Sandipani Sep 2024
Sandipani Sep 2024
Sandipani Sep 2024
SEP 2024
(UPDATED UPTO 30.09.2024)
(स ांदीपनि)
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“Team Sandipani”
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Staff Training College , NOIDA
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We have made all our efforts to give you the updated material on the topics covered in the
Handbooks, users are requested to refer to the various circulars/guidelines/ instructions issued by
HO on the subject. Readers are requested to inform us if any discrepancy is observed in any of the
topics covered in the Handbook.
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Our Emblem
Within central circle lies the Bank’s seal – a symbolic and stylized representation of
Mother India, signifying Bank of India’s continuing consciousness of the legacy of the
national past.
The five prongs of the Star represent our banking services extending five conti-
nents. The single elongated point, yearning upwards, conveys Bank of India’s unceas-
ing endeavor to achieve ever ascending goals.
The star has some other aspects: it is a beacon and guide to those in need of direc-
tion. It symbolizes the Bank’s perpetual readiness to assist anyone common man
BANK OF INDIA and business man alike, in steering a course through the contemporary maze of
monetary affai ₹
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Average Yield = (Interest and discount earned/average interest earning assets) x 100
Average Cost = (Interest expended on deposits and borrowings/Average interest bear-
ing liabilities) x 100
Stress testing is used to evaluate a bank's potential vulnerability to certain unlikely but
plausible events or movements in financial variables. The vulnerability is usually
measured with reference to the bank's profitability and /or capital adequacy.
Scenario Analysis is a method in which the earnings or value impact is computed for
different interest rate scenario.
Basis Point is one hundredth of one percent. 1 basis point means 0.01%. Used for
measuring change in interest rate/yield.
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Farm Mechanisation Schemes© Agro Marine Processing & Agro Processing Clusters©
Kisan Seva Kendra© Financing Farm Structures cum Dwelling Unit(Kisan Ghar)©
Scheme for financing installation of solar energy home lighting Bio Energy Scheme©
system ©
Solar Home Lighting© Agri setup Revamping = SKVK , Agri Desk , Agri Cluster©
Kisan All Purpose Term Loans© SHG & SHG-Bank linkage programme©
10 TOP
Star Gold Loans©
Staff Training College , NOIDA
HOBC NO. 115/103 DATED 28.06.2021.
HOBCL NO. 2021-22/22 DATED 06.07.21 (CLARIFICATION)
Introduction. Farm Mechanization Scheme covers the following components:-
a) Tractor
b) Power Tiller
c) Combined Harvester
d) Other farm Machineries (to improve land fertility /irrigation facility etc).
e) Repairing and overhauling of farm machineries.
Note: - The finance can also be considered in combination of irrigated and unirrigated land (1 acre Irri-
gated land = 2 acre Unirrigated land).A borrower having 2.00 Acre irrigated and 1.00 Acre un-irrigated
land holder can be considered for Tractor loan. (A new Concept introduced.}
For Second Hand (Old) Machinery:
a) The borrower should own agriculture land as well as the machinery.
b) The machinery for which loan is required should not more than 4 years old.
c) The machineries purchased should be from own sources or our bank loan.
d) If, loan availed loan from other bank then it should be closed.
e) Per machinery only once loan can be availed.
Purpose For Purchase of new Machineries such as tractor, power tiller, combined harvester and other farm ma-
chineries/implements like mould board plough, disc plough, cultivator, disc harrow, fertilizer spreader,
seed cum fertilizer drill, trailer, chaff cutter, thresher, trolley, sprayer, duster, sugarcane crusher etc.
New advanced machineries like soil testers, sensors, etc. can also be taken.
Old/Second hand: Purchase of Second Hand Tractor, power tiller and Combined harvester.
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
*Total project cost includes cost of implements and accessories, registration, tax-
es, insurance, etc.
The margin for Govt. sponsored schemes shall be as per the respective scheme.
Assessment cropping pattern and income generated from farm and non-farm activity
of Income Income tax return or Income certificate issued by revenue authority.
Repayment Interest is applied on half yearly basis and in case 2 crops are cultivated principal
Frequency and interest to be recovered half yearly, otherwise yearly.
Security • For Loans up to ₹ 1.60 lakhs, Principal security and charge registered with
• For Loans above ₹ 1.60 lakhs: -
• Principal security and charge registered with RTO.
• Collateral: - Mortgage of land or declaration as per Agricultural Credit Act.
• OR
• Collateral Security of adequate worth and third party guarantee
• OR
• TDR of our Bank/LIC/NSC etc. where realizable value covers 100% of loan
amount. Relaxation in mortgage of land in deserving cases with 60% of the
collateral liquid security can be considered. (Delegation: SZLCC).
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
Purpose Lift irrigation, well irrigation, electric motor & pump set, diesel engine, construc-
tion of pump house, construction of water delivering channel, payment of deposits
to state electricity board, sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation.
Eligibility Individual farmers, Group of farmers, co- operative societies of farmers
Financing to Dairy Milch animals under
"Star Doodhganga Scheme"(SDS)
HOBC 115/212 dated 01.11.2021.
Eligibility Individual, SHG/JLG groups consisting of dairy farmers, Cooperative society, Compa-
ny or Association of persons, partnership firms, proprietorship concerns/FP0s/FPCs.
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
Quantum of finance • For purchase of Milch Animals: As per unit cost approved by NABARD / Project Cost The dele-
gated sanctioning authority is authorized to decide/consider 20% up & down variation
over/below the NABARD unit cost with proper justification. A unit of 2 milch animals is con-
sidered viable minimum size for such an activity for continuous production of milk. However,
financial assistance for purchase of single animal dairy units can be considered subject to
satisfying bank's usual norms of technical feasibility and financial viability.
• For composite Mini dairy/Commercial dairy: Based on project cost ,the project loan should be
decided and Working Capital requirement should be worked out as per economics of the unit
based on standard project report of NABARD/DLTC.
• There is no minimum or maximum limit fixed in the scheme, however, limit upto ₹ 100 crore
is classified as Priority Sector Lending under Agriculture.
Type of facility Fund Based and Non fund based limits
Security 1. For Individuals without Tie-up
Loan up to ₹ 1, 60,000/-= Hypothecation of live stocks etc.
Loan above ₹ 1,60,000/- = (i) Hypothecation of live stocks
(ii) Mortgage of land or declaration as per
agri. Credit act or collateral security of
Adequate worth.
Third party guarantee if stipulated.
2. For Individuals with Tie-up:
In case of tie-up with the dairy societies/companies, no collateral upto a limit of ₹ 3.00 lakh.
a) Primary: Hypothecation of assets created out of Bank finance.
b) Subject to obtaining tie-up agreement (Circular Letter Ref.No.2018-19/97 dated 15.12.2018).
Purchase of animals are covered under MUDRA Scheme and are covered under CGFMU scheme
upto ₹ 10 lakh to individuals engaged in dairy activity.
SHGs covered under DAY NRLM scheme, no collateral for limit upto ₹ 20 lakh which are carrying
out dairy animal rearing activity (Circular Letter Ref.No.2021-22/33 dated 12.08.2021).
Charges with ROC/CERSAI to be registered as per extant guidelines for both primary/ collateral
Margin • Loan up to ₹ 1, 60,000/- =NIL,
• Above ₹ 1, 60,000 = 15% to 25%.
• In respect of Govt. sponsored schemes, DEDS, AHIDF, etc., the margin / security norms shall
be as per the respective scheme.
ROI As decided by Bank from time to time.
For purchase of milch animal/Construction of shed:
Repayment and • If advance is granted for purchase of Animal/ construction of Shed then repayment will be
Moratorium maximum 7 years inclusive of moratorium of maximum 6 months. Repayment frequency on
monthly basis for purchase of animal. In case of construction of shed, Interest during morato-
rium period may be capitalized or recovered depending upon basis of income of the appli-
• Repayment can be stipulated yearly/half yearly/quarterly/monthly based on disposable
income/cash flow from his own farm, allied activities as well as other sources.
• For Food and Agro unit:
• Tenure of loan to be decided based on the viability and in accordance with the Bank's extant
guidelines 7 to 10 years including moratorium period.
• Moratorium 12 to 24 months The frequency of instalment will be monthly/ quarterly/half
yearly based on cash flow. Interest to be served as and when charged.
Other terms a) All statutory approvals/ licenses required to be obtained and kept on branch record.
and condition b) In case of takeover of accounts, branches to follow the extant guidelines Eligible
Accounts for interest subvention to be covered under respective State/Central
Interest subvention scheme wherever applicable.
c) All other terms as per credit policy to be followed by the sanctioning authority
Service charges, including commitment charges/ Due diligence/ Inspection/ TEV study/ Credit
Rating and Risk Weight/ Delegation/Sanction/ Security documents etc
----As per bank’s extant guidelines.----
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
Scheme for financing to Broiler, Layer, and Hatchery and other related activities HOBC 115/213 dated 01.11.2021.
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
HOBC 116/03 dated 01.04.2022
CIRCULAR LETTER No. 2022-23/69 dated 22.08.2022
CIRCULAR LETTER No. 2022-23/138 dated 30.01.2023
HOBC 117/263 dated 01.02.2024
PURPOSE To provide farmers finance against receipt so that produce is sold at appropriate price
ELIGIBILITY Individual farmers, group of farmers (JLGs) not exceeding four etc. Farmers enjoying KCC facility as well as
non-borrower farmers are eligible. ZO to decide the branches authorized to finance under the scheme.
FACILITY Demand Loan/Cash credit to be repaid within 12 months from the date of disbursement generally against
Warehouse receipts issued by WDRA.
QUANTUM OF Margin at 30% of the market value of the farm produce for WDRA accredited warehouse. Limit for loan
FINANCE against ENWRs - ₹ 75 lakh per borrower.
ROI As decided by Bank from time to time.
Small/ Marginal Farmers – who are enjoying KCC facility may get Interest subvention for maximum period
of 6 months – upto a limit of ₹ 3 lakh.
DISBURSE- On deposit of ware house/cold storage receipts and after registration of Bank’s Lien /charge with author-
MENT ized warehouse and cold storage.
NOTE he authorized branches should obtain the signatures of authorized officials of the warehouses and vice versa
so that both parties verify signatures. Non-Physical warehouse receipts can be accepted if Bank’s pledge is
noted with issuer.
Repository WDRA has approved two repositories namely, National E-Repository Limited (NERL) and CDSL commodity
Repository Limited (CCRL) for creation and management of e-NW ₹ Repositories shall create / help in crea-
tion of User IDs of Bank, Maker, Checker, and verifier for marking/ unmarking of lien in e-NWR.
Proceedure Applicant/Farmer/Borrower is to submit the pledge initiation request to the Repository Participant (RP) to
get finance from Bank Branch against the particular e-NWR. Once the Pledge form is submitted by the farm-
ers/depositors/borrowers to the Warehouse, e-NWR is forwarded to the bank for pledge confirmation, .
thereafter bank to follow roles and duties for Creation & release of the Pledge as brought out in process
flow.Client-ID for Bank of India is-119720220000013, Branches need to select this client ID while arranging
the loans against e-NWRs in online platform.
DISBURSE- On deposit of ware house/cold storage receipts and after registration of Bank’s Lien /charge with authorized
MENT warehouse and cold storage
NOTE The authorized branches should obtain the signatures of authorized officials of the warehouses and vice
versa so that signatures are verified by both parties.
STAR KISAN CREDIT CARD SCHEME (KCC)HOBC No. 115/107 dated 30.06.2021.HOBCL 2021-22/58 dated 01.10.21
HOBCL 2022-23/28 dated 03.06.2022
PURPOSE Kisan Credit Card Scheme provides finance under a single window to the farmers for
a. cultivation of crops including fodder crops. b. cultivation of crops which mature after 12 months.
c. Post-harvest expenses
d. Marketing Loan for farm produce
e. Consumption requirements of farmer’s household
f. Maintenance of farm assets and activities allied to agriculture
g. Purchase of Pump sets, sprayers, dairy animals, etc.
above (a ) to (e ) are short term credit and ( f) to (g)is long term credit.
ELIGIBILITY a) All farmers — individuals/ joint borrowers who are owner cultivators
b) Tenant farmers, oral lessees and share croppers c) Self Help Groups (SHGs) or Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) of farmers including
tenant farmers, share croppers, etc.
16 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
3. For farmers raising more than one crop limit is to be fixed as above depending upon the crops cultivated. In case the cropping
pattern adopted by the farmer is changed in the subsequent year, the limit may be reworked.
4. Term Loans for land development, minor irrigation, purchase of farm equipment and allied agricultural activities, branches
may fix the quantum of credit for term and working capital limit based on the unit cost and the repayment capacity of borrower.
B. For Marginal Farmers having landholding upto 1 hectare - Flexi KCC limit of ₹ 10, 000/- to ₹ 50,000/-
ELECTRONIC KISAN All new KCCs must be issued Smart-cum-Debit Card. The Kisan Credit Card should be valid for 5 years subject to an annual re-
CREDIT RATING AND Credit Rating is not applicable. For delegation /pricing to be considered at entry level
SERVICE CHARGES For limit upto ₹ 3.00 lakh, charges waived and above as applicable.
TEV STUDY Techno viability study is not applicable (HOBC No.114/233 dated 06.02.2021).
REPAYMENT PERIOD The KCC is given as a revolving CC limit which is to be reviewed within 12 months.
Term loan will be normally repayable within a maximum period of 5 years depending on the type of activity or longer period as
decided by sanctioning authority.
MARGIN 1. For crop loans, no separate margin as the Margin is in- built in scale of finance.
2. For term loan up to ₹ 1.60 Lakh - Nil. and
3.Above ₹ 1.60 lakh - 15% to 25% (case to case).
Where on-line creation of charge on the land records is available same to be done .
LOAN AGAINST Loan against Warehouse receipt can be given after taking into account the outstanding crop loan in respect of the concerned
WAREHOUSE farm produce.
6B Star Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme- Fisheries and Animal husbandry
PURPOSE Short term loan for rearing of animals, birds, fish. shrimp, other aquatic organism
ELIGIBILITY • Fisheries.
• Inland fisheries and aquaculture.
• Fishers, Fish farmers (Individuals, share croppers, tenant farmers Groups, Partners, SHG, JLG, women groups
• Marine fisheries.
Important :- The beneficiaries must own or lease any fisheries related assets such as ponds, tanks, open water
bodies, raceways, hatcheries, rearing units, boats, nets and such other fishing gear as the case may be and pos-
sess necessary authorization/certification as may be applicable in respective states for fish farming and fishing
related activities.
• Poultry and Small ruminant
• Farmers, Poultry farmers, either individual or jointly borrowers, SHG, JLG, group including tenant farmers of
sheeps/goats/Pigs/poultry/ birds/rabbits and having owned /rented/leased sheds.
• Farmers and dairy farmers individuals or groups SHG, JLG, including tenant farmers who are having
owned/rented/leased sheds.
FACILITY Cash Credit
SCALE OF FINANCE As approved by the District Level Technical Committee (DLTC) based on local cost worked out on the basis of
per acre/per unit/ per animal/ per bird etc.
Working capital for fisheries and animal husbandries may include recurring costs
ZLCC can fix limit 10% to 20% higher over SLBC/DLTC.
REPAYMENT KCC is a revolving CC limit to be reviewed annually .
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
CREDIT RATING Upto Rs 10.00 Lakhs Entry level and upto Rs 25 cr internal rating.
AND RISK Rs25.00Crore and above external rating applicable.
SERVICE For limit upto ₹ 3.00 lakh, charges waived and above as applicable.
TEV STUDY Techno viability study is not applicable (HOBO No.114/233 dated 06.02.2021).
MARGIN 1. For crop loans, no separate margin as the Margin is in- built in scale of finance.
2. For term loan up to ₹ 1.60 Lakh - Nil. and above 15% to 25% case to case.
SECURITY KCC Limit Security
₹ 1.60 lakh & ₹ 3.00 lakh under tie- Hypothecation of crops
up arrangement
Loan above ₹ 1.60 lakh in case of i) Hypothecation of crops
non-tie-up and above ₹ 3.00 lakh in ii) Mortgage of land / OR declaration as per
case of tie-up Agri. Credit Act OR collateral security of ade-
quate worth.
Where on-line creation of charge on the land records is available same to be done
DELIVERY 1 issue cards- Debit/ Credit/ Smart Card and linked with the accounts
TECHNICAL FEA- 2. ATM/BC/POS/Mobile banking facilities with IVR/IMPS/Aadhar enabled Card.
6 C Interest Subvention Scheme (ISS) for Short Term Crop Loans (KCC) and
Interest Subvention Scheme (ISS) for Fisheries and Animal Husbandry (KCC)
1.5 % REGULAR A. 1.5 % regular interest subvention available for limit upto Rs 3 lakhs
ISS Short term KCC loan sanctioned @7%p.a.
Loan can be given above Rs3.00lakhs, but will be eligible for interest subvention
upto Rs 3 lakhs.
Short Term Crop Loans (KCC) and Fisheries and Animal Husbandry (KCC) for both
the activites combined for maximum upto limit of ₹ 3 lakhs
B. Interest Subvention for Fisheries and Animal Husbandry (KCC) Max subvention
is given for up to Rs2.00lakh. However first priority will be given for KCC Crop.
C. The interest subvention of 1.5 % will be available upto the due date of loan
fixed by the bank subject to a maximum period one year whichever is earlier.
D. Regular Interest subvention Payable on yearly basis i.e. in March. .
3% Additional In- An additional interest subvention of 3%(PRI – Prompt Repayment Incentive) per
terest Subvention annum is available to those farmers who repay in time maximum within one year.
Payable monthly later on fortnightly/weekly/daily basis w.e.f. 1 st April 2021.
All interest subvention calculation and posting is to be done by Data centre only. No
manual intervention allowed.
18 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
PURPOSE Land leveling, Reclamation of soil and Bonding and any other soil conservation
ELIGIBILTY Farmers owning land OR cultivating registered leased land.
QUANTAM Based on estimated cost of the project.
MARGIN Loan up to ₹ 1, 60,000 - Nil,
Loan above ₹ 1, 60,000 - 15% to 25%
SECURITY Loan up t ₹ 1,60,000- Term Loan agreement
Loan above ₹ 1, 60,000/- (i) Term Loan agreement (ii) Mortgage of land or
Declaration as per Agrl. Credit Act or Collateral security of adequate worth.
ROI As decided by Bank from time to time.
Kisan Seva Kendras are sponsored by the Indian Oil Corporation.
19 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
PURPOSE To consider finance for installation of Solar Energy Home Lighting System for rural
/semi urban/urban people with necessary accessories from reputed manufacturers/
suppliers/ authorized dealers
ELIGIBILITY Households in rural/ semi-urban/ urban centres, small business establishments, ho-
tels, hospitals, Restaurants, etc. which have an assured source of income.
PROJECT COST As per the specific standards and costs prescribed for the system
QUANTUM OF 75% to 85% of the project cost which includes costs of the system, accessories, trans-
LOAN portation, installation and commissioning
SECURITY Up to a limit of ₹ 50, 000/- Hypothecation of Solar Energy Home Lighting System.
above ₹ 50, 000/-
a)Hypothecation of Solar Energy Home Lighting System;
b) Mortgage of land or liquid security such as LIC policy/ NSC/ Term Deposits, etc.
c) Suitable third party guarantee wherever necessary
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
AFD / 10
HO BC 116/201 DT. 16.11.2022
ELIGIBILITY Farmers & Individuals upto the age of 65 yea ₹ Proprietorship/Partnership firm/corporate- 2 years of existence. Farmers Producer
Organisation (FPO)/Farmer Producer Company (FPC) – minimum 1 year of existence
PURPOSE To purchase new vehicle/second hand vehicle/vehicle working on conventional energy. Second hand vehicle should not be older
than 2 years from the date of registration with RTO.
Objective 1. For purchasing any type of vehicle which is to be used for the transport / marketing of own farm/allied activity produce, agricul-
ture inputs etc.
2.For administration of Agri Infra Units, Agri Clusters and supply chain including cold chain management for increasing sustainability
of their farm activities.
3.Similarly for non-farmers engaged in agriculture allied activities, agri
infra and ancillary services (including custom service units) transport
through own vehicle (for their business activity) will save upon cost
and increase their income/sustainability.
QUANTUM OF AD- Type of borrower New vehicle Second hand (old) Vehicle runs on con-
VANCE Vehicle ventional
Farmers Maximum- Maximum- Two wheeler
2 wheeler-Rs 1 lakh, 3 wheeler- Rs 2 lakh Max. ₹ 2 lakh
3 wheeler-Rs 5 lakh, 4 wheeler – Rs 8 lakh Three wheeler
4 wheeler- Rs 25 lakh Max. ₹ 5 lakh
Four wheeler
Rs 25 lakh
Individuals, proprietorship Maximum- Maximum- Maximum-
firms and cooperatives in Rs 25 lakh Rs 15 lakh Rs 25 lakh
rural areas
Corporate, partnership Maximum- Maximum- Maximum-
firms, FPO/ FPC and institu- Rs 1 crore Rs 25 lakh Rs 25 lakh
Individuals 2 times of gross average annual income as per last 3 years of income proof
Corporate, partnership firms, FPO/ 2 times of average annual cash accrual (PAT+Dept.) as per last 2 years audited
FPC and institutions & cooperatives balance sheets
FPO/FPCs 2 times of annual cash accrual (PAT+Dep) as per latest audited Balance sheet
OR 6 times of capital as per latest audited balance sheet,whichever is higher
21 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
PURPOSE To purchase estates (for rejuvenation) growing traditional plantation crops viz. coffee, tea, rubber and
cardamom, cashew, pepper, coconut, etc. and for any other perennial orchard crop with the approval
from H.O. AFD
ELIGIBILITY The loan applicant should be an estate owner having sufficient income and should be able to rejuve-
nate the estate proposed to be purchased. He should have satisfactory past dealings with the bank at
least for the last 3 y ₹ be achieved. The estate should preferably be a neglected one and realise high-
er yields upon rejuvenation
QUANTUM OF Min. ₹ 1.00 lakh and Max. ₹ 25.00 lakh. The total cost of the estate (being lowest of i. Market value
LOAN ii) Guidance value/circle rate fixed by the State/Dist. Authority) less appropriate margin. Stamp duty
and registration charges may also be considered for finance.
MARGIN Normally 50 % i.e., the value of the property should be 200 % and above of the loan amount. (in de-
serving cases, the margin may be relaxed to 25% (Authority ZLCC).
SECURITY Mortgage of Property purchased. Collateral security -mortgage of existing property (preferably resi-
dential property) , value should not be less than 200% of loan amount.
REPAYMENT Within 7-9 y ₹ In case of specific circumstances, depending on the status of the estate and rejuvena-
tion period required, it may be extended upto 20 y ₹
RATING For loans of ₹ 10 lakh minimum entry level rating should be SCBL-5/SBS 5
AFD /12
PURPOSE A single term loan limit to farmers for Farm Mechanization, Land Development, Mi-
nor Irrigation, Water Conservation, Horticulture, Allied activities and other agri related
activities, etc., excluding orchards/plantation crops.
ELIGIBILITY Individual, JLG/SHG of Farmers-Owner cultivato ₹
TYPE OF LOAN Term loan repayable within 9 y ₹ The purposes for which the limit is granted shall
not be a part of the Kisan Credit Card limit and it will be separate account.
QUANTUM OF To be based on the investment plan given by the farmer to be undertaken in the next
LOAN 2-3 y ₹ Subject to 5 times of annual income (current pre development stage) of the
farmer including allied activities or 50 % of the value of land mortgaged whichever is
lower –MAX. ₹ 20 lakh
MARGIN: Up to ₹ 1.60 lakh—NIL.
Over ₹ 1.60 lakh— Small and Marginal Farmers: 5% and for others 15 %
SECURITY Up to ₹ 1.60 lakh – Hypo. Of assets created out of the loan
Above ₹ 1.60 lakh – Mortgage of land (it shall be at least 200% of the limit sanc-
ROI As decided by Bank from time to time.
DISBURSE- The asset/ project should be completed within 15/30 days of availing the disburse-
MENT: ment
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
PURPOSE: To meet the emergency requirement of farmers for their Agriculture & Do-
mestic needs such as:
• To meet the requirements related to Agriculture operations and allied
• To repairs of farm equipment's (pump set, tractor, trolley, other farm
equipment's, etc. assets free of any charge/ encumbrances).
• To meet the expenses incurred during the post-harvest/ stor-
age/marketing activities and meet tide over temporary difficulties.
ELIGIBILITY Existing Standard/Regular KCC (Crop-CC) individual borrowers/joint
borrowers (not exceeding 4 farmers) having satisfactory track record
for atleast last two yea ₹
• Last two years Prompt Repayment Interest Subvention beneficiary—
KCC accounts are only eligible under the scheme.
• KCC borrower should have minimum CIC score of 675 & above.
• No Hits/-1 and CIC score below 675 are not eligible.
• In case of joint account, CIC score of any one borrower should be 675 &
Branches to update CIC score in CICSCR menu before disbursement of
the limit.
Overdue Crop-KCC borrowers are not eligible
under the scheme.
KCC-Animal Husbandry, KCC-Fishery & KCC Poultry accounts are
not eligible under the scheme
QUANTUM OF Minimum: ₹ 10000/- and Maximum: ₹ 100000/-
LOAN Subject to;
i) 50% of Crop-KCC loan.
ii) 25% of net annual income of previous year based on farming activity.
iii Eligibility for KTL is lower out of i & ii above.
SECURITY Only extension of existing security. No additional security even if the com-
bined limit i.e. existing KCC and proposed Kisan Tatkal Scheme exceeds ₹
1.60 lakh.
REPAYMENT 3 to 5 yrs (HY/Annual). The loan is to be cleared in full if a fresh/enhanced
limit is sought in the subsequent year based on revised KCC Limit.
ROI As decided by Bank from time to time.
DISBURSE- After the harvest period of the crops, the farmer/s shall be eligible for the
MENT loan.
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
Br. Cir. No. 117/01 Dated 01.04.2023
HOBC 118/01 Dated 01.04.2024
PURPOSE To supplement efforts in providing extension services to the farmers as per Business
Model (Project) of Agri-Entrepreneur and as per local needs and affordability of target
Group of farme ₹ To support agricultural development to create gainful self-
employment opportunities to unemployed graduates/diploma holders in agriculture.
ELIGIBILITY Graduates /Post Graduates/Diploma (with at least 50% marks) in agriculture and allied
subjects from State Agricultural Universities/Universities recognized by ICAR/UGC., Bio-
logical Science Graduates with Post Graduation in Agriculture and allied subjects, Other
Degree courses recognized by UGC /Diploma /PG Diploma courses having more than
60% of the course content in Agriculture and allied subjects, after B.Sc. Biological Sci-
ences from recognized colleges and universities, Agricultural Related courses at Inter-
mediate (i.e., Plus Two ) level with at least 55 % marks. The candidates should have un-
dergone a training for setting up of Agri-clinics and Agri-business centers at Nodal
Training Institutes(NTI) under the auspices of National Institute of Agricultural Exten-
sion Management (MANAGE) and the certificate from NTI should be attached with the
loan application.
PROJECT COST ₹ 20.00 lakh for individual project. ₹ 100 lakhs for group project (comprising of 5
trained persons). The bank may also finance a group of 2 or more trained persons with
a ceiling of ₹ 20 lakh per person and within over all ceiling of ₹ 100 lakhs.
TYPE OF FA- A composite loan, which will include term loan for fixed asset creation plus working
CILITY capital for one operating cycle. The repayment schedule will be on total loan including
subsidy as the subsidy is back ended which will be adjusted at the end.
REPAYMENT 5 to 10 yrs with a moratorium of maximum 2 y ₹ The instalment to be fixed as per the
cash flow.
ROI As decided by Bank from time to time.
MARGIN Upto ₹ 5.00 lakhs no Margin. For loan above ₹ 5.00 lakhs, margin is 15 to 25 %. In
case SC/ST, women entrepreneurs and projects in North Eastern states and Hill areas,
50 % of the margin money will be provided by NABARD. Loan amount sanctioned will
be Total Project Cost minus Margin.
SECURITY As most of the eligible activities pertain to agricultural input supply and services and
cost of investments will be less than 25 lakhs, the security norms applicable to tiny in-
dustries prescribed by RBI will be applicable. Up to ₹ 5 lakh, no collateral security.
TIME LIMIT Within 6 months from the date of initial disbursement of the loan by the bank, which
FOR COMPLE- may be extended upto another 6 months if justified. If the project is not completed
TION OF THE within the stipulated time, the subsidy will not be available and the advance subsidy, is
PROJECT to be refunded to NABARD.
SUBSIDY Back End Composite Subsidy to be kept under Subsidy Reserve Fund as non-interest
bearing and shall be adjusted after lock in period of minimum 3 yrs at the end of the
loan period. On sanction, upon submission of details to NABARD subsidy will be re-
leased.Subsidy @ 44 % of the Project cost in respect of projects of SC/ST entrepre-
neurs, women & projects at NE states and Hill areas and @ 36% of the project cost for
others available from Government.
24 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
PURPOSE • To meet Credit Needs of Farmers for On farm or Off-farm & Other Bonafide needs.
• To meet Marriage / Medical / Educational Expenses of Family Members including near rela-
tives of farmers & for Purchase of Consumer Durables.
• To undertake Land Development activity and other Investment
• To Dealers of Inputs to meet their trade credit requirement
ELIGIBILITY Individual Farmers & Agricultural Input Dealers
TYPE OF AD- Demand Loan/ Term Loan/OD (Reducible or Non Reducible).
LOAN AMOUNT If the farmer does not have income documents the Branch Manager is authorized to access the
annual income up to ₹ 2.50 Lakh.
FOR AGRICULTURISTS: Up to ₹ 5Lakhs (Can be extended up to ₹ 10 lakhs with the prior ap-
proval of Zonal Manager) subject to 10 times of anticipated net annual income based on Land-
Holding/ Cropping Pattern.
FOR OTHERS - Up to ₹ 10lakhs subject to 4 times of net annual income based on Income Tax
Returns. The loan amount will be assessed based on the value of security and repayment capac-
ity of the borrower. Scheme is not applicable for Arthias
Maximum loan amount is Rs 25 lakh which is only for Punjab & Haryana State , for others
States it is Rs 10 lakh
MARGIN: Up to 40% on the Value of Property for Loans up to ₹ 5lakhs.
Up to 50% on Value of Property for Loans over ₹ 5lakhs.
In case of Rural Properties Valuation will be based on assessment of Revenue Authorities/ Br.
GUARANTEE Normally No Third party Guarantee is required. If Property Stands in Third Party Name, then
Owner of Property should be taken as co-borrower.
ROI As applicable to Agricultural Loan / Kisan Samadhan Card.
REPAYMENT: 7 Years in Equated Monthly Installments – To be Linked with Cropping Pattern / Farm Income /
Cash Flow of the Borrower by Monthly / half-yearly / Yearly Installments.
SECURITY • Equitable/ Legal Mortgage of Property (Residential /Commercial) in the name of applicant
or his/ her spouse or Parents.
• Agriculture Land can also be accepted as security subject to related State Laws.
• Property can be self-occupied or Leased-out to acceptable individuals.
• Obtention of Third Party Guarantee is left to the discretion of Sanctioning Authority.
• In case of Property already mortgaged to us, advance can be considered subject to availabil-
ity of Security / facilities already availed against such property.
HOBC No. 117/232 Dated 28.11.2023
ELIGIBILITY Any individual owning gold ornaments/ coins, either singly or jointly, who maintains KYC compliant
SB/CD account with the branch like Pawn brokers, jewellers & jewellery shop owners, Jewel appraisers
and their close relatives are not eligible for gold loans. Loans can be granted against gold ornaments/ jew-
ellery and specially minted pure gold coins sold by our Bank/ other Banks. The weight of the coin(s)
should not exceed 50 grams per customer.
25 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
TYPE OF FACIL- Demand Loan/Term Loam/OD/CC. Branches are to ensure that all KYC/ AML norms are
ITY complied with and due diligence is done as per guidelines. For advance against gold be-
longing to the wife as ‘Stridhan‘, wife of the borrower should be made a co-borrower.
: Gold loan may be sanctioned for Agriculture purpose (under priority sector), other
priority sector, and non-priority sector/consumption purpose. It will NOT be covered
under CGTMSE. Interest subvention not available.
ASSESSMENT Loan to Value (LTV) for gold jewellery/ornaments/coins for period up to 12 months as
OF LOAN follows:
AMOUNT Purpose 22 carat & above 19 to 21 carat 18 carat
VALUATIN OF Gold jewellery/ornaments/ coins accepted as security will have to be valued at the av-
GOLD JEWEL- erage of the closing prices of 18, 22 and 24 carat gold for the preceding 30 days or cur-
LERY/ ORNA- rent rates whichever is lower (to be updated in system by BU-Rural Department on
MENTS/ COINS weekly basis or intermittently in case of drastic reduction in gold rates), as quoted by
the India Bullion and Jewellers Association Ltd.
The valuations for 19, 20 and 21 carat gold will be based upon corresponding purity/
fineness in relation to 24 carat and quoted price of 24 carat.
FINACLE GOLDLNRT to see present gold rate
APPRAISAL The gold ornaments/ coins are to be invariably appraised by empanelled gold valuer to
OF GOLD JEW- determine the value and purity. An approved jewel appraiser should certify quality,
ELLERY/ ORNA- gross weight, net weight, etc. of the gold ornaments/ coins offered as security. Advance
MENTS/ COINS should be granted only after the Branch Manager/ sanctioning authority is satisfied
about the genuineness, quality, weight, etc., of the gold ornaments/ coins.
Touch stone method and/ or nitric acid test should invariably be applied in order
to ascertain the true nature of ornaments/ coins.
Use of carat meters/Karatometers: Zonal Manager is authorized for approving pur-
chase of carat meters, and it should be used as a secondary check for cross verification.
Branch should take second appraisal by another valuer, if per account limit is of
Rs5.00Lakh and above, where gold loan portfolio of the branch is of ₹ 20 crore and
LOAN Maximum Loan Amount Rs50.00Lakh (The Borrower can have minimum 10 loans ac-
AMOUNT counts but should not exceed Rs50.00lakh.
Loan up to Rs 2Lakh, branches to ensure to take applications, declarations and docu-
ments as proposed in the guidelines strictly. Needless to mention, loan above Rs 2Lakh
for Crop production (wherever Interest Subvention is not applied/ applicable) – copies
of land revenue records/extracts, land revenue receipts/documents and cultivation de-
tails to be obtained.
Gold Loan accounts should not be restructured/rescheduled
ROI As decided by Bank from time to time.
26 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
REPAYMENT For KCC- repayment of loan should coincide with harvesting/ marketing of crops. For
other agriculture- demand loan: - Max. 12 months For non-priority sector – Max. 12
months. OD/CC: - At the time of renewal- availability of minimum Margin, DP etc.
should be checked carefully and account must be brought in credit at least once in
12months, as per the type of crop.
INSURANCE Gold ornaments/articles/coins pledged with the Bank under the scheme are covered
under the General Indemnity Insurance Policy of the Bank. As such, there is no need for
obtaining a separate insurance cover for these items.
PRECAUTIONS The approved valuer/ goldsmith should execute an indemnity bond in favour of the
bank with two sureties and also keep an interest bearing deposit with the Branch as un-
der and shall not be withdrawn during the retention period of the valuer/ goldsmith
and release of the deposits may be subject to the approval of the Zonal Manager. Ap-
praiser restricted up to 3 branches.
The approved valuer/ goldsmith should keep the following TDR with the branch: in-
cluding indemnity bond -
Rural & Semi-Urban ₹ 10000/-
Urban ₹ 15000/-
Metropolitan ₹ 25000/-
NOTE The branches, where this scheme is not being presently implemented, should obtain
prior approval of their respective Zonal Offices.
27 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
This scheme will result in creation of modern infrastructure with efficient supply chain management from
farm gate to retail outlet. It will help the farmers to increase income, creating huge employment opportuni-
ties in rural areas, reducing wastage of agricultural produce, increasing the processing level and enhancing
the export of processed foods. It will also help in providing better prices to farme ₹
The following schemes will be implemented under “SAMPADA”
• Mega Food Parks (on-going).
• Integrated Cold Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure (on-going).
• Creation / Expansion of Food Processing & Preservation Capacities (new).
• Infrastructure for Agro-Processing Clusters (new).
• Creation of backward and forward linkages (new).
• Food Safety and Quality Assurance Infrastructure (on-going).
• Human Resources and Institution (on-going).
The website is Govt. of India has attached high importance to the scheme. These activi-
ties can be financed even outside the Central Sector Scheme also as per laid down guidelines of Bank to
finance Food & Agro Processing Industries from time to time. Interest Subvention from NABARD @ 3%
(HOBC No. 117/102 Dated 18.07.2023
VALIDITY Scheme will be valid from FY 2020-21 to FY 2032-33. However, disbursements can be made
in the scheme only up to the end of FY 2025-26. It is Central Sector scheme of financing fa-
cility under Agriculture Infrastructure Fund, launched by Ministry of Agriculture & Farm-
ers Welfare.
Scope of the Central Sector Scheme of "Financing Facility under Agriculture Scheme Infrastructure
scheme Fund" launched by Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare (DAC &
FW) under Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Target Borrowers Farmers, Agri-entrepreneurs, SHG, Joint Liability Groups, Startups, Farmer Producers
Organization (FPOs), Cooperative Societies, Multipurpose Cooperative societies, Primary
Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS).
Eligible Projects Setting up and modernization of Post-Harvest management Projects like - Supply chain services
including e-marketing platforms, Warehouses, Silos, Pack houses, Assaying units, Sorting and
grading units, Cold chains, logistic facilities, Primary processing centres, Ripening chambers,
Farm residue/ waste management infrastructures.
Viable projects for building community farming assets including-Organic input production, Com-
pressed Biogas (CBG) plant, Bio stimulant production units, Infrastructure for smart and preci-
sion agriculture, Purchase of drones, putting up specialized sensors on the field, Blockchain and
AI in agriculture, etc, Remote sensing and Internet of Things (IOT) such as automatic weather
station, Farm advisory services through GIS applications, Nursery, Tissue culture, Seed Pro-
cessing, Custom Hiring Center, Standalone solar pumping system (PM KUSUM Component B),
Solarization of grid connected agri-pump under (PM-KUSUM component C), Integrated Spiruli-
na production and Processing units, Sericulture Processing units, Honey processing, Plant Quar-
antine units, Projects identified for providing supply chain infrastructure for clusters of crops
including export clusters, Projects promoted by Central/State/Local Governments or their agen-
cies under PPP for building community farming assets or post-harvest management projects.
Projects eligible for only groups of individual beneficiaries as well as Farmers’ Communities
such as FPOs, PACS, SHGs, JLGs, Cooperatives, National and State Level Federation of Co-
operatives, FPOs federations, Federations of SHGs, National and State Level Agencies etc.
Hydroponic Farming, Mushroom Farming, Vertical Farming, Aeroponic Farming, Poly house/
Green house, Logistics facilities (including non- refrigerated/ insulated vehicles), Tracto ₹
Solarization of any of the eligible infrastructure: Solarization of any of the eligible in-
frastructure can also be financed under AIF.
Digital connectivity and optic fiber infrastructure: Digital connectivity and optic fiber
infrastructure shall be eligible investment as part of development of the aforemen-
tioned eligible projects. 28 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
(HOBC No. 117/102 Dated 18.07.2023
CREDIT FACILITY Long and Medium term debt for post-harvest management infrastructure
QUANTUM OF FI- No minimum or maximum limit. But preference should be given to those projects cov-
NANCE ered under priority sector.
A single entity can now setup maximum 25 projects in different location and each such
project will be eligible for interest subvention on loan upto ₹ 2 crore.
MARGIN Minimum 10% ( excluding any subsidy, seed money)
SECTOR SPECIFIC 24% of total grants-in-aid for SC/ST (16% for SC and 8% for ST). Adequate coverage may
FOCUS be ensured for women and other weaker section.
REPAYMENT Maximum of 10 years in monthly/quarterly/half-yearly instalments ( including morato-
rium of 6 months to 24 months)
SECURITIES Primary- assets created out of bank’s finance.
Eligible accounts up to Rs 2 crore will be covered under CGTMSE & for FPOs, FPO
scheme of DAC & FW is available. Adequate securities should be obtained as per the
norms for accounts not covered under CGTMSE and/or FPO promotion scheme. Person-
al/Corporate guarantee of the promoters/Directo ₹ Guarantee fee of CGTMSE will be
paid by the Govt.
CREDIT RATING Internal Rating up to entry level & external rating should be BBB & better.
ROI As decided by Bank from time to time.
TEV STUDY TEV is applicable for credit limits of ₹ 10.00 crore & above or cost of project is more
than ₹ 20.00 crore and above. Sanctioning authority may waiver based on extant
INTEREST SUBVEN- For Standard Accounts only - Limit up to Rs 2 crore -@3% for maximum period of 7 yea
TION ₹ Limit above Rs 2 crore- interest subvention will be limited up to limit of Rs 2 crore.
(HOBC No. 116/207 Dated 29.11.2022)
VALIDITY It is a Central Sector scheme of financing facility under Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development
Fund (AHIDF) launched by Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying.
ACTIVITIES Dairy Processing infra, Meat Processing infra, Animal feed manufacturing & strengthening of existing
Note:-Loan under AHIDF shall not be provided for acquisition of Land and borrower should purchase
land from his own sources, before submission of the proposal for finance under AHIDF.
QUANTUM No minimum or maximum limit, but preference should be given to those projects covered under priori-
OF FINANCE ty sector.
MARGIN For Micro & Small enterprise- 10% & for medium enterprise-15%. For others-25%
REPAYMENT Maximum of 10 years in monthly/quarterly/half-yearly instalments ( including moratorium of 24
SECURITIES Primary- assets created out of bank’s finance.
Collateral-Adequate securities should be obtained as per the norms. Personal/Corporate guarantee of
the Promoters/Directo ₹
CREDIT RAT- Internal Rating up to entry level & external rating should be BBB & better.
ROI As decided by Bank from time to time.
TEV STUDY TEV is applicable for credit limits of ₹ 10.00 crore & above or cost of project is more than ₹ 20.00 crore
and above.
Sanctioning authority may take a view on waiver based on extant norms.
29 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
(HOBCL NO.2020-21/28 30.07.2021 USER MANUAL)
(HOBC No. 116/309 Dated 28.03.2023)
ONLINE PLAT- Cir 2020-21/89 dt.03.03.2021 :- Individual beneficiary can apply online through
Branches can login on the portal through URL :
Approved List of One District One Product (ODOP) for 707 districts of 35
States/UTs under PMFME scheme is also given in the above said circular of
30 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
(HO BC 115/124 DATED. 12.07.2021)
(HOBCL NO.2021-22/45 DATED 31.08.21)
(HOBC 118/125 Dated 16.08.2024)
SCHEME Scheme of “financing to farmers under PM Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthan Mahavibhan (PM
KUSUM)” launched by Ministry of New & Renewable Energy. Term Loan is provided under the
SCHEME (1)Component A- Setting up of 10000 MW solar of Decentralized Ground/ Stilt Mounted Grid
COMPO- Connected
NENT solar or other renewable energy based power plants
(2)Component B- Installation of 14Lakh stand-alone solar Agriculture pumps
(3) Component C- Solarisation of 35 Lakh Grid Connected Agriculture Pumps
CREDIT No Minimum & maximum limit. But preference should be given to those projects which are
LIMIT covered under Priority Sector.
In case of North Eastern States, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand,
Lakshadweep and A&N Islands the assistance will be as below:
Component Central State Sub- Total Subsi- Farmer Bank
Subsidy sidy dy Contribu- Fi-
tion nance
Component B- 50%, 30%, 80% 10%, 10%,
with state share
Component B- 50% NIL 50% 20% 30%
without state share
Component C- 50%, 30%, 80% 10%, 10%,
with state share
Component C- 50% NIL 50% 20% 30%
without state share
32 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
(HOBC 118/125 Dated 16.08.2024)
MARGIN Component A- 30% and for Component B & C- Up to Rs 1.60 Lakh- NIL, & above Rs 1.60 Lakh-
Minimum 10% ( excluding subsidy)
SUBSIDY Central Govt-30%, State Govt-30% for Component B &C.
CREDIT As per HOBC No.117/23 dated 12.04.2023, Internal Credit Rating is not required for pumpsets.
RATING Hence, Internal Credit Rating will not be applicable for Component B & C (IPS). Internal Credit
Rating will be required to be carried out for Component A, Component C (FLS) as below:
Internal Credit Rating — upto entry level
External Credit Rating — Not Applicable upto ₹ 50 crore. (As per HOBC 116/193 dat-
ed.05.11.2022 and amendments/ guidelines issued by Bank from time to time).
In case internal credit rating is not applicable, branch may treat the account as entry level
norm. Exposure below entry level norm should not be considered.
REPAY- For accounts classified under Agriculture & MSME:
MENT Component A- Max. 10 years (moratorium 9 months).
Component B & C- Minimum 5 to 7 years (need based moratorium).
Repayment to be linked with cropping pattern.
For accounts classified under C&IC:
Component-A & C (FLS):
Depending upon cash flows - maximum upto 25 years or residual tenure of PPA whichever is
lesser on monthly/ quarterly/ half yearly etc. as per the terms of PPA
HOBC NO.114/265 DATE 22.03.2021.
PURPOSE a) For construction of factory building and Plant & machinery based
b) WC Limits/Export credit facilities for meeting working capital requirement.
TARGET BORROWERS Individual including SHG/Farmers/JLG/FPOs, proprietorship firm / Partnership firms /
Limited liability partnership / Private Limited Company/ Public limited companies, co-
operatives, etc.:
ELIGIBILITY All advances to new/existing (including takeover from other banks) food and agro based
processing units under "Agriculture- Priority sector" (i.e. having an aggregate sanction
limit up to ₹ 100 crore per borrower from the entire banking system).
FACILITY TYPE Fund Based Limit and/ or Non fund based limits.
1) Fund Based Limits
a) 2) Non Fund Based Limits (NFBL) - LC limit, BG Limits, etc.
QUANTUM OF LOAN Minimum Limit: No cap
Maximum limit: up to ₹ 100.00 Crore Subject to - total aggregate sanction limit of the
borrower from the entire banking system for Food and Agro activity including our limits
should be maximum ₹ 100.00 Crore
MARGIN Stocks - 15% to 25%. & Book Debts - 25% to 40%.
Plant and machinery/ Land and building -15% to 25%.
NFBL - 15% (Minimum)
Any subsidy, seed money, etc. will be over & above promoter's margin.
TENURE OF THE LOAN Term Loan: Tenure of loan will be decided based on the viability and in accordance with
the Bank's extant guidelines under the relevant scheme. Branches are free to decide on
moratorium, based on the activity and cash flow. The frequency of instalment will be
Quarterly/ half yearly based on cash flow. Interest to be served as and when charged.
The moratorium period of 12 to 24 months can be considered depending upon the pro-
ject under implementation with repayment period maximum up to 7 to 10 years includ-
ing moratorium period. Working Capital limits: On demand, subject to annual review
33 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
SECURITY Primary- The facilities should be secured by way of first/ exclusive charge on the assets created out of bank finance.
a) Eligible activities with credit limit of up to ₹ 5.00 crore will be covered under CGTMSE. In case, the limit is above
₹ 2.00crore, the sanctioning authority may sanction under hybrid model also. Please also refer to BC 114/150 dt.
03.10.2020 issued on CGTMSE.
b) In case, the borrower is eligible to be covered under CGTMSE, PM MUDRA Yojana, PMEGP, Stand up India, PMF-
ME or any other Govt. scheme, the loan may be considered as per the scheme norms.
c) Extant guidelines under the security norms will be applicable for credit facilities not covered by any guarantee
cover/ scheme.
a) Personal / corporate guarantee of the promoters/ partners/directors/ guarantors to be obtained as per bank's
b) Before release of Bank limits, valid charge over the securities (primary/collateral) to be created as per bank's
guidelines to safeguard bank's interest.
c) Zone/Branches to ensure that agriculture land should not be considered as collateral security in terms of HO IOM
Ref. No.HO/BU-Rural/DSR/499 dated 25.10.2017.
d) In case of takeover of accounts, extant guidelines regarding takeover to be followed strictly (HOBC No.114/53
e) Waiver of CGTMSE coverage in eligible accounts to be approved by the authority as per latest HOBO No.114/50
dated 03.10.2020.
f) In case the unit is located at leased premises (private lease). The sanctioning authority has to follow Bank's extant
guidelines regarding sanction of loan against private leased property. Branch to follow the guidelines circulated vide
HOBC 116/75 dated 04.06.2022 ( Private Lease cannot be accepted/extended)
CREDIT RAT- Credit Rating to be carried out as per applicable rating model. In case, the credit limit is less than ₹ 10.00 Lakh and
ING AND internal credit rating is not applicable, branches may treat the account as entry level norm for delegation /pricing
RISK WEIGHT propose.
NOTE - External Credit Rating Necessary for Limit 25.00 Crore and above.
HOBC NO. 115/66 DATED 02.06.2021.
OBJECTIVES To provide finance for construction of new farm structures on agricultural land owned by the farmer along with stor-
age-cum-godown, parking-cum-garage, shed for multipurpose use connected to farm activities Renovation/ repairs of
existing farm structures cum dwelling units.
ELIGIBILITY Farmers engaged in agricultural activities/allied agricultural activities having KCC accounts. Age at loan maturity
should not exceed 70 Yea ₹
No finance should be granted against leased land.
Farmers should have adequate income, liquidity and capacity to serve the loan instalments. Income of co-applicants
may be clubbed for deciding quantum of loan and repayment capacity if property held jointly by them or individually.
Note: The person who is closely involved/ engaged in agriculture activities should be treated as principal borrower.
Owner of the land should be taken as co-borrower if he/she is not principal borrower.
New farm structures cum dwelling unit: min. ₹ 1.00 lakh & max. ₹ 50.00 lakh
Renovation & repairs of farm structures cum dwelling unit: min. ₹ 1.00 lakh & max. ₹ 10.00 lakh. depending on cost of
project & subject to assessment as above
A. Based on income -
(i)Farmers with Income Tax Returns :
Income Based on IT Return Six times of gross annual income based on income on tax re-
turns (last 2-3 years average).
(ii)Farmers without Income Tax Returns:
Farm Income Six times of total net annual farm receipts/ value of crops
(anticipated from the farm taking into consideration type
of crops, area under cultivation)
Other Income/Income from Allied Activi- Six times of net annual income/ profit from allied
ties activities/ other economic activities (like busi-
ness/rent/ salary, etc., if any)
B. Based on value of land / collateral security-
Value of security / 75% of value of land mortgaged as security plus 100% of liquid
Collateral security collateral security.
Loan amount Whichever is lower amongst
1. Income (A) OR
2. Value of land/ collateral security (B)
34 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
(HO BC 114/142 dt. 03.10.2020) & Br Cir 2020-21/75 dt.30.01.2021
To strengthen the existing agriculture credit processing structure and to support our rural and semi
urban branches, our Bank has revamped the existing structure with the objectives to boost quality
agriculture lending through timely availability of credit. Usage of E-PORTAL will be mandatory for
processing of all agricultural loans.
As per our Bank’s new guidelines, Star Krishi Vikas Kendra (revamped ABCs) /Agri Desk at SMECC /
Rural Development Officer will provide end to end solutions to the borrowers and also play a cata-
lytic role in delivering agriculture credit in time for reaching allocated target of the branches. With a
view to shift processing from the branches and to take advantage of potential availability in com-
mand areas across India, the new structure will be as follows:
• Star Krishi Vikas Kendra (SKVK) – Revamped Agriculture Banking Centers (ABC)- A cluster of 15-25
rural & semi urban branches.
• Agri Desk at SME City Cente ₹
• Agri Cluster (Rural Development Officer-RDO)- A cluster of 3-5 rural & semi urban branches
which are not mapped to SKVK.
• Agriculture New & Additional Limits proposals will be processed as under:
KCC Proposals Above Rs 1.60 lakh & if tie is NIL Above Rs 1.60 lakh & if
available above Rs 3 lakh tie is available above Rs 3
Investment Preferably > Rs 1 lakh Loans > Rs 10 lakh to Preferably > Rs 1 lakh
credit food & agro processing
units/agri infra
Staff 3-5 officers of scale-II 1-2 officers of scale 3, 1 officer(RDO) of scale-2,
(Incharge minimum of scale- Prior clearance from ZM will decide
3. GM
Prior clearance from HO
Sanctioning au- SKVK Head within his dele- In charge of SMECC Tagged Branch Head
thority gation or by within his delegation or
(new/additional AMO/SZLCC/ZLCC & above by
limits) Proposals which does not fall SZLCC/ZLCC & above
under SKVK delegation but
falls under the branch dele-
gation will be processed by
SKVK and sanctioned by the
concerned branch.
Pre sanction inspection:
Up to Rs 10 Lakh-By one officer. Br/RDO/PO and proposals > Rs 10 Lakh By 2 Officers inde-
PO must & one from Br Head/SKVK Head/RDO. All Rural/Semi Urban branches are tagged to
SKVK/RDO & all SMECC- Agri desk
36 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Scheme name Star farmer producer organisation/companies financing & guarantee scheme.
Eligibility FPO shall be a legal entity incorporated/ registered either under Part IXA of
Companies Act or under Co-operative Societies Act of the concerned
FPO with a minimum farmer-members' size of 300. North-Eastern and Hilly
areas which are areas at a height of 1000 metre or above mean sea lev-
el (including such other areas of UTs), size of 100 shall be eligible.
Existing FPOs will be allowed to avail credit guarantee In case the FPO has al-
ready availed credit guarantee earlier under any scheme of GoI or any
other scheme. The FPOs which are already registered but have not
been provided funds under any other schemes and have not yet start-
ed operation will also be covered under the Scheme.
FPO must be eligible for lending as per the Lending ability Assessment Tool
available in the NABARD's Guidance Note on FPO financing or any other
tools developed by NABARD/IBA or ELI's approved assessment tool.
Further, it should be ensured that the ELI has extended / sanctioned Term
Loan/ Working Capital/ Composite Credit Facility to FPO without any
collateral security or third-party guarantee (including personal guaran-
tee of Board of Directors/Governing Body Members).
Facilities Fund based Term Loans/Working capital for agriculture and all allied activities.
Credit Guarantee Guarantee coverage given by NABSanrakshan Trust Pvt Limited a wholly owned
subsidiary company of NABARD with Rs1000Cr corpus & NCDC Rs500.00Cr Corpus
Scheme available up to 2023-24. For making additional 10000 FPO in the country.
Maximum Coverage Limit 1.50Crore
Coverage up to Rs1.00Cr.- 85%
Above Rs1.00Cr.75%
Guarantee Fee maximum restricted up to Rs1.70lakh payable first year on the ba-
sis of sanction limit afterwards on the basis of outstanding. Premium payable in
first year within 30days from issue of sanction letter for full year. Next year pro-
rate basis prorate basis balance as on 31st march. AGF payable up to31st May
every year and last year also prorate basis in advance for remaining period.
Note- Finance can be extended above eligible lending institution as
per their desecration but cover available only for Rs1.50Cr.
Lock in Period & One year from the first fee payment.
Settlement Up to one lakh no legal initiation required .Certificate to the effect from compe-
tent authority that no further recovery possible in the account.
Settlement Claim within 90 days from the claim lodgement in one sort up to
Rs1.00lakh claim.
Above one lakh Claim settlement First claim settlement in 90days and second after
full disposal or decree obtained from the court in the account.
Validity of Up to financial year 2023-24 & expected to extend up to financial year 2028-29.
37 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
HOBC No. 118/37 Dated 29.04.2024
INTRODUCTION Lead Bank Scheme was introduced by the Reserve Bank of India in December 1969 with the recommenda-
tion of Study Group headed by Prof. D. R. Gadgil also called Gadgil Study Group.The Scheme aims at coor-
dinating the activities of banks and other developmental agencies through various fora in order to achieve
the objective of enhancing the flow of bank finance to the priority sector and other sectors and to pro-
mote banks' role in the overall development of the rural sector.
The Lead Bank is expected to assume a leadership role for coordinating the efforts of the credit institu-
tions and the Government. The Lead Bank Scheme was last reviewed by the High Level Committee head-
ed by Smt.Usha Thorat, the then Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India in 2009.
Fora under Lead Block Level Bankers' Committee (BLBC)
Bank Scheme District Consultative Committee (DCC)
District Level Review Committee (DLRC) Meetings
State Level Bankers' Committee (SLBC)
Block Level Bank- Block Level Bankers' Committee (BLBC) is a forum for achieving coordination between credit institutions
ers' Committee and field level development agencies at the block level.The forum prepares and reviews the implementa-
tion of the Block Credit Plan and also resolves operational problems in the implementation of the credit
programmes of banks. The Lead District Manager (LDM) of the district is the Chairman of the Block Level
Bankers' Committee. All the banks operating in the block including the Small Finance Banks, Wholly
Owned Subsidiaries (WOS) of Foreign Banks, RRBs, the District Central Cooperative Banks, Block De-
velopment Officer, technical officers in the block, such as extension officers for agriculture, industries and
co-operatives are members of the Committee.
District Consulta- The District Collector is the Chairman of the DCC meetings. Reserve Bank of India, NABARD, all the com-
tive Committee mercial banks including Small Finance Banks, Wholly Owned Subsidiaries (WOS) of Foreign Banks, RRBs,
(DCC) Payments Banks, Co-operative banks including the District Central Cooperative Bank (DCCB), various State
Government departments and allied agencies are the members of the DCC. The Lead District Officer (LDO)
represents the Reserve Bank as a member of the DCC. The Lead District Manager (LDM) convenes the DCC
meetings. The Director of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Institute (MSME-DI) in the
district is an invitee in districts.
DCC meetings should be convened by the Lead Banks at quarterly intervals. At the DCC level, sub-
committees as appropriate, may be set up to work intensively on specific issues and submit reports to the
DCC for its consideration and DCC should give adequate feedback to the SLBC on various issues.
Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETIs) should be more actively involved and monitored at
various fora of LBS particularly at the DCC level. Focus should be on development of skills to enhance the
credit absorption capacity in the area and renewing the training programmes towards sustainable micro
District Level Re- DLRC meetings are Chaired by the District Collector and attended by members of the District Consultative
view Committee Committee (DCC). Public Representatives i.e. Local MPs/MLAs/ Zilla Parishad Chiefs are also invited to
(DLRC) Meetings these meetings. Lead Banks should fix the date of DLRC meetings with due regard to the convenience of
the representatives of the public i.e. MPs/MLAs etc. and invite and involve them in all functions conduct-
ed by the banks in the districts, such as opening of new banking outlets, distribution of Kisan Credit Cards,
SHG credit linkage programmes, etc.. The DLRC meetings should be convened by the Lead Banks at least
once in a quarter. The DLRC is a forum to review the pace and quality of the implementation of various
programmes under the Lead Bank Scheme in the district.
State Level Bank- The State Level Bankers' Committee (SLBC) was constituted in April 1977, as an apex inter-institutional
ers' Committee forum to create adequate coordination machinery in all States, on a uniform basis for development of the
(SLBC) State. SLBC is chaired by the Chairman/ Managing Director/ Executive Director of the Convenor Bank. It
comprises representatives of commercial banks including Small Finance Banks, Wholly Owned Subsidiar-
ies (WOS) of Foreign Banks, RRBs, Payments Banks, State Cooperative Banks, RBI, NABARD, heads of Gov-
ernment departments including representatives from National Commission for Scheduled Castes/Tribes,
National Horticulture Board, Khadi & Village Industries Commission etc. and representatives of financial
institutions operating in a State, who come together and sort out coordination problems at the policy
implementation level. Representatives of various
Organizations from different sectors of the economy like industry bodies, retail traders, exporters, farm-
ers' unions, etc. are special invitees in the SLBC meetings for discussing their specific problems, if any.
SLBC meetings are held on quarterly basis. The responsibility for convening the SLBC meetings would be
of the SLBC Convenor Bank of the State. SLBC meetings are required to be held regularly at quarterly in-
tervals. The meetings are chaired by the Chairman/ Managing Director/ Executive Director of the Conven-
or Bank and co-chaired by the Additional Chief Secretary or Development Commissioner of the State con-
cerned. In cases where the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director of the SLBC Con-
venor Bank is unable to attend SLBC Meetings, the Regional Director of the RBI shall co-chair the meetings
along with the Additional Chief Secretary/Development Commissioner of the State concerned.
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Agenda for SLBC • Review of financial inclusion initiatives, expansion of banking network and Financial
Meetings Literacy:
• Review of credit disbursement by banks:
• Achievement under ACP of the State, Priority Sector Lending
• Discussion on lending towards government sponsored schemes (DAY-NRLM, DAY-NULM,
MUDRA, Stand-Up India, PMEGP, etc.) and impact of these schemes
• Flow of credit to MSMEs and for affordable housing
• KCC loan, crop insurance under PMFBY
• Grant of Education Loans
• Progress under SHG-bank linkage
• CD Ratio, Review of Districts with CD Ratio below 40% and working of Special Sub-
Committees of the DCC (SSC).
• Position of NPAs in respect of schematic lending, Certificate Cases and Recovery of
• Review of restructuring of loans in natural calamity affected districts in the State, if
• Discussion on policy initiatives of the Central/State Government/RBI (Industrial Policy,
MSME Policy, Agriculture Policy, Start-Up Policy, etc.), and expected involvement of
• Discussion on improving rural infrastructure/ credit absorption capacity.
• Efforts towards skill development on mission mode partnering with Krishi Vigyan Ken-
dra (KVK), Horticulture Mission, National Skill Development Corporation, Agriculture
Skill Council of India (ASCI), etc. including a review of functioning of RSETIs.
• Steps taken for improving land record, progress in digitization of land records and
seamless loan disbursements.
• Timely submission of data by banks, adhering to the schedule of SLBC meeting.
Role of LDMs The Lead Bank Scheme depends on the dynamism of the
District Collectors and the Lead District Managers (LDMs), with supportive role of the Regional/Zonal
Office, the office of LDM should be sufficiently strengthened with appropriate infrastructural support
being the focal point for the successful implementation of the Lead Bank Scheme
The new functions envisaged for LDMs include the following:
• Monitoring the implementation of the District Credit Plan.
• Associate with the setting up of Financial Literacy Centres (FLCs), RSETIs by banks.
• Associate with organizing financial literacy camps by FLCs and rural branches of banks.
• Holding annual sensitisation workshops for banks and Government officials with partici-
pation by NGOs/Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs).
• Arranging for quarterly awareness and feedback public meetings, grievance re-
dressal etc.
Implementation Preparation of credit plans
Potential Linked Credit Plans (PLPs)
Monitoring the Performance of Credit Plans
Monitoring of LBS by RBI - Monitoring Information System (MIS)
Revised mechanism of Data Flow for LBS fora meetings.
Assignment of The assignment of Lead Bank responsibility to designated banks in every district is done by the Re-
Responsibility serve Bank of India following a detailed procedure formulated for this purpose. As on March 31,
2022, 12 public sector banks and one private sector bank have been assigned Lead Bank responsibil-
ity in 734 districts of the country.
State Level Bankers' Committee (SLBC)/Union Territory Level Bankers'
Committee (UTLBC), as an apex level forum at the State/Union Territory (UT) level, coordinates the
activities of the financial institutions and Government departments in the State/Union Territory un-
der the Lead Bank Scheme. SLBC/UTLBC Convenorship is assigned to banks for this purpose. As on
March 31, 2022, the SLBC/ UTLBC convenorship of 28 States and 8 Union Territories has been as-
signed to 11 public sector banks and one private sector bank.
The Lead Bank Scheme (LBS) has been extended to the districts in the metropolitan areas, thus bring-
ing the entire country under the fold of the Lead Bank Scheme.
Credit Deposit CD Ratio, Review of Districts with CD Ratio below 40% and working of Special Sub-Committees of the
Ratio DCC (SSC).Hilly area below 20% Banks have to achieve a CD Ratio of 60 percent in respect of their
rural and semi-urban branches separately on an All-India basis.
The credit dispensation in certain districts is very low, as a result of various factors such as lack of
necessary infrastructure, varying ability of different regions to absorb credit.
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Banking Penetra- Over the years, the focus of the Lead Bank Scheme has shifted to inclusive growth and financial inclu-
tion sion. The use of Information Technology (IT) and intermediaries has enabled banks to increase the out-
reach, scale and depth of banking services at affordable cost. SLBC Convenor Banks / Lead Banks are
advised to focus attention on the need
for achieving 100% financial inclusion through penetration of banking services in the rural areas. As per
revised guidelines on 'Rationalisation of Branch Authorisation Policy' on May 18, 2017 clarifying on
'Banking Outlet', banks were advised to consider opening of a CBS-enabled banking outlet or a part time
banking outlet, as the case may be, in unbanked rural centres. It should take up with the State Govern-
ments, impeders such as issues of road/digital connectivity, conducive law and order situation, uninter-
rupted power supply, adequate security, etc. for ensuring banking expansion at all centres and provid-
ing banking services in unbanked villages. Roadmap is also given for opening brick and mortar branches
in villages with population more than 5000 without a bank branch of a scheduled commercial bank.
National Strategy for Financial Inclusion (NSF!) launched for the financial years 2019-2024 — Universal
Access to Financial Services for Providing banking access to every village within a 5 KM radius / hamlet
of 500 households in hilly areas has been one of the key objectives.
Direct Benefit Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) was rolled out by the Government of India in selected
Transfer districts in January 2013. It was expanded to other districts subsequently. SLBC Con-
venor Banks were advised to co-ordinate with the Government authorities to imple-
ment DBT. Banks were advised to include the status of the roll-out of DBT as a regular
agenda item for discussion in SLBC meetings as part of Financial Inclusion/Direct Bene-
fit Transfer (DBT) implementation.
Service Area The Service Area Approach (SAA), introduced in April 1989 for planned and orderly
Approach development of rural and semi-urban areas was applicable to all scheduled com-
(SAA) mercial banks including Regional Rural Banks. Under SAA, each bank branch in a ru-
ral or semi-urban area was designated to serve an area of 15 to 25 villages and the
branch was responsible for meeting the needs of bank credit of its service area.
The primary objective of SAA was to increase productive lending and for generating
effective linkages between bank credit, production, productivity and increase in in-
come levels.
The Service Area Approach scheme was reviewed in December 2004 the allocation
of villages among the rural and semi-urban branches of banks were made not appli-
cable for lending except under Government Sponsored Schemes.
Dispensing To ensure hassle free credit to all borrowers, especially in rural and semi-urban are-
with 'No Due as and keeping in view the technological developments and the different ways avail-
Certificate' able with banks to avoid multiple financing, banks have been advised to dispense
with obtaining a 'No Due Certificate' from the individual borrowers (including SHGs
& JLGs) in rural and semi-urban areas for all types of loans including loans under
Government Sponsored Schemes, Banks are encouraged to use an alternative
framework of due diligence like:-
Credit history check through Credit Information Companies (CICs)
Self-declaration or an affidavit from the borrower.
CERSAI registration.
Peer monitoring.
Information sharing among lende ₹
Information search (writing to other lenders with an auto deadline)
Digital Pay- With a view to expanding and deepening the digital payments ecosystem, the
ments Ecosys- SLBCs/UTLBCs were advised to identify one district in their respective States/UTs on
tem a pilot basis in consultation with banks and stakeholders and allocate it to a bank
with significant footprint which will endeavour to make the district 100% digitally
enabled within one year, in order to enable every individual in the district to make/
receive payments digitally in a safe, secure, quick, affordable and convenient man-
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HOBCL NO. 2021-22/144 DATED 28.12.2021.
Name of the Financing to marine Fisheries Sector- Finance for boats, mechanized
Scheme Boats, trawlers, deep sea fishing vessels and related activities.
Target • Individuals/ proprietorship concerns /partnership firms/ companies/ SHG&JLG groups
Borrowers/ consisting of fish farmers/ cooperative societies who are technically qualified & are hav-
Constitution of ing adequate experience to undertake such ventures.
• In case of Deep Sea fishing vessels, availability of necessary permission from Govt. au-
thorities is required for operating in the maritime zone.
• Individuals with license from Port/fishery department to carry out marine fishing as per
respective State guidelines.
• Purchase of nets, deck equipment, marine engine, boxes, baskets, ropes and other acces-
• Any other activity related to marine fisheries as specified by any State or Central Govt.
• Activities selected under Star Blue Revolution Scheme (SBRS) under PMMSY as per Br.
Cir. No. 114/140 dated 30.09.2020.
Nature of Facility Demand Loan/ Term Loan /Working capital limits. /Composite Limits.
Only working capital requirement can also be dealt separately as per Kisan Credit card
scheme for Animal husbandry and Fisheries based on scale of finance approved by
respective DLTC from time to time. Guidelines of KCC Fishery to be followed
Bank Guarantees.
Interest Interest subvention to be covered under respective State/central/FIDF interest subvention scheme
subvention wherever applicable.
Arrangements Sole Banking/Multiple Banking/Consortium Arrangement.
Quantum Need based and as per NABARD/NHM/FFDA unit cost or scale of finance
by DLTC.
Margin Upto ₹ 1.60 lakh- Nil
For Above ₹ 1.60 lakh- Minimum 15%
• Stocks - 15% to 25%.
• Book Debts - 25% to 40%.
• Plant and machinery/ Land and building -15% to 25%.
Security Upto ₹ 1.60 lakh- Hypothecation of assets created out of bank finance.
• Above ₹ 1.60 lakh-
• Primary: Hypothecation of assets created out of bank finance.
• Collateral:
Extant guidelines under the security norms will be applicable.
Repayment and Term Loan: Maximum period of 10 years (Including moratorium)
Moratorium Non-mechanized boats- 4 to 7 years
Mechanized Boats- 8-10 years
Working Capital: On demand subject to annual review.
Moratorium: Maximum 12 months. Over one year should be properly justified.
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SHG & SHG-Bank Linkage Programme
HOBC 116/157 dated 23.09.2022
HOBC 117/31 Dated 17.04.2023
As and when the federations of the SHGs come to existence, the grading exercise may be done by
the Federations to support the banks.
The existing defunct SHGs are also eligible for credit if they are revived and continue to be active
for a minimum period of 3 months.
Security, a) No collateral would be charged up to ₹20.00 lakh limit to the SHGs.
Margin, b) Margin: Upto ₹10.00 lakh – NIL, Above ₹10.00 lakh to ₹20.00 lakh-10%, Above ₹20.00 lakh –
Repayment, Minimum 15% to 20%.
Interest rates c) Maximum 84 months based on the cash flow in monthly/ quarterly instalments.
and Interest d) The banks would have the discretion to decide on the interest rates applicable to loans given to
subvention Self Help Groups/member beneficiaries, subject to regulatory guidelines.
e) Interest Subvention will be provided to eligible women SHGs based on guidelines issued by
MoRD/State government from time to time.
SHG Linkage Self Help Groups have the potential to bring together the formal banking structure and the rural poor
for mutual benefit.
Studies conducted by NABARD in a few states to assess the impact of the linkage project have
brought out encouraging and positive features like increase in loan volume, generating activities to
production activities, nearly 100 per cent recovery performance, of the SHGs
The example set by some public sector banks and meet the entire credit requirements of SHG mem-
bers, namely,
(a) income generation activities,
(b) social needs like housing, education, Marriage, etc. and
(c) Debt swapping". Linking of SHGs with banks.
Opening of The SHGs, registered or unregistered, which are engaged in promoting savings habit among their
Savings Bank members are eligible to open savings bank accounts with banks.
A/C These SHGs need not necessarily have already availed of credit facilities from banks before opening
savings bank accounts.
The instructions on simplified Customer Due Diligence (CDD) applicable to SHGs as prescribed in Part
VI of the Master Direction RBI
Lending to A.Bank lending to SHGs should be included in branch credit plan, block credit plan, district credit
SHGs plan and state credit plan of each bank. Utmost priority should be accorded to the sector in
preparation of these plans. It should also form an integral part of the bank's corporate credit
B.As per operational guidelines issued by NABARD, SHGs may be sanctioned savings linked loans
by banks (varying from a saving to loan ratio of 1:1 to 1:4). However, in case of matured
SHGs, loans may be given beyond the limit of four times the savings as per the discretion of
the bank.
C.A simple system requiring minimum procedures and documentation is a precondition for aug-
menting flow of credit to SHGs. Banks should strive to remove all operational irritants and
make arrangements to expeditiously sanction and disburse credit by delegating adequate
sanctioning powers to branch manage ₹ The loan application forms, procedures and docu-
ments should be made simple. It would help in providing prompt and hassle-free credit.
D. One woman in every SHG under DAY-NRLM may be provided a loan upto ₹ 1.00 lakh under
MUDRA Scheme, if otherwise eligible.
Service/Processing No loan related and ad hoc service charges/inspection charges should be levied on priority sector
charges loans up to ₹ 6.00 lakh. For limit above ₹ 6.00 lakhs PPC & other charges as applicable to agriculture
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Separate Loans to SHGs are allowed to be classified under Priority Sector Lending (PSL) under the respective cate-
Segment gories viz Agriculture, MSME, Social Infrastructure and others, subject to extant guidelines of Master Di-
under priority rections Priority Sector Lending (PSL)
Presence of Defaults by a few members of SHGs and/or their family members to the financing bank should not ordi-
defaulters in narily come in the way of financing SHGs per se by banks, provided the SHG is not in default. However,
SHGs the bank loan may not be utilized by the SHG for financing a defaulter member to the bank.
The SHG should not be eligible for linkage if:-
i. 50% or more than 50% members default in their savings.
Ii. Less than 30% of the group savings have been used for internal lending.
Iii. The group is in active existence for a period of less than 6 months.
Capacity Banks may initiate suitable steps to internalize the SHGs linkage project and organize ex-
Building and clusive short duration programmes for the field level functionaries. In addition, suita-
Training ble awareness/sensitization programmes may be conducted for their middle level
controlling officers as well as senior office ₹
Banks shall refer to instructions on Financial Literacy by FLCs and rural branches — Policy
Monitoring Considering the potential of SHGs, banks shall closely monitor the progress regularly at various levels.
and Review of In order to give a boost to the ongoing SHG bank linkage programme for credit flow to the unorganized
SHG Lending sector, monitoring of SHG bank linkage programme shall be a regular item on the agenda for discussion
at the SLBC and DCC meetings. It should be reviewed at the highest corporate level on a quarterly basis
and the returns in the prescribed format shall be submitted within 15 days from due date to
NABARD (Micro Credit Innovations Department), Mumbai.
Reporting to CICs Recognizing the importance of credit information reporting in respect of the SHG members for financial
inclusion, banks are advised to adhere to the guidelines on Credit information reporting in respect of
Self Help Group (SHG) members dated June 16, 2016.
Precautionary measures to be taken while obtaining valuation of Agriculture lands.
HOBC No.2020-21/93 dated 20.03.2021
A. Where valuation from Sub-Registrar is obtained, the same should be considered as value of
land while considering the application.
B.The cases in which the valuation is obtained from valuers, wherein valuation given by valuer is
very high than the Registration value of similar properties, proper justification should be given
while sanctioning/ reviewing the loan.
C.In cases, where Sale Deed or Title Deed is not available and the borrower only having a PATTA
in respect of which mutation not done since long or valuation is obsolete, it is suggesting that the
circle rate to be consider as the guiding value.
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Agricultural lending policy
HOBC No. 118/001 dated 01.04.2024
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SR.No. Particulars
Chapter-I RBI Direction under Priority Sector Lending to Agriculture - Different aspects of farm credit
Chapter-II Guidelines related to Agriculture Loans - Timeline, Calendar for Agricultural operation; Scale of
finance; unit cost for various purposes; command area for Branch; Procedural guidelines to
monitor agricultural accounts, Due diligence procedure; PAIS; Record keeping of application till
Chapter-III Agriculture Lending : Credit Aspects - Target customers; Quantum of loans; Security & Margin
norms; Tenure of loans; Credit Rating & risk Weightage; Rate of Interest; Service Charges; TEV
study; ACC approval; Delegation; credit appraisals; Assessment of working capital (Turnover
method/MPBF/Cash Budget/Cash Flow); Disbursement method; Stock Audit; Insurance; In-
come Recognition, Asset Classification & Provisioning Norms and SMA Guidelines; Clus-
ter/Area Based approach; Takeover Norms; Cooling period (fresh lending to OTS); Lending to
Micro-Lending Institutions.
