreciable among
investigators. On the whole, the overall behavior is fairly clear: JeR maintains
a value near but perhaps slightly above the Rouse value for 10* < M < 105, then
becomes approximately proportional to 1/M for higher molecular weights 3.
Figure 5.15 shows reduced compliance for polystyrene solutions from several
sources (175-179, 184, 185), combined and plotted as a function of cM. All are
narrow distribution samples. Selected melt data from Fig. 14 are also included
(163, 180, 181). The preponderance of data are in fair accord with the Rouse value
for 5000 ~ cM ~ t00000. As in the case of the melt data, they tend to rise slightly
above 0.4, influenced perhaps by residual polydispersity in all the samples. The
shallow maximum in this region may well be caused also by the fact that only
a few of the longest relaxation times are shifted at the smaller values of cM, as
suggested by Janeschitz-Kriegl (18). The reduced compliances tend to be smaller
and more scattered at still smaller values of cM, probably reflecting an approach
to Zimm-like behavior for high molecular weight samples at low concentrations,
and the loss of flexible coil character for low molecular weight samples at high
concentrations (15). Also, as noted earlier, c[~/] rather than cM is the appropriate
reducing variable for JoR at low and moderate concentrations. F o r values of cM
greater than about 130000, the reduced compliance acquires a dependence on
cM, becoming proportional to (cM)-1. No important difference in reduced
behavior between solutions and melts is apparent despite the 100-200C
difference in the temperatures of measurement.
Confirming an earlier conjecture (195), the data on several linear polymers
follow a similar pattern. Figures5.16 and 5.17 contain results for narrow
distribution samples of 1,4 polyisoprene (I66, 167, 196, 197) and poly (a-methyl
styrene) (161,176, 198-201). The onset of (cM)-1 behavior seems clearly related
to the same processes that produce the plateau region and the transition in
~/o vs M behavior. In almost all cases (cM)-1 dependence in JeR begins at a
3 The steady-state compliance is exceedingly sensitive to the high molecular weight tail
of the molecular weight distribution. Evaluation of J~ depends on a satisfactory handling of
two limiting processes. The stress or deformation must be small enough to achieve linear
viscoelastic response, and the time must be long enough (in the case of creep and creep
recovery) or the frequency low enough (in the case of dynamic experiments) to reach the
limiting response. These conditions merge in the normal stress and flow birefringence
methods, requiring low enough stress to achieve the limiting form, with no further
changes at still lower stresses. The contribution of trace amounts of high molecular weight
components in an otherwise narrow distribution sample is very sensitive to stress. It is
possible, although it is only a conjecture, that this contribution may be lost in methods
such as normal stress measurements which involve relatively high stresses and large
deformations. The same sample in low stress methods such as creep recovery may then yield
higher values of J~ unless the tails have been carefully removed by fractionation. From the
standpoint of obtaining the true value of J~ for a sample therefore, the creep recovery
is clearly preferred.
However, to obtain a value which represents the contribution of everything except
a trace tail, the normal stress meast~ement may in fact give acceptable results. It is
somewhat reassuring that .12values deduced from normal stress and flow-birefringence data
on undiluted narrow distribution polystyrenes agree with the Ptazek results (163),the latter
having been obtained by creep recovery with very carefully fractionated samples. Similarly,
the high values of J~ obtained by creep recovery on solutions of the Pressure Chemical
Samples (182)may be the result of trace tails at high molecular weight whose contribution
is missed by the other methods. It is obviously dangerous to place too much reliance on
such fortuitous behavior, however.
W. W. Graessley:
q ? o-c? %_ e_cOO-
e~l w
Fig. 5.15. Reduced compliance vs the CAw product for solutions and undiluted samples of
narrow distribution polystyrenes. Symbols are: from flow birefringence (179), (U from
several methods (185), O- from N1 (178), (D.. from G'(~o) and N1 (177), ~ from G'(~o)
(I75, I76), .0 from N1 (184), from creep recovery (I63), 0 from G'(o)) and N l (181),
and 0 - from flow birefringence (180). The filled points are undiluted polystyrenes
characteristic value of cM which is roughly 3-4 times the value of 0 h - Figure 5.18
is a combined plot of reduced compliance vs cM/QM, including fragmentary
data on narrow distribution polyvinyl acetate (I76, I95), polybutadiene (202, 203),
and poly(dimethyl siloxane) (204). A rather tenuous estimate for polyethylene
(204) has also been included. Some published data on narrow distribution
polyvinyl acetate (205, 206) have been omitted because of possible complications
due to long chain branching.
The meaning of these observations on narrow distribution systems is the
following (153). In undiluted polymers the steady-state compliance is directly
proportional to molecular weight and approximately equal to the Rouse value
for molecular weights both large enough to display random coil behavior, but
smaller than a characteristic molecular weight M'. For molecular weights greater
than M~ the compliance approaches a constant value (Je)~. Values of (jo)~
estimated for the polymers in Fig. 5.18 are given in Table 5.5. Values for truly
monodisperse samples would undoubtedly be slightly smaller. The characteristic
molecular weight M~ is a small multiple of Me. The same molecular weight
behavior occurs in concentrated solutions and the characteristic value, (M~)sozn.,
has the same concentration dependence as (Me)~o~n.and (Mc)soln.,namely,
0/SLOPE= - I
\iN i~
cM w
Fig. 5.16. Reduced compliance vs c/~wfor solutions and undiluted samples of cis-polyisoprene.
Symbols are: undiluted samples from steady state creep (166, 196), 0 undiluted samples
from N1 (197), and O solutions extrapolated from steady state creep (196)
b~ _ o
,% ~ o ~ # oOO~O~OoX
Fig. 5.17. Reduced compliance vs c~rw for solutions and undiluted samples of poly (~-methyl
styrene). Symbols are: from NI (198, t99), ~ from G'(co) (176), Q from N 1 (20t),
and from stress relaxation (161)
W.W. Graessley:
IC)l _
i I0|0
cMw/pM c
Fig. 5.18. Reduced compliance vs c~lw/QMcfor solutions and undiluted sample of linear, narrow distribution polymers. The lines for polyethylene and (polydimethyl siloxane) are based
on G'(co) data as reported by Mills (204). Points are selected values for polyvinyl acetate
solutions, (176) and Q (195), and undiluted 1,4polybutadiene, (202) and 0- (203)
The values of Mc were taken from Table 5.2
Table 5.5. Limiting compliance for undiluted linear polymers of narrow distribution
1,4 Polybutadiene
Poty(~-methyt styrene)
Poly(dimethyl siloxane)
Polyvinyl acetate
cis-l,4 Polyisoprene
- 30
(J)o~ (cm2/dyne)
G (dyne/cm 2)
0.22 10-6
-11.5 x
10 6
o M~
2 ( cM t2
The subsequent comparisons of several authors (153, 199, 208) have shown that
the change in behavior near (M~)so~,. is more abrupt than the rather gradual
transition implied by Eq. (5.24). Equation (5.25) gives a behavior somewhat closer
to observations. The combined results in Fig. 5.18 can be summarized by the
expression (for r/0 ~>qs):
jo =
0.4 M/cRT
( cM ]2]~/2
1 +0"08 \QM ] j
Because of apparent residual variations in the ratio M~/M among the different
polymers, a more accurate expression can be formed with the reduced variable
jo =
M/cR T
cM 1~]~,2
Again the reader must be warned that a large proportion of the jo data in
the correlation, summarized in Eqs. (5.26) and (5.27) and Tables 5.2 and 5.5, are
based on normal stress measurements (total thrust in plate-cone rheometers) with
attendant uncertainties about whether limiting behavior was attained. Also, in
w.W. Graessley:
n0 = n0(Mw)
the polydispersity correction is fairly well represented by Eq. (5.29). For example,
jo values in concentrated solutions of samples with exponential distribution
(Mw/Mn=2, M,M~+l/Iffl2w= 3) are roughly three times the values for narrow
distribution samples with the same Mw (178, 195, 2tl). Values for blends at low
concentrations (198) are also in reasonable accord. However, there are indications
that jo rises more rapidly than the Rouse factor M~M,+ ~/ffl2 for slight amounts
of polydispersity (165). The Rouse factor again underestimates the polydispersity
effect in binary blends of polystyrenes which are not too different in molecular
weight (Mz/M1 ,,~2), but gives reasonable results for poly(dimethylsiloxane)
blends with M2/M1 ~ 10 (212). On the other hand, jo values for blends of polyisobutylene with M2/M~ ~ 8 are higher than predicted (213), while those for
polyvinyl acetate blends agree fairly well with the Rouse factor over a wide range
of M2/M1 and molecular weight levels (148).
Forms similar to Eq.(5.29) but involving different averages have been
suggested. Mills (204) has proposed the form:
based on data for high molecular weight polyethylene, polystyrene, and polydimethylsiloxane. Zosel (194) proposed the same form but with an exponent
2.5 rather than 3.7 on the polydispersity factor. Leaderman et al. (213) correlated
j o / j . with Mw/Mn, but the implied dependence on the properties of the low
molecular weight tail (through M,) must be incorrect in general.
Phenomenological blending relations for jo have been suggested, based on the
properties of t/o and jo for narrow distribution systems and the assumption
that r/0 always obeys Eq. (5.28) in blends. The relaxation spectrum for a binary
system according to the linear mixing rule is (214)
in which qh and P2 are the volume fractions of the two components in the blend,
Hi(r) and Hz(z) are their relaxation spectra before blending, and 21 and 22
represent the scaling factors by which their relaxation times are altered in the
blend. The factors 21 and 22 are chosen to make the resulting expression for t/0
agree with Eq. (5.28). If the pure component spectra are chosen to give q0 ocM34
and JocM (the shifted Rouse forms), then a polydispersity factor of
MzMz+ 1/fI~ follows directly. If t/o oc M 3"4 and jo oc M for the pure components
(the forms actually observed for M > ME), the form
s:= J*(;zw) (
W.W. Graessley:
Higher order blending laws ohave been proposed (215). The quadratic law,
with the added stipulation that the cross term has the same form as the pure
component terms, yields
r/o M~ O
"cn=~lo/G -
w = qo j o =
c 2 RT
r/0 ME Q
c z RT
= J~oG ~o = 0 . 4 - -
= 0 . 4 (M~)so~..
z,,, -
0 . 4 r/0 M
cR T
0.4 cM
so the relaxation time polydispersity would increase with both concentration and
molecular weight, contrary to observation.
W.W. Graessley:
The intermolecular potential l/(x i, ~) is the energy associated with the interaction
of a pair of molecules whose centers are separated by vector distance r with
components x 1, x 2, x 3:
f ( r ' ) being the segment density distribution function of the molecules. In the
context of Fixman's theory, the potential has a thermodynamic origin. The
parameter A governs the magnitude of the pair interaction energy at equilibrium:
d 2 5"
A = M 2 kT
and e* k T is the free energy of mixing per polymer segment. The potential also
depends on shear rate through the effect of the latter on the segment density
The pair correlation function g describes the distribution of molecular
centers in the solution. In concentrated systems at rest, 9 ~ 1. Flow alters 9, and it
is this change which gives rise to the drag forces. For sufficiently slow shearing
xl x2
g(9, r) - 1 + C ~ 9
k T (x~ + x~ + x 2 ) s/2
3 ]3j2
Williams then estimates ( with Kirkwood's equation, employing the FixmanPeterson expression for 9(r) in chain molecules. He arrives at a variation with
molecular weight of the form ( GcM TM. Williams then estimates the chain length
dependence of C by a dimensional argument, concluding that C ocS 5 ocM 5/2.
