Graduate Cou Ions

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Business School


Discover in-depth information

on graduate/MBA programs
offered at European University.
Inside, you will find detailed
course descriptions for the core
MBA subjects as well as a breakdown of the majors available.




Term 1
Term 2


International Business
Communication & Public Relations
International Marketing
Global Banking & Finance
Leisure & Tourism Management
Sports Management
Human Resources Management
Design Management
Reputation Management





MCO 101 - Management Skills (3CH/4ECTS)

This course introduces the concepts, techniques,
procedures and ethics of effective management in
organizational settings. Students explore the competencies, skills and organizational processes associated
with the four functions of management: planning,
organizing, leading and controlling. The course
focuses on the human relationships involved in these
processes: between an individual and an organization
and between an organization and the society in which
it operates. During the course students discover how
to make these relationships mutually beneficial.
MCO 102 - Organizational Behavior (3CH/4ECTS)
Understanding, managing and influencing individual
and group behavior enables an organization to achieve
its goals more effectively. This course examines
individual and group behavior within organizations,
analyzing the past and present and looking towards
the future. It provides theoretical and practical knowledge for understanding topics such as organizational
structure, motivation, job design, leadership, managerial decision making, group processes, teamwork and
conflict resolution.
MCO 103 - Managerial Accounting (3CH/4ECTS)
This intensive course examines accounting and
finance from the perspective of a decision maker to
help studentsdevelop a framework for understanding
financial, managerial and tax reports. Students prepare
and interpret financial information for investors
(external users) and managers (internal users), as
well as examine how financial instruments are used to
support both system and project creation. They look at
how the cost-volume-profit relationships and incremental analysis provide information to support decision
making. The course discusses topics including general
accounting procedures, ethics and transfer pricing.

MCO 105 - Quantitative Business Methods(3CH/4ECTS)

This course acquaints students with various statistical tools and techniques, such as analytical model
building which is used in administrative and business
decision making. Topics include: statistical hypothesis
testing, frequency distributions and other applications
of statistics, regression analysis, linear programming
and financial mathematics.
MCO 106 - Negotiation (seminar) (1CH/1ECTS)
The need for negotiation skills arises whenever joint
decision making is necessary. This seminar develops
students confidence in their negotiation skills and
enables them to become betterdecision makers.
A unique element of the seminar is that students
experience the interaction of need, compromise and
fear-based negotiations, focusing on the possibility of losing the deal. This seminar also offers an
opportunity to discover and experiment with different
techniques that help lead to the desired outcomes and
clearer decisions.
MCO 107 - Business Law (seminar) (1CH/1ECTS)
This seminar focuses on key international legal topics:
commercial agreements, contracts, intellectual property, ethics, fraud, bribery and corruption. Students
reflect on current cases in conjunction with judiciary
precedent, gaining practical and applicable insight
into business law.
Industrial Visits & Invited Managers Lectures
Visits to small businesses and international companies, as well as interaction with invited guests,
familiarize students with business life. They are then
required to present oral and written reports based on
their experiences during the visits and events.

MCO 104 - Marketing (3CH/4ECTS)

This course promotes the understanding of concepts,
philosophies, processes and techniques used in managing marketing operations. It also helps develop an
appreciation of different aspects of the marketplace.
Students examine the product life cycle, explore the
marketing mix and learn how to create marketing
strategies. Based on the theoretical background,
complete marketing campaigns are prepared for
different local and global sectors, environments and
situations. Students also explore the marketing plan as
a component of the business plan.

