Testing For Fatigue Cracking in The Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester
Testing For Fatigue Cracking in The Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester
Testing For Fatigue Cracking in The Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester
foundations, insufficiently designed asphalt materials, or changes in strain tolerance of the
mixture brought on by long-term field aging (2). Fatigue cracks of the asphalt layer propagate
through the structure. The end result of cracks are water intrusion, rougher ride quality, worse
fuel consumption, and traffic delays from rehabilitation efforts that cost users and agencies
time, money, and resources. As transportation budgets continue to tighten, performance tests
and specifications for asphalt mixture and structural design, and acceptance of construction are
critical to enhancing pavement life, limiting costs, and maximizing available resources.
In 2003, building upon the work of NCHRP 9-19, a report was published as part of NCHRP
Project 9-29: Simple Performance Tester for Superpave Mix Design which established the
AMPT. The device specification was created to account for two objectives: to test the
parameters of relevance from NCHRP Project 9-19 (|E*|, flow number, and flow time) and to
provide material characterization for input into the MEPDG structural response model. In
NCHRP Project 9-29, the AMPT was designed, the equipment manufactured by outside vendors,
and evaluated by the NCHRP Project 9-29 research team to assess its applicability to the desired
objectives (5-7).
The AMPT is an instrument capable of providing the asphalt mixture test parameters that have
been implemented in the AASHTOWare PavementME Design (formerly the MEPDG) software
and National Highway Institute course number FHWA-NHI-131118. The equipment holds the
potential to be a standalone device for other types of performance testing and is garnering
interest from across the world in part due to its adaptability to a myriad of test procedures.
Upgrade kits have been manufactured over the past several years to allow the AMPT to acquire
more information on rutting and cracking resistance. The AMPT exists as a servo-hydraulic
testing system equipped with a computer controller (see Figure 1). A temperature-controlled
chamber is capable of cooling or heating a specimen between 4 and 60°C in order to capture
|E*| values suitable for input into the AASHTOWare PavementME Design software. As
mentioned in a TechBrief on the AMPT (8), a major advantage of the AMPT tests mentioned
above is the link between mechanical properties, mixture design, and structural analysis of
asphalt pavements.
Figure 1. Two commonly used AMPTs (8).
The key aspect to remember with the AMPT Cyclic Fatigue Test in particular is that an
engineering property is measured: the damage characteristic relationship (9-11). Data from
this test can be used to determine how the material stiffness and damage change with load
repetition. Performance modeling is then based on calculated pavement response, or stresses
and strains experienced by the pavement. A fatigue life prediction approach has applications
for pavement design and performance-based pay factor determination. It also allows for
incorporation of the following critical effects into fatigue resistance recommendations by
means of a pavement structural performance prediction:
• Structural – influence of thickness and properties of unbound layers;
• Traffic – influence of intensity and frequency of loading over time; and
• Climatic – influence of seasonal variations and other weather characteristics.
Additional information on performance prediction using the AMPT Cyclic Fatigue Test is
provided later on in this document.
AMPT Cyclic Fatigue Testing Procedure
This procedure is being conducted in various projects across the United States, such as part of
the now complete NCHRP Project 9-38: Endurance Limit of Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures to Prevent
Fatigue Cracking in Flexible Pavements, NCHRP Project 9-54: Long-Term Aging of Asphalt
Mixtures for Performance Testing and Prediction, the Transportation Pooled Fund Study TPF-
5(230): Evaluation of Plant-Produced High-Percentage Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP)
Mixtures in the Northeast, numerous North Carolina research efforts, as well as at FHWA’s
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center Bituminous Mixtures Laboratory and the FHWA
Mobile Asphalt Testing Trailer. Specimen preparation and gauges for the test procedure are
identical to AASHTO TP 79: Standard Method of Test for Determining the Dynamic Modulus and
Flow Number for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Using the Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester
(AMPT), which follows the AASHTO PP 60: Standard Practice for Preparation of Cylindrical
Performance Test Specimens Using the Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC), except the
specimens are cut shorter and tension grip plates are glued to the specimen.
