AFC Germany
AFC Germany
AFC Germany
The latest results of our ongoing research activities in the development of reducedorder models based feedback control of subsonic cavity flows are presented and
discussed in this paper. Particle image velocimetry data and the proper orthogonal
decomposition technique are used to extract the most energetic flow features or
POD eigenmodes. The Galerkin projection of the Navier-Stokes equations onto
these modes is used to derive a set of ordinary differential equations, which govern
the time evolution of the modes, for the controller design. Stochastic estimation is
used to correlate surface pressure data with flow field data and dynamic surface
pressure measurements are used for real-time update of the flow model. Three sets
of PIV snapshots of a Mach 0.3 cavity flow were used to derive three reducedorder models for controller design: (1) snapshots from the baseline (no control)
flow, (2) snapshots from an open-loop forced flow, and (3) combined snapshots
from the cases 1 and 2. Linear-quadratic optimal controllers based on all three
models were designed and tested experimentally. Real-time implementation shows
a remarkable attenuation of the resonant tone and a redistribution of the energy into
various modes with much lower energy levels.
Flow control can be divided into two general categories: passive and active. In the
former, which is much easier to implement and has wide-spread applications,
control is accomplished by geometrical modifications to the flow system. In the
latter, mass, momentum, and/or energy are added to the flow. Active control is
divided into open-loop and closed-loop. In open-loop control, actuation takes place
based on an operators command or a predetermined input. In the closed-loop case,
information from one or more sensors in the flow along with a flow model guides
the actuation process.
loop endeavors are encouraging, but also indicate that many issues remain to be
solved and numerous opportunities for further advancement of the technology
While we have examined other control approaches in recent years ([20], [31] and
[32]), our primary objective from the onset has been the development of control
techniques based on a reduced-order model of the cavity flow [33], [34], [29] and
[30]. The approach we have followed in the development of this model is based on
the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). This technique relies on the energycontaining eddies in the flow, which can be extracted using the spatial correlation
tensor of the velocity field, in the form of spatial eigenmodes called POD modes.
These structures are the most dominant features in the flow and are the only
entities that can effectively be controlled. The dynamics of the flow are obtained
when these modes are modulated by time coefficients obtained by projecting the
Navier-Stoke equations governing the flow onto the POD basis. This results in a
set of non-linear, ordinary differential equations, which we use for controller
design. The equations are autonomous and not useful for controller design
purposes since the controller input is not explicit. Consequently, they must be
recast in a form expressing the control input explicitly so that a feedback controller
can be designed using the tools of control theory, [35] and [29].
In the next section we will introduce the flow facility used in this study. Section 4
will present the POD and Galerkin methods adopted for deriving the reduced-order
model, and the stochastic estimation approach used for real-time estimation of the
flow model variables directly from dynamic surface pressure measurements. This
is followed in Section 5 by a discussion of the flow characteristics and of the
reduced-order model results, and in Section 6 by the design and implementation of
the linear-quadratic controller. We will present and discuss the experimental results
in Section 7, followed by concluding remarks in Section 8.
Details of the experimental facility and the experimental techniques used can be
found in [16] and [36]. The facility, located at the Gas Dynamics and Turbulence
Laboratory (GDTL) of The Ohio State University (OSU), is a small scale blowdown wind tunnel with a variable-depth cavity recessed in the floor and spanning
the width of the test section. The air is conditioned in a settling chamber designed
to minimize free stream turbulence and directed to the 50.8 mm (2 in) by 50.8 mm
(2 in) test section, Figure 1, through a smoothly contoured converging nozzle
before exhausting into a large exhaust pipe taking it to the atmosphere. The facility
can be operated in the Mach number range 0.20 to 0.70. The focus of this work is
on a shallow cavity with length 50.8 mm and depth of 12.7 mm (0.5 in)
corresponding to a cavity aspect ratio, L/D, of 4. For Mach 0.30 flow, the Reynolds
number based on this cavity depth is approximately 105. Optical quality windows
surround the test section and allow laser based flow diagnostics from 15 mm
upstream to 25 mm downstream of the cavity.
