Asset Integrity Management Handbook
Asset Integrity Management Handbook
Asset Integrity Management Handbook
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Authors Notes
This book came about because my son, who had just started his MSc in Offshore Engineering at Cranfield
University, said to me that since I supposedly knew a fair bit about Asset Integrity Management, I should write a
book on it. As Id previously written several books on diving and dive watches, I thought; hey, now thats not a
bad idea.
What you have here is a collection of information dealing with what I consider to be the most important aspects
of Asset Integrity Management. Some of it is based on papers and articles I have written, but considerably more
is unashamedly blagged from many other sources that I consider to be far more knowledgeable than me on the
subject matter.
It really started out as an attempt to put old heads on young shoulders and grew from that. I hope that you find
it educational, enlightening and thought provoking and that it helps you understand Asset Integrity Management
I would like to acknowledge the help of a number of people who gave me advice, information and guidance in
the production of this book. Thanks guys.
My son; Kieran, who really was the instigator, Paul Beer, David Corbett, Markus Dyson, Dr. Paul Eastwood, Rolf
Eide, Jason Falls, Kevin Fordham, Laurie Fuschetti, Kevin Goode, Alan Gray, Victor Jackson, Loren Kool, Kevin
Mackie, Tom McCusker, Scott McNamara, Dr. Derek McNaughtan, Mark McQueen, Dr. Steve Mathews, Dr. Paul
Mathieson, Jerome Meaux, Trond Nordvik, Robert Page, Skip Rabuse, Dean Reyniers, Rebecca Roth, Dr. Omar
Shams, Cathy Staggs, Erling Storaune, Tom Turner, Dr. Ouzhan Yilmaz.
I would also like to acknowledge the following organizations for the use of information:
Aerial Testing Company, Aker Solutions, American Petroleum Institute, Associated Press, BBC, BowTie Pro,
Bredero Shaw, Bureau Veritas, Cranfield University, Det Norske Veritas, Duco Energy, Institute of Advanced
Materials, Institute of Asset Management, Intecsea, Interdive Services Ltd., International Atomic Energy Institute,
International Association of Oil and Gas Producers, Liberty Corrosion Solutions, Lloyds Register, National
Instruments, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NBC News, Ned Marine Services B.V., Noble
Energy, NORSOK, Oceaneering, Olympus, Petrofac, Society of Petroleum Engineers, The Welding Institute, UK
Health and Safety Executive, University of Gaziantep, WebCorr Corrosion Consulting Services, Wikipedia,
Zakwa Oil and Gas Limited
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All text, unless otherwise noted, is the intellectual property of Dr. Peter McClean Millar and the contributing
authors. The images used retain the copyright of the original photographers or designers and are used solely for
illustrating the information contained herein.
It is therefore declared that presentation of all herein constitutes fair use of any copyrighted material as
provided for in section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law. The author has tried to seek permission from and
acknowledge the original copyright owners where possible. If there are any omissions, please contact Dr. Millar
and all omissions and acknowledgments will be incorporated in future editions of the book.
The author recognizes all trademarks and intellectual property contained within this book.
It is the express desire of the author that this book be freely available and never sold for profit. If it can be used
in any way to help make the Oil Industry a safer place to work then all who have either contributed to the
information herein or the use of it have done something worthwhile and should be proud of that.
Dr. Peter McClean Millar
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Asset Integrity Management
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Preventing and Mitigation
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Erosion Corrosion
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Consequence Assessment
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Bowtie Analysis
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Why NII?
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Maintenance Strategies
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There are a number of definitions for Asset Integrity and Asset Integrity Management; most say almost the same
thing. The following are from the UK Health and Safety Executive.
Asset Integrity can be defined as the ability of an asset to perform its required function effectively and
efficiently whilst protecting health, safety and the environment.
Asset Integrity Management is the means of ensuring that the people, systems, processes and
resources that deliver integrity are in place, in use and will perform when required over the whole
lifecycle of the asset.
Although the risk of a major incident can never be reduced to zero, significant reductions in the likelihood of
occurrence and consequence can be achieved by utilizing a systematic delivery and assurance process which
enhances the assets overall reliability and performance.
Asset Integrity Management can further be described as the continuous assessment process applied throughout
design, construction, installation and operations to assure that the facilities are and remain to be fit for purpose.
In this context integrity is defined as the prevention of the loss of containment of a fluid or energy from the
facilities. The integrity management process covers the equipment containing the fluid, the structures that
support the equipment, and those other systems that prevent, detect, control or mitigate, against a major
accident hazard. A loss of integrity (containment) could have an adverse impact on the safety of personnel, on
the safety of the asset / facilities, on the environment or on production and revenue. The aim of the asset
integrity management process is to provide a framework for the following:
Some of the contributing factors to the assurance of current and continued asset integrity are represented in the
following figure.
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Contributors to Asset Integrity
There are a number of processes and activities, which are carried out by various bodies with the aim of ensuring
that the overall integrity of the asset is maintained. Included in these activities are:
These various inputs to the overall integrity management are summarized in the following
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One of the main drivers for the integrity management activities is the requirement for compliance with the
relevant national legislation. In the UK, for example, the offshore legislation includes
This legislation requires that a policy be in place for the prevention of major accidents. In addition there is a
further requirement to comply with the Operators HSE Policy which will include such criteria as:
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Management of Change
The Safety Case Regulations require that the Duty Holder, under Regulation 8, identifies all major accident
hazards and puts measures in place to reduce the risks associated with these major accident hazards to as low
as reasonably practicable or ALARP. The Design and Construction Regulations require the duty holder to have
in place:
..suitable arrangements for (a) periodic assessment of integrity (Reg. 8)
The Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response Regulations require that, having identified the
major accident hazards, an assessment be carried out for:
the evaluation of the likelihood and consequences of such event (Reg. 5)
Similarly, the Pipelines Safety Regulations require that the operator of a pipeline ensures that adequate
arrangements have been made for dealing with:
(b) discovery of a defect in or damage to.the pipeline (Reg. 12)
The Safety Case Regulations require the operator to identify the safety critical elements (SCE) on the facility and
draw up a verification scheme for these safety critical elements. Safety critical elements means such parts of an
installation and such parts of its plant
The safety critical elements must remain in a good state of repair and in good condition. This is normally ensured
by the use of a verification scheme. A verification scheme is a written scheme of examination. In practice, both
hydrocarbon containment equipment (pipelines and risers etc.) and structures are safety critical elements. The
verification scheme is complementary to, but not a substitute for, routine maintenance programmes and an
integrity management system.
The output from the inspections and other activities carried out as part of the integrity management process can
be used to satisfy many of the requirements of the verification scheme. The integrity management system is
therefore an integral part of the safety management system and as such, an important plank in the argument
that major accident hazards have been identified, are being properly managed and that the attendant risks are,
and will remain, as low as is reasonably practicable.
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In addition to compliance with legislative and company requirements, there is also a significant business benefit
from ensuring the integrity of the assets / facilities. Minimizing production losses, prevention of unplanned
shutdowns and rationalization of the purchase and storage of spare parts are some of the benefits that can
result from a well-managed and executed integrity management system.
Influencing Factors
CO2 Corrosion
CO2 + water
H2S + water
Cracking (SSCC)
Susceptible steel
Dissimilar metals
O2 Corrosion
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Weld misalignment.
H2S + water
Hydrogen Diffusion
Dropped Object
Transportation System Accident
Coating Damage
CP System Failure
CP System Interference
CP System Inadequate
Dissimilar Metals in contact
Stress Corrosion
Contaminated Land
Local chemistry / oxygen levels
different to bulk fluids or
Coating Damage
CP System Failure
Crevice Corrosion
CP System Interference
CP System Inadequate
Material (Construction
Backfill/soil environment
Expansion / Buckling Crossing
Overload Clamp / Support Failure
Vibration / Pressure Cycling /
Tunnel / Casing Collapse
Weld Defect
Steel Defect
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Natural Hazards
Subsidence / Earthquake
Extreme Storms / Lightning
Common Degradation Mechanisms and Threats
It is worth looking at the most important degradation modes listed above. Note: the following is a fairly high level
overview aimed at giving the reader a feel for the processes involved.
For those old enough to remember, Neil Young is probably most famous for his song; "Southern Man". However,
he also wrote an album called; "Rust Never Sleeps." Neil Young wasn't a corrosion engineer but the title of his
album could well be considered as one of the fundamental laws" of degradation and failure of metallic
components. Although rust is actually specific to iron based materials, being predominantly iron oxide, it is
commonly used as a term to cover all types of corrosion.
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Fe Fe
+ 2e
O2 + 4e + 2H2O 4OH
+ 2 OH Fe(OH)2
Fe(OH)2 is an insoluble salt that precipitates at the cathode. It is then further oxidized by dissolved oxygen to
hydrated ferric oxide, commonly known as rust.
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not eliminate it completely. However, if the paint contains minute flecks of a more reactive metal, such as zinc,
these will corrode in preference to the underlying steel structure.
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For internal pipeline corrosion protection, dehydration is the most commonly used measure for gas pipelines
(and also in liquid pipelines that contain oil with free water or other electrolytes). Dehydration removes
condensation and free water that, if permitted to remain, would allow internal corrosion to occur at points where
water droplets precipitate from the gas stream to either form liquid puddles at the bottom of the pipe, or adhere
to the top of the pipe. Complete dehydration is very effective, but, because the systems are neither 100 percent
effective nor 100 percent dependable, there always is the potential to introduce water and other electrolytes into
a gas pipeline. Glycol is most frequently used as a drying (scrubbing) agent.
Liquid pipelines that contain free water can also experience internal corrosion. The fluid can sometimes be
treated to remove both free water and dissolved water. If water has accumulated in low points of the line, pigging
is required to move the water from those areas. Water is removed from crude oil by gravity separation in vessels
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called separators, which as the name suggests, separate oil, gas and water from the triple phase crude product.
However, 100% removal cannot be achieved so the potential for corrosion, although small, will still exist.
A corrosion inhibitor is a substance when added in small concentrations to an environment reduces the
corrosion rate of a metal exposed to that environment. They can adsorb onto the metal surface or react with it to
form a protective film, or they may react with the corrodent to make it less corrosive. Many different chemicals
are available commercially and they can be Anodic, Cathodic, Mixed or Vapor Phase Inhibitors. The choice will
depend on the type of product in the pipeline and the type of corrodent. Other considerations include cost,
availability, toxicity, and environmental friendliness.
Internal Coatings
Internal coatings have been used on some gas transmission pipelines to improve product flow by reducing drag
and eliminating dust. Such coatings can be somewhat effective in controlling internal corrosion, but they are very
difficult to apply uniformly, which impacts their effectiveness. In lieu of coatings, some operators have attempted
to install plastic or high-density polyethylene liners or inserts in their pipelines. Plastic liners are an effective
barrier against corrosion but are not fail-safe. Problems occur if pinholes are present and allow corrosive
materials to migrate behind a pipes liner. For this reason internal corrosion prevention should not rely solely on
liners or coatings.
Buffering agents, such as a mild or dilute alkaline mixture, that change the chemical composition of fluids and
remain in the pipeline can be utilized to prevent internal corrosion. They can significantly reduce the corrosivity of
any standing liquid, predominantly by raising its pH value above seven (neutral), so that it turns from acidic to
alkaline. Alkaline liquids cause virtually no harm to steel. However, in general, pH buffering is not a very effective
means of corrosion inhibition in large scale operations.
Cleaning Pigs
The frequent use of cleaning pigs to scour the internal surfaces of a pipeline is another viable preventive
measure. There are many types of cleaning pigs. The choice of which type of pig to use depends on the product
carried by the pipeline and the contaminant to be removed. Able to operate without interrupting operations, the
pig is forced along by product flow, or it can be towed by another device or cable. Usually cylindrical or spherical,
pigs sweep the line by scraping the sides of the pipeline and pushing debris ahead. Cleaning pigs can effectively
direct both liquids and corrosive solids to pig traps for removal from the pipeline. It is noted that the buildup of
solids can also can internal corrosion, since the solids can entrap corrosive or low-pH liquids in a corrosive
It is widely recognized that sea water is one of the most aggressive natural environments on the planet. However,
many refineries and chemical plants contain chemical mixtures which can destroy "ordinary" constructional
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materials in a very short time. In these cases it is necessary to use "exotic" materials such as highly alloyed
stainless steels or alloys with high concentrations of Nickel and Copper such as Inconel or Monel. Many of these
alloys form inert and tenacious oxide films which form barriers to whatever aggressive medium they are in
contact with. These materials tend to be very expensive and require extra care in fabrication, especially welding,
but in many situations there are few alternatives.
Fatigue is a degradation process where cyclic loads over an extended period reduce the strength of a material
and eventually cause failure. This cyclic loading can be mechanical, e.g. vibration, or thermal. Fatigue can be
easily demonstrated by taking a paper clip and bending it back and forth several times. It will start to become
more pliable and then break in two. This is low cycle, high amplitude fatigue. Fatigue got its name because when
the phenomenon was first analyzed it was thought that the metal got tired and was suffering fatigue. The name
stuck even after the mechanism was understood. What makes fatigue so onerous is that the cyclic loads applied
can be much less than the Ultimate Tensile Stress and even the Yield Stress of the material and still failure can
occur. Reducing the magnitude of the cyclic stress increases the number of cycles before the component fails,
but it will still eventually fail.