The final result is of the form
rio 0 M 5/4 c 2 = (cM5/8) 2 .
W.W. Graes~ey:
Chikahisa (216) proceeds through a direct analogy with small molecule transport theory. At an intermediate stage of calculation, he arrives at an equation
which is formally similar to Eq. (6.6):
a = ) ~ PI(r) Pz(r) dr
rlo =
(o v2
S 5 E 3/2 n
(Entanglement factor)
or qo oc M 3 in undiluted systems.
It appears that the formal theories are not sufficiently sensitive to structure to
be of much help in dealing with linear viscoelastic response: Williams' analysis
is the most complete theory available, and yet even here a dimensional analysis
is required to find a form for the pair correlation function. Moreover, molecular
weight dependence in the resulting viscosity expression [Eq. (6.11)] is much too
weak to represent behavior even at moderate concentrations. Williams suggests
that the combination of variables in Eq. (6.11) may furnish theoretical support
correlations of the form r/0 = f(c[q]) at moderate concentrations (cf. Section 5).
However the weakness of the predicted dependence compared to experiment
and the somewhat arbitrary nature of the dimensional analysis makes the
suggestion rather questionable.
Unlike Williams, Chikahisa attempts to deal directly with entangling systems.
The result is a viscosity expression which is not far from that observed
experimentally, but the form is unfortunately more dependent on a series of
intermediate assumptions about the nature of the friction forces than on the
basic transport theory itself. Although not implausible, the assumptions are
nevertheless arbitrary and lacking in theoretical justification.
W.W. Graessley:
For our present purposes, the network theories suffer from an additional
defect. They supply no information on the form of the memory function. The
memory function must be obtained for each system by rheological experiments,
and there is no way at present to predict how it should vary with the molecular structure of the polymer. For example, M(t) can be obtained from the
stress relaxation modulus G(t):
k T ~ e-'m/,.
IfM(t) is known, the behavior of the model in any flow situation can be calculated.
In network models the molecular arguments supply a form for the constitutive
equation, but do not provide the detailed connections to molecular structure. As
such, they provide a bridge between molecular theories which incorporate
specific structural information in rather specific flow situations and continuum
models which can generalize such information to arbitrary flows.
Circulatory Motions
W.W. Graessley:
in which n is the number of main chain atoms and ~0 is the frictional coefficient per main chain atom. The slip factor s ( 0 < s < 1) is left as an undetermined parameter. [An average value s = 4/9 is found for pairs of looped
ropes sliding past one another without contact friction in a viscous medium; s rises
to (4/9) 1/2 if viscous drag is proportional to n z rather than n.]
Redundancy (multiple coupling between molecules or between members of
different orders, coupling between molecules of the same order, etc.) reduces
N) below its maximum possible value, E ( E - 1)J- i. Bueche asserts that the number
of effective j-order couples is given by:
The product v E is the total number of coupling units per unit volume in the
system and Qj(r) is the concentration of potential j-order coupling sites at a
distance r from the central molecule:
oj(r) = E ( E - 1); - ~
2rt $ 2 ( 2 j - 1) ]
2 SZ(2j - 1)
Bueche's result (for E >>1, and with some harmless approximations to simplify
integration) is:
Nj =
y E S 3 (2j - I) 3/2 .
K(s) =
sJ(2 J - i) 3/2 .
For the circulation contribution, Bueche treats the coupling points as fixed
points around which the central molecule must move in order to proceed in the
direction of motion. The segments between successive coupling sites are labeled
1, 2, ..., El2 out from the center of the molecule. Bueche argues that the speed
of segment i relative to the medium, vi, compared to v, the speed of the center
of gravity, is given by:
2 (o n
~ nev2o -
v2 Z i
n(o v.
from induced
from induced
central molecule motion.
W.W. Graessley:
labelled (i = 1, 2, 3, ... E) beginning at one end of the chain. The sections of chain
between successive obstacles are also labeled; the vector distance from the i to
the i + 1 obstacle is ai and the unit vector in that direction is ai/re.
Fs ~, u . a i .
reE i= 1
This force must be equal to the total frictional force for movement of the chain
through the tunnel, (onv. Thus:
v = (onre-----Eu. i=1
~' ai= onreE
vi = v
E aj
The motion of the center of gravity of the chain must always be in the
direction of its end-to-end vector E at. The velocity component in the direction
of the force is therefore:
vs = ~ -
= (onr2E 2 .
The average over all chains in the system (presenting all possible directions of
end-to-end vectors)yield (vs). With (r 2> = (rZ>/3 = ErZ~/3, Eq.(6.32) rearranges
after averaging to give
Fs = 3 n E ( o (vs}
~m~--" Ko
W.W. Graessley:
I7o = qmn E 2
or, employing the form which contains the extra n 1/3 factor,
If segment S were coupled to the central molecule only, its segments would
simply drift as a particle cloud towards the junction and the drag force on the
central chain would be approximately
F = 2 ~o nsvs.
The average for all possible values of ns(0 < ns< n/2), with Es= ns/ne and
EL = nL/n~ = (n -- ns)/ne, becomes finally
(~=4 105
71 I n E3/2(o
(.=0.131 n E 3 / 2 ( o .
The quantity (e is the mean frictional coefficient contributed by each entanglement junction, defined in terms of relative chain velocities.
Spring-bead models relate frictional force to the relative velocity of the
medium at the point of interaction. The entanglement friction coefficient above is
defined in terms of the relative velocity of the passing chain. Since the coupling
point lies, on the average, midway between the centers of the two molecules
involved, the macroscopic shear rate must be doubled when applying the result
to a spring-bead model. Substitution of 2(eE for (on in the Rouse expression
for viscosity yields
r/o =0.262 n ( S Z v E 5/2"
W.W. Graessley:
F oc (on K(s)vS3 v .
With Eq.(6.18),
A factor of E has thus been lost from the frictional coefficient [compare
Eq.(6.22)] so the viscosity is only proportional to M 5/2.
The Eyring analysis presents some problems also. Suppose one accepts their
suggestion that only the movement of segments between one pair of couples, that
containing the chain center, serves to advance the chain. Then, to be consistent,
the correct modification of the viscosity equation for small molecules is to replace
Ko by n~ Ko and 2 by 2/n, rather than the original substitutions, K o - - * n K o and
2 ~ 2 / n ( E + 1). The result is
~lo = rlmn - -
= ~lmn E .
~/0~ M2
Aside from the numerical factor, Eq.(6.51) is the Rouse formula. The fact that the Rouse
form works well for short chains at constant ~o casts doubt on the need for an extra
factor of n 1/3.
W.W. Graesstey:
molecular weight. However, the spacings of the terminal spectrum are incorrect.
As noted earlier, the experimental spectrum is much narrower than the shifted
Rouse spectrum which results from this procedure.
Ch6mpff and Duiser (232) analyzed the viscoelastic properties of an entanglement network somewhat similar to that envisioned by Ferry et al. Theirs
is the only molecular theory which predicts a spectrum for the plateau as well
as the transition and terminal regions. Earlier Duiser and Staverman (233) had
examined a system of four identical Rouse chains, each fixed in space at one
end and joined together at the other. They showed that the relaxation times of
this system are the same as if two of the chains were fixed in space at both ends
and the remaining two were joined to form a single chain with fixed ends of
twice the original size.
Ch6mpff and Duiser applied this tetrahedral model to entanglement networks. The suggest that the entanglement junction behaves as a site of large
frictional resistance for the motion of one chain relative to the other. They then
show that the relaxation times of an entanglement tetrahedron with equal strand
lengths are the same as if one chain possessed a large frictional resistance for
motion relative to the medium at the entanglement site and the other was un-
W.W. Graessley:
H(z)= ~ Hi(z)
H~(z) =
Nik T (zi/z)l/2
Hi(z) = 0
z < zi/a 2
z > zJa 2
"~i = Zl i2
and zx is the longest relaxation time of an origin network strand with fixed ends.
Combination of Eqs. (6.52)-(6.54) and summation yields
H(z)= v E k T ( ~ ) 1/2 I + 1
t +
e -~/~:1~1f21n2
This spectrum departs somewhat from the Ch6mpff-Duiser result in the plateau
region. The intensity remains larger in the vicinity of z = zl, but then falls below
the values for z >>zl. The terminal (shifted) spectrum for random decoupling is
unfortunately still Rouse-like.
The reptation model (225) also appears to produce a Rouse spectrum at long
times. In order to renew its configurations a chain must diffuse out of the tunnel
defined by the fixed obstacles along its length. De Gennes calculates the autocorrelation function for the end-separation vector, obtaining
c(o =
odd i
in which L is the configurational renewal time. Equation (6.57) is the same form
as C(t) for the Rouse model [Eq.(4.7)], with zr= 2"q. The renewal time is a
measure of the time required by a chain to diffuse out of its original tunnel.
De Gennes shows that z ~ M 3, a result which can be justified physically by the
following argument. To diffuse completely out of an original tunnel a chain must
W.W. Graessley:
move the length of the tunnel L, which is proportional to the molecular weight
of the chain. The diffusion coefficient D along this path is simply k T/~on. In order
of magnitude one must have D = LZ/zr, so
ZroC L 2 / D o c
M 3 .
"ri = T,i/i 4
i =" 1,
2. . . .
in which z 1 is the longest relaxation time. This spectrum has even wider spacings
than a shifted Rouse spectrum, at variance with the narrower terminal spectrum
demanded by the J o behavior.
Forsman and Grant (238) have recently proposed to handle the effects of
entanglement by adding an extra force to the Rouse analysis. The force on the
ith bead (i = 0, 1.... ) due to entanglement at the jth bead of a passing molecule
is expressed as the product of an unspecified coupling coefficient N~j and the
frictional force acting at thejth bead. Utilizing the balance of forces on each bead,
the frictional force on bead j is replaced by the sum of its osmotic and spring
forces. The result on the spectrum is the same as that obtained by replacing the
matrix A [Eq.(4.3)] of the Rouse theory by a new matrix A - M. The elements
of M are composed of combinations of the coupling matrix N.
The symmetry properties of M alone are sufficient to prove that only the odd
eigenvalues of A are affected by subtraction of M. Thus, according to this view,
only the relaxation times of odd order are affected by entanglement coupling.
Furthermore, the shifts diminish rapidly as mode number increases, so only the
longest odd relaxation times are affected.
This result is intriguing because the unshifted long modes could account for
the plateau relaxations. Also, the fact that only half the modes are shifted is
reminescent of the Ch6mpff-Duiser result, that the plateau modulus is only one
half the value given by the conventional kinetic theory of elasticity. Unfortunately
the coupling coefficients are unspecified, so the relative shifts and resulting spacing of the relaxations at long times are not given by the theory. An experimental
test was performed (239) in which G"(og) data on several concentrated polystyrene
solutions were fitted to determine the relaxation time distribution. The results
were consistent with shifts of the odd-order modes only, but other interpretations
seem possible also. Unless the shifts are such as to narrow the spacings, the
theoretical compliance jo will not match experimental behavior. If the same
shift factor applies to all odd relaxations the reduced compliance approaches
jOcRT/M= Z~oddii-4/(~oddi /-2)2 ~0.72 for M ~M. If the shift factor decreases
with increasing mode number, the spectrum broadens.
