ARO Checklist
ARO Checklist
ARO Checklist
Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110 001
Part No.
General Arrangements
Withdrawal of Candidature
Allotment of Symbols
Postal-Ballot Papers
Preparation/Commissioning of EVM's
Receipt Arrangements
Part-1 Preliminary
RO (Sec. 24 of RP Act 1951) - To do all such Acts and things as may be necessary for
effectively conducting the elections - over all supervision on election process.
Reading Material
RP Act, 1951
Instructions of ECI
Help lines
(xiii) Ensure Vulnerable mapping with assistance of sector officers and police officers steps
(xiv) Formation of polling parties - GOI staff need not be deployed - No inter district
(xvi) Referral sheets of images to be given to polling parties with working copy of PER
(xvii) Videography - Unedited video cassette/CD to be given to Observer on very same
evening along with certificate.
(xviii) At identified /Critical PSs inside photography to be done - Face of every elector to
be captured in same sequence of Register of Voters. ( Form 17A)
(xix) Scrutiny of register 17A and other documents where poll % exceeds certain level.
(xx) "Visit Sheet" to be maintained at all polling stations.
(xxi) Three round of training to polling parties.
(xxii) Absentee/Shifted/Dead voters list to be prepared for the use of polling party.
(xxiii) EVM randonization
Preparation of working copies (ECI No. 22/2/2006 PLN-II dt. 24.3.2006, No. 22/2/2007 ERS dt. 06.11.2007 and No.
22/2/2008 PLN-II dt. 8.8.2008) -
There shall be one integrated draft roll (reprinted at the time of publication) one
supplement of final publication and another supplement of continuous updation.
(ii) The basic mother roll (integrated draft roll) shall remain same as was published in
draft except in following 4 manners :(a)
The word "D E L E T E D" shall be superimposed diagonally (computer
generated) on the elector detail box to indicate that the entry has been
deleted in the Supplement. - In the Supplement, the alphabets, 'E' 'S' 'Q' 'R'
or 'M' shall be pre fixed against Sr. No. of each deleted entry to denote the
reason for deletion.
A hash (#) sign shall be prefixed before Sr. No. of the entry corrected to
indicate that the entry has been corrected in the supplement but no
correction actually should be carried out in the draft (mother) roll.
Photographs of electors corrected in the supplement will not be added/
changed/corrected. However, in the space provided for photograph, the
words "Photo as in Correction List" in bold should be printed. - In case
the existing photograph was wrong these words should be stamped/
imprinted over an existing photograph.
Where the photo in draft roll is wrong and correct is not captured before
final publication in such case "photo deleted" may be standby in printed or
the wrong photo in mother roll and a # sign affixed to indicate the change in
Supl.I. In the Supplementary-I against the space for image, there should be
no image and words "Photo Deleted" should be inscribed.
(iii) ERO shall supply one authenticated copy of complete roll alongwith PDF version to
the DEO and the RO in a sealed cover.
(iv) ERO shall give a few more copies and a CD of the roll in a printable form to the
DEO/RO for making copies required for use in election.
At ARO (Who is ERO also) Level (i) RO to reflect all the deletions and corrections, if any, appearing in Supplements.
(ii) At Supplement 1 stage (of final publication) the roll is computer generated and all
deletions/corrections are software generated.
(iii) Deletions in Supplement 2 (continuous updation) shall be marked by hand
through a rubber stamp D E L E T E D with 'E', 'S', 'R', 'Q' or 'M' written with red
ink to indicate the reason. (E = Expired, S = Shifted, R = Repeated, Q =
Disqualified, M = Missing)
(iv) All corrections in Supplement 2 shall be indicated by putting a hash sign (#) by
hand through rubber stamp in red ink on the entry corrected just after the name
of elector.
(v) In case of corrections/additions of a photograph, the photo box in the mother roll
should be made through rubber stamp in red ink "Photo as in correction list".
(vi) The official entrusted to reflect the deletions/corrections of supplements should
put his signatures on each page of part of the roll.
(vii) Maintenance of a register by RO showing names and designation of officials who
carried out deletions and corrections of Supplement No. 2. - Not more than 4
officials per AC.
(viii) In case of Auxiliary PSs Two copies of roll of that part - Non relevant pages / part
of page to be deleted by putting cross () marked by hand with ink Official
should put his full signature also.
(ix) Entries relating to EDC and PB in working copy.
(x) Working copies should be completed 2 days before dispatch of polling parties.
Classified Service Voters (R. 27P & 49F of CE Rules, Para 16 of Ch. X of RO Handbook and ECI
No. 3/1/2003 JS-II dt. 23.9.2003 and No. 22/2/06 PLN-II dt. 24.3.2006)
(i) List of CSVs shall also be supplied to the candidates of recognized parties
(ii) PS wise sub list of CSVs and proxy to be added to the end of relevant part of roll
(iii) One copy of list of CSVs for entire constituency to be forwarded to DEO in a sealed
Authentication of working copies (ECI No. 22/2/2006 PLN-II dt. 24.3.2006; No. 22/2/2007
ERS dt. 06.11.2007 and No. 22/2/2008 PLN-II dt. 8.8.2008)
Total number of deletions and corrections, both in words and figures be also
indicated in the certificate.
Supply of working copies of rolls to candidates of recognized parties (R. 85D of CE
Rules, 1961, ECI No. 3/1/2003 JS-II dt. 13.11.2003; No. 22/2/07 - ERS dt. 06.11.2007 and No.
22/2/2008 PLN-II dt. 8.8.2008)
Polling party - 4 sets: - after all the PBs/EDCs are issued - marked copy i.e.
master copy in sealed cover.
(ii) DEO - 1 set (sealed copy along with PDF version)
(iii) RO - 1 set (with PDF version)
(iv) Sector Officer - 1 set
Referral sheets of images (ECI No. 22/2/2006 PLN-II dt. 24.3.2006 & No. 22/2/2007 ERS dt.
06.11.2007) -
Referral image sheets be prepared and distributed after reprinting of roll and which are
not reflected in the roll, shall be given to PrO.
Electoral roll in alphabetical order (ECI No. 23/Locator/2007 ERS dt. 05.11.2007) (i)
Part wise roll in alphabetical order, preferably in English for use of "Voter
Assistance Booth"
Such booth to be established only in premises where three or more PSs situated.
(iii) At other locations roll in alphabetical order will be used by PrO in addition to
working copy.
List of Absentee voters (i)
RO to prepare PS wise list of Absentee voters in the roll, both with family and
without family linkage.
The list will be used for identification of critical polling stations.
Availability (i)
Requirement and availability of EVMs be assessed
Adequate reserve per AC.
(iii) Reassessment of BUs if the number of contesting candidates becomes more than
Checking (i)
"First Level Checking" of each and every EVM be done by authorized engineers of
BEL/Authorized company at district HQ - DEO shall nominate a Nodal Officer.
(ii) All switches be checked in the presence of representative of DEO.
(iii) All EVMs be tested with dummy votes for each candidate and at every location At least 1% EVM will be tested with 50 dummy votes.
(iv) A sticker duly signed with date by engineer and representative of DEO may be
pasted on back side of BU and CU - The unique Machine No. and District's
running serial No. (to be allotted after this checking) will be indicated in the
(v) Defective EVMs should be kept separately for follow up action for rectification of
(vi) DEOs to ensure that all prepared EVMs have new batteries.
Allocation of ID (i)
After AC segment wise grouping of CUs/BUs a current ID shall be assigned
each CU/BU and will be indicated in the sticker. For example - If AC No. 56
allotted 280 CUs and BUs the current ID for CUs would be from "56/CU/001"
"56/CU/280" & the current ID for BUs would be from "56/BU/001"
Keep Election Manual, RO hand book, PrO hand book, set of ECI's directions,
CEO's directions etc.
Keep updated list of reserved symbols and free symbols and their facsimiles.
Videography / MCC team, comprising civil and police officers and videographer Illustrative list of Critical events is as under (i)
Format for Inspection of Polling Stations
No &
Particulars of
the Building
No Of
Voters in
Mention, if the
Polling Station
is situated in
the religious
place, Police
of the
If Polling
Station is
damaged, is
there any
building near
by, mention
Whether area
of Polling
Station is
minimum 20
sq./m or not.
Mention, if
there is
more than
one Polling
Station in
Condition of
approach road
for the Polling
in km if P.S. is to
be covered on
proposal if
Station is to
Ramp is
or not
(If any
Information relating to service voters and general voters in the finally published
electoral roll.
Information related to number of EPIC voters after the final publication electoral
Information related to Polling Stations.
Information related to Publication of draft list of Polling Stations. (After delimitation and
as per directions of commission.)
