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Adv in Health Sci Educ

DOI 10.1007/s10459-010-9253-4

Validity evidence for the measurement of the strength

of motivation for medical school
Rashmi Kusurkar Gerda Croiset Cas Kruitwagen Olle ten Cate

Received: 16 August 2010 / Accepted: 27 September 2010

The Author(s) 2010. This article is published with open access at

Abstract The Strength of Motivation for Medical School (SMMS) questionnaire is

designed to determine the strength of motivation of students particularly for medical study.
This research was performed to establish the validity evidence for measuring strength of
motivation for medical school. Internal structure and relations to other variables were used
as the sources of validity evidence. The SMMS questionnaire was filled out by 1,494
medical students in different years of medical curriculum. The validity evidence for the
internal structure was analyzed by principal components analysis with promax rotation.
Validity evidence for relations to other variables was tested by comparing the SMMS
scores with scores on the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS) and the exhaustion scale of
Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS) for measuring study stress. Evidence for internal consistency was determined through the Cronbachs alpha for reliability.
The analysis showed that the SMMS had a 3-factor structure. The validity in relations to
other variables was established as both, the subscales and full scale scores significantly
correlated positively with the intrinsic motivation scores and with the more autonomous
forms of extrinsic motivation, the correlation decreasing and finally becoming negative
towards the extrinsic motivation end of the spectrum. They also had significant negative
correlations with amotivation scale of the AMS and exhaustion scale of MBI-SS. The
Cronbachs alpha for reliability of the three subscales and full SMMS scores was 0.70,

R. Kusurkar (&)  O. ten Cate

Center for Research and Development of Education, UMC Utrecht, 3584 CG Utrecht, The Netherlands
R. Kusurkar
Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
G. Croiset
Institute for Education and Training, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
C. Kruitwagen
Department of Biostatistics in the Julius Center, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands


R. Kusurkar et al.

0.67, 0.55 and 0.79. The strength of motivation for medical school has a three factor
structure and acceptable validity evidence was found in our study.
Keywords Strength  Motivation  Questionnaire  Validity  Medical school 
Medical students

Motivation drives behaviour and effort towards success (Grolnick and Ryan 1987;
Maslow 1970). Not much is known about motivation of medical students. There exists
literature on the motivations or motives of students in entering medical study (McManus
et al. 2006; Millan et al. 2005; Nieuwhof et al. 2005; Vaglum et al. 1999), but once the
students start their medical study, very little is known about what happens to their
motivation (Sobral 2004). We performed a review on research done on motivation in
medical education (submitted) and found that motivation can be both, a dependent and
an independent variable in medical education. As a dependent variable, motivation could
be enhanced or manipulated by changes in the curriculum and learning environment
(Von Below et al. 2008; Diemers et al. 2008; Cantillon and MacDermott 2008; McHarg
et al. 2007; White 2007; Williams et al. 1997) and as an independent variable it does
stimulate learning (Sobral 2004, 2008; Wilkinson et al. 2007; Dolmans et al. 1998) and
academic success (Sobral 2004; Moulaert et al. 2004; Hoschl and Kozeny 1997; Price
et al. 1994). The number of studies investigating motivation as a dependent variable was
few. Also, although motivation for medical study has been found to correlate significantly with better performance in the study, more research is required to establish the
causal relationship between the two variables. Knowledge of factors influencing motivation could provide medical educators with concrete means to enhance motivation of
their students.
To carry out studies for exploring such relationships, we needed an instrument which
would result in a valid measurement of the strength of motivation for medical school. Such
an instrument was developed in our institute (Nieuwhof et al. 2004). The initial analysis
suggested that the strength of motivation for medical school might have a uni-dimensional
structure and the evidence for this was reported locally by our institute (Nieuwhof et al.
2002, unpublished). The analyses were limited and involved only first year medical students. Therefore we decided to delve deeper and look more rigorously into the evidence for
the internal structure of the strength of motivation for medical school and also its relations
to other variables.
Keeping in mind that, validity refers to the degree to which evidence and theory
support the interpretations of test scores entailed by proposed uses of tests and not to the
test itself (Downing 2003; American Education Research Association, American Psychological Association 1999), we would first like to clarify the proposed uses of the SMMS
questionnaire. The SMMS questionnaire is a useful tool to carry out studies to uncover
relationships between motivation, teachinglearning processes, academic successes, but is
not intended or recommended to be used for high stakes examinations, for e.g. for selection
of students for medical study, because of the possibility of socially desirable answers in
high stakes situations (Nieuwhof et al. 2004). We carried out the present study to evaluate
the evidence for validity of measurement of strength of motivation for medical school
using the SMMS questionnaire for these proposed uses.


