Lesson Plan 1 Charlotte's Web
Lesson Plan 1 Charlotte's Web
Lesson Plan 1 Charlotte's Web
I will look at the students GoConqr maps and Padlet submissions to assess if they
understood the characteristics and traits of the main characters in Charlottes Web.
* Some students may need extra time to complete their maps.
Classroom Learning Environment Focus
This lesson requires both direct instruction as well as student interaction. At times,
students will be working individually. *Some students may need more one on one time
with me.
Instructional Model/Strategy
Direct instruction and cooperative learning will be used. Before the students do the
activities on the IPad or computer, the class will work together on the Padlet. Students
will then work on their GoConqr map with a partner. On the carpet, students will more so
be working together in order to display what they have found in the reading about the
Materials/Resources needed for this lesson
-Computer or IPad & internet access
-Smart board
Daily Formative Assessment
I will make sure students understand the content/instructions by asking them to put their
thumbs up or thumb down. I will also go around to each student during the activities to
see how they are doing.
Differentiating Instruction
-If some students finish their GoConqr activity before others, they can make a Venn
diagram of the two characters comparing and contrasting their characteristics. They can
work together or individually.
A) Students will be exploring the traits of Charlotte and Wilbur and their friendship.
B) Students will find examples from the story to put in their GoConqr maps.
C) It is important and relevant to know how a true friend acts, and what a true friendship looks
like. Students are making friends every day; its important that they are good friends, and that
they choose respectable people to be their own friends.
Lesson Development
1. To introduce the lesson, students will do the Padlet activity. Ask what does being a
good friend mean to you?
2. After the Padlet activity, go over the answers that the students submitted and connect
the traits to Wilbur and Charlotte. Make a chart on the smart board to categorize the
traits under the two characters.
3. Have the students get into pairs to complete the GoConqr map. Have the students find
at least 3 examples where they see Wilbur and Charlotte being good friends to each
other (have them write the chapter and page number where they found their example).
4. After completing their GoConqr maps, students will come to the carpet to share them
with the rest of the class.
5. At the end, I will ask the students to go back to the Padlet page and add either more
traits of a good friend or one of their examples if friendship in the story.
*If a student is having trouble with the concepts/assignments, I will work individually
with that student.
-I will verbally ask questions to make sure the students have grasped the idea of
friendship in Charlottes Web.
- Ask: Why is Wilbur and Charlottes friendship considered to be a good one? What
traits does Charlotte have? What about Wilbur? What is one thing you have learned
about friendship?