Information related to publication of final list of Polling Stations. (After Delimitation and
as per direction of commission).
Proposal relating to modification of the Polling stations.
Nomination :
Information relating to the issue of public notice of election by the RO.
Daily information of nominated candidates.
Information relating to the validly nominated candidates (In alphabetical order)
Information relating to report of result of uncontested Election.
Information relating to list of contesting candidates.
Polling Personnel:
OK report of all the Polling parties of the AC/District reaching the Polling Stations.
OK report of all the Polling parties of the AC/District returning to reception center.
Counting center :
Sending report to the commission for approval of counting center. (with strong room.)
Poll Day :
Information relating to conduct of mock Polling all the Polling stations of AC/District.
Issuance of certificated of mock Poll by the PrO. and Collection of these certificate by
Zonal /Sector Officers.
Information related to commencement of Poll.
Information related to Poll.
Ist Report At 1 P.M.
IInd Report At 7 P.M.
IIIrd Report At 7 A.M. (Next day of Poll.) Male/Female
Information relating to % at 9 A.M., 11 AM, 1PM, 3 PM and 5 PM on Poll day.
Information relating to EPIC Voter turnout on 7 PM of Poll day.
During the course of polling, the RO will maintain a separate register to identify such
polling stations and even before the arrival of the polling party at the reception centre a
hoarding or a notice board indicating number and details of the polling stations that
would be handled at the special counter should be put up.
On Day of counting :
Information relating to round wise report of result. (Annexure for tabulating trend/
Information relating on line Genesis report.
Information relating to result in
Declaration of result of Election
Form 21 C/D
Return of Election Form 21E
Index Card
Form 20 (Final Result Sheet)
RO Report
Check list
Cancelled ballot paper
Check Memo
Receipt of Certificate from winning
Information relating to executive
summary of election.
4 Copies.
After Counting :
Sealing and storage of polled EVMs as per ECI guidelines.
Returning secret seal as per ECI guidelines.
Part-5 Nominations
To be published on the notice boards of RO, Panchayat Samiti and Tehsil, PSs
Normally one ARO should be specified in Form-1 who will also receive
nominations, and he should, as far as possible, be the one stationed at RO's
May be presented on the day of public notice or any of the seven days following
that day unless any of these days is a public holiday.
ARO should sign as "Assistant Returning Officer" and not "for Returning Officer".
Copies of ECI's order dt. 27.3.2003 and its Annex.-1 (format of affidavit) as
revised vide order dt. 9.3.04 be supplied to the intending candidates as and when
they are supplied form of nomination paper.
Either RO or ARO must be present for nominations but on the last day of
nomination the RO himself (not ARO alone) should be present.
(viii) Time of presentation - between 11:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. If some intending
candidates or proposers are physically present in the office at 3:00 PM their
nominations should be treated as presented at 3:00 P.M.
The RO shall display one copy of the affidavits on the notice board of his office.
Daily copy to CEO office.
Only 4 persons can enter in the office of RO other than the candidate.
a. Nomination paper should be examined then and there by RO/ARO from technical
point of view, however no formal scrutiny be made at this stage.
b. Entries in electoral rolls should be compared.
c. Give written memo to candidate if he is an elector from another AC and does not
produce certified copy of roll of the relevant part or a certified copy of relevant
If a State party recognised in other State (but not recognised in this state) is
granted concession for using its reserved symbol, the nomination of that
candidate will also be required to be prescribed by ten proposers.
Proposer's can propose more than one nomination papers of the same candidate
or different candidates.
a. Give serial number on each nomination paper and enter the date and time also.
b. Nomination papers in bunch may be assigned serial numbers in the order in which
they are dealt with.
c. Acknowledgement duly filled up be given for each nomination paper.
d. Each nomination paper be entered by RO and ARO in one and same register.
e. Give notice indicating the time, place and date of scrutiny and allotment of symbols.
Oath or affirmation (Art. 173 of the Constitution; Para 21 to 24 of Ch. V of RO Hand book)
The oath/affirmation by candidate only after his nomination and before the date of
scrutiny. It can not be made / subscribed on the day of scrutiny.
(iii) Advise the candidate to make the oath/ affirmation immediately after presenting
nomination papers - If he does not make it, give him a written memo as given in
para 24 of Ch. V of RO Hand book.
(iv) RO and certain other persons are authorized to administer oath or affirmation.
(vi) After making oath/ affirmation a certificate, in this regard, will be given to the
Furnishing of two Affidavits Annexure-1 of ECI order dated 27-3-2003 as revised on 09.03.2004
and form no. 26 (Section 33A of RP Act, 1951 R. 4A of CE Rules 1961, ECI No. 3/ER/2003/JS-II dated
27.3.2003; and No. 3/ER/2004/J.S.II dt 9.3.04; CH-V of RO Hand book)
a. Every candidate at the time of filing his nomination paper, shall furnish two
affidavits one in Form No. 26 and other in Annexure I of ECI's order dt. 27.3.03 (as
revised) and shall give full and complete information.
b. The affidavits should be duly sworn before a magistrate of Ist Class or a Notary or a
Commissioner of Oaths appointed by the High Court - No information in the affidavit
to be left blank.
c. Format of both affidavits should be delivered to every candidate as part of the
nomination paper.
d. If the affidavits are not filed along with nomination paper, a written memo to be
given to candidate/ proposer at the time of nomination - Affidavits can be filed
separately by 3.00 PM of the last day of nominations.
Memo and register regarding election expenses (Sec.77, 78 of RP Act, 1951 and Para 32 of
Ch. V of RO Hand Book) -
A register in standard proforma along with form of abstract and affidavit shall be
given to the candidate/ authorised agent at the time of nomination.
(iii) Each such register will be duly numbered and authenticated by DEO.
(iv) Acknowledgement (as given in model form) be obtained. It should be sent to DEO
5.10 Notice of nominations (Sec.35 of RP Act, 1951 and R. 7 of CE Rules, 1961) (i)
After 3.00 PM on each day a notice of the nomination papers presented on that
day in form 3-A published on your notice board ARO should also do the same in
respect of the nomination papers presented before him.
In case more than one nomination papers by a candidate, notice must be given
for all of them.
5.11 Security Deposits (Sec.34, 55 of RP Act, 1951 and P.-27 of Ch-V of RO Hand Book) (i)
A receipt of the deposit should be attached with the first nomination paper.
Security deposit required for a candidate of general category is Rs. 10000/- and
in respect of SC/ST candidate only half of the amount, i.e. Rs. 5000/- even in a
general seat - RO must satisfy himself that he is a member of SC/ST.
5.12 Consolidated list of nominated candidates (P. 31 Ch- V of RO Hand book) a. Immediately after 3 PM on the last date of nominations a complete list of all
nomination papers, may be prepared.
b. The names of candidates may be arranged under 3 categories and such names shall
be arranged alphabetically in each category according to script of the language as
specified or first specified in the third column of S.O. No. 2/87 dt. 17.7.1987 (see
annexure-xvii of RO hand book, 2008).
c. Form of the list is given at Para 31.1 of Ch. V of RO Hand Book.
d. The name of candidate to be mentioned once only.
e. Symbols chosen in the first nomination paper be indicated.
f. In the case of a candidate set up by a Recognised party the reserved symbol may be
g. Even if more than one candidate has claimed to be set up by the same party, the
names of all such candidates may be included in relevant category.
h. Complete address of each candidate must be shown.
i. Send one copy of the list on the same day to- (i) CEO (ii) Govt. Press-allotted (iii)
5.13 Safe custody of nomination papers (i)
Nomination papers along with connected papers shall be kept in safe custody of
RO., till transmission to DEO's safe custody.
ARO should forward to RO for safe custody all the nomination papers received by
him, if any, on daily basis.
Statutory forms -
Other forms memos, circulars etc., which shall be given to candidates at the time
of nominations - Illustrative list is as under: (a)
5.15 Receiving Form-A and Form B (Para 13 and 13A of Election Symbol (R+A) order, 1968) (i)
5.16 Display of information submitted by the candidates regarding affidavits (Sec. 33-A of
RP Act 1951, ECI No. 3/ER/2003/ JS-II dated 27.3.2003 and No. 3/ER/2003/ JS-II dated
07.08.2003; P. 26 of Ch. V of R.O. Hand book) -
Entry into place fixed for scrutiny (Sec. 36 (1) of RP Act, 51 P.-2 Ch. VI of RO Hand Book) (i)
On the date and hours fixed for scrutiny, only following persons should be
candidate himself
Scrutiny (Sec.33, 36 of RP Act and R.4 of CE Rules, 1961; Ch-VI of RO Hand Book) (i)
Crucial date for qualifications and disqualification is the date fixed for scrutiny.
first in scrutiny. If the nomination paper of main candidate is found valid, the
substitute candidate shall not be deemed to have been set up by that party.
