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The document discusses the history and development of various ground improvement techniques from ancient times to modern methods. It also explains the need for ground improvement when developing structures on problematic soils or marginal lands.

Some traditional techniques discussed include using straw or elephants for compaction. Modern methods discussed include prefabricated vertical drains, geosynthetics, electrokinetics and thermal modifications. Specifically mentioned are techniques like compaction, preloading, vertical drains, stone columns, soil reinforcement etc.

As more structures are built, it becomes difficult to find suitable soil properties at sites requiring improvement. Other reasons given are rapid urban growth demanding more land, and utilizing previously unsuitable lands for development through ground improvement.


1.1 Introduction
Ground improvement has been both a science and art, with significant developments
observed through ancient history. From the use of straw as blended infill with soils for
additional strength during the ancient Roman civilizations, and the use of elephants for
compaction of earth dams during the early Asian civilizations, the concepts of reinforced
earth with geosynthetics, use of electrokinetics and thermal modifications of soils have
come a long way. The use of large and stiff stone columns and subsequent sand drains in
the past has now been replaced by quicker to install and more effective prefabricated
vertical drains, which have also eliminated the need for more expensive soil improvement
The early selection and application of the most appropriate ground improvement
techniques can improve considerably not only the design and performance of foundations
and earth structures, including embankments, cut slopes, roads, railways and tailings
dams, but also result in their cost-effectiveness. Ground improvement works have
become increasingly challenging when more and more problematic soils and marginal
land have to be utilized for infrastructure development.
1.2 Need for Ground Improvement Techniques
As more engineering structures are built, it becomes increasingly difficult to find a site
with suitable soil properties. The properties at many sites must be improved by the use of
some form of soil improvement methods, such as: static or dynamic compaction,
reinforcement, drainage or by the use of admixtures. Thus, it is important for the soil
engineers to know the different soil improvement methods; the degree to which soil
properties may be improved; and the costs and benefits involved. In this way, the soil
engineer can gain knowledge in order to design ground improvement projects as well as
to advise the client regarding value engineering to save cost and obtain maximum
benefits for the specific project. The following are some of the methods used as ground
improvement techniques:
Surface Compaction, Deep Compaction, Preloading, Vertical Drains, Stone Columns,
Vacuum Drainage, Mechanically Stabilized Earth (Reinforced Earth), Granular Piles,
Micropiles, Lime Stabilization, Cement Stabilization, Chemical Stabilization, Grouting,
Geotextiles, Lightweight Embankment Materials.
1.3 Current status and the scope in the profession



Ground improvement has been both a science and art, with significant developments
observed through ancient history. From the use of straw as blended infill with soils for
additional strength during the ancient Roman civilizations, and the use of elephants for
compaction of earth dams during the early Asian civilizations, the concepts of reinforced
earth with geosynthetics, use of electrokinetics and thermal modifications of soils have
come a long way. The use of large and stiff stone columns and subsequent sand drains in
the past has now been replaced by quicker to install and more effective prefabricated
vertical drains, which have also eliminated the need for more expensive soil improvement
The early selection and application of the most appropriate ground improvement
techniques can improve considerably not only the design and performance of foundations
and earth structures, including embankments, cut slopes, roads, railways and tailings
dams, but also result in their cost-effectiveness. Ground improvement works have
become increasingly challenging when more and more problematic soils and marginal
land have to be utilized for infrastructure development.
Rapid urban and industrial growth demands more land for further development. In order
to meet this demand land reclamation and utilization of unsuitable and environmentally
affected lands have been taken up. These, hitherto useless lands for construction have
been converted to be useful ones by adopting one or more ground improvement
techniques. Navi Mumbai is one such example. The field of ground improvement
techniques has been recognized as an important and rapidly expanding one.
1.4 Some Techniques - an overview
The ground can be improved by adapting certain ground improvement techniques. Vibrocompaction increases the density of the soil by using powerful depth vibrators. Vacuum
consolidation is used for improving soft soils by using a vacuum pump. Preloading
method is used to remove pore water over time. Heating is used to form a crystalline or
glass product by electric current. Ground freezing converts pore water to ice to increase
their combined strength and make them impervious. Vibro replacement stone columns
improve the bearing capacity of soil whereas Vibro displacement method displaces
the soil. Electro osmosis makes water flow through fine grained soils. Electro kinetic
stabilization is the application of electro osmosis. Reinforced soil steel is used for
retaining structures, sloping walls, dams etc. seismic loading is suited for construction
in seismically active regions. Mechanically stabilized earth structures create a
reinforced soil mass. The geo methods like Geosynthetics, Geogrid etc. are
discussed. Soil nailing increases the shear strength of the in-situ soil and restrains its
displacement. Micro pile gives the structural support and used for repair/replacement of
existing foundations. Grouting is injection of pumpable materials to increase its rigidity.


