Applied Regression Analysis (Juran) SP2016
Applied Regression Analysis (Juran) SP2016
Applied Regression Analysis (Juran) SP2016
This course is about the family of statistical data analysis tools called regression analysis.
The course can be viewed as a logical successor to the core Managerial Statistics course,
and is most frequently taken by 2nd-year MBA students wishing to solidify and extend their
quantitative skills.
The purpose of a regression analysis is to build a mathematical/statistical representation of
the relationships between variables that can be used for prediction of outcomes and
enhanced understanding of causes. When regression is used in a business context the
ultimate managerial goal is, of course, better business decisions.
Linear regression models are widely used in the business world, as well as in many other
fields such as economics, engineering, social research and in the health and biological
sciences. In the business world regressions have been used in marketing analyses of
customer behavior, in financial analyses of investment opportunities, in human resources to
test the fairness of employment policies, in operations to identify the determinants of output
quality, and in strategic planning to create sales forecasts.
Contemporary computing hardware and modern statistical software has made it
extraordinarily easy to produce regression models. For example, Microsoft Excel has a quite
powerful regression tool that is very easy to use with absolutely no knowledge of the
underlying concepts. Though it has become childs play to run a regression, it is quite a
challenge to create a regression model that is really useful and reliable. One might argue
that regression is almost too easy to do it being very easy to mechanically produce bad
regressions. The goal of this course is to learn how to create good regressions, and how to
judge if a good regression is even possible. The course is based on the premise that
successful applications of regression require sound understanding of both the underlying
theory and the practical problems that are encountered when building and using models of
real-life situations with serious consequences. Therefore this course seeks to blend theory
and applications effectively, thereby avoiding the extremes of presenting theory in isolation
and of giving elements of applications without the foundation concepts that are needed for
practical understanding.
The course will deal with three topics in an interwoven way. First and most basic, is an
approach to data and data analysis that is based on statistical theory, the scientific method
and on some very pragmatic epistemology. Second, is regression analysis itself, including
extensions to the basic linear model such as logistic regression and some basic multivariate
models. Third, is forecasting of time series from historical data. The title of our textbook is
descriptive of our approach: regression by example. Each concept and procedure shall be
explained, indeed, whenever possible introduced by an example. Moreover, we will
emphasize examples in which the business context matters and may influence the analytic
approach taken.
The course will be very computationally hands-on from the very first lecture. Your laptop
computer will be used extensively for data analysis. Most of this work can be done in Excel
and we assume a basic familiarity with the data analysis tools of Excel including the
regression tool. However, even though most of the work can be done in Excel, there can be
some advantages to using a statistical software package. Moreover, several of the special
and important analytic tools --- stepwise regression and logistic regression cannot be done
in Excel. Therefore we will supplement Excel with the Minitab statistical analysis system.
Minitab gives us professional statistical analysis capabilities while being easy to learn and
use. Any version of Minitab that can do regression, stepwise regression and logistic
regression will be adequate. Students who already are familiar with another software
package that has the aforementioned capabilities are welcome to use it. (SPSS, SAS, R,
Conduct of the Course
Course Project: A major part of the course work will be a data analysis project. The project
will be a significant data analysis in a real business context. I will provide a standard project.
However, I strongly suggest that students who have particular interests propose their own
project. This can be a way of increasing the value you get out of the course. Projects will be
due and presented in class in the last class session.
Workload and Grading: It is expected that students will attend class regularly and
participate fully in class discussions. Since many of these discussions will be based on our
analytic assignments (mini-cases), it is important that assigned work be done thoroughly
and on time. Assignments can be done individually or in teams of two students. The final
course grade will be composed of three components:
Written Assignments
Term Project
Computer Software:
A free 30-day trial version may be downloaded from