Lec9 - Air Cycle Refrigeration Systems
Lec9 - Air Cycle Refrigeration Systems
Lec9 - Air Cycle Refrigeration Systems
Prof. M. Ramgopal
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture No. # 09
Air Cycle Refrigeration Systems
(Refer Slide Time: 00:00:37 min)
So the specific objectives of this lesson to discuss Reverse Carnot cycle and its limitations, to
discuss Reverse Brayton cycle both ideal as well as actual and discuss various Aircraft
refrigeration cycles namely Simple system, Bootstrap system, Regenerative system etcetera.
At the end of this lesson you should be able to describe various air cycle refrigeration systems,
state the assumptions made in the analysis of air cycle systems, show the cycles on T s diagrams,
perform various cycle calculations and state the significance of dry air rated temperature.
Let us let me give a brief introduction air cycle refrigeration systems belong to the general class
of glass a gas cycle refrigeration systems in which a gas is used as the working fluid. So here the
working fluid is the gas and this gas does not undergo any phase change during the cycle. That
means basically this cycle is all the processes in this cycle are essentially sensible heat transfer
processes. There are no phase change processes and applications of gas cycle refrigeration
systems are in the areas of aircraft cabin cooling and liquefaction of various gases. In the
particular this particular lecture I will be confining myself to air cycle refrigeration systems. So
liquefaction of various gases and all will not be discussed here.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:02:21 min)
Before we take up the various cycles I would like to mention here an important type of analysis
known as Air Standard Cycle analysis. Air cycle system analysis is simplified by making the
following assumptions. The first assumption is that the working fluid is considered to be a mix
fixed mass of air which behaves as an ideal gas. The cycle is assumed to be a closed loop cycle
all the internal processes are reversible and the specific heat of air remains constant throughout
the cycle. This particular analysis is what is known as cold air standard cycle analysis you might
have studied in thermodynamics you might have used this particular analysis for analyzing gas
power cycles.
So we will be using the same type of assumptions and same type of analysis for gas cycle
refrigeration systems also. This analysis gives reasonably accurate results for almost all
situations except for the process of throttling. Because if you remember in the last lecture the
throttling cooling during throttling depends mainly on the real gas behavior. So if we are
assuming the gas to be ideal then during the throttling there will not be any temperature
reduction. So as I said these cold airs standard cycle analysis is good for all the processes except
the throttling in the cycle. That I am going to discuss in this particular lesson we will not be
encountering throttling process so this particular analysis is good for us at this juncture.
Now let us look at some basic concepts how do we reduce the temperature of an ideal gas we
cannot reduce the temperature of an ideal gas by throttling that is what we have seen in the last
class. Then what are the other ways of reducing the temperature you can reduce the temperature
by making the gas to do work in an isentropic process or by sensible heat exchange with a cooler
environment. So if the, if the gas is doing work in an isentropic processes obviously its enthalpy
or internal energy reduces as a result its temperature also reduces. The second way of reducing
its temperature is by exchanging heat with a cooler medium. So in the cycles that we are going to
discuss in this particular lecture we will be mainly relaying on the isentropic process for reducing
the temperature.
When the gas does adiabatic work its internal energy drops in a closed system and enthalpy
drops in an open system. That means whenever when the process is adiabatic that means there is
no heat supply to the system or heat supply from the system and at the same time the system is
doing work. Obviously it will be doing work at the cost of its own energy if, if it is in a closed
system then it will be an internal energy if it is an open system it will be enthalpy. So it will be
doing performing the work at the cost of its internal energy or enthalpy. Since it is delivering a
net work output obviously the internal energy or enthalpies have to reduce once these two are
reducing. Since we are assuming the working fluid to behave as an ideal gas obviously the
temperature has to reduce because internal energy and enthalpy of ideal gases are functions of
temperature only.
So temperature of the gas decreases during the process. So you can see here for example a closed
system undergoing an isentropic process one to two. So the work output is given by m into u one
minus u two which can be written as m c v into T one minus T two where m is the mass of the
system undergoing a the isentropic process. U one and u two are the specific internal energies at
the beginning of the process and at the end of the process T one and T two are the temperatures
at the beginning and end of the process and c v is as you know is a specific heat at constant
So since W is positive u one is greater than u two so obviously T one will be greater than T two.
So this is the typically equation for an isentropic process affect low system. Of course you can
derive this very easily by applying the first law of thermodynamics to a closed system heat
transfer rate is zero. So work transfer rate is equal to change in the internal energy if you apply
the same first law of thermodynamics to an open system then you get the equation in the form
W is m dot into h one minus h two which can be written as m dot c p into T one minus T two
where W is the power output m dot is the mass flow rate of the working fluid h one and h two
are the initial and final enthalpies T one and T two are the initial and final temperatures c p is the
specific heat at constant pressure.
