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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs

Central Directorate for Developmental Projects
General Directorate for Building Information



Copyright 2006 G
Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs
Central Directorate for Developmental Projects
General Department for Building Information
P.O. Box 56095
Riyadh 11554
These specifications have been prepared by the special committee for updating the General
Specifications for Building Construction, affiliated to General Directorate for Building Information
1 st Edition

01. Moharram 1403H

18. October 1982G

Issued by (Ministry of Public Works and Housing Former Agency for Public Works)

2 nd Edition

24. Shaban 1423H

30. October 2002G

Issued by (Ministry of Public Works and Housing Former Agency for Public Work)

3 nd Edition

Rajab 1427H
August 2006G

Issued by (Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs- Central Directorate for Developmental Projects

- General

Directorate for

Building Information)

All rights, including translation into foreign languages, reserved.

No part of these specifications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form or by any means electronically or otherwise without the prior written permission of Central
Directorate for Developmental Projects - Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs, Kingdom of Saudi

Copyright by Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs - Central Directorate for Developmental Projects


Responsible Members of the Special Committee

The Revision of the General Specifications for Building Construction

General Supervision
Dr.-Eng. Habib Mustafa Zein Al-Abidin

Assistant General Supervisor

Eng. Ebrahim Suleyman Al Najashi

Project Manager
Arch. Eng. Abdulrahman M. Al Mufarrej

Project Organizer
Eng. Mohammed Ali Al Hejairy

General Requirements
Dr.-Eng. Habib Mustafa Zein Al-Abideen

Dr.-Eng. Helmut Isendahl

Dipl.-Eng. Hubert Gockel

Dipl.Eng. Arch. Helmut Wolf

Eng. Christopher Willmot

Arch. Eng. Abdulrahman M. Al Mufarrej

The Architectural Divisions

Arch. Eng. Abdulrahman M. Al Mufarrej

Dipl.-Eng. Arch. Helmut Wolf

Dipl.-Eng. Hubert Gockel

Dr.- Eng. Magdy Kamel Moustafa Kamel

Eng. Mohammed Ali Al Hejairy

Dipl.-Eng. Arch. Bernhard Multhaup

The Structural Divisions

Dr.-Eng. Habib Mustafa Zein Al- Abideen
Dipl.-Eng. Hubert Gockel


Dr. -Eng. Magdy Kamel Moustafa Kamel

Dr.-Ing. Helmut Isendahl

The Mechanical Divisions

Eng. Bahgat Kamal Abul Saad

Eng. Mohamad Adel El-Massarani

Dipl.-Eng. Hubert Gockel

Eng. Ismail Kamil Ebrahim

The Electrical Divisions

Eng. Christopher Willmott

Eng. Ahmed Hussein Ghanem

Checking of Technical Terms and Expressions

Dr. -Eng. Magdy Kamel Moustafa Kamel
Eng. Mohamad Adel El-Massarani

Dr.-Eng. Hafez Mahmud Kayali

Dr. Eng. Khaled Al-Sayed Hassan

Eng. Bahgat Kamal Abul Saad

Eng. Mazen Diarbakerli

Data Base Design and Programming

Dipl.-Kfm. Horst Reimann

Dipl.-Eng. Hubert Gockel

Dipl.-Eng. Michael Meyer

Dipl.-Eng. Norbert Schlipkoether

Programmer Ebrahim Mohammad Sangary

Programmer Mubarak Said Al Qahtani

Programmer Emad Saleh Al Atiqi

Eng. Adel A. Al-Juwayed

Eng. Mohammed A. Al Junidel

Formatting & Typing

Ahmed Mustafa Edris

Emanating from the construction boom that started tens of years ago and the technical challenges
faced, the countrys Agencies have acquired much experiences and expertise which have been
collected and made use of in developing the book of General Specification for Building
Construction. The first edition of that book was issued by instructions of HRH Prince Miteb bin
AbdulAziz Al-Saud Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs (MOMRA), Head of Development
Commission for Makkah, Madinah and Almashaer (DCMMM) (Minister of the Former Public Works
and Housing) in 1403 H
Those specifications were received with tremendous welcome and acceptance. Large numbers of
engineers and engineering departments and offices, as well as contracting firms locally, regionally
and in Arab countries started to apply them. Furthermore, due to the absence of similar
specifications that matches these specifications in terms of thoroughness and details in the field of
building industry within the Arab world. The Council of the Arab Housing and Developing Ministers
adopted these specifications in 1992 as the first step to produce uniform Arabian specifications.
Also Majles Ash-shura (the consultative council) recommended to approve the General
Specifications for Building Construction and to commit the governmental and private sector
agencies and firms to implement them .( Ash shura magazine issue no. 44 safar 1424H ). This
was confirmed by a committee in the panel of experts affiliated to the Council of Ministers.
The widespread application and utilization of these specifications in preparing the tender
documents, contracts and implementation there of have required the Ministry of municipal and
Rural Affairs represented by the Central Directorate for Developmental Projects to be responsible
for their updating and development. Consequently, the Ministry has recruited a large number of
experts and engineers to perform this work, more than 50 individuals specializing in the various