The jet grouting is quite advanced in speed as well as techniques when compared with the
general grouting.

2.1 Introduction
Many types of earth construction, such as dams, retaining walls, highways, and airport,
require man-placed soil, or fill. To compact a soil is to place it in a dense state. The dense
state is achieved through the reduction of the air voids in the soil, with little or no
reduction in the water content.
2.2 Objectives
- Decrease future settlements
- Increase shear strength
- Decrease permeability
2.3 General Compaction Methods
Coarse-grained soils
Vibrating hammer

Hand-operated vibration plates

Motorized vibratory rollers
Rubber-tired equipment
Free-falling weight; dynamic
compaction (low frequency
vibration, 4~10 Hz)

Fine-grained soils
Falling weight and hammers
Kneading compactors
Static loading and press
Hand-operated tampers
Sheepsfoot rollers
Rubber-tired rollers

2.4 Laboratory Compaction

The purpose of a laboratory compaction test is to determine the proper amount of mixing
water to use when compacting the soil in the field and the resulting degree of denseness
which can be expected from compaction at this optimum water.
The proctor test is an impact compaction. A hammer is dropped several times on a soil
sample in a mold. The mass of the hammer, height of drop, number of drops, number of
layers of soil, and the volume of the mold are specified.



Standard Proctor Test

Weight of hammer =
Height of fall
No. of Impacts
No. of layers

2.6 kg
310 mm

Modified Proctor Test

Weight of hammer =
Height of fall =
No. of Impacts =
No. of layers =

4.9 kg
450 mm

2.4.1 Procedure
- Several samples of the same soil, but at different water contents, are compacted
according to the compaction test specifications.
- The total or wet density and the actual water content of each compacted sample are

t , d
1 w
- Plot the dry densities d versus water contents w for each compacted sample. The
curve is called as a compaction curve.
2.5 Field Compaction Equipment
Smooth-wheel roller (drum)
- 100% coverage under the wheel
- Contact pressure up to 380 kPa
- Can be used on all soil types except for rocky soils.
- Compactive effort: static weight
- The most common use of large smooth wheel rollers is for proof-rolling
subgrades and compacting asphalt pavement.
Pneumatic (or rubber-tired) roller
- 80% coverage under the wheel
- Contact pressure up to 700 kPa
- Can be used for both granular and fine-grained soils.
- Compactive effort: static weight and kneading.
- Can be used for highway fills or earth dam construction.
Sheepsfoot rollers
- Has many round or rectangular shaped protrusions or feet attached to a steel
- 8% ~ 12 % coverage
- Contact pressure is from 1400 to 7000 kPa


- It is best suited for clayed soils.
- Compactive effort: static weight and kneading.

Tamping foot roller

- About 40% coverage
- Contact pressure is from 1400 to 8400 kPa
- It is best for compacting fine-grained soils (silt and clay).
- Compactive effort: static weight and kneading.

Mesh (or grid pattern) roller

- 50% coverage
- Contact pressure is from 1400 to 6200 kPa
- It is ideally suited for compacting rocky soils, gravels, and sands. With high
towing speed, the material is vibrated, crushed, and impacted.
- Compactive effort: static weight and vibration.
Vibrating drum on smooth-wheel roller
- Vertical vibrator attached to smooth wheel rollers.
- The best explanation of why roller vibration causes densification of granular
soils is that particle rearrangement occurs due to cyclic deformation of the soil
produced by the oscillations of the roller.
- Compactive effort: static weight and vibration.
- Suitable for granular soils
2.6 Field Compaction Control and Specifications

Dry density and water content correlate well with the engineering properties, and
thus they are convenient construction control parameters.
Since the objective of compaction is to stabilize soils and improve their
engineering behavior, it is important to keep in mind the desired engineering
properties of the fill, not just its dry density and water content. This point is often
lost in the earthwork construction control.
Laboratory tests are conducted on samples of the proposed borrow materials to
define the properties required for design.
After the earth structure is designed, the compaction specifications are written.
Field compaction control tests are specified, and the results of these become the
standard for controlling the project.
Laboratory tests are conducted on samples of the proposed borrow materials to
define the properties required for design.




After the earth structure is designed, the compaction specifications are written.
Field compaction control tests are specified, and the results of these become the
standard for controlling the project.

