Chemistry 1 - 2013 Contacts: First Year Coordinator: DR Mark Ellison

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Chemistry 1 2013

First Year Coordinator: Dr Mark Ellison
Prof Rob Stranger (RS)
Dr Mark Ellison (ME)
Dr Andrew Lawrence (AL)


6125 2934
6125 4398
6125 9525


Advanced Lecture (HPO) Monday

11.00 am
12.00 noon
11.00 am
1.00 pm
2-5 pm


1.00 pm

Core Lectures


1.00 pm

T5 & T6 building 136
Room 3.07 (Building
Room 3.07 (Building

MCC T1: Manning Clark Centre Lecture Theatre 1

Building 136: New red science teaching building (adjacent to the Hancock Building)
CHEMT1: Chemistry Lecture Theatre 1 (Building 34)

Course Website online resources

Login using your student ID and password at to find the course
websites for Chemistry 1 and Chemistry 2. You will be automatically added to these
websites the evening after you have enrolled in the courses via ISIS. If you cannot see the
online site/s, please contact the First Year Coordinator. These course websites will contain
lecture material, extra resources, self-test questions and discussion board postings.
Please check these sites at least once per week for important notices.

Course Guidelines in brief

Assessment and attendance requirements for each course will be discussed with you and
must be agreed upon within the first two weeks of semester. As a guide to discussion the
course convenor will usually provide you with a document suggesting assessment.
It is RSC policy that you must obtain a pass mark in the final exam to pass all courses.
Students who fail to attend a laboratory session cannot submit a written report on that
laboratory for assessment.
You must wear the appropriate protective clothing (laboratory coat, safety glasses and
covered shoes) to participate in a practical class. Students who do not comply will not be
permitted to work in the laboratory. Laboratory coats and safety glasses may be
purchased from the campus University Bookshop. (More information). Please refer to the
Chemistry 1 lab manual for information on the Research School of Chemistrys policy on
wearing contact lenses in the laboratory.
You must have completed the correct prerequisite or have written approval of the course
convenor for a valid enrolment in a course. Please refer to
or enquire at the Faculty of Science Office (Frank Fenner Building, Bldg 42).
Student Representation
Five students from first-year and one student from each of second and third year (as well
as Honours and PhD) will be elected in the first two weeks of semester to represent their
year group on the Chemistry Departments Teaching and Learning Committee. (More

Policy on the Submission of Written Material

This policy reflects the ANU Code of Academic Honesty in Learning and Teaching:
It is the responsibility of each student to ensure:

Work submitted for assessment is genuine and original;

Appropriate acknowledgement and citation is given to the work of others;
He or she does not knowingly assist other students in academically dishonest
Familiarity with the expectations for academic honesty both in general, and in the
specific context of particular disciplines or courses, where these expectations are
clearly outlined in faculty and course guides and handbooks.

For Chemistry students the definitions and penalties are set out below.
Plagiarism is copying, paraphrasing or summarising, without acknowledgement, any work
of another person with the intention of representing this as the students own work. This
remains plagiarism whether or not it is with the knowledge or consent of that other person.
Direct copying falls under the definition of plagiarism. When students work together, they
must be sure to write independently, and not in collaboration with another student or group
of students. The purpose of assessment is to evaluate each students mastery of skills
and knowledge. It is acceptable for students to compare and discuss results of
experiments of essay concepts, but written work must reflect individual effort and all
written work must be the students own.
To avoid plagiarism students must correctly acknowledge the work of others. If students
transcribe, quote, paraphrase or summarise the ideas obtained form the work of others,
they must identify the source and author of the original work and provide a bibliography.
Penalty: zero marks. Serious, and in particular repeated instances of academic
dishonesty, constitute misconduct and need to be dealt with under the ANU Discipline
Multiple Submissions (Recycling)
Recycling is the submission of work for assessment, which has been previously presented
by the same student for another assessment either at ANU or elsewhere. In some cases,
lecturers will specifically allow this practice. If no specific provision is made then it
constitutes academic dishonesty when assessment is submitted a second or subsequent
Penalty: zero marks. Serious and, in particular repeated instances of academic
dishonesty, constitute misconduct and need to be dealt with under the ANU Discipline
Fabrication or Falsification of Data
Fabrication of research is the representation of data, observation or other research activity
as genuine, comprehensive and/or original when it has been arrived at through other
means. These may be inventing data, using data gathered by other researchers without
acknowledgement, or deliberately omitting data to obtain the apparently desired results.
Any data presented as the result of laboratory work (in the form of drawings, graphs,
tables or written work) must be true and representative of your findings.
Penalty: zero marks. Serious and, in particular repeated instances of academic
dishonesty, constitute misconduct and need to be dealt with under the ANU Discipline
Collusion is the representation of original work of several persons as the work of a single
student. Collusion needs to be distinguished from collaboration, defined for the purposes
of this document as work jointly undertaken and produced within permissible parameters.
Another form of collusion involves representing the work of one good student as the work