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The total number of cycles to failure is the sum of cycles at the first and the second stages:
Nf = Ni + Np
Ni :
For high cycle fatigue (low loads): Ni is relatively high. With increasing stress level, Ni decreases and Np
For crack initiation, surface condition is important. Fatigue cracks usually initiate on the material surface at sites
of stress concentration such as notches or stress raisers (microcracks, scratches, indents, interior corners,
dislocation slip steps, etc.) Not unexpectedly, the design of a component can play an important part in
determining resistance to fatigue failure. Geometries which offer smooth transitions and curves rather than steps
and notches reduce the locations where fatigue cracks can initiate. Several common surface features can lead
to the initiation of fatigue cracks as they can act as stress concentrations. Some of these features are:
Mechanical notches (sharp corners or grooves);
Key holes on drive shafts of rotating equipment;
Welded joints, flaws and / or mismatches;
Quenched areas;
Tool markings;
Weld spatter;
Grinding marks;
Drilled holes / penetrations;
Inclusions found in metal can accelerate the effect of fatigue cracking. Unfortunately most older steels are dirty
which means they have increased levels of inclusions or slag entrapment
and as such offer lower resistance to fatigue initiation and propagation.
Welding by its nature of rapid heating and cooling will introduce micro
discontinuities to a metal surface which can act as crack initiators.
Crack propagation normally exhibits two stages:
Stage I: slow propagation along crystal planes with high resolved shear
stress. Involves just a few grains, and exhibits a flat fracture surface
Stage II: faster propagation perpendicular to the applied stress. Crack
grows by repetitive blunting and sharpening process at crack tip and
exhibits a rough fracture surface.
The crack eventually reaches a critical dimension and propagates very
rapidly until failure.
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Fatigue Limit
For some materials such as titanium, carbon steel and low alloy steel, the number of cycles to fatigue fracture
decreases with stress amplitude until a fatigue limit (endurance limit) is reached. Below this stress endurance
limit, fatigue cracking will not occur, regardless of the number of cycles. For alloys with fatigue limits, there is a
correlation between Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) and the minimum stress amplitude necessary to initiate
fatigue cracking. The ratio of fatigue limit over UTS is typically between 0.4 and 0.5.
Heat treatment can have a significant effect on the toughness and hence fatigue resistance of a metal. Generally,
it is fine grained microstructures which tend to perform better than coarse grained ones. Heat treatments such as
quenching and tempering, can improve fatigue resistance of carbon and low alloy steels. Also introducing
compressive stresses into a thin surface layer by Shot Peening - firing small shot onto the surface to be treated
will increase fatigue resistance. Case hardening which creates a Carbon or Nitrogen rich outer layer in steels by
atomic diffusion makes a harder outer layer and also introduces compressive stresses.
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Company of Norway and was on hire to the U.S. company; Phillips Petroleum at the time of the disaster. In
driving rain and mist, early in the evening of 27 March 1980 more than 200 men were off duty in the
accommodation on the Alexander L. Kielland. The wind was gusting to 40 knots with waves up to 12 m high. The
rig had just been winched away from the Edda production platform. Minutes before 18:30 those on board felt a
'sharp crack' followed by 'some kind of trembling'. Suddenly the rig heeled over 30 and then stabilized. Five of
the six anchor cables had broken, the one remaining cable preventing the rig from capsizing. The list continued
to increase and at 18.53 the remaining anchor cable snapped and the rig turned upside down.
A year later in March 1981, the investigative report concluded that the rig collapsed owing to a fatigue crack in
one of its six bracings (bracing D-6), which connected the collapsed D-leg to the rest of the rig. This was traced
to a small 6 mm fillet weld which joined a non-load-bearing flange plate to this D-6 bracing. This flange plate held
a sonar device used during drilling operations. The poor profile of the fillet weld contributed to a reduction in its
fatigue strength. Further, the investigation found considerable amounts of lamellar tearing in the flange plate and
cold cracks in the butt weld. Cold cracks in the welds, increased stress concentrations due to the weakened
flange plate, the poor weld profile, and cyclical stresses due to wave loading, seemed to have collectively played
a role in the rig's collapse.
Corrosion Fatigue
As bad as the problem of fatigue is, it is much worse when corrosion is introduced producing a phenomenon
called Corrosion Fatigue. In this case chemical reactions induce pits which act as stress raisers. The corrosion
also enhances crack propagation The effect of Corrosion Fatigue is termed synergistic. In simple language this
means that the effect of both conditions taken together are greater than the sum of them when taken separately.
In essence; (2 + 2) = 5. Ultimately if a metal is simultaneously exposed to a corrosive environment, the failure
can take place at even lower loads and after shorter time.
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Fatigue Limits
In a corrosive environment the stress level at which it could be assumed a material has infinite life is lowered or
removed completely. Contrary to a pure mechanical fatigue, there is no fatigue limit load in corrosion-assisted
Corrosion fatigue and fretting are both in this class. Much lower failure stresses and much shorter failure times
can occur in a corrosive environment compared to the situation where the alternating stress is in a non-corrosive
The fatigue fracture is brittle and the cracks are most often transgranular, as in stress-corrosion cracking, but not
branched. The corrosive environment can cause a faster crack growth and/or crack growth at a lower tension
level than in dry air. Even relatively mild corrosive atmospheres can reduce the fatigue strength of aluminum
structures considerably, down to 75 to 25% of the fatigue strength in dry air.
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Vibrating piping systems that have a tendency to inflict damage to insulation jacketing providing a path for
water ingress.
Piping systems with deteriorated coatings and/or wrappings.
Steam traced piping systems that may experience tracing leaks, especially at the tubing fittings beneath the
Locations where insulation plugs have been removed to permit thickness measurements on insulated piping
should receive particular attentions.
Inspection and prevention of CUI is possible. The best way to inspect for CUI is to completely remove the
covering; however, this can be time consuming, costly and impractical in many cases. Ultrasonic testing, x-ray,
eddy currents, electro-magnetic devices and remote monitoring are also used with varying degrees of success.
However, when dealing with CUI, experience and efficient monitoring systems can be extremely beneficial.
Previous experience of similar systems will identify locations of high susceptibility, for example, low spots in the
line and areas which have a temperature profile which means water will remain in liquid form and not evaporate
off. These areas can be ranked and given a risk factor.
It is this allocation of risk which is providing tremendous benefits in terms of efficiency and cost savings over
traditional inspection methods. Risk Based Inspection software will utilize current and historical information and
produce a prioritized inspection regime. It is by prioritization that cost savings and efficiency can be achieved.
Without prioritization, inspection can fall into the "shotgun" or "hit and miss" approach which really only results in
what is termed "firefighting". Areas are inspected because they are easy to get at or they have been problematic
in the past. The actual efficiency of the inspection regime will be quite low because many potential problem
areas will be missed. We will spend a lot of time, energy and resources doing this "firefighting". The smarter way
to deal with the problem is to stand back and have a look at the whole system and determine what causes the
fires to occur in the first place. We can then address the instigators of these problems and if we take care of
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those then effectively the problems never arise. Part of that "stand back and have a look" necessitates an
effective inspection regime.
Prevention is mainly through ensuring that water does not intrude into the system. There are a number of factors
which contribute to prevention, these include:
Insulation selection
Protective paints and coatings
Equipment design
Maintenance practices
Weather barriers
In recent years, the CUI prevention philosophy of many large petrochemical companies has been an inspectionfree, maintenance-free concept. Insulated systems particularly piping systems are expected to have a service life
of 25 to 30 years. In order to achieve that 2 simple approaches are now recommended for CUI prevention:
(A) Applying thermal spray aluminum (TSA) on carbon steel to prevent general corrosion, and on
austenitic stainless steel to prevent stress corrosion cracking.
With TSA, aluminum particles are bonded to the metal substrate mechanically.
The two common thermal spray techniques used to apply TSA to components are wire flame spray and twin wire
electric arc spray. Adhesion to the substrate is considered largely mechanical and is dependent on the work
piece being very clean and suitably rough. Roughening is carried out by grit blasting to a white metal condition
with a sharp, angular profile in the 50-to-100 micron (2-to-4 mil) range. Flame and arc spraying require relatively
low capital investment and are portable; they are often applied in open workshops and on site. Consumables
used for TSA with these processes are more than 99-percent purity aluminum wires.
(B) Using aluminum foil wrapping on austenitic stainless steel pipe to prevent stress corrosion
The aluminum foil provides a moisture barrier and electrochemical protection by preferentially undergoing
corrosion and maintaining a safe potential for stainless steel. The system relies on good weatherproofing and
the prevention of immersion conditions. It can be applied by the insulation contractor, takes less time to apply
than a coating, and requires minimal substrate preparation.
Wrapping pipe with 46 SWG (wire gauge) 0.1-millimeter (mm) aluminum foil can prevent Corrosion Induced SCC
of stainless steel pipe operating continuously between 60C and 175C (140F and 347F). The pipe should be
wrapped with 50-mm overlap, formed to shed water on the vertical line, and held with aluminum or stainless wire.
The foil should be moulded around flanges and fittings. Steam-traced lines should be double wrapped, with the
first layer applied directly onto the pipe, followed by the steam tracing, and then more foil over the top. On
vessels, the aluminum foil is applied in bands held by insulation clips and insulation support rings.
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develop beneath the colony. By consuming oxygen as it diffused through the biofilm, APB also create
oxygen flow conditions under the colony, which permit anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria to thrive.
* Iron-precipitating bacteria, which are generally considered to be aerobic are characterized by the
precipitation of filamentous iron and manganese hydroxides and by the formation of a hard sheath or
coating of iron hydroxide around the bacterium. When these bacteria become attached to a metal
surface, the result is the formation of a blister-like growth known as a tubercle. One type, Gallionella,
tends to concentrate chlorides in their deposits, which act as dilute acid, and are uniquely corrosive.
General corrosion affects the entire surface or at least the wetted surface. MIC, on the other hand, is very
localized. It creates a nodule and a pit beneath the nodule. There can be only a few nodules or there can be
many. Within these nodules microbes rarely work alone but operate as a mixed community of differing types and
groups. The different microorganisms perform different functions within the community. This interaction allows a
community to thrive in environments that are actually hostile to some of its members. For example, in an aerobic
environment, anaerobic bacteria are generally inhibited or killed. But within a community the aerobic bacteria
reside in the outer layer (Biofilm) of the nodule consuming the oxygen in the water as it penetrates the nodule.
Thus, the inner portion of the nodule experiences a reduced oxygen level allowing anaerobic bacteria to thrive.
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The presence of the hydrogen sulfide and organic acids under the bacteria colonies creates galvanic
concentration cells that cause corrosion. Further, under aerated conditions, it is possible for the hydrogen sulfide
to oxidize to elemental sulphur.
The production and pipeline industries have had extensive experience with bacterial corrosion problems and
have therefore developed strategies and techniques to deal with this problem. First, offshore oil and gas wells
are frequently drilled with seawater-based drilling muds. These muds have resulted in producing wells
contaminated with bacteria. The wells subsequently feed bacteria into production piping systems. Serious
corrosion problems occur in these production piping systems. Corrosion can cause leaks and failures in offshore
pipelines in as few as 4 years if no control measures are taken. The production piping systems, in turn, often
feed the bacteria into storage tanks and crude oil tankers, where further corrosion problems arise.
Bacteria have also been the cause of serious corrosion problems in the secondary recovery of oil. In this process,
additional oil is produced by injecting water into oil-bearing rock. Produced water, seawater, and make-up water
from various sources such as lakes and streams are used in this enhanced recover technique. Produced water
is the water produced along with the oil from oil wells. All of the water is deaerated to reduce corrosion, but this
can provide an ideal growth medium for SRB. Bacteria are especially a problem when produced water
containing hydrocarbon residuals is used. Many fields have turned sour, and pipelines and other facilities have
been destroyed by the corrosion generated by these bacteria.
Offshore platform drain system sumps have also been a very serious problem, as deck washings containing oil
are drained into sump caissons. The system becomes stagnant and SRB thrive, reaching concentrations of
1,000,000 to 10,000,000 per ml, with the water turning black. When the oil is recovered and put into pipelines,
serious corrosion problems often result.
On FPSOs, MIC can occur in ballast tanks and at the bottom of oil cargo tanks. In ballast tanks, corrosion from
aerobic APB occurs on the walls and bottoms of the tanks, especially at the edge of sediment deposits. In cargo
tanks, anaerobic bacteria can thrive in the water layer that collects in the bottoms of the tanks.
Not surprisingly, the main line of attack against MIC is to eliminate the microorganisms involved using chemicals
which exhibit biocidal properties. Typical Oil Field biocide options fall into two main categories:
Non Oxidizers
THPS (Tetrakish Hydroxymethyl Phosphonium Sulfate)
Quaternary ammonium
Chlorine dioxide
Peracetic acid, Sodium bromide, bleach, ozone
Non oxidizers typically have a slower microbial kill but are more persistent and more common in the oil field,
however, because they are environmentally unfriendly they are being scrutinized.