2.6.1 Specifications
End-product specifications
This specification is used for most highways and building foundation, as long as the
contractor is able to obtain the specified relative compaction , how he obtains it doesnt
matter, nor does the equipment he uses. Care the results only !
Method specifications
The type and weight of roller, the number of passes of that roller, as well as the lift
thickness are specified. A maximum allowable size of material may also be specified.
It is typically used for large compaction project.
2.6.2 Field control tests
Field control tests, measure the dry density and water content in the field can either be
destructive or nondestructive.
Destructive Methods
(a) Sand cone
(b) Balloon
(c) Oil (or water) method
Know Ms and Vt
Get d field and w (water content)
Compare d field with d max-lab and calculate relative compaction R.C.
Nondestructive Methods
Nuclear density meter
(a) Direct transmission
(b) Backscatter
(c) Air gap
The Gamma radiation is scattered by the soil particles and the amount of scatter is
proportional to the total density of the material. The Gamma radiation is typically
provided by the radium or a radioactive isotope of cesium.
Water content
The water content can be determined based on the neutron scatter by hydrogen
atoms. Typical neutron sources are americium-beryllium isotopes.



3.1 Introduction
Soil is compacted by repeated, systematic application of high energy using a heavy
weight (pounder). The imparted energy is transmitted from the ground surface to the
deeper soil layers by propagating shear and compression waves types, which force the
soil particles into a denser state. In order to assure effective transfer of the applied
energy, a 1 to 2 m thick stiff layer usually covers the ground surface. Pounders can be
square or circular in shape and made of steel or concrete. Their weights normally range
from 5 to 25 tons and drop heights of up to 25 m have been used. Heavier weights and
larger drop heights have been used for compaction of deep soil deposits, but are not very
Technique involves repeatedly dropping a large weight from a crane
Dynamic Compaction is most often utilized as an economic alternative to
excavation and replacement and/or deep foundations
Weight may range from 6 to 172 tons
Drop height typically varies from 10 m to 40 m

degree of densification achieved is a function of the energy input (weight and

drop height) as well as the saturation level, fines content and permeability of the
6 30 ton weight can densify the loose sands to a depth of 3 m to 12 m.
Typical area that can be compacted with single crane 300-600 m2.
Done systematically in a rectangular or triangular pattern in phases
Each phase can have no of passes; primary, secondary, tertiary, etc.
Spacing between impact points depend upon:
Depth of compressible layer
Permeability of soil
Location of ground water level
Deeper layers are compacted at wider grid spacing, upper layer are compacted
with closer grid spacing
Deep craters are formed by tamping
Craters may be filled with sand after each pass
Heave around craters is generally small











18 m

Primary Pass

Secondary Pass

18 m



3.2 Application
Applicable to wide variety of soils
Grouping of soils on the basis of grain sizes

Zone 1: Best
Zone 3: Worst (consider alternate methods)
Zone 2: Must apply multiple phases to allow for pore pressure dissipation




Mainly used to compact granular fills

Particularly useful for compacting rockfills below water and for bouldery soils
where other methods can not be applied or are difficult
Waste dumps, sanitary landfills, and mine wastes
In sanitary fills, settlements are caused either by compression of voids or
decaying of the trash material over time, DDC is effective in reducing the void
ratio, and therefore reducing the immediate and long term settlement.
DDC is also effective in reducing the decaying problem, since collapse means less
available oxygen for decaying process.
For recent fills where organic decomposition is still underway, DDC increases the
unit weight of the soil mass by collapsing voids and decreasing the void ratio.
For older fills where biological decomposition is complete, DDC has greatest
effects by increasing unit weight and reducing long term ground subsidence.

3.3 Evaluation of Improvement (Control)

The depth of improvement is proportional to the energy per blow
The improvement can be estimated through empirical correlation, at design stage
and is verified after compaction through field tests such as Standard Penetration
Tests (SPT), Cone Penetration Test (CPT), etc.
3.4 Grid Spacing
Significant effect on depth of improvement (Typical values 5 to 10 m)
First pass compacts deepest layer, should be equal to the compressible
Subsequent passes compact shallower layers, may require lesser energy
Ironing pass compacts top layer
3.5 Merits
It is one of the most basic methods of compacting lose soils.
Depth of compaction can reach upto 20 m.
All types of soils can be compacted.
Produces equal settlements more quickly than surcharge type loading.
It can be used to treat soils both above and below water table.
Cost effective and applied to all soil types and varied field conditions.

4.1 Introduction
Vibro-compaction, sometimes referred to as Vibrofloation, is the rearrangement of soil
particles into a denser configuration by the use of powerful depth
vibration. Vibrocompaction is a ground improvement process for densifying loose sands


to create stable foundation soils. The principle behind vibrocompaction is simple. The
combined action of vibration and water saturation by jetting rearranges loose sand grains
into a more compact state. Vibrocompaction is performed with specially-designed
vibrating probes 12 to 16 inches in diameter which vibrates at frequencies typically in the
range of 30 to 50 Hz. The probe is first inserted into the ground by both jetting and
vibration. After the probe reaches the required depth of compaction, granular material,
usually sand, is added from the ground surface to fill the void space created by the
vibrator. A compacted radial zone of granular material is created.
4.2 Applications
Reduction of risk of liquefaction due to seismic activity.

Permit construction on granular fills.

