Vectors 1 PDF
Vectors 1 PDF
Vectors 1 PDF
Vectors and Scalar
The quantities which possess only magnitude are called Scalars, e.g., mass, volume, density, energy,
power and distance etc.
On the other hand, a quantity which possesses a direction along with its magnitude in such a way that
the physical effect of the quantity is completely different when its direction is changed is called a
Vector, e.g. displacement , velocity, acceleration, force, momentum etc.
Important Note
It is not necessary that a quantity having direction will definitely be a vector. In order that the quantity
having direction has to be a vector, it must satisfy following conditions.
(i) The quantity must change its effect with the change in direction.
(ii) It must satisfy the laws of vector addition.
An example of a scalar quantity which has direction is electric current. The electric current keeps on
mantaining same heating effect when its direction is changed by turning the wire carrying current.
Current , the amount of charge crossing an area per unit time , remains same no matter how has the
wire been turned .Besides this, the electric current adds like scalars. For example if I1 and I2 currents
coming from two different directions add up to give a single current, that single current is always I1 + I2
irrespective of the directions.
Graphical Reprsentation of a Vector
To represent a vector graphically first we draw, somewhere on the paper, rectangular lines indicating
the relevant directions, then we draw an arrow pointing in the direction of the vector (with the help of
chosen direction on the paper) taking the length of the arrow proportional to the magnitude of the
vector. For example, let us represent a vecloty vector v = 30 m/s, 45° due north of east :
Let us choose 1 cm. 5 m/s.
Here the direction of the arrow is that of the given vector & its length OA = 6 cm
OA 30 m/s = v
Symbol or Notation for a Vector quantity
If a physical quantity is represented by a symbol A, an arrow placed over it like A signifies its vector
nature. Moreover, if a vector physical quantity whose symbol is A is denoted as A , it means we give
due consideration to its magnitude and direction both. If we simply denote it by A we consider only its
mangnitude. Example, Consider a velocity vector (symbol for velocity is v, say) of 30 m/s due east then
v = 30 m/s due east and v = 30 m/s
magnitude A of a vector A is also written as | A |, i.e., A = | A |.
In the above example v = | v | = 30 m/s.
(2) Displacement Vector : Dislocation of place, i.e. change in position is called displacement. A
vector telling us the magnitude and direction of displacement of an object between its initial and final
positions is called displacement vector. Its magnitude is the length of straight line joining initial and final
position of the object and its direction is from initial position towards the final position.
Here r = AB is the displacement vector of an object which changes its position from A to B.
(3) Parallel Vectors : Vector which have the same direction are called parallel vectors.
(4) Antiparallel Vectors : Vectors having opposite directions are called antiparallel vectors.
(5) Equal Vectors : Two vectors having same magnitude and same direction are called equal vectors.
(6) Negative of a Vector : A vector is called the negative of another if its magnitude is same but the
direction is opposite to the later. Thus, if a vector A is negative of B , then A = B but direction of A
is opposite to that of B .
Vectors - by Dinesh K.Jindal
My Notes on Physics / dk jindal 3
(9) Co-Linear Vector : Vectors acting along same line are called co-linear vectors.
Unit Vector : A unit vector in a given direction is defined as a vector of unit magnitude but no
dimension in that direction. A unit vector is denoted by putting a ^ (cap) symbol over a relevant letter.
e.g. let us select a letter ‘e’ to represent a unit vector in east direction then ê = 1 due east.
To understand more about unit vector and its use, consider a force F = 100 N due north. Let us
1 1
multiply it with i.e, by , we get
F 100 N
F 1
= (100 N) due north
F 100 N
= 1 due north.
Let us, denote 1 due north by F̂ , a unit vector in the direction of F .
Thus = F̂ (a unit vector in the direction of F )
or F = F ( F̂ )
This gives us a way to write a vector :
A vector = (Its magnitude) (a unit vector in the direction of the vector)
The unit vector along the three mutually or direction x, y and z are taken to be î , ˆj and k̂ .
Null Vector (Zero Vector)
Consider a vector B which is negative of a vector A , then
A + B = A – A = zero
But the addition of two vectors is always a vector, therefore, the ‘zero’ coming from A – A
must also be a vector. This compels us to define a zero vector (or null vector) as under. “Zero vector
or null vector is a vector of zero magnitude and arbitrary direction.” We represent it as 0 ,
Thus A – A = 0 .
Addition or Composition of Vectors
Addition or Composition of a number of vector is a process of finding a single vector whose effect
alone is same as the effect produced by the combined action of the given vectors. That is, if
R = A + B +C
then the above equation means,
The effect R alone is same as the effect produced by the combined action of A , B and C . R is
called Resultant of A + B + C .
Note : Above equation DOES NOT mean R = A + B + C, though, sometimes the magnitude
of R may be A + B + C.
Triangle Law of Vector Addition for two Vectors
It states : If two vectors are represented in magnitude as well as in direction by two sides of a
triangle taken in the order that the tail of one falls on the head of the preceeding one then their
resultant will be represented in magnitude as well as in direction by the completing side of the
triangle taken in opposite order.