of several individual students, in for example the situation where students A, B and C pay
student D to do the assignment and give them each a copy, which they then rephrase and
submit as their own.
Penalty: zero marks. Serious and, in particular repeated instances of academic
dishonesty, constitute misconduct and need to be dealt with under the ANU Discipline
Cheating in this code means the breach of rules regarding formal examinations, or
dishonest practice in informal examination, tests or other assessments. Examples include
the use of prohibited material or equipment for unfair advantage, consultation with other
persons during the course or the assessment where this is prohibited.
Penalty: zero marks. Serious and, in particular repeated instances of academic
dishonesty constitute misconduct and need to be dealt with under the ANU Discipline

Chemistry The Central Science

There are currently two first year Chemistry courses available at ANU:
Chemistry 1 (CHEM1101) offered in semester 1, and
Chemistry 2 (CHEM1201) offered in semester 2.
Chemistry 1 and 2 together correspond to a full year course in general chemistry.
Both Chemistry 1 and Chemistry 2 have an associated Honours Pathway Option (HPO).
The HPO is strongly recommended for students with a strong background/interest in
chemistry (from College, Science Summer School, Olympiad or equivalent) and for
students who intend to go on with chemistry in second year.
It is expected that all students in the PhB or Honours degree programs enrolled in
Chemistry 1 or Chemistry 2 will complete the HPO. The latter consists of an additional
advanced lecture each week which extends the core lecture material given in Chemistry 1
and Chemistry 2. Students should note that Chemistry 1 is a necessary prerequisite for
enrolment in the second semester course Chemistry 2.

Chemistry 1 Outline
Chemistry 1 is a one-semester chemistry course designed to cover the needs of a wide
variety of students by offering a broad introduction to a range of chemical concepts. The
course serves not only as a sound foundation in chemistry, but also as a useful and
necessary background for those whose main interests lie in engineering, the earth, or
biological sciences. Where possible, chemical principles are illustrated by applications to
biological or geological systems; the emphasis, however, is distinctly on developing a
knowledge and understanding of a basic set of chemical concepts and facts.
Course Aims:
As it is assumed that students in Chemistry 1 will have completed at least a minor in high
school/college chemistry, the main emphasis lies in consolidating and extending the
factual basis of chemistry and developing a sound comprehension of the basic
chemical principles and concepts.
The general aims are to:
1. consolidate a factual background in the language of chemistry (nomenclature),
basic structural aspects, and major / typical reaction types.
2. develop an understanding of the basic concepts of atomic structure, bonding,
energy and entropy, and the kinetic theory of reactions.
3. develop an understanding of how various structural features determine the main
reactivity patterns of simple chemical compounds.
4. develop problem solving skills, both qualitative and quantitative, in areas deriving
from aims 1 - 3.
Where possible, examples will be chosen to illustrate the application of these concepts
and principles that are of relevance to biologists, engineers, geologists, or to the wider
Later year courses in chemistry broaden and deepen students comprehension of
chemical concepts, principles, and their inter-relationships. These higher courses also
further develop students abilities to apply these principles to a wide variety of chemical
systems and problems of current interest or importance.
Course Structure, Content, and Objectives:
The course material will follow fairly closely the structure and content of the two set
textbooks (see below). Development of the chemical concepts and topics is described in
the following syllabus. The syllabus also sets out the main learning objectives for each
section; these objectives will be closely allied to the assessment process.
Text Books:
The prescribed textbook is:
Chemistry Cubed by Andy Burrows, John Holman, Andy Parsons, Gwen Pilling and
Gareth Price, 1st Edition, Oxford University Press, 2009, ISBN: 9780199277896 [around
The following two text books are also suitable.
M. S. Silberberg, Chemistry The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change, 4th Edition,
McGraw-Hill, 2006.

