Antigen Antibody Reaction
Antigen Antibody Reaction
Antigen Antibody Reaction
In an aqueous solution antibody and antigen interact to form a lattice that will
develops into a visible precipitate. These antibodies that aggregate a soluble
antigens are called precipitins. The formations of Ag-Ab complex occurs within
minutes, however formations of the visible precipitate occurs more slowly and
sometimes takes a day or two to reach completion.
The formation of Ag-Ab lattice depend on the valency of antigen and antibody:
Antibody needs to be bivalent. A precipitate will not form with monovalent Fab
Antigen must be either bivalent or polyvalent. Meaning that it must have at
least two copies of the same epitope or have different epitopes that react with
different antibodies present in polyclonal antisera.
An interaction that occurs between antibody and a specific antigen will results in
visible clumping known as agglutination. Agglutinins are antibodies that produce such
reactions. The principle of agglutinations are similar to precipitation reactions which is
they depend on the crosslinking of polyvalent antigens. Prozone effect is the
inhibition of agglutination when there is an excess of antibody. Because prone effect
can be encountered in many types of immunoassays, to understand the basis of the
phenomenon is importance.
There are several mechanism that can cause prozone effect. Firstly, number of
binding site may exceed the number of epitopes at high antibody concentrations.
This resulted in most antibodies bind to antigen univalently instead of instead of
multivalently. When an antibody bind univalently they cannot cross-linked one
antigen to another. Prozone effects are readily diagnosed by performing the assay at
a variety of antibody/antigen concentrations. As one dilutes to an optimum antibody
concentrations, one sees higher lever of agglutinations being measured in the assay.
When one is using polyclonal antibodies, the prozone effect can only occur for
another reason.
Antiserum may contain high concentrations of antibodies that bind to antigen
however it don not induce agglutination; these antibodies called as incomplete
antibodies, are one of the IgG class. At high concentrations of IgG incomplete
antibodies will occupy the antigenic sites, thus blocking access by IgM, which is a
good agglutinin. This effect is not seen with agglutinating monoclonal antibodies. It is
because of lacking of agglutinating activity of an incomplete antibody that may be
due to restricted flexibility in the hinge region making it difficult for the antibody to
assume the required angle for optimal cross-linking of epitopes on two or more
particulate antigens. Alternatively, the density of epitope distribution in deep pockets
of particulate antigens may make it difficult for the antibodies specific for theses
epitopes to agglutinate certain particulate antigens. When feasible, the solution to
both of these problems is to try different antibodies that may react with other epitopes
of the antigen that do not present in these limitations.
One of the most sensitive techniques for detecting antigen or antibody is
radioimmunoassay (RIA). The technique was first developed in 1960 by two
endocrinologists, S. A. Berson and Rosalyn Yalow, to determine levels of insulinantiinsulin complexes in diabetics. Although their technique encountered some
skepticism, it soon proved its value for measuring hormones, serum proteins, drugs,
and vitamins at concentrations of 0.001 micrograms per milliliter or less.
The principle of RIA involves competitive binding of radiolabeled antigen and
unlabeled antigen to a high-affinity antibody. The labeled antigen is mixed with
antibody at a concentration that saturates the antigen-binding sites of the antibody.
Then test samples of unlabeled antigen of unknown concentration are added in
progressively larger amounts. The antibody does not distinguish labeled from
unlabeled antigen, so the two kinds of antigen compete for available binding sites on
the antibody. As the concentration of unlabeled antigen increases, more labeled
antigen will be displaced from the binding sites. The decrease in the amount of
radiolabeled antigen bound to specific antibody in the presence of the test sample is
measured in order to determine the amount of antigen present in the test sample.
