Notes Adjudicators Ws
Notes Adjudicators Ws
Notes Adjudicators Ws
The first principle says that logic is universal: your country doesn't have a monopoly on it. To
put it another way, don't prejudge debates by the nationality or background of the teams. NonEnglish-speaking teams have defeated some of the top teams in past years, teams from small
nations have won the Grand Final, and teams from countries in their inaugural year in the
tournament have beaten long-established teams.
The second principle says that you should be prepared for major differences from what you are
used to back home accents, terminology, even the examples used to illustrate an argument.
Your first international debate can be a real culture shock.
The third principle says that not everything that we do back home is essential to good debating.
Each country has its own style of debating, which leads to particular national rules about what
debaters can and can't do. But in the different style at a world competition, some of these rules
from back home might be inappropriate. So leave your rule books in your suitcase and
concentrate on the essentials of good debating.
In the reply speeches, the marks are halved. There is no global mark for teamwork.
Remember that this is a different marksheet from what you are used to at home. You can't
judge these debates by adapting the international marksheet to fit domestic marksheets with
which you are more familiar. So leave your own marksheet in your suitcase along with your
national rule books, and look at this mark sheet with no preconceptions of what the categories
1.1 Content
Content covers the arguments that are used, divorced from the speaking style. It is as if you are
seeing the arguments written down rather than spoken. You must assess the weight of the
arguments without being influenced by the magnificence of the orator that presented them.
Content will also include an assessment of the weight of rebuttal or clash. This assessment must
be done from the standpoint of the average reasonable person.
The adjudicator's job is to assess the strength of an argument regardless of whether the other
team is able to knock it down. If a team introduces a weak argument, it will not score highly in
content even if the other team doesn't t refute it. Two consequences flow from this, however:
First, if a major team argument is plainly weak, an opposing team which doesn't refute it may
well have committed a greater sin than the team which introduced it. In effect the team has let
the other team get away with a weak argument. This is not an automatic rule, but is true in
many cases. Of course, it must be a major argument, not a minor example which the opposing
team correctly chooses to ignore in favour of attacking more significant points.
Second, adjudicators have to be careful not to be influenced by their own beliefs and prejudices,
nor by their own specialised knowledge. For example, if you are a lawyer and you know that a
team's argument was debunked by the International Court of Justice last week, you should
probably not take into account this special knowledge unless the ICJ's decision was a matter of
extreme public notoriety.
Distancing oneself from personal attitudes is particularly difficult in international competitions.
Teams may use examples from your part of the world that you know to be wrong, but would
you expect people from other countries to know that the example is wrong? For example, I
doubt that I would penalise a team which had an incomplete though superficially correct
understanding of Australian foreign policy. But I would be less understanding of a team which
displayed an incomplete understanding of American or Japanese foreign policy, for example,
because of the importance of' those countries in so many international issues.
1.2 Style
The term is perhaps misleading. Adjudicators are not looking for speakers who are stylish, but
rather they are looking at the style of the speakers.
Style covers the way the speakers speak. As has already been noted, this can be done in many
ways, in funny accents and with the use of strange terminology. Put the strangeness out of your
mind and be tolerant of different ways of presenting arguments.
There are some particular things that you need to be warned about in advance:
Debaters from some countries (especially Australia and New Zealand) tend to speak
very quickly and can be quite aggressive. Debaters from other countries (especially
North America) tend to be slower and more conversational.
For some teams, English is a second language and there are occasionally strong
accents, odd words and (once or twice) a pause while the speaker thinks how to
express the thought in English.
North American teams tend to use large foolscap pads and speak behind lecterns:
Australian and New Zealand debaters use small palm cards and speak in front of the
Teams should not be penalised just because their accent is less acceptable than others. Nor
should teams be rewarded for the good fortune of coming from a region whose accent is more
acceptable than others. Of course nobody would consciously penalise a team in this way, but
the influences of acceptability of accents are subtle and pernicious. Can we truly place our hand
on our heart at the end of a debate and say that we were not swayed by the "cuteness" of one
team's accent or the "stridency" of another's? Perhaps we werent: speakers can be cute or
strident in the way they speak but were we marking the speaker or the accent?