Reduce foundation settlements
Prevent soil liquefaction during earthquakes
Increase in-situ density of land reclamation fills
Increase shear strength to improve slope stability
Reduce water permeability to facilitate dewatering

4.3 Suitability
Suitable if less than 10% fine are there




5.1 Introduction
Preloading has been used for many years without change in the method or application to
improve soil properties. Preloading or pre-compression is the process of placing
additional vertical stress on a compressible soil to remove pore water over time. The pore
water dissipation reduces the total volume causing settlement. Surcharging is an
economical method for ground improvement. However, the consolidation of the soils is
time dependent, delaying construction projects making it a non-feasible alternative.

The soils treated are Organic silt, Varved silts and clays, soft clay, Dredged material The
design considerations which should be made are bearing capacity, Slope stability, Degree
of consolidation.
The two common preloading techniques are conventional preloading, e. g.



by means of an embankment, and

vacuum induced preloading.

5.2 Preloading by means of an Embankment

Preloading by means of an embankment

5.2.1 The Technique

Simply places a surcharge fill (temporary, permanent or combination of both on

top of the soil that requires consolidation (silty and clayey soils).

The temporary surcharge can be removed when the settlements exceeds the
predicted final settlement.

Once sufficient construction, the fills can be removed and construction takes

Surcharge fills are typically 3-8 m thick and generally produces settlements of
300 mm 1000 mm.

5.2.2 Limitations

Surcharge fill must extend horizontally atleast 10 m beyond the perimeter of the
planned construction, which may not be possible at confined sites.

Transport of large quantities of soil on and off the site may not be practical, or
may have unacceptable environmental (noise, traffic, dust) impacts on adjacent

Surcharge must remain in place for months or years thus delaying construction.

5.3 Vacuum Preloading




In its simplest form the method of vacuum consolidation consists of a system of

vertical drains and a drainage layer (sand) on top (150 mm).

It is sealed from atmosphere by an impervious membrane. Horizontal drains are

installed in the drainage layer and connected to a vacuum pump.

To maintain air tightness, the ends of the membrane are placed at the bottom of a
peripheral trench filled e. g. with bentonite.

Negative pressure (60 to 80 kPa) is created in the drainage layer by means of the
vacuum pump. The applied negative pressure generates negative pore water
pressures, resulting in an increase in effective stress in the soil, which in turn is
leading to an accelerated consolidation.

5.3.1 Advantages of vacuum preloading

There is no extra fill material needed, the construction times are generally shorter
and it requires no heavy machinery.

No chemical admixtures will penetrate into the ground and thus it is an

environmental friendly ground improvement method

Isotropic consolidation eliminates the risk of failure under additional loading of

the permanent construction, there is no risk of slope instability beyond boundaries
and it allows a controlled rate and magnitude of loading and settlement

5.4 Prefabricated Vertical Drains and Pre-loading

With increased thickness of the soft clay where the consolidation period is too long for
full consolidation of primary settlements, vertical drainage may be incorporated in
conjunction with preloading in order to accelerate the settlement. Vertical drains may be
proposed in the areas where the thickness of soft soils is limited to less than 10 m and
embankment height are low. The anticipated primary and secondary settlements in such
areas are limited.
5.4.1 Vertical Drains
Vertical drains are artificially-created drainage paths which are inserted into the soft clay
subsoil. Thus, the pore water squeezed out during consolidation of the clay due to the
hydraulic gradients created by the preloading, can flow faster in the horizontal direction
towards the vertical drains.
Therefore, the vertical drain installation reduces the length of the drainage
path and, consequently, accelerates the consolidation process and allows the clay to gain
rapid strength increase to carry the new load by its own.



5.4.2 Types of Vertical Drains

Sand Drains

Prefabricated Drains Sand drains

Sand drains are basically boreholes filled with sand. Are of two types:

Displacement Sand Drains

As for the displacement type of sand drains, a closed mandrel is driven or pushed into the
ground with resulting displacement in both vertical and horizontal directions. The
installation causes therefore disturbances, especially in soft and sensitive clays, which
reduces the shear strength and horizontal permeability.

Non Displacement Sand Drains

The low- or non-displacement installations are considered to have less disturbing

effects on the soil. Drilling of the hole is done by means of an auger or water jets. In
terms of jetting, however, installation is very complex.
Disadvantages of sand drains

To receive adequate drainage properties, sand has to be carefully chosen which

might seldom be found close to the construction site.

Drains might become discontinuous because of careless installation or horizontal

soil displacement during the consolidation process.

During filling bulking of the sand might appear which could lead to cavities and
subsequently to collapse due to flooding.

Construction problems and/or budgetary burdens might arise due to the large
diameter of sand drains.

The disturbance of the soil surrounding each drain caused by installation may
reduce the permeability, the flow of water of water to the drain and thus the
efficiency of the system.

