REST API Modeling Languages - A Developer's Perspective
REST API Modeling Languages - A Developer's Perspective
REST API Modeling Languages - A Developer's Perspective
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is generally used while developing enterprise software solutions. This provides flexibility to
develop different business modules as services there by providing scalability and reliability. So application becomes loosely
coupled. SOAP and REST are two famous approaches of web services. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is protocol while
REST (Representational State Transfer) is architectural style in which services are accessed in form of Resources and generally
deployed over web communicates through standard HTTP protocol. Modeling Languages are used to express
knowledge/information about system that we are going to develop. For REST service Various Modeling languages / framework
are present in REST API worlds. RAML, Swagger and API Blueprint are now a day widely used in development of REST APIs.
The paper contains survey of existing modeling languages and guide for choosing best modeling language for REST API
Keywords: Modeling Languages, Web services, REST, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
REST stands for Representational State transfer. This term was first coined by Roy Fielding[17]. REST refers to architectural
Style. REST architectural style is gaining popularity but there is lot of debate and growing concern about modeling of REST web
services (REST API). The REST architectural style describes six constraints. These constraints, applied to the architecture, were
originally communicated by Roy Fielding in his doctoral dissertation and define the basis of RESTful-style. Uniform Interface,
Stateless, Cacheable, Client-Server, Layered System, Code on Demand are the constraints imposed by REST architecture[17].
Uniform Interface: It defines the interface between service consumer and service provider. It simplifies and decouples the
architecture, which enables independence of each part. Resource-Based Individual resources are identified in requests using URIs
as resource identifiers. Representations of resources are logically separated from each other. Client retrieve representation of
resource along with some metadata information such as tags, timestamps, etc. This information guides client for performing further
operations on resource.
Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS) is used for guiding Application on server side. API consumer sends
its state through request body, query parameters, headers and URI. Service provider sends its state of application through response
body, codes, and response headers. This is called technically as hypermedia (or hyperlinks within hypertext). Apart from that,
HATEOS means in service response links are attached along with response content in the returned body so that client can get
information to form further the URIs for further operation on resources and for other objects in collection of resources[2]. The
uniform interface that any REST services must provide is fundamental to its design.
Stateless As REST deals with state transfer, statelessness is power present in REST. It implies is that the state to control the
request is resides inside the request itself, whether as part of the URI, request parameters, body, or headers. The URI uniquely
identifies the resource and the body involves the state (or state exchange) of that useful resource[1]. Server gets to know about the
state of client from this request. Based on that response is generated with suitable state in that and communicated to client.
Cacheable As on the world large web, clients can cache responses. Responses have to hence, implicitly or explicitly, outline
themselves as cacheable, or no longer, to avert customers reusing stale or inappropriate data in line with extra requests. Goodmanaged caching partly or thoroughly eliminates some purchaser server interactions, extra bettering scalability and efficiency
Consumerserver The uniform interface separates customers from servers. This separation of considerations implies that, for
instance, purchasers aren't concerned with knowledge storage, which stays inner to every server, in order that the portability of
client code is improved. Servers are usually not concerned with the person interface or consumer state, in order that servers will
also be easier and extra scalable. Servers and purchasers will also be replaced and developed independently, as long as the interface
will not be altered.
Layered procedure API consumer cannot traditionally tell whether or not it is hooked up directly to the top server, or to an
middleman along the way[5]. Middleman servers could improve procedure scalability via enabling load-balancing and through
delivering shared caches. Layers may additionally implement protection policies.
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Code on demand (optional) Servers are ready to temporarily prolong or customise the performance of a consumer by way of
transferring good judgment to it that it could actually execute. Examples of this may incorporate compiled add-ons equivalent to
Java applets and patron-side scripts such as JavaScript.
A REST API describes a set of resources, and a set of operations that can be called on those resources. The operations in a REST
API can be called from any HTTP client, including client-side JavaScript code that is running in a web browser[5].