Thirion (239a) has suggested that the plateau and terminal regions are the
result of diffuse interchain interactions in a viscoelastic medium. He obtains a
modified Rouse spectrum by replacing the subchain frictional coefficient by a
time dependent "micro-memory" function. The theory is partly phenomenological
since the memory function is not specified. However, reasonable choices lead to
forms for G'(co)and G"(co)which are similar to those observed experimentally.
In view of the various suggestions on modifying the Rouse model to account
for terminal zone spectrum in entangled systems, it is worth examining what
effects can be produced by other modifications, particularly changes in the
matrix which controls the terminal relaxation time spacings. The terminal
relaxations of the Rouse model with E beads or slow points are given by the
non-zero eigenvalues of the E x E matrix A [Eq. (4.3)]. Ch6mpff and Duiser and
Ferry et al. obtained these same eigenvalues and therefore the shape of the terminal
is unchanged. Forsman and Grand require the eigenvalues of a difference matrix,
A - M. Depending on the choice of M, the spacing of the altered eigenvalues
could be either greater or less than the Rouse spacings. Hoffman (240) and
Ch6mpff and Prins (235) have speculated that the bead mobilities may depend
on the position of the bead along the chain. According to Graessley (212), the
mean entanglement frictional coefficients at the ends of the chain are small but
they grow to large values near the chain center, rising as approximately the
square of the contour distance from the chain end. The matrix governing the
eigenvalues in this case is B- A, in which B is a diagonal matrix containing the
mobilities (reciprocal of the frictional coefficients) of the successive beads.
Some narrowing of the spectrum does occur when there is a strong positional
dependence in the frictional coefficient. For example, the reduced compliance is:
J~R= ~ Z ~ ) z
~, i/2~
-- (E 1 / ~
where the 2~ are the non-zero eigenvalues of B.A. For the usual Rouse model,
the ~i are all equal and JoR = 0.4. The narrowest possible distribution would result
if all eigenvalues were the same, in which case JeR = t/E, which is the form observed
experimentally. If ~i grows as the square of the distance from the nearest chain
end, J~R is 0.31 for large E; for a cubic dependence, the value is 0.30 (241).
Vinogradov and co-workers (242) have reported some results by Pokrovsky in
W, W. Graessley:
which the frictional coefficients increase as the 2.4 power of distance measured
from the center of the chain. The reduced compliance is reported to be slightly
smaller, 0.315 in this case, but independent of E for E >>1.
In view of the comparative intensitivity of J~l~to the properties of B, it seems
unlikely that terminal spectra which are narrow enough to agree with experimental
compliance data (that is, to make JeR inversely proportional to E) can be produced
merely by introducing a distribution of frictional coefficients within the molecule.
The same holds true if the spring constants of the Rouse model are allowed to
vary with position (241).
A terminal spectrum of about the right shape is obtained if each entanglement
is treated as a separate bead-spring interaction between the molecule as a whole
and the medium (212).
The beads represent entanglement sites which are distributed uniformly along
the chain contour; the frictional coefficients increase rapidly with distance from
the chain ends. The spring, constant also depends on contour position, being
governed by the mean equilibrium distance of that position from the center of
gravity. The resulting spectrum is narrower than the Rouse spectrum, and
forE >>1:
jo = vEkT'
j~oc E c R T
~c c 2 T
as observed experimentally. The tong relaxation times are also of the experimental form:
q0 M
ZwW E c R T
oc c2--~ .
The failure of the Rouse theory was attributed to the pathological nature of
medium motions in entangled systems, and not any special defect in the Rouse
representation of the polymer chain itself. For Rouse chains in a deforming
continuous medium, the frictional force depends on the systematic velocity of the
bead relative to the medium. The frictional force on a bead is therefore a smootly
z o oc qo/C 2 T.
The theory is not detailed enough to predict either numerical coefficients or the
relaxation time distribution. Examination of the dimensional argument suggests
that the form in Eq. (6.63) is probably not uniquely determined by the theory.
W.W. Graessley:
6.5. Theories of the Characteristic Molecular Weights
2(S2) 3/2Mx/2 = 1
~-4--o E~ - ~ -
4~--5- 0 E3/2 (~_)3/2 M 3/2 = 1
Hayashi (243):
E = t.52
Graesstey (227):
0.262 ~5/z = 1
Graessley (212):
0.099 E~/2 = 1
0.4/vk T = 1.798/vE k T .
The result is E~ = 1.798/0.4, giving M~/Me = 4.5. With Mc/Me = 2.52 from the
same theory, M ' / M c = 1.8 is obtained. The observed values are about twice this
value; part of the difference is probably attributable to residual polydispersity in
the experimental samples.
Thus, the available theories are consistent with the observation that
M e < Me < M~. There is certainly no justification for the view sometime expressed
that the characteristic molecular weights differ because different types of
entanglements are responsible for the properties concerned.
It should be noted that the Bueche theory predicts a slightly different form
for the variation of (Mc)soln"with concentration than that inferred earlier on the
basis of experimental data:
_ . 4 MET/2
M~ (Bueche theory).
Current experiments are not accurate enough to distinguish between this expression and Eq. (5.17). Finally, Bueche's theory is the only attempt to discuss
r/o vs M in the vicinity of Me. Berry and Fox (16) have concluded that the
predicted transition is too gradual. There is no theory for the behavior of
jo in the vicinity of ME.
6.5.2. Relationship between the Characteristic Molecular Weights and
Molecular Structure
Values of Mc (and Me and ME) are found to vary widely from one polymer
to another, although the variations are much smaller (ca _+ 50%) when comparisons are made in terms of n~, the number of chain bonds per molecule at
Mc. Fox and Allen (245) have pointed out that the variations are reduced still
W.W. Graessley:
further (ca __+30%) if values of S~Z/v are compared, S~ being the unperturbed
mean square radius of gyration of molecules with molecular weight Me, and v
the volume of polymer per main chain bond. The parameter S~/v comes directly
from the Rouse form and the empirical correlating expression:
Co X ( X ]"
~ = - 6 - \ x o /
in which a = 1 for X < Xc and a = 3.4 for X > Xc. This equation fits the experimental behavior of many linear polymers (16), X being the structure factor
of the Rouse theory, nS2v. For undiluted polymers, the parameter X reduces to
S2/v. Puzzling discrepancies remain however. For example, S2/v for polyisoprene
is more than twice as large as that for 1,4 polybutadiene, despite their similarity
in backbone architecture.
Hoffmann has attempted to estimate the magnitude of Mr directly from the
structure (246). He suggests that entanglements comprise a special class of intermolecular contacts in which one chain is looped tightly around another, and in
which the four strands leading away from this contact are oriented such that the
loop resists rapid deformations in the manner of a cross-link. His estimation of the
concentration of such arrangements in polyethylene goes as follows.
A tight intermolecular loop around any methylene group requires the
occupation of approximately 4 to 6 nearest neighbor positions by methylenes of
the partner chain. The possibility of a similar occurrence with another chain
at the same methylene group is negligible, and the possibilities on adjacent
methylene groups are greatly reduced. As a result of such packing considerations,
only about one methylene in three can be involved in a potential entanglement.
The fraction of these which are effective depends on the vectors drawn from the
junction to the next effective junction along each of the four strands.
According to Hoffman, these vectors must satisfy several conditions, each
condition having a certain probability p of fulfillment.
angle, say between 135 and 180, with the bisector of angle A O B ~ = (2 - l/~)).
The combined probability for all these events is therefore ( 2 - ]/3)/32 = 0.0084,
which is the fraction of potential loops which are effective. The number of
methylene groups per effective couple is therefore approximately 3/0.0084 g 350.
Since there is an average of two strands per couple, the value of ne is 175.
Experimental values for ne are in the range 100-250 for a variety of polymers.
The assumptions of the calculation are rather arbitrary, of course. The
result perhaps only illustrates that the observed order of magnitude of ne is not
grossly inconsistent with the idea of topological restrictions by loops. The
calculation gives no hint as to why the Fox-Allen parameter S2/v should
control the value of ne or Me however.
Other attempts to relate Me to structure have not been successful. Tonelli
(247) suggested that entanglement might be related to the probability of forming
closed intramolecular loops along the chain. As an example, he estimated the
probability p30-Tof forming at least one closed loop of greater than 30 main
chain atoms in a sequence of 700 main chain atoms. No correlation between
30 and the experimental values of Me or Mc was found in the six polymers
used in the calculation. Indeed, attempts to relate entanglement effects strictly to
the formation of transient intramolecular configurations or to local chain
kinkiness or roughness (248) seem bound to fail, since they imply a much greater
sensitivity to the details of local structure than is actually observed. Also, such
transient structures would not contribute to equilibrium stress in crosslinked
networks. The important contributions of entanglements to the equilibrium
modulus, indeed the deduction of similar values of Me in equilibrium and
transient experiments (see Part 7), seems to rule out such kinetically controlled
trapping mechanisms.
6.6. Effects of Polydispersity on r/o and jo
As noted earlier, qo in polydisperse systems appears to be a function of
M,, alone. One problem in entanglement theories is how to introduce the strong
molecular weight dependence of the entanglement friction factor without also
introducing a much higher molecular weight average than Mw in polydisperse
systems. Bueche (249) has applied his theory to a model polydisperse system,
using a separate averaging process for (e. He finds that viscosity depends on an
average molecular weight ~ t which lies between M~,. and M~, being closer to
Mw for small polydispersities and approaching /~z as polydispersity increases.
Graessley (227) arrives at an average molecular weight of the form:
which also lies between/~w and Mz. For a most probable distribution Mw : Mt : Mz
as 1:1.23:1.50. Both results proceed essentially from the combination of a
separately averaged (communal) frictional coefficient with the ordinary Rouse
analysis for polydisperse systems.
W.W. Greassley:
simply be additive (253,255), with the equilibrium modulus controlled by the sum
of elastically effective network strands between chemical crosslinks and a
"trapped" fraction of the same entanglements that govern the plateau modulus.
Analysis of networks in terms of molecular structure relies heavily on the
kinetic theory of rubber elasticity. Altliough the theory is very well established in
broad outline, there remain some troublesome questions that plague its use in
quantitative applications of the kind required here. The following section reviews
these problems as they relate to the subject of entanglement.
W.W. Graessley:
. ~ <r~> ( ~ _
s=o - 3Tt
s Note that this definition of front factor differs from that given earlier by Tobolsky
6 Many authors use 2Cl and 2C2, reflecting a definition of the constants in terms of the
elastic energy function. The factor of 2 is of course arbitrary and irrelevant to the discussion
W.W. Graesstey:
in which V0 is the volume of the sample when the crosslinks were introduced,
V is the swollen volume, and ~o is the volume fraction of polymer in the
swollen state Vo/V. In a recent study of peroxide-cured natural rubber (270)
the quantity C 1q~- 1/3 was independent of swelling ratio, while C z q~- 1/3, which
was approximately 0.4C 1 in the dry state, decreased linearly with q~ and
extrapolated to zero for q~~ 0.2. Sulfur cured vulcanizates of natural rubber and
various styrene-butadiene rubbers behaved in an almost identical manner (271).
