M.tech Syllabus, KUK
M.tech Syllabus, KUK
M.tech Syllabus, KUK
3 1 0
: 60
Sessionals :40
Time : 3 Hours
INSTRUCTIONS: There shall be eight questions in total, two from each unit. Students are required to
attempt five questions selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks.
Complex variables: Analytical function, conformal mapping, Schwartz transformation, application to the
fluid flow & heat transfer problems.
Matrices: Consistency of linear system of equations, solution of linear system, Eigen value problem.
Tensor Analysis: Curvilinear Coordinates, base vector summation convection, transformation of coordinates,
tensors of order zero, contra variant & covariant vectors, tensors of high order, symmetric & skew
symmetric tensors, algebra of tensors, Riemannian spare, line element & metric tensor, conjugate tensor,
associated tensor, physical components, Christoffel symbols, covariant differentiation of covariant & contra
variant tensors.
Statistics: All types of distribution (normal & other), analysis of variance & covariance, Significant test.
Books Recommended:
1 Vector analysis & introduction to Tensor analysis By Spiegel (Schaums outline series) McGraw hill book
2 Mathmetics statics by M.Ray & H.S Sharma- Ram Prasad & sons.
3 Advanced Engineering Mathematics By C.Ray Wylie & louis C. Barret (Mcgraw hill book co.)
4 Introductory methods of Numerical analysis by S.S Shastry Prentice hall of India.
5 Higher Engg. Mathematics by B.S Grewal-Khanna Publishers Delhi
UNIT-2 Interpolation
Introduction, interpolation techniques- Newtons formulae, Gauss formulae, stiring, Bessels and Everetts
formulae,Largranges & hermites formulae, Newtons general formulae
Books Recommended :
: 60
Sessionals :40
Time : 3 Hours
INSTRUCTIONS: There shall be eight questions in total, two from each unit. Students are required
to attempt five questions selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks.
UNIT-1 Introduction :Introduction, Review of vectors & Matrices, Basics of geometric and
solid modeling, explicit, implicit, intrinsic and parametric equations, coordinate
systems.Transformations : Introduction , ansformation of points & lines,2-D Translation ,
Shearing, Rotation , Reflection, Scaling & Combined Transformation, Homogeneous Coordinates, 3- D Scaling, Shearing, Rotation , Reflection & Translation, Combined
Transformation, orthographic , axonometric, oblique & perspective projections.
UNIT 2 Curves & SurfacesGeometry and topology , Algebraic & geometric forms of
straight lines, circle, bezier curves & B splines curves, blending functions,
reparametrization , plane surfaces, sixteen point forms, four curves form, ruled surfaces of
revolution, tabulated cylinder, lofted surfaces, bicubic surfaces, bezier surfaces, B-splines
surfaces, Coons patch.
UNIT-3 Introduction The product Cycle , Automation & CAD/CAM, Function of Graphics,
pclges, Omstrictomg the gep, etru, transformation, database structure & constant , wire
frame Vs Solid modeling.N.C. Contract: the legining of CAM:Conventional N.C.: Ints, base
components, N.C. Procedure, N.C. Co-ordinate system, N.C. motion control system,
Application of N.C. , Economics of N.C.
N.C part programming : Introductions, punched tapes in N.C., Tape winding &
filament, manual part programming, Computer assisted part progg., the APT language , the
MACRO statement in APT, N.C. Prog. As it intractive graphics.Computer control in N.C. ,
Intro. Problem with.
Books recommended :
1. CAD/CAM by M.P. Groover, PHI
2. CAD/CAM Theory and Practice, Teid
3. Understanding CAD/CAM by D.J. Bowman
4. CAD/CAM Handbook, tiecholz
5. Computer Aided Manufacturing , P.N. Rao.
INSTRUCTIONS: There shall be eight questions in total, two from each unit. Students are required to
attempt five questions selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks.
UNIT-1 System Concepts: System defined, functional elements of a system, general systems theory,
systems theory & organization, systems concept & management.
UNIT-2 Quantitative Techniques of system analysis: System analysis. Problem solving, scientific
method, mathematical analysis, models, computer techniques of analysis, linear programming, input output
analysis, Queuing, Monte-carlo techniques, Simulation.