And for both closed as well as open systems you can very easily show that whenever an ideal gas
is undergoing isentropic expansion the temperature is related to pressure that is given by this
relation shown here T two is equal to T one into P two by P one to the power of gamma minus
one by gamma where gamma as you know is equal to c p by c v for ideal gases. This equation
can be very easily derived by applying two equations one is ideal gas equation of state that is p v
is equal to R T and second is the process equation for an isentropic process that is p v to the
power of gamma is constant. So if we are using the equation p v is equal to R T and also p v to
the power of gamma equal to constant then you can get this expression for the temperatures in
terms of the pressure ratios.
Now let us begin our discussion with an ideal cycle called Reverse Carnot cycles for gases this is
an ideal cycle for constant temperature heat source and sink. That means whenever we have an
external heat source or sink which is at constant temperature then the reverse Carnot cycle is the
ideal cycle. So it is a completely reversible cycle so let me describe the cycle now.
Yeah. So this cycle consists of four processes first process one to two is isentropic compression
process two to three is isothermal compression process three to four is isentropic expansion four
to one is isothermal expansion. So these can be opt achieved either by using a closed system
concept or in open system concept. For example you can have isentropic compression expansion
etcetera using a piston cylinder device, means in which case the system becomes a closed
system. Or you can also have an open system where there is steady flow of the working fluid
through each component. So what the example I have shown here is for an open system? So
typically steady flow energy equations can be applied to each of the components okay. So the
first process one to two this is as I said is an isentropic compression this is achieved in a
compressor which compresses the working fluid from point one to point two in an isentropic
In fact it is an irreversible I should mention that it should be reversible adiabatic compression
process which in turns out to be an isentropic process. So for this process you have to supply
some work input okay let that work input be W one to two okay. And there is no heat transfer
because this is an adiabatic process okay. So W one two is the work transfer during this process
this is the work input to the compressor. Next what happens is the gas which is now at a height
high temperature and high pressure undergoes what is known as isothermal compression okay?
You can see that process two to three is an isothermal compression that means its temperature
remains constant during the process at that same time its pressure increases okay. This is a
compression process. So you have to supply work input to the compressors since its temperature
has to remain constant obviously there must be some heat transfer.
And if you are applying steady flow energy equation you can easily show that the work input
should be same as the heat transfer rate so that your temperature remains constant for the ideal
gas okay. And process three to four that is taking place in an isentropic turbine so during this
process it gives out actually a work output okay. So this is the work output from the turbine and
this is as I said is an isentropic process. So during this process its pressure and temperature and
enthalpy everything reduces so the enthalpy temperature and pressure at point four will be lower
than at point three okay.
And actually what is done here you can see that the turbine and compressor are coupled here.
That means the work output of the turbine is applied to the compressor okay. So the network
output here will be W one to minus W three four okay. The next process is what is known as
isothermal expansion process four to one this takes place in an isothermal turbine. Its
temperature has to remain constant at the same time it has to extract heat from a low temperature
reservoir. That means here it will be rejecting heat to a high temperature heat sink and it will be
extracting heat from a high temperature heat reservoir or heat source okay. Since its temperature
has to remain constant. That means obviously this process will take place only when some work
is done and this Q l will be same as equal to W l okay. And this is the useful refrigeration effect
useful cooling effect.
So we have four two compressors and two turbines one compressor is an isentropic compressor
one compressor is an isothermal compressor one turbine is isentropic or turbine and the other one
is isothermal turbine. Let me show this cycle on T S and P V diagrams.
Okay. So here you can see the T S and P V diagrams here you can see that this is a two phase
region okay. Since this is a gas cycle complete cycle will be taking place away from the two
phase region so you do not really have any liquid phase okay. And the four processes described
earlier process one to two isentropic compression you can see that the x axis is entropy and y
axis is temperature. So isentropic compression means it may vertical line from a low pressure P
one to an intermediate pressure P two okay. So this is a vertical line and the process two three is
isothermal compression okay. So pressure increases again from P two to P three. At the same
time temperature remains constant and during this process this much amount of heat is
transferred okay. And process three to four is isentropic expansion in the turbine entropy remains
constant temperature falls. And process four to one is isothermal expansion so you have to
supply heat Q four to one which is the refrigeration effect here.
And the same process is shown here on P V diagram okay. So one to two is an isentropic process
two to three is isothermal three to four is again isentropic and four to one is again isothermal
process. And by applying our T d s relations and first and second law equations you can show
that the heat transferred during the process q two at two to three is integral T d s from two to
three and temperature remains constant. Let this temperature be T h okay. Then q two to three is
nothing but integral T d s which is equal to T h into s two minus s three similarly heat transfer
during the process four to one is integral T d s from four to one and which is equal to T l s one
minus s four where T l is the low temperature.