The REST API has a base path, which is similar to a context root. All resources in a REST API are defined relative to its base path.
The base path can be used to provide isolation between different REST APIs, as well as isolation between different versions of the
same REST API. For example, a REST API can be built to expose a student database over HTTP. The base path for the first version
of that REST API could be /studentdb/v1, while the base path for the second version of that REST API could be /studentdb/v2.
All of the students in the database
Student #12345
All orders for student #12345
Order #67890 for student #12345
The REST API describes a set of resources. The HTTP client uses a path relative to the base path that identifies the resource in
the REST API that the client is accessing. The paths to a resource can be hierarchical, and a well-designed path structure can help
a consumer of a REST API understand the resources available within that REST API. The above table lists some example resources
for a student database in the REST API. Each resource in the REST API has a set of operations that can be called by an HTTP
client. An operation in a REST API has a name and an HTTP method (such as GET, POST, or DELETE). The name of the operation
must be unique across all of the resources in that REST API. Additionally, a single resource can have only one operation that is
defined for a specific HTTP method[8]. The combination of the path and the HTTP method that are specified by the HTTP client
that is making the request is used to identify the resource and operation that is being called.
HTTP Method
Operation Name
Retrieve the student details from the database.
Update the student details in the database.
Delete the student from the database.
To call the updateStudent operation, the HTTP client makes an HTTP PUT request to /studentdb/v1/students/12345.
Each operation in a REST API can also have a set of parameters that can be used by the HTTP client to pass arguments into the
operation. Each parameter must be defined in the definitions for the REST API. Each parameter has a unique name and type.
Path Parameters:
These can be used to identify a particular resource. The value of the parameter is passed in to the operation by the HTTP client as
a variable part of the URL, and the value of the parameter is extracted from the path for use in the operation. For example, the
student ID can be passed in as a path parameter named studentId: /students/{studentId}
Query Parameters:
The value of a query parameter is passed in to the operation by the HTTP client as a key value pair in the query string at the end
of the URL. As an example, query parameters can be used to pass in a minimum and maximum number of results that should be
returned by a particular operation:
Header Parameters:
The HTTP client can pass header parameters to an operation by adding them as HTTP headers in the HTTP request. As an example,
header parameters might be used to pass in a unique identifier that identifies the HTTP client that is calling the operation:
Api-Client-Id: ff6e2c5d-42d5-4026-8f7f-d1e56da7f777
A single operation can define and accept multiple parameters of all three types. Additionally, depending on the HTTP method
of the operation, the operation can accept data from the HTTP client in the request body. Operations can also send data back to the
HTTP client in the response body.
There different rumors about REST APIs. One should able to identify the difference between just web API and REST API. REST
is just the architectural design Style and its not protocol[9]. We can consider REST as design pattern with which we can create
architecture for our business problem [10]. REST can be implemented outside Web also and Web can implement architectural
style other than REST. Another misunderstanding about HTTP protocol. Any web service defined over HTTP is not REST. And
REST can be implemented using HTTP and also from other transport layer protocols. The Richardson Maturity Model [12] defines
way to classify REST web service as per REST requirements satisfiability. It defines different levels based on that we can find out
up to what extent given web service is RESTful or not
REST API can be specified in various modeling languages. These Modeling languages may represent the JSON(JavaScript Object
Notation) /XML (eXtended Markup Language) / YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) format. Different Modeling Languages
are present in the API World. Many of them are open source.
Swagger is an open specification for defining REST APIs [7].
A Swagger document is the REST API equivalent of a WSDL document for SOAP-based web service. The Swagger document
specifies the list of resources that are available in the REST API and the operations that can be called on those resources.
The Swagger document also specifies the list of parameters to an operation, including the name and type of the parameters, whether
the parameters are required or optional, and information about acceptable values for those parameters. Additionally, the Swagger
document can include JSON Schema that describes the structure of the request body that is sent to an operation in a REST API,
and the json schema describes the structure of any response bodies that are returned from an operation. A swagger community
provides a list of tools that will help developer, tester and reviewer to make API development easy. Below are some swagger Tools.
