NCHRP Asphalt-Aggregate Mixture Analysis System: Harold Von Quintus, Chuck Hughes, And) Ames Scherocman
NCHRP Asphalt-Aggregate Mixture Analysis System: Harold Von Quintus, Chuck Hughes, And) Ames Scherocman
NCHRP Asphalt-Aggregate Mixture Analysis System: Harold Von Quintus, Chuck Hughes, And) Ames Scherocman
The asphalt-aggregate mixture analysis system (AAMAS) research project, NCHRP Project 9-6(1), was initiated because
AASHTO realized the importance of tying mixture design to
structural design and pavement performance variables (J).
Project 9-6(1) was completed in three phases. The first phase
(completed in October 1986) was concerned with evaluating
the feasibility for the development of an AAMAS. Phase I
identified the primary forms of pavement distress (associated
with both load and environment), evaluated current testing
and mixture design procedures, and identified new or modified laboratory procedures to be considered in the development of the AAMAS. Items that the Phase I concept emphasized included mixture preparation, conditioning, testing,
and analyzing asphalt concrete specimens to duplicate field
conditions. Tests to measure the engineering properties of
asphalt concrete mixtures for estimating pavement performance were also included and discussed .
Phases II and III were concerned with developing procedures for the AAMAS concepts and tying structural design
to mixture design. This project emphasized compatibility between mixture design and structural design, including the
AASHTO design manual. Phase II (completed in February
1989) included the initial development work, and Phase III
included follow-up field studies and conversion of the
AAMAS into a mixture design procedure . Phase III was completed in M:iy 1990, and the final report for this project was
published in March 1991. In summary, Project 9-6(1) resulted
in the development of an AAMAS for evaluating dense-graded
asphalt concrete mixtures proposed for use primarily on highvolume roadways and in a mixture design procedure based
on performance-related criteria. These criteria are compatible
with the recommendations from NCHRP Project 1-26 (2) .
Mixture Design and Evaluation
AAMAS consists of three basic laboratory steps . The first step
is simply the initial mixture design phase, \Vhich is accomplished with current mixture design procedures or with the
procedure based on the AAMAS concept (i .e ., performancerelated criteria) . The mixture design procedure using the
AAMAS concept is included in Part I of NCHRP Report 338
(J) . An agency can use either the AAMAS approach or its
own current procedure to determine the design asphalt content and job mix formula . The performance-related mixture
design procedure using the AAMAS approach is a scaleddown version of AAMAS; it was formulated considering implementation and production factors in SHA laboratories.
Once an initial mixture design has been completed, these
materials are mixed, compacted, and conditioned in the second step. This step includes age-hardening simulations (both
for production and for the environment) , moisture conditioning, and traffic densification. This second step is the mixture compaction and conditioning phase.
After the materials have been mixed, compacted, and conditioned, the specimens are tested in the third step to measure
critical mixture properties. This third step provides the dat:i
that can be integrated into pavement design and analysis models
to predict pavement performance . This third step is the mixture evaluation phase; it is compatible with results from NCHRP
Project 1-26 (2). The mixture evaluation phase includes the
laboratory testing and performance evaluations.
Procedural Manual
H .. L. Von Quintus, Brent Rau.hut Engineering, Inc., 8240 MoPac,
Suite 220, Austin , Tex . 78759. . S. Hughe , Virginia Transportation
Research Counci l, P . 0. Box 3817, University Station. Charlotte.~
ville, Va. 22903. J. A. Scherocman, 11205 Brookbridge Drive Cincinnati , Ohio 45249.
Obtin 119terlal ~t
for llixture 0.1.,..
AASllTO T 167
~t 6 ~iaxlal ~ion
Test Speci.,.. to Air Void Level
After Construction (5 to BX>
Traffic D-iflcation of
6 Speci.,.., D-ify to
Refusal at 140 F.
lh:ondi tioned
9 Specimns
lloisture Condition
3 Speci-
(Accelerated Agirv>
6 Speci-
Initial Auirv
Test Speci_,,.
at 1D4 F
2 Days a 140 F
Test Speci_..
at 41, 77, 1D4 F
Final Asllrv
5 Days a 225 F
Test Specimns
at 41 F
lleasure Resil io:nt llcdllus,
Test Speci.ns
at 41 F
Ruttlrv Predictions
to Structural
Design Re!JJl,._,ts
TABLE I Summary or Approximate Time Required for Laboratory Compaction, Conditioning, and Testing or Asphalt Concrete Mixtures
Time In Days
Laboratory Steps
3. Specimen Compaction -
u- - ....