fields of engineering, programming, technical expressions and terminology, and translation have
been employed.
Updating and development have focused on the following points:
Keeping in step with modern innovations and technologies, which have marked the material,
equipment, machinery and building techniques locally and internationally.
Updating the Reference Standards with priority given to Saudi, Gulf, and International
Utilization of the sorting and classification system most commonly used in the field of
construction worldwide.
Employment of a standard numbering, coding, and filing system which allows for easy
retrieval and exchange of information.
Regulations and bylaws released by Official Agencies.
Preservation of the environment and public health.
Encouragement of National industry.
Development of a bilingual database (Arabic/English) for use with Personal Computers (PC).
The internationally recognized framework known as Masterformat released by the Construction
Specifications Institute (CSI) has been adopted in order to organize the sorting and numbering in
the new edition of the specifications in a manner that insures the easy flow and exchange of
information among specialists and the community of the building industry at large. The new edition
involves 12 main divisions, which have been selected from the 16 divisions approved by the CSI.
The selected divisions have not overlooked any of the recognized basic works in building
construction. These divisions are:
Division 01:
General Requirements
Division 02:
Division 03:
Division 04:
Division 05:
Division 06:
Wood and Plastics
Division 07:
Thermal and Moisture Protection
Division 08
Doors and Windows
Division 09:
Finishes and Decoration
Division 14:
Conveying Systems
Division 15:
Division 16:

As for divisions nos. 10 until 13 , namely :

Divisions 10 : Specialties
Divisions 11 : Equipment
Divisions 12 : Furnishings
Divisions 13 : Special construction
Which include non-essential works in building construction are not decided to be entered in the
present edition and they will be added in the later editions.
Each division comprises a number of related Sections.
For example: Division 08 includes eight Sections. They are:

Metal Doors and Frames

Wood and Plastic Doors
Special Doors
Entrances and Storefront
Metal Windows
Wood and Plastic Windows

Further, each Section incorporates seven Parts as follows:

Part 1: General: This is mainly concerned with the references, quality assurance, submittals,
programs, and maintenance.
Part 2: Products: This gives a breakdown of materiasls used in addition to their properties and
places of installation.
Part 3: Execution: The most significant items in this Part are the execution and installation of the
works, field quality control, as well as cleaning and protection methods.
Part 4: Methods of Measurement: This indicates the measurement units and the measuring
Part 5: Basis of Payment: This indicates the work that shall be completed for each item of the Bills
of Quantities. It also indicates the ancillary works to be included in the unit price rate.
Part 6: Annex: Tables and Figures: Those relevant to the individual Section.
Part 7: Annex: Specifier Information: Additional information for the person who prepares project
specifications particularly with regard to selection of items and additions which may be
The third edition of the General Specifications for Building Construction, is provided as follows:
- Published in book form in both Arabic and English languages, as individual divisions.
- Published as CD- ROM in both Arabic and English languages.
Later on, it will be published as a bilingual (Arabic/English) Database for Personal Computers (PC).
The effort of updating and developing these specifications encountered many difficulties and
challenges during the preparation, verification, reviewing of technical terminology and expressions,
and control of the translation. However, with the help of Allah, then the instructions of HRH Prince
Miteb bin Abdul Aziz Al- Saud The Minister of Municipal & Rural Affairs, and the persistent efforts
of the General Directorate for Building Information and members of the Committee that supervised
the updating and development processes, this work was completed to serve all those who work in
the field of construction and building.
The Ministry gathered the several comments and recommendations from different government
organizations as well as contracting firms about the 2nd. Edition, which enriched the third edition
within the system adopted for verification based upon the following two principal items:
1- The benefit of the above mentioned Comments and recommendations, which have been
gathered by the responsible Committee, putting under their eyes, studying them with full
accuracy and clarity to derive the appropriate comments to be included in this 3rd. Edition but
with respect to renewing additional sections or divisions of specialist works, the committee
decided to postpone them to be on hands in the future updating Editions.
2- The responsible Committee had performed the final systematic verification for all divisions and
sections, proceeded more improvement steps, technical control and control of language for
terminology, expressions, and translation, and comparing between the two Arabic and English

