Solutions Manual: Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture, 5e
Solutions Manual: Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture, 5e
Solutions Manual: Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture, 5e
Solutions Manual
to accompany
Chapter 1 Introduction
Discussion Question Answer:
The individuals who answer the 800 number have the incentives to answer many
telephone calls but not to spend time on any given call. Thus, they have incentives to
limit the discussion with the customer and to dispatch a service representative even if a
longer discussion would address the issue over the phone. The service representatives like
this arrangement because they are compensated on the number of service calls they make.
Neither the phone representatives nor the service representatives have incentives to take
the follow-up activities seriously. The phone people do not want to learn how to serve
customers better if it means handling fewer calls. Similarly, the service representatives
want to make service calls.
Discussion Question Answers:
1. It is true that the Societe Generale employee traded on behalf of the bank and that any
of the direct gains and losses from the transactions would go to the bank not the
employee. This does not, however, necessarily imply that the trader was acting
irrationally in placing the bets. It is likely that at least part of his bonus was either
directly or indirectly tied to his performance as a trader. Also his performance could
affect his prospects for proportions to higher level positions and compensation at the
bank. While the traders compensation may be small from the standpoint of the bank, it
was likely important to him. Clearly the traders actions were risky and have legal
implications. Nevertheless, he could have concluded that the prospects of a higher bonus
and promotion outweighed the costs. He apparently had confidence that the European
stock market would increase over time. His knowledge of the control system helped him
to conceal the transactions and reduce the likelihood that his actions would be detected.
Indeed his actions were only discovered after a huge and rather unusual on day drop in
European stock prices of nearly 6%. While his actions could be characterized as risky and
apparently illegal, it is not clear that they were completely irrational.
2. The example raises managerial questions about whether it is wise to move an
employee with detailed knowledge of the internal controls into a trading position without
additional monitoring or better controls. While the details of the fraud at Societe Generale
were still being investigated, it is plausible that the banks organizational architecture
contributed to the problem the banks delegation of decision rights provided the
opportunity to undertake the trades, the banks incentive system may have helped to
motivate the improper actions, and the banks monitoring staff policies could have
increased the likelihood that they would not be detected.
3. Annual bonuses and the prospects for promotion provided important incentives in
banks and many other organizations. As an executive, you should carefully consider the
incentives that are created by your banks compensation and promotion policies. Even
well designed incentive plans can motivate a certain amount of unproductive and even
illegal behavior. Reasonable controls and safeguards should be adopted to limit negative
behavior. Nave design of incentives and /or poorly designed controls can be a recipe for
disaster. As a manager it is important you consider these issues before the problems arise.
The box in this chapter on the subprime mortgage crisis emphasizes the same point. A
primary purpose of this book is help managers become better designers of organization