Advantages and Disadvantages of Selenium Webdriver
Advantages and Disadvantages of Selenium Webdriver
Advantages and Disadvantages of Selenium Webdriver
Selenium WebDriver
Selenium WebDriver was created by yet another engineer at ThoughtWorks named as Simon
Stewart in the year 2006. WebDriver is also a web-based testing tool with a subtle difference
with Selenium RC. Since, the tool was built on the fundamental where an isolated client was
created for each of the web browser; no JavaScript Heavy lifting was required. This led to a
compatibility analysis between Selenium RC and WebDriver. As a result a more powerful
automated testing tool was developed called Selenium 2.
WebDriver is clean and a purely object oriented framework. It utilizes the browsers native
compatibility to automation without using any peripheral entity. With the increasing demand it
has gained a large popularity and user base.
Advantages and disadvantages of Selenium WebDriver:
Refer the following figure for the advantages and disadvantages of WebDriver.
(Click on image for enlarged view)
Selenium 3
After downloading selenium web driver zip file extract it on workspace location
4.) Create new package under the java project and create new TestNG class and write the code
like below to launch Firefox browser and one sample application through web driver
5).Now right click on the class name and run it, itll open Firefox browser and will load
AUT(url provided)
What is Locator?
Locator can be termed as an address that identifies a web element uniquely within the webpage.
Locators are the HTML properties of a web element which tells the Selenium about the web
element it need to perform action on.
There is a diverse range of web elements. The most common amongst them are:
Text box
Drop Down
Check Box
Radio Button