EDM Handbook Edition 12 Feb 2012

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The key takeaways are that EDM instruments must be calibrated annually against certified baselines to ensure accurate measurements, and calibration certificates must include details of the EDM used such as make, model, serial number and calibration site.

The purpose of this handbook is to provide specifications and guidelines for calibrating EDM instruments against certified baselines across the state of Victoria in accordance with standards set by the Surveyor-General.

To be used for cadastral surveys in Victoria, EDM instruments must be calibrated over a certified baseline at intervals no longer than 12 months, or more frequently if required. They must meet minimum standards for uncertainty of calibration specified by the National Standards Commission.

EDM calibration handbook

Edition 12 February 2012

Geodetic Survey Surveyor-General Victoria Land Victoria Department Of Sustainability and Environment EDM Calibration Handbook Edition 12 February 2012 ISBN 1 74106 023 0 Copyright The State of Victoria, Department of Sustainability and Environment, 2012. Disclaimer This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication.

Handbook Errors and Discrepancies Land Victoria would appreciate notification of any errors or discrepancies found in this Handbook. Please direct any correspondence to: Geodetic Survey Surveyor-General Victoria Land Victoria Level 17 570 Bourke Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 Ph: 03 8636 2546

Find more information about DSE on the Internet at http://www.dse.vic.gov.au

EDM Handbook v12.doc

Date: February 2012


"In relation to measurement, the professional surveyor is intent not only on getting it right, but in proving that it is. To achieve this, surveyors rely on their measuring equipment which must be systematically tested for errors and compared to the national standard." John E Tulloch Surveyor-General of Victoria The Surveyor-General of Victoria sets standards for property surveys under the Surveying (Cadastral Surveys) Regulations 2005, including requirements for the calibration and standardisation of survey equipment. To assist licensed surveyors in meeting these standards, the Surveyor-General is responsible for issuing practical implementation advice and providing certified calibration facilities. The Surveyor-General of Victoria Practice Directives, January 2011 addresses the requirements regarding calibration of Electro-optical Distance Meter (EDM) instruments. It states that EDM instruments must be calibrated over a certified baseline at intervals not exceeding 12 months or more frequently if conditions warrant it. It also states that a licensed surveyors report must detail calibration information about the EDM used in the survey including: Make and Model; Serial Number; EDM Calibration Site; Date of Calibration. This EDM Calibration Handbook provides the specification and practice direction for achieving EDM calibration at each of the six baselines across the state. The Surveyor-General is a Verifying Authority for length (up to 1160 metres) and is responsible for the annual re-certification of the base lines as subsidiary standards of length. The Surveyor-General, through Geodetic Survey, provides the continued certification of the baselines and the periodic updates of the Handbook, and acknowledgement is also made of the assistance of Land Victoria staff throughout the state. The Surveyor-General acknowledges the co-operation and support provided by Brayley & Hayes Pty. Ltd., SMEC Urban Pty. Ltd. (Gippsland) and St. Quentin Consulting Pty. Ltd. for their assistance with the Hamilton, Loy Yang and Geelong baselines, respectively. John E Tulloch Surveyor-General of Victoria February 2012

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Table of Contents
PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................................................... III TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................... IV CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................................1 CHAPTER 2: LEGAL TRACEABILITY OF LENGTH MEASUREMENTS..................................................................2 2.8 2.9 2.10 3.3 3.4 3.5 SURVEYOR-GENERAL OF VICTORIA PRACTICE DIRECTIVES - JANUARY 2011 ......................................................3 SURVEYING (CADASTRAL SURVEYS) REGULATIONS 2005.....................................................................................3 SURVEY CO-ORDINATION REGULATIONS 2004...................................................................................................4 INSTRUMENT ERRORS .............................................................................................................................................5 BASELINE DESIGN ....................................................................................................................................................6 PILLARS AND GROUND MARKS ................................................................................................................................6

CHAPTER 3: THE THEORY OF EDM CALIBRATION..................................................................................................5

CHAPTER 4: RECOMMENDED OBSERVING PROCEDURES ..................................................................................8 4.3 GENERAL PROCEDURES ..........................................................................................................................................8 4.4 MEASUREMENT SEQUENCE (EXCLUDING THE BENDIGO AND GEELONG BASELINE) .............................................9 4.5 MEASUREMENT SEQUENCE BENDIGO AND GEELONG BASELINES ONLY ..........................................................10 4.6 LOY YANG BASELINE .............................................................................................................................................11 LOCATION OF BASE LINES .................................................................................................................................................12 UNIT LENGTHS OF EDM ..............................................................................................................................................19 PULSED INSTRUMENTS AND INSTRUMENTS WITH A UNIT LENGTH OF ZERO ............................................22 FOR INSTRUMENTS WITH A UNIT LENGTH OF ZERO AND PULSED INSTRUMENTS, THE METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS MUST BE ENTERED INTO THE INSTRUMENT AT THE TIME OF THE CALIBRATION...........................................................................................................................................................22 CHAPTER 5: REDUCTION AND INTERPRETATION.................................................................................................23 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................................................24 APPENDIX A SAMPLE BOOKING SHEETS.............................................................................................................25