So basically the Carnot cycle operates between two temperatures one is a low temperature and
the other one is high temperature. And this is the heat transfer during the heat rejection process
and heat transfer during the heat extraction process. And now if you apply the first law of
thermodynamics to the entire cycle, so as you know first law is nothing but cyclic integral of Do
q should be equal to cyclic integral of Do w okay so what is the heat different heat transfer rates
at heat transfers during the cycle. We have heat transfer taking place only during two processes
process two to three and process four to one and q four one is positive. Because you are
supplying heat to the cycle and q two to three is negative because heat is being rejected from the
So we are following the sign convention so cyclic integral of Do q is equal to q four to one minus
q two to three. And cyclic integral of Do w is nothing but net work input to the system okay. And
then the COP of the system is defined as the cooling effect divided by the net work input. That is
q four to one divided by w net okay. So if we are substituting these expressions here you will
ultimately find that COP of the Carnot cycle is simply equal to T l divided by T h minus T l that
means it is only a function of T l and T h okay. So it is independent of your working fluid and all
that this is one very peculiar this thing of Carnot cycle. It is only a function of temperatures okay.
And you from the expression you can see that COP increases as T l increases and COP also
increases as T h reduce. So basically the COP of the Carnot system increases as the temperature
different between the high temperature and low temperature reduces okay.
So we have seen that COP is the function of high and low temperatures only. And what are the
limitations of as I said this is an ideal cycle so normally Carnot cycle cannot be built in practice
but this is used as a reference. So normally we use it as a standard and we compare the actual
cycles with the Carnot cycles just to know how good our cycle is compared to the best possible
cycle okay. So the best possible or the ideal cycle is most of the cases Carnot cycle okay. But as I
said Carnot cycle is not possible in practice especially Carnot gas cycle is not possible in practice
because of the limitations. What the limitations are.
The first limitation is that the isothermal compression and expansion are difficult to achieve in
practice. So you have seen that process two to three and process four to one are isothermal
processes at the same time some work transfer has to take place okay. So this is very difficult to
achieve especially when we are dealing with high speed turbines or high speed compressors they
will be operating closer to adiabatic conditions than isothermal conditions. So achieving
isothermal compression and isothermal expansion is very difficult so normally it is not possible
in practice so this is the first limitation.
The second limitation is that Carnot gas cycle offers very small volumetric refrigeration capacity.
As a result the amount of air that has to be handle by the system will be very large. So this is
another practical limitation. So you really do not find any reverse Carnot cycle working in
practice. So now let us look at a cycle which actually found in practice okay, which can be built
okay this is high volumetric flow rates.
So such a cycle is known as Reverse Brayton Cycle. Let us first look at ideal reverse Brayton
cycle this is actually a modification of Carnot cycle and this is also known as Bell Coleman cycle
or sometimes as Joules cycle okay. So Bell Coleman cycle reverse Brayton cycle and Joules
cycle means the same thing. And this is widely used in air craft refrigeration and this cycle is
internally reversible Carnot cycle is both internally as well as externally reversible. So you call
Carnot cycle as a completely reversible cycle. That means the heat transfer rate for example you
take a heat transfer process in a Carnot cycle it has to be internally reversible and it has to be
externally reversible.
That means heat transfer between the external sources or sink and the working fluid must take
place reversibly. That means there should not be any temperature difference between the source
or sink and the working fluid okay. Then you call and there is no internal irreversibility also such
cycles you call as completely reversible cycle. The Brayton cycle that we are going to discuss
now they have to be internally reversible. That means there should not be any internal
irreversibility such as friction fluid friction etcetera let me show the cycle now okay.
So what I am showing here is a schematic of the cycle. So it consists of four components one is a
compressor a high temperature heat exchanger a turbine and a low temperature heat exchanger
okay. So if you see if you see the compare this cycle with Carnot cycle you find that there are
two changes. The first change is that the isothermal compression here is replaced by a heat
exchanger that means isothermal compressor is replaced by a heat exchanger. Similarly the
isothermal turbine is replaced by a low temperature heat exchanger okay. So now what are the
four processes in this particular cycle the first process one to two is isentropic compression okay.
So the air or working fluid gets compressed isentropically in the compressor so its isentropic
And process two to three is isobaric heat rejection. This was isothermal heat rejection in case of
Carnot cycle. But in the isothermal process is replaced by isobaric process in Brayton cycle
okay. So process two to three is isobaric heat rejection. Then process three to four is isentropic
expansion and process four to one is isobaric heat extraction. So the only changes are in the
process two to three and four to one process one to two and three to four are same as Carnot
cycle okay. So this is the simple reverse Brayton cycle.
Now let me show this cycle on T S diagram before I show this cycle let me once again point it
out that here we have clubbed the shaft of the turbine is connected to the shaft of the compressor.
That means the work output of the compressor turbine is supplied to the compressor okay. So
still the cycle requires some positive network input to the system okay. You can never have the
work output of the turbine greater than the work input required for the compressor because that
will violate the second law okay. So there must be always some network input to the system
okay. So that network input is the difference between the works of the compressor minus the
work of the turbine okay.
