Classification of Bryophyte:: B.Sc. Botany Part-I
Classification of Bryophyte:: B.Sc. Botany Part-I
Classification of Bryophyte:: B.Sc. Botany Part-I
Botany Part-I
Classification of Bryophyte:
Bryophyte is categorized into three main classes:
1. Class Hepaticae:
These are lower types of Bryophytes. They are simpler in structure than mosses and much confined to damp and
shady territories. They contain an undifferentiated thallus. Protonemal stage is not present. Sporophyte is much
simple and short lived. In several forms sporophyte is distinguished into foot, seta and capsule. Example:
Marchantia. In several, foot and seta are not present. Example: Riccia.
2. Class Anthocerotae:
Gametophyte is undistinguished thallus. Rhizoids are unbranched and unicellular. Protonemal stage is not present.
Sporophyte is distinguished into capsule and foot and no seta. Example: Anthoceros.
3. Class Musci:
They contain more differentiated structure than liverworts. They frequently form dense cushions. Such are higher
types in which the gametophyte is distinguished into stem like and leaf like portions and the former exhibiting
radial symmetry. The rhizoids are multi-cellular and branched. Protonemal stage is existed. Sporophyte is
distinguished into foot, seta and capsule. Example: Funaria.
Funaria is terrestrial moss. It grows in the form of bright green velvety patches in shady and damp
places. Genus Funaria is composed of 117 species. Funaria hygrometrica is most common and
worldwide species. It grows well on burnt soil. It grows best in the presence of calcium, potassium,
nitrogen and phosphorus.
Vegetative structure of gametophyte Structure of Thallus
Funaria plant is a gametophyte. Its plant body is composed of protonema and gametophore.
Protonema: Protonema is a prostrate, green, branched filamentous structure. It gives rise to
erect leafy shoots called gametophores. Protonema is short-lived.
Gametophore: The adult plant consists of gametophores only. Each
a) Protonema: Protonema is a prostrate, green, branched filamentous structure. It gives rise to
erect leafy shoots called gametophores. Protonema is short-lived.
b) Gametophore: The adult plant consists of gametophores only. Each gametophores is
differentiated into stem and leaves. They bear sex organs at their apices. Rh izoids arise from the
base of each gametophores. Rhizoids anchor it into the soil. They absorb moisture and nutrients. The
leaves are small, ovate, sessile and green. Leaves may be colourless or green.
Colourless leaves are scale-like. They are found on prostrate branches and on lower portion of
erect branches.
Green leaves are larger in size. They are found on upper portion of an erect branch. These are
called foliage leaves. They are spirally arranged.
The leaves also surround sex organs. These leaves are larger in size and different in shape.
Internal Structure
Internal structure of stem
The stem has following internal structure:
1. Central cylinder: Central cylinder of stem is composed of two types of cells: leptoids and
hydroids. Leptoids are elongated living cells. The hydroids are empty cells. Both these cells are
Conducting in nature. The hydroids conduct water and the leptoids conduct food.
Structure of leaf
Leaf is composed of midrib and wings or lamina. Midrib is several celled thick. It is composed of
elongate, thick-walled cells called stereids. The leaf lamina consists of a single layer of parenchyma.
These cells contain chloroplasts in them. The chloroplast continuously divided again and again.
Reproduction in Gametophyte
Funaria gametophyte reproduces by vegetative and sexual reproductions.
Vegetative reproduction
It takes place by different ways:
a) By decay: The prostrate branches die. Therefore, erect branches grow as independent plants.
b) Gemmae formation: Small gemmae develop in groups along the midrib of leaves or at the tips
of stem. Each gemma develops into a new plant.
c) From fragmentation of protonema: A spore germinates into nrimary protonema. It breaks tip
into fragments by death of cells. Each fragment develops into a new protonema. Each protonema
form buds and give rise to gametophores.
d) Apospory: In some cases, the sporophyte tissue is wounded. The wounded part produces a
protonema. The buds develop on it and each bud grows into a diploid gametophore. It is
called anosdory.
Male Branch
The leafy gametophore bearing antheridia is called male branch. Antheridia develop in group
at the convex-shaped apex of a male bratich. The antheridia are intermingled with paraphyses.
Antheridia are also surrounded by specialized leaves called perichaetal leaves. Perichaetal leaves
form an envelope known as perichaetium.
Structure and Development of Antheridium
Structure: A mature antheridium is club-shaped. It borne on a stalk. The main body contains a mass
of spermatogenesis cells. These cells are surrounded by a layer of jacket cells. The free distal end of
the antheridium is differentiated into a caplike structure called operculum. It helps in dehiscence.