There is a further and more difficult issue involved here. Teams from non-English speaking
backgrounds may well speak English with a "foreign" accent. We tend to judge them more
harshly because of this fact, whether we are conscious of it or not; but if we analyse closely the
way these teams speak English, we find that many of them are very fluent in English and are
readily understandable. If anything some of these teams are more understandable than the
occasional broad Glaswegian or high-speed Australian that we get from native English speaking
However, while we must give due credit to teams for whom English is a second language, this is
not the same thing as giving credit to these teams for the very difficult task of debating in a
foreign language. Judges might be tempted to be sympathetic and mark these teams on a more
generous scale. This is against the rules.
Non-English-speaking teams take part in the competition on the same footing as native English
speaking teams. They take part knowing that they will be against teams for whom English is a
first language. If this sometimes leads to one-sided debates, that is a fact of life in the
competition and should be reflected in the marks. But if they are genuinely as fluent and
persuasive as the native English speakers, one should mark them accordingly.
1.3 Strategy
Strategy requires some attention. I think it covers two concepts:
1. the structure and timing of the speech, and
2. whether the speaker understood the issues of the debate.
These matters are sufficiently important to justify taking them separately.
As to the second, a speaker ought to give priority to important issues and leave unimportant
ones to later. For example it is generally a good idea for a rebuttal speaker (i.e. anyone other
than the first speaker for the proposition) to begin with the attack on the other side before
going on to the speaker's positive case. This is because it is more logical to get rid of the
opposing argument first before trying to put something in its place.
A speaker should also give more time to important issues. If there is a critical point that
buttresses the whole of that team's case, it ought to get a fair amount of time so that it can be
properly established. But if there is a point that is fairly trivial, it doesn't deserve more than a
trivial amount of time.
So the adjudicator must weigh up not only the strength of the arguments in the content
category, but also the proper time and priority that was given to them in the strategy category.
You can look at every known instance and show that in each case the proposition
holds good.
You can analyse the proposition and show that it is supported by other known
In debating it is usually impossible to use the first type of reasoning, because we debate
generalisations with millions if not billions of known instances. So, we have to use the second
type of reasoning. However, an amazing number of debaters don't seem to understand the
The first proposition speaker could outline a central thesis that went something like this: "In
today's society the major institutions generally adopt feminist attitudes. These institutions either
lead society (such as the media) or reflect the views of the majority in society (such as
parliaments and big business).
From that point onwards we know what the proposition team is going to prove. When it
discusses the role and attitudes of each major institution in society we can see why it is doing it
and where the argument is going. The same thesis will run through all three proposition
speakers so that all of them have made their contribution to proving the proposition case.
I don't want to get side-tracked into an argument whether this is a winning case or not. Rather,
I want to illustrate the point that the proposition team has to present a generalised case and
prove it logically, rather than relying upon large numbers of examples in the hope that these will
do the job instead.
The third proposition tied this together by showing that because of the scale of the
backlash, the reforms would fail.
This case was quite logical. But at the end of the first proposition speaker, what did the
opposition have to refute? The answer was, absolutely nothing. There was no disagreement on
what the reforms were, so there was no debate at this stage. At the end of the second
proposition speaker, there was still nothing to refute. The opposition agreed entirely that there
was a backlash. We were now two-thirds of the way through the debate, and we were yet to
have a debate! It was only at the third speakers that any debate happened at all, because this
was the first point where there was any disagreement between the teams. Debate is not
confined to the third speakers. It takes place throughout the debate. While early speakers must
concentrate on presenting positive arguments, they still have some obligations to rebut the
other side. But if all this has to wait until the third speakers, it means that over 80% of the
debate is over before anyone gets to debate anything, it also means that the proposition sets
just one short reply speech in which to deal with the opposition's attacks.
The problem with this case division was that it divided the argument along the steps of the
reasoning process. An opposition team does not have to disagree with all those steps. So long
as it disagrees with the final conclusion, it can still win a debate.
So the proposition must find some other way of dividing the argument. It can be on significant
themes, or (less attractively) on examples. For example, in the debate discussed above the first
speaker might look at reforms in economic policy, while the second speaker looks at reforms in
the military and the government.
