BOC and PHLPost MOA For Faster Delivery of Parcels

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AMENDED MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN BUREAU OF CUSTOMS AND PHILIPPINE POSTAL CORPORATION FOR THE HANDLING, EXAMINATION, ASSESSMENT, APPRAISAL AND COLLECTION OF DUTIES, TAXES AND OTHER CHARGES ON POSTAL ITEMS AND ITS IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS (IRR) PART |. AMENDED MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THIS AMENDED MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT, hereafter referred to as '2016 MOA’, made and entered into this day of 2016 at the , Philippines, by and between The PHILIPPINE POSTAL CORPORATION, a government-owned and controlled corporation created and existing by virtue of Republic Act No. 7354 (R.A. 7354), otherwise known as the Postal Services Act of 1992, with principal office address at Manila Central Post Office Building, Magallanes Drive, Liwasang Bonifacio, 1000 Manila City, duly represented herein by its Corporate Officer In-Charge, JOEL L. OTARRA, and hereinafter referred to as "PHLPOST’, -and - The BUREAU OF CUSTOMS, a government entity mandated to enforce the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines, with principal address at the South Harbor, Gate 3, Port Area, 1099 Manila City, duly represented by the Customs Commissioner, Hon. ALBERTO D. LINA, and hereinafter referred to as "BOC’. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Memorandum of Agreement dated 16 July 1973 entered into by the Bureau of Posts, now PHLPost created and existing by virtue of R.A. 7354, and the BOC, hereinafter referred to as ‘1973 MOA’, had been overtaken by emerging fair and common postal and customs service standards, such that the existing procedures in the handling of ‘POSTAL ITEMS’, are not anymore attuned to the current market demands and service standard requirements of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and the World Customs Organization (WCO); WHEREAS, the Memorandum of Agreement dated 24 September 2014 entered into by the PHLPost and the BOC, hereinafter referred to as ‘2014 MOA’, necessitates the alignment to the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines (TCCP), Acts of the UPU, Postal Manual of the Philippines, manuals of operations of PHLPost and various issuances of PHLPost; WHEREAS, the proliferation of business competitors with information technology enhanced delivery services had revolutionized the market and posed threat to the postal service unless steps are taken to improve its service; WHEREAS, Section 32, paragraph b of R.A. 7354 mandates the PHLPost to establish a working arrangement with the BOC to facilitate the inspection, release or delivery of postal items which may be subject to customs duties, taxes and other charges. That PHLPost may organize a special unit or designate specific postal branches for handling such postal items and that in lieu of assigning its own personnel, Page 1 of 11 the BOC may appoint PHLPost or delegate its customs and collections powers thereto, subject to mutually agreed terms and conditions in accordance with law; WHEREAS, the use of information and communications technology (ICT) and electronic data interchange (ED!) systems between the PHLPost and the BOC is of vital importance in improving the speed, security and quality of customs clearance of postal items; WHEREAS, the PHLPost and the BOC recognize that the offenses and violations of customs laws, particularly the transport of illicit materials, drugs, counterfeit goods and other contraband, and money laundering activities are prejudicial to the economic, social, fiscal and security interests of the Philippines; WHEREAS, to enhance competitiveness of the PHLPost in the national and international market and sustain its operation, the BOC and the PHLPost shall cooperatively and jointly promote the development of international trade that will rationalize and simplify procedure in the assessment, appraisal and collection of customs duties, taxes and other charges from postal items handled by PHLPost; WHEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing, the PHLPost and the BOC agree as follows: SECTION 101.COVERAGE 101.1, This 2016 MOA defines the relationship as well as the delineation of the functions between the PHLPost and the BOC in the handling, examination, assessment, appraisal, and collection of customs duties, taxes