UNIT-3 Behavioral Aspects of systems design: Motivation factors, leadership factors in system design,
the need for systematic human relationships, the need for system change, resistance to change, Behavioral
consequences of system changes, Micro analysis of complex man- machine open system concept.
UNIT-4 Flow system: Increasing complexity in distribution & production, increasing cost of a
distribution, total flow system, Planning the transformation.
Program management: Impact of advancing technology, large scale integrating system, program
management concept, matrix organization, application of program management.
Books Recommended :
1 Management of systems by Nauhria, Parkash.
2 Manufacturing system analysis by Baudin, yourdon
UNIT-I Linear programming : The theory of simplex solution, alternate optimal solution,
unbounded solutions, In feasible solutions, Formulation of LP models for production
scheduling, network planning, inventory maintenance and capital budgeting and similar
industrial problems. Two phase method, revised simpler method and dual simplex method
sensitivity analysis. The dual problem and its role for post optimality analysis. The
transportation and assignment models. Traveling sales man model and their industrials
UNIT-II Dynamics optimization models: Formulation of dynamic optimization models
for common industrials problems. Optimization of non-linear objective function by
dynamics programming.Non-Linear Optimization Models:
Non-Linear objective
quening function of unconstrained variables, quadratic programming.
UNIT-III Quenues Models: Quening with single and parellel chanels with limited and
unlimited services. Bulk input, Bulk service, priority queue discipline.
UNIT-IV Heurestic Models : Need for heurestic programming, examples of heurestic
models for traveling salesman problems, facillities design and assembly line balancing.
Books :
1.Principles of OR by Wagner
2. Introduction to OR by Hira
: 60
Sessionals :40
Time : 3 Hours
INSTRUCTIONS: There shall be eight questions in total, two from each unit. Students are required to
attempt five questions selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks.
UNIT-1 New Technology, Introduction , mechanical processes, Abrasive jet machining, ultrasonic
machining, whirling jet machining, fundamental principles, process parameters characteristics,tool design,
metal removel rate analysis, important part design, analysis of process.
UNIT-2 Electro chemical machining- Introduction, principles, scheme, process parameters, metal
removal rate, Theory of ECM, Electrochemical grinding : Introduction,tools, process, chemical machining :
Introduction, maskants, Etchants, advantages
UNIT-3 EDM- Introduction basic principles & scheme circuitry controls, metal removal rate,
machining accuracy optimization, selection of tool material of tool design, dielectric, analysis.Electric
Discharge grinding and Diamond grinding : Principle, Wire electric discharge machining : Principle ,Process
UNIT-4 High velocity forming of metals, explosive forming principles & applications, electro- hydraulic
and other applications, analysis of the process.
Books Recommended :
INSTRUCTIONS: There shall be eight questions in total, two from each unit. Students are required to
attempt five questions selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks.
UNIT-1 Concept of system, system environment, elements of system, system modeling, types of models,
monte carlo method. System simulation- a management laboratory, advantages & limitations of system
simulation, continuous & discrete systems.
density functions, Generation of random numbers, testing for randomness and for auto correlation,
generation of random veriates for discrete distribution.
UNIT-4 Design of simulation experiments:Length of run, elimination of initial bias, variance reduction
: 60
Sessionals :40
Time : 3 Hours
INSTRUCTIONS: There shall be eight questions in total, two from each unit. Students are required to
attempt five questions selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks
UNIT-2 Arc Welding :- Mechanism of are welding inetiation & maintenance, arc characteristics.Fusion
Welding Processes :- TIG, MIG & Co2 welding processes , plasma arc , submerged arc welding , electrogas
& eleileoslag welding.
UNIT-3 Welding Power Sources:- Basic chrematistics of power sources for various arc welding
processes .Metal transfer and Melting rate :- Mechanism & type of Metals , transfer in various arc welding
processes .
UNIT-4 Solid state Welding :- Theory and mechanism of solid stste welding . Techniques & scope of
friction welding , diffusion welding ,cold pressure welding & ultrasonic welding. High energy rate
welding.Scope and application of electron beam & laser beam welding processes .
Books :-- 1. The metallurgy of welding by lancster ,George Allen.
