Storm Water Management Plan
Storm Water Management Plan
Storm Water Management Plan
stormwater management are increased erosion risk and risks associated with flooding.
Therefore, this stormwater management plan and the erosion management plan are
closely linked to one another and be managed together.
This Stormwater Management Plan addresses the management of stormwater runoff
from the development site and significant impacts relating to resultant impacts such as
soil erosion and downstream sedimentation. The main factors influencing the planning
of storm water management measures and infrastructure are:
Rainfall intensities;
The objective of the plan is to provide measures to address runoff from disturbed
portions of the site, such that they:
do not result in concentrated flows into natural watercourses i.e. provision should be
made for temporary or permanent measures that allow for attenuation, control of
velocities and capturing of sediment upstream of natural watercourses.
do not result in any necessity for concrete or other lining of natural watercourses to
protect them from concentrated flows off the development.
do not divert flows out of their natural flow pathways, thus depriving downstream
watercourses of water.
This storm water management plan must be updated and refined once the construction/
civil engineering plans have been finalised.
The site can be described as slightly undulating to flat, draining into two intermittent
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The geology of the area comprises granites and calcretes of the Kalahari Group (AGIS
Soils are relatively shallow red loamy sands with lime (calcrete) generally
present (AGIS 2007). The somewhat restricted effective soil depth may lead to localised
Minimse the area of exposure of bare soils to minimse the erosive forces of wind,
water and all forms of traffic.
Ensure that development does not increase the rate of stormwater flow above that
which the natural ground can safely accommodate at any point in the subcatchments.
Ensure that all stormwater control works are constructed in a safe and aesthetic
manner in keeping with the overall development.
Design and construct roads to avoid concentration of flow along and off the road.
Where flow concentration is unavoidable, measures to incorporate the road into the
major stormwater system should be taken, with the provision of detention storage
facilities at suitable points.
To assist with the stormwater run-off, gravel roads should typically be graded and
shaped with a 2-3% crossfall back into the slope, allowing stormwater to be
channelled in a controlled manor towards the, natural drainage lines and to assist
with any sheet flow on the site.
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Design culvert inlet structures to ensure that the capacity of the culvert does not
exceed the pre-development stormwater flow at that point.
Provide detention
Design outlet culvert structures to dissipate flow energy. Any unlined downstream
channel must be adequately protected against soil erosion.
Where the construction of the facility causes a change in the vegetative cover of the
site that might result in soil erosion, the risk of soil erosion by stormwater must be
minimised by the provision of appropriate artificial soil stabilisation mechanisms or
revegetation of the area. Any inlet to a piped system should be fitted with a screen,
or grating to prevent debris and refuse from entering the stormwater system.
Preferably all rivers (non-perennial rivers within the site) and drainage channels on
site and contained within the larger area of the property (i.e. including buffer zone)
should remain in the natural state so that the existing hydrology is not disturbed.
Engineering Specifications
The location, area/extent (m/ha) and specifications of all temporary and permanent
water management structures or stabilisation methods must be indicated within the
Stormwater Management Plan.
The drainage system for the site should be designed to specifications that can
adequately deal with a 1:50 year intensity rainfall event or more to ensure sufficient
capacity for carrying storm waters around and away from infrastructure.
Procedures for storm water flow through a project site need to take into
consideration both normal operating practice and special circumstances. Special
circumstances in this case typically include severe rainfall events.
The Developer holds ultimate responsibility for remedial action in the event that the
approved stormwater plan is not correctly or appropriately implemented and damage
to the environment is caused.
During the construction phase, the contractor must prepare a Stormwater Control
Method Statement to ensure that all construction methods adopted on site do not cause,
or precipitate soil erosion and shall take adequate steps to ensure that the requirements
of the Stormwater Management Plan are met before, during and after construction. The
designated responsible person on site, as indicated in the Stormwater Control Method
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Statement shall ensure that no construction work takes place before the stormwater
control measures are in place.
implemented, with a view to preventing the passage of concentrated flows off hardened
surfaces and onto natural areas.
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