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Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 1.2 This handbook deals with the calibration and standardisation of Electro-optical Distance Meters (EDM) in the state of Victoria. There are six baselines in Victoria that are maintained as subsidiary standards of length and as such are suitable for the calibration and standardisation of EDM. All baselines are of Sprent/Zwart (Hobart) design with the exception of the Bendigo and Geelong baselines, which are a modified Schwendener design. The calibration of EDM is concerned with the determination of instrument errors, whereas standardisation refers to the comparison of the instrument to a standard of length traceable to the National Standard. Instruments must be calibrated within a prescribed level of precision in order to be standardised. Chapter 2 discusses the legal background of standardisation. The theory of EDM calibration is summarised in Chapter 3 along with an explanation of the instrument errors that are determined. The observing procedures outlined in Chapter 4 are based on the "Instructions on the Verification of Electro-optical Short-Range Distance Meters on Subsidiary Standards of Length in the Form of EDM Calibration Baselines" proposed by Dr. J.M. Rueger (1984). EDM users who wish to perform calibrations need to book the use of baselines in advance. Chapter 4 lists the baselines and the offices that can be contacted to make bookings and obtain further information. The Surveyor-General of Victoria has adopted the EDM instrument calibration software, Baseline version This software has been developed by the Western Australia Land Information Authority (Landgate) for the calibration of EDM instruments against standard baselines.


1.4 1.5



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Chapter 2: Legal Traceability of Length Measurements

2.1 In accordance with Regulation 73 of the National Measurement Regulations 1999, the SurveyorGeneral of Victoria is appointed as a Verifying Authority with respect to length. This enables certification of subsidiary standards of length to a certain precision pursuant to Regulation 13 of the National Measurement Regulations 1999. Although not common, the validity of length measurement may be challenged in a court of law. The validity will be strengthened if traceability to the national standard can be proved. In 1983 the National Standards Commission (NSC), now incorporated into the National Measurement Institute (NMI), formed a working party on the Calibration of Electromagnetic Distance Measuring (EDM) Equipment. Following both the recommendations of this working party and research by the NSC, it was established that monumented baselines could be certified as subsidiary standards of length under Regulation 13 of the National Measurement Regulations 1999 to provide legal traceability for EDM measurements. The standard of length was transferred to baselines through use of standard tapes or EDM as prescribed by the National Standards Commission. The Kern Mekometer and the Comrad Geomensor were the only EDM prescribed by the NSC. These instruments needed to be compared with the national frequency standard and certified as reference standards prior to their use for baseline certification. The Kern Mekometer ME3000 owned by Melbourne Water/WBCM Surveys Pty Ltd has been used to certify the Victorian baselines in the past. When this instrument ceased operating in 1994, the Kern Mekometer ME5000 owned by Hydro Tasmania was used for this purpose. In 2006, the Leica TCA2003 total station owned by the Department of Transport Energy and Infrastructure South Australia and certified by NMI was used to re-verify the five EDM baselines. In 2008, Surveyor-General Victoria purchased a Leica TCA2003 total station which is used to certify the six baselines. This class of instrument is expected to be used in the near-medium future. An EDM is considered to measure distances traceable to the national standard of length if: (a) it is calibrated on a certified baseline, (b) it is calibrated in accordance with the procedures laid down herein, (c) the current inter-pillar distances (as determined from re-verification measurements) are used to compute the calibration and (d) the instrument correction has been computed to a prescribed level of precision. 2.7 Recommendations of specific interest from the NSC working party referred to in 2.4 and 2.7 above are:No.2 To be certified as a subsidiary standard a baseline must be capable of being calibrated with an uncertainty of (1.5 + 20 10-3 L) mm at the 95% level of confidence where L is the interval length in metres. No.8 It is recommended that, in general, the minimum standard for the uncertainty of calibration of an EDM, assuming calibration against a monumented base, should be (5 + 30 10-3 L) mm at the 95% level of confidence where L is the interval length in metres. Six Victorian baselines are certified annually in accordance with Recommendation No.2. The calibration procedures outlined in this handbook and the analysis techniques contained in Baseline are capable of meeting the requirement of Recommendation No.8.