W. H. Brown & T. Poon Introduction to Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition, Wiley, 2005.
This text forms the basis of the course (also Chemistry 2), and many of the examples,
illustrations, and exercises used will be taken directly from them. It should be used
extensively and intelligently to support and enhance your understanding of the subject. In
addition, a molecular models kit can also be purchased from the Co-Op Bookshop
Preliminary Reading:
The first chapter of Burrows et al contains basic background material that is assumed
knowledge for Chemistry 1. Students are advised to read this chapter in advance of the
first lectures (or at least in the first week). If much of this material is unfamiliar, you should
attend a small group tutorial. It would also be useful to discuss your progress with the
First Year Coordinator.
Tutorial sessions will start from week 2.
Two time slots are available each week (see timetable schedule). The tutorials provide
the opportunity for students to ask questions on all aspects of the course as well as
covering issued sets of problems from the texts. These tutorials are presented by the
lecturer. Additional tutorials can be scheduled if demand is high enough. In general, HPO
students are not expected to attend the tutorials although they are most welcome.
In addition there will be several small tutorial groups available (see table below) to help
with difficulties students might be experiencing with any component of Chemistry 1.
There is no need to sign up for these small group sessions just come along.

12 noon
11 am
9 am
11 am
12 noon
10 am
12 noon

Chemistry Building Rm 1.33
Chemistry Building Rm 1.33
Chemistry Building Rm 1.33
Chemistry Building Rm 1.33
Chemistry Building Rm 1.33
Chemistry Building Rm 1.33
Chemistry Building Rm 1.33

Ben Clifton
Mark Ellison
Ben Clifton
Mark Ellison
Mark Ellison
Ben Noble
Ben Noble

Laboratory Course

Chemistry is essentially an experimental science. The laboratory program consists of a

variety of experimental exercises designed to:
1. illustrate and develop competence in a range of chemical techniques and
manipulative skills.
2. emphasise (particularly in first term) the importance of a quantitative analytical
approach to chemical systems.
3. develop an awareness of the scope and limitation of experimental observation and
4. illustrate chemical topics, principles and concepts.
Laboratory classes (3 hr sessions) will run for most of the semester, beginning in the
second week. Attendance at ALL LABORATORY sessions is compulsory. The
submission of ALL LABORATORY REPORTS is compulsory.
A pass in the prescribed laboratory work in each semester is required in order to gain a
pass in the Chemistry 1 and 2 courses.
A schedule of experiments will be displayed on the noticeboard outside the ground floor
student laboratories as well as on the CHEM1101 WATTLE site.
Signing Up
There will be a number of laboratory class groups operating on Monday to Friday
afternoons. Choose one group which is compatible with your timetable and sign up for
this online using the Laboratory Allocation link on the CHEM1101 WATTLE homepage Discuss any timetable clashes immediately with the First Year
Coordinator (Dr Mark Ellison, Room 1.33) or the First Year Laboratory Technician (Ms
Bozena Belzowski).
If you have satisfactorily completed the laboratory component of this course or a similar
one, you may be eligible for a lab exemption. Please discuss the matter with the First Year
Coordinator as soon as possible.
PLEASE NOTE: A student who consumes any laboratory chemicals or of
compounds that have been prepared in the laboratory will be excluded from the
A laboratory manual and the first set of lecture notes will be available for purchase from
John McLelland in the Teaching Administration area of the Research School of Chemistry
(Building 33). There is a fee of $40 for these items. The fee also covers the other lecture
bricks which will be issued during the semester. You will need to pay the $40 fee at
Science Shop: Please bring your receipt to John
McLelland in the Chemistry Office to collect your lecture notes and lab manual.

You need a laboratory coat, a pair of safety glasses and a notebook to record data in for
laboratory classes. Writing data on bits of paper is not good scientific practice.
Laboratory coats ($29.95) and safety glasses ($7.50) can be purchased from the
University Bookshop.

