2005 - Models of Computation in The Design Process
2005 - Models of Computation in The Design Process
2005 - Models of Computation in The Design Process
1 Introduction
2 Models of Computation
Synchronous Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Untimed Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rendezvous-based Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Synchronous Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Untimed Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Design Activities
Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
RTL Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
High-level Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Formal Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Conclusion
1 Introduction
A system on a chip (SoC) can integrate a large number of components such as microcontrollers, digital signal processors (DSPs), memories, custom hardware, and reconfigurable hardware in the form of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) together
with analog-to-digital (A/D) and digital-to-analog (D/A) converters on a single chip
(Figure 1). The communication structures become ever more sophisticated consisting of several connected and segmented buses or even packet switched networks. In
Communication Structure
HW Component
SW Component
HW Design
SW Design
2 Models of Computation
We use the term Model of Computation (MoC) to focus on issues of concurrency
and time. Consequently, even though it has been defined in different ways by different
authors (see for instance [21, 33, 39, 43, 46]), we use it to define the time representation and the semantics of communication and synchronization between processes in a
process network. Thus, a MoC defines how computation takes place in a structure of
concurrent processes, hence giving a semantics to such a structure [9, 20]. This semantics can be used to formulate an abstract machine that is able to execute a model.
Languages are not computational models, but have underlying computational models.
For instance the languages VHDL, Verilog and SystemC share the same discrete time,
event driven computational model. On the other hand, languages can be used to support more than one computational model. In ForSyDe [42] the functional language
Haskell [25] is used to express several models of computation. Libraries have been
created for synchronous, untimed and discrete time models of computation. Standard
ML has been used similarly [35]. SystemC has also been extended to support SDF
(synchronous dataflow) and CSP (communicating sequential processes) MoCs in addition to its native discrete time MoC [38].
To choose the right model of computation is of utmost importance, since each MoC
has certain properties. As an example consider a process network modeled as a discrete
time system in SystemC. In the general case automatic tools will not be able to compute
a static schedule for a single processor implementation, even if the process network
would easily allow it. For this reason Patel and Shukla [38] have extended SystemC to
support an SDF MoC. The same process network expressed as an SDF can then easily
be statically scheduled by a tool.
Skillicorn and Talia discuss models of computation for parallel architectures in
[44]. Their community faces similar problems as those in design of embedded sys4
tems. In fact all typical parallel computer structures (SIMD, MIMD1 ) can be implemented on a SoC architecture. Recognizing, that programming of a large number of
communicating processors is an extremely complex task, they try to define properties
for a suitable model of parallel computation. They emphasize that a model should hide
most of the details (decomposition, mapping, communication, synchronization) from
programmers, if they shall be able to manage intellectually the creation of software.
The exact structure of the program should be inserted by the translation process rather
than by the programmer. Thus models should be as abstract as possible, which means
that the parallelism has not even to be made explicit in the program text. They point
out that ad hoc compilation techniques cannot be expected to work on problems of this
complexity, but advocate building software, that is correct by construction rather then
verifying program properties after construction. Programs should be architecture independent to allow reuse. The model should support cost measures to guide the design
process and should have guaranteed performance over a useful variety of architectures.
In the following sections, we present a number of important models of computations and give their key properties. Following [20, 21]we organize them according
to their time abstraction. We distinguish between discrete time models, synchronous
models where a cycle denotes an abstract notion of time, and untimed models. This is
consistent with the tagged-signal model proposed by Lee and Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
[33]. There each event has a time tag and different time tag structures result in different MoCs. E.g. if the time tags correspond to real numbers we have a continuous
time model; integer time tags result in discrete time models; time tags drawn from a
partially ordered set result in an untimed MoC.
MoCs can be organized along other criteria, e.g. along the kinds of elements manipulated in a MoC which leads Paul and Thomas [39] to a grouping of MoCs for
hardware artifacts, for software artifacts and for design artifacts. However, an organization along properties that are not inherent is of limited use because it changes when
MoCs are used in different ways.
A consequence of an organization along the time abstraction is that all strictly sequential models such as finite state machines and sequential algorithms are not distinguished. All of them can serve for modeling individual processes, while the semantics
of the MoC defines the process interaction and synchronization.
