M. Aurelius PDF
M. Aurelius PDF
M. Aurelius PDF
The Meditations of
Marcus Aurelius
Pierre Hadot
Translated by Michael Chase
Cambridge, Massachusetts
London, England
) and index.
3 . Stoics.
4. Life.
B 5 8 3 .H 3 3 1 3
l 8 8 -dc2 1
97-469 7 1
1 99 8
I. Title.
Translator's Note
The Emperor-Philosopher
3 15
3 17
Meditations. Moreover, in the case of Marcus, the division of the text into
chapters is very uncertain, and often the limits of each " meditation" are
not absolutely clear. Thus, the very appearance of the text can vary
Finally, the modem reader might imagine-and no one is safe from
this error-that the ancient author lives in the same intellectual world as
he does. The reader will treat the author's affirmations exactly as if they
came from a contemporary author, and will therefore think he has im
mediately understood what the author meant. In fact, however, this
understanding will be anachronistic, and the reader will often run the risk
of committing serious mistranslations. To be sure, it is fashionable now
adays to affirm that, in any case, we cannot know exactly what an author
meant, and that, moreover, this does not matter at all, for we can give the
works any meaning we please. For my part, and without entering into
this debate, I would say that before we discover " unintentional" mean
ings, it seems to me both possible and necessary to discover the meaning
which the author intended. It is absolutely indispensable to go in the
direction of a basic meaning, to which we can then refer in order to
uncover, if we should so wish, those meanings of which the author was
perhaps not conscious. It is true, however, that this reconstitution is
extremely difficult for us, because we proj ect attitudes and intentions
proper to our era into the past. I order to understand ancient works, we
must relocate them within their context, in the widest sense of the term,
which can signify the material, social, and political situation as well as the
political and rhetorical universe of thought. In particular, we must recall
that the mechanisms of literary composition were very different then
from what they are now. In antiquity, the rules of discourse were rigor
ously codified. In order to say what he wanted to say, an author had to
say it in a specific way, in accordance with traditional models, and ac
cording to rules prescribed by rhetoric or philosophy. Marcus Aurelius'
Meditations, for instance, are not the spontaneous outpourings of a soul
that wants to express its thoughts immediately, but rather an exercise,
accomplished in accordance with definite rules. As we shall see, they
presuppose a pre-existing canvas, upon which the philosopher-emperor
could only embroider. Often, Marcus says certain things only because he
has to say them, by virtue of the models and precepts imposed upon him.
The meaning of the Meditations can, therefore, only be understood once
we have discovered, among other things, the prefabricated schemes
which have been imposed upon it.
My intention, which is to offer the modem reader an introduction to
the reading of the Meditations, will thus perhaps not be without useful
ness. I will try to discover what Marcus wanted to accomplish by writing
them, to specify the literary genre to which they belong, and, especially,
to define their relationship with the philosophical system which inspired.
them. Finally, without trying to produce a biography of the emperor, I
will try to determine how much of him is visible in his work.
I have chosen to quote the Meditations abundantly. I hate those mono
graphs which, instead of letting the author speak and staying close to the
text, engage in obscure elucubrations which claim to carry out an act of
decoding and reveal the " unsaid" of the thinker, without the reader's
having the slightest idea of what that thinker really " said. " Such a
method unfortunately permits all kinds of deformations, distortions, and
sleight of hand. Our era is captivating for all kinds of reasons: too often,
however, from the philosophical and literary point of view, it could be
defined as the era of the misinterpretation, if not of the pun: people can,
it seems, say anything about anything. When I quote Marcus Aurelius, I
want my reader to make contact with the text itself, which is superior to
any commentary. I would like him to see how my interpretation tries to
base itself on the text, and that he can verify my affirmations directly and
immediately. The translation I offer is completely original. I have been
working on Marcus Aurelius for more than twenty years, in particular on
a new edition and translation of the Meditations, which will be published
within the next few years. In the course of this work, interpretation and
translation have gone hand in hand, and this is why I could not illustrate
my arguments by referring the reader to existing translations, which
would have been different from mine, and which might not have corre
sponded exactly with my idea of the philosopher-emperor's work.
I should like to thank Michael Chase for his sensitive and philologi
cally astute translation, as well as Angela Armstrong. Finally, my thanks
go to Margaretta Fulton and Mary Ellen Geer at Harvard University
Press, as well as Brian Stock at the University of Toronto , for their
patient and helpful advice.
Translator's Note
T H E E M P E R O R- P H I L O S O P H E R
The Emperor-Philosopher
came to write the Meditations; and this is the same as asking how he
became a philosopher, and how the Meditations could represent for him a
part of his philosophical activity.
First, it is perhaps not inappropriate to recall that a philosopher in
antiquity was not necessarily a theoretician of philosophy, as is all too
often supposed. In antiquity, a philosopher was someone who lived like a
philosopher-that is, who led a philosophical life. Cato the Younger, a
statesman of the first century B.c., was a Stoic philosopher, but he did not
write a single philosophical treatise. Rogatianus, a statesman of the third
century A.D., was a Platonic philosopher, the disciple of Plotinus, and yet
he wrote no philosophical treatise. Neverthless both men considered
themselves philosophers, because they had adopted a philosophical way
oflife . Let it not be said, moreover, that they were amateur philosophers.
In the view of the masters of ancient philosophy, authentic philosophy
was not that which discoursed upon theories or commented upon
authors . In the words of Epictetus (II I , 2 1 , 5 ) , a Stoic who had a consid
erable influence upon Marcus Aurelius: "Eat like a man, drink like a
man, get dressed, get married, have children, lead the life of a citizen . . . .
Show us all this, so that we can see whether or not you have really
learned something from the philosophers. "8
Ancient philosophers thus had no need to write. If, moreover, they
did write, it was not necessary for them to invent a new theory, or
develop any specific part of a system. It was enough for them to formu
late the fundamental principles of the school in favor of which they had
made their choice of life. When Marcus was writing the Meditations, he
did not invent anything new, and did not bring about any progress
within Stoic doctrine. This, however, is not to say that he was not a
philosopher, and especially not a Stoic philosopher.9
On the other hand, the fact of having taken some philosophy courses
did not necessarily mean that one was a philosopher. Lucius Verus,
Marcus Aurelius' adoptive brother, received instruction from the same
philosophy teachers as his brother, but no one would think of calling him
a philosopher. 10 The Latin author Aulus Gellius, Marcus' contemporary,
was a student of the Platonic philosopher Taurus at Athens. There is no
doubt that Gellius was interested in philosophy, and he cites many philo
sophical texts in his works, but he makes no claim to lead a philosophical
life . Rhetoricians and statesmen found in philosophy courses training for
dialectics, and material to develop commonplaces in their discourses. As
Pronto wrote to Marcus: " Philosophy will give you the substance of
The Emperor-Philosopher
your discourse, and rhetoric its form. " 1 1 They did not, however, feel
obliged to live like philosophers. This is why the Discourses of Epictetus,
as reported by Arrian, constantly remind the philosopher's audience th at
philosophy does not consist in dialectical skillfulness or beautiful lan
guage, but in the way one lives day-to-day life . To be a philosopher was
not to have received a theoretical philosophical education, or to be a
professor of philosophy. Rather, it was to profess, as a result of a conver
sion which caused a radical change of life-style, a way of life different
from that of other people.
It would be extremely interesting to know, in all its details, the man
ner in which Marcus' conversion to philosophy took place . Yet many
points remain obscure.
We possess two documents of capital importance on Marcus Aurelius'
evolution. The first is the correspondence between Marcus and his
rhetoric teacher Pronto, of which I have already spoken; unfortunately, it
has come down to us in a palimpsest discovered in the nineteenth cen
tury; thus this collection of letters has been covered over by other writ
ing, and the chemical products which were used to make it legible have
caused irreparable deterioration of the manuscript, which contains gaps
and is often unreadable. The second piece of evidence comes from the
Emperor himself, who, as he wrote the first book of his Meditations,
mentioned all he owed to his parents, teachers, and friends; this is an
extremely concise text, which leaves us terribly unsatisfied. Still, with the
help of the meager indications we can glean from these sources, we can
distinguish a certain number of phases in Marcus' evolution toward
philosophy. Although later hagiographers asserted that he was " serious "
from childhood on, 12 we can discern an initial period of carefree youth,
which seems to have continued until the age of twenty, that is, into the
period when he was already Caesar. It is possible, however, that under
the influence of Diognetus, one of the teachers Marcus speaks about in
his Meditations (I, 6) , the desire to live as a philosopher may have touched
him already at this period.
Marcus' conversion to philosophy seems to have been the work of
Junius Rusticus, who revealed to him the teachings of Epictetus, and his
conversion can probably be dated to the years 1 44-1 47. In any case,
when Marcus was twenty-five, in 1 46-1 47, he wrote Pronto a letter
which leaves no doubt as to his new state of mind. Besides, throughout
the first years of Marcus' elevation to the throne, Pronto makes almost
constant allusions to the philosophical way of life of his Imperial student.
The Emperor-Philosopher
teachers Marcus had; he had taught him to write dialogues " while he was
still a child, " and had turned him away from a game which had long been
practiced by young Greeks: mentioned by Aristophanes and Plato, it
consisted essentially in playing with quails by striking them lightly on the
head. 1 5 It was Diognetus, said Marcus, who gave him his love for phi
losophy and inspired in him " the desire to sleep on a cot and a simple
animal-skin, and for things of this sort which belong to the 'Hellenic'
way of life . " We shall return to this last phrase . For the moment, let us
note the correspondence between this note from the Meditations and the
indications given us by The Life ef Marcus Aurelius in the Historia
Augusta:16 " At the age of twelve, he adopted the costume of a philoso
pher, and a little later the endurance of one, too. He used to study
dressed in a pallium-that is, a philosophers' cloak-and sleep on the
ground; his mother had all kinds of difficulty in getting him to stretch out
on a bed covered with animal skins. "
A short cloak and a hard bed were the symbols of the Stoic philosophi
cal life. We find them in Seneca, who advises his disciple Lucilius to
practice this austerity from time to time, evoking Demetrius the Cynic
lying on his cot; in the younger Pliny, who speaks of the jurist Aristo
more of a philosopher than the so-called philosophers-whose bed called
to mind the simplicity of life of the ancients; and finally in the Stoic
Musonius, teacher of Epictetus, who declared that a cot and a simple
animal-skin are enough for sleeping.17
On this topic, we can well wonder whether " Hellenic way of life
(agoge), " the reading of the manuscripts of the Meditations, ought to be
preserved, or whether we should emend the reading to " Laconian way of
life (agoge). " For among the ancients, the " Hellenic way of life " tended
rather to designate Greek culture and civilization, both in its spiritual and
in its material forms: literature and philosophical discourses, to be sure,
but also the gymnasia and social way of life. 1 8 The expression " Laconian
way of life, " by contrast, traditionally designated the " rough life " which
characterized at the same time Spartan education and philosophical
askesis. The word agoge was, moreover, often used by itself to designate
the life-style of the Lacedaemonians. 19 In his life of the Spartan legislator
Lycurgus, Plutarch20 describes the way in which Spartan children were
brought up: once they reached the age of twelve, they lived without any
tunic, received only one cloak for the whole year, and slept on mattresses
which they themselves had made out of reeds.
The model of this style of life was strongly idealized by the philoso
phers, especially the Cynics and Stoics. This was what F. Ollier21 has
termed the " Spartan mirage, " and it was all the more a mirage in that
Sparta was a warlike, totalitarian state which " fashioned its citizens to
become the docile instruments of its will ," whereas the Cynics and Stoics
considered personal moral value as the only goal of life. From Spartan
education, they retained only its training for perseverance, its return to a
natural life, and its contempt for social conventions. To cite only one
example: the Stoic Musonius considered that a disciple " educated Spar
tan style " was in a better condition to receive philosophical instruction,
and he had praised at length the Lacedaemonians' frugal life-style.22 One
might add that the philosophers' cloak (Greek tribon, Latin pallium) worn
by the young Marcus Aurelius was none other than the Spartan cloak,
made of coarse cloth, that had been adopted by Socrates, Antisthenes,
Diogenes, and the philosophers of the Cynic and Stoic tradition. 23
How did Diognetus transmit to Marcus the desire for the austere life
of the philosophers and the Spartans? We do not know. Did he boast to
him of the free life of the Cynic or Stoic philosophers? Following the
example of Plutarch, did he tell him about the life of Lycurgus or of
Cleomenes? Be this as it may, he brought about in his student what we
might call an initial conversion toward philosophy.
Nevertheless, in the letters from Marcus to Fronto which date from
before the years 1 46-1 47, we do not perceive the slightest trace of this
youthful-or rather, childish-enthusiasm for the Spartan-style philo
sophical way of life. No doubt it had been short-lived; and yet this fire,
though apparently extinguished, continued to smolder, and it would not
be long before it flared up once again.
Junius Rusticus
Ancient historians are unanimous in recognizing the vitally important
role played by Junius Rusticus in Marcus' evolution toward philosophy.
" His favorite teacher, " says the Historia Augusta, 24 " was Junius Rusticus,
whose disciple he was and for whom he had the greatest respect. This
Rusticus was as effective in war as he was in peace, and he was a great
practitioner of the Stoic way of life . Marcus Aurelius consulted him on
all his business, whether public or private; he used to greet him with a
kiss even in front of the Praetorian prefect; honored him with a second
consulate, and, after his death, requested that the Senate raise statues of
him. " The Historia Augusta could, moreover, have added that Rusticus'
first consulate, in 1 62 (the year after Marcus became emperor) , was
certainly intended as a sign of the disciple's gratitude toward his master.
When the historian Cassius Dio25 speaks of Marcus' philosophy teachers,
The Emperor-Philosopher
The Emperor-Philosopher
gods, it is a list of the models and practical advice which have been
offered to him, and not the description of a purely intellectual itinerary.
From this perspective, however, the mention of the notes taken during
the classes of Epictetus is sufficient, for compared to Epictetus, all the
Stoic teachers of Marcus' time were mere epigones. As far as Stoicism is
concerned, the figure of Epictetus dominated the entire second century.
For Marcus, this was the greatest benefit he had received from Rusticus,
for his Meditations were to be no more than variations-often superbly
orchestrated-on themes proposed by the philosopher-slave.
The reason for his falling behind, says Marcus, is his reading of Arista :
Aristo's books are a joy for me, and at the same time a torture. They
are a j oy, in that they teach me better things; but when they show
me to what extent my inner dispositions (ingenium) are distant from
these better things, then all too often your disciple blushes and is
angry with himself because, at the age of twenty-five, I have not yet
assimilated into my soul any of the salutary dogmas and purest
reasonings. This is why I am tormented, angry, and j ealous, and I no
longer eat.
In the third part of his letter, Marcus announces to Fronto that he is
going to follow the advice of an ancient orator: under certain circum
stances, the laws must be allowed to sleep . He will therefore let Aristo's
books sleep a little, and devote himself to the rhetorical work he had
promised his teacher. However, in his current state of mind, it would be
impossible for him to argue simultaneously for and against some mat
ter-that is, we are to understand, as if the justice or injustice of the
matter in question were indifferent to him.
Traditionally, this letter has been considered as the story of Marcus'
conversion, which would thus have occurred at the age of twenty-five,
and the Arista spoken of here has consequently been identified with
Arista of Chios, a Stoic of the third century B.C. On this interpretation, it
was the reading of this author which brought about this sudden transfor
E . Champlin has recently expressed his doubts about this interpreta
tion. 32 This author starts off from the observation that the beginning and
end of the letter allude to jurisprudence, with the beginning evoking
Aufidius' pride as a judge, and the end speaking, a propos of Aristo's
books, of "letting the laws sleep , " and he concludes that the middle part
of the letter is also to be interpreted in the context ofjurisprudence . The
books mentioned by Marcus would therefore be those not of Arista of
Chios, but of Titus Arista, a Roman jurisconsult of the time of Trajan,
whose ascetic image had been evoked in one of the letters of Pliny the
Younger. When he describes the effect made on him by these works,
therefore, Fronto's student is not at all speaking of his regrets at not yet
being a philosopher, but of his sadness at not yet having sufficiently
studied jurisprudence . This is why at the end of the letter, the books of
Arista are identified with the laws which must sometimes be allowed to
sleep .
The Emperor-Philosopher
Marcus could have known Aristo through Cicero and Seneca, who had
spoken about him.38
In the final analysis, however, our problem is not that of knowing
which Aristo Marcus read. According to the testimony of Pliny, the
jurisconsult Titus Aristo used to live like a philosopher, and he too can
perfectly well, after all, have written philosophical works. The only thing
we can say with certainty is that the letter reveals the complete upheaval
that his reading of philosophical books brought about in Marcus.
It is nevertheless difficult to admit that it was the mere reading of
Aristo of Chios-if the books in question were genuinely by him-that
brought about Marcus' conversion and had a considerable influence on
his thought, for the characteristics which, according to ancient tradition,
distinguished the teaching of Aristo of Chios are not found in the Medita
tions of Marcus Aurelius. On this point, I must correct an interpretation
which I had proposed in a previous study, and I shall return later to this
doctrinal problem. 39
Marcus states quite clearly in the first book of his Meditations that the
decisive influence on him came from his reading of the Discourses of
Epictetus, which Junius Rusticus had obtained for him. We must imag
ine Marcus' conversion rather as a slow evolution, brought about by his
frequenting of Junius Rusticus, and of other philosophers of whom I
shall speak shortly. Besides, we must not forget that many of Marcus'
letters to Fronto are lost. It is probable that, in other missives, the student
let his teacher know that he was becoming more and more detached
from rhetoric, and that he wanted to devote himself to the improvement
of his inner dispositions. He tried to do so with delicacy, and a bit of
self-deprecating irony, as in the present letter. Marcus' reading of Aristo,
whoever he may have been, represents only a moment and a milestone
in a long process. Marcus certainly read many other authors, just as he
listened to different philosophy teachers. What is of interest here, how
ever, is that the first evidence we have of his adherence to philosophy
may be dated approximately from his twenty-fifth year.
The Emperor-Philosopher
skyward: " Oh Z eus, " he cried, " the aging Emperor of the Romans is
hanging tablets around his neck in order to go to school, while my king
Alexander died at the age of thirty-two ! "45
Sextus also appears in the first book of Marcus' Meditations (I, 9) , right
after Apollonius. Among other things, what Marcus retained from Sextus
were his benevolence, the way in which he directed his household, the
model he provided of a life in accordance with nature, his simple gravity,
his gift of guessing his friends' feelings, his patience, his ability to adapt
himself to each person, and to j oin together impassibility and tenderness.
At the same time, however, Marcus also evokes part ofSextus' teachings,
for instance his ability to set in order " the fundamental principles (dog
mata) necessary for life, with evidence and method, " and above all " the
idea of a life in conformity with nature. " This last detail does seem to
confirm that Sextus was a Stoic.
We have no way of knowing whether there were any differences
between the teachings of Apollonius and those of Sextus . It is likely that
there were few, and that the Stoics of the time were all more or less
dependent upon the teachings of Musonius Rufus and his student
Epictetus. Fronto, at least, considered that the famous philosophers of his
day-Euphrates, Dion, Timocrates, and Athenodotus-were all disciples
of Musonius Rufus.46 Besides, if Marcus followed a regular course of
study in the schools of Apollonius and of Sextus, this means that he
studied the three parts of philosophy: not only ethics, but also the theory
of nature and dialectics. When, in a letter to Marcus, Fronto reproaches
him47 for studying dialectics and the refutation of sophisms, it is perhaps
not a case of rhetorical exaggeration.
Apart from these philosophers in charge of schools, whose classes
Marcus attended, we find among his teachers Roman statesmen who
professed philosophy. It seems to me that this is clearly apparent from the
plan of the first book of the Meditations, in which Marcus evokes succes
sively his parents; the educators he had during his childhood, in particu
lar Diognetus; the dominant figure of his spiritual guide Junius Rusticus,
who, for Marcus, was linked to his conversion to philosophy; Apollonius
and Sextus, the two professors whose schools he attended; Alexander the
Grammarian and Fronto, his grammar and rhetoric teachers; and Alexan
der the Platonist,48 a rhetorician who became Marcus' secretary for
Greek correspondence about I 70. The Emperor considered the last
named figure as a "friend, " and retained from him some lessons about
moral conduct.
The three names which follow-Catulus, Severus, and Maximus-
The Emperor-Philosopher
form a group not of professors but of friends. They were no doubt older
men who , like Junius Rusticus, either were statesmen or least had had a
political career, but who also had an influence on the development of
Marcus' philosophical life. The Maximus in question was Claudius
Maximus, proconsul of Africa and philosopher, whom Apuleius men
tions in his Apology. The Historia Augusta presents Claudius Maximus and
Cinna Catulus as Stoics, and there is no good reason to doubt this
testimony, since the same Historia Augusta is perfectly well aware that
Severus-that is, Claudius Severus Arabianus, consul in 1 46-was an
Aristotelian.49 The son of this individual, also a consul, was also an Aris
totelian; this is explicitly stated by Galen,50 who tells how Severus' son
used to attend the public sessions of anatomy, with commentary, which
the famous doctor had organized for the Roman nobility. 51
Marcus then goes on to evoke the Emperor Antoninus (I, 1 6) , of
whom Marcus paints, as it were, the portrait of the ideal prince that he
himself would have liked to be. Philosophy is not absent from this
description, for Antoninus is compared to Socrates, who was able both to
enj oy pleasures and to abstain from them, according to the circum
Book I concludes with Marcus recalling all the benefits he has re
ceived from the gods, foremost among which, he says, were his encoun
ters with the philosophers Apollonius, Rusticus, and Maximus. The final
lines of this first book do seem to allude to chapter 7 , in which the
Emperor had expressed his gratitude to Rusticus for having dissuaded
him from sophistical ambition, bookish dissertations, and pretentious
declamations, and for having thus revealed to him that philosophy was a
way oflife .
According t o his own testimony i n Book I , then, i t was t o Junius
Rusticus that Marcus owed his discovery of true philosophy and of the
thought of Epictetus. The Stoic teachings of Apollonius and of Sextus
were then added to this decisive contribution, while from his "friends "
Alexander the Platonist, Claudius Maximus, Claudius Severus, and
Cinna Catulus he received the advice and the examples which helped
him to live his philosophical life.
The philosopher-emperor
When, on March 7, r 6 r , Marcus became emperor, it was an unexpected
and extraordinary event. Rome now had an emperor who professed to
be a philosopher-not only that, but a Stoic philosopher. Fronto, for
one, was less than reassured to see such a man governing the Empire:
philosophy, he felt, could be a bad inspiration. In a letter to Aufidius
Victorinus about a juridical problem Marcus was facing concerning the
will of his extremely wealthy aunt Matidia, Fronto wrote: " I was greatly
afraid that his philosophy might persuade him to make the wrong deci
sion. "52 For Fronto, moreover, Stoic philosophy as Marcus understood it
was the enemy of eloquence, which Fronto held to be indispensable for a
sovereign. He wrote to the Emperor:
Even should you attain the wisdom of Cleanthes or of Zeno, you
shall still be obliged, like it or not, to wear the purple pallium, and
not that of the philosophers, made of coarse wool. 53
" . . . and so, " we are to understand, " you are darned well going to have
to speak in public, and remember my rhetoric classes. "
Throughout the years in which Marcus was weighed down by the
heavy burdens of the Empire, Fronto was to become the advocate of
common sense, as opposed to philosophical rigor. For example, he ad
vised the Emperor to relax and take a real vacation during his stay on the
coast at Alsium: "Even your Chrysippus himself, they say, used to get
plastered every day. "54 When Fronto speaks of "your Chrysippus, " by
the way, it should be noted that although some modern historians-no
doubt fond of paradoxes-have wondered whether or not Marcus con
sidered himself a Stoic,55 his friend Fronto certainly had no such doubts.
When he speaks of the Emperor's philosophy, he spontaneously brings
up the great names of Stoicism: Cleanthes, Zeno, and Chrysippus. It is
clear that Marcus made no secret of his Stoic affinities.
Sometimes, Fronto is content to smile at the Emperor's infatuation: in
keeping with his dogmas (instituta tua), says Fronto, Marcus must have
remained imperturbable in a situation in which his life was threatened. 56
On another occasion, speaking about the Emperor's children whom he
had just visited, Fronto observed that one of them was holding a piece of
black bread in his hand, just like a real philosopher's son.57
The people, both in Rome and throughout the Empire, seem to have
been aware that the Emperor was a philosopher. Thus when, during his
reign, at the height of the Danubian wars, Marcus was forced to enlist the
gladiators, the current joke in Rome was that Marcus wanted to make
the people renounce their pleasures and constrain them to philosophy. 58
In this regard, the dedications of the Apologies that some Christian apolo
gists used to send to the Emperor are interesting. The emperors' titles
The Emperor-Philosopher
usually included the names they gave themselves after a victory, but in
Marcus' case we see that the Christian apologist Athenagoras added the
title of "philosopher" to the list: " To the Emperors Marcus Aurelius
Antoninus and Lucius Aurelius Commodus, Armenians, Sarmatians, and
above all philosophers. " Here Commodus, Marcus' unworthy son,
benefits from his father's reputation. The same holds true for Marcus'
adoptive brother Lucius Verus, in the dedication-unfortunately corrupt
in its present state-which Justin placed at the beginning of his Apology.
In any case, Marcus, then still a Caesar, is called " philosopher" in it,
together with Lucius Verus. The reason these dedications mention the
title of "philosopher" is that the Apologists' arguments ran as follows:
Christianity is a philosophy-indeed the best of all philosophies. There
fore, a philosopher-emperor must tolerate it.
In order to govern, the Emperor surrounded himself with philoso
phers. I have already spoken of his Stoic " friends " : Junius Rusticus,
consul in the year 1 62, Prefect of Rome around 1 6 5 ; Claudius Maximus,
proconsul of Africa; and Cinna Catulus. But there were not only Stoics;
there were also convinced Aristotelians like Claudius Severus, consul in
1 73 and Marcus' son-in-law, as well as all those whom Galen mentions in
the context of his sessions of dissection. Above all, there was the circle
which gravitated around the Peripatetic philosopher Eudemus of Per
gamon: Sergius Paulus, consul in 1 68 , proconsul of Asia in 1 66-1 67,
Prefect of Rome around 1 6 8 ; Flavius Boethius, Governor of Palestinian
Syria around 1 66- 1 6 8 , who had been the student of the Peripatetic
Alexander of Damascus, and finally M. Vetulenus Civica Barbarus, con
sul in 1 5 7, who had accompanied Marcus' daughter Lucilla on her trip to
Antioch, where she was to marry Lucius Verus. 59
Galen's testimony allows us to glimpse an intense philosophical activ
ity in the circles of the Roman aristocracy of Marcus' time, and it must
be emphasized once more that these philosophical statesmen were not
amateurs, vaguely interested in philosophical doctrines, but that they had
consciously chosen their philosophical school. Some were enthusiastic
Aristotelians, others Stoics. Thus, it was not just one philosopher who
governed the Empire at that time, but several philosophers. Galen re
counts, moreover, that there was a radical opposition between the court
of Marcus Aurelius and that of his adoptive brother Lucius Verus.
Around Marcus, it was the fashion to have one's head shaved, Stoic-style:
the poet Persius had referred to the adepts of this school as " sheared
youths, "60 who slept and ate but little. At Lucius Verus' court, by con
trast, the fashion was to wear one's hair long; and Lucius used to call
with the wars against the Germans, which is not completely false. Much
later, in the fourteenth century, it would be imagined that the work was
a book composed with a view to the education of Marcus' son Com
modus. 4 In any case, it seems that none of these authors had direct access
to the book of which they were speaking.
It was not until the Byzantine tenth century that we find testimonies
to the reading and copying of Marcus' works. The great Byzantine
lexicon entitled the Souda, which dates from that period, contains several
extracts from the Meditations, and specifies that Marcus Aurelius' work
consists of twelve books. 5 In addition, the bishop Arethas, in a letter of
907 addressed to Demetrius, metropolitan of Heraclea, speaks of a copy
of the philosopher-emperor's work in his possession, which is readable
but in poor condition. He has had it recopied, he writes, and can thus
bequeath it to posterity in renewed condition.6 There are, moreover,
several literal quotations from the Meditations in Arethas' works.7 In the
Byzantine world, the Meditations were read throughout the following
centuries. 8
In the West, we do not find quotations from Marcus until the begin
ning of the sixteenth century: the De arte cabalistica ofJohannes Reuchlin,
published in 1 5 1 7, contains quotations of two passages from the Medita
tions, probably taken from a manuscript in Reuchlin's possession.9 It was
not until 1 5 5 9 that a printed edition appeared, brought out by Andreas
Gesner of Zurich. Based on a now-lost manuscript, this edition was
accompanied by a Latin translation made by Xylander (Wilhelm
Holzmann) . Besides this edition, we have only one complete manuscript
of the Emperor's works: the Vaticanus Graecus 1 9 50, which dates from the
fourteenth century.
We can thus surmise that it is only a matter of luck that we happen to
know the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius. We must admit, however, that
in the case of a number of passages-fortunately not very numerous
the state of the text as we now possess it is less than satisfactory; and given
the small number of manuscripts, it is difficult to improve upon the text.
In order to reestablish the text with the highest degree of probability,
therefore, we are sometimes reduced to making conj ectures.
The text, is, in any event, rather difficult to understand, and the reader
should not be surprised if he finds that the original translation I am
proposing is sometimes rather different from other extant translations.
Moreover, it is because my interpretation of the thought of Marcus
Aurelius is based upon my way of translating the text that I have found it
necessary to include lengthy quotations from his work.
The title
As we have seen, it was the edition of 1 5 59 which revealed Marcus
Aurelius to the West. The work quickly became a huge success, with
editions of the Greek text, and translations into Latin and the various
European languages, coming fast and furious. Soon, however, the fol
lowing question arose: under which genre should the work be classified?
In antiquity, a book's title allowed its readers to recognize immediately in
which category it should be situated. Moreover, it was not usually the
philosopher who gave the title to his writings: more often than not, the
classes he had written entered his school's library without a title. Then,
for convenience, his disciples and successors got the habit of referring to
the work by the part of philosophy or the specific question with which it
dealt-for example, Classes on Physics-sometimes accompanied by the
name of the addressee (Nichomachean Ethics) . No doubt Plato chose the
titles of dialogues himself, but they are usually taken from the names of
the protagonists of the discussion: Charmides, Phaedo, Philebus. A book's
title was not then, as it is now, an invention of the author, by means of
which he tries to show off his originality and attract the reader by the
unusual nature of his formulations, as in The Bald Soprano, The Dancer and
without providing them with titles.12 Their works, which they had given
to their entourage, were in the state of what the ancients used to call
hypomnemata: that is to say, notes not yet quite revised for publication,
and lacking a title. This is all the more true if, as is probably the case,
Marcus' work was made up of a collection of strictly personal and private
notes. When Arethas13 (ninth to tenth centuries) , to whom we no doubt
owe the preservation of our precious text, describes the condition of his
manuscript, he merely designates it as " the very profitable book of the
Emperor Marcus. " The fact that he does not give it a title may well lead
us to believe that the manuscript did not bear one. Likewise, the epigram
dedicated to Marcus' book, perhaps composed by Theophylactus Simo
cattes (seventh century) , does not give any title. 14 When Arethas wrote
his scholia on Lucian, he quotes the work as follows: Marcus in " the
ethical writings addressed to himself" (ta eis heauton Ethika). The Byzan
tine dictionary called the Souda15 says of Marcus: " He consigned the rule
(agoge) of his personal life in twelve books. " Finally, let us recall that
Themistius, in the third century, made extremely vague allusions to some
paraggelmata, or " exhortations " of Marcus Aurelius .
The Vatican manuscript gives n o title t o the Emperor's work. Some
manuscript collections of extracts from it do bear the notice: ta kat'
heauton, which could be translated: "Writing concerning Himself, " or
" Private Writing. "
After the publication of the Greek text in 1 5 59, various translations,
corresponding to various theories and interpretations, were given to the
work. Xylander's translation, which accompanied the Greek text in
1 5 59, proposed the title De seipso seu vita sua (" On Himself or on His
Life ") . In the editions of Strasburg ( 1 5 90) and of Lyon ( 1 626) , the title
was De vita sua ("On his life ") . When Meric Casaubon published his
Graeco-Latin edition in London in 1 643 , he preferred the title De seipso
et ad seipsum ("About Himself and to Himself") ; but when the English
translation appeared in 1 6 3 4 , he had entitled it Meditations concerning
himselfe. Thomas Gataker, another English humanist of the same period,
placed the following formula at the beginning of his Latin translation
with commentary: De rebus suis sive de eis quae ad se pertinere censebat (" On
His Private Affairs, or the Matters which He Thought Concerned
Thus, the work was to receive all kinds of titles, in all sorts of lan
guages. In Latin: De officio vitae (" On the Duty of Life ") ; Pugillaria (" Tab
lets ") ; Commentaria quae ipse sibi scripsit (" Notes which He Wrote for
Himself") . In French: Pensees morales (" Moral Thoughts ") ; Pensees
With Marcus this is not the case; rather, as the Souda indicated, what we
have is a writing dealing with " the rule of his own life. " Some editors
had expressed this idea by means of the title De cifficio suo (" On His
Duty") ; but this did not render the specificity of the title Eis heauton,
which, in order to be rendered with exactitude, must be translated as De
seipso et ad seipsum ("About Himself and to Himself") . Thus, the work is
a dialogue Marcus had with himself and about himself Casaubon here
reminds the reader that Solon was supposed to have written some " In
structions for Himself" (hypothekas eis heauton); above all, he reminds the
reader that, for the Platonists and the Stoics, the "self" was the soul or the
Thomas Gataker defines the specific character of the work even more
precisely. He opposes the Discourses of Epictetus-transmitted to us by
his disciple Arrian, who was thus their editor, just as the Evangelists were
in the case of Christ-to the writings of Marcus, which emanated from
his own notes. Gataker uses the word adversaria, meaning " that which is
always in front of one, " or " the rough draft which one always has
handy. " The Emperor's mind, says Gataker, was always devoted to
philosophical occupations, and he developed the habit of writing down
the thoughts that came to him in the course of his meditations, without
feeling compelled to put them into any kind of order. They were ar
ranged solely in accordance with the places and times in which he had
either composed them himself, or encountered them in the course of his
readings and conversations. This is shown, moreover, by such remarks as
" In the Land of the Quades " and "At Carnutum, " placed at the begin
ning of Books II and III. This resulted in some inconsistencies and
repetitions, and a style that is often elliptical or abrupt: sufficient to allow
the Emperor to recall such-and-such an idea, but liable to lead to a great
deal of obscurity. These were notes intended for Marcus' personal use. 18
As early as the beginning of the seventeenth century, however, the
philologist Caspar Barth,19 writing in 1 624, emphasized that traces of
organization, and sometimes even long chains of reasoning, could be
found in Marcus' writings. Barth thus returned to the theory of Xylan
der, according to which the text, in the state in which it had been
preserved, represented mere extracts (eclogai) taken from a vast systematic
treatise on ethics which the Emperor was supposed to have composed.
In the eighteenth century, an analogous opinion was set forth by
Jean-Pierre de Joly, who edited and translated the Meditations in 1 742 and
again in l 77 3 . Marcus, said Joly, had composed a systematic treatise on
ethics, written on tablets which were dispersed after his death; an editor
then published them in their state of disorder. The task of the modern
editor, then, was to rediscover the systematic order of the treatise ; and
this is what Joly attempted to do by publishing a systematic presentation
of the Meditations, divided into thirty-five sections. 20
In the twentieth century, A. S. L. Farquharson published, in I 944, an
edition, English translation, and commentary on Marcus' text which was
remarkable in every respect. He took up the hypothesis ofBarth and Joly
from another angle: for a period of ten to fifteen years, he thought,
Marcus had accumulated materials of every variety with a view to the
composition of " a work of consolation and of encouragement. " Indeed,
certain meditations do show signs of highly conscientious literary com
position. After the Emperor's death, it was perhaps a secretary who made
a choice from among these notes. Their present disorder could be the
result either of the fact that the secretary left them as they were, or that
he introduced into them an order which does not satisfy us, or the fact
that the text has been mutilated or disorganized by scribes through the
course of the years. In any event, Marcus' intention was to write a
handbook of useful advice for the philosophical life. In Farquharson's
view, Marcus' Meditations can be compared to the Meditations of Guigues
of Chartres, the well-known Religio Medici of Thomas Browne, and
above all the Pensees of Pascal.21
The apparent lack of order of the Meditations did not disturb nine
teenth-century readers at all . In the century of Romanticism, it was
thought that the work was the Emperor's own "journal intime. " " It is
probable, " wrote Renan,22 " that Marcus kept a private diary of his inner
states starting from an early age. In it, he would inscribe in Greek the
maxims to which he had recourse in order to fortify himself, reminis
cences from his favorite authors, passages from those moralists who most
impressed him, the principles which had sustained him throughout the
day, and sometimes the reproaches which his scrupulous conscience
thought it had to address to itself " I should state right away that, if we
understand by " diary" notes which one writes for oneself and which
accumulate day after day, then we can indeed say, with G. Misch in his
History efAutobiography, 23 that the Emperor did write a " diary, " or, in the
words of P. Brunt24 in his excellent study entitled " Marcus Aurelius in his
Meditations, " a " spiritual diary. " If, however, we understand by " diary" a
writing to which one consigns the outpourings of one's heart and spiri
tual states, then the Meditations are not a " diary, " and the fact that Marcus
Aurelius wrote his Meditations does not allow us, as Renan claimed, to
know whether or not the Emperor had an uneasy soul. Renan was too
A strange work
We must try to imagine the state in which the first humanists discovered
the manuscript containing the copy of Marcus Aurelius' book. They
were faced with a work without a title, which began with a list of the
examples or advice which Marcus had received from his parents, his
teachers, his friends, and from the emperor Antoninus Pius, as well as a
list of the favors which the gods had accorded to him. After this enu
meration-in the manuscript, at any rate, which was used for the estab
lishment of the editio princeps-one could read a note which was both
geographical and chronological in nature: "Written in the land of the
Quades, on the banks of the Gran. " Then there came a series of reflec
tions, several pages long, which sometimes contained divisions, marked
by a paragraph and by capital letters, which do not always correspond to
our modern-day division of the work into chapters. At the beginning of
what we now call chapter III, we find the following indication: "Written
in Carnutum. " The reflections then begin again, and continue until the
end of the work. In the Vaticanus, the books are not numbered: the most
this manuscript contains is a two-line separation between what are today
Books I and I I ; between today's Books II and III; between today's Book
IV and Book V; between today's Book VIII and Book IX; and a dividing
mark between today's Book XI and Book XII . This means that the
divisions between Books III and IV; V and VI ; VI and VII; VII and VIII;
and IX and X are not indicated.
Who is responsible for remarks like " in the land of the Quades " or "in
Carnutum? " Was it Marcus himself, who wanted to remind himself of
the circumstances in which a specific group of notes had been written?
Or was it some secretary responsible for preserving the Emperor's docu
ments, who added a kind of tag to the package that had been entrusted to
him? The first hypothesis is the more likely; but if so it is, I believe,
something unique in the entire history of ancient literature, and well
suited to show to what extent we are dealing with writings recorded day
by day and linked, not perhaps to precise circumstances, but to the
variations in the spiritual state of their author. Did such geographical
indications exist among the other books, and did they then become lost?
Or was the greater part of the book written at Carnutum? Was it Marcus
himself who gave up supplying such indications? We do not know. Did
the twelve books which we distinguish today correspond to twelve
groups which represented, in the view of their author, sequences of
thoughts having their own unity and different from one another? Or was
this division purely accidental, due, for instance, to the form and dimen
sions of the physical materials of Marcus' writing? Again, were the books
separated by an editor, either just after Marcus' death, or by Arethas,
when he produced an edition of the text in the tenth century? We have
seen that the breaks between books, at any rate in the Vaticanus, were
faintly marked, if not nonexistent.
The contents of the work are rather disconcerting as well. After
Book I, which presents an undeniable unity in its evocation of all those,
gods and men, to whom Marcus is expressing his gratitude, the rest of the
work is nothing but a completely incoherent series-at least in appear
ance-of reflections which are not even composed in accordance with
the rules of the same literary genre. We encounter many very short
sentences, often quite striking and well written, for example:
Soon you will have forgotten everything, and soon everyone will
have forgotten you (VII , 2 1 ) .
Everything is ephemeral, that which remembers and that which is
remembered (IV, 3 5) .
The best way to get even with them is not to resemble them (VI, 6) .
Alongside these short formulas, we find a certain number of longer
developments, which vary in length from twenty to sixty lines; they may
have the form of a dialogue with a fictitious interlocutor, or of one that
Marcus carries out with himself In them, Marcus exhorts himself to
follow a specific moral attitude, or else he discusses certain general philo
sophical problems: if souls survive after death, for instance , where can
they be located (IV, 2 1 ) ? In most of these passages, whether they are long
or short, Marcus' individuality can scarcely be discerned; most of the
time, we have to do with exhortations addressed to a moral person. We
also find, however, some passages in which Marcus speaks to himself as
an Emperor (VI, 3 0 , 1 ; VI, 44, 6) ; or in which he speaks of his attitude
toward life at court (V, 1 6 , 2; VI , 1 2 ; VIII, 9) ; about the way he must
express himselfin the Senate (VIII, 3 0) ; about his faults (V, 5 , l ) ; or about
his entourage (X, 3 6) . He also evokes the people he has known in his life
(VIII, 3 7, l ; X, 3 l , 1 ) , in imaginatory exercises in the course of which, in
order to prepare himself for death, he represents to himself the fragility of
all things human, and the continuity of the processes of metamorphosis,
which will not spare anyone in his entourage.
In addition to these various literary forms, we must also add two
collections of quotations in Books VII (p-5 1 ) and XI (22-3 9) . Bor
rowed from the tragedians, Plato, and Epictetus, they have obviously
been chosen for their moral efficacy.
How, then, are we to define this work, which, by its multiple aspects
and unusual tone, seems to be the only example of its genre in all of
It's time to stop rambling. You will no longer reread the notes
1ypomnematia) that you had taken, the great deeds of the ancient
Greeks and the Romans, or the extracts from the works you had
been putting aside until your old age (III, 1 4) .
Here we can catch a glimpse of the intellectual activity to which Marcus
devoted himself all his life. Already in his youth, when still the student of
Fronto, he assiduously copied out extracts from Latin authors. 25 He must
later have gone to the trouble of making up "for his old age " an anthol
ogy of edifying quotations, of which we can discover traces in some
pages of the Meditations. He had also put together a historical collection:
" the great deeds of the ancient Greeks and Romans. " Finally, Marcus
also speaks of his "personal notes, " using the diminutive word hypomne
matia. It has often been suggested that these notes should be identified
with the Meditations.26 It is extremely difficult to give a definitive judg
ment on this point; nevertheless, with the help of other ancient parallels,
we can at any rate imagine the way in which the Meditations were
In the first place, it seems that, as he wrote the Meditations, Marcus
decided to change completely the finality of his literary activity. In
Books II and III, we find numerous allusions both to the imminence of
death weighing upon Marcus, who was then engaged in the military
campaigns of the Danube, and to the urgency of the total conversion he
felt he was about to undergo, and the change in his literary activity which
would be a necessary result of this:
Leave your books alone. Don't let yourself be distracted any longer;
you can't allow yourself that any more (II , 2, 2) .
Throw away your thirst for reading, so that when you die , you will
not be grumbling, but will be in true serenity, thanking the gods
from the bottom of your heart (II, 3 , 3 ) .
Marcus is no longer t o disperse himself by gathering extracts from
authors in the course of his readings, for he no longer has time to read.
He is no longer, out of intellectual curiosity or speculative interest, to
write great quantities of " note-cards, " as we would call them nowadays:
rather, he is to write only in order to influence himself, and concentrate
on the essential principles (II, 3 , 3 ) :
Let these thoughts b e enough, if they are life-principles (dogmata)
for you.
Marcus, then, is to keep on writing. From now on, however, he will
write only efficacious thoughts: that is, those which totally transform his
way of living.
As he wrote these texts, which were to become our Meditations, Mar
cus no doubt used these " note-cards " which he was afraid he would no
longer have the time to reread; just as he no doubt had recourse to his
collections of extracts in order to take from them the quotations from
authors which he reproduced in several books of the Meditations.
Formally, then, Marcus' literary activity did not change. He continued
to write down for himself all kinds of notes and reflections (hypomne
mata); but the finality of these intellectual exercises had become com
pletely modified. From the point of view of the imminence of death, one '
thing counts, and one alone: to strive always to have the essential rules of
life present in one's mind, and to keep placing oneself in the fundamental
disposition of the philosopher, which consists essentially in controlling
one's inner discourse, in doing only that which is of benefit to the
human community, and in accepting the events brought to us by the
course of the Nature of the All .
Thus, the Meditations belong to that type of writing called hypomnemata
in antiquity, which we could define as "personal notes taken on a day-to-
day basis. " This was a very widespread practice, and on this point we
have the remarkable testimony of Pamphila, a married woman who lived
at the time of Nero in the first century A.D., who had published her
hypomnemata . In the introduction she had placed at the beginning of this
collection-now unfortunately lost-she tells the reader that, during the
course of thirteen years of married life, which " was not interrupted for a
day nor even for an hour, " she noted down what she learned from her
husband, from visitors who came to the house, and from the books she
read. "I wrote them down, " she said, " in the form of notes (hypomne
mata), in no special order, and without sorting them out and distinguish
ing them according to their subj ect matter. Rather, I wrote them down
at random, in the order in which each matter presented itself to me. " She
could, she adds, have ordered them by subj ect matter with a view to their
publication, but she found variety and the absence of a plan more pleas
ant and more graceful. All that she wrote under her own name was an
overall introduction and, apparently, a few transitional passages. The
notes she had gathered together dealt with the lives of philosophers,
history, rhetoric, and poetry. 27
In the following century, the Latin author Aulus Gellius also published
his personal notes, under the title of Attic Nights. In his preface, he writes:
"Whether I was reading a Greek or a Latin book, or whether I had heard
someone say something worthy of being remembered, I j otted down
what interested me, of whatever kind it was, without any order, and I
then set it aside, in order to support my memory [this is the etymological
meaning of hypomnemata] " . The book he is now offering to the public,
he adds, will preserve the same variety and disorder as his notes.28
At the beginning of his treatise On the Tranquillity ef the Soul, Plutarch
explains to the work's addressee that, since he was in a hurry to hand
over his manuscript to the mail-courier who was just about to leave for
Rome, he had not had the time to put together a well-written treatise,
but had merely communicated to him the notes (hypomnemata) that he
had gathered together on this theme.29
It is probable that many educated people-and especially philoso
phers-were in the habit of making such collections of all kinds of notes
for their personal use: both in order to inform themselves, and also in
order to form themselves; that is, to ensure their spiritual progress. It was
no doubt with this goal in mind that Plutarch had put together his
collection on the tranquillity of the soul.