2. Metal handbook, vol 6 ,73,ASME.
3. Welding and welding technology by Richard L. Little.
4. Welding Technology by R.S.Parmar
: 60
Sessionals :40
Time : 3 Hours
INSTRUCTIONS: There shall be eight questions in total, two from each unit. Students are required to
attempt five questions selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks
UNIT-1 Plasticity: - True stress and true strain , True stress strain curves, yield criteria , Tresca
maximum shear strain energy criterion, strain hardening function.
UNIT-2 Metal Working Operation: - Predication of working loads and max deformation analysis of
wire drawing ,tube drawing . Various parameters/variables affecting the processes of wire drawing, tube
UNIT-3 Strip drawing and extrusion .Various parameters/variables affecting the processes of strip
drawing ,working loads for plain strain forging.
hydrodynamic & thin film lubrication ,boundary and extreme pressure lubricants, solid lubricants , lubricants
used for rolling ,cold drawing forging extrusion and deep drawing processes.
Books :- 1. An Introduction to the principle of Metal working by Arnold Rowe.
2. Metal forming Analysis by Avitzer ,Mc Graw Hill
3. High velocity working metals by ASME.
: 60
Sessionals :40
Time : 3 Hours
INSTRUCTIONS: There shall be eight questions in total, two from each unit. Students are required to
attempt five questions selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks
Introduction: Lubrication of reverse carnot cycle with vapour as a refrigerant, simple vapour compression cycle,
Pressure- Enthaply diagram, Ewings construction, suction state for max. COP. Standard rating cycle & effect of
operating conditions ( evaporator pressure, condenser pressure, suction vapour superheat, liquid sub cooling, liquid
vapour regenerative heat exchanger) Deviation of actual compression cycle with that of theoretical.
AIR REFRIGERATION SYSTEM: Reverse Carnot cycle, most efficient refrigerator, Bell cooling the aero plane,
simple cooling & simple evaporative type, Bootstrap & , Bootstrap evaporative type, Regenerative type, reduced
ambient, limitations ,merit & comparision .
Multi Temperature : Method of improving the COP, Optimum interstate pressure for two stages refrigeration system,
multistage or compund compression with flash intercooler, Single expansion valve & multi expansion valve, multi
evaporator system with single compressor, individual compressor with compund compression, Single expansion
valve & multi expansion valve.
Vapour Absorption System :
Simple vapour absorption system , Max. Coefficient of performance, Modification of Simple vapour absorption
system, Actual vapour absorption cycle and its representation on Enthalpy Composition diagram, Absorption system
calculations, Rich and Poor solution concentrations, Lithium & Bromide water system .
Limitation of simple vapour compression system, Multi-stage system, Cascade system, Production of solid carbon
dioxide, Joule- Thomson effect, Liquification of gases, Hydrogen, Helium, Application of low temperature,
Cryogenic insulation.
Steam Jet Refrigeration : Steam jet Refrigerator, component of steam jet refrigeration plant, Advantages of steam jet
refrigeration system , Performance of system, Determination of equlibrium concentration.
Recommended Books:
1. Mechanical Refrigeration by Sporks and Diffio.
2. ASHRE Handbook ( Fundamentals) ASHRE
3. Thermal Envirionmen by Threlkeld
4. Refrigeration & Air-conditioning by C.P. Arora.
5. Refrigeration & Air-conditioning by Stocker
Cascade System Ejector Comparision System.
Method , use of pre-cooling, liquification
3 1 0
: 60
Sessionals :40
Time : 3 Hours
INSTRUCTIONS: There shall be eight questions in total, two from each unit. Students are required to
attempt five questions selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks
UNIT-1 Fuel air Cycles analysis, Thermodynamics of combustion, Chemical equilibrium, Dissociation,
Combustion Charts and gas tables for air fuel mixtures and the products of Combustion.Types of
Hydrocarbons in Petroleum fuels, Gasoline grades, required properties of SI and CI engine fuels. Rating of
UNIT-2 Definition of combustion, combustion modes and flame types, review of property relation, Law
of thermodynamics, reactant and product mixtures adiabatic flame temperature, chemical equilibrium and
product of combustion.Laminar premixed flame, definition principle characteristics, factors, influencing
flame velocity and thickness, flammability limits and quenching of laminar flow, ignition, turbulent flames :
turbulent flame propagation, flame stabilization
UNIT-3 Burining of carbon, coal combustion, effect of pollutant emissions from premixed combustion
and from non-premixed combustion. Detonation, principle, characteristics one-dimensional, detonation
velocity, structure of detonation waves.