So now the process is shown on T S diagram. As you can easily see that you have two pressures
here let us say this is P h or okay P two and this is P one and the P is constant so P two is equal
to P three and this is again an isobar so P one is equal to P four okay. And P two is greater than
obviously P one right so process one to two is an isentropic compression. So it is a vertical line.
Process two to three is isobaric heat rejection. That means along the constant pressure line and
during this process you can see that the temperature of the air drops from T two to T three and
process three to four is isentropic expansion in the turbine okay. So it is again a vertical line and
process four to one is again isobaric heat extraction from the heat source. That means basically
you have heat extraction from the low temperature heat source and heat rejection at this point
okay. And as you know if we are using it for cooling this is our required cooling output okay.
Now let do we can quickly write the equations for various processes? For example process one to
two what we are doing is we are simply applying the steady flow energy equation. We are
neglecting changes in kinetic and potential energies okay. So these are the two assumptions.
Apart from that we are following the cold air standard cycle analysis okay. That you must keep
in mind always for this lecture okay. So for process one to two is isentropic compression. So
there is no heat transfer only work transfer takes place. So this is the work input to the
compressor. This is simply equal to mass flow rate of the air into h two minus h one this is
enthalpy change during the compression process okay.
So h two minus h one is written as c p into T two minus T one where as c p is the specific heat T
two and T one are the final and initial temperatures for the compressors okay. And process two
to three if you remember is isobaric heat rejection okay. During this process there is no work
done. That means there is no work transfer during this process okay. So W two three is zero
because this process was performed in a heat exchanger. So no work was done so when this is
zero and when again delta K and delta P are negligible if you are applying steady flow energy
equation you can easily show that Q two to three is m dot into h two minus h three which is
equal to m dot c p into T two minus T three. And process three to four is isentropic expansion so
Q dot three to four is zero okay so W three to four is Q m dot into h three minus h four which is
equal to m dot c p into T three minus T four.
And finally process four to one again work is zero during this process and its isobaric heat
rejection. So you can write this as m dot into h one minus h four which is equal to m dot c p into
T one minus T four. Again for the process one to two you can get this equation very easily as I
was mentioning in the little while ago you can get this expression how do you get it. We can
write P V is R T and P one V one to the power of gamma is P two V to the power of gamma
okay. So if we are using these two equations you can arrive at this expressions okay. So what it
shows is the exit temperature of the compressors is equal to the inlet temperature multiplied by
the pressure ratio to the power of gamma minus one by gamma where gamma is as you know c p
by c v okay.
I am writing this as T one into R P to the power of gamma minus one by gamma where R P is
equal to P two by P one. So this is called as pressure ratio we have only two pressures in this
cycle so this is the pressure ratio okay.
Similar to the process one to two process three to four process three to four is isentropic
expansion. So again you can get this equation for the process three to four where T three is equal
to T four into P three by P four to the power of gamma minus one by gamma which is again
equal to T four into pressure ratio to the power of gamma minus one by gamma okay. So from
these two relations you can very easily show that T two by T one is equal to T three by T four
okay. And now we apply the first law of thermodynamics for the entire cycle. So as you know
cyclic integral of del q is equal to cycle integral of del W and heat transfer took place in two
processes four to one and two to three and this is positive. Because it is taking heat from the heat
source so q four to one is positive it is rejecting heat so q two to three is negative okay.
And there are two work transfer processes process three to four that is an isentropic expansion in
the turbine. It is positive because system is doing the work and this is the work input to the
compressor it is negative. Because you are supplying the work to the system, okay. And this
thing is equal to W net right so finally you find the W net is equal to q four minus q four to one
minus q two to three.
So COP again we are defining as q four to one divided by W net so you can very easily show
that this is equal to T one minus T four divided by T two minus T one minus T three minus T
four. And this we can easily show because as I said you can write this expression T two by T
one we have just now shown is equal to T three by T four so if we are using this expression here
you can arrive at this equation okay. And you can also write COP in terms of pressure ratios
okay. So again the relation you remember the relation I have shown just now so ultimately you
can express COP in terms of pressure ratios and gamma okay.
So finally the COP of the ideal reverse Brayton cycle becomes a function of the pressure ratio
and it is very easy to show that COP reduces as pressure ratio increases okay. That means higher
the pressure ratio smaller will be the COP okay. So these are the typical equations and it is very
easy to derive these equations on your own. All that you have to do is take each component and
apply steady flow energy equation to the component okay. And assume the c p to be constant
neglect kinetic and potential energy changes and apply steady as I said steady flow energy
equation to all the components okay.
Right so we have seen that this is I have already mentioned the two isothermal heat transfer
processes are replaced by two isobaric heat transfer processes. And for the same heat exchanger
terminal temperatures you can very easily show that the COP of a reverse Carnot cycle is always
greater than the COP of Brayton cycle okay. Let me show this. Okay, right I will show this a
blank sheet.