2.2 2.3




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Surveyor-General of Victoria Practice Directives - January 2011 The Surveyor-General sets standards for surveying title boundaries through the Surveying Act 2004, Surveying (Cadastral Surveys) Regulations 2005, and standards of measurement under the Survey Co-ordination Regulations 2004. These standards include calibration and standardisation of survey equipment, record keeping and reporting, specifications for units of measurement and levels of precision achievable. The Surveyor-General issues practice directives to aid licensed surveyors in the interpretation of Regulations and inform them of changes to the requirements of either the Surveyors Registration Board of Victoria and/or the Surveyor-General. The Surveyor-General of Victoria Practice Directives, January 2011, address the Surveyor-Generals requirements regarding calibration of Electro-optical Distance Meter (EDM) instruments. The Surveyor-General has determined that an adequate survey equipment comparison process requires the calibration of EDM surveying instruments over a baseline certified by the SurveyorGeneral at intervals not exceeding 12 months. Where adverse conditions of use warrant it, more frequent EDM calibration may be required, including after every repair to all or part of such equipment. Where an EDM surveying instrument is used in a cadastral survey, the Surveyor-General requires the following information to be included in the surveyor's report: Make and model of instrument Serial Number EDM Calibration Site Date of Calibration The Surveyor-General has determined that survey plans signed after 31 January 2002 must comply with these requirements in relation to EDM survey instrument calibration. The latest version of the Practice Directives can be downloaded from the Surveyor Generals Web site, available from www.dse.vic.gov.au > Property, Titles & Maps > Surveying > Government surveying services > Surveyor-General Victoria Practice Directives.


Surveying (Cadastral Surveys) Regulations 2005 Regulation 6(1)(a)&(b) requires a licensed surveyor to use survey equipment which has been compared to a standard of measurement and that the process of comparison and the basis of comparison are adequate to obtain the accuracy required under the Surveying (Cadastral Surveys) Regulations 2005. Regulation 6(2) requires licensed surveyors to retain records of comparisons and make them available for inspection upon request by the Surveyor-General. Regulation 15(2)(b) stipulates that a licensed surveyors report must provide details on the date of calibration of measuring equipment used in the cadastral survey.

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Survey Co-ordination Regulations 2004 Regulation 13 of the Survey Co-ordination Regulations 2004 requires surveyors to use and maintain survey equipment that has been compared to a standard of measurement. The units of measurement are specified in Regulation 13(a)(i) and levels of precision to be achieved are set out in Regulation 13(b).


It is considered that the requirements of the Surveying (Cadastral Surveys) Regulations 2005 and the Survey Co-ordination Regulations 2004 are satisfied for EDM if points (a) to (d) in section 2.7 are performed.

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Chapter 3: The Theory of EDM Calibration

3.1 EDM calibration is performed in order to determine the instrument errors. The instrument errors can be used to monitor the performance of the EDM over time and if significant, should be applied to measurements taken subsequent to the calibration. If the calibration is performed over a certified baseline to a prescribed level of precision, the EDM is considered to be standardised.


3.3 3.3.1

Instrument Errors Additive Constant (correction for Zero or Index Error) All distances measured by a particular EDM/reflector combination are subject to a constant error. It is caused by three factors: (a) electrical delays, geometric detours, and eccentricities in the EDM, (b) differences between the electronic centre and the mechanical centre of the EDM, (c) differences between the optical and mechanical centres of the reflector. The additive constant or zero/index correction is added to measured distances to correct for these differences. Note that this error may vary with changes of reflector, after jolts, with different instrument mountings and after service.


Scale Error The scale error describes errors that are linearly proportional to the length of line measured. These can arise from: (a) variations in the modulation frequency of the EDM, (b) non-homogeneous emission/reception patterns from the emitting and receiving diodes (phase inhomogeneities), (c) unmodelled variations in atmospheric conditions which affect the velocity of propagation, (d) errors in the collection and use of atmospheric data. This includes the use of uncalibrated thermometers/barometers, not taking atmospheric measurements in the shade and the incorrect entry of the atmospheric correction into the EDM.


Cyclic Error (Short Periodic Error) Cyclic error is a function of the internal phase measurement of an EDM. Error in the internal phase measurement is caused by unwanted feed through the transmitted signal onto the received signal. Cyclic error is usually sinusoidal in nature with a wavelength equal to the unit length of the EDM. The unit length is the scale on which the EDM measures the distance, and is derived from the fine measuring frequency. Unit length is equal to one half of the modulation wavelength of an EDM (Rueger 1980). As cyclic error repeats itself for every unit length contained within a measured distance, its sign and magnitude varies depending on the length measured. The magnitude of the error could be in the order of 5-10mm, however in modern EDM it is usually less than 2mm (negligible). Cyclic error can increase in magnitude as the components of an EDM age.

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3.4 3.4.1.