This, then, is the genre of writings among which we should place the
Meditations of Marcus Aurelius. It is important to emphasize, however,
final publication. Now, Marcus was clearly writing only for himself, and
we must imagine that he probably never envisaged this third stage. All
our evidence points to the conclusion that Marcus, as he wrote down his
thoughts from day to day, always remained at the first stage. He probably
used tablets (pugillares), or some other medium useful for handwritten
notes, such as leaves (schedae) .35 At what point was this material copied
and corrected by a scribe? Possibly during Marcus' lifetime, for his own
personal use. It is also possible, however, and perhaps more probable,
that it was after his death; and on this hypothesis we may imagine,
without having recourse to the destruction postulated by Joly,36 that the
tablets or leaves may not have been copied down in the precise order in
which they were written. It is perhaps not irrelevant in this context that
our Book I, which was in all probability written later and independently
from the others, was placed at the beginning of the collection. N everthe
less, the essential part seems to be in order. Each book is characterized, at
least in part, by a specialized vocabulary and by its emphasis on certain
themes; this allows us to suppose that each book has its own unity, and
was written during a period when the Emperor's attention was concen
trated on a specific question.
Obviously, it is difficult, and even impossible, to obtain a clear idea of
what really happened. We must, it would seem, be content with three
certainties: first of all, the Emperor wrote for himself.37 Second, he wrote
day by day, without attempting to write a unified work, destined for the
public. This is to say that his works remained in the state of hypomnemata
or personal notes, perhaps written on a " mobile " kind of medium like
tablets . In the third place, Marcus took the trouble to write down his
thoughts, aphorisms, and reflections in a highly refined literary form, since it
was precisely the perfection of the formulas which could ensure their
psychological efficacy and persuasive force.
These characteristics suffice to distinguish the personal notes of Mar
cus Aurelius from those of Pamphila or of Aulus Gellius, or even from
the " note-cards " assembled by Plutarch in order to compose his treatise
on the tranquillity of the soul-as well as from the notes taken by Arrian
at the classes of Epictetus. It seems, in fact, that unlike these other
hypomnemata, the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius were spiritual exercises,
practiced in accordance with a specific method. We must now explore
what this means.
good from what is bad: there is no good for mankind but that which
renders him just, temperate, courageous and free, and there is no
evil for mankind, except that which brings about in him the con
trary vices.
Marcus also employs the word theorema to designate the " dogmas, "
inasmuch as every art entails principles, and consequently so too does
that art of living called philosophy (XI, 5 ) :
What art do you practice? That o f being good. How can you
practice this except by starting out from theorems, some of which
concern the Nature of the All , and others of which deal with the
constitution proper to mankind?
Dogmas, as Marcus says (VII , 2) , run the risk of dying out, if one does
not constantly reignite those inner images, or phantasiai, which make
them present to us.
Thus, we can say that the Meditations-with the exception of
Book I-are wholly made up of the repeated, ever-renewed formulation
of the three rules of action which we have just seen, and of the various
dogmas which are their foundation.
8 ; XII , 26) we can thus discover almost all the themes announced or
developed in the Meditations. By connecting them to the most funda
mental dogmas of Stoicism, we can present, in a structured form, the
whole ensemble of doctrines which constitute the essential core of the
From the absolutely primary principle according to which the only
good is moral good and the only evil is moral evil (II, 1 , 3 ) , it follows that
neither pleasure nor pain are evils (IV, 3 , 6; XII , 8 ) ; that the only thing
shameful is moral evil (II , 1 , 3 ) ; that faults committed against us cannot
touch us (II , 1 , 3 ; XII , 26) ; that he who commits a fault hurts only
himself (IV, 26, 3 ) ; and that the fault cannot be found elsewhere than
within oneself (VII , 29, 7; XII , 26) . It further follows that I can suffer no
harm whatsoever from the actions of anyone else (II , 1 , 3 ; VII, 22, 2 ) .
From the general principles
1 . only that which depends on us can be either good or evil; and
2. our judgment and our assent depend on us (XII, 22 ) ,
it follows that the only evil or trouble there can be for us resides in our
own judgment; that is to say, in the way we represent things to ourselves
(IV, 3 , 1 0 ; XI, 1 8 , I I ) ; and that people are the authors of their own
problems (IV, 26, 2; XII, 8) . Everything, therefore, is a matter of judg
ment (XII, 8 ; XII , 22; XII, 26) . The intellect is independent of the body
(IV, 3 , 6) , and things do not come inside us in order to trouble us (IV, 3 ,
1 0) . If everything is a matter of judgment, every fault is in fact a false
judgment, and proceeds from ignorance (II , 1 , 2; IV, 3 , 4; XI , 1 8 , 4-5) .
I n the enumeration of kephalaia in Book XI (XI , 1 8 , 2 ) , Marcus tells
Go higher up still, starting from the principle that if we rej ect
atoms, it must be Nature which governs the All.
In the list in Book IV, he says:
Remember the disjunction: either providence or atoms.
These brief mentions of a principle, which it is assumed is known,
allow us to glimpse that Marcus is here again alluding to teachings he has
received, which placed face to face the Epicurean position (atoms) and
the Stoic position (Nature and providence) , to conclude in favor of the
latter. I shall return to this point. For the moment, suffice it to say that
from the dogma that affirms a unity and rationality of the world, many
consequences may be drawn, to which Marcus alludes in his series of
kephalaia. Everything comes from universal Nature and in conformity
with the will of universal Nature (XII , 26)-even the malevolence of
mankind (XI, 1 8 , 24) , which is a necessary consequence of the gift of
liberty. Everything occurs in conformity with Destiny (IV, 26, 4) : thus, it
is in conformity with the order of the universe that all things undergo
continuous metamorphosis (IV, 3 , I I ; XII , 2 1 ) , but are also ceaselessly
repeated (XI I , 26) , and that we must die (IV, 3 , 4; XI , 1 8 , r n) . Universal
Reason gives form and energy to matter that is docile, but without
strength; this is why we must always and everywhere distinguish the
causal (reason) and the material (XII, 8; XII, 1 8) . It is from universal
Reason that comes that reason which is common to all mankind and
assures its relatedness, which is not a community of blood or of seed
(II, 1 , 3 ; XII , 26) . This is why people are made for one another (II, 1 , 4;
IV, 3 , 4; XI , 1 8 , 1-2) .
One last series of kephalaia can be grouped around the grandiose vision
of the immensity of universal Nature, and the infinity of space and of
time (IV, 3 , 7; XII , 7) . From this perspective, the whole of life seems to
be of minuscule duration (VIII, 2 1 , 2; IV, 26, 5 ; XII , 7) ; the instant seems
infinitesimal (II , 14, 3 ; XII , 26) ; the earth seems like a point (IV, 3 , 8 ;
VIII, 2 1 , 2) ; current fame and posthumous glory seem completely vain
(IV, 3 , 8 ; VII I , 2 1 , 3 ; XII , 2 1 ; IV, 3 , 7) , all the more so since they can only
be obtained from people who contradict themselves and each other
(IV, 3 , 8 ; VII, 2 1 , 3 ) , and whom one cannot respect, if one sees them as
they really are (XI, 1 8 , 3 ) .
All these " dogmas " can, then, b e deduced from more fundamental
dogmas. Yet they all become crystallized around the three rules or disci
plines oflife, which we have distinguished. The discipline of thought, for
example, obviously presupposes the dogmas which concern freedom of
judgment; the discipline of action presupposes those which affirm the
existence of a community of reasonable beings; and the discipline of
consent to events presupposes the dogma of the providence and rational
ity of the universe. We can glimpse a similar grouping in IV, 3 .
Lists of kephalaia or fundamental points: such is the first mode of
formulation of dogmas in the Meditations. Yet these fundamental points
are also taken up by themselves and frequently repeated throughout the
course of the work. Thus the invitation, formulated in one of the series
of kephalaia (XII , 8 ) , to discern what is causal in each thing, is repeated
nothing which is not m conformity " with the theorems of the art"
(IV, 2) . Rather, we must often return to their theoretical foundations.
Marcus clearly explains this need, in a passage which has been misunder
stood by many interpreters (X, 9) . Within it, we must distinguish two
different lines of thought. The first is a concentrated and brutal descrip
tion of the unhappiness of the human condition, when it is not guided by
Buffoonery and bloody struggles; torpor and agitation; the slavery
of every day!4
Then there comes another thought, completely independent from the
first, which has to do with the importance of theory:
All your fine sacred dogmas, which you think without founding
them on a science of Nature, and then abandon: they will disappear
rapidly. From now on, you must see and practice everything, so that
that which is required by the present circumstances is accomplished,
but, at the same time, the theoretical foundation of your actions is
always present in an efficacious way, and that you always maintain
within yourself-latent, but not buried-that self-confidence
which is procured by science, applied to each particular case.
We must, then, not only act in conformity with the theorems of the
art of living and the fundamental dogmas, but also keep present to our
consciousness the theoretical foundations which justify them. This is
what Marcus means by the " science of Nature, " because, in the final
analysis, all oflife's principles merge in the knowledge of Nature.5 With
out this, the formulations of dogmas will become devoid of sense, no
matter how often they are repeated.
This is why Marcus uses a third method of formulating dogmas. Here
the technique involves reconstructing the arguments used to justify
them, or even reflecting upon the difficulties to which they may give
rise. For instance, Marcus alludes, without citing them, to all the proofs
which demonstrate that the world is like a City (IV, 3 , 5 ) ; and this
formula entailed a quite specific attitude vis-a-vis events and other peo
ple. Elsewhere, however, he bases this formula on a complex series of
rationalizations, and we can summarize the sorites he constructs as fol
lows: a city is a group ofbeings subj ect to the same laws. Now, the world
is a group ofbeings subj ect to the same laws: the law of Reason. There-
fore, the world is a City (IV, 4 ) . This reasoning was traditional in Stoi
cism; traces of it can be found, for example, in Cicero. 6 Yet elsewhere,
Marcus remarks that we must imbibe our spirit with the help of reason
ing-that is, the linkages between representations (V, 1 6, l)-and he
proposes further demonstrations, one of which also has the form of a
This theoretical work does not, however, consist solely in reproducing
a simple series of reasonings. It may take on several forms: either that of
literary or rhetorical-sounding developments, or of more technical dis
cussions concerning aporiai. The dogma according to which "Everything
happens in conformity with universal Nature " (XII, 26, l ) , for instance ,
i s presented i n what one might call a highly orchestrated manner i n V, 8 ,
as well as in VII, 9 :
All things are linked together mutually, and their linkage is sacred.
Nothing, so to speak, is foreign to anything else, for everything is
coordinated and everything contributes to the order of one single
world. One single world is the result of all things, and one single
God penetrates throughout them all; there is one single substance,
and one single law which is the Reason common to all intelligent
beings; there is one truth.
This theme of the unity of the world, based on the unity of its origin,
is often repeated in analogous terms (VI, 3 8 ; XII , 29) ; but it is also
discussed critically, sometimes in schematic fashion, but at other times in
a more diluted way, particularly in the numerous passages in which we
find what Marcus calls the " disjunction " : either atoms (that is, Epicurean
dispersion) , or one Nature (Stoic unity; c IV, 27; VI, 1 0; VI, 44; VII, 7 5 ;
VIII , 1 8 ; IX, 2 8 ; IX, 3 9 ; X , 6-7) .
Many other major points are discussed in comparatively long develop
ments: for instance, the mutual attraction that reasonable beings feel for
one another, which explains that people are made for one another (IX,
9) ; or the dogma that nothing can constitute an obstacle for intellect or
reason (X, 3 3 ) .
domain ef reality
inner attitude
( 1 ) j udgment
(2 ) desire
(3) impulse toward action
faculty ofjudgment
universal Nature
human Nature
obj ectivity
consent to Destiny
justice and altruism
Imaginative exercises
The Meditations do not just formulate the rules of life and the dogmas by
which they are nourished; for it is not only reason which is exercised in
them, but the imagination as well. For example, Marcus does not restrict
himself to saying that life is short and that we all must soon die, by virtue
of the laws of metamorphosis imposed by Nature. Instead, he brings to
life before his eyes (VIII, 3 1 )
the court of Augustus; his wife, his daughter, his descendants, his
progeny, his sister, Agrippa, his relatives, his acquaintances, his
friends Arius and Maecenas, his doctors, his sacrificers, the death of
an entire Court . . .
Yet it is not only the disappearance of a court that he tries to represent
to himself, but that of a whole generation (IV, 3 2) :
For instance, imagine the time of Vespasian. You'll see all o f that:
people getting married, raising a family, falling ill, dying, going to
war, celebrating festivals, doing business, working the fields; there'll
be flatterers, arrogant or suspicious people, conspirators; there'll be
people who desire the death of others; others who grumble about
present events; there'll be lovers, misers, others who lust after con-
I I,
2) .
I I , I) .
talking about. These formulas, which are repeated throughout the Medi
tations, never set forth a doctrine . Rather, they serve only as a catalyst
which, by means of the association of ideas, reactivates a series of repre
sentations and practices, about which Marcus-since he is writing only
for himself-has no need to go into detail.
Marcus writes only in order to have the dogmas and rules oflife always
present to his mind. He is thus following the advice of Epictetus, who,
after having set forth the distinction between what does and does not
depend on us-the fundamental dogma of Stoicism-adds:
It is about this that philosophers ought to meditate; this is what they
should write down every day, and it should be the subj ect of their
exercises (I, I , 25) .
You must have these principles at hand (procheira) both night and
day; you must write them down; you must read them (II I , 24, 1 0 3 ) .
The Stoic philosophical life consists essentially in mastering one's in
ner discourse. Everything in an individual's life depends on how he
represents things to himself-in other words, how he tells them to him
self in inner dialogue. " It is not things that trouble us, " as Epictetus said
(Manual, 5 ) , "but our judgments about things, " in other words, our
inner discourse about things. I will have a great deal to say later on about
the Discourses of Epictetus, which were collected by his disciple Arrian.
They depict Epictetus speaking with his students during his philosophy
classes, and, as Arrian says in his brief preface, " When he spoke, he
certainly had no other desire than to set the thoughts of his listeners in
motion toward what is best . . . when Epictetus spoke these words, his
audience could not help feeling j ust what this man wanted them to feel. "
Epictetus' speech, then, was intended to modify his audience's inner
discourse. We are thus in the presence of two therapies: one was that of
the word, practiced in a variety of forms, by means of striking or moving
formulas and with the help oflogical and technical rational processes, but
also with the help of seductive and persuasive imagery. Another was the
therapy of writing for oneself, which, for Marcus, consisted in taking up
the dogmas and rules of action as they were stated by Epictetus-all the
while addressing himself-and assimilating them, so that they might be
come the principles of his inner discourse. Therefore, one must con
stantly rekindle the " representations " (phantasiai) within oneself, in other
words, those discourses which formulate dogmas (VII, 2) .
lis for a wide variety of reasons, and the two languages were in constant
use. In the streets of Rome, the Greek doctor Galen could rub elbows
with the Christian apologist Justin, or else with some Gnostic. All these
figures taught in Rome and had students from the educated classes.9
Even in Rome, Greek was the language of philosophy. The rhetori
cian Quintillian, writing at the end of the first century A.D., notes that
few Latin writers had ever dealt with philosophy: he cites only Cicero,
Brutus, Seneca, and a few others. He could also have included the name
of Lucretius. Be that as it may, in the first century A.D. Cornutus,
Musonius Rufus, and Epictetus all wrote in Greek, which allows us to
infer that, from then on, educated Romans accepted that even in Rome,
the official language of philosophy should be Greek.
One might have thought that Marcus would have preferred to talk to
himself in Latin. As we have seen, however, the Meditations are not
spontaneous effusions, but exercises carried out in accordance with a
program which Marcus had received from the Stoic tradition, and in
particular from Epictetus. Marcus was working with pre-existing materi
als, and painting on a canvas given him by someone else. This fact entails
several consequences.
In the first place, this philosophical material was associated with a
technical vocabulary, and the Stoics, in particular, were renowned for the
technical nature of their terminology. Translators must, by the way, be
aware of this peculiarity of Marcus' vocabulary, and pay the closest possi
ble attention when they encounter such words as hypolepsis ("value-judg
ment") ; kataleptikos (" obj ective " ; " adequate ") ; phantasia (" repre
sentation, " not " imagination ") , hegemonikon (" directing principle ") ;
epakolouthesis (" necessary but nonessential consequence") ; and hypexaire
sis (" reserve clause") , to cite only a few examples. Such technicalities go
to show that Marcus was no amateur, and that it was not the case that
Stoicism was just "a religion " for him.10
It was difficult to translate these terms into Latin. It could be said that
Lucretius, Cicero, and Seneca had done quite well when faced with the
same kind of challenge. But the goal of these authors was popularization:
they wanted to make Greek philosophy accessible to a Latin audience .
Marcus' proj ect was different: h e was writing fo r himself T o translate or
to adapt terminology would distract him from his goal. What is more, if
they were translated into Latin, the technical terms of Greek philosophy
would lose a part of their meaning. In the same way, when Aulus Gel
lius, 11 a contemporary of Marcus who had studied philosophy at Athens,
translates a passage from the Discourses of Epictetus as reported by Arrian,
T H E P H I L O S O P H E R - S L AV E A N D
T H E E M P E RO R - P H I L O S O P H E R
ples, but h e admits the word nomisti, on the condition that it b e under
stood not in the sense of "by convention, " but as if it meant " by a law. "
For Marcus, then, only half of D emocritus' formula is true: "Everything
is nomisti. " Its meaning, however, is that " everything happens by the
law, " that is, the law of universal Nature. The other part of Democritus'
formula, which asserted that the true reality is the multiplicity of atoms
which constitute the principles, is false; for if everything comes about by
the laws of Nature, then the number of principles is quite restricted. In
fact, it is reduced to one: the logos; or to two: the logos and matter. Such,
at least, is one interpretation of this difficult and probably corrupt text. 14
One might also consider that Marcus understands "Everything is nomisti"
in the same sense as the sentence of Democritus cited above: "Everything
is subj ective; that is, everything is judgment. " In other words, Marcus
may have understood it in the light of Epictetus' idea that everything is in
our representations.15 This does not mean that we do not know reality,
but that we attribute to it values of good or of evil which have no basis in
Marcus also thinks he recognizes this doctrine in the formula of a
Cynic (II, 1 5) :
"Everything is matter ofjudgment. " No doubt what people used to
say in opposition to Monimus the Cynic is obvious; but the useful
ness of what he said is obvious too, as long as we receive what is
profitable in what he said, while remaining within the limits of what
is true.
According to the comic playwright Menander, 16 Monimus the Cynic
used to declare that all human opinion (to hypolephthen) is only vanity
(tuphos) . Marcus believed he was penetrating to the deepest truth of the
formula cited by Menander: in the final analysis, everything is a matter of
opinion; what troubles us are our value-judgments, and they are only
vanity (tuphos).
A s Monimus said, i t i s usually precisely our vanity tuphos i n the sense
of " emptiness, " " smoke, " but also "pride "-which perverts our value
judgments (VI , l J) :
remarks Lucian,25 " that if he read at night by the light of this lamp, the
wisdom of Epictetus would come upon him all of a sudden during his
sleep, and he would be just like that admirable old man. " Marcus' doctor,
Galen, alludes to a dialogue which Favorinus of Ades had directed
against Epictetus, and which Galen himself refuted.26 Even Christians
such as Origen, who wrote in the third century, speak of Epictetus in
terms of respect. 27
Epictetus was born in the first century A.D . , in Phrygian Hierapolis
(Pammukale in modern Turkey) . Sometime during the second half of
the century, he was brought to Rome as the slave of Epaphroditus, one
of Nero' s freedmen. Epictetus mentions his master Epaphroditus several
times in the Discourses; he allowed his slave to attend the classes of the
Stoic philosopher Musonius Rufus. Musonius had a tremendous
influence on Epictetus; the latter frequently reproduces his teacher's
sayings in the Discourses, and describes his teaching as follows (II I , 23 , 29) :
"When we sat before him, each of us felt as though someone had de
nounced our faults to him. Such was the exactitude with which he hit
upon our current state, and placed everyone's faults before his eyes. "
After having been set free by Epaphroditus, Epictetus opened his own
philosophy school in Rome, but was expelled from the city, together
with all other philosophers, by the emperor Domitian in 93--94 He then
set himself up at Nicopolis, in Epirus on the Greek coast, a town which
served as a jumping-off point for the sea voyage across the Adriatic to
Italy. There he opened a new philosophy school. The Neoplatonist
Simplicius relates that Epictetus was so poor that the house he lived in at
Rome had no need for a lock, since it contained nothing other than the
mattress and the mat on which he used to sleep. The same author reports
that Epictetus had adopted an orphan, and had taken in a woman in
order to bring him up,28 but he never married.29 The precise date of his
death is not known.
Epictetus wrote nothing. If we can still get some idea of his teachings,
it is thanks to Arrian of Nicomedia, a politician who, as a young man
about r n 8 A.D . , had attended Epictetus' classes in Nicopolis, and later
published the " notes " he had taken at these classes. Arrian of Nicomedia
is an attractive character. 30 It should be pointed out right away that his
contemporaries considered him a philosopher: inscriptions dedicated to
him during his lifetime at Athens and Corinth designate him by this
title.31 The historian Cassius Dio had apparently written a " Life of Arrian
the Philosopher. "32 Arrian did, indeed, leave philosophical works behind
him. In addition to his notes which report the Sayings or Discourses of
Epictetus, one must add a little work which was of much greater impor-
the way h e had gathered together his notes taken at the classes given by
Epictetus: " I did not compose them in a literary style, as could have been
done in the case of sayings of this kind, and I did not publish them
myself, precisely because I did not compose them. " In antiquity, it was in
principle only works carefully composed according to the rules of style
and composition that were made public, either by means of a public
reading, or by giving the text over to booksellers.
Yet I tried to write down everything I heard while he was speaking,
in the same words that he used, in order to preserve for myself, in
the future, " notes to help me remember" (hypomnemata) his thought
and his freedom of speech. It is therefore natural that these notes
should have the appearance of a spontaneous, man-to-man conver
sation, and not at all that of a composition intended to be read later.
What Arrian means is that he has reproduced, insofar as was possible, the
spontaneity of an exhortation or a dialogue, and this is how he explains
his use of popular language (koine) throughout the work, instead of the
literary style he had used in his other books. He continues: " I do not
know how notes which were in such a state have managed to find their
way into the public domain, unbeknownst to me and against my
wishes. " The same thing probably happened to Arrian as had happened
to Galen: class notes, initially confided to friends, were gradually copied
in a wide variety of circumstances and were thus, for all intents and
purposes, "published. " " I don't particularly care if people think me inca
pable of properly composing a work. " Here, by despising literary glory,
Arrian shows himself to be a good student of Epictetus.
As for Epictetus: it is not important in his case either, if it is true that
he held discourses in contempt. When he spoke, the only thing he
wanted was to set the thoughts of his listeners in motion toward
better things. If that is indeed the result of these discourses, then
they will certainly not fail to produce the effect that the discourse of
philosophers should produce . If the contrary should occur, then at
least may those who read them know that when they were spoken
by Epictetus himself, the person listening to them necessarily felt
what that man wanted him to feel. If these discourses fail to produce
this effect, perhaps I am to blame; perhaps, however, things just had
to be that way.
I shall not go into detail about the discussions to which this passage has
given rise among historians. Some are of the opinion that Arrian has
preserved for us in his work the very words of Epictetus, taken down by
stenography. For others, on the contrary, Arrian, in his desire to imitate
Xenophon's Memorabilia, carried out a much more extensive editorial
activity than he gives us to understand in his letter to Gellius: he often
reconstituted Epictetus' sayings, since their literary form is much more
refined than Arrian was willing to admit. In any case, unless we suppose
that Arrian was capable of developing an original philosophical discourse
himself and attributing it to Epictetus, we have no alternative but to
concede that, as far as the main points are concerned, Arrian's work is
closely connected with the living teaching of Epictetus.38
We must not conclude from this, however-as has been done by the
maj ority of historians and commentators-that all of Epictetus' teachings
are contained in the Discourses as reported by Arrian. As we read them,
we find allusions to parts of the course which were not included by
Arrian. In fact, as has been shown by Souilhe,39 the greatest part of
Epictetus' course, as was the case for all philosophy courses from at least
the first century A.D. on, was devoted to the explanation of texts by the
founders of the school-that is, in the case of the Stoics, Zeno and
Chrysippus. The master would explain these texts, but this was also
sometimes the task of the auditors. Now, although Arrian did not repro
duce one single bit of this technical aspect of Epictetus' pedagogical
activity, he does sometimes allude to it. For instance, he relates a scene in
which one of Epictetus' students is explaining, under the guidance of a
more advanced student, a Stoic text concerning the logical problem of
syllogisms (I, 26, 1 3 ) ; similarly, he speaks of Epictetus getting up in the
morning and thinking about how he will direct the exercise of textual
explanation in his class later that day (I, IO, 8) .
This part of the class, then, which consisted of " reading"40 would
become the lectio of the Middle Ages, and finally our "lesson. " It made
up the most essential part of Epictetus' teachings, but is completely
absent from the Discourses of Epictetus. What they do preserve for us,
however, is what could be termed the nontechnical part of the course.
All philosophy courses-at least since the beginning of the first century
A.D.-contained as an essential element the explanation of texts; yet they
could also end in a moment of free discussion between the philosopher
and his auditors. Aulus Gellius, writing a few decades after Arrian, tells
how his Platonic teacher had the habit, after the lectio or textual explana
tion, of suggesting that his auditors question him on a topic of their
Discourses, at least in the condition in which they have come down to us,
do not by any means give us an idea of everything that Epictetus said,
much less of what he did not say.
We know from Book I of the Meditations (chapter 7) that Marcus came
to know Epictetus thanks to Junius Rusticus, who had instructed Marcus
in Stoic doctrine before going on to become one of his counselors .
Marcus tells us that Rusticus lent him his personal copy of the hypomne
mata of Epictetus, that is, of notes taken at his classes. This assertion can
be interpreted in two ways: in the first place, we might think that the
writings in question were a copy of the work by Arrian. Arrian himself,
in his letter to Lucius Gellius mentioned above, represented his work as
hypomnemata, or notes designed to serve as an aide-memoire. The letter to
Gellius was probably written after the death of Epictetus, which took
place sometime between 1 2 5 and 1 3 0 A.D. The book was probably in
circulation by 1 3 0. Aulus Gellius tells us that during the year he spent
studying at Athens around 1 40, he was present at a discussion in the
course of which the famous millionaire Herodes Atticus had brought
from the library a copy of what Gellius calls the dissertationes of Epictetus,
put into order (digestae) by Arrian.45 He also tells how, on a sea voyage
from Cassiopoiea to Brindisium, he had encountered a philosopher who
was carrying this work in his traveler's sack; what is more, the philoso
pher had read him a passage from the now-lost book V. Thus, thanks to
Rusticus, Marcus was able to read a copy of the Discourses as composed
by Arrian, and this copy was more complete than the ones known by our
modern editions.
Another hypothesis, proposed by Farquharson, 46 could also be envis
aged. The notes passed on by Rusticus to Marcus might have been
Rusticus' own, which he himself had taken at the classes of Epictetus.
From the point of view of chronology, if we assume that Epictetus died
between 125 and 1 3 0 A . D . , and that Rusticus was born at the beginning
of the second century (as can be surmised from his official cursus) , it is
entirely possible that he may have been Epictetus' student around
1 20 A.D. Moreover, since the Discourses of Epictetus as reported by Arrian
were widely known in Greece around 1 40, it is difficult to imagine that
in the Rome of about 1 45-146 A.D .-at the time when Marcus had
become converted to philosophy-no copy of the work was to be
found. Marcus represents Rusticus' gift as something exceptional, so we
are entitled to wonder if the gift was indeed Rusticus' own notes. If this
were the case, then these notes may have revealed to Marcus an Epictetus
quite different from the one we know thanks to Arrian. After all ,
Epictetus certainly did not say the same things, every year, to all of his
It is, in any case, virtually certain that Marcus did read Arrian's work,
since the Meditations contain several literal quotations taken from it.
Whether Marcus read only the Discourses as composed by Arrian, or
whether he also had access to the notes of Rusticus, one thing is certain:
Marcus was familiar with more texts pertaining to the teachings of
Epictetus than we are today. We now possess only a part of Arrian's
work; and the notes of Rusticus-if indeed they did exist-might well
have revealed to Marcus teachings of Epictetus other than those reported
by Arrian. As we shall see, it is thanks to Marcus that we have access to
several fragments of Epictetus which are otherwise unknown.
You are a little soul carrying around a corpse, as Epictetus has said
(IV, 4 1 ) .
When you kiss your child, says Epictetus, you must say t o yourself:
"perhaps you will be dead tomorrow . . . " (XI, 3 4) .
These are the two explicit quotations of Epictetus which are to be
found in the Meditations. 47 The first text is not to be found in the four
books of Epictetus' Discourses reported by Arrian which we possess today,
and came to Marcus, as I have said, by some other channel. The " soul
carrying around a corpse " also reappears in IX, 24, in one of a series of
descriptions of the miserable condition into which human life is plunged
when it is not in conformity with Nature and with Reason:
Infantile rages, infantile games! Souls carrying corpses around! In
order that the scene of the Evocation of the dead be before your
eyes in a yet more striking way.
In the other quotation from Epictetus (XI, 3 4) , we can recognize a text
from book III of the Discourses (III, 24, 8 8 ) .
Yet i t often happens that Marcus repeats whole passages from
Epictetus, without quoting him. When Marcus (VII , 6 3 ) quotes a passage
from Plato (Republic, 4 r 2e-4 r J a) , for example, he gives the text in the
form which had been given it by Epictetus (I, 2 8 , 4) :
3 5-3 6 cite still more texts from book III (III, 24, 92-93 ; III, 22, 105) . In
fact, it is as though we had before us a collection of notes that Marcus had
taken while reading book III of the Discourses.
The following chapter (XI, 3 7) is introduced by the phrase " he says, "
which gives us every right to suppose that Marcus is continuing to quote
the same author as in the preceding chapters-that is, Epictetus. This text
has no parallel in the Discourses, but it comes without any doubt from the
lost portion of Epictetus. In it, we can recognize Epictetus' usual vocabu
lary (topos peri tas hormas, hypexairesis, kat'axian, orexis, ekklisis), and above
all one of his fundamental teachings: that of the three rules of life, or the
disciplines of judgment, of desire, and of action, of which I shall be
speaking throughout the present work.
Chapter 3 8 is also introduced by " he says, " which can only designate
Epictetus. It is perhaps a rather free paraphrase of a text (III, 2 5 , 3 ) in
which Epictetus affirms that the fight for virtue is no small matter, since
what is at stake is nothing less than happiness. Marcus remarks (XI, 3 8 ) :
The struggle, then, is not about winning just any old prize, but
about deciding whether one will be sane or insane.
The last chapter (XI, 3 9) is supposed to transmit various sayings of
Socrates, but since chapters 3 3 to 3 8 are taken from Epictetus, it is quite
likely that this passage should also be attributed to Epictetus.
There may be still other anonymous quotations from Epictetus in the
Meditations . H. Frankel48 thought, with good reason, that IV, 49, 2-5 was
one such quotation:
-I 'm so unlucky that such-and-such a thing has happened to me!
-Not at all! On the contrary, you should say: " How lucky I am,
since now that such-and-such a thing has happened to me, I remain
free from grief I neither let myselfbe broken by the present, nor do
I fear what is going to happen! For this event could have happened
to anyone, but not everyone would have remained free from grief
-Why, moreover, should we say that this particular event is a
misfortune, while that one is a piece of good fortune? In general, do
you call anything a " misfortune " for man which does not cause the
nature of man to deviate from its goal? And do you think that that
which is not contrary to the will of Nature causes the nature of man
to deviate from its goal?
-What, then, is the will of Nature?
-You've learned it. Does the event which has happened to you
prevent you from being just, from possessing greatness of soul, from
being temperant and prudent, without haste in your judgments,
without falsity in your speech, reserved, and free, and everything
else such that, when they are present together, the nature of man
possesses that which is proper to it?
Frankel bases his contention on lexical and grammatical particularities
which are quite convincing. 49 It could perhaps be objected-quite
rightly-that this passage basically does nothing but express in dialogue
form the fundamental dogma of Stoicism: that the only evil is moral evil,
in other words, that which prevents us from practicing the virtues. This
is true, but it does not alter the fact that the tone and form of this passage
are in stark contrast with the rest of the Meditations. Normally, when
Marcus uses the word " I , " he is speaking either about himself, or about
the good man, speaking to himself Here, by contrast, the " I " represents
the interlocutor of a dialogue which Marcus is reporting. It is highly
probable that this is a dialogue which Epictetus has imagined before his
auditors, as he often does in the Discourses, and that Marcus has copied it
down. It should be noted that, elsewhere in his Discourses (I, 4, 23) ,
Epictetus tells his auditors that what is truly worthwhile is to work at
eliminating all "Alas! " and " How unhappy I am! " from one's life.
It is thus probable that we have here an unrecognized fragment of
Epictetus. Are there others? I think it likely that there are some. In
general, moreover, we should not exclude the hypothesis that a given
passage of the Meditations may be utilizing a text from an unknown
author, or at any rate may be a paraphrase thereof As far as Epictetus is
concerned, however, we must bear in mind the fact that Marcus had read
so much of him as to become impregnated with his vocabulary, his
stylistic habits, and especially his ideas. This situation was recognized
perfectly by the unknown fourteenth-century humanist who copied ex
tracts from Books I to IX in a manuscript now kept at Darmstadt. At the
beginning of Book II, he wrote: antikrus epiktetizei ("He is openly
Epictetizing" ; that is, he is following and imitating Epictetus) .
tion of the acts and functions of the soul, and the entire distinction
between judgment, desire, and impulse, is a doctrine which is peculiar to
Epictetus, and which is not found in Stoicism prior to him. Its presence
in Marcus Aurelius is, nevertheless, unmistakable. In VIII, 7, for exam
ple, Marcus clearly draws an opposition between representations (phanta
siai), desires (orexeis), and impulses toward action (hormai), and he does so
again in VIII, 2 8 :
Every judgment, every impulse t o action, and every desire o r aver
sion are within the soul, and nothing else can enter therein.
We have already encountered a brief maxim which also makes use of the
same schema:
Erase your representation (phantasia), check your impulse to action
(horme), extinguish your desire (orexis) . Keep your directing princi
ple (hegemonikon) within your power (IX, 7) .
The three rules of life propose an askesis, or discipline, for these three
acts of the soul. In the context of the cento of passages from Epictetus
(XI, 3 3-3 9) which we have already seen, Marcus himself cites an
Epictetan passage which we know only through his intermediary
(XI, 3 7) :
We must discover the rule to b e applied in the case of the assent [to
be given to representations and judgments] ,
-while in the matter of exercises relating to impulses to action,
we must never relax our attention, in order that these impulses to
action may be accompanied by a reserve clause, that their goal be to
serve the community, and that they be proportionate to value,
-and, finally, we must abstain completely from desire, and pay
no attention to things that do not depend on us.
Discipline of representations and judgment, discipline of impulsive
action, discipline of desire: Epictetus formulates these three rules of life
not only in this text, but in several chapters of his Discourses . Moreover,
they correspond precisely to the three rules oflife formulated by Marcus,
which are in a sense the key to his Meditations.
entire course of events situated between these two moments. Thus, this
world returns eternally: " There will be another Socrates, a Plato, and
every man with the same friends and the same fellow-citizens . . . and
this renewal will not happen once, but several times; rather, all things
will be repeated eternally. "4 This is why the sage, like universal Reason,
must intensely wish for each instant: he must wish intensely for things to
happen eternally exactly as they do happen.
I have just mentioned the figure of the sage. It was characteristic of
Stoic philosophy to make of this figure a transcendent norm, which can
only be realized in rare and exceptional cases. Here we encounter an
echo of Plato's Symposium (204d) , where Socrates appears as the figure
who knows that he is not a sage. Socrates' situation places him between
the gods, who are wise and know that they are wise, and men, who think
they are wise but do not realize that they are not. This intermediary
situation is that of the philosopher: he who loves and aspires to wisdom
precisely because he knows that he lacks it. It is also the situation of Eros,
who loves Beauty because he knows he lacks it; neither man nor god,
Eros is therefore a daimon, intermediary between the two. The figure of
Socrates thus coincides both with that of Eros and with that of the
philosopher. 5
Similarly, the Stoic sage is the equal of God, since God is nothing
other than universal Reason, producing in self-coherence all the events
of the universe. Human reason is an emanation or part of this Universal
Reason. It can, however, become obscured and deformed as a result of
life within the body, owing in particular to the attractions of pleasure. It
is only the sage who is able to make his reason coincide with universal
Reason. Such perfect coincidence, however, can only be an ideal, for the
sage is necessarily an exceptional being. There are very few of them
perhaps only one, or perhaps none at all. He is an almost inaccessible
ideal, and, in the last analysis, more of a transcendent norm than anything
else, which the Stoics never tire of describing, even as they enumerate all
its paradoxes. Philosophy is not wisdom, but only the exercise of wis
dom, and if the philosopher is not a sage, he is necessarily a non-sage.
There is thus a contradictory opposition between sage and non-sage:
either one is a " sage " or one is not, and there is no middle term. There
are no degrees of unwisdom, relative to wisdom. As the Stoics used to
say, it doesn't matter much if you are one cubit below the surface of the
water, or five hundred fathoms: you'll drown in the one case just as
much as in the other. Since, then, the sage is extremely rare, all humanity
is out of its mind, and men suffer from an almost universal corruption of
or deviation from Reason. Yet the Stoics still urge people to philoso
phize-that is, to train themselves for wisdom. They therefore believe in
the possibility of spiritual progress.
The explanation of this apparent paradox is that, although it is true that
there is a contradictory opposition between wisdom and unwisdom, and
therefore that there are no degrees of unwisdom as opposed to wisdom,
it is nevertheless the case that, as in Plato's Symposium, there are two
categories of people within the state of unwisdom itself those non-sages
who are not conscious of their state-these are the foolish ones-and
those non-sages who are aware of their state, and who attempt to progress
toward inaccessible wisdom. Those in the latter category are philoso
phers .
Thus, from the point of view of logic, we have here a contrary oppo
sition between the sage and the foolish, who are unaware of their state.
This opposition does, however, admit of a middle tem1: the non-foolish
non-sages-in other words, philosophers. 6
The ideal sage would thus be one who could, at each moment and
definitively, make his reason coincide with that universal Reason which
is the Sage that thinks and produces the world.
An unexpected consequence of this Stoic theory of the sage is that
Stoic philosophy-and I do mean Stoic philosophy; that is, the theory
and the practice of training for wisdom-allows for a great deal of uncer
tainty and simple probability. After all, only the Sage possesses a perfect,
necesary, and unshakable knowledge of reality; the philosopher does
not. The goal, proj ect, and obj ect of Stoic philosophy are thus to allow
the philosopher to orient himself or herself within the uncertainties of
daily life, by proposing probable choices which our reason can accept,
even if it is not always sure it ought to. What matters are not results or
efficiency, but the intention to do good. What matters is to act out of one
motive alone, without any other considerations of interest or pleasure:
that of the moral good. This is the only value, and the only one we need.
belongs. For the Stoics, the parts of philosophy are virtues9 which-like
all virtues, in their view-are equal and mutually imply one another: to
practice one of them is necessarily to practice all of them.
Thus, from this point of view, there is a sense in which logic, physics,
and ethics are not really distinct from one another; no one of them
precedes the others, and they are all mixed up together. The Platonic
Aristotelian model of a hierarchy of knowledge and of levels of reality is
thus replaced by the representation of an organic unity, in which there is
complete compenetration. For the Platonists and the Aristotelians, the
whole of reality is heterogeneous, and is composed of zones in which
substantiality and necessity are completely different. For the Stoics, on
the contrary, all reality is homogeneous, and the sequence of events
wholly necessary. The distinction between physics, as the science of the
sensible world, and a science of the transcendent world of Ideas (that is,
Platonic dialectics) or of the gods (theology) is completely abolished.
Physis or nature, which, for the Platonists and the Aristotelians, was only
a small part-and the lowest part at that-of the whole of reality, be
comes all of reality.
The word " dialectics " also changes its meaning. It no longer denotes,
as it does for Plato, a method of reasoning which starts from notions
common to all mankind, and rises, by means of questions and answers, to
the discovery of those essences which make reasoning and language
possible. Nor does it denote, as it did for Aristotle, a method ofreasoning
which starts from notions which are common to all mankind-and
therefore not scientific-and makes possible, by means of questions and
answers, the attainment of probable conclusions in every area of reality.
Although Stoic dialectics also takes its point of departure in common
notions, it is able to obtain true and necessary conclusions because it
reflects the necessary interrelation of causes within the sensible world.
To be sure, for the Stoics, physics, ethics, and dialectics are--formally
at least-to be related to three different sectors of reality: the physical
world, human conduct, and the functioning of thought. Nevertheless,
the Stoics did not consider these three parts as corpora of theoretical
doctrines, but as inner dispositions and practical conduct of the sage, and
hence of the philosopher in training for wisdom. From this perspective,
the living exercise of physics, ethics, and dialectics, and the practice of
these three virtues, in fact corresponds to one attitude: the single act of
placing oneself in harmony with the logos, whether it be the logos of
universal Nature, the logos of rational human nature, or the logos as it is
expressed in human discourse.
the soul. I t is within this guiding principle that freedom and our true self
are located. It is also there, and only there, that moral good and evil can
be found, for the only moral good and evil are voluntary good and evil.
The soul or guiding principle thus has three fundamental activities. In
the first place, as it receives the images which come from bodily sensa
tions, it develops an inner discourse, and this is what constitutes judgment.
The soul tells itself what a given obj ect or event is; in particular, it tells
itself what the obj ect is for the soul, that is, what it is in the soul's view.
Here we have the central node of the whole of Stoicism: that of inner
discourse, or judgments expressed on the subj ect of representations. As
Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius never tire of saying, everything is a matter
of judgment. It is not things themselves that trouble us, but our repre
sentations of these things, the ideas we form of them, and the inner
discourse which we formulate about them. Desire and impulses to action
are the necessary results of this inner discourse: if we desire something, it
is because we have told ourselves that the thing in question is good;
likewise , if we want to do something, it is because we have told ourselves
that it was a good thing.
As is well known, the Stoics held that only those representations
should be accepted into the mind which they called kataleptikai, a term
which is usually translated as " comprehensive. " This translation gives the
impression that the Stoics believed a representation to be true when it
" comprehends, " or seizes the contents of reality. In Epictetus, however,
we can glimpse a wholly different meaning of the term: for him, a
representation is kataleptike when it does not go beyond what is given,
but is able to stop at what is perceived, without adding anything extrane
ous to that which is perceived. Rather than " comprehensive repre
sentations, " then, it would be better to speak of " adequate repre
sentations. "
Here is a translation-slightly paraphrased, in order to make it more
comprehensible-of a vital passage from the Discourses of Epictetus. It
shows in action the inner discourse, or the soul's dialogue with itself, on
the subj ect of representations (III, 8, 1-2) :
In the same way as we train ourselves in order to be able to face up
to sophistical interrogations, we ought also to train ourselves to face
up to representations (phantasiai), for they too ask us questions.
For example, let's say we formulate within ourselves the contents of the
representation: " So-and-so's son is dead. "
happen. The result, for those who have undertaken this task, is that
they are not frustrated in their desires, and that they are not forced
to undergo that for which they have an aversion.
The continuation of this passage still describes the task of the philoso
pher, but now with regard to his relations with others. We have here,
then, a very clear linkage between the discipline of desire and the con
sent willed by destiny. Such consent presupposes that mankind recognize
himself as a part of the All , and that he understand that events are
necessarily linked to one another by the will of universal Reason. What
ever happens, Epictetus recommends, one should not become irritated
against the events that have been disposed by Zeus himself [that is to
say, by universal Reason] ; he has defined them and placed them in
order in cooperation with the Moirae [i. e . , the Fates] , who were
present at your birth and have woven your destiny. Don't you
know how tiny a part you are, compared to the All ? (I, 1 2 , 2 5 ) .
Elsewhere, Epictetus writes i n the same vein (II , 1 7 , 25) :
Let your desires and your aversions become attached to Zeus, and
to the other gods; give them to them, let them govern them, and let
this desire and this aversion be ranged in accordance with them.
Consent to destiny and obedience to the gods-the essential compo
nents of the discipline of desire--presuppose that man become aware of
his place within the All , and consequently that he practice physics. " The
consent to Destiny, " writes A.-J. Voelke,26 " requires first of all that the
universe be understood, thanks to an effort of thought in which intellec
tual power bases itself upon sense-representations . . . . The result of this
methodical elucidation is that, little by little, we arrive at the rational
certainty that we are living in a cosmos which is good, and set in harmo
nious order by a supreme Providence. " We shall see later that, in the
writings of Marcus Aurelius, this theme of the link between the disci
pline of desire and physics lived as a spiritual exercise is orchestrated even
more richly than in the sayings of Epictetus which have come down to
Sometimes Epictetus places the three disciplines on the same level, but
he also sometimes seems to establish a hierarchy among them. Conse
quently, he sometimes enumerates the three disciplines without estab-
And yet these three disciplines are taught, which means they are the
obj ect of a theoretical discourse which, if it is well assimilated by the
disciple, contributes to his spiritual progress. Here again the matter is
urgent-but from another point of view. The exercise-themes which are
to be given top priority are those which will allow the disciple to live
philosophically: the discipline of desire, which delivers us from " worries,
agitations, and grief" (III, 2 , 3 ) , and the discipline of impulse, which
teaches us to live within our family and our city. " These, " says Epictetus
(I, 4, 1 2) , " are the exercise-themes which must come first, and which are
the most necessary. " In theoretical teaching, then, the discipline of de
sire, which is the first exercise-theme, will correspond to physics; the
second-the discipline of active impulses-will correspond to ethics, and
in particular to the theory of appropriate duties and actions (kathekonta).
Once again, then, w e return t o the relationship between theoretical
physics and that lived physics which we have identified as the discipline
of desire. In order for the philosopher to be able to discipline his desires,
he must understand the Stoic theory of nature. As Chrysippus28 himself
had already said:
There is no more appropriate way to arrive at the theory of goods
and of evils, virtues and wisdom, than by starting out from universal
Nature and the organization of the world . . . for the theory of
goods and evils must be connected to these subj ects . . . and physics
is taught only so that we may be able to teach the distinction which
must be established between goods and evils.