(viii) Where a candidate had not made a declaration in his nomination paper that he
had been set up by a political party, he shall not be deemed to have been set up
by that party.
Grounds for rejection (P. 10 of Ch-VI of RO Hand book & Sec.36 of RP Act, 51) (i)
Record reasons for rejecting a nomination paper on the spot and supply certified
copies of the order, free of cost, in case where all the nomination papers of
candidate have been rejected. This may be done even in the absence of an
application by the candidate.
Disqualification on ground of conviction for certain offences (Sec.8 of RP Act, 1951, ECI
No. 509/5/2005 JS-I dt. 14.1.05 and dt. 20.1.2005) (i)
In case of conviction for more than one offence in a common trial and with the
sentences of imprisonment to run consecutively, for the purposes of Sec. 8(3),
the period of sentence of imprisonment for each offence should be added and if
the total length of time is two years or more, the convicted person shall be
disqualified u/s 8(3) of RP Act, 1951.
Protection u/s 8(4) would be available to a sitting MP/MLA only for the
membership of the house, and not for future election.
Adjournment of proceedings/hearing of objections (Sec .36 (5) of R.P Act, 1951 and P. 11 of
Ch. VI of RO Hand Book) - only in the circumstances laid down in section 36(5) - Not
beyond 11.00 AM of next day in particular case.
List of validly nominated candidates (Sec. 36 (8) of RP Act, 1951 and R.8, 22(3), 30(3) of CE
Rules, 1961 and P. 12, 13 and 14 of Ch. VI of RO Hand Book) (i)
List shall be prepared in Form 4 and affixed on notice board. Names shall be
classified into three categories i.e.
(i) Candidates of Recognised National/State Political Parties in the State
(ii) Candidates of registered unrecognized political parties.
(iii) Other (Independent) candidates.
Names to be arranged alphabetically in each category according to script of the
language as specified or first specified in the third column of S.O. No. 2/87 dt.
17.7.1987 (see annexure-xvii of RO hand book, 2008) amended as per new
delimitation - Initials (viz - T.K., S.R.) prefixed to the name should be ignored for
this purpose.
(iii) Only one entry for a candidate.
(iv) Corrections in the names of candidates - (P. 13 of Ch. VI of RO Hand Book) - Spelling
of the name may be corrected on application either at the time of nomination or
immediately after the scrutiny or at the time of allotment of symbols.
Send: - (i) Two copies along with English translation to CEO by E-mail and Fax.
(ii) One copy along with English translation to Commission.
(iii) One copy to Govt. Press allotted.
6.8 Substitute Candidates (Sec. 33 and 36 of RP Act, 1951; P. 10 of Ch.VI of RO Hand Book) (i)
6.10 Mistakes noted in the past - Be careful; for details see chapter VI of RO hand book.
Details of Offences
Notice for withdrawal of candidature (Sec.37, of RP Act, 1951 and R. 9 of CE Rules, 1961 and
P.-1 to 4 of Ch. VII of RO Hand book) (i)
Preparation of list of contesting candidates (Sec. 38 of RP Act, and R.10 of CE Rules, 1961
and Ch. VII of RO Hand Book) (i)
Immediately after 3.00 PM on the last date of withdrawal and after allotment of
symbols, list shall be drawn in Form 7-A.
List in Form - 7-A shall be prepared in languages as specified in S.O. No. 2/87 dt.
17.7.1987 and English, both. Names shall be classified into 3 categories namely
Candidates of recognised National and State Political Parties.
Candidates of registered political parties (other than recognized National
and State political parties).
Other candidates.
(iii) Names shall be arranged in the above order of categories.
(iv) Names in each category shall be arranged alphabetically in each category
according to script of the language as specified or first specified in the third
column of S.O. No. 2/87 dt. 17.7.1987 (see annexure-xvii of RO hand book, 2008
amended as per delimitation) - Required particulars including address should be
filled up correctly.
Even in case of uncontested election, list in Form - 7-A shall be prepared.
(vi) Send immediately copies of the list (alongwith English translation) to the Govt.
Press, CEO and ECI.
(vii) If symbol has been revised by order of ECI, the list shall be amended.
(viii) Names of candidate shall appear on ballot papers in same order as in Form 7A,
however the headings of 3 categories shall not appear on the ballot papers.
Publication of list in Form 7A (Sec.38 of RP Act, 1951 and R.10, 11, 31(1)(b) of CE Rules, 1961
and Ch. VII of RO Hand Book) (i)
It shall be
It shall be
It shall be
It shall be
The ballot
Identity cards to contesting candidates (P. 8 of Ch. VII of RO Hand Book) (i)
Two copies of identity cards with photograph in the form given in P.8 of Ch.VII of
RO Hand Book - one copy to be retained in record.
Photograph to be pasted on the top right portion of ID cards dully attested by the
RO with his seal.
- Three copies of list of
Intimation about legal provisions of corrupt practices and electoral offences (Para 9 of
Ch. VII of RO Hand Book) - A notice to each contesting candidate should be given inviting
attention towards penal provisions of corrupt practices and electoral offences - Model
Form at Ann. XXI of RO Hand Book.
II of RO Hand Book)
Appointment of Election Agent (Sec. 40, 41 and Sec. 45 of RP Act, 1951 and R.12 of CE Rules
1961) -
Ministers, MPs and MLAs and others having security cover not to be allowed as
election agent. (ECI's No. 576/10/JUD-II dated 26.8.96 and No.)
(ii) A person who is disqualified for being member of Parliament or Legislative
Assembly or for voting at an election shall be disqualified for being an election
(iii) Appointment in Form 8 (in duplicate) with photographs affixed on top-right - RO
shall return one copy after affixing his seal and signature - ID card to the election
agent will be provided by RO
(iv) Revocation in Form-9.
(v) ID Card to be provided.
Declaration of result of un-contested Election (Sec. 53(2) of RP Act, 1951 and R.11(1) of CE
Rules 1961, Ch. IX of RO Hand Book) (i)
After affixation of list (Form-7-A) on the notice board of RO, result of uncontested
election shall be declared in Form 21.
Return of Election in Form 21-E with suitable amendments.
Copies to (i) Ministry of Law and Justice, GOI, New Delhi. (ii) ECI (iii) Secretary
General, Lok Sabha (iv) CEO.
Date of declaration shall be the date on which the result is declared.
Certificate of Election in Form-22 Acknowledgement of such certificate, duly
signed, may be obtained from returned candidate - Which shall be sent to
Secretary General, Lok Sabha.
Safe deposit of papers relating to nomination etc (P. 7 of Ch. VII of RO Hand Book) (i)
Approved symbols (R.5 and 10 of CE Rules, 1961; P. 17 of the Election Symbols (R&A) Order,
1968) a. Always refer to latest notification containing the names of National /State recognised
political parties with symbols reserved thereto, names of registered but unrecognized
political parties and list of free symbols approved for this State.
b. Symbols out of the approved list not to be allotted.
c. Read out latest amendments in the Election Symbols (R&A) Order, 1968.
d. Reserved symbol only to the candidate setup by that recognised party.
Choice of symbols (R.5 and 10 of CE Rules, 1961 and Symbol (R&A) Order, 1968 and Ch. VIII of
RO Hand Book) (i)
Which choice of symbol to be considered (R.5 and 10 of CE Rules, 1961.; Election Symbols
(R&A) order, 1968 and Ch. VIII of RO Hand Book) (i)
Only the choice of symbols made by a candidate (other than a candidate sponsored
by a Recognised Party) in the nomination paper first delivered, shall be considered,
even when nomination paper is rejected.
In the case of candidate set up by a National or State recognised party, the choice
of party's symbols indicated by a candidate made in subsequent nomination
papers may also be considered.
Allotment of symbols (R.5 & 10 of CE Rules, 1961 and Election Symbols (R&A) Order, 1968 and
Para 4 of Ch. VIII of RO Hand Book) a. First pick up the candidates set up by National parties and allot reserved symbol.
For this purpose fulfillment of conditions under Para 13 and 13A of order, 1968 is
b. If a State party recognised in other State, sets up a candidate in this State, the
symbol reserved for that State party shall be allotted to a candidate set-up by it if a
communication from ECI under Para 10 of Order, 1968, is received in relation to
that constituency.
c. If an unrecognized party which was recognised not earlier than six years from the
notification of election, sets up a candidate, under para 10A and a communication is
received from ECI also, in relation to that AC. then such candidate may be allotted
the symbol reserved earlier for that party.
d. If same free symbol is chosen by two candidates candidate of registered party gets
preference - If one of the registered party candidates / independent candidate is
sitting member (immediately preceding the election) then candidate gets preference.
e. Where a free symbol has been chosen by a candidate, that symbol shall be allotted
to that candidate.
f. Where the same free symbol has been chosen by several candidates- then procedure
laid down in Para 12 of order, 1968 shall be adopted.
