Session 2
Creating Sketches - Profile, Line, Arc, Circle, Fillet, Chamfer, Rectangle, Polygon, Studio Spline, Fit spline,
Ellipse, Conic
Editing sketches - Quick trim, Quick extend, Make corner, Offset curve, Pattern curve, Mirror curve, Intersection
point, Derived lines
Constraints - Geometric constraints, Auto constraint, Inferred constraint, Dimensional constraints, Auto
dimension, Animate dimension, Continuous auto dimension
Session 3
Basic terminologies - Feature, Body, Solid body, Sheet, Face, Section curves, Guide curves
Feature modeling concepts
About Datum CSYS and Datum Planes
Changing units in NX
Feature modeling commands
Creating Extrude features
Limits option
Boolean operation
Applying draft
Offset sketches
Session 4
Limits option
Offset sketches
Creating Primitives - Block, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere
Session 5
Creating Datum Features - Datum Plane, Datum axis, Datum CSYS, Datum Point
Creating Sweep Features Sweep a section along a guide
Adding thickness
Sweep one or more sections along guide curves
Session 6
Session 7
Limits option
Constant radius
Variable radius
Creating Face blend
Types of blend
Applying Chamfer
Session 8
Feature Modeling Commands Hole - General hole, Drill size holes, Screw clearance holes, Threaded holes
Pocket - Cylindrical, Rectangular, General
Pad - Rectangular, General
Emboss - Offset emboss
Slot - Rectangular, Ball end, U-Slot, T-Slot, Dove tail
Groove - Rectangular, Ball end, U-groove
Session 9
Session 10
Feature Operations Instance feature - Rectangular array, Circular array, Pattern face
Mirror feature, Mirror body
Instance geometry creation - From bodies, From faces, From faces, From edges, From curves, From points
Session 11
Feature Operations To Divide face, Trim body , Split body, Boolean commands, User defined feature, Creating Feature group,
Editing Expressions, Knowing Feature replay command, Knowing Layer settings, To measure distance between
geometries, To measure angle between geometries, To measure bodies and face geometries, To find geometric
Session 12
Session 13
Assembly Constraints
Angle, Bond, Centre, Concentric, Distance, Fit, Parallel, Perpendicular, Touch align
Creating component arrays
Linear array, Circular array, Feature instance array
Session 14
Assembly Modeling
Moving a component, Replacing component, Repositioning component, Mirroring assembly, Creating a New
Component, Creating new parent, Finding assembly, clearance, Creating exploded views, Assembly sequencing
with motion, Creating deformable parts, Finding degrees of freedom, Assembly envelopes
Session 15
Introduction to drawing
Inserting new sheets, Editing sheets
Setting up standards, Knowing Graphical User Interface of drafting, NX drafting methods
Creating drafting views
Base view
Drawing view
Projected view
Orthographic view
Auxiliary view
Session 16
Session 17
Adding dimensions - Inferred Dimension, Horizontal Dimension, Vertical Dimension, Parallel Dimension,
Perpendicular dimension, Angular dimension, Cylindrical Dimension, Hole dimension, Diameter Dimension,
Chamfer Dimension, Radius or Radius of Curvature Dimension, Radius to Centre, Folded Radius, Thickness
Dimension, Arc Length, Horizontal Chain Dimension, Vertical Chain Dimension, Horizontal Baseline Dimension,
Vertical Baseline Dimension, Ordinate Dimension
Adding annotations
Adding Feature control frame
Adding Datum Feature symbol
Adding Datum Target
Inserting Identification symbol
Inserting Surface Finish symbol
Placing target point symbol
Placing Intersection symbol
Applying cross hatch and area fill
Creating centrelines
Placing table
Placing tabular note
Listing parts list
Creating auto balloon
Session 18
Session 19
Surface generation
Creating surface using Styled Sweep, Surface from Four Point Surface, Swoop feature , Transition feature,
Extension feature, Bounded plane, Sheet from curves, Ribbon builder, Patch openings, Law extension, Silhouette
Creating curves from curves
Creating curve from bodies
Creating associative copies
Session 20
Note 00
Note 01
The above syllabus has to be completed in :