Preschool Curriculum
Preschool Curriculum
Preschool Curriculum
Centers are used for self-initiated and self-directed activities that students can choose and
learn at their own pace. Not only do students become deeply involved in their own learning,
centers also allow students to become part of a classroom community where they can
progress at their own rate and choose activities that are purposeful to them individually
(Beaty, 2009). Centers encourage social interaction, stimulate language, and help teachers
to enrich the everyday curriculum (Pate, 2009).
Children are able to explore, work with others, interact, engage in language and literacy
development, and be active in centers. These areas will increase their vocabulary, practice
effective expression, use language to describe, compare, and relate, create stories, resolve
conflict, and begin learning the usefulness of daily experiences of literacy activities
(Rockwell et al., 1999).
Free Play
Imagine entering a classroom where children are dressed as doctors, towers are being built,
red and blue paint is being used for the picture of an American flag, children are walking on
a balance beam in the middle of the room, and play dough cookies are being made and
baked. The individual areas children can choose from allow them to converse, pretend, and
explore their physical environment which benefits all areas of literacy instruction (Beaty,
2009). This teaching strategy is called free play which sparks curiosity, allowing children to
practice not only fine and gross motor skills, but also oral language, and even achieve
mastery in many areas. Through this type of self-exploratory play, objects and materials
become real world manipulatives where they can develop their own sense of the world and
their learning styles.
Small Group Instruction
In another classroom a teacher sits on the floor with a small group of children in front of her.
They are discussing a story. The teacher models how to read print from left to right, they
discuss what is happening on each page, and problem solve how the story may or may not
end and why. This is called small group instruction and it allows for open-ended learning
opportunities that are relevant and meaningful to each group (Kostelnik, Soderman, &
Whiren, 2007). Small group instruction is effective because teaching is focused on what
each student in the group needs (Iaquinta, 2006).
Guided Reading
In this last classroom example there is a horseshoe-shaped table with four students and
one teacher sitting around it. They are fluently reading a passage together in unison. They
are using expression and connotation. After they are finished the students engage in a
grand conversation about the story. This practice is called guided reading which increases
students' comprehension, fluency, phonics, phonemic awareness, and provides
opportunities for students to engage in critical and analytical reading patterns (Fisher,
2008). Re-teaching, enrichment, teacher observations, self-monitoring, and helping children
become more confident readers are all goals in a guided reading group (Morrow, 2009).