Candidates set up by a political party (Para 13 of Symbol Order, 1968, Ch. VIII of RO Hand
Book) -
A candidate shall be deemed to be set up by a political party, if, and only if (a)
The candidate has made a declaration in any of his nomination paper.
Form B signed by authorised person must reach the RO not later than
3.00 PM of the last date of nomination.
Name and specimen signatures of such authorized person in Form A are
communicated to the RO and CEO not later than 3.00 PM of last date of
nominations - However reaching the RO is mendatory.
Forms A and B are signed in ink only - Fax not to be accepted.
Substitution of candidate by political party (Para 13A of Symbol Order, 1968) If a political party submits Form B in respect of more than one candidate and
does not indicate that earlier notice has been rescinded, then Form 'B' in respect of the
candidate whose nomination paper was first delivered, shall be accepted as
candidate set up by that party.
RO's decision is final except where it is inconsistent with any direction issued by
the ECI in which case the ECI may revise the allotment of symbols.
List in Form 7-A shall be amended accordingly, in case symbol is revised under the
orders of ECI.
Supply of copy of electoral roll (R. 85D of CE Rules 1961 and Para 7 of Ch. VIII of RO Hand
Book) (i)
RO shall supply one copy of roll, free of cost to the candidate of every recognised
political party
(iii) List of CSVs for the constituency should also be given along with roll.
Postal ballots should be printed at district level at private or govt. printing press.
Printing with due care and with fool proof security arrangements - Depute an ARO,
for strict watch.
(iii) Planning and identification of such private presses should be made well in
(iv) Ensure that proper slugs, numbering machines, etc. are available at the press.
Voters entitled to vote by post (Sec. 60 of RP Act., 1951; Sec.20 of RP Act, 1950; R. 17, 18(a) &
27B of CE Rules, 1961) (a) Service Voters (including their wives) - (except those who opted for proxy voting)
(b) Special Voters - (including their wives) who are holding declared offices. [List of such
declared offices is given in footnote below at Sec. 20 of RP Act, 1950].
Uniform common design of postal ballot papers (R. 22, 30 of CE Rules, 1961; Para 5.1
Ch.X of RO Hand Book) (i)
Design of postal ballot papers (PB) (R.22 of CE Rules, 1961 and Para-4 of Ch. X of RO Hand
1. It shall have counterfoil attached to it at the top.
2. ECI's direction regarding design, form and language of postal ballot paper are given
e.g. 11 candidates' first six candidates will be shown in first column and remaining
5 will be shown in second column, and space at the end of second column for 12th
candidate will be completely shaded.
6. Names of candidates shall be arranged in the same order under 3 categories in
which they appear in the list (Form 7A). Headings of categories should not appear in
Language of postal ballot paper (R.22 of CE Rules 1961 and P. 4, CH. X of RO Hand Book)
Particulars of Candidates and party affiliation in official language of the State and
English both.
(iii) Particulars in official language of the State will appear first over those in English.
(iv) Particulars of Constituency and election in ballot paper will appear in English
In the first phase, printing of postal ballots for service voters should be completed
within 24 hours of withdrawals.
For other categories these should be printed in 2nd phase and within 72 hours of
Ensure that Serial number on postal ballot and on its counterfoil are identical.
a. In advance - "prepare addressed covers (Forms -13-B and 13-C)", complete Form
13-D (i.e. instructions) and keep Form 13-A (i.e. declaration) ready.
b. Enter the Part Number of roll and Sr. No. of the elector on the counterfoil.
c. Mark "PB" against the entry of elector in the marked copy of roll.
d. Sr. No. of postal ballots shall not be mentioned in the marked copy of roll.
e. Sr. No. of ballot to be written in ink correctly on the cover (Form 13-B) containing
f. Fill up time and date in Part-II of Form 13D.
g. The covers in Form 13-B and 13-C for election to House of People will be in Green
h. Form 13-B & 13-C, Form 13-A and Form 13-D as prepared will be put inside a
larger cover addressed to the service voter.
i. Proper postage stamps should be affixed on above larger cover.
j. Separate larger cover for each elector, even in the case of husband and wife.
k. Address/ particulars, on the covers must be clear and proper.
l. All larger covers addressed to service voters attached to each record office will be put
inside one packet and the packet will be dispatched to record office by UPC.
m. District level dispatch - Nodal officer be appointed.
n. For service voters in foreign these shall be sent by ordinary airmail service.
o. Write "W" on the cover in 13C in the case of female voter.
p. Process of dispatch to be completed within 48 hours of withdrawals.
q. Voters, who have been issued PB, are not entitled to vote in person at a PS.
r. Service voters, who opted for proxy voting, not to be issued PB.
Sealing of counterfoils and marked copy of rolls (Para 5.4, Ch.X of RO Hand Book)
(iii) Brief description of contents with date of reading to be mentioned on both these
packets and these should be kept in safe custody of RO, which will be transmitted
to DEO for safe custody after declaration of result.
Intimation by voters - as to vote by post (R.19 and 20(1) of CE Rules, 1961; Para 12 of Ch. X
of RO Hand Book)
a. By special voter in Form 12 at least 10 days before poll. (R.19)
b. By an elector on election duty in Form-12 & 12A along with duplicate copy of
appointment letter (R. 20(1)).
9.10 Intimation by electors under preventive detention (R. 21 of CE Rules, 1961 and para 13
of Ch. X of RO Hand Book)
The Home department will communicate to RO within 15 days after the date of
notification of the election- about the (a) names and addresses of all such voters in the AC;
(b) respective places where they are being so held.
Elector may also send intimation to RO specifying name, address, Part No. & Sr.
No. in the roll and place of detention.
In either case, before sending PB, it is to be ensured that the name is entered in
the roll and the person is held under preventive detention.
9.11 Issue of postal ballots to other categories (other than service voters) (R. 23 of CE Rules,
1961; Para 11 of Ch. X of RO Hand Book)
(i) PBs shall be sent by registered post, to special voters, voters on election duty (on
application in Form 12) and electors under preventive detention containing (a) A declaration in Form - 13-A.
(b) A cover in Form 13-B (containing postal ballot paper)
(c) A cover addressed to the RO in Form 13-C (without postage stamp)
(d) Instructions for the guidance of the elector in Form 13-D.
(ii) Above documents [at (a), (b), (c) and (d)] shall be placed inside a larger cover. This
cover should be properly addressed and postage stamp shall be affixed.
(iii) PB can be delivered personally to a special voter or an elector on election duty-in
place of sending by post.
(iv) Postal ballots be issued as expeditiously as possible.
(v) Write "W" on the cover in Form 13-C in case of female voter.
9.12 Issue of E.D.C. (R. 22 (2) of CE Rules 1961 and Para 12.6 of Ch. X of RO Hand Book)
1. "Election duty certificate" in Form 12 B may be given to PrOs, POs and other public
servant on election duty, and not to a polling agent.
2. "EDC" on application in Form 12 - A only.
3. "EDC" holders need not to be issued PB.
4. All persons on election duty to apply for PB rather than EDC.
9.13 Record of postal ballot papers and EDCs (R. 20 (2) and 23 of CE Rules, Para 14 and 17 Ch. X
of RO Hand Book)
(i) In the marked copy of roll "EDC" or "PB", shall be marked against the name of
such elector.
(ii) The counterfoils should be sealed in a separate packet and kept in safe custody.
(iii) After marking "PB" or "EDC", in all cases, marked copy of electoral roll may be
sealed and it will be supplied to the concerned PrO for the use at PS.
(iv) Serial number of PBs not to be mentioned in the marked copy of roll.
Second postal papers along with connected papers, may be issued only if
(a) it returned undelivered
(b) elector has inadvertently spoilt it or any connected paper in such a manner
that it cannot be used.
(ii) RO shall cancel the spoilt ballot papers so returned, seal them in a packet and
note the Sr. No. of PB.
9.16 Return of postal ballot papers (R .27 of CE Rules, 1961, Para 19, 20 and 22 of Ch. X of RO
Hand Book)
Every day a designated officer should take all the contents of the box, make
necessary entries in the Register, keep the register and the sealed covers of PBs
under proper lock and key. Entries in the register should be countersigned by
RO/ARO on each day.
(ii) PBs should be returned before commencement of counting. Such PBs shall be
treated as received in time.