The reinforcing effect of sand drains may reduce the effectiveness of preloading
the subsoil. Prefabricated Drains

The installation of prefabricated vertical drains is also done by a mandrel and it is a
displacement installation. Figure shows a typical mandrel and the typical shape of a
prefabricated drain. The dimensions of the prefabricated drains are much smaller


compared to sand drains and subsequently are the dimensions of the mandrel. Thus, the
degree of soil disturbance caused by the size of the mandrel during installations is lower.

These may be

Cardboard Drains

Cardboard drans are drven nto the ground by purpose-made mandrel whch s then

Plastic Drains

These are the new generaton drans whch are very smlar to cardboard drans


These are ready-made small dameter sand drans whch are contaned n long canvas
bags (approximately 10 cm n diameter). They are usually nstalled by close mandrel
technque. They are relatvely cheap.
o Low cost.
o Fast Installation
o Ensured drain continuity
o Clean site
o High permeability
o Negligible soil disturbance
o Positive Drainage Guidelines for spacing, depth
The design of any vertical drain project involves the determination of drain spacing
which will give the required degree of consolidation in a particular period of time for a
known type of drain.



The vertical grids are installed in triangular or square grid pattern.

Spacing ranging from 1 to 4 m.

The depth of clay is often taken as the full depth of soft clay.

For depth of 5-20 m of soft clay, full depth vertical depths prove to be
economical. Beyond 20 m the installation costs rise markedly. Design Procedures (General)

All design procedures for vertical drains require a proper estimate of the coefficient
of radial consolidation ch. This parameter links vertical compressibility and horizontal
compressibility and horizontal permeability and controls the radial flow of water into
the drain.

ch varies from 2-10 times the cv.

monograph for estimating the average degree of percent consolidation for various
values of ch, drain diameter and spacing and time is used.

6.1 Introduction
Stone Columns: In contrast with vibro-compaction, which is undertaken solely to
compact granular soils, stone columns may be installed in granular or cohesive soils.
Vibrated stone columns are relatively stiff with respect to the surrounding ground.
Stone columns may be provided in areas where subsoil consists of more than about 5 m
thick soft cohesive soil and where stability and stringent considerations cannot be
satisfied with conventional removal / replacement of soft material. Stone columns enable
the embankment to be constructed to its full height continuously without requiring stage
6.2 The Technique
A cylindrical vertical hole is made and gravel backfill is placed into the hole in
increments and compacted by a suitable device which simultaneously displaces the the
material radially.
The vibroflot is allowed to sink into the ground due to its own weight, assisted by water
or air as a flushing medium, upto the required depth. The soil surrounding the vibroflot is
disturbed or remoulded and the softened material can be removed by jetting fluid. By this
process a borehole of larger diameter is formed once the vibroflot is withdrawn. The
borehole is backfilled with gravel of 12 to 75 mm.




Boreholes are also made using dry processes

Closed end pipe method

A closed end pipe is driven to desired depth and gravel is allowed to fill. The
rammer is used to compact the gravel as the pipe is withdrawn.

Rammed Stone column

Auger boring equipment is used to make a bore whole and cast iron hammer is
used to compact the fill.
6.3 Typical values and design guidelines

Diameter installed by vibroflot (0.3 to 0.5m) varies between 0.6 m (stiff clays)
and 1.1m (very soft clays).

Determined based on the settlement tolerances for the loads to be applied and
degree of improvement required. Generally spaced from 1.2 to 3 m.

The length of stone columns is sufficient either to extend below the depth of
significance stress increase caused by the foundation or should extend through the
soft clay to firm strata to control settlements.

6.4 Application of method

Reduce foundation settlements

Stone columns may be arranged to support isolated footings, strip footings

or mat foundations.

As bearing capacity of stone columns is generally high, settlement is the

important criteria. ( in the range of 5- 10 mm for single test column)




Prevent soil liquefaction during earthquakes

Increase shear strength to improve slope stability

Increase water permeability to accelerate drainage

7.1 Introduction
It is often necessary to densify loose granular soils to achieve acceptable foundation
performance of structures, particularly in areas of seismic activity where it is necessary to
reduce soil liquefaction and seismic deformation potential. Compaction in granular soils
is achieved by vibration, typically either by insertion of a large vibrating poker into the
ground (vibro-compaction) or by frequent drops of a large mass from a great height (deep
dynamic compaction). Increases in building code design accelerations for structures in
potential seismic areas and the resulting increase in the requirement for densification has
led to investigation of the potential for use of explosive compaction (EC) as an economic
alternative to the more traditional techniques.
7.2 The Technique

A certain amount of explosive charge is buried at a certain depth of a cohesionless

soil required to be compacted and is then detonated.

A pipe of 7.5 to 10 cm is driven to the required depth in a soil stratum. The sticks
of dynamite and an electric detonator are wrapped in the water proof bundles and
lowered through the casing.