It is precisely upon this distinction between goods and evils that the
discipline of desire is based, and this is why we encounter this intimate
link between physics and the theme of the exercice of desire in Epictetus.
Epictetus, moreover, also makes an explicit reference to Chrysippus (I,
IO, r o) :
Please examine what, according to Chrysippus, is the administration
of the world, and what place rational animals occupy therein. Then,
from this point of view, consider who you are, and what good and
evil are for you.
In the Discourses of Epictetus as reported by Arrian, we do not find
lengthy considerations of this series of questions, which must have corre
sponded to an entire program of studies. Often, however, we can recog-
r o) :
good and evil, and hence the discipline of desire. The second subj ect of
theoretical teaching is in ethics, which is the basis of the discipline of
impulses. Theoretical instruction in logic, which corresponds to what
Epictetus calls the " exercise-theme of assent, " comes third.
We have here a good example of the way in which Epictetus viewed
two kinds of exercises as somehow fundamentally identical: intellectual
exercises, as practiced in the exposition of a given part of philosophical
discourse-in this case, logic-and lived exercises, as practiced in everyday
life-here, as the exercise-theme (topos) of judgment and assent.
Epictetus does, after all, use the same term, " the exercise-theme of as
sent, " to designate both lived logic (the criticism of our representations
and of the ideas which we form of things) and, on the other hand,
theoretical logic (that is to say, the theory of syllogisms) .
On the one hand, Epictetus affirms (III, 1 2 , 1 4-1 5 ) :
The third exercise-theme concerns assent, and i n particular seduc
tive and attractive representations. Just as Socrates used to say that an
unexamined life is not worth living, so we must never accept an
unexamined representation.
Thus, in this description of lived logic, or logic put into practice, we
recognize the proper use of representations which is, in fact, the basis and
foundation of all the other exercise-themes. Let me repeat: from this
lived and concrete point of view, the three themes are necessarily simul
taneous; and if Epictetus speaks of the " third theme, " it is only for the
sake of clarity of exposition.
On the other hand, there are other passages in which the exercise
theme of assent really is the third theme: it comes last after all the others,
and is reserved for those who are making progress (III, 2 , 5) . In this case,
what is under discussion is theoretical/scholarly discourse about logic,
conceived as reasoning-processes which change in value-those which
end in one of the premises, hypothetical syllogisms, and deceptive rea
soning (III, 2, 6) . 29 Epictetus insists upon the absolute necessity of this
teaching; for instance, he responds as follows to an auditor who asks to be
persuaded of the usefulness of logic (II, 2 5 , 1 ) : "Without logic, how will
you know whether or not I am deceiving you with a sophism? " For
Epictetus, it is indispensable to be able to provide, by means of the art of
uncovering sophisms and errors in reasoning, the dogmas one has re
ceived via instruction in physics and ethics with an unshakably firm
foundation. Such logic may be sterile (I , 1 7, r n) ; it is a purely critical
between human beings and the universe, other human beings, and hu
mankind's own reason. Thus, the totality of human existence is situated
in relation to the whole of reality. For the Stoics, moreover, totality is
precisely what characterizes living beings; in their view, to be a whole is
to be coherent with oneself By means of the three disciplines, people
freely cooperate with a totality and a coherence which will necessarily be
actualized, whether they like it or not, for it is only the totality of the
cosmos which is assured of a perfect, unbreakable coherence . Although
humankind's freedom confers upon it the privilege of being able to
conform, freely and voluntarily, to this rational coherence of the cosmos,
it also exposes humanity to the risk of allowing incoherence to infiltrate
its thought, its affectivity, and the human City as a whole. Humankind's
adherence to the coherence of cosmic Reason is always fragile and in
doubt, but the divine plan will be realized of necessity.
The doctrine of the three exercise-themes, disciplines, or rules of life
thus contains within itself the whole essence of Stoicism, recapitulated in
a grandiose way. It invites humankind to a complete reversal of its vision
of the world and its usual way of living. The philosopher-emperor Mar
cus Aurelius, as the distant disciple of the philosopher-slave, would mag
nificently develop and orchestrate these richly-harmonied themes in his
T H E I N N E R C I TA D E L , O R
but brushes them aside and rej ects them, and it seems to him that
there is nothing to fear from such things. This is the difference
between the sage and the foolish person: the foolish person thinks
that things are as they appear to the first emotion of his soul-that is
to say, atrocious and frightful, and the foolish person approves by his
assent these first impressions, which appear to justify his fear.
But the sage, although the color of his face was briefly and rapidly
altered, does not give his assent, but maintains the force and solidity
of the dogma which he has always had about such representations:
that they are not at all to be feared, but they terrify people by means
of a false appearance and an empty terror.
This text provides a fairly clear distinction between the image (phanta
sia-in this case, the thunderclap which resounds within the soul) ; the
judgment (which Marcus calls a hypolepsis) , which is an inner discourse of
the form: " This is awful and terrible! " ; and finally the assent (sunkatathe
sis), which either approves or fails to approve the judgment.
Marcus has a frequent tendency to confuse judgment and repre
sentation; in other words, he identifies representations with the inner
discourse which enunciates their content and their value. We may omit
the passage in Book V, 1 6 , 2, where Marcus speaks of a chain of repre
sentations, even though what is being discussed is a syllogism, and hence
a chain of judgments: for in this particular case one can admit that he is
speaking of those phantasiai logikai, or abstract representations, which I
have alluded to above as the result of intellectual operations. Elsewhere,
however, we find Marcus saying either (VIII, 29) : "Erase your repre
sentations (phantasiai), " or else (VIII, 40) : " Suppress your judgment, "
without there being any apparent difference in meaning. And yet Marcus
is sometimes quite capable of distinguishing the inner discourse-and
hence the judgment-which the soul develops about a given repre
sentation, from the representation itself (VIII, 49) :
Don't tell yourself anything more than what your primary repre
sentations tell you. If you've been told, " So-and-so has been talking
behind your back, " then this is what you've been told. You have
not, however, been told that " Somebody has done a wrong to you. "
Here, we can recognize the stages of the process. In the first place, we
have the exterior event: someone announces to Marcus that so-and-so
has been saying negative things about him. Next, we have the repre-
sentation produced within him, which is called " primary" because as yet,
nothing has been added to it. In the third place, there is the discourse
which enunciates the contents of this primary representation: " So-and-so
has been saying negative things about you "; this is what is announced by
the primary representation. Finally, there is yet another enunciation,
which is no longer content merely to describe the situation, but emits a
value-judgment: " I have been wronged. "
Here we encounter once again the notion of an " adequate" or " obj ec
tive " representation (phantasia kataleptike), as we have seen it defined by
Epictetus. An obj ective or adequate representation is one which corre
sponds exactly to reality, which is to say that it engenders within us an
inner discourse which is nothing other than the pure and simple descrip
tion of an event, without the addition of any subj ective value-judgment
(Arrian, Discourses, III, 8, 5) :
He was sent to jail.
What happened? He was sent to jail. But " He is unhappy" is added
by oneself [i. e . , subj ectively] .
Thus, both Marcus and Epictetus draw a clear distinction between " ob
j ective " inner discourse, which is merely a pure description of reality,
and " subj ective " inner discourse, which includes conventional or pas
sionate considerations, which have nothing to do with reality.
The " p hysi c al " definition
One must always make a definition or description of the obj ect
which is presented in a representation, so as to see it in itself, as it is
in its essence, in its nakedness, in its totality, and in all its details.
One must say to oneself the name which is peculiar to it, as well as
the names of the parts which compose it, and into which it will be
resolved (III, r r ) .
Marcus Aurelius gives us several examples of what he means by this kind
of definition (VI , 1 3 ) :
How important it is to represent to oneself, when it comes to fancy
dishes and other such foods: " This is the corpse of a fish, this other
thing the corpse of a bird or a pig. " Similarly, " This Falernian wine
is just some grape juice, " and " This purple vestment is some sheep's
10 5
1 06
it alone can give or refuse its assent to that inner discourse which enunci
ates what the obj ect is which is represented by a given phantasia. This
borderline which obj ects cannot cross, this inviolable stronghold of free
dom, is the limit of what I shall refer to as the "inner citadel. " Things
cannot penetrate into this citadel: that is, they cannot produce the dis
course which we develop about things, or the interpretation which we
give of the world and its events. As Marcus says, the things outside of us
" stay still" ; they " do not come to us "; rather, in a way, " it is we who go
toward them" (XI, I I ) .
These assertions must obviously b e understood in a psychological and
moral sense. Marcus does not mean that things stay immobile in a physi
cal sense, but that they are " in themselves, " in the sense in which " in
itself" could be opposed to " for itsel " Things do not care about us: they
do not try to influence us, penetrate within us, or trouble us. Besides,
" they know nothing about themselves and affirm nothing about them
selves. " It is rather we who are concerned about things, who try to get to
know them, and who are worried about them. It is human beings who,
thanks to their freedom, introduce trouble and worry into the world.
Taken by themselves, things are neither good nor evil, and should not
trouble us. The course of things unfolds in a necessary way, without
choice, without hesitation, and without passion.
If you are grieving about some exterior thing, then it is not that
thing which is troubling you, but your judgment about that thing
(VIII, 47) .
Here we encounter an echo of a famous saying by Epictetus:
What troubles people is not things, but their judgments about
things (Manual, s ) .
Things cannot trouble u s , because they d o not touch our ego; i n other
words, they do not touch the guiding principle within us. They remain
on the threshold, outside of our liberty. When Marcus and Epictetus add
that " what troubles us is our judgment about things, " they are clearly
alluding to the discourse which it is within our power to pronounce
within ourselves, in order to define for ourselves the meaning of a given
event. It is this latter judgment which may trouble us, but this is where
the fundamental dogma of Stoicism comes in: there is no good but moral
good, and there is no evil but moral evil. That which is not moral-that
1 08
is to say, that which does not depend on our choice, our liberty, or our
judgment-is indifferent, and ought not to bother us. If our judgment
about things is troubling us, the reason is that we have forgotten this
fundamental dogma. The discipline of assent is thus intimately linked to
the doctrine of good, bad, and indifferent things (XI , 1 6) :
To live one's life in the best way: the power to do this resides
within our soul, if we are capable of being indifferent to indifferent
things. And we can be indifferent to indifferent things if we consider
each of these things, in each of its parts and in its totality, remem
bering that none of them can produce within us a value-judgment
about them, nor can they reach us. Rather, things remain immo
bile, whereas it is we who engender judgments about them, and, as
it were, write them down within ourselves. But it is possible for us
not to write them down; it is also possible, if we have not succeeded
in this, to erase them instantaneously.
The soul is free to judge as it pleases
Things, therefore, should not have any influence upon the guiding prin
ciple . Both Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius agree that the guiding princi
ple alone is responsible, whether it is troubled by things, or whether, on
the contrary, it is at peace. It is the guiding principle itself which modifies
itself, as it chooses this or that judgment about things, and consequently
this or that representation of the world. In the words of Marcus Aurelius
(who here uses the word " soul " to designate the superior, guiding part of
the soul; V, 1 9) : " the soul modifies itself. " This concept was a part of
Stoicism well before the time ofEpictetus and Marcus, as is shown by the
following passage in Plutarch:6
It is the same part of the soul, which they call dianoia (faculty of
reflection) and hegemonikon (guiding principle) , which changes and
is totally transformed in the passions and transformations which it
undergoes . . . they affirm that passion itself is reason, but depraved
and vicious reason, which, as a result of bad and mistaken judgment,
grows strong and vigorous.
Here we encounter another Stoic dogma: there is no opposition, as
the Platonists had held, between one part of the soul which is rational
10 9
and good in and of itself, and another part which is irrational and bad.
Rather, it is reason-and the ego itself-which becomes either good or
bad, as a function of the judgments which it forms about things. " It is the
soul which changes itself, according to whether it knows things, or fails
to know them. "7 This means that it is by its own judgment and decision
that the soul is in the right, or in error.
It must be understood that, for Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius, all of
the preceding must be situated in the order of the value which is attrib
uted to things, and not in the order of being. In order to clarify this, we
can use an example set forth by Marcus (VIII, 5 0) : the cucumber that I
want to eat is bitter. Consequently, there is impressed upon my soul the
representation of a bitter cucumber, and the soul's guiding principle
should have only one thing to say about this representation: the assertion
" This cucumber is bitter. " Here we can recognize an instance of the
obj ective and adequate representation (phantasia kataleptike) . The entire
discipline of assent will therefore consist in my accepting only this one
obj ective representation. If, however, I were to add the question: " Why
are there such things in the world? " or the exclamation " Z eus is wrong
to allow such things! " then I am adding, freely and of my own accord, a
value-judgment which no longer corresponds to the adequate content of
my obj ective representation.
In Arrian's Manual ( 5), the saying " It is not things that trouble people,
but their judgn1ents about things " is well explained by the following
commentary: " For instance, there is nothing fearful about death . . .
rather, it is because of the judgment which we bring to bear upon
death-i . e . , that it is fearful-that is what is fearful about death. " Once
again, we have here a value-judgment which is added on in a purely
subj ective way.
It is in the area of value-judgments that the power of the guiding
principle, and of its faculty of assent, comes into play. It is this power that
introduces value differences into a world which is indifferent and " in
itself. " Nevertheless, the only value-judgments which are authentic and
true are those which recognize that the good is moral good, that evil is
moral evil, and that that which is neither morally good nor bad is indif
ferent, and therefore valueless. In other words, the Stoic definition of
good and evil has as its consequence the total transformation of one's
vision of the world, as it strips obj ects and events of the false values which
people have the habit of attributing to them, and which prevent them
from seeing reality in its nudity (VII, 68) :
1 10
True judgment says to that which presents itself: " this is what you
are in essence, even though you may appear to common opinion to
be something else. "
However, although
the guiding principle has the power to bring it about that every
event appears to it in the way it wills (VI , 8) ,
this does not mean that the guiding principle can imagine anything it
pleases about reality, but rather that it is free to attribute what value it
wishes to the obj ects it encounters. In order to suppress the false value
which we attribute to these obj ects, it is enough to suppress our false
discourse about the value of these obj ects. If we suppress the inner
discourse which says " I have been harmed, " then the harm disappears
and is suppressed (IV, 7) . As Epictetus had said (IV, 1 , I I o) : "Do not tell
yourself that indifferent things are necessary to you, and they will no
longer be so. "
Thus, when Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius speak of "judgments "
(hypolepsis), they are thinking of " value-judgments. " This is why I have
usually translated hypolepsis as " value-judgment. "
Critical idealism?
It is thus misleading to compare, as does Victor Goldschmidt,8 the affir
mations of Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius to a kind of " Kantian ideal
ism, " completely different from the theory of the obj ective or compre
hensive representation proposed by Chrysippus . For Chrysippus, writes
Goldschmidt, " comprehension was the natural consequence of assent
accorded voluntarily but necessarily-to the comprehensive repre
sentation. Now, as in Kantianism, comprehension applies more to ap
pearances than to the thing in itself It is we who elaborate upon the
appearance brought about by the obj ect, and it is therefore this subj ectiv
ity, deforming reality as it does, which we must study and criticize, much
more than reality itself . . . it is as if the representation, which is no longer
comprehensive immediately and as a result only of the obj ect, was now
rendered such by the activity of the subj ect. " Goldschmidt, however,
failed to see that, for Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius, the activity of the
subj ect does not consist in producing a comprehensive or obj ective repre
sentation, but rather in sticking to that which is obj ective within the
1 12
those things which do not depend upon us, and which therefore have no
moral value. The phenomena of nature and the events of the world,
once they are stripped of all the adj ectives-" terrifying, " " frightening, "
" dangerous, " " hideous, " " repulsive "-which humankind, in its blind
anthropomorphism, applies to them, appear in their nudity and all their
savage beauty. All reality is then perceived from the perspective of uni
versal Nature, as within the flow of eternal metamorphoses of which our
individual life and death are only the tiniest waves. And yet, in the very
act by which we transform the way we used to look at things, we also
become aware of our ability to transform this way of seeing. Hence, we
become aware of the inner power which we possess to see things-and
by " things, " let us always understand the value of things-as we want to
see them. In other words, thanks to the discipline of assent, the transfor
mation of our consciousness of the world brings about a transformation
of our consciousness of ourselves. And although Stoic physics makes it
seem as if events are woven inexorably by Fate, the self becomes aware of
itself as an island of freedom in the midst of a great sea of necessity. This
awareness consists in delimiting our true self, as opposed to what we used
to believe was our self, and we shall see that this is the necessary condi
tion for peace of mind. If I can discover that the self I thought I was is not
the self I am, then nothing can get to me.
Circumscribing the self
Marcus Aurelius speaks several times of the need for the self and for the
guiding part of the soul to delimit and circumscribe themselves. On one
occasion, he takes the trouble to describe this exercise in detail (XII , 3 ) :
There are three things o f which you are composed: your body, your
vital breath, and your intellect (nous).
The first two are yours only insofar a s you must take care of
them. Only the third is yours in the proper sense of the term.
This is why, if you separate yourself from yourself,
that is to say, from your thought (dianoia),
-everything that others may say or do;
-or again, everything that you yourself have said and done (in the
past) , as well as the things which trouble you because they are still to
-and everything that happens to you, independently of your will,
1 13
1 14
1 15
obj ected that the hegemonikon is also " given, " but it is given as a source of
my initiative, or an " I " who decides.
In the passage quoted above, Marcus describes in a quite remarkable
way the different circles which surround the ego or the " I, " as well as the
exercise which consists in rej ecting them one by one, as something
foreign to my sel(
The first circle, and the most exterior, is the others. As Marcus says
elsewhere (III, 4, r ) :
Don't waste the part o f life that remains t o you in representations
(phantasiai) concerning other people, unless you relate them to
something which benefits the common good. Why do you deprive
yourself of the opportunity of accomplishing another task . . . imag
ining what so-and-so is doing, why he is doing it, what he thinks,
what he is plotting and all those other questions which make you
dizzy inside and turn you away from the attention which you
should be paying toward your own guiding principle (hegemonikon)?
The second circle i s that o f the past and the future. If w e want to
become aware of our true selves, we must concentrate upon the present.
As Marcus puts it, we must " circumscribe the present, " and separate
ourselves from that which no longer belongs to us: our past words and
actions, and our future words and actions. Seneca had already expressed
this idea: 1 1
These two things must b e cut away: fear o f the future, and the
memory of past sufferings. The latter no longer concern me, and
the future does not concern me yet.
Thus, neither the past nor the future depend upon me, and only the
present is within my power.
The third circle is constituted by the domain of involuntary emotions;
these are caused by impressions received by the body, and by the soul
considered as the principle of the body's animation, or " inborn vital
breath. " In order to understand these involuntary emotions, let us recall
the passage alluded to earlier from the lost fifth book of Epictetus' Dis
courses, as recorded by Arrian. In his Attic Nights, Aulus Gellius reports
that, during a sea voyage, he had seen a Stoic philosopher grow pale
during a storm, and when they arrived in port he had asked the philoso
pher why he had experienced such a moment of weakness. At this, the
I I6
philosopher had pulled Arrian's book out of his traveling bag, and
pointed to the passage in which Epictetus explained that if the sage
experienced a particularly strong and violent sensation, then he, too,
despite his wisdom, would experience an involuntary emotion which
would echo throughout the body and the rest of the soul. That, he
explained, was why the color of the sage's face might change, but, as
Epictetus had put it, " The sage does not give his assent to this emotion. "
What this means is that when our rational consciousness or guiding
principle translates such an emotion into its inner discourse, and an
nounces that " This is terrible and appalling, " then the guiding principle
immediately refuses to give its assent to this value-judgment. Let us note
in passing that this testimony is all the more interesting in that it lets us
glimpse how Epictetus, in those books written by Arrian which have
since become lost, spoke of themes very different from those which are
dealt with in the first four books. In the Discourses which have come
down to us, there does not seem to be any allusion to the sage's involun
tary movements.
In any case, Marcus Aurelius returns in another passage to the relation
between the guiding principle and involuntary movements (V, 26, 1 ) :
Let the sovereign and directing part o f your soul remain unaltered
in the presence of movements, whether gentle or violent, which are
produced in the flesh. Let it not be mixed with them, but let it
delimit itself and circumscribe these affections within the parts of
the body.
The guiding principle draws a border, as it were, between sensitive
emotions and its freedom ofjudgment, by refusing to consent or give its
assent to judgments which would attribute a positive or negative value to
the pleasures or pains that occur within the body. This border does not
prevent the guiding principle from perceiving everything that goes on
within the body, and thereby it ensures the unity of consciousness of the
entire living being, just as, within the cosmic living being, everything
goes back to the single consciousness of the guiding principle of the
universe (IV, 40) . From this new perspective, Marcus continues, we
cannot prevent sensations from penetrating within the guiding principle,
since they are natural phenomena; nevertheless, the guiding principle
must not add its own value-judgments concerning them.
On one hand, the guiding principle ensures the unity of living beings,
so that the sensations and emotions which I perceive are mine, since I
perceive them from within. On the other hand, however, the guiding
1 17
I I8
1 19
from us. Our self has become confused with such things, because we
have attached ourselves to them. Epictetus is fond of this theme of our
alienation toward things to which we attach ourselves (IV, 1 , 1 1 2) :
Purify your judgments, so that nothing that is not "yours " may
become attached to you or become connatural with you, so that
you do not feel any suffering if it is snatched away from you.
Such obj ects are not " ours, " Epictetus reminds us, not only because they
are different from us, but above all because they belong to Destiny and to
God, who are free to take them back after they have given them to us
(III, 24, 84) :
When you become attached to something, do not do so as to an
obj ect that cannot be taken away from you, but as if it were some
thing like a pot or a glass cup, so that, if it is broken, when you
remember what it was, you will not be disturbed . . . Remember
that what you love is mortal, and that nothing of what you love
belongs to you in the proper sense of the term. It has been given to
you for the time being, not forever or in such a way that it cannot
be taken away from you, but, like a fig or a bunch of grapes, at a
particular season of the year. If you get a craving for them during
the winter, then you're stupid.
Marcus Aurelius then returns to the importance of concentrating upon
the present moment. This indissoluble link between the delimitation of
the self and the delimitation of the present moment is extremely sig
nificant. It is only when I am active, either within myself or upon the
outside world, that I am truly myself and at liberty; and it is only in the
present moment that I can be active. Only the present is mine, and the
present is all that I live.
When the self has thus isolated and returned into itself, says Marcus, it
can be compared to the Sphairos of Empedocles. For Empedocles, this
term denoted that unified state of the universe when it is dominated by
Love, as opposed to the state of division it is in when dominated by Hate.
While in its state of unity, the universe is perfectly round, delighting in its
j oyful immobility. In the philosophical tradition, Empedocles' Sphairos
had become the symbol of the sage, " completely within itself, well
rounded and spherical, so that nothing extraneous can adhere to it,
because of its smooth and polished surface, " in the words of Horace.15
1 20
see the awareness o f one's self qua guiding principle, and therefore capa
ble of acceding to the sphere of morality. We thus have to do with two
aspects of the faculty of reasoning and thinking. Although reason is
inherent in every human being, it is only equally present in all human
beings in its role as a faculty ofjudgment and of moral decision-making.
This, however, does not prevent the existence of qualitative differences
in speculation and in expression, according to one's individual particu
Let us be clear: the self, whether envisaged as a principle of freedom
capable of acceding to morality, or as a guiding principle, is not, by itself,
either good or evil. It is indifferent. To be able to choose means being
able to choose between good and evil; consequently, it means being able
to be either good or evil. For Marcus, rationality is not good in and of
itself, as it was for Plato. Reason can be utterly depraved (X, 1 3 ) :
Men commit [these evil actions] not with their hands o r feet, but
with the noblest part of themselves. If it so wishes, however, this
same part may become faith, modesty, truth, law, or a good daimon.
This delimitation of the self, as a potential for liberty which transcends
Destiny, is equivalent to the delimitation of the faculty I possess to judge,
and either to give or to withhold my assent from my value-judgments. I
may be constrained by Destiny to have a body; to be sick or poor; to be
hungry; or to die on such-and-such a day; but I can think whatever I
please about such situations. I can refuse to consider them as misfortunes,
and no one can tear this freedom of viewpoint away from me.
In the name of what, however, or in virtue of what shall I judge that
the only good is moral good, and the only evil moral evil? This is where
the mystery of freedom comes in. As Marcus says, the self, in its capacity
as the power ofjudging and choosing, can also become " faith, modesty,
truth, law, or a good daimon, " as well as the contrary of any of these .
Thus the self, if i t s o desires, can identify itself with universal Reason, o r
the transcendent Norm which posits the absolute value o f morality. This
is precisely the level at which Marcus was situating himself when he
wrote his spiritual exercises; in other words, he was identifying himself
with this universal Reason or transcendent Norm. This is what Epictetus
used to call " the Other" (I , 3 0 , l ) :
When you go to see some important personage, remember that
there is an Other, watching what happens from above, and that it is
better to please this Other than that man.
1 22
Like an inner voice, this Other has a dialogue with the guiding principle
in the discussion which Epictetus imagines following this passage. It is,
moreover, this same transcendent Other with whom Marcus Aurelius
carries on a dialogue in the Meditations.
It can thus be said-although Marcus does not make the distinction
explicitly-that there is a difference between two kinds of freedom. On
the one hand, there is freedom of choice, by virtue of which the guiding
principle has the possibility of rendering itself either good or evil. On the
other, there is realfreedom, thanks to which the guiding principle chooses
moral good and universal Reason, and thereby ensures that its judgments
are true, its desires fulfilled, and its acts of will efficacious. Only real
freedom is freedom in the full sense of the term.
Thus, the guiding principle is an " inner citadel, " already impregnable
in its guise as freedom of choice, which cannot be forced if it refuses.
This citadel is still more impregnable , however, in its guise as real free
dom-that is, if it manages, thanks to its identification with universal
Reason, to liberate itself from all that could possibly subjugate its judg
ments, desires, and its will (VIII, 48) :
Remember that the guiding principle becomes invincible when it
turns itself toward itself, and is content with not doing that which it
does not wish to do , even if its resistance is unreasonable .
What shall happen, then, if it surrounds itself with circumspec
tion and reason when it emits a judgment? This is why the intellect,
when freed from the passions, is a citadel; for mankind has no
stronger fortress than this. If we take refuge within it, we will be in
an impregnable position from now on.
When the guiding principle thus discovers that it is free in its judg
ments, that it can give whatever value it pleases to the events which
happen to it, and that nothing can force it to commit moral evil, then it
experiences a feeling of absolute security. From now on, it feels, nothing
can invade it or disturb it. It is like a cliff against which the crashing surf
breaks constantly, while it remains standing unmoveably as the waves
come, bubbling, to die at its feet (IV, 49, l ) .
I n the passage from Marcus which I have discussed at length above,
one can observe a complete equivalence between five terms:
r . the self;
2 . intellect (nous);
1 23
1 24
Everything becomes clear if we replace the word daimon by " reason. "
On the one hand, reason for the Stoics is a part of universal divine
Reason; it was given to us by the latter, and we must do what reason
wishes. On the other hand, however, our reason may become corrupted,
and we must therefore take care to preserve it against every attack. This
celestial gift is a fragile one.
What, however, is the precise relationship between this daimon and the
self? To be sure, it corresponds to the transcendent Norm, which, as we
have seen, was equivalent to Reason. It also corresponds to the " Other"
mentioned by Epictetus: a kind of inner voice which imposes itself upon
us. Here, however, we come face to face with the paradox of moral life,
for the self identifies itself with a transcendent Reason which is simulta
neously above it and identical with it; it is a case of " Someone within me,
more myself than mysel "18 As Plotinus19 said of the Intellect, by virtue
of which we lead a spiritual life : " It is a part of ourselves, and we ascend
toward it. "
Although the self may thus raise itself to a transcendent level, it is very
difficult for it to keep itself there. The figure of the daimon allows Marcus
Aurelius to express, in religious terms, the absolute value of moral intent
and the love of moral good. No value is superior to virtue and the inner
daimon (III, 6, r-2) , and everything else, compared to the mysteries
which honor the eminent dignity of the inner daimon, is worthless petty
mindedness (III, 6, 3 ) .
There is something quite remarkable in this Stoic affirmation of the
transcendence of the realm of moral intent, compared to all other reality.
It could be compared to the distinction between the three orders which
we find in Pascal: the order of the " flesh " ; that of the " spirit" ; and that of
the " will. "20 Above all, it can be compared to Pascal's distinction be
tween the triad of "bodies, " " spirits, " and " charity. " Each order tran
scends the others to an infinite degree:21
One little thought could not be made to arise from all bodies taken
together, for this is impossible and they are of different orders. One
single movement of true charity could not be derived from all
bodies and all spirits; for that is impossible. It is of another order,
and is supernatural.
In Pascal, this idea is intended to allow us to understand that Jes us Christ
has neither the splendor of physical grandeur, nor that of intellectual
genius. There is nothing more simple than He, and yet more hidden. His
1 25
grandeur is of another order. Similarly, for the Stoics, the order of good
will and moral intent infinitely transcends the order of thought and of
theoretical discourse, as well as that of physical magnitude. What makes
humankind equal to God is reason, when it chooses moral good.
" Everything is a matter ofjudgment"
The discipline of assent, then, orders us to consent only to comprehen
sive representations, and it represents logic as the latter is lived and put
into practice . It might therefore appear that this discipline is exercised
only in a limited and determinate area-the rectitude of our inner dis
course-and that it does not interfere with the other areas of exercise,
namely those of desire and of action.
In fact, however, this is by no means the case. In the first place, the
discipline of assent is not exercised only with regard to inner discourse,
but also with regard to outer discourse. In other words, part ofit consists
in not lying, either to oneself or to others. It is for this reason that Marcus
calls the virtue which corresponds to this discipline " truth " (IX, I , 2) .
Above all, however, as we have seen throughout this chapter, there is a
sense in which the discipline of assent embraces all the other disciplines,
which can only be practiced through the perpetual rectification of our
inner discourse-that is, what we say to ourselves about things. On the
one hand, the discipline of assent is the same thing as the criticism of our
value-judgments, and to practice it presupposes that we accept a funda
mental Stoic principle of action: that the only good is moral good, and
the only evil is moral evil. On the other hand, practicing the disciplines
of desire and of action consists essentially in rectifying the judgments
which we bring to bear upon things. Leaving aside doctrinal refinements
and quarrels within the school, we can say that for the Stoics in general,
desire and impulses to action are essentially acts of assent.22 It is no doubt
true that their notion implies that of "movement-toward, " but this
movement is inseparable from our inner adherence to a specific judg
ment or discourse which is uttered about things.
Thus, we can say that, for Marcus, " everything is a matter of value
judgments. " This does not imply any kind of subj ectivism or skepticism,
but is the simple application of what we could call Stoic "intellectual
ism. " Inherited from Socratism, this doctrine proclaims that all virtue is a
kind of knowledge,23 and that all vice is ignorance. Whatever the precise
meaning of this Socratic doctrine may have been, it is clear that it is not a
question of theoretical or abstract knowledge and ignorance, but of a
1 26
1 27
1 29
Don't imagine that anything is important except that you act as your
own nature leads you, and that you suffer as common Nature ordains.
Elsewhere, Marcus writes (y, 25) :
At this moment, I have what common Nature wants me to have in
this moment, and I'm doing what my own nature wants me to be
doing at this moment.
And again (yl , 5 8) :
No one is going to stop you from living according to the reason of
your own nature, and nothing will happen to you contrary to the
reason of common Nature.
By opposing external and internal causes, common Nature and one's
own nature, Marcus provides an ontological foundation for the disci
plines of desire and of impulse. The farmer's obj ect is my relationship
with the immense, inexorable, and imperturbable course of Nature, with
its ceaseless flux of events. At every instant, I encounter the event which
has been reserved for me by Destiny; that is, in the last analysis, the
unique, universal, and common Cause of all things. The discipline of
desire will therefore consist in refusing to desire anything other than
what is willed by the Nature of the All.
The obj ect of the second discipline-that of active impulses and the
will-is the way in which my own minuscule causality inserts itself
within the causality of the world. In other words, this discipline consists
in wanting to do that which my own nature wants me to do.
We saw earlier that the discipline of assent constitutes, as it were, the
fundamental method of the other two disciplines, since both desire and
impulse depend on the assent which we either give to, or withhold from,
our representations.
If this is the case, and the discipline of assent is somehow implied by
the two others, then one can say that the practice of the philosophical life
can be summed up in the two disciplines of desire and the active will
(Marcus Aurelius, XI, 1 3 , 4) :
What evil can there be for you, if you do that which, in this present
moment, is appropriate to your nature;
and if you accept that which, in this present moment, comes at the
moment which is opportune for the Nature ef the All?
What precisely is meant by these two natures? " My " nature is not my
particular individual character, but my nature as a human being and my
reason, which I have in common with all human beings. Thus, it corre
sponds to that transcendent self which we have seen in the context of the
discipline of assent: that divine principle or daimon which is within us 0/,
I O , 6) :
Nothing will happen to me which is not in accordance with the
Nature of the Whole, and it is possible for me to do nothing which
is contrary to my god and my daimon.
" My " nature and the common Nature are not opposed, nor external
to each other, for " my" nature and " my" reason are nothing other than
an emanation from universal Reason and universal Nature, which are
immanent in all things. Thus, these two natures are identical (VII, 5 5 , 1 ) :
Keep looking straight ahead, i n order to see where nature is leading
you; both the nature of the All, by means of the events which happen
to you, and your own nature, by means of that which you must do.
These ideas go back to the Old Stoa, and can be traced at least as far
back as Chrysippus.2 While defining the moral goal as life in conformity
with nature, Chrysippus specified that he understood by this term both
universal Nature and that nature which is peculiar to humankind. The
identity between " nature " (physis) and " reason" ogos) is, moreover,
attested throughout the Stoic tradition.3 The fact that these two terms are
identical means that the world, together with all beings, is produced by a
process of growth (in a sense, this is the meaning of the word physis) ,
which has within itself its own method, rational law of cause and effect,
and organization (this is the meaning of the word logos) . Human beings,
as rational animals, live according to nature when they live according to
that inner law which is reason.
We constantly return to the fundamental intuition of Stoicism: self
coherence, which is at the same time the law which generates reality and
that which regulates human thought and conduct. The two disciplines of
desire and impulse thus consist, in the last analysis, in remaining coherent
with oneself; and this is the same thing as remaining coherent with the
Whole of which we are only a part (IV, 29, 2) :
He who flees the reason of the human community is a fugitive . . . .
He who separates and distances himself from the Reason of com-
reflective faculty concerns itself only about the present; for even its
past or future activities are now indifferent to it.
Only the present is within our power, simply because the only thing
that we live is the present moment (II , 1 4; III, r o , r ; XII , 26, 2) . Becom
ing aware of the present means becoming aware of our freedom.
For the present is real and has value only if we become aware of it; that
is to say, if we delimit it by distinguishing the present action or event
from the past and from the future. We must therefore recognize that our
real lives are limited to a minuscule point which, by the intermediary of
the present event or action, places us in constant contact-whether ac
tively or passively-with the overall movement of the universe. " To
circumscribe that which is lived in the present" means simultaneously to
isolate oneself with regard to the past and to the future, and to recognize
our pumness.
The delimitation of the present has two principal aspects. On the one
hand, its goal is to make difficulties and hardships bearable, by reducing
them to a succession of brief instants. On the other, it is a matter of
increasing the attention we bring to bear upon our actions, as well as the
consent which we grant to the events that happen to us. These two
aspects can, moreover, be reduced to one fundamental attitude, which
consists, as we can already glimpse, in transforming our way of seeing
things, and our relationship to time.
The first of these aspects appears very clearly in the following passage
(VIII, 3 6) :
Don't trouble yourself by representing to yourself the totality of life
in advance. Don't try to go over in your mind all the painful
hardships, in all their varying intensity and number, which might
possibly happen. Rather, when each of them occurs, ask yourself:
"What is there about this situation that is unbearable or intoler
able ? " , for you will be ashamed if you answer affirmatively. In
addition, remind yourself that it is not the present, nor the past,
which weighs upon you, but always the present; and this present
will seem smaller to you if you circumscribe it by defining and
isolating it, and if you make your reflective faculty ashamed at the
fact that it cannot put up with such a small, isolated little matter.
We always encounter the same method of the criticism of repre
sentations and value-judgments, which consists in tearing away from
a dance, our lives are divisible into smaller units, and consist only of such
units. In order to execute a song or a dance step, we need to perform
each one of these units in succession. Life, too, consists only of a series of
such instants which we live in succession, and the better we are able to
isolate each one and define it precisely, the better we shall be able to gain
control over the entire series.
The other intention of the exercise of defining the present is to inten
sify the attention we bring to bear upon what we are doing or experienc
ing. Here, we are no longer concerned with diminishing hardships or
suffering; on the contrary, our goal is to exalt the consciousness of our
existence and our freedom. Marcus does not expand upon this theme,
but we can sense it in the insistence with which he returns to the
necessity of concentrating upon our present representations, our present
actions, and the present event, as well as the necessity of avoiding worry
about the past or the future (XI I , r , r -2) :
All the happiness you are seeking by such long, roundabout ways:
you can have it all right now . . . . I mean, if you leave all of the past
behind you, if you abandon the future to providence, and if you
arrange the present in accordance with piety and justice .
It should be pointed out here that, fo r Marcus, "piety" represents that
discipline of desire which makes us consent "piously" to the divine will,
as the latter is made manifest in events. Likewise, "justice " corresponds
to the discipline of action, which makes us act in the service of the
human community.
Marcus repeats the same exhortation elsewhere (XII , 3 , 4) :
If you apply yourself to living only that which you are living-in
other words, the present-then you can live the rest of your life
until your death in peace, benevolence, and serenity.
What is required is that we dedicate ourselves, completely and whole
heartedly, to what we are in the process of doing at a given instant,
without worrying about either the past or the future (VI, 7) :
Take j oy and repose in one thing only: to pass from one action
accomplished in the service of the community to another action
accomplished in the service of the community; all this accompanied
by the remembrance of God.
There is also a feeling of urgency about this attitude, for death can
arrive at any moment (II, 5 , 2) :
Each of life' s actions must be performed as if it were the last.
When we view things from the perspective of death, it is impossible to
let a single one of life's instants pass by lightly. If, like Marcus and the
Stoics, we believe that the only good thing is moral action and a perfectly
good and pure intent, then we must transform our way of thinking and
of acting in this very instant. The thought of death confers seriousness ,
infinite value, and splendor t o every present instant of life. " To perform
each oflife's actions as ifit were the last" means to live the present instant
with such intensity and such love that, in a sense, an entire lifetime is
contained and completed within it.
Most people are not alive, because they do not live in the present, but
are always outside of themselves, alienated, and dragged backwards and
forwards by the past and by the present. They do not know that the
present is the only point at which they are truly themselves and free. The
present is the only point which, thanks to our action and our conscious
ness, gives us access to the totality of the world.
In order to fully comprehend Marcus' attitude toward the present, we
must recall the Stoic definition of the present, as it is given in a summary
of Stoic philosophy:5
Just as the entire void is infinite in every direction, so all of time is
infinite in both directions. Both the past and the future are infinite.
He [i. e . , Chrysippus] states very clearly that, in general, time is
never present, for since that which is continuous is divisible ad
infinitum, then in accordance with this division all of time is also
divisible ad infinitum. Therefore, there is no present time, in the
proper sense of the term; rather, it is spoken of in an extended sense
(kata platos) . Chrysippus says that only the present " actually be
longs " (hyparchein) [to a subject] ; whereas the past and the future are
realized (hyphestanai), but " do not at all belong actually [to a sub
j ect] , " just as it is said that only those predicates which really occur
" actually belong. " For instance, " walking" belongs to me actually
when I am walking, but does not belong to me actually when I am
lying or sitting down . . .
Here we are faced with two diametrically opposed conceptions of the
present: the first considers the present as the limit between the past and
1 36
13 7
which depends upon us-that is, the moral good-and flee only from
that which depends on us: in this case, moral evil. That which does not
depend on us is the realm of the indifferent: we must not desire it, but we
must not flee from it either, for if we do we risk " falling into what we are
trying to avoid. " Epictetus, we noted, linked this attitude to our consent
to Destiny.
Marcus Aurelius takes up this doctrine point for point, yet in his
writings its implications and its consequences appear more clearly and
explicitly. Above all, the discipline of desire in Marcus is related first and
foremost to the way in which we are to greet the events which result
from the overall movement of universal Nature, which are produced by
what Marcus calls the " exterior cause" (VIII, 7) :
Rational nature (that is, the nature peculiar to human beings) fol
lows the path which is appropriate to it . . . if it has desires and
aversions only for that which depends upon us, and if it greets with
j oy all that common Nature allots to it.
What is thus allotted to human nature is nothing other than the events
which happen to it (III, 1 6, 3 ) :
The proper characteristic of the good man is to love and to greet
j oyfully all those events which he encounters (ta sumbainonta), and
which are linked to him by Destiny.
We have already seen that, for the Stoics, what is present for me is that
which is currently happening to me: in other words, not merely my
current actions, but also the present event with which I am confronted.
Here again, as in the case of the present in general, it is my thought and
my attention which singles out from the flux of things that which has
meaning for me; at which point my inner discourse will declare that
such-and-such an event is happening to me. Moreover-whether I
know it or not-the overall movement of the universe, set in motion by
divine Reason, has brought it about that I have been destined, from all
eternity, to encounter such-and-such an event. This is why I have trans
lated the word sumbainon (etymologically " that which goes together
[with] ") , which Marcus customarily uses to denote that which happens,
by the phrase " the events which we encounter. " To be still more precise,
one would have to translate this as " the event which adjusts itself to us, "
1 39
but such an expression cannot always be used. This is, however, precisely
the meaning which Marcus gives to the word sumbainon (V, 8 , 3 ) :
We say that events are fitting to u s (sumbainein), just as masons say
that the square stones they use in walls or in pyramids " fit each
other" (sumbainein), when they are well-adapted to each other in a
given combination.
The imagery of the construction of the edifice of the universe is
reinforced by that of weaving. The interweaving of the woof and the
warp was a traditional, archaic image, linked to the figure of the Moirai,
who, as early as Homer, spun the destiny of each human being. 1 1 The
three Parcai, named Lachesis, Clotho, and Atropos, appear-first in the
Orphic Derveni papyrus, 12 and then in Plato13 and the Stoics-as the
mythical figures of the cosmic law which emanates from divine Reason.
The following is a testimony to the Stoic doctrine:14
The Moirai (or " Parts ") are so named because of the process of
separation (diamerismos) which they carry out: Clotho (" the spin
ner") , Lachesis (" she who distributes the lots ") , and Atropos (" the
inflexible one ") . Lachesis is so called because she distributes the lots
which individuals have received according to justice; Atropos [gets
her name] because the division of the parts is unchangeable in any
of its details, and is immutable since eternal time. Finally, Clotho is
so named because the distribution takes place in accordance with
Destiny, and that which occurs reaches its end in conformity with
what she has spun.
Another testimony gives voice to approximately the same repre
sentations : 15
The Moirai get their name from the fact that they distribute and
assign things to each one of us. . . . Chrysippus suggests that the
number of the Moirai corresponds to the three times in which all
things have their circular movement, and by means of which all
things achieve their completion. Lachesis is so called because she
attributes to each human being his or her destiny; Atropos is so
called because of the immutable and unchanging character of the
distribution; and Clotho is so called because of the fact that all things
are woven and linked together, and that they can travel only one
path, which is perfectly well-ordered.
The " events which I encounter, " and which " adjust themselves to
me " have been woven together with me by Clotho, the figure of Des
tiny or universal Reason (IV, 3 4) :
Abandon yourself willingly to Clotho; let her weave you together
with whatever event she pleases.
Marcus Aurelius is fond of mentioning this interweaving:
This event which you are encountering . . . it happened to you; it
was coordinated with you; and was in relation to you, since it was
woven together with you, from as far back as the most ancient of
causes (V, 8, 1 2) .
S o something has happened t o you? Good! Every event that you
encounter has been linked to you by Destiny, and has, since the
beginning, been woven together with you from the All (IV, 26) .
Whatever happens to you has been prepared for you in advance
from all eternity, and the interweaving of causes has, since forever,
woven together your substance and your encounter with this event
(X, 5) .
While this motif is strongly emphasized by Marcus, it is not absent
from Epictetus' sayings, as recorded by Arrian (I, 1 2 , 25) :
Will you be angry and unhappy with what Zeus has ordained? He
defined and ordained these things together with the Moirai, who
were present at your birth and wove your destiny.
For the Stoics, events were predicates, as we saw in the case of "walk
ing, " which is present to me when " I am walking. " If, then, an event
happens to me, this means that it has been produced by the universal
totality of the causes which constitute the cosmos. The relationship be
tween myself and such an event presupposes the entire universe, as well
as the will of universal Reason. We shall have to examine later whether
this will defines the event in all its details, or merely gives it an initial
1 42
The Earth loves! She loves the rain! And the venerable Ether? I t loves
too ! The World, too, loves to produce that which must occur. And I
say to the World: I , too, love--along with you. Don't we say:
" such-and-such loves to happen"?
Everyday language, which could use the verb " to love " to signify " to
be accustomed to, " is here congruent with mythology, which gives us to
understand, in its allegorical way, that it is characteristic of the All to love
itself What Marcus is alluding to here is the grandiose image of the hieros
gamos between the sky (or Ether) and the earth, such as it is described by
The Earth loves! She loves the rain, when the waterless field, sterile
with dryness, needs moisture. The venerable Sky, too, when filled
with rain, loves to fall upon the earth, by the power of Aphrodite .20
This myth allows us to glimpse that such self-love is not the solitary,
egoistic love of the Whole for itself, but rather the mutual love, within
the Whole, of the parts for each other, of the parts for the Whole, and of
the Whole for the parts. Between the parts and the Whole, there is a
" harmony" or " co-respiration, " which puts them in accord with one
another. Everything that happens to the part is useful for the Whole, and
everything that is "prescribed" for each part is, almost in the medical
sense of the term, "prescribed" (V, 8) for the health of the Whole, and
consequently for all the other parts as well.
The discipline of desire therefore consists in replacing each event
within the perspective of the Whole, and this is why it corresponds to
the physical part of philosophy. To replace each event within the per
spective of the Whole means to understand two things simultaneously:
that I am encountering it, or that it is present to me, because it was
destined for me by the Whole, but also that the Whole is present within
it. Since such an event does not depend upon me, in itself it is indifferent,
and we might therefore expect the Stoic to greet it with indifference.