Validity evidence for SMMS

SMMS, AMS and MBI-SS (exhaustion scale) questionnaires were sent out electronically to
4,162 medical students from two universities, UMC Utrecht and VUmc Amsterdam, in The
Netherlands. This was done using an internet based data collection programme called
Survey Monkey (
Ethical considerations
According to Dutch regulation, ethical permission is not mandatory for educational
research. The work was carried out according to the Declaration of Helsinki i.e. the
participation was voluntary, written informed consent was obtained from all the participants, confidentiality was guaranteed and the data was kept anonymous. The participants
were assured that non-participation would not cause them any harm or disadvantage and
that they could withdraw from the study any time without giving any reason for doing so.
The Strength of Motivation for Medical School (SMMS) questionnaire (Nieuwhof et al.
2004) contains sixteen items that are scored on a Likert point scale of 5, ranging from
Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree. The higher the score, the greater is the strength
of motivation. The measurement with this questionnaire has been previously reported to
have favourable psychometric properties and good content validity (Nieuwhof et al. 2004).
Academic motivation scale (AMS) by Vallerand et al. (1989, 1992, 1993) measures the
quality or type of motivation. It is based on the Self-determination theory (SDT) of
motivation by Ryan and Deci (2000) and Deci et al. (1991). SDT basically distinguishes
two types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic, and a state called amotivation, signifying a lack of motivation. Having intrinsic motivation for a study is to pursue the study
solely out of genuine liking or interest. Having extrinsic motivation for a study is to pursue
it for an external gain or benefit. Extrinsic motivation is further decomposed into several
stages on a continuum from very extrinsic to approaching intrinsic motivation (Fig. 1).
The motivation in these stages is regulated by four different mechanisms: external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation and integrated regulation. External
regulation means, when we use education as our example, studying without any interest or
perceived relevance, only because of pressure or expectation of others, e.g. parents. In this
case, the locus of causation for studying is fully external. Introjected regulation means
that a student realizes the importance of the study but the locus of causation is still external.
Identified regulation means that a student has come to value the importance of his study,
has identified with it and accepted the regulatory process. Integrated regulation means
that the importance of the study has been fully integrated into the individuals coherent
sense of self; now the locus of causation is internal. Self-determination, the regulation type
that fits with intrinsic motivation, means that one determines ones own motivation; the
motivation is self-generated and autonomous. External regulation is the least and integrated
regulation is the most autonomous regulation of extrinsic motivation. Thus motivation has
a spectrum which is most autonomous at one end and least autonomous at the other, the far
end being amotivation (Fig. 1) (Ryan and Deci 2000).