Molecular Models
Three dimensional (3D) molecular structures will be used throughout the course.
Stereochemical concepts (chemistry in 3D) can most readily be appreciated through
manipulation of suitable molecular models. To facilitate this, exercises involving molecular
models have been incorporated into the laboratory course. These limited exposures to
molecular models are, however, inadequate and you will most likely need to refresh your
knowledge of the many stereochemical features on a frequent basis.
For this purpose, a Molymod molecular model kit is available for purchase from the
University Bookshop ($59.95). Two types of Darling Model Kits ($14 and $20) are also
available to be purchased. Payment is made through the Science Shop
( and the kits can be collected from John McLelland (on
production of a receipt) in the Chemistry Administration Office (Building 33, level 1).

The Department has purchased a self-learning software package in organic chemistry
entitled Introduction to Organic Chemistry by Falcon Software. This package will enable
you to revise and consolidate lecture material, and the use of interactive animations will
assist you in grasping difficult concepts in organic chemistry. The software is readily
accessible on the PCs in the Department as well as on the PCs in the Teaching and
Learning Technology Support Unit (TLTSU). In addition, there are on-line learning
materials accompanying the text-books.
The Online Resource Centre to accompany Burrows: Chemistry3 is now live

Mastering Chemistry on-line Quizzes

There are 12 on-line quizzes (approximately weekly) for you to complete during the
semester. On-time completion of these 12 quizzes contributes to 6% of your semester
mark in Chemistry 1.
Each quiz will be available for 1 week. Each quiz can be first accessed on the Sunday
starting the week and will close at midnight on the following Sunday. Each quiz will
contain questions relevant to the previous weeks lecture content and will take about 30-40
minutes to complete.
Once the quiz has closed you can still access the quiz to use for revision, but you will be
unable to submit the answers to the quiz.
If you are struggling to submit a quiz on-time please see the First year Convenor (Dr Mark
Ellison) before the close of the quiz.

You will receive an email from Pearson Education with your login and password details.
The web page for the Mastering Chemistry quizzes is:
The Mastering Chemistry quizzes guide you through the topics in chemistry with selfpaced tutorials that provide individualised support. These assignable, in-depth tutorials are
designed to support you with hints and feedback specific to your individual

To ensure a passing grade (or better), students are required to pass both theory and
laboratory components of the course.
Assessment for the standard Chemistry 1 course includes the following components and
suggested weighting:
a 11/2 hour Topic Exam, held at 7 pm on Tuesday 26th March [week 6] (23%);
a 11/2 hour Topic Exam, held at 7 pm on Monday 13th May [week 11] (23%);
a 11/2 hour Topic Exam, held in the July exam period (23%);
attendance at ALL laboratory sessions and submission of ALL laboratory reports
Completion and on-time submission of the TWELVE Mastering Chemistry on-line
quizzes (6%).

The FIRST Topic Exam will assess lecture material covered in the first 12 lectures (given
by Rob Stranger) and will be held on the evening of Tuesday March 26th. The SECOND
Topic Exam will assess lecture material covered in the second set of 12 lectures (given by
Mark Ellison) and will be held on the evening of Monday May 13th. The THIRD Topic
Exam will assess lecture material from the set of 12 lectures (given by Andrew Lawrence)
and will be held in the June exam period. It is hoped that the topic exams will alert
students to the standards expected and give valuable early feed-back on progress.


Assessment of the (HPO)

For students who wish to complete the Honours Pathway Option, there is an additional 1hour exam, held in the June/July exam period. The exam will examine material ONLY
from the 9 additional lectures.
For those of you who undertake the HPO lectures, the assessment for the standard
Chemistry 1 course will count 90% towards the final grade and the examination associated
with the Honours Pathway Option 10%. Students will be required to obtain a minimum
mark for the Honours Pathway Option of greater than or equal to 30% in order to have it
registered on their academic transcript.
Supplementary Assessment
The Supplementary Examination will be held at 9.30am on Monday 1st July. Please put
this date in your diary. You will be formally advised after the end of semester
examination whether you need to undertake supplementary assessment.

Student Representation on Committees

The Chemistry 1 Class Committee is a committee that are relevant to Chemistry 1
students. SIX student members will be elected to represent the Chemistry 1 class.
Election of these FIVE student representatives will be held in week 1. We look forward to
your active participation in the running and decision making of the Chemistry Department
on matters that directly affect you, the undergraduate students of the Department.
Please see the First Year Coordinator for advice about any aspect of Chemistry 1,
methods of study, how to access chemistry resources, the exams and questions you have
about the teaching. We hope you enjoy your experience in Chemistry at ANU.


