Learn Filipino BK 1 Chap 2
Learn Filipino BK 1 Chap 2
Learn Filipino BK 1 Chap 2
Si Amado
Lesson goals Si Nenè
§ 41. Lesson goals. In this aral you can expect to learn to: Siná Amado at Nenè
a. Introduce yourself, again
b. Use word linkers
c. Refer to persons and things as
subject: ang-case
d. Count to 10
e. Say palá, namán
Situation Halimbawà
a. Adjective + noun Ma-ba-ít na batà
b. Noun + adjective Ba-tang ma-ba-it
c. Pronoun + noun I-yóng a-nák
d. Pronoun + infinitive Gus-tó kong ku-ma-in
§ 43. Linkers. Linkers make spoken Filipino sound better. People may understand you, if you omit
linkers; but they will understand you better if you use them.
• Add –ng to a word ending in a vowel
• Add –g to a word ending in n.
If Do Halimbawà
a. A word ends in a Add -ng Ta-yo: ta-yong la-hát
b. A word ends with n Add –g A-kin: a-king la-ru-án
c. A word ends with a Use the separate Ma-bilís: ma-bi-lís na sa-
consonant word na sak-yán
Mga halimbawà:
a. Ma-ra-mi ka-míng ga-ga-wín.
b. Wa-lâ a-kóng pu-pun-ta-hán.
c. Sa-áng pa-a-ra-lán pu-ma-pa-sok ang mga a-nák mo?
§ 44. Pagsásanay 2-1. Modify the following phrases by adding the correct linker, as in the examples:
Mga halimbawà:
§ 46. Each class name is an example the stress and accent of the words in the class, that is, the
words in each class have the same word stress and accent as the class name. Thus, all words
in the malumay class have no accent. All words in the malumì class have the grave accent. All
words in the mabilís class have the acute accent. All words in the maragsâ class have the
circumflex accent.
§ 47. Technically, the accents are part of the written language. In practice, however, many Filipino
writers omit the accents. If you grew up with the language, you would know how to pronounce
words from the context. If not, you would find the accents useful aids to pronunciation.
§ 48. Malumay. Place the stress on the second to the last syllable. There is no accent mark. Listen to
the instructor or recording and practice saying the following:
a. gu-mi-sing to wake up
b. bu-ma-ngon to get up
c. mag-a-ga-han to eat breakfast
d. mag-bi-his to change clothes
§ 49. Malumì As in malumay, emphasis in malumì words is on the semifinal syllable. The difference is
the glottal stop; stop the vowel sound short in the throat. It's like saying "uh-oh." The first
syllable is stopped short in the throat. That is a glottal stop. Malumì words are like that. Mark
the last vowel with a grave accent (`), called "pahiwà.” Note that accent marks are only placed
on vowels. Consonants never have accent marks. Practice by saying the following out loud:
a. a-wà mercy
b. ha-lim-ba-wà example
§ 50. Malumì and word linkers. Notice that all malumì words end in a vowel. Following the rules for
word linkers given above, we add –ng to the end of a malumì word. But doing so would make
the word end in –g. So it is no longer a malumì word; instead it becomes a malumay word.
§ 51. Mabilís. Place the emphasis on the last syllable. Mark the
last vowel with an acute accent (´), called "pahilís." Isá, dalawá, tatló, apat, limá,
Practice by saying the following out loud:
anim, pitó, waló, siyám, sampû
a. a-li-sín to remove
b. lu-ma-bás to go out
c. lu-ma-ngóy to swim
d. mag-da-sál to pray
§ 52. Maragsâ. Like mabilís, emphasis in maragsâ words is on the last syllable.
The difference is the glottal stop; stop the vowel sound short in the
throat. It's like saying "uh-oh." The first syllable is stopped short in the
throat. That is a glottal stop. Maragsâ words are like that. So, maragsâ
words are like mabilís, except they end in a glottal-stopped vowel.
Maragsâ words are like malumi, except their emphasis is on the last
syllable. Mark the last vowel with a circumflex accent (^), called
pakupyâ. Practice by saying the following out loud:
a. bu-ma-bâ to go down
b. hi-yâ shame, face
c. hu-mandâ to get ready
d. hu-min-tô to stop
§ 53. Maragsâ and word linkers. Notice that all maragsâ words end in a vowel. Following the rules for
word linkers given above, we add –ng to the end of a maragsâ word. But doing so would make
the word end in –g. So it is no longer a maragsâ; instead it becomes a mabilís word.
Useful phrases: count to ten
6 7 8 9 10
a-nim pi-tó wa-ló si-yám sam-pû
§ 55. Pagsásanay 2-2. How would you say the following in Filipino?
a. ten fingers7
b. seven samurai
c. one nose8
d. two eyes9
e. three stars10
§ 56. Listen and speak. Listen to the recording or the instructor, then repeat out loud:
-- Ku-mus-tá, akó si Charina. Hello, I’m Charina.
-- Ku-mus-tá ka, Charina. How are you, Charina?
-- Ma-bu-ti namán.
§ 57. Noun and pronoun cases. To help us learn the ways in which nouns and pronouns are used, we
learn a language tool called case, which tells how a noun or pronoun is used in a sentence.