Indifference, however, does not mean coldness. On the contrary: since
such an event is the expression of the love which the Whole has for itself,
and since it is useful for and willed by the Whole, we too must want and
love it. In this way, my will shall identify itself with the divine Will
which has willed this event to happen. To be indifferent to indifferent
things-that is, to things which do not depend on me-in fact means to
make no difference between them: it means to love them equally, just as
Nature or the Whole produces them with equal love. It is the Whole
1 43
Amor fati
I have entitled this section "amor Jati. " Marcus Aurelius, who wrote in
Greek, obviously did not use these two Latin words; what is more, they
are not, as far as I know, used by any Latin writer in antiquity. The phrase
1 44
1 45
were enough to justify that attitude ofloving acceptance in the face of all
that comes from Nature which constitutes the discipline of desire.
Nietzsche, by contrast, links the love of Destiny to the myth of the
Eternal Return. To love Destiny thus means to want that what I am
doing in this moment, as well as the way in which I live my life, should
be eternally, identically repeated. It means to live any given instant in
such a way that I want to relive again this instant I am now living,
eternally. This is where Nietzsche's amor fati takes on a highly idiosyn
cratic meaning:
The highest state which a philosopher can attain: to have a
Dionysiac attitude toward existence. My formula for that is amor
fati . . . .
For this, we must conceive of the heretofore denied aspects of
existence not only as necessary, but as desirable : and not only desir
able with regard to the aspects which have been approved up until
now (as their complements, for example, or as their presupposi
tions) , but in themselves, as the aspects of existence which are more
powerful, more fertile, and more true, in which its will expresses
itself most clearly. 24
As we shall see, Marcus did indeed consider the repulsive aspects of
existence as necessary complements or inevitable consequences of the
initial will of Nature. Nietzsche, however, goes much further: in fact, an
abyss appears between his views and those of Stoicism. Whereas the Stoic
"yes " means a rational consent to the world, the Dionysiac affirmation of
the world of which Nietzsche speaks is a "yes " given to irrationality, the
blind cruelty of life, and the will to power which is beyond good and
We have wandered far from Marcus; yet this detour has perhaps al
lowed us to arrive at a better definition of that consent to Destiny which
is the essence of the discipline of desire.
As we have seen, the exercises of definition of the self and concentra
tion on the present, together with our consent to the will of Nature as it
is manifested in each event, raise our consciousness to a cosmic level. By
consenting to the present event which is happening to me, in which the
whole world is implied, I want that which universal Reason wants, and
identify myself with it in my feeling of participation and of belonging to
a Whole which transcends the limits of individuality. I feel a sensation of
intimacy with the universe, and plunge myself into the immensity of the
cosmos. One thinks of Blake's verses:25
To see the World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
Thus the self qua will or liberty coincides with the will of universal
Reason, or the logos which extends throughout all things. The self as
guiding principle coincides with the guiding principle of the universe.
If, then, the self's awareness is accompanied by a consent to events, it
does not become isolated, like some tiny island, in the universe. On the
contrary: it is opened up to the whole of cosmic becoming, to the extent
that the self elevates itself from its limited situation and partial, restricted
individual viewpoint, toward a universal perspective. Thus, my con
sciousness is dilated until it coincides with the dimensions of cosmic
consciousness. In the presence of each event-no matter how banal
my vision now coincides with that of universal Reason.
When Marcus writes (IX, 6) : "Your present inner disposition is
enough for you, as long as it finds its j oy within the present conjuncture
of events, " the expression " is enough for you " has two meanings. In the
first place, as we have seen, it means that we possess the whole of reality
within this present instant. As Seneca said, 26 at each present moment we
can say, with God, "Everything belongs to me. " This, however, means
that if my moral intentions are good in this present moment, and I am
consequently happy, neither all the duration of life nor all eternity could
bring me one iota more of happiness. In the words of Chrysippus:27 " If
one has wisdom for one instant, he will be no less happy than he who
possesses it for all eternity. " Elsewhere, Seneca28 writes: " The measure of
the good is the same, although its duration may vary. Whether one draws
a large circle or a small one does not depend on its shape, but on the
surface which they enclose. " A circle is a circle, whether it is large or
small. Similarly, moral good, when it is lived within the present moment,
is an absolute of infinite value, which neither duration nor any other
external factor can affect. Once again, I can and I must live the present
which I am living at this moment as if it were the last moment of my life;
for even if it is not followed by any other instant, I will be able, because
of the absolute value of moral intention and of the love of the good
which I have lived in this instant, to say in that very instant: I have
1 47
realized my life, and have gotten everything I could have expected out of
it.29 It is this that enables me to die. As Marcus says (XI, 1 , 1 ) :
The rational soul . . . attains its proper end wherever it achieves the
limit of its life. It is not like the dance or the theater or other arts of
that kind, in which all the action is incomplete if they are inter
rupted. On the contrary: the action of the rational soul, in each of
its parts, and at whatever point one considers it, carries out for itself
what it was planning fully and without fault, so that it can say, " I
have reached my fulfillment. "
Whereas a dance or the reading of a poem reach their goal only when
they are finished, moral activity reaches its goal in the very instant when
it is accomplished. It is therefore entirely contained within the present
moment, which is to say, within th e unity of the moral intention which,
in this very moment, animates my actions or my inner disposition. Once
again, we note that the present instant can thus immediately open up the
totality of being and of value. One thinks of the words of Wittgenstein:
" If we understand by " eternity" not an infinite temporal duration, but a
lack of temporality, then he who lives within the present lives eter
nally. "30
Providence or atoms?
Marcus asks, rather enigmatically (IV, 3 , 5 ) :
Are you unhappy with the part o f the All which has been allotted to
you? Then remember the disjunction: either providence or atoms.
In the first sentence, we recognize the problematic characteristic of the
discipline of desire: we must accept, and even love, that part of the All
which has been allotted to us. If, says Marcus, we are initially unhappy at
and irritated by events, then we must remember the disj unctive dilemma:
either providence or atoms. Marcus is here alluding to an argument, and
it is enough for him to cite its first proposition-either providence or
atoms-in order to remind his readers of the entire thing. This dilemma
reappears throughout the Meditations, often accompanied by the argu
ment, or by variations on the argument, which remains implicit in this
first quotation.
Before we try to understand its meaning, it is necessary to spend some
time clarifying this initial proposition, which opposes two factors : on the
one hand, providence-elsewhere identified with Nature, the gods, or
with Destiny-and on the other hand, atoms. These two opposing con
cepts correspond respectively to the models of the universe set forth by
Stoic and by Epicurean physics . Marcus uses a variety of images to
describe these alternatives: there is either a well-ordered world or a
confused one; there is either union, order, and providence, or else a
formless mess, the blind linking up of atoms, and dispersion (IV, 27, l ;
VI, I O , l ; IX, 3 9 , l ) .
Marcus thus opposes two models of the universe: that of Stoicism and
that of Epicureanism. His reason for doing so is to show that, on any
hypothesis, and even if one were to accept, in the field of physics, the
model most diametrically opposed to that of Stoicism, the Stoic moral
attitude is still the only possible one. If one accepts Stoic physical the
ory-that is to say, the rationality of the universe-then the Stoic moral
attitude-that is, the discipline of desire, or rational consent to the events
brought about by universal Reason-does not raise any difficulties: one
must simply live in accordance with reason. If, however, one accepts the
Epicurean physical theory-a model where the universe is a dust of
atoms produced by chance and lacking unity-then the grandeur of
humankind consists in our introduction of reason into this chaos:
If the All is God, then all is well. But if it is ruled by chance, don't
you, too, be ruled by chance (IX, 28, 3 ) .
Consider yourself fortunate i f, i n the midst o f such a whirlwind,
you possess a guiding intelligence within yourself (XII, 14, 4) .
On either hypothesis, then, we must maintain our serenity and accept
events the way they are. It would be just as crazy to blame atoms as it
would be to blame the gods (VI, 24) .
This serenity must especially be maintained in the face of death.
Whether one accepts the Stoic or the Epicurean model, death is a physi
cal phenomenon (VI , 24) :
After their deaths, Alexander of Macedon and his mule-driver
wound up in the same state: either they were taken back up into the
rational forces which are the seeds of the universe, or else, in the
same way, they were dispersed among the atoms.
1 49
1 50
Marcus utilizes the Stoic principle which affirms the cohesion and accord
with itself of Nature, all of whose parts are related to one another.
Marcus arrives at this principle by rej ecting the other branch of the
dilemma-that is, the Epicurean model:
Go back farther up from the following principle: if we rej ect the
atoms, then it is Nature which governs the All . If this is so, then the
inferior beings exist for the sake of the superior beings, and the latter
exist for each other.
One the one hand, then, Epicurean physics is impossible to uphold, in
the face of both inner and exterior experience. On the other hand,
Epicurean ethics, which could follow from Epicurean physics, is impossi
ble to defend from the viewpoint of inner moral demands. If all that
exists are atoms, disorder, and dispersion, then (IX, 3 9 , 2) :
What are you worried about? All you have to do is say to your
guiding principle: "You are dead; you are destroyed. You've be
come a wild beast; you defecate, you mingle with the flocks, and
you graze.
With caustic irony, Marcus thus implies that in a world without reason,
human beings become irrational beasts.
When, in other passages, Marcus seems to imply that the Stoic moral
attitude would be the same, whichever model of the universe one uses,
and whichever physics one accepts, he is trying to demonstrate that, on
all possible hypotheses, it is impossible not to be a Stoic. Aristotle af
firmed that even when we say that we must not do philosophy, we are
still doing philosophy.34 Similarly, the arguments of Seneca and Marcus
Aurelius run as follows: even if we agree with the Epicureans, and say
that there is no universal Reason, and that therefore Stoicism is false, in
the final analysis we must nevertheless live like Stoics; that is to say, in
accordance with reason. " If everything is random, don't you, too, act at
random" (IX, 2 8) . This does not by any means signify the abandonment
of Stoic physics, which Marcus elsewhere fully accepts and recognizes as
the foundation of moral choice . What we have here is instead a kind of
thought-experiment, which consists not in hesitating between Epicure
anism and Stoicism, but rather in demonstrating the impossibility of not
being a Stoic. Even if Epicurean physics were true, we would still have to
renounce the Epicurean idea that pleasure is the only value. We would
still have to live like Stoics; which means recognizing the absolute value
of reason, and consequently the indifferent nature of those events which
are independent of our will. In any event, we will still have to practice
the discipline of desire, which, as we have seen, consists in making no
distinction between indifferent things, which do not depend upon us.
Again and again, we find ourselves returning to the same central
theme: the incommensurable value of moral good chosen by reason, and
of true freedom, which are values compared to which nothing else has
value. This affirmation of the virtually infinite value of autonomous
moral reason does not, however, prevent the Stoic-precisely because he
does attribute this value to reason-from concluding that it would be
highly implausible for us to possess reason, and yet for the All of which
we are only a part not to possess it. Either providence-in which we case
we must live like Stoics-or else atoms-in which case we still have to
live like Stoics. In the last analysis, however, the fact that we do live like
Stoics proves that there are no atoms, but rather universal Nature . We
must therefore always live like Stoics.
The disjunction I have just discussed, which was used to prove that,
whatever our hypotheses, we have to live as Stoics, was a traditional part
of a more vast and developed argument sketched by Seneca. 35 This argu
ment took into account all possible hypotheses on the ways in which
events may be brought about, in order to prove that, on all these hy
potheses, the Stoic philosopher's moral attitude remained unchanged.
The accompanying diagram presents these hypotheses schematically; in
this regard, the following passage from the Meditations is highly sig
nificant (IX, 2 8 , 2; numbers in parentheses refer to subdivisions of the
diagram) :
Either the universe's thought exercises its impulse upon each indi
vidual (5) . If this is so, then accept this impulse with benevolence .
Alternatively, i t gave its impulse once and fo r all (4) and every
thing else occurs as a necessary consequence (J) . Why, then, should
you worry?
Finally, if the all is God (2) , then all is well. If it is random ( 1 ) ,
don't you, too, act a t random.
As we can see, each of the hypotheses presented brings us back to the
fundamental attitude of the discipline of desire .
In the diagram, we note that the disjunction-a fundamental and
absolute opposition-is situated between the affirmation of chance
either by
chance (1)
[or not by chance]
either by
providence (2)
or by an impulse
or by an actual
or in some derivative
way, as the necessary
and particular
given once and
accompaniment of
impulse exercised
for all at the
beginning of the world,
providence's decision
hence in the past (4) ,
upon rational
(kat' epakolouthesin);
neither by chance nor
beings, and hence
directly by providence (3) .
in the present (5) ,
1 54
1 55
trator o r craftsman, who gets the best she can from the available materi
als. This has less to do with any defect of matter than with the very nature
of Reason. Reason demands a determinate, and therefore finite, obj ect.
The possibilities open to it are limited, and it must choose between quite
determinate contrary solutions, each of which have their drawbacks and
advantages. The result is not only a determinate universe which cannot
be other than the way it is-this is but another aspect of the doctrine of
Destiny-but also " such-and-such"39 a universe, which unfolds " such
and-such " an evolution from beginning to end, and repeats itself eter
When universal Reason produces the world, it engraves certain laws
into the coming-into-being of things. It is a law, for instance, that the
elements are in constant transformation, and yet that the beings brought
about by the transformation of the elements tend to preserve themselves.
The result of these fundamental laws, however, can be phenomena
which, on a subj ective level, seem to us to be repulsive, terrifying, or
dangerous. The law of the perpetual metamorphosis of the elements, for
example, has among its results death, dust, and mud; while the law of
self-preservation results in such defensive elements as a rose's thorns or a
lion's teeth. All these are incidental consequences of Nature's initial
The notion of necessary and incidental consequences is thus intimately
linked to the idea of a Providence which gives a one-time, originary
impulse (see hypothesis 4 above) . Everything then happens by way of a
necessary chain of events (kat' epakolouthesin), of which the effects that are
painful to humankind were not willed by the original impulse (hypothe
sis 3 ) . The two notions of originary impulse and consequential linkage,
then, strictly imply each other.
At the origin of everything is a single, universal impulse, which is the
work of Nature/Reason. We must not, however, imagine this impulse as
a "fillip, " to use Pascal's tenn40 when he said that the God of Descartes
does nothing more than snap his fingers in order to set the universe in
motion. We are not talking about an impulse imposed from outside by
some being different from the world, which then allows the world to roll
along like a billiard ball. On the contrary: the impulse Marcus speaks of is
imposed by a force which is within the world: the soul or mind of the
world. This must not be imagined in accordance with a model which is
mechanical, but rather according to an organic one; for the Stoics see the
development of the universe as like that of a living being, developing
from a seed. A seed has two aspects: on the one hand, it contains within
1 56
1 57
gods who care fo r human beings, who can be prayed t o , who are suscep
tible to pity, and who concern themselves with the smallest details oflife .
These two representations appear t o be completely incompatible, and
one might think that Marcus brings up the idea of a providence suscepti
ble to pity in the same way as he brought up the dilemma "providence or
atoms " : in order, that is, to show that we must maintain the same Stoic
attitude, no matter which hypothesis is true (XII , 1 4) :
Either the necessity of Destiny and unbreakable order, or else provi
dence capable of pity, or else directionless chaos.
If it is inflexible necessity, why do you resist?
Is it providence susceptible to pity? Then make yourself worthy
of divine assistance.
Directionless chaos? Then consider yourself fortunate that, in
midst of such a whirlwind, you possess within yourself a guiding
intelligence .
The very idea o f a providence capable o f pity does not seem compat
ible with the principles of Stoicism, insofar as it seems to imply that
universal Reason could deviate from its initial movement. Seneca em
phasizes this point: " If divine maj esty had done something which it later
had to modify, it would be an affront and the admission of an error. "43
God himself cannot change the course of destiny, because it is the neces
sity and the law which he has imposed upon himself. God is his own
necessity unto himself.
Nevertheless, the opposition between the unique initial impulse and
individual providence is not as radical as it appears at first glance. In order
to discover the true meaning of this opposition, we must simply take into
account religious attitudes, as well as the mythical language which ac
companies them.
It is certain that the theory of an individual providence is a response to
the need to personalize our relationship with the world and with Nature,
as well as to the need to sense God's presence, his goodness, and his
paternity. Such a need had been felt since the very beginnings of Stoi
cism; the famous Hymn to Zeus by the Stoic Cleanthes is a striking
testimony to it, since it requests the god's spiritual assistance: " O Zeus,
giver of all good things . . . save men from sorry ignorance. Chase it, 0
Father, far from our hearts . . . "44 Generally speaking, the figure of Zeus
is intended to provide a face for the impersonal force of the logos, Nature,
or the first Cause . Such an identification is clearly apparent in Seneca:
" The Ancients did not believe that the Jupiter [= Zeus] we adore on the
Capitol and in the other temples sent bolts of lightning with his own
hand. "45 On the contrary: by "Jupiter, " they meant the soul and mind of
the world.
All names are appropriate to him.
Do you want to call him Destiny? You won't be wrong, for it is
from him that all things are suspended; he is the cause of causes.
Do you want to call him Providence? You will speak rightly, for it
is by his counsel that the needs of the world are provided for, in
order that it may reach its appointed term without impediment, and
that it may unfold all its movements.
Nature? You will not be in error, for it is from him that all things
are born, and thanks to whose breath we live.
The World? You will not be wrong, for he is all that you see; he is
present in all of his parts and he conserves both himself and his
parts. 46
The rest of this passage applies the theory of the unique initial impulse
to Zeus-Jupiter:
Lightning-bolts are not hurled by Jupiter, but all things have been
so disposed that even those things which are not done by him do
not happen without that Reason which belongs to Jupiter . . . For
even if Jupiter does not now do these things himself, yet he has
caused these things to happen. 47
For the Stoics, the figures of the other gods correspond to the ele
ments which make up the world, and they represent the phases of the
general movement of the universe . Epictetus (III, r 3 , 4-8) mythically
depicts Zeus-that is to say, Reason or Nature-at the moment when
the universe, after a phase of expansion (diastole) followed by concentra
tion (systole) , is returned via a general conflagration to its seminal state: in
other words, the moment when Reason is alone with itself Will Zeus
cry out: " Oh unhappy me! I have neither Hera, nor Athena, nor
Apollo . . . "? " No, " says Epictetus: " Z eus then keeps company with
himself, and rests within himself . . . he entertains himself with thoughts
worthy of himself "
All this corresponds, then, to a religious need: the need to personalize
that power, to the will of which the discipline of desire instructs us
1 59
1 60
tions of Reason and Destiny more alive and personal. We can observe
this process at work, for example, in the following passage from Marcus
Aurelius 0/, 27) :
H e lives with the gods who constantly shows them a soul which
greets that which has been allotted to it with j oy; it does everything
that is willed by the daimi5n which Zeus has given each person as an
overseer and a guide, and which is a small parcel of Zeus. It is
nothing other than each person's intellect and reason.
Here, then, the daimi5n is straightforwardly identified with humankind's
inner reason or the proper nature of humankind, which is a part of
universal Nature and Reason.
Once we disengage the hypothesis of special and individual provi
dence from its mythical formulation, it can perfectly well be integrated
within the overall scheme of the Stoic theory of providence. The Stoics
not only thought that universal Reason had, by means of its initial im
pulse, set in motion a law of the development of the universe which has
as its goal the good of the Whole; but they also admitted that this
fundamental law of the universe has as its primary goal the good of
rational beings (V, 1 6, 5) :
Inferior beings are made for the purposes of superior ones, and
superior beings are made for one another.
Providence, then, is exercised directly, especially upon reasonable beings,
and by way of consequence it is also exercised upon other beings (VII ,
75) :
The Nature of the All gave the impulse in the past [= hypothesis 4] ,
so that the creation of the world might come about. Now, how
ever, either everything that happens happens as a consequence (kat'
epakolouthesin) of that [= hypothesis 3 ] , or else there is a tiny number
of things (oligista)-and these include the most important ones
which are the obj ect of a particular act of will [= hypothesis 5] on
the part of the world's guiding principle.
This " tiny number of most important things " refers to rational beings .
There is thus a general providence for the entire universe, which corre-
sponds t o the " initial impulse " which Marcus mentions here. There is
also a special providence for rational beings: it is a particular act of will,
which " exercises its impulse upon each individual, " as Marcus had said
elsewhere (IX, 2 8 , 2) . These two notions are not, however, mutually
exclusive, for the general law, which is immanent within the universe
and results from the initial impulse, wants rational life to be the end that
justifies the universe. Origen50 attributes this doctrine explicitly to the
Providence made all things primarily for the good of rational beings.
Rational beings, since they are the most important, play the part of
children who have been brought into the world. Non-rational and
inanimate beings play the part of the placenta which is produced at
the same time as the child. . . . Providence looks primarily to the
needs of rational beings, but non-rational beings also profit, by way
of accessory consequence, from what is made for human beings.
This text should not, however, be opposed to that in which Cicero
states that Jupiter does not care about the damage caused by hail in some
landowner's garden; for what counts from the Stoics' point of view is not
such morally indifferent things as harvests. For them, the only important
thing is humankind's moral elevation and its quest for wisdom. Divine
providence, creative and nurturing toward inferior creatures, becomes
the educator of human beings. Henri Bergson used to call the world " a
machine fo r making gods ";51 but the Stoics would gladly have called it a
machine for making sages.
Indeed, sages seem to be the privileged obj ects of this individual provi
dence. Note, for example, the following passage from Epictetus (III, 26,
28) :
Could God become so disinterested in his masterpieces, his servants,
and his witnesses: those he places as examples before people without
any moral training?
There is also this text from Cicero:52
The immortal gods do not only cherish the human race, but also
particular men . . . who could not have been what they were with
out divine assistance.
1 62
1 63
" he prescribed that for him, since it corresponded to the state of his
health. " In the second phrase, the event which comes to each
person has been assigned to him because it corresponded to his
destiny. . . . Let us therefore accept these events, just as we accept
the " orders " of Asclepius.
On the one hand, says Marcus, this event has happened especially for
you; it was " ordered " for you, was related to you, and was woven
together with you by the most ancient of causes. On the other hand, that
which was " ordered" for you in this way was the condition for the
efficient working and the very existence of the universe. 53
These two outlooks are not mutually exclusive, since each event is at
the same time the result of the general law of the universe, taken by itself,
and of this same general law of the universe, when applied to the good of
rational creatures.
Depending on which perspective one adopts, however, the practice of
the discipline of desire can take on different tonalities. One may be more
impersonal, tending as it does to eliminate all subj ectivity in the admiring
contemplation of the ineluctable laws of a maj estic but indifferent Nature
(IX, l ) . The other may be more personal, since it gives the individual the
feeling of contributing to the general good of the All , as he fulfills the
task, role, and destiny for which Nature has chosen him (VI, 42) :
We are all contributing to the accomplishment of a single result.
Some of us know this and cooperate consciously, whereas others do
so unconsciously. I think it was Heraclitus who said that those who
sleep are the workers and collaborators of what happens in the
world. . . . He who governs the universe will, in any case, know
perfectly well how to use you; he will know how to make you a
" His j oyless, disillusioned Meditations are penetrated by a profound pes
simism . . . they are an authentic testimony to the solitude of an intellec
tual. " These extracts from the catalogue54 of an exposition dedicated to
Marcus Aurelius in 1 98 8 provide a good summary of the idea most
historians since Renan have had of our philosopher-emperor. It is true
1 65
the method which defines things by reducing them to their parts (XI, 2 ,
2) , Marcus gives the following advice:
Except for virtue and that which relates to virtue, remember to get
right down to the parts which you've divided, and get to the point
where, by means of this division, you despise them. Then, transpose
this method to the whole of life .
Marcus' goal i s thus t o denounce false values, and t o s e e things i n their
naked, "physical " reality. Fancy foods are only cadavers; purple vest
ments are only sheep's hair; sexual union is only two bellies rubbing
together (VI , 1 3 , l ) . The war Marcus is waging, he says, is a hunt
analogous to that of the spider and the fly (X, I O, l ) , while social and
political life are not worth much (V, 3 3 , 2) :
Everything by which people set so much store in life is emptiness,
putrefaction, pettiness; little dogs nipping at one another; little chil
dren who laugh as they fight, and then suddenly burst into tears.
The same method is to be applied to people who think themselves
important (IX, 9) :
Imagine them as they are when they are eating, when they are
sleeping, when they are making love, or going to the bathroom.
Then imagine them when they are putting on airs; when they make
those haughty gestures, or when they get angry and upbraid people
with such a superior air.
We must always look to the "physical " reality; this also holds true for
fame, and the name which one leaves to posterity (V, 3 3 ) :
I t is nothing but a simple sound, as weak as an echo .
Likewise, by the method of dividing a whole into its parts, we may strip
life of its false appearances and reduce it to one of its moments:
Just as your bath appears to you-oil, sweat, filth, sticky water, and
all kinds of disgusting things--such is each part of life, and every
obj ect (VIII, 24) .
this " weakness " is nothing other than its " fluid" nature--that is, its
constant susceptibility to passive change and inability to act by itself,
which characterize Stoic matter.
It is also true that Marcus sometimes speaks of the body in terms of a
corpse (IX, 24; X, 3 3 , 6) ; but he himself tells us that he has learned this
from Epictetus (IV, 27) :
" You are nothing but a little soul carrying a cadaver, " as Epictetus
A glance at the Discourses as collected by Arrian does indeed reveal that
Epictetus used this expression several times (II , 1 9 , 27; III, ro, 1 5 ; 22, 4 1 ) ;
especially when h e wonders if his corpse i s his " self" (IV, 7, 3 1 ) . Else
where, Epictetus sometimes adds, as does Marcus, that the body is made
only of earth (III, 22, 4 1 ) . These expressions, then, which could be
classified as pejorative, are not Marcus' original invention.
Finally, when Marcus compares life to bath-water, together with the
oily dirt which it contains, he is doing nothing other than practicing the
method of physical definition of which I have spoken. If we want to see
things for what they are, we must also learn to see as they are the realities
which are indissolubly linked to everyday life, such as the physical and
physiological aspects of our bodily functions. We must also become
accustomed to the constant transformation of things within and around
us, including dust, filth, bad odors, and stenches. Such a realistic view
will enable us to face life as it really is. One is reminded of the words of
It is no less ridiculous to be shocked by these things than it is to
complain because you get splashed in the baths, or get shoved
around in a public place, or that you get dirty in muddy places.
What happens in life is exactly like what happens in the baths, in a
crowd, or on a muddy road . . . Life is not made for delicate souls. 56
Such a pitiless vision will strip life's obj ects of all the false values in
which our judgments wrap them up . The true reason for this alleged
pessimism is, then, that Marcus considers everything vile and petty in
comparison to that unique Value constituted by the purity of our moral
intention and the splendor of virtue. From this perspective, life is a
" stain" (VII , 47) . At the same time, however, such a way of looking at
life invites us to reflect on the relative and subj ective character of our
ideas of " stain" and of " repulsive things. " What is really repulsive is not
certain aspects of matter, but the passions and the vices.
In fact, the reason we consider certain aspects of physical reality " re
pulsive " is that we are the victims of a prejudice, and we therefore do not
know how to resituate such aspects within the vast perspective of univer
sal Nature. All these aspects are, in fact, the necessary but accessory
consequences of the original impulse which Nature once gave to the
origin of things (VI, 3 6 , 3 ) :
The gaping jaws o f a lion, poison, and everything unpleasant
mud, thorns, and so forth-are accessory consequences of these
sacred and venerable things on high. Don't imagine, then, that these
things are foreign to the principle which you venerate, but rather
rise up by your rational power to the source of all things.
Mud, dust, and dirty bath-water-all phenomena which we judge to
be repugnant-are in fact intimately linked to the processes, course, and
development of the world, which in turn can be traced back to universal
Reason. Marcus goes farther still (III , 2) :
We must also bear in mind things like the following: even the
accessory consequences of natural phenomena have something
graceful and attractive about them. For instance: when bread is
baked, some parts of it develop cracks in their surface . Now, it is
precisely these small openings which, although they seem somehow
to have escaped the intentions which presided over the making of
the bread, somehow please us and stimulate our appetite in a quite
particular way. Or take figs as an example: when they are perfectly
ripe, they split open. In the case of ripe olives, it is precisely the
proximity of rot which adds a unique beauty to the fruit. Ears of
corn which bend toward the earth; the lion's wrinkled brow; the
foam trailing from the mouth of boars: these things, and many
others like them, would be far from beautiful to look at, if we
considered them only in themselves. And yet, because these secon
dary aspects accompany natural processes, they add a new adorn
ment to the beauty of these processes, and they make our hearts
glad. Thus, if one possesses experience and a thorough knowledge
of the workings of the universe, there will be scarcely a single one
of those phenomena which accompany natural processes as a conse
quence which will not appear to him, under some aspect at least, as
t o the same world, and come from the same source, a s w e do. It thus
means " doing physics " in the sense of becoming aware of the unity of
Nature and its accord with itself He who is familiar with Nature associ
ates himself with Nature's self-accordance; in Marcus' words, he is " no
longer a stranger in his homeland, " and is " a man worthy of the world
which has engendered him" (XII , l , 5) .
It is only when one considers the things in life from a cosmic perspec
tive that they can appear both beautiful and valueless: beautiful, because
they exist, and yet valueless because they cannot accede to the realm of
freedom and morality. Instead, they vanish rapidly into the infinity of
space and time, and the uninterrupted flux of becoming (VI , 1 5 , 2) :
In the midst of this river, in which one cannot stand still, who could
attach any value to any of the things which flow past?
Marcus never tires of contemplating the great laws of Nature. He is
particularly fascinated by the perpetual metamorphoses of all things, and
this is what he is constantly trying to contemplate:
Acquire a method for contemplating how all things are transformed
into each other: concentrate your attention on this ceaselessly and
exercise yourself on this point (X, l l ) .
When you regard each substance, imagine that it is already being
dissolved, is in the midst of transformation, in the process of rotting
and being destroyed (X, 1 8) .
Thus, Marcus tries to perceive the process of dissolution already at
work in the people and obj ects which surround him. He would certainly
have approved of Princess Bibesco, who, in order to meditate upon
death, had only to contemplate a bouquet of violets. 59 Marcus recalls the
imperial courts of the past-that of Augustus, for example-in order to
realize that all these people who have, for an instant, come back to life in
his memory are in fact long dead. This is no more a case of obsession
with death or morbid complacency than when, in the film The Dead
Poets ' Society, Robin Williams, who plays a teacher of literature, makes
his students carefully study a picture of the school's old boys. In order
that his students appreciate the value of life, the teacher wants them to
become aware that all the boys in the picture-apparently so alive-are
now dead. He hopes they will thereby discover life's preciousness, as he
1 72
instills in them Horace's saying Carpe diem (" Seize the day! ") . The only
difference in these two outlooks is that for Marcus the only value is not
just life itself, but moral life.
Marcus' vision of universal metamorphosis teaches us not to fear
death, which is only a particular instance of such metamorphosis (II, 1 2 ,
3 ) , and not t o attribute any value t o transitory things (IX, 2 8 , 5 ) . A t the
same time, however, it sweeps the soul along toward the contemplation
of the grandiose spectacle of Nature, which constantly transforms all
things " so that the world may always be new" (VII , 2 5 ) .
In the immensity of the universe, and the infinity of time and space,
Marcus annihilates himself in a kind of intoxicated vertigo, as many
others had done before him.
Such a vision of the totality of substance and of time can be obtained
by a view from above:60 that is, the soul's flight above all things, in the
immensity of the universe (IX, 3 2) :
You will open up a vast field fo r yourself as you embrace the totality
of the cosmos in your thought, conceive everlasting eternity, and
consider the rapid metamorphosis of each individual thing.
Marcus allows himself to be swept along by the revolutions of the
stars, and the torrential metamorphosis of the elements (VII , 4 7) :
For such images purify us from the stains of terrestrial life.
Marcus plunges in thought into a universe which conforms to the
Stoic model: a universe, that is, which is finite within the immensity of
the surrounding void, and which ceaselessly repeats itself within the
infinity of time (XI, l , 3 ) :
The soul traverses the entire world and the void which surrounds it,
as well as its form; it extends itself throughout the infinity of eter
nity, and it embraces and conceives the periodic rebirth of the
Human beings are made for infinity, and their true city and fatherland
is the immensity of the whole world. In the words of Seneca:61
How natural it is for man to extend his spirit throughout all immen
sity . . . The only limits which the human soul allows are those
1 73
1 74
Clouds, "62 the Cynic Menippus tells a friend how, discouraged by the
disagreement among philosophers about the ultimate principles of the
universe, he decided to go up to the heavens himself, in order to see how
things really were. In order to fly, Menippus fixed himself up with wings:
the right wing was that of an eagle, and the left that of a vulture. He then
took off in the direction of the moon. Once there, he could see the
entire earth from above, and just like Homer's Zeus, he says, he could
observe now the land of the Thracians, now that of the Mysians-even,
if he wished, the lands of Greece, Persia, and India. Such variety fills him
with pleasure, but he also observes the people:
The whole of human life appeared to me; not only the nations and
the cities, but every individual: some were sailing ships, others
waging war, and others on trial.
Menippus observes not only what is going on out in the open, but also
what is happening behind closed doors, where everyone thought they
were perfectly well hidden.63 After a lengthy enumeration of the crimes
and adulteries which he sees being committed inside the houses, Menip
pus resumes his remarks, calling everything a hodge-podge, a cacophony,
and a ridiculous spectacle. In his view, the most ridiculous thing of all is
to see people quarreling over the borders of a nation, since the earth
appears minuscule to him. The rich, says Menippus, have darned little to
be proud about. Their lands are no bigger than one of Epicurus' atoms,
and when people gather together they resemble a swarm of ants. Menip
pus finally leaves the moon and travels among the stars until he reaches
Zeus, where he is amused at the ridiculously contradictory nature of the
prayers which human beings send up to this god.
In another of Lucian's dialogues, entitled Charon or The Overseers, we
find Charon, ferryman of the dead, asking for a day off in order to go up
to the surface of the earth and see what life is like-this life which the
dead miss so much when they arrive in Hell. With the help of Hermes,
Charon piles several mountains on top of each other and climbs up on
them in order to observe human life. We then have the same kind of
description which we have already encountered in the Icaromenippus or in
Marcus Aurelius: an enumeration of sailing ships, armies at war, trials,
farmers working their fields-a wide variety of activities, but everywhere
life is full of torments. As Charon remarks, " If people realized from the
beginning that they are mortal, and that, after a brief soj ourn in life, they
must leave it as they would a dream, and leave everything upon this
1 75
earth, then they would live more wisely and die with fewer regrets. "
But, continues Charon, people are unaware of their condition, like the
bubbles produced by a raging stream, which vanish as soon as they are
This look from above at man's earthly life takes on a form peculiar to
Cynicism. One sign of this is the fact that the dialogue Charon bears the
Greek title Episkopountes, or " Those who watch. " The Cynic philoso
pher, for his part, believes that his role is to watch over people's actions.
He is a kind of spy, lying in wait for mankind's defects in order to
denounce them, as Lucian himself says .64 It is the Cynic's j ob to watch
over other men; he is their censor, and he observes their behavior as if
from the heights of an observatory. The Greek words episkopos (" over
seer") and kataskopos (" spy") , moreover, traditionally designate the Cyn
ics in the ancient world. 65 For them, the view from above was meant to
denounce the senseless way in which people led their lives. It is no
accident that, in this dialogue, it is precisely Charon, ferryman of the
dead, who thus looks at human affairs from above; for looking at things
from above means looking at human affairs from the point of view of
death. Only this point of view can give us the detachment, elevation, and
distance which are indispensable in order for us to see things as they
really are.
The Cynics denounced that form of human madness which attaches
itself so passionately to things, such as luxury and power, which people
will inevitably have to abandon. This is why they urge them to rej ect
superfluous desires, social conventions, and artificial civilization-all of
which are the source of their worries, cares, and sufferings-and encour
age them to return to a simple, purely natural style of life .
Thus, our philosopher-emperor coincides with Lucian, the ancient
equivalent of Voltaire, in this imaginative exercise of the view from
above, which is also a view of things from the point of view of death. It
is, moreover, a merciless view, which strips false values naked.
Among these false values is fame. Marcus came up with remarkable
formulas to denounce our desire to be known, either by our contempo
raries or by posterity:
Short is the time which each of us lives; puny the little comer of
earth on which we live; how puny, finally, is even the lengthiest
posthumous glory. Even this glory, moreover, is transmitted by little
men who'll soon be dead, without even having known themselves,
much less him who has long since been dead (III, r o , 2) .
Are you obsessed with a little bit of glory? Turn your eyes to the
rapidity with which everything is forgotten. Think about the abyss
of eternity, infinite in both directions; and about the vanity of the
echo which reaches us. Think about how quickly those who now
seem to be applauding change their minds, and have no judgment;
think also about the narrowness of the space by which your fame is
circumscribed. The whole earth is no more than a point, and of this
point only the tiniest part is inhabited. From such an origin, how
many people will there be to sing your praises, and of what charac
ter? (IV, 3 , 7-8) .
Soon, you will have forgotten everything; soon, everyone will have
forgotten you . . . (VII , 2 1 ) .
In a short time, you will no longer be anything or anywhere . .
(VI , 3 7) .
While the view from above reveals that human affairs are only an
infinitesimal point within the immensity of reality, it also allows us to
discover what Marcus calls to homoeides, which we could render as both
the identity and the homogeneity of all things. This is an ambiguous
notion: it can mean, for example, that in the eyes of one who plunges his
gaze into the cosmic immensity, everything is within everything else.
Everything holds itself together, and the entire universe is present in each
instant of time, as well as in each part of reality (VI , 3 7) :
He who has seen the present has seen everything: all that has oc
curred from all eternity, and all that will occur throughout infinity,
for everything is homogeneous and identical in form.
Death, then, will not deprive me of anything, since I have already, within
each instant, had everything. At any moment at which the limits of its life
cease, the soul attains its end. Within each present moment, I possess
everything I can expect from life : the presence of the entire universe and
presence of universal Reason, which is the presence of one and the same
thing. At each moment, I possess all of Being, present in the least of
If, however, we are afraid to die, because we would like to continue
enj oying life, honors, pleasures, and all other false human values, then to
homoeides, or homogeneity, takes on a different meaning. For one who
1 77
1 79
1 80
Practical Reason:
Two things fill the soul with ever-new and ever-growing admira
tion and awe, the more frequently and constantly one applies one's
reflection to them: the starry sky above me and the moral law within me.
These are two things which I have neither to search for, nor simply
to presuppose, as if they were shrouded in darkness or plunged
within a transcendent region, beyond my horizon: I can see them in
front of me and I attach them immediately to the consciousness of
my existence. The former begins at that place which I occupy within
the sensible world, and extends my connection to that which is im
mensely large, with its worlds upon worlds and its systems of sys
tems, in addition to the unlimited times of their periodic move
ment, their beginning and their duration. The latter begins at my
1 82
to us .
This fine serenity risks being disturbed by the discipline of active
impulse and action, since in this case it is a matter of acting, not accept
ing. We now must engage our responsibility, not just consent; and we
must enter into relations with beings-our fellow creatures-who pro
voke our passions precisely because they are our fellow creatures: beings
whom we must love, although they are often hateful.
Here again, the norm will be found to be conformity with Nature:
not, this time, that universal Nature which we know in general to be
rational, but one of the more specific and determinate aspects of this
universal Nature: human Nature, the Nature of the human race, or that
Reason which all people have in common. This is a particular norm,
which is the basis of precise obligations: insofar as we are parts of the
human race, we must
( r ) act in the service of the whole;
(2) in our actions, respect the hierarchy of values which may exist be
tween different types of action; and
(3 ) love all human beings, since we are all the members of one single
Another way of putting it would be to say that humankind is ruled by
the laws of four natures. In the first place, people, as parts of the All , are
ruled by universal Nature. They must consent to the great laws of this
Nature-in other words, to Destiny and to the events willed by this
universal Nature. For the Stoics, however, who had developed an entire
theory of the lower levels of Nature, the Greek word physis which we
translate as " nature " can also , when used without a qualifier, mean the
faculty of growth which is peculiar to each organism. Plants possess
nothing but this faculty of growth, while human beings have it within
them, alongside other faculties. It is this faculty, for instance, which
forces people to feed themselves and to reproduce . We must, says Marcus
(X, 2) also observe the demands of this law of vegetative " nature . " For
instance , we have the " duty"-1 shall return to the meaning of this
term-to conserve ourselves by nourishing ourselves, as long as the
satisfaction of this demand has no negative effects upon the other internal
faculties which we have within us. For human beings are not only a
" faculty of growth" (physis), but also a " faculty of sensation " : this is a
higher level, which also goes into the constitution of humankind. Mar
cus (X, 2) calls it a " force " or " nature " of the animal. This law of
animality also has its own demands with regard to humankind: in this
case, self-conservation is achieved through the vigilance of the senses.
Here again, we have the duty to carry out our functions as animals
provided with sensation, as long as the higher inner faculties are not
thereby damaged. To exaggerate the role of sensation would mean com
promising the workings of Nature, that faculty higher than sensation
which is also called reason.
All this, then, corresponds to the discipline of action, which implies all
the acts and movements which respond to the requirements of integral
human nature. As we have seen, this nature is, at the same time, the
faculty of growth, of sensation, and of reason. Marcus is then quick to
add (X, 2) : " The rational faculty is simultaneously the faculty of social
life " ; in other words, the law of human and social reason demands that
we place ourselves entirely in the service of the human community.
In many of his Meditations, Marcus emphasizes the symmetrical oppo
sition which arises between the discipline of action and the discipline of
desire. For example:
Act as your own nature commands you; put up with whatever common
Nature brings to you (XII, 3 2 , 3 ) .
Am I really carrying out an action? I am carrying it out, when I relate
it to the good of humankind. Is something happening to me? I greet
1 86
(ta kathekonta)
Epictetus often repeats that the exercise-theme whose obj ect is active
impulses and actions corresponds to the domain of what the Stoics called
the kathekonta, usually translated as " the duties. " Marcus Aurelius is not
explicit on this point, but when, in the context of this exercise-theme, he
speaks of actions performed "in the service of the human community"
(IX, 6; XI, 3 7) , he is using Epictetus' terminology, and thereby shows his
familiarity with the latter's doctrine . Within the Stoic system, moreover,
human actions necessarily belong to the domain of the kathekonta.
Let me briefly resituate this notion within the totality of Stoic teach
ing. Its fundamental principle, as we have seen, is that there is no good
but the moral good. What is it, however, that makes a good a moral
good? In the first place, the fact that it is located within humankind, and
the things which depend on us: thought, active impulses, and desire.
Second, our thought, active impulse, and desires must wish to conform
to the law of Reason. There must be an effective will, wholly oriented
toward doing the good. Everything else, therefore, is indifferent, which
means it is without intrinsic value. As examples of indifferent things, the
Stoics enumerated life, health, pleasure, beauty, strength, renown, and
noble birth-as well as their opposites: death, sickness, pain, ugliness,
weakness, poverty, obscurity, and humble birth. All these things do not,
in the last analysis, depend on us, but on Destiny, and they do not
provide us either with happiness or with unhappiness, since happiness is
located only in our moral intentions. Here, however, a twofold problem
arises: on the one hand, it is not enough to want to do good; we must also
know what concrete acts to undertake. On the other hand, how should
we live and orient ourselves in life, if everything that does not depend on
us is neither good nor bad? This is where the theory of " duties " or
" appropriate actions "2 (kathekonta), or of " suitable things, "3 comes in. It is
intended to provide a field for exercising our good will, and to provide
us with a practical code of conduct which would, in the last analysis,
allow us to make distinctions between indifferent things, and to accord a
relative value to things which are, in principle, without any value.
Here, we can glimpse the "physical " roots of Stoic ethics. In order to
determine what concrete actions must be performed, the Stoics take as
their starting-point a fundamental animal instinct, which expresses the
will of Nature. By virtue of a natural impulse which impels animals to
love themselves and to accord preference to themselves, they tend to
preserve themselves and to rej ect whatever threatens their integrity. It is
in this way that what is " appropriate " to nature is revealed to natural
instinct. With the appearance of reason in human beings, natural instinct
becomes reflective choice.4 At this stage, we recognize rationally which
things have "value, " since they correspond to the innate tendencies
which nature has placed within us. Thus, it is " natural " for us to love life ,
for parents t o love their children, and that human beings, like ants and
bees, should have an instinct of sociability: that is, that they should be
prepared by nature to form groups, assemblies, and cities. Getting mar
ried, engaging in a political activity, serving one's country, are all " appro
priate " to human nature and therefore have a " value. " Nevertheless,
which does not-is far from being a sure thing. T o the question, " Ought
we to do good to someone who may be ungrateful? " Seneca5 replies as
When it comes to action, we can never wait until we have an
absolutely certain understanding of the entire situation. We only
take the path down which we are led by probability. Every " duty"
(efficium) must follow this path; for this is how we sow, sail, make
war, get married, and have children. In all these things, the result is
uncertain, but we nevertheless decide to undertake those actions
which we think have some hope of succeeding. . . . We go where
reason-and not the absolute truth-leads us.
According to Epictetus (II , 6, 9) :
Chrysippus was quite right to say, so long as the consequences
remain hidden from me, I remain attached to the things which are
best able to permit me to obtain that which is in conformity with
nature, for God himself has made me able to choose between things
of this kind. If, however, I knew for a fact that Destiny had reserved
sickness as my fate, then I would head toward it; for if the foot had
any intelligence, it would head toward the mud. "
Thus, the Stoics do not only say " I don't know whether my action
will succeed. " Rather, they also say: " Since I don't know in advance
what the results of my actions will be, and what Destiny has in store for
me, I have to make such-and-such a decision in accordance with prob
ability and a rational estimate, without any absolute certainty that I am
making the right choice or doing the right thing. "
One of the most dramatic choices which a Stoic could face was that of
suicide. Stoicism considered that suicide-in specific circumstances and
for good reasons; in other words, according to rational probability-was
a choice open to the philosopher. Thus, even though life would seem to
be more in conformity with nature, circumstances can bring us to choose
death. Similarly, as we have just seen, Chrysippus used to say that the sage
would choose sickness rather than health, if he knew with certainty that
such was the will of Destiny.