and other import charges, as well as the receipt, processing, custody, forwarding, holding, confiscation, delivery, return and/or disposal of postal items 101.2. This 2016 MOA can be rescinded unilaterally by either party through a written letter and in accordance with the Termination Provisions in Section 111 hereof. SECTION 102. OBJECTIVES 102.1. To carry out the principles and objectives of the Memorandum of Understanding entered into between the UPU and the WCO; 102.2. To contribute to the national development and strengthen the national security through the use of postal service; 102.3. To prevent and curtail smuggling, drug trafficking, money laundering, and importation of illicit materials, counterfeit goods and other contraband in the postal network; 102.4. To rationalize and simplify procedures in the handling, examination, assessment, appraisal and collection of customs duties, taxes and other charges from postal items which will streamline and fast track processing, telease and delivery of said items; 102.5. To centralize the examination, assessment, appraisal and collection of customs duties, taxes and other charges from postal items for delivery within the Philippines; and, Page 2 of 14 102.6. To enhance and ensure the collection of customs duties, taxes and other charges on postal items through effective collection scheme in accordance with Section 32, paragraph b of R.A. 7354 and Section 602 paragraph e the TCCP. SECTION 103. DEFINITION OF TERMS 103.1. POSTAL TERMS CROSS-BORDER ITEM ~ refers to postal dispatches and/or postal items arriving at any port of entry in the Philippines from foreign port or place indicated in the carrier's manifest and destined for transport to another foreign port DAMAGED DISPATCH — refers to the following external conditions of receptacle: 1) Damaged by weather and/or improper handling; 2) Cut, torn and/or broken receptacle. DAMAGED POSTAL ITEM - refers to the following condition of the external packaging of the postal item: 1) Damaged by weather or improper handling; 2) Cut, torn and/or broken receptacle. DISPATCH DOCUMENTS - refer to Bill of Ladings, Manifests, Delivery Bills and other documents accompanying a dispatch. EXPRESS POST ITEM - refers to an item that is time-sensitive and provided door-to-door delivery to committed areas, categorized into EMS documents and EMS merchandise. This is handled, processed and delivered by PHLPost under the conditions of the UPU Conventions, EMS Standard Agreement, EMS Procedures, PHLPost Manual of Operations and various PHLPost issuances. This is transported by air from origin country LETTER POST ITEM - refers to the items handled, processed and delivered by PHLPost under the conditions of the UPU Conventions, UPU Letter Post regulations, Philippine Postal Manual, PHLPost Manual of Operations and various PHLPost issuances, categorized into Letters, Literature for the Blind, M- Bags, Other Articles (AO), Printed Matters and Small Packets transported from the origin country by air or sea. MISROUTED AND/OR MISSENT DISPATCH - refers to the following receptacle label of a postal dispatch: 1) Carrier misdelivered postal dispatch to air/sea port or to PHLPost; 2) Receptacle mislabeled or receptacle label is PHLPost but destination postal operator in the dispatch documents is not PHLPost NON-MAILABLE MATTER - refers to an item not allowed to be coursed through the postal network under the UPU Conventions, EMS Standard Agreement, EMS Procedures, UPU Parcel Post regulations, UPU Letter Post regulations, Philippine Postal Manual, PHLPost Manual of Operations and various PHLPost issuances. OFFICES OF EXCHANGE - refer to the postal facilities of PHLPost receiving, handling, processing, dispatching and/or delivering postal items from other countries, such as but not limited to: 1) Airmail Exchange Department (PHMNLA); 2) Express Mail Exchange Department (PHLMNLB); and 3) Surface Mail Exchange Department (PHLMNLF), Page 3 of 11 103.2. PARCEL OUT OF BAG - refers to the Parcel post item dispatched without being enclosed in a receptacle. PARCEL POST ITEM — refers to an item handled, processed and delivered by PHLPost under the conditions of the UPU Conventions, UPU Parcel Post regulations, Philippine Postal Manual, PHLPost Manual of Operations and various PHLPost issuances, categorized into air parcel, surface airlifted parcel and surface parcel. POSTAL HANDLING CHARGES - refer to the fees and charges prescribed