Koso Rays Manual v3

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None of these KOSO RAYS have anything in common or association with any Rays used on the Planet
Earth before. This is not Reiki or any other known healing modality.
All these energies have NO CONNECTION with any previous existing human experiences.
These energies started a major spiritual re-evolution on Earth. KOSO RAYS are protected from THE
SOURCE and therefore the attunements will work only on those with an adequate spiritual level, which can
be considered as background.

Koso Rays® is property of Armand-Manuel Ratundu © 2005-2007

All rights reserved.
Koso Rays® is a free spiritual system meant for spiritual development and the attunements works on DIY
basis absolutely free of any master or any charging. Anyone claiming any of these attunements, charging or
pretending money for attunements will be considered in violation of system spiritual purpose, not anymore
part of the system or representing Koso Rays® or the founder purpose.
Koso Rays® it is not meant to replace any medical treatment or medication and has created for spiritual

This 3rd version of Koso Rays® Manual is the latest up to date, available from March 2007.

KOSO RAYS is a spiritual system from another planet entirely
other than Earth or Gaia and I came originally from this other
planet. This system has nothing to do with Reiki or other healing
systems known on Earth up until now. This system is far more
powerful and has a higher vibration than Reiki. As an example, the
first two Rays are each 800 times stronger than Reiki. This energy
will help raise the planet’s spiritual level. I followed this need
when I decided to share these energies on Earth.

People like me may feel sometimes that they don’t belong here
or that everything seems to be strange here, even well known
places or people. This is because we are starseeds and each one of
us comes here to accomplish an important mission during these
critical times. This planet is passing through important changes
that will affect every one of us. It’s time for starseeds and
lightworkers to know and implement their important missions here.
The darkness lost its rights and the dark forces that kept mankind
in obscurity for thousands years lost control. The World will see
their last desperate efforts. This will lead to a major change of
forces and to a restoration of spiritual balance.

Every one of you has a mission and some of you might be aware
of this. Others will find it soon and those energies will help all of
us to find our spiritual path. The KOSO RAYS attunements are a
very strong tool for spiritual awakening. Many of you may
encounter strange feelings or images. The truth is that you will
transform. One of the qualities of these attunements is that they
will wake you up to what you really are and provide an opportunity
to move beyond. Please ask for guidance and if you encounter any
ET or spiritual beings, they are your old friends or masters who
patently awaited your spiritual awakening. All major spiritual
entities that guarded this planet until now are the protectors of this
project. This is a group effort concerning the future of the planet
and the transformations about to occur at these crucial times;

therefore they may appear suddenly to most of you. They are here
to protect this project and to assure that is follows its path. It is an
important moment in the human spiritual history and they are
determined not to permit any dark forces to interfere. You are
about to discover your New Future.

KOSO RAYS comes from the most advanced spiritual

civilization of the Universe. The name of this “planet” is Akoshaka
and means “The Closest to GOD” and it belongs to the 12th
dimension. My name is Kosatoiso and I am spiritual leader there.
Armand is my extension on this plane and this is the reason I
received the energies. My will is to share it with this world and I
was entitled to do that regarding the future of this Planet Earth.
What I have mentioned as spiritual background is needed for
Koso Rays attunements because of the high vibration of the Rays
and obviously the spiritual nature of them. KOSO RAYS have no
interaction with other energies. I have mentioned also that not
everyone could receive these attunements, because on this Planet it
is the standard of evil people to hide their true intentions behind
nice words. This might fool some people but not The Source,
which Koso Rays come from.

