Draft Guidelines Smea q2
Draft Guidelines Smea q2
Draft Guidelines Smea q2
Management Response
Reporting of M & E results by the school IMET shall be used to
validate information during the actual MEA.
These are mostly the summary of information on the
accomplishments, issues, and lessons learned for resolution by
management & stakeholders.
In this way, information can be validated by the concerned and
immediate resolutions can be offered.
The school can maximize the time in providing comments and
suggestions to resolve the issues raised.
Proper protocol is observed during reporting of information to
safeguard the integrity of reports.
Adjustment of Plan
Adjustment of SIP is undertaken to take care of unaccomplished
outputs of the various groups.
This can be in terms of modifying the earlier strategies used,
rescheduling of activities, aligning available resources, making
decisions on discontinuing the projects, etc.
C. Tools
To come up with objective, valid, and reliable School MEA results,
data gathering should make use of appropriate tools/instruments. The
following are recommended:
Specifically, the following outlines the functions, roles and responsibilities of the
School Head
Manages the Quality Assurance and Accountability in the school
Ensures implementation of SBM practice
Makes decisions pertinent to improving quality outcomes in the school
Orients school stakeholders on how to operationalize the QAA and M&E
Designates the members of the School QMT
Designs monitoring and feedback system (e.g. flow of reports and feedback,
reporting schedules, monitoring and feedback forms);
Convenes School QMT regularly to discuss M & E concerns together with
implementation team
Communicates the learners' progress to intended stakeholders
Submits quarterly accomplishment report to SDS and school stakeholders
Interacts with SDS and school internal and external stakeholders
The M & E Coordinator is co-responsible for the overall M & E strategy and
implementation within the school. The M & E Coordinator shall report directly to
the School Head and shall provide him/her with interpretation and analysis of M
& E data. The following outlines the roles functions and responsibilities of the M
& E Coordinator:
Monitors and evaluates regularly the implementation of school
improvement plan
will enable the SQMT to harness the necessary information for the 2nd Quarter
MEA activity.
M & E Report
School Report Card
In-depth analysis of the M&E Report and make the appropriate interpretation of the
data provided
Identifying Priority Improvement Area/s (PIAs) of the school and digging deep into
the root cause of the problem in which the PIAs will benefit majority of the learners.
The crafting of the school's ESIP provides detailed information on the interventions to
be done by school on the identified Priority Improvement Area/s.