Upgrade kits are available from AMPT manufacturers for the AMPT Cyclic Fatigue Test. To
perform the test, users need to purchase or manufacture screws and end plates and/or
appropriate spacers to secure the sample into the machine. The test time is usually less than
one hour, allowing recommended replication for a mixture to be completed within one to two
days. Fabrication and specimen preparation takes about two to three days per mixture (due to
coring, cutting, air void determination, and gluing of end plates), but this remains considerably
faster than the AASHTO T 321 beam fatigue approach. The test procedure is conducted on 100
mm diameter by 130 mm height cylindrical specimens. Testing can also be conducted on
smaller geometries when using field cores. Targets are then epoxied onto the specimen at a
typical gauge length of 70 mm for attachment of the sensors. Since AMPT Cyclic Fatigue
supplies direct tension loading, the sample must then be attached to end plates via a fully-
cured epoxy. This procedure requires the use of a gluing jig, which is commercially available, to
ensure the cleaned end plates are parallel with each other to avoid premature failure. It is
important to note that while the epoxy cures, the AMPT is free for other testing and the
specimen itself can be removed from the gluing jig after a functional cure (typically about four
hours). Figure 2 shows the glued specimen alongside a standard (100 mm diameter by 150
mm height) |E*| specimen. Other differences to note in the figure are the heavier and larger
end plates with holes for securing into the AMPT device and the gray-colored epoxy for the
fatigue specimen.
Figure 2. Typical AMPT Cyclic Fatigue specimen (left) alongside dynamic modulus specimen
Determining the appropriate temperature for the test is based on a simple formula related to
the LTPPBind-determined (with 98% reliability) high temperature performance grade (HTPG)
and low temperature performance grade (LTPG) for the desired pavement location (see
equation in Figure 3 below). Note the maximum testing temperature is set at 21°C. The
intermediate testing temperature is based on the calculation below and is selected such that it
is not too warm for the binder in the mixture to exhibit viscous and plasticity effects that would
otherwise be incorrectly measured as damage due to fatigue. Additionally, the test
temperature should not be too cool so that stiff mixtures will be too brittle to obtain the
desired specimen failure type.
After the specimens are conditioned to the target temperature, the specimens are screwed
tightly into the machine’s top and bottom end plates with a simple torque screwdriver. As the
specimen is being secured into the AMPT, it is important to apply a seating load onto the
specimen by jogging the actuator until enough contact between specimen end plate and the
machine is present to exert 0.09 kN (20 lbf). Users should watch the “Levels” screen on their
AMPT to ensure that the seating load does not change during the tightening process. If the
seating load changes, the actuator must be jogged to reacquire the specified 0.09 kN.
Afterwards, the LVDTs are attached and the chamber shut for temperature stabilization.
Users test a mixture under at least three different prescribed strain levels input to the control
software. FHWA is developing a look-up table to guide the technician to select 300, 500, or 800
microstrain as the first test condition depending on the |E*| of the mixture measured in an
earlier portion of the test. Once the fatigue life of that first specimen is measured, the next
strain level is determined by interpolating the look-up table for different families of curves,
which were developed from a testing database at FHWA. This table is being developed for a
revised version of AASHTO TP 107 for consideration in 2017.
The software and data acquisition display real-time information for technicians to view when
the specimen has failed. As the asphalt mixture becomes damaged, the stress being exerted on
the specimen decreases while the on-specimen strain, measured by the LVDTs, increases. The
software displays a decreasing modulus curve and an increasing phase angle curve. When the
specimen cracks and has failed, the phase angle reaches a peak and begins to decrease with
subsequent cycles. A technician can then stop the test and record the experimental cycles to
failure. Afterwards, the test is repeated at other strain levels using other specimens of the
same asphalt mixture.