The casing is withdrawn and a wad of paper of wood is placed against the charge
of explosives to protect it from misfire.

The whole is backfilled with sand in order to obtain the full force of the blast.

The elctrical circuit is closed to fire the charge. A series of holes are thus made

Each hole is detonated in succesion and the resulting large diameter holes formed
by lateral displacement are backfilled.

The surface settlements are measured by taking levels or from screw plates
embedded at a certain depth below the ground surface.

Once an area of ground has been treated and pore pressures have largely dissipated,
repeated applications ("passes") of shaking caused by controlled blast sequences causes


additional settlement depending on soil density and stiffness. The first pass destroys any
bonds existing between cohesionless soil particles due to aging and other geologic
processes, and causes the majority of settlement within the soil mass. Subsequent passes
cause additional settlement by cyclic straining. As a result, surface settlement and
increased soil resistance to cyclic loading will be caused by the blasting.
7.3 Some guidelines and typical values

Usually the explosives are arranged in the form of a horizontal grid. The spacing
of the charges are decided by the depth of strata to be densified, the size of the
charge and the overlapping of the charges. A spacing of 3 to 8 m is typical and a
spacing less than 3 m should be avoided.

Compaction is carried out in a single tier only if the depth of stratum to be

densified is less than 10 m or less.

In such a case the depth of explosive charge should be below half the depth of the
mass or stratum to be densified (appox. At 2/3 point)

More than one tier should be planned if the depth of stratum to be densified is
more than 10m. Generally he depth of charge should be greater than the radius of
Influence (R).

Successive blasts of small charges at appropriate spacings are likely to be more

effective than a single large blast.

Charges should be timed to explode such that the bottom of the layer being
densified upwards in a uniform manner.

The uppermost portion of the stratum may be less densified which may be
compacted by the vibratory rollers

The amount of charge should be optimal. The surface heave should not be more
than 0.15 m.

Charge masses of less than 2 kg to more than 30 kg have been used.

7.4 Advantages

Blasting technique involves less time, labour and expense.

This technique needs no special equipment and could be successfully used for
densifying soil at a great depth.

This could be used to compact a large volume to a substantial depth upto 20m and
in small areas where the other methods would be impractical.

In remote areas where vibrations are favourable, the technique may prove most
cost effective.



7.5 Limitations

Non uniformity, potential adversse effects on adjacent structures and the danger
associated with the use of explosives in populated areas.

Very fine grained soils with cohesive forces cannot be compacted by this methos.

Maximum compaction is obtained only when the soil is completely dry or fully

The blasting work is executed only by an experienced contractor under special



8.1 Introduction
The concept of soil enforcement is based on the existence of strong soil-reinforcement
interaction like roots, due to their tensile strength and frictional or adhesion properties
reinforce the soil. Many hypotheses have been postulated, in the past 25 years, about the
load transfer between the soil and reinforcement and their interaction. Reinforced earth
is a composite material formed by the friction between the earth and the reinforcement.
By means of friction the soil transfers to the reinforcement the forces built up in the
earth mass. The reinforcement thus develops tension and the earth behaves as if it has
cohesion. Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls (MSEW) and Reinforced Soil Slopes
(RSS) are usually considered as cost-effective soil-retaining structures. By inclusion of
tensile reinforcing elements in the soil, the strength of the soil can be improved
significantly such that the vertical face of the soil/reinforcement system is essentially
self supporting. Based on limited data, reinforcement accounts for 45 to 65 percent of
total cost.

8.2 Types of reinforcing material



Extensible Reinforcement
Tensile strain in the reinforcement is greater or equal to the horizontal extension
required to develop an active plastic state in the soil.
Inextensible Reinforcement
Tensile strain in the reinforcement is significantly less than the horizontal
extension required to develop an active plastic state in the soil.
Thus an extensible reinforcement makes the structure brittle while the other type
makes it flexible
Steel, Galvanised steel, Polyster coated fiberglass.
Major geosynthetic materials such as geogrid sheet, woven and non woven
geotextile sheet, coated fibre strips, rigid plastic strips, composites and three
dimensional honey comb type products.
8.3 Applications of Reinforced Soil
More common applications of reinforced soil are in the form of RETAINING WALLS.
Reinforced soil structures can be grouped into three classes:

Embankment and Retaining walls

Foundations and Subsoil reinforcements

Insitu Reinforcements (soil-nailing), existing slopes and excavations.

Embankment and Retaining walls

A primary role of reinforcement in an embankment or a retaining wall is to support the
outward earth pressure (lateral thrust) in the fill while maintaining the full bearing
capacity in the foundation. The purpose of these reinforcement is to per form as
(a) Superficial slope reinforcement and edge stiffening.
(b) Main body reinforcement
(c) Reinforcement at the base of retaining wall.




