Measurement of Stiffness of Rock From Laboratory and Field Tests
Measurement of Stiffness of Rock From Laboratory and Field Tests
Measurement of Stiffness of Rock From Laboratory and Field Tests
Naeem O. Abdulhadi & Amjad F. Barghouthi
Arab Center for Engineering Studies (ACES)
This paper compares the deformation modulus of rock measured from laboratory and field tests
which were carried out as part of the site investigation works for a major project in Irbid, Jordan.
Laboratory resonant column and torsional shear tests were performed at different confining
pressures whereas ultrasonic velocity tests were conducted on unconfined rock specimens. In
addition, empirical relationships were used for estimating the rock mass modulus employing the
results of the uniaxial compression and point load strength tests. Field measurements comprised
pressuremeter testing as well as seismic geophysical methods including down-hole and crosshole techniques. The static and dynamic in-situ stiffness measurements were found to be
reasonably in good agreement with the laboratory values from the dynamic tests as well as
empirical methods for estimating rock mass stiffness from uniaxial compressive strength results.
The modulus of deformation is undoubtedly the geomechanical parameter that best represents
the mechanical behavior of rock mass. In particular, when it comes to underground excavations,
this modulus becomes indispensable whatever the type of design approach to be developed.
Laboratory measurements have long been the reference standard for determining the mechanical
properties of geomaterials. In addition, field tests to compliment the geotechnical investigation
and laboratory testing has become an expedient and cost-effective way to determine the strength
and stiffness parameters over an entire site.
The main purpose of this paper is to present and compare the stiffness obtained from static
and dynamic tests determined in the laboratory and field from a comprehensive and integrated
site investigation which was carried out by Arab Center for Engineering Studies (ACES) for a
major project in Irbid, Jordan. The field tests comprised pressuremeter as well as seismic
geophysical methods including down-hole and cross-hole techniques. On the other hand, the
laboratory dynamic tests involved ultrasonic velocity, resonant column and torsional shear
testing. In addition, uniaxial compression tests were carried out in which the stiffness was
estimated from the compressive strength results employing well-established empirical
The deformation constants of a material are the most important parameters in any design and
their determination involves the use of measuring techniques both for load and deformation. The
amount of deformation that most of the rocks undergo is extremely small and its measurement
requires special techniques. Deformation is defined as changes in shape (expansion, contraction,
or other forms of distortion). It occurs usually in response to an applied load or stress, but it also
may result from a change in temperature (thermal expansion or contraction) or water content
(swelling or shrinkage). Deformability describes the ease with which rock can he deformed, and
its inverse, stiffness, the resistance to deformation. Deformability, like strength, depends mostly
on the porosity and the degree of jointing of the rock under test. Pores and joints are the weakest
and most deformable elements in the rock. Other factors influencing rock deformability are
drying and vibration effects from blasting.
The rock mass deformations are calculated by means of modulus of elasticity values as
obtained from laboratory tests on rock core specimens. In general, laboratory rock specimen test
results do not represent the in-situ properties of the overall rock mass. This limitation has led to
the development of several static and dynamic field methods. To define the quality of the rock
masses based on rock mechanics parameters, both field and laboratory test results should be used
in the design. Depending upon the extent, amount and distribution of the joints and other defects
in a rock mass, the modulus of deformation of rock may be quite different from its modulus of
elasticity. Recall that the modulus of deformation is based on the total measured deformation
(elastic plus inelastic). There are static and dynamic methods for determining the deformability
of in-situ rock. In static destructive tests, relatively large static loads are applied on the rock
surface. In dynamic non-destructive tests, the velocity of propagation of elastic waves (seismic
or acoustic) is measured.
Probably the most commonly assumed behavior in practical geomechanics is that of isotropic
linear elasticity (Clayton 2011). Characterization of an isotropic elastic solid requires the
determination of only two material parameters (from four possible measurements, i.e. Youngs
modulus E and Poissons ratio , or shear modulus G and bulk modulus K) for calculations of
strain and deformation, and therefore an assumption of isotropic elasticity has the merit of
simplicity. In the isotropic case, the relationship between the Youngs modulus, Poissons ratio
and shear modulus can be obtained from
2(1 )
Any measurement of stiffness, whether made in the field or in the laboratory, needs to be
critically reviewed in the context of those factors that will control the stiffness of the ground
around the structure. One of the main factors controlling the stiffness is the strain level, where
stiffness parameters may be considered constant (i.e., linear) at very small strains (< 0.001%),
but can be expected to reduce from the maximum value as strains increase above this level
(Figure 1). Note that the strain levels around well-designed geotechnical structures such as
retaining wall, foundations and tunnels are generally small (Burland 1989).