Swagger Editor
Assists in building a Swagger document from a web browser by providing a side-by-side view of the Swagger document and the
resulting REST API definitions
Swagger UI
Table 1 Modeling Languages and their Comparisons
Allows visualizing and testing a REST API that is defined with Swagger from any web browser. The built-in testing functions
allow specifying the inputs to an operation that is defined in that REST API, call that operation from the web browser, and inspect
the results of calling that operation.
Swagger Codegen
Generates a Software Development Kit (SDK) in various languages, including Java, Objective-C, PHP, and Python, from
a Swagger document for a REST API [7]. The resulting SDK can be used to embed calls to the operations in that REST API into
a software program that was written in one of the supported languages, without having to handle the underlying HTTP transport.
RAML (RESTful API Modeling Language) provides a structured, unambiguous format for describing a RESTful API. It allows
you to describe API; the endpoints, the HTTP methods to be used for each one, any parameters and their format, what can expected
by way of a response and more.[11] RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML) makes it easy to manage the whole API lifecycle
from design to sharing. It's concise - only write what we need to define - and reusable. It is machine readable API design that
is actually human friendly.
RAML is the only spec designed to encompass the full API lifecycle in a human readable format with code and design pattern
reuse. With RAML we can truly design, build, test, document, and share your API all with one spec.
API Blueprint:
API Blueprint is simple and accessible to everybody involved in the API lifecycle. Its syntax is concise yet expressive. With API
Blueprint you can quickly design and prototype APIs to be created or document and test already deployed mission-critical APIs.
API Blueprint is completely open sourced under the MIT license. Its future is transparent and open. API Blueprint doesn't need a
closed work group. Instead it uses the RFC process similar to Rust language or Django Enhancement Proposal RFC processes.
API Blueprint is built to encourage dialogue and collaboration between project stakeholders, developers and customers at any point
in the API lifecycle. At the same time, the API Blueprint tools provide the support to achieve the goals be it API development,
governance or delivery.
Table 1
Modeling Languages and their Comparisons
Open Source Code generation (client)
API Blueprint
Reverb (company)
Figure 1 is Generalized Structure of REST APIs [15][8]. Generally each API can be divided into below shown three divisions
that are Metadata, Operation, and Definitions [13],[9]. Metadata Corresponds to the information about resource such as version of
service, description and name of service, Contact information, Base URI etc. Operation section holds information about resource
URIs and verbs to specify operation on resources. It also includes response information of REST operation. Definition part tells
about complete structure of input and output fields required for REST operations.
Swagger project has the largest and most active developer community on github. All these three standards have large industry
backing but analyzing them we found that RAML has baking by Mulesoft company which is leader in API industry [15],[16].
RAML and API Blueprint provide best ease of access through websites. It makes user to easily adopt to current service. Swagger
provides GUI editor and rendering effectively. It helps a lot for testing and validating of REST API. Swagger Editor helps for
visualizing API while writing and eliminate early mistakes in API specifications. RAML also provides ease of use and console for
interacting with API for developer. Both API Blueprint and RAML provides ease for building the documentation of your API.
Swagger and RAML support most of programming languages present in the market. While choosing the language for the API
developer must keep in mind the strength and weakness of each languages and decide what strength they are required and what
weakness they can afford. Swagger has largest support from community hence for developer issue it will be easy for resolving
them as soon as possible. Open API initiative has been taken to standardize the REST API specification which extends current
swagger specification. Developer should choose the Specification based on tool that available and ease of development it affords.
In this paper study of different literature has been discussed. We have presenting information about the API and what exactly is
the REST is and what its not. Also discussed in detail about different modeling languages available in API world. Each language
has its own specification with some advantages and disadvantages. Each Specification follows some generalized format described
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