Moisture Conditioned
Temperature Conditioned
Traffic Densified
4. Measure Air Voids & Sort
Into Subsets
6. Heat Conditioning
7. Traffic Denslfication
8. Test Unconditioned Specimens
3 41F
3 77F
3 ra> 104F
umt>-cua In b1ock1 rapresen t Iha numbor or .apoclmons and/or Inst rerope returo. Tho touu l mo uamo to complo te tho entlro AAMA~ process It
are In relallon to the time needed 10 run the Marsh all and Hveem mix design methods.
moisture damage. Secondary consideration is given to raveling or disintegration and loss of skid resistance.
Mixture Tests
6 ra> 104F
The compressive strength of the mix is also measured in accordance with the creep and recovery compressive test.
The AAMAS program requires a combination of laboratory tests and conditioning procedures to evaluate the behavior and performance characteristics of asphalt concrete
mixtures. All factors considered, tensile strain at failure, gyratory shear strength, and creep are the properties most useful
for evaluating and comparing different mixtures. Resilient
modulus is required, but only because of its incorporation
into the AASHTO design guide. Thus, tensile strain at failure,
creep, resilient modulus, and gyratory shear strength are used
to ensure that the mixture, as placed, will satisfy the structural
design requirements.
Models are included to predict fatigue cracking, rutting , moisture damage, and low-temperature cracking.
""' Characteristics
l ur ' Or r 1'1111 t.ti. rh.P lu 1
.:it lht
Aspha l t, as Required by th e
Speclr1ca t 1ons
r - - - - - i Measure Ai r Voids,
Untt W1:tght ,
YHA, and Ot her Propert les
Unconfined Uniaxial
Cmpress lon Tests 8 UM f
Proper t ies
of its tie to the AASHTO design guide. ASTM D4123 (Indirect Tension Test for Resilient Modulus of Bituminous Mixtures) was the primary test procedure used . Three test temperatures are used: 41, 77, and 104F (5 , 25, and 40C) . The
secondary test method for resilient modulus is a modification
of ASTM D3497 (Dynamic Modulus of Asphalt Mixtures); it
is used as the conditioning procedure for all uniaxial compressive type tests. The differences or modifications are that
a rest period of 0.9 sec was used with a 0.1-sec load pulse and
that both the instantaneous and total resilient moduli were
Traffic Densiflcation
Asphalt concrete mixtures density under traffic. To simulate
that densification process and its effect on the mixture's properties , specimens that had been compacted in the laboratory
to an air void content similar to that of the field specimens
were further compacted to a refusal density. This additional
densification was accomplished using the Corps of Engineers'
GTM. The initially compacted specimens are cooled to 140F
(60C) and then compacted further in the GTM gyratory device . Initial sample height readings were obtained before the
refusal densification and again after each 25 to 50 revolutions
of the machine. The compaction process is stopped when the
mixture's resistance reduces excessively or when there is an
excessive increase in the angle of gyration.
If the Corps of Engineers' GTM is unavailable, the procedure manual suggests that the Texas gyratory shear compactor be used. With the use of this device, however, the
traffic densification process continues immediately after initial
compaction (i.e., the temperature is not reduced and the mold
stays in the compaction machine) .
Resilient Modulus Test
One of the primary test methods considered in the AAMAS
study was the repeated-load resilient modulus test, because
Von Quintus
DATE : _ _ _ __
_ _ _ __
& DEVICE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Mixture at each of the asphalt contents is aged in a forceddraft oven using the procedure previously discussed (i.e. , placing a mix in the oven at 275F for 3 hr) .