Oxidizers are considered to be fast kill and significantly more reactive and less persistent. Oxidizers are gaining
position due to improved efficacy and environmental benefits. Of these, Chlorine Dioxide has advantages due to:
Not requiring long residence time in tanks or pits to achieve desired efficacy.
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Erosion Corrosion
Erosion-corrosion is caused by the relative movement between a corrosive fluid and a metal surface. The
mechanical aspect of the movement is what induces friction and subsequent wear and metal removal. This
process leads to the formation of grooves, valleys, wavy surfaces, holes, etc., with a characteristic directional
appearance (comet tails, horseshoe marks, etc.
Errosion Corrosion
Most metals and alloys can be affected, particularly soft materials (e.g. copper, lead, etc.) or those whose
corrosion resistance depends on the existence of a surface film (aluminum, stainless steels). It is generally
recognized that there are 5 main elements in the phenomenon:
(1) Turbulent flow, fluctuating shear stress, and pressure impacts
(2) Impact of suspended solid particles
(3) Impact of suspended liquid droplets in high-speed gas flow
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Cavitation-corrosion is a particular form of erosion caused by the "implosion" of gas bubbles on a metal surface.
It is often associated with sudden variations in pressure related to the hydrodynamic parameters of the fluid (e.g.
hydraulic turbine blades, propellers, stirrer blades, etc. A good surface condition decreases the number of
potential sites for the formation of vapor bubbles. An increase in fluid pressure is often sufficient to maintain a
single phase fluid, thus avoiding the formation of vapor bubbles.
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Fretting exists when two adjoining contact surfaces in relative motion are subject to a load. It is most common in
equipment involving vibrating or moving parts, due to constant friction. Fretting damage involves both
mechanical and chemical factors. The former is the dislodgement of metal particles by the wear action produced
by the rubbing surfaces. The latter is associated with the processes which promote the oxidation of the metal
Fretting affects all metals. The most common occurrences are found in tube/baffle areas of heat exchangers and
connecting devices such as gears, hinges, bearings, etc. The critical factors are:
Magnitude of the load on the surface, a larger load will cause more stress and wear on contact
Dryness of the contact surface causes more friction and wear.
Amplitude of movements or vibrations
Direct contact of surface with air/oxygen (oxidation occurs)
In instances of fretting corrosion, visible surface damage will be evident. A reddish brown deposit is often
present in the areas around fretting damage, as well as noticeable cracks.
Roller bearing inner ring with fretting corrosion and a transverse crack right through the ring
Page 35
2H H2 (gas)
If the formation of molecular hydrogen is suppressed, the nascent atomic hydrogen can diffuse into the
interstices of the metal. There are many chemical species which poison this gaseous recombination (e.g.
cyanides, arsenic, antimony, or selenium compounds). However, the most commonly encountered species is
hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which is formed in in many petrochemical processes and is a major constituent in Sour
oil fields.
Page 36
Processes or conditions involving wet hydrogen sulfide, i.e. sour services, and the high incidence of sulfideinduced HIC has resulted in the terms Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC). The SSC of medium strength steels has
been a continuing source of trouble in the oil fields because the cracking of susceptible materials occurs at
stress levels well below the yield stress.
Failures have occurred in the field when storage tank roofs have become saturated with hydrogen and then
been subjected to a surge in pressure, resulting in the brittle failure of circumferential welds. In rare instances,
even copper and Monel 400 have been subjected to HIC. More resistant materials, such as Inconels and
Hastelloys, often employed to combat HIC, can become susceptible under the combined influence of severe
cold work, the presence of hydrogen recombination poisons, and a direct current from the galvanic couple due to
electrical contact with a more anodic member.
The mechanism of HIC has not been definitely established. Various factors are believed to contribute to
unlocking the lattice of the metal, such as hydrogen pressure at the crack tip, the competition of hydrogen atoms
for the lattice bonding electrons, the easier plastic flow and dislocation formation in the metal at the crack tip in
the presence of hydrogen, and the formation of certain metal hydrides in the alloy. The following phenomena
have also been commonly reported in relation to hydrogen weakening of metallic components.
Page 37
mitigate them completely. This method is used as a basis for prioritizing and managing the efforts of an
inspection program to ensure that inspection is carried out in a cost-effective manner and in compliance with the
relevant on and offshore legislation, industry guidance and company requirements.
With this in mind, this chapter has been generated to give an understanding of how the RBI assessment process
works by identifying the consequences and the likelihood of failure. Once identified these consequences and
likelihoods can provide a basic risk based ranking functionality to determine the frequency of examination for
topside and subsea process and piping systems. This includes a qualitative analysis that allows for the
prioritizing of the pressure systems within a five by five matrix, which rates them from lower to higher risk, which
in turn can be used to identify high risk areas that may require further risk analysis. Before starting any RBI
assessment there are certain things that need to be in place.
As a minimum the following roles shall be consulted and/or actively take part in a RBI Assessment process, as
Inspection Engineer
Integrity Engineer
Materials/Corrosion Engineer
Chemical Representative
Process Engineer
Operations Representative(s)
Risk Advisor
Note that certain team members may be part-time due to limited input needs. It is also possible that not all the
team members may be required if other team members have the required skills and knowledge of that discipline.
As a result, it is necessary to document the skills/qualifications of the RBI Assessment Team. Due to potential
demand on individuals time, the RBI Coordinator will prepare as best he/she can in advance of all meetings with
the aim to maximizing individuals focus and minimizing individuals meeting time.
RBI Coordinator: The RBI Coordinator will lead and coordinate the team. Providing the person assigned to this
role is knowledgeable in the RBI process, this role can be a dual role completed by the Inspection Engineer, the
Materials/Corrosion Engineer or the Integrity Engineer. The RBI Coordinator should also be a full-time team
member, and shall be responsible for:
Page 38
The RBI Coordinator shall have a thorough understanding of risk analysis, either by education, training, or
Inspection Engineer: The Inspection Engineer is a core team member responsible for:
Gathering data on the condition of equipment in the study. This condition data should include the
new/design condition and current condition. Generally, this information will be located in equipment
inspection files and an equipment integrity database. If condition data is unavailable, the Inspection
Engineer, in conjunction with the Materials/Corrosion Engineer, should provide predictions of the current
Assessing the effectiveness of past inspections;
Implementing the recommended inspection plan derived from the RBI study.
Advising Integrity Engineer when appropriate risk mitigation actions have not been implemented.
Integrity Engineer: The Integrity Engineer is a core team member who is accountable for the RBI process and
is required to:
Ensure the recommended risk mitigation actions derived from the RBI study are implemented;
Ensure inspection intervals are not exceeded;
Ensure resources are available for RBI Assessments; and,
Liaise with Regulatory Body and Certifying Authority, as required.
Materials/Corrosion Engineer: The Materials/Corrosion Engineer is a core team member responsible for the
Chemical Representative: Where possible a representative from the Process Chemical supplier should be
present. This person is accountable for providing information regarding the various chemical programs that are
used to mitigate corrosion (biocides, corrosion inhibitors, oxygen scavengers, etc.). Furthermore, this person is
responsible for providing information regarding the monitoring of the respective programs. In the event that a
process chemical representative cannot be present, the Materials/Corrosion Engineer shall be responsible for
obtaining this information.
Page 39
Process Engineer: The Process Engineer is a core team member, responsible for the provision of process
engineering support including:
Highlight variations in process conditions due to normal occurrences (e.g. startups and shutdowns),
abnormal occurrences and potential changes due to future operating conditions (e.g. introduction of new
wells, increased water cut, increased GOR, souring of reservoir, etc.);
Describe the composition and variability of all process fluids/gases as well as their toxicity and
flammability; and,
Evaluate/recommend methods of risk mitigation through changes in process conditions or through
process monitoring.
Operations Representative(s): The Operations Representative(s) is a core team member from either the
production or marine department where relevant. The individual(s) shall be knowledgeable of plant operations
and responsible for the following:
Verify that the facility/equipment is being operated within the parameters set out in the process
Provide data on occurrences when the process deviated from the limits of the process condition;
Develop credible limiting consequence scenarios for failure modes under consideration;
Implement recommendations that pertain to process or equipment modifications;
Provide input with respect to shutdown impacts of equipment (i.e. system shutdown, plant shutdown,
etc.); and,
Verify that equipment repairs/replacements/additions have been included in the equipment condition
data supplied by the Inspection Engineer.
Risk Advisor: The risk advisor may be a part-time team member, responsible for:
Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) and Safety Study review where relevant;
Provide interpretation on Risk Management issues and the Risk Matrix. Generally, this individual is
consulted on the consequence of failure assessment.
Training: All team members shall have basic training in RBI assessment methodology. The training shall be
geared primarily to an understanding of RBI procedures. The training may be provided by the Risk Assessment
Personnel on the RBI Team or by a person knowledgeable in RBI methodology.
Typical data needed for a RBI analysis includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Page 40
any new items of equipment are identified and included in the inspection strategy
the internal and external design conditions anticipated in the original risk assessment remain valid
the original criteria set for the consequences remain valid
actual degradation rates as measured are not exceeding the predicted degradation rates
The integrity management process is also iterative in nature. The output of the inspection and monitoring
activities are fed back into the integrity management cycle and the risks (and consequently the strategies) are
reviewed in the light of the inspection and monitoring history. The results from the integrity management process
can also be used to drive improvements to future projects and to equipment reliability by applying lessons
The first requirement of any integrity management strategy is to clearly define the extent of the system down to
inspection component level. This is done for the avoidance of doubt and also to ensure that all the critical
components within the system are captured in the integrity management strategy. Where new equipment is
installed or equipment is decommissioned, it should be a part of the management of change process so that the
integrity management strategies affected by the change are reviewed and updated accordingly. This requires
input from projects and operations review teams. The incorporation of new equipment into the integrity
management strategies is best done prior to the project handover stage.
The purpose of applying a risk based approach to integrity management and inspection planning is to focus the
inspection effort on the high-risk equipment items. A risk based inspection strategy should identify all relevant
damage and degradation mechanisms for each piece of equipment being risk assessed. Based on this
information, the most appropriate inspection/monitoring method can be chosen and a suitable
inspection/monitoring frequency will be defined.
In summary, a risk based inspection management system addresses four fundamental questions:
What equipment items should be inspected?
What is an appropriate inspection frequency?
What is/are the appropriate method(s) of inspection?
Page 41
Identify potential
hazards. Assign failure
of Failure (CoF)
Failure (LoF)
Rank equipment
items in terms of risk.
For High risk items
determine if risk
driver is LoF or CoF
Risk Driver = CoF
Mitigation Measures
Control Measures
Integrity Management
WHAT to inspect
WHEN to inspect
HOW to inspect
EXTENT to inspect
Page 42
On an offshore facility, the most obvious distinction of system limits is that between the equipment located on
and above the water and the equipment located below the water. A further distinction is made between items
whose purpose is primarily supporting structure and equipment item whose purpose is the containment of fluid.
Within this latter category a distinction is drawn between the internal (exposed to the transported fluids) and
external environments. Within these system boundaries the sub systems and components are then defined. The
component definitions can be found in the relevant system integrity management strategies. Not all equipment
that is located under water falls within the realm of the subsea integrity management strategies, for example the
integrity management of various components associated with an FPSO hull, the turret and the mooring system
will come under the vessels Class Society rules. Eg, American Bureau of Shipping, Det Norske Veritas, Lloyds
Register of Shipping etc. Effectively an FPSO is a permanently moored ship and subject to the normal ship
rules. Not all FPSOs will be specifically designed for that function. Many are converted tankers.
Page 43
Page 44
Internal corrosion
External corrosion
External mechanical damage
Structural over stressing
Hydraulic overpressure
The hazard identification (HAZID) process relies on knowledgeable individuals contributing their experience and
judgments to the process. Where conventional and established technologies and materials are being assessed,
the failure mechanisms associated with such technologies and materials are usually well understood and
documented. However in the case of new and emerging technologies and materials, or those with a limited
history of field applications the potential failure mechanisms will have been derived from laboratory test and
empirical data. It is important that the results of the in-service inspections and monitoring activities pertaining to
such materials and items are frequently reviewed. This is to ensure that the materials are behaving in the inservice environment as predicted by the laboratory results.
It is usually desirable to list all the potential failure mechanisms that could occur and subsequently screen out
those which are considered unlikely or otherwise inappropriate of further consideration. Applying a what if
approach increases the potential for capturing all the potential failure mechanisms. This approach to hazard
identification (HAZID) can be formalized using techniques such as the HAZOP (Hazard and Operability Study)
where guidewords are used to structure the discussions of the hazard identification team. All the hazards
assessed should be recorded so that they too can be periodically reviewed in the light of the in service data and
operational experience.
Consequence Assessment
In the risk assessment process the consequence of a particular event is assessed in term of the overall adverse
effects the event could have on personnel (safety), the asset / facility and other equipment loss, the environment
or system operability. The term operability is used as a measure of the consequence a failure would have on
production, both in terms of immediate production loss and the long-term effects on production while a repair is
carried out. The following table is a typical consequence assessment.
Page 45
Consequence Factor
Safety (S)
Environment (E)
Production (P)
Business (B)
No injury to
No Harmful release
or environmental
Minimal loss of
production /
Slight injury
resulting in First
Aid Case
spill localized and
contained within site
Minor personnel
injury impact or
Affects work
Moderate release of
harmful substances
with possible
widespread effect
Increased flaring
Uncontained release
of hazardous
Severe personnel
injury or disability.
