Chapter-XVII: Duties of Chief-De-Mission
Chapter-XVII: Duties of Chief-De-Mission
Chapter-XVII: Duties of Chief-De-Mission
Duties of Chief-De-Mission
The list of selected players should be handed over after obtaining order from the team manager.
Railway reservation and concession of all the players should be obtained.
Uniform should be distributed to all the participants before the competitions.
Before proceeding for competitions, the players should be informed of there Lodging and fooding
arrangement so that they does not roam here and there. This is not an any way acceptable that since this
is the first day hence arrangements have not been properly made. General Manager may send one or two
players to the state organiser to get acquainted with the arrangements.
Eligibility Certificate of all players should be handed over to the Organising Secretary by the General
Manager. If in any case the player are not permitted to participate in any game in the absence of the
Eligibility Certificate, then General Manager will be taken to task and disciplinary action may be taken
against him.
To ensure that all the players participate in different competitions. No player should be deprived from
participating in any game/competition.
No player should be allowed to accompany the team, who has not be selected for the team.
General Manager must participate in all the meetings and if there is any complaint regarding,
accommodation, fooding or regarding matches, he should report and lodge complaint to the organiser.
Ensure that no illegal officials or parents accompany the team.
(10) Also it is urgent to check that two flags of the state has been handed over to the team manager. If the
Flags are not available, If should be provided to the team Manager before participating in the competition.
In any case the General Manager should not proceed without flag of the state.
(11) Also ensure that during inauguration and Closing Ceremony all the players of the team participate in their
proper kit. Officials should also participate in these functions and also in the march past.
Appointment of Coach and team Manager
Following are the directions regarding appointment of Coach and team Manager:(1)
Team Manager and Coach should be appointed as S.G.F.I. team composition norms.
Different Coach for different age group should be appointed.
Similarly a team Manager fortottent game and different age group should be appointed.
The appointed coach should be specialist of that Game.
Such Coach should not be appointed who has not proficiency in that game.
For girls team there should be Lady team manager.
The coach and other officials will have to stay at the place where players have been accommodated. In any
case Coach and team Manager shall not stay in private Hotel away from the players. They are also not
permitted to stay in private Hotel along with the players. Disciplinary action shall be taken against the
Coach and team Manager if he stays in any private hotel.
In the perspective the decision taken in the General Council Meeting of S.G.F.I. and Observer is expected
to perform the jobs as given below :
Reach the venue two days before the event and observe all the necessary arrangements e.g. stay
arrangement of the players, playground, transportation arrangement and security arrangement etc. and
suggest the organizers for rectification if any error is found.
The Officer would inspect the playground on the previous day of the event and affirm that it should fulfil
national level standard.
Fixtures should be drawn one day earlier before all the team managers, organising secretary and technical
committee. Results of the previous years should be kept in view while drawing the fixtures.
Have a glance at the list of the officials appointed by the organiser for the matches. The job of umpireship
should be done by qualified and trained referee.
It is observer responsibility that injustice may not be done with any team. Therefore, be sure to
conduct the matches with the help of organising secretary taking the whole schedule in observer own
The Jury of appeal committee would be organised before two days of the competition and observer will
preside it.
Observer will be the head of the Jury of Appeal. All the matters of protest will be solved same day evening.
The National team will be selected by SGFI during National School Games competition. To serve this
purpose, a selection committee will be formed by S.G.F.I. The president of the committee will be the officer
appointed by S.G.F.I. As observer it is your responsibility to make a policy for the selection one day before
the competition with the consent of concerning selection committee members. Following the directions for
the selection, the lists should be prepared confidentially by every selector separately after the matches and
will be handed over to you for compilation. After compilation the list should be sent in a sealed envelope
alongwith the report to the Secretary General, S.G.F.I. In the selection committee, members will be of
National level famous personalities, State level players & awardees of that particular game.
All the teams should be informed about the rules & regulations before the event take place. It will be better
to provide the informative folders to the General Managers of the teams at the time of reception.
It is also an important responsibility of the officer to check the eligibility certificates of the players through
the eligibility test committee appointed by the organising committee specially the eligibility certificates and
documents of age verification of merit certificate holder should be crossed checked by Observer. One
register should be maintained for merit certificate issued. Merit certificate should be counter signed by
Observer below the seal of Secretary, S.G.F.I.
According to S.G.F.I. calendar, observer shall take exam of referees according to games during the
National School tournament.
On the base of online official entry form the observer shall take attendance of all the players will help & coordination of organising secretary.
Send the observation report on the prescribed proforma within seven days after the competition to the
Secretary General by registered post.
T.A. & D.A. observer as per S.G.F.I. norms will be paid by the organizer as mentioned in chapter XXI.
The appointed referees shall reach & report the organizer at the venue of tournament two days before the
tournament and shall get registered.
Referee / technical officers/officials shall attend the training programme conducted by the organizer and get
fully aware by the rules & regulations, games and rules of S.G.F.I.
In this clinic the updated rules shall be discussed. The referees / technical officers shall exchanged their
point of view/ suggestions so that later there may not be any dispute.
After registration of referees, a physical fitness test shall be conducted and only those who are found
physically fit shall be eligible to participate in tournament.
The referee shall have the kit & equipments of specific discipline with him, which is mandatory.
Referee shall collect the match schedules every day and accordingly reach the play ground on time.
The appointed referee shall attend every day meeting and produce the match results, fouls and discuss if
any incident occurred during the tournament.
The appointed referee shall check the following :
a) Identity Cards of Players.
b) Kit of players.
c) Nails of players.
d) Any sharp things with players.
e) Whether the play ground is ready for the match as per the National Level norms.
f) First aid facility at ground.
g) Each players shall be numbered in the front & at the back of his T-Shirt with plain number of solid
h) The persons to be contacted in emergency situation.
The referee shall conduct the matches in a impartial manner and according to S.G.F.I. norms.
If during the tournament any protest application is received along with fees Rs. 1000/- then after the match
the referee shall provide the receipt to the concern and immediately forward the application to organizer. In
any case during protest the match shall not be stopped. If due to any natural obstacle or misconduct by
players is occurred, in such case the referee shall note the incident and after the match submit his report to
the technical committee.
In any situation if any team leaves the ground then the referee shall call that team to come to ground by
whistling 3 times. Even after this if that team does not come to the ground then the referee shall declare as
loser to that team and winner to the other team.
In case of dispute, violence, misconduct with referee during the tournaments then the referees shall report
such case to technical committee. The technical committee shall forward the case to organizing committee
and recommend the penalty against defaulter.
After end tournament referee shall send his tournament report to S.G.F.I. office.
TA/DA & remuneration of referee/technical officer/official deputed by S.G.F.I. as per S.G.F.I. norms will be
paid by the organizer as mentioned in chapter XXI.