When time is represented by a continuous set, usually the real numbers, we talk of
a continuous time MoC. Prominent examples of continuous time MoC instances are
Simulink [8], VHDL-AMS and Modelica [12]. The behavior is typically expressed
1 Flynn has classified typical parallel data structures in [13], where SIMD is an abbreviation for Single
Instruction, Multiple Data and MIMD for Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data.
as equations over real numbers. Simulators for continuous time MoCs are based on
differential equation solvers that compute the behavior of a model including arbitrary
internal feed-back loops.
Due to the need to solve differential equations, simulations of continuous time models are very slow. Hence, only small parts of a system are usually modeled with continuous time such as analog and mixed signal components.
To be able to model and analyze a complete system that contains analog components, mixed-signal languages and simulators such as VHDL-AMS have been developed. They allow to model the pure digital parts in a discrete time MoC and the analog
parts in a continuous time MoC. This allows for complete system simulations with
acceptable simulation performance. It is also a typical example where heterogeneous
models based on multiple MoCs have clear benefits.
In each evaluation cycle all processes evaluate once and all events occurring during
this process are considered to occur simultaneously.
The synchronous assumption can be formulated according to [1]. The synchronous
approach considers ideal reactive systems that produce their outputs synchronously
with their inputs, their reaction taking no observable time. This implies that the computation of an output event is instantaneous. The synchronous assumption leads to a
clean separation between computation and communication. A global clock triggers
computations that are conceptually simultaneous and instantaneous. This assumption
frees the designer from the modeling of complex communication mechanisms and provides a solid base for formal methods.
A synchronous design technique has been used in hardware design for clocked synchronous circuits. A circuit behavior can be described deterministically independent of
the detailed timing of gates by separating combinational blocks from each other with
clocked registers. An implementation will have the same behavior as the abstract circuit under the assumption that the combinational blocks are fast enough and that the
abstract circuit does not include zero-delay feedback loops.
The synchronous assumption implies a simple and formal communication model.
Concurrent processes can easily be composed together. However, feedback loops with
zero-delay may cause causality problems which are discussed next.
the value False on the output of AND does not lead to a stable solution either. Clearly
there is no solution to this problem.
Figure 3b shows a system with feedback loop with multiple solutions. Here the
system is stable, if both AND functions have False or if both AND functions have True
as their output value. Thus the system has two possible solutions.
Figure 3c shows a feedback loop with only one solution. Here the only solution is
that both outputs are True.
It is crucial for the design of safety-critical systems that feedback loops with no
solution as in Figure 3a are detected and eliminated, since they result in an oscillator.
Also feedback loops with multiple solutions imply a risk for safety-critical systems,
since they lead to non-determinism. Non-determinism may be acceptable, if it is detected and the designer is aware of its implications, but may have serious consequences,
if it stays undetected.
Since feedback loops in discrete time and synchronous models are of such importance there are several approaches which address this problem [9].
Microstep In order to introduce an order between events that are produced and consumed in an event cycle, the concept of microsteps has been introduced into
languages like VHDL. VHDL distinguishes between two dimensions of time.
The first one is given by a time unit, e.g. a picosecond, while the second is given
by a number of delta-delays. A delta-delay is an infinitesimal small amount of
time. An operation may take zero time units, but it takes at least one delta-delay.
Delta-delays are used to order operations within the same time unit.
While this approach partly solves the zero-delay feedback problem, it introduces
another problem since delta delays will never cause the advance of time measured in time units. Thus during an event cycle there may be an infinite amount
of delta-delays. This would be the result, if Figure 3a would be implemented
in VHDL, since each operation causes time to advance with one delta-delay.
An advantage of the delta-delay is that simulation will reveal that the composite
function oscillates. However, a VHDL simulation would not detect that Figure
3b has two solutions, since the simulation semantics of VHDL would assign an
initial value for the output of the AND gates (False3 ) and thus would only give
one stable solution, concealing the non-determinism from the designer. Another
serious drawback of the microstep concept is that it leads to a more complicated
semantics, which complicates formal reasoning and synthesis.