The problem with this division is that both speakers would be repeating the same major
argument and merely using different examples to illustrate it. To that extent it might be
repetitive and boring. But the important point is that each speech can stand on its own to prove
that the whole case is true in at least some situations. It is only in this way that a speech can be
rebutted, and thus that a debate can take place.
outlines the opposition case, announces the case division, and presents her or his part
of the case, or
outlines the opposition's rebuttal case (i.e. the broad themes the opposition will use
throughout the debate to rebut the proposition case) and expands on it.
The difference between these two approaches depends on whether the opposition is content just
to present a rebuttal case, or takes the stronger route and presents its own alternative case as
The second proposition defends the proposition definition (if required) and case from the
opposition attacks, rebuts the opposition case, and proceeds with her or his part of the
proposition case. Somewhere around 2 to 3 minutes into the speech the speaker will turn from
attacking the opposition to presenting the new part of the argument.
The second opposition does much the same as the second proposition. If the opposition is
presenting its own alternative case as well, this speaker will turn from attacking the government
to presenting the new part of the argument somewhere around 3 to 4 minutes into the speech.
The third proposition is going to spend a large part of her or his time attacking the other side.
However, she or he can have a small part of the proposition case to present perhaps 1 or 2
minutes at the most. This is not obligatory, although many teams do it.
The third opposition is going to spend most of her or his time attacking the other side, rather
than presenting significant new arguments. She or he can have an even smaller part of the
opposition case to present, but again this is not obligatory. Note that the opposition reply
follows straight on from this speech, so it is better for the third opposition to deal with the detail
of the proposition case and leave the broad overview to the reply speech. The reply speeches
are not going to delve into fine detail, but will take a broad approach to the issues of the
debate. They should also summarise their own case either as part the analysis of the issues or
towards the end of the speech as a separate section. For obvious reasons the reply speeches
cannot introduce new arguments. Not only is this unfair but a complete misunderstanding of the
role of reply speeches. The reply speech is a summing up of the whole debate, not a chance to
introduce new ideas.
(4) Motions
in the first, the judges weighted the debate to the proposition because the motion was
weighted the other way in other words, they compensated the proposition in marks
for having such a tough side to argue;
in the second, the judges felt that weighting was impossible to assess, and did not try
to redress the balance;
in the third, the judges decided not to redress the weighting because the proposition
team had actually chosen to be the proposition and thus voluntarily taken the harder
The problem here is the inconsistency. If the opposition team which narrowly lost the first
debate had had the judges from the second debate, it would have won convincingly.
It is very hard for judges to assess just what advantage one team has because of the motion. It
is better not to try to compensate for perceived advantages, and leave it to those who set the
motions to choose reasonably balanced ones.
In national debating it is sometimes legitimate to take a motion that is expressed very broadly
and debate it in the context of some national issue of the day. For example, in Australia we
might approach a motion "that feminism has won" in the context of Australian attitudes to
feminism, rather than dealing with feminism globally. Of course, you don't have to, but such a
limitation can sometimes be acceptable.
At the international level however, such a limitation is generally not acceptable. The competition
includes a diverse range of countries and it is certainly not confined to one group of countries
such as liberal western democracies or countries of the third world. This means that general
motions have to be taken in the context of' the whole world, not one part of the world.
Once again, we have to rely upon those who set motions to be sensible. A debate on the motion
"that God is dead' is meaningful to western nations where religion has been in decline for some
time. But it is fairly meaningless to many Islamic nations which are undergoing a religious
revival. Such a motion would not be a sensible one to set at a world competition because the
experience of different parts of the world is so varied that it makes debate almost impossible.
And for those used to North American rules, time-setting and place-setting are not allowed.
Time-setting puts the motion In a particular era in history. Place-setting puts the motion in a
particular place. Thus we could time- and place-set the motion "that God is dead" in Israel
shortly before the birth of Christ and argue the motion as if we were alive in that place at that
time. But in World rules we can't, because this is not allowed.
Points of information were borrowed from British debating. However, in a couple of respects
they have taken on a life of their own in the World Championships, and have to be treated as a
phenomenon new to British and non-British judges alike.
A point of information is offered in the course of a speech by a member of the opposing team.