Chapter-IV Procedural Aspects - Inspection – Scrutiny of Land records; Importance of farm/site inspection;
Title Clearance/Search report; Valuation Report; Guideline for settlement of Insurance claim in
case of death of financed Livestock; NABARD Subsidy Scheme procedure;
Chapter-VI Guidelines for tie-up with various agencies/ Fintech Companies/ NGOs/ MFIs, etc.
Chapter-VIII Product innovation & growth Promotion Cell for Agriculture - Composition; Resource mobiliza-
tion; Meeting schedule; Monitoring.
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The Priority Sector Lending guidelines aim to encourage and support environment
friendly lending policies to help achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This
review also took into account the recommendations made by the 'Expert Committee
on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Chairman: Shri U.K. Sinha) and the
'Internal Working Group to Review Agriculture Credit' (Chairman: Shri M. K. Jain)
apart from discussions with all stakeholde ₹ Further, these Master Directions en-
compass the revised guidelines on PSL for all Commercial banks, RRBs, SFBs, UCBs
and LABs.
2.Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
3.Export Credit
6.Social Infrastructure
7.Renewable Energy
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Education Not Exceeding Rs20.00 lakh will be considered as eligible for priority sector classification. Loans currently
classified as priority sector will continue till maturity.
Housing 1. Loan 35.00 lakh and unit cost Rs45.00lakh in Metro (With Population >10.00Lakh & other center Loan
Rs 25.00Lakh, unit cost Rs30.00lakh per family.
2. For repairs and renovation 10.00lakh for metro and Rs6.00lakh for other center.
3. loans to any governmental agency for construction of dwelling units or for slum clearance and rehabili-
tation of slum dwellers subject to dwelling units with carpet area of not more than 60 sq.m.
4. Loans for affordable housing projects using at least 50% of FAR/FSI for dwelling units with carpet area
of not more than 60 sq.m.
5. Bank loans to HFCs (approved by NHB for their refinance) for on-lending,
up to Rs20 lakh for individual borrowers or for slum clearance and rehabilitation of slum dwellers Out-
standing deposits with NHB on account of priority sector shortfall.
Social Infra- loans up to a limit of Rs5 crore per borrower for setting up schools, drinking water facilities and sanitation
structure facilities including construction/refurbishment of household toilets and water improvements at household
level, etc. and loans up to a limit of Z10 crore per borrower for building health care facilities including un-
der 'Ayushman Bharat' in Tier II to Tier VI cente ₹ In case of UCBs, the above limits are applicable only in
centers having a population of less than one lakh.
Renewable loans up to a limit of Z30 crore to borrowers for purposes like solar based power generators, biomass-
Energy based power generators, wind mills, micro-hydel plants and for non-conventional energy based public utili-
ties, viz., street lighting systems and remote village electrification etc.For individual households, the loan
limit will be Z10 lakh per borrower.
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Others 1. Loans not exceeding 1.00 lakh per borrower provided directly by banks to individuals and individ-
ual members of SHG/JLG, provided the individual borrower's household annual income in rural areas
does not exceed 1.00 lakh and for non-rural areas it does not exceed 1.60 lakh, and loans not exceed-
ing 2.00 lakh provided directly by banks to SHG/JLG for activities other than agriculture or MSME,
2. Loans to distressed persons [other than distressed farmers indebted to non-institutional lenders]
not exceeding 2.00 lakh per borrower to prepay their debt to non-institutional lende ₹
3. Loans sanctioned to State Sponsored Organizations for Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes for
the specific purpose of purchase and supply of inputs and/or the marketing of the outputs of the ben-
eficiaries of these organizations.
Loans up to R50 crore to Start-ups, as per definition of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of
India that are engaged in activities other than Agriculture or MSME.
Overdraft availed by PMJDY account holders as per limits and conditions prescribed by Department of
Financial Services, Ministry of Finance from time to time may be classified under Weaker Sections.
Weaker Sections 12% of ANBC or CEOBE, Not applicable 15% of ANBC or 12% of ANBC or CEOBE,
whichever CEOBE, whichever whichever is
is higher is higher. higher.
The targets for lending to SMFs and for Weaker Sections shall be revised upwards from FY 2021-22
onwards as follows:
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• Loans up to Rs50 crore to Start-ups, as per definition of Ministry of Commerce and In-
dustry, Govt. of India that are engaged in agriculture and allied services.Loans for Food
and Agro-processing up to an aggregate sanctioned limit of Rs100.00 crore per borrow-
er from the banking system.
• Outstanding deposits under RIDF and other eligible funds with NABARD on account of
priority sector shortfall.
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Category. Activities
Loans to Self Help Groups (SHGs) or Joint Liability Groups (JLGs), i.e. groups of indi-
vidual SMF engaged in agriculture and allied activity.
Loans up to 2 lakh to individuals solely engaged in Allied activities without any accompa-
nying land holding criteria.
Loans to FPOs/FPC of individual farmers and co-operatives of farmers directly engaged
in Agriculture and Allied Activities where the land-holding share of SMFs is not less than
75 per cent, subject to loan limits Rs2.00Crore.
NBFCs and Bank credit extended to registered NBFC-MFIs and other MFIs (Societies, Trusts etc.)
MFIs for on- which are members of RBI recognized SRO for the sector, for on-lending to individuals
lending in and also to members of SHGs / JLGs will be eligible for categorization as priority sector
agriculture advance under respective categories of agriculture(other than RRB,UCB,SFB & LAB)
Bank credit to registered NBFCs (other than MFIs) towards on-lending for 'Term lending'
component under agriculture will be allowed up to 10 lakh per borrower. (Other than
Micro, Small • Factoring transactions pertaining to MSMEs taking place through the Trade Receiva-
and Medium bles Discounting System (TReDS).
(MSMEs) • All loans to units in the Khadi Village Industries (KVI) sector will be eligible for classi-
fication under the sub target of 7.50% prescribed for Micro Enterprises.
• Loans sanctioned by banks to NBFC-MFIs and other MFIs (Societies, Trusts etc.)
which are members of RBI recognized SRO for the sector for on-lending to MSME
sector. (not applicable to RRBs, SFBs and UCBs)
• Card, Laghu Udyami Card, Swarojgar Credit Card and Weaver's Card etc.
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Financial Inclusion©
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3. Lending norms & repayment facilities: If group remains in active existence for 6 months and qualifies as per
grading norms of NABARD then bank may finance them. In case of CCL/Term loan, banks are advised to sanc-
tion minimum limit of ₹ 6 lakhs to each eligible SHGs for a period of 3 years with a yearly drawing power (DP).
If existing loan account is regular and conduct of account is satisfactory then Bank can grant new loan even if
existing loan is running .
• DP for first year/1st dose 6 times of the existing corpus or ₹ 1.50 lakh whichever is higher. In case of term
loan Repayment 24 to 36 months in monthly/ quarterly installments.
• DP for second year/ 2nd dose 8 times of existing corpus or ₹ 3.00 lakh, whichever is higher. In case of term
loan Repayment 36 to 48 month in monthly/ quarterly installments.
• DP for third year/3rd dose minimum of ₹ 6.00 lakhs based on Micro credit plan prepared by SHGs. In case
of term loan Repayment 4 to 5 y ₹ in monthly/ quarterly installments.
• DP for Fourth years onwards/4th dose above Rs, 6.00 lakhs based on Micro credit plan of the SHGs. In case
of term loan Repayment between 5-7 y ₹ in monthly/ quarterly installments.
4. Corpus: Corpus is inclusive of revolving fund, if any, received by that SHG, its own saving, interest earning by
SHG from on-lending to its members and by interest on SB account, income from other sources, and funds from
other sources in case of promotion by other institutions/NGO.
5. CIF: There is provision of granting Community Investment Fund by the NRLM to the Federation for onward
lending to their SHGs in both identified and non identified districts.
6. Purpose of Loans/CC: Credit may be given also for consumption purpose such as toilet construction, meeting
social needs, debt swapping, construction or repairs of house but in order to facilitate use of loans for aug-
menting livelihoods of SHG members, it is advised that at least 50% of loans above ₹ 1 lakhs and, 75% of loans
above ₹ 4 lakhs and at least 85% of loans above ₹ 6 lakhs be used primarily for income generating productive
7. Type of facility: Term loan/CC or both based on need. While opening the account code”154” to be filled in
free code- 3.
8. Security & Margin: No margin up to ₹ 10 lakhs. No collateral up to ₹ 20 lakh.But guarantee cover under
CGTFMU may be obtained.
9. Prompt Payment: In case of term loan Installment & interest should be paid within 30 days from due date,
while in case of CC limit O/s should not remain in excess of DL for more than 30 days, during the month custom-
er induced credit should be at least one and sufficient to cover the interest debited to the account.
10. Opening of CD account of Producer Group: In order to facilitate collective production and marketing of
their produce banks are advised to open current account of SHG( farmers) producer group promoted under
DAY-NRLM at village, Gram panchayat, cluster or higher level. KYC norms will be followed for signatories of
such accounts.
11. Dealing with Defaulters: Willful defaulters should not be financed under DAY-NRLM. In case willful de-
faulters are members of a group, they may be allowed to benefit from the thrift and credit activities of the group
including the corpus built up with the assistance of Revolving Fund. However, as regards credit facilities, the
group may be financed excluding such defaulters while documenting the loan. Banks should not deny loans to
SHGs on the grounds of family members of individual members of SHG being defaulters with the bank. Further,
non-willful defaulters should not be debarred from receiving loans. In case default is due to genuine reasons,
banks may follow the norms prescribed for restructuring the credit facilities.
Credit Facility Scheme For Minority Communities – Please refer HO BC & Cir.No.2016-17/78
dtd.29.9.2016, 110/124dtd. 07.10.2016, Ho BC 111\91 dtd. 04.09.2017(Master Circular), HOBC115/13 dtd
07.04.2021.Master circular on credit facility to SC/ST HOBC 115/31dtd 19.04.21,cir.letter2021-22/33 dtd
12.08.2021, HOBC/115/113 dtd03.07.2021on SHG finance HOBC 117/31 dated 17.04.2023 on SHG Finance
Data Sharing :Banks may share the following data in mutually agreed formats/intervals with DAY-NRLM or
State Rural Livelihood Missions ( SRLMs ). As regard consent of customers, as mentioned in para 25(iv) of
above master circular . Banks may ensure that consent may be obtained specially & separately from the custom-
ers and not as consent in the form of general classes either in the applications for opening the account or for the
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SUBSIDY: Now, Interest subvention scheme on Credit facility to Women SHG during the year 2023-
24 for all Public Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks and Small Finance Banks in all districts and the
scheme is limited to Women Self Help Groups under DAY-NRLM in rural areas only.
• For loans up to ₹ 3 lakh under the scheme, banks will extend credit at a concessional interest rate
of 7% per annum. For outstanding balance upto ₹ 3 Iakh, banks will be subvented at a uniform
rate of 4.5% per annum during FY 2024- 25
• For loans above ₹ 3 lakh and up to ₹ 5 Iakh under the scheme, banks will extend credit at interest
rate equivalent to their 1 yearMCLR or any other external benchmark based lending rate or 10%
per annum, whichever is lower. For outstanding balance above 3 lakh and upto 5 Lakh banks will
be subvented at a uniform rate of 5% per annum during FY 2024-25.
• Interest Subvention will be payable only for the period during which an account remains in stand-
ard category
• Women SHGs promoted by other agencies and following the DAY-NRLM protocols will also be
eligible for benefit of subvented loans subject to prior submission of the details of such SHGs on
the DAY-NRLM SHG database.
• The interest subvention scheme shall be implemented for banks. through a Nodal Bank selected
by the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD). The Nodal Bank will operationalize the scheme
through a web based platform, as advised by MoRD. For the year 2024-25, Indian Bank has been
nominated as the Nodal bank by MoRD.
• In order to avail the interest subvention on credit extended to the women SHGs, banks may ensure
that the accounts of SHGs (both savings and loans) under DAY-NRLM are appropriately identi-
fied in their CBS with unique codes assigned by DAYNRLM/SLRMs
• DP for First Year: 6 times of the existing corpus or minimum of Rs 1.5 lakh, whichever is higher.
• DP for Second Year: 8 times of the corpus at the time of review/ enhancement or minimum of Rs
3 lakh, whichever is higher.
• DP for Third Year: Minimum of Rs 6 lakh based on the Micro Credit Plan prepared by the SHG
and appraised by the Federations/ Support agency and the previous credit history.
• DP for Fourth Year onwards: Above Rs 6 lakh, based on the Micro Credit Plan prepared by SHG
and appraised by the Federation Support agency and the previous credit history.
Term Loan: In case of Term Loan, banks are advised to sanction loan amount in doses as mentioned
First Dose: 6 times of the existing corpus or minimum of Rs 1.5 lakh, whichever is higher.
Second Dose: 8 times of the existing corpus or minimum of Rs 3 lakh, whichever is higher.
Third Dose: Minimum of Rs 6 lakh, based on the Micro Credit Plan prepared by the SHGs
and appraised by the Federations/ Support agency and the previous credit history.
Fourth Dose onwards: Above Rs 6 lakh, based on the Micro Credit Plan prepared by the
SHGs and appraised by the Federations/ Support agency and the previous credit history.
• In order to facilitate use of loans for augmenting livelihoods of SHG members, it is advised that at
least 50% of loans above ₹ 1 lakh, 75% of loans above Rs 4 lakh and at least 85% of loans above
Rs 6 lakh be used primarily for income generating productive purposes.
• Micro Credit Plan (MCP) prepared by SHGs would form the basis for determining the purpose and usage
of loans.
Credit facilities to SHG members- (i) In order to facilitate women SHG members to graduate to entrepreneurs, banks
may consider extending loans up to Rs 10 lakh to individual members of select matured well performing SHGs (SHGs
which are more than 2 years old and have accessed at least one dose of bank loan with timely repayment) as per their
lending policy. The individual should be running a viable economic enterprise. Banks are advised to share data on indi-
vidual loans to women SHGs members in a mutually agreed format and periodicity with DAY-NRLM. (ii) One woman in
every SHG under DAY-NRLM may be provided a loan up to lakh under the MUDRA Scheme, if she is otherwise eligible.
(iii) Banks are advised to provide minimum OD facility of X5000 to every woman SHG member having PMJDY account in
accordance with the guidelines issued by Indian Banks' Association (IBA). Banks may regularly share data on OD limit to
women SHGs' members in a mutually agreed format and periodicity with DAY-NRLM. (iv) DAY-NRLM has created
'Women Enterprise Acceleration Fund' for individual women SHGs eligible membe ₹ (v) Credit to Producer Groups/
Producer Organisations: To facilitate women SHG members getting a better price for their produce through collectiviza-
tion/aggregation/ value addition, banks may consider extending loans to select well performing Producers Groups/
Producers Organisations under DAY-NRLM for their commercial activities as per their lending policy.
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
OBJECT: Poverty alleviation Scheme providing gainful employment to urban poor, launched wef.
1.12.97 after subsuming earlier 3 schemes NRY/UBSP/PMIUPEP. The scheme has been restruc-
tured as NULM wef. 24.09.2013 further extended upto March 31, 2023. Funding by centre and
state in 75:25. For backward states 90:10.Existing provision of capital subsidy has been replaced
by interest subsidy for loans to individual enterprise (SEP-I) Group enterprise (SEP-G) and self help
groups (SHGs).The application for individuals & groups will be sponsored by Urban Local Body. Ap-
plicants will be selected by Task Force at ULB level.
SCOPE: The scheme is applicable to all districts HQ and all the cities with population of 1 lakh or
more for urban poor living below Urban Poverty Line. The scheme will focus on financial assis-
tance to individuals/groups of urban poor for setting up gainful self employment ventures / micro
enterprises and also for urban SHG. Local skills and crafts should be particularly encouraged.
RESERVATION: Women beneficiaries: 30%, physically disabled: 5%, 15% for minorities in view of
PM’s 15 point programme.SC/ST to the extent of proportion of their strength in local population.
SCHEME: Loan may be sanctioned to Individual beneficiary, Group Enterprises as well as to SHG.
Activities under micro mfg/services /retailing/ allied agriculture can be considered.
A. Loans to Individuals: Project cost should not exceed ₹ 2.00 lakhs for individual..
B. Loans to Groups: Group will have minimum 3 members with a minimum of 70% from urban
poor families & more than one person from the same family should not be included. Project cost -
@ Rs 2 Lakh per member, subject to maximum of Rs 10 Lakhs for a group.
C. SHG Bank Linkage programme: SHGs promoting savings may be sanctioned savings linked loan
varying from a saving to loan ratio of 1:1 to 1:4 after grading by Banks. However, in case of ma-
tured SHGs loan may be given beyond the limit of four times. KYC/customer due diligence is re-
quired only for office bearer and not for all the SHG membe ₹ If any SHG member is defaulter of
the bank, we will ignore this. We can finance the group with the condition that it will not finance
(inter loaning) onward to such defaulter member.
MARGIN: No margin money should be taken for loan up to Rs 50,000 and for higher amount
loans, preferably, 5% should be taken as margin money and it should in no case be more than 10%
of the project cost.
SUBSIDY: All banks on CBS mode will be eligible for interest subsidy at quarterly interval @ differ-
ence between 7% and prevailing rate of interest of Banks. An additional 3% interest subsidy will
be provided to all women SHGs, who repay their loan in time.
COLLATERAL SECURITY: No collateral Security or third party guarantee is required. CGTMSE cover
is available in all eligible cases.
REPAYMENT: To be repaid in 5 to 7 years after initial moratorium of 6 to 18 months as Term
TRAINING: It is essential to provide training to selected candidates except those who have al-
ready undergone such training.
Others - Credit card for enterprise development: In order to support the micro entrepreneurs to
meet their working capital and miscellaneous credit needs, NULM will facilitate access to credit
cards through banks. Account should be opened in free code “3” 105 in option “V” of ACM in
Finacle. No PPC/ service charges are levied for the group, if per member loan is up to ₹ 25000/-.
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
New scheme has started since 01.04.2016. PMFBY will provide a comprehensive insurance cover against failure of
the crop thus helping in stabilizing the income of the farmers and encouraging them for adoption of innovative prac-
tices. Advance technology is used in calculating threshold yield and actual yield. Publicity of the scheme among the
farmers and training of yield assessing staff has been given more importance.
Sum insured= Area under cultivation in hectares X Scale of finance (per hectare) for each crop.
‘The Scheme covers all Food & Oilseeds crops and Annual Commercial/ Horticultural Crops for which past yield data
is available and for which requisite number of Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs) will be conducted being a part of the
General Crop Estimation Survey (GCES). Perennial crops also included in some units on pilot basis. The scheme is com-
pulsory for loanees farmer obtaining Crop Loan /KCC account for notified crops. However, voluntary for Other/non
loanees farmers who have insurable interest in the insured crop(s). NPA accounts may be covered for crop insurance
as non loanees farme ₹ Government portal has been introduced for all type of activity regarding crop insurance
The Maximum Premium payable by the farmers will be 2% for all Kharif Food & Oilseeds crops, 1.5% for Rabi Food &
Oilseeds crops and 5% for Annual Commercial/ Horticultural/Perennial Crops. The difference between premium and
the rate of Insurance charges payable by farmers shall be shared equally by the Centre and State.
Aaadhar has been made mandatory for availing Crop Insurance from Kharif 2017 season on-
wards, and farmers not having Aaadhar ID may also enroll under PMFBY, subject to their enrol-
ment for Aadhar and submission of proof of such enrolment, hence all branches have to compul-
sorily take Aadhaar Card/Aadhaar enrolment number before sanction of Crop Loan/KCC under In-
terest Subvention Scheme.
Merely, sanctioning of crop loan against other collateral securities including fixed deposits, gold/
jewel loans, mortgage loans etc. without having insurable interest of the farmer on the insurable
land and notified crops shall not be covered under the Scheme.
General Exclusions: Losses arising out of war and nuclear risks, malicious damage and other pre-
ventable risks shall be excluded. Special efforts shall be made to ensure maximum coverage of
SC/ ST/ Women farme ₹ Provision of penalties/incentives for states, Insurance companies and
Banks i.e. 12% interest to be paid by the Insurance Co. to farmer for delay in settlement of claim
beyond two months of prescribed cutoff date. Similarly State Govt. has to pay 12% interest for de-
lay in release of state share of subsidy beyond three months of prescribed cutoff date/submission
of requisition by Insurance Co. Defined timelines are provided for all major activities. The general
cutoff date for enrolment of farmers in Rabi &Kharif season has been advanced by 15 days to 15 th
December and 15th July respectively in each year and for adoption of district wise crop calendar.
Add on coverage for crop loss due to attack of wild animals on pilot basis with the additional financial liabilities of
this provision to be borne by concerned State Govt. More time has been given to intimate individual claims – 72 hours
(instead of 48 hours) through any stake holders and directly on portal. Detailed SOPs have been provided for auto
administration of the scheme on the National Crop Insurance Portal. The seasonality discipline shall be same for
loanees and non-loanees farme ₹
The scheme will be implemented by AIC and other empanelled private general insurance companies. Selection of
Implementing Agency (IA) will be done by the concerned State Government through bidding.
The Scheme shall be implemented on an 'Area Approach basis'. The unit of insurance shall be Panchayat level for
major crops and for other crops it may be a unit of size above the level of Village Panchayat. State government will
upload name of notified insurance unit, notified crop for that unit and name of insurance company for that unit on
the portal each year.
Threshold yield - Actual yield
Final claim assessment due to natural risks = ------------------------------------------ x Sum insured
Threshold yield
For calculating the Threshold yield, best five years yield will be taken out of actual yield of last seven yea ₹ Average
of these five years yield will be the threshold yield.
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Govt. of India, has launched a new credit
linked subsidy programme called Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme
(PMEGP) by merging the two schemes that were in operation till 31.03.2008 viz., Prime Minis-
ter’s Rojgar Yojana (PMRY) and Rural Employment Generation Programme (REGP) for generation
of employment opportunities through establishment of micro enterprises in rural as well as ur-
ban areas. PMEGP is a central sector scheme and administered by the Ministry of MSME. The
scheme is being implemented through Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC). Salient
features of the scheme are as under;
Eligibility Conditions
(i) any individual, above 18 years of age.
(II) There will be no income ceiling for assistance for setting up projects under PMEGP.
(III) For setting up of project costing above ₹ 10 lakh in the manufacturing sector and above ₹
5 lakh in the business /service sector, the beneficiaries should possess at least VIII standard pass
educational qualification.
Other Features
1. Assistance under the Scheme is available only for new projects sanctioned specifically under
PMEGP, Existing / old units are not eligible.
2. The maximum project cost has been fixed up at ₹ 50 lakhs under the manufacturing sector
and Rs 20lakhs in the business/service sector.
3. Project cost will include Capital Expenditure and one cycle of Working Capital. Projects with-
out Capital Expenditure are not eligible for financing under the Scheme. However, business/
trading activities in the form of sales outlet permitted only in NER, LWE affected districts, A&N
islands, provided products sold should not come under negative list. Ref BC 106/92 dtd
4. PMEGP is applicable to all new viable micro enterprises, including Village Industries projects
except activities indicated in the negative list of Village Industries.
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5. Only one person from one family is eligible for obtaining financial assistance for setting up of
projects under PMEGPThe ‘family’ includes self and spouse
6. EDP Training: At least 10 Days (for offline mode)/ 60 hours (for online mode) under Entrepreneurship
Development Programme (EDP) / Skill Development Programme (SDP) / Entrepreneurship cum Skill Devel-
opment Programme (ESDP) or Vocational Training (VT) to be completed by the applicant under the scheme
7.The Margin Money (subsidy) released will be kept in the name of the Borrower in Term De-
posit account for three yea ₹ No interest will be paid on the TDR and no interest will be charged
on the loan corresponding to the amount of TDR. Though the margin money (subsidy) will be re-
leased by the designated Nodal Branch of the Bank, KVIC/State DIC is the final authority to accept
either the project / claim or reject, based on the parameters of the Scheme.
100% physical verification of the actual establishment and working status of each of the units,
set up under PMEGP, including those set up through KVIBs and DICs, will be done by KVIC.
Mandated coverage of social security: As per GOI norms social security targets for SC 15%, ST
8.2% to be achieved under PMEGP.As per BC 107/116, dated 25.09.2013, any other item/activity
banned by GOI or competent Govt. authority will not be entertained under PMEGP in addition to
negative list of PMEGP. As per BC 108/83 dt 19.07.2014 financing branch & nodal branch should
register with CPSMS online at for the purpose of monitoring by ministry of MSME,
Second financial assistance under PMEGP for expansion/up gradation of existing successful
PMEGP/MUDRA units (HOBC 113/08 dtd 03.04.2019) - brief particulars are as under-
Objective Second financial assistance for expansion, up gradation of existing well performing,
successful units, enhance capacity/productivity, technology up gradation with addi-
tional wage employment.
Eligibility conditions/ All existing PMEGP/MUDRA units whose margin money claims are already adjust-
terms ed and first loan (TL component only) is repaid within stipulated time. Repayment
of CC component is exempted for availing 2nd loan.
Unit should be profit making for last three yea ₹
2nd loan should create additional employment.
Unit should have registration of Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum.
2nd loan may be taken from a different bank, with conditions, refer circular for
Quantum & nature of Max. Project cost Rs 1.00 cr under mfg. sector & Rs 25.00 lac under service/ trad-
financial assistance, ing sector.
project cost particulars, Beneficiary contribution to project cost is 10%. Balance amount of project cost
beneficiary contribu- would be bank loan. Normally 40% of project cost to be for WC purpose & 60% as
tion etc. TL for capital expenditure, e.g. acquisition of P&M, construction of bldg. Construc-
tion cost of bldg usually not to exceed 25% of entire project cost. Components of
TL /WC to be fixed on case to case basis.
Subsidy as % of pro- 20% in North East and Hilly region & 15% in other areas.
ject cost
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Purpose General purpose loan to provide hassle free credit to low income group, underprivileged customers,
to meet their exigencies without insistence on security, purpose or end use of the credit.
Eligibility a) BSBD accounts (savings/credit history of bank-account holder), which are operated satisfacto-
(Individuals only) rily for at least six months.
b) OD to be granted to the only one account in the household, earning member of family, pref-
erably to a lady member of the household.
c) There should be regular credits under DBT/ DBTL scheme/other verifiable sources.
d) Customer/Borrower Account must be seeded with his/her correct Aadhaar Number in bank
finacle/CBS for avoiding duplicate benefit. Branch Authority to ensure the same before sanc-
tion/release of Overdraft Limit in any bank account under PMJDY.
e) BSBD account holder should not be maintaining any other SB account with any Bank/branch to
ensure compliance with RBI directives. Proper credit appraisal & satisfactory due-diligence to be
undertaken by branches based on RBI/Bank norms before sanction/disbursement of such OD
limit under PMJDY.
f) Age of applicant between 18 years to 65 yea ₹
g) OD facility to be extended to all accounts opened prior to launch of PMJDY andTagged
under PMJDY.
h) Not eligible: Minors, KCC/GCC, etc. borrowers, more than one member of the
same family.
Nature of facility Running Over Draft (OD) facility in BSBD Account under PMJDY.
Period of Sanction 36 Months subject to annual review of account.
Loan(OD) amount 4 times of Average monthly balance; OR
50% of credit summations in account during the preceding 6 months; OR
₹ 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only), whichever is lower.
NOTE :However Minimum Rs 2000 should be sanctioned.
Security Clean Advance: Nil. Margin: Nil.
Interest rate As per bank guidelines from time to time.
Processing Charges Nil /waived (no other charges are applicable).
Sanctioning Au- Branch Head/ Authorized Bank Branch Official only.
Disbursement Withdrawals (through Aadhaar mapped bank a/c only) at Branch/ BC-outlet/ ATM/ POS (micro ATM)
or Fl-Kiosk.
Documents •Loan application-cum-undertaking; D.P.Note.
Arrangement letter duly accepted by the Account Holder KYC norms/due- diligence to be com-
plied by Branch authority before sanction/disbursement.
Note: Continuing security letter not proposed in view of avoiding paper-cost, branch-work & stamp
duty on the part of borrower/OD-applicant.
Inspection & fol- Inspection waived for all standard assets. All irregular accounts to be followed up closely.
low up
Repayment Overdraft facility, hence account should remain in order and interest should be serviced. IRAC norms
applicable based on RBI norms.
Renewal Limit to be reviewed annually. Will be treated as reviewed on conduct of credit inspection of the
branch, if account is regular. In other cases, incumbent/authorized official of base bank branch to
review the OD facility, keeping in view, conduct of the account.
Mobile Number of the borrower/family members must be kept on branch record in Finacle-
system (registered by customer in his/her bank account at base branch). Aadhaar number will
remain seeded with NPCI during the period of loan.
SB OD account will become primary account to receive all subsidies/benefits. DBT should also
be frozen to such accounts till the currency of loan. Sav-
ings Bank Rules, in case of debit balance, on account of availment of Overdraft (OD), interest to
be charged as per contractual rate, on monthly rests. NPCI provided repository of Aadhaar Seed-
ing for SB/BSBDA Over-Draft (OD) to the Banks is verified by Branch Authority using UIDSTAT
finacle-menu before any sanction/disbursement of OD in the account under PMJDY.
Asset Classification: Overdraft /Loan account will be subject to Income, Recognition, Asset, Classifi-
cation, Provisioning and related aspects be applicable for Overdraft Facility availed as per extant
norms/guidelines of the Bank/RBI.
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
To support Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) viz., support to the equity base of FPOs by
providing matching equity grants, and, secondly, setting up of a Credit Guarantee Fund to provide
cover to banks which advance loans to FPOs without collateral. Hence, a new Central Sector
Scheme, titled “Equity Grant and Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Farmer Producer Companies”
was launched wef. FY 2013-14 onwards
shall be operated by Small Farmers Agri Business Consortium (SFAC).
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
For the year 2024-25 & 2025-26, the Ministry has modified Interest Subvention Scheme - Vanchit Ikai Samooh
aur Vargon ki Aarthik Sahayta (VISVAS 2.0) Yojana for financial empowerment of economically marginalized SC/
OBC/ Safai Karamcharis SHGs/ Individuals beneficiaries.
The objective of the scheme is to provide direct benefit of lower rate of interest to the eligible Self-Help Groups
(SHGs) and Individual SC/ OBC/ Safai Karamcharis beneficiaries who have availed loans from Public Sector Banks
(PSBs), Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) and similar financial institutions.
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
Star personal loan© Boi star jai jawan home loan scheme©
Star vehicle loan© Scheme for clean loan for earnest money
Star education loan© Pradhan mantri awas yojna©
Star Smart Home loan scheme© Star Suvidha Express Personal Loan©
Financing Bare House flats© SPECIAL SCHEME FOR REGULAR EM-
BOI Star Roof Top Solar Panel Finance” under PM Surya
Ghar : Muft Bijli Yojana ©
NOTE: Advance Circulars issued by HO Retail Business Departments on various retail products during
the last quarter have not been incorporated in this issue as final circulars with respective Circular Nos. are
not released yet.
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
STAR PERSONAL LOAN(HOBC:118/008 date 01.04.2024)
ELIGIBILITY Salaried (Permanent Employees of central govt., state govt and corporates including BOI staff), profes-
sional and individuals with high net worth , Existing Diamond/ Platinum customers maintaining accounts
for six months, Confirmed Employees of Proprietorship & Partnership concern also be eligible under the
scheme subject to Prior approval -ZLCC,Employer organisation is in existence for more than 5 years and
satisfactory relationship with our Bank for at least two years with minimum strength of twenty perma-
nent employees on roll where Provident fund deduction is mandatory. Only confirmed employees and
drawing salary through Bank shall be considered.
D/L, T/L, OD (Reducible), OD (Non-Reducible). OD (Non-Reducible) Maximum up to ₹ 5.00lakh to con-
firmed permanent employees of Central/State Govt./Reputed corporate/PSUs subject to stipulated con-
ditions. Delegated authority to sanction the Overdraft limit (reducible as per repayment schedule): Scale
IV and above .
Clean/Unsecured Loan Secured Loan
No Bills & Receipts need be insisted : Appropriate Proof/ bills/ receipts for Expenses incurred
to be obtained
AGE OF SALARIED Age at the end of repayment Not to exceed retirement age.
EMPLOYEES period Not to exceed retirement age.
AGE OF PROFES- Age at the end of repayment Age at the end of repayment
SIONALS & OTHERS period not to exceed 70 yea ₹ period not to exceed 70 yea ₹
Quantum of loan -
Salaried employees 15 times of monthly net emoluments, i.e. 30 times of monthly gross emoluments (Max. ₹ 20
take home salary( Min. ₹ 0.25Lac in lakh,Min. Rs 1 Lac)
Metro/ Urban Maximum ₹ 10 lakhs)
Max. Rs 20 Lacs in case of approved
schemes (ZLCC)
OTHER INDIVIDU- 100 % of gross average annual income as 200% of gross average annual income as per last 3 ITRs
ALS per last three ITR (Maximum ₹ 10 lakh, (Maximum ₹ 20, 00,000/, Min 1.00 Lac).
Min. ₹ 0.25Lac in Metro/ Urban).
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HOBC 118/006 dated 01.04.2024
ELIGIBILITY NRIs (jointly with resident Indians and close relatives),Salaried employees (Regular, Confirmed), Other salaried
employees having Salary Slip/Form-16 for last 12 months/1 year, Senior citizens, Pensioners ,Retired employees
of the Bank (other than dismissed/compulsorily retired),staff members, proprietorship/partnership firms, cor-
porate entities including Trusts etc. (except HUF).
Newly recruited BOI Staff with minimum 6 months satisfactory service
The request of Bank's confirmed staff for Car loan can be considered under the Star vehicle loan scheme for
amount over and above the eligible loan amount under Staff vehicle loan scheme ((HOBC 115/291 dated
24.02.2022) with all terms and conditions as applicable to general public.Note: Star Vehicle Loans strictly to be
for personal use only and not for any commercial purpose .
PURPOSE Purchase of New Two/Four Wheeler (including jeeps & vans not requiring Heavy Duty License).
Takeover of Car Loans : Purchase of Water vehicles such as Motor Boats / Boats / Sports Boats and other water
vehicles for personal use. (Second hand Water vehicles not to be financed)
Second Hand - up to 3 years old provided comprehensive insurance and other vehicle documents availa-
ble).Valuation is to be obtained from Bank's Approved valuer or Insurance Surveyor . No accident history.
Electronic /battery operated vehicle – Vehicle to be registered and preferably collateral security to be obtained
where registration is not required.
Reimbursement of cost of four wheeler vehicle purchased from own sources subject to certain conditions
(Delegation SZLCC)
TAKEOVER Subject to: Applicant is our existing customer for at least two years OR customers having credit facilities with
immovable property as primary/collateral security. Vehicle is not more than 2 years old
Single ownership vehicle. No insurance claim has been availed . Borrower's a/c with the other bank is a Stand-
ard Asset. For customer with less than 2 years of satisfactorily conduct account, the Delegation to approve loan
rests with ZLCC and above.
Calculation of Loan eligibility depending on repayment capacity of the borrower. i.e. Calculation of Loan is linked to NTH-
Quantum of P/DSCR of Proponent. DSCR should be minimum 1.25.
Loan (all var-
As per repayment capacity applicable in agricultural loans.
NOTE Sanctioning Authority can consider advance to two individuals jointly who are close relatives and registration
should be in the name of main applicant who is the major earning member among the applicants. .
COME OF CO APPLI- Maximum number of applicants to be restricted to twoIncome of any one family member - defined as "relative"
CANTS/ JOINT as given in Section 2 (77) of Companies Act, 2013.
ACCOUNT HOLERS The vehicle shall be registered in the name of any one of the applicants
AGE Not to exceed 65 years at the time of availing loan and for deviation – SZLCC .
In case of joint accounts, the age of senior most applicant whose income is considered for eligibility, shall be
ROI As per H.O. guidelines from time to time.
Concession of 0.10% available in certain cases and can be given by RBC and above.
Registration of In case of Battery operated Electric Vehicle/Conventional Hybrid Electric Vehicle and Plug in Hybrid Electric Ve-
Electric Vehicle hicle-
Registration with RTO is mandatory for vehicles having power consumption more than 0.25 KW or maxi-
mum speed above 25 kmph as per the guidelines of the central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.Green coloured
License Plate with white letters for Individual use purpose is mandatory.
MARGIN Individuals including NRI ( New vehicles only) 10%.,Others– 10% (on road price)
Second hand vehicles: Minimum Margin 30% (on depreciated value or value assessed by valuer or sale con-
sideration whichever is lower.
Margin given on road price which includes basic price of vehicle, Road Tax, Insurance and Registration exclud-
ing cost of accessories.Credit Life Insurance premium amount can also be included under Project cost, if the loan
is proposed to insure
Net Take Home Gross Monthly income
Pay Up to 1.00 lakh 40%
Above 1.00 lakh to Rs 5.00 lakh 30%
Above ₹ 5.00 lakh 25%
For others (Proprietor/ Partnership/Co) DSCR: 1.25 Min.
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New vehicles: Individuals & Corporate/
Second hand vehicles
Max repayment period for2
4W 2W wheeler shall be 5 years or for4
7 years from original date of reg-
Max 7 years Max 5 years istration or residual economic life
period whichever is earlier
Primary Security Hypothecation of the Vehicle, Charge on vehicle to be registered with R.T.O.
Collateral Securi- In case of Indivduals/ Other than individuals the following appropriate Collateral security to be insisted
ty by sanctioning authority for loans exceeding maximum ceiling amount
• In case of liquid security: 100% of loan amount
• In case of immovable properties: 125% of loan amount
• In case of shares/mutual funds: 200% of loan amount
For Water vehicles irrespective of the sanctioned limit collateral security to be obtained.
In case of liquid security: 100% of loan amount
• In case of immovable properties: 125% of loan amount
• In case of shares/mutual funds: 200% of loan amount
Moratorium Individuals & Others : 3 months if delay in delivery of vehicle( letter from dealer for taken as
proof).Interest is to be serviced during moratorium period.
Guarantee Third party guarantee is not required in respect of Loans to resident individuals & NRIs, irrespective of
loan amount provided vehicle is registered with RTO and Banks Charge is registered thereon
The sanctioning authority can waive third party guarantee in respect of loans for vehicles not regis-
tered with RTO with proper justifications . Third party guarantee can be waived by sanctioning Authori-
ty in respect of loan to Corporates subject to Charge registered with ROC. [For Vehicle registered in
Company's Name];
The pay out to be paid to the Vehicle Dealers for the business generated by them and disbursed during
the month is as under-
Up to ₹ 150 lakh per month 1.25% for Dealer without ceiling
Between ₹ 150 lakh to ₹ 5.00 Crore per month 1.40% for Dealer without ceiling
₹ 5.00 Crore and above per month 1.50% for Dealer without ceiling
Pay-out to Staff of Authorized Dealers 5500/- per 4 wheelers & Super bikes loan amount above 5.00 Lakhs (this
payment is exclusive of pay out to the Dealer).
Note: •
• Commission is to be made by RBCs/Mini RBCs/ZLCC only.
• No Dealer commission is to be paid in case of vehicle loan borrowers with CIBIL score less than 675.
• The Dealer commission is to be paid to the debit of ZO PLOE066 only after entering the free code -3 as 424.
• 10% of the pay-out to be retained till receipt of RC with Bank's lien.
Interchangeability of pay-out to dealer & Sales Executive:
RBC headed by Scale IV & V (SZLCC in case of Scale III RBC Head) is authorized to negotiate and finalize the pattern of pay-
out to Vehicle dealer and his sales executive, by way of interchangeability, within overall permissible limits, subject to;
a. Payout structure for dealer and sales executive should be discussed and finalized in consultation with Vehicle dealer and
properly documented.
b. In such cases, RBC/ZO to handle monthly pay-out of Vehicle Dealer and Sales executive as against respective branches
and keep proper records.
c. Where Vehicle dealer is serving branches of different RBCs of same Zone, monthly pay-out to be handled by Zonal au-
thorities. The payout structure should be same for the particular dealer across the zones/ RBCs.
d. The overall pay-out limit not to be breached.
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HOBC 118/006 dated 01.04.2024
Eligibility As per Star Vehicle Loan Scheme (Individuals as well as Entities oth-
er than Individuals)
Other terms All other terms and conditions are applicable as per Star Vehicle loan
scheme (Individuals as well as entities other than individual, as the
case may be).
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(HOBC 118/07 dated 01.04.2024 pages 5– 9
TARGET GROUP Parents of students persuing school education from Pre-School (3 –8 years of Play
school to 2nd Class)-Stage Pre School, Primary School (3rd to 5th Class, Age 08-11
years)- Stage II, Upper Primary (6th to 8th Class, Age 11-14 years)-Stage III, Secondary
School (9th to 10th Class, Age 14-16 years)- Stage IV & Senior Secondary School (11th to
12th Class, Age 16-18 years)- Stage V.
REIMBURSEMENT OF Fees paid by parents towards first year of studies and in genuine cases, ex-
EXPENSES penses towards books etc can be reimbursed after obtaining necessary proof
of payment or purchases i.e. bills/receipts
QUANTUM OF FI- • Maximum Cap ₹ 4 Lakh (for each stage).
NANCE • Net take home pay of parents should be 40%.
• Loan is to be considered for full duration of stage with yearly sub limits.
• Loan for next stage can be considered only after satisfactory completion of earlier
stage and complete repayment of loan availed for earlier stage.
• Existence of earlier education loan to brother/sisters will not affect the eligibility
of another student from same family.
• Loan assessment is to be carried afresh,if the student changes the school.
Upto ₹ 4 Lakh – Nil .Scholarship to be included in the margin.
As advised by Bank from time to time. No penal interest
0.50% concessions to loan sanctioned for the benefits of girl student
No penal interest
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REPAYMENT CA- Total deduction from income including proposed EMI should not exceed* :
PACITY OF PARENTS Monthly Total Income Total Deductions*
More than ₹ 5 Lakh 75%
Between ₹ 1 Lakh & ₹ 5 Lakh 70%
Less than ₹ 1 Lakh 60%
Mother’s/Spouse’s income can be taken on obtention of income proof.Parents salary
/operative account to be linked for recovery of installments
Security Clean.In case of purchase of computers/laptop, the same is to be hypothecated to the
Proposal pro- Loan applied through Vidya Lakshmi Portal, should be processed through CAPS. VSAT
cessing /Loan dis- branches are exempted from processing loan through CAPS.
Disbursement Next year disbursement to be made only after student has passed the current
year annual examination and progress report to be produced by the parents.In
case student does not clear the regular examinations to be held in class 5 th& 8th or
Board examination of 9th/10th the disbursement for next year to be done only
after the student has passed re-examination and progress report produced
In case student does not secure hostel facilities with educational institute, he may be
allowed to make his own arrangement if required, fees of lodging / boarding in such cas-
es to be paid directly to concerned establishment, after verifying bonafides of the same.
(HOBC 118/007 dated 01.04. 2024 pages 10-35)
STUDENT’S The student should be an Indian Na- Entrance Test/Merit based on selection
ELIGIBILITY tional/NRI/PIO/OCI having secured ad- process after completion of HSC (10+2 OR
mission to Graduate/PG/professional/ equivalent). Sanctioning Authority to
technical courses in India, through en- adopt appropriate criteria based on em-
trance test/merit based selection process ployability of the student and reputation
after completion of HSC (10+2 OR equiva- of the institution concerned.
Maximum Quantum of loan: As per fee structure approved by State Government / Govt Approved
quantum Regulatory body for payment of seats subject to viability of repayment.
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(HOBC 118/007 dated 01.04.2024 pages 10-35)
Eligible cours- Full time Degree/Diploma courses/Executive Management Courses (PGPX) conducted by premier institute
es • Certificate / part time courses are not allowed
Quantum of Institution Loan Amount Deviation in Loan amount where 100% Tangible Security Availa-
Finance Category Maximum ble by NBG
List of premier
List of premier institutions in Engineering, Law, Medicine and Management as per HOBC 118/07 dated
Any change in the list falls within the purview of HLCC II.
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(HOBC 118/007 dated 01.04.202 pages 48-50)
(Skill Loan Scheme)
(HOBC 118/007 dated 01.04.2024 pages 46-47)
OBJECTIVE Skill Loan schemes aims at providing a loan facility to individuals who intends to take
up skill development courses as per the skilling Loan eligibility criteria.
ELIGIBILITY Indian national having secured admission for recognized courses run by;
Industrial Training Institutes
Polytechnics, or a school recognized by Central/State Education Board
Colleges affiliated to a recognized University
Training partners affiliated to National Skill Development Council (NSDC)/Sector Skill
Council, State Skill Mission, State Skill Corporation, & leading to Certifi-
cate/Degree/Diploma issued by Govt. organization or recognized by Govt as per Na-
tional Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) shall be covered by Skill Loans.
Eligible courses Vocational and Skill Development Courses supported by Govt. or run by organization
supported by Govt.
Course Duration/ There is no minimum course duration.
Quantum of loan Loans will be in the range of ₹ 5000 to ₹ 1,50,000.
Eligible expenses Tuition/Course fees, Examination/Library/Laboratory fees, Caution Deposits, Pur-
considered for fi- chase of Books/Equipment/Instruments. Any other reasonable expenses found neces-
nancing sary for completion of course including lodging and boarding .
Margin Nil
Minimum qualifi- As required by the enrolling institutions/organizations as per National skill Qualifica-
cation tion Framework (NSQF).
Minimum age No specific age.
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(HOBC 118/007 dated 01.04.2024 pages 51-52)
TAKEOVER OF HIGHER Sanctioning authority, based on the merits of the case and re-
LOAN AMOUNT quirements/ eligibility of the borrower, may sanction an
amount higher than the amount taken over from other bank/
financial institution for purposes like purchase of books, lap-
top or any other necessary expenditure for completion of Ed-
ucation of the student.
The repayment period elapsed/overrun in other Bank and repay-
ment period stipulated in our Bank upon takeover should not
exceed 15 yea ₹
Dilution of security and margin is not permitted for takeover of
loan from other Financial Institutions.
Delegation As per latest extant guidelines of delegation for takeover.
Other Terms All other terms & conditions of Star Education Loan Scheme will be
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ELIGIBILITY Customers who are permanent salaried / Professionals/ Self Employed with Regular In-
come/association/Group of individuals/Corporates(for development of dwelling units for employ-
ees)/HUF/NRI-PIO/Staff Membe ₹
Loans to HUF and PIO is to be considered as ZLCC and above
Trust is not eligible under the scheme.
For individuals, marks as per Rating Sheet is minimum 20 presently and for firms/corporate SBS/MS
Model Ratings as applicable to corporates.
Two or more persons who are not a close relative, can be considered only if he/she is the joint owner
of the property.
AGE For salaried persons & others – up to 70 yea ₹ ( upto repayment period) entire loan. In case of joint
account, age of senior proponent should be reckoned for deciding outer age limit of 70
years/repayment period
PURPOSE • To Purchase/Construct House/Flat on ownership basis.
• To Repair / Renovate / Extend existing house/flat.
• To purchase a plot of land for construction of house. Bank shall finance for purchase of a plot for
construction of house, as Home loan, provided a declaration/ undertaking is obtained from the
borrower that he/she intends to construct a house on the said plot within a period of 5 yea ₹
• Composite loan for purchase of plot along with construction of house to be considered. [In such
case, an undertaking to be obtained from the borrower that the borrower would construct a
house on the said plot within a maximum period of 24 months (may extended upto 36 months by
ZLCC with additional interest of 0.50%) from availment of the advance failing which Commercial
rate of interest i.e. 3.50% over one year MCLR or RBLR on composite home loans (Not applicable
in case of Flats/Apartments purchased from Builders) on the loan amount disbursed since incep-
tion of the Loan
• To acquire household article along with the house/flat for furnishing / installation of solar
PVs.Loan for furnishing the House/ Flat can be granted to existing borrowers at any time during
the currency of Home loan.
• To take over housing loans from other Banks/Financial institutions/NBFC.
• Payment of insurance premium on the life of the borrower.
• In case, purchase of flat in projects approved by the bank Project completion period should not
normally exceeds the period Up to 7th floor- 36months, from 8th to 14th floor – 48 months & above
14th floor- 60 months. If Project is large and Completion of the project is not possible within afore-
said maximum permissible period, approval thereof should be obtained at the level of ZLCC, if the
extended time line is already permitted by RERA for the project
• For second or subsequent sale, the flat/house should have future life of at least 1.5 times of stipu-
lated repayment period. The Bank’s panel valuer should certify the future life of the property.
• costs for amenities like parking slot, swimming pool, club membership, charges towards electric
meter, garden maintenance etc. can be treated as margin (if to be borne/paid by proponent sepa-
• The cost of GST (as applicable in case of under construction flat/buildings) or other statutory
charges as levied by Central/State Government is to be considered while arriving at the cost of
project. This can be allowed on the basis of undertaking from builder as well as borrower that,
any refund to the account (input tax credit) shall be deposited in the Housing Loan A/c
Disbursement In case of construction of house, the disbursement may be made to the borrower directly on the basis
of utilization certificate issued by the approved panel valuer/ architect certifying the progress of the
work done and on production of bills & receipts. (Maximum up to 5% of loan amount may be dis-
bursed to the borrower, in the absence of bills & receipts.) End use of funds may also be confirmed by
utilization certificate from the panel valuer and inspection by Branch/ Bank officials. The disbursement
to be made after inspection of the progress of work done.
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LIMIT / QUAN- For construction / Purchase of House/ Flat (Min. only in Metro & Urban : ₹ 1 lakh, at Rural/Semi Ur-
TUM: ban : No minimum size of Housing Loan)
*The maximum loan amount of Rs 7.50 crores can be considered In Metro Cities, State Capital, cities
and towns having domestic airports.
*For purchase of plots only 40% of loan amount subject to i.e. Rs 3 cr.(Deviation up to 60% ZLCC,
FGMLCC no ceiling)
*In other places maximum loan amount Rs 5 crores and for purchase of plot 40% of loan amount i.e.
Rs 2 cr. (Deviation up to 60% ZLCC, FGMLCC no ceiling)
*For Repairs & Renovation: 20% of original sanction limit & to be considered only after 5 years of
satisfactory repayment period/ more than 5 years old dwelling unit with CIBIL personal score of 700
and above or -1/0. Repayment period not exceeding remaining repayment period or 20 years which-
ever is lower.
*For Addition or extension of Dwelling Unit, the norms as applicable to construct/ purchase of new
dwelling unit shall be made applicable subject to certain conditions
*Loans for house hold articles, including F& F/ installations of roof top solar PVs (not to exceed 15%
of loan amount and linked to stipulated NTHP for different income groups)
We can consider Bridge Loan to finance part of the cost of new flat/house against adequate liquid
security at least equal to 110% of pledge of bank's term deposits. LIC policy (surrender
value). Govt. securities, NSCs, KVPs, IVPs in the name of borrower(s) or guarantor(s) and at least equal
to 125% of the loan amount in case of equitable mortgage charge over such existing house/flat.
Loan eligibility depending on repayment capacity of the borrower. i.e. Calculation of Quantum of
Loan is linked to NTHP/DSCR of the Proponent .
QUANTUM: TYPE Close relative - defined as "relative" as given in Section 2 (77) of Companies Act, 2013 can be added
OF CUSTOMER as Co-borrower, even if they are not the joint owners of the property to meet income/ EMI criteria
Farmers/Agriculturists – Cases where Income-tax Returns are not filed or cases where income tax
Returns are not required to be filed: Two times average Net Annual Income (NAI) for the last 3 years
on the basis of their . Maximum loan amount should not exceed ₹ 15 Lakh, either or singly or jointly.)
In case of joint accounts, having close relations among the applicants and loan amount exceeding ₹
15 lakhs-ZLCC and above can sanction
Rating exercise New credit rating model is being introduced for Star Home Loan Scheme. In the meantime branches
to continue with existing instructions on credit rating i.e. Min 20 marks for Credit rating module pro-
vided in CAPS. SBS/SME/MS/HLC model for other than individuals with entry level norms.
Relaxations • Branch Managers are permitted to assess annual income of the borrowers (non-ITR filling/non-
salaried/agriculturist/ Low Income Group) maximum upto ₹ 2.50 lakhs on the basis of financial
facto ₹
• While computing maximum eligible loan amount, expected rent accruals from the proposed
house/flat being let out (net of taxes, cess etc.) may be reckoned, subject to maximum amount
equivalent to the applicant's Net Monthly Income (NMI) or Net Annual Income (NAI).
• Authority for considering Future Rental Income: ZLCC & above
• In case of employees of Government, Semi Government, PSU availing residential quarters, notion-
al HRA may be considered as income will be generated on surrendering of quarte ₹
• In case of businessmen, professionals and self-employed who run the business/activity on propri-
etorship bases and who have availed loans from(whether outstanding or closed) Banks/FIs/NBFCs
for buying the assets on which depreciation is claimed may permitted to add back depreciation to
compute net annual income. The entry of fixed asset and depreciation to be verified from the
Audited Balance sheet. Depreciation to be added, not to exceed average depreciation for last 3
years or depreciation for last FY whichever is lower. Repayment obligation on account of loan, if
any, to be deducted while arriving at the net income of the borrower.
Project Cost One time cost of additional amenities and Other costs which are permanent in nature such as pay-
ment towards extra amenities like Parking slot, swimming Pool, Club membership, charges towards
electric meter & electrical fittings, Development Charges, Charges towards Garden maintenance, One
time generator charges and GST etc. These may be treated as components of Total Project cost
79 TOP
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Loans to individuals up to ₹ 35 lakh in metropolitan centres (with population of ten lakh and
Sector Lending
above) and up to ₹ 25 lakh in other centres for purchase/construction of a dwelling unit per fam-
ily provided the overall cost of the dwelling unit in the metropolitan centre and at other centres
does not exceed ₹ 45 lakh and ₹ 30 lakh respectively.
Loans up to ₹ 10 Lakh in metropolitian centre and ₹ 6 Lakh in other centre for repairs to dam-
aged dwelling units confirming to the overall costs of the unit i.e. ₹ 45 Lakh/ ₹ 35 Lakhs respec-
Banks loan to HFC (approved by NHB for their refinance) for on lending up to ₹ 20 lakh for individual bor-
rowers towards purchase/ construction/ reconstruction of individual dwelling units or for slum clearance or
rehabilitation of slum dwelle ₹
For project cost above 10 lakh: Margin to be calculated on the cost price of the flat/house excluding stamp duty, registration
charges etc. i.e. sale consideration amount as mentioned in the agreement to sale and value of the property as per valuation re-
port whichever is lower
Maximum loan amount shall be restricted to the LTV ratio as prescribed by RBI, calculated on the lower of (i) & (ii) of the follow-
ing :-
In order to have uniformity in the practices adopted for deciding the value of the house property while sanctioning housing
loans, stamp duty, registration and other documentation charges should not be included in the cost of the housing property
while calculating LTV. However, in cases where the cost of the house/dwelling units does not exceed ₹ 10 Lakhs, stamp duty,
registration and other documentation charges may be added to the cost of the house/dwelling unit for the purpose of calculating
LTV ratio.
Stamp Duty, registration charges and other documentation charges which are not realisable in nature will not be included in the
value of the property/agreement to sale for arriving at the loan eligibility.
Factors on account of which, there is difference in value in Agreement to sale viz a viz Realised Value (as per valuation report)
should be categorically mentioned by empanelled valuer in his report.
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For New construction/New purchase from builder 30 years including moratorium period
2nd purchase of house/flat 25 years with no moratorium period
Repairs/Renovation/Addition/Alteration The repayment period should not exceed the remaining repayment
period of existing home loan or 20 years (including max moratorium 18
Alternate security in Pledge of bank’s term deposit, LIC Policy (Surrender value), Government Securities
lieu of Equitable Mort- (KVP/IVP/NSC) in the name of borrowers equivalent to 110% of sanctioned amount or
gage equitable mortgage of collateral security equivalent to 125% of the loan amount Howev-
er, all related documents/sale agreements to be obtained as a simple deposit with irrev-
ocable and unconditional stamped undertaking to create equitable mortgage in favour
of bank, as and when called upon by the bank.
Prepayment Charges In case of floating rate loans no prepayment charges However, for loans under fixed
rate option charges are applicable
Conversion of ROI Conversion of fixed ROI to floating ROI may be considered by the sanctioning authority
with out any switch by reviewing account, under whose delegation the reviewing of account falls with out
over charges any switch over charges.
Security Equitable Mortgage or Legal mortgage (approval- ZLCC) of the house/flat proposed to
be financed.
Third Party Guaran- Please also refer to HO BC 11 7/05dated 01.04.202 3 for full details.
tee Third Party Guarantee not to be insisted upon where valid & enforceable Mortgage is
available immediately before or at the time of disbursement. In other cases , guarantee
of a person acceptable to the bank having reasonable net worth or repaying capacity be
Incentives • Free personal accident insurance cover : Covering accidental death as well as
permanent total disablement risks are provided to housing loan borrowers
(accounts of individual(s) only) up to ₹ 500 lakh under group insurance policy.
• -The sum assured is the amount outstanding in the Home Loan Accounts on the
date of accident, irrespective of amount of housing loan advanced by the Bank.
The insurance cover is renewable strictly at the sole discretion /option of the
Bank. Optional Life Insurance Cover : SUD Life Insurance Co. Ltd. makes availa-
ble a Single Premium insurance cover under Sud Life Loan Suraksha Plan. To pro-
vide financial security to the dependent of home loan borrowers in case of un-
fortunate death of borrower.
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Home loan for It can be considered even when existing Home loan account is continuing. If the pro-
2nd House ponent is eligible for proposed Home loan ( to be purchased out of bank finance), pro-
vided the existing Home loan account is standard & the proponent has adequate re-
payment capacity to meet repayment obligations for both the loans.
The proposed house shall be considered as second or third dwelling unit based on the
number of dwelling units (owned either singly or jointly) existed prior to applying for
loan and will be classified as CRE for interest purpose depending on the no of houses
owned. Normal delegated authority can consider home loan for 2nd house provided
no Home loan exists on the date of sanction of loan for 2nd house.
Third or Subse- • The applicant should not have more than two home loans (singly or jointly) at time
quent House/flat of sanction and both the accounts should be under standard category.This condition
will not be applicable where name of person is added only for family reason but
his/her income is not considered for calculating eligibility or repayment not paid out
of his/her income.
• Bank’s exposure to third dwelling onwards to an individual to be treated as CRE ex-
• Additional 0.50% interest over and above normal ROI to be charged. The additional
interest to be charged during entire tenure of loan, even if borrower sells its existing
dwelling unit and no. of dwelling units remain less than three at time of review.
• Branches need to obtain clearance under CRE from HO-RBD and delegation to sanc-
tion loan rests with normal delegated authority.
Contactless (Quantum of Loan from ₹ 1.00 Lac to ₹ ₹ 10 Crores) which can be applied by the pro-
PSB59 Home ponents through psbonlineloansin59minutes portal on our Bank’s Website
( Refer HOBC 117/05 dtd 01.04. 2023 for Standard Operating Procedures-SOP).
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( HOME LOANS ABOVE ₹ 7.50 CRORE HOBC 118/005 DATED 01.04.2024)
Eligible Cus- High Net worth Individuals, Firms/ Corporate for residential accommodation of their
tomers partners/directors,having minimum average gross income of ₹ 1 cr and above during
the last 3 years, as per IT Returns/Audited Balance Sheet.
Quantum of Over ₹ 7.50 crore
Location of All Metro Cities, all State Capitals and all Cities/towns having domestic airports.
the proper- FGMLCC can allow deviation on case to case basis,exceeding the above limits.
to be financed
Margin 25% on the pure value of property, i.e. cost of construction/ acquisi-
tion/extension/renovation etc.
Other costs such as stamp duty, registration charges, taxes, charges etc.should not
be added to the cost of property while calculating margin.
Delegation FGMLCC for loans beyond the delegation of ZLCC and up to Rs 20 Crores subject to
group concept. Beyond which the limits to be sanctioned at HO.
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(Scheme code LA-755), Where immediate mortgage is not Available
Tripartite agreement & other stipulations HOBC 118/005 dated 01.04.2024 on pages 113- 117)
Objective of Only those states where undivided share of the property being developed, i.e. (houses/flats
the scheme & in under construction projects) is not registered. E.g. The scheme will not be applicable to
coverage the branches in Mumbai/Maharashtra whereas per local law/practice, Agreement for Sale is
registered with the Sub-Registrar by payment of full ad-valorem stamp duty and EQM is im-
mediately created by lodgment of this registered Agreement for Sale with the financing bank.
Proponent to All existing customers with a satisfactory track record for 3 yea ₹
be covered All existing Diamond custome ₹
under the Term Deposit customers with average deposit of ₹ 5 lakh during last 3 yea ₹
scheme New customers with established source of regular income such as confirmed em-
ployees of Central Govt./State Govt./PSUs, professionals like Doctors, C.A.s with aver-
age annual gross income of not less than ₹ 5 lakh during last 3 years & after due
compliance with KYC norms.
All permanent employees of Public/Private sector maintaining their salary accounts
with branch.
All BOI Credit card holders with a satisfactory track record during last 3 yea ₹
Individuals with moveable/immovable assets of ₹ 10 lakh & after due compliance
with KYC norms & due diligence from outside agencies.
Only for ap- Projects launched by State Government/ housing
proved pro- board/CIDCO/HUDCO/Rural/Urban housing Development Agencies etc.,
jects of reput- Financing in only those projects of reputed builders, which are duly approved for
ed builders advances under Star Home Loan.Delegation power for deviation in deserving cases –
Maximum For small cities & towns (Tier II & Tier III cities).
quantum of Individual flat with min. project cost of ₹ 8 lakh & min. loan of ₹ 5 lakh.
loan For metros & major cities. Individual flat with min. project cost of ₹ 20 lakh & min.
loan of over ₹ 15lakh.
Security Doc- Creation of EQM is deferred for 24 to 36 months from first disbursement or till com-
umentation pletion of the project/flat OR registration of Sale Deed, whichever is earlier.
Till that time following documents to be obtained:
Allotment letter in favour of borrower from the builder
Unregistered Tripartite Agreement among Builder, Borrower (flat purchaser) &
Bank. This is to be duly vetted by Zone’s Legal Dept.
Unregistered Sale Agreement between Builder & Borrower along with Power of
Attorney from Borrower authorizing bank to pay stamp duty/registration charges to
the debit of borrower’s account & to create mortgage on his behalf.
Confirmation from Builder that Bank’s charge over the flat financed is noted.
Undertaking from builder about non- encumbrance & undertaking not to create
charge over the flat in future without prior approval of the Bank.
NOC from other bank in case the project has already been financed by them under
project finance (NOC for partial release of their charge over the flats financed by us)
Status Reports on Builders from their existing banke ₹ All necessary approvals from
Govt. & Municipal authorities should be in place.
Please refer to circular for List of cities covered .
Rate of Inter- As per HO guidelines from time to time.
est (ROI)
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(HOBC 118/005 dated 01.04.2024 on pages 102-109)
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Mode of Creation of
Security/ execution The creation of security/execution of documents could be undertaken by the applicant
of documents borrower if he is present in the countr,. Or otherwise by his/her POA holder
Where documents are signed by POA holder following measures to be complied with :
Application must be signed by the borrower himself;
Request letter from the borrower to the Branch to allow execution of documents and
creation of security by POA holder.
POA to be restricted to close relatives viz. spouse, father, mother, brother, sister, son
and daughters of NRI concerned. In extreme cases, the SA may permit POA other than
close relatives.
POA should be executed as per approved specimen of the Bank (given in Annexure I of
circular )
The POA should be irrevocable.
The original POA should be kept with the Bank.
In case the POA executed abroad then it should be in the presence of officials of Indian
Embassy/Consulate abroad (Branch should send scanned copy of the POA to the Indian
Embassy/Consulate where it is executed to confirm genuineness).
After receipt of POA in India, the same to be submitted to Registrar of Assurance for
adjudication as well as registration in consultation with a panel advocate of the Bank.
All the documents signed by the POA holder on behalf of the principal should have a
rubber stamp affixed below each signature with following notation :
Mr. /Ms__________________as Power of Attorney of Mr./Ms______.
POA should contain the photograph of the POA holder as well as the signature of the
POA holder, both attested by the executants in case of POA is executed in India during
the executants visit to India.
In case of POA is executed abroad, the POA must contain the photograph of the POA
holder duly attested by the executants. The POA holder to sign the POA in the presence
of the officials of the Branch. POA holder signature duly attested by his Banker to be
held on records.
Mention to be made in the bank’s standard security documents/attendance regis-
ter/oral assent to show that the same is executed by the POA on behalf of the principal
(as per item No ix).
After execution of documents by POA a letter written by the NRI confirming execu-
tion of documents by POA including creation of security by way of mortgage to be ob-
tained, as per specimen approved by the Bank .
Documentation Please be guided by the circular for additional clause to be mentioned in the Term Loan
Agreement and Guarantee document .
Review of account EMI could be re-worked based on revised income earning within the total repayment
upon change of bor- period (i.e. period already elapsed and repayment period agreed upon or available as
rower status from per Scheme. Appropriate documents to be obtained in individual cases).
NRI to Resident
86 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
(HOBC 118/005 DATED 01.04. 2024 ON PAGES 110-112)
Purpose Same as Star Home Loan Scheme.
Eligible Customers Existing SB/CD customer with average balance of ₹ .5000 for last one year and New customer who
opens a new SB/CD account with opening balance of ₹ .5000.
Present/prospective salaried employees whose salary credited in account with us. SB/CD account
to be maintained throughout the tenure of the loan.
Quantum of Loan For Salaried: Minimum ₹ 5 lakh and maximum as per Normal Home Loan Scheme.
For Others: Minimum ₹ 10 lakh and maximum as per Normal Home Loan Scheme.
Type of Loan and Linkage Home Loan Overdraft :
Account under this category to be opened under separate Finacle Code i.e. LA-757 (ODA type).
with Deposit Account MIS Code as applicable to specific category i.e. Home Loan (406), Diamond Home Loan (700), and
Pravasi Home Loan (440), to be incorporated under Free Code 3 of ACM-Option ‘V’.
The account will be linked to account of the customer and balance above a threshold limit is auto-
matically transferred to the Home Loan Overdraft Account in multiples of ₹.5000 (There will be
sweep out of funds from SB/CD accounts but there will be no sweep in from loan account). The
threshold limit (Minimum amount to be held in SB or CD account for operational convenience) to
be decided by the customer in advance and the same to be above the minimum balance require-
ment of concerned account.
Pre-requisite for per- Full disbursement of loan by borrower to restrict the loan to a specific amount, within the sanc-
tioned limit. If borrower submits any request for non-availment of remaining undisbursed por-
mitting Overdraft facility
tion of sanction limit, Branch to take up matter with Data Centre through email for modification in sanction limit/drawing power and thereafter
system will permit to start the Overdraft Facility).
Completion of construction and ensuring end use of funds by post sanction inspection; Comple-
tion of all required formalities including creation of equitable mortgage, registration of mortgage
charge and compliance of all terms of sanction; Completion of moratorium period and com-
mencement of EMI
Repayment Borrowers will have to remit EMIs as in the case of usual home loans.
Repayment by standing instructions for debit of account or ECS.
Drawing Power After commencement of EMI, DP in the OD will be reduced on monthly basis to the extent of prin-
cipal component of the EMI so that the OD is liquidated at the end of the loan tenure (interest
component of the EMI remitted will service interest obligations).DP and SL to be reduced simulta-
neously on every repayment of EMI.
Drawing Limit Drawing Limit (DL) represents the amount available in the loan account over and above the DP of
the account.
Authorization for per- The facility for withdrawal to be authorized by the designated official at the Branch (either the
Credit Head or Branch Head) after completion of pre-requisites.
mitting withdrawal facility
Mode of Operation OD Cheque Book, Debit-cum-ATM Card, Internet Banking facility, Mobile Banking etc.
Rate of Interest As per guidelines issued on Rate of Interest time to time
Discontinuation of Facility Bank may at its option stop the previously mentioned drawing facility at any time after giving one
month’s notice to the borrower.
87 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
(Scheme norms for financing bare Flats in semi-finished with 50% or more unfinished work)
(HOBC 117/005 DATED 01.04. 2023 ON PAGES 117-118)
ELIGIBLE Individuals and other entities
PERMITTING AUTHORITY ZLCC to allow this scheme on the recommendation of the RBC/ZO Credit
APPLICABLE FOR FINANCE Applicable in those places where the builder has entered into sale agreement for bare
flat/Duplex & Triplex Houses/villa/row house/Studio Apartments/Un divided Share(UDS)
part of Land which is duly registered on payment of stamp duty and makes unregistered
agreement with the same builder or any other sub-contractor with whom the main build-
er has made agreement for completion of flat/building.
AMOUNT OF ADDITIONAL The additional loan for funding additional construction shall be within
LOAN the overall eligible loan limit of the borrower. Additional loan not to ex-
ceed 50% of the agreement value/ sale deed duly registered. ZLCC em-
powered to sanction additional loan beyond 50% (Max 70%) case to case
MORTGAGE: Mortgage to be created for total loan amount including additional loan
88 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
(HOBC 118/005 dated 01.04. 2024 on pages 119- 122)
ELIGIBLE BORROWERS The following members who are allotted flats/dwelling units by AWHO
(Army Welfare Housing Organization) with specific Number/Floors/Blocks
are eligible under the scheme:
Army serving personnel
Widows of all ranks of regular army
Parents of unmarried fatal battle casualty
The scheme will be applicable to Para-Military forces, CISF, BSF, ITBP, Coast
Guard etc., on same guidelines.
FINANCING BRANCH The finance under the scheme will be restricted to one branch per Zone,
which should be either RBC or branch where ZO accounts are maintained.
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA No separate approval of the scheme by GM-NBG is to be insisted upon. All
the projects undertaken by AWHO will be eligible for finance under the
EXECUTION OF TRI- AWHO to execute a Tripartite agreement with the bank, through its author-
PARTITE AGREEMENT ized officials.
PERMISSION Permission for mortage will be given by AWHO, and will also issue Non-
encumbrance certificate.
General valuation & Search At bank’s cost we may obtain from our empanelled Advocate & Valuer.
Report Zonal Manager may waive Obtention of search report subject to non-
encumbrance certificate issued by AWHO. If valuation report is also shared
by AWHO, it can be waived by Zonal authorities too.
Stage-wise disbursement Architects certificate regarding present stage of construction is not re-
of loan quired.
A demand notice from AWHO as per drawn up schedule would be suffi-
cient, subject to inspection of the stage of construction by bank official.
Unregistered sale agree- AWHO does not have the system of entering into registered sale agreement
ment between borrower with flat buyer/allottee before completion of construction & receipt of full
and builder payment. Allotment letter and Tripartite agreement will be available.
89 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
(HOBC 118/05 dated 01.04. 2024 Pages 123-128)
Maximum loan amount ₹ 10 lakh inclusive of Notional Interest for six months (180 days).
90 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
ELIGIBILITY The applicant/propornent family should not have any pucca dwelling unit in their
names across india. In case of married couple capturing details of spouse mandato-
ry. The applicant should furnish Aadhar card for POI & POA.
Max Carpet 30 Sq meters LIG 60 Sq mts Up to 160 sq. Up to 200 sq. Mts.
Area of Unit mts (No relaxa- (no relaxation per-
(a bigger carpet LIG (a bigger
areacan be consid- carpet area- tion permitted) mitted)
ered for construc- can be con-
tion/acquitionof sidered for
new house/flat construc-
butnot in case of tion/acquitio
loan for re- nof new
pairs/renovation) house/flat
butnot in
case of loan
for re-
Ownership Women sole or Co- Women sole or No such clause No such clause
of Property owner (except in co-owner (property may be (property may be
owned by any adult owned by any adult
case of construc- (except in case
member of the member of the family
tion on existing of construction family irrespective irrespective of the gen-
plot) on existing plot) of the gender) der)
The Aadhar card of The Aadhar
women borrower card of women
should invariably be borrower should
obtained by the Branch invariably be
and same should be obtained by the
incorporated at the Branch and same
time of uploading the should be incor-
details porated at the
time of upload-
ing the details.
91 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Maximum Subsidy ₹ 2.68 Lakh ₹ 2.68 Lakh ₹2.35 Lakhs ₹2.30 Lakhs
Processing Fee Waived for Loan up Waived for Waived for the Waived for the bor-
to ₹ 6 lakh, Normal Loan up to borrower up to rower up to Loan
charges for above 6 ₹ 6 lakh, Nor-
L Loan amount of amount of ₹12
mal charges
₹9 Lakhs only. Lakhs only. Normal
for above 6 L
Normal Pro- Processing Charges
cessing Charges to be collected for
to be collected Loans above ₹12
for Loans above Lakhs.
₹ 9 Lakhs.
Validity of
Since Discontinued. The continuation of the scheme depends on the Govt. Directives.
Coverage Covers all statutory towns as per census 2011. Notified time to time refer website:
Beneficiary-family The beneficiary family will comprise of husband, wife and unmarried children (sons/daughters) and
should not availed any assistance under any scheme from Government of India.
Central Nodal agen- HUDCO & NHB as central Nodal agencies (CNA’s).
cies(CNAs) and Regis-
tration with CNA
Security EQM/Legal mortgage of the property. CERSAI charges to be collected from the borrower.
CLAP Applicant can track the CLSS Interest Subsidy Application on CLAP portal. It enable timely release of
CLSS Awas Portal subsidy, enable transparency and minimize grievances.
92 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
(HOBC 118/005 dated 01-04-2024 page 132-138)
• Purchase of Plots located outside municipal/corporation area will be permitted only in cases
where the plots are allotted/developed by Government Bodies / Development Authorities
such as DDA, HUDA, BDA, LDA, etc.
• Purchase of plots in layouts developed by the builders provided the project is approved under
Builder Tie Up Arrangement and the due diligence on the developer and the project has been
carried out.
• Resale plot
• All salaried customers (maintaining salary account with our Bank is NOT mandatory).
• Home loan/LAP borrowers (Borrowers having one house only with or without home loan out-
standing) whose accounts have been conducted satisfactorily (excluding SMA2) for a period of
at least two years (excluding moratorium period) and not restructured.
• Age: Minimum: 18 Years Maximum age : 40 years at the time of availing the loan
Loan amount Minimum: ₹ 5.00 Lakhs Maximum: ₹ 1500.00 Lakhs
Maximum time 5 years from the date of first disbursement of the Loan.
period stipulated for Borrower will be required to submit completion certificate of the house within the stipulated period of 5 yea
constructions of ₹ An undertaking to this effect will be obtained.
Repayment period • 15 Years and No moratorium period.
• In case the construction of house is not completed and a completion certificate is not sub-
mitted by borrowers within the stipulated period of 5 years from the date of first disburse-
ment, the balance outstanding
• In case the construction of house is completed and a completion certificate is submitted by
borrowers within the stipulated period of 5 years from the date of first disbursement, the
code in HACMLA —MIS codesIndustry Type will be changed manually to normal Home Loan
and the existing EMI amount and residual loan tenure will be retained.
Security Equitable mortgage of the plot of land proposed to be purchased.
Interim guarantee of an individual of reasonable net worth or repaying capacity
Delegation RBCs headed by Scale V and SZLCC onwards.
Rate of interest • As per Star Home Loan scheme.
• Additional premium of 3.50% to be added to the Final Rate in case the construction of house
is not completed, and a completion certificate is not submitted by borrowers within the stipu-
lated period of 5 years from the date of first disbursement, since inception of the loan. I
• n case the borrower pre-closes the Home Loan account without completing the construction
within a period of 5 years from the availment of Home Loan, commercial ROI i.e. RBLR plus
3.50% prevailing at the time of default to be charged from the date of first disbursement.
93 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
(HOBC 118/05 dated 01.04.2024 page 141-150 )
All Home Loan customers with a satisfactory repayment record of minimum 12 months
(Excluding moratorium) provided possession of the house has been taken by the customer and
valid mortgage has been created in favour of the Bank.
Iv Top up loans can be sanctioned for housing loans availed for third dwelling unit onwards. CRE
clearance is required to be obtained, if the limit is classified as CRE,
Sanctioning authority can consider including close family members such as parents, Spouse, Son, daughter,-in-
law and unmarried daughter as coborrower/guarantor whose CI BIL personal score is more than 675, for taking
Top up Loan, even if they are not part of the existing Home Loan. Income of such family members can also be
considered for arriving at loan limit.
Note: The existing co-borrower/Guarantors to be continued for the proposed Top up loan also.