CH Credit Hours
ECTS European Credit Transfer System



MCO 201 - Finance (3CH/4ECTS)

This course covers key principles of finance necessary
to understand and implement the finance function in an
organization and carry out the financial analysis that justifies the decision-making process. Students learn to analyze
and create alternative investment projects and to prepare
corresponding budgets. Topics include the managerial
approach to financial analysis, budgeting, planning,
control, the management of working capital, long-term
assets and long-term financing.
MCO 202 - Human Resources Management (3CH/4ECTS)
The 21st century brings new challenges to the field, such
as outplacement, outsourcing HR functions and employee
leasing. This course analyzes the microfunctions of human
resources management and explores its strategic importance for an organization to attract, develop, motivate
and retain employees. The course covers topics such as
recruitment and talent acquisition; training; mentoring
and promotion; appraisal; fair compensation; conflict
resolution and legal issues.
MCO 203 - Global Economics (3CH/4ECTS)
Global economics examines basic economic principles
used in managerial situations. Topics include: global
interdependence and the benefits of trade; market forces
of supply and demand; supply, demand and government
policies; measuring a nations income and cost of living;
production and growth; savings, investment and the
financial systems; unemployment; the monetary system;
and money and inflation. Students learn to apply this
knowledge when making economic decisions in a global
business context. Students should have basic knowledge of
economic terminology.
MCO 204 - Strategic Management (3CH/4ECTS)
The strategic positioning of an organization is instrumental to its success. Having a clear vision and mission that
runs throughout the organization is key to both internal
and external branding. To optimize the overall performance of a firm or a business unit within a firm, students
learn to identify and analyze the drivers of the firms
performance and identify external changes that may affect
optimal results. This course reviews the main concepts,
methods and tools used in formulating strategies and
implementing processes. It also explores ways to better
leverage a firms internal resources in order to improve
sustainable performance and investigates the limitations of
applied theory.

CH Credit Hours
ECTS European Credit Transfer System

MCO 205 - Management Information Systems

This course examines the role of management information systems in organizations and provides an overview
of the functions and cost of technology. Students explore
how companies make the most of their investment for
managing data and for communicating both internally
and externally at a time when companies IT budgets are
continually increasing.
MCO 206 - Communication Skills (seminar) (1CH/1ECTS)
This seminar focuses on understanding the processes
needed for effective oral and written communication in a
business setting. Emphasis is placed on the application of
key principles that will enhance communication and effectiveness, as well as the development of skills and attitudes
appropriate for business communication; especially in
public speaking.
MCO 207 - Job Career Planning (seminar) (1CH/1ECTS)
This seminar helps students better understand, analyze
and identify future career paths. The knowledge and experience acquired during the MBA course inevitably change
the individuals profile in the market. Reassessing that profile is an essential part of planning for the future, preparing
a new CV and perfecting a networking presentation. The
changing business environment requires a more innovative
approach to job searches, this seminar offerspracticalsupport for finding employment after graduating.
Industrial Visits and Invited Managers Lectures
Visits to small businesses and international companies, as
well as interaction with invited guests, familiarize students
with business life. Students are required to present oral
and written reports based on their experiences during
visits and events.





MBA 301 - Business Policy & Strategy (3CH/4ECTS)

This course builds on strategic management principles
to introduce students to the practice of business policy
and strategy. It takes an integrated view of the company and introduces a range of business policy tools.
Through case studies, students develop self-confidence
in making use of policies that, when effectively
employed, contribute to creating an organizations
competitive advantage. The course also discusses how
business policy can be adapted to better performance
while also satisfying the needs of its stakeholders.
MBA 302 - International Marketing (3CH/4ECTS)
This course develops an understanding of the global
marketing environment through key concepts, tools
and theory.It challenges students to think critically
about global competition and expansion, as they
discuss problems and perspectives of marketing across
national boundaries and within foreign countries.
Topics include trade laws and regulations in different
markets; global analytical frameworks and tools; and
current, innovative strategies employed by successful
global firms.
MBA 303 - International Finance (3CH/4ECTS)
This course explores areas of the global financial
environment. Topics include foreign exchange transactions; exchange rate behavior; cross-border currency
flows; managing foreign exchange exposure; global
capital markets and flow; and sovereign debt. Students
also examine risk management, hedging tools and the
keys to international investment decisions.