Degraded function
of Safety Critical
Fatality(s) Loss of
function of Safety
Critical Equipment
Large uncontained
release of
Minor downtime
or less than 6 hrs
total loss of
production /
drilling or total
production loss
1,000 boe
downtime or
0.25 -1 days total
loss of
production /
drilling or total
production loss
5,000 boe
Major downtime
or 1-10
days total loss of
production /
drilling or total
production loss
25,000 boe
downtime or
more than 10
days total loss of
production /
drilling or total
loss exceeding
100,000 boe
Slight equipment
damage, repair cost
or increase in
OPEX (<$1,000) No
impact on plan
Minor system
damage, repair cost
or increase in
impact on plan, delay
<1 month
Very Low
Very High
Breach of flaring
Prosecution for
breach of flaring
Moderate system
damage, repair cost
or increase in
Impact on plan, delay
<1 month
Major system
damage or
increase in OPEX
Impacts plan, delay 1
month < 3months
Extensive damage,
repair costs or
increase in OPEX
Impacts plan, delay
>3 months
Page 46
Likelihood Rating
Very Low
Very High
Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF) > 30 years
Failure not foreseeable under normal operating conditions within the remaining
life of the asset
Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF) > 10 years but < 30 years
Failure possible within life of asset, based on knowledge of construction
materials and service conditions
Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF) > 5 years but < 10 years
Failure probable within life of asset, based on knowledge of construction
materials and service conditions
Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF) < 5 years
High probability of failure within life of asset, based on knowledge of construction
materials and service conditions
Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF) < 2 years
Very high probability of failure within life of asset, based on
knowledge of construction materials and service conditions
Likelihood of Failure Assessment Criteria
Putting the Consequence and Likelihood tables together gives us a Risk Matrix. The following is typical:
Very High
Very Low
Page 47
Page 48
Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs) and Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs)
Piping specifications
Design philosophies
Heat and material balances
Historical inspection data
Project Basis:
o Detailed RBI to focus on high and medium risk systems.
o No analysis of low risk systems, but requirements for integrity management, identified from high
level review, to be confirmed.
Project Execution:
o High and medium risk systems (where appropriate) to be broken down into constituent
vessels/components and corrosion loops (piping)
o Prioritized systems to undergo semi-quantitative risk assessment consistent with the principles
of API RP 580
o Credible failure modes to be identified for each vessel / heat exchanger and corrosion loop
o Effect of failure modes on vessel or corrosion loop functionality to be identified
o Facilitated risk assessment process to determine likelihood and consequences of failure for
each failure mode
o Relative risk rating for each vessel, corrosion loop or system to be determined according to
Criticality Assessment Matrix
o Any failure modes associated with a low risk of failure to be discounted from further assessment
providing justification can be made
o A thorough assessment to be made of integrity management options for failure modes
associated with high and medium risk
o Integrity management options to include inspection, corrosion monitoring, process monitoring,
chemical treatment, fluids analysis, microbial sampling, etc
o Frequency of integrity management activities to be identified and controlled through an
appropriate matrix to be agreed
o Detailed integrity management strategies to be formulated for each vessel / heat exchanger and
corrosion loop, as required
Page 49
o High and medium risk systems (where appropriate) to be broken down into constituent
vessels/components and corrosion loops (piping)
o Marked up P&IDs showing breakdown of systems at vessel and corrosion loop level
o Detailed integrity management plan for high and medium risk vessels, corrosion loops and
systems. To include system/loop level inspection and monitoring requirements; intervals,
techniques and scope of coverage.
The High and Medium Criticality systems are normally selected for detailed assessment at equipment and
corrosion loop level.
Inspection &
RBI Management Process
Following completion of the relevant inspections and collation of any corrosion or process monitoring data, an
evaluation of the current condition of equipment and corrosion loops is undertaken. This will take into
consideration the range of mitigation activities applied. The condition assessment may also involve the
application of standardized approaches to defect assessment and fitness-for-service analysis using ASME VIII,
ASME B31.3, API 579, etc.
A critical component of the RBI process is the Integrity Review. In the long term, this enables equipment
criticality assessments to be reviewed and verified against actual plant experience. Accordingly, inspection,
Page 50
monitoring, testing and mitigation activities may be modified to account for the current equipment condition and
anticipated future service conditions.
Once established through the initial risk assessments, inspection/monitoring and mitigation plans, the RBI
process operates through a feedback mechanism so that relevant inspection, monitoring, testing and operational
data is evaluated as required, and integrity management plans updated as appropriate.
Integrity Review
The Integrity Review stage will cover all of the elements that affect equipment criticality, including:
The Integrity Review will form the basis of long-term management of the RBI process. The verification of
inspection and operating data provides a critical feedback loop, vital for the successful implementation of RBI, as
it provides the justification for managing risks to a level consummate with business and safety requirements.
This includes defining the optimum balance between on-stream and off-line maintenance, and how preventive
maintenance is complemented by turnarounds and overhauls to ensure continued fitness for purpose and
integrity for operation.
Required attendees for Integrity Review meetings include the Pressure Systems Integrity Engineer, Corrosion
Engineer, Inspection Engineer and Facilities Engineer to ensure that all relevant aspects are covered and that
risk assessment and confidence level decisions are made in a timely, consistent manner.
Page 51
objectives highlighted above for each static equipment item and corrosion loop. In addition, if limited data is
available for the initial RBI assessment, the meetings should aim to establish the normal operating envelope for
the items under review.
Inspection Strategy
The objective of the inspection strategy for each equipment item will be to address all credible failure modes,
with the scope and level of detail determined by the risk rating. In most circumstances this will result in a limited
range of inspection strategies, dependent upon equipment type, deterioration mode and expected rate (time
dependent mechanisms, e.g. general corrosion) or initiation conditions (stochastic mechanisms, e.g. stress
corrosion cracking).
Although there are a wide range of specialist techniques that can be used to identify specific degradation
mechanisms, most external and internal corrosion/materials degradation issues can be identified using a small
range of relatively low cost and well understood methods. The majority of planned inspections will therefore be
carried out using:
The use of inspection techniques to evaluate unanticipated or highly improbable failure modes should not be
required, although there may be occasions where such speculative examination may be beneficial (e.g. for
equipment operating in unusual environments or process conditions). In general the deployment of specialist
techniques can be very expensive, and there may be logistical constraints when applied to the facilities.
Therefore, the use of specialist inspection techniques will be restricted to situations where there is either:
An identified threat of failure and no-cost effective alternative method of inspection
A clear cost-benefit and technical advantage has been demonstrated over conventional inspection
Traditionally most major inspection activities relating to static equipment have relied on thorough internal
inspections, where access permits. This requires considerable planning and issuing of permits due to the need
for complete isolation of the equipment, venting, draining, cleaning/purging and subsequent man-entry and
associated safety protection systems.
Providing that full access into the equipment is possible, the inspector will deploy a range of inspection methods,
in addition to visual examination, consistent with the range of credible failure modes anticipated for the
Where access is restricted due to, for example, the absence of appropriate man ways, the use of head and
shoulders visual examination is to be discouraged. This approach can be highly subjective and may offer only
limited value in terms of equipment confidence level.
It should be noted that the health & safety aspects, quality and effectiveness of internal visual examinations may
be improved by the application of potentially less subjective techniques such as the borescope. The use of high
Page 52
quality borescopes in combination with video recording/image capture equipment can be used to increase the
confidence in visual examination data by providing permanent, verifiable records of equipment condition. This
methodology has the potential to substantially reduce the costs and risks associated with invasive inspections,
as full isolation, purging and man-entry would no longer be absolutely necessary. This approach will be
particularly suited to columns and other vessels containing complex internals or other physical restrictions.
Baseline Inspections
It is normally recommended that for new facilities a baseline inspection is carried out within one year of
operational startup. The main objectives of this survey will be:
To obtain early assurance of the HIGH and MEDIUM criticality equipment integrity and provide a
reference for future assessments of degradation.
To provide baseline wall thickness readings for piping corrosion loops and static equipment (as
To identify any potential corrosion hot spots or unanticipated deterioration modes.
To identify any issues regarding access to areas of potential degradation e.g. scaffolding requirements,
inability to carry out adequate external inspections.
To identify any potential integrity concerns arising from plant lay out, positioning or initial operations.
Page 53
isometrics. For HIGH Criticality corrosion loops this will be based on numerous TMLs covering a range of pipe
diameters. Thickness measurements on MEDIUM corrosion loops will be taken from a limited number of TMLs.
External Corrosion Mechanisms will be evaluated as part of the close visual or general visual external
examination of piping. In addition, if it is the intention to use methods such as Long Range Ultrasonic
Technology (LRUT) in the future then it would be beneficial to obtain a baseline Footprint at this time.
Bowtie Analysis
Another method of risk assessment which has found favor in the last few years is called the Bowtie Analysis.
The exact origins of Bowtie methodology are hazy although it is believed to originate from ICI in the late 1970s
and that in the early nineties the Royal Dutch / Shell Group adopted the Bowtie method as a company standard
for analysing and managing risks. Shell facilitated extensive research in the application of the Bowtie method
and developed a strict rule set for the definition of all parts, based on their ideas of best practice. The primary
motivation of Shell was the necessity of assurance that appropriate risk controls are consistently in place
throughout all worldwide operations. Use of Bowties is now widely spread between companies, industries,
countries and regulators.
Page 54
Besides the basic Bowtie diagram, management systems should also be considered and integrated with the
Bowtie to give an overview of what activities keep a Control working and who is responsible for a Control.
Integrating the management system in a Bowtie demonstrates how Hazards are managed by a company. The
Bowtie can also be used effectively to assure that Hazards are managed to an acceptable level (ALARP)
Page 55
Non-Invasive Inspection
In recent years the increasing application of RBI has been used to support more flexible and operationally
efficient inspection strategies. For example, the application of comprehensive, non-invasive inspection strategies
can be used to increase plant availability by reducing the requirement for inspection-driven equipment
downtime. The use of non-invasive methods can reduce the general health and safety risks posed by blowing
down, purging equipment and vessel entry. Furthermore, these methods can also reduce the integrity threat
associated with taking equipment out of service and exposing it, albeit temporarily, to ambient, potentially
corrosive environments.
Non-Invasive Inspection (NII) is often referred to as an inspection performed from the outside of the vessel
without having to break containment and/or not requiring vessel entry. It may be performed on-stream or offstream. There are many alternative methods within NII, where the preferred method depends on factors like
vessel geometry, materials, deterioration, location etc.
Page 56
Thermal image of De-Salter vessel showing water intrusion under the insulation
One of the bibles on NII is the freely available DNV guidance notes (DNV-RP-G103). It lists 11 different NII
methods. Many of these will be described later.
Ultrasonic Testing
Liquid Penetrant
Eddy Current Testing
Magnetic Particle Inspection
Magnetic Flux Leakage
Backscatter or Compton Imaging
Acoustic Emission
Remote Visual Inspection
Why NII?
Pressure vessels and systems undergo periodic, statutory and other testing to ensure continued safe and
reliable operation. Stopping operations for inspection can have a significant time and cost impact, as well as
adding additional risks. The reasons for NII include;
Page 57
In addition it has numerous Health, Safety and Environmental benefits. One is that man access may be
hazardous and present environmental risks. In traditional inspection, a specialist must physically enter the vessel
to perform inspection. Lastly, mechanical disturbances involved in traditional turnarounds may adversely affect
future performance of the vessels.
An example of the potential benefits for NII was a test done on a pressure vessel on a platform on the Northern
Continental Shelf. An NII analysis was performed on a vessel that had traditionally had an internal inspection
every other year. The NII concluded that the necessary internal inspection could be postponed to every 3rd year.
This resulted in a considerable saving in terms of time and money.
In other words, there are significant advantages if inspections are performed from the outside of the vessel
without breaking containment i.e. non-invasively.
One of the main advantages of a successful RBI approach is that it identifies the failure mechanisms likely to
affect equipment based upon the anticipated range of operating conditions. By matching the credible failure
mechanisms and locations to appropriate inspection techniques, it is possible to generate equipment specific,
non-invasive inspections that can match the effectiveness of invasive inspections
The acceptance of non-intrusive inspection strategies requires that they are capable of at least achieving the
same detection and sizing requirements as detailed intrusive inspections. This may be in the form of results from
both previous intrusive and non-intrusive inspections showing good correlation, or a verifiable report on the
capability of the non-intrusive inspection which can be compared with previous intrusive results. The application
of non-intrusive methods is particularly suited to corrosion mapping and crack detection in simple pressure
vessels, drums and storage tanks.
Alternatively, non-intrusive inspection can be applied in addition to a detailed intrusive inspection prior to an
outage and during short shutdowns to assist in the planning of detailed intrusive internal inspections. In addition,
non-intrusive methods can be used to provide immediate information on an identified potential problem with the
minimum of interference with other operations.
Visual Inspection
Visual inspection (VT) relies upon the detection of surface imperfections using the eye. Normally applied without
the use of any additional equipment, VT can be improved by using aids such as a magnifying glass or strong
light source. VT is considered to be the primary NDT method. Since it relies on an evaluation made using the
eye, VT is generally considered to be the primary and oldest method of NDT.