Nature of fa- Term Loan & Overdraft facility can be allowed if the proposed top up loan is more than ₹ 50.00 lakhs
94 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Top up loan • In case of request of borrower for top-up loan is to the extent of amount repaid in home loan
equal to amount
repaid in home account
loan account
• Purposes like repairs/additions/renovation etc and the existing home loan under Scheme Code
LA751 is run satisfactorily for a period of more than 5 years (excluding moratorium period):
• Eligible top up amount shall be equal to amount repaid. ROI as applicable to home loan only.
• Repayment period shall be residual repayment period available in the existing home loan ac-
Concession in ROI will be considered by FGMLCC/GMLCC/EDLCC as per delegation which is valid for entire
term of loan except low CIBIL personal score.
Pre-sanction Inspection/Post sanction Inspection is compulsory and to be conducted as per bank's norm in
this regard
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
(HOBC 118/009 DATED 01.04. 2024)
PURPOSE To meet educational expenses of family members including near relatives;
To undertake repairs/renovation/extension to the residential/commercial property;
To purchase / construct residential house / flat, purchase of a Plot of land for construction of
house/premises for business/commercial use. In such cases the property should be owned by pro-
Take over of existing loans availed from other Banks / FI's conforming to the extant guidelines
regarding "takeover" of account.
Any other purpose except for financial speculation of any nature.
The facility should not be extended for investing in equities or for purchase of land / construction
by builders/developers/promote ₹
Note: Suitable declaration should be obtained from the applicant regarding the purpose of loan.
TARGET Individuals:
(ELIGIBLE) CUS- A. Resident Indians: Existing or New customers
Regular and confirmed Employees / individuals with high net worth.
TOMERS Professionals, self-employed and people engaged in trade, commerce and business, for a mini-
mum period of 3 yea ₹
B. Non-Resident Indians (NRIs):
Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) holding Indian passport having a regular job abroad in a reputed
Indian / foreign company, organization or government department.
NRIs holding a valid job contract / work permit for minimum past 3 years or employed / self-
employed or having a business unit and staying abroad at least for past 3 yea ₹
Retired persons having regular source of income in addition to pension.
Note: In case of new customers or existing customers (without any credit facilities) having less
than 12 months satisfactory relation with the Bank. The customer to be KYC compliant and due
diligence to be done by empanelled agency.
The CIBIL personal score should be 700 and above. AND –1/0
The ITRs for the last three years should have been filed every year.
ZLCC and above shall be authorized to approve deviations for sanctions upto their delegation.
No Loan to be considered under the scheme for customers having CIBIL Personal Score below
700. Customers having CIBIL Personal score of -1/0 to be considered under the scheme.
MAXIMUM AGE Individuals in permanent service: Max. 60 years or Retirement age whichever is earlier.
LIMIT For self-employed / non-salaried people: Sanctioning authority may relax the age limit by 10
years i.e. up to 70 yea ₹ Deviation in age limits – ZLCC and above
Note: In case of loan/reducible overdraft age limit is the end of the repayment peiod. It means
entire loan is to be liquidated by the above age. Age limit is also applicable for guarantors in case
the property is owned by the guarantor.
96 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Individual –Salaried/ Self- 72 times of average monthly net emoluments (take home salary)
CALCULA- based on salary slip / Form 16 / Income Tax Return.
Doctor/s- in case of joint 6 times of average net annual income of last 2/3 years based on IT
Gross Monthly income % of NTHP
NET TAKE Up to ₹ 1.00 lakh 40%
HOME PAY Above ₹ 1.00 lakh to ₹ 5.00 lakh 30%
Above ₹ 5.00 lakh 25%
MARGIN ON The loan limit will be based on valuation of the property i.e. 100% of circle rate reckoned for payment of stamp
VALUE OF duty / registration purpose OR 60% of market value (40% margin on market value) OR 70% of distress value (30%
PROPERTY margin on distress value), whichever is lower.
Advance on Distress Sale Value of Property :
If advance is based on Distress Sale Value then 2nd valuation needed.
Lower of the 2 valuation to be taken for considering the advance.
ZLCC onwards can consider the advance based on distress value with margin of 30% of Distress Value
Where the plan of the building is not approved by the concerned authority, only value of the land can be considered
for calculation of quantum of loan. The delegation of power will be normal as per the delegated authority.
Authority to permit relaxation in margin where it is 30%-
FGMLCC may relax margin up to 5% (i.e. available margin should not be less than 25% of Distress Value)
HLCC- I & above full powers.
TAKE OVER Takeover of LAP loans up to the limit of ₹ 7.50 Crores to be considered by FGMLCC, subject to certain conditions
OF A/c mentioned in circular.. No Loan to be considered under the scheme for customers having CIBIL Personal Score be-
low 760.
New Web based credit rating model is being introduced, during the interim period branches to
The rating exercise to be done as per HOBC No. 107/146 dated 24.10.2013. Applicants getting
REPAYMENT Loans (Repayable by installments): Max. 15 years by way of equated monthly installments (EMIs) (excluding the
moratorium period, if any).
The repayment should commence from the month subsequent to the month in which final disbursement is made
or 6 months from the date of first disbursement, whichever is earlier.
Overdraft (Reducible Limit): Interest to be serviced on a monthly basis. Drawing Limit to be reduced on monthly
basis as per sanction terms to bring down the balance to zero at the end of repayment period. Total Repayment
period of maximum 12 yea ₹
ROI Rate of interest shall be linked to CIBIL Bureau score: Applicable to New/ Review
The following concession in applicable ROI delegated to ZLCC and above for the following category of properties/
• Residential/Non Residential Property (No open plots) and self-occupied: 0.50% in applicable ROI.
• Salaried employees drawing salary through our Bank: 0.50% in applicable ROI. • The total concession due to
above should not exceed 1.00%. The concession in ROI is subject to annual review.
• Penal Charges : As per the extant guidelines issued by BPR Department from time to time, applicable penal
charges to be levied
• Equitable / Legal mortgage charge over the property (including registration of equitable mortgage charge in
applicable states & Registration of EQM charge with CERSAI )
• Obtaining personal guarantee of additional individual(s) is left to the discretion of the sanctioning authority.
• The property to be mortgaged should be in the name of the applicant or his / her spouse or close relative as
per Section 2(77) of the Companies Act 2013 or between persons representing relationship such as
firm/proprietor or partnership / partners, company / directo ₹ The person /entity in whose name the proper-
ty to be mortgaged should be taken either as co-borrower or as guaranto ₹
• Property owned by Company, HUF / Society etc. cannot be mortgaged for loan availed by Directors / Karta or
co-parceners / Office Beare ₹
• Registration of mortgage charge required to be made in selected States viz. Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Guja-
rat, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Himachal Pradesh. Rules of respective state in this regard to
be complied with.
• Agricultural land should not be accepted as security for loans
• The property should be self-occupied or leased out to acceptable individuals, government agencies, PSUs, Cor-
porate, etc. Wherever it is rented /leased out the rent agreement /lease agreement shall be duly registered as
per norms prevailing in respective state; Undertaking by lessee to vacate the premises on demand by Bank to
be obtained and kept on records.
(HOBC 118/010 dated 01.04.2024)
Introduction Reverse mortgage is a loan that enables senior citizens over 60 years of age to get one time or
regular income against the security (mortgage) of their (self-occupied/owned or jointly owned
with spouse) residential house/flat. Loan is due for repayment only when the owner/s dies or sells
the house or moves out of his/ their house.
Target Customers Senior citizens over the age of 60 years who apparently have no regular income and pensioners
having pension as only source of income but have a self-occupied residential property in their own
name or jointly with spouse, which is free from encumbrance and commands value in the present
Purpose To provide a source of additional income for senior citizens of India who own self-occupied house
property in India. The borrower shall not use the proceeds of the Reverse Mortgage Loan for spec-
ulative, trading and business purposes.
Eligibility (1) Principal Borrower should be a senior citizen of India aged above 60 years and not more than
80 years of age.
(2) Borrower shall be owner and occupant of residential property (House or flat) located in India
with clear title of ownership in his name or jointly in the name of the spouse.
(3) Residential property shall be free from any encumbrance.In case of property offered is pur-
chased by availing Home Loan from our Bank and mortgaged to us, it will be considered for RML,
subject to closure of the Home Loan account out of the proceeds of RML
(4) The borrower/borrowers should use the residential property as permanent primary residence.
Permanent primary residence refers to self-acquired/self-occupied residential property where a
person spents majority of his time.
(5) No monthly income/ gross income criteria/ pension as only source of income.
(6) The residual life of the property should be 1.5 times of the repayment period Minimum 20 yea
₹ The property means building as well as land concerned. In case of building constructed on lease-
hold land of Government Authorities, the remaining lease period shall comply with aforesaid Crite-
(7) Married couples will be eligible as joint borrowers for financial assistance at the discretion of
the Bank, subject to at least one of them being above 60 years of age & the other not below 55
years of age.
Type of Advance Term Loan
Quantum of Loan/margin The amount of loan that an individual is entitled to receive from this reverse mortgage is based
on his or her age, valuation of the property by the banks approved valuer and starting/prevalent
interest rate.
Minimum: - ₹ 5 Lakh/Maximum: - 150 Lakhs
Quantum of Loan to be assessed as per following Table:-
Age of the Sole Applicant/Younger in Ratio of Loan to Value of Property (L.T.V.)
case of Joint applicants Joint Borrowers Single Borrower
Loan/Margin Loan/margin
60-65 Years 45% 50%
66-70 Years 50% 55%
71-75 Years 55% 60%
Above 75 Years 60% 65%
Revaluation of the Property: - The Property to be revalued at least once in 5 years at
Bank’s cost and the quantum of loan may undergo a revision based on such valuation of
the property. It is to be ensured that margin on the property at any time during the tenure
of the loan should not fall below 10%.’in which case appropriate action to be taken.
ROI Not linked to RBLR. To be guided circular issued from time to time.
SECURITY Advance shall be secured by equitable mortgage of the self-occupied/self-owned residential property in fa-
vour of the Bank .
Commercial property is not acceptable as security.
DISBURSEMENT This Product is a Social Security Scheme; it is desirable to release the loan proceeds on monthly/quarterly
basis to ensure regular cash flow throughout the loan period.
Lump sum:-To the extent of 50% of the total eligible amount, maximum ₹ 15 Lakh or such other amount as
may be notified by the Government of India. Lump sum amount to be used for Medical treatment of
self/spouse/dependents. Home improvement, maintenance and Repayment of existing loan raised on the
property. The amount disbursed will be the discontinued value of loan amount as on date.
As far as possible Lump sum disbursement should be discouraged and should be allowed on merit of the case
selectively with prior approval of the Zonal manger.
Periodic Payments:-Monthly/Quarterly/Half-Yearly/Annual to be decided mutually between Bank and Bor-
rower upfront. Borrower has an option to change the option of annual payment as per his requirement later
on in consultation with Bank. Monthly payment will be capped at ₹ 50,000/ or at such other amount as may
be notified by the Government of India.
Illustration of Monthly payment of loan of ₹ 2 Lakh (two lacs) to a single borrower under the scheme will
be as follows:-
LTV Entry Age* 5 years 10 years 15 Years
50% 61 1208 422 191
55% 66 1329 464 210
60% 71 1450 507
65% 76 1571
1 Market value of the property determined by the Bank’s Approves Valuer based on cur-
rent/prevalent market value. Expected future increase in the property not to be reckoned.
2 Bank shall have option to revise the Lump sum/Periodic disbursement amount based on
subsequent valuation reports.
SETTLEMENT OF 1 Settlement of loan along with interest to be made out of sale proceeds of the property. Principal Loan
LOAN AND FORE- and Interest shall becomes due after the death of the borrower and last surviving borrower or if the
borrower(s) would like to sell the house and move somewhere else. The borrower shall have an option
CLOSURE to pre-pay the loan at any time.
4 Bank has the right to advise the legal heirs of the borrower in case borrower moves out of residential
property without payment of dues.
5 Bank shall take steps to realize the security through sale after 6 months of death of the borrower and
after expiry of notice period to the legal heirs to settle the dues.A Public Notice is adequate notice to
the legal hei ₹ The balance surplus, if any remaining after settlement of the loan with interest, shall
passed on to the legal hei ₹
99 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
(HOBC 118/008 DATED 01.04.2024)
TARGET CUS- Regular Pensioner,Family Pensioners drawing regular monthly pension through the
TOMERS branch.Retired employees (other than dismissed/compulsorily retired) of our Bank drawing
(ELIGIBILITY) pension from the Bank.
Pensioners who are getting pension through Treasury/Defense Pension disbursing Office
(DPDO) directly to the credit of their Savings Bank Account with our branches are also eligi-
ble subject to conditions :
The Pensioners copy of Original PPO to be lodged with the Branch.
Duplicate/Triplicate of the stamped undertaking as per Annexure II of the Master Circular
on Pensioner Loan Scheme furnished to the Bank to be submitted to the Treasury/DPDO
and acknowledged copy to be kept on records.
Advance can be by way of D/L; T/L; O/D (Reducible).
PURPOSE For any bonafide activity other than speculation activities.
QUANTUM a) Regular Pensioner/ Family Pensioner where PPO is held at Naqpur Govt. Business Branch- Max.
₹ 10 Lakh.
b) Pensioners who are getting pension through Treasury/ Defence Pension Disbursing Office direct-
ly to the credit of their Savings Account with our Naqpur Govt. Business Branch- Max. ₹ 5 Lakh.,
c) Family Pensioner who is getting pension through Treasury/Defence Pension Disbursing Office-
Max ₹ 3 Lakh. (loan tenure should not exceed the age of ceasing / stopping of pension as per Pension
Payment Order).
For unsecured/ clean: 15 months of Net pension (Gross Income Less Income Tax and EMI of other
loan, if any)
For secured: 20 - months of Net pension
Note: For secured laons income from other sources can be taken with proper evidence such as
ITR,bank statements etc
Margin Secured Loans Clean/Unsecured Loans
Suitable Margin No Specific Margin norms
Overdraft Facili- Overdraft facility up to 3 months "Net Pension" Maximum ₹ 1,00,000 /- can be granted. Net Pension: amount
ty being credited to Pension Account Less EMI for any loans granted at the Branch
Co-Borrower In case of regular pensioners, nominee/legal heir entitled to family pension & in case of
loan to family pensioner, legal heir will be co-borrower.
Guarantee Third Party Guarantee including that of other Pensioner drawing regular pension from
branch/ or Collateral security in lieu of personal guarantee for loan can be accepted.
Net Take Home
Pension Should not be less than 40% of the pension amount.
Documentation Document DDE-R01 for all unsecured Personal Loans, irrespective of loan limit and to be
stamped as per the practice prevailing in the respective states in lieu of L-515, L-516 and
RBLR Agreement.
Repayment: Clean Loans Secured Loans O/D limits
one month after
first disburse- 36 EMI (Sanctioning Authority Reducible as per pay-
60 EMI
ment may extend to 60 EMI) ment schedule
Security Hypothecation charge over assets financed, wherever applicable
Pledge of Gold/ NSCs/KVPs/LIC policies with adequate surrender value – VOS of at least
equal to loan amount.
Equitable/Legal Mortgage of House/Commercial Property valued by approved valuer not
less than 150% of quantum of loan.
Pledge of demat shares, units etc. of market value not less than 200% of loan amount.
100 TOP
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(HOBC 118/008 DATED 1.4.2024 ON PAGES 18-19)
PURPOSE To purchase durable and sophisticated aids / appliances that promote their
physical and social rehabilitation.
ELIGIBILITY All Physically Challenged Individuals – both salaried and self-employed, All Phys-
ically Challenged Minors through their Parents/Legal Guardians.
ELIGIBLE AMOUNT 15 times of net salary for salaried persons and 100 % of net annual income as
per latest Income Tax Return for Self-employed/Professionals.
Net take home income should not be less than 40% after availing this loan. (In
case of Minors, the income of the Parents/Legal Guardians would be the decid-
ing criteria for eligibility).
Hypothecation of the Equipment purchased out of Bank Finance.
101 TOP
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HOBC 118/008 dated 01.04.2024 & 116/006 dated 01.04.2024
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HOBC 113/27 dated 06.05.2019
OBJECTIVE: To improve the TAT and enable marketing staff and field officers to capture
Retail Loan application on field. The application is integrated to CAPS and process is
smoothened to increase our share of Retail Loans in the market.Presently Available for:
Star Home Loan & Star Personal Loan
HOBC Annexure - I : How to install Mobile App?
Annexure -II : How to create New Application?
Annexure - III : User Set up in CAP Application.
103 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
RETAIL/ 25/2
HOBC 113/111 Dated 31.08.2019
Contactless Platform is an online digital loan management platform for Retail segment borrowers,
which entails In - Principle sanction of loan without physical contact within 59 minutes. The solution
reads ITR, and bank statements, along with capture applicant’s details through smart analytics. The
platform has Integrations with multiple agencies for ITR, Bank Statement analyzer, Fraud Check,
Credit Information Bureau check among othe ₹
Annexure II Financing Bank Journey à Steps for financing Bank branch user to view and retrieve
proposal flown to the branch after in principle sanction.
CAPS Home Page àRetail Lead àBorrower name & ID àCLICK on tab for CAM
Annexure III Lending Guidelines on Contactless Platform
Annexure IV Back End Process Flow of Contactless Platform — For information
Annexure V Risk Rating Model on Contactless Platform-Separate for Home Loan & Personal Loan(
Personal Risk àFinancial Risk àScaling Matrix- Score range )
Annexure VI CAPS guidelines on PSB 59
All the Branches identified for Contactless Platform will be issued separate user IDs for the role of maker
& checker. The Branch user through their registered email ID or the mobile number can log in to the
platform through an OTP.
104 TOP
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HOBC 113/119 dated 07.09.2019
Our Bank launched technologically superior Retail online module to improve productivity and customer
service by reducing turnaround time. This new module will enable the customers to apply for housing
loan and vehicle loan through the bank's website by uploading some important documents (KYC docu-
ments, ITR/ Form-16/Salary slips & latest account statements) and by completing the loan application
form from anywhere & at any time instantly.
Bank users will be provided with a separate login on the online module wherein they can view the vari-
ous applications submitted by the applicants for their branch. The application details entered by the ap-
plicant after acceptance by the banker flows to CAPS (Inbox) which also reduces the TAT for processing
Retail Application by minimizing data entry at Branch Level.
Functionalities-Process Flow
Borrower's Log- our bank's website-
"Online Retail"à Apply for loanà (a)Personal Details (b) Address Details (c)
Loan Details (d) Income & Expenses (e) Documentsàthen Save
àCompleted Tab àAccept / Reject /edit for completion àProceed with devia-
tion àChoose Product & MCLR Type àPush/Sent to LAPSàOpen CAPS àCreate
New EntryàProcess for disbursal
As per HOBC 113/143 dated 18.10.2019, contact less Vehicle Loan (Quantum ₹ 10,000/- to ₹ ₹ 50
Lakh) along with Housing Loan ( ₹ 1 Lac to 10 Crore) and Personal loan ( ₹ 50,000/- to ₹ 5 Lac) are
made available through www.psbloansin59minutes; a dedicated platform being provided on Apply on line
segment of MSME of our Banks website
This revamped website of our bank also contain handful of information about retail loan products like
present Rate of Interest, processing charges, details of CERSAI registration, Specimen POA format exclu-
sively for Star Pravasi Home Loan Scheme along with other requisite information to our patron/custome
₹ (It is available on the central part of the website and other details can be accessed through Personal ->
Loans segment of our website).
HOBC 115/57 dated 21.05.2021
The policy is applicable to Resolution of advances to individuals who have availed Retail/Personal loans:
i. for the purpose of consumption and personal needs
ii. Retail/Personal loans for the purpose of this policy shall mean the following nature of loans, viz:
a. Consumer loans.
b. Education loans.
c. Housing/Home loans.
105 TOP
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HOBC 118/008 Dtd 01.04.2024
TARGET CUS- • Existing standard housing loan borrowers (salaried class & Self Employed
TOMERS (excluding accounts under moratorium & where no EQM has been created)
(ELIGIBILITY) Account should:
• Not restructured under RBI's Resolution Framework (RFCRS 1.0 or RFCRS 2.0).
• Should not be in SMA-1 or SMA-2 category in last 12 months.
• With satisfactory CIBIL report.
Demand Loan & Term Loan.
For any bonafide activity other than speculation activities.
Family/ Regular Pensioners: Age at the time of availing the personal loan should not
exceed 65/68 years
106 TOP
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QUANTUM I. For existing salary account holders / Pensioners drawing Salary / pension through
our Bank and who do not have any existing housing loan/ LAP/ Education Loan with
our Bank:
24 times of last drawn gross salary/pension; Max: ₹ 20.00 Lakhs
II. For existing housing loan/ LAP/ Education Loan Borrowers:
• For salaried/ pensioners: 36 times of last drawn gross salary/Pension; Max: ₹
20.00 Lakhs
• For Self Employed: 36 times of monthly income based on the latest ITR; Max: ₹
20.00 Lakhs
III. Customers having net monthly salary/ income of ₹ 1.00 Lakh & above under Cate-
gories I & II: Max ₹ 30.00 Lakhs.
IV. For Loans to LIC Agents: 2 times of average gross annual income based on last 3
years ITRs filed in the respective assessment year.
➢ To those who have Home loan with us — Max. ₹ 20.00 Lakhs
➢ To those who do not have Home loan with us — Max. ₹ 10.00 Lakhs Note: No
restrictions on number of personal loan accounts.
Quantum of Finance is restricted to maximum amount eligible under the scheme and
complying the NTHP norms
For amount more than ₹ 20.00 Lakhs *Education Loans applicants where repay-
ment has commenced with satisfactory conduct of 2 years and CIBIL Score of 730 &
SECURITY Clean, Third party guarantee/personal guarantee in case of Pensioners, suitable third party
guarantee with minimum net worth of proposed loan amount in case of LIC agents.
Rating ex-
Applicants scoring minimum 20 marks out of 53, as per revised rating sheet (Not applicable in
ercise case of Pensioners).
Rating sheet generated through E-Platform to be used if the application is processed in E-
Platform and kept along with the proposal. Applicants getting less than 38 marks as per the rat-
ing criteria should not be granted any facility under the scheme.
REPAYMENT 84 months (without moratorium)
Note: Age at the end of repayment period : Not to exceed retirement age of the employee,
75 years in case of retired staff/Pensioners and the Residual repayment period in case of
Housing loan borrowers or retirement age whichever is later.
Deviation Loans on standalone basis:
Deviation other than quantum of loan and ROI like following shall rest with the authority one
level above the sanction authority under whose delegation the limit falls
Minimum satisfactory period of salary account with the Bank
Repayment period beyond retirement age in case of regular employees and 75 years in case
of pensione ₹
CIBIL score.
However, the delegation to sanction the loan after obtaining approval of deviation from next
higher authority shall rest with respective sanction authority only.
Loans under Tie up (As approved scheme):
FGMLCC shall have powers to sanction Approved Scheme for a group of employees (minimum
20 and above) of a particular State or Central Govt organization / PSUs and Other Corporates
having credit/ banking facilities with us (or) with External Rating BBB+ and above with above
deviations under Tie up but sanction of individual loans after approval under Tie up shall rests
with respective sanction authority under whose delegation the limit falls.However, FGMLCC is
authorized to approve deviations, even if sanction falls under their delegation
Note Branches need not to extend the mortgage available in existing Home loans to the proposed
Personal loan. However, an undertaking to be obtained from the borrower that the mort-
gage will be extended as and when insisted by Bank.
107 TOP
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(HOBC 118/008 DATED 01.04.20243
PURPOSE Exclusively for funding the premium amount of Group Medical insurance
for Retirees.
SECURITY Third party guarantee/personal guarantee in case of Pensione ₹
108 TOP
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(HOBC 118/008 dated 01.04.2024)
ELIGIBLITY • Regular employees of Central/ State Governments/ PSUs and other corporates
including schools/ colleges who have salary account with us minimum salary
credit for 1 month and having satisfactory CIBIL reports without any adverse
SCHEME The scheme is valid upto 19.10.2024
• Employees having salary account with other Banks, should mandatorily provide
either employer check-off facility or e-NACH Mandate before disbursement.
• An Undertaking from the employee to be obtain that he/she does not shift sala-
ry account or terminal benefits upon transfer or retirement to any other
Bank/Branch during currency of the loan without obtaining NOC. This undertak-
ing to be obtained in duplicate and original to be forwarded (under registered
post/speed post) to the employer for their necessary information and record
with a request to keep the undertaking in the personal file of the employee
• All other terms and conditions of Loan Scheme as per HOBC.118/08 dated
01.04.2024 and subsequent modifications, are to be complied with.
• Check list, as applicable to Housing loans up to ₹ 500.00 Lakhs and all other
Retail loans with limits less than ₹ 50.00 Lakhs is to be signed by the concerned
officer at the Branch, before disbursement of loan.
• The free code assigned is to be entered in Finacle while opening the loan ac-
109 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
(HOBC 117/284 dt.28.02.2024)
Star Roof Top Solar Panel Finance
PURPOSE Loan for Installation of Solar Roof Top/ground mounted grid-connected solar panel systems and
equipment for personal use.
RATE OF INTEREST RBLR –2.35 % For Home loan customers : RBLR + CRP 2.50%
Subject to Minimum RBLR +0.00%
7.00%p.a For Non-Home Loan cus-
tomers:- RBLR +1.00%
110 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Free Codes:
594 - Retail Solar Panel Finance — Individuals
595 - Retail Solar Panel Finance — Housing Society
CLASSIFICATION Priority sector
REVIEW Accounts to be reviewed annually
OTHER TERMS Various State Governments also provide subsidy for various
AND CONDITIONS renewable energy projects from time to time. Branch to ensure
compliance of latest guidelines on the same. Branch to ensure
that the capital subsidy in the proposed loan issued in favor of
the borrower, if any.
All other terms are applicable as per extant guidelines on Star
Suvidha Express Personal Loan scheme.
111 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
ment of income should be signed by the borrower and vetted by the processing/sanctioning authority. This duly vetted
assessment should be kept with the set of proposal and documents.
Bank has entered into agreement with Equifax,CRIF High Mark Credit Information Services Pvt Ltd., Experian Credit In-
formation Co. Pvt Ltd, & CIBIL for transfer of data and generation of Credit Information Reports(CIR) of proponents of
various credit facilities.
We will discus some of the Terminology involved in CIBIL Report as under:-
CIBIL Score: This section reflects your credit score, which is widely used by loan providers to evaluate loan applications.
An individual’s CIBIL Score ranges between 300-900 and is calculated basis the information in the “Accounts” and
“Enquiry” section of the credit report.
The closer the score to 900, the more confidence the loan provider will have in your ability to repay the loan and hence,
the better chances of your application getting approved. Generally score above 750is considered to be very good.
Please note in some cases you might be displayed a CIBIL Score of either “Not Applicable” or “No History” which indi-
cates one of the following 3 things:
1. You do not have a credit history or you do not have enough credit history to be scored, i.e. you are new to the credit
2. You have no credit activity in the last couple of yea ₹
3. You have all add-on credit cards and have no credit exposure.
Personal information
This section contains your personal details like Name, Date of Birth and Gender as reported to CIBIL by various membe ₹
Identification type section contains details like your Income Tax ID (PAN), Passport Number, Driver’s License and Voter ID
information reported by lende ₹
Contact Information
Your addresses, telephone, mobile numbers and email addresses as reported by lenders appear here. The address cate-
gory also explains whether the address is a residential address, official address, permanent address or temporary ad-
dress. Up to 4 addresses and email addresses are provided in this section.
Employment Information: This section provides information on your occupation and income (at the
time of opening a credit facility) as reported by the lender for a particular credit account.
Account Information:
The most important segment of your CIBIL Report, it contains details of all your loan and credit card
accounts. It displays the name of the lender/s, the type of credit facilities (home loan, auto loan,
credit card etc.), the account number/s, whether single or jointly held, when each account was
opened, date of the last payment, loan amount, current balance, amount overdue (if any) and most
importantly, a month on month record of up to 36 months of your payments
112 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Settlement Amount: When an amount owned on a loan amount is disputed, the individual and lender
settle at some amount in between. This is the amount the individual has agreed to pay. The rest amount
(that the lender belivesis owed) is written off by the lender.
Sanction Note must specifically comment on No Hit/Nil History and also multiple enquiries from Banks/FIs
for loan enquiries made by the borrower and also on the Office/Residential Address and Telephone Num-
bers appearing in the Credit Report. No Hit/Nil History from one agency calls for generation of CIR from one
more Credit Information Agency.
CERSAI (Central Registry of Securitizations or Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest of India)
As per existing instructions/guidelines Bank has to register with CERSAI the mortgages by way of deposit
of Title Deeds/Equitable Mortgage. Now in terms of the present Gazette Notification, the Bank has to reg-
ister following charges:
i) Mortgage other than mortgage by deposit of title deeds,
ii) Hypothecation of plant and machinery, stocks, debt including book debt or receivables,
iii) Intangible Assets, being know-how, patent, copyright, trade mark,license, franchise or any other busi-
ness or commercial right of similar nature,
iv) Security Interest in any under construction residential or commercial building or a part thereof by an
agreement or instrument other than by mortgage
Key Points:
Charges are required to be registered with the Central Registry in addition to Registration of EQM existing
in different States as per procedure in vogue. As per the Act such charges are required to be registered
within 30 days of creation of security
On line search with CERSAI to be taken in respect of the assets/property/ies before processing loan appli-
cation and a copy of the search report should be kept on record. In case no record is found on website of
CERSAI, print out of screen shot,duly signed by the Branch official who visited the site, should be kept on
• Upon sanction of credit facility/ies and execution of security documents and completion of other formali-
ties as stipulated in the sanctioned proposal, Branch should make a token disbursement (say ₹ 1000/-) in
the account and then proceed with creation of Equitable/Legal mortgage of the property.
• Branch to register Bank's charge in Form I with CERSAI immediately after creation of Equitable/ Legal
Mortgage, Hypothecation of assets/ execution of documents etc. and before making any further disburse-
ment of loan.
• Upon registration of charge with CERSAI, the security Interest ID and Asset ID will be created by CERSAI
which should noted down for future reference and records. Please note that registration of charge will be
complete only after verification of entries of Maker by Checker. Challan down loaded by Check-
er,evidencing proof of registration of charge with CERSAI, to be kept with security documents of con-
cerned account.
113 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
To comply with RBI observations, all Branches are advised to maintain a register containing all advance
accounts of the Branch, in the following format:-
Name Account Date Sanc- Nature of CER- CER- Dat Charges Date of re-
of the No. of tion Charge SAI SAI e of Paid to covery of
Ac- Sanc- Limit Created Sec Asset reg- CERSAI charges &
count tion Inter- ID istra credited to
est ID tion PLCR111
We have linked our pricing with the CIBIL Personal Score, the credit score of CIBIL.
CIBIL generates two types of credit scores in their Credit Information Report: The
TransUnion CIBIL score V3 and Personal score. TransUnion score V3 is based on the
overall credit discipline of the borrower.
114 TOP
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115 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises has classified MSMEs, based on the composite criterion of investment in Plant
& Machineries(for manufacturing sector) or equipment(for service sector) and turnover of the enterprise, as under-
Micro where the investment in Plant & Machineries or equipment does not exceed Rs One
Enterprise Crore and turnover does not exceed Five Crore.
Small where the investment in Plant & Machineries or equipment does not exceed Rs Ten
Enterprise Crore and turnover does not exceed Rs Fifty Crore.
Medium where the investment in Plant & Machineries or equipment does not exceed Rs fifty
Enterprise crore and turnover does not exceed Rs two hundred and fifty crore.
Important Notes:
If an enterprise crosses the ceiling limits specified for its present category in either of the two criteria of investment
or turnover, it will cease to exist in that category and will be placed in the next higher category but no enterprise
shall be placed in the lower category unless it goes below the ceiling limits specified for its present category in both
the criteria of investment as well as turnover.
All units with Goods & Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) having same PAN, shall be collectively treated as
one enterprise and the turnover and investment figures for all of such entities shall be clubbed for deciding the cat-
egory of micro, small or medium.
The Calculation of investment in Plant & Machinery or equipment will be linked to the (ITR) of the previous years
filed under the Income tax act, 1961.
In case of a new enterprise, where no prior ITR is available, the investment will be based on self-declaration of the
promoter of the enterprise and such relaxatiFon shall end after 31st March of the financial year in which it files its
first ITR.
The value of Plant & machineries or Equipments shall mean the Written Down Value (WDV) as at the end of the fi-
nancial year and NOT the cost of acquisition or original price.
The meaning of "Plant & Machineries" or " Equipment" of the enterprise shall be as per the Income Tax Rules and
shall include all tangible assets (other than land and building, furniture & fittings). Besides, cost of the following
plant & machinery / equipment etc. would be excluded for computation of investment value-
Equipment such as tools, jigs, dies, moulds, and spare parts for maintenance and the cost of consumable stores;
Installation cost of plant &machinery;
Research & development and pollution control equipment;
Power generation set and extra transformer installed by the enterprise as per the Regulations of the State Electrici-
ty Board;
Bank charges and Service Charges paid to the National Small Industries Corporation or the State Small Industries
Procurement or Installation of cables, wiring bars, and electrical control panels (not mounted on individual ma-
Oil circuit breakers or miniature circuit breakers which are necessarily to be used for providing electrical power to
the plant and machinery or for safety measures.
Gas producing plants;
Transportation charges (other than sales tax or value-added tax and excise duty) for indigenous machinery from the
place of their manufacture to the site of the enterprise)
Charges paid for technical know-how for erection of plant machinery;
Storage tanks which store raw materials and finished products only and are not linked with the manufacturing pro-
Fire-fighting equipment; and
Such other items as may be specified, by notification from time to time.
Calculation of Turnover:
Exports of goods or services or both, shall be excluded while calculating the turnover of any enterprise for the pur-
pose of classification as above.
Information as regards to turnover and exports turnover for an enterprise shall be linked to the Income Tax act or
the central goods and services act (CGST act) and the GSTIN.
The turnover related figures of such enterprise which do not have PAN will be considered on self declaration basis
for a period up to 31st March 2021 and thereafter PAN and GSTIN shall be mandatory.
116 TOP
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All MSME entities ( new & existing both) have to mandatorily register on Udyam Registration portal.
There is no exemption in this regards for entities having Udyog Adhaar number. The existing Entre-
preneurs Memorandum (EM) Part II and Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAMs) of the MSMEs ob-
tained till June 30, 2020 shall remain valid till December 31, 2021” (as per RBI cir 2021-2022/63
dtd. 25.06.2021) .
Branches have to mandatorily keep on record the copy of Udyam Registration Certificate. In case
new MSME borrowers do not have Udyam Registration Certificate, it has to be submitted before
For filing Udyam Registration, Adhaar no. of proprietor in case of proprietorship firm, managing
partner in case of partnership firm and of Karta in the case of HUF is mandatory and in case of com-
pany or a limited liability company partnership or a society or trust, GSTIN and PAN of the entity
will be required for Udyam Registration.
Service Charges & Linking of accounts with EBLR :
All new accounts classified under MSME will be linked to RBLR, w.e.f. 10.10.2019, as per HOBC 113/167 dat-
ed 13.12.2019 or as advised from time to time. Such new accounts will be subject to the Service Charges as
applicable to MSME.
Finacle Menu “ MSMETO” for feeding of Turnover details
For proper classification under Finacle, turnover in MSME / Non MSME accounts, has to be mandatorily fed
in “MSMETO” menu.
New Menu in Finacle “PDCONV” – For monitoring of post sanction/post disbursement covenants.
(HOBC 114/91 dt. 04.08.2020)
Classification in Finacle as per investment in P&M:
New codes have been introduced in “ACM- “V”, matching with criteria of Micro, Small and Medium Enter-
prises for suitable selection by branches.
Loans to MSMEs without any cap are to be classified under Priority Sector advance in terms of RBI master
directions updated as on 04.09.2020.
The minimum working capital limit for MSE borrowers, upto Rs 5 crore as per Nayak Committee’s recommen-
dations, has been increased to 25% of non digital turn-over plus 30% of digital turn-over, subject to that minimum
25% of previous year’s turnover should be from digital platform.
Refer HOBC 111/45 dt 27.06.17 for details.
Special, flexible take-over norms for MSE accounts upto Rs 200 lakh are prescribed vide HOBC 113/01 dt 01.04.2019.
Target for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Credit:
The RBI has prescribed the following overall target for the Bank as a whole for Micro,Small &Med Enterprises credit:
Export Credit Incremental export credit over previous year upto 2% of ANBC or CEOBE
whichever is higher subject to S/L of upto ₹ 40 crore per borrower
CEOBE- Credit equivalent to off Balance sheet exposure.
Note: Finance given to the units under KVIC will be treated under Micro Enterprises advances irre-
spective of the loan amount.
Applicability of various Government incentives to MSMEs related to Agriculture (Cir. Letter 2019-
20/03 dt 31.03.2020).
All type of benefits such as subsidy, interest subvention, Restructuring/rehabilitation, Standby line
of credit and/ or any other benefits declared by the Government for MSME are also available to
those MSME registered units which are related to Agriculture, Food processing, Cold Storage etc.
and are classified under agriculture for reporting purpose.
117 TOP
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In case of rejection, approval should be sought from the next higher authority, not below the rank
of ZM.
Collateral Security and Delegation norms ( For Micro & Small Units HOBC 114/150 dt 03.10.2020)
Collateral security is waived for credit limits upto ₹ 10 lakhs.
Loan above 10 lakh with only CGTMSE cover- Sanctioning Authority (Ref: HO/SME/TS/22-23/290
dated 16.06.22. HOBC dated 27.06.22 –Advance Copy)
Loan above 10 lakh with partial collateral, irrespective of level of CCR (under Hybrid Model) may
be considered by the Sanctioning Authority.
Loan to CGTMSE eligible a/cs with CCR of 60% & above without obtaining CGTMSE coverage, may
be considered by the Sanctioning Authority.
In case borrower not inclined to obtain CGTMSE cover and no collateral or CCR is less than 60%
then delegated authority to approve waiver of CGTMSE cover will be vested with ZLCC onwards.
In CGTMSE covered accounts third party guarantee should not be obtained, except that of pro-
mote ₹
Restructuring of the term loan accounts in Finacle will be done through LNRES-M1 & the health
codes of the accounts restructured under the policy will be 19. For cash credit / overdraft, branch-
es should change health code to 19 by using Health 19 menu.
CIBIL MSME Rank (CMR): CMR should be should be used for the limits between Rs 10 Lakhs to Rs
50 Crore.
Comprehensive Pre-Sanction Inspection Formats
(HO BC 114/255 dt. 20.02.2021)
For Retail Advances (Retail-1)
For A/cs with fund based limit upto Rs 10 lakh ( PSI-1)
For A/cs with fund based limits above Rs 10 lakh & upto Rs 25 crore (PSI-2)
For A/cs with fund based limits above Rs 25 crore (PSI-3)
For accounts of NBFC/HFC ( PSI-4)
For Commercial Real Estate A/cs (PSI-5)
For Agricultural Advances (AG-200)
118 TOP
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Prime Minister on 8th April, 2015 declared launching of PMMY loans along with Micro Units Development and Re-
SCHEME CODE Free Code -3 - 300 Free Code- 3 - 369 Free Code -3 - 370
OBJECTIVE To fund the unfunded who are unable to sustain or grow due to lack of finance.
TARGET CLIENT a) Non—Corporate Small Business Segment of proprietorship/ partnership firms running small
manufacturing units, service sector units, shopkeepers, fruits/vegetable vendors, truck operators,
food-service units, repair shops, machine operators, small industries, artisans, food processors,
and others in rural and urban areas.
b) With effect from 01.04.2016, additional activities allied to agriculture e.g. , pisciculture, bee-
keeping, poultry, livestock, rearing, grading, sorting, aggregation agro industries, diary, fishery,
agriclinics and agribusiness centers, food & agro processing etc. (excluding crop loans, land im-
provement such as canals, irrigation, wells) and services supporting these, which promote liveli-
hood or are income generating shall be eligible for coverage under PMMY.
c) Weaver and artisans can also be covered under PMMY.
d) Government schemes like NULM, NRLM, PMEGP etc. complying to conditions of PMMY.
e) Franchise, dealers, retailers, transport operators & aggregators service providers of various cor-
porate, on the basis of formal MOU with the corporate (refer BC 112/74 dt 27.08.18 for standard
PURPOSE For setting up of new/upgrading existing Micro business enterprises in the manufacturing, pro-
cessing, trading, service sector and activities allied to agriculture as mentioned above, financing to
weavers and artisans (income generating activity).
REPAYMENT Maximum - 36 months for Demand Loan and 84 months for term loan including moratorium. In-
terest to be serviced as and when charged.
METHOD OF As per prescribed norms as given in HO Br. Circular No. 112/129 dtd. 12.12.2018 (for Micro &
ASSESSMENT Small Enterprises Only).
119 TOP
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(A loan product for MSME units)
HO BC 118/74 dated 28/06/2024)
OBJECTIVE To meet funding requirement for upgradation/installation/adopting Green Renewable
source of energy
TARGET CLIENT All units engaged in manufacturing and service sector with investment in plant and ma-
chinery and equipment as defined under MSMED Act, 2006
PURPOSE To meet need based financial support to MSME units to modernize/ upgrade/adopt
Green Renewable source of energy .MSME units e.g. Hotels / Parking Lots / Petrol Pumps / Soci-
eties etc to install EV Charging Stations
REPAYMENT Maximum - 48 months for Loan upto 1 crore and 120 months for loan above 1 crore
excluding maximum moratorium. Of 6 months
120 TOP
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MSME-Products /03
To facilitate bank loans between ₹ 10.00 lakh and 100 lakhs to at least one Scheduled Caste
OBJECTIVE/ (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) borrower and at least one woman borrower for setting up a Green-
PURPOSE field enterprise. The enterprise may be in manufacturing, services or the trading in non-farm
Activities allied to Agriculture shall be eligible under scheme. Purchase of land as part of Project
Plan may be considered on case to case basis. Take over not permitted.
NATURE OF Composite loan (inclusive of term loan and working capital) between ₹ 10 lakh and upto ₹
LOAN 100 lakh.
SIZE OF LOAN Composite loan of 85% of the project cost inclusive of term loan and working capital. The stipu-
lation of the loan being expected to cover 85% of the project cost would not apply if the bor-
rower's contribution along with convergence support from any other schemes exceeds 25% of
the project cost.
SECURITY Besides primary security, the loan may be secured by collateral security or guarantee of
ROI Now linked to RBLR & as per internal rating, as the case may be..(Max RBLR + 3%)
WORKING CAP- Working capital up-to ₹ 10 lakh ( overdraft )and above ₹ 10 lakh (Cash Credit) . Rupay debit
ITAL card to be issued for convenience of the borrower.
MARGIN MON- 15% margin money which which may include subsidy but minimum 10 % has to be brought by
EY borrower from own sources.
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(HO BC 109/220 Dated 04.03.2016)
OBJECTIVE Sensitize the manufacturing sector of MSME, so as to enable them to reduce the
cost of production and improve the product quality.
ELIGIBILITY Any MSME unit who has filed an Entrepreneurial Memorandum with the authority
or who has erstwhile DIC registration, subject to :-
(i) The MSME unit should have been audited for energy consumption and detail
project report on EETs, prepared by a qualified Energy Manager/ Auditor.
(ii) Unit must lead to at least 15% reduction in energy consumption.
(iii) Investment in new plant, machinery and equipment should focused on
enhancing energy efficiency.96
(iv) The unit should not be covered under any other subsidy scheme.
(v) Sanction of Subsidy shall be done after loan disbursement.
(vi) Up to 2 years, after completion, unit should submit operational and perfor-
mance details to the branch.
FACILITY Term Loan for Plant and Machinery.
SUBSIDY Upto 25% of the project cost, Maximum ₹ 10 lakhs. Subsidy will be adjusted
against the last principal instalments of the loan account.
(( 116/85 dated 27.06.2022 ,116/255 dated 12.01.2023 & 116/274 dated 06.02.2023
ELIGIBLE All Credit Facilities sanctioned to eligible Micro & Small units defined as per MSMED act 2006.Udyam Registration
Certificate (URC) is mandatory for all MSMEs now
CGTMSE A borrower can avail aggregate credit facility from all lenders and CGTMSE cover available is upto Rs 5 cr.
COVER Guarantee for new Retail / Wholesale trade is now aligned at par with other segments.
85% 75%
Micro Enterprises 75%
MSEs located in North East region, 80%
J&K, Ladakh
Women,MSEs located in aspirational 85 %
district,ZED Cerified MSEs,SC& ST
Entrepreneurs, PWD & Agniveers
All other categories of Borrowers 75 %
122 TOP
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A revised Annual Guarantee Fee (AGF) structure will be applicable to all the guarantees approved/ renewed on or after
December 01, 2022 including enhancement in existing working capital account already covered under Guarantee
SchemeCGTMSE has partially modified the Annual Guarantee Fee (AGF) Structure to
benefit the MSEs. In order to bring down the cost of credit for MSEs, CGTMSE has reduced the Guarantee Fee for loans
upto ₹ 1 Cr w.e.f. 01.04.2023
There will be three rates : 1. Standard Rate (SR) 2. After Discount 3. With Risk premium in five slabs : (a) 0-10 Lacs (b)
Above 10 lacs-50 Lacs (c) Above 50 Lacs- 100 Lacs (d) Above 1 Crore upto 2 Crore (e) Above 2 Crore upto upto 5 Crore
AGF will be charged on the guaranteed amount for the first year and on the outstanding amount for the remaining ten-
ure of the credit facility. The fee structure of Retail/Wholesale Trade has been aligned at par with other segments
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Takeover of Ac- Takeover of accounts from other Banks, already covered under CGTMSE is allowed under
counts covered CGTMSE Hybrid Model only as a fresh sanction and guarantee coverage will be available only
under CGTMSE for maximum cap per borrower. No accounts are permitted for takeover, if it is proposed to
be covered under CGTMSE only.
Concession in All Existing and New Micro & Small Enterprises accounts with limits upto Rs 100 Lakhs and
ROI covered only under CGTMSE will be eligible for concession of 0.50% on the applicable rate of
interest. Presently, no concession is allowed for limits above Rs 100 Lakhs and up to Rs 500
Lakhs. Once the borrower limit exceeds Rs 100 Lakhs, the concession on ROI will cease for the
borrower. Accounts under Hybrid Model will not be eligible for concession
Reporting of NPA is to be reported to CGTMSE (to be updated on CGTMSE portal) by the end of the subse-
NPA on CGTM- quent quarter from the quarter in which the date of NPA falls.
SE portal
NOTE For guidance branches should seek the help of ZO who are the nodal authority and CGPAN to
be generated before disbursement.
Claim received from CGTMSE should be kept in Sundry Credit SUNCR801 of the branch.
MSME-Products /06
(BC No. 111/28 dated 25.05.2017 & 116/268 dated 23.01.2023 )
DEFINITION Start Up means an entity, incorporated or registered in India existence should be less
than ten years, with annual turnover not exceeding Rs 100 crore in any preceding fi-
nancial year, working towards innovation, development, deployment or commercializa-
tion of new products, processes or services driven by technology or intellectual proper-
ty.Provided that such entity is not formed by splitting up or reconstruction of a business
OBJECTIVE Funding support to eligible Start Ups recognized by the Department of Promotion of Industry and Internal
Trade (DPIIT).
A) The startup must have stable revenue as assessed from audited monthly statements over a
12 month period, amenable to Bank finance.
B) The entity must be recognized as Start-Up' by the Department of Promotion of Industry and
Internal Trade (DPIIT) as per gazette notification issued by the Ministry.
C) The constitution of the unit should be private limited company (under the companies
act 2013), Registered Partnership firm (under the Indian Partnership act 1932) and lim-
ited liability Partnership (under the limited liability partnership act 2008).
PURPOSE To finance for innovation, development, deployment or commercialization of new
product, process or services driven by technology or intellectual property as per start
up scheme.
NATURE OF FACIL- Term Loan/Working Capital/ Non-fund based limit Composite loan may be considered at
ITIES the time of initial sanction.
QUANTUM OF To be assessed as per project. Minimum: ₹ 0.10 crore
FINANCE Maximum: As per assessment
MARGIN Term Loan: 25% Working Capital: Stock 10%, receivable-25%
ROI ROI to be fixed on the basis of internal Credit rating and should be linked to RBLR. 1% conces-
sion in applicable ROI, subject to minimum ROI should not be less than RBLR.
CREDIT RATING As per extant guidelines
SECURITY All tangible assets created out of Bank's finance shall be charged in favour of
the Bank by way of Hypothecation/Mortgage.
Collateral: • The facility up to ₹ 10 Cr may be covered under Credit Guarantee Scheme
for Startup (CGSS). OR • The facility may be partially secured by CGSS and collateral
security. OR • The facility may be only secured by the collateral security with collateral
coverage ratio of 0.60 and above
GUARANTEE Personal Guarantee of promoters / directors / partners of the firm / major shareholders /guar-
antors can be obtained .
REPAYMENT Term Loan: Maximum Door to Door repaymet shall be120 months including moratori-
um period of maximum 24 months.
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(BC 111/38 dated 19.06.2017
OBJECTIVE To guarantee credit facilities of over ₹ 10 lakh & upto ₹ 100 lakh under
Stand Up India Scheme.
GUARANTEE To the extent of 80% for credit facility above ₹ 10 lakh and upto ₹ 50
COVER lakh, subject to a maximum of ₹ 40 lakh.
For credit facility above ₹ 50 lakh and upto ₹ 100 lakh - ₹ 40 lakh plus
50% of amount in default subject to overall ceiling of ₹ 65 lakh of the
amount in default.
Presently Standard Basic Rate of Guarantee Fees is 0.85% of the Sanc-
tioned Limit.
Within a maximum period of two years from the date of NPA, if NPA is
after the lock-in period (18 months from the date of commencement of
guarantee) or within two years of lock in period.
Account has been recalled and the recovery proceedings have been initi-
If the claim is in order, CGSSI shall pay 75 % of the guaranteed amount
within 30 days. Balance 25 % will be paid on conclusion of recovery pro-
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MSME-Products /08
ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS (OEM) (HOBC 111/56 dated 11.07.2017)(Now Discontinued
wide circular 117/151 dated 13.09.2023
Our bank had entered into tie up arrangement with several OEMs manufacturing commercial vehi-
cles and Earth Moving Equipments and have signed MOUs with them for being the preferred finan-
cier of their brands. The details of the scheme are.
Each Dealer of Tata Motors and Ashok Leyland will be provided with unique ID and password.
dated 26.09.2011 & 106/02 dated 03.04.2012)
Query from prospective customer with Dealer will be upload with required details in template/excel
System will auto generate Application No. and forward the same to prospective customer’s e- mail
id/ mobile along with notification will be sent to concerned Branch on its Corporate E-mail which
should be printed and kept on record.
Branch should carry out CIBIL enquiry/other due diligence and convey “In Principle” approval.
Alert message will be forwarded to Applicant and Dealer about acceptance or rejection.
If accepted, Branch should immediately contact Applicant for further processing his request.
No action at Branch within 48 hours, matter will be escalated to Zonal Office.
Action at Branch Level:-
Log in regularly to see email received.
Prompt disposal of on-line applications after carrying out CIBIL /other due diligence.
Guidelines in respect of financing to SRTOs need to be adhered to.
Regular interaction with the Deale ₹
Incentive to Dealers
It has been decided to pay incentive to dealers of OEMs with whom Bank has entered into tie-up
arrangement under MOU. The details of the incentive schemes are as under:
Other than Rural 1% of loan amount Max ₹ 10,000/- per vehicle after disbursement of loan.
Rural Branches 0.75% of loan amount Max ₹ 7,500/- per vehicle after disbursement of loan.
Rating Model:-
Financing Branch Circular/Date CGTMSE cover
under SRTOs
Upto ₹ 100 Scoring sheet is applicable and Micro and Small Enterprises upto limit ₹ 200
lakhs entry level is 20 marks. 103/05 lakhs.
dated 09.04.2009 Incase borrower is not interested in taking
Above ₹ IMAC rating model CGTMSE cover adequate collateral security to
100 lakhs be obtained.
(Reference: BC No: 105/64 dt: 04.07.11, 105/95 dt: 06.09.11, 106/24 dt: 26.04.12, 107/90 dt: 19.08.13 and 107/95 dt:
26.08.13/ 105/106 of 26.09.11, 106/2 dated 03.04.12, circular letter 2013-14/238 dt: 18.03.2014) and HOBC 111/56 dated
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ELIGIBILITY Educational Institutions viz., Universities, Colleges, Schools having necessary approv-
al from Government/ Government agencies for running the educational institution.
Submit 3 years audited financial statements.
Profit making for continuous 2 yea ₹
New and upcoming educational institutions can also be considered in which projec-
tions, both financial and non-financial, must be reasonable and justifiable.
Entry level credit rating is SBS 5. No deviation.
PURPOSE Construction/Renovation/Repair of building. Approval from all the concerned au-
thorities must be in place for considering the credit facility.
2. Purchase of Computer, lab equipment, Furniture & Fixtures, books etc.
APPRAISAL OF The proponent should have sufficient cash flow to service both installment and in-
LOAN terest. DSCR should be minimum 1.25.
MARGIN Minimum 15 %
SECURITY Collateral: Suitable collateral to be obtained so that minimum Asset Cover of 1.50
is available. Guarantee of key person/promoter/trustee must be taken.
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MSME/ 10
HOBC No: 104/129 dated 13.01.2011
MSME/ 11
STAR SME AUTO EXPRESS Now Discontinued wide circular 117/151 dated 13.09.2023
ELIGIBILITY All existing SME units run by Individuals, Proprietorship / Partnership firms, Lim-
ited Company, Trust, and Society.. Entry level credit rating should be SBS 5. No
deviation allowed.
PURPOSE To purchase transport vehicles for delivering their products/Services. Education-
al institutions can avail vehicle loan for transporting their students/faculty/staff.
Only new vehicles will be considered. Second hand vehicles not permitted un-
der the scheme.
MARGIN 20% of the cost of vehicle on road (chassis, body building and initial insur-
ance, registration, Road Tax & AMC).
ROI As advised by HO from time to time.
SECURITY ii) Collateral: CGTMSE cover upto Rs 200 lakhs and above collateral security.
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MSME/ 12
TARGET GROUP Civil Contractors, Mining Contractors, Engineering Contractors, Transport Con-
tractors etc. established as Proprietorship/Partnership firms, Limited
Co.Individuals / LLPs also allowed.
ELIGIBILITY 1. Engaged in the business line at least for the last 3 yea ₹
2. Having Audited Financial Statements.
3. Entry level credit rating should be SBS 5. No deviation.
PURPOSE For meeting working capital needs / TL for P&M- Equipments
NATURE OF FACILITY Line of Credit by way of fund/non fund based working capital limit, Bank Guar-
antee/ letters of credit.
QUANTUM OF LIMIT Minimum ₹ 10 lakhs and Maximum ₹ 750 lakhs .
APPRAISAL OF LOAN 30% of last two years average turnover.
2/3rd for Fund Based facility and 1/3rd for Non-fund based facility.(Need Based)
MARGIN Minimum 20% for fund based facility.15 % for TL ( Max Tenor 10 Years)
Minimum 15% cash margin for non-fund based facility
ROI As advised by HO from time to time.
SECURITY Primary: First charge on the unencumbered assets both current and fixed as-
SECURITY Collateral: Asset cover of 1.50 is maintained.
*Pl. refer to Circular Letter No. 2013-14/183 dated 01.01.2014.(No New Loan since 12.12.2022 Ref Cir no 116/221 )
ELIGIBILITY All Enterprises engaged in trading with original investment in equipment as de-
fined under MSMED Act, 2006. having financial statements of at least two pre-
ceding yea ₹
Proprietorship concern, partnership Firms, Private Ltd. Co. & Society.
MAX. FINANCE Minimum ₹ 10 lakh, Maximum ₹ 500lakh for Micro & Small Enterprises AND
₹ 1000 lakh for Medium Enterprises (HOBC 109/217).
In case working capital limit is sanctioned by way of hypothecation of stocks and
book debts, the CC (BD) limit will not exceed 50% of the total limit sanctioned.
In case the working capital limit is sanctioned only against hypothecation of
book debts than the maximum limit shall be ₹ 250 lakh for Micro & Small En-
terprises and ₹ 500 lakh for Medium Enterprises (Drawing against advance
payment to blue chip companies not more than 50% of book debt limit).
PURPOSE Financing of stock and book debts.
ROI As advised by HO from time to time.
METHOD OF ASSESS- Working Capital as per Nayak Committee recommendations i.e. 20% of sales
MENT turn over.
SECURITY 1) Primary Security - Hypothecation of stock & book debts ( not older than 4
2) Collateral – Minimum 110% of the loan amount.
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Br Circular 118/77 dated 28.06.2024
SECURITY Primary Security - Hypothecation of Assets acquired out of Bank finance. Equitable Mortgage of Proper-
ty in case of construction/acquisition/renovation of Land & Building. Collateral
* Loans up to ₹ 5 Cr:
Minimum CCR of 0.20
CGTMSE Coverage as per CGTMSE guideline
Minimum FACR of 1.15
* Loans Above ₹ 5 Cr.
Minimum FACR of 1.15
Minimum CCR of 0.10
FACR (including P&M) is applicable in case of TL, Clean limit can
be kept outside the calculation of FACR.
Guarantee: Personal Guarantee of Promoters/directors/Trustees etc.
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(Skill Loan Scheme)
OBJECTIVE Skill Loan Scheme aims at providing a loan facility to individuals who intend to take up skill develop-
ment courses as per the Skilling Loan Eligibility Criteria.
ELIGIBILITY a)The student should be an Indian National
b) Any individual who has secured admission in a course run by Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs), Poly-
technics or in a school recognized by central or State education Boards or in a college affiliated to rec-
ognized university, training partners affiliated to National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)/ Sec-
tor Skill Councils, State Skill Mission, State Skill Corporation, preferably leading to a certificate/ diplo-
ma/degree issued by such organization as per National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) is eligible
for a Skilling Loan.
MINIMUM AGE Any age except in case of minor the parent shall execute the loan documents and obtain a letter of
acceptance/ratification from him/her upon attaining majority
MINIMUM DU- There is no minimum course duration.
MINIMUM QUAL- As required by the enrolling institutions/organizations as per NSQF.
QUANTUM OF Need based finance to meet expenses subject to minimum ₹ 5,000/- and maximum ₹ 150,000/-.
EXPENSES CON- a. Tuition/course fee
SIDERED FOR b. Examination/Library/Laboratory fee
LOAN c. Caution deposit
d. Purchase of books, equipment's and instruments
e. Any other reasonable expenditure such as boarding & lodging depending on merits.
ROI As per HO circular issued from time to time
NOTE Simple interest during moratorium period and 1% concession if interest serviced during moratorium
SECURITY No collateral or third party guarantee. However, the parent to execute loan document along with the
student borrower as joint borrower. Obtention of CreditGuarantee coverage under Credit Guarantee
Fund Scheme for Skill Development (CGFSSD) by National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company (NCGTC)
for all loans is mandatory
REPAYMENT Up to ₹ 50,000/-: Up to 3 yea ₹
Loans above ₹ 50,000 & upto ₹ 1. lakh: Up to - 5 yea ₹
Loans ₹ 1. lakh Up to – 7 years
(HOBC 111/19 dated 05.05.2017 & 114/127 dt 11.09.20)
GUARANTEE Micro Loans-@ 1% + risk based premium of sanctioned amount p.a. Micro units in “Aspirational Districts”
FEE fee of 0.5% p.a.
SHGs- @0.25% p.a. during first year and 0.50% p.a. in subsequent years
TENURE Base year plus 3 years
EXTENT OF Micro Loans-In the nature of ‘First Loss Portfolio Guarantee’ wherein first loss to the extent of 3% of the
CREDIT GUAR- amount in default, will be borne by the bank and therefore, will be excluded for the claim. Out of balance
ANTEE COVER portion, the ‘extent of guarantee’ will be to a maximum extent of 75% of ‘Amount in Default’ in the
portfolio or such other percentage as may be specified by the CGFMU from time to time on a pro-rata
SHGs-First Loss Portfolio Guarantee to be borne by Bank shall be Nil and extent of guarantee will be 75%
of amount in default.
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and maximum ₹
HOBC 111/155 dated 29.12.2017
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HOBC.. 111/170 dated 09.01.2018
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had issued guidelines for setting up and operating the Trade Receiva-
bles Discounting System (TReDS), to facilitate the financing of trade receivables of MSMEs on a
digital platform.
TReDS platform enables discounting of invoices/bills of exchange of MSME sellers against large
corporates, Public sector undertakings through an auction mechanism to ensure prompt realiza-
tion of trade receivables at competitive market rates. This mechanism will address twin issues of
prompt encashment of receivables and eliminating credit risk.
The various participants on TReDS platform are MSME Suppliers, Buyers and Finance ₹
Department of Financial Services (DFS) is giving a special impetus and focus for promoting the
TReDS platform and have asked all the PSBs to on board the platform and popularize the
scheme among its borrowers/custome ₹
Receivables Exchange of India Ltd (RXIL), a joint venture of SIDBI & NSE is one of the first entity
to receive approval from Reserve Bank of India, to launch receivables exchange platform for
MSME vendors, Buyers and finance ₹
We have registered with RXIL , Invoicemmart & M1 Exchange (all three) for undertaking trans-
actions under TReDS. Presently our Bharat Diamond Bourse br under MNZ is authorized to Un-
dertake TreDS transactions on behalf of the bank.
Board has approved detailed Scheme guidelines & features, functional modalities and various
approvals for financing under the scheme
(HOBC 112/77 dt 27.08.18) Now Discontinued wide circular 117/151 dated 13.09.2023
(BC 110/165 dt 30.11.2016)
OBJECTIVE To meet WC & Investment credit needs of weave ₹
ELIGIBILITY New & existing handloom weave ₹
PURPOSE Working Capital & Term Loan.
QUANTUM Min. 1. lakh for silk weavers, for others- ₹ 0.50 lakh max. ₹ 5 lakh
TL max. Rs2.00 lakh, WC + TL max. ₹ 5.00 lakh.
MARGIN 20% of project cost. GOI to bear margin @ 20%, subject to max 10000/.
Balance margin to be borne by borrower.
ASSESSMENT CC- as per turn-over method.
& REPAYMENT Term Loan to be repaid in 3-5 yrs with gestation upto 6 months.
INTT SUBSIDY, Intt subsidy in excess of 6% intt on loan, subject to max Intt subvention of 7% is to be
& AGF OF borne by GOI. Credit guarantee fee due on part of beneficiary will be paid by min. of
CGTMSE, BY textile. Intt subsidy & credit guarantee assistance is for max 3 yrs from dt of disburse-
GOI ment.
SECURITY Hypothecation of assets & loans to be covered under CGFMU/CGTMSE.
ROI As per guidelines issued from time to time by HO
Contactless MSME Loan
(BC112/104 dtd 23.10.2018 & 112/124 dtd 25.10.2018)
In principle sanction of MSME loans from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 500 lakh is undertaken without the borrower vis-
iting the branch, within 59 minutes through on line digital platform having integration with various agen-
cies e.g. GST, ITR, Fraud Check, bank statement analyzer, credit information bureau check, CGTMSE etc.
Platform can be used for renewal of limits also. Basic documents required for applying loan are IT return/s,
bank statement in PDF format, GST registration & KYC documents. Additionally borrower is required to feed
basic info such as DOB, address, mobile no., experience, net worth, promoter’s’/director’s/owner’s basic,
personal, educational detail. URL for the contactless platform is www.PSBLOANSIN59MINUTES.COM/boi for
use by borrower.
After completion of all the formalities as required and on complying with all the norms, the system will gener-
ate in principle sanction letter along with list of documents. Thereafter borrower will approach bank and its
branch for processing of the proposal.Brief detail, norms of the scheme are as under-
ELIGIBLE BOR- Proprietorship, Partnership, Pvt Ltd Co. having GST registered, having valid GST reg. no., income tax
ROWERS compliant.
CATEGORY New as well as existing borrower.
FINANCIAL PA- DE ratio- 4, but with approval of ZLCC- max. 5, Current Ratio- min. 1, ISCR min. 1.20, relaxation in ISCR
RAMETERS may be permitted by sanctioning authority with justification. DSCR min. 1.25. For renewal Turn-over &
profitability should have increasing trend. For detail please refer circular and for deviation on financial
parameters please refer HOBC 109/69 dt 01.07.2015
IT COMPLIANCE Borrower should file Income Tax return
MARGIN Minimum 20% for WC/TL
SECURITY Collateral security, CGTMSE coverage if offered by borrower during in principle stage, besides hypothe-
cation of assets created from bank finance.
REPAYMENT TL- 10 yrs, WC- 1 yr (renewal every year).
TAT Max. 8 days from date of in principle sanction.
PRODUCTS UP- 1. Renewal product of normal working capital & term loan.
LOADED ON THE 2. New working capital product based on one year ITR.
PORTAL 3. Renewal of working capital product based on one year ITR.
4. New working capital product based on presumptive tax filing/ITRIV.
Other detail Please refer HOBC 112/104 dtd 23.10.2018 & 112/124 dtd 25.10.2018 for procedure to be adopted by
borrower & bank on the contactless platform.
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(BC 113/103 dt21.08.2019)
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Star Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (Star GECL) 1.0 & 1.0 Extension Under Emergency Credit Line Guarantee
Scheme (ECLGS) 1.0 – Modified
(HOBC 114/45 dt 26.05.2020, 114/176 dt 01.11.2020, 115/63 dt. 03.05.2021 & 115/105 dt.22.06.2021,115/197 dtd
This scheme is launched by the Bank, pursuant to the credit product named “Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line”
launched by Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance; vide its “Atmanirbhar Relief Package” to provide urgent need based sup-
port & liquidity relief to business entities, whose business has been disrupted in the wake of ongoing Corona Virus Pan-
demic COVID-19.
ECLGS-1.0 refers to the scheme for providing 100% Guarantee to member lending institutions in respect of eligible cred-
it facility extended by them to its borrowers whose total credit outstanding (fund based only) across all lending institu-
tions and days past due as on February 29, 2020 was upto ₹ 50 crore and upto 60 days respectively.
ECLGS 1.0(Extension) refers to the scheme for providing additional 10% or support new borrowers eligible under ECLGS
1.0 for 30% ECLGS 1.0 to existing borrowers or new borrowers eligible under ECLGS 1.0 based on revised reference date
of March 31, 2021.
ELIGIBILITY i)Proprietorship firms / Partnership firms / Limited Liability Partnership firms (LLP)/ Registered com-
panies (Private & Public)/Trusts ii) Loans having Co- applicant, only those loans wherein any business
entity is primary Co-applicant. iii) All Individual Loans given for Business purposes, subject to fulfil-
ment of other eligibility criterions. iv) Loans to individual under JLG (Joint Liability Group) under Mu-
dra Scheme are eligible under the scheme. v) Loans to an individual and to the proprietorship firm
run by the same individual. If both meet the eligibility criteria and the original assistance by the pro-
prietary concern was used for the business purposes and original assistance by the individual was
used as prescribed under the scheme but they shall have to apply separately. vi) HUF/Societies.
TARGET BOR- All Business enterprises and entities/ MSMC borrowers with combined outstanding
ROWERS loans across all MLIs (Banks/NBFCs) up to Rs 50 Cr as on reference date
Only existing fund based borrowers are eligible under the scheme; Borrowers having
OTHER ELIGIBIL- multiple banking facilities. Loans under Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY), if
extended on or before 29.02.2020 are also eligible. Total Combined fund based loan
outstanding of the borrower across all the MLIs (Banks / NBFCs) should not exceed
Rs 50 Cr (Excluding GECL sanctioned limit ) as on reference date. Off balance sheet
and non-fund based exposures will be excluded.
Borrowal account should be standard and should not be overdue for more than 60 days, (i.e. a/c
should not be SMA-2) with any of the lender/s.
Borrower must, wherever applicable, be GST registered & having GSTN. If GSTN is not applicable or
exempted, a declaration is to be obtained from borrower.
Credit information report from CIBIL etc./CRILC data in applicable cases to be mandatorily checked
for verifying SMA status, total outstanding & DPDs. CMR score may be ignored for this facility.
INELIGIBLE Borrowers should not have been classified as SMA 2 or NPA for their borrowings by
CASES any of the lenders as on reference date.
TYPE OF FACILITY Working Capital Term Loan (WCTL).
QUANTUM OF Borrowers who have not availed assistance under GECL 1.0 and not under SMA-II or NPA as on
LOAN / ASSESS- 31.03.2021 can avail up to 30% of their credit outstanding as on 31.03.2021.Borrowers already
MENT availed 20% under GECL 1.0 can avail additional 10% of total fund based loan outstanding as on
29.02.2020 or 31.03.2021, whichever is higher (excluding GECL sanctioned limit).Borrowers who have
availed GECL 1.0 and whose fund based outstanding as on 31.03.2021 (excluding GECL sanctioned
limit) is higher than that on 29.02.2020 shall be eligible for incremental GECL amount within the cap
stipulated for GECL.
Maximum Loan amount will be capped at Rs 15 Crore per borrower.
The subject facility is outside MPBF and no separate assessment to be carried
All loans already extended under ECLGS 1.0 schemes and who avail of the re-
structuring under RBI Resolution Framework 2.0 dated 5th May 2021 circulated
vide HOBC 115/61 dated 21 May 2021 are allowed to avail additional assistance
up to 10% of their outstanding as on • February 29, 2020 or 31.03.2021, which-
ever is higher. Provided they have not availed additional assistance under
ECLGS 3.0. They shall not be subsequently eligible for ECLGS 3.0 i.e. borrower
may either avail of the additional 10% assistance or assistance under ECLGS
3.0, but not both.
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PURPOSE OF To meet operational liabilities/expenses of the borrower, for enabling them to restart
LOAN their business.
SECURI- Extension of charge on the Primary /Collateral Security. No extension of third party
TY/GUARANTEE guarantee required. In deserving cases, a timeline of up to 3 months may be permitted
for perfection of security. However, charges with ROC/CERSAI etc. to be registered as
per Guidelines. Branch to ensure perfection of security, in case of existing GECL 1.0
borrower where permitted time limit is over, before considering additional support
under GECL 1.0 (extension). An undertaking from the borrower to be obtained for cre-
ation and perfection of securities post normalization of market conditions.
GUARANTEE National Credit Guarantee trustee Company (NCGTC) will provide 100% credit guaran-
COVERAGE BY tee cover for the loan sanctioned, under- “Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme”
NCGTC AND (ECLGS).No additional collateral security is to be obtained.
GUARANTEE FEE Additional WCTL granted under the scheme shall rank 2nd Charge with the existing
credit facilities in terms of cash flows and security, with charge on the assets financed
under the Scheme to be created within a period of three months from the date of dis-
Stipulation for creation of second charge has been waived in respect of all loans up to
Rs 25 lakhs (Outstanding loan as on February 29, 2020 or March 31, 2021 whichever is
higher plus loan sanctioned under GECL). No Charges towards Guarantee from NCGTC
is to be recovered from the borrower.
An undertaking to this effect is to be obtained from borrower (As per the draft
provided vide circular HOBC 114/158 Dated 18.09.2020).
No additional Collateral Security to be obtained from the borrower under the
ASSESSMENT Value of security will have no direct bearing on the limits sanctioned ii) Existing Clean
Loans are also permitted under the scheme. WCTL granted in all such accounts will be
on Clean basis. iii) It should be ensured that: a) Business units/entities should be run-
ning and it is facing liquidity constraint and cash flow mismatch due to advent of
COVID 19 Pandemic. b) Units should be viable in longer run with the said assistance.
ROI As advised by HO from time to time.
TENOR ECLGS 1.0 i) Maximum 48 Months ii) Moratorium of up to maximum 12 months shall
be granted. iii) The Principal amount to be repaid in next 36 months.
ECLGS 1.0 (extension) i) Maximum 60 Months ii) Moratorium of up to maximum 24
month iii) The Principal amount to be repaid in next 36 months.
Restructured under RFCRS 2.0 All borrowers who have availed assistance under ECLGS
1.0 scheme and are eligible for restructuring under RBI Resolution Framework 2.0 are
allowed for extension of repayment period up to 5 years from the date of disburse-
ment i.e. 24 months during which only interest shall be payable and the principal in-
stalments shall be payable thereafter in 36 monthly instalments.
REPAY- Interest to be serviced during the initial moratorium of 12 / 24 months.
MENT/MORATOR The Loan amount is to be repaid in 36/ 48 monthly EMIs after the moratorium
IUM period
CREDIT RATING & No Fresh Credit Rating to be carried out and Credit Rating as per last sanctioned mem-
PRE SANCTION orandum/proposal is to be accepted. ii) External Rating not to be insisted upon, even if
the sanction limit exceeds Rs 25 Cr. In case external rating is available it should not be
of default grade. iii) Finance under the scheme is to be made irrespective of Credit
Rating of the borrower. Pre sanction inspection is waived.
VALIDITY OF The Scheme is Valid till 31.03.2023 or till amount of ₹ 4.50 Lakh Crores sanctioned
SCHEME under ECLGS schemes, whichever is earlier.Last date for sanction under this scheme is
31.03.2023 and last date of disbursement is 30.06.2023. (HOBC 116/65 dated
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Star Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (Star GECL) 2.0 & 2.0 Extension Under Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme
(ECLGS) 2.0 – modified
(HO BC 114/203 DT. 23.12.2020 & 115/63 DT. 03.05.2021,115/105 DT.22.06.2021 & 115/197 dtd 13.10.2021)
Note : For more details, please read the abovesaid circular.
REFERENCE For existing borrowers who availed ECLGS 20% of fund based outstanding as on 29.02.2020. ECLGS
DATES 2.0 (Extension)- 31.03.2021, for existing borrowers of ECLGS 2.0 in order to provide additional 10%
support or new borrowers eligible under ECLGS 2.0 for 30% ECLGS 2.0 support.
TARGET BOR- All existing Business enterprises and entities/ MSME borrowers with combined fund based outstand-
ROWERS ing loans across all MLIs (Banks/NBFCs) above Rs 50 Cr to Rs 500 crore as on reference date. ( WC
loans,Term Loan, WCTL will be covered, But, non fund based facilities will be excluded however, Any
amount crystallized in to fund based limits, on account of invocation / devolvement of any Non fund
based limits should also be included for calculation of total outstanding)
CONSTITUTION All Business Enterprises/ MSMEs in the 26 Covid related stressed sectors, identified by Kamath Com-
and other criteri- mittee on Resolution Framework and the Healthcare sector, availed loan for business purposes with
on total credit outstanding (fund based only) across all lending institutions above ₹ 50 crore and upto ₹
500 crore as on reference date. 27th Health Care has been added as per (HOBC 116/65 dated
The borrower accounts should be less than or equal to 60 days past due i.e. they should not have not
been classified as SMA 2 or NPAby any borrower as on reference date.
The status of review of accounts will not affect the eligibility
EXCLUSIONS All borrower accounts which had NPA or SMA-2 status with any of its Banks as on reference. Howev-
er, exception has been allowed for overdues of the borrower in respect of their credit card/savings
account/current account provided the said overdues did not exceed 1% of the loan amount (i.e. GECL
2.0 amount) extended under ECLGS facility and that the overdue amount were regularized prior to
assistance being extended under ECLGS.
Others GST Registration is mandatory. Those, who are exempted or GST regn. is not mandatory for them,
are also eligible. Any amount crystallized in to fund based limits, on account of invocation / devolve-
ment of any Non fund based limits should also be included for calculation of total outstanding.