Theoretical Foundation
The AMPT Cyclic Fatigue approach is rooted in continuum damage mechanics theory. Basically,
continuum damage mechanics represents a body as a homogeneous unit which experiences
damage in the form of stiffness or integrity loss. Approximately 25 years ago, a stress-strain
model was outlined for asphalt mixtures (9) based on models developed over the last 40 years
(12, 13) in the aerospace industry for rocket propellant that consisted of asphalt or rubber with
hard particles mixed-in. A damage model was needed to ensure the fuel would not crack inside
the rockets.
The model is based on three principles that allow for simplification of the testing and analysis
approach, but still maintain its power or robustness:
• Filtering of test data such that only fatigue damage is examined and not unwanted
effects such as ordinary viscoelasticity or plasticity;
• Define a damage evolution law that universally describes the change in stiffness with
load repetition; and
• Takes advantage of how asphalt adheres to time-temperature superposition, which
states an asphalt mixture at a warm temperature and a given loading time has the exact
same response at a cooler temperature and slower or longer loading time. Use of this
principle helps to reduce the testing time from about a month for testing at different
strains and temperatures to merely one or two days.
Readers are encouraged to consult other sources for more information (9-11; 14-23).
It is important to consider that while the model relies on viscoelasticity and other complex
factors, researchers have developed a software platform, which runs the analysis for users.
Engineers who wish to learn more about the software can refer directly to the Appendix of
AASHTO TP 107 for the background calculations, the references in this document, or contact
FHWA for more information.
AMPT Cyclic Fatigue Test Applications
Since the AMPT Cyclic Fatigue Test provides a mixture-specific stress-strain model that captures
a fundamental material property of asphalt mixtures, it can be applied to pavement modeling in
several ways. At a material level, the test results and initial analysis can be used to subjectively
rank mixtures in terms of fatigue resistance. For more advanced uses, an energy-based failure
criterion is available, built on premises of released energy due to damage accumulation. It
allows a user to objectively state that at a particular number of cycles to failure (chosen by the
user, perhaps influenced by traffic loading at the site), one mixture will experience less damage
under repeated loading than another and thus has more fatigue resistance. The procedure
carries out damage analyses at multiple temperature and frequency combinations. This opens
the interpretation of results to any location and any type of roadway facility. Structural inputs
are required to have a comprehensive sense of which pavements will perform better in terms
of fatigue. This stands in stark contrast to single index parameter-based test methods.
As part of NCHRP Project 9-38, the AMPT Cyclic Fatigue model was also used to predict the
fatigue endurance limit for a particular mixture, which is a strain value at which perpetual
pavements could exist if the exhibited strain remains below this threshold. This concept relates
primarily to the development of bottom-up fatigue cracking and has been the topic of many
studies aspiring to design pavements which could last 50 or more years with only minor surface
repairs required.
For a more traditional fatigue analysis, shown in terms of a stress (or strain)-cycles to failure,
the model can be fit to classical fatigue laws, such as the Asphalt Institute method (24). This
allows the test results to be related to the flexural beam fatigue-based prediction approach that
is being used in the AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design software. Since the AMPT Cyclic
Fatigue testing and analysis time is less than that of the beam fatigue approach, there is a
benefit to users who wish to use the classical fatigue laws. This is one of the ways the AMPT
Cyclic Fatigue approach can be built into a structural model.
While a user can fit the empirical fatigue laws for use in AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design
software, the AMPT Cyclic Fatigue approach has been made compatible with a new structural
analysis platform with the potential to also become a performance specification tool. Current
research being funded by FHWA is using the AMPT Cyclic Fatigue model with existing
pavements to determine stresses and strains on a particular pavement structure. These results,
coupled with climatic and traffic inputs, can be used to simulate damage on the structure in
both bottom-up and top-down fatigue cracking modes. Several field validation projects (see
Figure 4) have been analyzed to determine the software’s effectiveness at modeling real-world
pavements and to develop transfer functions so that the software can provide users with a
calibrated predicted distress value. For example, researchers in Brazil are also using the AMPT
Cyclic Fatigue Test with 44 pavement sections in a nationally-funded project to move towards a
mechanistic-empirical pavement design framework.