With its relative simplicity and because it does not require sophisticated apparatus, it is a very inexpensive
method thus provides an advantage over other NDT methods. A further advantage of VT is that it is an ongoing
inspection that can be applied at various stages of construction.
The primary limitation of VT is it is only capable of evaluating discontinuities which can be seen on the surface of
the material or component. Sometimes there may be some visual indication of a subsurface imperfection that
may need an additional NDT method to provide verification of the subsurface discontinuity. VT is most effective
Page 58
when it is performed at all stages of any new fabrication, and is the main method used during the inspection of
pressure equipment.
If applied say after welding has been completed, it is possible that subsurface flaws may not be detected.
Therefore, it is important to appreciate that VT will only be fully effective if it is applied throughout any fabrication
or inspection. An effective VT programme if applied at the correct time will detect most defects or discontinuities
that may later be found by some other costly and time consuming NDT method. The economics of VT can be
seen in welding if we consider how much easier and inexpensive a welding problem can be corrected when
found at the right time, i.e. as it occurs.
For example, a flaw, such as incomplete fusion at the weld root, can be repaired easily and quickly right after it is
produced, saving on expense and time required repairing it after the weld has been completed and inspected
using some other NDT technique.
VT will also give the technician instant information on the condition of pressure equipment regarding such things
as corrosion, bulging, distortion, correct parts, failures, etc.
VT requires three basic conditions to be in place. These are:
As mentioned previously, one of the advantages of VT is that there is little or no equipment required, which
improves its economy or portability. Equipment, which may be employed to improve the accuracy, repeatability,
reliability, and efficiency of VT, include various devices. Magnifying glasses may also be utilized for a more
detailed look at some visual feature. However, care must be taken to avoid making erroneous decisions
regarding the size or extent of some discontinuity when its image is magnified.
Visual inspection methods can be divided into three sub-groups:
Visual examinations prior to welding: drawings, material specifications, edge preparation, dimensions,
cleanliness of the welding joint etc.
Visual examination during welding: welding process, electrode selection, operating conditions, reheat
requirements, welder performance etc.
Visual examinations of the finished weldment: weld size (using weld gauges), defects (surface
cracks, creater cracks, surface porosity, incomplete root penetration, undercut, underfill), warpage, base
metal defects etc.
In order to preserve the test results, various methods can be employed. These include:
It is important to accurately record the location, extent, and type of any defect so that the owner, designer,
principal and production personnel know what requires repair and where the repair is to be carried out.
Page 59
(a) Primary method of inspection
(b) On-going inspection
(c) Most economical inspection method
(d) Applicable at any stage of fabrication
Ultrasonic Testing
Ultrasonic testing (UT) is a non-destructive inspection method that uses high frequency sound waves (ultrasound)
that are above the range of human hearing to measure geometric and physical properties in materials. There are
several ways that sound travels through a material. One type of sound wave, called longitudinal or compression
travels at about 330 meters per second in air and about 6400 meters per second in aluminum or in steel at
approximately 5960 meters per second.
Page 60
Ultrasonic Inspection
To perform UT, electrical energy is converted to mechanical energy, in the form of sound waves, by a transducer.
The transducer accomplishes this energy conversion due to a phenomenon referred to as the piezoelectric effect.
This occurs in several materials, both naturally-occurring and man-made. Quartz is a naturally occurring
piezoelectric material. A piezoelectric material will produce a mechanical change in dimension when excited with
an electronic pulse. The transducer is excited by a high-frequency voltage that causes a crystal to vibrate
mechanically. The crystal probe becomes the source of ultrasonic mechanical vibrations. These vibrations are
transmitted into the test piece through a coupling fluid, usually a film of oil, called a couplant.
The sound wave will continue to travel through the material at a given velocity and does not return to the
transducer unless it hits a reflector (a boundary between two different materials, or a flaw). If that reflector is
favourably oriented, it will reflect the sound back to the transducer at the same velocity. The transducer serves as a
receiver for the reflected energy. When struck by this sound wave, the piezoelectric crystal will convert that energy into
an electronic pulse which is amplified and displayed as a visual indication on a screen which can then be
interpreted by the operator.
By using calibration blocks of the correct material having specific dimensions and shapes as well as the various
controls on the ultrasonic set, the time it takes for the sound wave to travel through the material can be related to
the distance the sound has travelled. Consequently, the ultrasonic set allows the operator to control how long it
takes for the sound to travel through the material to a reflector and back to the transducer to facilitate the
accurate distance of how far the sound has travelled.
One of the primary benefits of UT is that it is considered to be a truly volumetric test. That is, it is capable of
determining not only the length and location of a flaw, but it will also provide the operator with information as to
the type of flaw found. Another major advantage of UT is that it only requires access to one side of the material
being tested. This is a big advantage in the inspection of pressure equipment, tanks and piping systems.
Another important advantage is that UT will best detect those more critical planar discontinuities such as
cracking and incomplete fusion. UT is most sensitive to discontinuities that lie perpendicular to the sound beam.
Page 61
Because a variety of beam angles can be used UT can detect laminations, incomplete fusion and cracks that are
oriented such that detection with radiographic testing would not be possible. UT has deep penetration ability.
Modern UT equipment is lightweight and often battery-powered making it very portable.
The major limitations of this method are that it requires a highly skilled operator because interpretation can be
difficult. Also, the test object surface must be fairly smooth and couplant is required for contact testing. Further
limitations are that reference standards are required and that until recently no permanent record of the CRT
display is available. Also it is generally limited to the inspection of butt welds in materials that are thicker than 6
(a) Test surface must be smooth.
(b) Couplant required.
(c) Expensive equipment.
(d) Reference standards required.
(e) Results require interpretation by experienced person.
(f) Inspection of welds over 6 mm thick.
(a) Volumetric inspection.
(b) Access to only one side required.
(c) Inspects a variety of thicknesses and weld types.
(d) Portable equipment.
(e) Can detect surface and subsurface flaws.
(f) Can readily size flaws detected.
(g) Subject to orientation, can detect planar flaws reliability.
(h) Non-hazardous to personnel.
(i) Suitable for automation.
Page 62
Phased Array UT
By pulsing each of the transducers independently a pattern of constructive interference is set up that results in a
beam at a set angle. In other words, the beam can be steered electronically. The beam is swept like a searchlight through the object being examined, and the data from multiple beams are put together to make a visual
image showing a slice through the object.
Radiographic inspection or testing (RT) is a non-destructive inspection method based on using short wavelength
electromagnetic radiation passing through the material. Materials with areas of reduced thickness or lower
material density allow more, and therefore absorb less, radiation. The radiation, which reaches the film after
passing through the material, forms a shadow image on a photographic film (radiograph). Areas of low
absorption (slag, porosity) appear as dark areas on the developed film (radiograph). Areas of high absorption
(dense inclusions) appear as light areas on the developed film. Lower energy radiation can be in the form of
either gamma or X rays. Gamma rays are the result of the decay of radioactive isotope. A common radioactive
source is Iridium 192. A gamma source is constantly emitting radiation and must be kept in a shielded storage
container when not in use. These containers often employ lead or depleted uranium as shielding.
Page 63
X rays are produced when electrons, travelling at high speed, collide with matter. The conversion of electrical
energy to X radiation is achieved in an evacuated tube. A low current (mA) is passed through a filament to
produce electrons. Application of a high potential (kV) voltage between the filament and a target accelerates
electrons across this voltage differential. The action of an electron stream striking the target produces X rays;
these are produced only while voltage is applied to the X ray tube. Whether using gamma or X ray sources, the
test object, e.g. weld, is not radioactive following the inspection.
Radiographic Testing
Subsurface discontinuities that are readily detected by this method are voids, e.g. rounded flaws, metallic and
non-metallic inclusions, and favorably aligned incomplete fusion and cracks. Voids, such as porosity, produce
dark areas on the film because they represent a significant loss of material density. Metallic inclusions produce
light areas if they are denser than the test object.
For example, tungsten inclusions in aluminum welds, which can be produced when using gas tungsten arc
welding (GTAW) techniques, appear as light areas on the film. Nonmetallic inclusions, such as slag produce
dark areas on the film. Cracks and incomplete fusion must be aligned such that the depth of discontinuities is
nearly parallel to the radiation beam for detection.
Radiographic testing can be used to inspect all common engineering materials and is used extensively for the
inspection of welds in pressure equipment. Either type of source (X rays or Gamma rays) require film in a lighttight film cassette. Lead letters or lead tape is used to identify the test object. Because of the high density of lead
and the local increased thickness, these letters form light areas on the developed film. Penetrameters or image
quality indicator IQIs are used to verify sensitivity of the radiograph. These are made of known material and
known diameters or thicknesses.
Digital radiography is a form of X ray imaging where digital X ray sensors are used instead of traditional
photographic film. Instead of X ray film, digital radiography uses a digital image capture device. This gives
advantages of immediate image preview and availability; elimination of costly film processing steps; a wider
Page 64
dynamic range, which makes it more forgiving for over- and under-exposure; as well as the ability to apply
special image processing techniques that enhance overall display of the image.
Liquid Penetrant
Section of material with a surface-breaking crack that is not visible to the naked eye
Penetrant is applied to the surface.
Excess penetrant is removed.
Developer is applied, rendering the crack visible
Page 65
Page 66
Much of the success of ET testing depends on separating the effects of these variables. Most eddy current
instruments require calibration on a set of test specimens and the flaw sensitivity can be very high. Equipment
varies from simple portable meter-read-out instruments, to more complex oscilloscope read-out displaying both
phase and voltage; recently the outputs have been digitized to produce fully automated computer programmed
equipment with monitored outputs for high speed testing.
Depth of penetration calculations show non ferromagnetic materials have relative and absolute permeability
value of 1. The standard depth penetration of the Eddy Current field lines depends on the material electric
conductivity and the selected frequency. Therefore, non ferromagnetic materials can be well inspected with the
modes and channels as described in the Multiple Frequency Eddy Current Technique.
Ferromagnetic materials, on the other hand, have relative and absolute permeability values far larger than 1.
Consequently, the Eddy Current field line depth of penetration is very limited. This is sufficient for surface defect
detection such as surface braking crack detection in carbon steel materials.
Applications vary from crack detection to rapid sorting of small components for flaws, size variation, or material
variation. Many applications are for bar, tube and wire testing.
(a) Requires highly skilled operator
(b) Applicable to conductive materials only
(c) Depth of penetration in limited
(d) Its application to ferromagnetic materials is difficult
(a) Gives instantaneous response
(b) Can be easily automated
(c) Versatile
(d) No contact between the probe and the test specimen is essential
Page 67
If a discontinuity or flaw is present in the steel bar (keeper) across the ends of the magnet in the vicinity of that
flaw, a flux leakage field is created at the flaw surface because the magnetic field leaves the magnetic material
and travels through air. If the steel bar is sprinkled with iron particles, such particles would be attracted and held
in place by the flux leakage at the flaw. This will occur because the iron particles provide a continuous magnetic
path for the lines of force just as the piece of steel across the ends of the magnet completed the magnetic circuit
for the magnet.
Therefore, to perform MT, there must be a means of generating a magnetic field in the test specimen. Once the
part has been magnetized, iron particles are applied to the surface. When discontinuities are present, these
particles will be attracted and held in place to provide a visual indication of the flaw. The use of permanent
magnets for MT is generally considered to be inferior to other methods of magnetic particle inspection. Therefore,
electromagnets are favored. An electromagnet relies on the principle that there is a magnetic field associated
with any electrical conductor.
Either alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC) can be used to induce a magnetic field. The magnetic field
created by AC due to the skin effect is strongest at the surface of the test object. AC will also provide greater
particle mobility on the surface of the part allowing them to move about freely to locate areas of flux leakage,
even though the surface of the part may be irregular. Direct current (DC) induces magnetic fields that have
greater penetrating power and can be used to detect near surface discontinuities.
(a) Materials or part being inspected must be ferromagnetic
(b) High currents can be used
(c) Will only detect surface and slightly subsurface flaws
(d) Material or part may need to be demagnetized
(e) Material or part must be clean and relatively smooth
(f) Equipment can be bulky and heavy
(g) Power supply generally required
(h) Coating may mask indications
(i) Material or part permeability may affect results.
(a) Economical
(b) Aid to VT
(c) Can be fixed or portable equipment
Page 69
Intelligent Pig
Page 70
Infrared thermography is the process of using a thermal imager to detect infrared radiation (heat) that is emitted
by an object. The technology allows operators to validate normal operations and, more importantly, locate
thermal anomalies (abnormal patterns of heat invisible to the eye) which indicate possible faults, defects or
inefficiencies within a system or machine asset.
A few examples of where infrared is applied in industrial situations include:
Electrical Systems (faulty electrical connections or overloaded circuits)
Mechanical Equipment (abnormally warm motors or possible bearing failures)
Fluid Systems (line blockages, tank levels or pipe temperatures)
Building Applications (detect missing insulation, air infiltration or moisture damage)
Inspecting mechanical equipment with infrared thermography covers a wide variety of systems, everything from
motors, rotating equipment, steam traps, refractory, and tank levels and more. Most of these inspections deemphasize taking absolute temperature measurements and instead concentrate on comparing overall thermal
patterns to understand the assets health.