CREDIT FACILITY Fund Based- Working Capital Term Loan (WCTL) Non Fund Based — BG/LC Or Mix of FB/NFB within
the overall limit of 30% of the Fund based Outstanding as on 29.02.2020 or 31.03.2021 whichever is
The amount of GECL 2.0 funding would be up to 30% of their total credit outstanding (fund based
only) as on 29th February, 2020 or as on 31st March 2021 whichever is higher (excluding GECL sanc-
tioned limit). It could be either in the form of additional working capital term loan facility and / or
non-Fund based facility or a mix of the two. Non Fund based facility would be a one time facility and
not a running facility and shall be progressively reduced within a period of 5 years (including claim
period if any) from First disbursement of the sanctioned limits or 30.06.2028 (For ECLGS 2.0) and
30.06.2029 (For ECLGS 2.0 extension), whichever is earlier. iii) The subject facility is outside MPBF and
no separate assessment to be carried out. iv) In case the borrower having consortium/ MBA wishes to
take from any lender an amount more than the proportional 30% of the outstanding credit that the
borrower has with that particular lender, a No Objection Certificate (NOC) would be required from
such lenders whose share of ECLGS loan is being proposed to be taken from us. v) Borrowers who
have previously not availed assistance under GECL 2.0 can avail upto 30% of their credit outstanding
as on 31.03.2021 or 29.02.2020 whichever is higher . vi) Borrowers already availed 20% un-
der GECL 1.0 can avail additional 10% of total fund based loan outstanding as on 29.02.2020 or
31.03.2021, whichever is higher (excluding GECL sanctioned Limit) under GECL 2.0 extension. vi) Bor-
rowers who have availed GECL 2.0 and whose fund based outstanding as on 31.03.2021 (excluding
GECL sanctioned limit) is higher than that on 29.02.2020 shall be eligible for incremental GECL
PURPOSE To meet the operational liabilities/expenses of the borrower, for enabling them to restart their busi-
VALIDITY The Scheme is Valid till 31.03.2023 or till a total amount of ₹ 4.50 Lakh Crore sanctioned under
ECLGS schemes, whichever is earlier. Last date for sanction under this scheme is 31.03.2023 and the
last date of disbursement is 30.06.2023.
GUARANTEE NCGTC guarantee @ 100%
SECURITIES Extension of charge over existing securities.
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Star Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (Star GECL) 3.0 & 3.0 Extension Under Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme
CLGS 3.0 modified
HO BC 115/63 DT. 03.05.2021,115/105 DT. 22.06.2021 & 115/197 dtd 13.10.2021
Note : For more details, please read the abovesaid circular.
REFERENCE ECLGS 3.0 — 29.02.2020, for calculating eligibility with regard to past due days and Credit
DATES facility outstanding criteria.ECLGS 3.0 (Extension) - 31.03.2021 or 31.01.2022, for calcu-
lating eligibility with regard to past due days and Credit facility outstanding criteria.
TARGET BOR- Business enterprises and entities/ MSME borrowers in the sectors namely Hospitality
ROWERS (hotels, restaurants, marriage halls, canteens etc.), Travel & Tourism, Leisure & Sporting
and Civil Aviation (scheduled and nonscheduled airlines, chartered flight operators, air am-
bulances, airports and ground handling units)
OTHERS Borrower accounts should not have not been classified as SMA 2 or NPA by any of the lend-
er as on reference date.
PRECAUTION Total exposure should be verified from CRILC . Off Balance sheet & non fund based expo-
sures would be excluded.
GST REGN GST Registration is mandatory. Those, who are exempted or GST regn. is not mandatory
for them, are also eligible
FACILITY TYPE i) Other than Aviation sector- Fund Based - Working Capital Term Loan (WCTL) up to 50% of
the Fund based Outstanding as on 29.02.2020 or 31.03.2021 or 31.01.2022 whichever is
higher to the maximum of ₹ 200 Crore per borrower.
ii) Aviation Sector- Fund based / Non Fund based facility up to 50% of the total Credit facili-
ty outstanding (including Fund based and Non Fund based) Outstanding as on 29.02.2020
or 31.03.2021 or 31.01.2022 whichever is higher to the maximum of ₹ 400 Crore per bor-
QUANTUM OF Borrower who have availed ECLGS 3.0 or new borrowers eligible under ECLGS 3.0 / 3.0
LOAN (extension) based on the revised reference dates the amount of GECL 3.0 funding would be
up to 50% of their total credit outstanding as on 29th February, 2020 or 31st March 2021
or 31st Jan 2022 whichever is higher (excluding GECL sanctioned limit).Borrowers who have
already availed GECL 3.0 / 3.0 (extension) and whose fund based outstanding (for aviation
sector fund based and non fund based outstanding) as on 31.03.2021 or 31.01.2022
(excluding GECL sanctioned limit) is higher than that on 29.02.2020 or 31.03.2021 shall be
eligible for incremental GECL amount within the cap stipulated for GECL 3.0/ 3.0
Eligible borrowers under ECLGS 3.0 who have already availed benefit under ECLGS 1.0 or
ECLGS 2.0 or ECLGS 3.0 and extensions thereof can avail credit up to 50% (inclusive ECLGS
1.0, 2.0 & 3.0 ) of their total credit outstanding on 29.02.2020 or 31.03.2021 or 31.01.2022
whichever is higher (excluding GECL sanctioned limit). Subject to per borrower cap of ₹
200 Crs or ₹ 400 Crs for aviation sector.
In case the borrower having consortium/ MBA wishes to take from any lender an
amount more than the proportional 50% of the outstanding credit that the borrower has
with that particular lender, a No Objection Certificate (NOC) would be required from such
lenders whose share of ECLGS loan is being proposed to be taken from us.
PURPOSE To meet the operational liabilities/expenses of the borrower, for enabling them to restart
their business.
VALIDITY Scheme is valid till 31.03.2023 or till a total amount of ₹ 4.50 Lakh Crore sanctioned un-
der ECLGS schemes, whichever is earlier. Disbursement upto 30.06.2023.
GUARANTEE NCGTC guarantee @ 100%. Guarantee cover code- 15 & Free code-492,
SECURITIES Extension of charge over existing securities. No extension of guarantee. (Whatever security
is available in existing loan shall continue).
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HOBC 114/95 dt 05.08.2020
i) MSME Borrowal accounts, standard as on 31.03.2018 and have been in regular oper-
ations, either as standard account or as NPA account during FY 2018-19 and
FY 2019-20.
ELIGIBLE BOR- ii) The units should be stressed viz SMA — 2, and NPA as on 30.04.2020, and
ROWERS eligible for restructuring as per RBI guidelines.
iii) Fraud / Wilful defaulter accounts not to be considered under the scheme.
iv) MSME accounts reclassified under the new definition are also eligible under
the scheme
CONSTITU- Individuals, Proprietorship, LLP& Partnership firms, Limited Companies
FACILITY Personal Loan to the promoters of Stressed MSME entities as above
TYPE & QUAN- Term loan,15% of promoter's stake(equity + debt) maximum ₹ 75 lakhs
ROI As advised by HO from time to time
TENOR / RE- i)Maximum 10 Years (tenor will be calculated from the guarantee availment date
PAYMENT or March 31,2021 whichever is earlier)
ii) Moratorium of Maximum 07 years is allowed for payment of Principal amount
and Interest is to be paid as and when applied. (Moratorium under the scheme
is directly linked to the repayment period of senior debt /main debt).
Till the time senior debt is repaid the moratorium will continue for the SSDSM scheme
subject to maximum 07 yea ₹
iii) While the interest on the sub debt under the scheme would be required to be
serviced regularly (monthly), the principal shall be repaid within a maximum of 3
years after completion of moratorium.
iv) Pre Payment of loan is permitted at no additional charge/penalty to the borrower
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114/81 DT 08.07.20,114/84 21.07.2020,114/105 DT 13.08.2020, 114/164 DT 17.10.2020,114/ 172 DT 28.10.20
SCHEME BASED Ministry of Housing & Urban affairs, Govt. of India Scheme-"PM Street Vendor's Atma Nirbhar Nidhi (PM
ON SVANidhi)"
PURPOSE Financing street vendors e.g. cobblers, selling tea, snacks, footwear, apparel, eggs, etc, to come out of
financial distress due to COVID-19, & to become self reliant
TARGET BOR- Eligible Street Vendors vending in Urban area, from a temporary built-up structure or by moving place
ROWE ₹ to place, as under-
having certificate of vending / Identity card issued by Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)
Identified in the survey but yet to be issued Identity Card / or issued letter of recom-
mendation by the ULB / as notified in the website of Ministry / State Govt. / ULB and
portal created for this purpose by Government.
Joint Liability Groups (JLG) of eligible vendors covered under ULB-led identification will
also be eligible.
TYPE OF FACILITY Working Capital Term Loan
QUANTUM OF Maximum Rs 10,000.
TENOR 12 months
REPAYMENT (i)Principal to be repaid in 12 monthly installments, one month after first disbursement (ii) Interest to be
paid as and when applied
PURPOSE To restart the business ,halted due to COVID 19 Pandemic.
SECURITY Hypothecation of assets created out of Bank's funds
Collateral Security: NIL Third Party Guarantee: NIL
INSURANCE Waived, for assets created out of bank funds under the scheme.
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CASH BACK Permitted for minimum digital receipt /payout of Rs 25. Maximum monthly in-
INCENTIVES centive is Rs 100 & max. cash incentive limit (during loan) is ₹ 1200.
BANK CON- Existing & future borrowers to be covered under Bank Contributory Credit Life
TRIBUTORY Insurancewith SUD Life Insurance Company’s Master Policy for Rs 0.10 lakh for
CREDIT LIFE one year from date of disbursement. Staff to give publicity to this USP/benefit
INSURANCE for garnering more business.Our bank is first Public sector Bank to give such
benefit. For details & SOP, refer BC 114/171 dt 28.10.20
DUE DILI- To be carried out by branch official with or without assistance of B.C.
GENCE(BEFOR e KYC process of authentication/ verification is mandatory.
E SANCTION / Before disbursement, issuance of Rupay Card linked with the bank account,
DISBURSE- UP Id creation, issued by Digital Payment Aggregator like NPCI (BHIM), PayTM
MENT) mandatory.
OTHER FEA- Borrowers to be covered with consent, under Social Security Schemes like PMS-
TURES/ BY, PMJJBY & APY. For other details such as Loan application, proposal, useful
INFOR- FAQ , Rate of Interest, PPC etc refer circular
142 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Scope of Ministry of Housing & Urban affairs, Govt. of India Scheme-"PM Street Vendor's Atma Nirbhar Nidhi
Scheme (PM SVANidhi)"
Name of the Star Hawker Atmanirbhar Loan (SHAL) — Tranche-II
PURPOSE Financing street vendors e.g. cobblers, selling tea, snacks, footwear, apparel, eggs, etc, to come out
of financial distress due to COVID-19, & to become self reliant
TARGET BORROWE Existing Street Vendors who has prepaid/ Paid their Loan availed from our Bank.
TYPE OF FACILITY Working Capital Term Loan
REPAYMENT (i)Principal to be repaid in 18 monthly installments, one month after first disbursement (ii) Interest
to be paid as and when applied
PURPOSE Start/ Restart the business (Additional Working Capital)
143 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
SCHEME BASED ON Ministry of Housing & Urban affairs, Govt. of India Scheme-"PM Street Vendor's Atma Nirbhar
Nidhi (PM SVANidhi)"
PURPOSE Financing street vendors e.g. cobblers, selling tea, snacks, footwear, apparel, eggs, etc, to come
out of financial distress due to COVID-19, & to become self reliant
TARGET BORROWE ₹ Existing Street Vendors who has prepaid/ Paid their 2nd Loan availed from our
Bank.Scheme is available to all street vendors enged in vending in urban areas.
TENOR 36 months
Minimum Repay- Minimum repayment period of 6 months for 2nd loans. If, the Street Vendor repays the
ment loan earlier, (S)he would have to wait till the minimum repayment period fixed for the
Period for 2nd loan loan, before (S)he is eligible for 3rd loan.
REPAYMENT (i)Principal to be repaid in 36 monthly installments, one month after first disbursement (ii) Inter-
est to be paid as and when applied
PURPOSE Start / Restart the business (Additional Working Capital)
SECURITY Hypothecation of assets created out of Bank's funds
Collateral Security: NIL Third Party Guarantee: NIL
CGTMSE COVERAGE CGTMSE will provide graded guarantee cover under the scheme till March 2028. The
NORMS Guarantee coverage will be operated on a portfolio basis :
a) First loss Default ( up to 8%): 75% coverage ( 3rd Loan)
b) Maximum guarantee coverage will be 8% of the portfolio of 3rd Loan.
Valid till March 2028.
For all Fresh 1st and 2nd loans (i.e. 1st and 2nd loans disbursed on or after June 1, 2022) and all
3rd loans, a revised guarantee coverage as indicated in circular 116/83 will be applicable. For the
loans disbursed till May 31, 2022,the present credit guarantee cover would be applicable
INTEREST SUBSIDY Subsidy eligibility is up to March 2028, @ 7% to be credited on Half Yearly basis. Subsidy will be
considered for Standard accounts only on respective claim dates and only for those months dur-
ing which the account has remained standard. Subsidy will be available up to March 2028. Lend-
ing Institutions to submit half yearly claims as on June / Dec every year.
DUE DILI- To be carried out by branch official with or without assistance of B.C.
GENCE(BEFORE e KYC process of authentication/ verification is mandatory.
SANCTION / DIS- Before disbursement, issuance of Rupay Card linked with the bank account,
BURSEMENT) UP Id creation, issued by Digital Payment Aggregator like NPCI (BHIM), PayTM mandatory.
DISBURSAL By crediting the SB/CA of the borrowers in one shot.
END USE VERIFICA- End Use of the funds to be ensured.
FINACLE CODES Free Code 532 (ACM-V, Free Code-3)/ Scheme Code : LA701/ Guarantee Cover Code: 16
OTHER FEATURES/ For other details such as Loan application, proposal, useful FAQ , Rate of Interest, PPC etc refer
Processing of all the application to be done through TCS Fl portal only.
Credit Score-NA,Udyam Registration- Not required,Project Appraisal-Not envis-
aged,Stock Statement-Not Required
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TENURE OF CREDIT AND Overdraft Regular: One year subject to annual review.
MORATORIUM Reducible Overdraft : From 12 months to 180 months with equal/equated or customized,
quarterly/monthly reduction in limit, depending upon the cash accruals, with Moratorium of
not more than 3 months based on activity & purpose.
Term Loan: Max.15 yrs inclusive of max. 1 yr moratorium. Installments may be stipulated
Monthly/ Quarterly.
NFB facility: NFB limits (BG/LC) preferably should be earmarked with Fund Based Limits sub-
ject to additional 20% cash margin.
NB: Both in regular & reducible overdraft facility no overdrawing(TOL/Adhoc etc) is permitted
but regular transactions within limit are allowed. During moratorium, interest is to be served
as & when applied. All the facilities to be repaid/adjusted 5 years prior to the residual life of
the property.
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ASSESSMENT OF Need based assessment for different credit needs to be done as under-
THE CREDIT Overdraft limit: Projected Turnover to be computed at 125% of
LIMITS the annual sales/receipts as per GST return (for last FY) or prescribed LTV ratio whichever is lower. Max
limit to be computed at 25% of this projected turnover.
Term Loan: Maximum 75% of the assets to be created out of the loan or prescribed LTV ratio whichev-
er is lower.
NFB Limits: to be assessed as per credit policy of the Bank. Limits assessed should be within fund based
limit of the borrower (Term Loan or Overdraft).
Important Notes:
Only NFB Limits are not allowed under the scheme.
If request for credit is to tide over temporary liquidity mismatch & repay high cost debt of other
banks/FIs, then quantum of loan will be restricted to prescribed LTV Ratio.
For Reducible Overdraft Limit and Term Loan,average DSCR is to be maintained above 1.35 with mini-
mum 1.15.
FINANCIAL RA- Since the credit facility/ies are against immovable property,only DSCR applicable.
CREDIT RATING Entry Level norms as applicable,to be complied with for new accounts
In case, at the time of review, the rating goes below entry level, concession in ROI, permissible under
this scheme will be withdrawn and can be restored on achieving entry level rating. At the time of sub-
sequent reviews
GUARANTEE Personal Guarantee of the Promoters / Partners / Director (other than Independent/ professionals/
Nominee Director) of the unit is desirable and Personal Guarantee of the owner of the property/ies is
mandatory .
SECURITY First charge by way of EQM/Regd Mortgage of Land/Bldg.
No Second Charge or Pari-Passu charge to be extended for other loans with us/other Bank/FI .
Properties mortgaged as security for housing loan with our Bank can be considered for BSABL for resid-
ual value of the property after meeting the minimum margin requirement of Home Loan.
Drawing Power is delinked with level of inventory / book debts.
In case of term loan for fixed assets , primary security to be charged to Bank.
CRITERIA FOR Landed property to be in name of unit, its proprietor / partners / directors or their near relatives. Near
LANDED PROPER- relatives will be as per extant guidelines .In case of industrial property/ factory premises, only land and
TY TO BE TAKEN building are to be reckoned for loan eligibility and it is to be ensured that the property is free from
FOR MORTGAGE onerous clauses e.g. with regard to mortgage/sale of the property or regarding conversion as industrial
land and there are no statuory dues on such property.
In case of let out property , it should be backed by escrowing the lease/rent amount assigned in favour
of Bank and such proceeds shall be credited to the account maintained with our Bank along with NOC
from tenant to vacate the premises as & when notice by the Bank is served.
The property should be fully constructed as per approved plan having enforceable/ marketable clear
title with one side public road access.
In case of Leased property, the property leased only by Statutory Government bodies/ Government
Development Authorities is permitted only.
Branch to ensure the lease amount has been fully paid and the borrower is in full possession of the
Such property should have all the statutory approvals / permissions such as Building Completion Cer-
tificate, Occupancy Certificate. etc., and other approvals/ permissions as per the local legal rules and
Mortgage of such property / flat should be permissible as per the land lease deed and other applicable
laws, if any.
The borrower will have to comply with the provisions like obtaining NOC from the lessor / building
society and other conditions, if any, in the lease deed, etc., for creation of mortgage charge on the
property / flat on leased plot in such cases, wherever required.
The residual lease period of the land on which the property is situated minimum 1.5 times of tenor of
loan ,subject to residual period of lease should not be less than 10 years at the time of creation of
mortgage at the time of creation of mortgage, except where mortgage by lessor and lessee is availa-
There should not be any restriction on the disposal of the property by bank to recover the dues. Prop-
erty should be SARFAESI compliant.
Properties covered under social infrastructure such as schools/ colleges,hospitals, orphanage/old age
homes etc., agricultural Land, Open Land, SEZ /Trust property,Industrial/commercial plots and proper-
ty with power of attorney are not to be accepted.
Residential Vacant Plot may be considered subject to following conditions –
LTV < = 40%; NA conversion Certificate; Loan up to ₹ 100 Lakhs only can be considered against vacant
plot under the scheme. Plot should be within the municipal limits with demarcated and identifiable
146 be approved under town planning / local authority. TOP
boundaries. if residential plots then it should
Staff Training College , NOIDA
VALUA- As per extant norms. If valuation of property goes down, at the time of re-valuation after 3 years as per
TION/LEGAL extant norms, the shortfall in valuation has to be topped up.
PROPOSAL PRO- No delegation of power for Branches.The Loans to be processed at SMEUC/SMECCs. And above
CESSING At the time of Review if the Credit Rating falls below entry level, the sanctioning authority will be one
level higher of the authority .
TAKE OVER CRITE- Credit Information Reports from CRILC/ CIBIL/CMR Report should be Satisfactory.
RIA ..
MSME/ 28
(BC 115/54 dt. 20.05.2021)
TARGET GROUP Manufacturers and suppliers of medical oxygen, Oxygen cylinde ₹ • Existing Hospitals/ Nursing
homes. Should be registered under MSMED Act
QUANTUM OF LOAN Term Loan for setting up of Oxygen Plant & LC for import of capital goods. Overall exposure includ-
ing Term Loan and LC should not exceed ₹ 2 Crore.
SECURITY Primary- Hypothecation of assets. Collateral- Loan to be covered under CGTMSE & guarantee fee to
be borne by the Bank.
REPAYMENT Term Loan- Max. 5 years, including moratorium of 6 months.
LC- on due date by debiting the Term Loan account.
SCHEME VALIDITY Upto 31.03.2022
NOTE For more details please read the abovesaid circular
(HOBC 116/146 dt.15.09.2022)
TARGET GROUP Hospitals/ Medical College/Nursing Homes , Eye Centres, ENT Centres, Dental clinic, Skin clinic,
Diagnostic Centres and Pathology Laboratories etc
Manufacturers (both Medical professionals as well as nonmedical Professionals) of healthcare
Manufacturers and suppliers of medical oxygen, Oxygen cylinders, Oxygen concentrators, Pulse
Oximete ₹
Manufacturers of permitted drugs (including Covid-19 drugs), Vaccines, Ventilators, PPEs, Inha-
lation masks, ICU Beds etc.
Importers of vaccines and Covid related drugs.
Logistic firms engaged in critical healthcare supply.
Dialysis Centres / Endoscopy Centres / IVF Centres/Poly Clinic / X Ray Labs,Public Healthcare
CREDIT FACILITY Term Loan, Cash Credit, BG, LC
QUANTUM OF LOAN Min– No limit. Max.- upto Rs 100 crore
REPAYMENT, CC- Yearly Renewal. Repayable on Demand.
Term Loan- Max. 10 years including moratorium period.
Max. moratorium -6 months in case of purchase of equipments only.
Max moratorium of 18 months for construction of Hospital/Nursing Home/Clinic
SCHEME VALIDITY Scheme is valid upto upto 31.03.2023
147 TOP
NOTE For more details please read the abovesaid circular
Staff Training College , NOIDA
For Easy Access to Emergency Health Services for COVID 19
(BC 115/72 dt.21.05.2021)
ELIGIBILITY & Existing/New Customers not covered under the criterion of MSME as applicable wef 01.07.2020.
TARGET GROUP Hospitals/ Nursing Homes , Diagnostic Centres and Pathology Laboratories , Eye Centres, ENT Cen-
tres, Dental clinic, Skin clinic etc.
Manufacturers (both medical professionals as well as non medical professionals) of health care
Manufacturers and suppliers of medical oxygen, Oxygen Cylinders, Oxygen Concentrators, Pulse
Manufacturers of permitted drugs (including Covid-19 drugs), vaccines, Ventilators, PPEs, Inhala-
tion masks, ICU Beds, etc
Importers of vaccines and Covid related Drugs vi. Logistic firms engaged in critical Healthcare Sup-
ply etc.
CREDIT FACILITY Term Loan, Cash Credit, BG, LC
(MFI = Micro Finance Institutions)
(BC 115/153 dt.31.07.2021)
ELIGIBILITY Regd. NBFC-MFIs/MFIs. Preference to MFIs, having minimum net owned funds of Rs 5 crore
AMOUNT Max. Rs 100 crore. Need based additional amount can be considered as per case.
PURPOSE Funding provided to MFIs shall be utilized for onlending to eligible small borrowe ₹ Borrowers with
NPA status are not eligible. The borrower should be existing or new borrower.
TENURE Door to Door tenure upto 3 yea ₹ Moratorium may be max. upto 6 months, but, interest to be paid
as and when applied.
ACC , TEV study Not required.
VALIDITY OF THE Valid upto 31.03.2022 or till the Guarantee of Rs 7500 crores is issued by the NCGTC whichever is
SCHEME earlier.
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ELIGIBILITY A. MSME Commercial Bureau Rank (CBR), from any of the CICs i.e. Cibil/Equifax/Experian, 1 to 5
with minimum CCR of 40 % and/or FACR 1.0.
(c ) Commercial Bureau Rank (CBR) 1 to 5 with coverage under CGTMSE under Hybrid model
with minimum CCR of 30%
Not eligible- Borrowers having CMR 6 & below. Gems & Jewellery sectors are not allowed under
this scheme.
If borrower is new to Credit & CBR is not available. Unit should be in existence for minimum 1
years with satisfactory financials and generate net profit during last FY based on audited finan-
cials. Such units/borrowers are eligible with minimum CCR of 50%or FACR of 1.10
However, such borrowers up to ₹ 10 Crs sanction limit can be considered under CGTMSE under
Hybrid / Partial Security product, subject to minimum CCR being 40 %of total sanction limit.
TARGET GROUP New Customer (including takeover). Customers not having existing credit facilities with us. Cus-
tomer should be under MSME category.. (Including Food & Agro Units complying MSME Norms)
LOAN AMOUNT Minimum Rs 25 lakh & maximum Rs 50 crore
CREDIT RATING/ Complying Entry Level norms
FACILITY Working capital/Term Loan/Non Fund Based Limits
SERVICE CHARGES 50% concession in applicable PPC charges on new/enhancement of lilits
Other charges to be recovered as applicable
BG COMMISSION/ 50% concession in applicable BG Charges
LC CHARGES 30% concession in applicable LC charges
FACILITY Working capital/Term Loan/Non Fund Based Limits/Foreign Currency
ACC/STRESS SECTOR As per extent guidelined
VALIDITY OF THE Valid upto 30.06.2025
SCHEME CODE Free code 3 - 381, ACM- V
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a 20-digit alpha-numeric code used to uniquely identify parties to financial transactions
worldwide. It was conceived as a key measure to improve the quality and accuracy of financial data systems for better
risk management post the Global Financial Crisis.
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) number is mandatory for all new accounts ( except individual, Govt) with credit exposure of Rs
5 crore & above. No updation of limits/disbursement/restructuring be allowed in Finacle System for any existing borrow-
er with total exposure of Rs 5 crore and above (except individual/Government) unless a valid LEI Number is already in
place in the system.
LEI Number to be made part of CPA 2/CPA 3 process.
Introduction of Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) for cross-border transactions
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has introduced LEI for participants in the over-thecounter (OTC) derivatives, non-derivative
market, large corporate borrowers and large value transactions in centralised payment systems.
With effect from 01 Oct 2022, AD Branches shall obtain LEI number from resident entities (non-individuals) undertaking
capital and current account transactions of ₹ 50 Crores and above per transaction under FEMA, 1999.
LEI can be obtained from Legal Entity Identifier Ltd. (LEIL) [], a RBI-recognised issuer of LEI
under Payments and Settlement Systems Act, 2007. Entities may ascertain rules, procedures and documentation require-
ments from LEIL.
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For MSMEs :- The borrower should be MSME as on 31.03.2021, as per new classification of MSMEs announced on 26.06.2020.
MSME borrower should be GST regd. if not exempted as on 31.03.2021.
The aggregate exposure, including non-fund based facilities, of all lending institutions to the borrower does not exceed ₹ 50
crore as on March 31, 2021( RBI 2021-22/47 dt.04.06.2021). (iv) The borrower's account was a 'standard asset' as on
31.03.2021. Account should be standard as on 31.03.2021. Borrower should be registered in the Udyam Registration portal, if
the borrower is not registered then such registration shall be required to be completed before the date of implementation of
restructuring plan. The restructuring of the borrower account to be invoked by September 30, 2021.
Resolution Measures:
i) Max. Moratorium period of 24 months is permitted on restructured debt including FITL/WCTL.
ii) Rephasement / Reschedulement of existing Term Loans by extending residual tenor by 24 months (including max. moratori-
um period of 24 months).
iii) Funded interest term loan (FITL) for unrealized interest and future interest may be charged during moratorium period.
iv) Working capital term loan for balance over drawing power.
v) Reassessment of existing working capital limit.
vi) FITL to be repaid in maximum 3 yrs excluding moratorium period.
vii) Repayment period of WCTL (excluding moratorium period) should be co terminus with residual tenor of term loan or 5 yrs
whichever is earlier.
For Individuals & Small Business Loans :
(a) Individuals who have availed loans and advances for business purposes and they have aggregate exposure of not more than
₹ 50 crore as on March 31, 2021 from all lending institutions.
(b) Small businesses, including those engaged in retail and wholesale trade, other than those covered under 'Annexure-l' of the
policy for micro, small and medium enterprises, as on March 31, 2021, and have aggregate exposure of not more than ₹ 50
crore as on March 31, 2021 from all lending institutions (RBI 2021-22/47 dt.04.06.2021).
(c) Borrower's Credit facilities / investment exposure should be Standard as on 31 March 2021.
Resolution Process:
i) Max. Moratorium period of 24 months is permitted on restructured debt including FITL/WCTL.
ii) Rephasement / Reschedulement of existing Term Loans by extending residual tenor by 24 months (including max. moratori-
um period of 24 months).
iii) Funded interest term loan (FITL) for unrealized interest and future interest to be charged during moratorium period.
iv) Working capital term loan for balance over drawing power.
v) Reassessment of existing working capital limit.
vi) FITL to be repaid in maximum 3 yrs excluding moratorium period.
vii) Repayment period of WCTL (excluding moratorium period) should be co terminus with residual tenor of term loan or 5 yrs
whichever is earlier.
Other condition : Compromise settlements are not permitted as a resolution plan for this purpose.
Pre-condition for MSME and individuals:
Borrower should have stress on account of Covid-19. i) Supply Chain Affected ii) Cash Flow affected iii) Labour Shortage due to
migration iv) Lock down v) Raw material shortage etc.
Invocation norms for MSME and individuals:
Invocation shall mean receipt of application / request of borrower for restructuring by the Bank, duly acknowledged and re-
plied within 30 days by the Bank informing the borrower that the account is being taken up for restructuring. The restructuring
of the borrower account to be implemented within 90 days from the date of invocation.
ELIGIBLE BORROWERS- Loan to food & agro processing, agriculture infrastructure activites, agri clinics & agri business centres
etc as per circular. The above eligible Agriculture accounts should comply all other terms and conditions of RBI letter
Ref.No.RBI/2021-22/32 dated May 5, 2021 & RBI 2021-22/47 dt.04.06.2021. All the terms and conditions narrated in the reso-
lution framework for MSME are applicable to Agriculture accounts.
1. SHG/JLG loans financed for internal lending proposes, farm credit activity and consumption purpose etc. 2. Loan to PACS,
FSS, LAMPS for on-lending to agriculture.
3. Loans to Co-operative societies of farmers for purchase of the produce of membe ₹
4. Loan sanctioned by Banks to MFI/NBFCs for on-lending.
5. Farm credit as per RBI priority sector guidelines dtd-04.09.2020 as detailed under:-
Farm Credit - Individual farme ₹ Farm credit- Corporate farmers, FPOs/FPCs, Cooperatives of farmers etc., subject to an aggre-
gate limit of Rs 2 crore.
Loan upto Rs 75 lakh, against pledge of agriculture produce/warehouse receipt upto 12 months.
Loans up to Rs 2 crore per borrowing entity to FPOs/FPCs undertaking farming with assured marketing of their produce at a
pre-determined price.
NOTE - For more details, please read the above said circular.
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MSME /33
Loan Guarantee Scheme for the Covid affected Tourism Service Sector (LGSCATSS)
HOBC:115/219 dtd 2.11.2021
Parameters Description
Scope LGSCATSS is a scheme launched by National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company (NCGTC).
The Loan under the Scheme will be 100% guaranteed by NCGTC.
Target Borrowers All registered Tourist Guides (recognized/ approved by M/o Tourism and State Govts/ UT Admin-
istrations) and Travel & Tourism stakeholders recognized/ approved by the Ministry of Tourism,
Govt. of India. "Travel & Tourism Stakeholder" means Tour operators/ Travel Agents/ Tourist
Transport Operators recognized/ approved by the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India.
Constitution of Borrow- Individuals as well as Business Enterprises constituted as Proprietorship, Partnership, Registered
ers company, trusts and LLPs (limited Liability Partnership) or any other legal entity.
Other Eligibility Criteri- Borrower should be Govt. recognized/approved.
Registered Tourist Guide and Travel and Tourism Stakeholders not having borrow-
ing relationship with any Bank.
Borrowers having existing loan relationship with the Bank.
Borrowers can either avail LGCATSS or ECLGS but not both. If a borrower has al-
ready availed benefit under ECLGS 1.0 or 3.0, shall have to close/ pay off the
dues under ECLGS, before applying for LGSCATSS scheme. Likewise, if a bor-
rower has availed assistance under LGSCATSS, shall have to close/ pay off the
dues under LSCATSS, before applying for ECLGS.
Borrowers having multiple banking facilities are also eligible under the scheme.
(Credit facilities from other Banks/NBFCs).
Borrowers accounts should be standard.
This scheme is for providing urgent need based support. The status of review of
accounts will not affect the eligibility.
Facility Type Term Loan
Quantum of Loan Registered Tourist Guides - up to ₹ 1.00 Lakh
Travel & Tourism Stakeholder - Up to ₹ 10 Lakh.
Tenor Up to 5 Yrs (Including moratorium period of max. 12 Months)
Moratorium up to maximum 12 months in principle repayment is allowed under the scheme. Inter-
est is payable during the moratorium period.
Purpose To meet the operational liabilities/expenses of the borrower, for enabling them to restart their
Security In case of borrower who has not having any existing credit facilities with the Bank,
charge to be created on the assets proposed to be created from the loan
amount. No Collateral Security should be insisted upon.
In case of existing borrower whatever security is available in existing loan shall be
extended along with creation of charge over proposed assets from loan
amount financed under the scheme. No additional collateral security should be
insisted upon. The WCTL granted under the scheme shall rank 2nd Charge with
the existing credit facilities in terms of cash flows and security.
In deserving cases, a timeline of up to 3 months may be permitted for perfection
of security. An undertaking to this effect is to be obtained from borrower.
However, charges with ROC/CERSAI etc. to be registered as per Guidelines.
Guarantee Coverage by NCGTC will provide 100% Credit guarantee towards the loan sanctioned under the scheme, under
NCGTC LGSCATSS. Guarantee coverage will be available for 5 yrs from the date of 1st disbursement.
Rate of Interest Finance under the scheme will be made @ 1.10% Over RBLR.
Maximum effective ROI to be charged to borrower is being capped at 7.95% p.a.
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Validity The scheme is valid till 31.03.2023 or till a total amount of ₹ 250 Crores sanctioned under
LGSCATSS schemes, whichever is earlier..Last date of sanction under the scheme is 31.03.23.
Repayment Interest to be serviced during the initial moratorium of 12 months.
The principle Loan amount to be repaid max. in 48 monthly installments after the moratori-
um period.
Processing Fee Waived
Guarantee Fee NIL. No Charges towards Guarantee from NCGTC is to be recovered from the borrower.
Credit Rating In case of existing borrower no Fresh Credit Rating to be carried out and Credit Rating as per
last sanctioned memorandum/proposal is to be accepted.
External Rating not to be insisted upon, even if the sanction limit exceeds Rs 25 Cr. In case
external rating is available it should not be of default grade.
Finance under the scheme is to be made irrespective of Credit Rating of the borrower. (i.e.
Borrowers below entry level or investment grade are also eligible under the scheme).
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Sponsor Corpo- a) Existing corporate borrowers of our Bank availing credit limits with us. The Credit Rating of our ex-
rates isting borrowers should not be below Investment Grade.
b) Other Corporates, who are not our existing borrowers but with minimum external credit rating of A
& above.
Target Client Select Suppliers and Vendors identified by the Sponsor Corporate – Facility would be extended based
on referral letter/ recommendation of the Corporate
Purpose To meet funding requirement of supplier/Vendor against goods/ materials supplied to the sponsor cor-
Nature of FACILITY Drawee Bill/invoice Finance
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Security Hypothecation of Assets created out of bank finance as well as existing unencum-
bered assets of the MSE unit.
Equitable Mortgage of Land/ Land & Building which
Is part of the business activity such as business premises.
3. Guarantee Cover under CGTMSE Guarantee Scheme.
No collateral security/third party guarantee to be obtained.
Credit Rating As per the extant guidelines credit rating for loans up to ₹ 10 lakhs is exempt.
SCBL/SBS/SME rating model for limits ₹ 10 lakhs to ₹ 100 lakhs
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ELIGIBILITY Under the scheme,branches would issue“BOILAGHUUDYAMI TRADE CARD” to the entrepreneurs who
are otherwise eligible for sanction of Term Loan/Working Capital for eligible activities defined under Re-
tail Trade, Artisan, Village Industries, Small Scale Industrial Unit & Tiny Units, Small Business, Profession-
als & Self-employed, who have completed 3years of satisfactorily conducted/trouble free operations
with the Branch (financial as well as operational) and New accounts where adequate collateral security is
available in the form of pledge of Banks TDR/NSC, assignment of LIC Policy with surrender value or mort-
gage of house/shop premises,etc.( New – CCR 60 %/ TL FACR 60% or CCR 0.60)
Quantum of Ad- Scheme is for borrowers enjoying following upper limit as below:
vance Name of theScheme Quantum of finance:
c) MSME Borrower Maximum ₹ 20 lakh (including TL/WC).).(TL Margin 15 %, Repayment
Max 10 Years)
Incentives i) The Card Holders will be allowed for automatic overlimit of 25% of the working capital limit for 90days,
for their urgent/genuine business requirement, subject to availability of Drawing Power or by direct pay-
ment to the suppliers for purchase of stocks.
ii) Concession in the rate of interest to the extent of 0.50% than what is otherwise applicable to limits
over Rs 10,00,000/- -under Priority Sector advances.
iii) Inspection of the account would be onhalf-yearly interval instead of monthly/quarterly interval in
existing account and quarterly interval incase of new/canvassed account for one year. Detailed inspec-
tion would be undertaken once in a year at the time of review.
iv)Frequency of submission of stock statements:
Fully secured advances-Half-Yearly interval (summarized form);
Partly secured/unsecured advances–Quarterly interval (summarized form);
Advances secured with 100% additional collateral–Yearly interval. Security
[mortgage of house shop/pledge of TDR, NSCs, Shares & Gold orna-
ments (as per card limit), assigning LIC policies (up to surrender value)],
v) 20% increase in the limit on annual review (subject to maximum limit as per para-5 above of the
scheme) to be permitted to interested parties having satisfactorily conducted accounts.
vi) Maximum limit can be allowed upto 20% of sales turnover as per Balance sheet or on the basis of
credits in working capital accounts in absence of Balance sheet.
Delegation Authority to sanction the cards – authority under whose delegation the limit falls.
NOTE For more details please read the above said circular
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General Hassle free credit, Reduced Transaction cost, Simplified Credit delivery procedure
Purpose Both investment needs as well as working capital. Investment loans for purchase of tools/
equipments will be extended by way of Demand Loan/Term Loan with appropriate repayment
Issue of Cards The artisans under the Scheme will be issued with a photo card indicating sanctioned limit and
validity period of credit facility. They will also be issued a pass book incorporating name, ad-
dress, borrowing limit, validity period etc. and for recording transactions on an on-going basis.
Assessment The credit limit would be fixed based on assessment of working capital requirements as well as
of Credit Limit cost of tools and equipments required for carrying out manufacturing process
Security Primary Security – Assets financed by the bank would be taken under hypothecation .
Collateral Security – Nil
Margin No margin for limit up to ₹ 25,000/- .For limits above ₹ 25,000/- margin may be stipulated at
Validity Limit sanctioned under ACC will be valid for 3 yea ₹ However, yearly review should be done by
branches on the basis of last 12 months turnover in the account and further operations be al-
lowed only if the account is operated satisfactorily
Documenta- Necessary security documents to be obtained depending upon the primary security available in
tion the account
Other Proce- Credit extended by way of Artisan Credit Cards is to be allotted Scheme Code “203” in the CCIS
dural Aspects data related to these accounts. Beneficiaries of other Govt. Sponsored Schemes will not be eli-
gible for coverage under ACC Scheme
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Priyadarshini Yojana
Br circular : 101/25 dated 21.05.2007
Eligibility Women entrepreneurs, women enterprises where women entrepreneurs hold not less
than 51% of the financial holding
Purpose For economic activities like Purchase of equipment, machinery, vehicle, furniture / fix-
tures etc. For capital investment and working capital needs.
Margin For limit upto ₹ 50,000/- - Nil .For limit over ₹ 50,000/- 15% to 20%
Rate of in- 0.5% less than applicable rate for limits upto ₹ 50,000. 1% less than applicable rate for
terest limits above ₹ 50,000 (This interest rate concession will be applicable if no other inter-
est concession like DRI loan is available)
Security No collateral for advances upto ₹ 5 lakh in case of small scale industrial units
Repayment Repayment schedule will be spread over 3 to 7 years depending upon the activity
Others Under ‘Priyadarshini Yojana’ women entrepreneurs are extended credit facilities at lib-
eral terms and at concessional rate of interest, for economic activities. But the spirit of
helping women folk in other types of advances by extending concession in rate of inter-
est was also implemented in other schemes also.
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Application originated through PM VISHWAKARMA online Web-portal on-
ly are to be considered
Sr. Parameter Features
1 Target Borrowers Artisans and craftspeople are engaged in Trades such as Carpenter (Suthar),
Boat Maker, Armourer, Blacksmith (Lohar), Hammer and Tool Kit Maker, Lock-
smith, Sculptor (Moortikar, Stone Carver), Stone Breaker,Goldsmith (Sunar),
Potter (Kumhaar), Cobbler (Charmakar)/ Shoesmith/ Footwear Artisan), Ma-
sons (Raaj Mistri), Basket/ Mat/ Broom Maker/ Coir
Weaver, Doll & Toy Maker (Traditional), Barber (Naai), Garland Maker
(Malakaar), Washerman (Dhobi), Tailor (Darzi), Fishing Net Maker
2 Objective To provide the financial assistance to the artisans and craftspeople identified
as Vishwakarma by the government nominated selection panel
3 Purpose To meet business requirement as per identified customer in the form of
collateral free "Enterprise Development Loans".
4 Eligibility The minimum age of the beneficiary should be 18 years on the date of regis-
The beneficiary should be engaged in the trades concerned on the date of reg-
istration and should not have availed loans under similar credit based schemes
of Central Government or State Government for self employment/
business development, e.g. PMEGP, PM SVANidhi,
And Mudra, in the past 5 yea ₹ However, the beneficiaries of MUDRA
SVANidhi who have repaid their loan, will be eligible under PM Vishwakarma.
This period of 5 years will be calculated from the date of sanction of the loan.
The beneficiaries will be eligible for first Loan Tranche on completion of 5 days
Basic Skill Training provided by MSDE under PM Vishwakarma. The second
Loan Tranche will be available to skilled beneficiaries who maintain a standard
loan account and have adopted digital transactions in their business or have
taken Advanced Skill Training and first tranche
loan is fully repaid. Further, the second loan shall not be granted before six
months of the disbursement of first tranche loan.
5 Facility Type Demand Loan
10 Scheme Guide- The registration and benefits under the Scheme shall be restricted to one
lines member of the family. For availing benefits under the Scheme, a 'family' is de-
fined as consisting of the husband, wife and unmarried children.
Each beneficiary shall be eligible to receive a training stipend of Rs 500/- per
day by central government.
A toolkit incentive of up to Rs 15,000/- will be provided to the beneficiary after
skill verification at the start of Basic Training by central government.. Graded
coverage under CGTMSE. CGTMSE Fee shall be borne by Central Government.
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PPC/other charges 0.75% of Sanctioned Limit (Min. ₹ 500 and Max ₹ 6000)
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Purpose: To meet urgent /additional business requirement of existing customers with better credit disci-
For new commercial vehicle, P&M, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency
Variant: Insta Equipment Loan-For purchase of equipment – MSME / Corporate
Tenure : Max 7 years ( including moratorium of max 3 months , corporate need based morato-
rium), Vehicle- Maximum 5 Years
DSCR : As per last audit FY: 1.25,
Including proposed Insta loan
Corporate: Average 1.25,min 1.00
PPC : 0.50 %
Collateral: To be endeavored,
MSME: CGTMSE / CCR 0.60,if registration not possible
Extension of Mortgage:
Up to 1 Cr: Waived for Vehicle & Movable,
To be extended in all other cases, 90 days time can be permitted
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Insurance : Mandatory
Conduct of the account should be satisfactory
No pending compliance terms / audit remark
Sales should be commensurate with projected sales, to be cross verified with GST returns
CRILIC to be checked
Probe 42 report to be checked
Corporate: CEIB report if applicable
Comprehensive review is not required. Annual review should not be due.
Original review date will not be changed upon sanction of insta loan.
MSME: No fresh CMA data to be obtained
Assessment on Project Cost & Margin
Restructured account not eligible
More than one insta loan permitted
Free Code-566
(Br Circular 117/176 dated 12/10/23)
MSME market is ever expanding and there are about 63.4 million MSMEs in India.
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Eligibility- Main promoter should be min 21 years old / Unit in business for last 2 years/ Min.
turnover of ₹ 40 lacs during last year / CBR – 5 or better / ICR – Minimum entry level / Promoter
(Individual ) CIBIL score not less than 730
Quantum :
Min ₹ 10 Lacs, Maximum: Rs 100 lacs
100% of average quarterly sales based on last two years GST returns.
Assessment not to be done on the basis of projected sales for this product.
No CMA data or Projected balance sheet required
Margin : No separate margin , including for CAPEX requirement
Drawings : On the basis of sales turnover validated through GST returns on quarterly basis.
Drawing power is linked to sales turnover rather than stocks / debtors level.
Tenor – Demand Loan – Upto 3 years , Term Loan – Above 3 & upto 7 years
Reducible OD- Reducible in 7 years on monthly basis
Third Party Guarantee: Only if collateral security is in third party name.
Collateral Security: Min CCR 1.00 ( residential / commercial )
Min CCR 1.25 ( industrial property )
CCR to be based on Market Value
In case registration of property is less than 1 year old, then two valuation reports to be obtained
If primary security is a property, no collateral to be obtained.
ROI : ICR 3 or better : RBLR, Others (up to entry level) : RBLR +0.25 %
Entry level rating and pricing applicable for NTC customers
Assessment : Add Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 Sales turnover as per GST returns for last two year. Calculate av-
erage quarterly turnover.
Delegation : SMECC / SMEUC
Stress sector norms / ACC Norms / Group Exposure: Not applicable
Disbursement: Directly to supplier / Working capital account
Second hand machinery : Not permitted
CPA : Above ₹ 50 lacs
Insurance : Mandatory
CGTMSE: Not stipulated
Free Code 3 : 568
HUF not eligible
GSTR registration mandatory, more than 2 yr old
Purchase of vehicle not to be financed.
CC /OD : Min ISCR to be 1.25
Term Loan : DSCR min 1.25 , FACR : Min 1.10
Where CBR and CIBIL hit not possible , due to no credit history:
The current account statement for last 24 months is to be
available for assessment.
Firm to be in profit for last two yea ₹
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Purpose: For new commercial equipment (captive / commercial) for infrastructure development
[Excavators, Bulldozers, Backhoes, Cranes, Pavers, Loaders, Compactors, Graders, Concrete Mixers,
Trenchers, Rollers, Earthmovers, Concrete Pumps]
CIC Score (Individual Borrower) :700
CBR: 5 & better
ICR: 5 & better
Profit Making during last FY
Growing Business
Minimum 3 years in Business
Should not be in SMA -1/2 in past 24 months
Facility : Term Loan (EMI / Non EMI)
Quantum : Min ₹ 0.10 Crore
Max Rs 5.00 Crore
Margin : 10 % ( 5 % if DSRA of 3 months EMI is available)
Tenure : Max 7 years ( including moratorium of max 6 months)
DSCR : Minimum average : 1.25
ROI:ICR 1-3 : RBLR + 0.25 %
ICR 4-5 : RBLR+ 0.75 %
PPC : 0.50 % (Min 6000,Max 2 Lacs)
Registration of Charge with RTO: wherever applicable
Collateral: CGTMSE or CCR 0.50 or FACR : 1.10
Personal Guarantee: To be obtained
Third Party Guarantee: Case to case basis
Concession in ROI: If CCR=>0.50 then 0.50%
Due Diligence of supplier: As per extant guidelines
Post Sanction: Immediately after delivery, then minimum half yearly, photograph to be kept on record
ACC Norms : NA
Stress Sector Norms: NA
ROC Charge: Wherever applicable
CERSAI: Wherever applicable
CPA: As per extant guidelines
Delegation : As per DoP
Insurance : With SRCC clause & Bank’s charge in insurance policy
In case of Individual: Repayment to be completed by age of 70
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BOI STAR MSME THALA" (Tourism, Hospitality and Lease Discounting Advance)
Circular No 118/76 dated 28.06.2024
Name of the Scheme BOI STAR MSME THALA" (Tourism, Hospitality and Lease Discounting Ad-
Objective of the scheme The objective of launching this scheme is to finance MSME units for meeting their
financial needs for Infrastructural Development/ Acquisition! Construction work
and also raise debt against future cash flows in the form of rentals from real estate
property. The focus of the scheme is not only limited to tourist locations. This
Scheme specifically Focus on Tourism Sector, Hospitality Sector, Logistics Sector,
Infra Sector and Lease/Rental Discounting to MSME Units
Eligible Entities MSME Units run by Individuals/ Proprietorship/ Partnership/ LLP/ Company/ Trust/
Purpose of Advance The purpose of advance should be for Infrastructural Development/Construction
Work/acquisition of real estate i.e. Shops, Warehouses, Shopping complexes, etc.
for the purpose of acquisition /selling /leasing /renting /self-occupancy etc.
**Purchase of Land is not permitted under the scheme. (Note: Entities engaged in
construction or builders can also be financed under the scheme subject to the entity
being classified under MSME as per latest URC status.)
Indicative List of activities • Hospitality: Hotels/ Motels/ Restaurants/ Cafes/ Amusement cum theme Parks/
Club House/ Fast Food Centres/ Food Court/ Gaming Zones/Water Park, Banquet
Halls etc. • Tourism: Travel Agents/Tour and Travel Companies/ Companies in-
volved in travelling solutions/etc. • Logistics Infrastructure: Shopping Centres /
Malls / Shops / Warehouses / Cold-Storage! Go downs! Small Shops / Complex/
Fulfilment Centre etc. The above list is indicative and not exhaustive. In a nutshell
all those units that are directly or indirectly involved in tourism/hospitality/logistics
and should be targeted under the scheme and the scheme can also be extended to
other MSMEs.
Eligibility Criteria 1) Mandatory UDYAM 2) GSTIN, if applicable 3) The Proposed Customer should
be in business for 3 or more years and should have made profit during the last 2 yea
₹ (New ventures of our existing borrowers can be considered subject to satisfactory
conduct of existing facilities.) 4) ICR (Internal credit rating): minimum entry level
5) ECR (External Credit Rating), if applicable: minimum investment grade 6) Credit
Bureau Score/Ranking: As per Credit/MSME policy
Type of facilities Fund Based: Other than LRD (Lease rental Discounting): Term Loan For LRD:
Term Loan/Reducible OD
Margin For LRD: 20% of the NPV of residual net cash inflow For Others: Min. 25%
Assessment Part 1: For use by the entity for running the business: Acquisi-
tion/Construction/Development/Re-development of real estate like office premise,
shops, warehouses, hotels, restaurants, etc. where the repayment of the loan is pro-
posed from the cash flows generated from the normal/existing business activities:
This would be considered as Non-CRE and assessment would be based as under: a)
Loan to be capped at 75% of the total cost of the project b) Average DSCR for en-
tire loan period to be more than 1.25 on the basis of projected financials. c) other
ratios on the basis of last ABS/provisional/estimated should be as per credit policy
norms: Part 2: For renting the property to other entities: Cases where an MSME unit
has property/properties and is used for renting/leasing, including the owners of our
bank premises, the unit can be financed subject to: a) 80% of the NPV of residual
net cash inflow b) lessor and lessee should not belong to same group c) the residual
lease period should be at least 12 months greater than the loan tenure.(If Lease with
Auto Renewal Clause than minimum Sanction Authority is ZLCC.) Additionally,
ACC clearance required for loans above ₹ 7.50 Crores
165 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
BOI STAR MSME THALA" (Tourism, Hospitality and Lease Discounting Advance)
Circular No 118/76 dated 28.06.2024
RATIOS For Part 1: All ratios should be within the extant credit
policy guidelines, FACR (basis realizable Value) to be
minimum 1.33 For Part-2: Average DSCR for entire loan
tenure to be at least 1.25. Norms of other ratios can be dis-
pensed with. FACR (basis Realizable Value) to be mini-
mum 1.33
Rate of Interest For internal Rating 1 to 3: RBLR + 1.00% p.a. For Inter-
nal Rating 4 & 5: RBLR + 1.25% p.a. (Sanctioning Au-
thority may negotiate with proposed borrower for ROI
with floor rate as above.)
Note: For projects involving construction, the timeline of
completion must be adhered to. In case of non-completion
of projects within the stipulated time, additional 2% ROI
to be charged over and above the applicable ROI. Howev-
er, Sanctioning authority may grant extension for the com-
pletion of the project considering the merits of the appli-
cant as per extant Bank's and RBI Policy
Note For details, read the abovementioned circular
166 TOP
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5 Cost of Project Up to Rs. 50 Lakhs, however higher value can also be consid-
ered but subsidy amount is restricted to 25% of cost of P&M
or 12.50 Lakhs whichever is lower.
6 Credit Linked 25% subsidy on the cost of P&M, maximum Rs. 12.50 lakhs
Capital Subsidy
7 Process/Conditions As per Annexure-II, Para 8 (Annexure-II is the detailed
for subsidy/ scheme guidelines as devised by
Responsibilities of SIDBI/MoMSME)
the Bank/Borrower
8 Type of Loan Term Loan
167 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
9 Others 1) The implementing agency (SIDBI) shall provide the portal access
to the bank for processing of claims/reporting/MIS etc. A Super Ad-
min at HO-SME level will be created by SIDBI.
2) Super Admin at HO will then be able to create Maker &
Checker ID of Zones/FGMOs as per the requirement.
103) SOP related to the functioning of the said portal will be
shared in due course.
4) HO-SME will function as the Nodal Office for implementation
/monitoring of the scheme.
168 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Delegation of Power©
Credit Committees©
Balance Sheet ©
Ratio Analysis©
169 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Circular No. 117/252 Date- 10.01.2024
It is mandatory to obtain Techno-Economic Viability Study (TEVS) report in all new accounts as
well as accounts being taken over from other banks in respect of industrial projects (other than
CDR) and where proposed cost of project is ₹ 50 Crores and above AND also in cases where
proposed cost of project is below Rs 50 crores initially (wherein TEV study was not carried out),
but escalates above Rs 50 crores during the course of implementation of the project and addi-
tional limits are requested for the same project.
In case the Cost of Project is more than ₹ 1000 Crores, "Prior to taking exposure", two inde-
pendent TEV studies will need to be carried out. In cases where the proposed cost of project is
more than or equal to ₹ 25Crores, but less than ₹ 50 Crores; while carrying out TEV study is
not mandatory, critical parameters of the project given in the Detailed Project Report (DPR),
furnished by the proponent (or a TEV Study report, if already available, through an external
agency) shall be vetted by Zonal TACs/TAD.
170 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Delegation of Power
Delegation means the assignments of any responsibility or authority to another person to carry out specific
activities. Delegation of authority relates to subdivision and sub allocation of powers to the subordinates in order to
achieve effective results i.e. organizational goals. The process of delegation is assignments of tasks which consisted of
3 basic elements of creation of responsibility, authority and accountability.
The delegation of powers are based on the simple logic of higher the loan amount, deviation to bank’s guide-
lines and contains high degree of risk the authority lies with the next scale / level of delegatee. Now the delegatee shall
be Branch head, designated Officers and all Credit Committees (CC) includes SZLCC/ZLCC/FGMLCC/HLCC-I /
HLCC-II/CAC of Board/M.Com.
Delegation of Power
Credit matters ——————————————- Non- Credit matters
Non-Fund based**
HOBC No 118/026 Dated: 10.04.2024
In the scheme of delegation, the powers are scale specific and to be exercised as under:
The powers have to be exercised as applicable to the scale /designation in the respective func-
tional areas.
A delegatee (official holding authority of powers) cannot exercise powers vested with higher au-
thorities, unless it is duly authorized in writing by the competent authority.
Any sanction conveyed but not availed by the customers shall lapse after six months from the
date of sanction. The revalidations can be done by done by the sanctioning authority as per
the delegation.
No fresh/additional advance can be considered to firms having HUF as a partner.
No authority shall exercise the power of sanctioning loan/transaction, which will be directly or
indirectly to his/her own benefits.
Proposal should not be divided into independent items just to facilitate sanction by lower author-
The competent authority for rejection of proposals of SC/ST borrowers is at Administrative office
(Scale IV & above) irrespective of credit committee structure.
171 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Delegation of Power
Proposal should not be divided into independent items just to facilitate sanction by lower authori-
The detail guidelines related to exposure on banks, group/associate concerns, earmarking of
The competent authority
limits, different forlimits
credit rejection of proposals
requested by one of SC/ST borrowers
borrower, is at Administrative
techno-economic office
appraisal NOC
for IV & above) irrespective of credit committee structure.
The detail guidelines related to exposure on banks, group/associate concerns, earmarking of lim-
its, different credit limits requested by one borrower, techno-economic appraisal NOC for
ceding of charge, solvency certificate etc., should be followed from the circular HOBC 118/26
dated 10.04.2024.
Scheme Specific delegation of powers for Retail Loans
The delegation of powers for sanctioning of retail loans are simply provided in the specific
circular related to the product. Please refer HOBC 118/5 to 10 dated 01.04.2024.
BOI Star Home Loan for new, review or enhancement HOBC 118/05 dated 01.04.2024
Amount in Lakhs
Limit 5 10 10 10 10 750 (AGM) 2000 3500 Full Power (FP)
Scale of - - 50 200 500 1000 (DGM) - - -
DZM - - - 300 750 - - - -
BOI Star Education Loan for studies in India/ abroad, Progressive Education Loan, Star Vidya
Loan, Star Education Loan for professionals, Star Kaushal Rin Yojana HOBC 118/07 Part 2 dated
01.04.2024 Amount in Lakhs
Limit 2 5 10 10 10 150 FP FP Full Power
Scale - - 15 20 50 150 FP FP FP
of RBC
Take 15 20 50 RBC/ 150 FP FP FP
172 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Delegation of Power
BOI Star Personal Loan HOBC 117/08 dated 01.04.2023
Refer circular in detail for delegation regarding Government employees/Star Pensioner Loan
Amount in Lakhs
C C above
Clean 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 FP FP Full Power
Se- 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.50 10.00 20.00 FP FP FP
cured RBC-
Clean - - - 1.00 2.00 (Br) 5.00 FP FP FP
OD (Br) 4.00
2.00 (SZLCC
& RBC)
Ap- 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.50 10.00 20.00 FP FP FP
BOI Star Vehicle Loan (for Individuals) HOBC 118/06 dated 01.04.2024
Refer circular in detail for delegation regarding groups/other than individuals
Amount in Lakhs
C above
Individ- 3.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 200.0 FP FP Full Power
ual RBC- RBC- RBC- 0 (FP)
15.00 20.00 50.00
2nd 2.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 FP FP FP FP
RBC - - - 25.00 50.00 - - - -
BOI Star Loan against Property HOBC 118/09 dated 01.04.2024 Amount in Lakhs
173 TOP
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Delegation of Power
Star Gold Loan for Agriculture/MSME/OPS/Personal- loan/ overdraft HOBC 117/232 dt 28.12.2023
(Part I & II) dated 30.09.2021. (LTV of 75% to be maintained during loan period)
Amount in Lakhs
These are delegated powers only for the Gold loans and not to be clubbed with other loans/limits.
• In case of leave of regular Branch Head, the Officer holding charge of the branch will exercise delegation as per his/her
• All delegation to be reckoned on per borrower basis.
Note: In case of loans to Bank's staff, including staff posted at zonal office and Head office or his/her
spouse/close relatives, the SZLCC (based on gold loan disbursing branches) is the delegated authority
to approve such Gold loan.
Delegation of powers (Revised General DoP) for other than Retail Loans
The basic tenants of the Delegation of Powers for Domestic branches are —
i. General Lending Powers are given for —
a) SMEUC, SME City Centres (SMECCs), SKVKs;
b) Credit Committees viz., SZLCC (Headed by CM), SZLCC / ZLCC (Headed by AGM) & ZLCC (Headed by DGM) /
c) CAC of the Board will exercise credit related powers exceeding HLCC-I powers and upto ₹ 800 Cr. (permitted by
ii. The delegation of power for loans (Corporate, SME and Others) for the borrowers having limits above ₹ 10.00 lakhs
have been linked to the credit rating of the account.
iii. For Loan against TDR, Govt. Securities, TODs, Staff, etc. the delegation has been defined separately.
iv. For Non-Fund facilities (LC & BG) secured by 100% Cash Margin, there is a separate section.
v. Delegation of Power for TOL/Adhoc limit is defined separately.
vi. Discretionary Powers to sanction advances to Staff is applicable to staff (serving only) of the Bank. Ex-staff will be
treated on par with borrowe ₹
vii. The delegation for consideration of advance /TOD to Stock /Commodity brokers will be as per Stock /Commodity Bro-
ker Policy approved by our Bank from time to time.
viii. In terms of HOBC no.117/282 dated 26.02.2024, we have replaced the term "NBGLCC" with "FGMLCC" and "NBG"
office with "FGM" office.
4. Delegation of Power for Retail Credit matters and RBCs are proposed to be governed by policies and circulars issued
by Retail Department, Head Office from time to time.
5. All Committees will exercise powers as given in Annexure I A.
6. Accordingly, the revised Delegation of Powers for Domestic Branches (Credit matters) has Appendix A to D / four An-
nexures which are detailed below:
Appendix - A contains revised Delegation of Powers in four annexures, which are detailed below:
Annexure I contains Specific Delegation of Powers granted to various Scales and Credit Committees to sanction advanc-
Annexure II contains general operative guidelines which a delegatee has to consider before exercising delegation of pow-
174 TOP
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Delegation of Power
Appendix B contains Other Basic/General Operative Guidelines.
Appendix D contains Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations commonly used along with their ex-
panded terms
7. The revised Delegation of Powers for Foreign Branches (Credit matters) and Investment
(Domestic/ Foreign) is annexed in Appendix Al and Bl
What is the credit rating of the borrower under IMAC? i.e. internal credit rating models like SME/SBS/
MS/HLC/RG/NBFC etc., and Borrowers Risk Grade of the account.
The criteria for deciding the model by the branches/Office has been linked to turnover of the entities
taken up for rating.
175 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Delegation of Power
Delegation of Branch Head:
Delegation of power at Branch Head level delegatee is restricted to ₹ 10 lakhs, for
all scales (secured /unsecured). Moreover, group exposure at Branch level is also
restricted to ₹ 10 lakhs for all scales.
For notes on further clarification of SKVK delegation please refer to HOBC No. 118/26 Dated: 10.04.2024
176 TOP
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Internal Creditrating
Internal Credit ratingmodels
modelsandand Entry
Entry levellevel norms:
SCBL Score Card Based Lending Model for Limit above 10 Lakhs to 1 crores (HOBC 116/48 SCBL 5
SBS Small Business Segment Model- Turn Over of ₹ 1 Crore & above, but not exceeding ₹ SBS 5
5 Crores.
SME Small & Medium Enterprise Model- Turn Over of ₹ 5 Crore & above, but not exceed- SME 5
ing ₹ 50 Crores.
MS Mid Segment Model -Turn Over of ₹ 50 Crore & above, but not exceeding ₹ 250 MS 5
HLC Hybrid Large Corporate Model -Turn Over of ₹ 250 Crore & above, HLC 5
177 TOP
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Delegation of Power
. Stress Sector:
RBI vide its notification dated 18.04.2017 advised banks to evaluate risk and stress in various sec-
tors and make provisions at higher rates than the regulatory minimum in respect of advances to
these stressed secto ₹
The delegation for stressed sector will be guided by the "Review of classification of stressed sec-
tors" issued by HO, RMD from time to time.
Concession in Rate of Interest & Authority to sanction:
In respect of authority to approve Concession in Rate of Interest, reference may
be made to guidelines issued by Corporate Credit Dept., HO from time to time.
The latest branch circular in this regard is BC No.118/26 dated 10.04.2024
➢ 25% of normal lending powers given under Secured for Secured limit and given under Partly Se-
cured / Unsecured for Unsecured limit for respective delegatee (for various scales & for different
credit rating models)
Adhoc Limit -
Adhoc limit for working capital facilities can be considered by SM — IV, V and Scale VI (LCB Head)/
Specialized branches as mentioned below:
Delegation for Scale VI (LCB Head)/ Specialized branches - Max. ₹ 5.00 crore.
178 TOP
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Delegation of Power
. In respect of All Committees upto HLCC-I, Adhoc limit can be considered Maximum 25% of working capital limit
(Facility-wise), subject to the maximum of Normal Lending Powers given under Secured (for Secured limit) and
given under Unsecured (for Unsecured limit) for respective Committees for different credit rating models;
Adhoc limit beyond 25% can be sanctioned by the Sanctioning Authority under whose dele-
gation it falls taking into consideration the total limit (i.e.Sanctioned limit + Adhoc limit).
Temporary Overlimit / Adhoc limit for accounts with rating below entry level:
Granting of Temporary Overlimit /Adhoc limit to accounts with rating below entry level generally to
be avoided. However, in deserving cases with justifications,
i. Temporary Overlimit (TOL) or Overlimit can be sanctioned by the delegatee, if the requirement of
fund by the borrower fulfills the following three conditions:
a. in order to meet sudden urgent/temporary needs of the business;
b. the requirement of the funds is for a maximum period of 30 days; and
c. the account has sufficient DP (Drawing Power).
In respect of all other cases, requirement of fund by the borrower will be treated as Adhoc limit and
the same can be considered by SM - IV & above and committees, SMECC/SZLCC & above as per
the guidelines specified under Adhoc Limit.
Authority to consider Adhoc limit/ Overlimit is applicable facility-wise and for working capital
facilities only [viz. CC Hypothecation of Stocks, CC Hyp of Book Debts, EPC, L/Cs, Guar-
antees, etc. to be considered separately] within the maximum prescribed ceilings as men-
tioned above.
At any point of time, TOL and Adhoc limit should not be granted concurrently. That is, while
Adhoc Limit is already being enjoyed by the borrower, Over-limit should not be granted
and vice-versa. Delegatee should ensure that —
a. TOL should not exceed 90 days in a financial year (April-March) in a particular account;
b. TOL/ Adhoc limit put together should not exceed 180 days in a financial year (April-March) in a
particular account. In case the same is about to exceed 180 days, the account should be reviewed
immediately and need based assessment of limits to be done;
c. Non-payment of the TOL to be reported to the next higher authority immediately.
179 TOP
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Delegation of Power
. At any point of time, TOL should not be granted to the delegatee himself or any staff of the bank.
The Overlimit / Adhoc limit delegation includes drawings against uncleared effects other than
purchase of demand draft, pay slip issued by scheduled commercial banks (other than Co
-operative Bank).
For Funded facility, Overlimit should not be allowed for period exceeding 30 days. In case of
Overlimit in Non-Funded facility, further utilization within the Overlimit may be considered
against LCs/BGs which are maturing in the next 30 days to adjust the TOL on due date.
Overlimit should be permitted generally up to 7 to 10 days but not exceeding 30 days.
- Adhoc limit per occasion can be granted for maximum 90 days. In case of Adhoc limit in Non-
Fund facility, no further utilization should be permitted till regularization of the account.
-TOL/Adhoc limit can be considered by the delegatee subject to availability of Drawing Power.
-Any Adhoc limit granted beyond 30 days, charge should be registered with ROC, wherever appli-
cable. Extension of charge on existing securities, mortgagees may also be undertaken.
- If the Overlimit /Adhoc limit exceeds 30 days/90 days:-
i. the same should be recovered immediately; and
ii. the account should be reviewed and submitted for sanction to the authority in whose delegated
powers the Regular + Overlimit / Adhoc Limit falls.
Adhoc / Overlimit should be on the basis of a brief memorandum or note prepared and duly
approved by the delegatee. Branch should also report the same in prescribed format as
per extant guidelines.
In New advance accounts (previously unknown to the Bank), no overlimit/Adhoc limit should
be entertained during the first 6 months. If such overlimit/Adhoc limit is unavoidable, sanc-
tion should be obtained from the next higher authority.
In any case, such Overlimit should not be sanctioned at the branch level even if the next high-
er authority with respect to delegated powers is within the Branch itself.
180 TOP
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Delegation of Power
F. Temporary Overdrafts (TODs):
EASE Frame work has been adopted by our Bank. Accordingly, based on inter-
nal credit rating Credit exposures should be classifieds in to four bands: Low Risk, Me-
dium Risk, High Risk and No-Go category. We can refer EASE mapping as per the
HOBC 115/334 dated 24.03.2022.
181 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Please refer following HOBC/HOCL for Delegation of Powers (DoP) related to various banking
117/229 27.12.2023 Non- Credit Matters Read it for Committee based decision
making for Capital /Revenue/ Others
administrative actions, AMC, Staff relat-
ed claims, Interest payment in NOSTRO
A/c, Deceased Claims, solvency certifi-
cate, discretionary powers, Tax matters
117/281 22.02.2024 Credit Monitoring Time line and authorities for closure
(Credit Monitoring Review policy Re-
view 2024)
182 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Credit Committees
The committee based decision making process is more transparent and collective wisdom adds more dimen-
sions to the decision. Thus it is preferred over individual decision making. The credit committees were set up to perco-
late the concept of committee structure for decision making at Head Office, NBG Offices, and zonal offices vide HOBC
106/38 dated 21.05.2012.
HOBC 115/152 dated 20.08.2021 provides about the boards directives as under:
The role of risk managers in credit committee shall be advisory to maintain arm’s length dis-
tance between business vertical and risk vertical.
The proposed composition of our credit committees would be as below:
Name of the Structure of the com- Compulsory mem- Quorum – Frequency of the meet
credit com- mittee bers at least
mittee (CC) members
FGMLCC GM, DGM, AGM, Senior GM (FGMO) & RM 3 mem- At least once in a week
National Busi- most officer-in-charge (FGMO) bers or more frequently on
ness Group Lev- Credit & Risk Manager the basis of business
el Credit Com- (RM) of NBG. volumes/number of
mittee proposals
ZLCC ZM, DZM, RM, Senior ZM, RM at ZO 3 mem- At least once in a week
Zonal Level most Officer in-charge bers or more frequently on
Credit Com- of Credit & in-charge of the basis of business
mittee Credit Monitoring at ZO volumes/number
SZLCC DZM (AGM or CM –in DZM, RM at ZO 3 mem- At least once in a week or
Sub Committee case of zone where bers more frequently on the
to ZLCC CM’s are DZM), CM of basis of business vol-
zone, Senior most umes/number. SZLCC-I & II
officer-in-charge of to be merged and re-
credit & RM at ZO. named as SZLCC.
SMELCC-I CM (Credit Cell-I & II), Head of the Com- 3 mem-
SME Level Cred- Processing Officer, Ei- mittee- CM Credit bers
it Committee ther Credit Risk Manag- Cell-I, if the proposal At least once in a week
er (CRM)-SMECC or RM is below 1 Cr. or more frequently on
at ZO. CM Credit Cell-II if the basis of business
the proposal is volumes/number
above1 Cr., CRM
SMELCC-II AGM (SMECC Head), AGM (SMECC), 3 members At least once in a week
SME Level Cred- Recommending CM I or either CRM or RM or more frequently on
it Committee II, Processing Officer, the basis of business
CRM (SMECC) or RM at volumes/number
SMEUC-LCC CM –SMEUC, Processing CM-SMEUC, either All mem- At least once in a week
SME Urban Cen- Officer, CRM (SMECC) or CRM (SMECC) or bers or more frequently on
tre Level Credit RM at ZO. RM the basis of business
Committee volumes/number
The member of Credit Committee may join through Video Conferencing (VC).
The confirmation/observations of the members, who have attended through VC may be record-
ed through email.
In case head of the committee is on leave for more than a week or not posted, the proposal fall-
ing within the delegation of the respective committee may be placed to next higher com-
183 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet is a Statement of assets and liabilities of a business unit as on a particular date. It depicts the net
worth, financial strength, long term & short term liabilities & assets and business status of a company. Balance sheet
is an expanded expression of the accounting equation/entries.
It shows a running balance of what a business owns and what it owes and what its owners have contributed. It is
made up of three main sections:
Equity (also called net worth, shareholders’ equity or owner’s capital).
As the name implies, the balance sheet must balance. That equilibrium is reflected in the accounting equation:
Equity + Liabilities = Assets
This is the foundation for the balance sheet and the system of double-entry accounting.The format in which the
balance sheet of a limited company is to be prepared is given in schedule VI of the Indian companies act.
A) Horizontal Form
Liabilities Assets
1. Share Capital 1. Fixed Assets
2. Reserves & Surplus 2. Investments
3. Secured Loans 3. Current Assets
4. Unsecured Loans 4. Loans and Advances
5. Current Liabilities & Provisions 5.Miscellaneous Expenses- not written off
6. Profit & Loss A/c
Total Liabilities Total Assets
B) Vertical Format
Sources of funds
I)Shareholder’s funds
a. Capital
b. Reserves
(II)Loan funds
a. Secured loans
b. Unsecured Loans
Application of Funds:
(I) Fixed Assets
(II) Investments
(III) Current Assets, Loans and Advances
Less Current Liabilities and Provisions
(IV) a. Miscellaneous expenditure –not written off
b. Profit & Loss account
Amounts borrowed and repayable by the business to outsiders(including the owners of the business) are called lia-
Depending upon the order in which they are repayable that is to say, time available whether in the short run or long
run etc, the liabilities are classified into :
Long Term Liabilities –Payable after 12 month
Current Liabilities – Payable within 12 months
Liabilities repayable in the short term, within the operating cycle of the business.
All liabilities repayable within a year from the date of balance sheet are generally included in current liabilities.
Examples: short term borrowings from banks, sundry creditors, advances received from buyers/ dealers, bills paya-
ble, tax liabilities, installment of term loan, deferred payments, dividends, statuary liabilities – like pf gratuity, etc.
Gets priority after short term liabilities.Long term loans from banks, and financial institutions,Borrowings in the form
of debentures in the case of companies.Borrowings from friends and relatives in the case of firms.
184 TOP
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Balance Sheet
Funds contributed by proprietor/partners/share-holders for carrying on the business.
Capital and reserves form the owners’ funds.
No priority in repayment. Repayment will be taken up after all outside debts are settled. Part or even no amount
requires to be repaid if funds are not available.
These liabilities are not shown in the body of balance sheet but are recorded as a foot note hence also called off –
balance sheet items. They are called contingent because their possibility of becoming a funded liability depends upon
conditionality. These include
Pending law suits
Guarantees given by the organization on behalf of others
Taxes and duties under dispute with the govt.
Devolved LC
Assets are the items owned by the business.Assets are where the money raised is used/invested.Assets are
divided into categories such as Current Assets, Fixed Assets, Non Current Assets,Intangible Assets /Fictitious assets.
Not easily convertible into cash during the operating cycle and held for the services it yields in manufacturing other
products or rendering services i.e the most liquid asset. Shown in the balance sheet as cost price - depreciation.
Examples: Land and Building Plant and Machinery Furniture and Fixtures Cars, Typewriters and other fixed assets
Long Term Investments (including investments in subsidiaries and affiliates)
The assets which are convertible into cash during the operating cycle on profit and utilised to pay Current Liabilities.
Assets required for day-to-day running of a business.
Examples: Cash and Bank balances Stock and Stores – Inventory (Raw Materials, Stock-in-Progress, Finished Goods )
Sundry debtors and Bills Receivables, Investments in marketable securities,Fixed Deposits (Maturing within one year)
Advances to suppliers of raw material and stores/spares Loans and Advances (excluding advances to subsidiaries/
185 TOP
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Balance Sheet
Profit and Loss account provide net result. All expenses can be grouped in:-
a. Selling & distribution expenses
b. Management expenses
c. Financial Expenses
d. Maintenance & Depreciation
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended _______________
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Gross Loss b/d XXX By Gross Profit b/d XXX
To Salaries XXX By Discount Re- XXX
To Office.Rent, Rates & XXX ceived XXX
Taxes XXX By Commission XXX
To Printing &Stationery XXX Received XXX
To Telephone Expenses XXX By Bank Interest XXX
To Insurance XXX By Rent received XXX
To Audit Fees XXX By Profit on sale of
To Electricity Charges XXX assest
To Repairs XXX By Net Loss
To Depreciation XXX
To Advertisement XXX
To carriage Outwards XXX
To Bad Debts XXX
To Selling Commision XXX
To Bank Charges XXX
To interest on Loans XXX
To Loss on sale of assets XXX
To Net Profit __________________ _________________
XXX ___
186 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Ratio Analysis
Ratio-analysis means computing, determining and presenting the relationship of related items and groups of items of
the financial statements. They provide in a summarized and concise form of fairly good idea about the financial position
of a unit.
Liquidity ratios
Solvency ratios
Profitability ratios
Activity ratios
LIQUIDITY RATIOS: Measure the short term ability of the enterprise
to pay its maturing obligations and to meet unexpected needs for cash.
CURRENT RATIO: This ratio indicates the solvency of the company to meet the liabilities, which are
due for payment within the next 12 months from out of the current assets. More the CR , greater
will be the short-term solvency.It is the relationship between the current assets and current liabili-
ties of a concern.Ideal Current Ratio preferred by Banks is 1.33 : 1.