R. Kusurkar et al.

Extrinsic motivation




Fig. 1 The self-determination continuum

AMS (Table 1) has 28 items grouped into 7 subscales, i.e. 4 items each, scored on a
Likert scale of 17. An average of the total scores on each subscale is taken as the score.
The subscales are Intrinsic Motivation to know, Intrinsic Motivation towards accomplishment and Intrinsic Motivation to experience stimulation, Extrinsic MotivationIdentified Regulation, Extrinsic Motivation-Introjected Regulation, Extrinsic
Motivation-External Regulation and Amotivation (Vallerand et al. 1992). Intrinsic
motivation (IM)-to-know is to study for the pleasure and satisfaction experienced while
learning. IM-towards-accomplishment is to study for the pleasure and satisfaction experienced while accomplishing things (Vallerand et al. 1992). IM-to-experience stimulation
is to study in order to experience stimulating sensations (Vallerand et al. 1992). There is no
subscale available to measure EM-integrated regulation. There exists good evidence for the
validity and reliability of the abovementioned construct of motivation as measured by the
AMS (Vallerand et al. 1993).
We were looking for a measure of actual sacrifice for medical study and found the
Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS), which contained an Exhaustion
scale (Schaufeli et al. 2002). Burnout among students has been defined as feeling exhausted
because of study demands, having a cynical and detached attitude toward ones study, and
feeling incompetent as a student. Only the exhaustion scale was used in our study expecting
that if a student had a higher score on exhaustion from study his strength of motivation for
medical school would be lowered. This scale had 5 items scored on a Likert scale of 06.
Construct and concurrent validity evidence for this is good (Schaufeli et al. 2002).
Statistical analyses
The statistical analyses were carried out using the software programme SPSS version 15.0.
An exploratory factor analysis for SMMS item scores was carried out. These items were
analysed for grouping into subscales by using principal components analysis using promax
rotation with Kaiser normalization, as the factors were not expected to be completely
independent of each other (Costello and Osborne 2005; Field 2005). The Relations to
other variables were tested by Pearsons correlation analysis of the SMMS subscales with
the scores on the different scales of the AMS and exhaustion scale of the MBI-SS.
Cronbachs alpha for internal consistency was determined for establishing the reliability of
the subscales.

Out of the 4,162 students approached through their university e-mail accounts, there were
28 failed addresses, 2 students were out of the country, 1 had left to join another course and
9 explicitly refused to participate. Only 2,366 students viewed the questionnaire and only


Validity evidence for SMMS

Table 1 AMS and subscales (Vallerand et al. 1989)
Academic Motivation Scale (AMS)
Using the scale below, please indicate to what extent each of the following items presently corresponds to
one of the reasons why you go to school (medical)
Intrinsic motivationto know
2. Because I experience pleasure and satisfaction while learning new things
9. For the pleasure I experience when I discover new things never seen before
16. For the pleasure that I experience in broadening my knowledge about subjects (medical) which appeal
to me
23. Because my studies (medical) allow me to continue to learn about many things that interest me
Intrinsic motivationtowards accomplishment
6. For the pleasure I experience while surpassing myself in my studies (medical)
13. For the pleasure that I experience while I am surpassing myself in one of my personal accomplishments
20. For the satisfaction I feel when I am in the process of accomplishing difficult academic activities
27. Because school (medical) allows me to experience a personal satisfaction in my quest for excellence in
my studies (medical)
Intrinsic motivationto experience stimulation
4. For the intense feelings I experience when I am communicating my own ideas to others
11. For the pleasure that I experience when I read interesting authors (medical)
18. For the pleasure that I experience when I feel completely absorbed by what certain authors have written
25. For the high feeling that I experience while reading about various interesting subjects (medical)
Extrinsic motivationidentified regulation
3. Because I think that a school (medical) education will help me better prepare for the career I have chosen
10. Because eventually it will enable me to enter the job market in a field (medical) that I like
17. Because this will help me make a better choice regarding my career (medical) orientation
24. Because I believe that a few additional years of Education (medical) will improve my competence as a
Extrinsic motivationintrojected regulation
7. To prove to myself that I am capable of completing my school (medical) degree
14. Because of the fact that when I succeed in school (medical) I feel important
21. To show myself that I am an intelligent person
28. Because I want to show myself that I can succeed in my studies (medical)
Extrinsic motivationexternal regulation
1. Because with only a high-school degree I would not find a high-paying job later on
8. In order to obtain a more prestigious job later on
15. Because I want to have the good life later on
22. In order to have a better salary later on
5. Honestly, I dont know; I really feel that I am wasting my time in school (medical)
12. I once had good reasons for going to school (medical); however, now I wonder whether I should
19. I cant see why I go to school (medical) and frankly, I couldnt care less
26. I dont know; I cant understand what I am doing in school (medical)
AMS available online from
The AMS-C 28 (i.e. college version) was used as it was most appropriate for the sample, but the words
college were replaced by school (medical) as this is the term commonly used for medical study