Foundations and Subsoil reinforcements

Reinforced Earth Walls

Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls (MSEW) and Reinforced Soil Slopes (RSS) are
usually considered as cost-effective soil-retaining structures. By inclusion of tensile
reinforcing elements in the soil, the strength of the soil can be improved significantly
such that the vertical face of the soil/reinforcement system is essentially self supporting.

Structural Applications
Reinforced Earth is used in urban, rural and mountainous terrain for

Retaining Walls


Bridge Abutments

Submerged walls

Railway Structures

Truck dumps


Bulk storage facilities

8.4 Advantages

Flexibility - Reinforced Earth structures distribute loads over compressible soils

and unstable slopes, reducing the need for deep foundations




High load-carrying capability, both static and dynamic - applied structural loads
are distributed through the compacted granular fill and earth pressure loads are
resisted by the gravity mass

Ease and speed of installation - prefabricated materials and granular soil simplify
construction and minimize the impact of bad weather

Pleasing appearance - panels may be given a variety of architectural treatments

Economy - 15-50% savings over cast-in-place concrete walls, depending on wall

height and loading conditions.

8.5 Description of a Reinforced Earth Wall

Reinforced Earth Wall consists of three components - precast concrete facing panels,
metallic (steel) soil reinforcements and granular backfill. Its strength and stability are
derived from the frictional interaction between the granular backfill and the
reinforcements, resulting in a permanent and predictable bond that creates a unique
composite construction material.
Facing Panels
Concrete Facing Panels

Panels are manufactured in factory conditions using high-quality steel moulds.

Concrete facing panels are delivered to the construction site in stacks of five
panels. Timber spacers are placed between the panels to facilitate unloading and
handling. All facing panels are clearly marked with the appropriate type. This
allows each facing panel to be installed in the correct location.

The use of discrete facing panels makes Reinforced Earth structures particularly
tolerant to differential settlement.

Concrete facing panels are available in a variety of textured and patterned

finishes. Different colours can be achieved with the use of pigmented concrete.

Concrete facing panels are durable and have proven to be especially resilient to
fire damage.

Tried and tested repair methods allow individual panels damaged by, for example,
vehicle collision, to be replaced without compromising the integrity of the
Steel Facing Panels

Galvanized steel facing panel is a lightweight steel mesh facing that is suitable for
both permanent and temporary applications.




These facing panels can be constructed to form vertical, stepped or sloping


It is easy to handle and cut on site making it ideal for structures with complex
geometry or curved alignments. It can be clad with brick or stone and is often
used to form spandrel walls to our precast concrete arches.

Large sized stone can be placed behind the facing to give an attractive natural
appearance. It is also possible to establish vegetation behind the facing to form a
green slope.
Soil Reinforcement

Both steel and synthetic soil reinforcement are available to suit the particular
requirements of the project.

Most Reinforced Earth structures are constructed using galvanized steel high
adherence reinforcing strips. These provide a low-strain, robust and durable
solution suitable for most land based applications.

In corrosive environments, such as marine applications, galvanized steel is

unsuitable for permanent structures. For these applications, the GeoStrap
synthetic soil reinforcement provides a suitable alternative to steel. The GeoStrap
is connected to concrete facing panels through fully synthetic GeoMega sleeve,
thus providing a durable non-metallic mechanical connection.

This fully synthetic solution enables a wider range of fill materials to be used,
including recycled aggregates containing potentially corrosive material.
Durability of reinforcement

The durability of galvanized steel earth reinforcements depends on the

electrochemical properties of both the reinforcements and the reinforced backfill.

We know the rate at which the galvanization is consumed and the rate at which
the underlying steel corrodes once the zinc is gone, so it is a simple calculation to
determine a structure's expected life. Conversely, given a service life requirement
(typically 75 years for permanent structures, 100 years for critical structures), the
amount of steel required to achieve that service life can also be calculated.
Practically speaking, reinforcing strips are manufactured in a single, standard
cross section and design requirements are met by varying the number rather than
the size of the reinforcements.
Back fill characteristics controlling

The backfill characteristics that affect the service life of buried galvanized steel are pH,
soil resistivity at 100% saturation, and the levels of dissolved sulfate and chloride ions.


Submergence in fresh or salt water increases the potential for corrosion loss, but
submerged behavior is well understood and design adjustments can be made to produce
safe and durable structures. For normal dry-land construction, the acceptable ranges for
pH, resistivity, chlorides and sulfates are

5 - 10


3000 ohm-cm


100 ppm


200 ppm

Physical characteristics:

Although the standard specification for Reinforced Earth select backfill requires
less than or equal to 15% passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve, materials with up
to 40% passing may be considered under limited circumstances and after careful
testing. The Owner/ Consultant must weigh the potential cost advantage of using
such fine-grained backfill against the possibly significant increase in the number
and length of steel reinforcements required, as well as the resulting increase in the
Reinforced Earth backfill volume.