ACID TEST (QUICK ) RATIO: Quick Ratio is a refinement of Current Ratio. It is a stringent measure
of liquidity Quick Current Assets : Cash/Bank Balances + Receivables upto 6 months + Quickly real-
izable securities such as Govt. Securities or quickly marketable shares and Bank Fixed Deposits. It
should be at least equal to 1.
Higher the Q R , greater would be the liquidity of the enterprise
Quick Ratio = Quick Current Assets
Current Liabilities
SOLVENCY RATIOS:Measures the ability of the enterprise to survive over a long period of time. An-
alyse the use of debt to finance Capital assets
DEBT EQUITY RATIO : This ratio is calculated by dividing the total liabilities of the company with the
tangible net worth of the company. This ratio reflects the financial soundness and the solvency of
the corporate. Lower the ratio indicates the high degree of solvency and higher the ratio indicates
the over extended financial position of the company.
Total Outside Liability ( TOL )
DER = -----------------------------------------
Tangible Net Worth ( TNW )
DEBT SERVICE COVERAGE RATIO: indicates the ability of an enterprise to meet its liabilities by way
of payment of installments of Term Loans and Interest thereon from out of the cash accruals and
forms the basis for fixation of the repayment schedule in respect of the Term Loans raised for a pro-
Net Profit + Depreciation + Interest on T/L
DSCR= -----------------------------------------------------------
Interest on Term Loans + Installment
Interest Service Coverage Ratio: is a measure of a company’s ability to meet its interest payments.
The higher the ratio , the more secure is the lender in respect of his periodical interest in-
come.To assess Debt capacity of a firm.Too high a ratio may imply unused Debt Capacity.A
low ratio is a danger signal as it reflects the firm’s inability to service interest due to loans
ISCR = Profit after tax + Depreciation + Interest cost (CC/TL)
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Ratio Analysis
PROFITABILITY RATIOS: Measures the income or operating success of an enterprise for a given peri-
od of time.
A) Gross Profit Ratio : Ratio shows the margin left after meeting manufacturing costs.It
measures the efficiency of production & Pricing.Higher the ratio , better is the inference The
ratio is used find out the overall profitability of firm .The ratio can be calculated as
Gross Profit ratio= (Gross Profit /Net sales) x 100
B) Net Profit Ratio: This ratio shows the relation between the final profits of the company to sales.
Higher Ratio is better. It measures the overall efficiency of production , administration , Selling ,
financing , pricing & Tax managements. The ratio can be calculated as
ACTIVITY RATIOS: There is no bench mark for these ratios. These ratios are to be compared with
the last two/three years to see the direction in which they are moving.
A) Debtor’s Ratio : It gives an idea about period of credit extended by the borrower to his buye ₹
Debtor’s Ratio or Debtor’s Velocity = Trade debtors/Credit Sales x 365.
Stock turnover ratio = This ratio indicates the number of times the inventory is rotated during the
relevant accounting period.
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Credit Monitoring Policy
(Annual Review – HOBC: 117/281 Dated: 22.02.2024)
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• 9.
• 10.
• 12.
• 13.
10. (RBIA)
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a) Formation of ZCC at each Zonal Office, under DZM Recovery, with Collection Wing for manage-
ment of SMA & improving Collection Efficiency and Recovery Wing for sanction/ management of
b) Performance Reporting :
i) HO CrMD to ED (CrMD vertical) — Monthly
ii) HO CrMD to CRMC - Quarterly.
NOTE For more details please read the above said circular of Credit monitoring policy 2024
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Policy on Agencies for Specialised Monitoring
(HOBC No. – 117/281 Dated: 22.02.2024)
Agencies for Specialized Monitoring (ASMs) are being appointed for clean and effective post-sanction follow-up on com-
mon engagement basis in accounts having large credit exposures.
Coverage: Credit exposures (above ₹ 250 crores) and exposures of a specialized nature.
It may also be done in accounts showing critical EWS or stress, project or functioning of account too technical or com-
plex, Red Flagged Accounts where decision that no fraud occurred and lifting of red flag or any adverse development in
account or industry.
Waiver: State/Central Governments Departments subject to CAG etc., Central/State Government guaranteed accounts,
Loan against TDR, Navratna PSU Companies.
It has Arose out of Action Point-7 of the PSB Reforms Agenda- Enhanced Access and Service Excellence
ASMs will be appointed from the IBA empanelled list in the accounts where we are Lead Bank/Sole
Banker/Majority lender in MBA.
In Consortium advances, the appointment/waiver of work allocation to ASMs and the scope of work to
be allotted may be decided/approved by the Consortium members/ lenders by MAJORITY.
In Multiple Banking Arrangement (MBA): the "Major Bank" shall decide the appointment, scope of work
and fees structure of the ASM (based on competitive quotation basis).
If majority lender, is reluctant to appoint ASM, we can also appoint ASMs taking other lenders into con-
fidence after suitably minutizing it in bankers meeting.
Delegation for both appointment & waiver of ASM: COMMITTEE OF General Managers at Head Office
Committee Members: General Manager of Credit Monitoring Department (Chairman),
General Manager of Corporate Credit Department,
General Manager of Fraud Risk Management Department,
General Manager of Inspection and Audit Department and
General Manager of SARD
Compulsory Members of Committee: General Manager CrMD (Chairman) and General Manager Inspection and Audit
Minimum Quorum will be 3.
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Look Out Circular: Circular Letter No.: (HOBCL 2021-22/ 84)
Salient features and guidelines advised by Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) are as follows:
• Issuance of Look Out Circular (LOC) is governed by Ministry of Home Affairs, Foreigners Division
(Immigration Section), Government of India.
• Latest and revised guidelines on LOC is vide Ministry's O.M. no. 25016/10/2017-Imm (pt.) dated
• LOC cannot be opened unless a minimum of three identifying parameters viz. Name & Parentage,
Passport Number/Valid Passport Details (Mandatory), Clear Photograph (Mandatory) and Date of
Birth are available.
• The legal liability of the action taken by the immigration authorities in pursuance of the LOC rests
with Bank. The accountability of executing LOC shall lie with the Bank and not with Bureau of Immi-
gration. Therefore, details of relevant Court Orders must be conveyed while requesting for opening
• Recourse to LOC is to be taken in cognizable offences under IPC or other penal laws. In cases where
there is no cognizable offence under IPC and other penal laws, the Originating Agency can only re-
quest that they be informed about the arrival / departure of the subject in such cases
• LOC opened shall remain in force until and unless a deletion request is received by immigration au-
thorities from the Originator (Bank) itself.
• No LOC shall be deleted automatically, subject to review on quarterly / annually by branches
(including overseas branches) / ZOs / LCBs/ NBGs
• Persons against whom LOCs are issued, obtain Orders regarding LOC deletion/quashing/suspension
from Courts, in all such cases, orders for deletion/quashing/suspension etc. of LOC, must be com-
municated to Immigration authorities through the same Originator who requested for opening of
MHA has authorized the MD & CEO of PSBs to make request for opening of LOCs
Bank can request opening of look-out circulars, even before FIRs are filed / registered against them.
LOC Deletion Request to be submitted immediately to HO-FRMD as and when the Account is closed either by OTS or any
other settlement and / or on any Court Direction on LOC.
NBG/LCB/Ho-International to submit recommendations to HO FRMD, either for retention /Continuation of LOC prior to
60days of expiry of LOC.
Consortium lending accounts, the onus for requesting issuance of LOC will be on the leader or bank having highest share/
exposure amongst PSB members of such consortium. MBA the onus will be on the bank having largest exposure among
PSB members with in MBA.
Branches must remember to obtain Certified copy of Passport of all the Entity's while processing the Loan Applications
mandatorily in those accounts having more than ₹ 50 crores from the banking industry
"Entity" means any Entity/s: of which the person is a promoter / proprietor / partner / directors / managing director /
chairman / trustee / guarantor; or Where the Person is in a position to control such entity by ownership or otherwise.
Nodal Officer" means GM-FRMD at HO.
"HO-FMG" means a committee consisting of GMs of FRMD, RMD, ARD, Compliance, CrMD and Large Corporate Credit.
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(HOBC No - 117/281 Dated: 22.02.2024)
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(HOBC No - 117/281 Dated: 22.02.2024)
As per RBI communication dated 11.05.2021, Fraud classification / RFA status shall be taken
within 7 days of completion of Internal Investigation report.
Internal Investigation is to be conducted where
i) There is delay in receipt of forensic audit report.
ii) Forensic Audit Report is inconclusiveness with regard to classification of the account as
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Fraud Risk Management policy
Detection / Prevention / Reporting / Monitoring / Recovery of FRAUDS
HOBC No. 117/142 Dated: 05.09.2023 & 117/154 Dated: 22.09.2023
The purpose of the policy is to create a proactive framework to addressing the occurrence of fraud in the bank covering
prevention, early detection, reporting monitoring, recovery and follow up of frauds. This shall be ensured with clarity on
roles of all stake holders through an organizational structure.
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Particulars Details
Objectives Appropriate systems and procedures to ensure safety and security of electronic
banking transactions carried out by customers;
Robust and dynamic fraud detection and prevention mechanism;
Mechanism to assess the risks(for example, gaps in the bank's existing systems) re-
sulting from unauthorized transactions and measure the liabilities arising out of such events;
Appropriate measures to mitigate the risks and protect themselves against the liabili-
ties arising therefrom; and system of continually and repeatedly advising customers
on how to protect themselves from electronic banking and payments related fraud.
Definition of Any behavior by which one person intends to gain a dishonest advantage to another
Fraud is a fraud-Indian penal code (IPC).
RBI has defined fraud is as an act of commission and/or abetment, which is intended
to illicit gain to one person (S) ,entity and wrongful loss to the other, either by way of
concealment of facts by deceit or by playing a confidence trick.
Fraud in relation to affair of a company or body corporate, includes any act, omission,
concealment of any fact or abuse a position committed by any person or any other
person with the convenience in any manner, with intent to deceive, to gain undue
advantage from, or to injure the interests of the company or its shareholders or its
creditors, or any other persons whether or not there is any wrongful gain or wrongful
Cases of theft/Burglary/Dacoity/ Robbery should not reported as fraud.
Classification External & Internal Frauds
By employees, employees collusion with outsider and By outsider only.
As per reporting purposes:-
Misappropriation and breach of trust.
Fraudulent encashment of forged instruments, manipulation of books of accounts
and conversion of property.
Unauthorized credit facility extended for reward or illegal gratification.
Cash shortage -More than Rs10000.00 including ATM.
When detected by Auditor, Management, Inspecting officer more than Rs5000.00
Fraudulent transactions involved foreign currency.
Any other fraud not coming above.
Prevention The following are some of the fraud prevention practices recommended by RBI.
Review of new products and process.
Root cause analysis.
Data/Information/System Security
Know your customer, employees and vendo ₹
Physical security of system and data.
Fraud awareness among customers and employees.
Quick Re- In fraud cases of ₹ 1.00 Cr and above/case. Nodal officer concept has been brought into at ZOs / NBGs
sponse Team / LCBs as per the RBI's direction.
a) DY Zonal Managers shall be the nodal Officer at ZOs.
b) DY General Managers shall be Nodal Officers at FGMOs, and
c) c) Asst. General Managers (AGM)/DGMs in the absence of AGMs shall be the Nodal Officers at
LCBs. Nodal Officers will be looking after the jobs as per their functional assignment.
Flash Report A Flash Report for frauds involving amounts of ₹ 5.00 crore and above should be reported to the Prin-
for fraud cases cipal Chief General Manager / Chief General Manager-in-charge, DBS, RBI Central Office, Mumbai
through a D.O. Letter (Hard Copy) with a copy marked to MD(FRMC) Bengaluru within a week of detec-
tion of such fraud
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Particulars Details
Central Pay- All payment related frauds, irrespective of value of the fraud, shall be reported to CPFIR.
ments Fraud
Look Out To obtain a certified copy of the Passport of the Promoters / Directors and Other au-
Circular thorized signatories of the Companies availing loan Facilities of more than ₹ 50.00
(LOCs) Crores and above.
Reporting Up to Rs50.00Lakh GM FRMD.
of Fraud to Over Rs50.00lakh and less than Rs1.00Crore Executive Director
top manage- In all other cases MD & CEO including all staff related fraud.
ment Consolidated monthly fraud reported to GM/ED should be noted to MD &CEO.
Reporting Fraud cases will be reported to RBI through Fraud Monitoring Return (FMR) in applica-
Framework tion XBLR system within three weeks from the date of detection. And hard copy to Di-
to the RBI rector (Vigilance) Finance Ministry, Department of Economic affai ₹
Complain to • All cases below Rs10000.00 Involving bank official, should be refer to Zonal Manager
Po- and after scritinisation of cases decision for reporting to Police Authority is to be tak-
lice/CBI/Law en.
enforce- • Cases where staff involved Above Rs10000.00 and below Rs1.00Lakh need to report
ment Agen- local police station as per CVC guidelines by Bank branch.
cies(LEA) • Above Rs1.00Lkah and below Rs300.00lakh where staff involved with outsider Zonal
manager should report to State CID/ Economics offences Wing.
• Rs300.00Lakh and above up to Rs2500.00lakh- where prima facie evidence involving
staff- Report to CBI(Anticorruption Branch)
• where prima facie evidence involving staff- Report to CBI(Economic offence Wing)
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Enterprise-Fraud Risk Management-System ( EFRMS) –
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Enterprise-Fraud Risk Management-System ( EFRMS) –
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Staff Accountability Policy-2023
(Annual Review – HOBC: 117/204 Dated 18.11.2023)
• Any advance account that slips to NPA status within one year would come under the ambit of Quick Mortality
classification and also applicable to international advances. The determinant period of one year will be reck-
oned from any of the following criteria:
• The account which became NPA within one year from date of first disbursement or utilization in cash credit /
overdraft or any running facility.
• In case of account where date of commencement of repayment is from future date, it should be taken as one
year from the date of commencement of first instalment.
• Where ever moratorium is allowed on repayment of either interest or both interest and installment of the fol-
lowing criteria is applicable to classify as Quick Mortality:
• In case of term loan where interest is to be served during moratorium the period of one year is to be reckoned
from the date of first disbursement.
• In case of term loan where moratorium is allowed for both installment and interest the period of one year is to
be reckoned from the date of commencement of first instalment
• Account where interest during construction period is not funded by the bank and it slips to NPA category with-
in one year from the date of first disbursement for non-servicing of the interest
• Accounts which slips to NPA as a result of "percolation" need not be treated as Quick Mortality account.
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Staff Accountability Policy-2023
Investigation Guidelines:
As per Staff Accountability framework for NPA Accounts upto ₹ 50 Crores (other than Fraud cases), in all
cases where staff involvement is perceived or critical non-compliances are observed, the SA is to be exam-
ined by deputing a fact-finding officer as per system in vogue in the Bank. It is pertinent to mention here
that fact-finding is nothing but Investigation Investigating Officer has the role of investigating facts, figures
and lapses in the account and not to attribute lapses to the officials involved in those lapses. This should be
kept in mind while preparing, submitting and vetting the investigation report.
Investigation is mandatory in fraud accounts irrespective of amount, Quick Mortality Accounts (with Sanc-
tioned Limit ₹ 10 Lakhs & above) and NPA Accounts with total outstanding above ₹ 50 Crores.
In all other cases, SAC may take a decision whether Investigation is warranted or not.
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Subject Discription
ASSET Quality of borrower accounts assumes greater importance in the wake of strict-
QUALITY er prudential norms. It can be ensured by their business activity, pre/post for-
malities, regular follow up, timely recover of interest and installments, timely
detection of symptoms of sickness and timely initiation of corrective measures
in respect of irregularities.
Monitoring To retain the asset quality , branches should promptly act upon-
and follow i)To recover the overdue at least the critical amount through active follow up.
up ii) Put the accounts under holding on operation in case of temporary cash flow
Measures mismatches.
iii) Reschedule of repayment / Restructure the dues etc.
iv) Close monitoring of SMA (watch category).
v) Reminders to be sent and periodic inspection should be done.
Structure role As per guidance from “DFS” Under enhanced access & service excellence
and responsi- (EASE) a vertical under (SAMV) “Stressed Assets management Vertical has
bility. been formed 1) Credit Monitoring deptt
2) Stressed Asset Resolutions 3) Recovery
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Subject Discerption
Introduction Based on Narsimhan Committee recommendations, RBI introduced IRAC norms to meet international
standards in 1993 and subsequent amendments afterwards. All advance accounts/bill outstanding /Debit
balances are classified as NPA and Provisions are made as per IRAC norms. An asset, including a leased as-
set, becomes non performing when it ceases to generate income for the bank.
NPA • A non performing asset (NPA) is a loan or an advance where:
Classifi- • Interest and/or instalment of principal remains overdue# for a period of more than
cation 90 days in respect of a term loan,
Norms • The account remains ‘out of order’* as given below, in respect of an Overdraft/Cash
Credit (OD/CC),
• Any amount to be received remains overdue for a period more than 90 days in re-
spect of any other account
• The bill remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days in the case of bills pur-
chased and discounted,
• The instalment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for two crop seasons
for short duration crops,
• The instalment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for one crop season
for long duration crops,
• The amount of liquidity facility remains outstanding for more than 90 days, in respect
of a securitization transaction undertaken in terms of the Reserve Bank of India
(Securitization of Standard Assets) Directions, 2021.
• In respect of derivative transactions, the overdue receivables representing positive
mark-to-market value of a derivative contract, if these remain unpaid for a period of
90 days from the specified due date for payment.
• An asset, including a leased asset, becomes nonperforming when it ceases to generate in-
come for the bank. A non-performing asset (NPA) is a loan or an advance where;
I.interest and/ or instalment of principal remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days
in respect of a term loan,
II. the account remains 'out of order', in respect of an Overdraft/Cash Credit (OD/CC). The
previous 90 days period for determination of out of order status of a CC/OD account shall be
inclusive of the day for which the day-end process is being run,
III. the bill remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days in the case of bills pur-
chased and discounted,
IV. the instalment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for two crop seasons
for short duration crops,
V. the instalment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for one crop season for
long duration crops,
vi. The amount of liquidity facility remains outstanding for more than 90 days, in respect of
a securitization transaction undertaken in terms of the Reserve Bank of India (Securitization of
Standard Assets) Directions, 2021.
vii. in respect of derivative transactions, the overdue receivables representing positive mark-
to-market value of a derivative contract, if these remain unpaid for a period of 90 days from the
specified due date for payment ( pertains to Treasury Br.) In case of interest payments, an ac-
count becomes NPA only if the interest due and charged during any quarter is not serviced fully
within 90 days from the end of the quarter. The definition of 'out of order', as clarified shall be
applicable to all loan products being offered as an overdraft facility, including those not meant for
business purposes and / or which entail interest repayment as the only credits.
In the case of bank finance given for industrial projects or for agricultural plantations etc. where moratorium
is available for payment of interest, payment of interest becomes 'due' only after the moratorium or gestation
period is over. Therefore, such amounts of interest do not become overdue and hence do not become NPA,
with reference to the date of debit of interest. They become overdue after due date for payment of interest, if
uncollected. In the case of housing loan or similar advances granted to staff members where interest is paya-
ble after recovery of principal, interest need not be considered as overdue from the first quarter onwards.
Such loans/advances should be classified as NPA only when there is a default in repayment of instalment of
principal or payment of interest on the respective due dates. The account would become NPA if interest and
/ or Instalment of principal remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days from respective dates
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Subject Discerption
Agricultural Ad- A loan granted for short duration crops will be treated as NPA, if the instalment of principal or interest
vances thereon remains overdue for two crop seasons. A loan granted for long duration crops will be treated as
NPA, if the instalment of principal or interest thereon remains overdue for one crop season. For the pur-
pose of these guidelines, "long duration" crops would be crops with crop season longer than one year and
crops, which are not "long duration" crops would be treated as "short duration" crops. The crop season for
each crop, which means the period up to harvesting of the crops raised, would be as determined by the
State Level Bankers' Committee (SLBC) in each State. Depending upon the duration of crops raised by an
agriculturist, the above NPA norms would also be made applicable to agricultural term loans availed of by
him. The above norms should be made applicable only to Farm Credit extended to agricultural activities.
In respect of other agricultural loans, identification of NPAs would be done on the same basis as nonagri-
cultural advances, which, at present, is the 90 days delinquency norm.
*Out of Order • The outstanding balance in the CC/OD account remains continuously in excess of the sanc-
tioned limit/drawing power for 90 days, or
• The outstanding balance in the CC/OD account is less than the sanctioned limit/drawing
power but there are no credits continuously for 90 days, or the outstanding balance in the
CC/OD account is less than the sanctioned limit/drawing power but credits are not enough
to cover the interest debited during the previous 90 days period.
• Out of order" shall be applicable to all loan products offered as an overdraft facility, includ-
ing those not meant for business purpose and/or which entail interest repayments as the
only credits.
#Overdue • Any amount due to the bank under any credit facility is ‘overdue’ if it is not paid on
the due date fixed by the bank and will be flagged as overdue as part of day-end pro-
• The exact due dates for repayment of a loan, frequency of repayment, breakup be-
tween principal and interest, examples of SMA/NPA classification dates, etc. shall
be clearly specified in the loan agreement and the borrower shall be apprised of
the same at the time of loan sanction and also at the time of subsequent changes
Income Recog- Income recognition is based on the record of recovery and we should not charge interest on any NPA
nition and credit to income account. Fee/Commission/Income should be recognize on accrual basis. The inter-
est credited to PL a/c should be reversed if not realized. It is applicable in Govt. guaranteed advances
Other Norms of Any account may be classified as NPA :
Asset Classifica- I. If not reviewed within 180 days from due date of review
II. If remains overdrawn against Drawing Power for 90 days
III. If Ad-hoc credit limit not reviewed /renewed within 180 days from the due date/date
of ad hoc sanction will be treated as NPA
IV. Asset classification is done borrower wise and not facility wise.
V. In consortium advances, individual bank can classify accounts as their record of
VI. An NPA need not necessarily go through various stages of classification, it may go di-
rectly to -Doubtful--If RVS is less than 50% of outstanding
VII. -Loss Asset--If RVS is less than 10% of outstanding
VIII.Loan sanctioned to PACS/FSS are classified account wise
IX. A loan for infra/ non-infra project will be classified as NPA if it fails to com-
mence commercial operations within two years for infrastructure projects/twelve
months for non-infra projects from the original DCCO, even if it is regular as per
record of recovery.
X. The overdue receivables representing positive mark-to-market value of a derivative
contract will be treated as NPA, if these remain unpaid for 90 days or more.
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Subject Discerption
Exception RBI has provided that Banks should establish appropriate internal systems (including technolo-
gy enabled processes) for proper and timely identification of NPAs. The manual updation of
accounts have been discontinued. Exceptions in the system driven NPA identification are:
I. Government guaranteed advances,
II. Advances against TDR, KVP, IVP, NSC & LIC.
III. In respect of export project finance, where the actual importer has paid the dues to the
Bank abroad but the Bank in turn is unable to remit the amount due to political develop-
ments such as war, strife, UN embargo etc.
IV. Post-shipment Supplier's Credit-EXIM Bank has introduced a guarantee-cum-refinance
programme whereby, in the event of default, EXIM Bank will pay the guaranteed amount
to the bank within a period of 30 days from the day the bank invokes the guarantee after
the exporter has filed claim with ECGC. this advance may not be treated as a non perform-
ing asset
Asset Clas- On classification as NPA, assets are further categorized in to three categories:
sification Sub-standard; 2) Doubtful and 3) Loss
Sub Standard Upon classification of NPA, an account normally moves to Sub standard category. As per the exposure, se-
Asset cured or unsecured, it is divided in to two sub categories:
i) Substandard-(Secured) -Assets-Code 21 &
ii) Substandard-(Unsecured) -Assets - Code 22
Doubtful Asset Doubtful Assets are further divided into three category as per age of NPA:
Doubtful-I (Asset Code-31)- NPA above 12 months upto 24 months
Doubtful-II (Asset Code-32)- NPA above 24 months upto 48 months
Doubtful-III (Asset Code-33)- NPA above 48 months
Loss Asset A loss asset is one where loss has been identified by the Bank or Internal or External auditors or RBI inspec-
tors but the amount has not been fully written off.
Post Shipment EXIM Bank has introduced a guarantee-cum-refinance programme whereby, in the event of default, EXIM
Supplier's Credit Bank will pay the guaranteed amount to the bank within a period of 30 days from the day the bank invokes
the guarantee after the exporter has filed claim with ECGC. Accordingly, to the extent payment has been
received from the EXIM Bank, the advance may not be treated as a non performing asset.
Export Project In respect of export project finance, there could be instances where the actual importer has paid
Finance the dues to the bank abroad but the bank in turn is unable to remit the amount due to political
developments such as war, strife, UN embargo, etc. In such cases, where the lending bank is able
to establish through documentary evidence that the importer has cleared the dues in full by de-
positing the amount in the bank abroad before it turned into NPA in the books of the bank. The
asset classification may be made after a period of one year from the date the amount was depos-
ited by the importer in the bank abroad.
Provisioning Cov- Provisioning Coverage Ratio (PCR) is essentially the ratio of provisioning to gross non-
erage Ratio : performing assets and indicates the extent of funds a bank has kept aside to cover loan
losses. RBI has prescribed that banks should augment their provisioning cushions con-
sisting of specific provisions against NPAs as well as floating provisions, and ensure that
their total provisioning coverage ratio, including floating provisions, is not less than 70
per cent. Herein, RBI has clarified that –
(i)the PCR of 70 percent may be with reference to the gross NPA position in banks as on
September 30, 2010;
(ii) the surplus of the provision under PCR vis-a-vis as required as per prudential norms
should be segregated into an account styled as "countercyclical provisioning buffer",
(iii) This buffer will be allowed to be used by banks for making specific provisions for
NPAs during periods of system wide downturn, with the prior approval of RBI. The
PCR of the bank would be disclosed in the Notes to Accounts to the Balance Sheet.
Credit Cards A credit card account will be treated as non-performing asset if the minimum amount due, as mentioned in
the statement, is not paid fully within 90 days from the payment due date mentioned in the statement.
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Subject Discerption
Provisioning *Provision for NPA Accounts
Classification AC Provision
Sub standard (Secured) 21 15% of Net outstanding
Substandard 22 25% of Net outstanding
Doubtful-I 31 25% of RVS +100% of short fall
Doubtful-II 32 40% of RVS +100% of short fall
Doubtful-III 33 100% of Net o/s
Loss 40 100% of Net o/s
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Subject Discerption
Project Loans for Commercial Up to another one year (i.e.
Real Estate Exposures de-
layed for reasons beyond the
control of promoter(s)
Other Provisions Banks should maintain following provisions on such accounts as long as these are
classified as standard assets:
Particulars Provisioning %
Other Provisions Apart from above, Bank has to make provision for Unhedged Foreign Currency Exposure,
Country Risk Exposure, Foreign Exchange Fluctuation, derivative exposures etc.
Introduction A compromise is a settlement of disputes reached by mutual consent with sacrifice component on
all the parties to the dispute. It is a non-legal and easy remedy for reduction of NPAs of the Bank.
Negotiated compromise settlements should be made to maximize the compromise amounts and
minimize the loss to the bank.
Eligibility Account should be classified as NPA
The default is due to reasons beyond the control of the borrower.
Efforts of upgradation/restructuring/rehabilitation have failed
The security, worth/income of borrower is not sufficient
Continuation of relationship with borrower is not fruitful
All suit filed/decreed accounts
Ineligible cases:
1. Wilful defaulters,
2. Cases of malfeasance/ misfeasance
3.Fraud/ cheating
( These cases should be referred to M.Com)
Negotiation Compromise negotiation can be done with Principal Borrower, Guarantors either for partial pay-
ment or full payment, Parent Company or Other interested parties like drawees of bills, Legal heirs
Basis of The authority for approval is determined by the amount of "sacrifice" proposed under a settlement.
Settlement Sacrifice is the difference amount between Adjusted Net Amount Payable (ANAP) and Compromise
offer Amount. (Sacrifice=ANAP-Comp Amt)
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Justification Following points to be considered while arriving at compromise amount:
Contractual dues including details of penal interest;
Adjustable Net Amount Payable;
Benchmark dues recoverable as per Module approach;
Net Present Value (NPV) & RVS available with account.
Net Book Value & Bench Mark Value
Net worth of Borrower/Guarantor
Cost of Realization/resolution
Endeavor to maximize the amount not below ANAP/Benchmark dues recoverable as per
Module approach whichever is higher,
Book write off should be in exceptional cases only;
Discounting Factor Where valuation done, following discount factor to be considered:
Particulars Proposed Justification for OTS Discounting Terms
SARFAESI 3 year from the date of issuance 3 year NPV of RVS @ 1 year MCLR
of 13 (2) notice
DRT/Court Suit filed /Decreed 5 year NPV of RVS @ 1 year MCLR
IBC/NCLT NCLT admitted case 2 year NPV of RVS @ 1 year MCLR
10% weightage of Net Worth of the Borrower & Guarantors be also added in consideration
with RVS
Cost of realization be also deducted from available RVS i.e. @ 3.5% normally,
where resolution is difficult, it may increase up to 5.5%.
Bench Mark & Module Bench Mark calculation on the basis of the module given in Annexures. It is only a
guiding tool for negotiations. Compromises below the module/ benchmark
(Annexure —"B" & "C" of COMP-1) and NPV of the Realisable Value of Securities
(RVS) would not be treated as Deviation.
Payment Terms Payment of Compromise amount normally should be in one lump sum
If payment in one lumpsum is not possible, 10% upfront is to be paid and rest
amount should be paid as per following (Not obtaining of upfront/down pay-
ment shall not be treated as deviation):
-Delegatee upto ZLCC- upto 12 month with interest @10% simple on reducing
Consortium Advances In case of consortium advances, where our Bank is the leader, decision regarding entering into com-
promise etc. shall be taken by the bank at an appropriate level of authority and other banks should
be persuaded to adopt our line of action in the spirit of consortium. However, in very exceptionally
cases, if some of the member banks differ with our views; our Bank will go ahead independently
with our decision in such matte ₹ In cases where we are one of the members of the consortium, our
bank will ordinarily go as per the decision of the consortium. In such cases, sacrifices of the bank
should not exceed that of the lead bank.
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
Other Guide- • The validity of all the OTS proposals would be 6 months from the date of Conveying
lines approval unless specifically mentioned in the approved note
• Value of security should be given as of original sanction date, last review date and
present position
• SAR should be dealt with before submission of proposal. If SAR is submitted, details
to be mentioned. If SAR is closed before 2 years, certificate for intervening period
should be given.
• In Accounts where criminal action is initiated or matter is under investigation by
any investigating authority such as CBI etc., Bank may enter into a compromise/out
of Court settlement in such accounts purely as a commercial consideration without
prejudice to criminal charges.
• No Dues Certificate to be issued without prejudice to any criminal cases initiated
against the borrowers and/or guarantors and/or third parties irrespective of
whether the offence is compoundable or not.
• As per the directions given by the RBI, henceforth the authority sanctioning a com-
promise/OTS should append a certificate stating that the compromise settlements
are in conformity with the RBI guidelines in the matter.
Star Sanjeevani Scheme 2024(Special OTS Scheme) Valid till 31/10/2024
B. C. No. 118/71 Dated 06-06-2024
Recovery in Doubtful/Loss/Written Off in all small NPA accounts upto Rs100 Lakhs
213 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Star Sanjeevani Scheme 2024(Special OTS Scheme) Valid till 31/10/2024
B. C. No. 118/71 Dated 06-06-2024
Recovery in Doubtful/Loss/Written Off in all small NPA accounts upto Rs100 Lakhs
Base Amount Base amount will be outstanding as on 31-03-2024 and any forced debit will be added as well as any recov-
ery will be subtracted and the net amount will be base amount
If UCI is charged after 31-03-2024 on the account of recovery in such case the base amount will be by net
off the same interest charged (O/S minus UCI charged) as on the date of application.
Non Fund Based Limits In Accounts with Non fund based facility, treatment should be given as below:
Fund based facility will be settled as per scheme including crystalized Non- Fund Based amount.
100 % cash margin in the form of TDR / SB / CD duly lien marked or Collateral Securities @ 150 % of out-
standing NFB to be kept as margin in case of live NFB exposure which is not yet crystalized.
(Acceptable OTS amount will be sum of (OTS amount for secured portion) and column no.3(OTS amount for unsecured
Eligible A/cs with book O/S above 25 Lakhs Up to 50 Lakh as on 31/03/2024
Cat Asset category as on OTS Amount for secured por- OTS Amount for unsecured portion
ego 31/03/024 applicable tion of book O/S (Book O/S exceeding RVS –Value of
ry as per IRAC norms (RVS of primary and collateral primary and collateral security
(Acceptable OTS amount will be sum of (OTS amount for secured portion) and column no.3(OTS amount for unsecured
214 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Star Sanjeevani Scheme 2024(Special OTS Scheme) Valid till 31/10/2024
B. C. No. 118/71 Dated 06-06-2024
Recovery in Doubtful/Loss/Written Off in all small NPA accounts upto Rs100 Lakhs
Eligible A/cs with book O/S above 50 Lakhs Up to 100 Lakh as on 31/03/2024
(Acceptable OTS amount will be sum of (OTS amount for secured portion) and column no.3(OTS amount for unsecured
least one
level high- Credit Sanc- OTS Sanctioning Authority
er in hier-
archy) tioning Au-
215 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Star Sanjeevani Scheme 2024(Special OTS Scheme) Valid till 31/10/2024
B. C. No. 118/71 Dated 06-06-2024
Recovery in Doubtful/Loss/Written Off in all small NPA accounts upto Rs100 Lakhs
Undertaking from borrower • Litigation / claim if any filed against the Bank at any court / forum the
At the time of acceptance of OTS Borrower shall withdraw.
• For any future claims, statutory dues against the Borrower, etc. The
bank will not be liable and it is Borrower's responsibility against such
• Any legal dispute due from others, would be at the risk and responsibil-
ity of the Borrower and the Company and Promoters have to under-
take that the Bank has no liability with regards to any dispute/ claims /
injunction etc.
• Regarding future claim on Bank for refund of interest subsidy / guaran-
tee claim / or any such subsidy guarantee claim will be borne by the
Borrower /Promoter / Company / Firm.
• In future, if any fraud / wilful default is found / observed in the ac-
count, the same will be dealt with as per Bank's Policy.
Payment Terms • For ledger outstanding / written off amount up to ₹ 10.00 lakhs, entire
compromise amount to be payable preferably in one lump sum latest
within 90 days of approval, with minimum 10% of the approved
amount to be paid up front.
• For ledger outstanding / written off amount above ₹ 10.00 lakhs, min-
imum 10% of the approved amount to be paid upfront and balance
amount within 90 days of approval subject to PDCs (Post-dated
cheques) being obtained for instalment amount. If felt necessary,
monthly instalments may be facilitated not exceeding 90 days.
• Repayment period of OTS can not be extended.
• The balance OTS amount is to be paid within 90 days from the date of
acceptance of OTS. The repayment period for the scheme is 90 days
and there is no delegation for further extension of repayment period.
No Dues Certificate • While issuing No Dues Certificate, the branch should incorporate fol-
lowing clause
• Any legal dispute due from others would be at the risk and responsibil-
ity of the Borrower and the Company and Promoters has to undertake
that the Bank has no liability with regards to any dispute/ claims/ in-
junction etc.
• In future, if any fraud / wilful default is found, the same will be dealt
with as per Bank's policy.
• The name of Borrower / Company / firm will continue to appear with
Credit Information Company viz. CIBIL as "Account closed under com-
promise /settled".
216 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
BOI-OTS Scheme-2023
B. C. No. 118/72 dated 06-06-2024
Recovery in Doubtful/Loss/Written-Off in NPA accounts with outstanding balance above ₹ 1.00 Crore to ₹ 50.00 Crore
Eligibility • It will cover all NPA accounts under Doubtful & Loss (Asset Code 31, 32, 33 & 40) catego-
ries and accounts that are regular written off with outstanding of above ₹ 1 Crore and up
to ₹ 50 Crore as on 31.03.2024. The scheme will be valid up to 31.10.2024.
• The Scheme also applicable for those accounts classified as NPA through MOC or due to
other reasons from retrospective date and fullfil BOI-OTS 2024 Criteria.
• Accounts where suit is pending before court/DRT However, consent terms with default
clause will have to be filed before presiding officer of Court / DRT for obtaining consent
decree if OTS is entered into.
• Notice under SARFASI has been issued .
• Eligible accounts referred for Revenue Recovery action under State Recovery laws will be
eligible subject to requisite charges, if any payable, being recovered separately and re-
mitted to the State Authorities.
• OTS failed before BOI OTS 2023 in BOI OTS scheme series: These cases may be treated as
fresh case under BOI OTS 2024 However, NO INCENTIVE will be payable in such cases.
After revocation / failure of OTS, the system may have charged interest against part pay-
ment, if any, treating it as normal recovery. Such interest need not be reversed and the
facts may be mentioned in the proposal to arrive at the remaining amount to be ap-
proved / accepted and for approval of sanctioning authority.
• OTS failed / revoked under NPA Management Policy or any other Bank's OTS scheme shall
be considered eligible under this scheme and incentive will payable as per eligibility.
• In case of a NPA account, where in system has applied and recovered uncharged interest
( after account becoming NPA) on account of any cash recovery and as a result, the bal-
ance in the account is reduced to that extent, such debit to the extent of UCI charged may
be reduced from the outstanding balance ONLY for the purpose of reckoning eligibility
under the scheme and such amount may be treated as Adjusted Outstanding Balance
(AOB) but while calculating the OTS amount, outstanding as on 31.03.2024 will be consid-
ered for OTS.
Cases not eligible • Central Govt. / State Govt. guaranteed accounts will not be considered under this Scheme.
• "Compromise cases" in any other scheme/policy already under repayment.
• Units under rehabilitation/restructuring will not be eligible.
• NPAs declared as Fraud / malfeasance and Wilful Defaulters are not eligible for OTS under
this scheme.
• Staff and staff related accounts will not be eligible under this scheme.
• Loan against TDR/NSC/KVP/assignment of LIC policies /Shares /Gold jewellery in which
security is available.
Delegation Credit Sanctioning Authority OTS Sanctioning Authority
SMEUCC/SMECC I/RBC/SKVK/any oth- SZLCC/Equivalent committee
er authority below SZLCC except Branch
Secured Portion • Realizable value of available tangible collateral securities (Primary and Collateral ) will be
reckoned as secured as per the latest valuation report which should not be more than one
year old .In case of P&M last inspection of immovable property /P&M should have been
done but it should not be more than six month old. For current asset such as book debts
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
Delegation Sanctioning authority of OTS proposal will be an authority (individual or committee, as the case may be ) which
is at least one level higher in hierarchy than the authority vested with power to sanction the credit/investment
Group Concept There is no Group Concept for approving OTS, Settlement can be done Account-wise. If borrower offers OTS in
one a/c and continuation of other a/c as standard, Sanctioning Authority may sanction continuation of rela-
tionship and simultaneously administrative clearance for the same.
Repayment 1. 10% of OTS amount as initial application money, at the time of submission of the application to be kept in
Terms No lien a/c and may be refunded within three months, if OTS is rejected. In case the OTS repayment amount is
from sale of charged assets, application money may not be insisted.
2. ADDITIONAL 15% of the OTS amount as upfront money within thirty days from the date of conveying ap-
proval of OTS and acceptance on sanction letter of OTS.
3. The balance OTS amount is to be paid, without interest within 90 days from the date of acceptance of OTS.
4. The balance OTS amount is to be paid within 90 days from the date of acceptance of OTS. The repayment
period for the scheme is 90 days and there is no delegation for further extension of repayment period.
Early Incentive To incentivize faster payments, Incentive will be allowed if full OTS amount is paid within 90 days from the
date of acceptance in following manner (OTS in Loss assets is not eligible for any incentive):
Incentive of 5% of OTS amount will be allowed if full OTS is paid within 30 days (excluding loss assets).
Incentive of 2.5 % of OTS amount will be allowed if full OTS paid within 90 days (excludin loss assets)
Other Terms • CGTMSE / CGFMU/CGSSI/CGFSEL/CGFSSDL or other Guarantee covered schemes covered ac-
count are eligible and while doing OTS, respective Corporation’s guidelines to be adhered to.
• Sacrifice will have two parts viz. Write-off and UCI (Uncharged interest) which are to be manda-
torily mentioned in the proposal. Base amount as per above should be considered for OTS.
Hence, UCI from the date of NPA is deemed to be waived.
• Release of security and withdrawal of legal action is permitted and can be approved where the
OTS is sanctioned in accordance with BOI OTS-2024.
• In case, Securities are extended to other accounts, OTS in any one of these accounts can be done
on stand-alone basis subject to the fact being brought out in the sanctioned proposal and securi-
ty will not be released till liabilities in all the accounts are paid off.
• During the currency of OTS all other recovery action will be suspended and in the event of de-
fault by the Borrower in paying OTS the Branch may resume recovery action immediately includ-
ing declaring Borrower as non cooperative / willful etc
• Legal expenses related to the account already debited in the P&L will be absorbed. Unrealized Interest
(URI), will be reversed as per accounting policy.
219 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Introduction Restructuring under Agriculture advances primarily relates to relief measures to be provided in areas affected
by ‘Natural Calamities' and is based on the guidelines issued by RBI from time to time in this regard.
Salient Fea- 1. On the basis of recommendation received from SLBC/DCC, State Govt/Central Govt may declare natural
tures calamity in whole or a part of the state.
2. SLBC/DCC has to ensure that the crop loss due to natural calamities is more than 33% to consider for dec-
To farmers / loanees who have been affected by a natural calamity as declared by the State Government Au-
thorities and are willing to avail the benefit, Bank may extend relief by way of restructuring of existing loans,
providing fresh loan and/or other ancillary relief measures
Delegation Restructuring is to be considered by a delegatee one level higher than the sanctioning authority under whose
powers the limit falls for sanction, provided such delegatee should not have sanctioned the proposal earlier.
However, if NBLCC has specially authorised the sanctioning authority to approve restructuring/granting fresh
loan , the same authority can sanction restructuring/fresh loan also.
Short Term Eligibility- All short term loans; except overdue at the time of occurrence of the natural calamity.
Production Process- Principal and interest due during the year of occurrence of natural calamity to be converted into
Credit (Crop term loan.
Loan) Repayment- upto 2 years if loss is between 33% to 50%; upto 5 years if more than 50%.
Moratorium- 1 year; no additional collateral restructured loan.
Long Term Where one crop for the year damaged and productive assets are not damaged: the branches may reschedule
(Investment the payment of instalment during the year of natural calamity and extend the loan period by one year. Wellful
) Credit defaults not eligible.
Where the productive assets are partially or totally damaged and borrowers are in need of a new loan: the
rescheduling by way of extension of loan period may be determined based on overall repaying capacity of the
borrower vis-a-vis his total liability maximum up to 5 yea ₹
Other Loans In case of other loans such as loans granted for allied activities and loans given to rural artisans, traders, mi-
cro/ small industrial units or in case of extreme situations, medium enterprises, DCC/SLBC will take will take
appropriate decision of reschedulement of loan depending upon severity of natural calamity and viability of
the project.
Asset Classi- The restructured portion of the short term/ long term loans may be treated as current dues and not classified as NPA
fication The asset classification for the remaining dues shall continue to be governed by the original terms & conditions
Additional finance if any, shall be treated as "standard asset"
The benefit of asset classification of the restructured accounts on the date of natural calamity shall be available only if the
restructuring is completed within a period of three months which may by extended by RBI in exceptional cases
Providing • Once the decision to reschedule the loans taken by SLBC/DCC, pending conversion of short-term loans,
Fresh Loans branches shall grant fresh crop loans to the affected farmers based on the scale of finance of the crop and
the cultivation area, as per the extant guidelines.
• In relation to agriculture and allied activities like poultry, fishery, animal husbandry, etc. as well as rural
artisans, self-employed persons, micro and small industrial units, etc., fresh loan may be sanctioned for a
variety of purposes.
• Insurance claim, if any, should be utilised for compensation of loss incurred due to natural calamity.
Branches shall also grant consumption loans up to ₹ 10, 000/- to existing borrowers without any collateral.
The limit may, however, be enhanced up to ₹ 25,000/- at the discretion of the branches
Terms & • Credit should not be denied for want of personal guarantees and where existing security is eroded due to
Conditions calamity, additional security should not be insisted upon.
• Where crop loan was earlier sanctioned against personal guarantee/hypothecation of crops and unable to
offer charge/mortgage over land, he may not be denied conversion of crop loan into term loan.
• If the borrower has already availed a term loan against mortgage/ charge on land, the bank shall be con-
tent with a second charge for the converted term loan. Bank shall not insist on third party guarantees for
providing conversion facility. Where land is taken as security, in the absence of original title records, a
certificate issued by the Revenue Department officials shall be accepted for financing
• Margin requirements may be waived or the grant/ subsidy given by the concerned State Government
may be considered as margin.
The rate of interest will be in accordance with the RBI’s master direction and interest subvention of 2% for the
first year of restructure shall be available.
Other Ancil- In affected area, saving accounts may be opened with relaxed KYC norms with photograph and signature only
lary Busi- If branch operation is hampered due to flood etc., branch may be shifted to safe place for 30 days
ness Bank may provide cash dispensing facility in affected areas like mobile ATM, to access other ATM etc.
Bank should waive ATM fee, pre mature payment penalty, late fee for credit cards etc. in affected areas
220 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Introduction Restructuring is an act in which Bank, for economic or legal reasons relating to the borrower's financial difficul-
ty, grants concessions to the borrower. RBI has issued guidelines for restructuring in four categories:
1.Restructuring due to Natural Calamities
2.Restructuring of Industrial Units
3 .Restructuring of MSMEs
4. Restructuring of all other advances.
(General prudential norms for restructuring are applicable to all advances.)
Types of Restructuring would normally involve:
Facilities in • Modification of terms of the advances / securities, which would generally include, among others, altera-
Restructur- tion of payment period / payable amount / the amount of instalments / rate of interest;
ing • Roll over of credit facilities or Sanction of additional credit facility/ release of additional funds for an ac-
count in default to aid curing of default / enhancement of existing credit limits;
• Compromise settlements where time for payment of settlement amount exceeds three months
Eligibility • Restructuring may be done in Standard, Sub-standard and Doubtful categories
• Account should be financially viable and certainty of repayment is established
• Asset classification is applicable as on date of approval and cannot be done with retrospective effect
• Restructuring takes place only when there is a change/alteration in original agreement
• Borrowers indulging in frauds/malfeasance are not eligible, however, if existing promoters are replaced by
new ones and the borrower company is totally delinked from erstwhile promoters/ management, restruc-
turing may be done. BIFR cases are not eligible for restructuring without express approval from BIFR.
221 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Deferment If DCCO falls within the period of two years and one year from the original DCCO stipulated at the time of financial
of DCCO closure for infrastructure projects and non-infrastructure projects respectively, it will not be considered as restruc-
turing. Provided all other terms and conditions of the loan remain unchanged. Further the bank may retain Stand-
ard classification in following restructuring cases:
a) Infra structure projects:
Up to another two years i.e. total extension of four years in case the reason for extension of DCCO is arbi-
tration proceedings or a court case ; or
Up to another one year i.e. total extension of three years, in case the reason for extension of DCCO is be-
yond the control of promoters (other than court cases).
Non-Infrastructure projects (including CRE-RH)-Up to another one year i.e. total extension of two yea ₹
A loan for a project may be classified as NPA during any time before commencement of commercial operations
as per record of recovery (90 days overdue)
The application for restructuring should have been received before expiry of DCCO.
In cases where there is moratorium for payment of interest, banks should not book income on accrual basis
beyond two years and one year from the original DCCO for infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects
(including commercial real estate projects) respectively .
Change in In order to facilitate revival of the projects stalled primarily due to inadequacies of the current promoters, if a
ownership change in ownership takes place any time before original/extended DCCO, banks may permit extension of the
DCCO of the project up to two years in addition to the extended periods , without any change in asset classifica-
Additional Bank may sanction addition fund to meet cost overrun(10% of original project cost)/interest during construction
Finance period due to extension of DCCO (2 year/1 Year), which will not be treated as restructuring.
Any additional finance approved under the RP may be treated as 'standard asset' during the monitoring period
under the approved RP, provided the account demonstrates satisfactory performance during the monitoring
Deemed A project with multiple independent units may be deemed to have commenced commercial operations from the
DCCO date when the independent units representing 50 per cent (or higher) of the originally envisaged capacity have
commenced commercial production of the final output as originally envisaged and if another 50% units do not
commence production within one year from deemed date, all accounts may be classified as NPA.
Cost over- If any of the two, Deferment of DCCO and Cost overrun, exceed the stipulated time/limit, account will be treated
run as “Restructured Standard” with 5% additional provision. If both exceeds the stipulated time/limit, then account
will be classified as NPA.
Income Interest Income in respect of restructured accounts classified as 'Standard assets' will be recognised on accrual
Recognition basis and that in respect of the accounts classified as 'non-performing assets' will be recognised on cash basis
Change in Any change in the repayment schedule of a project loan caused due to an increase in the project outlay on account
Project Out- of increase in scope and size of the project, would not be treated as restructuring if:
lay a) The increase in scope and size of the project takes place before commencement of commercial operations of
the existing project. b) The rise in cost excluding any cost-overrun in respect of the original project is 25% or more
of the original outlay. c) The bank re-assesses the viability of the project before approving the enhancement of
scope and fixing a fresh DCCO. d) On re-rating, (if already rated) the new rating is not below the previous rating by
more than one notch.
Multiple Multiple revisions of the DCCO and consequential shift in repayment schedule for equal or shorter duration will be
DCCO treated as a single event of restructuring provided that the revised DCCO is fixed within the respective stipulated
time limits and all other terms and conditions of the loan remained unchanged
Provisioning Particulars Provisioning Requirement
Norms If the revised DCCO is within two years/one year
from the original DCCO prescribed at the time of 0.40 per cent
financial closure for infrastructure and non-
infrastructure projects (including commercial real
estate projects) respectively
If the DCCO is extended: 5.00 per cent – From the date of
i) Beyond two years and up to four years or three such restructuring till the revised
years from the original DCCO, as the case may be, DCCO or 2 years from the date of
for infrastructure projects depending upon the restructuring, whichever is later
reasons for such delay;
ii) Beyond one years and up to two years from the
original DCCO, for non-infrastructure projects
(including real estate projects)
222 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Prudential Norms – Limit Credit exposure to individuals/groups of connected counterparties
HOBC No.116/15 Date 01-04-2022
Single Counterparty: The sum of all the exposure values of the Bank to a single counterpar-
ty must not be higher than 20 percent of the Bank's available eligible capital base at all
times. In exceptional cases, the Board may allow an additional 5 percent exposure of the
Bank's available eligible capital base to a single counterparty on merits having regard to the
conduct of the borrower accounts with our Bank, availability of collateral security, internal
rating, Risk Weight, etc.
Groups of Connected Counterparties: The sum of all the exposure values of the bank to a
group of connected counterparties must not be higher than 25 percent of the Bank's avail-
able eligible capital base at all times i.e. limit has to have adhered to on day end basis.
In view of the RBI guidelines, a tolerance/trigger level has been introduced for the reasons
mentioned below:
Currency Fluctuations.
223 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Subject Discerption
Introduction Prompt recovery of Loans and Advances by Banks not only increases liquidity and profitability but it also keeps fund’s cycle mov-
ing by continuous lending for the development of the economy. However, Non Performing Assets stop generating profit and
block the fund from being recycled. Hence, it is very important to keep NPA at bare minimum level. When all efforts of upgrada-
tion fails, we have to initiate legal action against the borrower for recovery of Bank’s dues or bring the borrower on negotiation
Types of Legal Ac- Bank may have to take one or more of following legal actions:
tion Civil suit (Money Suit or Mortgage Suit); 2. SARFAESI Action; 3. Settlement in Lok Adalat; 4. Suit file at DRT; 5. Filing
of RRC; 6. Initiate proceeding under IBC-2016.
Initiation of Legal If chances of recovery through normal course fails, Branch should take legal action without any delay (within 90 days from date
Action of NPA) and take following steps:
Carry out inspection of unit/charged securities and assess the realisable value;
Go through the security documents and ensure that documents, L444C, Deeds etc are complete and enforceable, if not, appro-
priate action should be taken;
Recall the advance by sending notice to borrowers/guarantors giving them minimum 15 days time to close the a/c else legal
action would be initiated;
Decide the type of legal action within given time period;
Prepare memorandum proposing legal action and take approval from competent authority;
SARFAESI and other legal action can be initiated simultaneously, may be proposed accordingly; and
Initiate action after approval from the competent authority.
Delegation for Recall Authority to recall /initiate legal action:
of Advance and
Initiate Legal Action
Authority Amount of 1. The official approving issue of notice
Suit/Contract should not have sanctioned the facility.
ual dues ( ₹ Not applicable for sanction at SZLCC &
Lac) above.
GM & above Full power 2. RRC will be filed by BM where State Debt Recovery
DGM 5000 Act is in existence.
AGM 2000 3. BM of Scale I & II can file RRC up to ₹ 20 lac
4.The delegation may also be exercised by second line
Chief Manager 1000
designated official Scale-III & above.
Senior Manager 200
Approval of Plaint After approval of memorandum for initiating legal action, as per type of legal action, branch has to prepare plaint with the help of
empaneled advocate. The plaint also to be approved before filing of suit/start legal action. The delegation for approval of plaint is
given below:
Authority Amount of Suit 1.The power must be used by chief incum-
bent of the Branch
( ₹ lac) 2.At ZO/Administrative offices, power to
GM Full power be used by designated Chief Manager &
ZM/DGM/AGM 7500 above
AGM(Branch/ARB)/DZM 5000 3.At HO, power to be used by DGM-Law/RD
Chief Manager 1000 & above
SR.Manager (Scale-III) 200 4. The plaint must be approved within max-
Branch Manager(Scale-II) 50 imum period of one month, else reported
to next higher authority.
Filing of Suit Once the plaint is approve, branch should file suit immediately. For filing of suit, the advocate will deposit required court fee and
present the plaint and other documents before competent court. While filing suit, following points should be kept in mind:
• Branch should initiate legal action before six month from expiry of document.
• Branch should appraise the status of suit filing to competent authority who has given permission to file suit after one
month from approval
• Any delay in filing suit must be reported and justified to competent authority
• Along with filing of suit, specific prayer for injunction/attachment of uncharged properties of borrowers/guarantors should
be made
• Suitable request for surrender/impounding of passport also to be made
• Prayer for suit against guarantors should also be made simultaneously
• Corporate guarantee, if any, should be invoked.
• Acceptors and drawees of bills should also be made party.
224 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
The Stat- The procedure for filing civil suits in courts of India is given in “Code of Civil Procedure -1908”. It consists of 11
ute Sections,158 Articles and 51 Orde ₹ As per Section 9, courts may try all types of civil suits unless debarred. How-
ever, a few sections/orders are very useful for banks like Order no. 37-Summary Suit, Order no.-27-Suit by or
against the Govt. of Public Officer in official capacity, Order no.21-Execution of Decree and Orders, Order 39 -
temporary injunction and interlocutory orders for interim sale of hypothecated assets etc.
Earlier when other Recovery Acts like DRT, SARFAESI, IBC were not enacted, banks used to file civil suits in all
types of accounts, however, now as per our Bank’s policy, civil suits are filed in cases involving dues upto ₹ 20
Types of For recovery of outstanding dues, bank may file following three types of civil suits:
Civil • Mortgage suit: In accounts where the mortgage has been obtained as security for advance and the Bank
Suits want to realise its dues through such security, only mortgage suit is to be filed. A mortgage is remains valid
upto 12 years from creation of charge if not renewed.
• Summary Suit: Summary suit is filed in cases where evidence of debt available in form of documents like
Negotiable Instruments, DP Notes, Loan Agreements and defendants have no substantial defence. The court
passed decree in favour of bank and for grant of leave defendant has to apply through affidavit which court
may not allow. Hence, the decree is obtained relatively fast.
• Summary suit is file under Order no. 37 of CPC 1908 and it is not enforceable in case of mortgage, hy-
pothecation, pledge charges.
• Money Suit: Where there are no securities by way of Mortgage and the Bank is to recover the dues on the
basis of loan documents or amounts paid to the borrower, the suit will be filed to get a money decree
against borrower/guarantor.
Process • Once it is decided to file civil suit in the court and memorandum for initiation of legal action has been ap-
of Filing proved by competent authority (please refer “Legal Action” section detail procedure), Branch should fol-
Suit low below mentioned steps:
• Before filing of suit, branch should ensure that assets available, if any, as
pledge/hypothecation/assignment etc are disposed of as per norms after giving notice to borrow-
ers/guarantors and credit balances , if any, are set off.
• Security documents are valid and enforceable.
• Draft of application/plaint should be prepared by advocate carefully giving all details like the conduct of
the account, documents obtained from time to time, securities created and other relevant information
relating to the conduct of the account and exchange of correspondence with the borrower/guarantor
where some issue is in dispute.
• Final draft of plaint should be sent to legal department for vetting and after vetting it should be approved
by competent authority.
• The approved plaint should be given to advocate along with copy of security documents, details of securi-
ty, latest outstanding with up-to-date interest etc. who will file the suit.
• Where hypothecated assets are subject to speedy and natural decay and where peaceful possession and
sale of the same is not feasible prior to suit filing, the Branch Advocate must be instructed to file Applica-
tion under Order 39 of the Code of Civil Procedure for interim sale of hypothecated movable assets, which
are subject to speedy and natural decay, along with filing of Plaint.
• Interim reliefs such as injunction against properties, attachment before judgement, appointment of Re-
ceiver, Decree for admitted dues should be prayed as a rule.
Follow • After filing case, court gives suit no.(serial no. of Original Application) and issues summons to all defend-
up Ac- ants. Serving of summons is important for start of proceedings. Summons should be issued normally with-
tion in a month.
• After serving summons, proceedings start with evidence followed by cross-examination of witness and
vice versa. Defendants may try to take adjournment on various ground and bank should not allow such
attempts by giving proper reply.
• On receiving decree of case in favour of the bank, Execution Application must be filed within a month of
obtaining decree and judgment. Application under Order 21 Rule 41 of CPC 1908 may be filed for declara-
tion assets by the Judgement debtor and branch also independently ascertain the available assets of the
Judgement debtor.
• In case of decree for realisation of book debts, court will appoint receiver to realise bookdebts of debto ₹
If necessary, bank may file a suit against debtors for realising of bookdebts.
• In case of share/debenture of deposit with other banks, bank may initiate Garnishee Proceeding under
Order 21 Rule 46A-46I of CPC 1908.
• If judgement is passed against a partnership firm, bank have to apply for leave under Order 21 Rule 50 to
execute against the partner not included earlier.
• If decree is passed against two or more judgement debtors, bank has right to execute any one or all judge-
ment debto ₹
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The Statue The Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy Act (RDB Act), 1993 provides for establishment of Debts Recovery
Tribunals (DRTs) with original jurisdiction and Debts Recovery Appellate Tribunals (DRATs) with appellate juris-
diction, for expeditious adjudication and recovery of debts due to banks and financial institutions, insolvency
resolution and bankruptcy of individuals and partnership firms and connected matters therewith. The Act is ap-
plicable to cases where the amount of debt due to any bank or financial institution defined under the Act or a
consortium of banks or financial institutions is ₹ 20 lakh or more.
Composi- At present, 39 Debts Recovery Tribunals (DRTs) and 5 Debts Recovery Appellate Tribunals (DRATs) are function-
tion ing across the country. Each DRT and DRAT are headed by a Presiding Officer and a Chairperson respectively. The
post of Presiding Officer is equivalent to a District Judge and the post of Chairperson is equivalent to that of a
High Court Judge. Recovery Officers are appointed in each DRT for execution of Recovery Certificate and other
General DRTs are not bound by the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (CPC)
Provisions • DRTs award Recovery Certificates (RC) in favour of Banks and execution of RC by attachment/ sale of assets
by Recovery Officers (RO)
• All branches/offices maintaining the account of debt have jurisdiction to file case in DRT
• Since 01.09.2016, financial lease has also come under purview of DRT
• Before filing case in DRT, it is mandatory to send recall notice to borrower/guarantor
• As per Sec 31-B of DRT Act, secured creditors (Bank) have priority over all other debts/govt. dues
• The defendant gets 30 days (in exceptional cases-45 days) to file written statement in court
• Appeal against order of DRT may be filed in DRAT only after paying 50% of total dues.( DRAT may reduce the
fee to 25% in exceptional cases)
• Appeal must be filed withing 30 days from the date order or deemed to have been received.
• The Recovery Certificate issued by Presiding Officer (PO) of DRT shall be deemed to be Decree or Order of
the Court.
• The DRT has the powers to order arrest and detention in civil prison of those defendants who does not
obey the orders of the DRT
• DRT can attach assets of the borrower even if not charged to the bank.
Procedure • Once it is decided to file case with DRT and memorandum for initiation of legal action has been approved by
for filing of competent authority (please refer “Legal Action” section detail procedure), Branch should follow below
case mentioned steps:
• Before filing of suit, branch should ensure that assets available, if any, as pledge/hypothecation/assignment
etc are disposed of wherever possible as per norms after giving notice to borrowers/guarantors and credit
balances , if any, are set off.Security documents are valid and enforceable.
• Recall notice to be sent to all borrowers/guarantors by registered post with AD / speed post demanding
entire outstanding dues.
• Draft of application/plaint should be prepared by advocate carefully giving all details like the conduct of the
account, documents obtained from time to time, securities created and other relevant information relating
to the conduct of the account and exchange of correspondence with the borrower/guarantor where some
issue is in dispute.
• Final draft of plaint should be sent to legal department for vetting and after vetting it should be approved by
competent authority.
• The approved plaint should be given to advocate alongwith copy of security documents, details of security,
latest outstanding with up-to-date interest etc. who will file the case in prescribed format of DRT.
• Interim reliefs such as injunction against properties, attachment before judgement, appointment of Receiv-
er, impounding of passport, etc. should be prayed as a rule.
Follow up • After filing case, DRT gives OA no.(serial no. of Original Application) and issues summons to all defendants.
Action Serving of summons is important for start of proceedings.
• After serving summons, proceedings start with evidence followed by cross-examination of witness and vice
versa. Defendants may try to take adjournment on various ground and bank should not allow such attempts
by giving proper reply.
• On decree of case, DRT issues Recovery Certificate in favour of bank and Recovery officer starts execution of
RC by identification/attachment/sale of assets of borrowe ₹
• Branch should provide proper details of assets to DRT within one month and ensure attachment of the
property with the help of RO. Advocate of the bank should be instructed properly and any attempt of de-
fendant to stall action should be protested appropriately.
• If defendants avoiding intentionally, branch may apply, after taking approval, for arrest and detention of the
• For effective recovery, continuous and regular follow up by advocate and prompt and appropriate reply to
the court is necessary.
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Department of Financial Services vide their communication dated 08.08.2022 have informed that they
are in receipt of various references relating to speedy disposal of the cases (both OA & SA) and the issue
was taken up with the Chairpersons and Presiding Officers during the conference held on 09.06.2022.
During the deliberations, there were responses that the number of adjournments sought by Banks is on a
higher side, which is resulting in pendency and further even in Securitization Applications (SAs), banks
take adjournment and do not file counter (written reply) within the stipulated time, which works as gold-
en opportunity for defaulter borrowers/guarantors/third party to ask for an interim stay from DRT and
that interim stay is extended for months and in some cases even for yea ₹ DFS has expressed concern on
the conduct of the Banks and has advised Banks to comply with the below mentioned directions:
• To provide the dealing advocate complete information and complete set of documents before the
date of hearing to enable him to prepare the case and also provide proper instructions so as to safe-
guard the interest of the Bank.
• Meeting the Chairpersons/Presiding Officers (PO) on Quarterly basis by senior officials of the bank not
below the rank of AGM/DGM. In this connection, please refer to our earlier communications dated
06.07.2022 & 28.07.2022 wherein we had advised all filed functionaries to meet the POs of the DRT
for better liasoning.
• Banks/Authorised Officers should ensure filing of Caveat as per Section 18 C of the SARFAESI Act in
every case wherein symbolic/physical possession of the property had been taken under section 13(4),
without any fail
• Authorised officers (under SARFAESI Act) be sensitized to keep all the documents ready, such as de-
mand notice, proof of service, proof of disposal of objections/representation of the borrower/
guarantor within the prescribed time of 15 days, possession notice, statement of account, valuation of
the secured asset, Panchnama, Video recording of possession taking exercise, copy of loan documents
etc. to avoid delay in submission of counter in Securitisation Application in DRTs. DFS has also ad-
vised that the accountability of Authorised Officer to be fixed for not taking the steps within the pre-
scribed period or in other words delaying the process on his own, even in the absence of any stay by
DRT/DRAT/High Court.
• Authorised Officer to ensure that the application under Section 14 is accompanied by an affidavit duly
affirmed and declaring all the information/ details as envisaged under the SARFAESI Act, since District
Magistrate or the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate are required to pass orders within the prescribed pe-
riod, only after satisfying from the contents of the affidavit so filed.
• Zones have already identified Law Officers to act as a nodal officer for each DRT. AGM/DZM
(Recovery) at Zones have also been identified as a Nodal Officer for monitoring of High Value cases.
These Officers should be fully conversant with the facts of the High Value Cases and should attend
every hearing before DRTs.
• The Nodal Officers for each DRT should intimate the Registry to serve the notice on them on behalf of
Bank (in SARFAESI matters) and to immediately take steps to defend including engaging lawyer to de-
fend the Bank to avoid unwarranted stay.
• Efforts be made to find out the details of other assets non-mortgaged to Bank through all possible
means including but not limited to engagement of PDA so that dealing counsel could add those details
while drafting & filing O.As envisaged under Section 19 (3) A of the RDB Act.
• To sensitize the dealing/panel advocate to attend the hearing of the case promptly and not to take
• The matter settled under One Time Settlement where bank issued NOC to the borrowers, to be re-
ported to the Tribunal immediately.
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Introduc- The Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act (SARFAESI ACT)
tion was passed in 2002 and along with recently notified “The Security Interest (Enforcement) Amendment Rules
2018” provides good opportunity for bank’s to recover its dues.It is a very effective tool for recovery of NPA. The
Act covers the following segments as under:-
a) Regulation of Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets of Banks/FIs.
b) Enforcement of Security Interest
c) Central Registry
Eligibility Criteria for invoking the provisions of the SARFAESI Act:
• Account should be classified as NPA and contractual dues must be ₹ 1.00 lac & above
• The security charged to the Bank must be specific, clear and available to the Bank
• Security documents should be in force and complete at the time of invocation
• In case of consortium, the lender with 60% of contractual dues can invoke. In multiple banking / other cases,
100% exclusive charge over asset should be there.
• Charge over agriculture land/contractual dues less than 20% of principal /assets under pledge/lien are not
eligible under the Act.
Initiation of Branches should identify eligible accounts where SARFAESI action can be initiated and proposal for issue of notice
SARFAESI and initiation of action under the act should be sent to the Competent Authority for approval.
Action Authority to issue notice /initiate action under SARFAESI Act:
Issue of • Notice should be prepared in prescribe format of Sec 13(2) and sent to all borrowers/ guarantors separately
Notice who have created security interest. However, usual recall notice should be sent to all other parties also who
have not created any security interest.
• Notice must be signed by the “authorised Officer” only. "Authorised Officer" means an officer not less than a
Chief Manager of a Public Sector Bank or equivalent as specified by the Board of Directors of the secured cred-
• The period of notice will be 60 days
• The service of the notice is to be made by Regd. Post / A.D., Speed Post, Courier, E-mail, UPC, Fax etc. In case
of non-delivery of service or avoiding the service, the notice should be affixed on the conspicuous part of the
building where the borrower / guarantor resides and / or carries on business and also on the property in
which the security interest is created. In addition, it is also required to be published in two leading newspa-
pers, one in vernacular language having sufficient circulation in that locality and the other in English.
• Where the borrower is a Body Corporate, the Demand Notice shall be served on the Registered Office and also
on any of the branches of such Body Corporate
• In case of Consortium/Multiple Lending, as per decision of committee, either separately for own bank’s dues
or joint notice for aggregate dues to be served.
• The Authorised Officers so issuing the notice as well as monitoring and follow up of the action will have im-
munity granted for all Action done in good faith and without negligence while exercising the right on the secu-
rities created.
Objection • After serving of notice under sec 13(2), if the borrower/guarantor raises any objection/makes any representa-
by borrow- tion, bank must reply to them with 15 days of receipt of such objection or representation with reasons for
er non-acceptance.
• It is made clear that such communication of reasons shall not confer any right upon the borrower to prefer an
application to the DRT under Section 17 or the Court of District Judge under Section 17A of the said Act.
DRT/Suit • There is no legal bar for taking simultaneous action under the DRT Act as well as the SARFAESI Act and for tak-
Filed/IBC ing constructive possession.
Cases • If the Adjudicating Authority has passed an order of moratorium under IBC-2016, a secured creditor will not
be able to proceed with the SARFAESI action till the corporate insolvency resolution process is completed.
Enforce- If borrowers/guarantors fail to meet their liabilities within 60 days of issue of demand notice, the Authorised
ment Ac- Officer of the Bank may take following action:
tion Take possession of the secured assets; 2) Take over the management of the secured assets; 3) Appoint a per-
son to manage the assets taken over; 4) Issue notice for collection of receivables / book debts 5) Bank can
also sell or lease out the business and take over the management of the Company.
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Possession of • Before taking possession, the authorised officer should ascertain the realisable value of assets
Movable As- including cost of storage, insurance, security and sale of asset in comparison to total dues. The
sets decision of possession should be taken in consultation with ZM/Head of LCB.
• In case the borrower refuses peaceful handing over of the secured assets, Bank can also file an
application before the concerned Chief Metropolitan Magistrate /District Magis-
trate(CMM/DM) for taking possession of the secured assets
• Authorised officer must ensure that the asset to taken under possession is listed in demand
• Possession should be taken after sunrise and before sunset
• Authorized Officer shall take possession of the property in the presence of two independent
• Panchnama shall be prepared and signed by the two independent witnesses and the Author-
ised Officer
• An inventory mentioning details about quality/quantity, measurements, nature/ condition of
the property should be prepared and signed by the Authorised Officer and the borrower or his
• In case of refusal, a statement to this effect must be recorded in the inventory and panchnan-
ma and signed by the authorised officer and two independent witnesses.
• The authorised officer shall deliver the inventory to the borrower or his agent against
• In case of refusal, a statement should be noted on the inventory and send to the borrower by
Registered Post with acknowledgement due/fax or E-mail. Inventory is to be attached to the
• Secured assets shall be kept in the custody of the Authorized Officer/ any other person au-
thorized or appointed by him in this behalf but not with the Enforcement Agents appointed by
the Bank.
• The seized assets shall be taken care of in the same manner as the owner of ordinary pru-
dence would take of his own assets
Sale of Assets • Before proceeding for sale, valuation of the assets should be done by an approved valuer reg-
istered under Section -34AB of the Wealth Tax Act, 1957 and reserve price should be fixed by
the competent authority.
( minimum Zonal Manager / Chief Incumbent LCB)
The Authorized Officer shall sell the seized assets in one or more lots by any of the following
modes to secure maximum price for the assets to be sold:
• By obtaining quotations from parties dealing in/interested in buying the seized assets; (ii) By
inviting tenders from public; (iii) By holding public auction; or (iv) By private treaty.
• The Authorized Officer must serve to the Borrower a Notice of 30 days for sale of the movable
assets in same manner as Demand Notice under Sec 13(2).
• This Notice should contain the Reserve Price, fixed if any and mode of sale, place, date and
time of sale and should give the borrower an opportunity to participate in the sale process
• If the sale is being effected by either inviting tenders from public or by holding public auction,
a Public Notice in two leading newspapers, one in vernacular language, having sufficient circu-
lation in that locality must be published
• Wherever sale is to be conducted by Public Tender or through E-auction/E-tender process , all
the tenders received should be opened by the Authorised Officer in the presence of the Ten-
derers and hence date, time and place of opening the Tenders should also be mentioned in
the Sale Notice E-auction Notice.
• Sale can be conducted only after expiry of 30 days from the date on which the Sale Notice was
published in the newspaper or after expiry of 30 days from the receipt of service of the Sale
Notice to the borrower/guarantor whichever is later
• Sale by any other method or below reserve price, can be effected by the Authorized Officer
only with the consent of the Bank and borrower/guarantor i.e. owner of the property
• On payment of sale price, the Authorized Officer shall issue Sale Certificate in the prescribed
• As per section 13(8) of the SARFAESI Act where all the dues of the Secured Creditor are ten-
dered to the Bank at any time before the date of publication of notice, the secured assets shall
not be sold or transferred by the Bank or further action taken in this regard.
• In case of any other movable property like debt, share, etc. the Authorized Officer shall serve
the notice upon the borrower and the person in possession of such assets, calling upon them
to hand over the same to Authorized Officer and the Authorized Officer shall take custody of
such movable property in the same manner as applicable to movable secured assets as afore-
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Enforcement If borrowers/guarantors fail to meet their liabilities within 60 days of issue of demand
Action notice, the Authorized Officer of the Bank may take following action:
Take possession of the secured assets; 2) Take over the management of the se-
cured assets; 3) Appoint a person to manage the assets taken over; 4) Issue notice
for collection of receivables / book debts 5) Bank can also sell or lease out the busi-
ness and take over the management of the Company.
Sale of Im- After fixation of reserve price, the Authorized Officer may sale the property in following
movable manner:
Property by obtaining quotations from the persons dealing with similar property or interested in
buying such property or
b. by inviting tenders from the public. or
c. by holding public auction/Including through E- auction, or
d. by private treaty
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Sale by tender • Authorized Officer shall serve to the borrower a 30 day notice for sale of
the property in the same manner Demand Notice was served.
• This notice should contain the Reserve Price fixed, mode of sale, place,
date and time of sale and should give the borrower an opportunity to par-
ticipate in the sale process
• A Public Notice should be published in two leading daily newspapers, one
in vernacular language, having sufficient circulation in that locality the oth-
er in English by setting out the terms of the sale
• A copy of newspaper containing the notice should be sent to the borrower
along with 30 days Sale Notice referred above. The notice to be uploaded
on the Bank’s website, Govt. website "tende ₹" and
• The Notice of sale should also be affixed on a conspicuous part of the im-
movable property to be sold.
• Sale should be conducted as per tender rules and CVC guidelines after expi-
ry of 30 days of publication of sale notice either physically or through e-
• Assets shall be sold in favour of the purchaser who has offered the highest
price in his bid/tender or quotation or offer to the Authorised Officer and
the sale shall be subject to the confirmation by the Bank.
• Sale should be made above the Reserve Price .On successful sale, purchas-
er should deposit 25% of sale price including earnest money by next work-
ing day and rest amount within 15 days failing which the amount will be
forfeited and fresh process should start.
Sale by Other • If sale is conducted by inviting quotations, efforts to be made to obtain
methods quotations from as many buyers as possible. Minimum three quotations
must be obtained.
• Sale by any method other than Public Auction or Public Tender shall be on
such terms as may be settled between secured creditor and purchaser in
Online Auc- • In case bids are placed in last 5 minutes of the closing of auction, the clos-
tion Event ing time automatically gets extended to 5 more minutes. There will be in-
definite extensions of 5 minutes each.
Confirmation • Since the confirmation of sale is to be given instantly to the successful bid-
of sale der for making 25% payment immediately or at the most the next working
day in terms with the provisions of SARFAESI Act, the following procedure
shall be followed - The Zonal Manager and his absence the Deputy Zonal
Manager shall be the approving authority for confirmation of sale, and in
LCBs /ARBs, the DGM or in his absence the AGM of the branch shall be the
approving authority for confirmation of sale. The above powers can be ex-
ercised irrespective of the amount involved.
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The Stat- “The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016” got President’s assent and published in the
ute gazette of India on 28.05.2016.The code seeks to create a legal frame work for resolving
insolvency and bankruptcy in India. Insolvency is a situation individuals/organisations are
unable to meet their financial obligation. The code consolidates the existing laws relating
to companies, limited liability entities including LLPs, unlimited liability partnership firms
and individuals. Central Govt has also constituted National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)
and notified NCLT Rule to deal with all cases Corporates, new and pending with various
courts, relating to Insolvency & Bankruptcy.
