Gateway Today July August 2016
Gateway Today July August 2016
Gateway Today July August 2016
On the Road
Coincidence? Really? Ed, age 32 came to Gateway Irvington in late August. While his girlfriend (age 21) was being
counseled we spoke with Ed about faith in Christ. He reminded us that he had been to Gateway a few years ago with another girl
(who was Hindu). We had spoken with him about the Lord. We checked the paperwork on that visit and continued the
conversation about Christ. Ed reiterated that he was open to all religions. We quoted John 14:6 and asked if he thought Jesus was
a liar, or misguided (a lunatic) or Lord of all? He stated he didnt think Jesus was lying. We shared a word of testimony and asked
him what were the chances that hed show up twice at the same pregnancy center with two different girls and hear the same
message about salvation. We told Ed that we believed God was speaking to him and gave him gospel literature before he left. Pray
that Ed considers the claims of Christ. A
bit of theology: The word coincidence is used only once in the New Testament, and it was
by Jesus Himself in the parable of the Good Samaritan. In Luke 10:31, Jesus said, And by a coincidence a certain priest was going down in that
way, and having seen him, he passed over on the opposite side. The word coincidence is translated from the Greek word synkyrian, which is a
combination of two words: sun and kurios. Sun means together with, and kurious means supreme in authority. So a biblical definition of
coincidence would be what occurs together by Gods providential arrangement of circumstances.
Jill Redeker
(Left) Praise for Jill Redeker who is oneyear cancer free. Jill and her family are
Gateway supporters. (Below) Praise for
Reckha and Jey from Sri Lanka trusted who
Christ as Savior and Lord on April 29th. (Far
left) They were baptized on August 14th.
Their daughter Jorja turns one on September
22nd. The Lord provided Jey with a
wonderful job at the Maplewood Golf
Course. They are learning English through
ESL and attend church weekly.
(above left and below) David Seta and baby Noah born July
9th. and pictured in late August (above right) Claudine shows
of baby Noah, born July 21st