A continuum explanation has been advanced for the rapid reduction of C2
with swelling (272), but Ftory and Mark (273) have pointed out the ambiguities
inherent in such an approach.
For the same polymer and curing procedure, networks formed in the
presence of various diluents (~o~ 0 . 1 5 - 0.40) give practically no Cz contribution
when tests are made in the dry state (274). Kinetic theory requires Cl(P -2/3
to be constant in this case (~o being the volume fraction of polymer during
solution cure), assuming comparable numbers of crosslinks per primary molecule
are introduced. Experimentally C 1 ~o- 2/3 is close to the values of C1 obtained for
dry state cures, although they do decrease somewhat in the more dilute curing
systems (q~< 0.2). Solution cured polydimethyl sitoxane networks show similar
behavior in their dry state moduli (275).
Gent and Rivlin (276) have suggested that C1 is in fact the kinetic theory
term, related directly to the concentration of effective network strands bounded
by chemical crosslinks. The molecular origin of the C z term is unknown,
although many possibilities have been suggested (17, 267, 2-77). The above
experiments seem to rule out both isolated chain explanations, such as intramolecular excluded volume, and suppositions based on local ordering of chains.
If either were important, it should logically contribute in dry state measurements,
regardless of whether the network had been formed originally in the dry state or
in solution. Non-Gaussian chain behavior seems an unlikely explanation also,
since C2 apparently is small in both the extended (swelled) and supercoiled (drystate after solution cure) states of the network strands.
Various authors have suggested that the source of deviations from neoHookean behavior lies in the large scale organization of the network itself
(257, 267, 274). An origin in network topology would explain both the sensitivity
of C2 to the conditions during network formation and the observations that
C2, like Cp is largely of entropic origin. Alfrey and Lloyd (252) have emphasized
that the conventional kinetic theory deals with an assembly of strands whose
configurations are statistically independent, in effect with "ghost" chains which
can pass freely through the backbone contours of neighboring chains. Chains in
real networks must certainly be subject to topological restrictions, and the configurations of neighboring chains must therefore be conditionally dependent. If
such dependency affects the number of configurations differently in the
deformed and undeformed states, then the entropy of deformation must contain
an extra contribution. This extra contribution, which one might call the topological
contribution to distinguish it from the independent strand term of the
conventional theory, could produce a response different than that of a neoHookean solid. In particular, it might contribute the C2 term and some portion
of C I.
If this view is correct, the measurements of the equilibrium modulus can
provide some information on network topology, provided the independent strand
contribution can be evaluated separately. Principal attention should focus on the
modulus for small deformations. Since the structure is essentially undisturbed
by such measurements, the small deformatibn modulus should contain the most
direct molecular information. Proceeding beyond this to an interpretation of large
deformation behavior would be expected to present a comparable increase in difficulty to that encountered in moving from molecular interpretation of q0 to molecular interpretation of q vs. 37behavior in melts and concentrated solutions. As a
corollary, the mechanical behavior of the network should be evaluated in the same
state of swell as that in which it was formed. Swelling or supercoiling subsequent
to network formation itself involves a finite deformation of the network and
under these circumstances even small deformation moduli may not be easily
interpretable in terms of topological contributions. Indeed, assuming that the term
represented by C2 contains an important part of the topological information, the
unexplained changes in C 2 with swelling or supercoiling suggest a relative change
in the independent strand and topological contributions. Of course, a complete
theory of topological effects must ultimately be able to account for swelling
and large deformation behavior, but until then, interpretation seems necessarily
limited to small deformation behavior in networks at the same state of swell as
when the crosslinks were added. If this is the undiluted state, as is many times the
case, then there is the corresponding, extremely difficult, experimental problem of
achieving stress equilibrium in the modulus measurement.
7.2. Tests of Theoretical Modulus Values--Model Networks
Quantitative tests of the absolute modulus value from kinetic theory [Eq.
(7.2)'1 are quite scarce; independent determination of the network strand
concentration is generally the difficulty. Schaefgen and Flory (278) prepared model
W.W. Graessley:
G = 9v*kT ~00
z/3 (~01/3
in which v* is the network chain concentration in the dry state, (% is the volume
fraction of polymer during network formation, and q~ is the volume fraction
during modulus measurement. These molecular weights are indeed much smaller
than (Me)so~n'for polystyrene at the curing and swelled-state concentrations. Gels
were prepared with network strand molecular weights from 7200 to 18700.
Deduced values of g ranged from 0.4 to 0.55; no information on C2 was
Allen and co-workers (280a) have recently prepared and studied a series of
model polystyrene networks. These networks were formed from narrow distribution polystyrenes (M = 70000-240000) containing small but known amounts of
secondary amine side groups. The amines were coupled in solution by reaction
with diisocyanates, resulting in networks with known values of v
(M* =7 000-17 000). Moduli were determined for the networks at the same diluent
concentrations as used to form the networks (~0= 0.05-0.25). After applying
approximate corrections for intramolecular (sterile) crosslinks and trapped
entanglement contributions, the authors concluded that a value g = 0.5 would
satisfy most of the data. Recent theoretical calculations by Tonelli and Helfand
(280b) suggest that sterile loops may play some role even for networks formed
in the undiluted state. On the other hand, when gel-sol studies are used to
evaluate crosslinking densities (see below), sterile loops remain uncounted, so there
is at least partial compensation for their reduced effectiveness in equilibrium
mechanical properties.
Flory criterion:
N A = 2 ( C - N + 1) ~ 2 ( C - N).
Scanlan criterion:
N a = ~-(3p 3 + 4p4)
W.W. Graessley:
in which Vis 2 C/vo, v o is Q/M, ~ is the polymer density and M is the primary chain
molecular weight mo P. The crosslinking index of the gel is higher than the overall
crosslinking index (27):
~'g = (2 - Wg) ~,.
Flory criterion:
v~ = v o (2 - Wg)In 1 - 1 wg
Scanlan's criterion has been used extensively by Gordon and co-workers. The
resulting equation for monodisperse chains, again for P >>1, is (283):
Scanlan criterion:
v~ -- Vo (2 - Wg)In 1 - w~
In 1 -w~-~
Wg "
Table 7.1 compares v J r o according to the two criteria. Values for primary
chains with exponential distribution ( M w / M ~ = 2) are also included. The number
of active strands according to the Scantan criterion is larger by a factor of 1.5
at the get point. The ratio decreases slowly with increasing 7 and finally approaches
a value of unity for large numbers of crosslinks per primary chain. Both
expressions approach the form v~ = %7 for sufficiently large values of 7The Flory criterion requires that each crosslink between units which are
already part of the get must increase the number of active strands by 2.
Examination of example structures shows that this number according to Scantan's criterion is either 1, 2, or 3, depending on the structures involved. The
difference between criteria is therefore a real one in physical terms. In the author's
opinion, the Scanlan criterion is clearly the correct one. Any other choice would
seem to depend ultimately on such questions as whether junctions with three
anchors in the gel are equivalent to 4-anchor junctions insofar as the assumption
of affine displacement is concerned. To the extent that the strands behave as linear
vc/v o (Flory)
0 (gel point)
a Values in parentheses were obtained at the same gel fraction wg by calculations for
primary chains with an exponentialdistribution of lengths.
W.W. Graessley:
result of O ~ 1, the data on both model (280, 280a) and statistical (283a)networks
suggest very strongly that 9 < 1, and in fact that 9 probably lies in the vicinity
of 0.5 for many systems. Further estimates of 9 have been made in situations
where entanglements are important but separable, at least theoretically, in their
effects on the initial modulus (see following Section 7.4).
With C large compared to N, the gel fraction is practically unity, and for the network, 2 - ~ N
v=v+ve-(1 +vdvo) 2e
lins Ferrytrap
Both the Bueche-Mullins and the Ferry relations are attempts to allow forlthe
effect of finite primary chain length on active strand and entanglement strand
concentrations in well developed networks. In applying such relations to
determine Me in networks, it is dearly desirable both to begin with very long
primary chains and to measure moduli on networks which have several crosslinked units per primary chain. Thus, if M ~>M* >>Me, where M* is the average
molecular weight between crosslink junctions, the trapping factor is essentially
unity, and v ~ v, + ve ~ ve. The uncertainties due to the chain end correction to
the use of the Flory criterion for active strands, and to independently estimated
values of v~ (or extrapolation to v~= 0). will be small under these conditions.
Langley (255) has developed a refined definition of the Ferry trapping factor,
and he also accounts theoretically for effects of the primary chain distribution and
W.W. Graessley:
Langley employs the Flory criterion to evaluate the number of active strands
bounded by chemical crosslinks. The total concentration of active strands,
including strands bounded by trapped entanglement junctions, can be expressed (255)
v = vo~,wgT2/2 + veT.
Equation (7.20) is general, although the expression for Te itself depends on the
primary distribution, the gel fraction, and the relative rates of random crosslinking and chain scission.
With the Gordon equations (273) one can easily extend Langley's analysis to
the Scanlan criterion for active strands bounded by chemical crosslinks. With
the same generality as that of Eq.(7.20):
For either Eq.(7.20) or (7.21) the trapping factor Te can be calculated from a
rearranged and simplified version of Eq. (17)in Ref. (255):
Te= 2 x - w g -
2x (1
YPn - F o
in which
Fo = ~ N(P) e -ye.
x = qwg/(qwg + p),
y = qwg + p
where q and p are the respective fractions of repeating units which participate
directly in crosslinks and which have undergone scission.
Application of Eq. (7.20) or (7.21)to modulus measurements provides both
a value of M~ and a value of the front factor g. For example, the combination of
Eqs.(7.20) and (7.2) leads to:
~ ]
~-~ =
~- Me
W.W. Graessley:
7.4.2. Experimental Results
15 000 (est.)
Polydimethyl siloxane
1,2 Polybutadiene
1,4 Polyisoprene
and natural rubber
Value of
g factor
1,4 Polybutadiene
M, from
network modulus
M, from the
(Flory criterion)
(Scanlan criterion)
(Flory criterion)
Kraus (286)
Vander Hoff and Buchler (277)
Pearson et al. (287)
Table 7.2. Values for the molecular weight between entanglements M~ from the equilibrium properties of crosslinked networks
W.W. Graessley:
I-~' I o o
uo ) ' w g / T e It2
Fig. 7.1. Plot of modulus data on poly(dimethyl siloxane) networks to determine g and Me
by Langley's method [Eq.(7.26)] (292)
crosslinking, and the modulus of the polymer in its final rest state were measured,
and the entanglement density in the original state was calculated using Flory's
theory of composite Gaussian networks (223). The above value appears to have
been somewhat high because of entanglement slippage during the initial
deformation. Recent results, obtained with lower temperatures during deformation
and crosslinking, yield Me=4100 (296), in good agreement with the plateau
modulus value [Me = 3550 (15)].