Baseline Design EDM can be calibrated by measuring a combination of distances on a baseline. An important feature of baseline design is to enable the determination of all instrument errors to an appropriate level of precision. Three types of baselines are in use in Australia. The difference between their designs lies in the associated methodology used to determine cyclic error, and the observation procedures applicable to each one. In general, calibration measurements over short distances assist in the determination of the additive constant while longer distances help determine scale error. One objective of the design is to ensure that the additive constant and scale error are determined independent of any cyclic error contributions. However it is not possible to solve for a scale error unless the inter-pillar distances for the baseline are known. Only prescribed EDM are used to determine these distances and hence control scale. The certified baselines in Victoria are Sprent/Zwart (Hobart) baselines with the exception of the Bendigo and Geelong baselines, which are a Schwendener design. The Bendigo baseline has been modified to include an additional pillar at a chainage of 5 metres. This enables the Sprent/Zwart method of calibration to be employed at this baseline. The original Sprent/Zwart design has been altered in Victoria by slightly changing the pillar locations so that the additive constant is determined with greater precision. Nevertheless, calibrations using this design are marginally less precise than other baseline designs. The great advantage of the Sprent/Zwart method is its ease of use, and this unquestionably offsets the slightly lower precision.




The additive constant and scale error are able to be determined independent of cyclic error on Sprent/Zwart baselines because their design has the effect of canceling out cyclic error. If pairs of measurements are taken from pillars separated by half the unit length of the EDM, the cyclic error affecting each pair will be equal in magnitude and opposite in sign. An analysis, which treats the measurements as pairs, can eliminate the effect of cyclic error. All but two of the certified baselines in Victoria have instrument pillars at chainages of 0m, 5m and 10m, enabling the Sprent/Zwart method of calibration to be used for EDM with unit lengths of 10 and 20 metres. The Bendigo and Geelong baselines are the exception with instrument pillars at chainages of 0m and 5m, making it suitable for EDM with a unit length of 10 metres. A list of common EDM and their associated unit length is given at the end of Chapter 4. The list shows that in addition to 10 and 20 metres, there are EDM with unit lengths of 2m, 3m, 5m, 30m and 33m. Due to the difficulties with computing cyclic error a slightly different calibration procedure is recommended for EDM with unit lengths other than 10 or 20 metres, details of which are given in Chapter 4.



The procedures recommended in this handbook are designed to specifically meet the requirements of legal surveys, and Rueger (1985) shows that the Sprent/Zwart method of taking measurements from 2 pillars separated by half the unit length is easily capable of satisfying Recommendation No. 8 of the National Standards Commission (see 2.8). Calibrations of a higher precision can be achieved by occupying all pillars and measuring all combinations of distances on a baseline.

3.5 3.5.1.

Pillars and Ground Marks The baselines available for calibration and standardisation in Victoria have specially constructed pillars for the stations. The reasons for this are that: (a) (b) (c) (d) forced centering is essential to eliminate setting-up errors, the speed and ease of the calibration procedure is enhanced, a precision EDM is able to be used to its full capacity and constant instrument heights are obtained.

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Calibration techniques assume that there is no pillar movement between the time when the baseline is certified and when the user calibrates the EDM. Unfortunately pillars do demonstrate seasonal movement, although in most cases the movement is too small to have any significant effect. Baseline stability is closely monitored to ensure that calibrations can be performed to the required precision. If it is suspected that pillar movement has occurred, it should be reported to the Geodetic Survey section of Land Victoria for immediate action and resolution.

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Chapter 4: Recommended Observing Procedures

4.1 The Surveyor-General as the Verifying Authority has the responsibility of having certain pillared baselines measured by an EDM prescribed by the NMI. By this means, the Surveyor-General is able to issue Regulation 13 certificates for these baselines, certifying them as subsidiary standards of length. Each baseline is controlled by an office, which can be contacted to make bookings for its use and to obtain information on access to the umbrella, pillar-cap key and standard thermometer and barometer required for the calibration. Note that all baseline pillars are fitted with 5/8" BSW threads for mounting purposes. Baseline locations, access details and pillar layouts, together with addresses and telephone numbers of the controlling offices, can be found later in this chapter.



General Procedures The following procedures have been based on the proposals of Rueger (1984) and are to be followed when calibrating EDM on Victorian baselines.


Booking Sheets Calibration data may only be recorded on official sheets provided by Land Victoria. All details must be recorded and booking sheets must be signed and dated. Measurements shall be recorded in units of metres (distance), degrees Celsius (temperature) and millibars (pressure). Controlling offices may have small quantities of booking sheets available, however it is preferred that baseline users have their own copies for use. Sample booking sheets are included in Appendix A. In addition, the booking sheet may be downloaded from the Survey Equipment Calibration website, available from http://www.dse.vic.gov.au > Property, Titles & Maps > Surveying > Government surveying services > Survey Equipment Calibration > EDM Calibration booking sheet


Set Up and Shade Initially set up the EDM on pillar 1. The instrument must be shaded by an umbrella at all times during the calibration. At no time should it be put in its box, or left in the sun. It must be switched-on and allowed to run, in the shade, for at least 15 minutes before measurements commence.