In the area of rational and probabilistic choice, the Stoics tried to
define what ought to be done in various possible situations. Their trea
tises entitled On Duties were, at least in part, manuals of casuistry, and
1 92
one can see from the differences in the judgment of particular cases that
existed between the leaders of the various schools that their " rationally
justified" choices could only be based upon probability. Here are some
examples, preserved by Cicero in his treatise On Duties, 6 of the cases
which were discussed in the schools, and of the divergent responses to
them. Is a man who sells his house obligated to disclose all of its defects to
a potential buyer? Yes, said Antipater of Tarsus; no, said Diogenes of
Babylon. During a food shortage, a businessman had bought wheat in
Alexandria, and was transporting it by boat to Rhodes. He knew that
other boats were following him, and that the price of grain would soon
go down. Should he say so? Yes , said Antipater; no, said Diogenes of
Babylon. Obviously, the position of Antipater is closer to the fundamen
tal principles of Stoicism, and the arguments he uses to j ustify his position
are the same ones used by Marcus Aurelius to found the discipline of
You must care for the salvation of all human beings, and serve the
human community. Nature has fixed as a principle that your par
ticular usefulness should be the common usefulness; and, recipro
cally, that the common usefulness should be your particular useful
ness . . . You must remember that there is a community between
human beings, which has been formed by Nature herself7
It seems as though Epictetus-and therefore, in all probability, Marcus
Aurelius, who follows him-pictured himself as representing the more
orthodox tradition which, starting with Chrysippus, went on through
Antipater of Tarsus and Archedemus. Still, the fact that different Stoics,
while remaining faithful to the fundamental principles of the school,
could nevertheless propose completely different ethical choices in the
cases we just observed is a good indicator of the fact that there existed
some degree of uncertainty concerning the relationship between the
moral end-which was unanimously agreed upon-and the " appropriate
actions " which ought to be undertaken in order to attain it.
Stoicism is often regarded as a philosophy of certainty and intellectual
self-confidence . In fact, however, it was only to the sage-that is, to an
extremely rare being who represented more an inaccessible ideal than a
concrete reality-that the Stoics attributed infallibility and perfect sound
ness of judgment. Most people, including philosophers-who, in their
own view, are precisely not sages-must painfully orient themselves
1 93
1 94
would be easy to j oke about such a " good intention, " which quickly
gives up its goal at the first difficulty that arises. In fact, however, the
contrary is true. Stoic intentions are not " good intentions " but " inten
tions that are goo d" in other words, firm, determined, and resolved to
overcome all obstacles. It is precisely because the Stoic refuses to give up
easily on his decision that he formulates a reserve clause, in quasi-judici
ary terms. In the words of Seneca: 1 1
1 95
possible, then that is enough for you. What is more, no one can
prevent you from achieving its completion.
Here we can grasp-in the flesh, as it were-the fundamental Stoic
attitude. In the first place, the Stoic " composes " his life, by accomplish
ing his actions one by one. In other words, he concentrates upon the
present instant and the action he is accomplishing right now, without
allowing himself to be troubled by the past or the future. As Marcus says
(VII , 6 8 , 3 ) :
For me, the present i s constantly the matter o n which rational and
social virtue exercises itself
Second, this concentration on the present introduces order into one's
life, allowing problems to be arranged in a series, so that " one is not
troubled by the representations of an entire life " and by the difficulties
which one may encounter (VIII, 3 6, 1 ) . It gives a harmonious form to
life, just as, as in a dance movement, one passes from one graceful
movement to another (VI, 7) :
Your only j oy, and your only rest, is to pass from one action per
formed in the service of the human community to another action
performed in the service of the human community, together with
the remembrance of God.
Third, each action upon which good intentions and good will are
focused finds its completion and its plenitude within itself, and no one
can prevent us from completing it and succeeding in it. This is the
paradox mentioned by Seneca, to the effect that even if the sage fails, he
succeeds. Marcus takes up this theme, by saying that no one can prevent
him from giving his own actions their completion and plenitude (VIII,
3 2) :
No one can stop you from having it attain its completion.
-But surely something external will prevent it from being com
-Be that as it may, no one can stop you from acting with justice,
temperance, and prudence.
-But perhaps some other one of the action's effects will be
1 97
to the exercise of a certain virtue that I was practicing, I can find in that
very obstacle the opportunity to practice another virtue . For example, if
someone were to devote himself to the service of the human commu
nity, and thereby devoted himself to exercising the virtue ofjustice, then
a sudden illness would constitute an obstacle to this virtue, but it would
also provide the opportunity to exercise oneself in consenting to the will
of Destiny. At each instant, the good person tries to do what seems to
him in reasonable conformity with that which Reason wants. If, how
ever, Destiny reveals its will, then he accepts it wholeheartedly (VI, 5 0) :
First try to persuade them, but act against their will, if the reasonable
order ogos) of justice leads you that way. If, however, someone
violently stands in your way, then shift over to that disposition
which greets that which does not depend on us serenely and with
out regrets, and use this obstacle to practice another virtue. And
remember that your impulse to act was always " with a reserve
clause, " for you did not desire the impossible . What, then, did you
desire? Nothing other than to have such an impulse; and that you
have achieved.
Thus, we always come back to the fundamental will and intention to
be in conformity with reason. It is thanks to them that we have complete
inner liberty with regard to the obj ects of our action. The failure of a
given action does not trouble our serenity, for such a failure does not
prevent the action from being perfect in its essence and intention, and it
gives us the opportunity either to undertake a new action, better adapted
to circumstances, or else to discipline our desire by accepting the will of
Destiny. Thus, our basic intention and will find new fields for exercise
(IV, 1 ) :
If the principle which commands within us is in conformity with
Nature, it is always ready, when anything happens, to adapt itself
without difficulty to what is possible and what has been granted to
it. It does not like to restrict itself to one subj ect matter. No doubt it
directs its intention-"with a reserve clause "-toward obj ects wor
thy of being preferred; but if something else is substituted for these
obj ects, then it turns it into matter for itself, just like fire, which
triumphs over everything thrown upon it, by which a feeble flame
could easily be extinguished. A quick and violent fire, by contrast,
1 99
which is at the ongm of the world, wants the good of the All ; in
particular, it wants the good of that summit of the All constituted by
rational beings. With a view to this end, God's good intention makes
everything-even obstacles and resistances-turn out for the best. The
unique intention of the sage comes to identify itself with this divine
intention, by wanting only what divine goodness wants: primarily, the
good of other rational beings. It, too , transforms every obstacle which
opposes the realization of a given action or a specific goal into good,
insofar as it utilizes such obstacles in order to consent to the will of God
or of universal Nature. Thus, for the good will, everything is good.
The first reason why we must do good unto others, without asking for
anything in return, is that, by virtue of the principle " what is good for the
whole is good for the part, " doing good unto others is the same as doing
good to oneself To this we can add the fact that performing such an
action brings j oy: the j oy of doing one's duty, but also, and more impor
tant, the j oy of feeling that human beings are not only the parts of one
single whole, but the limbs of one single body. If, as Marcus says, you
have not yet understood that you are a member of the body made up of
rational beings (VII, 1 3 , 3 ) ,
. . . then you do not yet love human beings from the bottom of
your heart; you do not yet rej oice purely and simply in doing good,
and, moreover, you only do good for appearance's sake, not yet
because you do good to yourself in this way.
Up until this point, it might justifiably be thought that the motivation
of actions performed in the service of the human community is not
entirely pure, for one still expects some usefulness out of it for oneself In
other words, one still hopes to gain from such actions some kind of
happiness, however disinterested it may be. This is the noble Stoic prin
ciple that "virtue is its own reward, " which would later be taken up by
Spinoza.17 Nevertheless, one does still speak of a " recompense, " and one
is conscious of doing good. Therefore, one runs the risk of watching
oneself do good.
Marcus goes farther in his demands for purity, when, in order to
provide a foundation for the disinterested nature of good actions, he
introduces the notion of natural functions (IX, 42, 1 2) :
What more do you want when you have benefited some human
being? Isn't it enough for you to have done something in conform
ity with your nature? Do you want to get paid for that? It's as if an
eye were to ask for compensation because it sees, or the feet because
they walk . . .
Elsewhere, Marcus tells us that there are three types of benefactor: he
who openly considers the recipient of his benefits as his debtor; he who
only thinks this, and knows that, nevertheless, he did good for the other's
sake; and finally, he who does not know what he has done (V, 6, 3 ) :
H e i s like a vine which bears grapes and does not seek anything
more, once it has given its own fruit; or like a horse which runs, a
dog which hunts; or a bee which makes its honey. Thus, the person
who does good does not know it, but he moves on to another
action, as the vine will give its grapes again when the proper season
comes. We must therefore be like those who, in a way, do good
Here we can see the Stoic notion of " action in conformity with
nature " taking on a new meaning. Each species has an inborn instinct,
given to it by nature, which impels it to act in accordance with its
structure and its constitution: thus it impels the vine to produce grapes,
the horse to run, and the bee to make honey. Thus, every species acts in
accordance with its nature. That which corresponds to instinct within
the human species is the impulse to act (horme); that is, the will and
intention to act in accordance with reason, which defines the human
constitution. Acting in accordance with reason means preferring the
common interest-that of humanity-to one's own interests. Thus, act
ing in accordance with reason means acting in conformity with nature.
Just as bees and vines do the work which is proper to bees and vines, so
human beings must do the work which is proper to human beings.
Precisely because doing good is the same thing as acting naturally, how
ever, good actions must be accomplished spontaneously, purely, and
almost unconsciously. Animal instinct, like a force which never exhausts
itself in its manifestations, somehow transcends all the actions which it
accomplishes, as it passes spontaneously from one action to another; it
does not linger to take pleasure in any specific action. In the same way,
moral intention transcends all the actions which it inspires, and passes
" from one action to the next, "18 without considering these actions as
ends in themselves, without claiming ownership of them, and without
wanting to derive any benefit from them. It therefore remains com
pletely free with regard to its actions, and it accomplishes them natu
rally-that is to say spontaneously, and in a way unconsciously. As Christ
had said: "When you give alms, let your left hand not know what your
right hand is doing. "19
Later, Plotinus20 would affirm that
20 3
20 5
He thinks about future misfortunes, but only in order to add right away
that it does no good to worry about them in advance. This implies that
misfortunes which exist only in the future are not genuine misfortunes:
It is not the past or the future which weigh upon you, but only the
Besides, Marcus knows that if one concentrates on the present, and
circumscribes misfortunes at the moment when they occur, it will be
easier to put up with them one instant at a time. The exercises of
concentration on the present and of preparation for misfortune are thus
intimately linked and mutually complementary.
The evils that we fear are, moreover, not really " evils " in the toic
sense of the term. The preparation for difficulties and hardships consists
essentially in recollecting the fundamental principles of Stoicism, while
still thinking about the future. The first principle we must recall is that
what we consider an evil is really an event willed by Destiny. Conse
quently, it must be resituated within the overall movement of the
Whole, and be given the "physical " definition of which I have spoken.
In other words, apparent evils must not be considered anthropomorphi
cally, but as natural phenomena.
It is from this perspective that we may interpret the exercise of fore
seeing misfortunes, as we found it in the passage from Epictetus which
Marcus cites: "When you kiss your child, you must say to yourself in
your mind: 'Perhaps you will be dead tomorrow. "' Epictetus continues
by imagining the following dialogue (III, 24, 86-87 = Marcus Aurelius,
XI, 3 4) :
" Those are words of ill omen. "
-" They are not ill-omened at all; rather, they are words which
mean nothing other than a natural process. Or would it be 'ill
omened' to say that grain will be harvested? "
Marcus himself often returns to this theme; as we have seen, he affirms
that the things which seem unpleasant and painful to us are only the
necessary consequences of natural laws.
Finally, the exercise of preparation consists in remembering the Stoic
dogma that will enable us to understand that whatever difficulties, obsta
cles, trials, and sufferings may happen to us are not evils, since they do
not depend upon us and fall outside the realm of morality.
As we have seen, when our action fails or encounters an obstacle, the
Stoics-and Marcus Aurelius the Stoic-seem to tell themselves: "My
intentions were good, and that's what really counts. Destiny has decided
otherwise. I must accept its will and resign myself; the virtue I must
practice now is not justice but the virtue of consent. I must switch from
the exercise of the discipline of action to that of the discipline of desire . "
This posed a problem for the Stoics. Marcus does not articulate it
explicitly, but it was very real for him; it might even be called the drama
of his life.
How can we avoid having our consent to the will of universal Na
ture-that will which is preventing our action from being accom
plished-transformed into fatalistic resignation and nonchalance? How
can we not be overcome by worry and even by anger, when our collabo
rators impede our action or when Destiny-by means of plagues, wars,
earthquakes, or flo ods-prevents us from achieving the happiness of the
Empire? Above all, what should we concretely do, when the obstacles,
difficulties, and trials which Destiny has willed turn up?
Epictetus had devoted one of his Discourses (II , 5) to the problem:
" How can concern coexist with greatness of soul? " By " greatness of
soul, " Epictetus meant " serenity, " while by " concern" he meant "being
concerned about acting well. " This is the same problem that we are
facing now.
In order to reply to it, Epictetus used a comparison taken from dice
games. It does not depend upon me, he reasoned, that a particular die
should fall. Likewise, the fact that I am in a certain situation, or that
circumstances present an obstacle to my action, does not depend upon
me, but upon Destiny. I must accept my situation with serenity, and
consent to it. In a dice game, however, it does depend on me to play the
die that does fall with concern, care, and skill. Similarly in life: it does
depend on me to use the die which has fallen-that is, the circumstances
of my action such as they have been willed by Destiny-with care,
attention, and skill.
We find this conception of action-at least implicitly-in a passage by
Marcus which has the merit of recapitulating the various situations in
which the Stoic may find himself when he undertakes an action (X, 1 2 ) :
What good is it to suppose, when you can clearly see what must be
done? If you see this, you must travel that path, benevolently, but
without turning around.
Marcus emphasizes that such an energetic, firm, and unshakable decision
must not impede our benevolent dispositions. He repeats this motif in
another passage (VIII, 5 , 2) :
Do what the nature of man demands, without turning aside from
the path you have entered upon, in accordance with what seems
most just to you. Only do it with benevolence and discretion,
without any posing.
One can, of course, have doubts about what one ought to do
(X, 1 2 , 1 ) :
If you cannot see what must be done, then suspend your judgment
and use your best advisers.
Obstacles-willed by Destiny-can also arise:
If other things oppose your plan, then keep advancing, and, after
having considered things at length, use whatever resources are avail
able to you, while holding firmly to that which seems just to you.
The " resources " which we can find in any given situation are the
possibilities which we must be able to exploit in our dice game. They
must, however, be exploited in a rational and thoughtful way, so that
two apparent opposites may be reconciled: the serenity of the sage, who
is not troubled by dramatic situations, but accepts reality for what it is;
and the concern of the man of action, who pursues whatever action he
has undertaken, in spite of all obstacles and difficulties, modifying it in
accordance with circumstances, yet always remaining aware of the goal
which must be his: justice and the service of the human community.
After all , isn't inner peace the surest guarantee of effective action?
As we have seen, the discipline of action consists essentially in acting for
the good of the community. Once again, divine action is the model for
human action (V, 3 0) :
The Intellect o f the All cares about the common good o f the All
(koinonikos) . This is why it has done the lower things for the sake of
the higher, and has set the higher things in harmony with one
another. See how it has introduced subordination and coordination;
how it has distributed to each thing its portion, in accordance with
its value; and how it has brought the most excellent things together
into a state of mutual concord.
Here the Intellect of the All appears like a good king who watches
over the health of the City. He cares about the well-being of his subj ects,
the other rational beings, and places inferior things-that is, animals,
plants, and inanimate things-in their service. He institutes community,
harmony, and concord among rational beings, and distributes goods with
justice. Such an anthropomorphic and "political" representation of the
City of the World should not, however, make us forget that the relation
ship between the Intellect and intelligent beings is based upon Nature
herself The City of the World is first and foremost the common City of
rational beings-gods and men-ruled by that law which is at the same
time common and particular to each of these beings . It is also simultane
ously Reason and Nature, since their nature is reasonable. The very
definition of " man " is " rational animal" (VII , I I ) :
For rational animals, action in confonnity with nature is at the same
time in conformity with reason.
The goal of rational animals is to obey Reason and the Law of the
most venerable city (II , 1 6 , 6) .
This most venerable City is the City on high, of which man is the
citizen and " of which the other cities are mere houses " (III, I I , 2) .
"What is a man? " Epictetus had asked (II , 5 , 26) .
A part of a city. Of the first city, that is, which is made up of gods
and men; then of that which is so called in order to come as close as
possible to it, and which is a tiny image of the whole.
As Emperor, Marcus could not fail to be attentive to such a doctrine,
which placed his entire life in question, as we can see in the following
Meditation, which forms, as it were, his motto or his rule of life (VI ,
44, 6) :
2 12
2 13
ni5nikoi: that is, they tend naturally to place themselves in the service of
the All , and to ensure the unity of the All .
In a particularly beautiful Meditation, Marcus evokes the great " uni
ties " which reveal to us the fundamental unity of all things (XII , 3 0) :
" The light of the sun is one, " even if walls present an obstacle to it. " One
is the common substance, even if it is divided among thousands of bodies
which possess individual qualities. " " One is the intelligent soul, " even if
it seems to divide itself If there is a force of unity in all things, albeit an
unconscious one, then, by contrast, in the unity constituted by the intel
ligent soul-constituted, that is, by all the intelligent souls which partici
pate in it and which are one with it-there is this particular privilege to
tend consciously " to j oin that which is akin to it and to unite with it. "
" This passion for community knows no obstacles. "
Here we can glimpse, beyond the unifying forces which cause bodies
to be held together, a universe of transparency and innerness where
minds tend toward one another in reciprocal community and intimacy.
Rational beings are linked together, insofar as their intention, like that of
the divine Intellect, wills the good of the All ; and hence to the extent
that their intentions coincide with the end willed by the divine Intellect.
Such a spiritual universe is thus one of concordant wills. From this point
of view, moral intention becomes an absolute value and a goal in itself,
which transcends all the particular goals to which it may be applied, and
each rational being, insofar as it is free to have this moral intention,
becomes in turn an end for itself and for others. Marcus never tires of
repeating this (see, for example, IX, 1 ) :
Universal Nature has made rational beings for the sake of one
In a sense, then, it could be said that this community of rational beings
which the divine Intellect unites around itself reminds one of the " king
dom of ends " discussed by Kant. For Kant, this "kingdom of ends "
corresponds to the community of rational beings, insofar as it is linked
together by the law which each person postulates and accepts for himself
This law prescribes that each rational being must be an end in itself, both
for itself and for others, by virtue of the moral freedom within it.26 It is
because rational beings postulate the moral end for themselves as a law
that they are themselves an end in themselves. As Marcus said, such an
end is to be preferred above all else (XI, 1 , 4) :
2 14
2 15
If someone did something good, he praised him for it, and he used
him in the task in which he excelled; but he did not take the rest of
his conduct into consideration. He used to say that it was impossible
to create men the way one would like them to be, but that it was
fitting to use men such as they are for the tasks in which they are
2 19
The people who have value are those who carry out their " duties "
conscientiously. They are those who, in the domain of political and
everyday life-which is also the domain of indifferent things-do what
needs to be done, even if they do not do it in a Stoic spirit (that is,
considering that the only absolute value is the moral good) .
The model of this j ustice which distributes goods as a function of
personal merit, without favoritism, and in all impartiality, is divine ac
tion. There is nothing surprising about this, for mankind's moral action
proceeds from his rational nature, which is a part of or an emanation
from divine rational nature. Marcus says of this divine nature (VIII, 7, 2) :
It has no obstacle; it is intelligent and just, since it carries out a
distribution-equal and in accordance with value (kat' axian)-of
time, of substance, of causality, of activity, and of the conjunctions
of events.
One might think that an " equal " distribution cannot be " in accord
ance with value " ; but we must recall that, since Plato and Aristotle,32
political equality had been a geometrical equality-in other words, it had
been a proportion in which it was fitting to attribute a superior good to a
superior value, and an inferior good to an inferior value. Distribution was
proportionate to arete, which once designated aristocratic nobility, but
which for the Stoics meant nobility of the soul, or virtue. Stoic justice,
then, was aristocratic : not in the sense that it consisted in giving wealth
and power-that is, indifferent things-to the aristocratic class, but in the
sense that it made the consideration of value and of moral responsibility
enter into every decision of political and private life . The historian
Herodian relates that when it came time for Marcus Aurelius to marry off
his daughters, he did not choose patricians or rich personages for them,
but men of virtue . Wealth of the soul, Herodian continues, was, in
Marcus' eyes, the only genuine, proper, and inalienable wealth.33
Divine action, then, is " without obstacle " and "just" because it is
supremely rational, which means that it imposes an order upon itself. In
the first instance, such an order subordinates particular goals to one
unique end: the intention to ensure the good of the Whole. This is why
divine action has no obstacles: because it aims at one thing only through
out all the particular goals, and knows how to make all the obstacles
which seem to oppose it cooperate toward this unique end. Divine
action also introduces an order and a hierarchy of values among the
particular goals it assigns to itself. Inferior beings-minerals, plants, and
22 1
the universe. Divine action is a unique action, which seems to adapt itself
marvelously to each particular case. It is, then, as if " it was brought about
by someone who distributed to each his portion, in accordance with his
merit" (IV, r o) . This holds true for the lower beings, which, as Marcus
said (VII I , 7, 2) , receive their portion of duration, substance , and causal
ity in accordance with their value in the hierarchy of beings. Yet it is still
more true in the case of rational beings. Destiny distributes to each
person that which corresponds to his or her being and value. Each event
is in perfect conformity with the person to whom it happens:
Love only the event which happens to us, and which is linked to us
by Destiny. After all, what could be better suited to us? (VII , 5 7) .
Such-and-such an event happened to you, was coordinated with
you, was set in relation to you, was woven together with you, from
the beginning, starting from the most ancient of causes (V, 8, 12) .
Has something happened to you? Good! Every event that comes
your way has been linked to you by Destiny, and has been woven
together with you, starting from the Whole, since the beginning
(IV, 26, 4) .
Whatever happens to you was prepared for you in advance from all
eternity, and the network of causes has woven together your sub
stance and the occurrence of this event for all time (X, 5) .
Everything that happens, then, happens in a just way, because every
thing that happens to us brings us that which belongs to us and was owed
to us-in other words, that which suits our personal value-and there
fore also contributes to our moral progress. Divine justice is an educator.
The end it aims for is the good of the Whole, as ensured by the wisdom
of reasonable beings.
The Stoic Diogenes of Babylon34 said that, in the definition ofjustice
as that virtue which gives to each person the portion corresponding to
his or her value, the word "value" (axia) meant " the portio n: due to each
person" (to epiballon) . The mystery of divine justice shows itself in such
nuances of vocabulary. Marcus Aurelius, for instance, speaks (X, 25) of
"He who administers all things, " that is to say, he adds, " who is the Law
(nomos) which distributes (nemon) to each person that which is due to him
(to epiballon) . " "What is distributed according to the laws is equal for all "
(XII , 3 6, r ) . When, therefore, the divine Law gives to each person the
portion which corresponds to his value, this means at the same time the
portion which is due to that person as a function of his merit and of what
he is, and the portion which falls to his lot or is given to him by fate or
Destiny. It is thus at the same time what people choose to be their own
moral decision, and what the Law, by means of its initial decision, chooses
that they should be. In the same way, the daimon (that is, individual
destiny) , which according to Plato is attached to each soul, is assigned to
it by fate, and yet is chosen by it. 35
Such, then, was the ideal of j ustice which his Stoic faith proposed to
Marcus, and if he could, he would certainly have realized on earth such a
justice which takes only moral value into consideration, which has no
other obj ective than human moral progress, and for which " indifferent"
things have value only as a function of the assistance they may provide for
moral progress. We shall see that Marcus did not have many illusions
about the possibility of what he ironically called " the realization of
Plato's Republic . "
Such an ideal ofjustice could, however, inspire an overall inner dispo
sition, which imitated both the impartiality of universal Reason, which
imposes the same law upon all, and the attentive solicitude of provi
dence, which seems to adapt itself to each particular case and take care of
each individual, taking into consideration the individual's particular
strengths and weaknesses.
In order to describe this attitude, one might quote a passage from
Louis Lavelle,36 who, without wishing to give an account of Stoic doc
trine, gives quite exact expression to the spirit ofjustice according to the
There is a sacred indifference: it is that which consists in according
no preference to any of the beings upon our path, but in giving
them our entire presence, and responding with precise faithfulness
to the call they utter to us. This is positive indifference, which is the
converse of negative indifference, with which it is often confused.
Positive indifference only requires us to reserve for all the same
luminous greeting. We must keep the balance between them equal:
may there be in us neither prejudice, nor predilection to cause the
beam to sway. It is then that, in our conduct toward them, we
become capable of introducing the most subtle differences; all the
while giving to each person what he expects, requires, and is fitting
for him. Here, the most perfect justice becomes one with the purest
love, and we cannot tell whether it abolishes all choice , or whether
it is everywhere the same loving choice.
We all know that " not making any distinction " is the same thing
as being just; it means applying the same rule to all, without intro
ducing any exception or favor into our judgment. It is to place
ourselves in the point of view of God, who embraces all beings in
the simplicity of one single glance. Yet this glance is the opposite of
an insensitive glance; it is a loving glance which distinguishes,
within each individual being, precisely what he or she needs: the
words that touch him, and the treatment that he deserves.
22 4
When someone gives his assent to error, know that it was not done
on purpose, for " every soul is deprived of the truth against its will, "
as Plato says. Rather, what was false seemed to him to be the truth.
Epictetus goes on to remark that what corresponds to truth and error in
the area of action is duty and its contrary, as well as the advantageous and
its contrary. We cannot not choose what we think is duty, or what is
advantageous. The mistake is therefore an error, and as long as the soul
has not been shown the error of its ways, it cannot behave otherwise.
Why, then, should we be angry at it?
Shouldn't you rather have pity for those who are blind and muti
lated with regard to what is most important, as we have pity for the
blind and the lame?
This gives Epictetus the opportunity to describe the ideal attitude which
the Stoic must exhibit toward his fellow man (II , 22, 3 6) :
With regard to those who are different from him [by the principles
of their life] , he will be patient, gentle, delicate, and forgiving, as he
would toward someone in a state of ignorance, who missed the
mark when it came to the most important things. He will not be
harsh to anyone, for he will have perfectly understood Plato's
words: "Every soul is deprived of the truth against its will. "
Following Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius also felt tremendous respect for
the unconscious desire for the truth and the good, which constitutes the
most profound wellspring for mankind's rational nature. Marcus takes
pity on the illness of those souls which, against their will, are deprived of
what they obscurely desire:
"Every soul, " says Plato, " is deprived of the truth against its will. "
And the same holds true of j ustice, temperance, benevolence, and
all such virtues. It is therefore absolutely necessary to remind your
self of this constantly. Thus, you will be more gentle with others
(VII , 63 ) .
If they do not act rightly, it is obviously against their will and out of
ignorance. For " every soul is deprived, against its will, of truth " just
22 5
Epictetus (II, 1 2 , 4 ; II, 26, 7) had said that we must, like good guides,
set those who have gone astray back on the right track again, without
mocking them or insulting them. If we do not succeed, we must not
make fun of the person who has gone astray, but rather must become
aware of our own inability and accuse ourselves, rather than the person
whom we cannot persuade. As we have just seen, Marcus adds to this
that we must not even be upset with ourselves, for it could be that some
people are incorrigible, and " it is necessary that there be some such
people in the world" (IX, 42, 2) .
Be that as it may, we must try to convert those who go astray and are
ignorant of genuine values. Above all, however, we must do this without
getting angry (VI, 27, 3 ; V, 2 8 , 3 ) . What is more, we must display an
infinite delicacy. It seems as though Marcus was extremely sensitive to
the tact and gentleness with which souls must be treated, and with which
we must try to change their way of perceiving the world and the things
within it. I must address others
without humiliating them, and without making them feel that I am
merely putting up with them, but with genuineness and goodness
(XI, 1 3 , 2) .
. . . without irony, without humiliation, but with affection, and a
heart free from bitterness; not as one would act in school, nor in
order to be admired by some bystander, but truly one on one, even
if others are present (XI, 1 8 , 1 8) .
There is a great wealth of psychological observation in these remarks,
and a remarkable sense of the purity of intention. The paradox of gentle
ness is that it ceases to be gentleness if we make an effort to be gentle: any
artifice, affectation, or feeling of superiority will destroy it. Delicacy only
acts insofar as it does not seek to act, with an infinite respect for beings,
and without any shadow of violence, be it only spiritual. Above all, we
must not do violence to ourselves in our attempt to be gentle. Gentleness
must possess an almost physiological spontaneity and sincerity. Marcus
expresses this in a striking way (XI, 1 5) , as he satirizes those people who
begin their conversation by saying, " I 've decided to be frank with you. "
What good are these words? asks Marcus:
If you are sincere, it must be written on your forehead, ring out
instantly in your voice, and shine from your eyes, just as a beloved
person immediately sees his lovers' feelings in their eyes . . . The
22 7
person who is good, without duplicity, and gentle, has these quali
ties in his eyes, and everybody can see them.
Even more strikingly, Marcus states that goodness can be sensed when
one approaches a good person, just as, whether one likes it or not, one
immediately smells the odor of someone who smells bad. This pure
gentleness and delicacy have the power to change people's minds, to
convert them, and to make those who are unaware of genuine values
discover them:
Goodness is invincible, if it is sincere, without a phony smile, and
without affectation (XI, 1 8 , 1 5) .
Far from being a weakness, goodness is a strength:
It is not anger that is manly, but gentleness and delicacy. It is because
they are more human that they are more manly; they possess more
strength, more nerve, and more virility, and this is precisely what is
lacking in the person who gets angry and loses his temper (XI , 1 8 ,
What underlies its strength is the fact that gentleness is the expression
of a profound urge of human nature, which seeks harmony between
people. In addition, its strength resides in the fact that it corresponds to
the domination of reason, whereas anger and ill-temper are mere illnesses
of the soul.
In the words of Louis Lavelle,
Gentleness is so far removed from weakness that it alone possesses
genuine strength. . . . All wills become tense when one tries to
defeat or break them; but gentleness can persuade them. Only it can
triumph without a combat, and transform an enemy into a friend. 40
One might say that only gentleness has the power to reveal to people
the good of which they are unaware, although they desire it with all their
being. It acts both by its persuasive force and by the unexpected experi
ence that encountering it represents for those who know only egotism
and violence. It brings with it a complete reversal of values, by making
those who are its obj ect discover their dignity as human beings, since
they feel themselves to be deeply respected as beings who are ends in
themselves . At the same time, gentleness reveals to them the existence of
22 9
Liars, unjust people, and all those who persist in error nevertheless
retain-at least in their essence-their rational nature and the uncon
scious desire for the good which is inscribed in it. They must therefore
be treated with respect and gentleness:
I cannot be angry with one who is related to me, nor hate him, for
we were made to cooperate (II, I , 3 ) .
Imagine that they are akin t o you, that they sin out o f ignorance and
against their will (VII , 2 2 , 2) .
It is just as much a sign of weakness to get angry at them as it is to
give up an undertaking you have begun . . . both the man who
allows himself to be frightened, and he who denies the person
whom nature has given him to be a friend and a kinsman, are
equally deserters (XI, 9, 2 ) .
Such an attitude, based on the idea of the community between rational
beings, finally leads to the doctrine of the love of one's neighbor, which
extends even to those who commit injustices against us.
23 0
The reason for this is that human beings, if they live in accordance
with reason, become keenly aware that they belong to one great body:
that of all rational beings. Insofar as he is part of this All, man is every
body else, as much as he is himself (VII , 1 3) :
As are the limbs o f the body in organic unities, such is the relation
ship between rational beings , who, although they exist within sepa
rate bodies, are nevertheless constituted in order to realize one
single and harmonious activity.
This concept will impress itself better within you if you often
repeat to yourself I am a limb (melos) of the organism (sustema)
formed by rational beings. But if you only use the letter rho, saying
that you are a part (meros), then you do not yet love mankind from
the bottom of your heart. You do not yet find your j oy, without
seeking anything else, in the simple fact of doing good to others.
Moreover, you are acting for the sake of mere appearance, not yet
because when you do good, you are doing good to yourself
This feeling of belonging, and of identification with a kind of " mysti
cal body " which Kant was to call the kingdom of ends, j oins the almost
mystical feeling of belonging to the cosmic Whole. The unity of the
latter, like that of the "body of rational beings, " is ensured by the univer
sal presence of Reason-that is to say, of God himself
The Stoic 's fundamental attitude is thus the love of those realities in
whose presence he is constantly placed by the All, which are intimately
linked to him, and with which he somehow identifies himself (VI, 3 9) :
Harmonize yourself with the things to which you are linked by
As for the people to whom you are linked by Destiny: love them,
but genuinely.
For the basis of reality is love . In order to express this idea, Marcus
appeals to the grandiose mythical image of the marriage of Heaven and
Earth (X, 2 1 ) :
The Earth loves! She loves the rain! And the venerable Ether? I t loves
too ! The World, too, loves to produce that which must occur. And I
say to the World: I , too, love--along with you. Don't we say:
" such-and-such loves to happen? "
23 1
What fascinates Marcus here is that this mythical image means that
natural processes are, in the last analysis, processes of union and of love.
He notes that language itself seems to express this vision, since in ancient
Greek, in order to designate a thing which habitually occurs or tends to
happen, one says that it "loves " to happen. If things love to happen, we
too must love that they happen.
Thus, the ancient image of the hieros gamos allows us, in a mythic way,
to glimpse the grandiose perspective of the universal love which the parts
of the Whole feel for one another, as well as the comic vision of a
universal attraction which becomes more intense the higher one climbs
on the scale of beings, and the more conscious they become (IX, 9) . The
closer people get to the state of wisdom-in other words, the closer they
approach to God-the more the love which they feel for one another
for all other human beings, as well as for all beings, even the most
humble-grows in depth and in lucidity.
It cannot, then, be said that "loving one's neighbor as oneself" is a
specifically Christian invention. Rather, it could be maintained that the
motivation of Stoic love is the same as that of Christian love. Both
recognize the logos or Reason within each person. Even the love of one's
enemies is not lacking in Stoicism:
When he is beaten, the Cynic [for Epictetus,41 the Cynic is a kind of
heroic Stoic) must love those who beat him.
We have seen Marcus assert that it is proper, and therefore essential, to
human beings to love those who make mistakes. One could say, how
ever, that the tonality of Christian love is more personalized, since this
love is based on Christ's saying: "What you have done to the least of my
brethren, you have done to me. "42 In the Christian view, the logos is
incarnate in Jesus, and it is Jesus that the Christian sees in his fellow man.
No doubt it was this reference to Jesus which gave Christian love its
strength and its expansion. Nevertheless, Stoicism was also a doctrine of
love. As Seneca43 had said:
No school has more goodness and gentleness; none has more love
for human beings, nor more attention to the common good. The
goal which it assigns to us is to be useful, to help others, and to take
care, not only of ourselves, but of everyone in general and of each
one in particular.
Since very early times, it seems that there existed a model or a canon
of the four fundamental virtues. In the fifth century B.c., Aeschylus, in
his tragedy The Seven Against Thebes (verse 6 r n) , enumerates four basic
values when discussing Amphiaraos: he is wise (sophron), just (dikaios),
brave (agathos), and pious (eusebes). Wisdom consists in knowing, with
reserve (aidos), one's place in society and in the world-in other words,
in having a sense of mankind's limits. Justice consists in behaving well in
social life. Bravery, of course, is courage in the face of difficulties, and
especially in combat. Piety, in the case of Amphiaraos, who is a seer,
corresponds to the knowledge of things divine and also human. In the
fourth book of Plato's Republic (427e ff. ) , there appears a systematization
and justification of this enumeration of the four virtues. Plato distin
guishes three parts of the soul: " reason, " " anger" (to thumoeides), which
means that part which urges people on to fight, and " desire " (epithumia).
Three virtues correspond t o these three parts o f the soul: prudence o r
wisdom t o reason, courage t o anger, and temperance t o desire. It i s u p to
justice to ensure that each part of the soul carries out its function: that
reason is prudent, anger courageous, and desire temperate. The three
parts of the soul, moreover, correspond to the three social classes of the
Republic: reason is the distinctive feature of the philosophers, anger of the
guardians, and desire of the workers. In the State as in the individual,
then, justice will be realized if each class and each part of the soul fulfills
its function perfectly. This systematization, which is linked to a specific
political model, and which makes justice the virtue which contains the
three others, is not to be found in the rest of Plato's dialogues, where the
four virtues are enumerated in various contexts, and without any par
ticular theorization.1
In their description of moral life, the Stoics also allude to the four
virtues.2 Here, however, they are not subordinate to one another, but are
all on the same level. They mutually imply one another, as do the parts of
philosophy. It is enough to practice one in order to practice them all.
Nevertheless, it is difficult to find in our surviving summaries of Stoic
doctrine the real reason why it is necessary that there be only four
fundamental virtues. The definitions of the various virtues are rather
divergent, but we may note the following: prudence is the science of
what ought and ought not to be done; courage is the science of what
ought and ought not to be tolerated; temperance is the science of
what ought and ought not to be chosen; and justice is the science of what
ought and ought not to be distributed. Unlike Plato, the Stoics do not
appear to link the four virtues to the parts of the soul.
23 5
23 7
If you find something in human life better than justice, truth, tem
perance, and bravery . . .
In fact, the continuation of this passage reduces these four virtues to
the disciplines of desire and of action (III, 6, r ) , when it becomes appar
ent that they consist
in thought which is content with itself (in those things in which it is
possible to act in accordance with right reason) , and which is con
tent with Destiny (in those things which are allotted to us, inde
pendently of our will) .
The virtues are linked to the functions of the soul: truth and the
intellectual virtues are linked to reason; justice to active impulses; and
temperance to desire. Where, then, can we find a place for courage? It
seems to be shared between temperance, qua strength in adversity and
suffering, and justice, qua active force.
We find no trace of this theory of the virtues in the Discourses of
Epictetus, as reported by Arrian. This does not prove, however, that it
did not exist. As I have said, it was impossible for Arrian to have trans
mitted all of the teachings of Epictetus; moreover, the discourses which
he did note down do not correspond to a systematic exposition of the
whole of philosophy.
Be that as it may, a first sketch of this doctrine may be glimpsed well
before Epictetus. In Cicero's treatise On Duties, 5 which in its first book
reproduces the teachings of Panaetius, the ancient virtue of prudence
becomes " the knowledge of truth " ; justice is based on the social links
between human beings; strength becomes greatness of soul, linked to
scorn for the things which do not depend on us; and temperance submits
our desires to reason. In a way, then, Panaetian strength and temperance
correspond to the discipline of desire in Marcus Aurelius. In the last
analysis such comparisons are rather tenuous, but they do allow us to
glimpse an evolution of the Stoic doctrine of the virtues, which culmi
nates in the synthesis attested in Marcus.
J oy
In Marcus' view, these three disciplines and virtues bring to the soul the
only true j oy which exists in the world, since they place the soul in the
possession of all that is necessary: the one absolute value .
23 9
2 42
katorthosis, which the Stoics used to designate such actions: it means that
they follow a straight way (V, 1 4) .
Joy has its roots in that profound tendency of living beings which
impels them to love that which makes them exist, and this means not
only their own structure and unity, but the All, without which they
would be nothing, and of which they are integral parts. It also means
Nature and her irresistible movement, of which they are but a tiny
moment, but with which they identify themselves wholly, by means of
their moral will.
Finally, and most important, j oy is based on the recognition of the
unique value of the one necessary thing that can exist in this human
world: the purity of moral intention. We cannot find
in human life, a good superior to justice, truth, temperance, and
strength (III, 6, 1 ) ,
and this, therefore, i s the good which w e must enj oy (VI, 47, 6) :
Only one thing has value down here: to spend one's life in truth and
justice, all the while remaining benevolent to liars and to the unjust.
2 44
himself and produce an effect upon himself Even if this effect was
efficacious at one moment, however, it would soon lose its strength, and
the exercise would have to be begun again in order constantly to revive
the certitude derived from the striking formulations of the principles and
rules oflife.
This state of affairs will thus lead us to question the attempts of psy
chological history, on the basis of the text of the Meditations, to arrive at
conclusions about " the Marcus Aurelius case "-for instance, about his
stomach ailments or his opium addiction.
This does not mean, however, that Marcus is totally absent from the
Meditations, or that any Stoic who happened to be in Marcus' situation
could have written approximately the same work. It is true that the
Meditations attempt, as it were, to eliminate the point of view of indi
viduality, in order to rise up to the level of universal and impersonal
Reason; yet Marcus the individual still shines through, in this ever-re
newed and never finished effort to assimilate the principles of Reason, in
order to apply them to his particular circumstances. In the last analysis,
this apparently impersonal work is highly personalized. Marcus has a
favorite style and themes; he sometimes has obsessions and lacerating
preoccupations, which arise from his carrying out the business of an
emperor. We know very well what Marcus wanted to accomplish by
writing this work: to act upon himself, place himself in a certain state of
mind, and respond to the concrete problems which the various situations
of daily life posed for him.
24 5
nature "-is to be coherent with oneself In all this, no "identity crisis "
on the part of Marcus can be discerned.
Moreover, when discussing Marcus' dream, Dodds does not give a
complete report of what the ancient historians had to say. The Historia
Augusta, 10 for example, tells us that not only did the young man dream
that he had ivory shoulders, but that he wondered if they would be able
to support a burden, whereupon he discovered that they were extraordi
narily stronger. Cassius Dio,1 1 writing shortly after Marcus' death, spe
cifies that in his dream, Marcus could use these shoulders just as easily as
the other parts of his body. In fact, however, the question is not what
such a dream might represent to a person of modem times, but what it
may have meant to a person of antiquity. The mistake made by some
kinds of psychological history is to proj ect back onto the past our mod
em-day representations, according to which shoulders which are " other"
must correspond to " another" man. What we must try to understand is
what the images which appeared to the people of antiquity in their
dreams could represent within their collective mentality. As Pierre Gri
mal12 has shown, for them ivory shoulders immediately brought to mind
the story of Pelops. Pelops' body, tom to pieces by his father Tantalus,
had been served to the gods for dinner. Demeter, still grieving over the
death of her daughter Persephone, was the only one not to recognize the
dish, and she ate Pelops' shoulder. Clotho, goddess of Fate, replaced it
with an ivory shoulder and revived the young Pelops. According to the
Images by Philostratus, who wrote a few decades after the death of Mar
cus, Poseidon was dazzled by the sight of this ivory shoulder, and he fell
in love with Pelops. "When the night covered the earth, the young man
was illuminated by his shoulder, which shone like the evening star in the
midst of the darkness. "13
To have ivory shoulders was thus to be the obj ect of divine solicitude
and grace; it was to be protected by Fate, as personified by Clotho. In the
situation of increased responsibility announced by his adoption, the ivory
shoulders announce the help from the gods and from Fate which will
make Marcus strong enough to assume his task. This, for a man of
antiquity, is the true meaning of Marcus' dream.
The psychosomaticist R. Dailly and H. van Effenterre have under
taken collaborative research in order to diagnose what they call " the
Marcus Aurelius Case. "14 In particular, they sought to know the reason
why, in a kind of contradiction with his principles, this emperor sur
rounded himself with highly dubious characters. He chose as co-ruler his
adoptive brother, Lucius Verus; he entrusted the position of Commander
in Chief over the entire East to Avidius Cassius, the general who later
took up arms against him; and finally, he chose as his successor in the
imperial dignity his son Commodus, who was to become a tyrant com
parable to Nero . " These were three fine male specimens, " write the
authors of this article, "who had a definite ability to enchant the crowds;
and we are entitled to wonder whether they did not also exert a kind of
unconscious fascination upon Marcus Aurelius . " Thus, right at the be
ginning of the article, we encounter the thesis which the two authors
mean to defend: the philosopher-emperor was a weak man, lacking in
virility, who felt the need to compensate for his doubts and hesitations by
surrounding himself with strong, self-confident men. Here we can
glimpse the inner workings of this kind of psychological explanation:
people believe they have uncovered a highly characteristic symptom,
which is not in fact the symptom of anything, since it is not even a
symptom. Nothing proves that Marcus chose these individuals out of
attraction toward their virile force. The elections of Lucius Verus,
Avidius Cassius, and Commodus were dictated by complex political
reasons, which historians have analyzed thoroughly. Nor is there any
thing to prove that these " fine male specimens " (were they indeed so
fine?) were really so sure of themselves. Since, however, the subj ect of
this book is the Meditations, I do not wish to allow myself to be dragged
into the domain of history. I wish simply to affirm, most firmly, that the
Meditations do not, either in their goal or in their content, permit us
either to affirm or to deny that Marcus was a weak man, that he lacked
virility, or, as our two authors would have it, that he had a stomach ulcer.
They arrive at this last diagnosis on the basis of the following passage
from the historian Cassius Dio:15
[During the Danubian campaign] , he became physically very weak,
to the point that, at the beginning, he could not stand the cold, and
after the soldiers had been assembled on his order, he had to retire
before having spoken to them . . . . For it was not his custom to eat
anything during the day, with the exception of the medicine called
theriac. He took this not because he was afraid of anything, but
because his stomach and his chest were in poor shape. And it is said
that it was because of this medicine that he was able to resist this
illness, and others as well.
This text makes no mention of any chronic illness, but rather refers to
Marcus' state during the Danubian campaign. Elsewhere, Cassius Dio
bears witness to the fact that the Emperor was vigorous in his youth, and
that he took part in violent sports like hunting.16 According to Dio, it
was the worries of his office and his ascetic ways that weakened his body.
Be that as it may, our two authors, after having diagnosed a gastric ulcer,
move on to the psychological correlates of this illness:
The ulcerous man . . . is he who is essentially withdrawn into him
self, worried and preoccupied . . . His neighbors are masked from
him by a kind of hypertrophy of the self: it is himself, in the last
analysis, that he seeks in others . . . Conscientious to the point of
minutiae, he is more interested in the technical perfection of ad
ministration than in those human relations of which administration
should be only the sum total. If he is a thinking man, he will incline
to seek for justifications, to compose superior personalities, and to
adopt Stoic or Pharisaic attitudes. In the area of ethics, he will be
virtuous by effort, good by application, and a believer by force of
I am not qualified to debate the scientific value of the psychological
portrait which these two authors trace of these " gastropaths, " although it
would be interesting to ask them if they recognized themselves in this
dark portrait. What I question is the possibility of deriving from the
Meditations even the slightest hint which might confirm or invalidate this
description of Marcus Aurelius' psychology. The authors are completely
mistaken as to the nature of this work when, to justify their diagnosis,
they claim that the Meditations respond to a need for "justification in his
own eyes, " and constitute " a long series of exhortations to persist in the
path chosen beforehand. " As we have seen, the Meditations do not repre
sent an exceptional phenomenon, proper to Marcus. Such written medi
tation was highly recommended by Stoic masters, and is, moreover, still
practiced today by people who do not have a stomach ulcer, but who are
simply trying to live in a somewhat human way. And this is not a case of
self-justification, but rather of an attempt at self-criticism and self-trans
formation. These variations on themes supplied by Epictetus cannot
inform us about the Emperor's gastric ulcer, and can tell us nothing
decisive about the Marcus Aurelius " case. " Here we have a good exam
ple of the dangers of psychological history when applied to ancient texts .