Forbid zero-delays The easiest way to cope with the zero-delay feedback problem
is to forbid them. In case of Figure 3a and 3b this would mean the insertion
3 VHDL defines the data type boolean by means of type boolean is (false, true). At
program start variables and signals take the leftmost value of their data type definitions; in case of the
boolean data type the value false is used.
of an extra delay function, e.g. after the upper AND function. Since a delay
function has an initial value the systems will stabilize. Assuming an initial value
of True, Figure 3a will stabilize in the current event cycle with the values False
for the output of the NAND function and False for the value of the AND function.
Figure 3b would stabilize with the output value True for both AND functions. A
possible problem with this approach is that a stable system such as 3c is rejected,
since it contains a zero delay feedback loop. This approach is adopted in the
synchronous language Lustre [16] and in synchronous digital hardware design.
When used in a synchronous MoC this the resulting MoC variant is sometimes
called clocked synchronous MoC [21].
Unique fixed-point The idea of this approach is that a system is seen as a set of equations for which one solution in form of a fixed-point exists. There is a special
value (bottom) that allows it to give systems with no solution or many solutions a fixed-point solution. The advantage of this method is that the system
can be regarded as a functional program, where formal analysis will show, if the
system has a unique solution. Also systems that have a stable feedback loop
as in Figure 3c are accepted, while the systems of Figure 3a and b are rejected
(the result will be the value as solution for the feedback loops). Naturally,
the fixed-point approach demands a more sophisticated semantics, but the theory
is well understood [49]. Esterel has adopted this approach and the constructive
semantics of Esterel is described in [2].
Relation based This approach allows the specification of systems as relations. Thus a
system specification may have zero solutions, one solution or multiple solutions.
Though an implementation of a system usually demands a unique solution, other
solutions may be interesting for high-level specifications. The relation-based
approach has been employed in the synchronous language Signal [28].
Untimed Models
In untimed models there is no global notion of time. If one event does not depend
directly or indirectly on another event, it is undefined if one event occurs at the same
time as, earlier or later than the other event. Hence, the only ordering on the occurrence
of events is determined by causal relationships. If one event depends on another event,
it must occur after the other event.
2.5.1 Data Flow Process Networks
Data flow process networks [32] are a special variant of Kahn process networks [26,27].
In a Kahn process network processes communicate with each other via unbounded
FIFO channels. Writing to these channels is non-blocking, i.e. they always succeed
Figure 4: A data flow process network
and do not stall the process, while reading from these channels is blocking, i.e. a process that reads from an empty channel will stall and can only continue when the channel contains sufficient data items (tokens). Processes in a Kahn process network are
monotonic, which means that they only need partial information of the input stream
to produce partial information of the output stream. Monotonicity allows parallelism,
since a process does not need the whole input signal to start the computation of output
events. Processes are not allowed to test an input channel for existence of tokens without consuming them. In a Kahn process network there is a total order of events inside
a signal. However, there is no order relation between events in different signals. Thus
Kahn process networks are only partially ordered which classifies them as an untimed
A data flow program is a directed graph consisting of nodes (actors) that represent
communication and arcs that represent ordered sequences (streams) of events (tokens)
as illustrated in Figure 4. Empty circles denote nodes, arrows denote streams and the
filled circles denote tokens. Data flow networks can be hierarchical since a node can
represent a data flow graph.
The execution of a data flow process is a sequence of firings or evaluations. For
each firing tokens are consumed and tokens are produced. The number of tokens consumed and produced may vary for each firing and is defined in the firing rules of a data
flow actor.
Data flow process networks have been shown very valuable in digital signal processing applications. When implementing a data flow process network on a single
processor, a sequence of firings, also called a schedule has to be found. For general
data flow models it is undecidable whether such a schedule exists because it depends
on the input data.
Synchronous data flow (SDF) [30, 31] puts further restrictions on the data flow
model, since it requires that a process consumes and produces a fixed number of tokens
for each firing. With this restriction it can be tested efficiently, if a finite static schedule
exists. If one exists it can be effectively computed. Figure 5 shows an SDF process
network. The numbers on the arcs show how many tokens are produced and consumed
1 1
A lot of effort has been spent to mix different models of computation. This approach
has the advantage, that a suitable model of computation can be used for each part of
the system. On the other hand, as the system model is based on several computational
models, the semantics of the interaction of fundamentally different models has to be
defined, which is no simple task. This even amplifies the validation problem, because
the system model is not based on a single semantics. There is little hope that formal
verification techniques can help and thus simulation remains the only means of validation. In addition, once a heterogeneous system model is specified, it is very difficult
to optimize systems across different models of computation. In summary, while heterogeneous MoCs provide very general, flexible and useful simulation and modeling
environment, cross-domain validation and optimization will remain elusive for many
years for any heterogeneous modeling approach. In the following an overview of related work on mixed models of computation is given.