CH Credit Hours
ECTS European Credit Transfer System

MBA 304 - Sales Management (3CH/4ECTS)

This course helps students understand the complex
world of international sales management. Topics
include the practical tools of real-life sales management: motivation and fair compensation of a sales
force; the digitalization of the selling process; and
customer relations on an international scale. Actual
cases highlight the relevance of intercultural issues
and teach students the importance of understanding
and respecting the cultural background of agents,
distributors and local partners in order to succeed in
international business.
MBA 305 - Technology & Change Management
This course explores the concept and dynamics of
change and the complex effects it can have on individuals, teams, organizations and societies. Managing
change and its potential conflicts entails a variety of
skills - some conceptual and diagnostic; others strategic, political and interpersonal. Students examine real
cases to understand how to manage change in order to
produce the best possible outcomes and, in the process,
discover that bringing about change is essentially about
managing people and information.
Research Report (6CH/6ECTS)



MCP 301 - Public Speaking & Public Communication

This oral communication skills course emphasizes
organizing thoughts, adapting messages to specific
audiences and using language effectively. Students
examine and evaluate communication styles and learn
to deliver messages verbally and non-verbally with
effect and confidence. Other topics include active
listening, handling question and answer sessions,
impromptu speeches and speech writing.
MCP 302 - Public Relations (3CH/4ECTS)
This courseexplores the meaning, origins andscope
of this management and communication function.
Students master the concept of public relations by
using cases to analyze specific tasks and responsibilities and examine the application of public relations in
corporate, governmental and non-profit sectors.
MCP 303 - Organizational Communication (3CH/4ECTS)
This course examines how effective internal, organizational communication is key to achieving objectives
and integral to developing a companys vision and
mission. Emphasis is placed on employer-employee
relationships; two-way communication; communication tools for socialization and motivation; message
construction; and internal events. Students also
explore how formal and informal internal communication networks can be used to the benefit of all
as well as to further and deepen key concepts in the
organizations strategy.

MCP 304 - Mass Media Strategy, Planning & Media

Law (3CH/4ECTS)
The course examines how to define the most suitable
advertising strategy and media using a range of cases
and examples. Students develop a deep understanding
about how to build effective brands. It also provides
them with a clear overview of mass communication
law, so that as practitioners, they will act within the
accepted parameters and norms. Students will leave
the course with a firm understanding of the legal
implications in media strategy and crisis management.
MCP 305 - Practical Applications in Public Relations
This course looks at public relations as a function
that identifies problems and opportunities; selects
priorities; develops strategies; and executes programs
offering a step-by-step approach and system.Students acquire a clear set of giudelines and learn how
to create a public relations campaign. Throughout the
process, cases are used to illustrate the application of
these principles in actual situations.
Research Report (6CH/6ECTS)

CH Credit Hours
ECTS European Credit Transfer System




MIK 301 - International Marketing (3CH/4ECTS)

This course develops an understanding of the global
marketing environment through key concepts, tools
and theory. It challenges students to think critically
about global competition and expansion, as they
discuss problems and perspectives of marketing across
national boundaries and within foreign countries.
Topics include trade laws and regulations in different
markets; global analytical frameworks and tools; and
current, innovative strategies employed by successful
global firms.
MIK 302 - Sales Management (3CH/4ECTS)
This course helps students understand the complex
world of international sales management. Topics
include the practical tools of real-life sales manage
ment: motivation and fair compensation of a sales
force; the digitalization of the selling process; and
customer relations on an international scale. Actual
cases highlight the relevance of intercultural issues
and teach students the importance of understanding
and respecting the cultural background of agents,
distributors and local partners in order to succeed in
international business.