Before we present the interpretation of a text, we should first begin to
distinguish between, on the one hand, the traditional-one might almost
say "prefabricated"-elements used by the author, and, on the other,
Africa bases his claim on three pieces of evidence. He takes up the
passage from Cassius Dio discussed above, which, while describing the
Emperor's state of health during the winter campaigns on the Danube,
told us that he did not consume anything during the day except an
antidote called theriac. He did this not because he was afraid of being
poisoned, as we saw, but in order to calm his chest and stomach. Else
where, Africa mentions a work by Galen entitled On Antidotes, which
describes the different ways of preparing theriac, the usefulness of this
medicine, and the way in which Marcus used it. Finally, Africa thinks he
can discover visions and psychic states produced by opium abuse within
the Meditations.
Here is how Africa summarizes the evidence of Galen18 on Marcus'
theriac consumption:
When he found himself getting drowsy at his duties, he had the
poppy juice removed [from the mixture] . . . But, then, he was
unable to sleep at night . . . . So he was obliged once again to have
recourse to the compound which contained poppy juice, since this
was now habitual with him.
If we read Galen's text19 through to the end, however, we find that it
says precisely the opposite of what Africa wants to make it say. In the
continuation of his text, Galen specifies two things. In the first place,
when Marcus took up the mixture containing poppy juice again, his
personal physician, Demetrius, made sure that it contained aged poppy
juice, which did not have the same soporific effect. Second, after the
death of Demetrius, Galen himself was responsible for preparing the
25 1
2 52
could vary, and, on the basis of the antidote of the younger Antimachus
(Galen XIV 42) , a kyamos (Marcus' daily dose) would contain about
0.03 3 gram of opium, hardly sufficient for addiction. "
In that case, however, can we still speak of an opium addiction? Yes,
says Africa, because Marcus displays two symptoms: his " odd detachment
from domestic realities, " and the "bizarre visions " which we find in the
Meditations. The strange detachment mentioned by Africa is probably
for he never clarifies the point-what historians have always censured
Marcus for: his apparent indifference to the infidelities of his wife
Faustina and to the extravagances of his colleague Lucius Verus, as well as
the unfortunate choice he made of Commodus as his successor. As we
have already seen, however, the question with regard to Lucius Verus
and Commodus is very complex, and political motives must have played
a large role in determining Marcus' attitude . As for Faustina: she bore
Marcus thirteen children, and he mentions her briefly but very emotion
ally in the first book of the Meditations. Everything leads us to believe that
she was the victim of court gossip . Be that as it may, it is difficult to see
why Marcus' attitude was any more a symptom of opium addiction, as
Africa maintains, than it was of a stomach ulcer, as Dailly and van Effen
terre had thought.
There remain the "bizarre visions. " Here, bad historical psychology
reaches one of its summits; this is a piece worthy of an anthology. I quote
T. W. Africa:23
Marcus' vision of time as a raging river carrying all before it into the
abyss of the future was no school doctrine of life viewed from the
Porch, but an attempt to express the extended perspectives of time
and space which opium had opened up to him. Temporal and
spatial dimensions were accelerated until Europe was but a speck
and the present a point and men insects crawling on a clod. History
was no longer a reference but an actual pageant of the past. Marcus
shared the exacerbated sensations of his fellow opium-addict De
Quincey:24 " The sense of space , and, in the end, the sense of time,
were both powerfully affected. Buildings, landscapes, etc . , were
exhibited in proportions so vast as the bodily eye is not fitted to
receive them. Space swelled and was amplified, to an extent of
unutterable infinity. This, however, did not disturb me so much as
the vast expansion of time; I sometimes seemed to have lived for 70
or I oo years in one night; nay, sometimes had feelings representative
2 54
feelings; like a river, time sweeps everything away. "29 Finally, we also
encounter this river in Ovid: " Time flows in perpetual movement; like a
river, wave is pressed by wave. "30
When Seneca uses the expression propane, which means " represent to
yourself" or "place before your eyes the bottomless chasm of time, " he
emphasizes that he is speaking of an exercise of the imagination, which
the Stoic must practice. We find an exercise of the same kind in those
Meditations in which Marcus seeks to embrace the dimensions of the
universe by his imagination, or to see things from on high, in order to
reduce them to their true value:
25 5
compared to the vast circle described by this star . . . " Was Pascal, then,
also an opium addict?
Marcus also transports this view from above onto the past (X, 27) :
Think constantly about this: how all events which are similar to
those which are happening now, have also happened in the past;
and think that they will happen again. Place entire dramas, and
homogeneous scenes, which you know through your personal ex
perience or through ancient history, before your eyes: for instance,
all of Hadrian's court; or that of Antoninus; the whole courts of
Philip, Alexander, or Croesus. For all of that was similar; only the
actors were different.
T. W. Africa has read De Quincey, and has noticed the fine page in
which the latter evokes the reveries in which there appeared to him the
luminous spectacle of the ladies of the court of King Charles I, or Paulus
Aemilius, surrounded by centurions, striding in front of the Roman
legions. Africa believes he finds an analogous phenomenon in Marcus
Aurelius. Once again, however, it is enough to read Marcus attentively
to recognize the difference. De Quincey's description is purely oneiric:
the dream is told for its own sake, as a strange and marvelous spectacle.
For Marcus, however, it is not a dream: the Emperor demands an imagi
native effort from himself, in order to try to represent to himself the
courts of the past. As Paul Rabbow has shown,39 this practice is carried
out in accordance with the rules which rhetoric prescribed when one
had to depict a scene or a circumstance in an expressive way. Moreover,
the picture was not there for its own sake, but only in order to provide a
highly austere conviction in the soul of the person practicing the exer
cise; namely, that human affairs are banal and ephemeral (VII , 49) :
Behold the past. So many changes of regime; and the future can be
predicted equally well. Things will be entirely homogeneous, and
we cannot escape the rhythm of what is happening now. That is
why there is no difference between studying human life for forty
years, or ten thousand years, or more: what more could one possi
bly see?
I believe I have sufficiently demonstrated the workings of a certain
type of historical psychology. Generally speaking, it is based upon igno-
Stylistic elegance
From everything that has just been said, we must not conclude that
Marcus is absent from his Meditations. Rather, he is present in them in
many ways, and the work has an autobiographical value which is limited,
but very real.
First and foremost, Marcus is present by virtue of his stylistic elegance .
We have already seen that the Emperor, who was writing fo r himself,
usually makes an effort to write with the greatest care, certainly because
he is aware of the psychological power of a well-turned phrase. The
procedures Marcus uses have been well analyzed by ]. Dalfen, 40 Monique
Alexandre,4 1 and R. B. Rutherford,42 who have also pointed out the
felicitous expressions in which they result. As Monique Alexandre has
shown, Marcus here reveals himself to be a true student of Fronto . It
appears that Fronto required his student to compose a saying (gnome)
every day, and above all to formulate it in different ways. As Fronto
writes,43 "Each time you conceive of a paradoxical thought, turn it over
within yourself, vary it with diverse figures and nuances, make trial of it,
and dress it in splendid words. " Throughout this book, we have been
able to admire Marcus' skill at developing multiple variations on the
same theme. Fronto also advised his student to make collections of say
ings for himself 44
It is difficult to add anything new to the remarkable studies that have
been carried out on Marcus' style. I think, however, that it may be useful
to cite some examples of the quest for stylistic elegance which appears in
some passages from his work.
The quest for conciseness often gives such passages a remarkable vigor,
and an almost enigmatic character:
20 ) .
2 59
Soon, you will have forgotten everything! Soon, everyone will have
forgotten you! (VII , 2 1 ) .
Everything is ephemeral; both that which remembers, and that
which is remembered (IV, 3 5) .
Soon you too will close your eyes, and someone else will have wept
for the person who laid you to rest (X, 34, 6) .
Yesterday, a bit of phlegm; tomorrow, ashes or a mummy (IV,
48 , 3 ) .
Marcus not only had a knack fo r turning concise phrases, but he also
knew how to tell of the beauty of things in few words, as in a passage
from the Meditations (II I , 2) cited earlier. There, Marcus evoked crusty
bread and ripe figs which split, and maturity, which is already almost
rottenness, which gives its beauty to the color of olives, and which also
gives a kind of flourishing to elderly men and women, and makes heavy
laden ears of com lean toward the earth. The "lion's wrinkled brow, " the
" foam dripping from the boar's muzzle, " and the " gaping jaws of wild
beasts " also have their own savage beauty.
Fronto had taught his imperial student to introduce images and com
parisons into his sayings and discourses, and Marcus learned his lesson
On the same altar, there are many grains ofincense. One falls before
the others, another later. What difference does it make? (IV, 1 5) .
Dig within. That's where you'll find the source of the good, and it
can always burst forth anew, if you keep digging (VII, 5 9) .
A spider hunts down a fly, and thinks he is pretty hot stuff. One
man hunts down a little hare; another catches a sardine in his net;
another hunts boars, another bears, another Sarmatians . Aren't they
all thieves, if you examine the motives of their actions? (X, 1 0) .
Have you ever seen a hand which has been cut off, or a foot, or a
severed head lying somewhere apart from the rest of the body? That
is what a person does to himself . . . who does not wish for what
happens, and who separates himself from the All . . . (VIII, 3 4) .
Chronological signposts
The reader of a literary work always likes to know at what moment of
the author's life it was written, and in what atmosphere. To be sure,
there is something atemporal about the Meditations, and it must be admit
ted that the attempts made by various historians to attach certain passages
1 78 to 1 80, when war with the Germans broke out again. It was probably
at Sirmium that Marcus died, on March 1 7, 1 80 . The present-day
Book I, which has a marked unity with regard both to its style and to its
overall structure, seems alien to the literary proj ect of the Meditations
properly so called (Books II-XII) . It is now located at the beginning like
a kind of introduction, but it is really more of a parallel work; it is
obviously related to the Meditations (in Book VI, 3 0 , for example, we can
discern an initial sketch of the portrait of Antoninus Pius) , but it repre
sents a wholly different psychic disposition. Book I is a prayer of thanks
giving, whereas Books II to XII are a meditation on the Stoic dogmas
and rule oflife. These latter books were composed on a day-to-day basis,
with each thought following without any connection to the previous
thought; whereas Book I was written at a precise moment, and in ac
cordance with a precise plan.
Books II-XII
As discussed previously, it is not certain whether the twelve books as we
have them today corresponded to twelve groups of meditations which,
in the eyes of their author, had their own unity, defined by one or more
dominant themes. In that case, they would allow us to glimpse some
thing of Marcus' personal preoccupations, or of what he happened to be
reading. Or is this grouping into twelve books purely accidental, perhaps
a result of the form and dimensions of the writing materials that were
used? Book I obviously represents a coherent whole in itself; it responds
to a very particular intention and is independent from the eleven other
books. What can we say about Books II-XII?
At first glance, the divisions between these groups of meditations seem
purely arbitrary. The same themes and expressions are repeated through
out them. The tripartite structure of the disciplines which I have de
scribed has no influ ence on the work's literary form; instead, it is re
peated in the most varied forms. A precise plan cannot be discerned in
any of these books, with the possible exception of Book III, which turns
out to be a kind of series of essays on the theme of the good man.
Nevertheless, a close examination allows us to discover some charac
teristics which are peculiar to each of these books : favorite themes,
special vocabularies, the greater or lesser frequency of the literary forms
that are used-whether they are sayings, for example, or rather short
dissertations. We are justified in supposing that if Marcus wrote his
Meditations on a day-to-day basis, and probably during the last years of his
This is why moral life can be defined as "a life with the gods " (V, 27) :
He lives with the gods who constantly shows them a soul which
greets what has been allotted to it with j oy, and, at the same time,
does everything wanted by that daimon which Zeus [i. e . , universal
Nature] has given to each person as a watchman and a guide, and
which is a parcel detached from himself This is nothing other than
the intellect and reason of each of us.
This theme of the two natures is found in other books (VI , 5 8 ; VII , 5 5 , l ;
XI, 1 3 , 4 ; XII , 3 2 , 3 ) , but never as frequently as in Book V.
Other themes also seem to be characteristic of Book V. For example, it
contains two allusions to a Stoic cosmological doctrine which Marcus
mentions very rarely: that of the eternal return. Usually, Marcus imagines
the metamorphoses of things and the destiny of souls within the "period "
o f the world i n which w e are now living, without worrying about the
eternal return of this period. This is what he does first, in V, 1 3 , where he
begins by affirming that each part of the universe, as it is born and dies, is
transformed into another part of the universe. Yet he remarks:
There is nothing to prevent one from talking like this, even if the
world is administered in accordance with determinate periods.
In this case, he means, all the parts of the universe will be reabsorbed at
the end of each period into the original Fire-Reason, before they are
reborn from this same Fire in the following period. Elsewhere, in V, 3 2 ,
w e get a glimpse o f the immensity o f the space that opens up before the
soul which " knows "-that is, which accepts Stoic doctrine:
It knows the beginning and the end, and the Reason which tra
verses universal substance, and which administers the All through
out eternity, in accordance with determinate periods.
We do not find another allusion to the eternal return until XI, l , 3 .
Finally, an important autobiographical theme also makes its appear
ance in Book V: the opposition, which constitutes a serious personal
problem for Marcus, between the court at which he is obliged to live,
and philosophy, to which he would like to devote himself entirely (V, 1 6 ,
2) . This theme will be taken u p again i n Book V I ( 1 2 , 2) , and i n Book
VIII (9) .
The first meditations of Book VI present a good example of the
the intellect is no longer compared to that of the air, but to that of the
light of the sun, which, says Marcus, is diffused everywhere and extends in a
straight line as it illuminates the obj ects it encounters, thus somehow
assimilating them to itself Then come two other chapters, which deal
with entirely different themes. In chapter 60, we return to our familiar
theme: here the movement of the intellect is compared to that of an
arrow. Like an arrow, the intellect moves in a straight line toward its goal
when it advances prudently and takes the trouble to examine things
attentively. Chapter 54 spoke only of the divine intellect in which we
participate, whereas chapters 57 and 60 describe the movement of our
intellect as it imitates the divine intellect. It is hard to imagine that
Marcus would have thus returned three times to a very specific theme
unless he had been under the influence of a particular reading, or at least
of a momentary preoccupation. Be that as it may, chapters 54, 57, and 60
are intimately linked to one another.
In Book VIII, the theme of universal metamorphosis takes on a very
particular form. Here, Nature has the power to use the detritus which
results from its vital activity to create new beings (VIII, 50) . Since it has
no space outside itself where it can throw this detritus, it transforms it
within itself and makes it into its matter once again (VIII, 1 8) . Intellectual
or rational nature, for its part, transforms the obstacles that oppose its
activity into a subject for exercises, which thereby permits it to attain its
goal by using that which resists it (VIII, 7, 2; VIII, 3 2 ; VIII, 3 5 ; VIII, 4 1 ;
VIII, 47; VIII, 54; VIII, 57) .
We can note a few autobiographical allusions in Book VIII, such as life
at court (VIII, 9) and speeches before the Senate (VIII, 3 0) . Figures of the
dead who were close to Marcus are evoked: his mother (VIII, 25) and his
adoptive brother (VIII, 3 7) . Encouragements to examine his conscience,
which had already occurred in Book V, reappear several times (VIII, 1-2)
and are linked to the theme of the imminence of death (VIII, i ; VIII, 8 ;
VIII, 2 2 , 2) .
Although Book IX, like Books IV, VI, VII, and VIII, is composed for
the most part of brief sayings, it does contain five rather long expositions,
which vary in length from about thirty to forty lines, and which have
either no parallels in the rest of Marcus' works, or at the very least few
parallels. In IX, 1 , Marcus demonstrates rigorously that the lapses one
commits in the three disciplines of action, thought, and desire constitute
faults of impiety and injustice with regard to Nature, the most venerable
of deities. In IX, 3 , we find an exposition on the theme of death: not
only does Marcus expect and wait for the dissolution of the body, but, as
2 73
of their bark" (XII , 8) . The theme of the separation of the center of the
soul from all its envelopes is, moreover, one of the major motifs of the
Meditations. We find it sketched as early as the first chapter, where we are
urged not to recognize anything but the hegemonikon, or guiding princi
ple of the soul, as the sole thing of value. The theme is developed in
chapter 2 (like God himself, see nothing but the hegemonikon) , and in
chapter 3 (separate everything foreign from the intellect, the faculty of
thought, and the guiding principle of the soul) . We find it again in
chapter 8 (see those elements which have causal value--that is, the guid
ing principles of souls--stripped of their bark) ; in chapter r 9 (become
aware of what is most noble and divine within us) ; and finally, in chapter
3 3 , where the Emperor asks himself about the use he is making of the
guiding part of his soul, for " Everything depends upon that. "
We have just encountered the notion of an " element having a causal
value " (aitiodes) . For Marcus, this concept is opposed to the notion of a
material element (hulikon) . As we have seen, this is one of the fundamen
tal oppositions of Stoic physics. For Marcus, however, it serves above all
to formulate a spiritual exercise which is described again and again in
Book XII : it consists in the intellect or guiding part of the soul becoming
aware of itself as a causal, guiding, determining element, so that it may
distinguish and separate itself from the material element. In other words,
it must separate itself not only from the body, but from everything that
does not depend upon us. This is why the theme of the opposition
between the " causal" and the " material" also recurs constantly in Book
XII (XII , 8; XII, r o; XII , r 8 ; XII, 29) .
The preceding brief analyses-no doubt somewhat tedious-should
allow the reader to glimpse the fact that in almost all the books of the
Meditations, a characteristic vocabulary and recurrent themes can be dis
covered. This leads us to suspect that each chapter forms a comparatively
autonomous unity. Although it is true that there are many literal repeti
tions throughout the Meditations, it is nevertheless also true that particu
larities can be observed that are proper to each chapter.
The final three chapters of Book XII , which are also those of the
entire work, are concerned with death. The last chapter, which is in the
form of a dialogue, thus seems particularly moving (XII, 3 6) :
0 man, you have played your part as a citizen in this great City!
What does it matter to you whether you have played it for five, or
for one hundred years? For that which is distributed in accordance
with the law is equal for all. What is there that is terrible if you are
2 74
sent away from this City, not by a tyrant or an unj ust judge, but by
that Nature who had put you on stage in the first place, as a praetor
dismisses an actor he has hired?
-But I acted only three acts, and not five!
-You are right; but in life three acts make up a complete play;
for what makes the play complete is determined by He who is the
cause both of constitution and of dissolution. You, by contrast, are
cause neither of the one nor of the other. Leave, then, in peace; for
He who dismisses you does so in peace.
It has been claimed52 that the Meditations deliberately end with the
word "peace. " Perhaps; but who placed it there? Was it Marcus, foresee
ing his imminent death? Was it the person who edited his meditations,
and removed one from its place to put it there? These words are, more
over, an echo of the first pages of Book II (3 , 3 ) : " Don't die murmuring,
but truly in peace, thanking the gods from the bottom of your heart. "
We can thus see-in an entirely hypothetical way-that some kind of
order and specific correspondences have perhaps been introduced among
these eleven books (II-XII) , which are groups of meditations written on
a daily basis. It could no doubt be obj ected that in a work in which the
thought of death plays so considerable a role, it is not surprising to
encounter it-whether in the first or the last lines-without this indicat
ing any kind of stylistic composition. One might also wonder, however,
why at the beginnings of Books III, VIII , X, and XII , we find examina
tions of conscience which are all analogously inspired by the imminence
of death. They are situated in a rather privileged position, as if the author
or editor had wanted to provide a kind of introduction to the following
meditations. In these examinations, Marcus exhorts himself to immediate
conversion, for he is afraid that even before death, his intellectual capaci
ties may be weakened to the point where they no longer allow him to
live a moral life. He is still far from having succeeded in becoming a
philosopher, and he recognizes that, in the last analysis, what he should
fear the most is not ceasing to live, but failing to begin to live (XII, r , 5) .
This is the source of Marcus' melancholy question at the beginning of
Book X:
0 my soul; will you ever be good and simple; one and naked; more
luminous than the body which surrounds you? Will you ever be
fulfilled, without need, neither regretting nor desiring anything . . .
2 75
who are now no more than legendary names (VIII, 2 5 , 3 ) o r are men
tioned only rarely: Caeso, Volesus, Dentatus, Scipio, and Cato. He also
speaks of people who are less noble, but did have their moment of fame,
like the mimographers Philistion, Phoebus, and Origanion (VI, 47, 1 ) .
Marcus also thinks o f the whole crowd o f anonymous people: doctors,
astrologers, philosophers, princes, and tyrants of bygone days; as well as
the people of Pompeii (IV, 4 8 , 1 ; VIII, 1 , 2) and Herculaneum. Finally,
he thinks of all the people who lived in the time of Vespasian or Trajan:
they have all been swept away by death.
Marcus also thinks of the people he knew during his life. His adoptive
brother Lucius Verus, who reigned together with Marcus, died compara
tively young. He had married Lucilla, one of Marcus' daughters; but
before this marriage, when he was staying at Antioch, he had a mistress
named Pantheia. Pantheia was from Smyrna, and she was delightfully
portrayed by the satirist Lucian in 1 6 3 - 1 64. She figures in two of his
works: Images and the Defense ef Images. Was she really as beautiful,
cultivated, good-hearted, simple, sweet, and benevolent as Lucian says?
And yet, unless he was mocking her, Lucian could scarcely have made up
such details as that she sang while accompanying herself on the cithara;
that she spoke Ionic Greek; that she behaved modestly and simply to
those who approached her; and that she knew how to laugh at Lucian's
praise . What happened to Pantheia after the marriage of Lucilla? Did she
remain in the entourage of Lucius, who, if we can believe the gossip of
the Historia A ugusta, seems not to have had any qualms about bringing
back from Antioch to Rome a band of freed slaves, with whom he
In any event, it is rather touching to encounter the figure of Pantheia
in the Meditations. This allows us to suppose that she had remained close
to Lucius Verus until his death, and that she herself had died a few years
after her lover (VIII, 3 7) :
Are Pantheia and Pergamos [perhaps a male lover o f Lucius Verus?]
still sitting near the ashes of Verus?
Or Chabrias and Diotimos near those of Hadrian?
How ridiculous! [probably because they too were dead] .
And even if they were still sitting there, would the dead notice
them? And if the dead noticed them, would they derive pleasure
from their presence? And if the dead did derive some pleasure,
would those who were sitting there be immortal? Has it not been
fixed by Destiny that those who were sitting there should first
become old women and men, and finally die? What will happen to
the dead, when those who had been sitting near their ashes are dead
This same Book VIII describes analogous situations, in which living
people weep for the dead, and are themselves wept over shortly after
wards (VIII, 25) : Marcus' mother Lucilla, who lost her husband Verus,
and then died in turn; Secunda, the wife of Maximus, one of Marcus'
friends and teachers, who died after having buried Maximus; Antoninus,
Marcus' adoptive father, who decreed the apotheosis of his wife Faustina,
and then did not survive her for long. Marcus also evokes Caninius
Celer, 55 one of his rhetoric teachers, who had been secretary to the
emperor Hadrian, and who had perhaps delivered the latter's funeral
oration. He too was dead by the time Marcus was writing. In this context
we also find a certain Diotimos, no doubt a freedman of Hadrian, and the
same person whom Marcus had pictured sitting near Hadrian' s funeral
urn in the description cited above (VIII, 3 7) .
Elsewhere, Marcus again causes all kinds o f characters whom h e has
known to come to life before our eyes; but it is difficult for us to identify
It is especially in Book I that Marcus evokes the dead who had been
close to him: his parents, his teachers, Antoninus Pius, his adoptive
brother Lucius Verus, and the Empress Faustina. There is no melancholy
in these pages, which retain only the virtues of the beings whom the
Emperor has known and loved. Yet we cannot help feeling that the
Emperor is thinking nostalgically of those whom he has loved, and
whose departure has left him profoundly alone.
entire book, for it is thanks to the " help of the gods and of Good
Fortune " that Marcus thinks he has been lucky enough to have the
parents, teachers, and friends that he has had.
Book I has a most peculiar structure. In sixteen chapters of unequal
length, the Emperor evokes sixteen people to whom Destiny has related
him. They have each been the example for him of specific virtues, either
generally or in a given circumstance; or else they have given him a piece
of advice which has had a strong influence upon him. The seventeenth
chapter enumerates the benefits which the gods have showered upon
him throughout his life, by making him meet a certain person or experi
ence a particular event. There is thus often an echo between the first
sixteen chapters and the seventeenth.
The first chapters provide a sketch, as it were, of the history of a life
which has been a spiritual itinerary. First comes childhood, surrounded
by the tutelary figures of Marcus' grandfather, Annius Verus; his father,
who died so young; his mother; his great-grandfather, Catilius Severus;
his tutor; and a certain Diognetus.
Then we have the discovery of philosophy, with Junius Rusticus, and
Marcus' teachers Apollonius and Sextus. This part of his life is so impor
tant to Marcus that he inverts chronological order, by placing his gram
mar teacher, Alexander of Cotiaeum, and his rhetoric teacher, Fronto,
after the philosophers. Then Marcus moves on to his friends and loved
ones, whom he evokes because they have either been models for him, or
philosophy teachers: there was Alexander the Platonist, who was his
secretary for Greek correspondence; the Stoic Cinna Catulus; Claudius
Severus, of whom Marcus remembers especially what he learned from
him about the heroes of Republican Rome; and another statesman, the
Stoic Claudius Maximus. Chapter 16 contains a lengthy portrait of the
emperor Antoninus Pius. By living with him for twenty-three years
from the age of seventeen until he became emperor at the age of forty
Marcus had been able to observe his adoptive father at length, and to be
profoundly influenced by him.
In the course of the enumeration in chapter r 7 of the favors which the
gods have granted Marcus, some of these characters reappear, especially
Antoninus Pius, Marcus' relatives, his mother, and three philosopher
friends: Apollonius, Rusticus, and Maximus. He also evokes his grandfa
ther's concubine, and two " temptations " named Benedicta and Theodo
tus; as well as his adoptive brother Lucius Verus, and Marcus' wife, the
Empress Faustina.
In all likelihood, other people had also played a crucial role in Marcus'
2 79
life. One thinks, for example, of Herodes Atticus, the " ancient billion
aire. "57 This renowned rhetor, such a powerful figure in Athens, had
been Marcus' rhetoric teacher; but he does not appear in Book I. In this
particular case, there could be two reasons for such silence. In the first
place, Herodes was a shady character. Marcus had a great deal of affection
for him, and guided him through the two trials in which Herodes was
implicated, particularly in 1 7 4, when Hero des was summoned to the
Emperor's headquarters at Sirmium on charges brought against him by
the Athenians.58 Nevertheless, Marcus could hardly fail to recognize that
Herodes was scarcely a model for the philosophical life . Another reason
for Marcus' silence could possibly be that the Emperor seems to talk only
about the dead in Book I , whereas Herodes did not die until 1 79. We
might thus suppose that Book I was written between 1 76 and 1 79,
perhaps at Rome in 1 77 or 1 7 8 .
T o understand the way Marcus wrote Book I , i t will perhaps be
sufficient to examine how he evokes the figure of Fronto, his Latin
rhetoric teacher. When we read the correspondence exchanged between
Fronto and Marcus, we get the impression of an intimate friendship, with
a perpetual exchange of ideas, advice, and favors. Thus, one would
expect Book I to contain a lengthy couplet on Marcus' venerated
teacher. Yet the Emperor devotes only three lines to him, whereas he
uses thirteen lines to speak of his debt toward Rusticus. What has Marcus
retained from all those years of working intimacy with Fronto? Only two
things, which have nothing to do with rhetoric (I, 1 1) :
To have learned how tyranny leads to envious evil, to caprices, and
to dissimulation; and how, on the whole, those whom we call
"patricians " are somehow lacking in affectionateness.
Marcus' remark about the patricians is indeed attested in his corre
spondence with Fronto ; and this allows us to glimpse that behind each
one of Marcus' notes, there is certainly a precise matter of fact. For
instance, Fronto writes to the emperor Lucius Verus, in order to recom
mend to him one of his students, Gavius Clams. He praises Gavius'
conscientiousness, modesty, reserve, generosity, simplicity, continence,
truthfulness, and entirely Roman uprightness:
. . . I don't know if his affectionateness (philostorgia) is Roman, for in
all my life at Rome, there is nothing I have found less often than a
man having sincere affectionateness. I would not be surprised if,
the Emperor causes those h e has known t o live again j ust as they were.
Rather, it is a kind of precise record of those who have played a role in
his life. The very style of the book makes it resemble the inventory of an
inheritance, or an acknowledgement of debt.63 At the beginning of each
chapter, we first have a kind of label: " From my grandfather Verus . . . , "
" From my mother . . . , " " From Sextus . . . , " " From Fronto . . . " Then
the qualities Marcus admires are enumerated, as are the teachings he has
received and the exemplary actions performed. Grammatically, all this is
expressed by neuter adj ectives used substantively, or by an infinitive
proposition; there are hardly any personally inflected verbs. Marcus does
not say, " From my grandfather, I admired . . . , " or "I retained, " or " I
learned" ; but rather " From my grandfather Verus: good character and
lack of anger. " Thus, this balance-sheet concerns the virtues which Mar
cus saw practiced, the advice he heard, specific actions and significant
examples which made an impression on him, and finally the benefits
which he received.
In the case of some of the figures Marcus evokes, their personality
disappears completely behind the advice they have given to the Emperor.
Marcus mentions no particular virtue in the case of his tutor, or of
Diognetus, or of Rusticus, or of Fronto . This does not mean that they
did not possess any moral qualities, but that it was not by means of such
qualities that they influenced Marcus. What " made " Marcus Aurelius
were, for instance, the reprimands about his character addressed to him
by Rusticus, or the fact that he communicated to him Epictetus' Dis
In the case of some other figures, such as that of his mother, the
Emperor evokes only those virtues which were obviously exemplary for
him (I, 3 ) :
From my mother: piety; a disposition to give generously; and a
horror not only of doing evil, but even of thinking about doing evil.
In addition, frugality in my daily routine, far removed from the
life-style of the rich.
The same holds true for Claudius Maximus, whose entire personality
was exemplary for Marcus: self-mastery; peace of mind in adversity;
gentleness and dignity; reflection in the carrying out of a proj ect; har
mony between words, actions, and moral conscience; the quality of not
being surprised by anything, of fearing nothing, and of remaining self-
l 7,
28 5
last years of Marcus' reign. Maximus collected all the current gossip
about the imperial family, and the Historia Augusta often echoes him.
Cassius Dio, a historian who was more or less contemporary with
Marius Maximus, maintains a position that is diametrically opposed:
He obviously did nothing out of affectation (prospoietos), but every
thing out of virtue . . . he remained the same through everything,
and did not change on any point. To such an extent was he a truly
good man, and there was nothing affected about him. 69
To reproach Marcus with affectation was in fact to reproach him with
being a philosopher. The philosophical life he led caused him to have a
strange attitude, which was different from that of other people, and
therefore " affected, " in their view.
Cassius Dio, for instance, who recognized the Emperor's sincerity, was
astonished at the extraordinary clemency which he showed on the occa
sion of the rebellion by Avidius Cassius: " Nothing could force him to do
anything alien to his own character: not the idea of making an example
of someone, nor the magnitude of the crime. "70
In fact, however, we must go further, and recognize the genuine
difficulty of moral life. Whoever tries to control himself, to practice
spiritual exercises, to transform himself, and to act with conscientiousness
and reflection gives the impression of lacking spontaneity and of being
calculating. Here we confront the eternal problem of moral effort, and of
work by oneself upon oneself We know, for example, that Marcus, in
order to correct his own conduct, had investigations made concerning
what the public was saying about him; when the criticisms were justified,
he modified his behavior. 71
The Emperor was quite conscious of this danger, which may be insur
mountable. In Book I, he expresses his admiration for Claudius
Maximus, because he gave the impression of being a man who was
naturally " straight " and not one who has corrected or " straightened"
himself (I, I 5 , 8) . The same theme is present in other books of the
One must be straight, and not straightened (III, 5 ,
VII, 1 2) .
within you and only within you that you will find that countryside,
seashore, or mountain which can liberate you from the prison you find
everywhere (c IV, 3 , l ) . In other words, it is the emperor's inner
dispositions that will decide if he is imprisoned within his mountain
enclosure, like Plato's king, or if he will find pleasure and relaxation in
the mountains or the countryside, as he would like. No matter where we
go, we find-according to our wishes-servitude or freedom.
" Mountain " here has two meanings: it is the symbol of the enclosure
within which the tyrant/king lives as a prisoner together with the flock
of animals he exploits; but it is also the symbol of retreat within ourselves
and the inner freedom which we can find anywhere, as long as we want
it (X, 1 5 , 2) :
Live as if you were on a mountain. It doesn't matter whether one
lives in one place or another, as long as one lives everywhere as
within one's own City, which is the World.
And yet the philosopher's inner retreat, which is his philosophical life in
conformity with Stoicism, will provoke another solitude and rupture
between the flock and its shepherd: a serious disparity between the values
of both parties.
This uneasiness explains Marcus' repugnance with regard to life at
court, which he compares to a stepmother (VI, 1 2) , whereas his true
mother is philosophy, which allows him to put up with the court, and to
make himself bearable to those who live at court. Yet he blames himself
for this attitude (VIII, 9) :
Let no one hear you blame the life people lead at court any longer!
Let not you yourself hear yourself doing it!
Here we encounter once again what we could call the theme of life on a
mountain: wherever one can live, one can live well; that is to say,
philosophically. But it is possible to live at court; therefore, it is possible
to live well there (V, 1 6, 2) . Marcus gives this argument as an example of
the way in which the soul can suffuse itself with specific representations.
Marcus' repugnance for life at court was not, however, mere su
perficial annoyance: rather, the discord ran extremely deep. As he con
tinues this meditation on life " on a mountain"-that is to say, within the
City of the World-Marcus allows us to glimpse just how deep this
discord and this rupture go (X, l 5 , 3 ) :
2 92
Let people see and discover what a man who truly lives in accord
ance with nature is like! If they can't put up with you, then let them
kill you! That would be better than to live like them!
The conflict is situated in the profound difference between the two
parties' principles of life, and it is summarized by Marcus in a lapidary
formula which opposes the two Greek words homothamnein and homodog
matein (XI , 8 , 6) :
Grow on the same trunk, but don't profess the same principles.
These two duties are hard to reconcile: on the one hand, our duty to
love other human beings, with whom we form one single body, tree, or
city; on the other, our duty not to let ourselves be caj oled into adopting
their false values and maxims of life.
This is the drama of Marcus' life. He loves mankind, and wants to love
them; but he hates what they love. Only one thing counts for him: the
search for virtue and the purity of moral intention. This human world
from which this unique value is absent-provokes in Marcus an intense
reprobation and lassitude; yet he gets hold of himself, and attempts to
reintroduce gentleness and indulgence within himself
This disgust and lassitude make Marcus long for death, and he knows
that this is wrong. We know how important a part is played in the
Meditations by the " helps, " or arguments for preparing oneself for death.
Some are entirely philosophical, as for instance those which teach us to
consider death as a particular case of universal metamorphosis, or a mys
tery of nature (II, 1 2 , 3 ; IV, 5 ; IX, 3 , 1-4) . Some of them, however, are
not philosophical, but are coarse (idiotika) and vulgar, although highly
effective: for instance, those which consist in making a list of people who
hung on desperately to life, unwilling to let go, and who nevertheless
died (IV, 50) . A similar consideration, which Marcus admits (IX, 3 , 5) is
also completely unphilosophical (idiotikon), but which touches the heart,
consists in telling oneself that, in the last analysis, what one is leaving is
not really worth much. This method consists in
carefully examining the kinds of objects from which you are about
to separate yourself, and with what bad characters your soul will no
longer be mixed. To be sure, you must by no means be disgusted by
them; on the contrary, you must be filled with solicitude for them,
and put up with them gently. Nevertheless, you must also remem-
2 93
her that you must take leave of people who do not share your
principles. If it were possible, the only thing which could push you
back in the other direction and maintain you in life, would be if it
were possible for you to live in a society of people who had adopted
the same principles as you.
As things are, however, you can see how much you are filled
with lassitude at the discords of social life; to the point where you
say: " Hurry up, 0 Death, lest I too forget mysel "
One thinks of Baudelaire's cry, so expressive of fatigue with terrestrial
life and an aspiration for the infinite: " 0 Death, old captain . . . this land
is boring! Let us cast off! " Yet if Marcus calls on Death to come quickly,
it is less out oflassitude than out of fear of becoming similar to those who
forget themselves and live in a state of unconsciousness.
The disgust which Marcus feels for his entourage is certainly surpris
ing. Did he not surround himself with friends and counselors who were
also philosophers, like his beloved Rusticus and all those whom we were
able to glimpse thanks to the testimony of Galen? It could be supposed
that, by these last years of Marcus' life, his friends had disappeared, and
that he now misses the beginning of his reign. And yet we know from
Cassius Dio72 that Marcus admitted that no one could be perfect:
He used to say that it is impossible to create people as one would
like them to be, but that each one had to be utilized in the task
which he was capable of accomplishing.
He used to praise them for the service they had rendered, and he
paid no attention to the rest of their behavior.
Are we to suppose that he had become more intransigent in his old
age? Alternatively, can we perceive in these lines the disappointment
Marcus felt as he saw the development of the character of Commodus?
This was the view of Renan, especially a propos of another passage (X,
3 6) , which is also very striking in its expression of lassitude and disap
No one is so well-favored by Destiny that, at the moment of his
death, he is not surrounded by people who will rej oice at this sad
event. The dead man was conscientious and well-behaved; yet
someone will finally turn up to say, " This schoolteacher (paidagogos)
2 94
will now finally let us breathe. To b e sure, he was not harsh with
any of us; but I could feel that he was condemning us in silence. "
Later on in the text, Marcus opposes the case of this good man to his
own situation. In a sense, however, when he speaks of this good man, he
is already thinking about himself; for he is well aware of the fact that not
only those around him, but also the entire Empire, knew that he was
trying to be a philosopher. An apocryphal letter from Lucius Verus to his
adoptive brother, preserved by the Historia Augusta, may reflect an opin
ion widespread in Marcus' time: it warns Marcus that Avidius Cassius,
who was to revolt against him near the end of Marcus' reign, spoke of
him as an " old woman who plays at being a philosopher. "73 Many people
must have had similar views of the Emperor; perhaps they had even
nicknamed him " the pedagogue. " In any case, Marcus uses this descrip
tion of the death of a good man as an a fortiori argument: if such a man
must expect such an end, then all the more must Marcus himself expect
similar reactions at the moment of his own death:
This is what people will say about a good man. In my case, how
ever, how many more reasons there are for there to be many people
to want to get rid of me . You'll have to think of that when you die.
You will leave life more easily, if you think: the life that I am
leaving is one in which my associates (koinonoi), for whom I have
fought so hard and prayed so much, for whom I have had so much
concern, want me to go away. Perhaps they hope for some relief
from my disappearance.
Who were these associates or companions (koinonoi) ? They could have
been the Emperor's counselors, who made up the imperial council and
who, in the words of the Emperor's contemporary Aelius Aristides, were
participants in power. Yet the expressions " I have fought so hard" and " I
have prayed s o much " imply a very special relationship between the
Emperor and these " associates. " It is hard not to think, with Renan, of
Commodus, Marcus' young son, who had been given imperial power in
1 77 , three years before the Emperor's death, and who was probably
already manifesting the disastrous tendencies that would develop during
his reign.
Be that as it may, Marcus transforn1s his meditation on the ingratitude
of others into a preparation for death. Unlike the preparation mentioned
above, this one is not philosophical, since it sins against the discipline of
action, which requires us to love our fellow human beings. Nevertheless,
29 5
Political models
Marcus does not propose any specific governmental program in the
Meditations. This should not surprise us, for he is less concerned with
what must be done than with how it must be done. Nevertheless, Book I
does contain some allusions to political practice . Through Claudius
Severus, Marcus writes (I, 1 4) , he has come to know Thrasea, Helvidius,
Cato, Dio, and Brutus. This list of names has a quite precise meaning.75
Paetus Thrasea was the famous senator who, in the year 66, was forced
to commit suicide because of his outspoken opposition to the emperor
Nero. Helvidius Priscus, Thrasea's son-in-law, was assassinated in the
reign of Vespasian, probably in the year 7 5 . Both were opponents of the
emperors, and this attitude was a kind of family tradition, in which the
women also often took part. The portraits of these martyrs were kept
within the great aristocratic families, and their biographies were written.
Under some emperors, however, writing such works also meant risking
death. At the beginning of his Life of Agricola, Tacitus evokes the happi
ness which the emperor Nerva brought to Rome by establishing a reign
which, says Tacitus, reconciled monarchy and freedom. Under Nerva's
predecessor Domitian, by contrast, it had been forbidden to write the
biographies of opponents of the emperor.
Arulenus Rusticus wrote a panegyric of Paetus Thrasea, and Heren
nius Senecion wrote one of Helvidius Priscus: both paid with their
lives . . . It was thought that the voice of the Roman people, the
29 7
free speech ibertas) of the Senate, and the conscience of the human
race could be stifled.
It was almost fifty years after these events that Marcus Aurelius,
through the intermediary of Claudius Severus, discovered this tradition
of opposition. In turn, however, these opponents of the Empire had
maintained the cult of other, older martyrs, who had lived in the last
stages of the Republic, under Caesar. When Juvenal, a contemporary of
Tacitus, speaks in his Satires 0/, 3 6) of the high quality of a wine, he
writes that it is similar to that which Paetus Thrasea and Helvidius Priscus
drank on the birthdays of Brutus and Cassius, the murderers of Caesar.
According to Marcus, Claudius Severus had also told him about the
figure of Brutus, who lived in the first century B.C. (8 5-42) , and about
Cato. The figure in question is obviously Cato of Utica (95-46) , who, as
an opponent of Caesar, committed suicide upon the approach of the
latter's troops.
Did Claudius Severus provide Marcus with the biographies of
Thrasea, Helvidius Priscus, Brutus, and Cato? Thrasea had written a life
of Cato, and Helvidius a life of Thrasea, while Herennius Senecion had
composed a life of Helvidius. Did Claudius also have Marcus read the
parallel lives of Brutus and Dio of Syracuse, written by Plutarch, who
had also composed the parallel lives of Phocion and Cato of Utica? It is in
any case surprising to see, in the list of Romans enumerated by Claudius
Severus, a Greek, who lived from about 409 to 3 54 B.c. : namely Dio,
who deposed the Syracusan tyrant Dionysius, but who was in turn him
self assassinated.76 It is highly unlikely that the Dio mentioned here could
be Dio Chrysostom, the rhetor and philosopher who was exiled under
Domitian but later recovered imperial favor. The rest of the list consists
of only statesmen, so that Dio Chrysostom would be an exception, and
he was not really a " martyr" of opposition to the Empire.
Claudius Severus may very well have spoken of these figures in a
conversation in which he emphasized the common element that linked
them all together: the link between philosophy and a specific conception
of politics; that is to say, the hatred of tyranny. Dio had been a disciple of
Plato, and according to Plutarch,77 he practiced the philosophical virtues
of frankness of speech, greatness of soul, gravity, clemency toward his
enemies, and frugality. By deposing Dionysius, Dio brought freedom
back to Syracuse and abolished the tyranny, but he supported a middle
path between tyranny and democracy: a monarchy subj ect to laws,
which is the governmental program set forth in the Eighth Letter, attrib
uted to Plato.
Brutus, a Roman, was also a Platonist. He followed the tendency
which was fashionable in his time: that of Antiochus of Ascalon, strongly
tinged with Stoicism. Brutus had written treatises entitled " On Duty, "
" On Patience, " and " On Virtue. " He was both the assassin of Caesar and
the man who killed himself after having been defeated in the civil war
which followed Caesar's assassination. Like Dio, Brutus was an enemy of
tyranny, and he fought for public liberty.
In the eyes of Seneca, Cato was one of the rare incarnations of the
ideal of the Stoic Sage.78 Before his suicide, Cato discussed the Stoic
paradox according to which only the Sage is free. Then, he read Plato's
Phaedo. 79 His whole way oflife was that of a philosopher, who tried at the
same time to revive the rigorous life of the ancient Romans. He trained
himself for physical endurance, traveled on foot, went against current
fashions, affected disdain for money, and refused any form of connivery
or complicity with the exactions carried out by powerful Romans.
Brutus and Cato were republicans. Freedom, for them, was above all
that of the Senate: in other words, the right to govern of a ruling class
which opposed the arbitrariness of the tyranny of one man. Cato also
wished to introduce moral or philosophical rigor into the senatorial class.
Under the Empire, Thrasea and Helvidius dreamed of a return to the
ancient institutions of the Roman Republic; in other words, they wished
to restore political authority to the Senate. Both were Stoics, and within
the Stoic tradition-particularly in Epictetus80-they would remain as
examples of constancy, mental firmness, and indifference to indifferent
things. Epictetus himself knew this opposition to imperial power well,
thanks to his teacher Musonius Rufus, who had been closely linked to
All these memories were awakened by the reign and the persecutions
of Domitian, as we can see from the numerous allusions to this somber
period which can be found in the letters of Pliny the Younger. With the
total change of atmosphere brought about by the accession of the em
peror Nerva, which was prolonged under his successors Trajan, Hadrian,
and Antoninus, both Senators and philosophers had the impression that
the Empire had somehow become reconciled with the spirit of these
supporters of the republican ideal and of Stoicism. This is certainly the
meaning of the remarks by Claudius Severus on the martyrs who gave
their lives in the fight against tyranny. 81
By evoking these almost legendary figures, Claudius Severus gave
2 99
3 00
3 02
3 03
Cicero91 told how the Stoic Mucius Scaevola had pleaded the cause of
Rutilius Rufus " as it could have been pleaded in Plato's Republic "-in
other words, as if he were addressing only philosophers . Elsewhere,
Cicero says92 of Cato of Utica that he used to act as if he were living in
Plato's Republic, and not in the mud of Romulus. This is precisely what
Marcus means. It is extremely difficult to transform the human masses; to
change the values which fascinate them, and the opinions which cause
them to act; or to make philosophers of them. Unless one transforms
their way oflooking at things, completely changing the moral life of each
individual, any reform imposed without their consent would plunge
them into the slavery " of people who moan as they pretend to obey. "
This is the eternal drama of humanity in general and of politics in par
ticular. Unless it transforms people completely, politics can never be
anything other than a compromise with evil.
Marcus wants to be lucid and realistic: he has no illusions about the
general conversion of humanity, or the possibility of imposing upon
people some ideal state. Yet this does not mean that nothing can be done.