Baldwin and Ver Strate (297) employed expressions equivalent to Eqs.(7.20)
and (7.21) to analyze modulus data on ethylene-propylene ethylidene norbornene
terpolymers swelled with a solvent. They fixed the crosslinking density by
postulating complete utilization of the peroxide curative added, this justified on
the basis of considerable ancillary work. The deduced molecular weight between
entanglements (assuming g = 1) on networks swollen to equilibrium was found
to depend on the chemical crosslink density, with values ranging from Me = 2300
at low crosslink densities to 1400 at higher values. The order of magnitude of
Me is probably correct. However, the systematic increase in Me with crosslinking
density may have been caused by the fact that the moduli were measured on
networks which swell to different extents at equlibrium. As pointed out earlier,
entanglement contributions to the modulus might be expected to decrease with
increasing swelling ratio, which would produce just the trend observed.
Table 7.2 shows that the reported values of Me from equilibrium moduli of
networks are consistently larger than those obtained from the plateau modulus
using 0 = 1. Superficially the results imply that the entanglement density
affecting equilibrium properties is somewhat less than that affecting dynamic
properties such as the plateau modulus. However, the choice of active strand
and trapping criteria is dearly important in the numerical value of Me and 9
obtained. In particular, Me deduced by the Bueche-Mullins method would be
expected to be systematically larger than that from the more accurate Langley
method because the former overestimates the number of trapped entanglements.
It may be significant that the results of Langley and Polmanteer (292) and
Langley and Ferry (294) with poly(dimethyl siloxane) are the most precise in
terms of characterization of primary chains and gelation behavior, and that both
provide equilibrium values of Me which agree best with values from the plateau
modulus. The analysis of 1,4 polybutadiene by Pearson et at. (287), is comparable
in precision and yields Me somewhat larger than that from the plateau modulus.
However, the mechanical properties in this latter study were determined in the
swollen state. By inference from the sensitivity of C2 to swelling noted earlier, the
effects of network topology on elasticity are reduced in swollen systems. The
Pearson study might therefore be expected to produce values of Me which are
too large.
It is clear that the application of Langley's method in other polymer systems
is essential to settle questions about Me and 9 in networks satisfactorily. The
Ferry composite network method (223, 296) appears to be broadly applicable as
well, although requiring special care to minimize slippage prior to introduction of
the permanent crosslinks. (One is also still faced with the difficult question of
whether 9 is the same for entanglements in crosslinked networks and in the
plateau region of dynamic response.) Based on the limited results of these two
methods in unsweUed systems, Me values deduced by equilibrium and dynamic
response appear to be practically the same.
W.W. Graessley:
Ferry and co-workers (299) have recently reported linear viscoelastic studies
on polyisobutylene networks containing linear polyisobutylene molecules which
interpenetrate the network but are not chemically bound to it. Entanglement and
crosslink spacings are roughly the same. In this case the unbound molecules
relax in the network environment, in a manner presumed to be roughly
comparable to the reptation model of De Gennes (225). One surprising aspect
of this work is that the relaxation spectrum of the linear chain-network
composite is roughly independent of the concentration of unbound chains, up to
a weight fraction of 0.50. One might hope that in the future such systems will
provide insight on the large-scale motions of individual chains in entangled or
permanently connected structures.
The equilibrium positions of the four junction points define the spatial
relationship between the strands of each pair. For simplicity, the mean relative
positions (internal coordinates) of the junction points of each pair are taken to
be the same. The junction points of each strand are separately anchored to the
network by at least two of their remaining strands, so each is an elastically
effective strand according to Scanlan's criterion. The network itself in effect
completes the loop for each strand, making the A, B, and C pairs as structurally
distinct as catenane molecules (301).
Each pair is one example of a myriad of permanent topological classes for
strand pairs whose spatial positions, described by the internal junction
coordinates only, are the same, but whose structures cannot be transformed from
one to the other without chain breakage. Members of each class have
configurations available which are not available to members of other classes.
Moreover, every distinguishable configuration of a strand pair must belong to
only one such class. Considering pair-wise relationships only, the same topological
classes will be available for any pair of strands in the network. However, the
probability (relative population) of each class will depend strongly on the internal
coordinates of their junction points, approaching a probability of unity for the
unlooped class in widely separated pairs. One would expect that the apportionment among classes for pairs with the same internal coordinates would depend on
the latent, i.e., equilibrium, topological arrangement of the primary chains at the
moment of crosslinking.
If the network is deformed, the mean internal coordinates of each strand
pair assume new values, and the number of configurations available to pairs
of each class changes. The number of configurations available to each class with
the new internal coordinates will be proportional to the population of that class
for pairs which form at equilibrium with this set of internal coordinates. The
change in entropy with deformation is calculated from the changes in the
number of distinguishable configurations of the strands, taking into account the
permanence of topological classification, through the Boltzmann equation. The
contribution of entanglements to the modulus is then obtainable from the difference between this value and the entropy of deformation for independent strands.
Edwards (300) was able to make some progress on the problem by showing
that topological classification can serve only to raise the modulus. As a simple
example, consider all strand pairs in a network which have, within some small
tolerance, a specified set of internal junction coordinates. Suppose there are B
such pairs, and that the strands of each pair, labeled 1 and 2, have 0)1 and co2
distinguishable configurations each as free strands, and fractions (O0o and (92)0
respectively which have the end-to-end distances specified by the equilibrium
junction coordinates. If the crosslinks were formed in the system at equilibrium,
then the total number of configurations for each strand of the pair is 0)1(90o
and 0)2(02)0 , and the number available to the pair is c010)2(O00(Oz)o.
Suppose that (f~)o is the fraction of the B pairs in topological class i from a
total of Q such classes. The number of configurations available to a pair in class
i will be 0)10)2(01)0(92)0(fi)0, and the total number of configurations in the
undeformed state for B pairs is
W.W. Graessley:
The pairs will all have the same new internal coordinates in the deformed
state. Suppose that the fractions of configurations for free strands which have the
specified end-to-end distances of the deformed state are gl and g2, and that the
fractions in the various classes for pairs formed from equilibrium with these
coordinates are f~, The number of configurations available to a pair in class i
in the deformed state is therefore ~01092g lg2f~. However, the number of strands
in each class is always (fi)oB, so the total number of configurations in the
deformed state is:
AS=kB[In gl +ln 92
f~ ]
(02)0 + ,=~2(f~)o l n ~ o -
The first two terms on the right of Eq. (7.30) will be recognized as the
independent strand contribution to the entropy. The topological or entanglement
contribution is then
ASe = kB ~, (f~)o In - i= 1
( f i)o
The total pair-wise entanglement contribution is simply the sum of ASe for strand
pairs with all possible sets of internal coordinates. In a network of N strands
there will be N(N- 1)/2 such pairs. However, classification is only significant
for pairs that are relatively close. Pairs separated by more than a few radii of
gyration will belong to unentangled class exclusively. This assures that the total
entropy change will be proportional only to N.
Equation (7.31) is a familiar form in statistical mechanics. For small
displacements it is negative in sign and proportional to the square of displacement.
For tensile deformation a power series expansion in the elongation ratio cq and with
0 Efi = 0, yields
Of, t 2 + 0 ( ( ~ - t) 3)
i=1 (fi)o \ Oa 1~=1
since all terms in the summation are positive, the topological contribution, A S~,
must be negative. Thus, in both the free energy of deformation AFo= - T AS~ and the
tensile stress f -
1 ~Fe
W.W. Graessley:
The ends of each coil (contour length L, step length 1) are attached to points R 1
and R2 in a plane normal to the rod, which pierces the plane at R. The class
of a configuration depends on whether the contour passes above the rod without
encirclement (Configuration a), passes above with one turn around the bar
(Configuration b), etc. An integer defining the class of any configuration is
obtained from the angle swept out by the vector from R to a point on the path
of the configuration as that point moves from R1 to R2. Thus,
"'~, "JF~ L0
.,." ,.,
$s S
One could also construct a network involving elements which allow some
adjustment in the location of their coupling points in response to deformation.
Consider a tetrahedral network element (3) in which two gaussian strands of
equal contour length are attached to the corners and joined together at their
midpoints by a crosslink:
W.W. Graessley:
F~ = 4 k T (~-~o
in which Fc is the force, and the mean square end-to-end distances (r 2) and (re)o
refer to the four network strands in the unstressed network and as free chains
If the crosslink is removed, the system reverts to two independent chains.
To preserve the symmetry of the system one needs to consider the average for
three tetrahedra operating together, one for each of the three possible pairings
of the strands. The result is again neo-Hookean behavior but with a lower
modulus contribution.
~- "
shp-hnk /
point, the contact point being allowed to lie anywhere along the chain contours.
Thus, only configurations in which the two chains are in contact are counted in
evaluating the change of entropy with deformation. Again, three tetrahedra are
required to preserve symmetry. For this case, numerical solutions are required;
some results (241) are summarized in Fig. 7.2 in the form of a Mooney-Rivlin
plot. Briefly, one sees deformation softening with the largest effects obtained in
super coiled systems ((rZ)/(r2) o < 1). For swelled systems ((rZ)/(r2) o > 1), the
ratio F
same as the system with no central link. In compression the slipping link in
supercoiled systems actually contributes slightly more than a permanent crosslink to the modulus.
<r=. >
< r = > =
. . . .
e- ~-
Only a few non-linear viscoelastic properties have been studied with polymers
of well-characterized structure. The most prominent of these is the shear-rate
dependence of viscosity. Considerable data have now been accumulated for
several polymers, extending over a wide range of molecular weights and concen-
W.W. Graessley:
Review of the current literature reveals no polymer system which violates this
principle. Since the departure of ~/' from r/o is dictated by the longest
relaxation times in the linear viscoelastic spectrum, the onset of shear rate
dependence must be similarly controlled. This is not to say however that
t/(~;) and t/'(co) are mechanistically related [early suggestions along these lines were
made by Bueche (310) and Pao (311)], although their forms are sometimes
similar or even partially superimposeable by slight adjustments in the ~ or co
scales. Flow birefringence shows that chain configur~ttion is affected quite differently in the two types of deformation (307), so the resemblance can be no more
than a superficial one. Also, the forms of the two functions are in fact different,
q'(og) decreasing more rapidly than r/(~) and sometimes reaching a slope,
' i
io 2
[ 0
Io 3
Fig. 8.1. Dynamic viscosity if(co) and steady state viscosity q(~) for undiluted narrow
distribution polystyrenes. The data are plotted in reduced form to facilitate comparison. The
dimensionless shear rate or frequency is %~Iw~/QRT_or %fflw~o/QRT. [See Eq.(8.3)].
The dynamic viscosities are for Mw= 215000 () and Mw= 581000 ([]) at 160C (312).
The steady shear viscosity is for Mw=411000 (A) at 176C (313). The shapes in the onset
region are similar for the three curves, but the apparent limiting slope for the dynamic
viscosities is about - 1:3
- d ( l o g q')/d(log o9), greater than unity in narrow distribution systems (Fig. 8.1).
Since the shear stress must be a monotonically increasing function of shear rate,
the slope, -d(log~l)/d(log~), can never exceed unity for real flows, and experimentally it seems to be no greater than about 0.85.
The absolute value of the complex viscosity,
has a slope which can never exceed unity, and often t~/*(e~)j agrees rather closely
with the form of q(~;) (314) (Fig. 8.2). The data in Fig. 8.3 show that the
correspondence is not a general one however. The objections to a fundamental
connection between q' and ~/must also apply to the case of t~/*1and ~/.
The Rouse and Zimm models provide little direct help in dealing with r/(~)
since each predicts a viscosity which is independent of shear rate. The principal
interest here is in concentrated systems where entanglement effects are prominent.