MIK 303 - Marketing Research (3CH/4ECTS)

This course provides students with the necessary
knowledge of and insight into key market research
concepts. The aim of the course is to give an understanding of how market research is performed, how
different questionnaires are designed and developed
and how the findings are communicated to managers.
MIK 304 - E-Marketing Strategies (3CH/4ECTS)
This combination lecture and hands-on lab focuses
on marketing and branding essentials; banner and
search engine optimization; domain name awareness;
successful email campaigns; usability; analytics; and
affiliate programs.
MIK 305 - Advertising & Media (3CH/4ECTS)
This course gives a broad overview of how advertising
and media planning work today. The basic concepts
and strategies are discussed, illustrated by actual
applications of the disciplines, as well as the tasks,
roles and skills of the professionals in this field of
expertise. The students will learn to understand
advertisers needs in terms of creativity and media
investment and decide on the best approach to meet
these needs.
Research Report (6CH/6ECTS)

CH Credit Hours
ECTS European Credit Transfer System




MBF 301 - Financial Investments (3CH/4ECTS)

This course aims to give students a basic understanding of the investment process by considering two key
aspects: security analysis for equity and fixed income
investments as well as portfolio management, including design and performance evaluation. Students are
required to carry out two projects that help them apply
this knowledge in a global business context. The course
requires them to analyze a particular security in detail,
create a portfolio and evaluate its performance in terms
of its return-risk. It is also important that students are
able to interpret data, newspapers, technical reports
and articles on investments, so that they can make
appropriate financial decisions for each situation. The
course assumes that students have previously studied
basic financial principles.
MBF 302 - Financial Planning (3CH/4ECTS)
This course provides students with detailed expertise
to examine and evaluate financial statements. It covers
the fundamental concepts and procedures of financial
statement analysis including advanced concepts in
financial accounting. Other areas include budget preparation, analysis, relation, development and execution.
MBF 303 - Short-Term Financial Management
The main objective of this course is to acquaint
students with the modern techniques and practices
of short-term corporate finance. It details the key
components of a firms current assets and liabilities;
liquidity and default risk; and short-term financing
and investing decisions.

MBF 304 - Long-Term Financial Management

This course provides students with the expertise necessary to assess the optimal corporate capital structure and the best dividend policy for continuously
increasing the value for shareholders. It also provides
concepts, principles and a basic understanding of the
steps required to evaluate potential investment prospects and operate a small business. Based on instruction, examples and research into current business
information, students review what is required to start
and operate a small business. The final outcome is the
preparation of a comprehensive, small business plan.
MBF 305 - Advanced Finance (3CH/4ECTS)
This course provides students with an understanding of how companies can grow and consolidate
their financial positions. Mergers and acquisitions
are studied as paths toward company growth and
consolidation. Students learn to distinguish organic
growth from that obtained through acquisitions and
alliances. The second part of the course provides them
with concepts, principles and a basic understanding
of derivative-related financial instruments (forwards,
futures, swaps and options) and their use in investment and corporate financial management.
Research Report (6CH/6ECTS)

CH Credit Hours
ECTS European Credit Transfer System




MLT 301 - International Tourism Management

This course provides clear, comprehensive coverage of
key business concepts in international tourism management, including tourism demand and forecasting;
research and innovation; corporate strategy; environmental issues; marketing; finance and operations; and
human resources management.
MLT 302 - Strategic Tourism Marketing (3CH/4ECTS)
This course provides students with an overview of the
role of marketing in the travel and tourism industry.
The major processes within marketing are studied and
the way they relate to each other is assessed through
case studies and class discussion. Students are
required to apply the concepts to the field of tourism.

MLT 303 - Environments of Tourism (3CH/4ECTS)

This course is a comprehensive introduction to
tourism planning and development, investigating the
impact that it has on economic, sociocultural and
physical environments. Issues concerning host-visitor
relationships are also explored, together with audit
and environmental analysis aimed at achieving
sustainable tourism.