Page 71
Baseline inspections, where a thermograph captures an overall thermal map of a particular equipment type, is
one of the more valuable uses of the technology, as subsequent inspections are then compared to the original
map to detail any changes that may have occurred over time.
While there are many ways to monitor the electrical and mechanical conditions of a motor, thermal imaging has
proved itself to be useful mainly as a quick and efficient screening tool. Heat is created in a number of ways by
excessive friction, high electrical resistance, reduction of cooling air or fluids and problems with current flow in a
motor. If an issue is detected, in the form of an abnormal thermal signature seen in the infrared image an
additional test method such as vibration analysis, ultrasonics or motor circuit analysis is typically requested to
help pinpoint exactly what is causing an anomaly.
Inspecting bearings is another useful application for infrared thermography. Abnormal friction within a bearing,
generating heat, causes the bearings surface temperature to rise. This thermal signature, when detected, is an
indication of a potential bearing problem, anything from under-lubrication, over-lubrication, poor maintenance or
simply a bad bearing. Infrared is especially helpful for inspecting low-speed equipment, including overhead
conveyors or idlers, quickly and easily.
Both insulation and heat-tracing on process lines can also be inspected with infrared. Applications such as
detecting line blockages, monitoring line temperatures, locating damaged or missing insulation can be
accomplished with infrared with a few exceptions. Lines covered with very high levels of insulation are more
problematic as are process lines that are wrapped with shiny aluminum or stainless steel sheet metal coverings.
Inspecting in these situations can be very difficult due to the high thermal reflectivity/low emissivity of the
surfaces encountered.
Thermography can be a fast and efficient to locate levels of gases, liquids, fluidized solids and even sludge in
tanks, vessels and silos. Although most storage tanks have a gauge to detect levels, these sensors often fail or
must be independently confirmed due to the critical nature of a process.
Similar to inspecting line blockages, the different thermal capacities of solids, liquids, and gases and the way
heat moves in and out of them mean these materials change temperature at different rates during a transient
heat flow cycle. Gases, having the lowest thermal capacity of them all, typically change most quickly. Solids, with
varying capacitances do not change as rapidly because slower, conductive, heat flow controls the temperature
next to the tank wall. Floating materials, including waxes, can usually be distinguished from the liquid due to
capacitance differences. Liquids typically take the longest to change because of their high thermal capacitance.
Acoustic Emission
Acoustic Emission refers to the generation of transient elastic waves during the rapid release of energy from
localized sources within a material. The source of these emissions in metals is closely associated with the
dislocation movement accompanying plastic deformation and the initiation and extension of cracks in a structure
under stress. Other sources of Acoustic Emission are: melting, phase transformation, thermal stresses, cool
down cracking and stress build up.
The Acoustic Emission NDT technique is based on the detection and conversion of these high frequency elastic
waves to electrical signals. This is accomplished by directly coupling piezoelectric transducers on the surface of
the structure under test and loading the structure. Sensors are coupled to the structure by means of a fluid
couplant and are secured with tape, adhesive bonds or magnetic hold downs. The output of each piezoelectric
sensor (during structure loading) is amplified through a low-noise preamplifier, filtered to remove any extraneous
noise and further processed by dedicated electronic equipment.
Page 72
Acoustic Emission
Acoustic Emission gives an immediate indication of the response and behavior of a material under stress,
intimately connected with strength, damage and failure. Acoustic Emission is used also for monitoring chemical
reactions including corrosion process, liquid solid transformations, phase transformations. As the method
records defects in real time, it offers the possibility of on-line inspection.
When multiple sensors are used, an Acoustic Emission source can be located and, thus, the defective area can
be identified. Location is based on the wave propagation principles within the materials and is effectuated by
measuring the signal's arrival time to each sensor. By comparing the signal's arrival time at different sensors, the
flaws location can be defined through triangulation.
(a) Requires stress cycling or loading to activate emission sources.
(b) Acoustic transducers (AE sensors) must contact the surface (directly or via acoustic waveguide).
(c) Emissions can be ambiguous, subject to interpretation.
(d) Noise signals (electronic, acoustic, material related) can make flaw emissions difficult to distinguish.
(e) Requires intensive electronic signal processing and data storage (electronics hardware, computer).
(a) High sensitivity.
(b) Early and rapid detection of defects, flaws, cracks etc.
(c) Real time monitoring
(d) Defective area location: only critical defects provide sustainable Acoustic Emission sources.
Page 73
(e) Minimization of plant downtime for inspection, no need for scanning the whole structural surface.
(f) Minor disturbance of insulation
Page 74
Besides environment, there are other factors that affect coupon results. They are:
Coupon material
Coupon preparation and cleaning procedure
Coupon location and orientation
Time of exposure.
Corrosion coupons are often positioned at several locations throughout a system. Corrosion is usually not
uniform across a system because of changes in temperature, pressure, flow rates, etc. however, comparing
coupon data can give magnitude and location of potential problems.
The orientation of the coupon with respect to flow must also be considered. Coupons should be positioned to
contact the electrolyte as uniformly as possible. In cases of stratified flow, the coupon is located on the bottom
side of the pipe, or in vertical runs to allow contact with the water phase. Flat coupons are normally oriented so
flow impinges on the coupon edge. This will expose the coupon surface more uniformly by minimizing shielding.
Coupon results present a corrosion rate of the coupon itself. Whether this rate is equal to system parts depends
on the conditions encountered. In any event, coupon data will provide relative information on changes in a
system with respect to time and location. The quality of this relative data is dependent on the consistency of the
four factors listed previously.
To compare data from exposure to exposure and location to location, coupons must be from the same supplier.
The supplier must use consistent coupon materials, preparation techniques, and cleaning procedures. Coupons
do not give immediate data. The analysis can produce a time lag. However, coupons do provide information on
the type of corrosion attack. They are easy to use, inexpensive, and applicable to any system.
A major shortcoming of coupon monitoring is that high corrosion rates for short periods of time may be
undetectable and cannot be correlated to process upset conditions. If more frequent information on weight loss
is desired, Electrical Resistance monitoring systems are used. In many cases, it is recommended that coupons
and electrical resistance probes be used in conjunction with each other.
Electrical Resistance probes and instruments are basically "automatic coupons" and share many characteristics
with corrosion coupons. Electrical resistance systems work by measuring the electrical resistance of a thin metal
probe. As corrosion causes metal to be removed from the probe, its resistance increases. The increase in
electrical resistance is proportional to the accumulated corrosion in the exposure period. The probes may be
used in all relevant environments, such as oil, water and gas. The major advantage of the electrical resistance
method compared to coupons is that measurements can be obtained on a far more frequent basis and require
much less effort to make. With automated systems, continuous readings are in fact made and sophisticated data
analysis techniques are now available which permit the detection of significant changes in corrosion rate in just a
few hours.
As a final comment on Inspection Techniques, it must be remembered that we now have the capability to
generate incredible amounts of data with the equipment mentioned above. In the old days everything was
recorded manually, now it is digital and the data acquisition rates of the sensors is phenomenal. However, AIM is
not just about the data, it is about how we interpret the data and what we do with that information. It is very easy
to be blinded and overwhelmed by the technology. Ultimately it is not about building a newer mousetrap, its
about building a better one.
There are a number of software packages on the market which do a good job of looking at inspection data and
using it to trend corrosion rates, predict inspection and maintenance frequencies. Coabis, Acet, Integri-Tech,
Nexus, Meridium to name a few. All work very well and are used throughout the industry worldwide.
Page 75
Defects Detected
Visual: VT
flashlight, weld
gauge, scale
Weld penetration,
fitup, cleanliness,
spatter, undercuts,
overlaps, weld
contour and size,
welding procedure
Easy to use,
usable at all
stages of
For surface
conditions only,
dependent on
Dye Penetrant
Fluorescent or
liquids and
ultraviolet light
for the
Defects open to
the surface only;
good for leak
Detects very
small, tight,
easy to apply
and to interpret;
inexpensive; use
on magnetic or
Time consuming
in the various
steps of the
normally no
Often used on
root pass of
highly critical
gas welds if
cleaned; some
indications may
be misleading
Iron particles,
wet or dry, or
special power
ultraviolet light
for the
not visible to the
naked eye;
useful in
checking edges
prior to welding,
also, repairs; no
size restriction
Used on
materials only;
roughness may
distort magnetic
field; normally
no permanent
X-ray or
gamma ray;
source, film
film viewing
units and
reference and
Most internal
discontinuities and
flaws; limited by
direction of
record; indicates
both surface and
internal flaws;
applicable on all
Usually not
suitable for fillet
weld inspection;
film exposure
and processing
critical; slow and
should be from
directions to
that may be
parallel to one
set of magnetic
lines of force
Most popular
technique for
required by
some codes and
sensitive; use
restricted only
by very complex
weldments; can
be used on all
Demands highly
Particle: MT
Ultrasonic: UT
Most universally
Required by
some codes and
Page 76
When we talk about Asset Integrity Management it is common to think of existing brownfield structures which
have been in operation for some time. However, if we are in the situation of a new or greenfield project then
AIM should realistically start at the design phase.
The design and construction of offshore structures involves a very demanding set of tasks. Over and above the
usual conditions and situations met by land-based structures, offshore structures have the added complications
of a hostile ocean environment where hydrodynamic loading and dynamic response become major
considerations in their design. Additionally, there are a range of possible design solutions, such as: ship-like
Floating Production Storage and Offloading Systems (FPSOs), Tension Leg Platforms (TLPs) and Spars along
with the more traditional jacket and jack-up oil rigs; and the large concrete gravity-type offshore platforms. They
all pose their own peculiar demands in terms of hydrodynamic loading effects, foundation support conditions and
character of the dynamic response of not only the structure itself but also of the riser systems for oil extraction
adopted by them.
Page 77
Hazop studies
Dropped objects
Page 78
The operation of an offshore platform or shore based facility comprises many things and involves diverse
aspects from logistics and manning, to process flow and health, safety and environmental considerations.
Ultimately good operations are as much about how things are done as about what things are done. One of the
best ways to illustrate this is to consider an Offshore Installation Manager (OIM) who in an effort to make his
operating costs look better cuts his corrosion inhibitor spending. The problem is that several years later the
effects of insufficient inhibitor come home to roost with serious internal corrosion problems which will cost
enormous amounts of money to rectify. Think something like this couldnt happen? Think again. It can and does!
In the early 1980s the mantra in the North Sea Oil Industry was: If you have a problem, throw money at it and it
will eventually go away. Then in 1993 came the CRINE (Cost Reduction Initiative for the New Era) reform.
CRINE was a UK Continental Shelf response to the pressure of competition in the world of oil and gas. It was an
industry wide initiative with the main objective of making it possible to achieve a 30% or more reduction in capital
cost for any future oil and gas facilities development. In many ways CRINE was a success. It helped foster the
adoption of new standards which ultimately allowed a number of what initially seemed uneconomic fields to be
developed but it has also been claimed that it was also the beginning of supply chain management and
accountants dictating how the industry was run, and that meant cost cutting everywhere including operations. My
father used to say: some of the worst engineering decisions ever made were made by accountants. He could
have been talking about the oil industry!
However, an asset operation needs to be more than just considerations about spending or saving money. It
needs to be focused on efficient, sustainable and safe working of the equipment and systems. Many people
would argue that it is the most important piece of the puzzle. The following should be considered as fundamental
to safe and efficient operations
Operation procedures
The most common methods of inspection have already been covered so they will not be discussed again.
Suffice to say the Inspect part of the Asset Integrity Jigsaw is all about looking for and finding degradation of the
asset over time. The old saying is very true: if you dont look for it, you will never find it, but this must be
tempered with; its not just about looking, it is also about where and when to look and what you do when you
find something.
Page 79
It is probably not unreasonable to assume that everyone reading this has a car and that car has a dedicated
maintenance schedule based around oil changes every 3,000 miles and major services to replace timing belts
every 60,000 miles. Most people realize that they dont have to change their oil every 3,000 miles; in fact they
could probably run their car for 50,000 miles without any kind of oil change or service. It is also fairly probable
that the car would be running like a bucket by the time it got to 50,000 miles and also a fairly high probability that
the engine had seen better days!
Equipment manufacturers have prescribed maintenance schedules for a reason. They are designed to ensure
maximum longevity and efficiency of their components. It makes sense to follow the recommended service
intervals, however, as we have all seen, especially when it comes to offshore installations, what makes sense
and what actually happens can be two completely different things.
The primary goal of maintenance is to avoid or mitigate the consequences of failure of equipment. This may be
by preventing the failure before it actually occurs which is what Planned Maintenance and Condition Based
Maintenance is all about. It is designed to preserve and restore equipment reliability by replacing worn
components before they actually fail. Preventive maintenance activities include partial or complete overhauls at
specified periods, oil changes, lubrication and so on. In addition, workers can record equipment deterioration so
they know to replace or repair worn parts before they cause system failure. The ideal preventive maintenance
program would prevent all equipment failure before it occurs
Page 80
Maintenance Strategies
Maintenance strategies typically fall into 3 main groups. They are not mutually exclusive and the majority of
operators employ one or all of them to varying degrees.