In *charts [15] hierarchical finite state machines are embedded within a variety of
concurrent models of computations. The idea is to decouple the concurrency model
from the hierarchical FSM semantics. An advantage is that modular components, e.g.
basic FSMs, can be designed separately and composed into a system with the model
of computation that best fits to the application domain. It is also possible to express a
state in an FSM by a process network of a specific model of computation. *charts has
been used to describe hierarchical FSMs that are composed using data flow, discrete
event and synchronous models of computations.
The composite dataflow [22] integrates data and control flow. Vectors and the conversion from scalar values to vectors and vice versa are integral parts of the model.
This allows to capture the timing effects of these conversions without resorting to a
synchronous or discrete time MoC. Timing of processes is represented only to the level
to determine if sufficient data are available to start a computation. In this way the
effects of control and timing on dataflow processing are considered at the highest possible abstraction level because they only appear as data dependency problems. The
model has been implemented to combine Matlab and SDL into an integrated system
specification environment [3].
Internal representations like the system property intervals (SPI) model [50] and
FunState [45] have been developed to integrate a heterogeneous system model into
one abstract internal representation. The idea of the SPI model is to allow for global
system analysis and system optimization across language boundaries, in order to allow reliable and optimized implementations of heterogeneously specified embedded
real-time systems. All synthesis relevant information, such as resource utilization,
communication and timing behavior, is extracted from the input languages and transformed into the semantics of the SPI model. An SPI model is a set of parameterized
communicating processes, where the parameters are used for the adaptation of different models of computation. SPI allows to model non-determinism through the use of
behavioral intervals. There exists a software environment for SPI that is called the
SPI workbench and which is developed for the analysis and synthesis of heterogeneous
The FunState representation refines the SPI model by adding the capability of explicitly modeling state information and thus allows the separation of data flow from
control flow. The goal of FunState is not to provide a unifying specification, but it
focuses only on specific design methods, in particular scheduling and validation. The
internal FunState model shall reduce design complexity by representing only the properties of the system model relevant to these design methods.
The most well known heterogeneous modeling and simulation framework is Ptolemy
[10, 29]. It allows to integrate a wide range of different MoCs by defining the interac12
Feasibility analysis
Functional specification
Architecture definition
Task graph
Code generation U
From the previous sections it is evident that different models fundamentally have different strengths and weaknesses. There is no single model that can satisfy all purposes
and thus models of computation have to be chosen with care.
Let us revisit the discussed MoCs while considering the different design phases
and the design flow. For the sake of simplicity we only identify five main design tasks
as illustrated in figure 6. Early on, the feasibility analysis requires detailed studies
of critical issues that may concern performance, cost, power or any other functional
or non-functional property. The functional specification determines the entire system
functionality (at a high abstraction level) and constitutes the reference model for the
implementation. Independent of the functional specification is the architecture specification, which may come with performance and functional models of processors, buses
and other resources. The task graph breaks the functionality in concurrent activities
(tasks), which are mapped onto architecture resources. Once resource binding and
scheduling has been performed, the detailed implementation for the resources is created.
The essential difference of the four main computational models that we introduced
in the previous section, is the representation of time. This feature alone weighs heavily
with respect to their suitability for design tasks and development phases.
identify a clock signal and infer latches or registers separating the combinatorial blocks.
The drawbacks of this approach are that one has to follow special coding guidelines
for synthesis, that specification and implementation may behave differently, and in
general that the semantics of the language is complicated by distinguishing between
a simulation and a synthesis semantics. The success of this approach illustrates that
mixing different MoCs in the same language is practical. It also demonstrates the
suitability of the clocked synchronous model for synthesis but underscores that the
discrete time model is not synthesizable.
Synchronous Models
The synchronous models represent a sensible compromise between untimed and discrete time models. Most of the timing details can be ignored but we can still use an
abstract time unit, the evaluation or clock cycle, to reason about the timing behavior.