under the Universal Postal Convention and/or regulations of PHLPost which are collected by PHLPost before a postal item is turned over and/or delivered to the addressee or authorized representative, such as but not limited to: 1) Administrative fee; 2) Computer fee; 3) Processing fee; 4) Delivery fee. POSTAL ITEM ~ refers to anything handled, processed and delivered by PHLPost, such as but not limited to: 1) Express post; 2) Parcel post; 3) Letter post; 4) Balikbayan box; 5) Cross-border item; and 6) Direct Entry item RECEPTACLE - refers to the external packing of the postal dispatches such as but not limited to the following: 1) bag; 2) container; 3) flat tray; 4) letter tray; 5) pallet; 6) parcel out of bag; and 7) unpacked/unpackaged. SURFACE AIRLIFTED ITEM — refers to a non-priority postal item conveyed by air from country of origin and transported within the Philippines by vessel or ship. SURFACE POSTAL ITEM — refers to a non-priority postal item conveyed by vessel or ship from country of origin and within the Philippines. UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION - refers to a specialized agency of the United Nations which, with its member countries, is the primary forum for cooperation between postal sector players, ensuring a truly universal network of up-to-date products and services WEIGHT DISCREPANCY - refers to any variance in declared against actual weight of postal dispatches and/or postal items received. CUSTOMS TERMS BOAT NOTE ~ refers to a Customs document instructing a Customs Guard to escort the transfer of postal items from aircraft or vessel to CWOs. CUSTOMS COLLECTOR - refers especially to the District Collector of BOC or the head of BOC office in a Port of Entry. CUSTOMS DUTY - refers to the taxes imposed to the value of the good/s andior article/s imported into the Philippines collected by the BOC. OTHER IMPORT CHARGE - refers to all other charges other than Customs Duties and Taxes collected by the BOC, such as but not limited to: 1) Import Processing Fee; 2) Documentary Stamp; 3) Penalties; 4) Surcharges. TAX — refers to the taxes imposed by the national government collected by the Bureau of Customs in behalf of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), such as but not limited to: 1) Value-added tax; 2) Excise tax; 3) Ad valorem tax, Page 4 of 11 103.3. TRANSSHIPMENT ~ refers to a shipment or cargo arriving at any port of entry in the Philippines from other foreign port or place indicated in the Carrier's manifest and destined for transshipment to another foreign port. VESSEL ~ refers to every sort of boat, craft or other artificial contrivance used, or capable of being used as means of transportation on water. COMMON TERMS AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORY BANK ~ refers to a bank where Government Agencies are allowed by law to deposit Government Funds and maintain depository accounts, or by way of exception, a bank allowed or designated by the Department of Finance (DOF) and the Monetary Board to hold government deposits subject to prescribed rules and regulations. CARRIER — refers to the airline and/or shipping line companies and its designated mail agent, ground handler and/or freight forwarder and its agent, and is the counterparty or the service provider of the origin postal operator. CUSTOMS WAREHOUSE OFFICE — refers to a designated postal facility of PHLPost where postal items destined to the OEs are received and processed for examination, inspection, assessment, documentation and/or storage by the BOC. SECTION 104. DELEGATION OF POWERS, Save where the contrary intention appears from the context of this 2016 MOA, the TCCP, or any other laws, the following delegation of powers applies: 104.1 104.2 Subject to any special instructions of the District Collector with jurisdiction to the Office of Exchange, a Deputy Collector or Chief Customs Operations Officer may exercise and perform any of the powers, functions and duties which are conferred or imposed upon the District Collector by this 2016 MOA or any other special instructions from the Commissioner of Customs; and, The BOC may authorize any person by name, office or appointment, to exercise and perform any of the powers, functions and duties which are conferred or imposed upon the Commissioner of Customs by the TCCP, this 2016 MOA or other rules and regulations, except the power to dismiss or compel the retirement of a Customs officer or personnel. SECTION 105. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES 105.1 The PHLPost shall be responsible for the following a. Provide advance copy of the Customs Declaration (CN 22/CN 23) for postal items from countries wherein PHLPost have a bilateral or multilateral agreement; b. Ensure safety of all postal items under custody; c. Surrender to BOC all postal items containing prohibited items pursuant to TCCP; Page 5 of 11 105.2. d. Maintain an inventory of postal items received, processed and dispatched by Customs Warehouse Office (CWO) at Offices of Exchange; e. Provide the BOC with periodic report/s on the postal items received, handled, processed and dispatched by CWO at Offices of Exchange: and f. Subject to the terms and conditions imposed by the BOC as well as pertinent government accounting and auditing rules and regulations, daily collection and deposit of the customs duties, taxes and other charges from addressee or his/her representative. The BOC, in accordance with the TCCP, shall be responsible for the following: a. Properly examine, classify and appraise postal items subject to customs duties, taxes and other charges; b. Confiscate and seize prohibited postal items pursuant to the provisions of TCCP, as amended, and other related laws; c. Provide adequate BOC personnel relative to the 24/7 operations at CWOs and provide them compensation, overtime pay and other benefits consistent with the issuances of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and rules and regulations issued by the Civil Service Commission (CSC); d. Ensure compliance of the BOC personnel with this 2016 MOA, and if circumstances warrant, impose sanctions and/or file appropriate administrative, civil and/or criminal charges against persons who may be found liable for committing and abetting smuggling andor illegal importation; and e. Coordinate with the PHLPost in the formulation and review of existing policies and procedures which may affect the implementation of this 2016 MOA. SECTION 106. GENERAL PROVISIONS 106.1 106.2. Both parties agree that The PHLPost and the BOC shall observe a centralized examination and assessment of customs duties, taxes and other charges on postal items arriving and for delivery within the Philippines at the PHLPost entry facilities as follows a. One (1) port of entry at CMEC for consignments arriving by air; b. One (1) port of entry at SMED for consignments conveyed by sea including surface airlifted (SAL); and ©. Additional port of entrylies at postal facilities that may be established as OEIs. For the implementation of the preceding provision, both parties shall adopt measures and guidelines for the organized drawdown and cessation of operations of existing customs facilities in other post offices and distribution center nationwide. Page 6 of 11 106.3. 106.4. The PHLPost and the BOC shall adopt procedures and systems of non- intrusive screening/inspection of incoming letter posts, parcel posts and express mail items. The PHLPost shall provide a facility for both entry points which shall be known as the OE CWOs. 106.4.1 106.4.2, 106.4.3, 106.4.4 106.4.5. For the purposes of organizational jurisdiction: a. The CMEC CWO shall be under the joint control and supervision of the NAIA District Collector or the authorized Customs officer and the Office of the Assistant Postmaster General for Operations; b. THE SMED CWO shall be under the joint control and supervision of the concemed District Collector or authorized Customs officer and the Office of the Assistant Postmaster General for Operations; and c. Other OE CWOs shall be under the joint control and supervision of the Port concemed and the Office of the Assistant Postmaster General for Operations Jurisdiction over regulated, prohibited and abandoned postal items shall be as follows: a. Items under specific warrant and seizure proceedings of the BOC. pursuant to the TCCP, prohibited and/or restricted items shall be under jurisdiction of the BOC. b. Prohibited and/or regulated items under the Acts of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and Philippine postal laws and regulation shall also be subject to specific warrant and seizure proceedings of the BOC pursuant to TCCP. In order to carry out its function effectively, the BOC shall assign sufficient and adequate number of Customs Examiners and Appraisers in the CWOs a. Authorized Customs enforcement and intelligence personnel in ‘the