Atmospheric Correction The atmospheric correction for the EDM must be set to zero (ppm) for all the calibration measurements. This function is usually performed by either: (a) (b) (c) an atmospheric correction knob/dial, or direct input using the EDM keypad, or entry of the temperature and pressure for which the EDM is standardised. In this case the temperature and pressure corresponding to zero ppm should be entered, not the ambient conditions of the calibration. Note: For instruments with a Unit Length of zero and Pulsed Instruments, the meteorological observations must be entered into the instrument at the time of the calibration.


Operations The measurements must be taken with the attenuator or aperture setting as prescribed by the instrument manufacturer's instructions.


Power If sufficient power is available, the EDM should be left switched-on for the whole calibration (instruments with oven-controlled oscillators must remain switched on). All instruments must remain switched on while the minimum number of measurements (four, refer to 4.3.11) are taken.


Height of Instrument

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The height of the mounted EDM above the base of the tribrach (pillar plate) must be accurately measured and recorded on the booking sheet. This should be done with the footscrews in mid setting. 4.3.7 Reflector Mountings The same reflector, reflector mounting and tribrach should be used for all measurements. The height of the reflector must be measured and recorded in the same manner as for the EDM. The reflector must have a unique identification (serial number) which must be entered on the booking sheet. 4.3.8 Levelling of Equipment All equipment should be levelled with care and any spot bubbles used for this purpose must be checked before the calibration. 4.3.9 Conditions All calibration measurements must be taken either fully in day-time or fully in night-time. A mixture of conditions is not acceptable. EDM that are typically used in day-time should be calibrated in day-time. 4.3.10 Meteorological Observations The Surveyor-General Victoria maintains a transfer standard temperature and pressure gauge. The transfer standard is calibrated against the national standards for temperature and pressure on a biennial basis. During the annual baseline recertification surveys, each of the baseline standard thermometer and barometer devices is compared against the transfer standard. These comparisons are undertaken to monitor and record the offset of the baseline standard thermometer and barometer. In order to ensure that values derived from thermometers and barometers used in instrument calibration are comparable to the national standards for temperature and pressure, the recorded offset for the baseline standard to transfer standard must be applied as a correction. These corrections are listed on the Survey Equipment Calibration website, available from http://www.dse.vic.gov.au > Property, Titles & Maps > Surveying > Government surveying services > Survey Equipment Calibration, and must be included on the instrument calibration booking sheet. Field thermometers and barometers must be compared with the baselines standard thermometer and barometer both prior to and at the conclusion of the calibration measurements. There is provision on the booking sheets to record these comparisons. The baseline standard thermometer and barometer shall remain in the controlling office at all times, and under no circumstances should they be used on the baseline. Temperature and pressure must be measured in the shade at the instrument pillar. Temperature and pressure can be measured at the height of the instrument. These measurements are to be taken and recorded on the booking sheet (in the space provided) every time the prism has moved. 4.3.11 Calibration Measurements On each line, four separate distance measurements should be taken as a minimum, with re-pointing after each measurement. Pointing can be optically or electronically performed as prescribed by the manufacturers.


Measurement Sequence (Excluding the Bendigo and Geelong Baseline) The recommended measurement sequence is dependent on the unit length of the EDM being calibrated. A list of EDM and their associated unit length is given at the end of this chapter.


EDM with a 10m unit length 1. 2. Set up the EDM on pillar 1 and measure to pillars 4,5,6,7 and 8 in turn. If the baseline has additional pillars located beyond pillar 8, they should be measured to also. Move the EDM to pillar 2 and repeat the measurements taken above in the reverse order.

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This sequence requires the reflector to be moved up and down the baseline only once. 1 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 2 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 4.4.2 EDM with unit lengths other than 10m The Victorian baselines were designed and constructed at a time when the majority of EDM in use had either 10m or 20m unit lengths. The baselines, in conjunction with the measurement sequences described above, enable the satisfactory determination of errors for these EDM. The modern trend in EDM however is smaller unit lengths, with 2m, 3m and 5m instruments becoming more common. There are also EDM in use with unit lengths of 30 and 33 metres. As the baselines were not designed to efficiently cater for the calibration of these EDM, a different measuring sequence is required. It is recommended for instruments with unit lengths other than 10m that additional measurements to the normal sequence outlined above be taken. For example, measurements from pillars 1, 2 and 4 to the other pillars can be observed. The Instrument Correction determined from these measurements would still satisfy the requirement of the NMI. 1 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 2 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 4 5, 6, 7, 8 If a more precise determination of the Instrument Correction is required, then all combinations of measurements on a baseline can be observed. For an 8 pillar baseline the sequence would be: 1 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 2 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 4 5, 6, 7, 8 5 8, 7, 6 6 7, 8 78 Generally, the precision of the computed Instrument Correction is increased as more measurements are taken on a baseline.


Measurement Sequence Bendigo and Geelong Baselines Only Refer to the list of EDM and their associated unit length at the end of this chapter.