(iii) PBs received late, i.e. after commencement of counting of votes, not to be counted
and must be rejected. Date and time of receipt to be noted on covers. Such entry
should be made in register also. However such rejected PBs not to be included in
Form 20 and 21-E.
(iv) Co-ordination with P&T Department regarding delivery of PBs.
(v) To facilitate speedy return of postal ballot papers a special box with secured locks,
should be kept in the office of RO, so that voters who have received PBs may come
and drop in that box their marked ballot papers.
9.17 Educating the persons on election duty about their right to vote and method during
first training class (Para 12 of Ch. X of RO Hand book)
Service voters belonging only to Armed Forces [Sec. 20(8)(a)] and members of force
to which provisions of Army Act applies [Sec. 20(8)(b)], may opt to give his vote by
proxy. Their wives and other categories of service voters are not entitled for such
(ii) Such service voter may appoint any person as his proxy to give his vote on his
(iii) Proxy should be an ordinarily resident in the constituency and of not less than 18
years of age and not disqualified u/s 16 of RP Act, 1950.
10.2 Appointment of Proxy by CSV (R.27N of CE Rules 1961 and P. 16 of Ch. X of RO Handbook)1. Appointment of proxy shall be made in Form 13F.
2. Appointment of proxy will be valid so long as the person making it continues to be a
service voter or till the appointment is revoked or the proxy dies.
3. Revocation or appointment of substitute proxy may be made in Form 13G.
10.3 Intimation of name of proxy (R.27-O and 27-P of CE Rules 1961 and Para 16 of Ch. X of RO
1. Intimation in Form 13F must reach to RO not later than last date of nomination.
2. Intimation received late shall not be valid for current election, but shall be valid for
future elections.
3. The RO shall mark 'CSV' against the name in the last part of roll.
4. When intimation of proxy received in time, PB shall not be issued.
10.4 List of Classified Service Voters (R. 27-P of CE Rules and Para 16 of CH. X of R.O. Hand
Book)1. List of CSV's and their proxies with complete addresses shall be prepared in a
prescribed format (Ann. XXV-C of R.O. Handbook)
2. Polling station wise sub-lists of all CSV's and their proxies shall also be prepared in
a format (Annexure-XXV-D of RO Hand Book).
3. Such sub-lists shall be added at the end of the electoral roll of concerned PS and the
part of electoral roll along with the sub-list will be marked copy of the electoral roll
for that PS.
10.5 Recording of Votes by proxy (R. 27 Q, 49 G, 49H, 49J to 49 R of C.E. Rules, 1961) 1. Proxy shall record the vote in person on the behalf and in the name of CSV at PS.
2. In addition to the vote by proxy, person may cast vote in his own name also if he is
an elector.
3. Marking of indelible ink will be done on the left middle finger of proxy.
10.6 Updating the list of CSVs - after delimitation of constituencies Intimation by CSV given once in Form 13F is valid for future elections unless it is
revoked, or proxy dies or service qualification seized - After delimitation of
constituencies, AC belonging to some of CSVs might have been changed. In such cases
Form 13F be transferred to the concerned RO for record and for updating the list of
CSVs and marking in the last part of roll - Appropriate remarks should also be
recorded in the existing list of CSVs by former RO.
No.51/8/7/2008 - EMS dt. 15.7.2008 and No. 464/INST/2008- EPS dt. 24.10.2008) -
Pre-poll responsibility - About polling location To verify whether route plotted on map is feasible - Ascertaining the
approach and accessibility.
Ascertain infrastructure at polling stations water, shade, ramps, toilet,
telephone etc., and physical status of building.
Collect phone no., ascertain mobile connectivity at PS;
Party Offices, whether they exist within 200 meters periphery of PS
Poll-eve responsibility
Ensure that the polling teams and all material have reached their PSs
Ensure that force has arrived at PSs according to the plan.
Clarify any last minute doubt on EVM operation or the polling process,
amongst the poll personnel
Total voters
Whether Mock Poll done (Y/N)
No. of Polling Agents present
Party candidates not represented by polling
No. of votes polled at Ist visit (Mention time)
Whether poll continued after closure time? (Y/N)
No. of votes polled at IIIrd visit (Mention time)
No. of votes polled at IInd visit (Mention time)
PS No.
It should not contain the actual names and symbols of the other candidates.
12.9 Dummy balloting unit (Para 9 of Ch. XI of R.O Hand book) It may be made of wooden, plastic or plyboard boxes, half the size of official
balloting unit and may be painted brown, yellow or grey.
12.10 Unofficial identity slips (Para 10 of Ch-XI of R.O Hand book) Political parties/candidates may issue identity slips containing
Sr. No. and Name of PS. - It should be on white paper and should not contain the
name of the candidate or party and his symbol. No slogan/exhortation to vote for
a party or candidate.
12.11 Restrictions on the Printing of pamphlets, posters etc., [ECI's No. 3/9(ES008)94-JS
II/5196 dt. 2.9.94, No. 3/9/2004/JS II dt. 24.8.2004 & No. 3/9/2007/JS II dt. 16.10.2007 and
section 127A of RP Act 1951] -
1. Ensure that printers and publishers are complying with the provisions of section
127A of R. P Act, 1951 and ECI's directions.
2. All the printing presses shall be informed within 3 days of announcement of election
programme in writing by the District Magistrate to furnish information and printed
material as required U/s 127A of RP Act 1951.
3. Surrogate advertisements in print media for/against a political party/candidate Expenditure involved in such advertisement has to be added to account of election
expenses u/s 77(1) - Sec. 171H of IPC prohibits expenditure without authority from
the candidate.
4. In case of any violation of the provisions of Sec. 77(1) and 127A of RP Act, 1951,
171H of IPC and Commission's directions, strict action should be taken.
Polling staff be given intensive training. Polling rehearsals should be conducted RO should be present in the polling rehearsals/ training classes.
(iii) PrOs to prepare additional report in prescribed format (enclosed) at the end of this
12.13 Timely submission of information/data Various types of daily information right from nominations, till result of election
will be required by the Commission - Special care about the stipulated time.
12.14 Authority letters for entry into PSs and Counting places (R. 49-D, and 53 of CE Rules
1961, and ECI's orders) (i)
Authority letters issued u/r 49D and 53, only, will be valid.
Public servants on duty includes Micro Observers, Sector Officers, Officers for
inside photography in specified PSs etc., - They should be given photo identity
card by DEO to be displayed on their persons.
CPF deployed Y/N
Micro Observer deployed Y/N
Video Camera deployed
Total Voters
No. of Votes polled
% of votes polled
Total No. of candidates
No. of candidates represented by
polling agents
No. of voters who voted using
documents other than EPIC
Whether Mock poll done in the
presence of agent ? Y/N
For identification of the areas Sector officers, should do exercise by visiting the
area soon after declaration of election - SHO and local administrative officers be
consulted before the finalizing the list - [Candidates' "Worry List" also to be
considered when candidates are finalized and observers have arrived].
(ii) Source of such threat / intimidation and names of persons who likely to
spearhead such offence of undue influence be identified - Past incidence and
current apprehensions.
(iii) Contact points within the habitats / community vulnerability, be identified Mapping for entire constituency polling station wise in a format (enclosed)
(iv) Preventing measures by DEO and SP and confidence building measures for free
and fair poll - Frequent visit at such locations.
(v) Regular feedback by district intelligence - DEO / RO shall interact with
candidates / political parties.
(vi) Details of PS wise vulnerability mapping be given to Observer also on his arrival.
(vii) Action plan by DEO and SP to deal with potential threats and intimidation points
- action under 107 / 116 / 151 CRPC, forcing trouble mongers' appearance in
police station, placement of police pickets, visits by officers etc.,.
(viii) On the day of poll special attention be given - In case some section of voters is
conspicuously absent special squad will be sent to ascertain that there is no
(ix) At the end of poll SO to submit special report to RO that voters from vulnerable
habitats were able to vote or not.
(x) Polling parties should also be briefed about the vulnerable centers - section in
electoral part of the area be marked specially.
(xi) CPF shall be given a list of such vulnerable locations - CPF shall also make it a
point to visit for confidence building measures.
(xii) If ordered by ECI, Observer will make a reading of the Form 17A and the marked
copy of the electoral roll used at the PS.
13.4 Measures to reduce multiplicity of candidates (ECI No. 3/ER/94/J.S.II, dt. 27-4-94; No.
3/ER/ESO 11/94/ J.S.II dt. 7.9.94; and dt. 7.12.94) (i)
Seating arrangement of polling agents at the PSs in following order of priorities (a) Candidates of National Recognised Political parties;
(b) Candidates of State Recognised Political Party.
