Yoga in Jyotish
Yoga in Jyotish
Yoga in Jyotish
by Gorovani d.
A unique feature of Jyotish - Yoga (Us).Yoga - a combination of the planets, which gives some
concrete results.
In classical literature describes literally thousands of yogas.In India, an astrologer must know them
almost automatically mark significant relationships.Therefore it is said that the first need for the
astrologer, - have a good memory.There will be discussed a lot of the yogi.Studying a horoscope for
the presence of Yogi gives an additional clue to interpretation.Practicing study Yogi birthday card,
you will gain an understanding of all the potentialities of the horoscope.
You can expectmalavya yoga in the horoscope of a millionaire or a beauty queen.
It is at the John F. Kennedy.
In his horoscope, Venus is in its own sign, in the ninth house
(Tricon).It gave him great wealth and meeting many beautiful
women, a lot of sexual pleasure.
Parivartana yoga is formed when a planet A is in the sign of planet B, and planet B is in the sign of
planet A.
For example, if Mars is in Taurus and Venus in Aries, then Mars is in the sign of Venus and Venus - a
sign of Mars.In Western astrology, it is regarded as a favorable condition.It is believed that the
influence that the planets have on each other, like.
Profitable or not, it depends on the nature of both planets and, especially, from the houses they
manage.There are three kinds of yoga parivartana.
-dainya Yoga: is formed when one of the planets - the host of the sixth, eighth or twelfth
house.These houses - dusthany which generally have an adverse effect.
In most cases, the planet-host of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house will be strengthened by the
Kartar YOGA
This group of yogas formed planets placed around a house or a planet.This is most clearly manifested
its effect, when two or benefics malifics surround planet or a house.
Venus in Taurus, Saturn (malefic) in Aries and Mars (harmful) in Gemini.Two malefics surround
Venus.Therefore, it will not be able to function optimally.That is, those potential opportunities that
the scope of Venus must be implemented on the basis of other constellations, the forecast should be:
more favorable reduced evil - more accentuation.
Pests surrounding a planet or a house, form adad-Kartar yoga.
Venefics surrounding a planet or a house, formsubha-Kartar yoga.
If Venus is in Taurus, Jupiter (benefic) in Aries, and the Moon (benefic) in Gemini, then Venus will
intelligently as a pest inUpachaya(tenth - Upachaya - House of growth) is good.He was rich and held
a high position.
In the end, though he died, was killed.The good influence of Ketu in Upachaya (tenth), however, are
obvious.But also bad influence veshi yoga formed naturally pest (Ketu).Ketu in Upachaya good for
professional success and career.However, Ketu is still harmful, and therefore, this veshi yoga
weakened sun (natural significator of vitality and well-being of co-significator through the depth of
Louse-Yoga: a planet formed in the twelfth house from the sun.It supports spiritual development
and intelligence, at least when formed benefic.Pest in the twelfth from the Sun will give problems.
Kennedy in the twelfth from the Sun and was benefic and malefic.He was intelligent (the influence of
Mercury), but the fact that he was killed, had some connection with a powerful Mars harmful (in
mulatrikone) in the eighth house from the lagna, which is the twelfth house from the sun.This same
Mars gave him sexual obrayanie.
The eighth house represents death as well as sexual charisma.A powerful Mars here can lead to
death nasilctvennoy (Mars powerful malefic).Louse yoga has strengthened above trend.
Ubhayachari Yoga:planets form in the second and twelfth houses from the sun.This brings good
fortune in many areas, but again only if it involves benefics.Malefics give trouble.
It would be logical to expect a yoga when there are no planets in the second and twelfth houses from
the sun (analogue kemadruma yoga for the Moon).This is not so.Sun - itself a powerful planet, and
can function very well without the support of other planets.Benefic in close proximity enhances its
beneficial qualities, but this is not necessary.
Some of the above Yogi is in any horoscope.Because they appear so often, that lead to outstanding
results only when confirmed by other similar indicators.
It has been said that there are literally thousands of yoga.Who will be listed particularly
important.And this is only a very small part.For those who wish to learn more about this, I can offer
to address the numerous books published in India and in the West in English.The book "Yoga in
Astrology" KSCharak contains especially good descriptions.
-Raja Yoga: the owners Kendra and Tricon are in conjunction, mutually aspected or exchanging
characters.This is - a combination of good fortune (Tricon), and activities (Kendra), which gives
success and achievement.I would like to point out that the Raja yoga can be formed by a planet as
well as two.
Example:The ascendant in Aries, Moon - households.the fourth house, the Sun - four.If the Sun and
Moon are in conjunction, the two planets then form a raja yoga: The Moon rules Kendra (4th), Sun Tricon (fifth).
-Adhi yoga: There must be at least two, but preferably more than benefics in the sixth, seventh
and eighth houses from the Moon - leadership.
Explanation:benefics in the sixth and / or eighth house support the seventh (remember Kartar
yoga).Benefic in the seventh house will of course enhance it.However, the seventh - on the contrary
lagna.Therefore, the ascendant also increase.The planet will be aspecting the seventh first home.
