Antibacterial Soap
Antibacterial Soap
Antibacterial Soap
Department of Epidemiology and Center for Social Epidemiology and Population Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 2School of Nursing,
Columbia University, New York, New York; and 3Center for Adaptation Genetics and Drug Resistance, Tufts University School of Medicine,
Boston, Massachusetts
Background. Much has been written recently about the potential hazards versus benefits of antibacterial
(biocide)containing soaps. The purpose of this systematic literature review was to assess the studies that have
examined the efficacy of products containing triclosan, compared with that of plain soap, in the community setting,
as well as to evaluate findings that address potential hazards of this usenamely, the emergence of antibioticresistant bacteria.
Methods. The PubMed database was searched for English-language articles, using relevant keyword combinations for articles published between 1980 and 2006. Twenty-seven studies were eventually identified as being
relevant to the review.
Results. Soaps containing triclosan within the range of concentrations commonly used in the community
setting (0.1%0.45% wt/vol) were no more effective than plain soap at preventing infectious illness symptoms and
reducing bacterial levels on the hands. Several laboratory studies demonstrated evidence of triclosan-adapted crossresistance to antibiotics among different species of bacteria.
Conclusions. The lack of an additional health benefit associated with the use of triclosan-containing consumer
soaps over regular soap, coupled with laboratory data demonstrating a potential risk of selecting for drug resistance,
warrants further evaluation by governmental regulators regarding antibacterial product claims and advertising.
Further studies of this issue are encouraged.
In October 2005, the Non-Prescription Drug Advisory
Committee of the US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) was convened to discuss the potential benefits
and risks associated with antiseptic products marketed
for consumer use, such as soaps labeled as antibacterial. The conclusion of the FDA meeting resulted in
a call for further research regarding the risks and benefits of specific consumer antiseptic products used in
the community setting. Much of the debate regarding
consumer antiseptic products has focused on the use
of antibacterial soaps that contain the active ingredient triclosan. The majority of consumer liquid hand
soaps labeled as antibacterial contain triclosan [1],
and, although the FDA does not formally regulate the
levels of triclosan used in consumer products, most of
The PubMed database was searched for English-language articles published during the period January 1980July 2006, using keyword combinations for each search strategy. Keywords
included absence, absent*, alcohol, antibacterial cleaning, antibacterial soap, antiseptic, behavior, child care,
child day care, child morbidity, child*, cold, community, day care, day care center, diarrhea*, diarrhoea, education, hand, hand sanitizer, hand wash,
hand wash*, infection control, infectious disease, infectious illness, infectious*, intervention, health intervention, hygiene, hygiene education, infants, infect*,
morbidity, preschool, prevent*, respiratory, sanitation, soap, school, triclocarban, triclosan, wash*,
and water. An asterisk (*) denotes a truncated search method
in which PubMed seeks the first 600 variations of terms with
the same root (for example, infect* would result in a search
for infect, infection, infectious, etc.).
The search results were scanned for research articles and
systematic reviews. In addition, the reference lists in retrieved
review papers were searched for related articles. Articles that
focused on triclosan in dentifrice were excluded, because the
introduction of triclosan in dentifrice was relatively recent
(1997), compared with its introduction in topical antiseptics
(1960s) [3, 19].