EDM with a 10m unit length 1. Set up the EDM on pillar 1 and measure to pillars 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in turn. For the Bendigo baseline, completely ignore the old pillar at 20 metre chainage; pillar 3 is located approximately 60 metres from pillar 1. Move the instrument to pillar 2 at chainage 5m and repeat the measurements taken above in the reverse order. 1 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 2 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3



EDM with unit lengths other than 10m It is recommended for these instruments that measurements in addition to those outlined above be taken. As a minimum, measurements from pillar 3 to pillars 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 should also be observed. 1 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 2 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 3 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

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If the EDM is required to be calibrated to the highest precision possible on this baseline, then all combinations of measurements should be observed. This involves occupying pillars 1 to 7 (inclusive) with the instrument. 4.6 Loy Yang Baseline Originally the Loy Yang baseline comprised of 10 pillars. However, due to the continuation of the Hyland Highway (between pillars 9 and 10), pillar 10 is barely visible. As a result, pillar 10 has not been included in the re-verification of the EDM baseline. When using the Loy Yang baseline, only the first 9 pillars are to be occupied.

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Location of Base Lines


Controlling Office Land Victoria Survey Section Dept. of Sustainability & Environment 1 Taylor St Epsom 3551

Telephone (03) 5430 4637

McDowells Road adjacent to Bendigo Aerodrome

Land Victoria Braeside Park Level 17 Lower Dandenong Road 570 Bourke Street (03) 8636 2550 Braeside Melbourne 3000 Melway 88 D10 The ancillary equipment for the Braeside baseline is available from the rangers office at Braeside Park (key to cabinet available from office staff).



Land Victoria Bellarine Rail Trail Level 17, Marland House Boundary Road 570 Bourke Street (03) 8636 2550 Newcomb Melbourne 3000 Melway 452 H10 The ancillary equipment for the Geelong baseline is available from St. Quentin Consulting Pty. Ltd. at 51 Little Fyans Street, South Geelong, 3220. (Melway 452 B8) (03) 5229 - 2011

Brayley & Hayes Pty.Ltd. (03) 5571 9171 Balkans Road 85 Kennedy Street 2km west of Hamilton 3300 Fairburn Road Brayley and Hayes P/L require bookings for the Hamilton Baseline to be made at least two days prior to its use.


Bartons Lane Loy Yang

SMEC Urban Pty Ltd (Gippsland) 18 Breed Street Traralgon 3844

(03) 5173 0100

Land Victoria Menin Road Level 17 Mitcham 570 Bourke Street (03) 8636 2550 Melway 48 F12 Melbourne 3000 The ancillary equipment for the Mitcham Baseline is available from the front desk of the Port Phillip Regional Office at 30 Prospect Street, Box Hill (Melway 47 B9) (03) 9296 - 4443


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Bookings to use the baselines are to be made in advance. Controlling Offices are open between 8.15am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. Baselines are available for use on weekdays only. Users are required to have their own copies of official booking sheets. No rubbish is to be left behind. All gates must be left in their original position. Pillar caps are to be re-fitted upon completion. When using non-standard prisms, sighting difficulties may be experienced between pillars. The same prism must be used for the observations to achieve a valid calibration.

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UNIT LENGTHS OF EDM Make Autoranger Autoranger Autoranger Beetle Beetle Beetle Citation Citation Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter Geodimeter HP HP HP HP Model I S II 500S 1000S 1600S 410 450 6A 6BL 8 710 10 14 14A 16 110 110A 112 114 116 120 122 134 136 140 142 210 216 220 408 410 412 420 422 424 422LR 440 444 460 510N 510A 520 540 610 620 640 4400 6000 540N 500 501 3800B 3810A 3805A 3810B Unit Length (m) 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 Make HP HP HP KERN KERN KERN KERN KERN KERN KERN KERN KERN Mekometer Mekometer Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild)
Date: February 2012

Model 3808A 3820A 3859A DM-102 DM-104 DM-150 DM-500 DM-501 DM-502 DM-503 DM-504 DM-550 ME5000 ME3000 DI-1001 DI-1600 DI-20 DI-2000 DI-2002 DI-3000 DI-4 DI-4L DI-4S DI-5 DI-5S DI-TC1 TC-1 TC1000 TC1010 TC110 TC1100 TC1100L TC1101 TC1102 TC1103 TC1105 TC1500 TC1500L TC1600i TC1600ii TC1610 TC1700 TC1700L TC1800 TC1800L TC-1L TC2000 TC2002 TC2003 TC302 TC303 TC305 TC307 TC400N TC400NL TC500 TC600 TC605

Unit Length (m) 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 0.300 0.300 3.000 3.000 33.333 10.101 3.000 0.000 30.769 30.769 30.769 30.769 30.769 30.769 30.769 3.000 3.000 1.500 3.000 3.000 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 3.000 3.000 3.000 10.101 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 30.769 30.769 3.000 3.000 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000