Nevertheless, shear rate can influence the viscosity of polymer systems at all levels
of concentration, including infinite dilution (307) and melts with M < M c (308,
3t5). It is therefore essential to identify the causes of shear rate dependence in
systems of isolated or weakly interactions molecules in order to separate intramole-
W. W. Graesstey:
D ~A
[3A~ A
10 -~
10 -q
i ____
i i
Fig. 8.2. Absolute complex viscosity Iq*(oo)j and steady state viscosity q0;) for undiluted
narrow distribution polystyrenes. Data are shown for the same samples as in Fig. 8.1.
Limiting slopes for both ~/(~) and I~*(o~)1are almost identical at ca. - 0 . 8
ond p'
Fig. 8.3. Dynamic viscosity, absolute complex viscosity, and steady state viscosity for
narrow distribution polystyrene. Data obtained at 25C on a 0.071 gm/ml solution of
polystyrene (Mw = 860 000) in Aroclor (316)
i0 3
M=3.30 I 0 e
1.82 10 6
,,", ~
1.14 x i0 ~
4.9.5 x 10~
2.7'5 x io 5
i0 -a
IO z
i .......
7;" ( $l~'tl
Fig. 8.4. Shear rate dependence of viscosity as a function of molecular weight at low
concentrations. Data were obtained at 25 C on narrow distribution poly(a-methyl styrene)
samples at a concentration of 0.02 gm/ml in kanechlor (I98)
The reduced shear rate fl retains a meaning over the entire range of concentration, b e c o m i n g f l = [~/] ~l~M~/RT at infinite dilution and fl=%M~/cRT
in concentrated solutions, where % >>t/s. The c o r r e s p o n d i n g reduced viscosities
are [t/]/[t/] 0 and q/t/0 7. R e d u c e d plots remove most of the observed variation
a m o n g systems (Figs. 8.4-8.7), and simplify the empirical examination of residual
7 Others have defined these variables slightly differently, using ( 1 - p)t/s in place of
% in Eqs.(8.2) and (8.3), where p is the volume fraction of polymer in the solution. However,
the practical effect is entirely negligible for all data examined in this review. The value of
% - t h increases so rapidly with polymer concentration that %-~/$ and % - ( t - P)~/s are
essentially indistinguishable at all levels of concentration.
Another alternative is to correlate data in terms of a reduced shear stress, c--c-~-' in
which a' is (t/- ~/~)~, or simply t/p = a, when t/>>r/$. The practical advantage of shear stress
as a correlating variable is that it emphasizes the sharpness of the down-turn in reduced
viscosity beyond the onset of non-Newtonian behavior. Also, the magnitudes of other nonNewtonian properties, such as the first normal stress difference; appear to be controlled by
the shear stress magnitude. For example, N1 vs ~r is practically independent of temperature
for a given sample, while N1 vs ~ is very temperature sensitive. For our purposes here the
choice is of course arbitrary.
W. W. Graessley:
C=0,23f gm/ml
O000000000CO O~ 0 192
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0147
" 0 0 0 O00
00o 0101
00000 0
0 O00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000676
O0 o
000o00o000o0(~ 0503
iO -z
t0 o
i0 i
Fig. 8.5. Shear rate dependence of viscosity as a function of concentration. Data were
obtained at 30 and 50C on one narrow distribution sample of poly(~-methyl styrene)
~t w= 1820000) in ct-chloronaphthalene (199)
iO s
-0,55 O o o O O O O O o O o o o o O o o o
ooO oOooOooo
45oooooooooo 0%0
c-0./~0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
"u~lO S
C =0.35
Oo o o o
c = 0 . 3 0 qm/ml ooooooooooooooooooooooo o
10 -t
rate (sec)-~
10 ~
Fig. 8.6. Shear rate dependence of viscosity as a function of concentration. Data were
obtained on a single narrow distribution sample of polystyrene (/~w = 411000) in n-butyl
benzene (155) at 30 C. ~eproduced from Transactions of the Society of Rheologie, Volume
11, Fig. 2, p. 273, New York: Wiley & Sons.)
differences related to structure (Fig. 8.8). These differences are of t w o kinds: the
form of the reduced viscosity function f(fl), and the value of reduced shear rate
flo which tocates the onset of shear rate dependence. For the purposes of this
Fig. 8.7. Shear rate dependence of viscosity for undiluted polystyrenes of different molecular
weights. Weight-average molecular weights are O 48500; (3 117000; (3 179000; Q 217000;
Q 242000. All data are reduced to 183 C; the dashed line has a slope of -0.82 (324).
(Reproduced from Journal of colloid and interfache science, Vol. 22, Fig. 1, p. 520. New York:
Academic Press.)
0'2 t
iO ~
Fig. 8.8. Shear rate dependence of viscosity in reduced form as a function of concentration.
Data were obtained on one narrow distribution sample (5(tw= 1820000) of poly(~methyl
styrene) in two solvents (I98, 199). Symbols are: for 0.00552 gm/ml in ~t-chloronaphthalene
(CN), for 0.0231 in CN, A for 0,0676 in kanechlor (K), [] for 0.101 in K,<~ for 0.147
in K, and O for 0.192 in K. Note the progressive increase in slope with concentration at low
concentrations, followed by a progressive shift to large fl values without much shape
change at high concentrations
exponent d. The critical shear rate flo is chosen as the value o f reduced shear rate
at which r l - ~ls falls to 8 0 % of its value at zero shear rate. There is n o special
significance t o these definitions. M u c h information on the detailed shape of f ( f l )
is ignored of course, and other definitions of flo would also suffice. E a c h
W. W. Graessley:
'" 0.4
o~ ?
Fig. 8.9. Power law exponent d as a function of the coil overlap parameter c[r/] at tow
concentrations. The filled circles are narrow distribution polystyrene solutions (177, 316,
318), the open circles are poly(~-methyl styrene) (198, 318). Solvents are chlorinated
di-phenyls except the intrinsic viscosity data which were obtained in toluene. Symbols are:
for polystyrene M = 13.6 x 10 6, 0 1.8 10 6, and O 0.86 106; for poly(~-methyl styrene)
O M = 7.5 x 106, ~ 3.3 X 10 6, CY" 1.82 10 6, O- 1.14 10 6, C)-. 0.694 x 106, and
Q 0.444 10 6
O. ~
Fig. 8.10. Viscosity-shear rate master curve for concentrated polystyrene-n-butyl benzene
solutions. The data were obtained for molecular weights ranging from 160000 to 2400000;
concentrations from 0.255 to 0.55 gm/ml, and temperatures from 30 C to 60 C (155)
W.W. Graessley:
cM w
Fig. 8.11. Dimensionless shear rate fl0 locating the onset of shear rate dependence for
viscosity in narrow distribution polystyrene systems. Symbols are: for solutions at 30C
in n-butyl benzene (155), ~ for solutions at 25C in arochlor (177), and 0 for undiluted
polymers at 159 and 183C (324). Values for the intrinsic viscosity (cM=0) lie in the
range/3o = t-2, varying somewhat with solvent-polymer interaction and molecular weight
(307, 318-321)
i0 ~
0 0
cM w
Fig. 8.12. Dimensionless shear rate 13o locating the onset of shear dependence in the viscosity
for narrow distribution poly(ct-methyt styrene) systems. Symbols are (t98, 199):
C) M=3.3x t0 ~, (~ M = l . 8 2 x 106,O-M=l.19x 106, and Q M=0.444x 106. Values for
intrinsic viscosity (cM =0) are similar to those for polystyrene (see caption of Fig. 8.11)
W . W . Graessley:
( ct -METHYL
~ _ _
10 2
Fig. 8.13. Dimensionless shear rate fl0 locating the onset of shear rate dependence in the
viscosity in narrow distribution systems of linear polymers vs cM/QM. Symbols for data
on additional polymers are: for undiluted 1,4polybutadiene (322), for undiluted
poly(dimethyl siloxane) (323), and O for solutions of polyvinyl acetate in diethyl phthalate
(195). The dotted lines indicate the ranges of fl0 for the intrinsic viscosity
samples having different values of q0 and jo. If solvent is present and G'(co) and
G"(co) - coth are the p o l y m e r contributions, then as usual
lim C,~_",co,- corh _ r/o - qs,
co--, 0
o---* 0
c o l - = r/o2 j o .
R -- , k r/o -- rh }
Gi{ = g
,7o /2 (G" -
\ r/o - rh /
,7 Jo
coR -
~/o - q~
lim GR = 1,
~ R "* 0
taR--* 0
fO R
= 1.
fD 2
Thus, differences among samples due to differences in jo and r/0 are removed
in this reduced form. Since q0 and jo are sensitive characteristics of the long
relaxation time processes, and since the initial departure of r/~ - q s from q0 - ~ h
is governed by these same processes, one would espect significant departures
from ~/0 to occur near some roughly constant characteristic value of 09R with a
value of approximately unity. Finally, if the onset of shear rate dependence
depends on the same processes, then Eq.(8.8) also gives an appropriate reduced
form for ~;:
r/ -- qS
7R = J~Rfl.
The onset of shear rate dependence therefore is governed by the product JeRfl
and should occur near JeRfl = 1. The observed value of this product at departure
will of course depend on the criterion chosen to define departure. It may also vary
somewhat if the criterion requires a large departure and the form of r/(~) differs
substantially from sample to sample.
Figure 8.14 shows the result of combining the correlations of flo (Fig. 8.13)
and JeR (Fig. 5.18). The product flOJ~Ris remarkably independent of concentration
and molecular weight from infinite dilution all the way to the undiluted melt
state and shows no substantial variation from one polymer to another. For the
particular definition of critical reduced shear rate ~o used here, the experimental
result for narrow distribution linear chains can be expressed as
flOJeR =
- = 0.6 _+0.2.
i'/o- r/~
W.W. Graessley:
Fig. 8.14. Product of reduced compliance JeR and characteristic shear rate flo for narrow
distribution systems of linear polymers. The dashed lines indicate the range of floJR for
the intrinsic viscosity
Aside from minor differences this equation is the same as that suggested recently
by Prest et al. (208) 9.
There is considerable evidence to suggest that such correlations can be
extended to polydisperse linear polymers. The fact that jo tends to be unusually
large in branched polymers and that ~/0~;o is unusually small suggests that the
correlation may be applicable in branched systems also. If so, the result should
have considerable empirical utility. It must be pointed out, however, that the
definition of~0 used here is a rather arbitrary one, and that the result in any case,
like the Merz-Cox rule, has no foundation in fundamental continuum theories.
For example, although the implied relationship between elastic properties and
onset of shear rate dependence in the viscosity is acceptable within the framework of simple fluid theory, it is not a direct and unique consequence (330).
This is not surprising, of course, since both the generalized Newtonian liquid
and the Lodge elastic liquid are simple fluids, and yet the former has a shear
rate dependent viscosity without elasticity while the latter has elasticity but a
viscosity which is independent of shear rate.
9 This correlation brings together two definitions of characteristic time from continuum
rheology. Slattery (329a) notes that Bird has suggested a characteristic time vB for a viscoelastic fluid, defined in terms of the onset of shear rate dependence of the steady shear
viscosity. For the correlations here we may take vB= 1/Vo. He also notes that Truesdell had
suggested a characteristic time TT,defined in terms of the normal stress differences in steady
shear flow. For the correlations here we may take ~T= 7J1(0)/%. From the ColemanMarkovitz relation [Eq. (3.21)] ~ = 2 jo r/0,yielding, from Eq. (8.13):
z:r/rB= (1.2 +_0.4) % - ~/s
for the special case of narrow distribution polymers.