Our review of the literature was limited to studies that allowed comparison of the effectiveness of triclosan-containing
soap with that of plain soap. We also included studies that
assessed the effectiveness of triclocarban soap, because this is
a chemically similar compound found in most antibacterial bar
soaps available to consumers. The study outcomes included
reported or diagnosed gastrointestinal infection (such as shigellosis) or upper respiratory tract infection (such as pneumonia), general gastrointestinal and/or respiratory symptom(s)
of infection (such as diarrhea or runny nose), gastrointestinal
and/or respiratory infectious symptomrelated absences (such
as school absence for a cold), and/or skin infections. Microbiological end points were limited to studies that examined the
effect of antibacterial soap containing triclosan on bacterial
reductions on the hand, compared with plain soap. Studies
conducted among volunteer participants that were not associated with the clinical setting were included if they were conducted in natural settings or in a controlled laboratory environment. Because this review focused on the use of hand
products containing triclosan in the community setting, articles
were excluded if the setting was a health care facility, such as
a hospital or residential nursing home, or if the study subjects
were health care workers. Lastly, studies in which triclosan was
combined with other antiseptic ingredients, such as alcohol or
iodine, were excluded, because it would not have been possible
10 volunteers
33 nonclinical staff
162 households
600 households
240 households
600 households
Sample size
Microbiological studies
Antibacterial soap
study group, liquid/
bar (concentration
of Tc or Ts)
Nonmedicated plain
soap control group,
Impetigo incidence
Diarrhea symptoms
Multiple symptomsd
Multiple symptoms
Studies comparing the efficacy of antibacterial soap containing triclosan (Ts) with that of plain soap.
Table 1.
40 nonmedical
Percentage reduction in mean log10 bac- Not statistically significant: after 1 episode of
terial colony-forming units on hands
hand hygiene, 48.2% (antibacterial soap) vs.
41.7% (plain soap) reduction
Percentage reduction in mean log10 bac- Not statistically significant: after washing for 3
terial colony-forming units on hands
min, 32.86% (antibacterial soap) vs. 44.93%
(plain soap) reduction
Percentage change in mean log10 bacStatistically significant: after 30-s hand wash,
terial colony-forming units on hands
48.3% (antibacterial soap) vs. 21.9% (plain
soap) reduction (P ! .001)
12 volunteers
Bendig [30]
20 students and
employees of a
20 workers in the
food industry
S. enterica
E. coli
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Methicillin-susceptible S. aureus, MRSA
Mycobacterium smegmatis
Fraise [40]
A mutation originally selected for on isoniazid also mediated Ts resistance, and vice versa
No consistent pattern between high Ts MICs and antibiotic-resistance profiles after exposure over
1 month; 2 of 3 MRSA strains that were resistant to mupirocin and several other antibiotics
were also less susceptible to Ts; however, coresistance with mupirocin was not plasmid
A 94-fold increase in MICs to ciprofloxacin was observed among strains that showed high levels
of tolerance to Ts
An increase in MICs to Ts and cross-resistance with erythromycin and ciprofloxacin was demonstrated
for E. coli O157:H7; adaptation of E. coli O157:H7 to erythromycin also led to an increase
in MICs; S. enterica serotype Virchow demonstrated reduced susceptibility to Ts and crossresistance with erythromycin after serial passage
Four sublethal exposures of E. coli O157:H7 led to an increase in MICs to Ts of 0.25 mg/mL
to 1024 mg/mL; Ts-adapted E. coli O157:H7 demonstrated cross-resistance to a number of antibiotics, including amoxicillin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, and trimethoprim;
E. coli K-12 and E. coli O55 adapted to Ts showed reduced susceptibility to chloramphenicol
and trimethoprim, respectively; other strains did not demonstrate cross-resistance
S. enterica serotype Virchow became more tolerant to Ts and erythromycin after gradual exposure
to higher concentrations of these agents (up to 1024 mg/mL) over 6 days; adaptive
resistance to Ts and erythromycin was stable for at least 30 days of passage in Ts/antibioticfree medium
Ts-adapted mutants showed reduced susceptibility to tetracycline and chloramphenicol but not to
tobramycin, compared with the wild-type strain; these strains overexpressed the multidrugresistance pump SmeDEF
Ts MIC was increased among E. coli, Klebsiella species, and S. maltophilia only; among bacteria
with high MICs to Ts, there was no increase in MICs to 4 antibiotics after exposure to Ts
This study also looked at drain bacteria; this information is not presented here.
Repeated exposure to sublethal Ts concentrations in nutrient broth and subsequent exposure to several antibiotics.
Repeated exposure to sublethal Tc concentrations in nutrient broth.