Figure 5 shows a promising sample of calibration results from the National Center for Asphalt
Technology (NCAT) test track, with control (C), open-graded friction (O), high reclaimed asphalt
pavement (R), foamed warm mix asphalt (FW), warm mix asphalt (WMA) with reclaimed
asphalt pavement (RW), and WMA with chemical additive (AW) sections. The plots show field,
pre-calibration, and post-calibration results in terms of cracked area on the pavement surface.
The pavement information and test data was programmed into the AMPT Cyclic Fatigue
structural response model to develop pre-calibration predictions and is able to capture most of
the field ranks and the magnitude of the FW and RW sections, which both include warm mix
asphalt. By using a transfer function similar in form to that of the MEPDG to improve the pre-
calibration results, the AMPT Cyclic Fatigue model can predict the distress with a similar
magnitude and rank as the field. This data gives a glance into AMPT Cyclic Fatigue’s robustness
as a testing and analysis approach and how it transitions quite well to a performance prediction
tool for fatigue cracking.
Figure 4. Map of field validation sites for the AMPT Cyclic Fatigue performance prediction
Figure 5. AMPT Cyclic Fatigue performance prediction calibration results for NCAT test
sections (25). O indicates open-graded friction course, FW indicates a foamed WMA, AW
indicates a WMA with chemical additive, C indicates a control mixture, RW indicates a WMA
with RAP, and R indicates a high-RAP mixture.
Implementation Potential
Perhaps the most enticing element to the AMPT Cyclic Fatigue methodology is its potential as a
link between pavement design and mixture design. The software being developed through
FHWA not only has the potential to be the next-generation mechanistic-empirical structural
design tool, but also a performance specification tool. In this scenario, a user would design a
mixture guided by AMPT testing and conforming to certain performance requirements from the
companion structural model. Next, the as-built material would be evaluated through
relationships between performance prediction and volumetric quality assurance parameters
after a calibrated prediction model between volumetrics and performance is established by
researchers and state agencies in advance for a catalog of materials. A pay factor could then be
determined based on a quality difference between the as-designed and as-built material
properties, which are based on a sound structural model. It is believed that a performance
specification holds the potential for increased innovation as it relates to asphalt mixture
technologies including resource-conscious material inclusion.
The AMPT is a testing machine which is gaining interest in the asphalt industry as a tool capable
of characterizing asphalt mixtures and closing the gap between pavement design and mixture
design. Over the past several years, fixtures have been manufactured for the AMPT to conduct
a wide range of test procedures. One of these tests, the AMPT Cyclic Fatigue Test, provides a
material property that describes fatigue damage resistance and can be used in a structural
response model capable of describing how the pavement behaves under varying repeated
stress or strain conditions. This is particularly important when considering fatigue cracking in
asphalt pavements, a major challenge for pavement engineers throughout the country. The
AMPT Cyclic Fatigue Test uses direct tension loading to determine the damage characteristic
relationship, which is considered a fundamental material property for a particular asphalt
mixture of interest regardless of temperature and stress/strain levels. The AMPT Cyclic Fatigue
methodology holds the potential to provide material and pavement system predictions which
will lead to a sound mechanistic-empirical pavement design and performance specification
framework. Agencies could apply this approach at critical locations to minimize fatigue cracking
and provide substantial return on investment to the infrastructure network moving forward.
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Testing for Fatigue Cracking in the Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester
Contact—For more information, contact:
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Office of Asset Management, Pavement, and Construction
Matthew Corrigan – matthew.corrigan@dot.gov, 202-366-1549
FHWA Office of Infrastructure Research and Development
Katherine Petros – katherine.petros@dot.gov, 202-493-3154.
Notice—This Technical Brief is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of
Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no
liability for the use of the information contained in this document. The U.S. Government does not
endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers’ names appear in this report
only because they are considered essential to the objective of the document.