W.W. Graessley:
\-~0J }
t7t -113
b= @2)
which must be a large number, of the order of the number of main chain atoms
in the molecule, in order for Gaussian statistics to be obeyed. The steady shear
viscosity departs from q o - rh at a dimensionless shear rate /~o- The dynamic
viscosity departs from ~/o - r/s at a dimensionless frequency/~;. The ratio of these
values, obtained from the coefficient of the quadratic terms in power series
expressions for viscosity in FENE dumbbells (338), is
Accordingly, given the necessity from equilibrium coil dimensions that b >>1,
the shear rate and frequency departures predicted by FENE dumbbells are
displaced from each other. Moreover, the displacement increases with chain
length. This is a clearly inconsistent with experimental behavior at all levels of
concentration, including infinite dilution. Thus, finite extensibility must fail as a
general model for the onset of nonlinear viscoelastic behavior in flexible polymer
systems. It could, of course, become important in some situations, such as in
elongational and shear flows at very high rates of deformation.
Similar arguments can be raised against internal viscosity as a primary
cause of shear rate dependence in the viscosity. A recent review (339a) has shown
that current many-bead theories predict differences in ~o and coo when e is small
and chosen to fit the oscillatory data. The approximate nature of these analyses
leaves serious doubts about their predictions in steady-state flow, however. A new
W.W. Graessley:
theory has been developed (339b) which addresses some of these problems, but its
predictions about oscillatory and steady-shear behavior appear to be very similar
to those of the earlier theories.
Both the many-bead and dumbbell models with internal friction predict
limiting viscosities at high frequencies, t/~, and high shear rates q+. The theories
predict that t/~ and t/~ are related+ such that
r/0 - t/s
r/o -
[dumbbell (339)].
Experimentally, (t/" - tts)/ (q o - q+) 4. 1 (93, I 17), meaning that (qo~-qs)/(tlo -t/s)
should be only slightly less than unity, and shear rate dependence should
practically disappear if only internal viscosity is considered. Such behavior is not
of course observed.
A final piece of evidence against both finite extensibility and internal
viscosity is provided by flow birefringence studies. One would expect each to
produce variations in the stress optical coefficient with shear rate, beginning near
the onset of shear rate dependence in the viscosity (307). Experimentally, the
stress-optical coefficient remains constant well beyond the onset of shear rate
dependence in t/for all ranges of polymer concentration (18, 340).
It seems unlikely that these conclusions would be changed if the calculations
were extended rigorously to models containing many beads and springs. The
long (linear viscoeleastic) relaxation times of the undisturbed system clearly govern
the onset of non-Newtonian behavior. If the distribution of configurations at
equilibrium is Gaussian, then very few of the molecules will be greatly extended,
and their finite lengths can have very little bearing on the relaxation time
distribution. It is therefore difficult to see how finite extensibility could play a role
at the early stages of non-linear behavior. Likewise, internal viscosity is essentially
a local phenomenon, and seems quite unlikely to make its presence felt in the
long relaxation processes. Thurston and Peterlin's approximation calculation for
multiple bead systems with internal viscosity (118) contains this result, and the
linear viscoelastic data of Massa et al. (93), for polystyrene in Arochlor agree very
well with the resulting equations. It would therefore be very surprising to find that
internal viscosity, which has practically no influence on the long relaxation times,
could provide a mechanism for shear rate dependence in the viscosity, when
experiments show that the onset of shear rate dependence is controlled by those
same long relaxation times.
Changes in excluded volume and in intramolecular hydrodynamic interaction
appear at the present time to be the only acceptable explanations for the onset of
shear rate dependence in systems without appreciable intermolecular interactions.
It seems likely that both internal viscosity and finite extensibility would assume
importance only at much higher shear rates.
The time constant % is the relaxation time of the elastic dumbbell, which would
be ( % - q ~ ) M / c R T if the dumbbells were independent. Williams makes the
dimensional argument described earlier (Part 6) in favor of a different form, the
result being
in which F(c) depends only upon the equilibrium thermodynamic properties of the
solution. It is assumed to be independent of polymer molecular weight and at
most only a weak function of concentration.
This treatment assumes that the forces between molecules in relative motion
are related directly to the thermodynamic properties of the solution. The excluded volume does indeed exert an indirect effect on transport properties in
dilute solutions through its influence on chain dimensions. Also, there is probably
a close relationship between such thermodynamic properties as isothermal compressibility and the free volume parameters which control segmental friction.
However, there is no evidence to support a direct connection between solution
thermodynamics and the frictional forces associated with large scale molecular
structure at any level of polymer concentration.
W.W. Graessley:
The theory associates the onset of shear rate dependence with coil distortion,
and is thus consistent with the close relationship which is observed between r/vs
,~ and q' vs o. It does not predict any dependence of the f(fl) form on concentration, contrary to observations in the low to moderate concentration range.
Also, in this same range the characteristic relaxation time obeys the form suggested
by the Rouse theory, rather than (qo- q2)/czR T. The Williams theory, in fact,
describes highly concentrated solutions and melts somewhat better than the
moderately concentrated but unentangled solutions for which it was developed.
This may mean that the formalism provides a reasonable attack on flow properties at high concentrations, but without the need to invoke chain entanglement
Further examination of the Williams approach seems called for, both to
improve the method for estimating parameters such as the relaxation time, and to
clarify the relationship between the intermolecular potential form and nonthermodynamic frictional forces. The method might provide a fairly unified
description of non-linear flow porperties if a suitable "potential function" for large
scale molecular friction were found. Aside from the Williams work, there have been
no theoretical studies dealing with t/ vs. ?) at low to moderate concentrations.
The systematic changes in the master curve f(fl) with coil overlap c[q] are thus
without explanation at the present time.
Experimental viscosity-shear rate curves at high concentrations turns out to be
rather similar to an expression for non-Newtonian viscosity derived from the
Eyring's activated complex theory for the transport properties of liquids (341):
sinh- 1 ~ to
)' l: 0
The derivation of this equation makes it seem more appropriate for small molecule
liquids or suspensions of hard spheres than for interpenetrating random coil
molecules however. Indeed, a somewhat modified version of the equation has
approximately the form observed for t/(,)) in concentrated suspensions of monodisperse spheres. In this case l/t0 turns out to be of the order 'of the rotational
qo a3
diffusion of the spheres, ~ - ~ (342, 343), the parameter a being the radius of
of the spheres.
The Eyring analysis does not explicity take chain structures into account, so
its molecular picture is not obviously applicable to polymer systems. It also does
not appear to predict normal stress differences in shear flow. Consequently, the
mechanism of shear-rate dependence and the physical interpretation of the
characteristic time zo are unclear, as are their relationships to molecular structure
and to cooperative configurational relaxation as reflected by the linear viscoelastic
behavior. At the present time it is uncertain whether the agreement with experiment
is simply fortuitous, or whether it signifies some kind of underlying unity in the
shear rate dependence of concentrated systems of identical particles, regardless of
their structure and the mechanism of interaction.
A master curve appropriate for concentrated systems has been derived from the
assumption that shear rate dependence is caused by a progressive decrease in the
steady-state entanglement density (227, 344). Linear viscoelastic behavior indicates
that each molecule at equilibrium participates in a number of potential coupling
arrangements with other molecules lying within its pervaded volume. Random
thermal motion continually changes the configuration of each chain, new potential
couples being formed while old ones are lost. If the average number of couples per
chain is large, the fluctuations in coupling density will be small and the number
of couples per chain will be roughly constant in time. This is the equilibrium
situation envisioned in most relaxing network theories.
Macroscopic deformation imposes a systematic relative motion on the
molecules. If each is entangled with a large number of other molecules, its
center of gravity moves with the macroscopic velocity at its location since the
effects of entanglement drag on its trajectory cancel. If the motion is steadily
continued, each molecule sees a constant stream of potential coupling partners
passing through its pervaded volume. If the flow is slow enough, random thermal
motion can establish new coupling arrangements with incoming partners as
previous partners leave. Thus, for sufficiently slow flows (or rapid but sufficiently
small deformations), the topological state of the system remains essentially the
same as that at equilibrium.
For higher deformation rates, the time that potential partners remain within
the pervaded volume of a molecule will decrease. The time of passage % is an
external time, governed by the macroscopic deformation rate and the trajectory
of each potential coupling partner. The time to form an entanglement z,, on the
other hand, is to be viewed as an internal time, governed by the rate of largescale configurational relaxation and of the order of the configurational memory
time (Section 4) for the chains. The coupling probability is assumed to depend on
the relative values of zp and % approaching the equilibrium probability when
z~ ~ zp and vanishing when -c~~>%. Accordingly, the steady-state entanglement
density of the system is expected to be a decreasing function of the deformation
A simplified model of this situation has been used to calculate viscosity-shear
rate behavior. The steady-state power dissipation per unit volume /~v was
calculated as the sum of the power dissipations by individual molecules, each
molecule being treated as if it interacted independently with the surrounding
medium. Entanglement probability was represented as a step function. Interactions with elements in the medium which pass through the pervaded volume
of the molecule (taken to be a sphere of unspecified Rs) in a time less than z~
were omitted, while those for which the passage time was greater than re were
given their full weight. Effects due to coil rotation and to deformation of the
pervaded volume by the frictional forces were ignored. EAccording to a recent
discussion (2t2), entanglement drag tends to align the sections of chain between
coupling points, but produces considerably tess overall distortion of the coil than
drag in a continuous medium of the same macroscopic viscosity.]
It was also assumed that internal times such as ze are proportional to the
macroscopic viscosity: ze = t//~o (Z~)o; (Ze)o or Zo is the mean entanglement time at
equilibrium. The viscosity was then calculated from the expression t/=/~v/~; 2,
W.W. Graessley:
which is an identity for simple shear flow at steady state. The result is an
equation for the viscosity master curve in monodisperse systems (227):
= 9 3/2 h
in which
g(0)= 2 [ c o t - 1 0 + l @ 0 Z t
~/ ~Zo
~/o 2
form of qltlo
Williams (217)
Eyring (341)
Graessley (227)
Bueche (347)
In ~Zo/~Z~
1/0; ZO)6/7
10 ~
i0 ~
to~ "
Fig. 8.15. Viscosity vs shear rate in concentrated solutions of narrow distribution polystyrene.
The solvent in n-butyl benzene, the concentration is 0.300 gm/ml and the temperature is
30 C. The symbols are O for M = 860000 and [] for M=411000 at low shear rates (155)
and at high shear rates (346). The solid line for M = 860000 is the master curve for
monodisperse systems from Graessley (227). The solid line for M=411000 is the master
curve from Ree-Eyring (341). Either master curve fits data for both molecular weights
t , ( M ) - - n2
= tr --
%(M) = t o -Mw
W, W. Graessley:
~z -
The properties of ~1 (0) for narrow distribution polymers have already been discussed in Section 5. The behavior of 7q(~) at higher shear rates has only been
determined for a few systems of well-characterized molecular structure. The
experimental problems are more difficult than in the case of q(?~), so the
conclusions here must be regarded as somewhat more tentative. Experimentally,
t/'l(;) ) and t/(,)) depart from their zero shear values within the same range of
shear rates (172). Shear rate sensitivity is much smaller when N1 is expressed as
a function of shear stress (350).
