Enzymes: The Spit Lab: Teacher Version
Enzymes: The Spit Lab: Teacher Version
Enzymes: The Spit Lab: Teacher Version
Teacher Version
In this lab you will investigate a few of different enzymes from our body. You will learn
how these enzymes work and how their activity is dependent on factors such as heat, pH, and
1. Cell Biology: The fundamental life processes of plants and animals depend on a
variety of chemical reactions that occur in specialized areas of the organism's cells.
1b. Students know enzymes are proteins that catalyze biochemical reactions with altering
the reaction equilibrium and the activities of enzymes depend on the temperature, ionic
conditions, and the pH of the surroundings.
9. Physiology: As a result of the coordinated structures and functions of organ
systems, the internal environment of the human body remains relatively stable
(homeostatic) despite changes in the outside environment.
**9f. Students know the individual functions and sites of secretion of digestive enzymes
(amylases, proteases, nucleases, lipases), stomach acid, and bile salts.
Fresh Pineapple
Cold Water available
100 mL Graduated Cylinder
8 Small Cups/group
Hydrogen Peroxide
1 Orange
Flour (Starch)
Yeast (Catalase)
Eye Dropper
1 Apple
If you choose to do Part 1 with the cooking show style, you will need setup up the fruit
and Jello an hour before the lab begins. This will give the reaction time to take place, so
you can then do the cooking show presentation.
For Part 3 with the Hydrogen Peroxide and Catalase reaction, you will need to prepare
the A, B, and C solutions of yeast and water ahead of time.
Key Concepts:
Enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions, and are found in all living
organisms because they are important in every day functions like digestion and blood
clotting. They also act like scissors and cleave bonds between molecules.
Accelerating chemical reactions is referred to as catalysis, and because enzymes take part
in a chemical reaction, but are not destroyed in the process, enzymes are referred to as
The shape of each enzyme allows it only to interact with a specific molecule called a
substrate (though the enzyme can act with many substrates at the same time) that
makes the enzyme that much specific for a particular type of chemical reaction. Think of
the enzyme as a lock and the substrate as the key. Only that certain key (substrate)
will fit into that specific lock (enzyme).
Gelatin is a protein used in making many of your favorite foods, like gummy bears and Jello!
The chemical bonds in gelatin can be broken by an enzyme called Bromelain, which is found
in certain fruits.
We will test different fruits to identify which of them contains the Bromelain enzyme, and
then investigate the effect of heating on Bromelain.
1. Cut 2 equal sized 1 inch by 1 inch pieces of fresh apple, orange, and pineapple.
2. To look at the effects of heat on the enzymes in these fruits, microwave a piece of apple,
orange, and pineapple for 1-2 minutes. Cool these pieces to room temperature by
submerging them briefly in cold water.
3. Place the regular and microwaved pieces of fruit on top of the Jello. What do you think
will happen to the Jello in contact with each piece? Write your prediction in the table
below, under the heading Prediction.
4. Let the fruit pieces sit undisturbed for at least 1 hour. In the meantime, lets move on to
Lab Part 2
5. 1 hour laterRemove each piece of fruit and take a look at the surface of the Jello
underneath. What happened to the Jello in each case? Record your observations in the
table below, under the heading Result.
Another possible way to do this is in cooking show style. Prepare one experiment an hour
before the lab begins, so that you can discuss your results with students at the time. Then,
compare the experiment you did with the students after the rest of the lab.
Type of Fruit
Student Answer
No Reaction
Student Answer
No Reaction
Student Answer
Heated Apple
Student Answer
No Reaction
Heated Orange
Student Answer
No Reaction
Heated Pineapple
Student Answer
No Reaction
Concept Questions:
Q1. Which fruit(s) do you think contain the enzyme Bromelain?
Pineapple contains the enzyme Bromelain, and should break down the Jello.
Q2. It is possible to make Jello with canned pineapple chunks but not fresh pineapple chunks.
Why do you think this is so?
The fresh pineapple chunks still have live enzymes that will try to prevent the jello from
forming. Canned pineapple chunks are heated during the canning process; therefore there
are no active enzymes in the canned pineapple.
Q3. How do you think heat affects enzymes? Why is the activity of the enzyme destroyed?