Let R = A + B , if the representations of A and B are OP and LM then according to Triangle
Law, R is represented by OM .
It is quite clear from the figure that A + B and B + A both the represented by SJ . One thing which
becomes clear from the above discussion is A + B = B + A and the other thing is if SK A and
SH B , the SJ A + B , that is;
“If two vectors are represented co-initially in magnitude as well as in direction by two adjacent
sides of a parallelogram , then, their resultant will be represented in magnitude as well as
in direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram drawn co-initially to the representation of the
given vectors.”
The above statement is the statement of Parallelogram Law of addition of two vectors.
Calculation of the Resultant of Two Vectors
Consider two vectors A and B acting at an angle with each other. Let R = A + B and Let R
makes on angle with the direction of vector A . Let us add vectors A and B using Parallelo-
gram Law of vector addition. Clearly, if OP A , OG B. Then, according to parallelogram law of
Equation (6) gives the direction of the resultant R of the vectors A and B .
Special cases :
(1) When the vectors are in same direction (make zero angle)
then , R = A + B and the resultant acts in the direction of the vectors
S= A2 B2 2 AB cos
B sin
and tan .
A B cos
B sin
or tan .
A B cos
Special cases :
(1) When the vectors are in same direction (make zero angle)
then , S = A B and the Difference vector acts in the direction of the greater vector
The vectors A , B , C , D , H are COPLANAR and they are represented above by the
adjacent sides of a polygon in magnitude as well as in direction taken in the order that the tail of
one falls on the head of the preceeding one, clearly ON represents A B , OL represents A B C ,
OP represents A B C D . Therefore, OS represents the resultant R = A B C D H .
Here OS in the completing side of the ploygon formed by the representations of the given vectors.
Thus the procedure gives us a law called polygon law of vector addition, stating:
“If a number of coplanar vectors are represented in magnitude as well as in direction by the
adjacent sides of a polygon taken in the order that the tail of one falls on the head of the
preceeding one, their resultant vector will be represented in magnitude as well as in direction
by the completing side of the polygon taken in opposite order.”
Important Notes :
(1) If the graphical representations of a number of coplanar vectors, drawn in head to tail order, make
a closed polygon, their resultant is a null vector (zero vector.)
(2) If the resultant of three vectors is zero, they must be coplanar . And hence, their graphical
representations must from a closed triangle when drawn in head to tail order.
(3) If the resultant of more than three vectors is zero, they may or may not be coplanar. If they are
coplanar, only then their graphical representation will form a closed polygon when taken in head to tail
Resolution of Vectors :
The process of finding a number of vectors whose combined effect becomes equal to the effect of the
given vector alone, is called the resolution of the given vector into component vectors.
We can always find as many component vectors as we desire for a given single vector ,
but we always do what is needed. According to the need, we proceed as follows:
(1)Two Components of a Vector along two given directions:
Let the vector V is to be resolved along two directions n̂ and k̂ making angles and with the
vector V . Let the components along n̂ and k̂ are and . Therefore, according to the definition of
resolution of a vector, we must have,
V = n̂ k̂ .... (1)
Let us represent vector V graphically by arrow, OA as shown in the figure.
That is, if OA V
then OB
OC BA µ.
Now, let us use sine - law for the OBA
sin sin sin 180
replacing OB, BA & OA by the magnitude of the vectors which they represent we get,
sin sin sin
V sin V sin
sin sin
Important Notes : (1)The rectangular components of a vector are also called its resolved parts.
(2)Let us resolve a vector along two mutually perpendicular directions, one along the direction of the
vector itself, and, the other perpendicular to the vector.
Now, instead of vector V we have only two effects, one V cos along the desired direction
and the other V cos 90 perpendicular to the desired direction. The effect of V cos 90
perpendicular to itself, (i.e., the effect of V cos 90 in the direction of V cos ) is ZERO, and,
the effect of V cos in its own direction is V cos itself. Therefore, the total effect left along the
desired direction is only V cos (which is the rectangular component of V along that direction). This
proves that, the complete effect of a vector along a given direction is the rectangular component of the
vector along that direction.
Three Rectangular Components of A Vector :
Consider a vector V to be resolved along three mutually perpendicular directions, say, x, y and z. Let
the vector V makes angles , and with x, y and z directions. Therefore, if Vx, Vy and Vz are the
components of vector V along x, y and z directions, according to the definition of resolutions of a
vector, we must have:
Vx î Vy ĵ Vz k̂ V ...... (1)
Let us represent V by an arrow OA.