Hereby this Edition will be worth and shall be directed in the appropriate feature which we hope
that meets the acceptance of those involved in and concerned with the construction industry.
The Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs, places this 3rd. edition of the General Specifications for
Building Construction in the hands of those involved in and concerned with the construction
industry, be it commissions, government organizations, universities and educational institutes or
engineering offices, contractors, architects, and engineers within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the
Arab Gulf States, and all member Countries of the Arab League.
God willing, the specifications will be updated periodically to follow every progress in the
construction & building field, and also to add new sections or divisions of specialist works which
realise the comments and recommendations of those involved in and concerned with the
construction industry.
Comments and Recommendations may be forwarded to the following address:
Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs
Central Directorate for Developmental Projects
General Department for Building Information
P.O. Box 56095
Riyadh 11554
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Or, through our e-mail as follows:
We would like to take this opportunity to express our deep appreciation and gratitude to all those
who participated in enriching these specifications from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or from outside
Saudi Arabia. Special thanks are for the General Department for Building Information and its
Ggeneral Manager HE Eng. Ebrahim Suleyman Al Najashi, HE Eng. Abdul Rahman M. Almuffaraj General
Manager of supervising the developmental projects for their efforts in producing such distinguished work
to serve the construction industry.
Notwithstanding the amplitude of this Work and the tremendous efforts that have been exerted
therein, nevertheless, it may only be measured as a humble accomplishment as compared to the
responsibility of developing the Construction industry in the Kingdom and in the whole Arab World
to keep in step with new international trends.
Success is granted by god ,,,

Deputy Minister
Head of the Central Directorate for Developmental Projects

Dr.Eng- Habib Mustafa Zein Al-Abidin


Dr.-Eng. Habib Mustafa Zein Al-Abidin
Dr.-Eng. Helmut Isendahl
Dipl.-Eng. Hubert Gockel
Dipl.Eng. Arch. Helmut Wolf
Eng. Christopher Willmot

Check of Terms
Eng. Mohamad Adel El-Massarani
Arch. Eng. Abdulrahman M. Al Mufarrej

Final Check
Dipl.-Eng. Norbert Schlipkoether


Division 01: General Requirements
01010 Summary of Work


01020 Allowances


01025 Measurement and Payment


01028 Modification Requirements


01030 Alternatives


01039 Co-ordination and Meetings


01041 Project Co-ordination


01050 Field Engineering


01051 Architectural and Engineering Design


01060 Regulatory Requirements


01080 Identification Systems


01095 Reference Standards and Definitions


01120 Alteration Project Procedures


01300 Submittals


01400 Quality Assurances


01500 Construction Facilities and Temporary Controls


01600 Material and Equipment


01650 Starting of Systems


01700 Contract Closeout


01730 Operation & Maintenance Data


Division 02: Sitework

02200 Earthwork
02500 Paving and Surfacing
02660 Water Distribution
02700 Sewerage and Drainage
02810 Irrigation System
02900 Landscaping

Division 03: Concrete

03100 Concrete Formwork
03200 Concrete Reinforcement
03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete
03400 Precast Concrete


Division 04: Masonry

04200 Unit Masonry

Division 05: Metals

05100 Structural Steel
05500 Metal Fabrication
05810 Expansion joint cover assembly

Division 06: Wood & Plastics

06130 Heavy Timber Construction
06400 Architectural Woodwork

Division 07: Thermal & Moisture Protection

07100 Waterproofing
07150 Dampproofing
07180 Water Repellents
07200 Insulation
07250 Fireproofing
07400 Manufactured Roofing & Siding
07500 Membrane Roofing
07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal
07700 Roof Specialities & Accessories
07900 Joint Sealers

Division 08: Doors & Windows

08100 Metal Doors and Frames
08200 Wood and Plastic Doors
08300 Special Doors
08400 Entrances and Storefront
08500 Metal Windows
08600 Wood and Plastic Windows
08700 Hardware
08800 Glazing

Division 09: Finishes

09200 Lath and Plaster
09250 Gypsum Board
09300 Tile
09400 Terrazzo
09450 Stone Facing
09500 Acoustical Treatments
09545 Special Ceiling Surfaces
09550 Wood Flooring
09650 Resilient Flooring
09680 Carpet
09900 Painting
09950 Wall Coverings

Division 14: Conveying System

14100 Dumbwaiters
14200 Elevators
14300 Escalators
14600 Hoists and Cranes

Division 15: Mechanical

15050 Basic Mechanical Materials & Methods
15250 Mechanical Insulation
15310 Fire Protecting Piping
15320 Fire Pumps
15330 Wet Pipe Sprinkler System
15335 Dry Pipe Sprinkler System
15340 Pre-action Sprinkler System
15345 Combination Dry Pipe & Pre-Action Sprinkler Systems
15350 Deluge Sprinkler System
15360 Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems
15361 Chemical Fire Extinguishing Systems
15362 FM-200 Fire Extinguishing Systems
15375 Stand Pipe & Hose Systems
15410 Plumbing Piping
15430 Plumbing Specialities
15440 Plumbing Fixtures


15450 Plumbing Equipment

15475 Pool & Fountain Equipment
15480 Special Systems
15500 Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
15550 Heat Generation
15650 Refrigeration
15750 Heat Transfer
15850 Air Handling
15880 Air Distribution
15950 Controls
15990 Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing

Division 16: Electrical

16050 Basic Electrical Materials & Methods
16300 Medium Voltage Distribution
16400 Service and Distribution
16500 Lighting
16600 Special Systems
16720 Alarm & Detection Systems
16730 Clock & Program Systems
16740 Voice & Data Systems
16770 Public Address & Music Systems
16780 Television Systems
16900 Controls
16950 Testing


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