Frequently Asked Question in USA Student Visa Interview in Nepal
Frequently Asked Question in USA Student Visa Interview in Nepal
Frequently Asked Question in USA Student Visa Interview in Nepal
Recently, the Embassy of United States brings some changes in the rules and regulation
regarding the student visa i.e. F1 visa. In the newly changed system, financial documents are
taken as minor issues but more focus on the academic details and your grade of previous
academic degree.
As we are regularly updating the new changes, important materials and resources regarding the
student visa in USA; you will have the most important tips those who are preparing the student
visa interview in USA from our website.
If you have academic gap prepare for; what do you do during this time?
If you work for somewhere after complete your study; where do you work?
If you change your major, be prepare for; how your major is related to your past degree?
How can you prove you are capable for studying in USA?
Why you dont purse your degree in Canada, U.K, and Australia?
How will you adopt you in the culture and education system in USA?
How can you prove me that you will return after completion of your degree?
These are the frequently asked question in USA student visa interview.
These questions are prepared and moderate by those who are success in USA visa interview for
F1 status.
We are going to publish some impressive answer while preparing for these questions.
Stay in touch with us.
Best of luck !!!