Actuator output
Kulite pressure
and the pressure signals allows, for each snapshot, the identification of the section
of pressure time traces corresponding to the instantaneous velocity field.
For closed-loop control of the flow, a dSPACE 1103 DSP board connected to the
Dell Precision Workstation 650 is used. This system utilizes four independent, 16bit A/D converters each with 4 multiplexed input channels and allows simultaneous
acquisition and control processing of 4 signals and almost simultaneous, due to
multiplexing, acquisition and processing of additional signals at a rate up to 50 kHz
per channel to produce at the same rate a control signal from a 14-bit output
The POD method was introduced to the fluid dynamics community by Lumley
[38] as an objective tool to extract energy-containing large scale structures in a
turbulent flow. Implementation of POD technique requires detailed flow data,
which nowadays could readily be obtained using either numerical simulations or
laser based planar flow measurements. The original derivation, however, favored
time-resolved data over a long time period at a few spatial locations (hot-wire type
data, e.g. [39]). More details of the method can be found in [40] and [41]. Two
decades later, Sirovich [42] extended the POD approach and developed the
snapshot method, which favors spatially-resolved, but time-uncorrelated snapshots
of the flow field. Such data can be easily obtained using advanced laser-based
planar flow diagnostics (such as particle image velocimetry, PIV, or planar
Doppler velocimetry, PDV) or numerical simulations. We are currently using PIV
data with the snapshot method. Details of the snapshot method and its application
in the present context are given in [33] and [37].
The POD method uses M snapshots of the flow and casts the fluctuations in the
flow in terms of N spatial orthonormal modes (N<M) or POD modes, i ( x ) , and
time coefficients for these modes, ai(t). Equation (4.1) is for streamwise velocity
fluctuations that contain major portion of the kinetic energy in the flow.
u ' (x , t )
(t ) i ( x ) .
For each one of the several flow conditions (i.e. flow Mach number) explored in
this work, 1000 PIV snapshots of the flow field were acquired [36]. Each snapshot
contains two-component of instantaneous velocity on a grid of 128 by 128 over an
approximate measurement domain of 50.8 mm (2 in) by 50.8 mm (2 in) on the x-y
plane passing through center of the cavity. The results indicate that the mean
turbulence kinetic energy is converged by using approximately 700 snapshots [30].
Consequently all 1000 snapshots were used to obtain the POD modes.
Galerkin Projection
a& (t ) = F + Ga (t ) +
+ B (t ) +
a (t )H a (t )
B 1 (t ) T a (t )
B N (t ) T a (t )
of the time coefficients ai(t) obtained with the POD method from M time
uncorrelated PIV snapshots.
By using a finite number (N) of modes to describe the flow, one not only filters out
smaller flow structures, but also fails to account for the energy transfer process
between the N retained modes and the neglected ones. Therefore, an additional
viscous term, the modal eddy viscosity [44] was added to the model to maintain the
overall energy balance and to compensate for the truncated modes. This additional
term is added to the viscous term in the Navier-Stokes equations, and is obtained
by a modal energy balance [44].
Stochastic Estimation
i=1N, k, l=1L
The Mach number of the flow varied between Mach 0.20 and 0.70 using Mach
number increments of 0.01 to explore the cavity flow characteristics. For each of
these flows, surface dynamic pressure and the sound pressure level (SPL) spectra
were obtained at the center of the cavity floor, as detailed in Section 3 by using a
flush-mounted Kulite pressure transducer. Figure 3 summarizes the results by
showing the SPL intensity level and frequency as a function of the Mach number.
In the same figure are also shown the lines corresponding to the first four Rossiter
modes (R1-R4) predicted by the modified Rossiter formula [13], the 1st
longitudinal acoustic mode based on the cavity length (L1), and the 1st and 2nd
transversal acoustic modes (T1, T2). Strong resonant tones are observed near the
intersections of the predicted Rossiter modes with both the transversal and the
longitudinal acoustic modes. The observation of the interaction between Rossiter
and transversal acoustic modes is similar to that of [15] who explored low subsonic
cavity flow. The work of [12], [14] and [3] all examined cavity flows for which the
tunnel vertical dimension was significantly larger than the cavity length. Therefore,
they observed the interaction of Rossiter modes with the longitudinal cavity
acoustic mode, but not with the transverse acoustic modes, as the transverse
acoustics mode had much lower frequency in their cases.