Defini- Financial Creditor (FC)- Financial Creditor means any person to whom a financial debt is
tions owed and includes a person to whom such debt has been legally assigned or transferred
Operational Creditor (OC)- Operational Creditor means a person to whom an operational
debt is owed and includes any person to whom such debt has been legally assigned or
transferred; operational debt” means a claim in respect of the provision of goods or ser-
vices including employment or a debt in respect of the payment of dues arising under any
law for the time being in force and payable to the Central Government, any State Govern-
ment or any local authority;
Corporate Debtor (CD)-Corporate Debtor means a corporate person who owes a debt to
any person.
Information Utility (IU)-Information Utility maintains all financial information about firm/
corporate under Insolvency Process.
IRP-Interim Resolution Professional appointed by NCLT on initiation of process of CRIP,
who take over the management of CD, manage the operation of the company and consti-
tute COC. IRP will work till appointment/replacement by RP.
RP-After constitution of Committee of Creditors (COC) , IRP is either appointed as RP or re-
placed by new RP by COC, who takes over the charge from IRP till final resolution.
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Identification of • The account should be classified as NPA or SMA and amount of default should
accounts be ₹ 1 crore & above.
• There is sufficient primary/collateral security available but resolving thorough
SARFAESI/DRT is time consuming
• In case of Consortium, a decision to proceed under IBC may be considered in
consultation with the lead bank/other lenders, In case of lead bank, then the
decision be arrived at the consortium meeting of member Banks by way of su-
per majority
• In those accounts where our Bank is an unsecured creditor and where other
lenders are not co-operating to resolve the issues the provisions of IBC may be
invoked keeping in mind the cost involved, the assets available for distribution
in the event of winding up etc.
• Provision requirements on initiating action under IBC also may be considered
Delegation for Cases Filed by Other Banks/Operational Credi-
Initiation/ with- MD & CEO Full tors/Others: Branch should file counter claim immedi-
drawal of IBC ac- Power ately and obtaining approval for the same is not required
tion ( ₹ Crore) since it is a statutory requirement, however, reporting
ED-SARD 500 should be done within 15 days,
GM- NBG/ 250
SARD Competent authority for approval of restructuring, fur-
ZM/LCB 50 ther funding etc: The Competent Authority for approval
Head of restructuring, resolution including haircut funding
DZM(Rec) 20 requests, interim finance, priority loans etc. shall be the
delegated authority for credit matters as per delegation
Corporate Insol- When any Corporate Debtor (CD) commits default, the CRIP may be triggered by FC, OC or CD
vency Resolution itself. The application is filed before NCLT alongwith suggestion for appointment of Interim Resolu-
Process (CRIP) tion Professional (IRP). NCLT, admits or rejects the application on merit basis. If admitted, the flow
of process is given below:
Admission of application by NCLT Appointment of IRP Collection of claims and formation of
COC Confirmation/Replacement of RP Appointment of Registered Valuer/Transaction Audi-
tors Information Memorandum Invitation of EOI
Invitation of Resolution Plan Approval of RP by CoC (66% votes)
Approval of Plan by NCLT.
If RP is rejected by CoC or NCLT Liquidation Process Starts
Application • A Financial Creditor can file application alone or jointly alongwith other FCs.
by FC (Bank) • Any other person on behalf of FC as notified by the Govt. can file application
• There may be default in respect of a financial debt owed to any other FC
• FC in a class of creditors shall file jointly with not less than 100 or not less than
10% of total no. of class
• Name of the IP proposed to act as IRP along with application
Application by OC • Creditor has to deliver a 10 days demand notice
• CD has to show a dispute or evidence of repayment to avoid initiation of CRIP
• Separate application be each applicant to be filed
• Joint application only in case of representatives of workmen and employees
• Option to furnish the name of IP to be appointed as IRP
• There should not be any pre existing dispute
Application by CD • Special resolution to be passed by at least three fourth majority of sharehold-
ers or partners
• Furnish name of IP to be appointed as IRP alongwith application
• Audited financial statements for last two years and provisional for current
year and other documents required
• There should be record of default
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Moratori- If the application is admitted, the resolution process starts on the date of admission, which
um is called Insolvency Commencement Date (ICD), IRP is appointed and Moratorium is de-
clared. Powers of Board of Directors are suspended and following actions are prohibited:
• Institution of suit/constitution of pending suits/proceedings against CD including execu-
tion of any judgement/decree/order in court of law, tribunal, arbitration panel or any
other authority
• Transferring, encumbering, alienating or disposing of by the CD any of its assets or any
legal right or beneficial interest there in.
• Any action to foreclose, recover or inforce any security interest created by the CD in re-
spect of its property including any action under SARFAESI Act 2002.
Committee • COC shall comprise of all financial creditors of the Corporate Debtor
of Credi- • Financial creditor who is a related party of the CD shall not have any right of representa-
tion, participation or voting in COC meetings
• Voting share shall be determined on the basis of financial debts owed
• In case of no FC: i) eighteen largest OC will form COC,ii) one representative each from
workmen and employees and iii) all decisions wiil be taken by OCs and voting rights will
be based on debt outstanding.
• Any time during the CRIP, COC may replace the RP with 66% votes and a written consent
by new RP.
• NCLT is duty bound to consider the name of RP if proposed by COC,
• If no name is proposed COC for RP, NCLT may ask from IBBI.
Appoint- • COC should call its first meeting within 7 days from its constitution and appoint RP in
ment of RP first meeting itself.
• RP can be appointed by 66% vote share in COC
• IRP will continue to function till the time RP is appointed
• COC may replace with another IRP or appoint him as RP
• If COC resolves to continue with IRP as RP, the decision should be communicated to
IRP,CD and AA. CoC to file application before AA and a written consent from IRP to be
Time limit • The corporate insolvency resolution process should be completed within 180 days from
for the date of admission
• If the RP file an application before AA for extension of time beyond 180 days, AA may
grant such extension not beyond 90 days, if COC has passed resolution to this effect in
its meeting by 66% voting share.
• The entire process shall not exceed 330 days from insolvency commencement day for
resolution including extension period/time taken for legal proceedings
Voting Sec 12A Withdrawal of Application 90% Sec 30(4) Approval of Resolution 66%
Rights Plan
Sec 12(2) Approval of time extension 66% Sec 33(2) Decision to liquidate CD 66%
Liquidation The Adjudicating Authority (AA) may pass an order of liquidation of CD in following conditions:
Where no resolution plan is received during the process.
When the AA has rejected the Resolution plan for non compliance of specific requirements
When RP has intimated the decision of COC by 66% of voting share for liquidation
Where the Resolution Plan approved by AA has been contravened by CD and requested for
Fast Track An application for fast track corporate insolvency resolution process may be made in respect of CD as notified
Corporate by Central Govt. The corporate insolvency resolution process shall be completed within a period of ninety
Insolvency days from the insolvency commencement date. The time limit may be extended once by AA if resolution
passed by COC by 75% vote share. However, maximum extension will be upto 45 days.
Voluntary A corporate person who intends to liquidate itself voluntarily and has not committed any default may initiate
Liquidation voluntary liquidation proceedings. A declaration from majority of the directors of the company verified by an
of Corpo- affidavit stating that:
rate Per- They have made a full inquiry into the affairs of the company and they have formed an opinion that
son either the company has no debt or that it will be able to pay its debts in full from the proceeds of
assets to be sold in the voluntary liquidation; and
The company is not being liquidated to defraud any person; is required for initiation of process.
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Introduc- Sometimes accounts slip into NPA due to temporary liquidity mismatch and fixation of unrealistic repayment
schedule or non-generation of cash flow envisaged at the time of original sanction but the unit is viable and
tion can be revived. In such accounts, Holding on Operation may be allowed.
Initiation Upon slipping of an account to NPA, the branches should carry out detailed inspection within a reasonable
time to ascertain:
of pro- a) Position of account /activity
cess b) Intention of the Borrower / Promoter.
Eligibility Holding on Operation may be allowed in following cases:
i. The default is not deliberate and there is no diversion of funds outside business of the borrower unit.
ii. The reasons for the irregularities in the account were beyond the control of the management of Borrow-
er Company.
iii. Cash flow aberration/s prima facie appears to be genuine and reasonable, perceived to be manageable
in foreseeable future.
iv. The involvement and dedication of the management of the borrowing company in the process of recov-
ery from aberration/s is complete.
v. The accommodation being considered is only for genuine business related requirement of the borrower.
Period Generally Holding on Operations allowed for 6(six) months, within this period comprehen-
sive plan for further course of action like restructuring/recovery action should be final-
In exceptional cases, the period may be extended by the normal delegatee upto 12(twelve)
month subject to reporting to Sanctioning Authority of original proposal. Reasons for
such extension may be like restructuring under consideration /delay due to ongoing TEV
study/ pending decision of consortium/JLF/MBA members, substantial/ continuous re-
duction in outstanding by cut back
In extreme cases, EDLCC & above may extend the period beyond 12 months with proper jus-
Types of Following types of operations may be allowed with minimum 5% cut back:
i. Opening fresh LCs to the extent of reduction in devolvement even if devolvement is not fully
tions cleared, may be issued subject to recovery of normal charges and availability of margin, as per sanc-
tion terms.
ii. Allowing operations in cash credit account even though interest/forced debits are not cleared, fall in draw-
ing power etc.
iii. Renewal of Banks Guarantee with in Sanction Limit (not fresh guarantee to be issued), under iv.
Holding on operations to be allowed the existing outstanding/ exposure level (Exposure
Neutral) margin of holding on operations, may be allowed subject to recovery of normal charges
and availability of margin as per sanction terms.
LC/BG to be maintained as per terms of last sanction/review.
Delega- • For cutback below 5%- HLCC-I & above
• For cutback 5% and above:
Delegated Authority Sanction Limit or Outstanding whichever
is higher ( ₹ Crore)
CMLCC 5.00
SZLCC 25.00
ZLCC 100.00
FGMLCC Full Power
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Valuation of In case of exposures (Balance outstanding can be considered for this purpose) beyond ₹ 50 Cr,
assets two external valuation reports for all securities shall be
obtained. Where the exposure is less than ₹ 50.00 Cr but the fair market value of individual prop-
erty (s) exceeds ₹ 5.00 Cr, two external valuation reports shall be obtained even if exposure is
less than ₹ 5.00 Cr
Discounting The discounting rate would be contractual rate applicable in the account. In case of multiple ac-
rate count, the discount rate would be lower interest rate charged taking all accounts together.
For ex: If a customer is availing both term loan and CC whereas ROI in Term Loan is 10% p.a. and
ROI in CC is 8% p.a., then discount rate would be 8% p.a.
Net Present Net Present Value (NPV) to be calculated by discounting cash amount to be brought in by ARC @
Value (NPV) contractual rate applicable in the account and In case of
multiple account, the discount rate would be lower interest rate charged taking all accounts to-
gether, for estimated Resolution period mentioned in column G. SR
amount, being contributed by Bank, not to be discounted.
Sum total of NPV of cash portion + SR portion will be the Reserve Price (RP) under different struc-
tures as above
Buy Back of There is no prohibition on lenders from taking over standard accounts from ARCs. Accordingly, in
Financial cases where ARCs have successfully implemented
Assets: a resolution plan for the stressed loans acquired by them, lenders may, at their discretion and
with appropriate due diligence, take over such loans after the period equivalent to the
'monitoring period' as defined in Reserve Bank of India, provided that the account performed
satisfactorily, as defined in the circular during the said 'monitoring period'. Lenders shall lay down
a board approved policy containing various aspects governing such take overs viz., type of assets
that may be taken over, due diligence requirements, viability criteria, performance requirement
of asset, etc. A lender cannot at any point of time acquire from ARCs the loan exposures they
have themselves earlier transferred.
Transfer of Sale to NARCL will be governed by guidelines issued by regulator/DFS/IBA/NARCL from time to
NPAs to time and approval of such sale will be taken from M.Com as per these guidelines
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Price Discov- The RBI has prescribed that when assignment of debt to ARCs is negotiated on
ery Through a bilateral basis, such negotiations must necessarily be followed by an auction through Swiss
Swiss Chal- Challenge method if the aggregate exposure (including investment exposure) of lenders to the
lenge Meth- borrower/s whose loan is being transferred is ₹ 100 crore or more. In all other cases, the bilateral
ods negotiations shall be subject to the price discovery and value maximization approaches adopted
by the transferor
which is already in place in our bank by prescribing operational procedure, valuation methodolo-
gy etc.
The RBI has advised that this process may also include Swiss Challenge method.
i) The minimum mark-up over the base-bid required for the challenger bid (as specified at point v
below) to be considered shall not be less than five per cent and shall not be more than 15 per
cent. For this purpose, mark-up shall be the difference between the challenger bid and the base-
bid expressed as a percentage of the base-bid.
ii) In case of transfer of stressed loans undertaken as a resolution plan under the Reserve Bank of
India (Prudential Framework for Resolution of Stressed Assets) Directions, 2019 with the approval
of signatories to the ICA, the minimum
mark-up over the base-bid required for the challenger bid shall be decided with the approval of
signatories to the ICA representing 75 per cent by value of total outstanding credit facilities (fund
based as well non-fund based) and 60 per cent of signatories by number. The above decision will
prevail over any individual
policy of any of the signatories to the ICA.
iii) On an ongoing basis, HO, Recovery deptt. should identify the stressed loans which will be
offered for transfer and an authenticated list of such loans shall be maintained at HO, Recovery
Deptt . The list may be disclosed to prospective bidder on entering into confidentiality agree-
iv) The broad contours of the Swiss Challenge Method are as under:
A prospective transferee interested in acquiring a specific stressed loan may offer a
bid to the lender(s), which shall be termed as the base-bid.
HO, Recovery Dept. shall then publicly call for counter bids from other prospective
buyers, on comparable terms, by disclosing the essential elements of the base-
bid and also clearly specifying the minimum mark-up (as specified in point i
above) that would be acceptable. on in NPA Management Policy.
If no counter bid crossed the minimum mark-up specified in the invitation, the base-
bid becomes the winning bid.
If counter bid(s) cross the minimum mark-up specified in the invitation, the highest
counter bid becomes the challenger bid. The prospective transferee who provid-
ed the base-bid is then invited to match the challenger bid. If the prospective
transferee who provided the base-bid either matches the challenger bid or bids
higher than the challenger bid, such bid shall become the winning bid; else, the
challenger bid shall be the winning bid.
Bank will have the following two options: i. Transfer the loan to winning bidder, as
determined above; ii. If we decide not to transfer the loan to winning bidder, we
will be required to make immediate provision on the account to the extent of the
higher of the following: • The discount on the book value quoted in the challeng-
er bid, and The provisioning required as per extant asset classification and provi-
sioning norms.
Note: All NPA accounts with outstanding balance (including accounts where PWO or regular write
off is already effected) accounts in default for more than 60 days shall be eligible for considera-
tion under the scheme.
Impaired large NPAs where we are either Sole Banker or in Multiple Banking Arrangements or
Consortium Agreements are also eligible to be considered for sale. A "basket" of accounts within
a homogenous pool on a portfolio basis may also be
eligible for sale.
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Communication Policy©
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Branch Circular No. 117/53 dt.29.04.2023
A business continuity plan is a process that outlines the potential impact of disaster situations to business operations. It
creates policies that respond to various situations to ensure a business is able to recover quickly after a crisis. The main
goal of the business continuity plan is to "PROTECT PEOPLE, PROPERTY, and ASSETS
Business continuity management systems helps the organization in monitoring, reviewing its performance and, creation
of continual improvement environment. It safeguards and protects life, assets and enhances the organization’s reputa-
tion and credibility and, reduces legal and financial risks.
Program shall be owned by the top management and will be driven by business continuity head.
Covid-19 pandemic has threaten dependencies of critical system and process. Planning for future pandemic is the need
for of the hour where in critical staff , critical location , telecommunication and network are not available simultaneous-
ly .Considering such scenarios , an assessment of process should be done to find out location and humans related de-
pendencies in managing business continuity.
Business continuity plan should be include five key element to address the unique challenges posed by pandemic
-Monitoring of potential outbreaks, educating employee, communicating and coordinating with critical service provider.
-Comprehensive insurance framework of the facility and systems.
-An oversight program to ensure ongoing review and updates to the pandemic plan.
- Testing a program to ensure institution pandemic planning practice.
Business continuity management is the critical process for bank regardless of size location and the plan is central to that
efforts .To streamline the planning process institution should integrate the business continuity into all business decision,
conduct periodic reviews of the plan and perform a regular testing. From bottom to top board should understand the
importance of business continuity planning and how his unique role of fits into the institution.
Electrical Fire Safety precautions in Branches/Offices( HOBCL 2021-22/25 Dated 17-07-2021)
Electrical safety devices such as MCB/MCCB/RCB enable auto switching off of electrical cir-
cuit in case of short circuit.
Old disposable paper, broken furniture etc. should be disposed off regularly and should not
be dumped in UPS/Battery room and exit pathway.
Old Records/Documents should be stacked properly on the racks in the store room. These
racks should be kept at a safe distance of 3 feet from the electric switch/panel.
Electric audit of branches/offices should be done once in 5 years and rectifications as per
the Audit Report must be ensured in a time bound manner.
The register of furniture & fixture items of the branch should be kept updated as it helps in
early settlement of insurance claim in case of an unfortunate incident of fire.
Power supply through UPS is provided only to critical equipment such as computer, net-
working equipment, security gadgets, printers etc.
All other electrical gadgets/amenities such as AC, Lights wall fans etc. reconnected to raw
power only.
UPS system and AC units should be covered under Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) and
must be kept in proper working condition.
No loose electrical wiring should be provided in the premises and multiple sockets are al-
ways to be avoided.
Earth resistance of computer & electrical systems must be within the permissible limit.
Fire alarm system should always be kept functional and the contact details in the connected
auto dialer should be kept updated.
Updated telephone numbers of all important services including Police station, Fire Brigade, Electrici-
240 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Branch Circular No. 116/322 dt. 31.03.2023
Preparedness has arrangements in place to reduce the impact on employees. Customers, clients & outsid-
er worke ₹ Prevent transmission and implement control measures. Ensure availability of sufficient skilled
& healthy manpower to manage critical segments of business, Pandemic preparedness and response plan:-
-Taking step of sharing important instruction with the staff member at all level.
Preventive Measures: Prevention holds key importance in safeguarding the health and life of people in
pandemic, and by this, it ensures our business continuity. During Pandemic advisories or guidance is-
sued by the Ministry Of Health And Family Welfare will be binding to our organization.
Awareness among Staffs: Staff members and their family members should be made aware of pandem-
ic, its probable impact, and steps to be taken to avoid infection of pandemic. They should be well
versed with the steps to be taken in different scenarios i.e. different phases of pandemics. To ensure
larger awareness among staff members once a year for a week, Pandemic flu awareness week should
be organized in the 2 nd week of January every year in offices/branches and Bank's residential com-
plexes. In this week staff members and their family members can opt for best hygiene practice in the
office/residential complexes.
Signs should be prominently displayed to discourage staff and visitors with flu symptoms from entering
the workplace and remind people of: a) the signs and symptoms of flu b) the importance of self-
isolation of individuals with symptoms consistent with influenza-like illness c) the importance of respir-
atory etiquette and hand hygiene at all times. • Surfaces, doorknobs, handles should be cleaned fre-
quently with the usual cleaning materials/ disinfectant. Branch/Office premises should be sanitized
from time to time
Consideration should be given to improving access to effective hand hygiene facilities. Where practica-
ble, hand rubs, particularly alcohol-based could be made available at entrances
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(Circular no. 118/128 Dt. 27.08.2024 )
Bank's Corporate Physical Security Policy (CPSP) is designed to enhance controls to safe guard the Bank's
assets in various forms, from perceived threats, both internal and external. This policy encompasses direc-
tives for both Domestic and Overseas Branches/ Offices/ Centers/ Establishments. This policy was last re-
viewed and approved by Board on 04 08-2023.
The objective of the policy on Physical Security of the Bank is to:
a. define security guidelines and procedures for various contingencies
b. provide necessary physical security and safety arrangements including fire safety in all branches, offices,
currency chests and during cash in transit
c. mitigate the losses arising out of security related incidents and minimize crime against the Bank by tak-
ing proactive measures
d. safeguard public assets entrusted with the Bank by compliance of regulatory requirements and by effec-
tive dovetailing of Disaster Management Plan.
e. through an optimal combination of human and technological assets and physical security installations,
following objectives shall be achieved:
Safety of life & limb of staff, customers and others present in our branches and offices
Safety and Security of Bank's property including cash and valuables.
While achieving above primary objectives, combination of means deployed should be such that following
secondary objectives are achieved:
a. Fulfillment of Bank's legal obligations in creating secure environment for customers within its premises
b. Cost effectiveness
c. Preventive Deterrence
d. High visibility to inspire confidence
e. Preservation of Customers confidence
f. Flexibility to match shifting crime pattern
g. Preservation & enhancement of Bank's image
h. Reduction in level of violence if and when violent incident occurs within our premises
i. Unobtrusiveness
Following changes have been incorporated in the policy during the extant review:
• The existing name and abbreviation of the National Banking Group (NBG) have been replaced with
Field General Manager (FMG) at all the places in the policy document to align the policy with the re-
vised nomenclature of NBGs advised by HO, BPR effective from 01-04-2024
• The norms as laid down in the security manual with regard to escorting, type of vehicles to be used for
transportation, securing the boxes with the body of the vehicle, keeping the cash in transit within the
insurance limit as prescribed by the bank periodically as well as maintenance of secrecy shall be en-
sured by branches.
• Electric Audit branches/offices of will all be conducted once in 3 years. At least one third of the Branch-
es/Premises shall be covered under the electric audit every year.
• The Corporate Security policy of the Bank shall be reviewed every three years by Head Office, Security
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(Circular no. 117/171 Dt. 07.10.2023 116/213 Dt. 28.11.2022 )
Objective: The main objective of this Policy are: • To ensure availability of customer amenities to meet cus-
tomer expectations & improve customer service; • Compliance of regulatory guidelines issued by RBI vide
Master Circular No: RBI/2015-16/59 DBR No. Leg. BC.21/09.07.006/2015-16 dated 01.07.2015 on Customer
Service in Banks.
The Policy documents focuses on all aspect related to customer services, issues
guidelines for provision of necessary infrastructure and its maintenance, various kind of security measures
related to general operation of branches and supervisory controls to ensure implementation of the same
on perennial basis. All these aspects are as under:
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Branch Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Plan
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Business Sourcing Associates (BSA) Policy –
(HOBC 117/55 dated 25.04.2023 ,HOBC 117/55 dated 25.04.2023, HOBC 118/40 dated 04.05.2024)
Retail Products New and Takeovers: Home Loans (Above ₹ 10.00 lakhs) , Loan against property (Above
covered ₹ 10.00 Lakhs) and Education loans ( ₹ 10.00 Lakhs and above) and Vehicle Loans rout-
ed through corporate selling agents
Note- No Commission to be paid in case of Pre-approved loans
Eligibility for Individuals: Ex/Retired Bank Officers (retired under superannuation VRS/ resigned etc.),
Empannelment Marketing staff of builders whose projects have been approved by our Bank (if the
builder or its sister concern does not have a BSA ID), Real Estate Brokers registered un-
der RERA of their respective States; Approved agents for selling Postal Savings Instru-
ment/Govt. Approved Valuers /Chartered Accountants / Real Estate Brokers /Tax Con-
sultants/ Registered MF agents / Registered IRDA agents etc.
Entities other than Individuals: like Partnership/Pvt. Ltd/LLP etc.; Real Estate Brokers
(non -individual) registered under RERA of their respective States; Approved non-
individual agents for selling Postal Savings Instrument / Govt. Approved Valuers / Char-
tered Accountant Firms Real Estate Brokers / Other Tax Consultants/ Registered MF
agents / Registered IRDA agents (non- individual) / Brokers etc.; Fintech companies/
Digital platforms /Education loan counsellors and online counselling platforms.. BOI
Merchant Bankers Limited, a subsidiary of Bank of India, as Corporate BSA (Prior per-
mission from SEBI is required to be obtained before empanelment of any subsidiary of
Bank of India, as corporate BSA). Corporate Business Correspondents engaged by Bank
as Corporate BSA Note : Due care to be taken while empaneling Advocates & their
family members as BSA. In such cases, the legal officer concerned Zone should be one
of the members of Interview committee. • Close relative of serving staff members are not
Other Require- Satisfactory track record/testimonials duly certified by the present Bankers where the
ments applicant is presently enrolled as BSA; CIBIL (Consumer/Commercial) report of entity
should be satisfactory; applicant having prior experience in marketing/ selling of Home
Loans/Mortgage; Satisfactory reference letter of two reputed persons from the locali-
ty;Inspection is to be carried out by RBC Head. Branch Manager/ Credit-in-
Charge may also carry out the inspection for proximity reasons External Due dili-
gence report, in case of Non-Individuals, should be satisfactory; applicant should be a
local resident for the last three years and techno savy. & should be able to enter lead
details through Banks LMS/ other electronic platform provided to him by the Bank. Sig-
nificant Market presence for a minimum period of two years, in case of Fintech compa-
Procedure for RBC has to carry out Scoring of BSA based on the applicable scoring sheet before
empanelment shortlisting for interview.Minimum marks:18 out of 30.Individual candi-
dates/Representatives who are shortlisted, to be interviewed by the Empanelment
Job Profile Generation Of leads;Fill in applications & obtain all requisite documents, Collecting &
submitting additional documents, if any.The job also involves marketing of various re-
tail products of Bank in the respective residential area /area of operation of the Branch/
Note: The role of BSA is limited to sourcing of leads only. KYC verification, pre-
sanction inspection, survey, appraisal, documentation, disbursement and post sanction
inspection in respect of loan account to be carried out by Branch/RBC i.e. Bank officials
246 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Business Sourcing Associates (BSA) Policy –
(HOBC 117/55 dated 25.04.2023 ,HOBC 117/55 dated 25.04.2023, HOBC 118/40 dated 04.05.2024)
Period Of Con- 12 Months from signing contract/agreement/issuing identity card.At the end of the con-
tract tract period, the contract will be terminated automatically unless renewed by a fresh con-
tract/ agreement. In case of unsatisfactory performance or misconduct, the termination
committee is authorized to terminate the agreement
Commission Note- • No other payment will be made to BSA in the form of salary/ allowance/ out-of-
Payable pocket expenses etc.The payment will be made to the account of BSA which has to be
maintained at any BOI Branch • The commission payable to BSA includes GST/ TDS on
GST (As per the latest guidelines of Goods & Services Tax applicable — HOBC 114/57
dated 11/06/2020), as applicable from time to time.
₹ 1000/- for collection of documents only as per the collection of requisite checklist pro-
vided to the BSA.
The payment of commission should be linked to disbursement and Mortgage of property
Remuneration: Limit bracket (Aggregate Business sourcing per Month) New Loans Up
to ₹ 1.00 Cr 0.45%+ GST More than ₹ 1.00 Cr and 0.50%+ GST up to 3.00 Cr More
than ₹ 3.00 Cr and up to 6.00 Cr 0.55%+ GST More than ₹ 6.00 Cr and up to 10.00 Cr
0.60%+ GST More than ₹ 10.00 Cr 0.65%+ GST Further Additional commission of
0.10% for Takeover of Home Loans including top-up loans over and above the aforesaid
proposed commission.
This circular describes about the step-by-step guidelines to be followed by the Branch-
es/ RBCs/ Zones while onboarding BSA and procedure, control & precaution for han-
dling them:
Confirming to the Eligibility
1. Process of Empanelment
2. Generation of BSA Code
3. Issuance of ID Card/ Empanelment Letter
4. Training to Selected BSAs
5. Scope of Assignment of BSAs
6. Processing of Leads sourced by BSAs
7. Payment of Commission
8. Monitoring and Control
9. Review of Empanelment
10. Grievance/ Redressal Mechanism
11. Termination of BSA
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
Communication policy of Bank of India
Branch circular no 115-118 Dt. 05.07.2021 & 116/261 dt. 27.01.2023
The banks communication policy aims at establishing a clear understanding of the value of
effective communication both internally and externally. To set a minimum standard for appro-
priate communication between staff members and between customers and staff members
Principals of communication policy:
1. Guiding principles of the Bank's communication policy in the context of its goals are transparency,
comprehensiveness, relevance and timeliness with a view to improving public understanding as a sys-
tematic process of continuous efforts.
2. All communication systems and equipment will be used only for the purpose of achieving the organi-
sation's objectives.
3. Clear, consistent and equitable communication within the organisation is essential for effective opera-
4. All communications are presented in Hindi (Rajbhasha), English and also in any of the regional lan-
guages recognised by the Constitution of India, whenever necessary.
5. All external communication including with the media must align with the organisation's strategic ob-
6. There must be coherence, clarity and credibility in articulation through speeches, formal structured
and periodic statements, statutory/ nonstatutory publications and committee reports as well as in re-
porting/ dissemination of information;
7. Communication should be tailored as per the target audience — media; Regulatory Bodies, other
Banks, market participants, Government agencies and the public including urban and rural population,
women, senior citizens, defence personnel, school children
8.. Only authorised personnel shall interface with the media/ prepare media release or any approved
event like product launch, new initiatives. They will communicate within the scope of published data of
their respective areas of operations. No comments should be made on futuristic issues / views on corpo-
rate policy, financial results management structure/ changes. future plans of the Bank, Government poli-
cy or any other information that is not in public domain.
9. Bank's authorised spokesperson shall endeavour to use an approved script for all public presentations,
designed or intended to disclose material information about the Bank's current or expected financial
10. There shall be dissemination of information through the official website on real time basis.
Elements of communication mix
1) Advertising 2) Sales promotion 3) Personal selling
4) Publicity and public relations 5) Direct marketing 6) Word of mouth promotion
Bank’s spokesperson: The Managing Director and CEO and Executive Directors of the bank are
the spokesperson for the bank. However depending upon the issue events, the Managing Direc-
tor and CEO may authorise any of the Executive Directors// Chief General Managers /General Man-
agers/Heads of Department to speak on behalf of the bank No other employee is authorised to
interact with media unless authorised to do so by the competent authority
Banks social media policy HOBC no. 117/237 dated 30.12.2023
Banks social media policy lays down the rules for use of social media by its authorised persons/
staff employees. It requires staff employees to post /share only those data/ information which
are not sensitive or confidential in nature and strictly prevent any abuse/misuse of any vital in-
formation/data, customer’s privacy while using social media handles. It prohibits social media
websites for personal use during working hou ₹ Only authorised persons is/are permitted to
post and interact on approved social media on behalf of the bank.
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Communication policy of Bank of India
Branch circular no 115-118 Dt. 05.07.2021 & 116/261 dt. 27.01.2023
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(HOGBD:2019-20:PPF:2006-2074 dated 11.03.2020)
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(HO:GBD:2019-20:SCSS:2075-2143 dated 11.03.2020)
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(HO:GBD- 2019-20:SSA:2144-2212 dated 11.03.2020)
• The account can be opened by the natural or legal guardian in the name of a girl childwho has
not attained the age of 10 yea ₹
• Every beneficiary (girl) can have single account
• NRIs are not eligible to open these accounts.
• Birth certificate of the girl child is must alongwith the Identity & address proof of guardian
• Maximum number of accounts upto two girl children or three in case of twin girls as second
birth or the first birth itself results in three girl children.
• Minimum Deposit ₹ 250/- of initial deposit with multiple of Rs 50/- thereafter with annual ceil-
ing of ₹ 1,50,000/- in a financial year.
• Minimum deposit in a FY is ₹ 250/-
• Deposit may be made in the account till the completion of 15 years from the date of opening of
• Deposit can be made through Cash/ Clearing/ Transfer or through internet mode
• Interest will be compounded yearly at the rate notified by Government on quarterly basis.
• Interest will be calculated on lowest balance between 5th day & last day of the month
• No interest will be payable once the accounts completes twenty-one years from the date of
• Account shall be operated by the guardian till the account holder attains the age of eighteen yea
₹ The account shall be operated by the beneficiary account holder herself after attaining age of
eighteen years
• Nomination can be made for one or more persons but not exceeding four individuals
• The account shall mature on completion for a period of twenty-one years from the date of its
• EEE benefit (Exempt of Tax on Investment, Interest & Maturity)
• In the event of death of the beneficiary account holder, the account shall be closed immediately
and balance with interest, upto date of death of account holder, should be paid to guardian. Interest
for the period between the date of death of the account holder and date of closure of the account
shall be paid at the rate applicable on Post Office Savings Account for the balance held in the ac-
• Withdrawal up to maximum 50% of the balance in the account at the end of the financial year
preceding the year of application for withdrawal shall be allowed for the purpose of education of the
account holder. Such withdrawal is not allowed unless the account holder attains the age of eighteen
years or passed the tenth standard whichever is earlier.
• Premature closure is also allowed for marriage purpose of the account holder if she attains 18
years of age.
• In case the beneficiary status changes to NRI, the account may be continued till its maturity and
the benefits available to the depositor shall be available on non-repatriation basis. No interest shall
be paid after its maturity.
• Account may be transferred anywhere in India & from Bank/ Post Office to other Bank/ Post
• Passbook shall be given to the guardian bearing the name, address & date of birth of the ac-
count holder, date of opening of account, account number, name & address of the guardian, rela-
tionship with the account holder and amount deposited.
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Staff Salary Savings Account© Revamped and Upgraded Saving Bank Ac-
Normal Current Account© Bank Policy on Deposit©
254 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Deposit -01
Savings Bank Account – General Scheme Code-SB 101
(Br.Cr.117/226 dated 13.12.2023)
Metro/ Urban
Any tierised account viz. Classic, Gold, Diamond & Platinum if do not meet the above AQB
stipulation, the penal charges in the subsequent month I quarter, shall be levied as per the prevailing
Service Charge Circular.
255 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Daily Minimum
Balance Nil
Average Quarterly Balance
Rs 500
Waiver of ATM/ Debit
Card Issuance
charges* (Only one card
and first issuance is
considered for
*At the time of issuance/replacement/renewal and AMC the system will apply the charges as per the prevailing Categorisation of
the accounts.
The Rupay NCMC will be there in Free choice with all variants.
Rupay Sangini Debit Card- Sangini Debit Card is an exclusively designed ATM cum Debit Card for Women. This card will only
be issued to all women account holders.
Waiver of ATM/ Debit
Card AMC (Subject to
qualify Average
Yearly Balance)
WhatsApp Alerts
256 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Free Transaction at
other bank ATM
per month
Concession in
Charges in Retail
Concession in ROI
in Retail Loans
Instant Personal
257 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Deposit -02
Savings Bank Account - Institutional Scheme Code -SB 102
(Br.Cr.117/226 dated 13.12.2023)
Eligibility: Savings Bank Accounts - Institutional under Scheme Code -SB 102 may
be opened for following categories:
i. Associations, Clubs, Societies, etc., Trusts, Institutions / Agencies specifically
permitted by RBI.
ii. Following Primary Co-operative Credit Society which is being financed by the bank.
Khadi and Village Industries Board
a. Agriculture Produce Market Committee
b. Societies registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860 or any other corresponding Law
in force in the state or Union Territory.
c. Companies Governed by the Companies Act 1956 which have been licensed by the Central
Government under section 25 of the Act, or under the corresponding provisions in the
Indian Companies Act 1913 and permitted, not to add to their names the word "Limited or
the words "Private Limited"
d. Institutions other than those mentioned in para 2 and whose entire income is exempt from
payment of income tax under Income Tax Act, 1961.
e. Government department /bodies/agencies in respect of grants/subsidies released for
implementation of various programs/schemes sponsored by Central Government/State
Governments subject to production of an authorization from the respective Central/State
Government departments to open savings bank account.
f. Development of women and children in rural areas (DWCRA). h) Self-help Groups (SHGs)
registered or unregistered, which are engaged in promoting savings habits among their
g. Farmers' Clubs - Vikas Volunteer Vahini.
h. Prohibitions for opening Savings Accounts: Savings Bank account shall not be opened in
the name of the following categories of institutions/ entities:
i. Any trading or business concern, whether such concern is proprietorship, partnership,
company or association
ii. Government departments/bodies depending upon budgetary allocations for
performance of their functions.
iii. Municipal Corporations/Committees
iv. Panchayat Samities
v. State Housing Boards
vi. Industrial Development Authorities
vii.State Electricity Boards
viii.Water / Sewerage / Drainage Boards
ix. State Text Book publishing corporations / societies / Metropolitan Development
x. State I District level housing Co-operative Societies.
xi. Other banks including Regional Rural Banks, Co-operative Banks and land Development
xii. Political parties These Institutions / Organizations are specifically excluded from
258 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Deposit -02
Savings Bank Account - Institutional Scheme Code -SB 102
(Br.Cr.117/226 dated 13.12.2023)
opening SB Accounts with Banks and earn interest thereon and hence branches are prohibited from
opening such Accounts.
Note: Any other institution permitted by Reserve Bank of India from time to time, can be allowed to
open Savings Bank Accounts.
Please carefully note that "acceptance of Interest free deposits in Savings Bank is prohibited
irrespective of caste, creed or religion of the depositor"
Features, benefits & concessions of Savings Bank Accounts - Institutional under Scheme
Code -SB 102
SB-102 (Savings Account Institutional)
All Category
Minimum Balance
Waiver of ATM/ Debit Card Issuance charges
Not Available in Government Accounts
Waiver of ATM/ Debit Card AMC Transaction in
Not Available in Government Accounts
Free Cheque Leaves Unlimited
Waiver of RTGS/NEFT Charges 100% waiver
Free DD/PO 100% waiver
Credit Card issuance Charges waiver Not Available in Government Accounts
Credit Card AMC Waiver (Min Transaction Amt)
Not Available in Government Accounts
SMS Alerts Free
WhatsApp Alerts Free
Group Personal Accident Insurance cover &
Not Applicable
other covers
Concession in Processing Charges in Not Available in Government Accounts
Retail Loans
Concession in ROI in Retail Loans
259 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Deposit -03
Pratham Savings Account- Scheme Code -SB 116
(Br.Cr.117/226 dated 13.12.2023)
260 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Deposit -03
Pratham Savings Account- Scheme Code -SB 116
(Br.Cr.117/226 dated 13.12.2023)
Rs.50,000/- I Rs.10,50,000/-
Free Transaction at
B01 ATM per month
Free Transaction at
other bank ATM per
Concession in
Processing Charges
in Retail Loans
Locker Rent
Salary/Pension Advance
Instant Personal Loan NA
Pensioners Savings Account - Scheme Code-SB 121
(Br.Cr.117/226 dated 13.12.2023)
Eligibility: The individuals who are drawing regular pension from Bank of India irrespective of age are
eligible for Pension Savings Account.
Minimum Balance Requirement: Nil for Pensioners Savings A/Cs under Scheme Code - SB 121.
The features, benefits & concessions offered with Pensioners Savings Account (Scheme Code - SB 121) are
as under:
Rupay Rupay
Visa Classic
NCMC Platium
261 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Pensioners Savings Account - Scheme Code-SB 121
Free Cheque First 25 leaves 25 Leaves p.a. 25 Leaves per Qtr 50 Leaves per Qtr
Waiver of Charges applicable as per
RTGS/NEFT bank's latest service charges 100% waiver
Charges applicable as per bank's
Free DD/PO latest service 100% waiver
Credit Card issuance
Charges waiver
100% waiver for all categories
SMS Alerts Chargeable Free
WhatsApp Alerts Chargeable Free
The Group Personal Accident Insurance Cover is inbuilt benefit to the SB A/C holders and its coverage
amount is linked to Scheme Type which is further enhanced based on maintenance of AQB. (Details of
Group Personal Accident Insurance Cover is advised vide HO BC 117/158 dated 08.09.2023.)
Group Personal Accident (Group Personal Accident Insurance cover will prevail as per Bank's issued guidelines from time to
Insurance cover time.)
Concession in
Processing Charges
in Retail Loans
Concession in ROI
in retail Loans
Locker Rent
262 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
*Subject to availability of lockers. The proposed concessions will be available only for the locker type A and B for the first
Rakshak Salary Savings Account - Scheme Code - SB 161
(Br.Cr.117/226 dated 13.12.2023)
Eligibility: Following categories of employees drawing monthly salary are covered in the Rakshak
i. All permanent employees of Defence Forces i.e. Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy, Paramilitary Forces and Coast
Guards. Agniveers are also eligible under this scheme. Ex- servicemen getting pension are also eligible & covered in
this Scheme.
ii. All existing permanent employees of the Central & State Police, Civil Police, home guards, Traffic Police and Reserve Police of all
States, Police Forces of The Union Territories (Under The Control of The Central Government), Railway Protection Force (RPF)
(under the Ministry of Railways, Central Government) and Government Railway Police (GRP) - (part of State Police Force).
Minimum Balance
Average Quarterly
Balance Rs 10,000 Rs 1 Lakh Rs 5 Lakh Rs 10 Lakh
Waiver of ATM/
Debit Card
Issuance charges*(Only
one card and first Visa Classic Rupay Platinum Rupay Select Visa Signature
issuance is being
considered for
Free Transaction at
BOI ATM per month
Free Transaction at
Concession in
Processing Charges in
Retail Loans
Concession in ROI in
retail Loans
Locker Rent
264 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Govt. Salary Savings Account - Govt Employees - Scheme Code - SB 163
(Br.Cr.117/226 dated 13.12.2023)
iii. Govt. Employees of University, College & School or any other such institution/ training colleges
(both teaching & non-teaching staff are covered)
iv. Pensioners also eligible for this scheme if they maintain pension account with us in S8163.
Minimum Balance Requirement: Nil for Govt. Salary Account - Govt Employees - Scheme Code -
100% waiver
100% waiver
100% waiver
Chargea ble
Group Personal
Accident Insurance
(Group Personal Accident Insurance cover will prevail as per Bank's issued
guidelines from time to time.)
265 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Personal Group Group Personal Group Group
Accident prrsonal Accidental Death Personal Personal
Death Accidental Insurance Cover Accidental Accidental
e Death of upto Death Death
Cover of Insurance Rs.75,00,000/- Insurance Insurance
Rs.50,00, Cover of upto 2.Permanent Cover of upto Cover of
00/- Rs.60,00,000/- Total Disability Rs.100,00,000/ upto
2.Perma Permanent Cover of upto - Rs.150,00,
Total Rs.50,00,000/- Permanent 000/-
Disability Disability Permanent Total Perman
Cover of
upto Cover of Partial Disability ent
Rs.50,0 upto Disability Cover of Total
0,0 00/- Rs.50,00,00 upto
Cover of Disabilit
Permane 0/- upto Rs.50,00,00 y Cover
Partial Permanent Rs.25,00,00 0/- of upto
Disability Partial 0/- Permanent Rs.50,0
Cover of
Group Personal upto Disability Air Accidental Partial 0,000/-
Accident Insurance Cover Rs.25,00, Cover of Insurance of
0 Disability Permane
upto upto Cover of nt
Accident Rs.25,00,000 Rs.1,00,00,00 upto Partial
al /- 0/- Rs.25,00,000 Disabilit
e Air Educationa /- y Cover
of upto Accidental l benefit of Air
Rs.1,00,0 of upto
0 Insurance of upto Accidental Rs.25,00,
5.Educa upto Rs.2,00,00 Insurance of 000/-
tio Rs.1,00,00,00 0/- upto Air
benefit 0/- Rs.1,00,00,00 Accident
Rs.2,00,0 Educationa 0/- al
0 l benefit of Educational Insuranc
upto benefit of e of
Rs.2,00,00 upto upto
0/- Rs.2,00,000 Rs.1,00,0
/- 0,000/-
of upto
Passbook Issuance Free
Concession in
Processing Charges in 50% 100%
Retail Loans
Concession in ROI in retail
Loans (s.t. minm rates) Not Available 10 bps 25bps
266 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Salary/Pension Advance
Equal to 6 months net Salary (All other terms and conditions as arriving Net Take Home (NTH), ROI
Instant Personal Loan will be as oer bank's orevailina auidelines for Personal loan)
*Subject to availability of the lockers. The proposed concessions will be available only for the locker type A and B
for the first year.
Private Salary Savings Account- Private Employees - Scheme Code- SB 165
(Br.Cr.117/226 dated 13.12.2023)
ii. Private Sector Employees of University, College & School or any other such institution/ training colleges (both
teaching & non-teaching staff are covered)
All the existing Private sector and Gurukul Accounts to be transferred to SB 165)
Minimum Balance Requirement: Nil for Corporate Salary Account - Private Employees - Scheme
The features, benefits & concessions offered with Corporate Salary Account - Private Employees - Scheme Code - SB 165 are as
100% waiver
Chargeable Free
267 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Chargeable Free
The Group Personal Accident Insurance Cover is inbuilt benefit to the SB A/C holders
and its coverage amount is linked to Scheme Type which is further enhanced based on
maintenance of AQB. (Details of GP is advised vide HO BC 117/158 dated 08.09.2023.)
(Group Personal Accident Insurance cover will prevail as per Bank's issued guidelines from
time to time.)
Group Group
Group Personal
Personal Personal
Group Personal Accidental Death
Accidental Accidental
Accidental Group Personal Insurance Cover
Death Death of upto
Death Insurance Accidental Death
Insurance Insurance Rs.1,30,00,000/-
Cover of Insurance Cover
Cover of Cover of Air Accidental
upto of upto
Rs.30,00,000/- upto upto Insurance of
Air Accidental Rs.40,00,000/ Rs.80,00,00 upto
Air Accidental
Insurance of - 0/- Rs.50,00,000/-
Insurance of
upto Air
Rs.50,00,000/- Accidental Accidental
Insurance of Insurance
Rs.50,00,000/ of upto
- Rs.50,00,00
Free Transaction at
B01 ATM per month
Free Transaction at
other bank ATM per
Concession in
Processing Charges in
Retail Loans
Locker Rent
Instant Personal Loan
*Subject to availability of the lockers. The proposed concessions will be available only for the locker type
A and B for the first year.
268 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Staff Salary Savings Account - Bank of India Staff - Scheme Code - SB 111
(Br.Cr.117/226 dated 13.12.2023)
Eligibility: All permanent staff of Bank of India to whom monthly salary is paid from Bank of India as well
as pensioner having constitution code 43, 44 are covered in the Staff Salary Account - 801 Staff - Scheme
Code - SB 111.
Minimum Balance Requirement: Nil for Staff Salary Account - 801 Staff - Scheme Code
- SB 111.
The features, benefits & concessions offered with Staff Salary Account - 801 Staff - Scheme Code - SB 111
are as under:
100% Waiver
100% Waiver
100% Waiver
100% Waiver
100% Waiver
100% Waiver
100% Waiver
269 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Normal Current Account
(Br.Cr.118/86 dated 01.07.2024
Initial Deposit There is no stipulation to maintain Daily Minimum Balance or initial deposit.
& Daily
270 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Charges for Non - The charges for non-maintenance of MAB are as under:
Maintaining MAB
1. Metro Branches:
Rs.200/- per month, for MAB less than Rs.10000/-.
- Urban Branches:
Rs.150/- per month, for MAB less than Rs.5000/-.
Issuance of Cheque
Afterwards, chargeable as per Service Charge Circular i.e.
Cash Deposit Limits / Cash Deposit Limits / Cash Handling Charges are prescribed with a daily cap on the
Cash Handling Charges amount of deposit. The Cash Deposit Limits (Cash Handling Charges) are as under:
withdrawal of Maximum up to
Rs.50,000/- per day. (Free)
271 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Various Charges
As per the Service Charges Circular
Processing Charges
waiver on Retail Loans No waiver.
Statement of Account Monthly Account Statement : Once in a Month - Free Thereafter chargeable
as per the Service Charges Circular for generating statements
Access to Other Bank's ATM : 3 in 6 metro centers and 5 for other centers
Transactions (financial + non-financial} - Free
AMC Charges on
Mobile Alerts/ SMS Free
ward through Internet
Relationship Manager
272 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
As per Merchant Acquisition Business policy Bank shall provide physical POS terminals to
Current account holders with No Monthly rental provided account holder maintains
Minimum AQB of Rs.50,000.00 (Rupees fift
thousand). In deserving case DZM may permit POS machine rent waiver when
balance is also below Rs 50000/-.
Account Maintenance To encourage new accounts, in the first year no charge is to be levied. Thereafter, Rs.50/-
Charges plus GST per month, when the AMB is below Rs 50,000/- during preceding month.
If MAB is maintained Rs. 50,000/- and above, the Account Maintenance Charges are
100% waived.
Gold Current Account
Br.Cr.118/86 dated 01.07.2024
Initial Deposit & There is no stipulation to maintain Daily Minimum Balance and initial deposit.
Daily Minimum
Balance (MAB)
Charges for Non - The charges for non-maintenance of MAB are as under:
Maintaining MAB
Metro Branches:
Rs.200/- per month, for MAB less than Rs.10000/-. (Revised to Rs.10000/-)
Urban Branches:
Rs.150/- per month, for MAB less than Rs.5000/-.
273 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Afterwards, chargeable as per Service Charge Circular i.e Rs 5 per cheque leaf. 50 cheque leaves @
Rs 250/-
Cash Deposit Limits Cash Deposit Limits / Cash Handling Charges are prescribed with a daily cap on the amount of
/ Cash Handling deposit. The Cash Deposit Limits (Cash Handling Charges) are as under:
Collection of
Cheques (Including Nil Charges - on collection of Cheques
Outstation/ Jet
Clearing/ Speed
Clearing etc.)
Issue of
Drafts/ Pay
Slip/ Banker's
Charges waiver 50 % Waiver of Processing Charges
on Retail Loans
Statement of Monthly Account Statement: Twice in a Month - Thereafter chargeable as per the Service Charges
Account Circular for generation of statement.
Credit Card
274 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
ATM- cum -Debit Either Rupay Platinum or Visa Platinum depending on the
AMC Charges on
Mobile Alerts/ Free
As per Merchant Acquisition Business policy Bank shall provide physical POS terminals to
Current account holders with No Monthly rental provided account holder maintains Minimum
AQB of Rs.50,000.00 (Rupees fifty thousand). In deserving case DZM may permit POS machine
rent waiver when balance is also below Rs 50000/-.
Account To encourage new accounts, in the first year no charge is to be levied. Thereafter, Rs.50/- plus
Maintenance GST per month, when the AMB is below Rs 50,000/- during preceding month.
Voice Box for QR Where MAB is above Rs. 50,000/-, the monthly charges for voice box is waived for the ensuing
code months considering the MAB of previous month. When MAB falls below Rs.50000/- I a particular
month, applicable charges would be recovered in the succeeding month.
275 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Diamond Current Account
Br.Cr.118/86 dated 01.07.2024
Initial Deposit & Daily There is no stipulation to maintain Daily Minimum Balance and initial deposit.
Minimum Balance
Monthly Average
. Urban Branches:
Rs.150/- per month, for MAB less than Rs.5000/-.
. Rural Branches:
Rs.100/- per month, for MAB less than Rs.2000/-.
Note: The penal charges are prescribed only for non- maintenance of above stipulated
MABs for respective category of branches whereas MAB prescribed for tierised ale
(Diamond} is for the purpose of linking the benefits & concessions to the ale
Issuance of Cheque No charges to apply till the customer is Diamond or Platinum Category for issuance of
Book cheque Book
Cash Deposit Limits / Cash Deposit Limits / Cash Handling Charges are prescribed with a daily cap on the amount
Cash Handling Charges of deposit. The Cash Deposit Limits (Cash Handling Charges) are as under:
276 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Afterwards, per withdrawal will be charged Rs.150I- for maximum permissible limit of Rs.1,00,000/- per
day.. (As per prevailing Service Charges Circular)
Collection of
Outstation/ Jet
Clearing/ Speed Nil charges for making of ODs
Clearing etc.)
Issue of Demand
Drafts/ Pay Slip/
Banker's cheque
through branch
Processing 100% waiver in processing charges
Charges waiver
on Retail Loans
Statement of Monthly Account Statement : Twice in a Month - Free Thereafter chargeable as per the
Account Service Charges Circular
Credit Card
277 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Account Maintenance Charges To encourage new accounts, in the first year no charge is to be levied. Thereafter,
Rs.50/- plus GST per month, when the AMB is below Rs 50,000/- during preceding month.
Platinum Current Account
Br.Cr.118/86 dated 01.07.2024
Monthly Average
Balance (MAB)
Above Rs.10,00,000/-
Metro Branches:
Rs.200/- per month, for MAB less than Rs.10000/-.
. Urban Branches:
Rs.150/- per month, for MAB less than Rs.5000/-.
. Rural Branches:
Rs.100/- per month, for MAB less than Rs.2000/-.
Issuance of Cheque No charges to apply till the customer is Diamond or Platinum Books Category for
issuance of cheque Book
278 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Cash Deposit Limits I Cash Deposit Limits / Cash Handling Charges are prescribed with a daily cap on the amount
Cash Handling of deposit. The Cash Deposit Limits (Cash Handling Charges) are as under:
Collection of
Cheques (Including
Outstation/ Jet
Clearing/ Speed
Issue of Demand
Drafts/ Pay Slip/
Banker's cheque
Revalidation /
Cancellation of
Demand Drafts/ Pay
Issuance of Duplicate Nil charges for issuance of Duplicate DDs
Outward through
Processing Charges
waiver on Retail 100 % Waiver of Processing Charges
Statement of Monthly Account Statement : Twice in a Month - Free Thereafter chargeable as per the
Account Service Charges Circular for issue of statement
Credit Card
Either Visa Platinum or Rupay Select depending on the customer's choice
{Subject to fulfilment of eligibility criteria. Issuance Charges and annual maintenance are
279 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
AMC Charges on
Mobile Alerts/ SMS
As per Merchant Acquisition Business policy Bank shall provide physical POS terminals to
Current account holders with No Monthly rental provided account holder maintains Minimum
AQB of Rs.50,000.00 (Rupees fifty thousand). In deserving case DZM may permit POS machine
rent waiver when balance is also below Rs 50000/-.
MDR waiver can be approved on Debit Card and Credit Card on case by case basis.
Account To encourage new accounts, in the first year no charge is to be levied. Thereafter, Rs.50/- plus
Maintenance GST per month, when the AMB is below Rs 50,000/- during preceding month.
If MAB is maintained Rs. 50,000/- and above, the Account Maintenance Charges are 100%
Voice Box for QR Where MAB is above Rs. 50,000/-, the monthly charges for voice box is waived for the
code ensuing months considering the MAB of previous month. When MAB falls below Rs.50000/- I
a particular month, applicable charges would be recovered in the succeeding month.
Star Parivaar Savings Account
Br.Cr.118/70 dated 27.06.2024
280 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
281 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Parameters Features
Availability of At all our Domestic Branches.
Eligibility Individuals & Joint accounts (including Minors)
Nomination Available
Minimum Minimum amount of Core Monthly Installment:
amount of Core ₹ 500/- and in its multiples at Metro and Urban branches. ₹ 100/- and in its multi-
Monthly Install-
ples at Rural and Semi-Urban branches.No upper limit for Core monthly Installments
Flexi Install- Any amount in the multiples of Core Monthly installments initially opted at the timeof opening of account.
ments Maximum amount of Flexi Installment can be any number of times of Core MonthlyInstallment.
Period Minimum : 12 months
Maximum: 10 years (in multiples of 3 months)
Interest rate on Core Installments (Fixed rate) - As applicable for the period for which account hasbeen opened.
Core & Flexi In- Flexi Installments- As applicable for the period of RD remains with the Bank i.e. from
stallments the date of deposit of each flexi installment till maturity of RD account.
Penalty As per applicable rules for delay/ non-receipt of Core Installment.Present Penalty Rules
₹ 1.50 per ₹ 100/ p.m. for deposit for 5 years or less.
₹ 2.00 per ₹ 100/ for the deposit for over 5 yea ₹
Maturity Value Maturity value will be calculated by the System, depending on the amount of FlexiInstallments. No fixed ma-
turity value.
Loan, OD & Permitted as per existing rules.
Other Terms and As applicable to existing RD Scheme.
Conditions No advance core installments. Amount deposited in excess of core installment will be considered as flexi in-
stallment for that month provided that core installment is paid in the multiples of amount required.
Standing Instructions will be accepted only for Core Installments.
Core installments will be fixed at the time of opening of account and cannot beallowed to vary subse-
Core installments will have to be paid every month to avoid penalty.
Flexi Installments will be deposited in the multiples of Core Installments chosen attime of opening of account
and would be deposited once in a month.
There will be one maturity date for care and flexi installments.
Core and Flexi Installments need not be deposited together, they can be deposited at different dates in the
same month.
No pass book will be issued for Flexi RD account. Only System generated Statementswill be issued to the cus-
tome ₹
No Flexi installment will be accepted in the last month of R/D account. If RD accountis opened for 36 months,
Flexi installments can be deposited from 1st to 35th month.
No auto-renewal of maturity proceeds permitted. Instead, the proceeds will be credited to SB account, if no
other instructions are received from the customer. For this purpose, an operative SB or CD account may be
opened for the customer while opening the Flexi RD Account.
In case any core installments are in arrears, extra amount deposited subsequently would first go to core install-
ment. Previously paid flexi installment cannot be adjustedtowards future core installments.
In case of pre-mature closure of Flexi RD account within 3 months of opening, nointerest would be payable on
core and flexi installments. If the account is closed after3 months but before maturity, normal rules will apply
for pre-mature closure. (Compound Interest for the completed quarters and simple interest for the last
broken quarter at the rate applicable for the period of deposit).
282 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
(Ref. HOBC 100/90 DATED 1.09. 2006 and 100/175 of 27.01.07)
Eligibility Individuals & HUF having PAN numbe ₹ Individuals will include NRIs also, subject to having
PAN number in India.
Min. deposit ₹ 10000/-
Rate of interest As applicable to Normal TDRs -0.5% extra for deposit period upto 5 years andabove 5
years 0.75% for senior citizen, 1% extra For staff membe ₹
Premature Not permitted up to 5 yea ₹
Advance facility Not available for a period of 5 years from the date of deposit.
283 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Br Cir No. 112/10 dated 10.04.2018
Government of India has enacted the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act 2016(RERA)
and the same has come into effect from 01.05.2017. The Act is expected to bring in the much
needed transparency, financial discipline and accountability in the Real Estate Sector. Under the
Act, it is mandatory for the Builder/ Developers to register every Project with the RERA authori-
ties and open/maintain Project- wise RERA account with their banks. Phase –specific accounts are
to be opened/ maintained, if a Project is planned for completion over phases.
There shall be three A/cs under this concurrent arrangement:-
SN Types of Star RERA Plus A/c Description
1 Opening of RERA Collection A/c[RCA] Where all collection proceeds of the project shall be
2 Opening of RERA Project A/c [RPA] Which will have min 70% of the proceeds trans-
ferred fromthe RCA, or as per mandate of the ac-
count – holder which
can be more than 70 % but not less than that
3 Designing an A/c as Operative A/c Which will have balance funds transferred from the
[OA] RCA i.e.30% from RCA
284 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Motor Accidental Claimant Annuity Deposit (MACAD) TD A/c &
Motor Accidental Claims Tribunal (MACT) SB A/c
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
BOI Nari Shakti Saving Accounts
Br Cir No: 117/227Date: 15.12.2023
286 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
287 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
For detailed scheme norms, please refer to HOBC 117/226 dt. 15.12.2023
288 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Demand Deposit
Term Deposit
Premature Repay- In case of term deposits with "Either or Survivor" or "Former or Survivor" mandate
ment of Term De- banks are permitted by RBI to allow premature withdrawal of the deposit by the sur-
posits In Bank With viving joint depositor on the death of the other, only if there is a joint mandate from
"Either Or Survivor"
the joint depositors to this effect.
Or "Former Or Survi-
vor" Mandate Accordingly, the joint deposit holders may be permitted to give the mandate either
at the time of placing fixed deposit or anytime subsequently during the term/tenure
of the deposit.
If such a mandate is obtained, premature withdrawal of term/ fixed deposits is al-
lowed to the surviving depositor without seeking the concurrence of the legal heirs
of the deceased joint deposit holder.
Such premature withdrawal would not attract any penal charge.
Account Of Visually The account may be opened in his/ her sole name or jointly with other person(s).
Challenged Persons: The account of such person may be opened provided he/she calls on the Bank per-
sonally along with a witness who is known to both the depositor and the Bank.
All the banking facilities such as cheque book facility including third party cheques,
ATM facility, Net banking facility, locker facility, retail loans, credit cards etc. may
invariably be offered to the visually challenged without any discrimination.
Accounts Of The person will be recognized as "Third Gender" and the details shall be accepted in
Transgender Persons the AOFs/ or other applicable forms as such.
The salutation of such person shall be "Mx"
All transgender customers shall be treated equally to other male/ female customers without any
NOTE For more details please read the above said circular on Bank’s Policy on Deposits
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
(Ref: Bank’s Policy on Operational Procedure for Settlement of Claims of Deceased/Missing Depositors Accounts –) ( BC NO: 117/172
dated 07.10.2023 )
The Bank Board accorded approval for adoption of reviewed “Bank’s Policy on Operational Procedure for settlement of Claims
of Deceased/Missing Depositors Accounts” The guidelines of the reviewed policy supersede the earlier policy guidelines. The claims in
respect of missing persons (deemed Deceased) governed by the provisions of Section 107&108 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. Sec-
tion 107 deals with presumption of continuance and Section 108 deals with presumption of death of a missing person. According to
Section 108, presumption of death can be raised only after a lapse of seven years from the date of a person being reported missing.The
Nominee/Legal Heirs of the missing person have to raise an express presumption of the depositor/subscriber under section 107/108 of
the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 before a Competent Court/Civil court. If the court presumes that the missing person is dead, it issues an
order for settlement of the claim in respect of the missing person/depositor and accordingly the claims are to be settled by the Bank.
The Nominee/Legal Heirs of the missing person have to raise an express presumption of the depositor/subscriber under section
107/108 of the Indian Evidence Act,1872 before a Competent Court/Civil court. If the court presumes that the missing person is dead,
The court issues an order for settlement of the claim in respect of the missing person and accordingly the claims are being settled by
the Bank.
The cases of missing persons up to One Lakh claim can be settled on Application being made by the Legal Heirs/Nominee/Executor/
Administrator on the basis of copy of FIR, Police report of no traceability issued on a date after seven years from date of registration of
FIR with Indemnity letter and sureties.
Above one lakh and upto Rs 40 Lakhs nominee / legal heirs in addition to above required to submit certified copy of orders from the
Competent Court "Presuming Missing Person as Deceased" or Death Certificate issued from competent authority on a date after seven
years from the registration of FIR.
For limit above Rs 40 lakh are to be settled on the basis of legal representation (i.e. succession certificate, letter of administration, pro-
bate, etc.) and also order from the Competent Court "Presuming Missing Person as Deceased or Death certificate issued from compe-
tent authority on a date after seven years from the registration of FIR.
In case where there is dispute between the legal heirs/claimants, even if the claim amount is within the threshold limit of ₹ 40 Lakhs,
Branches should insist for necessary court order by way of succession certificate or letter of administration, probate etc. for settlement
of claim.
In cases of the natural calamities (like Uttarakhand Disaster, 2013) The Death Certificate issued prior to the date of seven years from the
occurrence of natural calamity in accordance with the guidelines notified by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Central Government can be
accepted for settlement of missing persons claims without the separate court orde ₹
Joint account ( with joint operation mandate) with nomination facility the balance outstanding in the account will
be paid to nominee on verification of his identity and death certificate on or before maturity if all the joint depos-
itors dies. In case where one or more depositors (but not all) dies then claim will be paid jointly to the legal heirs
of deceased depositors along with remaining joint account holde ₹ In case of accounts without nomination facili-
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3.Survivorship- A joint account opened as "Either or Survivor" or "Anyone or Survivors" or "Former or Survivor" or
"Latter or Survivor" will permit the surviving account holder(s) to have unimpeded access to the credit balance in the
account for withdrawal if one or more of the co-account holders dies. In these cases, the Nominee comes in the pic-
ture when all the survivors died, otherwise in case of death of one or more account holders (but not all), survivor(s) will
get the access to outstanding of the account.
If the mandate of survivorship is given/provided, the survivor(s) can give a valid discharge to the bank in the case of
"Either or Survivor"/ "Anyone or Survivors" and "Former or Survivor" / "Latter or Survivor" joint accounts.
( In short, payment to survivor(s) can be made in the normal course subject to the only rider that there is no order from
a competent court restraining the bank from making such payment.)
Exception: In case of survivorship term deposit account prematurity payment claim can not be given to the survivor/s
only . Joint request from legal heirs of the deceased depositor along with survivors is required to make prematurity
payment. If clearcut instruction is there at time of opening the account or on a later date jointly from all the depositors
then only prematurity payment can be made to the survivo ₹
Legal Heirs: Who will be treated as legal heirs is another check point before paying the claim in deceased deposit ac-
count. There are different rules for deciding legal heirs in case of Hindu, Muslims,Cristians etc.Please refer to HO Br.
Circular No. 114/ 188 dtd. 21.11.2020
4. Time Norms for Settlement of Claims Branches should settle the claims in respect of deceased depositors and release
payments to survivor(s)/nominee in case of accounts with survivor/ nominee within a period not exceeding 15 days
from the date of receipt of the claim subject to the production of proof of death of the depositor and suitable identifi-
cation of the claimant(s) to the member bank's satisfaction. In the case of accounts without survivor / nominee clause,
the claim should be settled within 1 month from the date on which the requisite documents have been submitted. The
claim should be settled by following the procedure in vogue and after obtaining permission of the Competent Authority
as per the delegation of Powe ₹ **** With a view to avoid inconvenience and undue hardship to common public in
obtaining a court order, Bank has fixed threshold limit of ₹ 40.00 lakh for settlement of claims in deposit accounts
without insisting upon a court order/Succession Certificate. ***
5. Splitting of Term Deposit: On specific request from the claimant/s, branch may split the amount of term deposit and
issue two or more separate receipts in the name of the claimant(s), provided the period and the aggregate amount of
the deposit do not undergo any change.
6. Treatment of Flow in the name of the Deceased Depositor:
Claim amount in deceased depositor account (s) Details on requirement of Indemnity, Affidavit & Sureties and net-
worth of Sureties
Amount of balance up to Rs 5000/- including up to a. Declaration from respectable person/s well known to deceased fami-
date interest ly in para no.5 of claim form
b. Stamped Letter of Indemnity signed by all the heirs
c. One surety or more sureties jointly of good standing for twice
the amount involved.
Above Rs 5000/- to Rs 25000/- including up to date a. Declaration from respectable person/s well known to deceased fam-
interest ily in para no.5 of claim form
b.Declaration/undertaking from Claimants
c. Affidavit (Duly stamped & Notarised) (Annexure -4)
d. Stamped Letter of Indemnity signed by all the heirs
e. One surety or more sureties jointly of good standing for the amount
Above ₹ 25,000 and up to & inclusive of ₹ 5 a. Stamped Letter of Indemnity signed by all the heirs
Lakh including up to date interest b. One surety or more sureties jointly of good standing for twice the
amount involved.
Above Rs 5 lakhs to ₹ 40 lac including up to a.Stamped Letter of Indemnity signed by all the hei ₹
date interest b. One surety or more sureties of good standing jointly for thrice the
amount involved.
7. HUF Accounts — Death of Karta
HUF is governed by Hindu Law and the constitution of HUF varies by birth and death in the family.
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As HUF is a fluctuating body of individuals which is represented by Karta (who manages the HUF), the death
Staff Training College , NOIDA
To repay the balance to legal heir(s) in Scales I II III IV SZL ZLCC/ FGMLCC ED/MD/
the account(s) of the decease custom- à CC/ VI HO /GMLCC VII
ers against indemnity where legal rep- AG
resentation has not been obtained M
Amt. NIL 02 04 10 20 30 40 --
The proposed delegation shall also be applicable to repay the balances in Term Deposit account(s) of deceased depositor(s) before
maturity to Survivor(s) and Legal Heirs of the deceased jointly in the absence of the mandate at the time of opening of account or at a
later date or absence of suitable clause in this regard in the account opening form.
9. Clarification on Provisions in Nomination Rules
The Banking Companies (Nomination) Rules 1985 have been framed in terms of Sections 45 ZA to 45 ZF of the Banking Regulation Act,
1. Deposit Accounts
(i) Nomination facility is intended only for individuals including a sole proprietary concern.
(ii) There cannot be more than one nominee in respect of single/joint deposit account.
(iii) Banks may allow variation/cancellation of a subsisting nomination by all the surviving depositor(s) acting together. This is also ap-
plicable to deposits having operating instructions "Either of Survivor".
(iv)In case of a joint deposit account the nominee's right arises only after the death of all the deposito ₹
10.Clarification for settlement in favour of Non-Resident Depositors / Claimant
A) In case the Depositor is Non-Resident, and has passed away abroad, the death certificate which is attested /certified by any of the
following shall be accepted for processing the claim:
(i) Notary Public in that country.
(ii) Indian Embassy / High Commission in that country.
(iii) Bank's Foreign Office (wherever it is possible / permissible to do attestation as per local regulations)
(iv) Embassy /High Commission of that Country in India.
A death certificate accompanied by any of the following document as a corroboratory evidence, confirming incidence of death shall be
accepted as such:
(i) Evidence of settlement of an insurance claim at foreign centre on account of death of the account holder.
(ii) Evidence of settlement of proceeds of bank accounts at foreign centre on account of death of the account holder.
(iii) Evidence of settlement of terminal benefits by the employer at foreign centre on account of death of the account holder. Howev-
er, the employer would have to be a government/multilateral organisation only
(iv) Evidence of death as provided by a hospital or local police authorities at the foreign centre.
(However, it may be ensured that any of these documents are issued from the same country as the death certificate).
B) In case Claimants (NRIs or Foreign Nationals) stay abroad and it is not possible for them to come to India for completion of formali-
(i) Execute the documents abroad in the presence of officials of Bank's foreign offices.
(ii) Execute the documents in the presence of Indian Embassy officials. The said document shall be submitted to the Stamp authorities
for payment of stamp duty after it reaches India.
(iii)The claimant can appoint his attorney for obtaining proper legal representation and obtain payment against affidavit, indemnity,
surety etc. The procedure for the same is that the claimant should execute valid Power of Attorney (POA) which is attested by the Indi-
an Embassy officials.
C) The assets of deceased NRI account holder should be settled to the legal heirs as per the Personal Law of succession (Hindu, Mus-
lim, Christian or any other community) applicable to the depositor. This is irrespective of whether the claimants happen to be a resi-
dent Indian, NRI, PIO or a foreign national.
(However, if any court order/legal representation is obtained, the proceeds should be settled
as ordered by Court. In the case of a foreign court order, ancillary orders/resealing should be
obtained from Indian Court u/s 228 of the Indian Succession Act.)
D) Foreign nationals cannot be accepted as sureties while obtaining Letter of Indemnity as he /
She will not be governed by Indian law
12. Online tracking of timeline for settlement of deceased claim cases.
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With Nomination Facility/Survivor Clause Documents to be submitted by Nominee:
Claim Form ( Annexure-1 )
Proof of death of depositor issued by appropriate authority
Proof of identification of nominee(s)/ Survivor(s
Stamped receipt for amount received signed by nominee /Survivor(s)/ person on behalf of minor nominee (Annexure-11 )
As the process of obtaining death certificates from the prescribed authorities i.e. from Municipality/ Municipal Corporation/ Gram Pan-
chayat etc. as per the bank's guidelines is becoming a challenge and very difficult task for legal heirs/nominee/survivor of the deceased
depositor during the current pandemic, Branches to settle 25% of the claim amount ( Maximum ₹ 50,000/-), based on death certifi-
cate issued by any .of the following authorities ( where prescribed death certificate is still awaited) to extend some immediate relief to
the family members of the deceased within the legal framework depending on the degree of reliance on circumstances.
a) Letter Certifying Death of the account holder issued by the Hospitals/ Nursing home with discharge summary certificate should men-
tion detail date, time of death and deceased's father's name issued by any of the following:
I. Government Hospitals
II. ESI Hospitals
III. Armed Forces Hospitals
IV. NABH Accredited Hospitals
V. Registered Hospital/Nursing Home (Registered under the Clinical Establishr. lent Act 2017)
b) Certificate issued by attending Doctor/ Physician corroborated by a Gazetted Officer of Central/ State government or an officer of
CPSE/ Public Sector Bank/ PSIC with Name/ Father's Name/ Date of Death (DOD)/ Cause of Death (COD)
c) Cremation/ Burial Certificate or Authentic identifying receipt issued by the relevant Authority, corroborated by a Gazetted Officer of
Central/ State government or an officer of CPSE/ Public Sector Bank/ PSIC with Name/ Father's Name/ DOD/ COD
d) Certificate by the concerned District Magistrate/ Collector or an Executive Magistir,ate authorized by the DM/DC, giving details like
Father's Name/ DOD / COD
e) Certificate by any Judge of High Court/ Supreme Court giving details like name, Father's Name/ DOD/ COD
f) Where the deceased iS\employed by the Central Government/ State government or by a Central or State PSE, certificate by the em-
ployer organization, giving details like Name/Father's Name/ DOD/ COD.
Branches may settle the remaining amount on receiving the Death Certificate issued by the prescribed authority and to ensure that all
other required compliances for Settlement of Claims in Deceased Depositors Account's as per Bank's policy are in place.
Settlement of Claim when Deceased Account holder has accounts in Multiple Branches:-
If deceased depositor have account with multiple branches of our bank and same capacity, constitution, CIF ID and having common
nominee/legal heir(s), then claim settlement will be done at any one of these branches as per request of claimant(s), subject to obten-
tion of NOC/Clearance from all other branches where deposit accounts of deceased exist. It is responsibility of branch where settle-
ment of claims shall be done to get NOC/Clearance from other branches.
Clarification on surety :-
293 of deceased but unconnected with it and acceptable to
Surety shall be preferably an independent person well known to family TOPBank.
However sureties, who are relatives of deceased, may be accepted provided they are not directly involved as claimants.
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Credit Cards©
Debit Cards©
Star Rewards©
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• If Direct Billing Cards are to be issued for Corporates having operative accounts, cogent reasons for
the same shall be kept on record / incorporated in the application / proposal.
• Undertaking to pay the entire Card dues on due dates shall be obtained. Additionally, authority letter
from the Corporate to debit the account shall be obtained, in case the Corporate fails to Direct Billing
clear Card dues on due dates.
• Bank may issue Credit Card to own executives / whole-time Directors, for incurring expenses for the
• For other Corporates, including Public Sector entities and Central / State Government Department,
credit Card may be issued subject to compliance of statutory guidelines (if any).
For Non Account • Cards may be issued to Non-account holders, in deserving cases, after taking into consideration credit
Holders (Direct Bill- worthiness and repayment capacity of the custome ₹
ing) • Endeavor should be made to bring the customer to our fold.
Add on Cards • Corporate Credit Card: add-on card shall be issued to Director / Proprietor / Partner / Executives /
employees of Company / firm.
• Other than corporate Credit Card: Add-on Cards, maximum up to 2, may be issued in the same charge
account and to the close relatives (Parents, Spouse, Major Child, Brother, Sister).
• Specimen signature and KYC documents of all the addon card holders are obtained and held on recor
• Request for issuance of add-on card shall be made by the Principal card holder in writing duly signed,
with specimen signature on bank’s record.
Spending Limits / • Retail Customers (Including Direct Billing): Credit Limit shall be maximum 20% of Gross Annual In-
Credit limits come. Depending upon merits of case this may be extended up to 40%.
• Retail Customer:The mininmum limit shall be Rs 10,000/- & Corporate Customers: The minimum limit
shall be ₹ 1, 00,000/-.
• Maximum limit shall be 2% of Tangible Net Worth of the Corporate as per last available audited bal-
ance sheet. Sanctioning Authority may approve higher limits for cogent reasons to be mentioned in
the approval note.
• Staff / Ex-Staff: credit limit shall be maximum 20% of Gross Annual Income. Depending upon merits of
case this may be extended up to 40%.
• Ceiling for Officers and Clerks under probation or who are yet to be confirmed shall be ₹ 1,00,000/-
and ₹ 50,000/- respectively.
• This limit is applicable for issuance of Credit Card under Staff category. Additional Primary / add-on
cards against deposits can also be issued to Staff / Ex-staff.
Limits and other Con- • Deposit to be held in the name of the proposed Card holder.
ditions against Terms • If deposit is held in the name of an individual, depositor should be 18 years of age.
Deposits (SwaDhan • Minimum Term Deposit should be for 12 months.