Chemistry 1 Syllabus 2013

Week 1

Introduction/administrative matters/lab allocation/overview of course

Wave nature of matter

Bohr Model of the atom
wave behaviour

Quantum Mechanics
electron probability

Quantum numbers and orbitals

Many electron atoms

electron spin

Week 2

Electron Configuration
Aufbau Principle
Hunds Rule
elements H to Ne
elements Ne to Ar
condensed form
(n+1) rule
transition metals
elements Ga to Kr
elements Rb to Lr
periodic table
Week 3

Periodic Trends
atomic size
ionisation energy
electron affinity
chemical reactivity

Chemical Bonds
metals and non-metals
types of bonds
ionic bonding
Lewis symbols
octet rule
covalent bonding
bond order
bond polarity

Week 4

Lewis Structures
multiple bonds
multiple central atoms
formal charge
non-octet structures


electron groups
basic shapes
two electron groups
three electron groups
four electron groups
five electron groups
six electron groups

Dipole Moments

Valence Bond Theory

Week 5

Hybrid orbitals
sp hybrididation
sp hybridisation
sp hybridisation
sp d hybridisation
3 2
sp d hybridisation
hybridisation scheme
multiple bonds

MO Model
general rules including bonding and antibonding orbitals
diatomic molecules
heteronuclear diatomics

Introductory Chromatography
separation modes
adsorption and partition chromatography
preparing a TLC plate
Rf values

Week 6

Acids, bases and aqueous equilibria

equilibrium state and Kc
equilibrium constant
reaction quotient
Le Chateliers Principle
classical acid base definition
Lowry-Bronsted Theory
pH scale
autoionisation of water
conjugate acid-base pairs
Ka, Kb, Kw and pKa, pKb, pKw
weak acid and base calculations
acid base properties of salts
calculations involving pKa and pKb.
Week 7
buffer solutions and how they work
calculation of the pH of a buffer
equivalence point and end point
weak acid-strong base titration
strong acid-weak base titration
calculating the pH at various stages on a pH curve.


Week 8

definitions of terms
state functions
internal energy
first Law of thermodynamics
Week 9
bomb calorimeter and heat capacity

fH , fG and the relationship between fG and K

reaction quotient
dispersal of energy and matter
second and third laws of thermodynamics

oxidation numbers
NiCad battery
balancing redox reactions
electrochemical cells
galvanic cells
Gibbs free energy
Week 10
standard reduction potentials
standard cell potentials
electochemistry and thermodynamics

Introduction to Organic Chemistry

revision of Lewis structures
revision of the VSEPR model
revision of formal charge
revision of hybridisation of atomic orbitals of carbon
revision of shorthand (stick) notation

Alkanes and cyclic alkanes, alkenes and cyclic alkenes. Alkynes and aromatic hydrocarbons.

Week 11

conformational analysis
occurrence and reactions
constitutional isomers

classification of reactions and arrow notation
Electrophiles, nucleophiles, electrophilic addition to alkenes
halohydrin formation, bromination, hydrobromination and hydration
Markovnikovs Rule

optical isomerism
other stereoisomerism


Weeks 12 and 13

review of MOs and bond strength
naming alkynes
reaction of alkynes
Electrophilic addition, hydrogenation, bromination. Hydrobromination, acid base
reactions of terminal alkynes.

Aromatic Hydrocarbons
electrophilic aromatic substitution
mechanism of subsitution
generating electrophiles
nitration of benzene and resonance stabilised cations
directing effects in electrophilic substitutions and monosubstituted benzenes
list of ortho and para directors
explanation of the factors that influence the course of electrophilic substitutions


Chemistry 1 Lecture Schedule 2013



(MCC T1)

(MCC T1)

(MCC T1)

18 Feb




25 Feb




4 Mar





11 Mar





18 Mar





25 Mar






Content (# lectures)
Atomic Structure &
Chemical Bonding (12/3)

Chromatography (1)

Mid-Semester Break
(29th March 12th April)

15 Apr





Acids and bases (5/1)

22 Apr





Thermodynamics and
Electrochemistry (6/2)

29 Apr





6 May





13 May






20 May






27 May






Organic Structure,
Isomerism and
Reactivity (12/3)

*Honours Pathway Option (HPO) Advanced Lecture

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