CH Credit Hours
ECTS European Credit Transfer System

MLT 304 - Culture & Cross-Cultural Management in

Tourism (3CH/4ECTS)
A lack of common beliefs, signs or language among
individuals from different cultures can lead to a lack
of effective communication.In business, surpassingthese cultural barriers is essential to achieving
goals and performing efficiently.
MLT 305 - E-Business in Tourism (3CH/4ECTS)
This course aims to give students a broad understanding of the processes and structures involved
in e-business within tourism. Topics covered in the
course are looked at from the point of view of both
the consumer and the service provider.
Research Report (6CH/6ECTS)




MET 301 - New Product Development (3CH/4ECTS)

This course provides the framework, tools, techniques
and perspectives that lead to the effective development
and marketing of new products. The course offers
comprehensive coverage of the major topics in developing and implementing a market-driven approach to
innovation. Incorporating cutting-edge thinking and
best practices into new product development, this
course shows how organizations can both expand and
modify new product development to improve positioning and gain strategic competitive advantage.
MET 302 - Entrepreneurship & New Venture Creation
This course helps students learn the business and
marketing principles necessary to start and operate
a business. It makes them aware of the opportunities
for small business owners and develops the planning
skills needed to open a small business. Students gain
knowledge needed for the research, planning, operations and regulations which affect small business.
MET 303 - Innovation & Leadership (3CH/4ECTS)
This course examines leadership and management
principles which relate to innovation. Emphasis is
placed on the understanding of the different innovation models for startups, existing organizations,
multinational corporations and global networks.

MET 304 - Technology & Change Management

This course explores the concept and dynamics of
change and its complex effects on individuals, teams,
organizations and societies. Managing change and
potential conflicts entails a variety of skills: some conceptual and diagnostic, others strategic, political and
interpersonal. Students examine real cases to understand how to manage change to produce the best
possible outcomes and, in the process, discover that
bringing about change is essentially about managing
people and information.
MET 305 - Family Business Management (3CH/4ECTS)
Family businesses occupy an important place in the
world economy. This course looks at their distinct core
competencies, unique competitive advantages and the
challenges they face. These are primarily related to
the interaction of family, management and ownership,
particularly in relation to issues of succession, power
and growth.
Research Report (6CH/6ECTS)

CH Credit Hours
ECTS European Credit Transfer System




MLS 301 - Business Ethics (3CH/4ECTS)

This course examines the philosophical issues which
form the foundation of business culture, economic
theory and management science. Students discuss
issues such as how we define success in business and
how businesses can provide benefits to society. In
addition, the course covers current industry trends in
corporate social responsibility and sustainability and
the need to avoid any negative impact that may result
from unethical behavior by organizations.
MLS 302 - Innovation & Leadership (3CH/4ECTS)
This course examines the importance of team building to bring about innovation. Team building requires
leadership and a set of skills that guides an organization to embrace innovation and change. It is important to understand different innovation models, as
well as the significance of the various roles carried out
by team members. The right policies, compensation
and culture need to be in place to help the organization grow through innovation and team building.
MLS 303 - Strategic Supply Chain Management
Supply chain management entails managing the flow
of goods and information through the organizations
value chain, from suppliers to end users. This course
analyzes the supply chain to identify how strategic
competitive advantage can be achieved, through
superior customer service and reduced costs. Various
aspects of strategic supply chain management are
introduced in order to help students apply them to
organizational decisions and to proactively fulfill the
demands and challenges of a globalized world.

CH Credit Hours
ECTS European Credit Transfer System

MLS 304 - Business Policy & Strategy (3CH/4ECTS)

The course draws together the purpose and methodologies of the functional areas of business policy and
strategy, and shows how they contribute to the overall
purpose and aims of an organization. Students study
the environment in which the organization exists,with
particular emphasis on the future. This course enables
students to analyze complex organizations, their
environments, the relationship between them, as well
as evaluate models and methodologies by observing
how real organizations operate.
MLS 305 - Coaching & Mentoring (3CH/4ECTS)
All organizations need talented people who are motivated to achieve ambitious goals.Coaching and mentoring play an important role in creating such talents.
Coaches and mentors nurture the necessary skills
and promote a positive work attitude. This course
introduces skills needed by coaches and mentors to
encourage development, using practical application
for maximum benefit in any given situation.
Research Report (6CH/6ECTS)