Based on these observations and similar results in the past [16], we have used the
Mach 0.30 flow as our reference baseline case because it shows a single tone at
about 2900 Hz, which is near with the 3rd Rossiter mode and the 1st transversal
acoustic mode. At this Mach number the actuator has enough authority and realtime feedback control is practical. In the current work we have explored this
baseline flow along with several controlled cases.
Figure 4 presents the SPL spectrum of the surface pressure measured at the test
section side wall at the center of the cavity (sensor # 5 in Figure 2) for the baseline
Mach 0.3 cavity flow resonating at the third Rossiter mode, Figure 3. At other
Mach numbers where the cavity oscillates in more than one mode, there is rapid
switching between the modes and the energy gets distributed among the modes
Figure 5 presents the instantaneous planar smoke flow visualization images of the
baseline Mach 0.3 cavity flow and two open-loop forced cases. Three coherent
large scale structures are clearly visible in the baseline case, consistent with the
spectrum in Figure 4 and for a flow resonating at the 3rd Rossiter mode. Figure 5(b)
is for the same flow excited at 1830 Hz (i.e. at the second Rossiter mode). As a
result, two large coherent structures are clearly visible in the shear layer. This
confirms that forcing at this frequency weakens or eliminates the natural feedback
mechanism for the third Rossiter mode, but excites the flow at this lower mode.
Figures 5(c) presents the Mach 0.30 flow forced at 3920 Hz. This frequency is
close to the fourth Rossiter mode and as a result four large-scale structures are
visible in the instantaneous image. The phase-locked images of these three flows
also clearly show the existence of these coherent structures [36]. These results
confirm the control authority of the actuators and also the capabilities of the
experimental set up to control the flow to resonate at various Rossiter modes and to
significantly affect the flow field. Interestingly, detailed PIV results show no
significant changes in the ensemble-averaged flow characteristics for these three
quite different flows [36]. Three reduced-order models using PIV snapshots of the
baseline flow, the same forced flow at 3920 Hz, and from both cases are derived
and used for controller design.
a) Baseline
b) forced at 1830 H
c) forced at 3920 Hz
Figure 5 Instantaneous planar images of the baseline Mach 0.30 cavity flow and two
controlled flows. Flow is from left to right.
Figure 6 shows the first two POD modes for the v-component of velocity
fluctuations of the baseline Mach 0.30 flow. There are three structures in the flow
consistent with the flow visualizations results shown in Figure 5 (a) and with the
surface pressure spectrum of Figures 3 and 4, which shows that the cavity
resonates at the third Rossiter mode. The energy contained in these four modes is
about 40%. These four modes were used in the design of the controller. Phaseaverage v-component of velocity fluctuations from PIV data show a structure
pattern very much similar to the 2nd or 3rd POD modes shown in Figure 6 [36].
Figure 6 First two POD modes for the v-component of velocity fluctuations
of the baseline flow.
In an earlier work, we used a logic based open-loop control and showed that at
certain forcing frequencies the cavity fluctuations are significantly reduced [16].
One such frequency is 3920 Hz (StD~0.5), which is close to the 4th Rossiter mode.
Forcing at this frequency changes the resonance to multi-mode regime and reduces
the peak at the third Rossiter modes by about 20 dB, but adds a smaller peak (10 to
20 dB lower depending on the sensor location) at the forcing frequency. It is
interesting to note, that one of the multiple modes is a sub-harmonic of the forcing
frequency, which is close to the second Rossiter mode. This mode seems to
dominate over the other modes. The first two POD modes for this case are shown
in Figure 7. It is obvious that the forcing has disrupted the natural resonance at the
3rd Rossiter mode, but established a resonance at the 2nd Rossiter mode with two
clearly defined structures in the flow. The energy contained in these four modes is
about 37%, lower than that of the baseline case.
Figure 7 First two POD modes for the v-component of velocity fluctuations
of the flow forced at 3920 Hz.