R. Kusurkar et al.

1,494 completed it. Thus the sample size amounted to 1,494 (N) and the response rate to
The gender distribution among the responders was 71.9% females (1,075/1,494) and
28.1% males (419/1,494). This distribution was slightly, but significantly different from the
actual population in both the schools. In percentage terms the difference was less than 5%,
so we find it acceptable and representative. This difference was found to be approximately
similar in both medical school populations. We also performed t-tests for independent
groups on the SMMS total and subscale scores of males and females and did not find
significant differences.
The factor analysis with promax rotation yielded three separate factors or subscales
explaining 40.8% of the variance in the SMMS scores. The criteria for accepting the
3-factor structure were: eigenvalues above 1 (Field 2005), the scree plot (Fig. 2) and the
amount of variance explained by the factors. This was also supported by theoretical
explanation of three separate subscales as covered in the definition of strength of motivation for medical school. The three subscales for strength of motivation for medical study
could be labelled as:
1. Willingness to sacrifice (Subscale 1)
2. Readiness to start (Subscale 2)
3. Persistence (Subscale 3)
Subscale 1: willingness to sacrifice
This subscale measures the willingness of a student to sacrifice for his/her medical study. It
explained 26% of the variance in the SMMS scores. Five items i.e. 5, 7, 9, 10 and 12, based
on their factor loadings ([0.40), fitted into this subscale (Table 2). Item 15 had low factor
loadings i.e. 0.27, 0.21 and 0.06 on the subscales. We decided to check whether there is
increase in internal consistency of Subscale 1 if this item is deleted and then make a
decision on whether to retain this item in the subscale or not. The Cronbachs alpha of this
subscale was 0.69 and increased to 0.70 when item 15 was deleted, so we decided to drop


Fig. 2 Scree plot of SMMS questionnaire factor analysis


10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Validity evidence for SMMS

Table 2 Factor loadings of the SMMS questionnaire items
S. no. SMMS item

Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3


Even if I could hardly maintain my social life, I would still

continue medical training





I would still choose medicine even if that meant I would never be

able to go on holidays with my friends anymore





If studying took me more than an average of 60 h a week, I would

seriously consider quitting





I intend to become a doctor even though that would mean taking

CME courses two evenings a week throughout my professional





I would like to become a doctor, even if that would mean giving

precedence to my work over my family





I would like to study medicine, even if I have to spend a lot of time

on topics that later turn out to be a waste of time





I would always regret my decision if I hadnt availed myself of the -0.08

opportunity to study medicine




I would still choose medicine even if that would mean studying in a -0.10
foreign country in a language that I have not yet mastered




I wouldnt consider any other profession than becoming a doctor





It wouldnt really bother me too much if I could no longer study






I would be prepared to retake my final high school exams to get

higher marks if this would be necessary to study medicine





I would quit studying medicine if I were 95% certain that I could

never become the specialist of my choice





As soon as I would discover that it would take me 10 years to

qualify as a doctor, I would stop studying





I would stop studying medicine if I started scoring low marks and -0.02
failing tests often




I would quit studying as soon as it became apparent that there were

no jobs or resident positions after graduation





I would not have chosen medicine if it would have caused me to

accumulate substantial financial debts




Factor/Subscale 1willingness to sacrifice

Factor/Subscale 2readiness to start
Factor/Subscale 3persistence

this item from the subscale. All further analyses have been carried out after omitting item
15. Item total correlations of all items were [0.3, which is the recommended value (Field
Subscale 2: readiness to start
This subscale measures the readiness and will to enter medical study. It explained 9% of
the variance in the SMMS scores. Five items i.e. 1, 3, 6, 11 and 16, with factor loadings
[0.40, fitted into this subscale (Table 2). Internal consistency of this subscale was 0.67.
Item total correlations of all items were [0.3.