Repeated exposure to sublethal Ts concentrations in nutrient broth.
Repeated exposure to sublethal Ts concentrations and subsequent exposure to isoniazid
E. coli O157:H7, E. coli K-12, S. enterica (serotypes Enteritidis, Typhimurium, and Virchow)
S. maltophilia
Exposure parameters
Table 2.
Carriage of 1 antibiotic-resistant
This study did not assess statistical significance because the number of final isolates for analysis was limited. Other bacterial isolates obtained in this study were from environmental sources within the
household and are not presented here. The authors reported that the results for the environmental isolates also showed no evidence of cross-resistance.
The organisms were the same as those listed for Aiello et al. [44].
Aiello et al. [45] 240 individuals (US) Hands of antibacterial vs. nonantibacterial
user households
Antibiotics, no.
Isolate source
Hands of 12 household members
Staphylococcus aureus
reporting use of antibacterial products vs.
those reporting use of nonantibacterial
60 households; 8
bacterial isolates
(US, UK)
Sample size
Community-level studies of the relationship between exposure to triclosan in home hygiene products and antibiotic resistance.
Table 3.
may not be generalizable to the emergence of antibiotic resistance in the environment. Laboratory exposure conditions may
not mirror exposures that occur in the environment under
natural antiseptic use conditions. For example, it is possible
that bacterial species are exposed to higher concentrations of
triclosan under in-use conditions in household settings, compared with relatively low concentrations often used in laboratory studies. This may reduce the selective pressures for
antibiotic-resistant bacteria under in-use conditions in the
household. Second, selective pressures in the environment may
weed out cross-resistant organisms. Organisms that are selected
for resistance to both triclosan and antibiotics may be less fit
for survival in the environment when they are carrying plasmids
or must maintain costly genetic target mutations. Despite these
caveats, there are many examples with antibiotics in which
difficulty in obtaining resistant mutants in the laboratory did
not predict the relative ease of their emergence in the clinical
settingsfor example, the fluoroquinolones.
Studies that have assessed whether there is an association
between exposure to products containing triclosan and antibiotic resistance in the community setting may not be large or
long enough to identify the emergence of antibiotic resistance.
For example, the 2 studies by Aiello et al. [44, 45] suggest a
trend toward resistance, but the studies were powered to detect
only moderate to high changes in antibiotic resistance over a
1-year period. The study by Cole et al. [43] examined only S.
aureus from the hands and had a relatively small number of
isolates available for comparison. Moreover, this study did not
randomize households to antiseptic product use or utilize
masking of treatments, which could reduce the ability to detect
a difference between user groups. The longest period of followup among these studies was 1 year [44, 45], which may not
adequately reflect the time course for the development of resistance associated with use of products containing triclosan.
Lastly, baseline levels of susceptibility to triclosan among bacterial species in the community setting are virtually unknown.
Thus, it is difficult to show a change if the organisms have
already achieved some level of resistance [44]. Most of the data
on MICs to triclosan are from studies of clinical laboratory
strains and culture type collections [2]. Consumer hygiene
products containing triclosan have been used since the 1960s,
and no formal surveillance mechanisms exist for assessing susceptibilities of bacteria to this agent in the community setting.
Further research is clearly needed to assess whether the emergence of antibiotic resistance in the community setting is associated with the growing use of soaps containing triclosan.
Because our key aim in this review was to assess the efficacy
of and risks associated with the use of soaps containing triclosan
in the community setting, our literature search excluded studies
conducted in the clinical setting and those with health care
workers as study subjects. We did include 3 studies that did
Antibacterial Soap Use: Efficacy and Risks CID 2007:45 (Suppl 2) S145
products containing triclosan provide an added level of protection among high-risk groups, such as immunocompromised
individuals living in the household setting.
We are grateful to Rebecca M. Coulborn for editing the manuscript.
Supplement sponsorship. This article was published as part of a supplement entitled Annual Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance, sponsored by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases.
Potential conflicts of interest. All authors: no conflicts.
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