The POD modes from the combined PIV snapshots of the two cases discussed
above with a total of 2000 snapshots (not shown) take some characteristics from
each. For example, the first and second modes with two dominant structures and
the third and fourth modes with three structures resemble those of the baseline and
the forced cases, respectively.
The set of non-linear ordinary differential equations in equation (4.2), obtained by
Galerkin projection of the Navier-Stokes equations onto the POD modes, was
solved to check the evolution and convergence of the time coefficients. The time
coefficients for the baseline cavity flow converged using a number of modes N
between 4 and 10. After an initial transient period, the coefficient oscillates close to
zero, as expected.
The time coefficients for the baseline case from the PIV snapshots were obtained
using equation (5.1):
a i (t ) =
u ' ( x , t ) i (x ) d x .
The qualitative comparison between the results from the solution of equation (4.2)
and values obtained with equation (5.1) from the PIV measurements is quite good.
Using FFT analysis the frequency of oscillation of the time coefficient for the first
mode was found to be about 2417 Hz, a somewhat lower value than the
experimental one (about 2840 Hz). It was observed that the system trajectories
converged to the same behavior, irrespective of the initial condition of the time
coefficient used for the solution of equation (4.2), showing the existence of a stable
limit cycle.
Similar results were obtained for the time coefficients of the other three modes of
the baseline Mach 0.3 flow, and the forced case, and the combined forced and
baseline cases. Interestingly, the spectra of time coefficients for POD modes 1 and
2 show a frequency of 1632 Hz for the forced case at 3920 Hz, which is somewhat
lower than the lowest peak in the experimental surface pressure spectrum, which
will be shown later. Also, in evaluating the stochastic estimation technique results,
discussed in Section 4.3, the time coefficients obtained via quadratic stochastic
estimation, equation (4.3), were compared with those obtained via PIV snapshots
and equation (5.1). Again, the qualitative comparison was good, and the results
from the solution of equation (4.3) fell within the range obtained experimentally
from PIV results and equation (5.1) [29] and [30].
In this section, we present and discuss the design of the model-based controller.
The control design approach has been presented in details by the authors in
previous works [34] and [29], and thus it will be only outlined here. The design
procedure includes equilibrium computation, coordinates transformation, linear
approximation of the Galerkin system, and linear-quadratic state feedback control
design. Three reduced-order flow models obtained from POD methods have been
investigated in this work: (1) the baseline Mach 0.3 flow; (2) the same flow forced
at 3920 Hz using open-loop; (3) a flow model obtained from POD modes derived
combining PIV snapshots from cases 1 and 2. The reduced-order flow model for all
three cases for control design is the same nonlinear state space model given by
equation (4.2), with N = 4, whereas the numerical values of the model parameters
obviously varies for each case.
a = G a +
+ B +
4 ~
where a 0 is the equilibrium point computed for the model, equation (4.2), and
a 0T H
G = G +
a 0T H
+ (H
+ (H
) , ~
B = B +
)T a
)T a
Clearly, the modified model has an equilibrium point at the origin, which is more
convenient for controller design and stability analysis. The reader is referred to
[29] for a detailed description of the model simplification techniques.
The eigenvalues of the system matrix of the unforced system, equation (6.3) have
been computed for the three cases respectively as
( )
1596.6 + 7023.1i
1596.6 - 7023.1i
- 3652
- 879.9
1567.2 + 6880.9i
- 4030
- 524.6
1567.2 - 6880.9i
G2 =
( )
1397 + 7061.7i ,
1397 - 7061.7i
G3 =
( )
- 2870.9
- 697.2
where the subscript i =1, 2, 3 corresponds to the model based on the baseline flow,
the model based on the same flow with open-loop sinusoidal forcing at 3920 Hz,
and the model based on the combination of these, respectively. All the fourth-order
Galerkin systems for the three cases exhibit the same qualitative features (2
unstable complex conjugate eigenvalues plus 2 stable real eigenvalues) and
quantitative similarities as well. The presence of two unstable complex conjugate
eigenvalues implies, as expected, that the mean flow (corresponding to the
equilibrium a 0 ) is an unstable solution for the Galerkin system, equation (4.2).