Just as Stoic philosophers knew that they would never be sages, but
nevertheless attempted gradually to progress toward this ideal, so the
statesman knows that humanity will never be perfect; yet he must be
happy if, from time to time, he manages to achieve some slight progress.
After all, even slight progress is no minor achievement: moral progress,
however minimal, takes a lot of effort and, above all, has a great deal of
value; for no moral progress is ever slight.
We can perhaps find an example of Marcus' political practice in his
attitude toward gladiatorial combats. Stoic philosophy was hostile to such
spectacles, because they went against the personal human dignity of the
combatants. As Seneca wrote,93
It is a sacrilege to teach men how to inflict and receive wounds.
Man, a sacred thing for man, is nowadays killed out of sport and by
way of pastime.
It is therefore false, I might add, to maintain as does G. Ville94 that the
Stoics were hostile to such spectacles only because they were degrading
for the spectators, but that these philosophers completely ignored the
drama of the victims. This is another example of the prejudice of certain
historians, who persist in attempting to minimize the importance of the
reversal of values represented by Stoic philosophy. Unfortunately for
3 05
them, however, the texts are there and they cannot be avoided: as Seneca
says, Homo sacra res homini.
I t would have been utopian to suppress the games, which were an
essential part of the people's life . Thus, when Marcus enrolled the gladi
ators to fight on the Danube, and the spectacles at Rome were inter
rupted, the people already began to murmur that the Emperor wanted to
convert them to philosophy by taking away their pleasures. 95 Be that as it
may, Marcus must have considered it a small but not negligible progress
to have achieved what we are told by the historian Cassius Dio:96
Marcus Aurelius was so averse to the killing that, at Rome, he
attended combats in which the gladiators fought like athletes, with
out danger. For he did not allow them to be given sharp weapons,
but they had to fight with blunt ones, with buttons on the point.
No utopia, then, but a realistic view of the possibilities and limits of
human nature, and a political policy that had only precise and limited
obj ectives as its goal. Moreover, the philosopher-emperor rej ected any
form of prestige politics: he had to do what was ordered by reason " at
that very moment, " and " not look around to see whether anyone will
know about it" (IX, 29, 4) .
It goes without saying that Marcus could be crushed by a comparison
with Alexander, Philip, or Demetrius (the person in question is De
metrius Poliorcetes, the " taker of cities ") . They were certainly great
conquerors, but Marcus could reply that they were also people domi
nated by their passions. Stoic tradition-for instance, Epictetus (II, 1 3 ,
24)-opposed to their brute material power the spiritual and moral
power of Diogenes, who did not hesitate to speak frankly to them. This
is, moreover, the meaning of one of Marcus' Meditations, which expresses
an analogous idea (VIII, 3 ) :
Alexander, Caesar, and Pompey: what are they compared t o Dio
genes, Heraclitus, or Socrates? The latter saw realities, causes, and
matter; and the guiding principles of their souls were sufficient unto
themselves . As for the others : so much pillage!97 so many people
reduced to slavery!
Alexander, Philip, and D emetrius may have been great conquerors;
but did they know what Nature or universal Reason wanted? Were they
masters, not only of the world, but also of themselves? Or were they,
3 06
instead, nothing but " tragic actors "? I n other words, were they people
who, by means of their conquests, were the cause of atrocious events,
worthy of being represented in a tragedy, and were they themselves
actors who took up false and solemn poses? Pace the " snotty little men"
to whom Marcus alludes, nothing can make him imitate them. He will
continue to do his j ob as an emperor and a true philosopher: that is to
say, by conforming at every instant to the will of Reason and Nature, not
with turgid solemnity but with simplicity.
For Marcus, philosophy does not propose a political program. Rather,
he expects that philosophy will form him and prepare him, by means of
the spiritual exercises which he performs, to carry out his political action
in a specific spirit and style. What one does matters less than the way in
which one does it. In the last analysis, the only true politics is ethics. It
consists, above all, in the discipline of action, which, as we have seen,
consists essentially in service to the human community, devotion to
others, and j ustice. Like the discipline of action, politics cannot be sepa
rated from the great human and cosmic perspectives that are opened up
for us by our recognition of a transcendent universality-Reason or
Nature-which, by means of its harmony with itself, founds both peo
ple's love for one another and their love for that Whole of which they
are the parts. It is hard not to think of the recent comments of Vaclav
Havel,98 as he discusses what he calls the " moral State " or the " spiritual
State " :
True politics-the only thing worthy o f the name, and the only
thing I will consent to practice-is politics in the service of our
fellow man, and in the service of the community. . . . Its basis is
ethical, insofar as it is only the realization of the responsibility of all
toward all . . . . [It] is nourished by the certainty, conscious or un
conscious, that . . . everything is inscribed forever; that everything is
evaluated elsewhere, somewhere " above us, " in what I have called
" the memory of Being " : it is that part which is indissociable from
the cosmos, from nature and from life which believers call God, and
to whose judgment all things are submitted . . . . To try to remain, in
all circumstances, courteous, j ust, tolerant, understanding; and at
the same time uncorruptible and infallible. In sum, to try and re
main in harmony with my conscience and with my better self.
3 08
way present within the former. The essence of Stoicism is thus the
experience of the absolute nature of moral conscience and of the purity
of intention. Moral conscience, moreover, is only moral if it is pure
that is to say, if it is based upon the universality of reason, which takes
itself as an end, not in the particular interest of an individual or a state. All
Stoics, and not just Marcus Aurelius, could have subscribed to the twin
Kantian formulations of the categorical imperative:
Act only in accordance with the maxim which is such that you can
wish, at the same time, that it become a universal law.
Act as if the maxim of your action were, by your will, to be erected
as a universal law of Nature.4
We must not say, therefore, that " Marcus writes as though he had read
the Critique of Practical Reason, " but rather that Kant uses these formulas
because, among other reasons, he has read the Stoics.
With these qualifications, Renan was right to say that we find in the
Meditations the affirmation of the absolute value of moral conscience.
Can we speak of religion here? I do not think so. The word " philoso
phy" is enough, I think, to describe the purity of this attitude, and we
ought to avoid mixing with philosophy all the vague and imprecise
implications, both social and mythical, which the notion of religion
brings with it.
An eternal Gospel? Renan thought that some parts of the Christian
Gospel had grown old, whereas the Meditations would always remain
young. And yet, are not some of Marcus' pages-the religious ones
also very distant from us? Isn't it better to say that all gospels grow old, to
the same extent that they have been fashionable-in other words, to the
extent that they have reflected the myths and collective representations
of the time and milieu in which they were written? There are some
works, however-among them both the Gospel and the Meditations
which are like ever-new springs to which humanity comes to drink. If
we can transcend their perishable aspects, we can sense in them an
imperishable spirit which calls us to a choice oflife, to the transformation
of ourselves, and to a complete revision of our attitude with regard to
human beings and to the world.
The Meditations call us to a Stoic choice of life, as we have seen
throughout this book. This obviously does not mean that the work is
capable of leading us to a complete conversion to the dogmas and prac-
] IO
3 11
3 12
-Can you see where you are looking? You see the earth, a pit,
and you see only these miserable laws, which are the laws of the
dead. Don't you look to the laws of the gods?
Epictetus uses the mythical, imagistic representation of the filiation of
all human beings from God, which may seem antiquated to a modem
audience. Yet when he talks about Zeus-and, as we have seen, the same
thing holds true of Marcus Aurelius-he is thinking first and foremost of
reason. What Epictetus means is simply the following: this slave is a living
being like you, and, like you, a man gifted with reason. Even if human
laws refuse to recognize that he is your equal, the laws of the gods, which
are the laws of reason, recognize his absolute value . We people of mod
em times think that we have abolished these laws of the dead, but in the
last analysis they still dominate the world.
V. Goldschmidt10 was right to point out that another aspect of what
could be called " eternal Stoicism" is the exercise of concentration on the
present instant. This consists, on the one hand, in living as if we were
seeing the world for the first and last time; and, on the other, in being
aware that within this lived present of the instant, we have access to the
totality of time and of the world.
The reader may rightly obj ect at this point: the fact that there is a kind of
universal, perennial character to this peculiar attitude which we call
" Stoic " may perhaps explain why, despite the distance which separates us
from them, we can still understand the Meditations, and, better yet, find
rules for our thought and action in them. Yet this doesn't explain the
unique fascination that they exert upon us. Could we not say that if this
book is still so attractive to us, it is because when we read it we get the
impression of encountering, not the Stoic system, although Marcus con
stantly refers to it, but a man of good will, who does not hesitate to
criticize and examine himself, who constantly takes up again the task of
exhorting and persuading himself, and of finding the words which will
help him to live, and to live well? To be sure, these are spiritual exercises,
carried out in accordance with a specific method. Yet, in a sense, we are
present at them: we catch them in actu, in the very moment in which they
are being practiced.
In world literature one finds lots of preachers, lesson-givers, and cen
sors, who moralize to others with complacency, irony, cynicism, or
3 16
reprinted. The edition I cite is in the collection entitled " Le livre de poche, "
"Biblio/Essais, " no. 40 1 5 (Paris: Librairie generale frarn;:aise, 1984) .
Stobaeus Anthol. : K . Wachsmuth and 0 . Hense. , eds., Ioannis Stobaei Antholo
gium, 5 vols. (Berlin, 1 8 84-1 9 1 2) .
Stoidens: Les Stoidens, trans. E. Brehier, ed. under the direction o f P . M.
Schuhl; Bibliotheque de la Plfaade (Paris: NRF, 1 962) . Contains French transla
tions of texts by Cleanthes, Diogenes Laertius, Plutarch, Cicero, Seneca,
Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius.
S VF: H. von Arnim, ed. , Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta, 4 vols. (Leipzig, 1 9051 924) . Contains only Latin and Greek texts.
Theiler: W. Theiler, ed. , Kaiser Marc Aurel: Wege zu sich selbst (Zurich,
195 1-) . To date, this is the best edition of the Greek text of the Meditations, as
well as the best translation (in German) .
1 . The Emperor-Philosopher
3 19
des Hautes Etudes, V' Section. Annuaire XCII ( 1 9 8 3-1 984) (hereafter Annuaire
EPHE) , pp. 3 3 1-3 3 6 .
34. H. Gorgemanns (" Der Bekehrungsbrief Marc Aurels, " p p . 1 02-108)
shows that this description contains an allusion to the wrath of Achilles in the
first book of Homer's fliad. The irony was intended by the young Marcus, in
order to attenuate the pain he was inflicting upon his teacher Fronto, by allow
ing him to glimpse his growing love for philosophy.
3 5 . Cf the formula "Silent leges inter arma " ("laws are silent during wars ") , in
A. Otto, Die Sprichworter (Hildesheim, 1 962) , p. 1 92, and cf Plutarch, Agesilaus,
30, 4.
3 6 . Les Stoidens, textes traduits par E. Brehier, edites sous la direction de P. M.
Schuh/ (Paris, collection de la Pleiade, 1 964) , p. 68 ( 1 6 3 ) ; cited in what follows
as Stoidens. On this philosopher, cf I. Ioppolo, Aristone di Chio e lo stoicismo antico
(Naples, 1 9 8 1 ) .
3 7 . C f S VF, vol. I, 3 8 3-403 .
3 8 . Seneca, Letters to Lucilius, 94, 2; Cicero, On Ends, III, 50; IV, 43 ; 79.
39. On this point, correct what I said about Aristo in P. Hadot, Exercices
spirituels, p . l 30, and in Annuaire EPHE XCII .
40. Historia Augusta, Antoninus Pius, X , 4 .
4 r . [There i s a n untranslatable play o n words here, between the French
" tendu" and " detendu. " -Trans.]
42. Historia Augusta, Antoninus Pius, X, 5 .
43 . Historia Augusta, MA, III, 2.
44. Suidae Lexikon, ed. A. Adler, vol. I (Stuttgart, 1 9 7 1 2) , 23 5 , p . 3 4 r .
4 5 . Philostratus, Lives of the Sophists, I I , 5 5 7 . This Lucius is obviously not
Lucius Verus, Marcus' adoptive brother, as is supposed by Grimal (p. 89) , but a
philosopher about whom Philostratus tells other anecdotes as well, within the
same context. Note Marcus' tolerance of Lucius' uninhibited speech; cf
Rutherford, Meditations, p. 89.
46. Fronto, Ad Antonin. Imper. , De eloquentia, I, 4, p. 1 3 5 , 3 Van den Hout =
vol. II, p. 50 Haines.
47. Ibid., 2, l , p . 1 44, 2; 5 , 4, p . 1 5 1 , 22 Van den Hout = vol. II, pp. 66; 8 3
48. See G. W. Bowersock, Greek Sophists in the Roman Empire (Oxford, 1 969) ,
pp. 5 3-54; Philostratus, Lives ef the Sophists, II, 5 , 5 7 r .
49. Historia Augusta, MA, III, 2 ; III, 3 .
5 0 . Galen, De praecognitione = Galen, On Prognosis, ed. , Engl. trans. , and
commentary by V. Nutton (= Corpus Medicorum Graecorum, V, 8 , l ) , Berlin,
1 979, p. 82, 6. In his review of R. MacMullen's Enemies ef the Roman Order
(Journal of Roman Studies, 59 [ 1 969] : 265) , 0. Murray puts forth the hypothesis
that Marcus' friend and teacher is the same Claudius Severus mentioned by
Galen-that is, Marcus' own son-in-law.
3 20
Byzantinische Zeitschrijt, 5 ( l 896) : I O , who points out several literal citations from
Marcus in the writings of this fifteenth-century author.
9. Ioannis Reuchlin, De arte cabalistica libri tres (Hagenau, l 5 1 7) , p. xxxv
verso (quoting Meditations, IV, 3 6 , designated by the formula "in libro ad se ipsum
tertio, " as well as VII, 23); p . xlviii verso (quoting IV, 28, 2, where the verb
haploun is understood not in the sense of " to simplify oneself, " but " to get rid
of, " " to free oneself": explicare se) . On the manuscript of Marcus used by Reuch
lin, cf. L. Bergson, " Fragment einer Marc-Aurel-Handschrift, " Rheinisches Mu
seum, 1 29 ( 1 986) : l 5 7- 1 69.
I O . Marci Antonini Imperatoris de rebus suis, sive de eis quae ad se pertinere censebat
libri XII, commentario perpetuo explicati atque illustrati studio Thomae Gatak
eri, Cambridge, 1 6 5 2 .
l l . C f. P . Hadot, " Preface " t o the Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques, publish
ed under the direction of Richard Goulet, vol. I (Paris, 1 989) , p. I O .
1 2 . P . Moraux, Galien de Pergame: Souvenirs d'un medicin (Paris, 1 98 5 ) , p. 1 5 3 ;
L . Brisson, M.-0. Goulet-Caze, e t al. , Porphyre, La Vie de Plotin, vol. I (Paris,
1 982) , p. 2 8 3 .
1 3 . Arethae Scripta Minora, vol. I, p . 3 0 5 .
14. Anthologia Palatina, book XV, 23 , i n The Greek Anthology, XII, 1 3 5 : " If
you want to vanquish sadness, open this blessed book and go over it carefully;
with its help, you will easily persuade yourself of this oh so fruitful truth:
whether past, present or future, pleasures and pains are naught but smoke. "
1 5 . Suidae Lexikon, ed. A. Adler (Stuttgart, 1 9672) , 214, vol. III, p . 3 2 8 , 24.
16. See Meric Casaubon's edition of Marcus Aurelius: Marci Antonini Impera
toris De seipso et ad seipsum libri XII (London, 1 643), Prolegomena, pp. 1 2-14
(unnumbered pages) , citing the second edition of the Editio princeps ( 1 5 68) .
1 7 . See Casaubon, pp. 2-3 of his notes, which are at the end of the work.
1 8 . Gataker, p . 24.
19. Caspar Barthius, Adversariorum Commentariorum Libri LX (Frankfurt, 1 624) ,
Book I, ch. 2, pp. 22-24.
20. J.-P. de Joly, Pensees de l'empereur Marc Aurele (Paris, 1 773 2) , pp. xxxivxliii.
2 r . Farquharson, pp. lxiv-lxvii.
22. Renan, pp. 1 5 7-1 5 8 .
23 . G . Misch, Geschichte der Autobiographie, I, 2 (Bern, 1 95 1 2) , p. 449.
24. P. A. Brunt, "Marcus Aurelius in His Meditations, " Journal of Roman
Studies, 64 (1 974) : r .
2 5 . Fronto, Ad Marc. Caesar. , II, 8 , 3 , p . 29, 2 Van den Hout = vol. I , p . 1 3 8
26. Brunt in Journal ef Roman Studies, 64, p. 3 n. 12; R. B. Rutherford,
Meditations, p. 29 n. 90.
27. Cf. Photius, Library, vol. II, codex no. 1 7 5 , pp. 1 70-1 7 1 Henry.
2 8 . Aulus Gellius, Preface, 2.
3 22
3 23
3 24
23 . Cf. P. Hadot, '"Only the Present Is Our Happiness' : The Value of the
Present Instant in Goethe and in Ancient Philosophy, " in Philosophy As a Way of
Life, pp. 2 I 7-23 7.
24. Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, I, 2, I-I 3 ; II, I 8, I I ; XV, I I , 5 ; XVII, I 9 , I ;
XIX, I , I 4.
2 5 . Lucian, The Ignorant Book- Collector, I 3 , in Loeb Classical Library edition,
vol. 3 , p. I 92 .
2 6 . Galen, De libris propriis, i n Opera omnia, vol. XX , p . 44, I O Kiihn.
27. Origen, Against Celsus, III, 54, 23 ; VI, 2, I 5 ; VII, 5 3 , I 3 ; 54, 24.
2 8 . Simplicius, In Epicteti Enchiridion, pp. 45, 3 5 ; I I 6, 48 Diibner.
29. Lucian, Demonax, 5 5 , in Loeb Classical Library edition, vol. I , p. I 6 8 .
30. See the excellent article b y S. Follet, "Arrien d e Nicomedie, " in
R. Goulet, ed. , Dictionnaire des Philosophes Anciens, vol. I (Paris, I 989) , pp. 597604; see also P. A. Stadter, Arrian of Nicomedia (Chapel Hill: University of North
Carolina Press, I 98o) . Some of Arrian's works may be found in A. G. Roos and
G. Wirth, eds., Flavii Arriani quae extant omnia, vol. II: Scripta minora et fragmenta
(Leipzig: Teubner, I 968) .
3 I . P. A. Stadter, Arrian, p . I4; J. H. Oliver, "Arrian in Two Roles, " in
Hesperia, Suppl. XIX: Studies in Attic Epigraphy, History, and Topography presented
to Eugene Vanderpool (Princeton, I 982) , pp. I 22-I 29.
3 2 . Follet, in Dictionnaire des Philosophes Anciens, vol. I , p. 597; Suidae Lexikon,
vol. II, p. I I 7 Adler.
3 3 . A new edition of the Greek text is currently being prepared by G. Boter.
The text and English translation, ed. and trans. W. A. Oldfather, is available in
the Loeb Classical Library.
34. See Follet, p. 602 .
3 5 . Ibid. , p . 599.
36. Themistius, Oratio 34.
37. [A consul sujfectus was one elected upon the death or abdication of a
regularly elected consul. -Trans.]
3 8 . A summary of the various positions adopted, as well as a bibliography on
the question, may be found in Follet, in Dictionnaire des Philosophes Anciens, vol.
I, p. 602 .
3 9 . J. Souilhe, Epictete, Entretiens, vol. I, Introduction, p. xxix.
40. [The French words used here are "lecture " and "le<;:on" respectively; they
both derive from the Latin lectio, "reading. " -Trans.]
4 1 . Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, I, 26, I-I I .
42 . Photius, Library, codex 250, I I I , vol. VII, p . I 89 Henry.
43 . This too often repeated opinion is refuted by I. Hadot, " Epictete, " in
Encyclopedia Universalis, p. 3 6 .
44. Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, XIX, I , 14.
45 . Ibid. , I, 2, 6.
46. Farquharson, vol. II, p . 446.
3 25
3 26
3 27
discipline of assent (which is only mentioned in passing; see chapter 52) . The
Manual then concludes with a series of sayings which must always be kept " at
hand" (chapter 5 3 ) ; cf. M. Pohlenz, Die Stoa, vol. 2 (Gottingen, 1 9 5 5) , p. 1 62.
3 I . On these attempts, cf. P. Hadot, Exercices spirituels, pp. 1 50-1 5 3 .
6 . The Inner Citadel, o r the Discipline efAssent
3 29
3 30
Notes to Pages l 5 3 - 1 7 1
33 I
33 2
4. See Cicero, On the Limits of Goods and Evils, III, 5 , r 6ff , together with the
remarkable commentary of Goldschmidt, Systeme stoi'cien, pp. 1 26-1 3 2 .
5 . Seneca, O n Benefits, IV, 3 3 , 2 .
6. Cicero, On Duties, I I I , r 3 , I 5ff. On these casuistic problems, see I . Hadot,
" Tradition stolcienne et idees politiques aux temps des Gracques, " Revue des
E tudes Latines, vol. 48, pp. 1 6 1- 1 7 8 .
7. Cicero, O n Duties, I I I , 1 2 , 5 1-5 3 .
8 . Cf Voelke, L'Idee de volonte, pp. 73-7 5 .
9 . Marcus Aurelius, IV, r , 2; V, 20, 2; VI, 5 0 , 2; Epictetus, Manual, 62, 2 ;
Epictetus, quoted by Marcus, XI, 3 7, r . For Seneca, see the texts cited i n the
following notes.
IO. Seneca, On Peace of Mind, XIII, 2-3 .
r r . Seneca, On Benefits, IV, 3 4, 4-5 .
1 2 . Ibid.
r 3 . Cicero, On The Limits of Goods and Evils, III, 6, 22.
14. Seneca, On Providence, II, r, 4.
r 5. Seneca, On Benefits, II, I O, r .
1 6 . Ibid. , II, I O, 3 .
1 7 . S VF, vol. III, 45 [= Servius, Commentary on Virgil's Aeneid, I , 604 Trans.] . Cf Seneca, On the Happy Life, IX, 4: " (virtus) ipsa pretium sui ";
Spinoza, Ethics, V, proposition XLII .
1 8 . Here, I am following the text o f Farquharson.
1 9 . Matthew 6: 3 .
20. Plotinus, Enneads, I 4, IO, 26ff
2 r . Seneca, On Benefits, IV, 34, 4; On Peace of Mind, XIII, 3 .
22. Cicero gives a history of this exercise in his Tusculan Disputations, III, r 3 ,
28ff; c f I . Hadot, Seneca, pp. 6o-6 r .
23 . Philo of Alexandria, On the Special Laws, II, 46, 6-I O .
2 4 . I owe this excellent expression t o Mireille Armisen-Marchetti, " Imagina
tion et meditation chez Seneque. L'exemple de la praemeditatio, " Revue des Etudes
Latines, 64 ( 1 986) : 1 8 5- 1 9 5 .
2 5 . Seneca, Letters to Lucilius, 9 8 , 6 .
2 6 . Immanuel Kant, Foundations ef the Metaphysics of Morals, 2nd section.
27. Stoi'ciens, p. 49 [= Diogenes Laertius, Lives, VII, I 05-I07 -Trans.] . Cf
E. Brehier, E tudes de philosophie antique (Paris, 1 987) , pp. 1 3 5-1 3 8 .
2 8 . Seneca, Letters to Lucilius, 89, 1 4 .
2 9 . " Their" representation. We can render the Greek text more explicit in
this way, both because of the context and because of the parallel in Epictetus,
Manual, 6 r .
30. S VF, vol. III, 262; Philo of Alexandria, Allegory of the Laws, I , 87; cf.
Marcus Aurelius, I, 1 6, 5 .
3 r . Cassius Dio, LXXII, 3 4, 4.
32. Plato, Laws, VI, 75 6e-75 8a; Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, V, 6, r r 3 r a-b.
3 34
r . Renan, p . 274.
2 . Ibid. , p . 267.
3 . Ibid. , p . 30.
4. Ibid. , p . 34.
5. P. Wendland, Die hellenistische-riimische Kultur in ihren Beziehungen zu
Judentum und Christentum (Tubingen, 1 9724) , p. 23 8 .
6. J. M. Rist, Stoic Philosophy (Cambridge, 1 969) , p. 286.
7. P. Petit, La Paix romaine (1 9823) , p . 1 94: "Marcus Aurelius, a Stoic phi
losopher of the superstitious rather than the rational type, despite the traces of a
rather negative despair at the end of his life. "
8 . Dodds, Pagans and Christians, pp. 8 , 29 n. r .
9 . Ibid. , p . 29 n. r .
I O . Historia Augusta, MA , V, 2.
l l. Cassius Dio, LXXII, 3 6, l .
1 2 . Grimal, p . 5 3 .
1 3 . Philostratus, Imagines, I , 30, 4, 8-9 Benndorf/Schenkl.
14. R. Dailly and H. van Effenterre, "Le Cas Marc Aurele, " Revue des etudes
anciennes, 56 (1954) : 3 49-3 50.
1 5 . Cassius Dio, LXXI, 6, 3-4.
16. Cassius Dio, LXXII, 36, 2.
1 7 . Dailly and van Effenterre, in Revue des hudes anciennes, 56: 3 54.
1 8 . T. W. Africa, " The Opium Addiction of Marcus Aurelius, " journal of the
History ef Ideas, 1 96 1 , pp. 98---5)9 . See my refutation of this article, " Marc Aurele
etait-il opiomane? " in Memorial Andre]ean Festugiere (Geneva: Cramer, 1 984) ,
pp. 3 3-50.
19. Galen, De antidotis, I, lff., in Opera omnia, vol. XIV, p . 2ff. Kuhn.
20. Galen, ibid. , I, 7, p. 42 Kuhn; II, 1 7 , p. 20 1 ; II, 9, p. 1 5 5 ; cf P. Hadot in
Memorial Andre]ean Festugiere, p. 3 8 .
2 r . Galen, A d Pisonem de theriaca, 2 , vol. 14, pp. 2 1 6-2 1 7 Kuhn.
22. T. W. Africa, in journal of the History of Ideas, 1 96 1 , p. I 02, n. 7 8 .
23 . Ibid. , p . I O I .
24. Thomas D e Quincey, Confessions of a n English Opium-Eater (New York:
Heritage Press, 1 950; l st ed. : London, 1 82 1 ) , p. 60.
2 5 . Seneca, Letters to Lucilius, 99, IO; 49, 3 .
26. Greek Anthology, book VII, 472.
27. S VF, vol. 2, 762 = Stoidens, p . 1 78 [= Plutarch, On Common Notions, 44,
I083B-D -Trans.] .
2 8 . Plato, Cratylus, 402a; cf A. A. Long, " Heraclitus and Stoicism, " Philosophia (Academy of Athens) , 5-6 ( 1 975-'76) , p. 1 5 3
29. Plutarch, On the Disappearance ef Oracles, 3 9 , 43 2a.
30. Ovid, Metamorphoses, 1 5 , 1 79 .
3 r . Plato, Republic, 486a, quoted b y Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, VII, 3 5 .
3 2 . Philo o f Alexandria, O n the Special Laws, I I I , l-2.
3 3 . Maximus of Tyre, XX.II, 6, p . 91 Diibner.
34. Ovid, Metamorphoses, XV, 1 47
3 5 . For example, Seneca, Natural Questions, I, praefatio, 7-1 3 .
3 6 . Metrodori Epicurei Fragmenta, fr. 3 7, ed. A. Korte, in Neue ]ahrbucher fur
classische Philologie, Supplementband, XVII (1 890) , p . 5 57.
3 7 . Cicero, Dream of Scipio, 3, 1 6 . Cf A.-J. Festugiere, La Revelation d'Hermes
Trismegiste, vol. II (Paris, 1 949) , pp. 44 1ff.
38. Pascal, Pensees, section II, 72.
39. P. Rabbow, Seelenfuhrung. Methodik der Exerzitien in der Antike (Munich,
1 954) , p. 8 5 .
40. ]. Dalfen, " Formgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu den Selbstbetrachtun
gen Marc Aurels, " inaugural dissertation at the University of Munich (Munich,
1 967) .
4 r . M. Alexandre, "Le travail de la sentence chez Marc Aurele: philosophie et
rhetorique, " in La Licorne, Publications de la Faculte des lettres et des langues de
l' Universite de Poitiers, 1 979/3 , pp. 1 2 5-1 5 8 .
42. R . B. Rutherford, The Meditations, pp. 1 26ff.
43 . Fronto, Ad Antonin. Imper. , De eloquentia, 4, 8, p. 1 40, 8 Van den Hout =
vol. II, p. 79 Haines.
44. Fronto, Ad Antonin. Imper. , IV, l , p. r o 5 , 4-6 Van den Hout = vol. I,
p. 3 0 5 Haines.
4 5 . [Here Marcus is quoting Hesiod, Works and Days, l 97ff. -Trans.]
46. W. Williams, " Individuality in the Roman Constitutions: Hadrian and the
Antonines, " Journal of Roman Studies, 66 ( 1 976) : 78-82.
47. Breithaupt, pp. 1 5-16, cites the parallel with the titles placed at the begin
nings of the third and fourth books of the Odyssey: Ta en Puloi; Ta en Lakedai
moni (" The things that happened in Pylos "; " The things that happened in
Lacedaemonia") . As far as Marcus' titles are concerned, this would correspond
to " That which was written at Carnutum. "
48 . Theiler, p . 3 07.
49. Breithaupt, p. 39.
50. Theiler, p . 3 07. Should we attach any importance to the fact that Reuch
lin, in 1 5 1 7 , cites a passage from book IV as ifit belonged to book III? Cf above,
Chapter 2, n. 9.
5 r . On the grammatical problem, see Theiler, p. 307.
52. Theiler, p . 347.
5 3. [Villon's poem La ballade des Seig neurs du temps Jadis consists of a series of
3 36
stanzas, each of which ends with the refrain "Mais ou est le preux Charle
maigne? " -Trans.]
54. Historia Augusta, Lucius Verus, VIII, 7-1 r .
5 5 . O n Caninius Celer, see G. W. Bowersock, Greek Sophists in the Roman
Empire (Oxford, 1 969) , p. 53 (c Historia Augusta, MA, II, 4, p. 1 3 6; Philostratus,
Lives of the Sophists, I, 524) . The Hadrian mentioned by Marcus cannot be the
rhetor Hadrian of Tyre, as Dalfen believes (p. 69) , for the rhetor Hadrian died
well after Caninius Celer, and was still alive when Marcus was writing (c
Philostratus, Lives of the Sophists, 1 1 , 5 90) .
56. See P. Courcelle, Recherches sur les Confessions de Saint Augustin (Paris,
1 968) , pp. 1 2-29 .
57. C P . Graindor, Un milliardaire antique: Herode Atticus e t s a Jamille (Cairo,
1 9 3 0) ; W. Ameling, Herodes Atticus, 2 vols. (Hildesheim, 1 9 8 3 ) .
5 8 . On the documents w e possess about this trial, see ]. H. Oliver, "Marcus
Aurelius: Aspects of Civil and Cultural Policy in the East, " in Hesperia, Supple
ment XIII, 1 970. For a French translation of the documents, see S. Follet,
" Lettre de Marc Aurele aux Atheniens (EM 1 3 3 66) : nouvelles lectures et inter
pretations, " Revue de philologie, 5 3 (1 979) : 29-43 . On the first of these trials, see
Fronto, Ad Marc. Caesar, III, 3 ff ; p. 3 7, 5ff Van den Hout = vol. I, pp. 59ff.
Haines. On the relations between Marcus and Herodes Atticus, see Bowersock,
Greek Sophists, pp. 49, 94-100.
59. Fronto, Ad Verum Imper. , I, 6, p . I I I , 1 7 Van den Hout = vol. II, p. 1 54
60. Fronto, Ad Amicos, I, 3 , p . 1 73 , 28 Van den Hout = vol. I , p. 280 Haines.
6 r . Fronto, De feriis Alsiensibus, 4, p . 234, 1 3 Van den Hout = vol. II, p . I 8
62. R. B. Rutherford, Meditations, p . 229.
63 . On the first book of the Meditations, see the excellent book by F. Martinazzolli, La "Successio " di Marco Aurelio (Bari, 1 9 5 1 ) .
64. Historia Augusta, MA XXIX, I O .
65. See R. B. Rutherford, Meditations, p . 1 3 2.
66. Renan, p . 36.
67. Historia Augusta, MA XXIX, 6.
6 8 . On Marius Maximus, see R. Syme, Emperors and Biography (Oxford,
1 9 7 1 ) , pp. 1 1 3-1 14.
69. Cassius Dio, LXXII, 34, 4-5 .
70. Ibid. , 30, 2.
7 r . Historia Augusta, MA XX, 5 .
72. Cassius Dio, LXXII, 34, 4.
73 . Historia Augusta, Avidius Cassius, I, 8.
74. Institut. Justin. , III, I I , r, quoted by W. Williams, in Journal of Roman
Studies, 66: 80; c G. Cortassa, Scritti di Marco Aurelio (Turin, 1 984) , p. 5 74
3 37
(Greek and Latin texts with Italian translation of all the works of Marcus Aure
lius) .
7 5 . On these figures, see R. MacMullen, Enemies of the Roman Order (Cam
bridge, Mass. , 1 966) , pp. I---9 4
76. The emperor Julian compares the figures of Cato and Dio of Syracuse,
because of their unhappy fate ( To Themistius, 3 , 256a) .
77 . Plutarch, Dio, 5 , S , 96ob; 7 , r , 96oe; S , l , 96 1b; 1 7 , 6 , 965a; 47, l-9,
97S-9 79; 52, r-3 , 9So-9S i .
7 S . Seneca, On the Constancy of the Sage, VII, l ; On Providence, II, 9ff.
79. Plutarch, Cato the Younger, 67-6S, 792-793 .
So. Epictetus, Discourses, I , 2 , 1 9; IV, l , 123 .
S I . On these questions, see P. A. Brunt, " Stoicism and the Principate, " Papers
of the British School at Rome, 43 ( 1 975) : 7-3 5 ; R. B. Rutherford, Meditations,
pp. 5 9-So (an excellent study of " The Stoics and the Empire ") .
S2. Cassius Dio, LXXII, 3 3 , 2.
S3. Historia Augusta, MA, XXII, 3; VIII, I .
S4. Herodian, History of the Empire, I , 2 , 4; and cf F. Millar, The Emperor in the
Roman World (London, 1 977) , pp. 2 7 1-27 i . In his preface to the Loeb edition of
Herodian (p. lxxx) , C. R. Whittaker emphasizes the relations between the ide
ology of Herodian and the tradition which goes back to Claudius Severus.
S 5 . Historia Augusta, MA, XII, I .
S6. See P. Hadot, " Fiirstenspiegel, " Reallexikon fur Antike und Christentum,
vol. VIII, fasc. 60 (1 970) , pp. 5 5 5-6 3 2 .
S7. R. B. Rutherford, Meditations, p . r o S .
S S . Historia Augusta, Antoninus Pius, XII, 6.
S9. Historia Augusta, MA, VIII, I .
90. Since Alexander and Philip were great conquerors, the context forces us
to conclude that the Demetrius mentioned here is not the statesman and Aristo
telian philosopher Demetrius of Phaleron, but the Macedonian conqueror De
metrius Poliorcetes, the " taker of cities. " The reading " of Phaleron, " attested by
manuscripts A and T, is a gloss which has been incorporated into the text, as had
been suspected by H. Schenkl and G. Cortassa.
9 i . Cicero, Orator, I, 230.
92. Cicero, Letters to Atticus, 2, I, S ; Plutarch, Phocion, 3, 2, 742
93 . Seneca, Letters to Lucilius, 9 5 , 3 3 .
94. G . Ville, La Gladiature en Occident des origines a la mort de Domitien (Rome,
l 9S2), pp. 462, 4S2.
95. Historia Augusta, MA, XXIII, 5 .
96. Cassius Dio, LXXII, 29, 3 .
97. Reading hose pronomeia (pronoia AT) .
9 S . Vaclav Havel, Meditations d'he (Paris, 1 992) , p . 1 3 7 [published in English
as Vaclav Havel, Summer Meditations, trans. Paul Wilson, New York: Vintage
Books, 1 993 -Trans.] .
I . Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human, II, 1 68; vol. 2, p. 446 Colli/Montanari.
2. Renan, p. 1 66.
3. Ibid. , p . 1 62.
4. Immanuel Kant, Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, 2nd section
[= p. 42 1 in the edition of the Konigliche Preussische Akademie der Wissen
schaft (Berlin, 1 902-1 93 8) -Trans.] .
5 . ]. Gernet, Chine et christianisme (Paris, 1991 2) , p . 1 93
6 . ]. Gernet, " La sagesse chez Wang-Fou-tche, philosophe chinois du XVII0
siecle, " in Les Sagesses du monde (Paris, 1 99 1 ) , p . 1 03 .
7 . Ibid. , p . 103 .
8 . Tang Zhen, Ecrits d'un sage encore inconnu, trans. L. Gernet (Paris, 1 99 1 ) ,
p . 97.
9. Seneca, Letters to Lucilius, 95, 3 3 .
I O . Goldschmidt, Systeme stoi'cien, pp. 2 1 6-2 1 8 .
3 40
Augustine, 2S7; Soliloquies, 3 3
Aulus Gellius, 4 , 3 4, 52-5 3 , 59, 63 -64, 6 5 , 1 02;
Attic Nights, 3 2 , 1 1 5 - 1 1 6
Aurelius Victor, 2 1
Autonomy, S 3 , l So
Aversion, S7, l 2 S . See also Desire
Avidius Cassius, 2, 2 1 , 24S , 262, 2S9, 294
Barth, Carl, 26, 2 7
Baudelaire, Charles, 293
Beast. See Animal
Beauty, 76, 1 69, 1 70, 1 7 1 , 259
Benevolence, 200-203 , 2 1 7, 2 1 S , 22S, 271
Bergson, Henri, 1 6 1
Body: and circumscription, l l 3 , l l 4, l2o; com
munity as, 230; as corpse, 1 67; and depend
ence, S 3 ; and emotion, 1 1 5- 1 16; freedom
from, 49; and humanity, 20 1 , 2 1 4; and intel
lect, 3 9 ; and self, l l 3 , l l 4, l 20, l So; and sen
sation, 1 0 1 ; and soul, 1 1 3 - 1 1 4
Bonhiiffer, A., S 2
Breath. See Vital breath
Brehier, E mile, 74, 7S, S2, 127
Breithaupt, G., 26 1 , 262
Brunt, P. : "Marcus Aurelius in his Meditations, "
Brutus, 297, 29S
Byzantium, 22
Carnutum, 261
Casaubon, Meric, 24, 2 5
Cassius Dio, 3 , S -\) , 2 0 , 2 1 , 2 1 S , 246, 247, 24S249, 250, 2S9, 293 , 3 00, 305
Cato of Utica, 297, 29S, 3 04
Cato the Younger, 4
Catulus. See Cinna Catulus
Cause: and choice, 1 1 4; and Chrysippus, 1 5 3 ;
and destiny, l 20; direct vs. indirect, 1 5 3 ; dis
tinguishment of, 40-4 1 ; and event, 47; and
exteriority, 1 06; external, 1 1 4, 1 2 S , 129, l 3 S ,
27 1 ; and freedom, I I 4; inner, 1 1 4, l 2 S , 1 29;
and matter, 40, 49; and Nature, 47, l 3 S , 27 1 ;
outer (ektos aitia, outer cause) , 2 7 1 ; and Rea
son, l 5 3 ; and rules of life, 46; and Stoicism,
79; as theme, 273
Champlin, E., 12, 1 3
Chance, l 5 l - 1 52
Chaos, l4S
Chapter-heads, 3 S-4 1 , 67
Choice: and accord with self, 7 5 ; and causality,
1 1 4; and destiny, l 2o; and justice, 222; and
morality, l 2 l ; and probability, 77, 1 9 1 - 1 92,
193 ; and self-consciousness, l 79-1 So; and
soul, S 3 ; and Stoicism, S9
Christianity, l S - 1 9, 60, 1 59, 23 1
Chrysippus, S2, 1 2 3 ; and consequences, 1 9 1 ;
and cosmic unity, 1 4 1 ; and desire, 94; and direct vs. indirect causality, l 5 3 ; and educa
tion, So, S l; explication of, 6 3, 7 3 ; Fronto
on, l S ; and Moirai, 1 3 9- 1 40; and Nature,
94, l 30; and Plutarch, So; and present, 1 46;
and Reason in matter, 1 66; and repre
sentation, 1 1 0; and time, 1 3 5 , 1 3 6
Cicero, 9 , 1 4 , 4 3 , 5 2 , 99, 1 6 1 , 1 62, 1 94- 1 9 5 ,
304; Dream a[ Scipio, 2 5 5 ; O n Duties, 192,
Cinna Catulus, 16-17, 19
Circumscription, 1 1 2- 1 2 5 , 13 l - 1 3 7
City: and Epictetus, 2 r r ; human vs. cosmic,
99; and Reason, 7 5 ; of World, 42-43 , 21 l 2 1 2 , 2 1 4, 239, 291
Claudius Max:imus, 1 6 - 1 7 , 1 9 , 2 S 1 -2S2
Claudius Severus Arabianus, 16-17, 1 9 , 2S2,
296, 297, 29S-299
Cleanthes, l S ; Hymn to Zeus, 1 5 7
Clotho, l 3 <r- l 40
Coherence, 75-76, 9 S - 1 00, 1 3 0- 1 3 1 , 2 1 2 , 246247. See also Harmony
Commodus, l , 2, 19, 22, 24S, 252, 293 , 294
Community: and action, 40, l S4- 1 S 5 , l SC)1 90, 2 3 5 ; as body, 230; conduct toward, 20S;
and Epictetus, 2 1 5 ; as form of reality, 232;
and good, 1 92, 2 1 0-2 1 1 , 2 1 5 ; and impulse,
S7, l 3 l; and indifference, S6; and love, 22923 l; and politics, 3 06; and reason, 40, 7S, S6,
2 1 l, 212, 2 1 3 , 229-230; and self-circumscrip
tion, I I S; service to, 46, 200, 20 1 ; as theme,
2 7 1 ; and wealth, 2 1 5 ; and will, 1 3 ! . See also
Composition, interwoven, 264, 26S, 269, 27 1 ,
Concern, 1 90- 1 9 1 , 209, 2 1 0
Concord. See Accord
Conscience, 9 5 , l S l , 2 1 5 , 266, 274, 30S, 309,
Consciousness, l 1 2 , r r 6, 1 20, 1 3 7, 1 4 5 - 1 46,
l 79-1S2, 20 1 , 202, 203 . See also Attention
Consent: and desire, 1 4 5 , 1 49, l S 3 ; to Destiny,
44, 92, 1 4 5 , 197, 239; discipline of, 40; and
event, 1 44, 1 4 5 , 1 46; and present, 1 3 2 , 1 4 5 ,
1 4 6 ; and providence, 1 62; and reason, 1 4 5 ,
14S, 1 49: t o Whole, 1 43 ; t o World, 1 4 5
Consequence, 1 5 1 , 1 5 3 - 1 54, 1 5 5 , 1 5 6, l 6 S 1 70, 1 90- 1 9 1 , 220. See also Result
Convention, 8, 5 5-56
Cosmos: and consciousness, 145-146, 1 79-1 82;
immensity of, 1 72-1 79, 1 80, 2 5 3 , 254, 2 5 5 ,
2 5 6 ; and love, 1 42; and Reason, 8 2 , 1 00; and
self, 1 80; unity of, l 1 9 , 1 4 1 . See also Uni
verse; World
Courage, 8 8 , 2 3 3
Court life, 267, 291-296
Crates, 57
Cynicism, 7, 8, 56, 57, 1 73-175
Dailly, R., 247-249, 252
Daimon, 76, 1 23-124, 1 3 0, 1 59-1 60, 265, 266
Dalfen, J., 2 5 7
Dance, 1 3 4, 1 47, 1 9 5
Danger, 1 5 5
Danubian campaign, 248, 250--2 5 1 , 262, 3 00
Dead Poets' Society, The, 1 7 1- 1 72
Death: and All , 1 76; and autobiography, 275277; and court life, 292-293 ; and Danubian
campaigns, 262; and Destiny, 40; of ele
ments, 5 5 ; Epictetus on, 66; and exercise,
275; and freedom, 275; and frivolity, 1 861 87; and homogeneity, 1 7 8 ; and imagina
tion, 47-48; and metamorphosis, 1 72; and
Nature, 275; and obstacle, 275; and perspec
tive, 1 7 5 ; and physical definition, 1 66; and
present, 1 47; and rules of life, 46; and seri
ousness, 1 8 8 ; and Socrates, 74; and Stoic vs.