The project site is covered by superficial (recent) deposits underlain by Muwaqqar chalk marl
formation (B3). The superficial deposits comprise topsoil, calcrete, and pleistocene (plateau)
gravel. The topsoil material is composed of reddish brown silty clay with few gravels of chert.
Calcrete (calcareous, caliche) deposits are composed of hard re-crystallized crust of chalk
(calcium carbonates) with some scattered chert fragments and some silty clay intrusions.
Pleistocene gravel deposits are composed of weathered, medium dense to very dense, mixture of
sandy gravel, gravel, cobbles and boulders of limestone, silicified limestone and chert with
poorly to slightly cemented white calcareous (chalky to clayey marl) deposits and reddish brown
silty clay intercalations. The superficial deposits thickness ranged from 10-15m at the site.
The Muwaqqar chalk marl formation (B3) is subdivided into the following divisions (from
top to bottom): limestone materials; chalky to clayey marl materials; and bituminous limestone
and marlstone materials. The limestone layer (upper Muwaqqar) consists of white to beige, silty
texture, horizontally fractured, moderately weak to moderately strong limestone; intercalated
with some thin bands of rosy to brown, very weak to weak, chalky to clayey marl and marlstone,
and few thin bands of brown silty clay. This layer has an average thickness of 25-38m at this
site. The chalky to clayey marl layer (lower Muwaqqar) consists of yellow, rosy and light brown,
silty to clayey texture, massive, very weak, poorly cemented chalky to clayey marl, intercalated
with weak, slightly cemented chalky to clayey marlstone and some moderately weak, chalky to
marly limestone concretions (lenses). The average thickness of this layer is 35-50m. The
bituminous limestone and marlstone layer (lower Muwaqqar) consists of light to dark gray,
massive to thick bedded, moderately weak to moderately strong bituminous limestone,
intercalated with dark gray to black, very weak to weak, thinly foliated bituminous marl and
marlstone. The minimum thickness of this layer at the site is 80m. It should be noted that no
groundwater was encountered in any of the boreholes.
single borehole probe encompasses the seismic source (generating P & S waves) and two
receivers (three-component geophones) with spacing of 1m between the two receivers. This
allows the travel time to be determined from waveforms detected at both sensors from the same
hammer blow. The borehole was cased with PVC threaded pipes with one-way valve at the
bottom end, and the annular space outside the PVC pipes was grouted with cement-bentonite
grout with bottom-up grouting technique. The test was carried out in a borehole filled with
The shear modulus of the rock can be determined from the shear wave velocity using the
following relationship
G Vs
where is the bulk density and Vs is the shear wave velocity. It should be noted that the density
was assumed based on the laboratory results. From this, the elastic Youngs modulus was
determined using equation (1) and employing the Poissons ratio values estimated from P & S
wave velocities using the following relationship
(V p / Vs ) 2
2{(V p / Vs ) 2 1}
Cross-hole Geophysics
The standard cross-hole seismic test was carried out to acquire shear and compressional wave
velocities as a function of depth (1.0m logging interval) which in turn can be used to obtain
dynamic soil properties (E, G, and v). The test was carried out in boreholes drilled to depth of
100m in accordance to ASTM D 4428. Three co-linear boreholes with 4.5m spacing were used.
A borehole verticality survey was carried out in order to calculate the actual distance between
boreholes at each test depth, since some deviation from vertical will have occurred during
drilling and casing installation. A source was inserted in one of the boreholes to create seismic P
& S waves whereas receivers (three-component geophones) were placed in the remaining two
boreholes to measure the arrival of the seismic wave. The use of two sets of receivers avoids the
issue of trigger accuracy, but increase the cost of this type of test. The inter-borehole distance is
divided by the travel time at each depth to calculate the wave velocity. Like the PS suspension
borehole, the cross-hole boreholes were cased with PVC threaded pipes with one-way valve at
the bottom end, and the annular space outside the PVC pipes was grouted with cement bentonite
grout with bottom-up grouting technique.
The shear and Youngs modulus as well as the Poissons ratio were calculated using
equations (1), (2) and (3) above. The results of the cross-hole logging are provided in Figure 4.