R. Kusurkar et al.

Subscale 3: persistence
This subscale measures the persistence in medical study in spite of unfriendly circumstances during or after the study. This factor explained 8% of the variance in the SMMS
scores. Five items i.e. 2, 4, 8, 13 and 14, with factor loadings [0.40, fitted into this scale
(Table 2). Internal consistency of this subscale was 0.55, which is lower than recommended. Corrected item total correlation was 0.220, which is also lower than the recommended 0.3 (Field 2005).
There were no cross loadings of items in one subscale onto another subscale which were
greater than 0.40 (Table 2). The three subscales were significantly correlated with each
other with correlations of 0.485 (subscales 1 and 2), 0.369 (subscales 2 and 3) and 0.360
(subscales 1 and 3). This was expected, as they are not completely independent, which was
also the reason why a promax rotation was used in the factor analysis.
The SMMS scores for Subscale 1, 2 and 3 and full SMMS (without item 15) correlated
significantly positively with intrinsic motivation (0.248, 0.276, 0.175 and 0.308) and the
correlation decreased and became negative as one moved from the intrinsic to the extrinsic
motivation end of the spectrum (Table 3; Fig. 3). The correlations of Subscale 1 and 2 and
full SMMS with the Extrinsic Motivation-External Regulation score (0.018, 0.037 and
-0.023 respectively) and SMMS Subscale 3 with Extrinsic Motivation-Introjected Regulation (-0.036) were not significant. The correlations with amotivation (-0.367, -0.450,
-0.293 and -0.472 respectively) and exhaustion from study (-0.184, -0.151, -0.175 and
-0.206 respectively) scores were negative and significant.

The SMMS questionnaire is the only existing questionnaire, to the best of our knowledge,
for measuring the strength of motivation of students particularly for medical school.
Validation of the measurement by this instrument is therefore important. If this measurement has good psychometric properties, the SMMS questionnaire could be used on a
Table 3 Pearson correlations between SMMS subscales and AMS and MBI-SS
Subscales of AMS and MBI-SS

to sacrifice

to start


without item 15

Intrinsic motivation to know (AMS)





Intrinsic motivation towards

accomplishment (AMS)





Intrinsic motivation to experience

stimulation (AMS)





Extrinsic motivationidentified
regulation (AMS)





Extrinsic motivationintrojected
regulation (AMS)



(p = 0.169)


(p = 0.494)

(p = 0.148)

Extrinsic motivationexternal
regulation (AMS)


(p = 0.375)

Amotivation (AMS)





Exhaustion from study (MBI-SS)





All positive and negative correlations [0.037 and \0.450 are significant at *p \ 0.001


Validity evidence for SMMS


Willingness to sacrifice
Readiness to start


Full SMMS-R scale


Fig. 3 Graphical representation of correlations between SMMS and AMS and MBI-SS exhaustion
subscales. All positive and negative correlations [0.037 and \0.450 are significant at P \ 0.001

post-hoc basis for measuring strength of motivation of students admitted to medical study
or for studying motivation of students through the duration of their medical study and how
it can be manipulated, finding a link between motivation and academic success and so on.
The SMMS questionnaire has previously been proposed to have a uni-dimensional
factor structure (Nieuwhof et al. 2004). Though in our analyses the first factor alone could
explain 26% of the variance in the SMMS scores, we accepted a 3-factor structure for the
questionnaire because the factor loadings of 11 items in the questionnaire onto the first
factor were less than 0.40. The 3-factor structure was also theoretically sound.
The findings for reliability of the Willingness to sacrifice and Readiness to start are
acceptable since they are 0.70 and 0.67 respectively. The reliability for Persistence subscale (0.55) was lower than expected, but we think that it is acceptable for comparing
groups of students. These reliabilities are good enough for use of this questionnaire to
assess and understand relationships between motivation and teachinglearning processes or
academic successes. We would not advocate the use of this instrument for selecting
medical students in which case it would qualify as a high-stakes examination and would
need higher reliability values. We would recommend the use of the Persistence subscale
with caution and encourage further studies for establishing further validity evidence. The
use of the full scale (SMMS-R, Table 4) would also be acceptable. The reliability of the
full scale is higher than that of the subscales (Cronbachs alpha = 0.79). Similar reliabilities have been found in other studies (Kusurkar et al. 2010).
We found significant correlations with a more established motivation scale i.e. the
AMS, and a pattern of decreasing correlations from the intrinsic to the extrinsic motivation
could be clearly observed. This supports the construct validity of the SMMS scale. We
expected all AMS subscales for intrinsic motivation and the extrinsic subscale for
identified regulation to correlate highest with the SMMS scores and its subscales. This


R. Kusurkar et al.
Table 4 SMMS-R questionnaire
People have diverse reasons to study medicine. Please indicate how much the following statements reflect
your personal situation by marking 15 (Strongly disagree to Strongly agree) with each statement below
S. no.