Okay so what I am showing here is the reverse Brayton cycle one two three four right so you
have two isobaric processes here okay. Process two to three and four to one are isobaric
processes process one to two and three four are isentropic processes okay. And if I am fixing the
terminal temperature of hot and cold heat exchanger that means if i am fixing temperature at
point one and temperature at point three then one two dash three four dash will be a Carnot
cycle which has the same terminal heat exchanger temperature as that of a reverse Brayton cycle
okay right.
So now for the reverse Brayton cycle just now we have shown that the efficiency is given by T
four divided by T three minus T four. That means this temperature divided by this temperature
minus this temperature okay. What is the COP of the Carnot cycle COP of the Carnot cycle is
obviously depending upon these two temperatures okay. T h and T l here T h and T l are nothing
but T three and T one so Carnot cycle COP is given by T one divided by T three minus T one
okay. So this will always be lower than this why because T four is always lower than T one
okay. T four is always less than T one as a result COP of the Brayton cycle will always be less
than the COP of a reverse Carnot cycle okay.
Now let us look at actual reverse Brayton cycle whatever we have been discussing so for is an
ideal cycle. So the actual cycle differs from ideal cycle due to two reasons the first reason is the
non isentropic compression and expansion processes. That means basically the process one to
two and three to four could be adiabatic. But there will be definitely irreversible. That means
there will be some irreversibility may be due to fluid friction okay. So the process becomes non
isentropic this is the first difference between the ideal cycle and the actual cycle. And the second
difference is we have neglected all the pressure drops in the cold and hot heat exchanger.
Typically when a fluid flows through heat exchanger consisting of long lengths of tubes there
will be fluid friction at pressure drops okay. In the ideal cycle we considered that there are no
pressure drops so you have only two pressures where as in an actual cycle there will be pressure
drops right. So these are the two reasons why actual cycle differs from an ideal cycle I can show
the, this thing on a, so you can see the difference here.
Here one two three four is the ideal cycle okay. And one two dash three four dash this is point
four dash okay. So one two dash three four dash is the actual cycle okay so you can see that.
For example process one to two in the ideal cycle it is an isentropic process okay. In the actual
cycle it is non isentropic okay. That means entropy increases during the process because of the
irreversibility. That means you will find that entropy at point two S two dashes will be greater
than S one where as S two is equal to S one okay so this is one difference.
So what is the consequence of this difference you will find the temperature T two dash will be
larger than temperature T two okay. Because the irreversibility you find that the exit temperature
is higher compared to the ideal isentropic process okay. And process two to three in actual this
thing, this should have been point two should have been here okay. And the heat rejection should
have taken place ideally along a constant pressure line but you will find that because of fluid
friction there is s pressure drop here okay.
So you find that there is a reduction in pressure during the heat rejection process similarly
process three to four three to four entropy remains constant if it is an ideal process. But in actual
process again entropy increases. So S four dash will be greater than S three okay. So the process
is something like this so as a result you have a cycle one two dash three dash four dash in an
actual case what is the consequence of this you can very easily show that the consequence of this
is a reduction in the COP okay.
Because COP reduces because of two reasons first reason is that your cooling effect is reduced.
Because in an isentropic process, isentropic expansion processes the temperature should have
been four. But because of the irreversibility now the temperature is four dashes okay. So T four
dash is greater than T four okay and your useful refrigeration effect q l is m dot c p into T one
minus T four dash in case of an actual cycle right. And in case of an ideal cycle this will be T
one minus T four since T four is lower than T four dash obviously q l dash q l in actual case will
be smaller okay.
And we can also define the actual work of compression and actual work of turbine by defining
isentropic efficiencies okay. For example the actual work input to the compressor during the
process one to two is defined as an isentropic work divided by the isentropic efficiency okay.
So you can see that typically this isentropic efficiency of the compressor will always be less than
one. That means W one two actual will always be greater than W one to two isentropic okay. So
the required work input increases because of the irreversibility right. And the next process that is
isentropic expansion in the turbine the work output of the turbine now gets reduced because of
the inefficiency okay. And here again we define an isentropic efficiency for the turbine okay.
Again this is lower than one so the work output of the turbine will be lower than the work output
of the ideal turbine okay.
So the net result is that W net in an actual case will much larger than W net of ideal case.
Because output is reducing and input is increasing okay. And you can easily write the isentropic
efficiency for the compressor in terms of the enthalpies okay. You just look at the earlier
diagram. So it is defined as the actual enthalpy change divided by the enthalpy change for an
isentropic process. Okay. And this can be written in terms of temperatures because we are
assuming the c p to be constant. So isentropic efficiency of the compressor is written as T two
minus T one divided by T two dash minus T one.
And if you remember T two was greater than T two dash okay. So obviously this isentropic
efficiency will be, I am sorry, I think it is a, the, it is the other, this thing other way, T two is
actually lower because T two dash is for the isentropic process okay. So this will be greater than
one right and for the turbine. Also you can write the efficiency in terms of the temperatures okay.
Again this will be less than one okay. Because as you have seen the actual temperature at the exit
of the turbine will be higher than the temperature in an isentropic process okay. So as a result as I
said just now the network input increases.