Credit Card)
• Auto-renewal must be available i.e. Auto-renewal flag must be set to “Y”.
• Lien shall be 20% i.e. 80% of the Term deposit principal amount shall be reckoned for computation of
limit. Minimum amount shall be ₹ 5, 000/-.
Combined Limit for • Combined limit of Principal Card and all Add-on card shall not exceed the limit of sanctioned for Prin-
Principal and Add-on cipal Card.The Add-on cards shall be issued only to the close relatives by the principal cardholder un-
Cards der both personal and business credit card categories and liability will be of principal cardholder on-
ly..The liability of the corporate/business entity on account of business cards shall form part of their
total assessed credits for compliance to instructions issued by the Reserve Bank on Exposure Norms
as well as Prudential norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning pertaining to
Limits for Cash Ad- • Minimum ₹ 1, 000/- and maximum ₹ 15, 000/- per day for both principal as well as add-on cards.
vance/withdrawal • Maximum cash limit shall be 50% of the Spending / Credit limit.
• For corporate Credit Cards, both Primary and Add-on, limit for cash advance shall be Nil.
• Minimum 20% shall be the Minimum amount due for the customers not opted for revolving Credit.
• The balance allowed to be carried over M with applicable charges/Interest
• This will be applicable to all cardholders, except Cardholders opted for Revolving credit.
• This facility can only be availed in credit cards where the asset classification is standard as on date of
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Essential Docu- i. GST Registration number
ments required for ii. UIN Number
Corporate Credit iii. Certificate of Registration / Incorporation,
Card iv. Certificate of Commencement of Business, if applicable.
v. Financial statements for last three financial years (two of three should be with profit).
vi. Memorandum & Articles of Association and Board Resolution (In case of Company) /
Authorisation (in other cases).
vii. Letter of Undertaking and Letter of Authority (For Branch Billing Cards)
viii. Personal details of the Director / Proprietor / Partner / Executive / Employee
(includes DIN, PAN Card or other officially valid documents as per KYC compliance re-
quirements of RBI).
ix. Certificate of Tangible Net Worth (TNW) duly certified by the
x. Company Secretary / Auditor of the Company / firm.
Cardholder can By submitting authority letter to remit card dues by debiting his/her Account.
pay credit card Deposit cheque in any of the branches.
dues through Vari- NEFT/RTGS payment transfer.
ous channels such
Make online payment from his/her account with any Bank through
Internet Banking / Mobile Application/Bank Website/Any other Mode.
Cash repayment is not allowed for Credit Card
Renewal of Credit 1. Credit Card shall be renewed after taking explicit consent from cardholder.
Cards 2. Renewed Card shall be delivered to Card holder's registered address with the Bank,
unless the card holder requests for delivery of the Card to any of our branch. In such
case, the request in writing through charge account maintaining branch has to be sub-
mitted two months prior to expiry of the card.
3. Automatic renewal of Credit card shall not be done in respect of Cards where:
a. There has been no customer initiated transactions validated through Credit Card
during the last six months at the time of processing of card renewal except where the
consent of cardholder is received.
Other credit facilities of the customer, including the Proprietorship and Partnership ac-
counts are treated as Non-performing Asset.
e. KYC documents have expired or re-KYC has not been done as per the periodicity
applicable to the respective category of risk categorization.
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• Loan against Card • Limits under this shall be carved out of the existing Cash Advance Limit are credited to Charge ac-
Limit count.
• One-time processing fees shall be charged along with first EMI.
• Tenure of equated monthly instalment shall be minimum 3, with increment of 3, maximum being 24.
• The amount of EMI shall be clubbed with Revolving Credit amount minimum amount due, if any, for
• Revolving Credit • Card holder may opt for Revolving Credit, as per card holder request in writing or through Call Centre
/ electronic mode.
• This is available for all card holders, including Staff / Ex-Staff.
• Minimum 10% shall be payable at the end of each Billing cycle and the balance allowed to be carried
over with applicable charges / interest.
• This facility can only be availed in credit cards where the asset classification is standard as on date of
• Easy Pay Scheme • Easy Pay Scheme is available for all card holders excluding Corporate Credit cards.
• ( EMI) • Easy Pay Scheme is for allowing card holder to convert their commercial purchases of minimum ₹ 5,
000/- to Equated Monthly Instalments.
• The Scheme may be offered at the time of purchase at POS, e-commerce or by contacting Call Centre
after the transaction is done.
• No overdue exceeding 30 days should be in the account from the date of billing.
• Request for Easy Pay scheme has to be made by the Principal Card holder, even if the purchases are
made by Add-on card holder. In case of EMI at POS, all cardholders are allowed to exercise EMI op-
• Tenure of equated monthly installment shall be minimum 3, with increment of 3, maximum being 36.
• One time processing fees shall be charged along with EMI.
• Easy Balance • Card holder of another Bank may apply to our Bank to transfer his outstanding to our Bank.
Transfer Scheme • This facility is available to all card holders, excluding Corporate Credit Card.
• Due Diligence shall be done as per relevant details. Additional requirement of documents are as un-
• Earlier Credit Card should be at least Six months. Last two Credit Card statements to be submitted for
• Latest Card statement along with details of unbilled transactions, through personal net-banking /
mobile app download etc. shall be reckoned for arriving at card dues.
• Request letter addressed to Credit card issuing Bank for cancellation of Card along with Credit Card.
• Minimum amount under this scheme shall be ₹ 25, 000/- for all cards.
• Balance transfer shall be maximum to the extent of 75% of the spending limit. For Credit Card against
Term Deposits, this may be permitted, to the extent of 100% of spending limit.
• Card Blocked • Credit Card will be temporarily blocked if not used during the last one year.
• If the entire bill amount is not recovered from charge account, the card along with all add on cards
shall be blocked till overdue is cleared.
• Hot-listing of • It is done to prevent misuse of lost/stolen card or its credentials.
Various Types Of SwaDhan Rupay Platinum
Credit Cards
Rupay Platinum
Rupay Select Credit Card
Visa Gold International
Visa Platinum International
Merchant Credit Card
MSME Credit Card
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Eligibility • All Individual customers having Operative Accounts - Savings Bank account, Current
Account held Singly, held jointly only when the Operational Instruction is "Either or
Survivor" OR "Any one of Us". Card may be issued to all joint account holde ₹ The
first account holder shall be treated as Primary Card Holder and the Debit Card is-
sued to other account Holder/s treated as ADD-ON-Card.
• All Individual customers having Operative Accounts - Savings Bank account, Current
Account having Operational Instruction as "Former or Survivor". In such case Debit
Card shall be issued to Former/First Account holder only.
• If Mandate for operation is other than the ones mentioned above, Debit Card still
can be issued to a joint account holder if letter of authority/Application for issuance
of Debit Card is executed by all the account holde ₹
• Proprietary Current Accounts in personal names of the Proprietor.
• Partnership (as per the operating instructions mentioned in the partnership agree-
ment) and HUF Operative Accounts to KARTA with the consent of all co-parcene ₹
• NRE Operative accounts, including Power of Attorney (POA) holder / Mandatee.
• Staff Accounts
• Pension Accounts
• Self-operated Minor's Account where age is 15 years and above, where Debit Card
with limited facility is available.
• Differently abled Persons, Illiterate persons, visually challenged.
• No frills / Small Accounts.
• Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Accounts.
• Special Schemes of Govt. / RBI / Ban
• PAN number is mendatory for issuance of International Debit card
Customers who are • Customers where mobile number is not seeded, or is non KYC complaint
not eligible for
• Company Accounts
Debit Cards
• Trust Accounts
• Cash Credit (excluding KCC, Mudra), and Loan Accounts.
• Accounts opened in the name of Club, Societies, Government and Quasi-
Government Departments.
• Insolvent entities, including mentally disabled persons, firms and companies etc.
• Accounts where Debit Operation is frozen by Court / Government Authorities /
• Deceased Accounts where accountholder / all joint account holders / Proprietor /
Partner(s) has/have deceased.
• Undesirable Accounts or where Notice for closure of account has been served.
Renewal of Debit • There has been no customer initiated transactions (either card present or card not
card shall not be
done in respect of
present transactions) validated through Debit Card during the last one year of expi-
Cards where ry date of the card.
• The customer has surrendered the card or closed account.
• When cards are hot listed / inactive.
• The linked accounts are closed/dormant/NPA.
• The Customer has not provides their
299 consent. TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Renewal of There has been no customer initiated transactions (either card present or card not present
Debit card transactions) validated through Debit Card during the last six months of expiry date of the card.
shall not be
done in re-
The customer has surrendered the card or closed account.
spect of Cards When cards are hot listed / inactive.
where The linked accounts are closed/dormant/NPA.
Debit Card Multiple Cards, different variants of various Card Operators, can be issued in any account, sub-
Issuance ject to technical/operational limitations, solely as per customer's choice.Number of different
variant card shall not exceed 5 at a time.
In case the customer does not exercise option, Bank shall issue Classic Rupay National Common
Mobility Card (NCMC).
All eligible full KYC accounts shall be issued Debit Card upon request made in writing.
Debit Card can be issued from ready kit if acceptable to customer if account KYC compliant.
Contactless Debit card shall be popularized, as it is easy to use.
Our bank is discouraging issuing PINs, since Green PIN option has been enabled at our ATMS
for the customer’s to generate PIN.
All Debit cards must be delivered to the customers immediately, not exceeding 7 working days.
Cash @ POS In the case of Debit card, cash withdrawal at Point of Sale (POS) terminals shall be permitted as
and Card to under:
Card Transfers
a.Cash withdrawal at Point of Sale (POS) terminals shall be permitted in respect of debit cards and pre-
paid cards for ₹ 2,000/- per transaction, within an overall monthly limit of ₹ 10, 000/- across all loca-
b. Customer charges, if any, on such cash withdrawals to not more than 1% of the transaction amount.
Product Name Where to use Cash per POS + E-Comm. Card Whom to Issue
day Limit Daily Limit
Visa Signature Domestic and In- 100000 500000 (POS) Customers hav-
Debit Card ternational except 200000 (E-Com) ing Average
International E- Quarterly Bal-
com transactions ance of ₹ 10
not allowed lakhs and above
in their savings or
current accounts.
VISA Classic Debit Domestic and In- 15000 50000 All SB,CD and OD
Card ternational except account
International E-
com transactions
not allowed
VISA Platinum Domestic and In- 50000 100000 All diamond cus-
Contactless Debit ternational except tomers having
Card International E- Average Quarter-
com transactions ly Balance of ₹
not allowed One lakh
VISA Business Domestic and In- 100000 250000 All Current De-
Cards ternational except posit accounts
International E- having six
com transactions months satisfac-
not allowed tory operation.
Rupay Classic Deb- Domestic usage 15000 50000 All SB,CD and OD
it Card account
Rupay NCMC Clas- Domestic usage 15000 50000 All SB,CD and OD
sic Card account
Rupay Platinum Domestic and In- 50000 100000 All SB,CD and OD
Debit Card ternational ex- account
cept0 International
E-com transactions
not allowed
VISA Bingo Debit Domestic and In- 15000 50000 All Savings ac-
Card ternational Trans- count Holders
actions with age be-
tween 15 years
to 25 yea ₹
301 TOP
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Rupay Select Debit Domestic and In- 50000 200000 All SB,CD and OD
Card ternational except account
International E-
com transactions
not allowed
(Contact less
transaction up to
Rupay PMJDY Domestic usage 15000 25000 (POS) Only in JAN DHAN
Rupay Kisaan Domestic usage 15000 25000 (POS) Only in KCC ac-
Card count.
Rupay Mudra Card Domestic usage 15000 25000 All eligible benefi-
ciaries of MUDRA
Branch Circular No.:115/142 Date: 03.08.2021-DCSER- Menu for Debit card Services in Finacle
Introduction of `DCSER' Menu in Finacle for Debit Card Services RBI vide its circular Ref. No. RBI/2019-20/142/DPSS.CO.PD/
No.1343/02/02.14.003/2019- 20 dated January 15th 2020 has given various directions for enhancing security of card transaction.
With regard to Debit Cards, Bank has already implemented these guidelines to provide facilities for card switch on / off, manage
channels, manage limits, hot-listing etc. through ATM, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking and IVR.
In order to enhance the customer convenience, these options are now being provided in CBS as well. Branches can use the menu
'DCSER’ — Debit Card Services for below mentioned facilities:-
• Manage Channel
• Manage Card Limit
• Block / Unblock
• Hot-listing
Bank has disabled the email id for hot-listing i.e. to comply with PCI-DSS guidelines. Please note that no
request for hot-listing of debit card received by email will be considered.
302 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
It is an innovative loyalty program developed by Bank of India with Loyalty Rewardz, for Bank of India Debit/Credit Card
custome ₹ Debit/Credit Card Customers will get rewarded with Star Points for their transactions at POS & ecommerce.
Redemption – Customers can redeem Star Points for attractive FREE gifts anytime 24 * 7
How to redeem Star Points
Star Rewardz points can be redeem on purchasing goods from certain approved shop like Big Bazar, Shopper Stop, Life
Style etc.
Install “BOI Star Rewardz” app from Play Store/ App Store
Log on to BOI Star Rewards Program Website –
Click on and register for the Program. Create User ID and Password. From next time click on
To be able to start redeeming Bank’s Debit/Credit Card customers will need to achieve a threshold of 100 Points.
Points need to be redeemed within three years (36 months excluding the month of accrual) of accruing them. Unre-
deemed Points will expire at the end of 36 months.
For Debit Card Holders
For every use of ₹ 100 Star Reward Points will be accrued as per the following table:-
Slabs Amount Spent Per Month Points per ₹ 100/- spent per month
Slab 1 Upto ₹ 5,000/- 1 Point
Slab 2 From ₹ 5,001/- to ₹ 10,000/- 1.5 Points
Slab 3 ₹ 10,001/- and above 2 Points
For further details Log on to BOI Star Rewards Program Website – or
Call Customer Service Centre Toll Free Number – 1800 – 209 – 9299
(Ref.: Branch Circular no.105/127 dtd.28/10/2011 (Launch of “BOI Star Reward Programme” for Debit Card Holders) Br.
Cir No. 107/22 dated 03/05/2013 & 110/115 dated 23/09/2016). (Ref.: Branch Circular No. 111/44 dated 19.06.2017 –
Master Circular on Credit Cards) 114/12 dated 16.04.2020 Credit Card operation, 114/35 dated 17.04.2020 Credit Card
Management Policy, 114/36 dated 17.04.2020 Debit Card Management Policy and 114/43 dated 17.04.2020 A T M Man-
agement Policy.
303 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Internet Banking©
BOI Bizpay©
Credit Card customer Web Module©
QR Kit©
RTGS NEFT Bulk-upload©
Automated Teller Machines (ATM)©
Assignment of Verification / Scrutiny of various©
Positive Pay Mandate for Cheques©
304 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
As per Branch Cir.No. 114/99 ,Dated:13.08.2020 regarding formation of Digital Banking Department (DBD) at
Head Office
Indian payments ecosystem is innovating, expanding and evolving. Growth of digital payments continue to be
robust. Driven by progressive regulatory policies of the Government and RBI and with the increased use of
mobile internet, Indian payment industry has witnessed a significant growth due to the use of technology.
Government of India along with RBI have been taking effective steps to boost digital payments in the coun-
try. In order to meet the expectations and to address the challenges faced by all the stake holders a new
department "Digital Banking Department" is operational from 13-08-2020.
Central Agency for implementation of both the applications is NPCI. BOI user must register with BOIUSSD for usage of
any of the two products
To set UPI PIN dial *99#, select option To set UPI PIN dial *99#, select option UPI PIN
More secure than SMS as data including
MPIN is not saved anywhere.
Facility Send Money Send Money
Request Money Request Money
Check Balance Approve to Pay
My Profile à To change account number Pay Bills
& Language IPO
Pending Request Donate
Transactions Gift
UPI PIN Scan & Pay
Profile à Show your QR code
Bank Account
305 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
ATMàOther Request àInstant Money Transfer by providing the Beneficiary mobile number IMT amount and
sender code of 4 digits to be shared with beneficiary only.
Once the IMT is successfully issued by either method, sender receives an SMS containing the following
details on his/her mobile number:
1.Beneficiary Mobile Number
2. The IMT amount
3. IMT validity date
4. IMT ID(an unique code which can be used to refer IMT transaction) and IMT PIN
Withdrawal of IMT can be withdrawn by the beneficiary from bank’s IMT enabled ATM as a card less withdrawal by providing
Funds following details:
Mobile number on which IMT details are received .
The sender’s Code (communicated by sender)
The SMS pin (communicated to beneficiary over SMS)
The IMT Amount.
IMT blocking IMT gets blocked , incase the beneficiary exceeds three attempts to withdraw an IMT with wrong creden-
tial/details. Once blocked beneficiary mobile number is marked as blocked i.e. he/she can not withdraw any
IMT. IMT once blocked , gets unblocked on the immediate next day.
Cancel IMT/ The sender can cancel an unpaid IMT issued by him or her or can check status of the IMT from either bank’s
Check status IMT enabled ATM or from retail internet banking.
Customer Sup- Customers can send email to or may contact on 1800220229 or 022-40919191
port for any further query / assistance. Branch can write to (For failed trans-
actions query branches can write to with cc to
306 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Internet Banking is a platform, which allows customers to fulfill their Banking needs like Inquiry/Financial
transactions through a secure Website, anytime, anywhere at their convenience. It also offers a convenient
way of carrying out Banking online without visiting the Branch. It saves the precious time and money of cus-
tome ₹ It also saves our per transaction cost. The Internet Banking channel also helps us to acquire new busi-
ness. Internet Banking is a need in today’s competitive environment.
We have introduced CBS-Internet Banking from Oct 2004, and the available functionalities in our Internet
Banking are at par with most of the private sector banks. Moreover, our Internet Banking transactions are se-
cured by robust security infrastructure.
Classification of Customer (Retail/Corporate): The determining factors for deciding whether the Customer
should be extended our Retail Internet Banking or Corporate Internet Banking is Customer Constitution and
Trade Finance Facility. The matrix to decide this is as under:
Retail Internet Banking Corporate Internet Banking
Constitution Individuals Non Individual Public. Ltd. Co.
Sole Proprietor Partnership Society
HUF Trust Body Corporate
Pvt. Ltd. Co.
Trade Finance Facility NO YES
307 TOP
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Tax Payment:
Under this facility, Customer can pay their Income Tax any time anywhere and their account will be debited online. The
Challan can also be regenerated and printed online.
Credit Card (Specific to Retail Internet Banking Customers):
Customers can view their linked credit card details like limits, billed and unbilled transactions and will provide facility to
have statement and make payments.
Customers can avail the mentioned below facilities online anytime anywhere without visiting the branch.
Request can be done for ASBA IPO, Making TDR, Cheque book, Cheque book status enquiry, NSDL DP account linking.
They are also able to change / reset their Debit Cum ATM Card PIN, request for hot listing of Debit Card, Unblocking of
Debit Card and Form 15G and 15 H.
Mails: Customers can also save Cyber Receipts generated by the System for various requests like – Fund Transfer,
Cheque Book Request etc. as a mail in your Inbox by clicking on the button “Send Mail” in the respective screen.
Change/Reset Internet Login Password, Change/ reset Transaction Password, Modify Contact Information.
This facility will enable Customers to register new Transaction Password online and instantaneous.
The brief procedure to use the facility and functionality is as under:
Customer must have Debit Card linked to any account of the Customer ID for which Internet Banking is enabled. The
Customer must also have Mobile no. registered with Bank for the Customer ID for which Internet Banking is enabled. In
case Mobile No. has been recently changed in Finacle, this facility would be available only after Seven days
After successful login to Internet Banking, customer will required to click “Options” menu. The webpage will display a
new link “Regenerate Transaction Password” along with other links to change Login Password and to change Transaction
On clicking the above link, an OTP will be sent to the Customer’s registered Mobile No. Customers need to enter this
OTP at appropriate field on webpage.
On validation of OTP, customer will be redirected to a webpage wherein he / she need to input his / her Debit Card cre-
dentials. (After three successive wrong attempts, Customer shall be allowed to use this facility only after the gap of 24
hours). After validation of that, a new webpage appears wherein Customer can reset his / her Transaction Password.
On successful validation, the Customer will get appropriate successful message. The new Transaction Password is in acti-
vated state and can be used immediately.
After successful regenerated request, Customer’s next request will be accepted / entertained only after a gap of Seven
Customization, Financial Activity Enquiry & Non -Financial activity enquiry
Utility Bill Payments:
In order to facilitate our Customers for Utility bill payment, Railway/Airline ticket booking, mobile recharge, Insurance
premium payment etc., we have tied up payment gateway aggregators (the agencies who tied up various biller/
merchants in order to facilitate customer for online payment).
The Customer needs to initiate the payment by visiting to the billers’ site.
Additional Facilities in Corporate Internet Banking:
Beyond the facility of our Retail Internet Banking, it meet the complex requirements of Corporate Customers like Pro-
file based access, account level restriction for their multiple users, imposing limits on the Fund Transfer, Multi-level
workflow for doing transaction in maker checker concept, file upload for Bulk transaction posting, details of their Trade
Finance accounts etc.
In Corporate Internet banking one Company/Firm/Body corporate may have more than one users and all these multiple
users will have different Mobile numbe ₹ Therefore in case of multiple users, for entering/ updating the Mobile num-
bers of the respective users so that they can able to receive SMS and OTP on their own Mobiles, the Branch will have to
enter and verify the record by using menu option “CORPMOB” (this menu option does not update (CIF )Mobile number
details.) in Finacle.
308 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
BOI Mobile – Omni Neo Bank is a Bank of India Mobile Banking Application for Retail Banking Custome ₹
It was launched for the public on 118th Foundation Day of BOI on 07th September 2023. It allows you to
bank anytime, anywhere through your mobile phone. You can access your banking information and
make transactions in your Operative Accounts at absolutely free.
BOI MOBILE is Omni channel. (i.e., All the actions done in App will also get reflected in IB and vice
versa. Both IB and App have same features and functionalities.)
BOI MOBILE clubs together all the products and services such as Savings, Deposits, Loans, PPF, SGB,
SSY, FRSB, NPS, Mutual Fund, ASBA-IPO, Insurance etc. into a single platform.
Key features- Biometric and Face ID Login, Transactions through Chabot, Simple UI/UX, Fund Trans-
fer using IMPS, UPI, RTGS & NEFT, Schedule payments and Recurring payments, Manage Transac-
tional Rights, Recharges and Bill Payments, Pull funds from other linked accounts, etc.
The following functionalities are newly introduced in BOI Mobile:-
• 2. Registration, View and Monitor facility for Loan customers (customer maintaining saving account
with Bank).
• 3. Option to choose the preferred authentication method (Mobile OTP, MPIN, Email OTP).
• 4. Login to Mobile Banking and Internet Banking using the same credentials.
• 6. 2FA - Removal of transaction password and Introduction of 2FA via Debit Card/ Credit card Pin, M-
Pin, Mobile and Email OTP.
• 7. Quick Pay – If trust is built for a customer via 5 transactions, fund transfer facility without authen-
tication up to ₹ 5000.
• 8. Scheduled payments – for recurring and one-time transactions.
• 9. Certificates such as Interest certificate, TDS certificate, Holding statement, Investment statement,
Balance confirmation, Provisional Certificate.
• 10. App sleep mode facility to block transactions for a pre-defined period selected by user.
• 11. Account services such as Cheque Book, Form 15G/H, Positive Pay System, FATCA/CRS declara-
tion, AQB tracker, Download prefilled deposit slips, Request for Locker, Form 60 declaration, Life Certifi-
cate Generation, Request DD at Branch.
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FUND TRANSFER – Send money via NEFT, RTGS, IMPS and UPI.
SELF TRANSFER – Send Money to own linked accounts
STANDING INSTRUCTIONS – Create and manage SI for various modules such as Fund Transfer,
TAX PAYMENTS – Pay Direct and Indirect Tax
GOVERNMENT PAYMENTS- Make Contributions towards the SSY, PPF and NPS accounts
BILLS & RECHARGES – Make bill payments such as Mobile, Landline, Water, Electricity etc.
Beneficiary – Existing Beneficiaries from IB and Mobile app is migrated to UA. Add and manage
Beneficiary, Set Favorite Beneficiary,
Pull Funds – The feature is to transfer funds from other linked accounts if there is no sufficient bal-
ance in the selected account
View details of existing Deposits, Open new Deposits, Modify existing Deposits
SAVINGS ACCOUNT - Open savings account via a single journey
Nominee – Add and update nominee details
LOAN OVERVIEW – View details of loan accounts, Download Interest certificate, View Loan ac-
count statements
GOLD LOAN – Apply for Gold Loan
SHISHU MUDRA LOAN – Apply for Shishu Mudra loan
OD AGAINST DEPOSITS – Apply for OD against FD
PPF – Open new account, Contributions, View statement
SSY - Open new account, Contributions, View statement
NPS – Link existing NPS account, Contributions, View Transactions
SGB – View existing holdings, Apply for new SGB
FRSB – View existing bonds, Apply for new bonds
INSURANCE – Apply for Health, Life, Vehicle Insurance
Transaction Limit
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
UPI based payment has gained popularities and continues to be preferred mode of payment. With growing demand of UPI QR Codes,
bank has already introduced BHIM BOI UPI QR Kits for all the eligible merchants. This UPI QR Code is static.
As of now, Bank is not having any UPI based merchant application to enable merchants to accept payments through UPI. To cater the
requirement of our merchants to accept payments through UPI using static and dynamic QR Codes, we are launching an application-
based BOI BIZ Pay App. BOI BIZ Pay App will be convenient mode for our merchants/customers to accept payments from their end
2. Functionalities of BOI UPI Merchant App
The BOI BIZ Pay app will be available for the following category of merchants:
I. Mini-Merchant
II. Other category Merchant
I. Mini-Merchants (P2PM):-
A new category for UPI payments has been identified i.e. P2PM. These merchant have expected monthly UPI turnover below ₹
50,000.This is in addition to P2P (person-to-person payments) and P2M (person-to-merchant payments). These merchants are as-
signed 7407 as merchant category code (MCC) as per NPCI guidelines.
II. Other Category Merchants/Big Merchant (P2M):-
Other category merchants are known as big merchants or P2M merchants. These merchants have monthly UPI turnover of greater
than ₹ 50,000. Merchant category codes (MCC) are assigned to these merchants based on the nature of business as per NPCI guide-
As per NPCI guidelines, small merchants on-boarded successfully under P2PM category may be given a cooling period of 3 months,
thereafter these merchants will be monitored based on inward UPI transactions threshold of ₹ 50,000/- per month post cooling
period and if monitoring results into ₹ 50,000/- per month consecutively for 3 months during any period after cooling period then
acquiring/payee PSP must acquire these merchants under P2M category with MCC corresponding to that merchant
The BOI BIZ Pay app will enable these merchants for self-registration and other services related to UPI payments.
In BOI BIZ Pay app, Merchant can view his profile along with the current application status.
• Static and Dynamic QR generation along with the sharing facility of QR code using multiple channels.
If the merchant on-boarded himself as P2M merchant via application, the approval will be done at the branch level. Merchant to visit
branch for activation.
• Merchant can raise complaints using mobile application itself which shall reflect in the admin portal.
• BHIM BOI UPI Merchant application will be available for both android and iOS use ₹
Customer who wish to avail the facility of our BOI BIZ Pay App need to maintain an Account with the Bank with the following specifi-
cations. The customers who can avail the facilities of
BOI BIZ Pay Application should have:
1. Scheme Type Eligible for credit through UPI
Current Accounts
OD Account
Cash Credit
2. Operating instructions in account such as
Either or Survivor (EoS)
Former or Survivor (FoS)
Anyone or Survivor (AoS)
Karta of HUF
All Accounts under above scheme types shall be eligible for on boarding except OD277, RERA Account, FCRA Account, SK169, NRE
There are no charges to the merchants for either through mobile application or branch channel
No MDR (Merchant Discount Rate) charge will be charged to merchants by bank on accepting payments through UPI mode
As UPI QR Code is becoming very popular mode of payment, branches can target all Current, Cash Credit, and Overdraft accounts
including Saving Accounts maintained by Housing Societies, Schools and colleges etc to increase CASA deposits
311 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Credit Card Web Module is hosted for BOI Credit Card holders who will be able to avail online credit card
services through our bank's website. Credit card holders will have to register themselves to access Credit
Card Services using their CBS Customer ID. Customer can access portal by visiting our Bank's Website.
Credit card login option is under "Digital" tab available on Bank of India Website Homepage on “Cards”
• Salient features of the web module that are available to the credit card holder are as follows:-
All the cards including Add-on card (in the masked form) under the same Customer ID will be
shown to the card holders after login.
Customers can hotlist credit card instantly and user can opt for replacement card immediately after
hotlisting of card.
Card holder can check card status, total limit, available limit, cash limit, Last statement date, latest
statement due, latest payment made and payment due date on the home screen itself.
Cardholders can check the registered mobile number (masked), Email id, Mailing/permanent ad-
Check transactions: Cardholders can check details of billed transactions of last 3 months and un-
billed transactions.
Last 3 months failed transactions with reason are also shown under authorization details tab. Card
holder can check the reason of transaction failure.
Cardholders can convert the eligible unbilled transactions into EMI. EMI interest and EMI per
month will be shown to the card holder.
Statement Download: Cardholder can view or download Credit Card duplicate statement of the last
6 months.
Credit card PIN (Green PIN): Cardholder can generate credit card pin instantly.
Manage channel usage and limit: Card holder can switch ON/OFF or set/ change limit for ATM/
POS/Ecom channels for their credit card.
Change Email Address: Cardholder can change the email address registered for credit card.
Spend Analysis: Spend on each card can be analysed based on the various merchant groupings,
channel wise and for domestic/international transactions. Write up on customer web module is as
per Annexure-1. Please bring the contents of the circular to the notice of all branches /offices and
educate the customer for using the web module.
(For more detail : Branch Circular No.: 115/177 Date: 21.09.2021)
312 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Issuance of Digital PoS-BHIM BOI UPI QR Kit using "HMCQR" menu in Finacle UPI based payment has gained popularities and con-
tinues to be preferred mode of payment. With growing demand for UPI QR Code, bank has introduced BHIM BOI UPI QR Kit for all
the eligible merchants. Branches can issue BHIM BOI UPI QR Kit to all the eligible merchants by using "HMCQR" menu in Finacle.
This UPI QR Code is static. Bank will be providing three variants of BHIM BOI UPI QR Kit to two different Merchant category.
Types of Kit
Type-A Type-B Type-C
(For PM Svanidhi Customers)
QR Code Sticker(6”x8”) QR Code on Sticker (6”x8”) QR Code printed on ID card
QR Code sticker on Stand(6”x4”) Digitally print QR Code on ID card cover
Pull-Push sticker Stand(4”x6”) Lanyard with Swivel hook
Terms & Conditions leaflet Pull-Push Sticker Terms and conditions leaflet
Do’s and Don’ts of Digital Terms and conditions leaflet Do’s and Don’ts of Digital Products
Products leaflet Do’s and Don’ts of Digital Products leaflet
Merchant Category
Min-Merchant (P2PM):- Other Merchant (P2M):-
Those merchants who have expected monthly UPI Those merchants who have expected monthly UPI transaction
transaction turnover of less than or equal to ₹ 50,000 turnover of greater than ₹ 50,000 are referred as Other Mer-
are referred as Mini-merchant. In such cases, branch chant. Merchant category Code will be assigned as per business
user must select “P2PM” as Business Type. Such mer- Type of the merchant.
chants will be assigned Merchant Category Code-7407.
Customer can get the encryption utility from the branch. Customer has to install the utility program on his computer.
Process flow for customer:
Customer has to make data entry in relevant excel file (RTGS/NEFT File) provided by branch. After feeding data, customer has to
validate the data for correctness of data feeding. If data is correct, encryption file will be generated along with plain text file and
declaration file.
Three file will be generated in c:\upload directory:
1. Encrypted file with extension ‘ .TXTE’ which is to be uploaded at branch level
2. Plain text file with extension ‘ .TXT’ file for customer for their record
3. Declaration file with extension ‘.TXT’, which shall be printed and given to the branch duly signed by authorized signatories along
with cheque.
For NEFT there is a limit for ₹ 2 lakh per record.
Copy the File (*.txte) received from customer in c:\finacleupload. Use Finacle menu FILETR for transfer the file. Use menu EUPLD
for upload, validation & verification. Check total number and amount of NEFT/RTGS through PR menu before verification. After
verification, report will be generated should be kept for future reference and queries.
313 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
ATM enables the customers to perform financial transactions, including cash withdrawal. It facilitates the bank
to provide banking services effectively through Alternate Delivery Channels. This being an essential service for
the public, we need to ensure smooth functioning of the ATMs and availability of cash.
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• Sign on the strip on the back of your card as soon as you receive it.
• Memorize your PIN (Personal Identification number) and destroy all physical evidence of the PIN.
• Kindly destroy the pin mailer received by you upon noting the PIN.
• Always change the PIN as soon as you receive it.
• First use of the card must be on an ATM; else it will not be accepted at Point of Sale (POS) Terminal.
• Register your mobile number with the bank for getting SMS alerts for your ATM transactions.
• Any unauthorized card transactions in the account, if observed, should be reported immediately to
the Bank. This will help you if fraudulent withdrawal is being done by using your Debit Card.
• Store your card in a secured place where you may immediately know if it is missing.
• Protect your ATM card as though it is CASH and ensure safe custody.
• Check the area for suspicious-looking people before you approach the ATM. Leave the ATM immedi-
ately if you don’t feel safe.
• If you notice anything suspicious or any other problem arises after you have begun an ATM transac-
tion, you may cancel the transaction and leave.
• Beware of “Shoulder Surfing”. Shield your PIN from onlookers by covering the keypad using
• your body while entering the PIN.
• Be sure that you have your card and your receipt, after doing the transaction, and then leave imme-
• Once you complete your transaction, before leaving, be sure that ‘Welcome Screen’ is displayed in
the ATM and it is scrolling.
• Periodically verify the passbook entries to ensure its correctness. Any unauthorized card transac-
tion, if observed, should be reported immediately to the Bank.
• Please ensure that the card is swiped in your presence at POS (Point of Sale).
• If your ATM/ Debit Card is lost or stolen, immediately hotlist the Card.
• When you destroy your card upon expiry or closure of your account, cut it into four pieces.
• Keep an eye on suspicious movements of people around ATMs.
• Beware of strangers trying to engage you in conversation.
• Look for extra devices attached to the ATMs. These may be put to capture your data. Inform securi-
ty / bank immediately if any such device found.
• Never lend your card to anyone, even to your close relative / friend or even if anyone claims to rep-
resent the Bank.
• Do not write your PIN on the Card or back of the Card.
• Never share your PIN with any one including a family member or Bank personnel or in response to
requests through email / FAX etc.
• Never carry your PIN in your wallet or purse
• Never let anyone see you input your PIN
• Never use a PIN that could be guessed easily e.g. Your birthday or telephone number.
• Never leave your card in the ATM
• Never leave your card unattended, e.g. in the car, in a hotel room or at work or at merchant estab-
• Never attempt to use your Debit card at Merchant establishments that do not possess electronic
point-of-sale swipe terminals.
• Do not scratch the pin mailer. Tear the edge of the envelope turn to open for easy visibility of the pin.
• Do not respond to any E-mail purported to have been issued by Bank asking for your ATM PIN. These
are called PHISHING attempts. At Bank of India, we honor the trust reposed on us and will never seek
personal details like PIN etc. for any purpose.
• Don’t give information regarding your ATM card or PIN over the telephone to anyone.
• Never enter your PIN in any ATM that does not seem to be genuine or seems modified/has a suspi-
cious device attached/operating in a suspicious manner.
• Don’t display your cash; count the cash, keep it in your pocket safely and leave the ATM.
• Don’t accept assistance from anyone or from the security guard when using an ATM
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Positive Pay mandate has been sent from his /her registered mobile number.
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• Objective • To enable the Bank to know / understand the customers and their Financial dealings better there by help-
ing all concerned to manage KYC-AML-CFT related risks prudentially.
• To prevent the Bank from being used, intentionally or unintentionally by criminal elements for money
laundering or terrorist financial activities.
• To put in place a proper control mechanism for detecting and reporting of suspicious transactions in ac-
cordance with the statutory and regulatory provisions.
• To ensure that all the provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 and the Rules made there-
under and all subsequent amendments there to are duly complied with and
• To ensure compliance with guidelines / instructions issued by the regulators including FIU-IND and RBI.
• Customer • Means a person who is engaged in a financial transaction or activity with the bank and includes a person
on whose behalf the person who is engaged in the transaction or activity, is acting.
• Walk-in Cus- • Means a person who does not have an account-based relationship with the Bank, but undertakes transac-
tomer tions with the Bank.
• Beneficial • Where the customer is a Company, the beneficial owner is the natural person (s), who, whether acting
Owner (BO) alone or together, or through one or more juridical persons, has / have a controlling ownership interest or
who exercises control through other means.
• Controlling ownership interest means ownership of / entitlement to more than 25 per cent of the shares
or capital or profits of the company."Control" shall include the right to appoint majority of the directors or
to control the management or policy decisions including by virtue of their shareholding or management
rights or shareholders agreements or voting agreements.
• Where the customer is a Partnership Firm, the beneficial owner is the natural person(s), who, whether
acting alone or together, or through one or more juridical person, has / have ownership of / entitlement
to more than 15 per cent of capital or profits of the partnership.
• Where the customer is an Un-incorporated Association or Body of Individuals, the beneficial owner is the
natural person(s), who, whether acting alone or together, or through one or more juridical person, has /
have ownership of / entitlement to more than 15 per cent of the property or capital or profits of the unin-
corporated association or body of individuals.
• Where the customer is a trust, the identification of beneficial owner (s) shall include identification of the
author of the trust, the trustee, the beneficiaries with 15 per cent or more interest in the trust and any
other natural person exercising ultimate effective control over the trust through a chain of control or own-
• Politically Ex- • Individuals who are or have been entrusted with prominent public functions in a foreign country, e.g.
posed Persons Heads of States / Governments, senior politicians, senior government / judicial /military officers, senior
(PEPs) executives of state-owned corporations, important political party officials, etc.
• Customer Due • Means identifying and verifying the customer and the beneficial owner.It includes four key elements:
Diligence • 1) Customer Acceptance Procedure
(CDD) • 2) Risk Management / Risk Categorization of Customers
• 3) Customer Identification Procedure, and
• 4) Monitoring of Transactions
• FATCA • Means Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act of the United States of America (USA) which, inter alia, re-
quires foreign financial institutions to report about financial accounts held by U.S. taxpayers or foreign
entities in which U.S. taxpayers hold a substantial ownership interest.
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PAN Requirement • Accounts / Transactions
Requirement Accounts / Transactions in which in PANwhich PAN or equivalent
or equivalent e-document e-document
or Form 60 or Form 60 /
/ 61 required
Rule 114B61 of required
the Income RuleTax114B of the
Rules, 1962 Income
has madeTax Rules, 1962 has
it mandatory formade it mandatory
the certain bankingfor
the which
transactions, certainhavebanking
beentransactions, which have been detailed as below:
detailed as below:
• aPlacing
Placing a time(i.e.
time deposit deposit (i.e.Deposit)
a Term a Term Deposit)
exceeding exceeding
₹ 50,000/- ₹ 50,000/-
with any with any Compa-
Banking Bank-
ny to whom ingtheCompany
whom theAct, Banking
applies. Act, 1949 applies.
• Opening
Opening an account an with
account with a Company
a Banking Banking Company
to which to thewhich the Regulation
Banking Banking Regulation
Act, 1949
applies. Act, 1949 applies.
• Payment
Payment in cash for in purchase
cash for purchase of bank
of bank drafts or drafts or payororders
pay orders or banker’s
banker’s cheques cheques
for an
for an amount
amount aggregating to ₹aggregating
50,000/- orto ₹ 50,000/-
more during anyor more during
one day, fromanya one day, Company
Banking from a to
which theBanking
Regulation toAct,
which 1949theapplies.
Banking Regulation Act, 1949 applies.
Making• an
Making an application
application to any Company
to any Banking Banking Company
to which to thewhich the Regulation
Banking Banking Regulation
Act, 1949
Act, 1949 applies for issue
applies for issue of Credit or Debit card. of Credit or Debit card.
• the
In case In case
person themaking
making application for the transactions
for the transactions is a minor, is awho
any income notchargeable
have any income
to income chargeable
tax, he / to
sheincome tax, he
shall quote the/ she
PANshall quote
of his / herthe PANor
father of
his / her father or mother or guardian, as the case may be.
• Non-Resident
Non-Resident Indians • Asin
As defined defined
Foreign Exchange
Management Management
2016 {FEMA 20165 (R)}, al-
Indians and and
(NRIs) Person of
Origin (PIOs)
5 (R)}, alternatively,
the original certified copythe original
of OVD, certified
certified by copy
any one of OVD,
of thecertified by any
following, may be
Person of Indian
Origin (PIOs) obtained: one of the following, may be obtained:
• Authorized
Authorized officials of officials
overseas of overseas
of Scheduledof Scheduled
Commercial Commercial Banks regis-
Banks registered in In-
dia. tered in India.
• Branches
Branches of overseas of overseas
banks with banks
whom with whom
Indian Indian
banks banks
have have relationships.
Notary• Public
Notary Public abroad.
Court• Magistrate.
Court Magistrate.
Judge.• Judge.
Indian• Embassy
Indian Embassy
/ Consulate / Consulate
General in General in thewhere
the country country thewhere the non-resident
non-resident customercus-
sides. tomer resides.
• Central
KYCKYC RecordsMeans
Rec- • an
entityan entityunder
defined definedRuleunder
2 (1)Rule
(aa) of the
Rules, to Rules,
recover,to recover, store and
store safeguard
Registry(CKYCR) safeguard and retrieve
retrieve the KYC records in digitaltheformKYCofrecords in digital form of a customer.
a customer.
• Digital
KYCKYC Means • the
Means the capturing
capturing live photo live
of photo of the customer
the customer and officially
and officially valid document
valid document or the proofor
the proof
of possession of possession
of Aadhaar, of Aadhaar,
where offline wherecannot
verification offline be
carried out,cannot
latitude and along with the location
of the latitude and where longitude ofphoto
such live the location
is beingwhere
by anlive photo
is being
officer of the taken by
Regulated an authorized officer of the Regulated Entities.
FINANCIAL Intelligence
Intelli- • is
a central is aagency;
centralitagency; it is an independent
is an independent body andbody anddirectly
reports reportsto directly to the
the Economic
genceUnit - India
Unit - India Economic
Intelligence Council Intelligence
headed by the Council
Finance headed by the Finance Minister.
• Its functions
Its functions are to actare as to
theact as thereception
central central reception
point forpoint for receiving
receiving CTR, STR,CTR,CCR,STR,
CCR, NPOTR and Cross Border Wire Transfer (CBWT)
and Cross Border Wire Transfer (CBWT) reports. It analyzes information received fromreports. It analyzes infor-banks
to uncovermation
pattern received from banks
of transactions to uncover
suggesting pattern
suspicion ofof transactions
money launderingsuggesting suspi-
and related
crime. cion of money laundering and related crime.
• It disseminates
It disseminates the information
the information to appropriate
to appropriate national /national / international
international authoritiesauthori-
to sup-
ties to support anti-money
port anti-money laundering efforts. laundering efforts.
• It and
It monitor monitor and identifies
identifies strategic strategic
key areaskey on areas
money onlaundering
money laundering trends, typol-
trends, typologies and
ogies and developments.
• Director
Director of FIU-IND of isFIU-IND
the with
powerstheofpowers of a civil
a civil court court
under theunder
codethe codeProce-
of Civil of
dure, 1908,Civil Procedure,
accordingly 1908,
has accordingly
the power has direct,
to seize, the power to seize,
penalize direct,entities
reporting penalize andre-its em-
ployees forporting
breachentities and itsofemployees
or violation PML Act. for breach or violation of PML Act.
320 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Obligations Appointment of a Principal Officer (PO) and Designated Director (DD) (In no case, PO shall be designated as Designated
under Prevention Director).
of Money Laun- Maintaining records of prescribed transactions.
dering Act, 2002 Furnishing information of prescribed transactions to the specified authority.
Verifying and maintaining records of the identity of its clients and shall include updated records / data pertaining to
identification, account files and business correspondence.
Preserving records in respect of above for a period of at least five years from the date of each such transaction between
the Bank and client,
Preserving records in respect of above for a period of at least five years after the business relationship is ended or the
account is closed, whichever is later.
Principal Officer General Manager in charge of Transaction Monitoring & KYC AML Department has been appointed as the Principal
Officer (Money Laundering Reporting Officer)
Shall be responsible for overseeing and overall compliance with regulatory guidelines on KYC / AML / CFT issued from
time to time and obligations under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 and its amendments, rules and regula-
tions made therein and monitoring transactions.
Shall be responsible for timely submission of Cash Transaction Report (CTR), Suspicious Transaction Report (STR), Coun-
terfeit Currency Report (CCR), Non-Profit Organization Transaction Report (NPOTR) and Cross Border Wire Transfer
(CBWT) report, to the FIU-IND.
Designated Designated Director ensures over all compliance of obligations imposed under Chapter IV of PML Act and rules. In our
Director bank the Executive Director has been appointed by the Board as Designated Director.
Money Laun- Whosoever directly or indirectly attempts to indulge or knowingly assists or knowingly is a party or is actually involved
dering - Defini- in any process or activity connected with the proceeds of crime including its concealment, possession, acquisition or use
tion and projecting it as untainted property shall be guilty of the offence of money laundering.
In India AML activities are monitored by FIU-IND as per the provision of PML Act. Money laundering refers to any transac-
tion that aims at concealing and/or changing the identity of criminal proceeds so that it appears to have been derived
from legitimate sources
The process of money laundering It has been identified as being done generally in three stages and it involves creating a
web of financial transactions so as to hide the origin and true nature of these funds. The three stages of money launder-
ing are
Placement (i.e. introduction of the fund into the banking system).
Layering (i.e. creating a web of transactions and rotating the funds between various accounts so as to hide / extinguish
its true source) and
Integration (i.e. after rotating the funds, the money, now washed appears to have legitimate source)
Key Elements of Customer Acceptance Policy.:
KYC Policy
(a) No account shall be opened in anonymous or fictitious / benami name/s / shell companies.
(b) No accounts shall be opened where Bank is not able to apply appropriate CDD
measures either due to non-cooperation of the customer or non-reliability of the KYC documents /information furnished
by the customer / applicant.
(c) No transaction or account based relationship is undertaken without following the CDD procedures.
(d) The mandatory information shall be sought for KYC purpose at the time of opening an account and during periodic
(e) Any optional / additional information, shall be obtained with the explicit consent of the account.
(f) CDD procedure shall be applied at the Unique Customer Identification Code (UCIC) level. Accordingly, no fresh CDD
exercise shall be required while opening another account by any existing customer in the Bank.
(g) CDD procedure shall be followed for all individuals including all joint account holders while establishing an account-
based relationship or while dealing with the individual who is a beneficial owner, authorised signatory or the power of
attorney holder related to any legal entity:
(h) "Beneficial Owner" shall be identified / verified necessarily while opening /
maintaining accounts having constitution as Partnership, Limited Companies, Trust
etc. Details for compliance are given vide Point 14.(Mentioned in definition).
Branches to capture / update Beneficial Owners' details in Finacle in respect of new as well as legacy accounts.
(i) Name screening of the prospective customer, before opening any account as well as Cross Border Remittance (SWIFT
messages) to be ensured that the identity of the prospective customer does not match with any person having known
criminal background or with banned entities such as individual terrorists or terrorist
organizations as advised by UN sanctions, OFAC, GOI, FIU-IND and RBI list being
published from time to time. These lists have been made available through FINACLE on real time basis. On half yearly
basis, all existing accounts customers' name screening shall be conducted for March as well as September half year cen-
trally at Head Office level.
(j) Wherever accounts are opened and being operated by mandate holder or accounts are opened by intermediaries in
fiduciary capacities, it should be ensured that the circumstances in which the said mandate holder or intermediary is
permitted to act on behalf of another person/entity are clearly spelt out, in conformity with the established law and
practice of banking.
(k) If the customer is a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) as per knowledge of the Bank, the account of such person will be
approved by Chief incumbent of the Branch (minimum level Scale IV) or from the Deputy Zonal Manager of respective
zone,before opening the account.
321 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
I) Re-KYC exercise shall be carried out as per risk profile / category of the customers and fresh set of KYC docu-
ments, latest Photograph & need based financials shall be obtained.
(m) Information collected from the customer for the purpose of opening of account is to be treated as confiden-
tial and details thereof are not to be divulged for cross selling or other purposes. It should be ensured that the
information sought from the
customers are relevant to the perceived risk, are not intrusive and are in conformity
with the RBI guidelines issued in this regard.
(n) Where Permanent Account Number (PAN) is obtained, the same shall be verified from the verification facility
of the issuing authority.
(o) Where an equivalent e-document is obtained from the customer, branch shall verify the digital signature as
per the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (21 of 2000).
Risk Management All customers, new as well as existing are classified into risk categories i.e. Low, Medium and High
based on the risk perception.
Risk Based Approach has been adopted based on profile of the customer i.e. customer’s identity /
occupation, the nature of business activity, information about the client’s business and their
location, mode of payments, volume of turnover, social and financial status etc. and a CPS is
prepared / completed by bank official.
The customer for whom Suspicious Transaction Report (STR) is filed shall be subject to High Risk
The risk categorization of customers shall be reviewed half yearly i.e. September and March every
year through a system driven procedure centrally in the Bank at data Centre level.
Periodic updation shall be carried out at least once in every two years for high risk customers, once
in eight years for medium risk customers and once in every ten years for low risk custome ₹
The following procedure shall be followed for customer who does not submit KYC documents:
First Notice to be given by way of SMS and/or IVR and/or Email and/or Print or
Electronic media allowing 15 days' time to submit the documents.
ii. In case no response is received from customer, second Notice to be given by way of SMS and/or
IVR and/or Email and/or Print or Electronic media allowing 7 days' time to submit the documents.
iii. In case no response is received from customer, third Notice to be given by way of SMS and/or IVR
and/or Email and/or Print or Electronic media allowing another 7 days' time to submit the documents.
iv. In case no response on point no i &iii, a letter to be sent to customer registered address by the bank
with final reminder, allowing 15 days' time to submit the documents, failing which the account shall be
Debit freezed.
Re-KYC exercise has to be carried out in respect of joint account holders / authorized signatories /
Beneficial Owners along-with principal account holder within stipulated timeline of 10/8 or 2 years
depending upon risk category of the customer.
The branch has to take a conscious decision whether to continue banking relation with the customer
or not, if account is still not KYC compliant.
Customer Identification Procedures (CIP): Commencement of an account-based relationship with
the customer.
Carrying out any international money transfer operations for a person who is not an account holder
of the bank.
When there is a doubt at any point of time about the authenticity or adequacy of the obtained cus-
tomer identification data.
Selling third party products as agents, payment of dues of credit cards / sale and reloading of pre-
paid / travel cards and any other product for more than Rupees Fifty Thousand.
Carrying out transactions for a walk-in customer, where the amount involved is equal to or exceeds
Rupees Fifty Thousand, whether conducted as a single transaction or several transactions that
appear to be connected.
When the Bank has reason to believe that a customer (account-based or walk-in) is intentionally
structuring a transaction into a series of transactions below the threshold of Rupees Fifty Thou-
Monitoring of Transactions: Large and complex transactions including RTGS transactions, and
those with unusual patterns, inconsistent with the normal and expected activity of the customer,
which have no apparent economic rationale or legitimate purpose.
Transactions which exceed the thresholds prescribed for specific categories of accounts.
High account turnover inconsistent with the size of the balance maintained.
Deposit of third party cheques, drafts, etc. in the existing and newly opened accounts followed by
cash withdrawals for large amounts.
322 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Small Account In case an individual customer who does not possess any of the OVDs and desires to open a bank account,
bank shall open a “Small Account”, which entails the following limitations:
• The aggregate of all credits in a financial year does not exceed Rupees One Lakh.
• The aggregate of all withdrawals and transfers in a month does not exceed Rupees Ten Thousand;
• The balance at any point of time does not exceed Rupees Fifty Thousand. Provided, that this limit
on balance shall not be considered while making deposits through Government grants, welfare benefits and
payment against procurements
The following conditions are applicable while opening account ---
• The bank shall obtain a self –attested photograph from the customer.
The designated officer of the bank certifies under his signature that the person opening the ac-
count has affixed his signature or thumb impression in his presence. Provided that where the in-
dividual is a prisoner in a jail, the signature or thumb print shall be affixed in presence of the
officer in-charge of the jail and the said officer shall certify the same under his signature and the
account shall remain operational on annual submission of certificate of proof of address issued
by the officer incharge of the jail.
• The account shall remain operational initially for a period of twelve months which can be extended
for a further period of twelve months, provided the account holder applies and furnishes evidence of having
applied for any of the OVDs during the first twelve months of the opening of the account.
Simplified norms (a) CDD of all the members of SHG / JLG shall not be required while opening
for Accounts of self the
Help Groups (SHGs) savings bank account of the SHG / JLG.
(b) CDD of all the office bearers shall suffice. In order to comply with RBI's di-
CIF of Office Bearers has to be created and linked to CIF of SHG / JLG.
(c) Customer Due Diligence (CDD) of all the members of SHG / JLG may be
undertaken at the time of credit linking of SHGs / JLGs.
Accounts of For- Open a Non Resident Ordinary (NRO) bank account of a foreign student on the basis of
eign students stud-
ying in India
his / her passport (with visa & immigration endorsement) bearing the proof of identity
and address in the home country together with a photograph and a letter offering admis-
sion from the educational institution in India.
Provided that a declaration about the local address shall be obtained within a period of
30 days of opening the account and the said local address is verified.
Provided further that pending the verification of address, the account shall be operated
with a condition of allowing foreign remittances not exceeding USD1000 or equivalent
into the account and a cap of Rupees Fifty Thousand on aggregate in the same, during the
30 day period.
Student with Pakistani nationality shall require prior approval of the Reserve Bank for
opening the account.
Accounts of Non- Accounts of NGOs should be opened only after fully complying with the KYC / AML / CFT guidelines.
Government Organ- Accounts of NGOs receiving foreign contribution should be registered with the Ministry of Home
izations (NGOs) Affairs, Government of India or possess prior approval of the Government for receiving foreign funds.
All NGO accounts opened (except those promoted by the United Nations or itsagencies)
should be classified as High Risk category accounts AB INITIO and transactions in these accounts
should be properly scrutinized with enhanced due diligence on continuous basis.
All foreign inward remittances to the credit of these accounts should be scrutinized taking into
account the customer profile, country of origin of funds, etc. and extant guidelines regarding such
323 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Guidelines for All transactions involving receipts by non-profit organizations, whether cash, clearing or
Maintenance of
Records of follow-
transfer, of more than Rupees ten lakh or its equivalent, or its equivalent in foreign currency
ing Transactions taken place within a month and all series of cash transactions which are integrally connect-
ed to each other having individual value in foreign currency in the accounts of Non-Profit
All cash transactions of the value of more than Rupees Ten Lakh, below 10 lakh or its equiv-
alent in foreign currency, but the aggregate value exceeding ₹ 10 lakh, taken place within a
All suspicious transactions whether or not made in cash, including attempted transactions,
All cash transactions where forged or counterfeit currency notes or bank notes have been
used as genuine.
All transactions where any forgery of a security or a document has taken place facilitating
the transactions.
All transactions pertaining to Cross Border Wire Transfer of value more than ₹ 5 lakhs or its
equivalent in foreign currency.
Maintenance and A Period of at least five years from the date of transaction between the bank and the cus-
Preservation of
A Period of at least five years after the business relationship has ended or the account is
closed, whichever is customer.
Five years from the date of transaction between the bank and the client in case of CTR, STR,
324 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
In terms of Reserve Bank of India directions, Banks are required to upload KYC data / documents pertaining to all Individual ac-
counts opened on or after 1st January 2017 to Central KYC record Registry (CKYCR). Time and again RBI has repeated their instruc-
tions and advised the importance and necessity of uploading KYC data of eligible customers on Centralised KYC registry. In terms
of provision of Rule 9(1A) of PML Rules, the Bank shall capture customer's KYC records and upload onto CKYCR within 10 days of
commencement of an account-based relationship with the customer.
To expedite data / document uploading process Bank has opened Zonal Centralised Operation Department
(ZCOD) . ZCOD centers are enabled with Document Management System (DMS) to facilitate the process.
The software has been equipped with fixed structure of Account Opening Form. Therefore, the scanning
of form and KYC documents needs to be done in the same sequence as below:-
Account Opening Form Application
Proof of Identity
Proof of Address POA
Customer Profile Sheet CPS
Photograph Not to be separately scanned
Signature Not to be separately scanned
Additional Documents Details and scanned images of
Documents related to KYC/FATCA declaration form etc.
The photograph and signature of Applicant is picked by DMS application from the Account Opening Form
and placed in appropriate serial number.
All the users at ZCODs, ZONEs and Branches are advised to follow the process/ procedure advised as mentioned in above circular
and the query in the matter may be raised to HO CBOD, CKYC Cell
A Finacle menu CKYCR has been designed to capture/upload all information . A Finacle Menu FATCA has been introduced for cap-
turing Tax residency status of Customer.
The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) recently unveiled an Aadhaar-Enabled Service termed as e-KYC (Electronic-
Know Your Customer) service. The Aadhaar e-KYC service provides an instant, electronic, non-repudiable proof of identity and
proof of address along with date of birth and gender.
The salient features of UIDAI enabled Aadhaar e-KYC services are:
1) Paperless 2) Consent based 3) Eliminates Document Forgery 4) Inclusive 5) Secure and compliant with the IT Act) 6) Non-
repudiable 7) Low cost 8) Instantaneous 9) Machine Readable
Menu: 'UIDeKYC' is provided in Finacle for e-KYC service. Under this menu option provision for Adding of e-KYC request / Deletion
of e-KYC request / Verification of e-KYC request and Addition of e-KYC request for Welcome Kit customers is made available
The RE(Regulated Entities) shall develop an application for digital KYC process which shall be made available
at customer touch points for undertaking KYC of their customers and the KYC process shall be undertaken
onl through this authenticated application of the REs.
Digital KYC Process
A. The RE shall develop an application for digital KYC process which shall be made vailable at customer touch
points for undertaking KYC of their customers and the KYC process shall be undertaken only through this authenticated application
of the REs.
B. The access of the Application shall be controlled by the REs and it should be ensured that the same is not used by unauthorized
persons. The Application shall be accessed only through login-id and password or Live OTP or Time OTP controlled mechanism
given by REs to its authorized officials.
C. The customer, for the purpose of KYC, shall visit the location of the authorized official of the RE or vice-versa. The original OVD
shall be in possession of the customer.
D. The RE must ensure that the Live photograph of the customer is taken by the authorized officer and the same photograph is
embedded in the Customer Application Form (CAF). Further, the system Application of the RE shall put a watermark in readable
form having CAF number, GPS coordinates, authorized official's name, unique employee Code (assigned by REs) and Date
DD:MM:YYYY) and time stamp (HH:MM:SS) on the captured live photograph of the customer.
326 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
all of the necessary details in CAF including mandatory are filled properly;
M. On Successful verification, the CAF shall be digitally signed by authorized officer of the RE who will take a print of CAF, get signa-
tures/thumb-impression of customerat appropriate place, then scan and upload the same in system. Original hard copy may be re-
turned to the customer.
Banks may use the services of Business Correspondent (BC) for this process.
"Video based Customer Identification Process (V-CIP)": an alternate method of customer identification with facial recognition and cus-
tomer due diligence by an authorised official of the Bank by undertaking seamless, secure, live, informed-consent based audio-visual
interaction with the customer to obtain identification information required for CDD purpose, and to ascertain the veracity of the infor-
mation furnished by the customer through independent verification and maintaining audit trail of the process. Such processes comply-
ing with prescribed standards and procedures shall be treated on par with face-to-face CIP for the purpose of RBI's Master Direction on
KYC, 2016.
(This prpcedure only used for on line Account Opening through BOI Web Site)
The authorized official of the RE (Regulated Entity) performing the V-CIP shall record audiovideo
as well as capture photograph of the customer present for identification and obtain the identification
information using any one of the following:
a) OTP based Aadhaar e-KYC authentication
b) Offline Verification of Aadhaar for identification
c) KYC records downloaded from CKYCR, in accordance with Section 56, using the KYC identifier
provided by the customer
327 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
This is necessary to verify the genuineness of various documents we obtain from our customers during the course of
our business. We list below the site addresses for verification of various documents:
DOCUMENT Available Finacle Menu Internet Site
PAN Number PANCHK Home | Income Tax Department
8. TIN/GST Goods & Services Tax (GST) | Services
9. CIBIL Option available in CAPS (Requires User Id & Pass-
word).free cibil
10. Charge on Property
12. Company Search
13. Verification of e-Stamp
Under SERVICES Tab –Challan Status Enquiry-CIN
based view
15. Verification of CA who has
certified/signed Balance Sheet and P id=290
& L Statement
By putting Membership No , Name of the CA with
address and other details will be displayed.
16. Verification of suit filed ac-
counts of ₹ 1 crore & suit filed ac-
counts (willful defaulters) of ₹ 25
SDV Locker©
329 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
( Bank's Model Policy on Safe Deposit Lockers / Safe Custody Articles) 118/091 Dated 03.07.2024
(,117/258 dated 18.01.2024 HO.IOM no. HO/GOD/SRM/2022-23/806 Dated 27.03.2023)
Safe deposit lockers facility is one of the ancillary services extended by bank at our branches. The relationship be-
tween the banker and the customer of a locker is that of lessor and lessee. The locker units will be leased out to
customers who have been properly introduced to the bank
.Online apply:Apart from offline apply ,Both Existing as well as Walk-in Customers can apply for a Locker (if available) in their
choice branch having a locker facility online through our Bank's Corporate Website.
Locker Allotment
Waiting List: In order to facilitate customers in making informed choices and to ensure transparency in allotment
of lockers, branch wise list of vacant lockers as well as a wait-list shall be maintained in Core Banking System
Security: Branches should also ensure that CCTV camera cover the entry and exit of the strong room and the
common areas of operation and its recording is preserved for a period of not less than 180 days. In case any cus-
tomer has complained to the branch that his/her locker is opened without his/her knowledge and authority, or
any theft or security breach is noticed/observed, the branch shall preserve the CCTV recording till the police in-
vestigation is completed and the dispute is settled
(i) Custodian: Custodian is the officer-in-charge of the safe deposit vault of the branch.
(ii) Renter: Renter is the person who has taken on hire a locker in a safe deposit vault of the branch.
(iii) Master Key (or Custodian Key): This key is held by the Custodian. Without first operating this key in the lock,
the renter cannot operate his key and open the locker.
(iv) Renter's Key: Key of the locker to be allotted to the renter.
(v) Key Cabinet: A cabinet in which the renters' keys of all un-let lockers and other vault keys, including the cus-
todian key, are kept.
(vi) Pass Word: This is a confidential word known only to the Bank and the renter which helps the Bank to identi-
fy the renter and serves as an additional precaution in case of doubt. The password is recorded on the specimen
signature card.
Allocation of Rentals: Lockers are generally let out for a period of one to three yea ₹ The rent for the entire peri-
od for which the locker is rented is received in advance and should be credited to the "General Ledger Account -
Sundry Credits - Rent on Safe Deposit Lockers". The total amount of rent received should be allocated to the re-
spective half- years to which it relates.
Embossing of Bank Identification Code on the keys of Lockers
The keys of the safe deposit vault lockers up to 1990 contained only the key number for identifying the key. Now
the keys of the Safe Deposit Vault lockers should bear additional six-digit code number containing the Bank code
(No 13 for our Bank) and Branch Reconciliation Code Number embossed on them to identify-the Bank and the
Branch to which the lockers belong.
In the case of joint renters, access to the locker can be -
(a) By either or survivor.
(b) By former or survivor.
(c) By the renter first named during his/ her life time and only after his/her death – by all the survivors joint-
ly or by any. (1/2/3) of the survivors jointly or by last survivor singly.
(d) By any one or any one of the survivors or the last survivor.
(e) Jointly by any of them or any of the survivors of them or by the survivors or by the last survivor singly.
In case one of the joint renters is a minor, branches should not open accounts with operational instructions indi-
cated in (b) and (c) above.
330 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
( Bank's Model Policy on Safe Deposit Lockers / Safe Custody Articles)
(, HO.IOM no. HO/GOD/SRM/2022-23/806 Dated 27.03.2023)
Memorandum of Agreement A renter is required to sign the Memorandum of Agreement and complete the card. The
name of the renter should be written in the Memorandum of Agreement Book (Form SDV 1453 Revised). The signa-
ture(s) of the renter(s) should be taken in the space provided; initials should be taken at the foot "conditions” on the
reverse of the Memorandum of Agreement. If there are any alterations in the "conditions", the initials of all the
renters must be taken against such alterations. The key number of the locker allotted should be noted. Only the Bank
and the renter should execute the stamped part of the Memorandum and it should be retained by the bank, the other
part to be given to the renter should not be executed but the word "copy" should be written there on and delivered
to the renter after details about execution are duly completed thereon.. If branches has taken last revised agreement
(Before 27 march 2023) they may take Supplementary Safe Deposit Locker agreement (as per HO.IOM no. HO/GOD/
SRM/2022-23/806 Dated 27.03.2023) otherwise all branches have to take SDV-1453( Revised version) attached with
this IOM. Branches should update the mobile number and email id of locker hirer(s) in CIF-ID at the time of renewal of
locker agreements and /or while undertaking Re-KYC exercise . Branches should update the mobile number and email
id of locker hirer(s) in CIF-ID at the time of renewal of locker agreements and /or while undertaking Re-KYC exercise.
Now bank is liable for losses due to fire.
The alteration made in the printed wording of the Memorandum of Agreement in this regard should be authenticated
under the initials of rente ₹
Operation of Locker: When a renter desires to have access to his locker, he should come to the vault with the key of
his locker. He should enter the date, time and the number of the locker and sign the Daily Register of Renters Attend-
ance (Form SDV 1403). The Custodian should ask the renter the pass word (code word) and verify the signature of the
renter and, after satisfying himself, write the locker number under his initials on an Access Slip (Form SDV 1464) and
hand it over to the renter. A renter who cannot give satisfactory proof of his identity will not be given access to the
vault. The custodian will sign all entries in the Register.
Renter Leaving Vault with Locker Left Open:
Prominent notices may be exhibited in the vault at various places reading
"Renters are requested in their own interest to close their lockers securely before leaving the vault”.
Sometimes it happens that the renter goes out of the vault without locking his locker. Although the Bank has no
knowledge of and takes no cognizance of the contents of the lockers, the following procedure has to be adopted as a
precautionary measure to safeguard the contents and without the Bank owing any duty to the renters to carry it out.
Renter should be contacted immediately and requested to come to the vault with the key. He should then be in-
formed of the position. (When calling the renter to the vault, no indication should be given to him about his unlocked
locker). The renter should be asked to check contents of the locker and be satisfied about them. He should give a dec-
laration in writing to that effect.
Recovery of Overdue Locker: Rental Branches should prepare a roadmap for recovery of overdue locker rent, in such
cases where the rent is overdue for more than one year. Wherever overdue rent recovery is not possible in spite of
concentrated efforts, action should be initiated to drill open the lockers giving proper notice to the customers and
should strictly following extant guidelines of the Bank in the matter.
Surrender of Locker: When a locker is to be surrendered by the renter, he should sign the Daily Register of Renters'
Attendance and take the Access Slip as usual. He should also sign the release portion on the reverse of the specimen
signature card. The renter after removing the contents of his locker should hand over the renter's key to the custodian
who should verify the key number from the record. The lock of the surrendered locker should be changed before the
locker is let out again.
Nomination Facilities for Renters: The Banking Regulation Act, 1949 has been amended by Section 37 of the Banking
laws (Amendment) Act, 1983, by introducing new Sections 45 ZE and 45 ZF which provide inter-alia, nomination facili-
ties to the renters of Safe Deposit Lockers
Secrecy and Confidentiality Utmost secrecy must be maintained. No information about renting of lockers, mode of
operation or visits of renters must be divulged except with the clear consent of the renters and/or when compelled by
Liability of bank arising from events like fire, theft, burglary, dacoity, robbery, building collapse or in case of fraud
committed by the employees of the bank
Bank cannot claim that they bear no liability towards their customers for loss of contents of the locker, in instances
where loss of contents of locker are due to incidents mentioned above or attributable to fraud committed by its em-
ployee(s), the banks' liability shall be for an amount equivalent to one hundred times the prevailing annual rent of the
safe depoSit locker.However, bank shall not be liable for any damage and/or loss of contents of locker arising from natural
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Rental Charges (May Change from Time to Time (BC 117/54 DTD 06.05.2023)
Refer Cir.No.110/162 Dt -15/11/2016. Other Important circular:-103/126 dated: 27.10.2009, 2013-14/41 dated
The drilling / breaking open of locker shall be done under any one of the following circumstances.
(i) If the hirer loses the key and requests for breaking open the locker at her /his cost; or
(ii) If the Government enforcement agencies have approached the bank with orders from the Court or appropriate
competent authority to seize lockers and requested for access to the lockers; or
(iii) If the bank is of the view that there is a need to take back the locker as the locker hirer is not co-operating or not
complying with the terms and conditions of the agreement.
A) Hirer loses the key and requests for breaking open the locker at her /his cost
Customer (locker hirer) shall notify the branch immediately. Branches may take an undertaking from the customer
that the key lost, if found in future, will be handed over to the branch.All charges for opening the locker, changing the
lock and replacing the lost key may be recovered from the hirer.
The operation shall be done in the presence of the customer/s and an authorized official of the branch Branches to
ensure contents of the lockers are not exposed to any individual other than the locker hirer during the break-up or
restoration process
B)Government enforcement agencies have approached the bank with orders from the Court to seize lockers and re-
quested for access to the lockers i.e. Attachment and recovery of contents in a Locker and the Articles in the safe cus-
tody of the bank.
Branches shall co-operate in execution and implementation of the orde ₹ The branch shall verify and satisfy itself
about the orders and the connected documents received for attachment and recovery of the contents in a locker.
Customer (locker-hirer) shall be informed by letter as well as by email/SMS to the registered email id/mobile phone
number that the Government Authorities have approached for attachment.
An inventory of the contents of locker and articles seized and recovered by the Authority shall be prepared in the
presence of such Government Authorities, two independent witnesses and an officer of the bank and shall be signed
by all. A copy of the inventory may be forwarded to the customer to the address available in the bank's records or
handed over to the customer against acknowledgement. Branches shall ensure to record a video of the break-open
process and the inventory assessment,wherever legally permissible, and preserve the video to produce as evidence in
case of any dispute or Court or fraud case in future.
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Branches should ensure that the locker shall be drill / broken open in the presence
a. The Branch Manager,
b. Authorised official of the branch (The Custodian),
c. Two independent witnesses,
d. a reputed local Advocate approved by the Bank in the case of Mumbai Main Branch & Mumbai Local Branches, a reputed local Advo-
cate approved by the Bank or a Notary Public (where available) in the case of upcountry Branches.
After breaking open of locker, the contents / articles found in drilled open locker and detailed inventory should be placed /kept in a
pocket / sealed envelope with the seals of the bank inside fireproof safe in a tamper-proof way until customer claims it. A record of ac-
cess to the fireproof safe shall invariably be maintained. While returning the contents of the locker, the branch shall obtain acknowledge-
ment of the customer on the inventory. Branches should ensure that the inventory of the articles found in a drilled-open locker should be
made, in triplicate, and signed by the Manager, the Custodian, two witness and the local Advocate approved by the Bank/ Notary Public
who were present at the time opening the locker. If the locker is found empty, it should be so stated in the inventory.
ii.Discharge of locker contents if the locker remains inoperative for a long period of time:
lf the locker remains inoperative for a period of seven years and the locker-hirer cannot be located, even if rent is being paid regularly, the
branches shall be at liberty to transfer the contents of the locker to their nominees/legal heir or dispose of the articles in a transparent man-
ner, as the case may be.
Branches should ensure and should take all possible measures to locate the locker hirer(s) i.e. by sending letter to the registered contact
details with the Bank / SMS & email to the registered mobile number and email id. Before breaking open the locker, Branches should get
approval from Zonal Authority and shall follow the procedure as prescribed in above.
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Deceased claim for return of contents in Safe Deposit Lockers / Custody
Procedure in case there is Nomination/ Survivorship Clause
Branches should exercise due care and caution in establishing the identity of the survivor(s) / nominee(s) and the fact of death of the
locker hirer / depositors by obtaining appropriate documentary evidence
On receipt of notice of death of a sole locker hirer, the locker should be sealed with the Bank's seal and a note to this effect should be
made in the all respective records as well as in the Declaration Card
The branch should fix up a date and time for making an inventory and accordingly an inventory may be taken in the presence of nominee,
two respectable witnesses known to the branch (should not be employees or ex-employees of the Bank), the Safe Deposit Vault Custodi-
an and another officer.Delivery of the contents in the locker/ articles to the nominee shall be done after obtaining acknowledgement and
requisite documents. Branches should make it clear to the nominee(s) / survivor(s) that access to locker / safe custody articles is given to
them only as a trustee of the legal heirs of the deceased locker /s
In such case, therefore, while giving access to the survivor(s) / nominee(s) of the deceased locker hirer(s) / depositor of the safe custody
articles, branches should desist from insisting on production of succession certificate, letter of administration or probate etc., or obtain
Letter of indemnity or surety from the survivor(s)/ nominee(s).
Procedure in case there is no Nomination
Branches may at their discretion, on production of satisfactory evidence, permit a legal representative of the deceased to inspect the
contents of the locker to enable him /her to obtain the proper court order from the competent court or any other legal representation.
On receiving the proper court order from the competent court, executor / administrator shall have power to deal with the contents of
the locker.
The contents of the locker, sometimes, are not of great value/ importance, hence, obtaining legal representation involves cost as well as
time. The branches may, therefore, in appropriate cases, allow the heirs of the deceased locker hirer to have access to the locker and
withdraw the contents against usual Letter of Indemnity, subject to the following:
The claimants/heirs of the deceased renter should furnish necessary particulars in the claim format.
A prescribed letter should be taken from all the heirs requesting the Bank to open the locker for the purpose of inventory.
The branch should then fix up a date and time for making an inventory and accordingly an inventory may be taken in the presence of all
the heirs/ their duly constituted attorney/ies, two respectable witnesses known to the branch (should not be employees or ex-employees
of the Bank), the valuer, the Safe Deposit Vault Custodian and another officer. The inventory may be prepared in the prescribed inventory
record form. After making an inventory, care should be taken to redeposit all the contents in the said locker and to seal the locker.
The branches should forward the inventory papers to the Zonal Authority to enable them to consider delivering the contents against usu-
al indemnity signed by the claimant/s and one or two surety/ies considered good for the amount involved. On receipt of the approval, the
claimant/s should be allowed to remove the contents from the locker after signing an indemnity and a letter of surrender together with
the key.
Where an inventory is to be taken in terms of a court order, it should be done in the presence of
(i) the Court's representative,
ii) the claimant/s to the contents of the locker held by the deceased locker hirer,
(iii) the valuer and
(iv) two officers of the branch.
Delegation of Powers for authorising to deliver the contents of Safe Deposit Locker to the claimants without insisting for court order by
way of succession certificate or letter of administration, etc. as under;
Delegation of Powers - Non Credit Matters
To authorise delivery of contents in Safe Deposit Lockers NI NIL 0.50 2.00 5.00- FP
against indemnity in cases where legal representation has not L
been obtained to the rightful heir/s of a deceased locker hirer/s
upto the estimated value of contents (cases where points of
law are involved should be referred to H.0- _Legal Dept.)
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Tax Exemption Interest is not exempted under Income Tax Act, 1961.TDS will be deducted at applicable rates on
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In respect of certain assets like shares (equity or preference) which are listed in a recognised stock exchange in India (listing of
shares is not mandatory if transfer of such shares took place on or before July 10, 2014), units of equity oriented mutual
funds, listed securities like debentures and Government securities, Units of UTI and Zero Coupon Bonds, the period of holding
to be considered is 12 months instead of 36 months. In case of unlisted shares, period of holding is to be considered as 24
months instead of 36 months. An immovable property being land or building or both, period of holding is to be considered as
24 months from AY 2018-19. Before AY 2018-19, the holding period was 36 months.