MEB 301 - E-Marketing Strategies (3CH/4ECTS)

This combination lecture and hands-on lab focuses
on marketing and branding essentials; banner and
search engine optimization; domain name awareness;
successful email campaigns; usability; analytics; and
affiliate programs.
MEB 302 - Crafting the E-Business Model (3CH/4ECTS)
The term business model refers to how an organization generates its revenue.The e-business environment has created the need for new and adapted
business models. This course addresses important
questions such as: Which models will prove most
effective for which kinds of businesses?; How can each
be pursued most effectively?; What combinations of
the pure models tend to be particularly effective and
which tend to be in conflict?

MEB 304 - E-Business Design (3CH/4ECTS)

The technology that enables e-commerce consists of a
unique set of components. A thorough understanding
of these components and the various architectures
that configure them is essential to deliver appropriate
solutions for the internet, intranets and extranets. This
course examines these components and how they are
applied in actual business cases.
MEB 305 - The E-Consumer (3CH/4ECTS)
This course begins with an introduction to e-business
from the point of view of the consumer. Students are
guided through e-business solutions and enterprise
application integration. This course also covers new
technologies, XML and object technology.
Research Report (6CH/6ECTS)

MEB 303 - E-Business Architecture (3CH/4ECTS)

E-business is quickly becoming one of the core tools
exploited by the main global business players. This
course teaches how to effectively build and maintain
a corporate e-business, from the small business to the
multinational corporation perspective. Areas covered
include IT fundamentals, architecture, key tools and
strategies to keep e-businesses safe. Real world case
studies and examples are followed as foundation
components to a practical approach.

CH Credit Hours
ECTS European Credit Transfer System




MSP 301 - Sports Marketing Management (3CH/4ECTS)

The course presents a comprehensive examination
of basic marketing functions and concepts as applied
to sport-related enterprises. The course helps analyze
sports business problems and make recommendations
that involve the development of products and services
within the sports world. It emphasizes the resolution
of sports marketing problems ranging from product
development and branding concepts to pricing strategies, promotions and distribution policies.
MSP 302 - Financial Management Applications to Sport
The course provides students with a practical
background of the principles of financial management
and financial statements for the purposes of planning,
administering, reporting and evaluating the financial
performance of sport-related entities.

MSP 303 - Sports Sponsorship (3CH/4ECTS)

This course introduces the principles of sports
sponsorship, then illustrates and teaches how to apply
the concepts to real situations. Students learn about
the issue of sponsorship by critically examining various
sports sponsorship responsibilities, including planning,
processing, sales strategizing, activating and evaluating.

CH Credit Hours
ECTS European Credit Transfer System

MSP 304 - Sports Management Issues (3CH/4ECTS)

This course emphasizes major management principles
that affect businesses in the field of sports, and the
qualities and skills that a manager needs in order to
run a sports business effectively. Legal issues, types
of sporting organizations and an overview of career
possibilities in the field are examined.
MSP 305 - Crafting Unique Sports Events (3CH/4ECTS)
This course provides students with an understanding
of the complexity involved in bidding for and staging
major sports events, in a way that will achieve lasting
benefits for the organizers, host communities and
event owners. A large number of processes have to
be integrated effectively across all stages to create
successful bids for major sporting events. The life
cycle of major events includes a variety of stages such
as defining a vision and goals, preparing the technical
bid, bid operations, planning and implementing event
and legacy operations. The content builds on current
state-of-the art planning and management frameworks
used by bid committees and organizing committees.
Research Report (6CH/6ECTS)




MHR 301 - International Human Resources Management (3CH/4ECTS)