CWOs shall limit their activities to surveillance and reporting, Unless otherwise authorized, under no circumstances are they allowed to open and examine packages and must be in the presence of the PHLPost authorized CWO personnel. b. Should there be any necessity to hold in abeyance the transmittal delivery of a package, the matter shall first be referred to the Customs Collector who shall request from the APMG for Operations, in writing, specifying the reasons thereof. The pertinent authorities and/or the BOC, shall appointidelegate PHLPost as National Collecting Officer (NCO) for the collection of the customs duties, taxes and other charges over postal items as assessed by the BOC. The PHLPost, with the assistance of BOC, shall request from the Bureau of Treasury (BT?) the opening of accounts with authorized government depository banks for the deposit of the customs duties, taxes and other charges collected by PHLPost NCOs. Page 7 of 11 106.4.6. The PHLPost, BOC and the BTr shall develop an accounting and reconciliation system in the collection and deposit of customs duties, taxes and other charges. 106.47. The costs related to the examination, assessment and collection of customs duties, taxes and other charges shall be borne by the following. a. Examination and assessment charges shall be borne by the BOC. b. Costs related to collection and deposit of customs duties, taxes and other charges from the addresseesiclaimants shall be borne by the PHLPost. 106.4.8. The PHLPost and the BOC shall actively explore ways to automate procedures such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), and integrate these existing operations. SECTION 107. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE 107.1 If any part of the 2016 MOA shall for any reason be declared invalid and unenforceable, the remaining portion not affected therein shall remain in full force and effect as if the parties would not have executed the 2016 MOA had they known the invalidity or unenforceability thereof. SECTION 108. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 108.1 108.2. 108.3. 108.4. This 2016 MOA shall supersede and repeal the 2014 MOA, including all circulars, memoranda, and issuances in conflict herewith. The Parties hereto may, by mutual consent, initiate steps to amend the scope and content of this 2016 MOA, which shall be made in writing and signed by the Parties. Any amendment to this 2016 MOA shall not be valid unless mutually agreed upon by both Parties and reduced in writing Postal items and/or postal dispatches arriving at the Philippine port of entry noted in the carrier's manifest and destined for transshipment to another foreign port shall be covered by a separate IRR A One-Stop Shop or Partners’ Lounge shall be established at the Offices of Exchange for all authorized government agencies/authorities that are responsible in the verification and confirmation of suspected, regulated and prohibited items under the customs acts and postal regulations. SECTION 109. CONTINUITY CLAUSE 109.1 To fulfil the intent as embodied in the declaration of principles in this 2016 MOA, a joint BOC and PHLPost permanent committee, hereafter referred to as. the ‘JOINT COMMITTEE’, is hereby created with the following mandates: a. To execute and monitor the implementation of this 2016 MOA and its IRR; b. To revise, amend and/or develop the contents of the 2016 MOA and its IRR from time to time as the need arises or new laws or technological innovations requires it c. To jointly recommend to the Commissioner of Customs and/or Postmaster General strategic actions and new policies and/or procedures to fulfill the Page 8 of 11 109.2. 109.3, 109.4. intents this 2016 MOA and its IRR as embodied in the declaration of principles; and d. To discuss, deliberate and/or settle any differences, conflictis, disagreement and/or grievances that may arise by any of Parties and exhaust all administrative remedies prior to termination of this 2016 MOA and its IRR The Joint Committee shall be composed of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and five (5) members, 109.2.1. The chairmanship of the Committee is rotated every two (2) years. 109.2.2. The first Chairman shall be from PHLPost for a period of two (2) years from the date of its creation to be succeeded by the BOC and alternating thereafter. 109.2.3. The first Vice-Chairman shall be from the BOC for a period of two (2) years from the date of its creation to be succeeded by PHLPost and alternating thereafter. 