Here is a technique that will let you discover who is hiding

behind nice words or images. Simply just open time and space,
dimensions, protections, images, projections, energies, blockages,
shields or any obstacles to the True Heart and look in the person’s
True Heart (some experienced ones place an image of light or
other images in front of their heart to fool others that can see them)
or use KOSO SILVER RAY to reach the True Heart. If you don't
"see" yet with your 3rd eye, project yourself to the subject’s True
Heart. When you find the True Heart filled with darkness,
something narrow or openings like a dark abyss in the lower side
you must be sure about that person is totally related to darkness.
The most devoted to darkness sometimes have the upper side of

True Heart blocked with something very heavy (that correspond to
dark initiations), because God's Light comes from the upper side.
Basically those people hate everything that comes from Light and
no matter what they could say, it is better not to believe them!
They work against any manifestation of Light. Usually they think
that no one can see their true intentions, craftily hidden by words
or false smiles. You'll find many types of people, but the ones that
carry Light in their hearts are the true children of Light. It could be
only on the upper side of the True Heart corresponding of their
evolution, spiritual efforts or initiations, but true Initiates should
carry a light like a Sun that shines circular all around the True
Heart. Now please go to search first your masters’ True Heart,
politicians or any persons you like and see whether they are Light
or Dark Hearts and you will know the difference.

KOSO RAYS can do no harm to the human body or psyche as

falsely some “masters” claim until now in Reiki. There is no need
for any delay between attunements as every Reiki master was
taught until now. The only need is for the student to understand
how these energies work and the specific areas that they can be
used, and I recommend maximum 3 attunements per day. The
“settling down of the energies” or the “accommodation of the
human body to new vibrations” crap that you heard before is over
now! According to this precept, the human body should be
destroyed instantly by the high power and frequency of the KOSO

Humans often proved to be narrow-minded and seem even to

enjoy brainwashing. This is the main reason they enjoy TV shows
and politics! Did you ever ask yourselves why the fantastic
development of the film industry or who owns all those film
companies? Or who owns gigantic media companies and what
could be their role? Why gigantic sums of money are involved in
this area? Do you know that in every home you can find now a TV

Koso Rays come from the core of the Source and what Source
will create, instead of healing spiritual energies, deadly weapons
that can anytime harm you if you improperly use them…by
mistake? This is a dualist thinking more appropriate to the Dark
Ages when everything that they don’t understand would be
automatically banned and considered dangerous, but this seems to
be convenient for many humans. Just the time period is different,
but the methods remain the same. And this mentality can be found
even today with many so called Reiki “masters” who use guidance
from Mikao Usui’s handbook even in the 21st century! That means
they are not considering evolution as a fact and a closed system
could not evolve. In fact they do not consider evolution as taking
place anymore. Most of so-called masters are affected by
dogmatism and are more interested to keep the monopoly over the
energies that bring them money!

As KOSO RAYS will work only on those spiritual enough and

willing to help raise the planetary level, the presence of these
energies here in these times is not accidental. Individuals that will
carry these energies will transform themselves and will facilitate
the presence of these energies here. This planet has evolved even
though anyone can say that it is not visible or noticeable, and the
process continues further. All of us will raise the spiritual level of
the planet by just feeding Mother Gaia with these long awaited
energies. And even a total disaster that could lead this 6th
civilization to lamentably fail as Lemuria or Atlantis could be
avoided, making evil inoperative here through these vibrations and
the new energies that will come through.

And now comes the most interesting part. Obviously in higher

dimensions there are no symbols or no religion, only pure love and
a living through and in GOD. Symbols are used here to represent
us through our limited 3D perception and imagination, but mainly
as representing some groups and to give participants the sensation

of confidence in the organization. This world is full of symbols,
but not much love. Look for example at the Christian cross. How
can you imagine that we’ll meet another planet civilization and
explain them about our stupid beliefs in heaven or hell? Do you
need more reasons to find out why people of this planet are so
primitive or alienated? Did you ever think about religions as an
alienation of spirit? Did you think that a priest or a politician
would properly represent you in contact with another race? A TV
or maybe a movie star? 

Of course, KOSO RAYS function just mentally — just think and

they are set in motion. This is the next stage of evolution; in fact
everything in the Universe is mental. It is enough just to think
about a Ray to use it. Just one shy thought about Rays make them
work and this is the reason that I remind you about your wishes –
they do come true! And that’s because KOSO RAYS could follow
your inner thoughts. Your brain will do it. See how easy it can be if
you dare to use your brain?  Your mental capacity and your
imagination might be the limits – be aware of this!
Anyway you will be lead progressively to changes in many areas
of your life but not without your efforts. The old patterns and
energies will fade away or simply will be replaced and even habits
you try to get rid of from long ago will go away. These
attunements will lead you to a new being, free from many harmful
effects of this so-called civilization, religion or politics, the greedy
society of materialistic apes.

