Roleplay Translet
Roleplay Translet
Roleplay Translet
Indah Ayu
as Moderator
as Presenter 3
In the meeting room of Pudakpayung Public Health Center, the people gather. They
consist of vice of health cadre in every citizens association of Pudakpayung and Gedawang,
vice of Family Welfare Guidance members in Pudakpayung and Gedawang, and also vice of
Pudakpayung and Gedawang employees. The total of participants is 30.
at Tuntang,
Salatiga City.
We would like to talk about Dengue Fever. The purpose of this
presentation is to update you on dengue fever issue. We shall only take 45
minutes of your time. I will divided this presentation into 3 part, they are
presentation, discussion, and evaluation.
Before we talk more, anyone has known about dengue fever?
Ok, Mrs. with yellow scarf, whats your name? please, tell us, what is dengue
Paticipant 1
Paticipant 2
: My name is Mariyati, as I know, dengue fever is disease that caused by
mosquito bite named Aedes.
: The other opinion, please.
Mr. with blue shirt, time is yours, please!
: My name is Supriyanto, in my opinion, dengue fever is the disease that can
be spread by aedes aegypti mosquito bite and show the signs like fever up
: Thats right, the answers of Mrs. Mariyati and Mr. Supriyanto are correct.
For detail information about dengue fever, lets give the time for Mrs. Eva
Presenter 1
Presenter 2
like in jars, vases, bathroom tub, etc. Thanks for your attention.
: Then Presenter 2 is Mr.Saman _ Aidi Absar Saman, he is 30 years old, He
is a Nurse in Health Department of Semarang and He Lived at Ungaran. Mr.
Aidi will discuss the signs and symptoms and the prevention of dengue
fever. Please Welcome Mr. Aidi, time is yours.
: Thank you Mrs. Ayu. Connect the discussion of dr. Eva, I would play the
video about :
The signs and symptoms of Dengue Fever are:
- Fever suddenly ( body temperature is 38-40 0 C or more) for two until
seven days
Red spots in the skin
Vomit and sometimes there is blood in defecation
Anxious and restless, pre shock
Then to prevent the disease, we can break the chain of mosquitoes with
increase mosquito immunity, just kill the musquitoes, not kill eggs, and
Presenter 3
: Ladies & Gentlement was a very interesting report from dr. Eva , Mr. Aidi
and Mrs. Caslina about Dengue Fever. Thank you very much All. Please give
a big applause to All Presenter.
It is clear everybody?
The second part of this session is discussion. I give chance to you to make
questions. Any questions?
: Its clear miss
: Well, if its clear, we enter to the third session that is evaluation. we will
make evaluation for this session.
Are you ready ladies and gentlemen?
: Yes, ready
: Ok, ladies and gentlemen, answer the questions by raising your hands and say
the name then your answer. The Question are :
1. What is dengue fever?
2. What are caused by Dengue Fever ?
3. What are signs and symptoms of Dengue Fever ?
4. Explain the first treatment at home of Dengue Fever ?
Participant 1 : Dengue fever is transmitted by aedes mosquitoes.
Participant 2 : Dengue fever is caused by dengue viral, transmitted to the people by
mosquitoes bite of Aegypti Aedes and Albopictus Aedes.
Participant 3 : The signs and symptoms of Dengue Fever are:
- The body temperature is 38-400 C or more for two until seven
- Red spots in the skin
- Nosebleed
- Vomit and sometimes there is blood in defecation
Participant 4 : The explain the initial treatment at home :
Give the child plenty to drink ORS or fruit juice, water syrup, milk, to
replace the fluids lost due fever, vomiting, etc
Give paracetamol if the fever.
Refer immediately to the hospital.
: 90% the answer is correct. So, we can conclude that our presentation has
been well understood. I think thats all, thanks for the attention and sorry for
our mistakes. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
Thats all our role play about dengue fever health education. Thank you