N1 = 2J(~) a 2 .
At the limit of low shear rates J(~) approaches jo according to the ColemanMarkovitz relation [Eq. (3.21)] and the experimental results in Section 5. In
jo~ _ _
cEoR T
J(~) = J/g(~ro).
W. W. Graesstey:
- ~
. . . .
"i'~o 1
10 2
Fig. 8.16. Superimposed plots of q(7)#lo and j(~)/jo as functions of shear rate for
poly(ct-methyl styrene) solutions (199). Curve A is for data at low concentrations and
molecular weights; curve B is for data at high concentrations and molecular weights~
Data have been shifted along the shear rate axis to produre superposition. [Reproduced from
Macromolecules 5, 791 (1972).]
where jo still conforms to the Rouse expression; in this case the argument
leading to Eq. (8.33) is no longer valid. Also, certain dilute solution models, such
as F E N E dumbbells, predict an increase in J(~) with shear rate,
Rouse model:
J(~) = constant
(all 9),
Entanglement model:
F E N E dumbbell model
(338): j(~)~z/3
Although the F E N E model has been shown earlier to be inappropriate for polymer
systems on other grounds, it nevertheless illustrates an instance in which J(~)
increases with shear rate naturally and without the need for postulating structural
changes in the system.
Pij = -- PoOij +
[(XiXj)-- (XiXi)o]
in which x1, x2, and x3 are the bead components relative to the center of
gravity of the dumbbell, v is the number of dumbbells per unit volume, (r 2) is
the equilibrium mean square bead separation distance, and (xixj) and (x~xj}o
are averages evaluated during flow and at equilibrium respectively.
(r 2}
(i ~:j).
W.W. Graessley:
(r2) [(xl2 ) - (x273,
(rZ> [(x2z ) - (x2>].
N 2 : - v k T [ 4 [ ' ~ z l 3] oc -[~]3.
2 IJ
The sign of N a is correct but the dependence on t~l3 at low shear rates is rather
contrary to expectations.
Wales and Philippoff (345a) have suggested recently that negative values of
N2 may be caused by differences in segmental diffusion coefficients parallel and
transverse to the chain direction. The beads in the spring-bead models are
conventionally treated as spheres, so no directional bias is imposed. If the chain
segments are non-spherical, and the parallel and transverse diffusion coefficients
of the beads, Dp and Dr,are calculated from the average spatial orientation of the
segments, finite values of N2 are obtained:
N2 = Dt-Dp
5 D t + Dp
- 1/8.
(354a), the molecular origins of N2 remain uncertain at the present time. One
might hope that experimental data on this property in well-characterized
systems, particularly on its behavior at low shear rates, will in the future
provide some guidance.
zH(z) [1 - e -'/'] d In
a(t) = cr(oo) - ~
vH(T) d In
~(t) = o
(t < O)
~(t) = ~
(t > o)
G(oo)= ~o~-
W.W. Graessley:
The total shear at the stress maximum ~)m is Ctm, SO for a given polymer 7m is
independent of ~, and has a value which is typically in the range of 2.0--3.0
shear units. The normal stress displays a similar overshoot behavior, although
7m and the time to reach steady state appear to be greater for P11-22 than
for a.
8.5.2. Stress Decay at the Termination of Steady Shearing Flow (356-360)
At sufficiently low shear rates the shear stress should decay at the termination
of steady state shear flow according to the equation from linear viscoelasticity:
zH(z)e_~/~ d l n z
a(t) = a(O)
zH(z) d In z
f,(t)= ~
(t < o)
~(t) = 0
(t > O)
a(O) = r/o~.
Accordingly. plots of a(t)/a(O) vs t from different shear rates should superimpose. Experimentally the curves do not superimpose when the shear rate is in
the non-Newtonian region, the initial rate of relaxation being increasingly more
rapid for higher shear rates. The normal stress decays more slowly than shear
stress, but behaves similarly with respect to the effect of previous shearing flow
in the non-Newtonian region.
8.5.3. Stress Relaxation from Sudden Strains of Large Amplitude (361)
For shear strains of sufficiently small amplitude, the response is linear and
the shear stress is governed by the stress relaxation modulus:
a(t) = "~oG(O .
For shear strains greater than approximately 2 the ratio a(t)/~ o for a
concentrated polystyrene solution was reduced at all observable times. For the
large strains, relaxation proceeded more rapidly at short times, but at longer times
the residual stress decayed with about the same time dependence as that in the
linear viscoelastic region.
8.5.4. Shear Recovery after Steady Shearing Flow (362)
The total amount of shear recoil after steady state shear flow at sufficiently
low shear rates is related to jo:
7r = j o ao
a(t) = a0
(t < 0)
,~(t) = o
(t > o)
ao= rto~
When the shear rate at steady state is in the non-Newtonian region for the
fluid, the recoil is smaller than Ja o for both broad and narrow molecular
weight distributions (362).
lim G',((~,co)
,(,[" [1 +
The loss moduli at low frequencies are indeed reduced at high shear rates
(363-367), as implied by these equations. No conclusions about the behavior of
the storage moduli can be drawn from simple fluid theory. However, G'(~,o)) and
Gf~(~,o)) are also reduced at high shear rates, and Gf~(7,~o) may even become
negative at low frequencies (365).
W.W. Graessley:
8.5.6. Discussion
The slower rise and decay of normal stress transients compared to shear stress
arises quite simply and directly from the polydispersity of relaxation times (78),
and probably has no direct bearing on entanglement mechanisms per se.
Likewise, the depression of the superimposed moduli at low frequencies follows
from rather non-specific continuum models, the loss moduli by Eqs.(8.49)
and (8.50) from the simple fluid model, and the storage moduli from the
following properties of the more specific but still quite general BKZ model
(366, 372):
2 Gi(7,~o)
- ~2 ,
N I [ 1 d logN1
lim 2G,' (.~o)
-- 2 [ "F dlog~
1] .
9. Conclusions
The conclusions of this review can be separated into those which concern
the experimental theology of networks and concentrated systems of narrow
distribution polymers and those related to the ability of molecular theories to
rationalize and predict these observations.
W.W. Graessley:
The author is grateful for the help of a number of people who have read
and criticized various portions of this review. These include Dr. Gary Ver Strate,
Prof. Arthur Lodge, Prof. Robert Simha, Prof. Michael Williams, Dr. Edward
W.W. Graessley:
Bagley, Prof. S.F. Edwards, Dr. Alfred Ch6mpff, and Dr. Toshiro Masuda.
Unpublished data, pre-publication manuscripts and helpful comments were also
provided by Prof. Guy Berry, Prof. G. Vinogradov, Prof. Shigeharu Onogi, Prof.
Mitsuru Nagasawa, Dr. Neal Langley, Prof. Robert Bird, Dr. J.L.S. Wales,
Dr. U. Daum, Prof. G. Allen, Prof. Donald Plazek, Prof. M. Kurata, Prof. J. Schurz,
Dr. Nobu Nakajima, Prof. Robert Stratton, and Dr. Edward Collins. Prof. John
Ferry's invitation to prepare the review, his technical comments during the course
of the work, and his patience while awaiting its completion are much appreciated.
Considerable help in data reduction and figure preparation was furnished by
Ms. Kathryn Graessley. Finally, the author is grateful for the support of the
National Science Foundation through grant GK-34362 during the time the
review was being prepared.
11. Nomenclature
Matrix in the Rouse theory
Exponent in Mark-Houwink equation: [t/] = K M a.
Exponent in Fox-Allen qo - M correlation.
Parameter of order unity in the continuous form of the Rouse spectrum.
Concentration exponent in jo and Zmcorrelations.
3 ro2/(r2).
Total number of crosslinks (Part 7).
Auto-correlation function for end-to-end vector.
Moduli in the Mooney-Rivlin elasticity equation.
C1, C2
Cis, C81 Components of the Cauchy-Green strain tensor and its inverse, with
the current configuration as the reference configuration.
h/N 1/z.
Fractional reduction in energy dissipation rate per molecule due to
dis-entanglement in steady shear flow (Part 8).
Shear creep compliance.
Steady state recoverable shear compliance.
Reduced steady state compliance; JeR -----JcRTq~/Mfflo - qs)2.
Steady state compliance for a monodisperse polymer of molecular
weight 4.
N d2 ~2.
Unspecified proportionality constant.
Spring constant in the bead-spring models.
Bueche entanglement slip function.
Boltzmann constant.
Huggins constant.
Forsman coupling matrix.
Molecular weight.
Memory function in Lodge theory.
Molecular weight between entanglements in undiluted polymer.
Characteristic molecular weight from ~/0 vs M behavior of undiluted
Characteristic molecular weight from j o v s M behavior of undiluted
Number-average molecular weight.
Weight-average molecular weight.
z-average molecular weight.
z + 1-average molecular weight.
General designation for characteristic molecular weights in the rheological behavior of undiluted polymers.
Number of sub-molecules in spring-bead models.
Number of primary molecules (Part 7).
Avogadro's number.
First normal stress function, Px1 -P22 at steady state in steady simple
shear flow.
Second normal stress function, Pz2 - Pa3 at steady state in steady simple
shear flow.
h i , n2
W. W. Graessley:
Number of main chain atoms.
Number of main chain atoms between entanglements.
Moles of solvent and polymer respectively in solution thermodynamics
(Part 2).
Degree of polymerization.
Unspecified isotropic pressure term in stress tensor p for incompressible
Component of stress tensor in rectangular coordinates.
Universal gas constant, kN~.
Gel point radiation dose (Part. 2).
Stokes radius.
Position vector.
Contour length of polymer chain.
Mean-square end-to-end distance of polymer chain.
Mean radius of gyration, (S 2) 1/2
Entropy change with deformation.
Bueche slip factor.
Absolute temperature.
Langley entanglement trapping factor.
Unit vector.
Pervaded volume of polymer coil.
Velocity vector.
Speed, velocity magnitude.
Volume per main chain atom in undiluted polymer.
Gel fraction.
Structure parameter S2/vo in Fox-Allen r/0 - M correlation.
Coil expansion ratio (Parts 2 and 5).
Extension ratio in tensile deformation (Part 7).
Reduced shear rate, (tl o - tls) M ~ / c R T.
Reduced frequency, (tl o - tl~) M o)/ cR T.
Characteristic reduced shear rate locating the onset of shear rate
dependence in the viscosity.
Extent of simple shear deformation from rest state.
Crosslink index, fraction of mers participating in crosslinks multiplied
by DPn of primary chains (Part 7).
Instantaneously imposed shear deformation.
Shear rate.
Characteristic shear rate locating the onset of shear rate dependence
in the viscosity.
Dirac delta function.
Kronecker delta function.
Parameter characterizing the internal viscosity of chain molecules
(Part 8).
Frictional coefficient.
Frictional coefficient per main chain atom.
Frictional coefficient associated with an entanglement junction.
Steady state shear viscosity, a(,~)/?;.
Dynamic viscosity, G'(o))/e).
E ]o
2 1 , 2 2 , 23
W.W. Graessley:
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Received May 28, 1974