1) Corrective Maintenance
Corrective maintenance is maintenance performed after a problem has emerged and is used to identify, isolate
and rectify a fault, with the goal of restoring operability. Corrective maintenance cannot be avoided if a system is
to remain functioning. Due to limited budgets, many operators have to resort to a corrective maintenance
strategy whereby there is little preventative maintenance and the operation just waited until something broke
down and then fixed it and carried out maintenance tasks. This process would start by diagnosing why the failure
occurred either through physical inspection or digital assessment (online monitoring etc) and then repairing
or replacing the damaged parts according to the diagnostic findings. Once repairs are made the system is tested
to verify that the problem has been solved and validate the continued use of the equipment.
For some older types of equipment it may make sense to rely on corrective maintenance since other types of
maintenance are expensive; it may be more cost effective to simply repair components as they wear out, as long
as downtime is not detrimental to oil production targets. Downtime, however, can be avoided if regular
inspections identify risk of failure in time for maintenance to be planned and scheduled.
2) Preventative Maintenance
Preventative maintenance is maintenance that is carried out to prevent equipment failing or wearing out by
providing timely and systematic inspection and detection. The preventative maintenance efforts are aimed at
preserving the useful life of equipment and avoiding premature failures which can impact operational
requirements such as minimizing downtime and limiting the frequency of corrective maintenance tasks.
The process works through scheduled maintenance programs where the equipment is cleaned, adjusted,
lubricated and tested to verify it is in full working order. Inspections are regularly carried out to identify any
possible impending problems and planned repairs are scheduled prior to expected equipment failure.
Preventative maintenance tends to be carried our only on those items where failure would result in expensive or
unacceptable consequences. The preventative maintenance system is recommended when considering
extending the life of an asset as it will not only save money but increase uptime in the long run.
3) Predictive Maintenance
Predictive maintenance consists of several techniques that help to determine the condition of equipment in order
to predict when maintenance tasks should be performed. This approach helps to save money since tasks are
only performed when they are justified. The main value of predictive maintenance is to schedule corrective
maintenance that can, at the same time, prevent unexpected equipment failures. The key is to possess the right
information which allows correct decisions to be made which avoid unnecessary downtime or routine
maintenance tasks. This strategy of planning maintenance helps to increase the equipment lifetime and plant
safety, while reducing accidents and environmental impact.
Page 81
New monitoring and customizable parameter setting technologies allow oil and gas companies to utilize limited
time, resources and budgets to greater effect. Predictive maintenance keeps operators from incurring
unnecessary costs associated with maintenance, especially when plants or platforms are located in remote
areas both onshore and offshore.
When looking at developing optimum preventive and predictive maintenance programs there are a number of
building blocks that need to be considered. These include:
Page 82
Nowadays there are a number of computer based systems which take over the management of the maintenance
function. These are known collectively as a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) or
sometimes a Computerized Maintenance Management Information System (CMMIS).
A CMMS system is effectively a relational database of information about an organizations maintenance
operations. (Note: it is common when talking about CMMS to say CMMS system. Although grammatically
incorrect as it doubles up on the word system). The idea behind a CMMS system is to allow integration of all
aspects of maintenance from producing work orders to scheduling and tracking of spares. Ultimately this should
allow better allocation of time and resources and budgets by helping maintenance teams do their jobs more
effectively and allow management to make informed decisions such as calculating the cost of machine
breakdown repair versus preventive maintenance. CMMS data may also be used to verify regulatory compliance.
A CMMS system is all about utilizing equipment and asset data and includes maintenance activities,
specifications, purchase date, expected lifetime, warranty information, service contracts, service history, spare
parts and anything else that might be of help to management or maintenance workers. The CMMS may also
generate metrics such as the Facility Condition Index (FCI) to measure effectiveness of the maintenance regime.
Failure vs Time
Page 83
One way of considering the life of an oil or gas platform is to compare it to a human body. As every one of us
knows, the older we get the more problems we have. Once we have been affected by the early childhood
diseases, such as mumps and measles, we normally have a relatively healthy life during our teens, twenties and
thirties. Things start to slide in our forties and fifties and, by our sixties; the majority of us have had some kind of
health problems. Cancer is normally predominant, with breast cancer being the biggest natural killer of women
and prostate cancer being the biggest natural killer of men. Other cancers such as lung and skin cancer are
usually self-inflicted and, to a great extent, can be prevented by not smoking or having prolonged exposure to
the sun.
In the human body, old age targets certain areas. Arteries, hearts and lungs are of primary concern. Muscles,
tendons and skin can largely be ignored (although skin cancer is on the rise). On ageing platforms, it is the
hydrocarbon lines that should receive the lions share of the inspection resources. Produced water and drains
may show as much degradation, but the impact of failure on the environment, platform integrity and, more
importantly, peoples lives, will be much less. Given limited inspection budgets and resources for older assets,
the focus has to be not just inspection and maintenance, but targeted, prioritized and smart inspection and
Oil platforms follow a similar pattern. After the initial minor commissioning and start-up problems the majority of
platforms have a relatively trouble-free life until they are retired from service and decommissioned. However,
with many now having exceeded their design life, we are seeing the results of old age and the increasing
number of problems that go with extended use. Just like the situation with the human body, many of these
problems can be prevented with increased inspection and maintenance regimes. Corrosion is basically the
cancer of steel and the old expression Rust never sleeps holds very true. Steel is actually thermodynamically
unstable with respect to its oxides and rusting is the primary way for steel to lose the energy that was added in
transforming iron ore into a steel ingot. Under normal onshore circumstances, steel which has been given a
generous paint coating and is inspected and repainted regularly would be expected to remain in sound structural
condition for many tens of years.
Aging profiles
Page 84
Offshore, things are not so simple. The ocean is one of the harshest environments on the planet. Not only is sea
water and salt spray highly corrosive, wave motion and wind will also impart fatigue loading, which combines to
give corrosion fatigue. Corrosion fatigue is considered synergistic.
This can be thought of as 2 + 2 = 5, which means that the combination of corrosion and fatigue acting together is
worse than the effects of them both acting separately.
Many human diseases remain undiagnosed and hidden for years and only become noticeable when they start to
affect other organs or bodily systems. The same is true for offshore platforms. Take, for example, corrosion
under insulation (CUI). CUI is insidious and fairly difficult to detect. An inspection regime requires the removal
and reinstatement of the insulation and, in many cases; scaffolding is needed to gain access to the area. For this
reason CUI has tended to only become noticeable once the piping has perforated.
Given adequate time, money and resources, inspection regimes can be developed to ensure not only the
present integrity of offshore structures and facilities but also guarantee their extended working lives. However, in
locations like the North Sea, unknowns such as inclement weather and fog can intervene to sabotage even the
best inspection plans.
Another point that is often overlooked also correlates with the medical model, and that is frequency of inspection.
In our youth and midlife we tend to have very infrequent visits to the doctor; however, in later years, these
increase significantly as our bodies succumb to the ravages of time and, in many cases, neglect. The same is
true for offshore installations. The inspection frequency profile for a platform cannot remain static; it has to be a
living, dynamic thing that changes as the asset ages. No one would argue that the inspection and maintenance
schedules for a three-year-old platform should be the same as for a 30-year-old one yet, at times, it is easy to
forget that simple fact.
Over the lifetime of an asset a wealth of information pertaining to the inspection, maintenance and reliability
functions will become available. How that information is used can have a serious effect on the effectiveness and
efficiency of the aging strategy. Major influences include using the data to:
Prioritize inspections
Extend maintenance intervals
Engineer out bad actors
Extend periods between dry dock
One very effective method of prioritizing inspection frequencies is to use the Risk Base Inspection (RBI) protocol.
It can be done either qualitatively in case of new builds or quantitatively in the case of an older asset where there
is existing inspection data. Using historical data to predict likelihood and consequence of failure becomes more
accurate as time goes on and more data is accumulated. Many aging assets will already employs the RBI
method to dictate inspection frequencies for both topside and subsea components to generate their 5 year rolling
plan. As time goes on an operator should see increased benefits from using RBI as part of its aging strategy.
Being able to extend maintenance schedules can have a dramatic cost impact over the life of the asset. For
example if it is possible to extend the service interval of a main generator from 18,000 hours to 26,000 hours,
this will take out one service routine over a lifetime and with the elimination of downtime and interruption of
production it could realize over $1,500,000 in savings.
Equally, by using the accumulated data to engineer out the bad actors in the process trains and equipment,
resources can be deployed to where they are needed the most. This strategy has already proven effective on
such items as sea water lift pumps.
Page 85
Normally during the life of an asset there are few major changes to the equipment of processes. However, that is
not always the case. It is not unheard of for FPSO operations to change the subsea flowlines to a completely
different system. For example, current subsea flowlines could be flexible umbilicals, however, these could
change to steel pipes for a new gas injection facility. This would entail a revision of the subsea asset integrity
system. Greater emphasis would be needed to be given to aspects of coating degradation, cathodic protection
and consideration of various operational changes such as internal and external corrosion and erosion modalities
which may be encountered during the new lines operational lifetime.
As mentioned before, the inspection and maintenance regime for an asset will not be static but will change
during its lifetime. One area of note in any aging strategy concerns decisions that need to be made as the asset
approaches time for decommissioning. Normally as an asset ages the frequency and extent of inspections tend
to increase. This is a normal consequence of aging. However, as the asset approaches decommissioning there
can be conflicting philosophies based on two distinct principles:
a) The asset will shut down or be sold off soon, why should we spend increasing amounts of money on
inspection and maintenance?
b) The asset is very old and there is a greater probability of failure in a system, we should be doing
more inspection and maintenance
Unfortunately the time for increased spending on inspection and maintenance coincides with a time of dwindling
capital returns and it can be these financial factors which drive the asset integrity management at this juncture in
the assets life. Proper management of the aging strategy during the early to middle years can have a deep
impact on the investment needed during the last few years of the assets life.
Not surprisingly, the aging process can be tempered by implementing a proactive integrity management system
which incorporates:
It needs to be said again: the system has to be dynamic and capable of changing over the life of the asset.
Many industries are implementing ISO 55000 (formerly known as PAS 55) - Specification for the Optimized
Management of Physical Assets - as a method to assess their Management Systems and compare them with
other leaders in their industry. ISO 55000 defines an Asset Management System as incorporating the following
Page 86
Ultimately, old assets are like old people. The amount of care and looking after they need depends on how they
have been looked after all their lives. The old saying applies to both Prevention is better than cure.
Page 87
The following topics would be covered when auditing or reviewing a companys Asset Integrity Management
system. Not all subjects would be applicable in every case. The following list is not meant to be exhaustive but
merely a guide to areas of interest.
The provision of an Asset Integrity Management System and its financing
Definition of management responsibility & commitment throughout the company for Asset Integrity
Ownership and understanding of the systems arrangements with regard to employee communication,
consultation and involvement in participation and implementation
Training and competence at all levels and duties of employees and contractors
Planning and setting of Asset Integrity objectives
Resources both human and system to implement the policy
Demonstration of continuous improvement
Definitive job profiles
Recruitment & selection of appropriately qualified and suitable staff
Development of criteria that defines the Person Profile
Competence Assessment
Training and plans for new & existing facilities
Certification e.g. Survival
Personal & Career Development
HSE Awareness and training
Operating Plant & equipment examinations, inspection & test management of the operating envelope.
PFDs and P&IDS
Original design flow rates (Oil, Water, Gas)
Current flow rate (Oil, Water, Gas)
A copy of Process simulation, Process monitoring & data capture e.g. production reporting
Operating Procedures for, inter alia, starting & stopping
Inlet design condition (pressure, temperature at the wellhead and topside)
Number of processing trains and separation stages for each train on the topsides
Design parameter for sizing the separators such as retention time and dimensions and operating
Original Fluid composition
Current Fluid composition
Fluid specific gravity original and current
Chemical injection rates for Emulsion, wax/paraffin, scale inhibitor Anti-foam
Use of chemicals
Alarm management including overrides and trips
Handovers, crew changes
Isolations standards, valve control, custody arrangements
Page 88
Standing documentation
Compilation of Operations Integrity Management System (OIMS)
Produced water specification (is produced water re-injected or sent overboard?)
Gas product specification
Natural gas flared or sent to the pipeline for sale or compressed and re-injected
Sand production
Salt produced and if so is crude being desalted?