This course provides a comprehensive perspective of
the implications of managing people across borders. It
offers students an up-to-date and thorough understanding of the essential elements of international
human resources management (HRM) and its role
in globalization, as well as the link between strategy,
structure and HRM in multinational corporations.
MHR 302 - HR Development & Training (3CH/4ECTS)
The course focuses on the primary functions of
human resources, in relation to training and career
development. It addresses organizational development activities and processes to help an organization
become a learning organization. Various types of
training, development programs and techniques
are explored. Students are provided with tools and
information that will help them identify the different learning types and methods to address various
learning styles successfully. The course covers the full
training cycle.
MHR 303 - Communication & Negotiation in Employee
Relations (3CH/4ECTS)
The course provides students with the necessary
skills for successful negotiation and communication
between employees and employers. Business processes, such as salary, budget and labor negotiations
are discussed, as well as other aspects of labor relations. Practical application of these issues is illustrated
using business case studies.

MHR 304 - People Management (3CH/4ECTS)

People are the heart of most organizations and are
often one of the most important resources available
to management. To understand the management
of people and the factors that shape this process,
the course examines human resources management
(HRM) and its context from a comparative perspective, using a number of actual business examples.
MHR 305 - Human Resources Workshop (3CH/4ECTS)
The HR workshop series focuses on a number of
issues that are pertinent to todays HR professionals.
The coaching workshop introduces students to the
principles and practices of coaching in a participative environment, and aims at using students own
experiences to enrich their understanding of the
knowledge and skills needed to be a coach. Students are introduced to the art of coaching and are
encouraged to practice with real cases. In the NLP
workshop the students are given an insight into Neuro
Linguistic Programming. This is a subject that helps
us understand how we communicate with each other
using our senses and how our brain creates the different structures in order to make this communication
efficient. Efficient communication has a positive effect
on self-esteem and, consequently, on performance.
Research Report (6CH/6ECTS)

CH Credit Hours
ECTS European Credit Transfer System




MDM 301 - Introduction to the World of Design

In this course, students are given an overview of the
design field. They develop an understanding of the
various forms of contemporary design, an appreciation for the increasingly-important role it plays in
our lives and a critical approach to its impact on our
environment. It emphasizes various design themes
throughout history and its implications on management. Designers and international business leaders
share their experience, discussing the added value
of design in a companys communications, product
promotion and strategic vision.

MDM 304 - Graphic Design & Corporate Identity

The purpose of this course is to familiarize students
with the role of design within corporate communications and product marketing. It covers, among other
things, design in corporate identity, advertising
campaigns, typography, composition, graphic design
and signage. Presentations by leading designers,
industrial visits and case studies enrich the course
while stimulating a deeper understanding of designs
impact on a companys public image. They are taught
to treat design as a fundamental component of both
company strategy and operations.

MDM 302 - Luxury & Design (3CH/4ECTS)

The steady growth of the luxury industry in a difficult
economic environment encourages many investors
and entrepreneurs to enter this profitable niche
market. With this in mind, an extensive knowledge and
understanding of the mechanisms of design across a
broad range of products, services and environments is a
premium asset. This course places particular emphasis
on traditional design materials, in addition to todays
more technology-based design methods. Students take
part in industrial visits and explore how the luxury
industry has adapted to meet new market expectations.

MDM 305 - Photography & Management (3CH/4ECTS)

The final course familiarizes students with specific
media in design and the role of a manager in corporate
communications and product marketing. The module
covers everything from corporate identity to advertising
campaigns, with a special focus on the role of photography and other media. The course explores photographys suggestive power, limitations and use as a
means of motivation. It analyzes realistic photography,
art photography and diverted photography. Students
also explore the use of video and film, which play an
increasingly important role in business communication.

MDM 303 - Architecture & Hotel Design (3CH/4ECTS)

In the hotel and tourism industry, design is constantly
developing and evolving. Design is responsible for both
the comfort within hospitality, as well as for the branding of a companys public image. Students learn of the
achievements of great designers who have specialized
in this field, observing specific techniques and design
elements. They gain the skills necessary to integrate
design and management into hotel marketing.