EDM Handbook v12.doc

Make Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Leica (Wild) Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon

Model TC605/L TC702 TC703 TC705 TC800 TC805 TC805L TC905 TC905L TCA1100 TCA1100L TCA1101/ TCA1102/ TCA1103/ TCA1105/ TCA1500 TCA1500L TCA1700 TCA1800 TCA2003 TCM1100 TCM1100 TCM1101 TCM1102 TCM1103 TCM1105 TCM1800 TCM1800L TCR110 TCR1101 TCR1101x TCR1102 TCR1102x TCR1103 TCR1103x TCR1105 TCR1105x TCR302 TCR303 TCR305 TCR307 TCR702 TCR703 TCR705 TCRA1101 TCRA1102 TCRA1103 TCRA1105 TCRM1101 TCRM1102 TCRM1103 TCRM1105 TPS1200 TPS1100 TPS1000 C-100 D-50 DTM-1 DTM-5 DTM-20 DTM-A5

Unit Length (m) 3.000 1.500 1.500 1.500 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 3.000 3.000 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 3.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 2.000

Make Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Nikon Pentax Pentax Pentax Pentax Pentax Pentax Pentax Pentax Pentax Pentax Pentax Pentax Pentax Pentax Pentax Pentax Pentax

Model DTM-A5LG DTM-A10 DTMA10LG DTM-A20 DTMA20LG DTM-300 DTM-310 DTM-330 DTM-350 DTM-410 DTM-420 DTM-430 DTM-450 DTM-520 DTM-530 DTM-550 DTM-521 DTM-531 DTM-551 DTM-720 DTM-730 DTM-750 DTM-820 DTM-830 DTM-850 DTM-821 DTM-831 DTM-851 NPL-350 NPL-820 NPL-821 NTD-2 NTD-2S NTD-3 NTD-4 ND-20 ND-20F ND-21 ND-21F ND-26 ND-30 ND-31 ND-250 ND-160 MD-14 MD-20 PM-81 Px Px-06D Px-10D Px-20D PTS2/05 PTS3/05 PTS-10 PTS-10D PTS-V2 PTS-V2C PTS-V3 PTS-V3C PTS-V5 PCS-1S

Unit Length (m) 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 10.000 10.000 7.500 7.500 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000

EDM Handbook v12.doc

Date: February 2012

Make Pentax Pentax Pentax Pentax Pentax Pentax Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia Sokkia

Model PCS-2 PCS-2S PCS-215 PCS-225 PCS-325 PCS-515 SDM-1C SDM-1D SDM-300 SDM-3D SDM-3E SDM-3ER SDM-3F SDM-3FR SDM-5A SDM-5D SET-2 SET-2B SET-2Bii SET-2C SET-2Cii SET-2000 SET-2100 2000 SET-3 SET-3B SET-3Bii SET-3C SET-3Cii SET-3E SET-300 SET-330R SET-3000 SET-3100 SET-4 SET-4A SET-4B SET-4Bii SET-4C SET-4Cii SET-4E SET-4000 SET-4100 SET-5F SET-5W SET-500 Set-600 SET-10 NET-2 NET-2B RED-1 RED-2 RED-2A RED-2L RED-2LV RED-3 RED-MINI REDMINI2 MINI AR

Unit Length (m) 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 5.000 2.000 5.000 5.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 5.000 5.000 10.000 10.000 5.000 5.000 10.000 2.000 2.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000

Make Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon

Model AP-S1 DM-A2 DM-A3 DM-A5 DM-C2 DM-C3 DM-S1 DM-S2 DM-S3 DM-S3L DM-H1 DI-10 GPT1001 GPT1002 GPT2005 GPT2006 GPT6003 GPT6005 GRT2000 GTS-1 GTS-2 GTS-2B GTS-2S GTS201D GTS-202 GTS211D GTS-212 GTS-213 GTS-223 GTS-225 GTS-226 GTS-229 GTS-3 GTS-3B GTS-3C GTS-3D GTS-301 GTS-303 GTS-304 GTS-310 GTS-4 GTS-4A GTS-4B GTS-5 GTS-6A GTS-6E GTS-6 GTS-6B GTS-603 GTS-605 GTS-700 GTS-701 GTS-702 GTS-703 GTS-711 GTS-800 GTS-800A GTS-801 GTS-801A GTS-802

Unit Length (m) 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 3.333 3.333 10.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000

EDM Handbook v12.doc

Date: February 2012


Make Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Topcon Traverse Trimble Trimble Trimble Trimble Trimble Trimble Trimble Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss Zeiss

Model GTS-802A GTS-10 GTS-10D ITS-1 ITS-1B CTS-1 CTS-2B CS-20 ET-1 ET-2

Unit Length (m) 5.000 10.000 10.000 5.000 5.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000

