Smart Grid Technology Lab
Smart Grid Technology Lab
Smart Grid Technology Lab
Introduction to Smart Grid:
A smart grid (SG), also called smart electrical power grid, intelligent grid, intelligrid,
futuregrid, intergrid, or intragrid, is an enhancement of the 20th century power grid. The
traditional power grids are generally used to carry power from a few central generators to a
large number of users or customers. In contrast, the SG uses two-way flows of electricity and
information to create an automated and distributed advanced energy delivery network. The
smart grid is a modern electric power grid infrastructure for improved efficiency, reliability
and safety, with smooth integration of renewable and alternative energy sources, through
automated control and modern communications technologies. By utilizing modern
information technologies, the SG is capable of delivering power in more efficient ways and
responding to wide ranging conditions and events.
Different component required for the smart grid and need for Smart grid:
Fig. 1In technical perspective Smart Grid can be explored into following major systems:
1) Smart infrastructure system: The smart infrastructure system is the energy,
information, and communication infrastructure underlying the SG. It supports twoway flow of electricity and information. Note that it is straightforward to understand
the concept of two-way flow of information. Two-way flow of electricity implies
that the electric energy delivery is not unidirectional anymore. For example, in the
traditional power grid, the electricity is generated by the generation plant, then
moved by the transmission grid, the distribution grid, and finally delivered to users.
In an SG, electricity can also be put back into the grid by users. For example, users
may be able to generate electricity using solar panels at homes and put it back into
the grid, or electric vehicles may provide power to help balance loads by peak
shaving (sending power back to the grid when demand is high). This backward flow
is important. For example, it can be extremely helpful in a microgrid that has been
islanded due to power failures.
2) Smart energy subsystem: The smart energy subsystem is responsible for advanced
electricity generation, delivery, and consumption.
3) Smart information subsystem: The smart information subsystem is responsible for
advanced information metering, monitoring, and management in the context of the
4) Smart communication subsystem: The smart communication subsystem is
responsible for communication connectivity and information transmission among
systems, devices, and applications in the context of the SG.
5) Smart management system: The smart management system is the subsystem in SG
that provides advanced management and control services and functionalities.
6) Smart protection system: The smart protection system is the subsystem in SG that
provides advanced grid reliability analysis, failure protection, and security and
privacy protection services.
Fig. 2 The Detailed Classification of the Smart Infrastructure System, the Smart Management
System, and the Smart Protection System
Practical No:- 1
Define grid?
The smart grid is a modern electric power grid infrastructure for improved efficiency,
reliability and safety, with smooth integration of renewable and alternative energy
sources, through automated control and modern communications technologies.
The smart energy subsystem is responsible for advanced electricity generation, delivery,
and consumption.
The smart protection system is the subsystem in SG that provides advanced grid
reliability analysis, failure protection, and security and privacy protection services.
Cyber security addresses the prevention of damage to, unauthorized use of, exploitation
of, and, if needed, the restoration of electronic information and communications systems
and services (and the information contained therein) to ensure confidentiality, integrity,
and availability.
Data management refers to all aspects of collecting, analyzing, storing, and providing
data to users and applications, including the issues of data identification, validation,
accuracy, updating, time-tagging, consistency across databases, etc.