Research Report (6CH/6ECTS)

CH Credit Hours
ECTS European Credit Transfer System




MRM 301- Risk Management (3CH/4ECTS)

The course introduces students to the corporate
concept of risk management, guiding them through
terminology, as well as the important nexus of risk,
issue and crisis management. Risk is also explored
in relation to other key corporate disciplines, such as
financial risk, corporate governance, innovation, technology, business models, and ultimately, reputation
management. Online reputation management as well
as social media and cyber threats, are also explored.
The course places strong emphasis on startegies that
really works, as opposed to highly theoretical models,
and examines errors in traditional risk management.
MRM 302- Crisis & Issue Management (3CH/4ECTS)
This course provides a detailed introduction into
crisis and issue management with a focus on pre-crisis
planning. The key course objective is to teach students
how to realistically prepare for a crisis and respond
efficiently during the acute phase. The crisis element
of the course is divided into three parts: pre-crisis
planning, handling the acute phase and managing the
recovery phase. The impact of social media on crisis
management is examined alongside good practice and
classic mistakes. The issues of ambiguity, handling of
ill-structured crisis situations, message development
and crisis communication, with emphasis on crisis
framing and reframing, are also explored.

MRM 304- Reputation Management (3CH/4ECTS)

This course provides students with a detailed
overview and insight into the concept of reputation
management. The course examines the impact that
online reputation management and social media are
having on brand communications and protection,
placing reputation management in context along
with PR and corporate communications. The course
also tackles many of the myths that have perpetuated
around reputation management and provides students
with a logical framework of how best to assess reputation within a corporate environment. The course also
explores the root causes of reputation damage and the
origins of many reputational challenges.
MRM 305- Corporate Social Responsibility
& Stakeholder Management (3CH/4ECTS)
The course provides an introduction to the complex
and increasingly-important subject of corporate social
responsibility and its link to business strategy. The
course is structured so that students first obtain a
clear understanding of stakeholders and learn how
they can be mapped and engaged. The roles of shareholders, as well as both internal and external stakeholders, are identified and examined. Participants will
obtain a clearer understanding of sustainability and
the various parallel terms and concepts that are in use.
Research Report (6CH/6ECTS)

MRM 303- Brand Management & Advocacy

This course gives students a clear and logical overview
of the brand concept and an understanding of how
a product is developed and managed into a brand.
The implications of social media and its impact on
brand business models are explored. Students are
guided through brand terminology and learn why
brands are still critical, functional and psychological
tools of influence. The importance of brand experience is reinforced alongside the need for consumers
participation in the development of the brand. The
complex issues of user-generated content and brand
equity are explored. Students are also exposed to the
vital importance of intellectual property, protecting
the brand and the strategic impact of corporate social
responsibility on brands.

CH Credit Hours
ECTS European Credit Transfer System

European University Barcelona

Ganduxer 70
08021 Barcelona, Spain
T +34 93 201 81 71
F +34 93 201 79 35
European University Geneva
Quai du Seujet 18
1201 Geneva, Switzerland
T +41 22 779 26 71
F +41 22 779 26 73
European University Montreux
Le Forum-Grand-Rue 3
1820 Montreux 2, Switzerland
T +41 21 964 84 64
F +41 21 964 84 68
EU Executive Center
Chteau Maison Blanche
1853 Yvorne, Switzerland
T +41 24 466 68 69
F +41 24 466 68 71
EBCM Munich
Branch of European University
Theresienhhe 28
80339 Munich, Germany
T +49 89 5502 9595
F +49 89 5502 9504
EU Online Campus

Programs in:
Neuchtel (Switzerland) | London (United Kingdom) | Freiburg (Germany) | Moscow & Rostov-on-Don (Russia) |
Almaty, Astana & Aktobe (Kazakhstan) | Taipei (Taiwan) | Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Shanghai & Beijing (China) |
Kuala Lumpur & Kota Kinabalu (Malaysia)

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