(c) Candidates of recognised State parties of other States, permitted to use
reserved symbols in the AC;
(d) Candidates of registered unrecognized parties;
(e) Independent candidates.
Seats for counting agents at each counting table shall also be arranged in above
However, facilities which are available under law cannot be withdrawn in such
cases appointment of election/polling/counting agent can not be withdrawn.
13.6 Feed back about "Dummy Candidates" and measures to be taken in this regard
(ECI's No. 464/INST/2008/EPS dt. 7.1.2009)
1. Actual use of vehicles permitted for campaigning be reviewed - Video recording and
collecting evidence - Issuing notice.
2. Before giving permits of vehicles on poll day dummy factor should be considered.
3. Appointment of polling agents should be tracked.
4. Close watch on counting agents.
5. On misuse of permitted vehicle, action u/s 171H IPC to be taken.
6. On misuse of vehicle authorized for other candidate, notice be given to include the
expenditure of the candidate, who misused the vehicle for his campaigning.
14.1 All required EVMs must be prepared one week before poll.
14.2 Only checked machines and allotted by DEO in first randomization be used.
14.3 Prior intimation in writing to candidate/election agent at least one week before the date
of such preparation.
14.4 Advance preparation of Register; address tags etc to save time.
14.5 Observer's presence is must.
14.6 Candidates / their representatives be explained about procedure - They may be allowed
also to inspect the EVMs.
14.7 Step by step operation given in Ann. XXVIII-A of RO Hand book.
14.8 For preparation of EVMs, take BU first.
14.9 Ballot paper before it is fixed on BU, shall be signed on its back by RO (by hand or
through rubber stamp)
14.10 Ensure proper alignment of ballot paper with panels of corresponding candidate in BU
14.11 Candidates / their agents be allowed to put their seals on address tags alongwith the
seal of RO. - PS wise allotment list of CUs and BUs and list of reserve CUs and BUs be
given to candidates / agents.
14.12 Don't use "secret seal" of ECI at this stage - RO shall use his own seal. Secret seal
should be used only to seal EVMs and election papers after counting of votes.
14.13 Use new battery during RO sealing.
14.14 Random check and holding mock poll of prepared EVMs.
14.15 Please see Part 3 of this check list also.
Prepared EVMs to be used at PSs and kept as reserve be stored in safe custody
under double lock - Strong room should be sealed with ROs seal and
candidates/representative should be asked to put their seal.
14.17 Maintenance of records of EVMs 1. Register for full particulars of prepared EVMs to be maintained - It should show that
which BU/CU was used at which PS.
2. EVMs used in training not to be used in poll - They must be stored separately.
14.18 Supply to PrOs -
Detailed instructions given in Ch. XII of R.O. Handbook and circulars of ECI.
The party or candidate shall inform the local police authorities of the venue and time any
proposed meeting Well in time so as to enable the police to make necessary
arrangements for controlling traffic and maintaining peace and order.
A Party or candidate shall ascertain in advance if there is any restrictive or prohibitory
order in force in the place proposed for the meeting if such orders exist, they shall be
followed strictly. If any exemption is required from such orders, it shall be applied for and
obtained well in time.
If permission or license is to be obtained for the use of loudspeakers or any other facility in
connection with any proposed meeting, the party or candidate shall apply to the authority
concerned well in advance and obtain such permission or license.
Organizers of a meeting shall invariably seek the assistance of the police on duty for
dealing with persons disturbing a meeting or otherwise attempting to create disorder.
Organizers themselves shall not take action against such persons.
A Party or candidate organizing a procession shall decide before and the time and place of
the starting of the procession, the route to be followed and the time and place at which the
procession will terminate. There shall ordinary be on deviation from the programme.
The organizers shall give advance intimation to the local police authorities of the
programme so as to enable the letter to make necessary arrangement.
The organizers shall ascertain if any restrictive orders are in force in the localities through
which the procession has to pass, and shall comply with the restrictions unless exempted
specially by the competent authority. Any traffic regulations or restrictions shall also be
carefully adhered to.
The organizers shall take steps in advance to arrange for passage of the procession so
that there is no block or hindrance to traffic. If the procession is very long, it shall be
organized in segments of suitable lengths, so that at convenient intervals, especially at
points where the procession has to pass road junctions, the passage of held up traffic
could be allowed by stages thus avoiding heavy traffic congestion.
Processions shall be so regulated as to keep as much to the right of the road as possible
and the direction and advice of the police on duty shall be strictly complied with.
If two or more political parties or candidates propose to take processions over the same
route or parts thereof at about the same time, the organizers shall establish contact well in
advance and decide upon the measures to be taken to see that the processions do not
clash or cause hindrance to traffic. The assistance of the local police shall be availed of for
arriving at a satisfactory arrangement. For this purpose the parties shall contact the police
at the earliest opportunity.
The political parties or candidates shall exercise control to the maximum extent possible in
the matter of percussionists carrying articles which may be put to misuse by undesirable
elements especially in moments of excitement.
The carrying of effigies purporting to represent member of other political parties or their
leaders, burning such effigies in public and such other forms demonstration shall not be
countenanced by any political party or candidate.
IV-Polling Day
All Political parties and candidates shall
co-operate with the officers on election duty to ensure peaceful and orderly polling and
complete freedom to the voters to exercise their franchise without being subjected to any
annoyance or obstruction.
supply to their authorized workers suitable badges or identity cards;
(iii) agree that the identity slip supplied by them to voters hall be on plain (white) paper and
shall not contain any symbol, name of the candidate or the name of the party;
(iv) refrain from serving or distributing liquor on polling day and during the twenty- four hours
preceding it;
not allow unnecessary crowd to be collected near the camps set up by the political parties
and candidates near the polling booths so as to avoid Confrontation and tension among
workers and sympathizers of the parties and the candidate;
(vi) ensure that the candidates camps shall be simple .The shall not display any posters,
flags, symbols or any other propaganda material. No eatable shall be served or crowd
allowed at the camps; and
(vii) co-operate with the authorities in complying with the restrictions to be imposed on the
plying of vehicles on the polling day and obtain permits for them which should be displayed
prominently on those vehicles.
V-Polling Booth
Excepting the voters, no one without a valid pass from the Election Commission shall enter the
polling booths.
The Election Commission is appointing Observers. If the candidates or their agents have any
specific complaint or problem regarding the conduct of elections they may bring the same to the
notice of the Observer.
VII-Party in Power
The party in power whether at the Centre or in the State or States concerned, shall ensure that
no cause is given for any complaint that it has used its official position for the purposes of its
election campaign and in particular (i)
(a) The Ministers shall not combine their official visit with electioneering work and shall not
also make use of official machinery or personnel during the electioneering work;
(b) Government transport including official air-crafts, vehicles, machinery and personnel
shall not be used for furtherance of the interest of the party in power;
Public places such as maidens etc., for holding election meetings, and use of helipads for
air-flights in connection with elections shall not be monopolized by itself. Other parties and
candidates shall be allowed the use of such places and facilities on the same terms and
conditions on which they are used by the party in power;
(iii) Rest houses, dak bungalows or other Government accommodation shall not be
monopolized by the party in power or its candidates and such accommodation shall be
allowed to be used by other parties and candidates in a fair manner but no party or
candidate shall use or be allowed to use such accommodation (including premises
appertaining thereto) as a campaign office or for holding any public meeting for the
purposes of election propaganda;
(iv) Issue of advertisement at the cost of public exchequer in the newspapers and other media
and the misuse of official mass media during the election period for partisan coverage of
political news and publicity regarding achievements with a view to furthering the prospects
of the party in power shall be scrupulously avoided.
Ministers and other authorities shall not sanction grants/payments out of discretionary
funds from the time elections are announced by the Commission; and
(vi) From the time elections are announced by Commission, Ministers and other authorities
shall not
(a) announce any financial grants in any form or promises thereof; or
(b) (except civil servants) lay foundation stones etc. of projects or schemes of any kind; or
(c) make any promise of construction of roads, provision of drinking water facilities etc.; or
(d) make any ad-hoc appointments in Government, Public Undertakings etc. which may
have the effect of influencing the voters in favour of the party in power.
Note: The Commission shall announce the date of any election which shall be a date
ordinarily not more than three weeks prior to the date on which the notification is likely to
be issued in respect of such elections.
Ministers of Central or State Government shall not enter any polling station or place of
counting except in their capacity as a candidate or voter or authorised agent."