Therefore it has often a natural place as an intermediate model in the design process.
Lower level synthesis may start from a synchronous model. Logic and RTL synthesis for hardware design and the compilation of synchronous languages for embedded
software are prominent examples. The result of certain synthesis steps may also be
represented as a synchronous description such as scheduling and behavioral synthesis.
It is debatable if a synchronous model is an appropriate starting point for higher
level synthesis and design activities. It fairly strictly defines that activities occurring in
the same evaluation cycle but in independent processes are simultaneous. This imposes
an unnecessarily strong coupling between unrelated processes and may restrict early
design and synthesis activities too much.
On the other hand in many systems timing properties are an integral part of the system functionality and are therefore an important part of a system specification model.
Complex control structures typically require a fine control over the relative timing of
events and activities. As single chip systems increas in complexity, this feature becomes more common. Already today there is hardly any SoC design that does not
exhibit complex control.
Synchronous models constitute a very good compromise for dealing with time at
an abstract level. While they avoid the nasty details of low level timing problems, they
allow to represent and analyze timing relations. In essence the clock or evaluation
cycle defines abstract time budgets for each block. The time budgets turn into timing
constraints for the implementation of these blocks. The abstract time budgets constrain
the timing behavior without over-constraining it. Potentially there is a high degree
of flexibility in this approach if the evaluation cycles of a synchronous MoC are not
considered as fixed-duration clock cycles but rather as abstract time budgets, which
do not have to be of identical duration in different parts of the design. Their duration
could also change from cycle to cycle if required. Re-timing techniques exploit this
3.5 Discussion
Figure 6 illustrates this discussion and indicates in which design phases the different
MoCs are most suitable. Note, that several MoCs placed on a design phase bubble
means that in general a single MoC does not suffice for that phase but several or all of
them may be required.
No single MoC serves all purposes equally well. The emphasis is on equally well
because all of them are sufficiently expressive and versatile to be used in a variety of
contexts. However, their different focus makes them more or less suitable for specific
tasks. For instance a discrete time, discrete event model can be used to model and
simulate almost anything. But it is extremely inefficient to use it to simulate and analyze complex systems when detailed timing behavior is irrelevant. This inefficiency
concerns both tools and human designers. Simulation of a discrete time model takes
orders of magnitude longer than simulation of an untimed model. Formal verification is
orders of magnitude more efficient for perfectly synchronous models than for discrete
time models. Human designers are significantly more productive in modeling and analyzing a signal processing algorithm in an untimed model than in a synchronous or
discrete time model. They are also much more productive to model a complex, distributed system when they have appropriate and high level communication primitives
available, than when they have to express all communication with unprotected shared
variables and semaphores. Hardware engineers working on the RT level (synchronous
MoC) design many more gates per day than their counterparts not using a synchronous
design style. Analog designers are even less productive in terms of designed transistors
per day because they deal with the full range of details at the physical and electrical level. Unfortunately, good abstractions at a higher level have not been found yet
for analog design with the consequence that analog design is less automated and less
efficient than digital design.
MoCs impose different restrictions which, if selected carefully, can lead to significant improvements in design productivity and quality. A strict finite state machine
model can never have unbounded memory requirements. This property is inherent in
any FSM model and does not have to be proved for every specific design. The amount
of memory required can be calculated by static analysis and no simulation is required.
This is in contrast to models with dynamic memory allocation where it is in general
impossible to prove an upper bound for the memory requirement and long simulations
have to be used to obtain a high level of confidence that the memory requirements are
indeed feasible. FSM models are restrictive but if a problem suits these restrictions, the
gain in design productivity and product quality can be tremendous.
A similar example is synchronous dataflow. If a system can be naturally expressed
as an SDF graph, it can be much more efficiently analyzed, scheduled and designed
than the same system modeled as a general dataflow graph.
As a general guideline we can state that the productivity of tools and designers is
highest if the least expressive MoC is used that still can naturally be applied to the
Thus, all the different computational models have their place in the design flow.
Moreover, several different MoCs have to be used in the same design model because
different sub-systems have different requirements and characteristics. This leads naturally to heterogeneous MoCs which can either be delayed within one language or with
several languages under a coordination framework as will be discussed below.