Immunoassays are bioanalytical methods in which the quantitation of the analyte
depends on the reaction of an antigen (analyte) and an antibody. Principally, these
methods are based on a competitive binding reaction between a fixed amount of
labelled form of an analyte and a variable amount of unlabelled sample analyte for a
limited amount of binding sites on a highly specific anti-analyte antibody. When these
immunoanalytical reagents are mixed an incubated, the analyte is bound to the
antibody forming an immune complex. This complex is separated from the unbound
reagent fraction by physical or chemical separation technique. Analysis is achieved
by measuring the label activity (e.g. radiation, fluorescence, or enzyme) in either of
the bound or free fraction.
Immunoassay methods have been widely used in many important areas of
pharmaceutical analysis such as diagnosis of diseases, therapeutic drug monitoring,
clinical pharmacokinetic and bioequivalence studies in drug discovery and
pharmaceutical industries. The analysis in these areas usually involves measurement
of very low concentrations of low molecular weight drugs, macromolecular
biomolecules of pharmaceutical interest, metabolites, and/or biomarkers which
indicate disease diagnosis or prognosis.
The importance and widespread of immunoassay methods in pharmaceutical
analysis are attributed to their inherent specificity, high throughput, and high
sensitivity for the analysis of wide range of analytes in biological samples. The
detection system in immunoassays depends on readily detectable labels (e.g.
radioisotopes or enzymes) coupled to one of the immunoanalytical reagents (i.e.
analyte or antibody).
In 1944, Albert Coons showed that antibodies could be labeled with molecules that
have the property of fluorescence. Fluorescent molecules absorb light of one
wavelength (excitation) and emit light of another wavelength (emission). If antibody
molecules are tagged with a fluorescent dye, or fluorochrome, immune complexes
containing these fluorescently labeled antibodies (FA) can be detected by colored
light emission when excited by light of the appropriate wave- length.
Antibody molecules bound to antigens in cells or tissue sections can similarly be
visualized. The emitted light can be viewed with a fluorescence microscope, which is
equipped with a UV light source. In this technique, known as immunofluorescence,
fluorescent compounds such as fluorescein and rhodamine are in common use, but
other highly fluorescent substances are also routinely used, such as phycoerythrin,
an intensely colored and highly fluorescent pigment obtained from algae. These
molecules can be conjugated to the Fc region of an antibody molecule without
affecting the specificity of the antibody. Each of the fluochromes below absorbs light
at one wavelength and emits light at a longer wavelength:
Fluorescein an organic dye that is widely used label for immunofluorescence
procedures absorbs blue light (490 nm) and emits an intense yellow-green
fluorescence (517 nm).
Rhodamine another organic dye, absorbs in the yellow-green range (515 nm)
and emits a deep red fluorescence (546 nm). Because it emits fluorescence
at a longer wavelength than fluorescein, it can be used in two-color
immunofluorescence assays. An antibody specific to one determinant is
labeled with fluorescein, and an antibody recognizing a different antigen is
labeled with rhodamine.
Phycoerythrin is an efficient absorber of light (~30-fold greater than
fluorescein) and a brilliant emitter of red fluorescence, stimulating its wide use
as a label for immunofluorescence.
Immunofluorescence has been applied to identify a number of subpopulations of
lymphocytes, notably the
CD 4
CD 8
technique is also suit- able for identifying bacterial species, detecting Ag-Ab
complexes in autoimmune disease, detecting complement components in tissues,
and localizing hormones and other cellular products stained in situ. Indeed, a major
application of the fluorescent-antibody technique is the localization of antigens in
tissue sections or in subcellular compartments. Because it can be used to map the
actual location of target antigens, fluorescence microscopy is a powerful tool for
relating the molecular architecture of tissues and organs to their overall gross
Goldsby, R. (2003). Immunology (5th ed.). New York: W.H. Freeman.
Murphy, K., & Travers, P. (2012). Janeway's immunobiology (8th ed.). New York:
Garland Science.
Rabson, A., & Roitt, I. (2005). Really essential medical immunology (2nd ed.).
Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Pub.
Lydyard, P., & Whelan, A. (2004). Instant notes, immunology (2nd ed.). London: Bios.