Ethics The Line For Shande
Ethics The Line For Shande
Ethics The Line For Shande
Ethics Questionnaire
Directions: For each of the following examples, indicate whether or not you feel that there
is an ethical issue. Use the following scale to rank your answers:
___ 1. You claim deductions on your income taxes that are not valid.
___ 2. You use your computer at work to shop online and plan vacations.
___ 3. You tell a potential buyer of your used car that it is in excellent condition but in
reality the car needs repairs.
___ 4. You download music and videos for free off the internet.
___ 5. You give a store clerk $10 for a purchase, receive change for a $20, and you keep
the extra money.
___ 6. You download safety programs and information for free off the internet.
Work Examples
___ 1. You preserve an injury record by reclassifying the injury so it is not recordable
___ 2. You share on the information you’ve been asked to share, not what you know.
___ 3. You fill a vacant position in your department with someone you hand pick rather
than posting the position for all employees to see.
___ 4. You make copies of safety materials that are copyright protected and distribute
them in a meeting.
___ 5. You bump into the Purchasing Manager of your company in the hallway, and she
reminds you that she is waiting for your boss to sign a purchase requisition so she
can complete your safety requisition immediately. When you get back to your office,
you discover that your boss is traveling out of town on business. When you contact
him on his cell phone, he tells you to forge his signature on the PO and bring it to
the Purchasing Manager.
No/ Yes/
Never Sometimes Usually Always