Avinash Mathematics Project-1 (Edited)
Avinash Mathematics Project-1 (Edited)
Avinash Mathematics Project-1 (Edited)
Part A
Explain the conditional probability, the theorem
of total probability and the concept of Baye’s
theorem with examples.
I would like to express my special thanks
of my gratitude to Principal Mrs. Bhavana
Chelawat and my teacher Mr. Raman
Shrivastava , who gave me golden
opportunity to do this wonderful project of
mathematics on “Conditional Probability”
and “Baye’s Theorem” , who also helped
me in completing my project. I came to
know about so many new things , I am
really thankful to them. Secondly I would
also like to thanks my parents and my
brother who helped me a lot in finalizing
this project within the limited time frame.
Avinash singh
This is to certify that Avinash Singh , a
student of class XII has successfully
completed the research on the project
under the guidance of Mr. Raman
Shrivastav during the year 2020 – 2021.
Signature Signature
Introduction of probability 5
Basic probability some basic concepts 5
Probability of multiple events
Importance of probability 7
Conditional probability 7
Proof of conditional probability 7
Difference between probability and
conditional probability 8
Formula of conditional probability 10
Law of total probability 11
Total probability theorem statement 11
Total probability theorem proof 12
Baye’s theorem 13
Formula of Baye’s theorem 15
Derivation of Baye’s theorem 1
Probability is the science of how likely events are to
happen. At it’s simplest , it’s concerned with the roll of
a dice , or the fall of the cards in a game . But
probability is also vital to science and life more
generally .
Probability is used , for example , in such diverse area
as weather forecasting and to workout the cost of your
insurance premium .
A basic understanding of probability is an essential
skill in life even if you are not a professional gambler
or weather forecaster .
Importance of probability
The importance probability is statistics is that we can
use it to predict results of experiment under
The probability theory is very much helpful for making
predictions. Estimates and predictions form an
important part of research investigation. With the help
of statistical methods , we make estimates for further
analysis. Thus , statistical methods are largely
dependent on the theory of probability.
Conditional Probability
It is defined as the likelihood of an event or outcome
occurring , based on the occurrence of a previous
event or outcomes. Conditional probability is
calculated by multiplying the probability of the
preceding event by the updated probability of the
succeeding or conditional event.
Formula and derivavtion of
conditional probability :
Law of Total Probability:
For two events A And B associated with a sample
space S , the sample space can be divided into a set
A∩B’,A∩B,A’∩B,A’∩B’ . This set is said to be mutually
disjoint or pairwise disjoint because any pair of sets in
it is disjoint . Elements of this set are better known as
partition of sample space.
This can be represented by the Venn diagram as
showed in figure in cases where the probability of
occurrence of other events weuse total probability
probability of occurrence. For any event, A associated
with S, according to the total probability theorem,
P(A) = ∑k=0nP(Ck)P(A|Ck)
they are mutually independent events which imply
that A ∩ Ci and A ∩ Ck are also disjoint for all i ≠ k.
P(A) = P [(A ∩ C1) ∪ (A ∩ C2) ∪ ….. ∪ (A ∩ Cn)]
= P (A ∩ C1) + P (A ∩ C2) + … + P (A ∩ Cn) ............... (2)
We know that,
P(A ∩ Ci) = P(Ci) P(A|Ci)(By multiplication rule of
probability)......... (3)
Using (2) and (3), (1) can be rewritten as,
P(A) = P(C1)P(A| C1) + P(C2)P(A|C2) + P(C3)P(A| C3)
+ . . . . . + P(Cn)P(A| Cn)
Hence, the theorem can be stated in form of equation
probability that it will rain is 0.45, then determine the
probability that the mining job will be completed on
Let A be the event that the mining job will be
completed on time and B be the event that it rains. We
P(B) = 0.45,
P(no rain) = P(B′) = 1 − P(B) = 1 − 0.45 = 0.55
By multiplication law of probability,
P(A|B) = 0.42
P(A|B′) = 0.90
Since, events B and B′ form partitions of the sample
space S, by total probability theorem, we have
P(A) = P(B) P(A|B) + P(B′) P(A|B′)
=0.45 × 0.42 + 0.55 × 0.9
= 0.189 + 0.495 = 0.684
So, the probability that the job will be completed on
time is 0.684.
Baye’s theorem:
A theorem describing how the conditional probability
of each of a set of possible cases for a given observed
outcomes can be computed for knowledge of the
probability of each cause and the conditional
probability of the outcome of each cause.
Derivation of Baye’s Theorem:
Applications of Bayes’ Theorem
(1) Electrolytic carbon type P33: specific surface area is
less than stipulated 1000 m2/g.