UNIT-4 Pollution : Exhaust gases and analysis, orset apparatus , infrared analyzer, determination of air fuel
ratios, air pollution and engines.
Books recommended:
1. I.C engine Vol. 1 & 2 by Taylor
2. Thermodynamics and Gas Dynamics of IC engines, Vol. 1 & 2 by Horlock and
Winter bone.
3. I.C engine Vol 1 & 2 by Benson and Whitehouse.
4. Thermodynamics analysis of combustion engines, by Campbell
5. I. C. engine by P.L.Ballaney
3 1 0
: 60
Sessionals :40
Time : 3 Hours
INSTRUCTIONS: There shall be eight questions in total, two from each unit. Students are required to
attempt five questions selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks
UNIT-I Elasticity : Stress, stress motion, stress tensor, three dimensional stress and strain system, in
Cartesian and polar coordinates, principles stress and principles plains, stress invariants, Mohrs circle for
three dimensional stress and strain system.
UNIT-II Generalized hooks law , stress function, plain stress and plain strain methods, torsion of circular
and elliptical bars, equation of bending of plates, solution of following cases :
1. Circular plat uniformly loaded simply supported or clamped, 2. Rectangular plate uniformly
loaded simply supported or clamped
UNIT- III Plasticity : Idealized stress strain system, Bauschinger effect, yield surface, work hardening, flae
rule, tresca and von mises yield criteria, two dimensional plasiticity, theory of slip line field, application of
slip line field , theory to plain strain problems load boundary theorems and their application to plain strain
UNIT IV Plastic bending of beams, collapse bending and tension , torsion of prismatic bars, principle
stress distribution, elastoplastic torsion of circular section, combined tension and torsion of circular
cylindrical tubes.
Books Recommended :
3 1 0
: 60
Sessionals :40
Time : 3 Hours
INSTRUCTIONS: There shall be eight questions in total, two from each unit. Students are required to
attempt five questions selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks
UNIT I Introduction to various stress analysis techniques, photoelastivity , wave theory of light,
production of plane polarized light, stress optic law, plane and circular polariscope, effect of stressed Model
in plane and circular polariscope
UNIT-II Determination of integral & fractional fringe orders, properties of stress trajectories, isoclinic and
isochromatics , calibration techniques, separation of principle stresses, selection of photoelastic material and
their properties.
UNIT-III Stress freezing and locking, theory of photo elastic coating, fringe measurement, stress separation
method, calibration methods, applications, brittle coating and types, techniques for analysis of fringes,
fringe ordering, applications and advantages.
UNIT-IV Strain gauges and types, details of inductance, capacitance and electrical resistance strain gauges ,
gauge factor, bonding materials, strain gauges application, temperature compensation , transverse sensitivity,
gauge sensitivity, strain gauge circuits, instrumentation and transducers.
Books Recommended:
1. Experimental stress analysis by Dally Jul and Rilix W F
2. Photoelastic separation of principle stresses by Drucker D C
3 Strain gauges by Lissner H R and Perry C
3 1 0
: 60
Sessionals :40
Time : 3 Hours
INSTRUCTIONS: There shall be eight questions in total, two from each unit. Students are required to
attempt five questions selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks
UNIT-I: Maintenance Engg: Introduction , importance of maintenance engg. Benefits of maintenance,
UNIT-II: various types of industrial maintenance system, their merits, demerits and applications etc,
maintenance planning scheduling & control.
UNIT-III :Reliability, Maintainability, Availability: Basic concept & defination, availability models,
economics of reliability, availability & maintainability, distribution of down time and its basic element,
Optimal maintenance policies
UNIT- IV : Short run maintenance problem, long run maintenance problem, mathematical formulation of a
maintenance & reliability problems, Failure rate, a pattern of failures, mean time to failures
1 Principles of planned maintenance by R.H. Cliffton.
2 Reliability Engg. By L.R Srinath.
: 60
3 1 0
Sessionals :40
Time : 3 Hours
INSTRUCTIONS: There shall be eight questions in total, two from each unit. Students are required to
attempt five questions selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks
UNIT-I Introduction to Robotic Technology, Robot physical configuration, Basic robot motions.Types
of Manipulators: Constructional features, Advantages and disadvantages of various kinematics
structures, servo & non-servo manipulator.