15.5 Video all major meetings, speeches; Video to be watched very evening and report given
to the Observer (ECI instruction 447/2007-PLN IV dt. 17.01.2007)
15.6 Political Parties & star campaigners; names to come within 7 days of notification their movements and expenses to be closely monitored - cases when it will be
apportioned to candidate(s)
15.7 Helicopter landings to be monitored; parties to give information in advance.
15.8 DO's & DONT's - (ECI No. 464/INST./2007-PLN-I dt. 07-01-07)
Announcements of new projects etc. concessions /financial grants, promises
thereof, laying of foundation stones etc., are prohibited.
Commissioning of completed schemes without associating political functionaries
and without ceremonies.
Vehicle not registered for campaigning if found being used for campaigning shall
be deemed to be unauthorized campaigning for the candidate - Action for such
activity be taken u/s 171H of IPC also.
During filing of nominations upto 3 vehicles be allowed to come within the
periphery of 100 meters of RO/ARO office - Expenditure will be included in
In case visits by party leader as covered U/S 77 (1) (a) the permits of vehicles for
road journey be issued centrally by CEO in different color - expenditure to be
proportionally distributed (ECI No. 437/6/2007Vol.IV/PLN-III dated 16-10-2007 and No.
437/6/INST/2008-CC&BE dt. 31.10.2008)
(vii) Convoys of more than 3 vehicles (excluding security vehicles in view of security
gradation of PP) not to be allowed from the date of notification till completion of
election - Bigger convoys be broken up keeping a minimum distance of 200
(viii) Now there is no restriction on number of vehicles in a convoy on the road during
the period of election campaign by "leaders" as covered u/s 77(1) [ECI's No.
437/6/ INST/2008-CC&BE dt. 31.10.2008]
(ix) Bicycle, Two wheelers or cycle rikshaw is also a vehicle u/s 160 of RP Act 1991.
(x) Only one flag/banner/poster/placard be allowed on one vehicle during
15.12 Use of videography and digital camera during elections process - (ECI No. 447/2007/
PLN IV dt. 17.1.2007 and dt. 12.10.2007 and No. 4/2008/SDR dt. 15.12.2008)
15.15 Tours of Ministers (ECI's No. 437/6/96 PLN.III dt. 17.1.1996; No. 437/6/99 PLN-III dt.
15.7.1999; No. 464/INST/2007 - PLN-I dt. 7.1.2007 and No. 437/6/2007/ PLN-III dt. 23.11.2007)(i)
Official visits and political activities/electioneering not to be combined.
(ii) Tours of Union Ministers - They may visit on purely official business after letter of
certification by Secretary of department/ ministry - Govt. vehicles,
accommodation and due courtesies be given for such official trip.
(iii) Tours of Ministers of State Government (iv) No Minister shall undertake an official visit.
(v) Election related officers not to be summoned by Minister.
(vi) Only exception is Minister in charge or CM in case of failure of law and order and
occurrence of natural calamity
(vii) Minister entitled for official vehicles at HQ from their residence to offices for
official work only and not for any political activity.
(viii) During electioneering visit, no pilot cars or car with beacon lights or car affixed
with sirens be used, even if the minister has been granted security cover - Official
staff of Minister not to accompany with minister during electioneering.
15.16 Accommodation in Government Guest Houses etc., (ECI No. 437/6/2006-PLN-III (Vol.II)
dt. 1.4.2006) (i)
Accommodations in the Guest Houses / Rest Rouses of Govt. or PSUs can be
given to political functionaries who are provided security cover in Z scale or
above, on equitable basis.
(ii) No political activities while staying in such guest houses etc.,.
15.17 Misuse of official vehicles (ECI No. 437/4/96-PLN-III dt. 15.1.96, No. 437/6/96-PLN-III dt.
9.4.1996, No. 437/6/97 PLN-III dt. 18.3.97 and No. 464/INST/2007 - PLN-I dt. 7.1.07 and No.
437/6/2008/CC&BE dt. 19.10.2008) -
Total restrictions on the use of vehicles such as helicopters, aircraft (except PM),
cars, jeeps, etc.
Use of official vehicles by Ministers, even on payment for electioneering purposes
including by adopting the official work has been totally prohibited. The only
exception will be the Prime Minister and other political personalities who require
security of high order. In respect of persons covered by security, the use of State
owned one bullet proof vehicle will be permitted if security agencies have
prescribed such use.
Official vehicle means vehicles belonging to Central Govt., State Govt., Public /
Joint Sector under takings of Central or State Govt., Local bodies, PRIs and any
other body in which any public funds are invested.
Functionaries of autonomies organisations may use the official vehicle only for
commuting between office and residence and to attend any official meeting within
Head Quarters itself (ECI No. 437/6/2008/CC&BE dt. 19.10.2008)
Close watch by district administration.
Vehicles found being misused, may be confiscated forthwith.
15.18 Security covers to Ministers and political personalities (ECI No. 437/6/96- PLN-III dt.
9.4.96; No. 437/6/98 PLN-III dt. 18.8.99; No. 4/2001/JS II dt. 30.3.2001 and No. 437/6/2007 PLN-III
dt. 24.10.2007) -
15.19 Conduct of Government Servants (ECI No. 62/84 dt. 6.11.84 and Sec 129, 134 and 134A of
RP Act 1951 and Civil Services (Conduct) Rules) (i)
No Government servant can take part in political activities - He can not act as
election agent, polling agent, counting agent.
He should not be present in public meeting during election campaign. Exception those officers engaged in law & order and security arrangements.
15.20 Liquor - Restrictions on Sale etc., (Sec. 135-C of RP Act 1951 & ECI No. 464/L&O/2007
PLN-I dt. 7.1.2007) (i)
Liquor not to be sold, given or distributed on polling day and period of 48 hours
ending with close of poll - Dry day shall be declared.
15.21 Use of loud speakers (ECI No. 3/8/2000/JS II dt. 26.12.2000 and No. 3/8/2005/JS-II dt.
26.9.2005) -
Loudspeakers on vehicles or for meetings can be used between 6.00 Am and 10.00 PM
Permission is must for use of loudspeakers.
In the case of loudspeaker on vehicles, permit issued by Govt. authority, shall indicate
registration Number / identification Number of vehicle.
Vehicles used without written permission is liable to be confiscated with all equipment.
Expenditure to be accounted for.
Directions of Hon'ble Supreme Court are applicable at all times and not restricted
only during the period of electioneering.
Advertisement of political nature are to be got certified by the
Committee/Designated Officer at different level.
'Advertisement' includes programme also which intends to use campaign
Application for such certification should contain all required details and in
prescribed format and with two copies of proposed advertisement in electronic
form along with transcript.
(v) Register of application and applications be serially numbered.
(vi) Certificate to be given in prescribed format.
(vii) Necessary equipments for previewing and scrutiny.
(viii) Returning Officers of parliamentary constituency have been declared as
Designated Officer, who will deal with applications for certification of an
advertisement on cable network or TV Channel by an individual contesting
(ix) Broad casting of commercial advertisement of political nature on Radio Channels
(including private FM Channels) during the period MCC is in operation - Pre
broad casting scrutiny and certification by the committee setup in the office of
CEO - Above instructions of ECI shall apply to advertisements on Radio also
(ECI's No. 509/75/2004/JS-I/Vol.II/RCC dt. 21.11.2008).
Ensuring that polling material has been received by all the parties.
Boarding of vehicles.
Training space
Distribution counter.
Medical Aid.
17.5 Prohibition of misuse of SMSs [ECI's No. 464/INST/2008-EPS dt. 05.11.2008] (i)
Objectionable SMSs are to be traced and action to be taken by police.
(ii) Bulk transmission of SMSs as an alternative electioneering - cost involved to be
(iii) Prohibition on transmission after the campaign period is over.
17.6 Prohibition of loudspeakers, mega phones etc and disorderly conduct - within 100
mtrs of a PS (S. 131)
Amplifying or reproducing the human voice by any apparatus not allowed.
(ii) In case of contravention such apparatus be seized.
(iii) Shouting or otherwise act in disorderly manner not allowed.
(iv) Penal action also to be taken.
17.7 Candidates' election booths (one table + two chairs) without shamiyana/tentage and
with - one banner upto 3 ft. 1.5 ft. beyond 200 mtrs of a PS allowed. If it have valid
permission from local authority (ECI No. 464/INST/2007 PLN-I dt. 12.1.2007)
17.8 Going armed to / near a polling station (Sec. 134B and ECI No. 464/INST/2007 PLN-I dt.
24.2.2007) (i)
Security personnel attached to any person not to be allowed - Except in case of
person covered under Z+ security which is one security person in simple clothes
and with concealed weapon.
(ii) Prohibition for Minister/MP/MLA to be an election agent etc., (ECI's No. 437/
INST/2008-EPS dt. 14.10.2008) (a)
Minister/MP/MLA or persons to whom security cover granted not to be an
Election Agent/ Polling Agent/Counting Agent.