Section 54, 54B, 54D, 54F, 54G, and 54GB of the Income –tax Act 1961, provide for capital gains tax for a seller if the Seller /
Assessee utilizes the amount of capital gain for specified purposes. In the event of the assesses not utilizing the amount for
specified purposes ,before the date of furnishing the return , then the Act provides for deposit such sum in specified banks
under Capital Gain Account Scheme, 1988.
Capital Gains Accounts can be opened for the following specified transactions which results in capital gains
Sale of residential property (Section 54)- Long Term Capital Gains
Transfer of agriculture land (Section 54 B)
Compulsory acquisition of land & building forming part of an Industrial Undertaking
(Section 54D)
Transfer of any other “Long Term Capital Asset “(other than residential House–Section 54F)”
Transfer of Assets on shifting of industrial undertaking from urban area(Section 54G)
We facilitate Trading in securities through Tie up arrangement with the following Brokers
Broker I Broker II Broker III
Asit C Mehta investment Intermedi- Ajcon Global Services Limited (AGSL) GEPL Capital Limited
ates Limited (ACMIIL)
The following categories of account holders are eligible to enroll for the Online share Trading (OLST) facility.
Individuals - single or joint account
NRIs, PIOs; Proprietor ; Partners; Trusts etc.; Body corporate etc.
The on-line trading clients should have their designated Bank account (to which the amounts for buy and
sell of shares would be debited/credited) with one of the Bank of India Branches.
The clients should have a DEMAT account with Bank of India NSDL DPO or CDSL DPO
Online Share Trading facility is available to clients of all our Branches having SB, CD or OD Account and
also a Demat account also with Bank of India. Under the concept of 3 in 1 Account (Star Share Trade) the
Banking Account, Demat Account and Trading Account of the customers are integrated to make your
transactions transparent/seamless. For the customers who have availed the facility of Star Share Trade,
Funds/Securities are automatically transferred to their account with Bank of India. There is no need to
handover separate DIS or any other Instructions. Those customers who do not have Demat account with
BOI may open the same and then integrate the same with SB and Trading Account. Customers may open
as many Demat Account as they wish. There is no restriction on Number of Demat Accounts to be
Facilities available
Delivery based Trading
Intraday Square off
Buy Today and Sell Tomorrow (BTST)
Trade Multiple
Access to Research and Reports
Recommendations available on each Trading Day over phone/Email
Introducing Future and Options through the Tie up Brokers tie up arrangement shortly.
Registration and Documentation
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Documents to be submitted for opening a Trading Account (These documents are available with our Tie up Brokers
and also with our DPs)
Account Opening Form
Stamped Agreement cum POA (Stamp duty for this document is presently ₹ 1100/-) *
Copy of Pan Card
Latest Address Proof (Not more than 3 months old)
One Recent photograph
One cancelled cheque leaf
Trading Account/Demat account may be opened in one of the following ways:
By contacting Tie up Brokers authorized representative.
By filling up the contact details of the customer, in BOI website Demat Section.
By calling Helpline of the Broke ₹
By sending a mail to the Broke ₹
By contacting any one of the Branches of Bank of India/BOI HO- TrBD.
Charges for opening a Trading Account: please refer the Br.Circulars
Star Share Account (On-line share Trading) for NRI / PIO clients
This facility is available to all our NRI customers of domestic Branches / overseas branches / offices. The facility of
Online Share Trading is also made available to our prospective custome ₹ Customers who do not have Account
with the Bank have to open SB Account and Demat Account with any one of the Bank of India Branches after com-
pleting the formalities.
NRIs/PIOs are required to have two SB Accounts for availing this facility.
The first NRE Account, which is a Charge Account, which can be an existing account with any of the
Branches of BOI.
The second NRE Account, which is known as PIS (Portfolio Investment Scheme) - SB Account, is for
routing only securities related transactions. This account has to be opened with one of the three
Designated Branches of Bank of India. i.e. Mumbai NRI Branch or Ahmedabad NRI Branch or
New Delhi NRI Branch.
For opening PIS Account, NRI customers may forward the SB Account Opening Form along with all
the documents to any of the 3 Branches, through their Banke ₹ Please refer to our Demat Ser-
vices Section, for Documents to be submitted for opening a Demat Account.
After opening this PIS Account, the Designated Branch would open Demat/Online Trading Account
by obtaining permission from RBI.
Application can be downloaded from the website of the Brokers or customers can send a message
to the Brokers who would arrange to forward the entire sent of documents (Demat SB Account
and Trading Account Opening Form) to the customer. The customers may contact our NRI
Branches / HO-SDM also for the Account Opening Forms (AOF).
This facility is for investment on repatriation or non-repatriation basis in shares of Indian companies through stock ex-
change in secondary market under Port-folio Investment Scheme. If they want to apply for IPO/FPO/Rights Issue they can
apply through ASBA facility of Bank of India.
On registration, Broker will send Welcome Kit alongwith user ID and Password directly to NRI customer through e-mail.
( by e-mail as well as by secured mean). On receiving PW the customers can start trading in Shares through Internet or
over phone.
For all successful online Buy/Sell transactions (including transactions done over phone) , the NRE Account of the customer
is automatically debited or credited on the Payout Day. No need to submit DIS or any other document.
On Trade day, or by next working day morning, broker will send Contract Note to the customer.
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Permissible Credits Inward remittances from outside India, legitimate dues in India and transfers from other NRO ac-
counts are permissible credits to NRO account.
Permissible Debits The account can be debited for the purpose of local payments, transfers to other NRO accounts or
remittance of current income abroad.
Apart from these, balances in the NRO account cannot be repatriated abroad except by NRIs and
PIOs up to USD 1 million, subject to conditions specified in Foreign Exchange Management
(Remittance of Assets) Regulations, 2016.
Funds can be transferred to NRE account within this USD 1 Million facility.
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Joint account May be held jointly in the names of two or more NRIs/ PIOs.
NRIs/ PIOs can hold jointly with a resident relative on ‘former or survivor’ basis (relative as defined
in Companies Act, 2013). The resident relative can operate the account as a Power of Attorney hold-
er during the life time of the NRI/ PIO account holder.
Permissible Debits Permissible debits are local disbursements, remittance outside India, transfer to other NRE/
FCNR(B) accounts and investments in India.
Repatriablity Repatriable
Taxability Income earned in the accounts is exempt from income tax and balances exempt from wealth tax
Loans in India AD can sanction loans in India to the account holder/ third parties without any limit, subject to
usual margin requirements. These loans cannot be repatriated outside India and can be used in In-
dia only for the purposes specified in the regulations.
In case of loans sanctioned to a third party, there should be no direct or indirect foreign exchange
consideration for the non-resident depositor agreeing to pledge his deposits to enable the resident
individual/ firm/ company to obtain such facilities.
In case of the loan sanctioned to the account holder, it can be repaid either by adjusting the depos-
its or through inward remittances from outside India through banking channels or out of balances
held in the NRO account of the account holder.
Loans outside India Authorised Dealers may allow their branches/ correspondents outside India to grant loans to or in
favour of non-resident depositor or to third parties at the request of depositor for bona fide pur-
pose against the security of funds held in the NRE/ FCNR (B) accounts in India, subject to usual mar-
gin requirements.
Operations by Power of Operations in the account in terms of Power of Attorney is restricted to withdrawals for permissi-
Attorney in favour of a resi- ble local payments or remittance to the account holder himself through normal banking channels.
Change in residential status NRE accounts should be designated as resident accounts or the funds held in these accounts may
from Non-resident to resi- be transferred to the RFC accounts, at the option of the account holder, immediately upon the re-
dent turn of the account holder to India for taking up employment or on change in the residential status.
339 TOP
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Joint account May be held jointly in the names of two or more NRIs/ PIOs.
NRIs/ PIOs can hold jointly with a resident relative on ‘former or survivor’ basis
(relative as defined in Companies Act, 2013). The resident relative can operate the ac-
count as a Power of Attorney holder during the life time of the NRI/ PIO account hold-
Currency Any permitted currency i.e. a foreign currency which is freely convertible
In our Bank USD, GBP, EUR, CAD, AUD, JPY
Type of Account Term Deposit only
Period for fixed de- For terms not less than 1 year and not more than 5 years
Permissible Credits Credits permitted to this account are inward remittance from outside India, interest
accruing on the account, interest on investment, transfer from other NRE/ FCNR(B)
accounts, maturity proceeds of investments (if such investments were made from this
account or through inward remittance).
Permissible Debits Permissible debits are local disbursements, remittance outside India, transfer to other
NRE/ FCNR(B) accounts and investments in India.
Repatriablity Repatriable
Taxability Income earned in the accounts is exempt from income tax and balances exempt from
wealth tax
Loans in India AD can sanction loans in India to the account holder/ third parties without any limit,
subject to usual margin requirements. These loans cannot be repatriated outside India
and can be used in India only for the purposes specified in the regulations.
In case of loans sanctioned to a third party, there should be no direct or indirect for-
eign exchange consideration for the non-resident depositor agreeing to pledge his de-
posits to enable the resident individual/ firm/ company to obtain such facilities.
In case of the loan sanctioned to the account holder, it can be repaid either by ad-
justing the deposits or through inward remittances from outside India through banking
channels or out of balances held in the NRO account of the account holder.
Loans outside India Authorised Dealers may allow their branches/ correspondents outside India to grant
loans to or in favour of non-resident depositor or to third parties at the request of de-
positor for bona fide purpose against the security of funds held in the NRE/ FCNR (B)
accounts in India, subject to usual margin requirements.
Change in residen- On change in residential status, FCNR (B) deposits may be allowed to continue till ma-
tial status from Non- turity at the contracted rate of interest, if so desired by the account holder.
resident to resident Authorised dealers should convert the FCNR(B) deposits on maturity into resident ru-
pee deposit accounts or RFC account (if the depositor is eligible to open RFC account),
at the option of the account holder
Change in residen- NRE accounts should be designated as resident accounts or the funds held in these
tial status from Non- accounts may be transferred to the RFC accounts, at the option of the account holder,
resident to resident immediately upon the return of the account holder to India for taking up employment
or on change in the residential status.
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Non-Fund based facilities are extended by banks which does not involve out-
go of funds, unless customer fails to honor the commitment i.e. may at a later
date crystallize into financial liabilities. These do not involve investment of
fund unless the principal debtor (Bank’s Customer on whose behalf bank ten-
der guarantee) fails to pay. These are off balance-sheet items or contingent Li-
abilities and usually, given by way of :
Bank Guarantee ©
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What is Letter of Credit? A Letter of Credit is a written instrument issued by a bank at the request of
its customer who will be the Importer (Buyer), whereby :
the bank promises to pay the Beneficiary (Exporter) for goods or services,
provided that the Exporter presents all documents called for, exactly as
stipulated in the Letter of Credit, and
Meet all other terms and conditions set out in the Letter of Credit. A Letter
of Credit is also commonly referred to as a Documentary Credit.
It is a popular tool to procure Raw Material, Plant & Machinery reducing
financial cost and securing better credit. In it can be issued both for domes-
tic and international operations.
Types of Letter of Credit Basically, there are two types of Letters of Credit: revocable and irrevoca-
A revocable Letter of Credit can be revoked without the consent of the ben-
eficiary, meaning that it may be cancelled or changed up to the time the
documents are presented. It is rarely used almost negligible.
An irrevocable Letter of Credit cannot be cancelled or changed without the
consent of all parties, including the Exporter. As per UCP 600, unless other-
wise stipulated, all Letters of Credit are irrevocable.
Depending on Payment terms LCs can be sight or Usance.
If payment is to be made at the time documents are presented, this is re-
ferred to as a sight Letter of Credit.
Alternatively, if payment is to be made at a future fixed time from presen-
tation of documents (e.g. 90 days after sight of 60 days from BL date etc.),
this is referred to as a usance or deferred payment Letter of Credit.
Rules governing issuance of LC: The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) publishes internationally agreed-upon rules, defini-
tions and practices governing Letters of Credit, called “Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits” (UCPDC or UCP in
short). The UCP facilitates standardization of Letters of Credit among all banks in the world that subscribe to it. These rules are updat-
ed from time to time. Presently, applicable version is UCP 600.
(Please follow the numbers on diagram and explanations to understand LC flow Chart)
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The Issuing Bank examines the documentsto ensure they comply with the Letter of Credit terms and condi-
tions. Payment is made on due date if the documents are as per terms of LC. Such documents are called as
‘Compliant Presentation’. In case the conditions in underlying LC are not followed, the documents are returned
as Non-Compliant or discrepant. The parties to the LC may agree to let go non-compliant LC terms or discrepan-
cies. This will be Waiver of discrepancies.
The Issuing bank recovers the amount from the applicant/Importer and remit it to the seller/Exporter as per
LC terms through banking channel. Documents are delivered to the Importer to allow them to take possession
of the goods from the Port/transport Company. The payment is executed through SWIFT towards the credit of
the exporters account with beneficiary bank. The trade cycle is completed when the Importer receives goods
and the Exporter receives payment as per their contract.
A key principle underlying Letters of Credit is that banks deal only in documents and not in goods.
The decision to pay under a Letter of Credit is entirely on whether the documents presented to the bank ap-
pear on their face to be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the LC.
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Amendments: After issuance of a Letter of Credit, changes can be done through amendments subject to acceptance by the benefi-
ciary. Amendments to the Letter of Credit will be required when either the Importer/applicant or the Exporter/beneficiary is unable to
comply with the terms of the sale agreement or the agreement has been changed. For example, value, last date of shipment, require-
ment of specific document, mode of transport etc.
Amendment requests will be processed subject to credit approval and levied with proper charges as agreed by the Issuing Bank where
Any amendments to the Letter of Credit must be accepted by the Exporter and where more than one change is included in an amend-
ment, they must be accepted as a whole as opposed to accepting or rejecting. Amendment not applicable if accepted partially. The
beneficiary not bound to accept amendments.
Adding confirmation to another bank's Letter of Credit amounts to stepping into the shoes of opening Bank, assuming its liability and
taking an exposure on the Bank. Hence utmost care should be taken in considering such requests.
Request for adding confirmation should come from the L/C opening Bank
Adding confirmation at the request of the beneficiary, when there is no such request from the L/C opening Bank is fraught with risk.
Request for adding confirmation should be referred to Head Office Foreign Business Dept. for allocation of exposure limit for the
counter party Bank/Country
Sanctioning Authority for confirmation of L/C should have the delegated powers and also verify availability of exposure limit.
For adding the confirmation, the following clause will be typed on the original L/C itself and will be signed by the Manager and Deputy
Manager (For manual LC’s).Presently it is being done through swift).
The commission for adding confirmation should be recovered from the L/C opening Bank at the rate prescribed by HO.
In case it is not clear as to who will bear the Confirmation Commission, whether the L/C opening Bank or the beneficiary of the L/C,
matter should be taken up with the beneficiary and confirmation should be added only after ascertaining as to who will pay the com-
mission. The Confirming Bank is bound to negotiate the documents under the L/C when they are presented.
On presentation of documents, the liability should be reversed.
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What is Guarantee: Section 126 of Indian contract Act defines guarantee as a contract to perform the promise
or discharge liability of a third person in case of default by the principal debtor.
Parties to guarantee-
The principal debtor
The guarantor
The beneficiary
It does not involve funds unless it is invoked and the principal debtor fails to pay.
It is an off balance sheet item.
Issue of bank guarantee is generally governed by Uniform Rules for Issue of Demand Guarantees (URDG-758)
especially Foreign BGs.
Types of Guarantees: based on purpose
A) Performance Guarantee: Issued in respect of performance of a contract or obligation by the Bank on be-
half of the customer. It involves a contractual obligation.
B) Other than Performance Guarantee: To guarantee for or in lieu of financial obligation (Financial Guarantee)
i. Deferred Payment Guarantee
ii. Bid Bond Guarantee
iii. Shipping Guarantee
iv. Retention Money Guarantee
v. Advanced Payment Guarantee
vi. Stand by letter or credit
vii. Guarantees on behalf of stock/share brokers favouring Stock Exchanges
Appraisal Of Bank Guarantee: Factors to be considered:
1) Purpose
2) Frequency
3) Amount of Bank Guarantee
4) Past Record of Applicant:
i) With regard to invocation of guarantee
ii) With regard to Managerial/Technical competency of customer.
iii) Amount of Margin
iv) Amount of Collateral Security
Guarantee may be (based on location of beneficiary, Purpose and Currency):
Inland- Issued with in India in favour of beneficiary located in India for any contract or purpose originating with-
in India.
Foreign: Issued in India in favour of beneficiary located in any other country in Foreign Currency.
Guarantee issued must be unconditional and for
Definite period
Definite amount
Definite purpose
Illustration: ABC &Co. manufactures aluminium shots for its supply to steel plant. The purchaser invited tenders
for its periodical requirement of aluminium shots from the supplie ₹ Let’s understand with the example, say
during a year ABC & Co usually submits 20 tenders to the steel plant and at any given point of time 10 tender’s
deposits are outstanding. The Value of Tenders work is ₹ 50 lakhs
Tender deposits - 10%
Security Deposits - 8%
Retention Money - 2%
with the External Credit Rating vide Br. Cir. No. 110/162 dated 15.11.2016.
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No. of tenders to be submitted by the Co. = 20
At any time 10 tenders are outstanding = 10
So amount required for tender deposit = ₹ 10*5*10% = ₹ 5 lakhs ………………..(a)
Tenders usually accepted during a year = 10
So security deposit blocked in allotted tenders = 10*5*8% = ₹ 4 lakhs…………….(b)
Aggregate value of supplies made during the year = ₹ 50 lakhs
So retention money be kept by the steel plant = 50*2% = ₹ 1.00 lakh……………..(c)
So total B.G. limit required by the company = ₹ 10 lakhs {(a)+(b)+(c)}
(This example illustrates that, while calculating BG limits, we should consider the future requirement of differ-
ent types of Guarantees and availed limit, if any)
Charges for issue of guarantee
Commission is charged as per H.O. guidelines only. It is charged for minimum two quarters and for actual
For financial Guarantees 75% per quarter or part thereof and for performance 50% per quarter or part thereof.
Please note that for charges HO circulars must be referred as these charges are subject to revision from time to
Commission on issuance of Guarantee (I/F) and Letters of Credit (I/F) with higher Cash Margin: (HOBC 109/195 dated 22.01.2016).
Extent of Cash Margin*available Reduced Commission to be charged
100% and more 25% of the applicable commission
80% and more but less than 100% 40% of the applicable commission
60% and more but less than 80% 60% of the applicable commission
40% and more but less than 60% 75% of the applicable commission
Less than 40% As per the existing applicable rates
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Security Documents
Nature /Type Casual Limit Sanctioned Limit
Request letter in Bank’s format
LG11- Counter Guarantee and Indemnity X
LG12– Counter Guarantee and Indemnity
LG13—letter of appropriation
LG14—counter guarantee from guarantor, if any
LG15—General counter guarantee from guarantor and X
third party, if any
LG500—Supplemental agreement of hypothecation for X
earmarked Guarantee limit in Cash Credit, if any
L 515 – as per HOBC 94/186 dtd 25.01.2001
L 516 – as per HOBC 97/114 dtd 13.11.2003
Extension of equitable mortgage, if any
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Branch should mandatorily send intimation of issuance of bank guarantee to the beneficiary's bank. The intimation is
sent electronically through SFMS. In this regard, Issuing branch should obtain bank details (IFSC Code) of beneficiary'
bank before issuance of bank guarantee. Branch to ensure proper selection of PAYSYS i.e. SWIFT/SFMS based on
type of bank guarantee. Branches, in no case, should feed PAYSYS as NULL in finacle.
For this purpose branches are required to add the following para in the Bank Guarantee as well as covering letter for-
warding the guarantee:
"An intimation of issuance of this bank guarantee has been sent to the beneficiary's bank (Bank name ----, Branch
name , IFS Code )."
Renewal/extension of Bank Guarantee:
a. If a request is received from the applicant (our client) only for extension in the period of guarantee already issued,
such requests may be entertained, subject to satisfactory conduct of the account, provided there is no change in the
amount and other terms and conditions of the guarantees. The underlying communication of the beneficiary intending
for extension of the Bank guarantee for certain period should also be obtained and kept on record. In case the benefi-
ciary directly communicate with the issuing Bank for extension of the Bank Guarantee, the same should be intimated
to the applicant and act upon immediately. For this purpose, an extension guarantee be issued quoting reference of
existing guarantee and the extended/validity date and claim period.
b. Extension of validity period of a bank guarantee should always be advised on non-judicial stamp paper.
c. Necessary modification should be made in Guarantee Maintenance Menu in Finacle and applicable charges to be
d. The intimation of extension of the Bank Guarantee should be sent to the beneficiary Bank through SFMS.
e. In case the beneficiary of the guarantee requests the issuing branch either to renew or to pay the guarantee
amount, the branch should acknowledge such letters to the beneficiary. Thereafter, the applicant should be requested
to renew the guarantee before it expires or deposit the guarantee amount for honouring the commitment. In case no
request for renewal is received, the guarantee invoked should be honoured and amount be recovered in the usual
manner from the applicant.
a. A guarantee can be cancelled only in following two instances:
(I) Prior to expiry period with the consent of all the parties to the contract, and
(ii) On expiry of the claim period
b. Treatment of Expired Bank Guarantees:
i. When the guarantee expires, the beneficiary cannot lodge claim after the expiry of guarantee period/claim period.
However as per sec 28 of Indian Contract Act the right to claim/invoke by the beneficiary ceased upon expiry of claim
period of 12 months allowed in the contract/guarantee. If
this claim period of 12 months is not allowed in the contract/guarantee the right to claim will not cease upon expiry of
the validity of the guarantee/claim period. While reversing the liability of expired Bank guarantees the same should be
Cancellation process of Guarantee
The guarantee should be received back after expiry of validity period.
If not received, follow-up should be made to receive it back.
If the expired guarantee or advice of cancellation is not received within three months from the date of the
letter, the guarantee should be treated as cancelled and entries should be reversed. As a part of precaution, a
letter may be sent to the beneficiary (especially in case where beneficiary is government) in such cases before
reversing the liability.
a. Before marking off the guarantee liability in Finacle, branch should intimate the beneficiary, by Registered Post with
Acknowledgement due:-
(i) Through a Letter/ Notice to the effect that the bank's guarantee has expired and request the beneficiary to return
the original Bank Guarantee document.
ii) The letter/notice addressed to beneficiary by branch should clearly specify that the period of guarantee had already
expired and therefore, beneficiary was not anymore entitled to invoke the guarantee from the date of expiry of the valid
period of guarantee.
hi) If despite the said letter/notice the expired guarantee document is not returned by the beneficiary, the branch may
reverse the relative entries and mark off the guarantee liability in Finacle, in respect of such guarantees indicating that
the guarantee claim period had expired.
iv) Certain government departments do not return the cancelled guarantees and instead they give a letter to the bank
stating therein that the guarantees stand cancelled in their books. In such cases, the entries can be reversed in
Finacle on receipt of the letter.
v) After reversing the entry, a letter should be sent to the Beneficiary by registered post A.D. confirming the cancella-
tion of the guarantee.
vi) In case the guarantee issued, has no claim period of 12 months the liability of the Guarantee should not be re-
versed without consent of the beneficiary. In case of any dispute by the applicant, Branches seek advice of legal de-
partment and act accordingly.
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Invocation of Guarantee
The beneficiary of a bank guarantee has the right to invoke the guarantee any time during the currency of the gua
tee and before the expiry of the claim period, if any, and lodge the claim.
When a demand for payment on guarantee as per terms and conditions of the guarantee bond is made within the
lidity period of the guarantee by the beneficiary, it is deemed to be an invocation.
For invoking a guarantee it is not essential, for the beneficiary to satisfy the bank regarding the default or the q
tum of actual loss suffered by him. The bank's obligation under the guarantee is absolute and independent of
contract entered into by the applicant customer.
When a guarantee is invoked by the beneficiary within the validity period of the relative guarantee bond, it is inc
bent on the bank to meet such demand irrespective of whether the customer requests us not to pay the amo
owing to his dispute with the beneficiary or for any other reason and also whether the bank is holding any sec
or cash margin for the guarantee or not.
Under no circumstances, branches should act on the instructions of the borrower not to make payment under
guarantee. To meet commitments under the guarantee is an exclusive concern and obligation of the Bank. If t
is a dispute between the client and the beneficiary, the same has to be settled outside the Bank and bran
should not take cognizance of their disputes.
Branches should carefully note that whenever a guarantee is invoked, steps are immediately taken to honor the sa
In case any such claim is not honored for any reasons, within 3 days from the date of receipt of the demand
branch may immediately put up the matter to its controlling office.
Finacle: Menu in Finacle is GMM (Option ‘I’ for issue and option ’M’ for modification. Options at the bottom require
be filled up are G (General Details), C (charges) and K (margin). Additionally two sub-options ‘J’&‘8’ are to be visited.
option ‘J’ where, in Paysys Id field “SFMS” is to be entered
In Sub option ‘8’ where system will populate information entered by user in earlier fields user can modify or add de
(Branch circular-109/91 dated 11.07.2015) Use of SFMS- for bank guarantee (BG).
When guarantee is cancelled the liability should be reversed (‘R’ option in Finacle-GMM followed by ‘Z’ for closure). T
menus may suitably be devised under Finacle 10.
All guarantees issued should be serially numbered and reference to such number should be quoted in the corresp
ence. In Finacle, system generates the number automatically and the same is required to be mentioned/entered on
BG and in Guarantee register which should, preferably, be maintained manually for easy reference.
Bank Guarantees issued by Bank in favour of the President of India – Precaution to be adhered (Circular Letter No.: 2
20/100 dated 26/12/2019).
All the branches are advised to communicate with The Secretary of the Government Department concerned and a
by the instructions of the DFS in the matters related to expiry/cancellation/ extension of Bank Guarantees, which ar
sued by branches on behalf of its customers to various Government Departments favoring the President of India.
Care: For BG & LC see circular no 112/39 dated 20.06.2018:
1. Caution regarding customers approaching non-fund based facility but having substantial fund based exposure
other banks.
2. Share in fund-based limit is taken, when the customer availing fund based limit of more than ₹ 50 crore from
er banks & approaching for non-fund based facility.
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In dealing with foreign (inward) bills for collection, the bill and other documents received for Collection must
be carefully checked with the covering letter or the schedule.
The instructions on the covering letter or schedule forwarding bills to the branch should be carefully read.
Co-acceptance of bills facility should be sanctioned to customers who enjoy credit facilities with the bank.
Limits for co‑acceptance of bills will be sanctioned by the banks after detailed appraisal of customer's re-
quirement and the bank is fully satisfied about the genuineness of the need of the customer.
Only genuine trade bills shall be co‑accepted. We have to ensure that the goods covered by bills co‑accept-
ed, are shown in the stock statements of the borrowe ₹ The valuation of goods as mentioned in the accom-
panying invoice should be verified to see that there is no overvaluation of stocks.
The banks shall not extend their co‑acceptance facility to house bills/ accommodation bills drawn by group
concerns on one another.
When banks open L/C and co‑accept bills drawn under such L/C, the discounting bank, before discounting
such co‑accepted bills, must ascertain the reason for co‑acceptance of bills and satisfy themselves about the
genuineness of the transaction.
Co‑acceptance facilities are normally not be sanctioned to customers enjoying credit limit with other banks.
"Aval" means guarantee i.e. the collecting/presenting bank puts its signature on the face of a bill with a
word "Pour-Aval" or an explicit notation made on the reverse of bill or in an appended document.
The Exporter may wish to consider asking that, documents be released against the Importer's acceptance of
the bill of exchange and a guarantee of payment from the Presenting/Collecting Bank. This is called
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Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) : Change in Classification 114/85 dt 23.07.20
Star Agriculture Infrastructure and Marketing Scheme (Star-AIMS) - Continuation of 2020-21/31 dt 08.07.20
Scheme during 2020-21
Waiver of 100% Processing Charges on takeover of Home Loan (including takeover Of 114/90 dt 30.07.20
top-up) for the period up to 31.03.2021
Star Subordinate Debt for Stresses MSME (SSDSM) & Credit Guarantee 114/95 dt 05.08.20
One Time Policy Guidelines on MSME Restructuring : Modifications in Guidelines 114/96 dt 10.08.20
Star Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme (SMFPE) under Centrally Sponsored 114/100 dt 18.08.20
Scheme “PM Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme (PM FME
Launching of “Star Animal Husbandry Infra (SAHI)” under Central Sector Scheme of fi- 114/101 dt 20.08.20
nancing facility under Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF)
Additional Directions in Detection / Prevention / Reporting / Monitoring / Recovery & 114/110 dt 25.08.20
Follow-up of FRAUDS in pursuance of Fraud Management policy dt 21.01.2020
STAR GUARANTEED EMERGENCY CREDIT LINE (STAR-GECL) - Allowing charging of 2020-21/37 dt 20.07.20
RBLR to eligible Agriculture Activities
Resolution of NPA – Recognition of field functionaries Involved in recovery of NPA 114/117 dt 27.08.20
Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act,2010 – Receipt of Foreign Contribution by Indi- 2020-21/45 dt 31.08.20
viduals/NGOs/Organizations from foreign donor
Bank’s Policy on Inoperative / Dormant Accounts 114/126 dt 01.09.20
– Review with changes in terms of RBI guidelines
- Approved by Board in its Meeting dt 13.08.2020
Linking of pricing and delegation of housing and vehicle loans to CIBIL personal Score : 114/134 dt 22.09.20
Introduction of additional slab in the existing CIBIL Personal Score
Applicability of charging RBLR to Food & Agro Processing Units classified under Agricul- 114/136 dt 28.09.20
Launching of “Star Krishi Urja Scheme” (SKUS) under Central Sector Scheme – Pradhan 114/139 dt 30.09.20
Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthan Mahabhiyan (PM KUSUM) Scheme
Launching of “Star Blue Revolution Scheme” (SBRS) under New Centrally Sponsored 114/140 dt 30.09.20
Scheme – “Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana” (PMMSY)
Merchant Acquisition business 114/141 dt 25.09.2020
Free Code 3 for newly formed schemes 2020-21/48 dt 09.09.20
i) Star Agri Infra (SAI)
ii) Star Animal Husbandry Infra (SAHI)
iii) Star Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme (SMFPE)
:- Opening of Current Accounts by Banks – Need for Discipline 2020-21/49 dt 08.09.20
Trade Credit against Bank Guarantee – Amendment 2020-21/50 dt 11.09.20
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Agriculture Processing-Revamping of structure Star Krishi Vikas Kendra (SKVKs)- 114/142 dtd 03.10.2020
Revamped ABCs Agri Desk at SMECC Agri Cluster (Rural development Officer)
Policy on Red Flagging of Advances and Examination of Fraud Angle (Amendments) 114/145 dt 30.09.2020
Quick Mortality Policy for Advance Accounts (Annual Review) 114/146 dt 05.10.2020
BOI STAR ASSET BACKED LOAN (BSABL) 114/147 dt 30.09.2020
Relaxations in Entry Level Norms (Internal Credit Rating) for MSME Loans 114/148 dt 01.10.2020
CGTMSE Coverage: Modification in Guidelines for Administrative Clearance 114/150 dt 03.10.2020
CREDIT MONITORING POLICY – 2020 (Addition)Credit Process Audit 114/152dt 05.10.2020
Authority for closure of CPA-2 in respect of Overseas Branches
Clarification to Branch Circular No. 113/157 Dt 16.08.2019 Banking Services-Basic sav- 114/153 dt 05.10.2020
ing Bank Deposit Accounts (BSBDA) Revised Board Approved guidelines & Value add-
ed Services
MSME Delivery Centers - Modifications in Operational Guidelines for SMECCs 114/157 dt 05.10.2020
STAR GUARANTEED EMERGENCY CREDIT LINE (STAR – GECL): Modifications in Opera- 114/158 dt 18.09.2020
tional / Scheme Guidelines
Complaints Module under Operational Customer Relationship Management OCRM). 114/161dt 14.10.2020
Redressal of Complaints in prompt and effective manner
Bank Contributory: Credit Life Insurance Master Policy 114/164 dt 17.10.2020
Coverage of all Street Vendors under the schemes
Star Hawker Atmanirbhar Loan (SHAL) – PMSVANidhi
Mukhya Manti Gramin Path Vikreta Loan Scheme (MMGPVLS)of M.P State
Uniform sum assured of ₹ 10000/- for one year w.e.f. disbursement date
Compliance Rules – KYC/AML/CFT (CR-12) – Monthly Updation of the Rules 114/165 dt 22.10.2020
Provision of Tracking of loan documents for time bound return (15 working days) Up- 114/168 dt 26.10.2020
on closure of loan
STAR MSME WELCOME OFFER – 2020 114/169 dt 27.10.2020
Star Farmer Producer Organisations (SFPOs) Scheme – Financing to Farmer Producer 114/170 dt 31.10.2020
Organisations (FPOs) and Framer Producer Companies (FPCs)
MSME Delivery Centers – Phase wise implementation of modified Operation- 114/171 dt 28.10.2020
al guidelines
Star Hawker Atmanirbhar Loan (SHAL) – PMSVANidhi Scheme Handholding of Street 114/172 dt 28.10.2020
Vendors Salient Features/ Unique benefits of the scheme
Revised Policy on Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms/Anti-Money Laundering 114/175 dt 02.11.2020
(AML)/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)
Master Circular on Reporting of Suspicious Transaction Report Based on Offline Alerts 114/177 dt 05.11.2020
(Non-Financial Indicators)
Revision in Service Charges w.e.f. 01.01.2021 114/184 dt 18.11.2020
MSME POLICY Review and Revision thereof 114/186 dt 08.11.2020
Branch Circular No.114/187 Bank’s Model Policy on Collection of Cheques / Instru- 114/187 dt 21.11.2020
ments - Changes proposed
Policy on Model Operational Procedure for Settlement Of Claims in Deceased Deposi- 114/188 dt 21.11.2020
tors Account’s. - Delegation of Powers & Standard Operating Procedure to deal with
Deceased Claim Matters - Changes proposed
Review of classification of Stress Sectors 114/189 dt 09.11.2020
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“STAR KRISHI VAAHAN” Scheme for financing transport vehicles for Agriculture activities 114/191 dt 03.12.2020
Bank’s Model Policy on Settlement of Claims received from Nominees/ Legal Heirs of 114/193 dt 04.12.2020
Missing Persons maintaining Deposit Accounts with the Bank.- Changes Proposed
Credit of Foreign Contribution by Branches without permission of Ministry of Home 2020-21/67 dt 11.12.2020
Introduction of menu option “EDCMSTR” for on boarding PoS merchants through CBS 114/198 dt 21.12.2020
Opening of Current Accounts by Banks - Need for Discipline 2020-21/68 dt 17.12.2020
Financial Inclusion-PMJDY Social Security Schemes (a) Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima 114/220 dt20.01.2021
Yojana (PMSBY) (b) Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) Amendment in
Rules w.e.f. 01-06-2021
Implementation of Positive Pay System in Cheque Truncation System (CTS) 2020-21/71 dt 29.12.2020
Agriculture Processing- Revamping of structure Star Krishi Vikas Kendra (SKVK)- Re- 2020-21/75 dt 30.01.2021
vamped ABCs- Modification in delegation of sanction
Precautions to be taken while obtaining L444C and filing of suit/OA before Court/DRT 114/235 dt 04.02.2021
Review of Policy Guidelines – Short Term Loan 114/236 dt 28.01.2021
Review of Policy Guidelines – Line of Credit 114/237 dt 28.01.2021
Review of Policy Guidelines – Advance against Term Deposits with Bank 114/240 dt 28.01.2021
Star GECL 2.0 Scheme – Modifications in Scheme Guidelines 114/244 dt 08.02.2021
Comprehensive Pre-sanction Inspection Formats 114/255 dt 20.02.2021
Liberalised Remittance Scheme(LRS)- Remittances to International Financial Services 114/256 dt 01.03.2021
Centres (IFSCs) in India
One Time Policy Guidelines on MSME restructuring : Modifications in Guidelines 114/260 dt 20.02.2021
One Time Policy Guidelines on MSME restructuring : Modifications in Guidelines 114/262 dt 09.03.2021
Updt Master circular : Star Vehicle Loan Scheme (Individuals/Other than Individuals & 115/02 dt 01.04.2021
Doctor Plus)
Reimbursement of cost of Covid-19 vaccination to employees and their dependent fam- 115/08 dt 01.04.2021
ily members
Health Check-up facility for Award Staff members Revision thereof 115/09 dt 01.04.2021
Star Gold – Gold Loan Scheme. Loan against Jewellery/Ornaments/Coins for Non- 2021-22/02 dt 07.04.2021
Agricultural End-uses Restoration of LTV ratio from 85% to 75% from 01.04.2021
Master Circular : Deendayal antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY- 115/10 dt 07.04.2021
Master Circular : SHG – Bank Linkage Programme 115/12 dt 07.04.2021
Master circular : Detection and Impounding of Counterfeit Notes 115/14 dt 05.04.2021
Master circular : Scheme of Penalty based on performance in rendering Customer Ser- 115/16 dt 05.04.2021
vice to the members of Public
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Master circular – Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins 115/18 dt 05.04.2021
Bank’s Policy on Office Accounts:– Approval by Board at its Meeting dt 26.03.2021, With 115/41 dt 22.04.2021
REVISION IN INTEREST RATE w.e.f. 04.05.2021 115/45 dt 04.05.2021
Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms/Anti-Money Laundering AML)/Combating of Financ- 115/46 dt 05.05.2021
ing of Terrorism (CFT) policy- Modifications.
Master Direction – Priority Sector Lending Targets and Classification 115/51 dt 11.05.2021
MSME Delivery Centers – Opening of New SME City Centers (SMECC)\ SME Urban Cen- 115/52 ) dt 10.05.2021
ters (SMEUC
BOI STAR AAROGYAM 115/55 dt 20.05.2021
COVID 19 Pensioner Loan Scheme 115/58 dt 20.05.2021
COVID 19 Personal Loan (CPL) Scheme 115/59 dt 20.05.2021
BOI Star – Kavach Personal Loan Scheme 115/60 dt 20.05.2021
Adoption of Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) 3.0 and Modifications in 115/63 dt 03.05.2021
Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) 1.0 & Emergency Credit Line Guaran-
tee Scheme (ECLGS) 2.0
Fraud Risk Management Policy – 2021( Review/ Renewal) 115/64 dt 24.05.2021
Master Direction – Priority Sector Lending. Targets and Classification 115/76 dt 10.06 .2021
Introduction of RuPay Select Debit Card 115/99 dt 19.06.2021
Reporting Forex Transactions Under Scanner of Investigating Agencies Creation of New 115/94 dt 18.06.2021
Menu- “FRDREP”
Iron & Steel Industry – Present Status, Future Prospects and The Bank’s Lending Policy 115/101 dt 22.06.2021
FARM MECHANISATION SCHEME (FMS) 115/103 dt 28.06.2021
Star Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme 115/ 107 dt 30.06.2021
Self-Help Group - Revised Set of form for linkage of SHG’s 115/ 113 dt 03.07.2021
Implementation of New Direct Tax Collection System TIN 2.0 115/ 114 dt 11.06.2021
STAR PISCICULTURE SCHEME (SPS) – Scheme for financing to Inland, Marine and Brack- 115/124 dt 12.07.2021
ish water Fisheries unit
Modifications in COVID 19 Personal Loan Scheme 115/131 dt 20.07.2021
Modifications in Star Vehicle Loan 115/134 dt 20.07.2021
Clarification on Farm Mechanization Scheme (FMS) 2021-22/22 dt 6.07.2021
STAR MSME WELCOME OFFER – 2021 115/139 dt 31.07.2021
Adoption of New Scheme of NCGTC “ Loan Guarantee Scheme for Covid Affected Sec- 115/140 dt 31.07.2021
tors (LGSCAS)” and Modification in BOI STAR AAROGYAM
Introduction of ‘DCSER’ Menu in Finacle for Debit Card Services 115/142 dt 03.08.2021
Revised NPA Management Policy – 2021 115/143 dt 22.06.2021
Online System for Valuers and Valuation related tasks (Accessible through CAPS)Policy 115/145 dt 04.08.2021
on empanelment of Valuers and Valuation of Assets by impanelled Valuers
TDS & TCS COMPLIANCES 115/150 dt 11.08.2021
Issuance of Digital PoS-BHIM BOI UPI QR Kit using “HMCQR” Menu in Finacle 115/154 dt 18.08.2021
Bank’s Document Handling and Retention Policy – Approval by Board at its Meeting dt 115/162 dt 24.08.2021
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Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM) Enhance- 2021-22/33 dt 12.08.2021
ment of collateral free loans to Self Help Groups (SHGs) under DAY-NRLM from ₹ 10 lakh
to ₹ 20 laks
Digital Document Execution (DDE) – Finacle Menu DDETR for transfer of E-Stamping and 2021-22/39 dt 21.08.2021
E-Singing Charges from Customer Operative Account to DDE E-Stamp Central Account
Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FIDF) – Availability of Re- 2021-22 / 45 dt 31.08.2021
finance and Procedure to Claim Interest Subvention
Automated Teller Machines (ATM) – Monitoring of Availability of Cash in ATMs 115/169 dt 18.08.2021
Star Hawker Atmanirbhar Loan(SHAL) Scheme under PM Street Vendor’s Atmanirbhar 115/174 dt 30.08.2021
Nidhi PMSVANIDHI) Scheme Second Loan up to ₹ 20000/- under PMSVAnidhi (Tranche
Festival Offer Concession in ROI on Home & Vehicle Loan Leads generated through PSB 115/175 dt 30.08.2021
59/ CIBIL triggers/ Data Analytics Wavier of Processing Charges on Home Loan, Top Up &
Vehicle Loans Increase in Pay out to BSAs (for Home, LAP & Education Loans) & Vehicle
Mandatory Debit Freezing of accounts reported deceased in finacle 115/179 dt 24.09.2021
MASTER CIRCULAR – STAR GOLD LOAN SCHEME (POLICY 2021) (Part I) 115/181 dt 30.09.2021
MASTER CIRCULAR – STAR GOLD LOAN SCHEME (POLICY 2021) (Part II) 115/181 dt 30.09.2021
Submission of mandatory Annual Certificates , Digital Life Certificate & Obtaining of Life 115/192 dt 18.10.2021
Certificate at doorstep from pensioner.
Credit Monitoring Policy (Review 2021) 115/195 dt 05.10.2021
Modification in Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) 1.0, ECLGS 2.0 & 115/197 dt 13.10.2021
ECLGS 3.0 guidelines
Bank’s Policy on Dishonour of Cheques and Debit Mandates 115/198 dt 20.10.2021
Review with Changes Approval by Board at its Meeting dt 24.09.2021
Bank’s Policy on Inoperative / Dormant Accounts (Approval by Board at its Meeting dt 115/199 dt 20.10.2021
:- Star Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme 2021-22/58 dt 01.10.2021
- 2% Regular Interest Subvention (RIS) & additional Interest Subvention for Short Term
Crop loan accounts (KCC) and KCC to Animal Husbandary and Fishery in Finacle
- 3% Prompt Repayment Incentive (PRI) benefits for KCC borrowers in Finacle
Financing to Dairy Milch animals under “ Star Doodhganga Scheme” (SDS) 115/212 dt 01.11.2021
Poultry Development Scheme – Scheme for financing to Broiler, Layer, Hatchery and 115/213 dt 01.11.2021
other related activities
(in ) issued by Small & Medium Enterprises 115/220 dt 02.11.2021
Quarterly Review of Staff Officers through Performance Management System (PMS) for 115/225 dt 12.11.2021
the FY 2021-22
Modification of BOI Saving Plus Scheme and BOI Current Deposit Plus scheme 115/240 dt 30.11.2021
Opening of Value Dt TDRs 115/248 dt 1.11.2021
Mandatory of Positive Pay Mandate for Cheques of ₹ 5 Lakh and above for Cheque Trun- 2021-22/143dt 0.12.2021
cation System( CTS)
Bank’s Model Policy on Safe Deposit Lockers/ Safe Custody Articles – Approval by Board 115/264 dt 29.12.2021
in its Meeting dt October 29, 2021
Valuation of immovable properties for Commercial advances/ Business loans 115/265 dt20.12.2021
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Master Circular on Third Party Insurance Products Stand Alone Health Insurance 115/276 dt 31.12.2021
(Annexure I), Life Insurance (Annexure II),General Insurance (Annexure III)
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), Drilling/Breaking Open the Locker To deal with De- 115/280 dt 31.12.2021
ceased Claim matters
Star Farmer Producer Organisations (SFPOs) Scheme- Credit Guarantee Scheme for 2021-22/150dt13.01.2022
Farmer Producer Organisations Financing (CGSFPO)
Modus Operandi in various Perpetrated Frauds (Q3-FY2021-22) Precautions to be taken 2021-22/151dt06.01.2022
to safeguard Bank’s interest
(Mis-utilisation and diversion of loan funds)
Star Gold Loan Scheme- Precautions to be taken by Branches/ Controlling Offices 2021-22/152dt14.01.2022
Service charges on TOD/TOL in Accounts : PL Account opened for collection of charges 2021-22/164dt 31.01.2022
Revised Bank of India Staff Vehicle Loan – 2022 : For Staff Officers and Award Staff 115/291 dt 24.02.2022
Marginal Cost of Fund based Lending Rate (MCLR) w.e.f. 01.03.2022 115/296 dt 28.02.2022
Repo Based Lending Rate (RBLR) w.e.f. 01.03.2022
Policy on Model Operational Procedure for Settlement of Claims in Deceased Depositors 115/297 dt 02.03.2022
Account’s Delegation of Powers & Standard Operating Procedure to deal with Deceased
Claim Matters Review with Modification
Bank’s Model Policy on Settlement of Claims received from Nominees / Legal Heirs of 115/298 dt 02.03.2022
Missing Persons maintaining Deposit Accounts with the Bank.
Review with Modification
Bank’s Model Policy on Collection of Cheques / Instruments 115/299 dt 02.03.2022
Review with Modification
Review of Classification of Stressed Sectors 115/321 dt 28.03.2022
MASTER CIRCULAR – STAR VEHICLE LOAN (Individuals / Entities other than Individuals & 116/06 dt 01.04.2022
Doctor Plus)
MASTER CIRCULAR – BSA POLICY 116/11 dt 01.04.2022
Debit Card Management Policy –With Amendments 115/323 dt 24.03.2022
Credit Card Management Policy –With Amendments 115/324 dt 24.03.2022
Prepaid Card Issuance Policy –With Amendments 115/325 dt 24.03.2022
ATM/ CRM Management Policy –With Amendments 115/326 dt 24.03.2022
General Delegation of Powers for Domestic Branches (Credit Matters)- Revision 115/334 dt 24.03.2022
STAFF ACCOUNTABILITY POLICY (REVIEW)- 2022 Applicable to Credit and Operational 116/20 dt 01.04.2022
Matters Covering Domestic & International Operations
Master Circular – Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins 116/31 dt 16.04.2022
Master Circular- Detection and impounding of Counterfeit Notes 116/32 dt 16.04.2022
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)- Role & Responsibilities of Branches/ Custodian 2022-23/17dt02.05.2022
while dealing with Safe Deposit Locker/ Vault/ Vault Room
Introduction of New Credit Rating Model Score Card Based Lending Model (SCBL) 116/48 dt 05.05.2022
359 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Introduction of Star Suvidha Express Personal Loan (SSEPL) scheme, a variant of Star Per- 116 /73 dt 07.06.2022
sonal Loan / Star Pensioner Loan Scheme
Operational Risk Management – Comprehensive Guidelines on Internal Loss Data Collec- 116 /76 dt17.05.2022
tion and Accounting, KRI (Key Risk Indicators) and RCSA (Risk and Control Self-
Agriculture Advances : Security and Margin norms – Clarification 116 /80 dt 30.06.2022
Revamping of Organizational Structure: 116 / 105 dt 26.07.2022
A) Creation of one new National Banking Group (NBG)- NBG –Odisha
B) Creation of one new Zone –Surat
C) Closure of one Area Manager Office (AMO)- Nadiad
Master Circular on SHG –Bank Linkage Programme 116 / 107 dt 28.07.2022
Modification in Master Circular on Star Education Loan and its Variants 116 / 109 dt 27.07.2022
Modification in Master Circular on Star Loan Against Property 116 / 110 dt 27.07.2022
Modification in Master Circular on Star Vehicle Loan 116 / 111 dt 27.07.2022
Modification in Master Circular on Star Reverse Mortgage Loan 116 / 112 dt 27.07.2022
Master Circular – Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission 116 / 115 dtt 01.08.2022
Marginal Cost of Fund based Lending Rate(MCLR) w.e.f. 01.08.2022 116 / 116 dt 01.08.2022
Repo based Lending Rate (RBLR) w.e.f. 01.08.2022
Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)- Revised Guidelines 116 / 123 dt 05.08.2022
Repo Based Lending Rate (RBLR) w.e.f. 05.08.2022 116 / 124 dt 05.08.2022
Agriculture Loan Processing Structure –Modifications 116 / 127 dt 17.08.2022
i) Star Krishi Vikas Kendra (SKVK)
ii) Agri Desk at SMECC / SMEUC
iii) Agri Cluster (Rural Development Officer)
Revision in Interest Rates : on Domestic, NRO & NRE Rupee Term Deposits w.e.f. 116 /134 dt 20.08.2022
Expeditious disposal of the cases filed before DRTs/ DRATs 116 /136 dt 23.08.2022
Simultaneous closing and opening of new loan account of same borrower on the same 2022-23/ 73 dt 24.08.2022
day – RBI Observation
Star Subordinate Debt for Stressed MSME (SSDSM) & Credit Guarantee Scheme for Sub- 116 /137 dt 22.08.2022
ordinate Debt (CGSSD) Modification in scheme guidelines
MSME Delivery Centers : Modification in operating guidelines of SMECC / SMEUCs 116 /139 dt 29.08.2022
Marginal Cost of Fund based lending Rate (MCLR) w.e.f. 01.09.2022 116 /140 dt 01.09.2022
Repo Based Lending Rate (RBLR) w.e.f. 01.09.2022
Credit Policy – Review 116 /125 dt 08.08.2022
STAR SHG SCHEME (SSS) – Modification in Financing to SHGs 116 /157 dt 20.09.2022
Marginal Cost of Fund based lending Rate (MCLR) w.e.f. 01.09.2022 116 /140 dt 01.09.2022
Repo Based Lending Rate (RBLR) w.e.f. 01.09.2022
Credit Policy – Review 116 /125 dt 08.08.2022
STAR SHG SCHEME (SSS) – Modification in Financing to SHGs 116 /157 dt 20.09.2022
Amendment in Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-2020 116 /174 dt 30.09.2022
CRAR: Risk Weights for Exposures to Corporates and NBFCs 116 /177 dt 12.10.2022
360 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Revised Bank of India Staff Housing Loan-2022 for Staff Officers and Award Staff 116 /183 dt 21.10.2022
Reporting of Suspicious Transaction Report Based on Offline Alerts (Non-Financial 116 /187 dt 19.10.2022
Marginal Cost of Fund based Lending Rate (MCLR) w.e.f. 01.11.2022 116 /189 dt 01.11.2022
Repo Based Lending Rate (RBLR) w.e.f. 01.11.2022
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) for Cross-Border Transactions 2022-23/ 100 dt 09.11.2022
"STAR KRISHI VAAHAN" - Scheme for Financing Transport Vehicles for Agriculture 116 /201 dt 16.11.2022
Introduction of New Security Feature in Cheque - ALPHANUMERIC CODE 2022-23/ 121 dt 14.12.2022
Digital Payment Security Control Policy- With Amendments 116 /238 dt 19.12.2022
Customer Protection Policy - (Unauthorised Electronic Banking Transactions ) 116 /239 dt 20.12.2022
With Amendments
361 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Registration of Sale Certificate issued under SARFAESI Act 116 /269 Dt 31.01.2023
BOI Revised Scheme for Compassionate Appointment or Payment of Ex-gratia 116 /278 Dt 10.02.2023
Lumpsum amount in lieu of Compassionate Appointment
Policy on Business Sourcing Associates (BSA) for MSME 116 /281 Dt 17.02.2023
Revised Policy on Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms / Anti -Money Laundering 116 /291) Dt 04.03.2023
(AML)/ Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) -3 Parts
Score Card Based Rating Model named SARAL For accounts with limit below ₹ 116 / 293 Dt 27.02.2023
10 lacs
Interest Rate Policy 116 / 297 Dt 15.03.2023
Comprehensive guidelines on Rate of Interest on Advances
- Revision in CRP & BSP/BSD in Advances ( w.e.f. 18.03.2023)
- Revision in Delegated Powers to approve concession in pricing (w.e.f.
362 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Review of Administrative Clearance Committee (ACC) for New/Additional 117/24 date- 12-04-2023
General Delegation of Powers 117/23 date- 12-04-2023
for Domestic Branches (Credit Matters) — Revision
Master Direction on Penal Provisions in reporting of transactions /balances at Currency 117/22 date- 12-04-2023
Master Direction -General / Scheme of Penalties for bank branched including 117/21 date- 12-04-2023
Currency Chests for deficiency in rendering customer service to the members of
General/ Master Direction on Framework of Incentives for Currency Distribution & 117/20 date- 12-04-2023
Exchange Scheme (CDES) for bank branches including currency chests based on per-
formance in rendering customer service to the
members of public
363 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
General/ Master Direction on Counterfeit Notes, 2023- Detection, Reporting and Moni- 117/19 date- 12-04-2023
Master Direction - Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins 117/18 date- 12-04-2023
GEMS & JEWELLERY 117/40 date- 13-04-2023
Review of Policy Guidelines Advance against Term Deposits 117/35 date- 13-04-2023
with Bank
Policy Guidelines Corporate Loan 117/34 date- 13-04-2023
Review of Policy Guidelines 117/33 date- 13-04-2023
Financing Construction Contractors/Companies
Transfer & Rotation Policy for Officers 117/28 date- 13-04-2023
Part II date- 13-04-2023
Part I date- 13-04-2023
Review of premises policy with Changes/ modifications 117/17 date- 13-04-2023
in Existing Policy / Guidelines
Construction /Repair 117/16
/Renovation of Bank’s Own Part III date- 13-04-2023
Construction /Repair 117/16
/Renovation of Bank’s Own Part II date- 13-04-2023
Construction /Repair 117/16
/Renovation of Bank’s Own Part I date- 13-04-2023
NBFCs and NBFC-MFIs 117/47 date- 17-04-2023
Lending Policy
Risk Management setup at 117/38 date- 17-04-2023
Overseas Branches/ Offices - Revised Guidelines
ROI on NEW HOME LOANS 117/36 date- 17-04-2023
and VEHICLE LOANS for the period from
17.04.2023 to 30.04.2023
Promotion from Subordinate staff Cadre to Clerical Cadre 117/32 date- 17-04-2023
Master Circular on SHG-Bank Linkage Programme 117/31 date- 17-04-2023
Rate of Interest on Bills Negotiated under LCs 117/42 date- 20-04-2023
(Period- 1st April 2023 to 30th
June 2023)
Master Circular 117/37 date- 20-04-2023
Credit facilities to Scheduled
Castes (SCs) & Scheduled Tribes (STs)
POLICY ON LENDING TO 117/39 date- 21-04-2023
Meghalaya Credit Guarantee 117/74 date- 24-04-2023
Scheme of CGTMSE
Modification in Credit 117/73 date- 24-04-2023
Guarantee Scheme of CGTMSE
"POLICY ON MICROFINANCE LOAN" 117/43 date- 24-04-2023
Master Circular 117/55 date- 25-04-2023
Business Sourcing Associate (BSA) Policy
Master Circular Retail Lending Policy 117/48 date- 25-04-2023
Master Circular - Lead Bank 117/44 date- 25-04-2023
Marginal Cost of Fund based Lending Rate (MCLR) 117/49 date- 29-04-2023
w.e.f. 01.05.2023
Repo Based Lending Rate (RBLR)w.e.f. 01.05.2023.
364 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
365 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Amendment in Paragraph 10.08(ix) in the Foreign Trade Policy 2023 to 117/81 date- 21-06-2023
amend the Policy for General Authorisation for Export
of Chemicals and related
Amendment in Export Policy of HS Code 2610 117/90 date- 26-06-2023
Remittances to International Financial Services Centres (IFSCs) under the 117/83 date- 26-06-2023
Remittance Scheme (LRS)
BOI STAR DOCTORs PLUS— 117/88 date- 27-06-2023
"BOI STAR EASY BIZ Loan" 117/176 dated 12-10-2023
Introduction of New Product
"BOI STAR EXPORT 117/184 dated 12-10-2023
"Campaign — Harit Utsav" Agriculture Advances Festival Offer for Star 117/147 dated 12-09-2023
Krishi Vaahan Scheme, Farm Mechanization Scheme and Takeover of
Farm credit with
effect from 01-09-2023 to 31-03- 2024. - Concession in Rate of
Interest and Processing charges
"PM VISHWAKARMA" 117/150 dated 14-09-2023
Introduction of New Product
"Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) — Modification 117/224 dated 18-10-2023
"STAR INSTA LOAN" 117/175 dated 08-09-2023
Introduction of New Product
ADDENDUM TO INTEREST RATE POLICY 117/178 dated 12-10-2023
Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF) Our Scheme — Star Agri Infra (SAI) 117/102 dated 18-07-2023
Revamping of
existing scheme
Amendment in Export Policy of De-Oiled Rice Bran 117/126 dated 10-08-2023
Amendment in Export Policy of Food Supplements containing botanicals 117/127 dated 10-08-2023
Amendment in Export Policy of HS Code 2610 117/90 dated 26-06-2023
Amendment in Export Policy of Red Sanders Wood exclusively sourced 117/129 dated 17-08-2023
from cultivation
origin obtained from private land (including Pattaland) and
Confiscated source
Amendment in Export Policy of 117/160 dated 03-10-2023
Food Supplements containing botanicals
Amendment in Export Policy of 117/112 dated 01-08-2023
Non-basmati Rice under HS Code 1006 30 90
Amendment in Export Policy of 117149 dated 16-09-2023
Non-Basmati Rice under HS Code 1006 30 90
Amendment in Import Policy and policy condition of Gold Covered under 117/106 dated 25-07-2023
ITC(HS) Code 71131911, 71131919 & 71141910
of Chapter 71 of Schedule
I (Import Policy) of ITC (HS), 2022
Amendment in Import Policy condition for Items under ITC(HS) Code 117/91 dated 05-07-2023
07019000 of
Chapter 07 of ITC (HS), 2022
Schedule — I (Import Policy)
Amendment in import policy condition of Silver covered under Chapter 71 117/195 dated 04-11-2023
of Schedule
— I (Import Policy) of ITC (HS), 2022
366 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Amendment in Import Policy Condition Under ITC(HS) 0802 80 10 of 117/105 dated 25-07-2023
Chapter —08 of ITC (HS), 2022,Schedule - I (Import
Amendment in Import Policy of Items under HSN 8471 of Chapter 84 117/139 dated 29-08-2023
of Schedule — I (Import Policy) of ITC (HS)
Amendment in Policy Condition 07 (ii) of Chapter 27 of Schedule 117/189 dated 07-10-2023
— I (Import Policy) of ITC (HS), 2022,
Amendment in Registration 117/148 dated 16-09-2023
Fees under Steel Import Monitoring System (SIMS)
Amendment to Notification No.23/2023 dated 03.08.2023 117/130 dated 17-08-2023
367 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Mahila Samman Savings Certificate 2023 117/123 dated 01-07-2023
Marginal Cost of Fund based Lending Rate (MCLR) w.e.f. 01.08.2023 Repo Based 117/116 dated 31-07-2023
Lending Rate (RBLR) w.e.f. 01.08.2023.
Marginal Cost of Fund based Lending Rate (MCLR) w.e.f. 01.09.2023 Repo Based 117/141 dated 31-08-2023
Rate (RBLR) w.e.f. 01.09.2023.
Marginal Cost of Fund based Lending Rate (MCLR) w.e.f. 01.10.2023 Repo Based 117/163 dated 04-10-2023
Rate (RBLR) w.e.f. 01.10.2023
Marginal Cost of Fund based Lending Rate (MCLR) w.e.f. 01.11.2023 Repo Based 117/193 dated 31-10-2023
Lending Rate (RBLR) w.e.f. 01.11.2023
Marginal Cost of Fund based Lending Rate (MCLR) w.e.f. 01.12.2023 Repo Based 117/206 dated 30-11-2023
Lending Rate (RBLR) w.e.f. 01.12.2023
Part-I dated 28-12-2023
Part-II dated 28-12-2023
Master Direction — Priority Sector Lending Targets and 117/138 dated 29-08-2023
Modification to HOBC. 117/201 dated November 16, 2023 Transaction carried out 117/211 dated 06-12-2023
on the basis of request received from customers over E-mail / Fax Message - Neces-
sity of enhanced due diligence.
- Introduction of New Menu — "HCONCALL"
Authority for Posting of Transaction
369 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Modifications in Education Loan Inclusion of IIT Madras (Tanzania 117/194 dated 02-11-2023
Campus) in premium institutions abroad
Modifications in Home Loan 117/179 dated 11-10-2023
Modifications in Retail Loan Products 117/119 dated 03-08-2023
Modifications in Retail Loan Products 117/144 dated 06-09-2023
Offering Business Strategy Discount in applicable Rate of Interest on 117/115 dated 02-08-2023
Existing Home
Loans till 07.09.2023
Opening and reporting of NRO A/C for Long Term Visa (LTV) holders 117/200 dated 15-11-2023
of citizen of Bangladesh or Pakistan, belonging to minority communities
in those countries
Payment of Bonus for the year 2022-23 117/181 dated 11-10-2023
Power Sector Lending Policy 117/186 dated 13-10-2023
Promotion Policy in terms of Regulation 17 of the Bank of India Offic- 117/216 dated 07-12-2023
ers' Service Regulations, 1979
Provision of Reimbursement of Monthly Telephone Expenses and Year- 117/217 dated 07-12-2023
ly Upkeep Expense to Top Executives including Grade
/ Scale VIII, VII & VI and Executives in Senior Management Grade /
Scale V in Head Office, Zonal Offices, Zonal Audit Office, Branches
and Other Offices, who are provided with Bank's car for engaging Per-
sonal Drivers
Provision of Reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses to employees 117/228 dated 20-12-2023
while on training- Revision in limits
Reimbursement of Cleaning Material expenses incurred by Employees 117/215 dated 07-12-2023
Reimbursement of expenses incurred towards purchase of Briefcase to 117/214 dated 07-12-2023
Reporting/Noting of Review and Depanelment of Existing SARFAESI 117/167 dated 04-10-2023
Restriction of Bulk deposits into two/three branches per zone 117/117 dated 01-08-2023
Revamped & Upgraded Savings Account Schemes 117/226 dated 15-12-2023
(Resident, Non-BSBDA, Staff and Institutional Accounts)
Revamping / modification of Corporate Credit structure Identification of 117/152 dated 14-09-2023
Emerging Corporate Credit Branches
Review of Administrative Clearance Committee (ACC) for 117/125 dated 09-08-2023
New/Additional Business
Review of Classification of Stressed Sectors 117/135 dated 23-08-2023
Review of Classification of Stressed Sectors 117/182 dated 13-10-2023
Revised NPA Management Policy-2023 117/109 dated 19-06-2023
Revision in Delegation of Powers (Non-Credit Matters) in respect of 117/229 dated 27-12-2023
Expenditure and Others
Revision in Interest Rates On Domestic, NRO & NRE Rupee Term De- 117/110 dated 27-07-2023
posits- w.e.f.
Revision in Interest Rates On Domestic, NRO & NRE Rupee Term De- 117/205 dated 30-11-2023
posits- w.e.f. 01.12.2023
Revision in Interest Rates On Domestic, NRO & NRE Rupee 117/164 dated 30-09-2023
Term Deposits- w.e.f. 01.10.2023
Revision in Interest RatesOn Domestic, NRO & NRE Rupee Term De- 117/191 dated 31-10-2023
posits-w.e.f. 01.11.2023
Revision in Service Charges 117/207 dated 30-11-2023
Proposal Processing charges on Gold Loan
Scheme for Financing against Pledge of Electronic Negotiable Ware- 117/212 dated 08-12-2023
house Receipts (e-NWR)
SCOMET Updates 2023 - Amendments in Appendix 3 (SCOMET 117/156 dated 26-09-2023
Items) to Schedule -2 of ITC (HS) Classification of
Export and Import items, 2018
Senior Citizen Savings Scheme 2023 117/162 dated 04-09-2023
Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) 117/122 dated 17-06-2023
2023- 24 Series I & II (64th & 65th Tranche)
370 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Standard Operating Procedure for Digital Deposit Account Opening 117/208 dated 01-12-2023
STAND-UP INDIA SCHEME 117/94 dated 06-07-2023
371 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Modification in "BOI OTS 2023" Recovery in Doubtful/ Loss/Written-Off in NPA Ac- 117/247 date 01/01/2024
counts with Outstanding balance above ₹ 1.00 Crore to
₹ 50.00 Crore
Modification in "Star Sanjeevani Scheme 2023" Recovery in Doubtful/Loss/ Written-Off 117/246 date 01/01/2024
in all Small NPA
accounts upto ₹ 100.00 lakhs
for the period from 01-01-2024
to 31-03-2024
Increasing Interest Rate In Personal Loans 117/240 date 01/01/2024
Inter-SOL ID transfer of Saving & Current Account 117/250 date 05/01/2024
Restricted Access of HUPM 117/251 date 06/01/2024
menu at Branch Level
STAR SAKHI SCHEME (SSS) 117/249 date 06/01/2024
- Implementation Guidelines on "Women Enterprises Acceleration Fund" for Providing
Interest Subvention and Reimbursement of
Credit Guarantee Charges for bank loan to enterprises owned by individual women SHG
membe ₹
372 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Fees Schedule for Advocates for Title Search Report, Legal Vetting and Consumer Cases/ 117/266 date 01/02/2024
Claims against Bank not acknowledged as Debt
System Level Restriction on: 117/264 date 01/02/2024
- HACM Menu for activating Dormant accounts
Guidelines for financing against Electronic Negotiable Warehouse 117/263 date 01/02/2024
Receipts (e-NWR) through
National E-Repository Limited (NERL)
Modification in "Star Sanjeevani Scheme 2023" Recovery in Doubtful/Loss/ Written-Off 117/274 date 02/02/2024
in all Small NPA accounts upto ₹ 100.00 lakhs
NPA Management Policy-2024, Review with Modification Approval by Board in its 117/273 date 02/02/2024
Meeting Dated 24.01.2024
Death Relief Scheme 117/268 date 02/02/2024
Enhancement in Financial Relief
Corrective steps to be taken for speedy recovery in Recovery/ Execution Proceedings 117/270 date 03/02/2024
Revised instruction on Master Direction on Counterfeit Notes, 2023- Detection, Reporting 117/279 date 12/02/2024
and Monitoring
Speedy recovery of dues through DRT/DRAT 117/278 date 14/02/2024
Territorial limits for allotment of family accommodation at Mumbai / other places 117/286 date 21/02/2024
for transferee officers:- 1) Under subsidized housing scheme;
2) Who own their
accommodation at place of postin
Review of Policy on dealing with an application for Establishment of Branch Of- 117/296 date 27/02/2024
fice(BO)/Liaison Office(LO)/ Project Office (PO) or any other place of business in
India by foreign entities - Approval of Board in the meeting dated iii.01.2024
Regulation 44 of Bank of India (Officers') Service Regulations, 1979- Leave Travel 117/288 date 27/02/2024
Concession- In cases where both husband and wife are working in the same Bank
373 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
"BOI Star Rooftop Solar panel Finance" under PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana 117/284 date 28/02/2024
Marginal Cost of Fund based Lending Rate (MCLR) 117/285 date 29/02/2024
w.e.f. 01.03.2024 Repo Based Lending Rate (RBLR)
w.e.f. 01.03.2024
Review of Bullion Policy - Approval of Board in the meeting dated 2,14/ .01.2024 117/297 date 01/03/2024
Code of Conduct and Ethics Conflict ❑f Interest Recognition and Management Poli- 117/292 date 04/03/2024
Compliance Function Policy 117/290
Part-II date 04/03/2024
NABSanrakshan Trustee Private Limited - Credit Guarantee Scheme for FPO fi- 117/291 date 06/03/2024
Merchant Acquisition Business Policy 117/294 date 16/03/2024
Annual Performance Appraisal (APAR) of Staff Officers through Performance Man- 117/298 date 22/03/2024
agement System (PMS) for the FY
Revision in Interest Rates On Domestic, NRO & NRE Rupee Term Deposits- w.e.f. 117/301 date 30/03/2024
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Redressal of Complaints / 117/299 date 30/03/2024
Master Circular Star Vehicle Loan & its variants 118/06 dated 01-04-2024
374 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Bank of India Recruitment Policy (For Indian Establishment) 118/103 dated 10-07-2024
"MoU with Tata Power Solar Systems Limited(TPSSL)" 118/106 dated 19-07-2024
NBFCs and NBFC-MFIs- Present Status, Future Prospects 118/108 dated 05-07-2024
Rate of Interest (Floating) for Retail Loan Products 118/109 dated 23-07-2024
Rate of Interest (Fixed) for Retail Loan Products & 118/110 dated 23-07-2024
Guidelines for charging Fixes) Rate of Interest
Revision in Rate of Interest (Floating) on Star Roof Top Solar Panel 118/112 dated 30-07-2024
Finance Scheme
Eligible Credit Rating Agencies (ECAI) under Basel III Capital Regu- 118/113 dated 30-07-2024
Concession! Waiver of Proposal Processing Charges (PPC) on Home 118/114 dated 01-08-2024
Loans and Vehicle Loans for the period from 01.08.2024 to
375 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
Revision in Interest Rates 118/115 dated 31-07-2024
On Domestic, NRO & NRE Rupee Term Deposits- w.e.f. 01.08.2024
Marginal Cost of Fund based Lending Rate (MCLR) w.e.f. 01.08.2024 Repo 118/116 dated 31-07-2024
Based Lending Rate (RBLR) w.e.f. 01.08.2024
Standard Operating Procedure on Monitoring and Reporting of Claims against 118/117 dated 24-07-2024
Banks not acknowledged as Debts
Change in OTS Menu- New Menu OTS1 118/118 dated 05-08-2024
"Adoption of MSE Scheme for Promotion and Investment in Circular Economy 118/119 dated 08-08-2024
Marginal Cost of Fund based Lending Rate (MCLR) 118/12 dated 02-04-2024
w.e.f. 01.04.2024 Repo Based Lending Rate (RBLR) w.e.f. 01.04.2024
"Adoption of MSE Green Investment & Financing for Transformation (MSE- 118/120 dated 08-08-2024
GIFT) Scheme"
SPECIAL OFFER 118/13 dated 01-04-2024
Offering Business Strategy Discount in applicable Rate of Interest on Home
Loans and Vehicle Loans for the period from 01-04-2024 to 30-064024
Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs) Bank's Lending and Investment Policy 118/14 dated 05-04-2024
Umbrella Policy on Renewable Enemy Sector -Present Status, Future Outlook 118/15 dated 04-04-2024
Bank's Lending Policy
Guidelines on Stressed Sector Delegation 118/16 dated 05-04-2024
Master Direction on Counterfeit Notes. 2024- Detection, Reporting and Moni- 118/17 dated 02-04-2024
Master Direction on Penal Provisions in reporting of transactions/balances at 118/18 dated 02-04-2024
Currency Chests
Master Direction on Framework of Incentives for Currency Distribution & Ex- 118/19 dated 02-04-2024
change Scheme for bank branches including currency chests
Master Direction - Scheme of Penalties for bank branches and Currency Chests 118/20 dated 02-04-2024
for deficiency in rendering customer service to the members of public
Rate of Interest on Bills Negotiated under LCs (Period — 1st April 2024 to 118/21 dated 05-04-2024
30th June 2024) List of Branches authorized to undertake IBN Business on
behalf of non- constituent borrower (Annexure I)
376 TOP
Staff Training College , NOIDA
General Delegation of Powers for Domestic & Foreign Branches (Credit 118/26
Matters) & Investments (Domestic & Foreign) - Revision Part-I dated 10-04-2024
General Delegation of Powers for Domestic & Foreign Branches (Credit Matters) 118/26
& Investments (Domestic & Foreign) - Revision Part-II dated 10-04-2024
MSME POLICY (Review) 118/27
Review and Revision thereof Part-I dated 18-04-2024
MSME POLICY (Review) 118/27
Review and Revision thereof Part-II dated 18-04-2024
Review of Overseas Direct Investment Pricing Policy for Acquisition/ disinvest- 118/28 dated 19-04-2024
ment Approval of Board in the meeting dated 27.03.2024
Grievances Redressal Policy — March 2024 118/29 dated 22-04-2024
Customer Acceptance, Customer Care, Customer Severance and Customer 118/31 dated 22-04-2024
Rights Policy — March 2024
Communication Policy of Bank of India 118/32 dated 15-04-2024
Policy Guidelines for Taking over of Advances Accounts 118/33 dated 30-04-2024
From Banks/ Financial Institutions (Fls) - Review
Master Circular Credit facilities to Scheduled Castes (SCs) 118/34 dated 24-04-2024
& Scheduled Tribes (STs)
Policy Guidelines — Advances to Real Estate Sector 118/35 dated 22-04-2024
Master Circular - Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihoods 118/36 dated 26-04-2024
Mission (DAY- NRLM)
Master Circular - Lead Bank Scheme 118/37 dated 29-04-2024
Policy of Mandatory Leave to the Staff Officers posted in Sensitive Positions or 118/38 dated 20-04-2024
Areas of Operations
Marginal Cost of Fund based Lending Rate (MCLR) w.e.f. 01.05.2024 Repo 118/39 dated 30-04-2024
Based Lending Rate (RBLR) w.e.f. 01.05.2024
Master Circular on 118/40 dated 04-05-2024
Business Sourcing Associate (BSA) Policy
Intimation to customers for applicable Minimum Balance Charges 118/41 dated 07-05-2024
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
Extending an option of pension to resignees' who were otherwise eligi- 118/47 dated 17-05-2024
ble to join the Pension scheme under Bank Employees' Pension Regula-
BANK OF INDIA PREVENTION OF 118/48 dated 09-04-2024
Job Family Policy 118/49 dated 14-05-2024
Reimbursement of Course Fee & Incentives Under Various Schemes 118/50 dated 18-05-2024
"BOI OTS 2024" Recovery in Doubtful/Loss/Written-Off in NPA ac- 118/72 dated 06-06-2024
counts with
Outstandinq balance above ₹ 1.00 Crore to ₹ 50.00 Crore
BOI STAR MSME Welcome Offer-REVISED GUIDELINES 118/73 dated 28-06-2024
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
"BOI STAR MSME THALA" 118/76 dated 28-06-2024
(Tourism, Hospitality and Lease Discounting Advance)
Closure of Area Manager Office (AMO) Vertical 118/78 dated 28-06-2024
Rate of Interest on Bills Negotiated under LCs 118/79 dated 28-06-2024
(Period — 1st July 2024 to 30th September 2024) Revised List of Branches author-
ized to undertake IBN Business on behalf of non- constituent borrower
Review of premises policy with Changes/ modifications 118/80 dated 28-06-2024
in Existing Policy / Guidelines
Priority Sector Lending - Amendments to the Master Directions 118/81 dated 26-06-2027
Marginal Cost of Fund based Lending Rate (MCLR) w.e.f. 01.07.2024 Repo Based 118/82 dated 29-06-2024
Lending Rate (RBLR) w.e.f. 01.07.2024
Policy on 118/83 dated 27-06-2024
- Empanelment of Valuers
- Valuation of Assets by empanelled Valuers (Excluding Bank's own assets)
Revision in Interest Rates 118/85 dated 29-06-2024
On Domestic, NRO & NRE Rupee Term Deposits- w.e.f. 30.06.2024
Re-launch of Upgraded Current Accounts with Improved Features, Privileges & 118/86 dated 01-07-2024
Bereavement Leave to Officers and Workmen Staff in terms of 9th Joint Note and 118/87 dated 28-06-2024
12th Bipartite Settlement
Increase in conveyance allowance to the Deaf, Dumb, Visually, 118/88 dated 28-06-2024
and Orthopaedically handicapped employees
Review of Policy Guidelines- Financing Construction Contractor/Companies 118/89 dated 27-06-2024
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Staff Training College , NOIDA
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