5600 10.000 5600DRSD 10.000 5600DR2+ 0.000 5600DR3+ 0.000 3600DR 0.500 3600 0.500 3300 10.000 RETA RECOTA Eldi-1 Eldi-2 Eldi-3 Eldi-4 SM-4 SM-41 ELTA2 ELTA3 ELTA4 ELTA20 ELTA46R EltaR RSM 3 E-Elta3 E-Elta4 E-Elta6 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000

PULSED INSTRUMENTS AND INSTRUMENTS WITH A UNIT LENGTH OF ZERO For instruments with a Unit Length of zero and Pulsed Instruments, the meteorological observations must be entered into the instrument at the time of the calibration. The unit length, frequency and carrier wave length are used in the calculation of the meteorological corrections and cyclic errors within the Baseline software. Surveyors can enter the instrument into the register, and leave all the details blank and the software will still process the data correctly.

EDM Handbook v12.doc

Date: February 2012


Chapter 5: Reduction And Interpretation

The Surveyor-General Victoria has adopted an EDM calibration computer program Baseline, version (October 2008), developed by the Western Australia Land Information Authority (Landgate) for the calibration of EDM instruments against standard baselines. The calibration of EDM instruments is carried out to determine the instrument corrections to be applied to measurements and to ensure its reliability. On-line help provides the user with the instructions necessary to run this software application. Software download is also freely available from the Survey Equipment Calibration website, available from http://www.dse.vic.gov.au > Property, Titles & Maps > Surveying > Government surveying services > Survey Equipment Calibration > Distribution file The software stores the measurements and calibration results of each determination to serve as an archive. The Braeside, Bendigo, Geelong, Hamilton, Loy Yang and Mitcham baseline inter-pillar distances resulting from the November 2011 and February 2012 re-verification surveys have been included in the database. The Braeside baseline has been amended to a nine pillar baseline after recent construction works on the baseline. All inter-pillar distances are updated on an annual basis. A selection of EDM instruments and reflector makes and models are also included. For EDM makes and models which are not included in the list, Baseline will accept the entry of new instruments although it requires the input of the unit length and the modulation frequency of the instrument by the operator. The instrument details, measured distances and observed meteorological details (un-tick the Mets Dial Set box to enter the meteorological data) are entered interactively by the operator. After the observed data is reduced to obtain horizontal distances and their associated variances, a least square adjustment is performed. The adjustment is made as suggested by Dr J.M Rueger (Rueger 1984) for modelling systematic errors in EDM measurements. The program produces several reports for analysing an EDM instrument calibration and for analysing a calibration of a baseline. A certificate which summarises the results of an EDM instrument calibration is also produced. As a Verifying Authority, the Surveyor-General can issue Regulation 13 certificates for EDM, certifying them as reference standards of measurement. Normally this is reserved for precise EDM that are intended to be used to transfer the standard of length. For a Regulation 13 certificate to be issued, the entire calibration procedure can only be performed by Land Victoria and a fee is applicable for this service. The minimum standards for the uncertainty of calibration are described in terms of Recommendation No. 8 of the working party of the National Standards Commission (now NMI) on the calibration of EDM Equipment of 1 February 1983. All uncertainties are specified at the 95% confidence level.

EDM Handbook v12.doc

Date: February 2012


DEAKIN, R. 1983 A Guide to EDM Calibration Department of Surveying, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF SURVEYORS (FIG) 1994 Recommended Procedures for Routine Checks of Electro-Optical Distance Meters Technical Monograph No.9 1994, 17 pages. MURNANE, A.B. 1983 The Calibration of EDM Equipment for Monitoring Surveys In: Rivett. L (Ed), Proceedings, Symposium on the Surveillance of Engineering Department of Surveying, University of Melbourne. November 1983, 9 pages. NORTON, T. 1986 Analysis of EDM Calibration Measurements - Program CALORY The Australian Surveyor. Vol 33 No. 1 March 1986 pp. 44-45. RUEGER, J.M. 1980 Introduction to Electronic Distance Measurement Monograph No. 7 School of Surveying, University of New South Wales, 127 pages. RUEGER, J.M. 1984 Instructions on the Verification of Electro-optical Short-Range Distance Meters on Subsidiary Standards of Length in the form of EDM Calibration Recommendations to the National Standards Commission, School of Surveying, University of New South Wales, August 1984, 63 pages. RUEGER, J.M. 1985 Traceability of Electronic Distance Measurement to National Standards Proceedings 27th Australian Survey Congress, Alice Springs 1985. pp. 149-160. RUEGER, J.M. 1990 Electronic Distance Measurement - An Introduction Third Totally Revised Edition - Springer-Verlag - Berlin 1990. SPRENT, A & ZWART P.R. 1978 EDM Calibration - A Scenario The Australian Surveyor Vol 29 No. 3 September 1978 pp. 157-169.



EDM Handbook v12.doc

Date: February 2012


Appendix A Sample Booking Sheets

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