Design Activities
Next we investigate specific design tasks and their relation to MoCs. We do not intend
to present an exhaustive list of activities, but we hope to illustrate the strong connection
and interdependence of design tasks and models on which they operate.
Today several automatic synthesis steps are part of the standard design flow of ASICs
and SoCs. Register Transfer Level (RTL) synthesis, technology mapping, placement
and routing, logic and FSM synthesis are among those. Other techniques that have been
researched and developed but not successfully commercialized are high level synthesis,
system level partitioning, resource allocation and task mapping. We take a closer look
at RTL and High-level Synthesis because they are particularly enlightening examples.
4.1.1 RTL Synthesis
RTL Synthesis takes as input an HDL (Hardware Description Language) model of a
process, for instance written in VHDL or Verilog, and generates a netlist of gates that
adheres to a synchronous design style. Since VHDL and Verilog are simulation not
synthesis languages, some of their constructs cannot be synthesized. Every RTL Synthesis tool defines a synthesizable subset of the input language. 4 This subset definition
has two objectives. First, constructs that cannot be synthesized into HW are excluded.
Obvious examples are file I/O operations and dynamic memory management. Second,
typical and efficient HW structures are encoded in the language subset. Synthesis tools
will identify FSMs, memories, registers and combinatorial logic in the source model
and translate them efficiently onto corresponding HW structures. E.g. VHDL processes have to be written in a specific style with only one clock signal such that the
synthesis tool can extract a combinatorial netlist with registers at the outputs. Figure
PROCESS (clk, reset)
IF reset = 0 THEN
state <= 0;
ELSIF clkevent AND clk = 1 THEN
state <= nextstate;
Figure 7: A VHDL process encoding the P reg block of figure 8.
7 shows a VHDL process that would be interpreted as a FSM state register by most
synthesis tools. If two other combinatorial processes are provided and properly modeled, the tool would derive a FSM structure as shown in figure 8. P reg reacts to a reset
signal to go into the initial state, and to a clock signal to make a state transition.
The definition of a synthesizable subset and the particular interpretation of synthesis tools lead to a divergence of simulation semantics and synthesis semantics. There
are three main motivations for this.
1. Some language constructs are pure simulation devices and there is no reason why
anybody would want to synthesize them. Examples are file access and assertions.
2. Some language constructs are too expensive to implement in hardware and the
current state of the art suggests that they should not be synthesized. Examples
4 There are different subsets imposed by different tools, but they are not very essential and concern mostly
issues of user convenience and synthesis performance rather than the semantics. There exists even an IEEE
standard for a synthesizable subset.
Figure 8: A VHDL synthesis tool derives a state machine when the VHDL description
contains three properly modeled processes. P next is a combinatorial process defining
the next state transition function. P reg is a register storing the state. P out models the
output encoding function.
are multi-dimensional arrays and dynamic memory allocation. When future engineers conclude that such constructs should also be available to hardware designers, these restrictions may disappear.
3. The timing model of the simulation semantics is ill-suited for synthesis. The
simulation semantics is based on a discrete time model and allows to express
delays in terms of nano and pico seconds. In contrast the synthesized model is a
clock synchronous MoC that simply cannot express physical time delays.
The last item interests us most because it shows that VHDL/Verilog based simulation and synthesis use different models of computation, according to our scheme in
section 2. The simulation semantics is based on a discrete time MoC which is unsuitable for synthesis. Even if a delay of e.g. 2 ns could be accurately synthesized, it
would over-constrain the following technology mapping, placement and routing steps
and lead to a hopelessly inefficient implementation. Accurate synthesis of the deltadelay concept is even more elusive.
In contrast, the clocked synchronous MoC5 allows to separate synthesis of the behavior from timing issues. Since the clock structure and the scheduling of computations
in clock cycles is already part of the input model, the RTL synthesis focuses on optimizing the combinatorial blocks between registers. In an analysis step separate from
synthesis the critical paths can be identified and the overall system performance can be
assessed. Re-timing techniques, that move gates and combinatorial blocks across clock
cycle boundaries can shorten critical paths and increase overall performance. If all this
proves insufficient the input model to RTL synthesis has to be modified.