Under no circumstances should a backfill with greater than 15% fines be used in
a periodically submerged structure
Chemical characteristics:


5 - 10


3000 ohm-cm


100 ppm


200 ppm

8.6 Construction

Reinforced Earth system is straightforward to construct. No specialist plant or

labour is required. Construction operations are performed from the backfill side of
the structure, making it ideal for structures where disruption to adjacent features
needs to be minimised.

Facing panels, soil reinforcement and ancillary items are delivered to site as
required. All facing panels are clearly marked with the appropriate type. This
allows each facing panel to be installed in the correct location.

The first course of facing panels is constructed on a small mass concrete levelling




Layers of granular backfill are placed and compacted and soil reinforcement is
connected to the facing panels at the appropriate levels. Where concrete facing
panels are being used a hydraulic excavator is used to lift the panels into place.

Geotextile strips are placed across the panel joints to prevent the loss of fines
from the backfill whilst allowing the structure to drain. Lightweight compaction
equipment is used to compact the fill within 2m of the facing panels. Outside of
this zone heavier compaction equipment can be used.

Construction of the TerraTrel system is similar to the concrete faced system.

However, the lightweight steel facing panels can be easily handled and can be cut
to size on site.

8.7 Stability
Stability of Reinforced Earth structures is dependent upon many factors. The number and
length of the reinforcing strips is determined by considering the combined effects of the
select and random backfills, the foundation and backslope materials, surcharge loads,
service life requirements and, if applicable, submergence conditions and seismic
acceleration. Construction methods must also be considered, along with both site and
subsoil drainage and scour protection. Ultimately, stability is assured by providing a
reinforced granular mass of sufficient dimensions and structural capacity, bearing on
adequate foundation material, having a durable facing material, well-chosen drainage
systems, and proper embedment of the toe of the wall.
8.8 Stability Evaluation
Reinforced Earth structures are evaluated for external stability and internal stability.
External stability considers the behavior of the site under the loading imposed by the
Reinforced Earth structure, and is primarily influenced by site geotechnical and hydraulic
conditions. Internal stability refers to the behavior of and interrelationship among the
components of the Reinforced Earth structure itself - the facing, the reinforcing strips and
the select backfill. Each type of stability will be discussed separately.
8.9 Economics
Reinforced Earth, when compared with conventional retaining structures, is economical
solution. The cost effectiveness depends on the geometry of the structure and the use of
backfill soil. Hence, the economic position can only be determined for a specific project.
The cost effectiveness increases when the height of the structure is more, e.g. if for 2m
high structure, Reinforced Earth is cheaper by 15%; then for 4m high structure, the cost



would be 20% cheaper than conventional retaining structures and so on.
*Some other aspects of Reinforced Earth wall can be referred from the word file
MSE 14.


Reinforced soil, or mechanically stabilized soil, is a construction technique that consists
of soil that has been strengthened by tensile elements such as metal strips, geotextiles, or

The metallic strips that are used for reinforced soils are usually galvanized steel strips.
However, the galvanized steel strips are subject to corrosion at the rate of about 0.025 to
0.05 mm/year. Hence, depending on the project service life of the given structure,
allowances must be made for the rate of corrosion.



Geotextiles and geogrids are non biodegradable materials. They are made from petroleum
products such as polyster, polythelene, and polypropylene. Geotextiles perform four
major functions: (a) allow drainage from the soil; (b) keep the soil layer separated; (c)
provide reinforcement to the soil; and (d) allow free seepage from one layer of the soil to
the other.
In shallow foundations the first reinforcement layer is placed at a distance u measured
from the bottom of the foundation. The distance between each layer of reinforcement is
h. It was experimentally shown that the most beneficial effect of reinforced earth is
obtained when u/B is less than 2/3 of B and the number of layers of reinforcement (N) is
greater than 4 but no more than 6 to 7. If the length of the ties ( i.e. reinforcement strips)
is sufficiently long, failure occurs when the upper ties break.

The figure below shows an idealized condition for the development of a failure surface in
reinforced earth which consists of two zones. Zone I is immediately below the foundation
which settles with the foundation which settles with the foundation during the application
of load. In zone II the soil is pushed outward and upward. Points , A1, A2, A3, and B1,
B2, B3,..., which define the limits of zone I and II, are points at which maximum shear
stress, max, occurs in the xz plane. The distance x = x of the point measured from the
centerline of the foundation where maximum shear stress occurs is a function of z/B

*Soil stabilization (Mechanical (mixing), Chemical (lime), Cementation (Cement,
bitumen)) can be referred from the regular books (Transportation books or GIT by P
Purushothama Raj).


*Grouting and Geotextiles from GIT by P Purushothama Raj.



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