The first house - a horoscope in miniature, in short, a strong first house is of outstanding
importance.And consequently Adhi yoga - a strong first house, which gives positive results as a whole.
Similarly, Adhi yoga on the Moon will enable it to operate more successfully.Moon - the most
important planet in Indian astrology.Strong Moon always gives a strong mind.
-Amala yoga: benefic in the tenth house from the ascendant or the Moon - philanthropic and
benevolent attitude towards mankind, career in the social sphere.
If the pest takes a position, it may be beneficial to the owner of the horoscope (malefics in homes
upachaya become more favorable, and the tenth house - upachaya).However, this can mean that a
person reaches a high position at the expense of others.At least, it will be illegible in the choice of
methods to promote social success.
Gandhi is present Amala yoga and from Lagna (Moon in the tenth), and from the Moon (Jupiter in the
-Ashubha small yoga: When all benefics in the sixth, eighth and twelfth, they become powerless:
misfortune difficult life.
-Budhatiya yoga: The Sun and Mercury are in conjunction with the first, seventh, fifth or eleventh
house - an intellectual.Albert Einstein had this combination.
Explanation: Thefirst house is the most important in Indian astrology;when the Sun and Mercury in
the seventh, they aspect the Lagna.
When the Sun and Mercury in the eleventh, they aspect the fifth house (direct Significator
intelligence).If Mercury is burned, it does not harm budhatiya yoga, but the owner of the horoscope
difficult to convince the public of the rightness of their ideas.
-Chandra Mangala yoga: The Moon and Mars in conjunction or opposition - a wealth of (often by
women).Chandra- Indian name of the Moon, Mangala - the name of Mars.
-Charussagara yoga: Planets in all Kendra - good reputation and good fortune (better when it is
formed benefics).Kendra - the cornerstones of the horoscope.Planet there are extremely
effective.When planets occupy all Kendra, their energy will be very noticeable that in most cases will
give good results (especially when it concerns natural or temporary benefic).
-Chriqui Yoga: is formed when only natural benefics occupy Kendra - comfort, good luck, abundance.
Explanation:natural benefics here will be very influential in life, which of course will give very
favorable results.
-Sharpa- Yoga: Kendra in only malefics - failure, hard life.
-Gajakesari yoga: The Moon and Jupiter in Kendra from each other - good luck, intelligence, and
high morals.Here, the Moon and Jupiter are linked mutual influence.Contact the planets, one of
which is particularly important for social life (Moon), and the other - Significator luck and prosperity
(Jupiter), gives favorable results.
In Kennedy's horoscope, and Gandhi was this yoga.Gandhi - stronger because in his horoscope Moon
and Jupiter were in a quadrant of the ascendant and the Moon in the horoscope Kennedy took
-Sakata Yoga: The Moon in the sixth, eighth or twelfth of Jupiter - a staggering wealth.
This is the opposite of some Gajakesari yoga.When the moon is in dusthanah from Jupiter, the
connection between these two planets is difficult.
-Mahabhagya Yoga:
for a man: The ascendant, the Sun and the Moon in odd signs (male, yang), and he was born in the
daytime - very fortunate;
for a woman: The ascendant, the Sun and the Moon in even signs, and she was born at night - very
Odd signs are negative, it is female (yin) signs, earth and water.Night takde referred to as
"women's" time.
-Saraswati yoga: When Jupiter, Venus and Mercury in Kendra, or even better, in the second house,
in their own or friendly signs - scientist, writer, speaker, intellectual.
In a favorable position, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury can provide wisdom.In the horoscope of Gandhi,
these planets in Kendra.Although Jupiter and Mercury in neutral signs, but being in connection with,
or aspect benefices, form an extremely powerful Saraswati yoga.
-Vasumathi Yoga: Benefics in upachaya (3, 6, 10 and 11 minutes) from the Moon or Lagna give
Kennedy Jupiter and Venus in the tenth house from the Moon.Two of the three benefics in upachaya
from the Moon provide a medium strength vasumathi yoga.
There is not a horoscope without Yogi.Favourable yoga frequent.But often people with such yogis
live mediocre, they are not always rich and famous.
The reason for this is only like yoga combined with other factors in the horoscope.
If we want to understand how yoga will manifest itself, the following factors should be investigated.
3. How strong stewards of characters that occupy the planet, forming the yoga?
To influence, promised yoga emerged, it is important that the ruler of the sign occupied by a planet,
forming yoga, had a favorable status in the horoscope.Ruler - the owner of the house.Planet in the
building "leases" it.If the "owner" of the house is mired in problems, while inhabitants of tenants of
the house will also feel these problems on themselves anyway.
Example: when the moon is in Scorpio and Jupiter in Taurus, it will be very disadvantageous if Mars
(the ruler of the house where the Moon) is in fall in Cancer and Venus (the ruler of the house where
Jupiter) in the fall in Virgo.Again the yoga will become almost imperceptible.
Before you predict great wealth and fame based on one of the yogi, consider the above
Examine your own horoscope for the presence of named Yogi.