Since the pairs ( G~ , B~ ) for all cases are controllable, linear state-feedback design
based on the linearized model, equation (6.3), offers a simple approach to the
design of a controller for the nonlinear model, equation (6.1). Recall that the
stochastic estimation method provides a way to estimate the time coefficients of
the Galerkin system from real-time surface pressure measurements, equation (4.3).
The availability of real-time estimates of the state of the Galerkin model, equation
(6.1), allows the use of linear state-feedback control to globally stabilize the origin
of equation (6.3). This, in turn, yields a controller that locally stabilizes the origin
of the nonlinear system, equation (6.1). A convenient and well-established
methodology for the state-feedback controller design is offered by linear-quadratic
(LQ) optimal control. The LQ design computes the gain matrix K such that the
state-feedback law
( t ) = K a~ ( t )
minimizes the quadratic cost function
( a~ , ) =
a~ + W
) dt ,
where Wa~ > 0 and W > 0 are positive definite weighting functions for the state
vector and the control signal, respectively. Minimization of J c results in
asymptotic stabilization of the origin, while the control energy is kept small. In our
design, the weights have been chosen as W a~ = I 4 4 and W = 1 for all three
models, and the corresponding control gains with respect to the three flows read as
K 1 = [ 56 . 2
8 .8
417 . 2
12 . 8 ] ,
K 2 = [52.5
- 168
- 102 ] ,
K 3 = [17.6
208 . 8
11 . 6
146 . 8 ]
Applying the state feedback control, equation (6.5), to the linearized system,
equation (6.3), results in mirroring all the right-half plane eigenvalues of the matrix
G to the left half plane. Figure 8 shows the simulation results obtained by
applying the state feedback control, equation (6.5), to the finite-dimensional
nonlinear model, equation (4.2), which indicate that the closed-loop state
trajectories a(t ) converge to the corresponding equilibrium points in each case,
given by
a 01 = [ 0.5036 0.2788 0.1930 0.4980 ]T ,
a 0 2 = [ 0 . 3081
a 0 3 = [ 0 .3261
0 . 1483
0 . 2083
0 . 4895 ] T
0 .2158
0 .2598
0 .4753 ]
Figure 8 Time coefficient solutions of the closed-loop simulation results. (a) baseline
flow model, (b) open-loop forced flow model with forcing frequency of 3920 Hz, (c)
combined flow model of the above two cases.
Figure 9 Diagram of the closed loop system with LQ state feedback control.
value a 0 computed from the model data. However, in implementing the controller,
subtracting the equilibrium values from the estimated ones is not required, since
the DC values have been removed from the pressure measurements by means of
high-pass filtering. That is, equation (4.3) naturally produces the values of a~ from
the experimental measurements. It is important to point out that, to prevent any
damage to the actuator, the control input signal is limited to the range 10V. Since
the gains of the LQ control, equation (6.7), are quite large, constant saturations of
the actuator were observed during closed-loop experiments for all cases under
investigation. Therefore, it was necessary to introduce a scaling factor 0<<1 in the
state-feedback to keep the actuator below the saturation limit. The largest possible
scaling factors have been found to be 1 = 0.265 , 2 = 0.35 and 3 = 0.5 for
each of the three flow models considered, and the corresponding scaled control is
in the form
( t ) = K a~ ( t ) .
The scaled LQ controls, equation (7.1), have also been simulated on corresponding
nonlinear models, equation (4.2), as depicted in Figure 10. It is evident that, though
the scaled LQ control for the given values of is not able to asymptotically
stabilize the origin of the nonlinear model, equation (4.2), it nevertheless provides
a significant reduction of the amplitude of the stable limit cycle in all three cases.
This result is in agreement with a mathematical analysis carried out on the
nonlinear finite-dimensional Galerkin model, equation (6.1), which predicts a
reduction of the amplitude of limit cycle (corresponding to the fundamental cavity
tone) as the gain increases from 0 to 0.5, with complete suppression of the
oscillation only possible for >0.5.