Right. So we find that COP of actual reverse Brayton cycle will be considerably lower than the
ideal cycle because of these two effects reduction in the cooling output and increasing in the
network input. In fact the reduction could be quite considerable depending upon the design and
one way of improving the system performance is to design efficient compressors and turbines.
Actually this is a very critical issue okay. So if you want to have a good efficiency you must
have efficient compressors and turbines.
Now Brayton cycles can be open or closed okay. So far we have discussed a closed cycle okay.
That means the same amount of air is flowing through the cycle repeatedly. But in actual case
you can have an open cycle or a closed cycle so let us see what an open cycle is. In open systems
a cold air at the exit of the turbine flows into the cold space and cold heat exchanger does not
exists. That means what we do in open system is air from the turbine is directly released into a
cold space. For example if we are using it for an air craft cooling you directly release the cold air
into the cabin of the air craft okay.
So the air gets heated up as it picks the heat from the cabin okay. And then you take the air and
send it to the compressor okay. So you really do not have a low temperature heat exchanger
okay. So this is an open system right and there is no guarantee that the same air is flowing
through the compressor okay. The advantage of this system is obviously its simplicity and since
you do not have a cold heat exchanger the total weight of the system will be reduced
considerably okay.
That is the reason why we use this in air craft cooling okay. And second characteristic is
typically the low side pressure will be atmospheric. When you are releasing the air into an
occupied space typically occupied space pressure should be close to the atmospheric. So the low
side pressure also has to be close to the atmospheric okay. So these are the two characteristics of
open systems. As against this open system in a closed system we have two heat exchangers the
high temperature heat exchanger and the low temperature heat exchanger and the air in the of the
system does not get mixed with the outside air. That means the same air flows through the cycle
And one advantage of this system is that you can have low side pressure higher than the
atmospheric okay. Such a cycle is known as dense air system. That means you can operate your
low side pressure at pressures much higher than the atmospheric typically three to four bar okay.
That means the air will be quite dense okay. So you call this system as dense air cycles. What is
the advantage of dense air cycles as you know as you are increasing the pressure the density
increases the specific volume reduces and for the same mass flow rate the amount of volume that
you have to handle will be reduced considerably okay.
So that means volumetric flow rate of air reduces considerably so this will give you lot of
savings in terms of heat exchanger sizes the compressor sizes etcetera. Okay. This is the
advantage of dense air cycles okay. So dense air cycles are obviously possible only with closed
cycle systems and you can also use gases other than air. For example if you have a close cycle
system it is not necessary that you have to use air only okay. You can also use other gases such
as helium or any other gas okay. Such systems exist for other applications other than air craft
cooling okay. Typically in air craft cooling we use air if normally it will be open okay. Now let
us look at air craft cooling systems.
So why do we need first of all air conditioning or cooling in an air craft. We know that as you go
up typically air craft will be flowing very high altitudes it could be as high as let us say ten
kilometers or even more. So as you know that as you go up the temperature and pressure both
reduce. In fact at an altitude of ten kilometers outside temperature can be as low as minus thirty
or minus forty degree centigrade okay, when the outside temperature. So low why do you need a
cooling system may be, you may be thinking that you require a heating system because outside
temperature is very low.
And the required comfort temperature is about twenty-one degree or so right there is a large
temperature difference between the inside and outside okay. So if at all any heat transfer it
should take place from the inside to the outside. That means you required a heating system not a
cooling system. But you find that in actual practice we need a cooling system not a heating
system when the air craft is flying at high altitudes this is because of the following reasons okay.
The first reason is that there will be large internal heat generation okay. So typically in an air
craft there will be lot of heat generation because of the occupants so normally they are very
compacts. Lot of occupants will be there in the population density will be very high in typical air
craft and everybody will be releasing heat okay. Due to metabolic rate and also there is large heat
generation in a small volume right.
So this will add to the sensible and latent heats of the system okay so as a result temperature and
moisture content will increase. Apart from the occupants you can also have, in fact you will also
have a large amount of equipment which will be releasing heat okay. Many electronic controls
motors etcetera okay. All these equipments will be releasing heat con continuously. So you have
continuous heat addition to the air inside the cabin because of the people and equipment okay.
So if you and this will not this will be much more compare to the heat transfer from the cabin to
the outside okay. So if you do not provide any cooling system because the internal heat
generation temperature can shoot up this is not the only reason you also require cooling because
there will be heat generation due to skin friction.
Typically air craft will be at very high speed okay. When it is moving at very high speed in an air
there will be large relative velocity okay. So the boundary layers will develop on the surface
okay. Since the air has a finite viscosity as you have seen in the earlier classes there will be
frictional losses then because of skin friction temperature rises okay. The temperature of the
body outside body will be higher because of the skin friction. So there will be actually heat
transfer from the surface of the body to the interior because of the skin friction okay. So this is
the second reason why you need a cooling system. So the third reason is the ram effect so
because of the ram effect also the temperature of the air increases okay.