The figure show graphs of P & S velocities, dynamic modulus (shear and Young), and Poissons
ratio versus depth.
E m (GPa)
GSI 10
qc ( MPa )
Figure 6: Results of resonant column test for (a) limestone (b) marlstone (c) bituminous material
Torsional Shear Testing
The torsional shear test is another method for determining the shear modulus along with other
dynamic properties using the same fixed-free Stokoe-type apparatus but operating it in a
different manner. A cyclic torsional force with a given frequency, generally below 10Hz, is
applied at the top of the specimen. Instead of determining the resonant frequency, the stressstrain hysteresis loop is determined from measuring the torque-twist response of the specimen.
Proximitors are used to measure the angle of twist while the voltage applied to the coil is
calibrated to yield torque. Shear modulus is calculated from the slope of a line through the end
points of the hysteresis loop. These tests were also performed by an external agency outside
Like the resonant column test, the torsional shear tests were carried out in a confining system
where the tests results were obtained at different confinement pressures. Figure 7 presents the
non-linear deformation characteristics (shear modulus reduction curves) from torsional shear
tests for the limestone, marl/marlstone and bituminous limestone and marlstone materials.
Figure 7: Results of torsional shear test for (a) limestone (b) marlstone (c) bituminous material
Ultrasonic Pulse Testing
Ultrasonic pulse velocity tests were carried out on marlstone and limestone rock core
specimens using PROCEQ ultrasonic velocity equipment. Similar method to those described in
ASTM C 597 and BS 1881-203 for measurement of ultrasonic pulse velocity in concrete were
adopted. These tests were conducted to determine the pulse compressional wave velocity and
subsequently the elastic modulus of the material at zero confining pressures. The rock specimens
were mounted between the transmitter and receiver transducer holders. The velocity of ultrasonic
waves covering the length of the specimens can be calculated by measuring the time between
sending and receiving waves. The dynamic Youngs modulus can be determined from the
ultrasonic velocity (v) using the following relationship
E d v 2
(1 )(1 2 )
(1 )
where the density () and Poissons ratio () were based on laboratory and geophysical test
The rock specimen details and the calculated ultrasonic pulse velocity and dynamic Youngs
modulus values are presented in Table 1.
Sonic Velocity, v
Dynamic Modulus, Ed
Upper Muwaqqar
Lower Muwaqqar
E from Down-hole
E from Cross-hole
E from Resonant Column 0.001%
Figure 8: Comparison of Youngs modulus values from field and laboratory measurments
The following conclusions may be drawn on the basis of the content of the present paper:
There is reasonably good agreement between the static and dynamic stiffness results from
the laboratory and field measurements.
The stiffness values from the geophysical seismic cross-hole test compare fairly well
with the down-hole test results.
The rock mass stiffness estimated from the uniaxial compressive strength using the
empirical relationship from BS 8004 yields results significantly lower than those
obtained from other laboratory and field tests. On the other hand, the stiffness derived
from the Hoek and Brown (1997) correlation agrees quite well with the other results.
The simple ultrasonic pulse velocity tests generated reasonable stiffness results when
compared to other more elaborate methods.
The results from the laboratory resonant column and torsional shear tests were slightly
lower than the other methods in marl/marlstone but in good agreement in limestone. This
is believed to be due to material disturbance during sampling.
ASTM (1997) Standard Test Method for Pulse Velocity Through Concrete, ASTM C 597-97.
West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
ASTM (2000) Standard Test Methods for Crosshole Seismic Testing, ASTM D 4428/D4428M00. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
ASTM (2007) Standard Test Methods for Prebored Pressuremeter Testing in Soils, ASTM D
4719-07. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
BSI (1986) Code of Practice for Foundations, BS 8004:1986. Milton Keynes: British Standards
BSI (1986) Testing Concrete Part 203: Recommendations for Measurement of Velocity of
Ultrasonic Pulses in Concrete, BS 1881-203:1986. Milton Keynes: British Standards Institution.
Burland, J. B. (1989) Small is Beautiful: The stiffness of Soils at Small Strains. Ninth Laurits
Bjerrum Lecture. Canandian Geotechnical Journal, 26, No. 4, 87-100.
Clayton, C.R. (2011) Stiffness at Small Strain: Research and Practice. Fiftieth Rankine Lecture,
Geotechnique, 61, No. 1, 5-37.
Hoek, E. & Brown, E.T. (1997) Practical Estimates of Rock Mass Strength. International Journal
of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, 34(8), 1165-1186.