UNIT-II Actuators and transmission systems: A pneumatic, hydraulic and electric actuators and their
characteristics and control systems. Feedback systems and sensors: Encoders and other feed back
systems, vision, ranging systems, and textile sensor.
UNIT-III Concept of automation in industry, mechanization and automation, classification of automatic
systems.Basis of automated work piece handling working principles and techniques, job orienting jobfeeding devices, transfer mechanisms
UNIT-IV Air cylinders design and mountings pneumatic and hydraulic valves , flow control valves,
metering valves , direction control valves, hydraulic servo systems
Books Recommended:
3 1 0
: 60
Sessionals :40
Time : 3 Hours
INSTRUCTIONS: There shall be eight questions in total, two from each unit. Students are required to
attempt five questions selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks
3 1 0
: 60
Sessionals :40
Time : 3 Hours
INSTRUCTIONS: There shall be eight questions in total, two from each unit. Students are required to
attempt five questions selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks
UNIT-I Thermodynamics: Basic flow equation for one dimensional flow, Mach Number, Mach angle, ritua
condition and stagnation values. Isentropic flow through converging diverging passes, shock phenomenon i
normal & oblique plane, efficiency of turbine nozzles, diffusers & compressors.
UNIT-II Two Dimensional Cascade: Cascade nomenclature, analysis of cascade forces, energy loses, lift &
drag, circulation & lift, efficiency of compressor cascade. Performance of two dimensional cascade, the
cascade wind tunnel test results, compressor & turbine cascade performance fluid deviation and Mach
number effects.
UNIT-III Axial Flow: Two dimensional analysis, velocity diagram, degree of reaction, efficiency of rotor &
diffuser blades for compressible flow and efficiency of compressor stage. Radial equilibrium and actuator
disc theory for three dimensional flow in compressor stage. Axial flow compressor characteristics, blade
element theory blade element efficiency, lift coefficient of a fan aero foil.
UNIT-IV Centrifugal Flow: Degree of reaction, stage pressure ratio, equation motion in radial turbo
machines in cylindrical coordinates, velocity distribution in the vanes less and vanes spaces, slip factors &
its estimation, dimensionless quantities used for plotting compressor characteristics types & characteristics
for various impellors, comparison of centrifugal & axial flow compressors.
Books Recommended:
1 Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics: S.M Yaha
2 Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics Cohen & Rodger
3 1 0
: 60
Sessionals :40
Time: 3 Hours
INSTRUCTIONS: There shall be eight questions in total, two from each unit. Students are required to
attempt five questions selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks
UNIT-I History of CFD, comparison of three approaches in engineering problem solving analytically,
experimental& computational methods, recent advances in computational techniques.
UNIT- II The standard procedure for formulating a problem (physical & mathematical). Classification of
problem, types of governing differential equation and boundary conditions.
UNIT-III finite difference method, finite element method, finite volume method and spectral method,
treatment of boundary conditions.
UNIT-IV application to fluid flow problems: Types of fluid flow and their governing equation, viscous
incompressible forms, calculation of flow fluid using steam function, wortinity method, calculation of
boundary layer flow over a flat plate, numerical algorithms for solving complete navier stroke equationsMAC method, simple algorithms, project problem.
Books Recommended :
1. Introduction to computational fluid dynamics by Niyogi Pearson education
2. Computational fluid flow by S. Murlidhar Narosa
3 1 0
: 60
Sessionals :40
Time : 3 Hours
INSTRUCTIONS: There shall be eight questions in total, two from each unit. Students are required to
attempt five questions selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks
Books Recommended:
1 Mechanical system analysis: Ali, Surgy
2 Matrix methods in stability theory: S. Barnett.
3 Theory to the stability to the system: A.Barnett.
4 Vibration control, measurement & stability: Daniel Inman.
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