1. Each antheridium develops from a superficial cell of apex. It becomes papillate. It divides to form
anouter and an inner cell.
2. The inner cell gives rise to lower embedded part of the stalk. The outer cell divides by transverse
divisions to produce a filament of 2-3 cells. The terminal cell of the filament differentiates into apical
cell. It has two cutting faces.
3. The terminal cell of the filament cuts off 5-15 segments arranged in two rows. A segment, 2-3 cells
away from the apical cell, divides. It forms a smaller jacket initial and a larger primary
spermatogenous cell.Primary spermatogenous cell cuts off a second jacket initial.
4. The jacket initials divide anticlinally to a single layered jacket. The primary spermatogenous
cellundergoes repeated divisions to produce sperm mother cells. Each sperm mother cell
metamorphosed into a biflagellate male sperm. The apical cell itself changes into operculum.
Female Branch
The gametophore bearing archegonia is called female branch. It arises from the base of male
branch. The apex of the branch flattens into a receptacle. Archegonia develop in clusters on this
receptacle. These archegonia are intermingled with paraphyses.
Structure and Development of Archegonium
Structure: A mature archegonium is flask-shaped. It is borne on short stalk. It has a basal swollen
part called venter, and elongated neck. The venter is surrounded by a two-layered jacket. But the
jacket around the neck is single layered.
Development: Archegonium develops from an apical cell. This cell has two cutting faces.
I . The apical cell cuts off 4- 8 segments. They develop into stalk.
2. Afterwards the apical cell becomes three sided. It cuts off three peripheral cells. Apical cell itself
becomes an axial cell. The peripheral cells surround the axial cell.
3. The peripheral cells divide to form jacket initials. These initials divide to form jacket
layers around the venter and neck. The axial cell divides to form primary cover cell and central
4. The central cell divides to form primary canal cell. It gives rise to neck canal cells and
venter cell.
5. The venter cell divides to produce venter canal cell and an egg.
Fertilization and Post-Fertilization Changes
The columelta is surrounded by barrel-shaped spore sac The spore sac contains spore
mother cells.
A wide air space is present outer to spore sac. This air space is traversed by transverse
strands called trabeculae. These trabeculae connect the capsule wall with the wall of the
spore sac.
The wall of the theca consists of epidermis, hypodelmis and two cells thick
photosynthetic spongy layer.
b) Operculum: The operculum is conical cap-like terminal region of the capsule. It consists of 3-4
layers of thin-walled cells. These cells are covered with epidermis.
The region of capsule above the theca consists of 4-5 layers of epidermal cells. The
lower two layers of cells are thin-walled. They form annulus. The degeneration of annulus cells
cause dropping off of operculum.
Development of Sporogonium
1. The zygote enlarges. It divides by a transverse division into an upper epibasal and a lower
hypobasal cell.
2. Both epibasal and hypobasal cells divide by two oblique divisions. They produce two apical
cells. The segments cut off from upper apical cells form capsule and upper part of the seta. The
segments cut off from lower apical cell develop into lower part of seta and foot.
3. The segments cut off by upper apical cell divide vertically. It appears as a quadrant in
transverse section. A vertical wall perpendicular to an inner cell is formed. It forms a triangular
and a rectangularcell in each quadrant.
4. The four rectangular cells divide by a periclinal wall to
produce endothecium and amphithecium.Endothecium is 4-celled. It is surrounded by an 8celled amphithecium. These layers act asfundamental embryonic layers of the sporogonium.
5. Endothecium: In the theca region of the capsule, the endothecium cell divides first by a
curved vertical wall. It separates a triangular and a rectangular cell. Then periclinal wall produce
four central cells and a ring of eight peripheral cells.
The peripheral cells divide periclinally into an outer layer and an inner layer. The cells
of outer layer divide repeatedly to form sporogenous tissue (archesporium).
The cells of amphithecium divide periclinally. They form outer and inner layers of eight cells each.
The inner layer is called first ring. Its cells divide and mature into outer spore sac.
The cells of outer layer divide anticlinally first and then periclinally. They produce an
inner 16-celledsecond ring. These cells give rise to trabeculae.
The cells outer to second ring divides again anticlinally and periclinally. I hey produce a
32-celled inner third ring. The cells of this layer differentiate into spongy layer.The cells
external to third ring divide periclinally to separate fourth and fifth rings. Each ring is 32celled. The cells of these rings differentiate into hypodermis and epidermis.