There are three cases of nouns and pronouns: a) ang-case, b) sa-case and c) ng-case. The ang-
case is the case of the subject of the sentence. The sa-case is the case of place. Nouns and
pronouns in the ng-case serve, in various situations, as: a) owner, b) direct object and c) doer
of the verb’s action
§ 58. ang-case. The first of three cases of nouns and pronouns is the ang-case, the case of the
subject of the sentence. In the following sentences, the phrases in boldface are in the ang-case:
a. Kikò and Charina washed their hands. Nag-hu-gas ng ka-may si-ná Kikò at
b. They are very helpful. Si-lá ay ma-tu-tu-lu-ngin.
c. The table was set by Kikò and Charina. I-ni-han-da ni-ná Kikò at Charina ang
d. It was sold for $100. Na-i-pag-bi-li i-tó nang san-da-ang-pi-so.
§ 62. ang case Personal pronouns. Following are the ang-case personal pronouns. These pronouns
serve as subjects of their respective sentences.
a. a-kó I
b. i-káw you (s.)
c. si-yá he, she
d. ta-yo we (incl.)
e. ka-mí we (excl.)
f. ka-yó you (pl.)
g. si-lá they
§ 63. Tayo and kamí. Filipino has two forms for “we”: 1) one includes the person to whom you are
speaking (the inclusive form); 2) the other does not (the exclusive form). The kausap is the
person to whom are speaking. When you use the inclusive form, the kausap is included. When
you use the exlusive form, the kausap is not included.
§ 64. Ikáw and ka. Ikáw becomes ka when the predicate comes before the subject.
I-káw ay ku-ma-ka-in. Ku-ma-ka-in ka. You are eating.
I-káw ay ma-gan-da. Ma-gan-da ka. You are good-looking.
§ 65. Terms of kinship. There is an exception to the rule to distinguish between names of persons
and all other names. Terms of kinship may be regarded as both personal and non-personal.
Thus, you may say:
a. ang na nay or si na nay (mother)
b. si a te or ang a te (older sister)
c. ang ta tay or si ta tay (father)
d. si lo lo or ang lo lo (grandpa)
§ 67. palá. Say palá to indicate somebody or something that you were not expecting.
Filipino Comment
a. I-káw pa-lá. It’s you!
b. Si Au-ring pa-lá ang na-na-lo. It was Auring that won (I wasn’t expecting
c. Nan-di-to pa-lá ang a-king chi- My slippers are here ( wasn’t expecting
ne-las. Ang chi-ne-las ko pa-lá them to be here.)
ay nan-di-to.
§ 68. Listen and speak. Listen to the recording or the instructor, then repeat out loud:
12 a ling, n., title of respect for a woman; put in front of the name of a woman to whom you are not related.
§ 72. Personal and non-personal nouns. In English we distinguish between proper nouns and
common nouns. In Filipino we distinguish between names of persons (personal nouns)
and all other nouns (non-personal nouns).
The non-personal nouns include all nouns (both common and proper)
that are not names of persons.
§ 73. Listen and speak. Listen to the recording or the instructor, then repeat out loud:
-- Kikò, i-tó si Pepe, a-king ka-i-bi-gan. Kikò, this is Pepe, a friend.
-- Pepe, i-tó si Kikò, a-king ka-pa-tid. Pepe, this is Kikò, my brother.
-- Ku-mus-tá ka, Pepe.
-- OK lang. I-káw, ku-mus-tá ka?
§ 74. Pagsásanay 2-3. How would you say the following in Filipino?
a. I am Steve.
b. How are you, Susan?
c. I’m fine, Joe.
d. Good morning (respectfully).
e. Kikò is eating.
f. This is my dad (respectfully).
g. Good afternoon, Pepe.
h. Good evening (respectfully).
i. How are you? (respectfully)
j. Just fine.
§ 75. Vocabulary. In this aral you met the following words and phrases:
a kin, pron., my, s., ng-case, before
ang, marker, ang-case, non-personal, s.
at, conj., and
ba, marker, question marker; presence in sentence makes sentence a question
ba hay, n., house, home
bi tu wín, n., star
chi ne las, n., slippers
da la wá, numeral, two
da li rì, n., finger
i han dâ, v., o.f., to prepare s.t.: i-hi-na-han-dâ, i-hi-nan-dâ, i-ha-han-dâ
i lóng, n., nose
i sá, numeral, one
i tó, pron., this; ang-case, impers.
Answers to exercises
§ 78. Answers to Pagsásanay 2-1. Modify the following phrases by adding the correct linker, as in the
You hear You say
a. ka-ni-lá + ba-hay kaniláng bahay
b. no-ón + ling-gó noóng linggó
§ 79. Answers to Pagsásanay 2-2. How would you say the following in Filipino?
a. ten fingers13 sampúng dalirì
b. seven samurai pitóng samurai
c. one nose14 isáng ilóng
d. two eyes15 dalawáng matá
e. three stars16 tatlóng bituwín
§ 80. Answers to Pagsásanay 2-3. How would you say the following in Filipino?
a. I am Steve. Akó si Steve.
b. How are you, Susan? Kumusta ka, Susan.
c. I’m fine, Joe. Mabuti naman, Joe.
d. Good morning (respectfully). Magandang umaga pô.
e. Kikò is eating. Si Kikò ay kumakain.
f. This is my dad. (respectfully). Itó pô ang aking tatay.
g. Good afternoon, Pepe. Magandang hapon, Pepe.
h. Good evening (respectfully). Magandang gabí pô.