Any person having security cover will not be allowed to surrender his
security cover to act as such agent.
17.9 Entry into polling station (i)
Only persons entitled under rule 49-D be allowed (ii) Media person not to capture photograph of the balloting process in any manner
that will be reveal the secrecy of ballot - Every one must have a valid pass
properly displayed.
(iii) Where the CPF is deployed a Jawan will stand at entrance - Not inside the PS
except called by PrO.
17.10 Before Commencement of Poll
PrO to demonstrate the EVM.
(ii) Marked copy of roll and Register of Voters also to be demonstrated before the
polling agents present and their signatures be taken.
(iii) Mock poll by PrO - A prescribed certificate shall be given by PrO. (ECI No.
51/8/7/2008 - EMS dt. 15.7.2008 and No. 464/INST/2008-EPS dt. 18.12.2008).
(iv) Control unit to be sealed properly.
(v) RO through SO and using other links shall track the conduct or otherwise of
mock poll and ascertain the mock poll status within 30 minutes.
(vi) Mock poll certificate
17.11 During Poll Process
PrO to regulate the voters, and maintain purity of election - To deal with tendered
votes, challenged votes, etc., - Overall supervision on poll process.
(ii) Special attention where mock poll had to be conducted in the absence of agents
[ECI's No. 464/INST/2008-EPS dt. 18.12.2008]
Identification of voters - through EPIC or alternate documents approved by ECI Minor discrepancies can be overlooked.
(iv) PO- Ist - Marked copy - Responsible for identification.
(v) PO- 2nd - Indelible Ink - Register of voters - voter slips.
(vi) PO- 3rd - Control unit - He will sit near PrO - Same table for PrO + PO-3rd.
(vii) In case of new EVM, new EVM should be put to use only after conducting mock
poll, clearing the data of mock poll and recording the certificate of mock poll [ECI's
EVM is sealed
17C is given to Polling Agents
Additional report format by PrO given to SO
All documents/material as per checklist is available.
18.7 Arrangements at reception centre - Lighting, drinking water, first aid and other
medical facilities - Transport arrangements should be in place.
18.8 Strong Rooms (i)
Two cordoned security for strong rooms.
(ii) Fire fighting requirements to be kept.
(iii) Candidates/Agent be permitted to affix there seals and they may keep a watch
from a considerable distance.
(iv) Strong room of EVMs - AC wise - EVMs + one copy of 17C + PrO declaration
(v) Strong room for election papers - Sealing thereof - To be put up in steel trunks AC wise
(vi) Separate room or demarked space for storing election paper of PSs whereat
polling percentage crossed the certain level
18.9 Scrutiny of form 17A etc., (ECI No. 464/INST/2007 PLN-I dt. 12.10.2007) (i)
For PS where a polling has crossed a specific %, the ECI may order to RO and
Observer to scrutinize register of voters (17A) and other documents, like PrO
diary, visits sheet, complains etc.
(ii) Scrutiny in presence of / under intimation to candidates - advance notice.
(iii) Procedure to be followed strictly
(iv) Cross check the entries of Form 17A, PrO diary, visit sheet, complaint register of
control room, diaries of Magistrates, marked copy of roll, remarks column of 17A,
Form 17C, photography if taken.
18.10 Arrangements in case of re-poll - Adjourned poll (i)
Re-poll u/s 58 / 58A - Re-poll EVMs be put back in same strong room - old EVM
to be prominently marked cancelled / not to be counted and should be preserved
unopened and with seals intact. - Separate polling party for the re-poll.
(ii) Adjourned poll u/s 57 - Sealed packets containing marked copy of roll and the
Register of Voters and new EVM will be provided to PrO. - PrO to open sealed
packet in presence of polling agents present.
Escorting of small media groups to visit counting halls from time to time Officials to be deployed to assist the OIC, for such escorting.
(iv) Such visits should be of short duration only - Proper decorum to be maintained.
(v) Media room should be at some distance from counting hall - media passes will be
issued 'counting centre wise' and not 'counting hall wise'.
(vi) Counting trends and result information be given at media centre in systematic
manner and in good time.
(vii) Static camera or video not to be allowed inside counting hall or for this purpose a
line be demarcated.
19.9 Counting Agents
Obtain the list of counting agents with their photographs from all the contesting
candidates by 1700 hours on the day 3 days prior to counting. Photo I-cards of
the counting agents should be issued then and there.
(ii) Allow in counting hall only such counting agents as there are counting tables and
one more to watch at ROs.
(iii) Each counting agent may have a badge-bearing name of candidate and table No.
19.10 Appointment of Counting Assistants/Supervisors
A model form of letter of appointment is given at Ann. XL of RO Hand book.
(ii) Staff engaged for sealing etc may be appointed also as counting assistants.
(iii) Ensure that no counting staff has affiliation with any candidate or party.
(iv) Supervisor should be a Gazetted Officer or of equivalent status.
(v) One supervisor and one assistant at one table.
19.11 Randomization of counting officials (i)
Counting supervisor/assistant must be selected randomly - They come to know of
the AC and table assigned to them only at the time of arrival at the counting
center on the day of counting.
(ii) Randomization to be done by Observer and DEO at 5 AM on counting day - 10%
staff be kept as reserved - Videography of randomization process will be done.
(iii) After randomization AC wise posting list duly signed by DEO and Observer to be
handed over to RO and control room by 6:00 AM
(iv) Counting officials will reach at 6:00 AM there after they will be assigned the AC
and counting table.
(v) Replacement in exigency will also be done by DEO randomly from reserve staff
after consulting Observer.
Secret seal shall be put on packets only and not on any of the locks of the trunk.
Receipt of such certificate shall be obtained from candidate in the format given in
para 9 of Ch. XV of RO Hand book. Signature of candidate on the
acknowledgement shall be duly attested by the RO.
Day to day details of expenditure incurred from date of nomination till the
result to be maintained by contesting candidate / Election Agent in the
register in the standard proforma.
Copy of the order dt. 24.10.2003 is to be furnished to each candidate at the
time of nomination, alongwith the register, model proforma of abstract,
statement form of affidavit and a letter.
The register shall be serially numbered and authenticated by DEO and be
given to candidate / Election Agent by the RO at the time of nomination.
The register shall be lodged by each contesting candidate accompanied by
prescribed Abstract Statement and Affidavit
Account shall be lodged with DEO within 30 days from the date of declaration
of result.
All vouchers shall be lodged along with the account (R. 56 of CE Rules 1961).
All vouchers should be signed by the candidate / Election Agent.
Maximum limit of expenses for a candidate be ascertained. See the table
appended to the Conduct of Election Rules, 1961.
Register of day to day account of expenditure with vouchers/document shall
be made available for inspection to the DEO / RO / Expenditure Observer or
designated officers.
While maintaining the register, the candidate should also account for
expenditure incurred prior to the date of nomination for preparation of
campaign materials etc., which are actually used during the post nomination
Under double lock - one key with DEO and one with TO
EVMs also to be cleared after expiry of prescribed period and be kept in DEO's
Godown / Store at safe place and as per prescribed norms.
Where election petition is pending election record not to be disposed off and
EVMs not to be cleared and to be kept in tact.
Part-22 Miscellaneous
(Ch. XVIII of RO Handbook)
22.1 Disposal of deposits made by candidates (Sec. 158) (i) The deposit can be refunded only to the person in whose it was made in the
treasury or his legal representatives if he is dead.
(ii) The deposit shall be refunded if the conditions laid down u/s 158 of RP Act, 1951
are fulfilled.
(iii) Form of applications for return is given in RO Hand book.
22.2 ROs report (Para 3 Ch. XVIII of RO Hand book) (i) Two copies of report in Form shown at Annexure XL IV of RO Handbook should be
sent to Commission through CEO one copy for CEO also.
(ii) Ensure in advance that required information from Presiding Officers is available
and mentioned in P.O. diaries.
22.3 Index Card (Para 4 Ch. XVIII of RO Hand book) (i) Send it through CEO to the Commission within 15 days of poll.
(ii) To fill up the Index Card instructions given in the card should be carefully followed
(Ann. XLV) of RO Hand book)
22.4 Disposal of surplus and waste ballot papers (i) Directions of Commission given at Para 13 of Ch. XVIII of RO Hand book shall be
followed strictly.
(ii) Superintendent Government Press and Collector / District Magistrate of the
district, wherein Govt. Press is situated, shall send a report within a week to the
CEO certifying that all surplus and waste ballot papers printed have been
destroyed in the prescribed manner. Such consolidated report with certificate shall
be submitted onwards to the Commission by the CEO.