Frankenstein Volume II Quiz TEACHER EDITION
Frankenstein Volume II Quiz TEACHER EDITION
Frankenstein Volume II Quiz TEACHER EDITION
He finds Victor’s journal that details the process and the creation of the monster.
18.What “greater treasures than a little food or rest” in Chapter VII does the
monster desire?
19.The monster experiences a final despair as the De Lacey family shuns him.
What, then, does he decide in Ch. VIII? What does the monster “declare?”
He declares “war against the species, and, more than all, war against him who had
formed me, and sent me forth to this insupportable misery” (162).
20.The De Lacey family makes what saddening decision? What ‘link’ does this
decision break?
They decide to leave the cottage because of the incident, and this breaks the
monsters only ‘link’ to the world.
21.What might be symbolic about what the monster does to the De Lacey
cottage once they have departed?
He burns it down; he wishes to destroy the place where he received knowledge (as
fire represents knowledge, perhaps he received DANGEROUS KNOWLEDGE), where
he learned to desire love, to belong, language, and to read.
22.What kind act does the monster perform and how is he rewarded? What does
this do to him? What does he vow?
He saves a girl from drowning, but he is shot by someone who was with the girl.
This makes him hate mankind even more, he vows eternal vengeance and hatred
upon mankind.
23.By causing the death of William, the monster claims that he, too, can create
what? Why might this make him happy, and compare this to what he feels
Victor has done to him?
Desolation, this makes him happy because he has found a way to carry despair to
Victor, and he feels that Victor created nothing but desolation in creating him and
now he, too, is capable of this action.
The love of another will destroy the cause of his crimes ( 176).
26.What does Victor decide to do about the monster’s request?