Specimens are compacted at each asphalt content using ASTM
D3387, if the Corps of Engineers' GTM is available, or ASTM
D4013 at a specified compactive effort . Three indirect tensile
specimens per asphalt content are compacted at an air void
level anticipated after construction (i .e. , 6 to 8 percent), and
a minimum of three uniaxial compression test specimens per
asphalt content are used in the traffic densification procedure
or compacted to the refusal density (i.e ., no increase in density
with additional compactive effort) . The design air void level
for the refusal density is 3 percent or greater.
Mixture Testing
Three specimens at each asphalt content are initially tested
for resistance to fracture (Figure 2). Indirect tensile resilient
moduli and strength tests are performed on the same sample
to define the initial allowable range of asphalt contents to
meet the design criteria for resistance to fracture.
Gyratory shear tests are run with the GTM during the traffic
densification procedure to ensure that minimum design requirements for shear are met (i.e., resistance to shear). For
mix design, a minimum shear value of 54 is used in the procedure.
Uniaxial compression creep and recovery tests are performed on specimens compacted to the refusal density. The
uniaxial compression creep and recovery test is used to ensure
that the design value will satisfy the deformation criteria (i.e. ,
resistance to deformation) . The minimum creep modulus value
used for design is dependent on the pavement structure. Figures 3 and 4 are included in the procedural manual for presenting the mixture design data.
After initial heat conditioning, eight sets of three specimens
are compacted. Eighteen specimens are compacted to be used
No : _ _ _ __ _ _
DATE: _ _ _ __
PROJECT: _ _ _ __
& DEVICE : _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Moisture Conditioning
Accelerated Aging
Worksheet for summarizing test results and selecting design asphalt content and tolerance.
l .._.......
are aged using the procedure previously discussed (i.e., placing the specimens in a forced-draft oven at 140F for 2 days,
then elevating the oven 's temperature to 225F for an additional 5 days of aging).
Traffic Densification
The six uniaxial compression specimens previously compacted
are all used in the traffic densification process. The temperature of these specimens is reduced to 140F. The specimens
are then placed in the GTM, and additional compactive effort
is applied to achieve the refusal density of the mix. The gyratory shear stress and sample height are monitored with a
number of gyrations during this densification process.
If the GTM is unavailable, specimens are compacted using
the Texas gyratory shear compactor to the refusal density or
air void content during initial compaction. In other words,
the six specimens are compacted to the refusal density for
uniaxial compression testing at the initial compaction temperature.
Mixture Testing
The repeated-load indirect tensile resilient modulus test is
performed on all unconditioned and conditioned specimens
(18 specimens). The indirect tensile strength and failure strains
are measured on all unconditioned and moisture-conditioned
specimens, and one set of accelerated age specimens (15 specimens). The indirect tensile creep and recovery test is performed on the second set of accelerated age specimens (three
specimens). These tests are performed on the specimens as
previously discussed and used to predict fatigue and lowtemperature cracking.
The uniaxial compression specimens are used to predict
rutting and distortion type failures from the uniaxial compressive resilient modulus, unconfined compressive strength
and failure strain, and compression creep and recovery tests.
The repeated-load uniaxial compression resilient modulus is
measured on all traffic-densified specimens at 104F (six specimens). The unconfined compressive strength is measured on
one set of traffic-densified specimens and the compressive
creep and recovery measured on the other set of specimens.
It hould be recognized and understood that implementing
the AAMA concepts and methodology will not be a quick
proces becau e m t of these tests and evaluation procedure
are unfamiliar to some SHA personnel. Therefore, it becomes
very important that each agency take a sy tematic approach
in reviewing the AAMAS concept when considering its implementation.
It is obvious that many of those tests previously discussed
are not adaptable or practical for the use of field control of
mixtures. However, other fundamental properties of the mixture are adaptable to field control. These are the indirect
tensile strength and unconfined compressive strength. There
are relationships, which are mixture-dependent, between
strength properties and those used in AAMAS to evaluate
mixture performance.