KOSO RAYS involves 9 Rays that requires separate attunement

to each of them. Each Ray has a main purpose that is specified.
This does not exclude any other uses and only you will conclude
practically what those will be. Basically they are designed for what
is specified, but because of the non-restrictive character could be
programmed to work on any areas you wish.

1- BLUE RAY – The Healing Ray. Provides spiritual healing.

2- GREEN RAY – The Essence of Life Ray. Is designed to
rejuvenate the body and the spirit. Also heals and
transcendently helps recovery.
3- YELLOW RAY – The Abundance Ray. Helps your projects
and all areas of your life.
4- ORANGE RAY – The Mind of the Universe Ray. Develops
the power and speed of brain activity and thinking.
5- RED RAY – The Fighters Ray. Knows no boundaries and
fits those who fight against limitations.
6- VIOLET RAY – The Spiritual Opening Ray. Expands
spiritual horizons.
7- WHITE RAY – The God’s Pure Love Ray. Cleanses the
spirit from any impurities.
8- GOLD RAY – The Permanent Connection to God. Leads
you directly to God!
9- SILVER RAY – The Clarity Ray, Interplanetary
Traveling Ray.

The KOSO RAYS attunements are not performed by any human

as many previous “masters” claimed about “their” attunements.
The system as is presented here, works also in other dimensions
and environments.

Anyone that wishes to be attuned just has to ask it on my

behalf to be attuned and the attunement will proceed
immediately. Based on an agreement between myself and The
Source, anyone asking the Koso Rays attunements on my behalf
will receive them automatically, no matter when you will ask for it,
now or ever, but of course this is taking into account the person’s
spiritual background. You have total control over the attunements,
never being dependant on any master or scheduling and no one
should or could charge you for what is given freely to anyone!

The downloading, or the attunement part is simple and could be

done with or without a meditation. The meditation procedure is

described here. Sit comfortably upright with a vertical spine
position focusing on the breath, making the inhaling and exhaling
equal until it works automatically. Then slow down the breathing
process and focus your mind on an image of something peaceful
like a flower or anything else that would not disturb the spirit
(some will find it also efficient to focus on a candle; the image
should be 3D also). Contemplate this flower trying to see all the
details of it while the breathing process runs in the background.
Your mind should be focused only on this image, a process that
will gradually eliminate any residual thoughts. After completing
this level you should leave the image and focus your mind only on
the void! This is the most important part of the meditation process
and even now there could appear sporadic fragments of thoughts. It
seems that your brain enjoys a lot of things while you are not
aware of them, until you will introduce discipline. It might be the
suggestions induced by television or the media? The focusing
part should go further until the void becomes absolute. This is the
part, which requires a severe mental discipline and that is the real
beauty of this meditation.

In any meditative state you could use for attunement an affirmation

like this: “I call down upon me the KOSO BLUE (or any other
Koso Ray) RAY attunement from Armand until I am fully

Using the KOSO RAYS is extremely simple. Just project any

Ray that you might need on specific purposes that you have and
program it to complete the job. For example, in healing purposes
you can send Blue Ray to the cells of the affected area to heal and
to reestablish the balance. Then you could send Green Ray to
balance and rejuvenate the cells until the job is completed.

In some cases you might need to concentrate Koso Rays to a

subject (the multiplication factor will be established by yourself—
such as x10 power or x100 power or even more) and program the

concentrated Koso Rays to do some specific work, until the job is

In healing it is very important to eliminate the causes that

provoked the illness (in many cases malefic entities). Be aware that
diseases always have spiritual causes. Obviously a healthy status is
synonymous with a high vibration state! A low spiritual state or a
state of mind permanently focused on low vibration subjects will
spread those low vibrations to the entire system, and that will
become a status quo for that system. This will lead sooner or later
to an imbalance in the system.

