Insect Pests of Sugarcane
Insect Pests of Sugarcane
Insect Pests of Sugarcane
1. Pyrilla perpusilla Walker Sugarcane Leaf Hopper O. Homoptera 1. Attack sugarcane, wheat, oat, barley, maize, 1. Due to sucking of sap leaves turn pale and dry up; in heavy
Alor Ghora ( Hindi) F. Fulgoridae Sudan grass, sorghum, etc. attack cane dries up and dies.
2. Breeds throughout the year producing 4 2. Honey dew coat attracts fungi which forms black sooty
overlapping generations. growth on the shoot. This reduces photosynthesis to adversely
3. Female lays eggs in cluster of 300 – 500 on affect quantity and quality of sugar formation.
lower side (summer) or in leaf sheaths 3. 10 – 30 % of loss of crop yield recorded; and sugar content
(winters). fall by 35%; due to high glucose, gur formation does not occur.
4. Both nymphs and adults suck plant sap from 4. Damage to crop is severe from May onwards; worst in Oct. to
undersurface of leaves. Nov. after monsoon.
5. Both secrete sweet sticky honey dew which
forms coat on the shoot.
2. Scirpophaga (=Tryporyza) Sugarcane Top Borer O.Lepidoptera 1. Attack sugarcane, jowar, sarkanda, kans, dhab, 1. Larva attacking growing point further bores up to 4 – 5 nodes
nivella Faber. Choti Bedhak (Hindi) F. Pyralidae etc. of top shoot; causes damage to central whorl of leaves leading
2. Active from Mar. to Nov.; producing 4 – 5 to their drying up to form dead-hearts; side shoot develop to
overlapping generations. form bunchy tops.
3. Moths sit on the top of canes in morning hours 2. 5 – 30 % of crop yield loss is recorded; quality of sugar is
and mate and lay eggs at night time also affected.
4. Female lays clusters of 30 – 60 eggs on lower 3. Damage to crop is severe in July and August.
surface of leaves.
5. Caterpillar bores mid-rib of the leaf and mines
to reach growing point.
6. Larva feeds on growing point and bores down
from top (therefore name top borer).
7.Larva excavates characteristic chamber with
exit ( for moth), just above the node; also
pupates here (except last generation which
3. Chilo (=Chilotraea) Sugarcane Stem Borer O.Lepidoptera 1. Attack sugarcane, bajra, guinea grass, dub, 1. Caterpillar attacking young cane form dead-heart (but not in
infuscatellus Snellen Ankur Bedhak (Hindi) F. Pyralidae sarkanda, maize, jowar, etc. full grown cane).
2. Active Mar. to Oct.; 4 – 5 generation in a 2. Central leaf sheath on drying up start rotting and when pulled
year. out has offensive smell.
3. Female lays eggs in clusters of 10 – 35 eggs 3. 10 – 20% loss of yield; under heavy infestation loss up to
each on ventral side of leaves. 70% reported.
4. Caterpillar bores shoot at base (ground level) 4. Attack recorded from April to June; maximum damage is
of cane plant to feed on soft tissues. caused by 2nd, 3rd and 4th broods.
5.Larva after boring tunnels up the shoot or down
into the root; & pupates in Feb.
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