The evaluation and implementation of the AAMAS concepts for the design and control of asphalt concrete mixtures
Area ol Low Polenllal
J..rea of U:odente
Hulling Potenlle..I
0'-l'llnal MUlt\l'ra
10 3 :r-----t--~-t---~i-----1~---1Area of
Hlah PolenUal
102 .._,_,_,,........_,_..._,...,
still requires that many questions be answered about the policies o'f different agencies. A few of these are listed as follows:
Are the AAMAS tests practical or adaptable for field
control variables? For example, what length of time is required to run the test and analyze the results? Many contractors can place 2,000 to 3,000 tons of asphalt concrete a
day . It would be highly advantageous that the results of quality
control and acceptance tests be obtained within a short time
period. Additionally, some of the more sophisticated tests
may require that the expertise of field and laboratory personnel be upgraded from present levels, both for the contractor and for SHA personnel.
Can the AAMAS concepts be readily implemented where
different organizations are responsible for mix design? For
example, some SHAs require that contractors or consultants
conduct the mixture designs; others are responsible for mix
design themselves. In some cases, this may prevent smaller
contractors from competing on smaller projects, becau e they
do not have the financial backing to purchase the equipment.
I the AAMAS compaction, conditioning , and testing
equipment praclical for the field control of mixtures? If one
device is used in the laboratory for mixture design and another
device u ed in the fie ld , equivalency factors become extremely
important. Mo t eq uivalency factors are mixture-dependent
which can result in confu ion between the field and laboratory, similar to what exists to date with the empirical-based
Will AAMAS be cost-effective for those SHAs that control and accept mixtures based on specifications geared toward
method as opposed to end product?
With these few questions, implementation and acceptance
of the AAMA concepts will not be simple. There should be
at lea l four teps in the implementation process: (a) famil iarization with AAMAS , (b) training (c) education and (d)
fie ld pilot studies. The famil iarization with AAMA is simply
an under landing of the concept and methodology mployed
by AAMA . This i. a relat ively hol'l part of the implementation process.
The second step of the implementation process is training.
It is the more detailed in terms of how to run the test and
interpret the test results. Training is important to ensure that
the tests are performed in accordance with the procedure and
that the output of the tests is being interpreted properly .
The third part of the implementation is education. This is
prohahly the most important step toward full cale implementation of AAMAS. Basically, the education part i to
evaluate , on a trial basis, mixes for high-volume roadways.
1'he objective i to allow the user to become confident in
using AAMAS, understanding the properties measured and
sensitivity of those properties to pavement performance, and
establishing typical properties for their local materials. This
part of the implementation process is also the more timeintensive, because it involves most of the learning curve.
The final step of the implementation is conducting mix
designs and analyzing those mixes for actual project . This
tep is the o ne that leads to defining the time requirements
that are required to perform the tests on a routine basis and
to establish day-to-day operational procedures in a working
In conclusion, the development of an AAMAS, as initiated
through NCHRP Project 9-6(1), is a very important element
of a multimillion-dollar research effort involving SHRP,
FHWA, and the asphalt pavement industry, an effort that
will ultimately result in improved performance of asphalt concrete pavements. Premature and costly pavement failures can
be drastically reduced by (a) designing structures that more
realistically consider traffic loadings, climate, and material
conditions; (b) selecting asphalt, aggregates, and additives or
modifiers consistent with the structural design; (c) producing
new or modified asphalt binders that provide the desired characteristics for minimizing distress; and (d) developing and
using performance-related specifications for control of construction.
The research work summarized in this paper was performed
under NCHRP Project 9-6(1) by Brent Rauhut Engineering
and is reported in NCHRP Report 338. This project was spon-
1. H . L. Von Quintus, J . A . Scherocman, C. S. Hughes, and T. W.
Kennedy. NCHRP Report 338: Asphalt-Aggregate Mixture Analysis System : AAMAS. TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., March 1991.
2. M. R. Thompson, and E. Barenberg. Calibrated Mechanistic Structural Analysis Procedures for Pavements. Preliminary Draft Final
Report, NCHRP Project 1-26. TRB, National Research Council,
Washington, D.C., March 1990.
3. A Two-Day Workshop on an Asphalt-Aggregate Mixture Analysis
System: AA MAS. Workshop outline and notes. FHWA, U.S. Department of Transportation, March 1991.
4. R . A. Jimenez and D. A. Dadeppo. Asphall Concrele Mix Design.
Report FHWA/AZ-86/189. Arizona Department of Transportation, Phoenix, June 1986.