The environment on this Planet is not very friendly and we are

surrounded by a lot of low or unfriendly entities and energies. Our
energy fields act like an astronaut suit protecting us from the
environment as the immune system protects our physical body
from bacteria using antibodies. As long as the entire system
vibrations are low, especially for a prolonged time, the energy
fields will be weaker and in some areas could be weakened enough
to be vulnerable to various external aggressions. In that manner
different organs could be affected by energies or entities.
Prolonged exposure to those energetic aggression factors causes
the energetic matrix to be destroyed and obviously malfunction on
the physical level. Soon that could lead to a major disintegration at
the cellular and tissue levels so nothing can live in the absence of
fundamental life energy.

Here is the disease level where healers regularly try to heal, but
they are healing only the effects, and not the true causes. If the
stage of that disease is not quite advanced the healer could
succeed. If the patients are not healed mentally or spiritually and
continue the bad habits that caused the disease, sooner or later the
disease will reappear, maybe in other place or other form.

In this case, only two solutions are available: the permanent
supervising of the subject by a healer that should energetically
refill the affected areas permanently and should feed the energy
fields of the patient, or spiritual elevation of the subject. The First
solution is out of the question because of the karmic perspective. In
most of the cases that person should learn some lessons in his life
and that disease could be the consequence of the refusal. How can
you be more helpful to such a person? Healing? Yes, but only in
the case of that person will assume his life lessons and go further
for a spiritual evolution.

KOSO RAYS could be used individually or at once just sending

them all to the subject in a packet. In that case the frequencies
needed for your purpose will work, but the main advantage is that
you will avoid losing time searching for the right Ray for that
specific purpose. In the same manner please send KOSO RAYS to
Planet Earth from micro to macro level and program them to heal it
and to increase its spiritual frequency. You can use the same
technique on the entire Solar System, which is also supposed to
evolve along with Planet Earth.

Traveling with the Silver Ray should be done in a meditative

state, just projecting the Silver Ray from you to the subject, back
or further in time. That will open a corridor from you to the
subject, without any interference. In that way you should find your
masters of the spiritual world. Just send Silver Ray directly to your
masters of the spiritual world, even if you don’t know them yet, to
find them and to establish the contact, then travel along the Ray
and contact them.

All these energies will take you far beyond what you are now
capable of seeing or predicting. Experiment with each one and just
get rid of any limitations that you impose upon yourselves; and as
PATTERNS. Free yourselves from any old teachings, even Reiki.

There is so much false information in old teachings enough to
convince many of you that you can barely do anything. They
placed limits on everything just to stop you from seeing your
Divine Self and that everything is so easy and truly within your
power. Because you indeed have the power to change! I do not
affirm that Reiki isn’t good, but Reiki failed lamentably under the
power of some “masters” that totally perverted and dogmatized the
system that was meant to awaken humanity at the beginning of the
last Century. Reiki was the initial platform, but for those who want
to cross borders it isn’t enough. It is time to take further steps.

Analogies or comparisons of KOSO RAYS to other energies are

out of subject. It is hard to compare KOSO RAYS to anything
known before, because of their totally different nature. Please try
not to assimilate them by mistake with other energies. Take them
as they are and experiment. Is a matter of time until they will
debug you and release the blockings, if any. Until then please be
patient, have faith and use KOSO RAYS frequently.

KOSO RAYS® is the platform system for the next transformational



Koso Rays® is property of Armand-Manuel Ratundu © 2005-2007
All rights reserved.
Koso Rays® is a free spiritual system meant for spiritual development and the attunements works on DIY
basis absolutely free of any master or any charging. Anyone claiming any of these attunements, charging or
pretending money for attunements will be considered in violation of system spiritual purpose, not anymore
part of the system or representing Koso Rays® or the founder purpose.
Koso Rays® it is not meant to replace any medical treatment or medication and has created for spiritual

This 3rd version of Koso Rays® Manual is the latest up to date, available from March 2007.


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