The speaker may either accept the point or decline it. If accepted, the opponent may make a
short point or ask a short question that deals with some issue in the debate (preferably one just
made by the speaker). It is, if you like, a formal interjection.
answering a point of information she just accepted: frequent violations of these principles might
reasonably be penalised.
The point of information may be in the form of a question to the person making a speech, or it
may be a remark addressed through the person chairing the debate. Some teams tend to use
the latter format, while most teams tend to ask a question. Let it be clear that either format is
perfectly acceptable.
The point of information must be brief. 10 to 15 seconds is the norm, and over that the
interrupter should be told to sit down by the speaker. As well, when the person making the
speech understands the point, she or he can tell the interrupter to sit down the speaker does
not have to let the point get right through to the end in all cases. Always remember that the
speaker who is making the speech has complete control of points of information when to
accept them, whether to accept them and how long they should go on for.
Which, of course, puts a premium on clear simple points. In one debate the interrupter began
by saying "I may be particularly dense..." and paused, whereupon the speaker said "yes you
are" and continued with his speech. This was a waste of a good opportunity, all because the
interrupter chose to indulge in pompous oratory rather than a crisp clear point.
deserved a 78 does not get extra marks for making a couple of very good points of information,
because those points were no better than her speech
A summary of how to mark points of information is as follows:
That mark can increase by up to a couple of marks if the speaker offered superb points
of information during the rest of the debate.
offered no points of information (or almost none) during the rest of the
(iii) failed to accept points of information during her or his own speech.
Note that just because the response to a point of information was good, it doesn't mean that the
point was not a good one. Don't judge the worth of the point on the response. After all if a
motion is strongly arguable on both sides, then the major points on each side should have good
The expected range of marks is from 60% for an appalling speech to 80% for a brilliant
Judges shall never give a speaker mark greater than 80 or less than 60.
It is true that this marking standard means that we are really marking each speaker out of 20.
But that doesn't matter. A standard is a standard, and this is what should be used.
average speech was likely to come from the team from a particular country, because the
standard of most teams varies considerably from year to year.
There is often a huge gap between teams at the top and bottom of the marking range. The
competition attracts both highly skilled and experienced debaters at one end of the range, and
novice debaters from non English speaking countries with no exposure to debate at the other.
It is theoretically possible that the overall standard one year is very high while in another year it
is very low. This ought to be reflected in the marks for the whole competition. But it is not
necessary for an individual judge's marks to average around 70 throughout the competition,
although this is likely if the judge is judging teams from across the whole spectrum of abilities
at the competition. If your marks are consistently coming in above or below 70, you might swap
thoughts with your fellow judges to see if it is just you or whether you really have been judging
a distinctly non-average group of teams.
The last word on this point is that nobody can enforce this particular part of the standard
precisely. To achieve consistency in adjudication it is more important that the relative marks of
judges on a panel should be about the same, even if the absolute marks vary to a small extent.
Thus if I give three speakers 75, 78 and 73, and one of my fellow judges gives the same
speakers 74, 79 and 71, we have clearly seen the debate the same way, even though our actual
marks vary a little. Try to mark according to the hypothetical standard, but don't be too worried
if you are a little bit different from your colleagues on this point.
won only because you are not giving full (i.e. 40%) weight in your mind to the fact that the
opposition were significantly ahead on style or content. If your marks for each category and
each speaker accurately reflect your view of the debate, then your total marks should reliably
indicate which team won the debate, given the particular weightings of different categories we
use at World Schools.
It is also worth noting the phenomenon called "the accelerating rebuttal mark". Some judges
are swayed by rebuttal or clash. The more there is, the more they believe the speaker is doing a
good job. This is logical until you realise that the proposition has one less opportunity to rebut
the other side than the opposition does. The accelerating rebuttal mark means that opposition
teams get a big advantage. Always be sure that you are giving full credit to the way a team has
proposed an argument as well as to the way their opponents have attempted to knock it down.
Extremely Good
Very Good
Improvement Needed
Pass to Satisfactory
Improvement Needed
In marking reply speeches it might be easier to mark them out of 100 and then halve each
mark. That will leave you with half-mark steps, but that is not a problem. Thus a reply speech
could be given, say, 13.5 for content, 14.5 for style and 7.5 for strategy, for a total of 35.5.