SMMS-R item


To be


I would always regret my decision if I hadnt availed myself of the

opportunity to study medicine


I would quit studying medicine if I were 95% certain that I could never
become the specialist of my choice


I would still choose medicine even if that would mean studying in a

foreign country in a language that I have not yet mastered


As soon as I would discover that it would take me 10 years to qualify as a

doctor, I would stop studying


Even if I could hardly maintain my social life, I would still continue

medical training


I wouldnt consider any other profession than becoming a doctor


I would still choose medicine even if that meant I would never be able to
go on holidays with my friends anymore


I would stop studying medicine if I started scoring low marks and failing
tests often


If studying took me more than an average of 60 h a week, I would

seriously consider quitting


I intend to become a doctor even though that would mean taking CME
courses two evenings a week throughout my professional career


It wouldnt really bother me too much if I could no longer study medicine


I would like to become a doctor, even if that would mean giving

precedence to my work over my family


I would quit studying as soon as it became apparent that there were no jobs
or resident positions after graduation


I would not have chosen medicine if it would have caused me to

accumulate substantial financial debts


I would be prepared to retake my final high school exams to get higher

marks if this would be necessary to study medicine

The SMMS-R has been translated from Dutch to English for publication purposes

Old item 15 deleted and old item 16 renumbered as item 15

was supported by the results. The size of correlations was not very big. This may be
explained by the fact that the SMMS measures strength of motivation and the AMS
measures type of motivation. We also expected all three SMMS subscales to have a strong
negative correlation with amotivation, which was also supported by the results. These
findings are in concurrence with the earlier study, which had found that SMMS scores
correlated significantly negatively with ambivalence towards studying (Nieuwhof et al.
2004). We also expected no significant correlation between the SMMS subscales and
external regulation subscale of the AMS. This was because earlier studies indicate that a
higher number of students have altruistic motives for entering medical study than monetary
or status motives and the external regulation subscale measures the latter rather than the
former (McManus et al. 2006; Millan et al. 2005; Vaglum et al. 1999). We expected the
identified regulation subscale of AMS to be positively correlated with the SMMS subscales
because the unique nature of medical education would make most students answer the


Validity evidence for SMMS

items positively, as all the statements seem to be true in the absolute sense of the profession. Considering this as a limitation of these items, we would not recommend deep
interpretation of this particular finding. The significant negative correlation with exhaustion from studies was expected as exhaustion or stress of study would tend to lower the
motivation in the students. Low motivation has previously been proposed as both a cause
and consequence of student distress (Dyrbye et al. 2005). It would perhaps have been better
to use the entire MBI-SS rather than using the exhaustion scale in isolation, since the other
scales measuring cynical and detached attitude towards study and feelings of incompetence
would have added on to the findings and perhaps even increased the size of correlation.
The reason not to do so in the current study was the anticipated length of all questions
combined and its adverse effect on response. The use of the entire MBI-SS is however
recommended in any further studies.
This study has a number of limitations. The biggest limitation is the response rate,
which was quite low, therefore we cannot rule out a response bias. One of the reasons for
this response rate could be that the students found the survey too long. The other reason for
a response bias could be that the more motivated students in the sample were also the ones
taking part in the study. The construct validity of this questionnaire needs to be evaluated
and established in a wider variety of samples as all the studies which have used SMMS
questionnaire as the instrument have been carried out in the Netherlands on Dutch students;
even if they have been done in different institutes in the country. We recommend this
because most of the students in The Netherlands enter medical study through a weighted
lottery system and there have been studies which show that students entering by selection
have higher motivation than those entering through lottery as measured with the SMMS
(Hulsman et al. 2007). Therefore, additional validation needs to be carried out in other
countries where selection is the method for entry into medical school. Further studies are
also proposed to confirm the 3-factor structure through a confirmatory factor analysis.

We established support for the validity of measurement of the strength of motivation for
medical school using the SMMS questionnaire, both for its entirety and for its subscales.
The SMMS questionnaire has a three factor structure, signifying Willingness to sacrifice,
Readiness to start and Persistence.
Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Prof. Dr. Albert Scherpbier, University of Maastricht, The
Netherlands, for his suggestions on an earlier version of the manuscript and Gineke Wassink, UMC Utrecht
and Marleen Westerhof & Amro Elkawny, VUmc Amsterdam, for compiling lists of students e-mail
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original author(s) and source are credited.

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