The representations of Vx, Vy and Vz and their values will be determined as under:
In the rt-angled OGA (of the figure given above), we have:
OG OA cos
OG î OA cos î
OG î V cos î ..... (2)
Similarly, in the rt-angled OCA
OC = OA cos
OCĵ OA cos ˆj
OE OA cos
OEk̂ OA cos k̂
or OEk̂ V cos k̂ ....... (4)
Now in the rectangle OEFG ( ||gm), by ||gm law of vector addition,
OF OE k̂ OG î ........ (5)
and, in the rectangle OCAF,
OA OCĵ OF ....... (6)
Combining equations (5) and (6),
OA OGiˆ OCˆj OEkˆ ....... (7)
Now knowing that OA = V and using equations (2), (3) and (4), we get
Now, if vector V is in such a direction, that, it makes angles , and with x, y and z axis,
then, Vx = V cos
cos =
cos = V 2
Vy2 Vz2
1 Vx
or = cos 2
V x Vy2 Vz2
Similarly = cos 2
V x V y2 V z2
1 Vz
and = cos 2
V x V y2 V z2
A . .B
AI I = A Cos = A . Bˆ
and AI I = A . Bˆ Bˆ ( A Cos ) Bˆ
Further , from triangle law of vector addition :
A A A11 and A A2 A 211
Example: A Charge particle is fired with a velocity 5 m/s iˆ in a magnetic field B ( 3 iˆ 4 ˆj ) T .
Find its velocity along and perpendicular to the field .
5 iˆ. ( 3 iˆ 4 ˆj ) 1 1
Solution : v11 ms 3m s
1 1
and v ( 25 9 )ms 4ms
Note Because the scalar product is written as A . B , we also call the scalar product as DOT
PRODUCT of the vectors.
Special Cases
(1) Scalar Product of a vector with itself
A A = AA cos 0° = A2
(2) Dot Product of two rectangular Vectors
P Q = PQ cos 90°
P Q =0
(3) Dot Product of the triad of rectangular unit vectors î , ˆj and k̂
î î = 1.1. cos 0° = 1
Similarly ˆj ˆj = 1 = k̂ k̂
B B x î B y ˆj Bz k̂
A B = A x î A y ĵ A z k̂ . B x î B y ĵ B z k̂
A B = AxBx + AyBy+ AzBz
Example (1) : Find the angle between two vectors A and B which are given below:
A = 3î 2ˆj 6k̂ and B = 4î 3ˆj 3k̂
Solution : A B = 3.4 + 2.3 – 6.3 = 0
But A B = AB cos where is the angle between them
AB cos = 0
But A 0, B 0
cos = 0 = 90°
Example (2) : Find the angle between the vectors A 2 î ĵ k̂ and B 2 î ĵ k̂
Solution : A B = 2 2 1 1=2
But A B = AB cos
A B = AB cos =2
Here A = 2 1 1 = 2 and B = 2 1 1 =2
from eq (1) 2.2 cos = 2
cos = = 60°
Vector Product of Two Vectors : The vector product of two vectors is a vector quantity
which is defined as :
(i) It is a vector whose magnitude is equal to the product of the magnitudes of the two given vectors
and sine of the smaller angle between them.
(ii) The direction of the product vector is such that it is perpendicular to the plane formed by the two
vectors and it is that in which the right hand screw would advance when it is twisted from the first
vector in the product towards the second vector through the smaller angle between them. It is denoted
by putting cross (×) sign of multiplication between the symbols of the two vectors.
Illustration : The two vectors A and B are represented by OP and OQ, their vector product C
is written as C = A × B , and according to the above rule C = AB sin and it is represented by OM
(as the right hand screw rule gives its direction along OM). Thus
C A B = AB sin n̂
Note : B A = BA sin (– n̂ ) = – C
Thus B A= A B
that is A B B A
Special Cases: (i) Vector product of a vector with itself:
A A A. A. sin 0 0
Thus A A=0
(ii) Cross Product of î , ˆj and k̂
î × î = 0 = ĵ × ĵ = k̂ × k̂
î × ˆj = 1.1 sin 90° k̂
Thus î × ĵ = k̂ and ˆj î k̂
Similarly : ˆj × k̂ = and ˆj
î k̂ î
and k̂ î ˆj and î k̂ ĵ
B = B x î B y ˆj B z k̂
then ˆ
A × B = ( A x î A y j A z k̂ ) × ( B x î B y ĵ B z k̂ )
A B A x B x î î A x B y î ˆj A x B z î k̂ + A y B x ˆj î A y B y ˆj ˆj A y B z ˆj k̂
+ A z B x k̂ î A z B y k̂ ˆj A z B z k̂ k̂
A B O + A x By k̂ – A x B z ˆj – A y B x k̂ + O + A y B z î + Az B x ˆj – A z B y î + O
A B Ay B z Az B y iˆ Az B x Ax B z ˆj Ax B y Ay B x kˆ
or A B Ay B z Az B y iˆ Ax Bz Az B x ˆj Ax B y Ay Bx kˆ ... (1)
Thus, if A B C
then Cx = A y Bz A z B y
Cy = A z B x A x Bz and Cz = A x B y A y Bx
î ĵ k̂
A B Ax Ay Az
Bx By Bz