Close-Range Photogrammetry Applications PDF
Close-Range Photogrammetry Applications PDF
Close-Range Photogrammetry Applications PDF
New Mexico State University, Department of Engineering Technology and Surveying, EC III, Room 382, Box 30001,
MSC 3566, Las Cruces, NM 88003, United States
New Mexico State University, Department of Civil Engineering, Hernandez Hall, Box 30001, MS 3CE,
Las Cruces, NM 88003, United States
Received 24 August 2007; received in revised form 20 December 2007; accepted 27 December 2007
Available online 9 January 2008
Close-range photogrammetry has found many diverse applications in the elds of industry, biomechanics, chemistry, biology, archaeology, architecture, automotive, and aerospace, as well as accident reconstruction. Although close-range photogrammetry has not been as popular in bridge engineering as in other elds, the investigations that have been conducted
demonstrate the potential of this technique. The availability of inexpensive, o-the-shelf digital cameras and soft-copy, photogrammetry software systems has made close-range photogrammetry much more feasible and aordable for bridge engineering applications. To increase awareness of the use of this powerful non-contact, non-destructive technique in the
bridge engineering eld, this paper presents a literature review on the basic development of close-range photogrammetry
and briey describes previous work related to bridge deformation and geometry measurement; structural test monitoring;
and historic documentation. The major aspects of photogrammetry bridge measurement are covered starting from the late
1970s and include a description of measurement types, cameras, targets, network control, and software. It is shown that early
applications featured the use of metric cameras (specially designed for photogrammetry purposes), diuse targets (non-retroreective), stereoscopic photogrammetry network layout, and analog analytical tools, which transformed over time to the use
of non-metric cameras, retro-reective targets, highly convergent network layout, and digital computerized analytical tools.
2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Close-range; Photogrammetry; Bridge; Deformation; Monitoring; Geometry
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Development of close-range photogrammetry . . .
Bridge deformation and geometry measurement .
Structural test monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 505 646 1506; fax: +1 505 646 6049.
E-mail address: (R. Jiang).
0263-2241/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Table 1
Application for bridge deformation and geometry measurements
Test object
Bales (1985)
Bales and Hilton Steel I
Steel girder
Kim (1989)
Type of
Camera used
Network control
Software used
Diuse targets,
Control point
Control point
targets, ash
targets, ash
targets, ash
Diuse targets, nonash photography
Scale bars
Elcovision 10
Vertical deection
Thermal and dead
load deection
et al. (1990)
Cooper and
Forno et al.
Albert et al.
arch bridge
Leitch (2002)
Steel beam
Jauregui et al. P/C girder
Norris (2003)
Steel girder
Vertical deection
Leica lm camera
(24 mm lens)
between targets
Control point
continuous or
Additional targets on
bolts at longitudinal
Targeted cross
structure in
Fig. 2. Soil bridge measurement: (a) target layout; (b) camera placement [16].
by photogrammetry and obtained by direct measurements. For a structure having a span of approximately 4 m (12 ft), the mean dierence of distances
ranged from 2 to 7 mm (0.080 to 0.276 in.) for crosssections having the scaling devices, and from 30 to
80 mm (1.183.15 in.) for cross-sections without
the scaling devices. The mean dierence of distances
in the longitudinal direction ranged from 20 to
40 mm (0.7871.575 in.).
The City University of London monitored the
deformation of a military steel bridge [17]. The measurements focused on an 18 m (59 ft) bridge section
using seven camera stations, as shown in Fig. 3. A
total of 768 measurements of target coordinates
were made, the maximum standard deviations of
which were found to be 0.39 mm (0.015 in.),
0.62 mm (0.024 in.), and 0.23 mm (0.009 in.) in
the x, y, and z direction (see Fig. 3), respectively.
Forno et al. [18] reported the studies performed at
the University of Dundee in Scotland on the deformation measurement of a decommissioned masonry
arch bridge and a full-scale laboratory model of the
bridge. The bridge had a single closed-spandrel arch
with a 4 m (13.2 ft) diameter and overall dimensions
of 6 m 4 m 6 m (20 ft 13 ft 20 ft, length
height width). The bridge was tested under a concentrated load applied at the top of the spandrel.
Both Moire photography and close-range photogrammetry were applied to measure the deformation
of the bridge. Moire photography results provided
control for the photogrammetric measurements since
scale bars appeared too dark in the photos to serve as
an accurate reference. The standard deviation of the
photogrammetric measurement was approximately
0.2 mm or 0.008 in.
Bauhaus University and Dresden University of
Technology (both in Germany) performed studies
Object Plane
x y Image Plane
Projection Center
Y (m)
Pin Joint
X (m)
Fig. 5. Photogrammetry deection measurement: (a) beam; (b) eld bridge [19].
Sewall Company applied digital close-range photogrammetry to measure the geometry of the 622 m
(2040 ft) long Waldo-Hancock Cable Suspension
Bridge between Prospect and Verona, Maine [22].