Heat stops the enzyme from functioning, by unraveling (denaturing) it and changing its
shape. Therefore the key no longer fits the lock. (Lock and Key analogy)
Starch is a carbohydrate found in many foods, such as wheat, corn, rice, and potatoes. It is a
long chain of sugars linked together.
The enzyme amylase breaks the bonds linking the glucose molecules in starch.
Your saliva contains amylase, to break down the starchy foods you eat.
We can stain with iodine to visualize the conversion of starch into sugar. Iodine is normally
orange-brown in color, but when it binds to starches, it turns a blue-black color.
Iodine + Sugar
Iodine + Starch
Orange-Brown Color
Blue-Black Color
We will test our saliva for the presence of amylase, and investigate how that amylase may be
affected by pH
1. Take 5 cups and label them as follows:
5. Add 2 pinches of sugar to the cup labeled Water+Sugar. Gently swirl the cup to mix
in the sugar.
6. Add 2 pinches of starch to all the cups labeled +Starch. Gently swirl the cup to mix in
the starch.
7. Wait about 15-25 minutes. Meanwhile, lets make some predictions! What do you think
will happen when we stain the solution in each cup with Iodine? Write your
prediction in the table below under Predicted Result.
8. The moment of truth: Add 3 drops of iodine to each cup and write your observations
below under Actual Result. Were your predictions accurate
The Saliva + Starch reaction can take a while to finish. Initially the color will be Blue-Black, but
given time the Amylase will break the starch down into sugar and the color of the solution will
slowly get closer the Orange-Brown color of the Iodine.
Predicted Result
Actual Result
Student Answer
+ Sugar
Student Answer
+ Starch
Student Answer
+ Starch
Student Answer
Saliva + Acid
+ Starch
Student Answer
Concept Questions:
Q4. When scientists design an experiment, they generally include one or more control samples
as well as the experimental sample. The experimental sample is intended to observe the
effect you are interested in.
What is/are your experimental sample(s) here? What is each one testing?
The saliva+starch sample is testing whether saliva contains enzyme that break down starch.
The saliva+starch+acid sample tests whether the activity of this enzyme is sensitive to acid.
The control samples help ensure that your experimental setup is working as expected.
What role do the following control samples serve in this experiment?
Water+sugar: Makes sure that iodine will remain yellowish-brown when no starch is
Water+starch: Makes sure that iodine will turn blue-black if there is starch present.
Q5. Vinegar is acidic (it has low pH). Based on your experiment, what can you say about the pH
dependence of the amylase enzyme?
The enzyme present in saliva, amylase, is inactivated in acidic conditions, low pH.
Q6. Can you suggest another substance that would inactivate amylase if added to the saliva?
Strong acids or bases will change the pH away from neutral. Hydrochloric acid, HCl or
sodium bicarbonate, a base, would change the pH so that the enzyme would not function.
Q7. Amylase works best at a neutral pH of 7. Where in your body are there enzymes which work
best at an acidic or low pH?
Your stomach has a low pH of 2, which makes it highly acidic to be able to digest all of the
food that goes in. Enzymes present in your stomach will function best near a pH of 2.
The enzyme catalase is found in many living cells (such as yeast) and speeds up the
decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into less harmful water and oxygen.
Catalase Solution
Order of Reaction
4. Rank the catalase solutions according to the speed and intensity of the reaction:
Q10. What gas is being produced when you add the catalase to the hydrogen peroxide?
Q11. What are some ways you could confirm the identity of this gas?
Contain the oxygen in the top of an inverted test tube. Then light a match and blow it out.
Quickly insert it into the test tube while it is still glowing. If it reignites the gas is oxygen.
Q12. Given that the bacteria that causes gangrene is anaerobic, or cannot tolerate oxygen. How
could hydrogen peroxide be used to prevent infection of a deep wound?
This is a more challenging question, so you may want to just discuss it with the students. In
the presence of catalase, hydrogen peroxide reacts to form oxygen gas and water. When
you pour hydrogen peroxide on a wound, your natural catalase produces oxygen deep in
the wound. The oxygen is toxic to anaerobic bacteria and kills them before infection can