Communication between onshore support staff and offshore inspection and maintenance technicians
Competence assurance of inspection technicians and their supervisors
Documented management system, including Written Schemes of Examination (WSoE)
Identification of Safety Critical Elements (SCE)
Corrosion identification and rectification
Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)
Deadleg register
Risk assessment / mitigation
Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Process
Recording of inspection work
Deferrals and Backlogs
Measuring the effectiveness of the inspection regime
Inspection and System test of SCE
Condition of plant
Examples of Best Practice
Measuring compliance with performance standards / verification schemes
Measuring the quality of inspection work
Review of recommendations
Reporting to senior management on integrity status
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for inspection effectiveness
Offshore AIM processes
Onshore AIM processes
Competence assurance of maintenance technicians and their supervisors
Interface with Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) including register of assets
Maintenance plans and schedules for equipment and execution
Maintenance of safety critical elements
Measuring the quality of maintenance work
KPIs for maintenance effectiveness
Critical and non-critical spares management
Recording of completed maintenance work
Deferrals and Backlogs
Corrective Maintenance
Defined Life Repairs
Measuring the effectiveness of the maintenance system
Life Saving Appliances
Pipework of all diameters including small bore and pipelines
Heat exchangers
Page 89
Page 90
Knowing the difference between annulus Maximum Allowable Annulus Surface Pressure (MAASP) and
Maximum Allowable Surface Pressure (MASP)
Well control during well intervention operations
Well Handover through life cycle phases
Well Handover between well intervention and production operations
Management of abnormal conditions e.g. High Pressure High Temperature / H2S
Integrated web based management tool suite
Real time integrated data collection that is globally available
Trend recognition / analysis
Record keeping and results appropriately documented
Well equipment status files
Well anomaly reporting, review and remedial actions
Understanding of the Well Examination / Verification Interface
Continued education and engagement of staff in Well Integrity delivery
Pipeline System means:
Pipework (including associated risers), valves, pressure vessels e.g. pig traps, control & measurement
systems, cathodic protection, support structures, inspection provision, connections and injection points
included in the pressure containing envelope peculiar to a pipeline system as distinct from similar
equipment found on offshore and onshore installations: a system for the conveyance of the designated
pipeline contents.
Pipeline safety
Pipeline design and construction
Risk Based Inspection (RBI)
Pipeline operating codes and standards
Emergency shutdown valves requirements
Inspection, testing, maintenance and cleaning of pipelines
Pressure systems safety
Corrosion management of subsea pipelines
Change management
Anomaly management
Verification procedures
Page 91
3) The recommended action(s)/procedure(s) that will eliminate or reduce these hazards and the risk of a
workplace injury or illness.
Hazard Types:
The following hazards should be considered when completing a JSA:
Impact with a falling or flying object.
Penetration of sharp objects.
Caught in or between a stationary/moving object.
Falls from an elevated work platform, ladders or stairs.
Excessive lifting, twisting, pushing, pulling, reaching, or bending.
Exposure to vibrating power tools, excessive noise, cold or heat, or harmful levels of gases, radiation,
vapors, liquids, fumes, or dusts.
Repetitive motion.
Electrical hazards.
Light (optical) radiation (i.e. welding operations, etc.).
Water (potential for drowning or fungal infections caused by wetness).
Page 92
Tag Lines
Danger/Caution Tape
Hard Hat
Work Vest
Safety Shoes
Face Shield
Insulated Ladder
Back Belts
Cotton Gloves
Dust Mask
Leather Gloves
Trapped Energy
Electrical Hazards
Work Permit
Cold Work
Space Permit
Crane Lifting
Working Aloft
2- Life Rings
w/ 90
Floating Line?
Rubber Gloves
Safety Harness
Slip and/or Trip Hazard
Fire Watch
Fire Extinguisher
Please Remember: All hazards are important. Make notice of all possible hazards. Detailed safe job procedures are
necessary. Awareness, teamwork, communications, and alertness apply to every situation.
Use complete recommendations to eliminate or reduce hazards.
Operations Management
Ballast Control
Dive Superintendent
ROV Superintendent
Barge Engineer.
Manufacturing Manager
ROV Supervisor
Dock Forman
Manufacturing Leads
Chief Engineer
Tooling Manager
Project Manager
Vessel Supt
SCR Room
Vessel Capt./1 .
3 Party
Deck Forman
Page 93
for task
and Rigging
of equipment
If working off scaffold, make sure all scaffolding has been safely installed, scaffold
tags are in place and in date.
Inspect all tools and equipment and all safety gear prior to every use.
Area under ongoing task to be zoned off, warnings and look out in place.
All tools and equipment to be tied off.
If using Rope Access, IRATA Level III to be in attendance at all times.
Work to company procedures
All persons to be aware of surrounding structure they may take support from.
Monitor weather. Do not carry out task if weather conditions are unsuitable,
particularly with regard to heavy winds and rains. Regular breaks to be taken,
particularly in hot / humid conditions.
Controls to also be in place specific to the nature of the NDT task being carried
Page 94
No job is ever so urgent or important that we cant take the time out to do it safely or environmentally correct.
Review Checklist
Page 95
The colors are purely arbitrary and could be changed if the Triangle was uses to asses a system. For example
Green could indicate complete compliance. Yellow could indicate partial completeness, Blue could mean major
gaps and Red could indicate complete failure etc. As the system was improved and reassessed the colors would
change to indicate progress
The Asset Management Triangle can be used for both existing Brownfield assets and new Greenfield assets.
Page 96
Page 97
Operator Competency
Operating Procedures / HSE
Equipment Ownership
Maintenance Plan Development
Plant Condition and Performance
Lubrication Management
Defect Elimination
Corrosion Monitoring and Control
Quality Assurance and Control
Maintenance Competency
Management of Change
Reliability Program Management
Next up would be a complete review of historical data and trend analysis and assessing whether that information
is being acted on to rationalize the inspection and maintenance programs. Again prioritization of the threats to
the Assets would be top of the list.
With unlimited, time, money and resources, you can have an almost perfect Inspection and Integrity System but
that isnt the world we live in so there is the need to find out what XYZ Oil and Gas has and how effective those
systems are. Regarding external contractors, is XYZ Oil and Gas actually getting what it needs from its
contractors? Presumably for offshore they are rotators with recognizable NDT qualifications. However,
qualifications are not always everything. There have been cases where qualified UT Technicians who had never
worked on offshore piping had no experience of the type of defects that are commonplace and failed the
Operators own internal verification tests.
Looking at what XYZ Oil and Gas is doing, the question has to be asked: Are there other more efficient ways of
doing things? Increased use of new technology or new inspection philosophies such as DNV RP G103 - Non
Invasive Inspection, for example?
A major consideration would be to perform a Risk Based Inspection assessment on the systems in operation. Is
there already an RBI system in place? If so, the questions would be; what happened regarding the outcomes
and how did they affect the inspection frequencies / regimes for the Assets and is it now time to revisit that RBI
because it was done (for example) 5 years ago?
One of the problems with aging assets is that the operating conditions may have changed over the last 10, 15,
20 years. What was originally designed for sweet service is now seeing sour, H2S crude. That will now bring a
whole new set of problems and degradation modes (Hydrogen embrittlement, Hydrogen cracking etc.) which
need a whole new prevention / inhibition regime. Same goes for increased sand in the lines and vessels which
changes the failure mode to more erosion rather than corrosion. This means that the inspection frequency also
needs to change.
Next to look at would be the Performance Standards and Verification Schemes that are in place. When were
they devised? Do they correctly identify the risks and operations that are currently in place at XYZ Oil and Gas?
Also it is worth remembering that what works well for an onshore operation may not for offshore. The logistics,
expense, timing etc. are different. A storm or stretch of bad weather can decimate a planned inspection and
maintenance program offshore. What happens if a campaign gets delayed or cancelled? What about temporary
repairs? As we all know, temporary repairs tend to become semi-permanent. How are these justified?
Page 98
The problem with an Asset Integrity system is that it cannot be static. It has to be a living, breathing thing that
changes over time. It is important that it changes to reflect the age and operational characteristics of the facilities.
The inspection regime for a 3 year old platform is different to one that is 30 years old. There are different
economics in play and different drivers. Thats why it is imperative to periodically stand back and take the
helicopter view. Unfortunately many operators just blindly follow the scheduling that is generated by inspection
programs without analysis of what is actually needed. Part of the initial review of the Integrity Management
system would be to look at what is actually driving the inspection protocols and frequencies and prioritization.
Effective inspection regimes involve; identification, prioritization and systemization.
Identification involves ascertaining where the problem areas are and what failure mechanisms are involved.
Internal corrosion / erosion, external corrosion, CUI, corrosion fatigue, stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen
induced cracking are a few of the major failure mechanisms.
Prioritization involves a process of ranking the different consequences of failure unveiled in the identification
step and incorporating a measure of probability of them occurring. There are a number of different ways in which
to rank and prioritize. These include loss of life, loss of revenue and environmental impact.
Systemization involves both being systematic and covering all the relevant systems. This will necessitate
effective allocation of time and resources which may be a bigger obstacle than it seems. A great example is
trying to organize offshore inspections in a geographical region which is subject to excessive bad weather i.e.
fog or rain. Helicopters get cancelled and vessel movements are disrupted which invariably leads to the
inspection timetable being compromised.
Next would be budgeting and resources. XYZ Oil and Gas may want the best Integrity Management system
possible, but what exactly does it need? It needs an operation which is safe, environmentally friendly, and
efficient, meets Government / HSE regulations and is profitable. That costs money. Is there the budget to
achieve the goals? Are there sufficient resources? Are there enough support engineers available for analysis
and interpretation of inspection findings? How many corrosion engineers, integrity engineers do they have? Are
the engineers overstretched and under pressure and more prone to mistakes and shortcutting? Is there undue
pressure on them to reduce overdues and hence sign off on things that really need to be addressed?
This last point is very important. Many a system falls over because of the people operating it. Have they the right
qualifications and experience? Do they knit well as a team or are they all individuals. Is there synergy as a group
or do they work in silos, interested only in their own little piece of the puzzle? What about retention and training
or personnel? The best AIM system in the world will fall apart if the right people are not operating it. Does XYZ
Oil and Gas look at training as an investment or an expense? The answer will tell a lot about the company.
All this ties into XYZ Oil and Gass Corporate Reliability Performance Standards. When where these devised and
have they been revised as the company has grown? Many times these high level documents are more of a wish
list rather than a must have list and are open to interpretation further down the chain. Also even though they
originally encompassed the companys operations, if there were acquisitions and a change in direction and focus
they may need modification.
Obviously there is a lot more involved in the whole process but this should give anyone a good start when they
come to review or implement an Asset Integrity Management system.
Page 99
Excerpt from UK HSE Offshore External Corrosion Guide
Page 100
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Page 102
ALARP - As Low As Reasonably Practicable. For a risk to be ALARP it must be possible to demonstrate that
the cost involved in reducing the risk further would be grossly disproportionate to the benefit gained.
API American Petroleum Institute
Business Critical Element - A Business Critical Element is any item the failure of which would cause, or
contribute substantially to the loss of revenue of the production facility.
Corrosion Circuits - These comprise piping and equipment of the same material of construction and operating
under the same corrosion conditions, so that they would be expected to have the same degradation
Corrosion Risk Assessment (CRA) - Corrosion Risk Assessment is the overall process of risk analysis and the
evaluation of the likelihood of corrosion and the consequence of failure.
Consequence - The outcome of a failure. This is expressed in terms of safety to personnel, economic loss, and
damage to the environment.
Deadlegs - sections of process piping that have been isolated and no longer maintain a flow of liquid or gas.
Degradation mechanism - The means by which a component degrades, such as by Internal and external
corrosion, erosion, fatigue, Stress Corrosion Cracking, chemical processes or metallurgical processes affecting
the material condition or properties.
Environmental Critical Element - An Environmental Critical Element is any item the failure of which would
cause, or contribute substantially to, the pollution of the environment.
Failure Modes - The manner of failure. For risk based inspection, the failure of concern is loss of containment
of pressurized equipment items. Examples of failure modes are small hole, crack, and rupture.
GOR - The gas/oil ratio (GOR) is the ratio of the volume of gas that comes out of solution, to the volume of oil
at standard conditions.
Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Study - A HAZOP study is an analysis of failure modes and their cause and
effects. HAZOP studies use systematic techniques to identify hazards and operability issues throughout an
entire facility. It is particularly useful in identifying unforeseen hazards brought about by design or introduced into
existing facilities due to changes in process conditions or operating procedures.
Hydrocarbons organic chemical compounds of hydrogen and carbon atoms forming the basis of all petroleum
products. They may exist as gases, liquids or solids. An example of each is methane, hexane and asphalt. To all
intents and purposes the terms hydrocarbons, petroleum and oil and gas are interchangeable.
KPI - Key Performance Indicators
MTBF - Mean Time Before failure
P&ID Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
Page 103
API RP 2A: Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore
API RP 75: Recommended Practice for Development of a Safety and Environmental Management
Program (SEMP) for Offshore Operations and Facilities
API 510: Pressure Vessel Inspection Code-lnspection, Repair, Alteration, and Rerating
API 570: Piping Inspection Code-Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Rerating of Inservice Piping
API RP 571: Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Refining lndustry
Page 104
DNV-RP-G101: Risk Based Inspection of Offshore Topsides Static Mechanical Equipment (free to
Guide to the Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations 2005 (free to download)
Guidebook for the Fabrication of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Test Specimens International
Atomic Energy Agency (2001) (free to download)
International Association of Oil and Gas producers: Asset Integrity - The Key to Managing Major
Incident Risks (free to download)
Norwegian Oil and Gas Recommended Guidelines: The Assessment and Documentation of
Service Life Extension of Facilities (free to download)
Oil & Gas UK: Guidance on the Management of Ageing and Life Extension for UKCS Oil and Gas
Installations (free to download)
UK HSE: A guide to the Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations 2005 (free to download)
UK HSE: Key Programme 4 (KP4) Ageing and Life Extension (free to download)
Page 105