In conclusion, for RTL synthesis a clocked synchronous MoC is the best choice because it reflects efficient hardware structures and allows for an effective separation of
5 Recall from section 2.4 that a clocked synchronous MoC is a synchronous MoC variant where no feedback loops are allowed within the same clock cycle. Therefore the feed-back loop in figure 8 has to be broken
by the P reg register process.
behavioral synthesis from timing optimization. A lower level, discrete time MoC is entirely inadequate since it over-constrains the synthesis. Starting synthesis with a model
based on a higher time abstraction, an untimed MoC, imposes fewer constraints on the
synthesis process but consequently requires the synthesis task to include scheduling of
operations as will be discussed next.
4.1.2 High-level Synthesis
High-level synthesis, later also called behavioral synthesis, as defined and researched
heavily in the 19980s [14], includes the tasks of resource allocation, operation binding
and operation scheduling. The input is an algorithm described in a sequential language
such as C or as a VHDL process. Resource allocation estimates the type and number
of HW resources required to implement the algorithm, e.g. how many multipliers,
adders, ALUs, etc. Operation binding binds operations of the algorithm to allocated
resources. Scheduling assigns the operations to specific clock steps, thus determining
when they will be executed. Figure 9 illustrates the scheduling procedure. From the
algorithmic specification in 9(a) the dataflow graph 9(b) is extracted to represent the
data dependences. Figure 9(c) shows the scheduled dataflow graph by using the AsSoon-As-Possible (ASAP) scheduling principle.
The natural MoC for the input to High-level synthesis is an untimed MoC. Synchronous or discrete time MoCs are unsuitable because they both determine the execution time of individual operations, rendering the scheduling step superfluous. In fact
the untimed model was the MoC chosen by all groups that developed high-level synthesis systems. This was either done by defining a dedicated language that could only
express an untimed MoC, or by sub-setting a general purpose design language such
as VHDL or Verilog. Resource allocation and operation binding concerns the refinement of computation. The abstraction level of the computation and the operators are
not defined by the MoCs in section 2. Thus, the untimed MoC is a suitable input to
high-level synthesis independent of the kind of operations involved, simple adders and
half-adders or highly complex processing elements.
4.1.3 Discussion
Other synthesis procedures also have their natural input and output MoC. Hence, each
synthesis method has to be provided with input models that match its natural MoC, e.g.
a clocked synchronous MoC for RTL and an untimed MoC for high-level synthesis. In
practice this is accomplished in one of two ways. The obvious approach is to choose
an input language that matches well with the natural MoC. If this is not desirable due
to other constraints, a language subset and interpretation rules are established, that
approximate the MoC required by the synthesis method. We call this technique the
projection of an MoC into a design language. It is illustrated in figure 10.
i1 + i2;
(a - i3) * 3;
i4 + i5 + i6;
i7 * i8;
d + i9 + i10;
i11 * 7 * g;
Control 1
Figure 9: An algorithmic specification and its scheduled dataflow graph (from [11]).
Taking a step back we can contemplate the relation between synthesis methods and
MoCs. They are mutually dependent and equally important. While it is in general
correct that every synthesis method has natural MoCs defining its input and output,
we can also observe that the major synthesis steps follow naturally from the definition
of the MoCs. For every significant difference between two MoCs we can formulate
a synthesis step transforming one MoC into the other. On the other hand, the MoCs
represent useful abstractions only if we can identify efficient synthesis methods that
use them as input and output.
Our treatment of MoCs does not cover other relevant issues such as abstraction
and refinement of computation and data types. We have focused foremost on time and
therefore we could discuss the scheduling problem of high-level synthesis convincingly
while we barely mentioned the allocation and binding tasks. We believe there are good
arguments for using time as the primary criteria for categorizing MoCs while other
Output Design Language
4.2 Simulation
All MoCs that we have discussed can be simulated. So the question that we have to ask
is not, which MoC is suitable for simulation, but how efficiently a given MoC can be
simulated. Also, we may want to distinguish different purposes of simulation and then
we can ask if, for a given purpose, we should prefer one MoC to another.