109.2.4. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be the second (2") highest ranking officer of PHLPost and BOC. The Chairman has the right to the majority membership during his/her tenure by the appointment of the three (3) members of the Joint Committee from BOC and PHLPost. The five (5) members shall be at least fourth (4!) ranking officer from: 1) Finance; 2) Information Technology; and 3) Operations of BOC and PHLPost SECTION 110. TRANSITORY PROVISIONS 110.1. 110.2 The Joint Committee shall prepare and implement a Closure Plan of the existing Customs Office in Post Offices, hereinafter referred to as ‘CUSTOMS POSTAL OFFICE’, nationwide as soon as the 2016 MOA and its IRR is signed Drawdown and cessation of operations of existing customs facilities in other Post Offices nationwide: 110.21 The designated Post Office personnel shalll issue a Notice to Claim for all postal items pending claim by addressees/recipients or awaiting customs examination; 110.2.2 The Customs Examiner and the designated Post Office personnel shall conduct an inventory of all postal items pending claim by addressees/recipients or awaiting customs examination; 110.2.3 Postal items handled by Customs Postal Offices shall be centralized to the CWOs; 110.2.4 Upon centralization, the concerned Customs Postal Office shall a. Conduct an inventory of all postal items pending claim by addressees/recipients and/or awaiting customs examination; b. Turnover said postal items to SMED-CWO; Page 9 of 11 110.2.5 110.2.6 The concerned Customs Postal Office shall cease to operate and; and/or The BOC shall start abandonment procedures. SECTION 111. TERMINATION PROVISIONS 111.1. Should the need arise due to chronic difficulties in fulfilling the objectives and operations of the 2016 MOA, BOC and PHLPost agree to draw down these joint operations: 114.11 11.1.2, 111.1.3. 1114.14. The BOC or PHLPost shall be authorized to unilaterally rescind the 2016 MOA provided any of the following conditions are met a. The PHLPost or the BOC has consistently not fulfilled its obligations as set out in 2016 MOA; b. The PHLPost failed to remit through the BOC's authorized government depository bank the duties and taxes collected from the addressee/claimant within the agreed specified period. c. The BOC and the PHLPost decide that the operations of the 2016 MOA are impossible to be fulfilled due to new legislation, regulations and policy directions. Either BOC or PHLPost shall inform the other in writing sixty (60) days prior to the intention to terminate the 2016 MOA. The Joint Committee shall constitute a joint Technical Working Group composed of officers of the Customs Office at OE CWOs and PHLPost OEs to review, recommend and monitor appropriate actions that will resolve the chronic difficulties in fulfiling the objectives of the 2016 MOA Should the 2016 MOA fail, the said PHLPost and BOC technical working group shall recommend the appropriate transitional activities SECTION 112. REFERENCES 4. Framework for a Service Agreement, CEP C 1 2011.1-Doc 11¢. Annex 1, Universal Postal Union 2, Manual on Cargo Clearance Process (E2M Customs Import Assessment System) 3. Republic Act No. 7354, the Postal Services Act of 1992 4, Revised Customs Port Operations Manual 5. Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines, 6. The Philippine Customs Guide 2013 7. The Acts of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and its manuals Page 10 of 11 SECTION 113. EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE 113.1. This 2016 MOA and its IRR shall take effect after signing hereof by both Parties, subject to periodic review by the Joint Committee composed of PHLPost and BOC Personnel as frequently as necessary but not less than once every three (3) years Signed by: FOR THE BUREAU OF CUSTOMS: FOR THE PHILIPPINE POSTAL CORPORATION: ALBERTO D. LINA JOEL L. OTARRA ‘Commissioner Corporate Officer In-Charge Signed in the Presence of EXEQUIEL C. CEMPRON LUIS D. CARLOS Deputy Commissioner - IAG APMG for Marketing & Management Support Services, SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of 2016, Affiants exhibited to me their government-issued ID bearing their photo and signature, viz. mbe [3._ Exequiel C. Cempron Fee : 4. Luis D. Carlos Doe. No. Page No. Book No. Series of 2016 Page 11 of 14

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