I will explain the ram effecting a little while and the fourth effect is solar radiation. For example
if the aircraft is flying during the day time then that can be considerable solar radiation and
because of solar radiation the temperature can go up. So these are the four reasons why we need
a cooling system okay. Typically if the aircraft is flying at low altitudes at low velocities then
maybe you can do away with the air conditioning system but if it is flying at high speeds and at
high altitudes an air conditioning system is a must.
Now air cycle refrigeration systems are preferred in aircraft. So why do we use air cycle
refrigeration system in aircraft because of the following reasons. The first reason is that obvious
reason air is cheap non toxic can non flammable okay. Typically you do not want to use any
explosives or flammable gas in an aircraft okay. It has to be absolutely safe so air is the safest
refrigerant that you can think off. It is easily available its non toxic and non flammable okay.
This is one of the main reasons why we use air in aircraft refrigeration okay. The second reason
is leakage of air not a problem. So leakage of air from the system is not a big problem and an
open system can be employed eliminating cold heat exchanger.
As I was mentioning just now if you are using air you can have an open system. That means you
can directly release the air into the system you need not have a cold heat exchanger. What is the
advantage of not having a cold heat exchanger? As I have mentioned the system weight will be
reduced considerably when you are designing an air conditioning system for aircraft the most
important criteria is the weight per kilowatt okay. So the weight is the very important factor and
volume is also of course an important factor.
So system that you choose must be lighter okay. So you will see that for aircraft air conditioning
the air cycle systems will be lighter okay. One reason is you do not really require a low
temperature heat exchanger okay. And the fourth reason is main compressor of the aircraft itself
can be used for compression okay. A typical aircraft engine already has a compressor okay. So
you also need a compressor for the air conditioning system okay.
So if you are using a air cycle refrigeration for air conditioning you can use the main compressor
of the engine itself for compression of the air okay. You do not require separate compressor. So
you can see that you do not require a low temperature heat exchanger and you also do not require
a separate compressor. So this will lead to significant reduction in the weight okay. So you find
that weight per kilowatt of an air cycle system will be much lower than a comparable vapour
compression system. For example using a reciprocating compressor in fact the calculation show
that the weight will be typically fifty percent that of the comparable vapour compression system
okay. So this is these are the reasons why we use air cycle refrigeration systems in aircraft.
Of course the last reason is that these designs of these systems are considerably simpler and the
maintenance is also easy okay. So these are the reasons why we prefer air cycle system in
Now there are different types of systems used in different situations and for different types of
aircrafts okay. For example you can have what is known as a simple system you can have a boot
strap system you can have regenerative system. You can also have what is known as reduced
temperature system okay. There are other systems also okay. These are the three main systems.
The fourth one as I said is reduced ambient system okay. So each one has its own advantages and
disadvantages and applications okay. Let us quickly look at these systems.
The first one is what is known as simple aircraft refrigeration system or a simple system. This is
an open system the power okay let me first explain the cycle.
Okay. So let me begin at point two okay. And look at the T S diagram first okay. So this point
one is the ambient air okay. So ambient air the pressure and temperature of the ambient air are
increased due to ram effect okay, process one to two is what is known as the ram ramming
process okay. During the ram, reming process its pressure and temperature increases okay. So
what we have basically at point two is ram air okay.
So ram air goes to the main compressor okay, M C is the main compressor of your aircraft
engine right. So it goes to the main compressor it gets compressed from process two to three
okay. So a part of the compressed air goes to you engine and a part of it goes to the air
conditioning system okay. So at point three the air that is used for air condition system enters
into an air cooler a c so a c is the air cooler and how do we cool this air? Here we again use the
ram air for cooling this air. You can see that temperature at point three is much higher than the
temperature at point two.
So you can use the ram air for cooling this air okay. So process three four is what occurs in the
after cooler the temperature decreases almost isobarically from three to four okay, and ram air is
use for cooling this. And at this point at point four it enters into the cooling turbine T okay. And
it under goes expansion process four to five and as you know at this pro at this point you have a
very cold air okay at point five so cold air at point five is released into the cabin directly okay.
So this air goes to the cabin and in the cabin it picks up heat and by the time it comes out of the
cabin its condition will be at point I okay. So process five to I is what was happen in the cabin
And the power output of the turbine here is not used for running the compressor anything it is
used for running a fan okay. So what does this fan do this fan dries the air through the after
cooler okay. So that means the power output of the turbine is used for running the fan. And the
fan makes sure that sufficient air flows through the air cooler continuously okay. So this is what
is known as simple system and here you can see that I have shown the actual cycle. So you have
some pressure drops here and non isentropic processes also. So what is the refrigerant capacity of
this system? Refrigerant capacity of this system is nothing but m dot c p into T I minus T five
where T I is the cabin temperature okay.