It is obvious that discrete time MoC simulations are slower than synchronous MoC
simulations which in turn are slower than untimed MoC simulations, because MoCs
at lower abstraction levels require the computation of many more details. It has been
reported that simulations of clock cycle true models, which correspond to our clocked
synchronous MoCs, are 1-2 orders of magnitude faster than discrete event simulations,
which correspond to our discrete time MoC [41]. Moving to an untimed MoC, e.g.
functional or transaction level simulations, can further speed-up simulation by 1 to 2
orders of magnitude [41, 48]. Higher abstraction in any of the domains time, data,
computation and communication, improves simulation performance, but the time abstraction seems to be play a dominant role [34], because a higher time abstraction
significantly reduces the number of events in a simulation uniformly in all parts of a
The disadvantage with abstract MoCs is the loss of accuracy. Detailed timing behavior and the clock cycle period cannot be analyzed in a synchronous MoC simulation. Transaction level models cannot unveil problems in the details of the interface
and low level protocol implementation. In an untimed MoC no timing related properties can be investigated and arithmetic overflow effects cannot be observed when using
ideal, mathematical data types. Clearly, a trade-off between accuracy and simulation
performance, as illustrated in figure 11, demands that a design is simulated at various
time MoC
Formal Verification
Table 1: Design activities with their respective MoCs (U-MoC = Untimed MoC,
S-MoC = Synchronous MOC, D-MoC = Discrete time MoC, C-MoC = Continuous
time MoC)
Input MoC Design task
Output MoC
High-level synthesis
RTL Synthesis
Transaction level simulation
Cycle-true simulation
Discrete-event simulation
Analog simulation
Model and property checking
hand an untimed MoC would in principle be compatible with model checking but it
would allow for infinitely many ways to merge multiple FSMs into a single one, thus
magnifying the state space explosion problem even further.
Just as in the case of synthesis techniques, we can also observe that all formal verification techniques require specific MoCs as input descriptions. The basic principles,
such as theorem proving, are often much more general but have to be specialized for a
specific problem domain, and thus for a specific MoC, to make them useful in practice.
Hence, a MoC serves by dramatically restricting the problem space and, if selected
carefully, allows for efficient verification tools.
4.4 Summary
Table 1 summarizes the discussed tasks and gives their respective MoCs.
As mentioned above, we have chosen to distinguish the MoCs according to their
time abstraction. Therefore we can naturally analyze design tasks that have a strong
relation to a particular time abstraction such as scheduling or cycle-true simulation.
For an analysis of all other design tasks in a similar satisfactory way we would have to
introduce MoC variants based on computation, data and communication abstractions.
5 Conclusion
We have analyzed the relation between some inherent properties of computational models and various design tasks and phases. Since this is an endeavor far beyond a single
article we have taken time as our primary parameter and have defined four MoC classes
based on the time abstraction: continuous time, discrete time, synchronous time and
untimed MoC. This is justified because the chosen representation of time has a critical influence on synchronization, communication and the overall system behavior for
systems described by communicating concurrent processes. For a more elaborate study
that encompasses all design activities and phases we suggest to still use time abstraction
as the primary criterion for defining MoCs but to use other abstractions and domains to
introduce more MoC variants as suitable.
We have not carefully illuminated the relation between MoCs and design languages
since it is an intricate one with many subtle connections and implications that requires
a chapter of its own. For more, but not an exhaustive, elaboration of this issue see [24].
The main targets of our study, complex, heterogeneous, embedded systems, require
the use of all presented MoCs. But each MoC has a very specific place and role in the
design process as illustrated by figure 6 and table 1. The usage of MoCs should be a
conscious choice based on their inherent properties and the given objective and design
task. Using them for the wrong purpose will lead to poor results that cannot be rectified
by improving a synthesis or simulation algorithm.
But MoCs are not just predefined and given to us and we merely have to pick the
right one. Rather, they have to be properly developed and defined for a particular
purpose. This is a delicate task because we face a difficult trade-off. To simplify the
overall design process and support tool interoperability we would like to have as few
different MoCs as possible. However, if we aim at the best possible MoC for a specific
task, we will have to integrate many, specialized MoCs in the design flow. History
shows, that the process of identifying, accepting and establishing MoCs is tedious and
slow. The successful introduction of a new MoC is typically bound to a major paradigm
change, such as the move from schematic entry design to RTL based synthesis.
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