Epicurean physics, 148; as theme, 264, 265266, 270--2 7 1 , 273-274; and time, 1 3 5-1 3 7,
1 86-1 87
Deception, 97
Definition, physical, 1 04-105, 1 3 3 , 1 3 7, 1 5 4,
1 64-1 66, 167
Delimitation. See Circumscription
Demetrius Poliorcetes, 250, 3 05-306
Demetrius the Cynic, 7
Democritus, 5 5-56, 1 87, 269
Dependence, 8 3 ; and body, 49, 8 3 ; and desire,
9 1 ; and event, 1 42; and evil, 86, 1 3 8 ; and
good, 1 3 8 ; and impulse, 87; and indiffer
ence, 1 0 8 , 1 5 1 ; and obstacle, 209; and self
circumscription, 1 1 4; and time, 1 3 1 ; and
value-judgment, l l l-1 1 2 . See also Freedom
DeQuincey, Thomas, 2 5 5 , 256
Derveni papyrus, 1 3 9
Descartes, l 5 5
Desire: and acceptance, 9 l -<)2; and action, l 97;
and All , 99, 1 29; and assent, 1 2 5 , 1 29; and
Chrysippus, 94; and coherence, l 30; and
consent, 1 4 5 , 1 49, 1 8 3 ; and dependence, 9 1 ;
and Destiny, 86, 1 29, 1 4 5 , 23 5 ; cliscipline of,
45, 68, 69, 9 1 -<)2 , 9 3 , 94, 99, 128-182, 1 8 3 ,
1 84-1 8 5 , 1 97, 204, 2 1 4, 220, 234, 2 3 5 , 236,
2 3 8 , 266; and discipline of action, 1 84-1 8 5 ,
204, 2 1 4, 266; and Epictetus, 1 3 7-1 3 8 , 1 4 3 ;
and event, 1 29; and exercise, 8 7 ; goal o f,
1 3 7-1 3 8 ; and good, 8 4 , 9 1 ; and guiding prin
ciple, 89; and indifference, l l 8, l 3 8; and in
ner discourse, 84; and merit, 220; and Na
ture, 9 5 , r 2 8-1 30; and pain, 1 2 8 ; and
passion, 1 2 8 ; and passivity, 1 2 8 ; and physics,
9 1 , 92, 94-97, 1 42; and piety, 1 3 4; and Plato,
2 3 3 ; and pleasure, 1 2 8 ; and present, 1 3 1 ; and
Reason, 92; and rules of life, 44; and soul,
86, 8 8 ; teaching on, 94; and temperance,
234, 2 3 5 , 236, 2 3 8 ; and value-judgment,
1 27; and virtue, 2 3 8 ; and will, 1 2 8 . See also
Destiny: and assent, I2 l ; and attachment, l l 9;
and causality, 1 20; and choice, 1 20; and con
sent, 44, 92, i 4 5 , 197, 239; and death, 40;
and desire, 86, 1 29, 1 4 5 , 23 5 ; and determi
nate universe, 1 5 5 ; and event, 1 3 8 , 142; and
evil, 207; as form of reality, 2 3 2 ; and free
dom, 1 80; and guiding principle, 1 14-1 1 5 ,
l l 8; and indifference, l 89; and intention,
1 9 5 : and justice, 22 1 ; love of, 1 44, 1 4 5 ; and
necessity, l 57; and obstacle, 204, 209; and
providence, l 48; and self-circumscription,
I I 4-1 1 5 , 1 1 7-1 1 8 ; and self-consciousness,
1 80; and Stoicism, 1 44- 1 4 5 ; and three acts of
soul, 8 3 ; and time, i 3 6 ; and value, 22 1 ; and
will, l 80. See also Fate
Development, 1 5 5- 1 5 6
Dialectic, 4, 1 3 , 48-5 1 , 7 2 , 7 3 , 74, 7 7 , 78, 79,
80--82, 8 5 . See also Discourse
Dianoia (reflection) . See Reflection
Dice game, 209, 2 1 0
Dictation, 3 3
Difficulty, 1 3 2, 1 3 3 , 204-209. See also Misfortune; Obstacle
Dio, 297
Diogenes Laertius, 1 02
Diogenes ofBabylon, 192, 221
Diognetus, 5 , 6-7, 8 , 16, 282
Dionysiac, 145
Dionysius of Syracuse, 297
Discipline of action. See Action
Discipline of assent. See Assent
Discipline of desire. See Desire
Discipline of impulse. See Impulse
Discipline ofjudgment. See Judgment
3 42
Discourse, 79, 80, Sr, 82, 84-8 5 , 8<J-90. See
also Dialectic; Inner discourse
Discourses (Epictetus), 5, 14, 26, 3 7, 50; compo
sition of, 6o-64; content of, 64, 8 3 , 94-9 5 ,
1 1 6- 1 1 7, 2 3 8 , 269; quotations from, 66-69,
Diajunction, 3 9 , 43 , 147- 1 6 3
Distribution, o f portion, 2 1 8 , 2 1 9, 2 2 1 -222
Dodds, E . R., 246-247
Dogma, 3 6-43 , 50, 5 1 , 6 r , 67
Domitian, 60, 296, 298
Dorandi, Tiziano, 3 3
Duration, 1 3 6 , 1 3 7
Duty, 72, 1 84, 1 90, 224, 225-226, 228. See also
Action, appropriate
Education, 4, 63 -64, 74, 80-82, 96-<} 8 , r 6 r ,
225-227, 228
Egotism, 214, 2 1 5 , 280
Ektos aitia (outer cause) , 271
Eleusinian Mysteries, 2
Eloquence. See Rhetoric
Emotion, 1 1 5 - 1 1 7 , 1 80. See also Passion
Empedocles, 5 5, r r 9
Empiricism, r 8 r
Ends, kingdom of, 2 1 3
End (telos) vs. goal (skopos), 1 94- 1 9 5
Epakolouthesis (necessary but nonessential consequence) , 5 2
Epaphroditus, 60
Epictetus, 1 5 9; and assent, I 02- I 0 3 ; and body
as corpse, 1 67; and city, 21 r; and commu
nity, 2 1 5 ; and consequences, 1 9 1 ; and death,
66; and discipline of desire, 1 3 7- 1 3 8 , 1 4 3 ;
and disjunction, 1 49; and dogma, 3 6 ; and
duty, 1 8 8 , 1 90; and education, 226; and ego
tism, 2 1 4; and Epicureanism, 5 8 ; and evil,
1 26-127, 207, 223 -224; and exercise-theme,
82- I Oo, I O I ; and exteriority, I 06; and fallibil
ity, 286; and fault, 5 8 ; and foresight, 206; and
freedom, 208-209; and good, 1 26-1 27, 2 1 5 ;
and ignorance, 223 -224; and impulse, 2 1 5 ;
and indifference, r I O ; and intention, 1 9 5 ;
and judgment, 5 0 , 5 6 , I 07; and Junius Rus
ticus, 1 7; and man, 2 1 1 , 3 u -3 1 2 ; and Mar
cus Aurelius, 82, 1 2 8 , 1 3 1 ; and Moirai, 1 40;
and Nature, 66; and obstacle, 209; and
Other, 1 2 1 - 122, 1 24; and philosophy, 4, IO,
1 90, 286; and pity, 224; and Plato, 223 -224;
and providence, 1 6 1 ; and reason, 66, 1 5 8 ,
1 8 1 ; and representation, 5 5 , 5 6 , I 04, I 0 5 ,
r u ; and reserve clause, 1 9 3 , 204; and sage,
r 6 r; and self-circumscription, r r 4; and self
extent, 1 8 1 ; and soul, 66, 8 8 , 1 1 4; and spiri
tual exercise, 50, 5 1 , 243 ; stature of, r r ; and
Stoicism, 1 6, 7 3 , 82- I Oo; teachings of, 5966, 82-IOo; and three rules oflife, 69-70;
and value, I 09, 2 1 5 , 2 1 8 , 3 u -3 1 2 ; and vir
tue, 23 8; and whole-hearted action, r 86;
Manual, 6r, 99, I 09, 1 1 4, 143 . See also Dis
courses (Epictetus)
Epicureanism, 5 8-59, 1 4 8 - 1 50, 1 5 1 - 1 52, 240,
Epicurus, 3 9 , 43 , 5 8-59
Equality, 2 r 9, 299
Eros, 76
Eternal Return, 75-76, 1 44, 1 4 5 , 267. See also
Ethics, 73 -74, 77, 78, 79, 80-82, 89, 90, 9 1 , 94,
97. See also Morality
Eudemus of Pergamon, 1 9
Euripides, 1 42, 269
Event, 3 5 -36, 3 8 , 45, 47, 1 29, 1 3 8- 1 3 9, 1 401 4 1 , 1 42, 1 43 , 1 44, 1 4 5 , 1 46
Evil: apparent, 87; and Aristotle, 223 ; and as
sent, 1 2 5 ; and dependence, 86, r 3 8 ; and Des
tiny, 207; and Epictetus, 126- 1 27, 207, 223224; and freedom, I 07- I 0 8 ; and ignorance,
223-22 5 ; and judgment, 1 09, 223 , 225; and
justice, 220; moral, 36-37, 3 9 , 69, 7 3 , 84, 86,
I07- I 09, 125, 1 3 8 , 223-22 5 ; and Nature, 40;
and necessary consequence, r 56; and phys
ics, 94; and Plato, 223 ; and Reason, 8 8-89,
I 09; and Socrates, 74; and soul, ro8-I09;
source of, I 07
Exercise: and Danubian campaigns, 262; and
death, 275; dialectical, 48-5 r ; and difficulty,
204-209; and Epictetus, 50, 5 r , 243 ; intellec
tual vs. lived, 97; and obstacle, 270; philo
sophical, 86-<}8, 1 64; spiritual, 48-5 1 , I O I ,
243 -244, 2 5 5 , 3 1 2-3 1 3 ; and time, 1 3 1
Exercise-theme, 82-I Oo, I O I , 2 3 2
Experience, 220
Exteriority, I 06
Fallibility, 286-287, 293 , 295-296
Fame, 40, 1 6 5 , 1 7 5 - 1 76, 268. See also Glory
Family, 72
Farquharson, A. S. L., 27, 6 5
Fate, 4 5 . See also Destiny
Fault, 39, 5 7-5 8, 86
Faustina, r, 2, 252, 262, 2 8 3
Favorinus, 59
Favoritism, 2 r 8 , 2 r 9
Fire, 74, 7 5 , 1 44, 1 99, 267
Flavius Boethius, l 9
Foresight, 20 5-206, 208
Formula, 2 5 8-2 5 9
France, Anatole, l 3 3
Frankel, H . , 68, 69
Freedom, 7 1 ; and action, 200; and attention,
1 3 4; and body, 49; and causality, 1 1 4; and
death, 275; and Destiny, 1 80; and Epictetus,
208-209; and evil, I07-I08; and foresight,
208; and good, 7 1 , 84, I07- I 0 8 ; and guiding
principle, 83-84, 89, I 07, I 0 8 , 1 22; inner,
29 l ; and inner discourse, I 06, I 07; and in
tention, 203 ; and judgment, 40, 4 7; kinds of,
! 22; and Nature, 54-5 5 ; and necessity, l I 2 ;
political, 2 9 8 , 299-3 00; and present, l 3 2 ;
and Reason, 1 9 8 ; and self-consciousness,
1 79-1 80; and soul, 8 3 , I 06-I 07; and Stoi
cism, 89; and value, 1 7 1 ; of viewpoint, I 2 l ;
and will, 1 99 See also Dependence
Frivolity, l 86-l 87
Franta, I O , 1 8 , 5 1 , 1 8 8 , 257, 259, 27g-280; cor
respondence, l -2, 4-5 , 6, 8, l l-12, 14, 1 6
Future, 206
Galen, 19, 60, 62; On Antidotes, 250-25 1 ; On
Becoming Aware of Psychic Defects, 223
Gataker, Thomas, 23, 24, 2 5
Gavius Clarus, 27g-280
Generosity: See Benevolence
Gentleness, 226-228, 229, 3 0 1-302
Gemet, J., 3 IO
Gesner, Andreas, 22
Gilliam, J. F. , 3
Gladiator, 3 04-3 05
Glory, 40, 268, 3 o r . See also Fame
Goal, 1 8 5 , 1 94- 1 9 5 , 241
God, 76, 95--g6, 1 5 6, 1 5 7, 1 79, 1 99-200. See
also Daimiin
Gods, 86, 1 4 8 , l 5 8 , 236, 271
Goldschmidt, Victor, l IO, l l l ' l 3 7 , 3 l 2
Good: and action, l l 8, l 89; and All , 240; apparent, 87; and Aristotle, 223 ; and assent,
I2 5; and circumscribed self, ! 20; common,
l 1 8 , 1 87; and community, 1 92, 2 1 0-2 u ,
2 1 5 ; and consciousness, 20 1 , 202; and de
pendence, 86, 1 3 8 ; and desire, 84, 9 1 ; and
disinterest, 20 1 ; and Epictetus, ! 26-1 27, 2 1 5 ;
and evil, 3 9 ; external, I 20; and freedom, 7 1 ,
84, I07-I08; and God, l 9g-200; and happi
ness, 86, 20 1 ; and impulse, 84, 2 1 5 ; and in
tention, 77, 1 9 3 , 1 94, 1 9 5 , l 96; and judg-
3 43
ment, ro9; and knowledge, 223-225 ; moral,
3 6-3 7, 3 9 , 7 1 , 84, I 07-I 09, 1 2 5 , 1 3 8 , 1 46,
1 89, 1 9 3 , 1 9 5 , 1 96, 20 1 , 2 1 0-2 I I , 308; and
natural function, 20 1 ; and Nature, 202 ; and
part, 20 1 ; perception of, 227; and physics,
94; and Plato, 1 26; and Reason, 7 8 , 8 8-89,
I 09; and Socrates, 73-74, 1 26, 223 ; and soul,
I 08-I09; source of, I 07; and Stoicism, 3 63 7 ; value of, 1 46 ; and whole, 1 60, 20 1 , 2 1 2 ,
2 l 9; and Zeno of C it ium, 7 5 . See also Be
Good man, 3 5 , 46, 78, 263 , 265
Gorgemanns, H . , 1 3
Gran river, 26 1 , 262
Grima!, Pierre, 24 7
Guiding principle, 45, 49, 52, 70; and assent,
! 2 8 ; and cause, 49; and contentment, 1 79 ;
and desire, 89; and destiny, 1 1 4-I I 5 , 1 1 8 ;
and emotion, l 1 6-1 1 7 ; and freedom, 8 3-84,
89, I 07, I 0 8 , 1 22; and image, I 0 1 ; and im
pulse, 89, ! 2 8 ; and inner citadel, 1 22; and in
ner discourse, r o6; and intellect, l l 3; and
morality, 8 3-84; and Plutarch, I 0 8 ; and rep
resentation, 1 2 8 ; and self, 1 1 2, 1 2 1 ; and sen
sation, I I 6-1 1 7 ; soul as, I 06; as theme, 264,
266, 27 1 , 273 ; and value-judgment, I 09I I 0; and will , 1 2 8
Hadot, I . , 9
Hadrian, l , 298, 3 02
Happiness, 42, 86, 1 46, 1 79, 1 89, 20 1 , 2 3 8-242
Hardship, 1 3 2, 1 3 3 , 207. See also Misfortune;
Harm, 3 9
Harmony, 7 9 , 1 2 3 , 1 42- 1 4 3 , 1 96, 2 1 1 , 2 1 2 ,
227. See also Accord; Coherence
Hate, l 1 9
Havel, Vaclav, 3 06
Health, 7 1 , 2 1 5
Hellenism, 7 , 1 70
Helvidius Priscus, 296, 297, 298
Heraclitus, 5 4-5 5 , 73-74, 2 5 3 , 268
Herodes Atticus, 5 1 , 59, 65, 279
Herodian, 2 1 9, 3 00
Herrenius Senecion, 297
Hesiod, 272
Hierarchy, 8 8-89, 92--g3 , 1 8 3 , 2 1 g-220, 22 1
Hieros gamos (sacred marriage) , 1 42, 230-23 1
Historia Augusta, 7, 8, 1 5 , 2 1 , 246, 247, 276,
288, 289, 294, 3 00, 3 02
History, 4 1 , 1 77-1 78, 244-2 5 7
Holzmann, Wilhelm, 2 2 , 2 4 , 2 5 , 26
3 44
Homer, 1 23 , 1 3 9 , 272
Homoeides (identity; homogeneity) . See Homogeneity
Homogeneity, 4 1 , 79, 1 76-1 78
Honor, 8 3
Horace, l l 9
Horme, hormai (impulse). See Impulse
Hugo, Victor, 3 6
Humanity. See Man
Idea, 78, 79
Ignorance, 39, 223-225
Image (phantasia), ro1-ro2, ro3 . See also Repre
Imagery, 2 5 9
Imagination, 47-48, 206, 2 5 4 , 2 5 5 , 256. See also
Immensity, cosmic, 1 72-1 79, 1 80, 2 5 3 , 254,
2 5 5 , 256
Impartiality, 2 1 8 , 2 1 9
Impiety, 2 3 4, 23 5 , 270. See also Piety
Impulse: and assent, 1 2 5 , 1 29; and coherence,
1 3 0; and community, 87, 1 3 1 ; and depend
ence, 87; discipline of, 90, 9 3 , 94, 99, 1 3 1 ; as
dogma, 46; and Epictetus, 70, 2 1 5 ; and eth
ics, 90, 9 1 , 94; and good, 84, 2 1 5 ; and guid
ing principle, 89, 1 2 8 ; and hierarchy, 9 3 ; and
human nature, 1 29; and inner discourse, 84;
and justice, 238; originary, 1 54-1 56, 1 5 8 ,
l 60, l 68, 220; and present, l 3 l ; and reason,
2 3 8 ; and rules of life, 44; and society, 99; and
soul, 86, 8 8 ; and Stoicism, 70; teaching on,
94; and will, l 2 8 . See also Action; Will
Independence. See Freedom
Indifference, 86; and beauty, l 70; and commu
nity, 86; and dependence, ro8, 1 5 1 ; and de
sire, l 1 8 , I J S ; and Destiny, 1 89; and
Epictetus, no; and event, 1 42; and innate
tendency, 1 90; and intention, 1 9 3 ; and judg
ment, ro9; and Lavelle, 222-223 ; and moral
ity, 222; and Nature, 7 1 , 87; and politics, 7 172; and providence, 1 62; and society, 2 1 7;
and Stoicism, 71; and time, 13 l; and value,
Indispensability, l 8 7
Individual: and egotism, 2 1 4; and merit, 22022 1 ; and Providence, 1 5 6-1 6 3 , 220-22 1 ,
222, 2 8 5 ; value o f, 2 1 8-2 19; vs. universal,
Infallibility, l 92
Infinity, 40, 2 5 5-2 5 6
Innate disposition, 222
Innate tendency, l 89-l 90, 202
Inner citadel, r o7, l 20, l 22
Inner dialogue, 88
Inner discourse, 89; and assent, 1 2 5 ; and desire,
84; and event, l 3 8; and false value, I I O; and
freedom, 106, ro7; and guiding principle,
ro6; and impulse, 84; and present, 1 3 8 ; and
representation, 84-86, ro3 ; and sensation,
ro2, ro4; and Stoicism, 50. See also Dis
Inner disposition, l 46, l 4 7, 29 l
Instinct, l 89, 202
Intellect: of All, 21 l ; and Aristotle, 1 2 3 ; and
body, 3 9 ; divine, 2 1 1 , 2 1 2; and guiding prin
ciple, l l 3 ; and judgment, r l 3 ; path of, 269270; and Plotinus, 1 24; and reflection, l 1 3 ;
as theme, 272; ofWhole, 220
Intention, 1 87, 193-200, 202, 203 , 2 1 3 , 242
Interwoven composition, 264, 268 , 269, 271 ,
Involuntary movement, l 1 6
Irrationality, 1 4 5
Jesus Christ, l 24, 202
Joly, Jean-Pierre de, 26-27, 3 4
Joy. See Happiness
Judgn1ent, 39, 84-86; and body, 49; discipline
of, 45, 47, 68, 69, 90, 9 3 , 99, 2 1 6 ; dogma of,
4 1 ; and Epictetus, 50, 56, ro7; and evil, ro9,
223 , 22 5 ; freedom of, 40, 47; and good, ro9;
and image (phantasia), ro3 ; and indifference,
109; and inner dialogue, 8 8 ; and intellect,
1 1 3 ; and logic, 90, 9 1 ; and morality, I 091 r o; and Nature, 72; and passion, 223 ; and
reality, 232; and Reason, 89, 99; and repre
sentation, 56, 9 3 , ro3 ; and rules of life, 44,
46; and Socrates, 74; as theme, 268; and
value, 2 1 6; and vanity, 56. See also Rational
ity; Reflection (dianoia); Value-judgment
Junius Rusticus, 5, 8-1 1 , 14, 1 6 , 1 7 , 19, 37, 59,
6 1 , 65-66, 282, 284-2 8 5
Justice, 2 1 8-223 ; and action, 1 3 4, 2 3 4 , 2 3 5 ; and
Aeschylus, 23 3 ; and Antoninus Pius, 3 0 1 ;
aristocratic, 2 1 9; and choice, 222; and Des
tiny, 22 1 ; and discipline of action, 1 3 4, 234,
235; divine, 2 1 9-223 ; and evil, 220; and im
pulse, 2 3 8 ; and merit, 299; and morality,
222; and Nature, 2 1 9, 234, 2 3 6-237; and ob
stacle, 2 1 9; and Plato, 8 8 ; and politics, 306;
and reason, 2 1 9; and rules of life, 3 5 , 44; and
service, 220; and Stoicism, 2 1 9 , 23 3 ; and
value, 2 1 8 ; as virtue, 2 3 2 . See also Law
Justin: Apology, 1 9
Juvenal: Satires, 297
3 45
M. Vetulenus Civica Barbarus, 1 9
Mach, E . , 1 4 1
Malevolence. See Evil
Man, humanity: and All , 92; as beast, l 50; and
body, 20 1 , 2 1 4; conduct toward, 208; and
Epictetus, 2 1 1 , 3 r r-3 1 2 ; good, 3 5 , 46, 7 8 ,
263 , 265; and impulse, 1 29; love for, 1 8 3 ; na
ture of, 44, 1 29, 2 1 4, 239, 3 1 2; and reason,
76, 78, 1 5 1 , 2 1 1 , 3 1 2; unhappiness of, 42;
value of, J I r . See also Community; Society
Marcomanni, 2, 261
Marcus Annius Verus. See Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius: career, I-3 , I I , 1 7-20; correspondence with Fronto, l-2, 4-5 , 6, 8, 1 11 2 , 1 4, 1 6 ; and dream, 246-247; as Emperor,
2 1 7, 2 1 8 , 267, 268, 3 00; and Epictetus, 82,
1 2 8 , 1 3 1 ; family, l; intention of, 3 0-3 1 ; and
language, 5 1 ; and opium, 2 5 0-2 57; personal
ity of, 2 8 8-290; as philosopher, 3-20; psy
chology of, 244-2 57, 28 5-287; reputation,
1 8 ; on self, 1 1-12, 286-288; and sincerity,
28 8-290; and solitude, 290-296; and writing,
5 l , 53
Marius Maximus, 2 8 8
Marriage, sacred, 1 42, 2 3 0-2 3 l
Martins Verus, 2
Materialism, 7 3 , 74
Matidia, 1 8
Matter, 40, 46, 49, 1 66-1 67, 268, 273
Maximus. See Claudius Maximus
Maximus of Tyre, 2 5 5
Meaning, 107
Meditations (Marcus Aurelius), 2 1-34, 243-306;
autobiography in, 2 60-263 , 267, 268, 270,
2 7 1 , 275-288, 291-296; and chronology,
260-263 ; composition of, 26 1-26 3 ; as " Con
fessions , " 277-2 8 8 ; genre of, 2 3 , 24, 25-28 ,
29-3 4; and language, 5 1-5 3 ; a s personal
notes, 3 0-34; quotations in, 30; relevance of,
3 07-3 1 3 ; structure of, 263-275, 278; style of,
257-260; text of, 2 1-2 3 , 24-2 5 , 2 8-29;
themes in, 263-275; title of, 23-2 5
Menander, 56
Merit, 218, 2 1 9 , 220-22 1 , 299. See also Value
Mesomedes, 236
Metamorphosis, 40, 48, 55, 1 7 1-172, 205-206,
267, 268, 270, 272. See also Transformation
Meteorology, 6 1
Metrodorus, 2 5 5
Misch, G . : History o fAutobiography, 27
Misfortune, 206-207, 208
Moirai, 1 3 9-140
1\1onarchy, 296, 299
1\1onimus the Cynic, 56
1\1orality, 8 ; and choice, 1 2 1 ; and dialectic, 8 5 ;
difficulty of, 289; and indifference, 222; and
judgment, r o9-1 ro; and justice, 222; and
Nature, 1 3 0; and physics, 64; and present,
1 3 7, 1 46, 1 47; progress in, 5 8 , 222, 3 04; and
repulsiveness, 1 6 8 ; and self, 1 20-1 2 1 , 1 8 1 ;
and Stoicism, 1 24; as theme, 268; and tran
scendence, 3 1 1 ; and value, 167, 1 7 1
1\1usonius Rufus, 7, 8 , 1 6 , 60, 298
Nakedness, 1 64, 1 6 5
Nature, 8, 3 9 ; and acceptance, 9 1 -<12; accord
of, 1 50; and action, 201-202; and All , 242;
and Aristotelianism, 1 5 4-1 5 5 ; and cause, 47,
1 3 8 , 2 7 1 ; and Chrysippus, 94, 1 3 0; and co
herence, 7 5-76; cohesion of, I 50; and death,
275; and desire, 9 5 , 1 28-1 3 0; divine, 2 1 9 ;
Epictetus o n , 6 6 ; and evil, 40; familiarity
with, 5 5 , 1 70-1 7 1 ; four kinds of, 1 8 3-1 84;
and freedom, 5 4-5 5 ; as goddess, 236; and
Good, 202; and happiness, 240-24 1 ; and har
mony, 79; and human nature, 1 28-1 30, 266,
267; and impiety, 234, 23 5, 270; and indiffer
ence, 7 1 , 87; and innate tendency, 1 89, 1 90;
judgment of, 72; and justice, 2 1 9 , 234, 236237; knowledge of, 42; and law, 56, 1 8 31 84; life according to, 2 1 5 ; and love, 2 3 023 r ; and morality, 1 3 0; and obstacle, 1 99;
and originary impulse, 1 54-1 56, 1 5 8, 1 60,
168; and perspective, I 12, 1 64, 168, 1 7 3 ; and
physical definition, r o 5 ; and Plato, 24 1 ; as
providence, 148; and reason, 78, I I 8, I 30,
2 I I ; and repetition, 41; and rules of life, 44;
and Stoicism, 43 , 1 54-1 5 5 ; and temperance,
2 3 5 , 236; as theme, 270; and truth, 23 4-23 5 ,
2 3 6 ; unity o f, 43 , 1 7 1 ; universal, 40, 43 , 86,
I 12, 1 2 8-1 3 0, 168, 173, 234-2 3 5 , 236, 266,
267; vegetative, I 84; and Whole, 220; will
of, 5 5 ; Zeus as, 1 5 8
Necessity, 74, r o7, 1 1 2, 1 5 7. See also Consequence
Neopythagoreanism, 2 5 5
Nero, 296
Nerva, 296, 298, 299
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1 44, I 45
Nonn, transcendent, 1 2 1 , 124
Object, 1 5 5 , 198. See also End; Goal
Objectivity, 44, r o 1 - r o4, 1 0 5 , r o9-1 u , 1 3 1 ,
1 64, 3 1 0-J l I
Philosophy: and Antoninus Pius, 3 02; and Ar
rian of Nicomedia, 6 1 ; and coherence, 24624 7; and court life, 267, 29 l-296; discourse
on, 8 1 ; and education, 63-64, 74, 96-<18,
1 6 1 ; and Epictetus, 4, I O , 1 90, 286; Fronto
on, 1 8 ; initiation into, 9; language of, 52; as
lived, 5, 3 5 , 76-77, 8 1-82, 93 , 9 8 , 2 8 5 ; parts
of, 77-82, 89-<18; and Plato ' s Republic, 303304; teaching of, 79-82, 96-<18; as theme,
3 5; theory vs. practice, 98; training for, 86-8 8
Philostratus: Images, 247
Photius, 64
Physics: and Aristo, 72; and consequence, 1 681 70; and desire, 9 1 , 92, 94-97, 1 42; and edu
cation, 96-<17; and Epictetus, 64; and good
and evil, 94; and Heraclitus, 7 3 ; and life, 8 l82, 89-<10; and Marcus Aurelius, 72; and mo
rality, 64; and Platonism, 77; and Seneca,
1 5 0-1 5 1 ; and Stoicism, 49, 78-'79; Stoic vs.
Epicurean, 1 48-1 50, 1 5 1- 1 5 2 ; teaching of,
80-82; theory of, 8 l
Phy sis, meanings of, l 84, 240
Piety, l 3 4. See also Impiety
Pity, l 57, 224-22 5
Plato, 79, 1 2 3 ; and anger, 2 3 3 ; and Brutus, 298;
and contemplation, 255; and desire, 2 3 3 ; and
Dio, 297; and Epictetus, 223-224; and evil,
223; and good, 1 26, 223; and justice, 8 8 ; and
Nature, 24 1 ; and Parcai, 1 3 9; and political
equality, 2 1 9 ; and politics, 297; and reason,
89, 1 2 1 , 2 3 3 ; and Republic, 222, 3 03-306;
and soul, 8 8 , 23 3 ; and virtue, 2 3 2-2 3 3 , 234;
Works: Apology, 57, 74; Eighth Letter, 299;
Phaedo, 298; Republic, 57, 66, 88, 23 3 , 234;
Symposium, 76, 77; Theaetetus, 57, 290;
Timaeus, 1 2 3
Platonism, 5 7 , 7 7 , 79
Pleasure, 3 9 , 76, 8 3 , 1 1 6, 1 2 8 , 1 50, 240
Pliny the Younger, 7
Plotinus, 1 24, 1 70, 202-203
Plutarch, 34, 89, 1 0 8 , 25 3-254, 297; On Stoic
Self- Contradictions, 80; On the Tranquillity (
the Soul, 3 2
Pneuma (breath) . See Vital breath
Politics, 7 1-'72, 1 6 5 , 1 89, 1 90, 2 1 9, 23 3 , 2963 06
Portion, distribution of, 2 1 8 , 2 1 9 , 221-222
Posidonius, 82
Position, 8 3
Posterity, l 6 5
Poverty, 7 1
Present, I I 5 , l l 9; and action, l 96; and assent,
3 47
1 3 1 ; and attention, 1 3 7; and Chrysippus,
1 46; circumscription of, 1 3 1-1 3 7; concentra
tion on, 206, 207, 3 1 2 ; and consciousness,
1 3 7; and consent, 1 3 2, 1 4 5 , 1 46; and death,
1 47; and desire, 1 3 1 ; and event, 1 3 8 ; and
freedom, 1 3 2; and harmony, 1 96; and im
pulse, l 3 l; and inner discourse, l 3 8; and in
ner disposition, 1 46, 1 47; and kairos (right
moment) , 1 4 3 ; and morality, 1 3 7, 1 46, 1 47;
and politics, 3 0 3 ; and representation, 1 3 7;
and Seneca, 1 46; and Stoicism, 1 3 5 ; and
value-judgment, l 3 I . See also Time
Preservation. See Self, preservation of
Principle, guiding. See Guiding principle
Probability, 77, 1 9 1- 1 92, 1 9 3
Providence, 3 9 , 40, 1 59-1 60; and acceptance,
1 62; and consent, 1 62; constraint on, 1 541 5 5 ; and Destiny, 1 4 8 ; and Epictetus, 1 6 1 ;
general, 1 60-1 6 1 ; immanent, 1 56; imper
sonal, 1 5 6-1 6 3 , 2 8 5 ; and indifference, 1 62;
and individual, 1 5 6-1 6 3 , 220-22 1 , 222, 2 8 5 ;
and love, 1 62; and Nature, 1 4 8 ; and perspec
tive, 1 62; and pity, r 5 7; and representation,
1 62; and sage, 1 6 1 ; and Seneca, 1 5 7; and
Stoicism, 3 9 , 1 44- 1 4 5 ; and subjectivity, 1 62;
vs. atoms, 3 9-40, 147- 1 6 3 , 265, 308
Prudence, 2 3 2 , 2 3 3
Psychology, 205 , 226-227, 244-2 57
Pyrrho, 7 1
Pythagoreanism, 5 8
Quadi, 2, 26 1 , 262
Quintillian, 5 2
Rabbow, Paul, 2 5 6
Realism, 1 67, 1 70
Reality: and assent, 232; constitution of, 268;
and Destiny, 232; homogeneity of, 79;
knowledge of, 77; and representation, 1 04;
three aspects of, 82; three domains of, 44;
three forms of, 2 32; unity of, l 4 T
Reason, 1 24, 1 40, 1 5 9; accord with, 148, 149,
3 08-3 09; and action, 1 8 5 , 202; and All, 240;
and appropriateness, 86; and cause, 1 5 3 : and
city, 7 5 ; and coherence, 7 5 , 1 00; and com
munity, 40, 78, 86, 2 1 1 , 2 1 2 , 2 1 3 , 229-230;
and consciousness, I 1 6 ; and consent, 1 4 5 ,
148, 1 49; and cosmos, 8 2 , 1 00; and decep
tion, 97; and desire, 92; and determinate ob
ject, 1 5 5 ; deviation from, 76-"?7; and dia
logue, 74; divine, 78, 1 3 9; and emotion, l 16;
and Epictetus, 66, 1 5 8 , 1 8 1 ; and evil, 8 8-89,
Reason (continued)
1 09; faculty of, 1 84; and freedom, 1 9 8 ; and
gentleness, 227; and God, 76, I 56; and good,
7 8 , 8 8-89, 109; as guide, 268; and happiness,
240; and harmony, 79; and imagination, 206;
immanence of, 1 66; and impulse, 2 3 8 ; inner,
r 59 ; and instinct, 1 89 ; and intention, 203 ;
and judgment, 89, 99; and justice, 2 1 9; kinds
of, 74-75 , 78, l 2 I ; law of, 42; and love, 229230, 23 1 ; and man, 76, 78, 1 5 1 , 2 1 1 , 3 1 2 ;
and matter, 1 66; and Nature, 78, I I 8 , 1 3 0,
2u; and necessity, 1 50-1 5 1 ; and obstacle,
270; opposition to , 54-5 5 ; and parts of phi
losophy, 78; path of, 269; and Plato, 89, 1 2 1 ,
23 3 ; and sage, 76, 77; and self, 1 2 1 , 1 46, 1 801 8 1 ; seminal, 1 56 ; and society, 7 5 ; as theme,
272; and three aspects of reality, 82; unity of,
74-75 , 7 8 ; universal, 40, 82, 99, 1 2 1 , 1 3 0,
145, 1 46, 148, 1 49, 1 5 1 , 1 5 3 , 1 80-1 8 1 , 3 083 09; and universe, 40; and Whole, 99;
and world, 40; Zeus as, 1 5 8 . See also Judg
Rectitude, 3 5-36
Reeves, Hubert, 1 4 1
Reflection (dianoia), 102, r o 8 , 1 1 3 , 1 2 3 , 1 8 5 .
See also Judgment
Renan, E . , 27-2 8 , 244-245 , 287-2 8 8 , 293 , 294,
3 07-3 08, 3 09
Repetition, 40, 4 1 , 48-49, 5 1 , 7 5 , 1 77-1 78 . See
also Eternal Return
Representation, 3 7 , 4 3 , 44, 45, 50, 52, 70, 8 8 ;
adequate, 1 0 1 - 1 04, 1 0 5 , r osr--1 r r , 1 3 1 , 1 54;
and assent, 85, 8 7-8 8, 97, 1 2 5 , 128; and
Chrysippus, uo; comprehensive, 1 2 5 ; and
consequence, I 54; and cosmic immensity,
254, 2 5 5 ; criticism of, 1 3 2-1 3 3 ; and dogma,
50; and Epictetus, 5 5 , 56, 1 04, 1 0 5 , 1 1 1 ; and
exteriority, r o6; and guiding principle, 1 2 8 ;
and inner discourse, 84-86, 1 0 3 ; and judg
ment, 56, 93 , 1 0 3 ; and logic, 97, 98; objec
tive, 1 0 1 - 1 04, 1 0 5 , 1 09-1 1 1 , I J I , 1 64; and
passion, 9 3 ; and present, I 37; and provi
dence, 162; and reality, 1 04; and rhetoric,
256; and Seneca, 254; and sensation, 1 02;
and Stoicism, 50, 2 54; and time, I J I . See also
Image; Imagination
Repulsiveness, 1 5 4, 1 5 5 , 1 62, 1 6 8
Reserve clause, 193-194, 204-209, 2 1 5
Resignation, 209-2 1 0
Respect, 226, 229
Responsibility, 57, 1 8 3
Result, l 90-I 9 I , I 97. See also Consequence
2 1 6; and value of man, 3 1 1 ; and virtue, 240;
and wisdom, 239; and Zeus, 1 5 7-1 5 8
Sensation, r o r , 1 02-103 , 1 04, 1 1 6-1 1 7, 1 84.
See also Perception
Sensible world, 79
"Sentences ofDemocratus, " 5 5
Serenity, 3 5-36, 3 8 , 1 87, 1 9 8 , 209, 3 02
Sergius Paulus, 1 9
Seriousness, o f action, 1 8 5-1 8 8
Service, 1 8 3 , 1 87, 200, 20 1 , 220
Severus. See Claudius Severus Arabianus
Sextus Empiricus, ro6, r 1 4
Sextus ofChaeronea, 1 4-16, 3 7
Simplicius, 60
Sinnium, 262, 263
Skepticism, 7 1 , 1 1 4
Skopos (goal), 1 94- 1 9 5
Society: and appropriate actions, r 9 0 ; and dis
course, 82; and impulse, 99; and indiffer
ence, 2 1 7 ; and instinct, 1 89; and Platonism,
78; and Reason, 7 5 ; and soul, 23 3 ; and Stoi
cism, 78, 2 1 6-2 1 7; and value, 2 1 6-2 1 7 ; vs.
philosophy, 267. See also Community
Socrates, 57, 6 1 , 73-74, 76, 1 2 3 , 125-126,
Song, r 34
Souda, 1 5 , 22, 24, 26
Souilhe, J., 63
Soul: and action, 8 3 , 86; as air, ro6; and body,
r r 3-r 14; and choice, 8 3 ; and desire, 86, 8 8 ;
and Destiny, 8 3 ; and Epictetus, 6 6 , 8 8 , r 1 4 ;
and freedom, 8 3 , 1 06-1 07; and good/evil,
1 0 8- 1 09; greatness of, 209; as guiding princi
ple, ro6; and impulse, 86, 8 8 ; and Plato, 8 8 ,
2 3 3 ; and politics, 23 3 ; self-modifying, 1081 09; and sensation, ror-104; and society,
23 3 ; as theme, 272-273 ; three operations of,
44, 83-88; three parts of, 8 8 ; and three rules
of life, 70; of world, r 5 5
Sparta, and Stoicism, 7, 8
Sphairos, 5 5 , r 1 9
Spinoza, Baruch, 201
Statius Priscius, 2
Stoicism: and acceptance, 1 44- 1 4 5 ; and Aris
totle, 7 3 , 74, 79; and austerity, 7; and body
vs. soul, 1 1 3-1 1 4; and cause, 79; and choice,
89; and circumscription, l 20; and contempla
tion, 2 5 5 ; and cosmic immensity, 2 5 3 ; and
courage, 2 3 3 ; and Destiny, 1 44- 1 4 5 ; devel
opment of, 64; and dialectic, 7 3 , 78, 79; and
dogma, 3 7 , 6 1 ; and duty/appropriate action,
1 8 8-1 90; and Epictetus, r6, 7 3 , 82-roo;
3 49
and Epicureanism, 5 8-59; and ethics, 78,
79; and fallibility, 286-287; and fault, 57-5 8;
and freedom, 89; as fundamental, 3 r 0-3 1 2;
general characteristics of, 7 3--'77: and gladi
ators, 3 04; and goal, 24 1 ; and Helvidius Pris
cus, 298; and Heraclitus, 54-5 5 , 73 ; and im
pulse, 70; and indifference, 7 1 ; and inner
discourse, 50; and justice, 2 1 9, 2 3 3 ; and love,
23 1 ; and morality, 1 24; and Nature, 43, 1 54r 5 5 ; and Paetus Thrasea, 298; and Parcai,
1 3 9; and physics, 49, 78-79, 1 48-1 50, 1 5 11 5 2; and present, 1 3 5 ; and Providence, 3 9 ,
1 44-145 ; and prudence, 2 3 3 ; and repre
sentation, 50, 254; and responsibility, 57; and
self, 1 20, 2 1 2 ; and self-modifying soul, r o8 ;
and self-preservation, 2 1 2; and society, 7 8 ,
2 1 6-2 1 7; and Socrates, 73-74; and spiritual
exercise, 243 ; and temperance, 23 3 ; and
theme, 90; and three rules of life, 70; and
time, 59; and value, 2 1 5 ; and virtue, 79, 232,
233; and wisdom, 5 7-5 8 ; and world as city,
Strength, 2 32
Subdisjunction, r 5 2
Subj ectivity, 8 8 , 1 04, 1 0 5 , 1 09, 1 54, 1 62, 1 67168
Success, 1 94, 196
Suicide, r 9 l
Suitability. See Action, appropriate
Sumbainein, translation of, l 3 8- l 3 9
Syllogism, 72, 97, 98, 103
Tacitus, 299; Life ofAgricola, 296-297
Tang Zhen, 3 I I
Teaching, 80
Telos (end) , 1 94-1 9 5
Temperance, 8 8 , 232, 2 3 3 , 2 3 4 , 2 3 5 , 236, 2 3 7 ,
Tendency, innate, 1 89, 202
Theater, 1 47
Theiler, W. , 261
Theme. See Exercise, philosophical
Themistius, 9, 2 1 , 24, 6 1
Theophrastus, 5 7
Theophylactus Simocattes, 24
Theorema (dogma), 3 7
Theory, 42, 72, 79, 8 1 , 89-<)o, 9 3 , 97--<) 8 , 271272
Theriac, 250
Thompson, Francis, 141
Thought, 40, 49
Thucydides: Histories, r 77
3 50
Time, 1 1 9, 2 5 5 ; and action, 1 96; and Chrysip
pus, 1 3 5 , 1 3 6 ; circumscription of, 1 3 1-1 3 7 ;
and death, 1 3 5- 1 3 7, 1 86-1 87; and depend
ence, 1 3 1 ; and destiny, 1 3 6; and Epicurean
ism, 59; and exercise, 1 3 1 ; and indifference,
13 1; logical vs. psychological, 80; obsession
with, 206; and perception, 1 3 7; and rules of
life, 46; and Seneca, 1 1 5 ; and Stoicism, 59;
value of, 188. See also Present
Titus Arista, 1 2 , 1 4
Trajan, 2 9 8 , 3 02
Transcendence, 1 9 3 , 202, 3 1 1
Transcendent Norm, 1 2 1 , 1 24
Transcendent world, 79
Transformation, 74, 1 5 5 . See also Metamorpho
Truth, 1 2 5 , 224, 2 3 4-23 6 , 2 3 7
Tyranny, 2 8 0 , 2 9 8 , 299
Uncertainty, 1 90-193
Unconsciousness, 54
Uniformity. See Homogeneity
Unity: of all things, 2 1 3 ; of consciousness, 1 1 6;
of cosmos, l 19, 141; of Nature, 43 , 1 7 1 ; of
reality, 1 4 1 ; and reason, 74-75 , 78; and sphai
ros, 1 1 9; of Whole, 230
Universal vs. individual, 212
Universe, 123; determinate, 1 5 5 ; rationality of,
40; and seed, 1 5 5- 1 5 6 ; transformation of, 74;
unity of, 1 1 9. See also Cosmos
Usefulness, 192
Value: and action, 2 1 5-2 1 6 ; degrees of, 2 1 5 ;
and Destiny, 22 1 ; and Diogenes o fBabylon,
22 1 ; and divine law, 22 1 ; and Epictetus, 1 09,
2 1 5 , 2 1 8 ; false, 1 1 0; and freedom, 1 7 1 ; and
good, l 46; and health, 2 l 5 ; hierarchy of,
1 8 3 , 2 1 cr-220, 22 1 ; and indifference, 2 1 5 ; of
individual, 2 1 8-2 19; and inner discourse,
1 1 0; and judgment, 2 1 6; and justice, 2 1 8 ;
and law, 22 1 ; o f man, 3 l l ; and metamor
phosis, 1 72; and morality, 1 67, 1 7 1 ; and per
spective, 1 67-1 68; pleasure as, 1 50; relative,
1 89; and Seneca, 2 1 6, 3 n ; and society, 2 1 62 1 7; and Stoicism, 2 1 5 ; and subj ectivity, 1 671 6 8 ; and wealth, 2 l 5 . See also Merit
Value-judgment, 52, 8 3 , 1 0 3 , 1 0 5 ; and action,
1 27; and assent, 1 27; criticism of, 1 2 5 , 1 3 21 3 3 ; and dependence, 1 1 1-1 1 2 ; and desire,
1 27; and guiding principle, 1 09-1 10; and
knowledge, 1 26; and pain, 1 1 6; and pleasure,
I I 6; and present, 1 3 1 ; and sensation, I I 6;
and subjectivity, 1 09 . See also Judgment
Van Effenterre, H . , 247-249, 252
Vanity, 48, 56, 5 7
Vaticanus Graecus 1 9 5 0 (manuscript) , 2 2 , 28
Veracity, 3 5-3 6
Vice, 86, 1 25-126, 1 6 8
Viewpoint. See Perspective
Ville, G., 3 04
Villon, Franvois, 275
Virtue: and discipline of action, 238; and disci
pline of desire, 23 8; and Epictetus, 23 8; and
guiding principle, 2 3 7 ; and happiness, 86;
and knowledge, 1 25-126, 223 ; life without,
48; and MA ' s relationships, 278; and moral
evil, 69; and Nature, 2 1 5 ; obstacle as, 1 97199; as own reward, 20 1 , 240; and rules of
life, 4 5 ; and Seneca, 240; Socratic, 73-74;
and Stoicism, 79, 232, 23 3 ; and three disci
plines, 23 2-23 8
Vital breath, l l 3 ' l 14, I I 5- I I 6, l So
Voelke, A.-J., 92
Voltaire, 1 7 5
Wang-Fou-chih, 3 1 0-3 l l
Wealth, 7 1 , 74, 8 3 , 2 1 5
Weaving (as image) , 1 3 9-140, 1 4 1
Wendland, P . , 245
Whole, 95; and coherence, 1 3 0-1 3 l; consent
to , 1 43 ; and good, 160, 20 1 , 2 1 2 , 2 1 9; and
ham1ony, 1 42-1 4 3 ; Intellect of, 220; and
love, 142; and Nature, 220; and part, 20 1 ,
2 1 4, 3 l l ; and Reason, 99; unity of, 230. See
also All
Will, 3 8 , 8 3 ; accord of, 2 1 3 ; and acts of soul,
8 3 ; and community, 1 3 I ; and dependence,
8 3 ; and desire, 1 2 8 ; and Destiny, 1 80; disci
pline of, 1 3 1 ; divine, 1 3 4, 1 42 , 143 ; and
event, 1 4 3 ; and freedom, 1 99; and guiding
principle, 1 2 8 ; identification with, 1 43 ; and
impulse, 1 2 8 ; and intention, 2 1 3 ; of Nature,
5 5 ; and object, 1 9 8 ; personal vs. divine, 1 42;
and piety, 1 3 4; and transcendence, 1 9 3 , 202.
See also Impulse
Williams, W. , 260, 295
Wisdom, 5 7-5 8, 76, 77, 8 1 , 23 3 , 239
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 1 47
World: City of, 42-4 3 , 2 1 1-2 1 2 , 2 1 4, 239, 29 1 ;
consent to, 1 4 5 ; discovery o f, l l l - l 1 2 ; fabri
cation of, 54; matter of, 268; mind or soul
of, 1 5 5, 1 5 8 ; origin of, 43 ; rationality of, 40;
repetition of, 7 5 ; sensible vs. intelligible, l 82; unity of, 40, 43 . See also
Worry, 1 9 0- 1 93
Writing, 3 3-3 4, 48 - 5 1
Xenocrates, 5 7
Xenophon: Memorabilia, 6 1 , 62
Xylander, 22, 24, 2 5 , 26
Zeno of Citium, 1 8, 63, 73, 75, 77, 82
Zeus, 1 5 7-1 5 8