Now let me explain the ram effect. Ram effective is the pressure and the temperature of the
outside air increases as it comes in contact with the aircraft due to the conversion of the kinetic
energy into enthalpy. See air may be still but the aircraft will be moving at very high speed so
there will be a large relative velocity between the air and aircraft okay. So when the air comes in
contact with the high relative velocity air comes in contact with the aircraft its kinetic energy will
be converted into enthalpy okay. So ultimately you have the enthalpy being converted into
temperature and pressure okay. So you have during this process the kinetic energy is converted
finally into pressure and temperature okay. So this process is known as ram process or rams
effect okay.
And you can very easily shown, show that the temperature rise during ram effect is given by this
relation okay. T two dash by T one T two dash is the temperature at the exit of the ram process T
one is the temperature of the ambient okay. This is equal to one plus gamma minus one by two
into M square okay. Where M is nothing but a Mach number if you remember the Mach number
is defined as the ratio of the velocity of the aircraft divided by the sonic velocity. So a is the
sonic velocity right and sonic velocity as you know is for an ideal gas is equal to square root of
gamma into r into T one okay.
And the ram efficiency because the ram process is not strictly isentropic even defined ram
efficiency as the actual pressure rise this is actual pressure rise. And the pressure rises if the
process is isentropic okay. So we have the ram temperature rise will be during the ramming and
pressure rise during the ram process.
Okay. So as you can see that the power output of the cooling turbine is used for running the fan
and this system is suitable for ground cooling. Why is it suitable for ground cooling? Because on
the ground you do not have the ram effect okay. Because the ram effect the always there will be
an air flow on the air cooler as long as it is moving.
But on the ground aircraft is grounded so the, but still the fan can drive the air okay. So this
system is generally suitable for ground cooling. And this system is suitable for low speed low
altitude aircraft okay. So simple systems are used for low speed and low altitude aircraft.
The second system is what you known as a bootstrap system. Let me very quickly explain the
bootstrap system.
In the bootstrap system we have two heat exchangers and an auxiliary compressor. So the ram air
gets compressed in the main compressor M C and at this point it enters into the air cooler. So
point three to four temperature reduces and at point four again it is compressed in an auxiliary
compressor from point four to five okay. So the of point four to five is what happens in auxiliary
compressor okay. And at point five again it gets cooled as it flows through the air cooler two
So during this process again the temperature drops from five to six and at this point it enters into
the turbine and it undergoes expansion and at this point it goes to the cabin okay. So we can see
the difference between the simple system and the bootstrap system okay. And here the power
output of the turbine is used for running the compressor right. And the ram air is used for the, for
cooling the air cooler one and air cooler two okay, the same ram air is used right. So obviously
you can see that this system is not really good for ground cooling. Because when it is on ground
you do not have any ram air so the air coolers cannot be cooled. So normally you do not use this
system for ground cooling you normally uses it for high speed high altitude flights.
So as I said suitable for high speed aircraft flying at high altitudes it uses two compressors two
heat exchangers and not suitable for ground cooling.
The other system is what is known as regenerative system I will not explain the system but I will
just tell the briefly. In a regenerative system is a part of the cold air from cooling turbine is used
for pre cooling the air entering the turbine. That means what is done is you take some cold air
from the cooling turbine and use the same cold air for pre cooling the air okay. So that means the
air entering into the turbine will be pre cooled okay. So the advantage of this is that exit
temperature of the turbine will be very cooled okay. So in a typical regenerative system you can
get very cooled air okay. Of course this is at the cost of increased weight and design complexity.
And one last thing is all the different aircraft cooling systems are compared based on an index
called dry air rated temperature or dart DART stands for dry air rated temperature. It is defined
as the temperature of air at the exit of the cooling turbine in the absence of any moisture
condensation okay. That means when the air is very dry and as it undergoes expansion there
should not be any moisture condensation okay. Under such cases what is the temperature at the
exit of the turbine that is called as dry air rated temperature okay. And this is the index used for
comparing different systems.
And normally the aircraft systems are rated based on the mass flow rate of air okay. So the rating
is done based on the mass rate of air and the refrigeration capacity is obviously given by mass
flow rate of air m dot into c p into T i minus DART designed DART. That means design dry air
rated temperature and T i is the cabin temperature and m dot is the mass flow rate of the air okay.
And a comparison of different aircraft refrigeration systems based on DART at different Mach
numbers shows that DART increases monotonically for all systems except reduced ambient
system. And simple system is good at low Mach numbers and at high Mach numbers we have to
use either bootstrap system or regenerative system and the reduced ambient system is generally
good for supersonic aircraft okay.
Let me quickly conclude what we have learned in this particular lecture. We discussed reverse
Carnot cycle and its limitations and we have discussed ideal and actual reverse Brayton cycles.
And we looked at various aircraft refrigeration cycles and we have also seen the concept of dry
air rated temperature. And as I mentioned the performance of all the above systems can be
obtained very easily using the basic thermodynamic concepts which we have discussed in the
earlier lessons and also in this particular lesson okay.
Right, thank you.