The bridge was built in 1931 and had shown serious
deterioration both in its superstructure and deck
[23]. The bridge dimensions measured by photogrammetry were used in the rehabilitation planning
of the bridge. Control points were placed at the
approaches to the bridge and surveyed using a total
station, along with real-time kinematic (RTK) GPS
methods. Images were acquired from a helicopter.
From photogrammetric analysis, Sewall provided
information on bridge and cable geometry for further structural analysis. The measurements included
the elevation and oset of cables, trusses, piers, the
main tower, and cable bents. The accuracy of measurement for critical dimensions of the bridge was
comparable to that of a conventional survey. The
standard deviation of the photogrammetric measurements was 3 mm (0.12 in.) over a length of
213 m (700 ft) of a bridge section, and 15.9 mm
(0.625 in.) over the total length of the bridge [23].
Compared to traditional surveying methods, closerange photogrammetry proved to be more ecient.
Measurements accomplished in less than three days
in the eld would have taken 10 days for a conventional survey, and images were acquired without
physically accessing each measurement point. The
whole process was non-intrusive, and only created
minimal impact on trac ow.
It is observed from the above examples that
close-range photogrammetry provides a very convenient way for bridge deformation monitoring and
geometry measurement. The accuracy of close-range
photogrammetry is sucient for most bridge engineering applications and the implementation may
prove to be easier and more cost-eective compared
to traditional methods.
4. Structural test monitoring
Frequently, components of a bridge are tested
instead of the whole bridge due to the limitations
of cost, time, and other experimental constraints.
There have been many tests conducted on bridge
elements such as beams and columns where photogrammetry was used to monitor deformation, a
few examples of which are given in this section.
Scott [24] performed a study on photogrammetric deection monitoring of a multiple box, curved
girder bridge to detect the buckling load of the
compression ange and to explore the ultimate failure mechanism of the model bridge. Photos were
captured at 27 camera stations along both sides of
the bridge. A total of about 4000 targets were placed
on the bottom ange, and 1800 images were used in
the image processing with an analog stereoscope.
Compared to dial gage results, an accuracy of
0.2 mm (0.008 in.) was achieved by the photogrammetric deection measurement.
Woodhouse et al. [25] conducted several high
strength, concrete column tests. The aim of the tests
was to determine the inuence of steel hoop reinforcement on the failure of the columns. Column
deection was monitored during the tests by closerange photogrammetry. Linear variable displacement transducers (LVDT) were used to measure
deformation of the column for comparison. Four
digital cameras were used, two of which had a resolution of 1534 1024 pixels and the other two,
1008 1018 pixels. A vision metrology system was
used which was controlled remotely in such a way
that images were captured automatically and synchronously by the four cameras.
Fraser and Riedel [26] performed a study on the
monitoring of thermal deformations of steel beams.
The temperature variation of the steel beams ranged
from 1100 C down to 50 C, and the measurement
rate was one set every 15 s. In order to collect
approximately 7080 sets of measurements in about
2 h, a highly automated, on-line data processing system was used. Two groups of targets were utilized.
Group 1 had about 10 to 15 targets, and was used
to monitor the deformation of the beam; group 2
had about 30 targets that were placed on the wall
behind the beams and stayed stationary during the
entire test, serving as reference points. The average
Fig. 6. Bridge beam test: (a) network layout; (b) load vs. deection [27].
documentation of historic bridges and other transportation structures. Dierent structure types such
as concrete arches, steel trusses, and brick and wood
beams were chosen for documentation, and a wide
range of eld conditions were selected to test the
feasibility of close-range photogrammetry. A Zeiss
UMK 10/1318 metric camera with a focal length
of 99 mm (3.90 in.) was used to acquire images. Targets were installed around the object and the distances between targets were hand measured to set
up the reference. In addition to the creation of
drawings, the potential of photogrammetry for the
measurement of cross-sectional areas and the thickness of structural members was also explored and
checked with hand measurements. The dierences
between photogrammetry and hand measurement
were found to be very small. In one example, the difference for 18 point measurements was less than
3.18 mm (1/8 in.).
Shigenori et al. [30] reported a project in which
photogrammetric information and geographic
information system (GIS) models were used to
develop an integrated design and management system for a historical bridge restoration in Japan.
The bridge (designated the Nishida Bridge) had four
arch spans, and was made of natural stone blocks.
The integrated system consisted of photogrammetry, coordinate management, photograph management, and 3D visualization sub-systems. A model
of the bridge was established from old photos taken
in the 1870s using single photograph analytical techniques, and veried in the eld. The arc shape of the
bridge (160 m or 528 ft long) was calculated by
dividing the entire arc into 88 elements. A multiwindow system was applied to transform photographs into AutoCAD drawings; by moving a
cursor to a calculated point on an old photograph
in one computer screen, the analytical result could
be veried easily in the AutoCAD drawing displayed in another monitor. A total of 31 points were
measured on the bridge surface photogrammetrically, and the radius of arcs and co-ordinates of these
points were calculated. Photogrammetry was also
used to exhibit bridge information on material and
mechanics properties, construction technology, restoration design, bridge history, and restoration construction documentation.
6. Conclusions
Close-range photogrammetry is a technique that
has many unique advantages, a few of which are
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