Figure 10 Closed loop responses at P 3 with different scaling factor . (a) baseline flow
model, (b) open-loop forced flow model with forcing frequency of 3920 Hz, (c) combined
flow model of the above two cases
The performance of the scaled control law, equation (7.1), has been tested
experimentally, for different flow and forcing conditions. We now discuss the
results obtained for Mach 0.3 cavity flow. Specifically, we present the closed-loop
sound pressure level spectra from sensor 5 located on the cavity wall in Figure 2
(sensor #6 exhibit similar results) obtained in closed-loop with each LQ controller
designed on the basis of the three flow models discussed in Section 6. In addition, a
comparison is made with the results obtained using open-loop sinusoidal excitation
at 3290 Hz (optimal forcing frequency), and a combined open-loop forcing with
closed-loop LQ control.
The results for closed-loop LQ control, shown in Figure 11 show a considerable
attenuation of the resonance peak in sensor location 5 (with a similar behavior at
sensor location 6), and a redistribution of the energy into various modes, especially
lower frequency modes, with much lower energy level. It is worth noting that the
results do not differ significantly when a forced flow model (Figure 10 (b)-(c)), is
considered in place of the baseline flow (Figure 10 (a)), although a slightly more
uniform attenuation of the SPL can be noted in the third case. This is somewhat
surprising, as one would expect the presence of forcing to improve the fidelity of
the model in closed-loop conditions, and ultimately to provide a richer model,
Figure 11 Sound pressure level spectra obtained from sensor #5 in closed-loop
experiments with LQ design based on: baseline flow model (a), forced flow model
(b), and combined flow model (c)
A comparison with the results obtained under optimal open-loop forcing shown in
Figure 12 (a) reveals that, while both control cases forced the flow to multi-mode
regime, overall the closed-loop control performs better than the open-loop control.
Note specially the presence of a significant peak at the open-loop forcing
frequency (which is as high as 120 dB for the SPL recorded by sensor #6, not
shown) and lack thereof any significant peak in the feedback control case. This
behavior, intrinsic in open-loop forcing, may be somehow alleviated combining
optimal open-loop forcing with LQ feedback control, in which the open-loop
sinusoidal forcing plays the role of a feedforward control. From the point of view
Figure 12. Sound pressure level recorded by sensor #5 under open-loop forcing (a),
and under combined open-loop and feedback control designed on the forced flow
model (b), and combined open-loop and feedback control designed on the combined
flow model (c)
Concluding Remarks
The work presented and discussed in this paper is part of our ongoing research
activities in the development of reduced-order models based feedback control of
subsonic cavity flows. The cavity is shallow with L/D of 4 and spans the width of
the wind tunnel test section. The facility can be operated continuously between
Mach 0.2 and 0.7, but the majority of the work was carried out around Mach 0.3
with a Reynolds number based on the cavity depth of approximately 105. The
output of a compression driver is channeled to the cavity leading edge where it
exits at an angle of 30o with respect to the main flow through a 2-D slot of 1 mm
height that spans the cavity width. This arrangement provides zero net mass, nonzero net momentum flow for actuation, similar to that of a synthetic jet. Actuation
can be achieved in the frequency range of 1-20 kHz. The actuator to main flow
momentum ratio is in the range of 10-4 to 10-6. With open-loop forcing, we can
force the cavity to operate in a single-mode and lock onto various Rossiter modes
or to operate in multi-mode with rapid switching between modes.
The work includes using various laser based flow diagnostics to understand flow
physics and also to obtain detailed data for the derivation of reduced-order models
for controller design. Particle image velocimetry data and the snapshot based
proper orthogonal decomposition technique are used to extract the most energetic
flow features or POD eigenmodes. For each flow case, 1000 PIV snapshots are
used (over 700 snapshots are needed for the kinetic energy to converge). The
Galerkin projection of the Navier-Stokes equations onto the POD modes is used to
derive a set of non-linear ordinary differential equations, which govern the time
evolution of the modes, and to use for the controller design. Quadratic stochastic
estimation is used to correlate PIV data to surface pressure data thus enabling a
real-time update the state of the model based on the continuously time resolved
pressure measurements.
Three sets of PIV snapshots of a Mach 0.3 cavity flow were used to derive three
reduced-order models for the controller design: (1) snapshots from the baseline (no
control) single-mode flow, (2) snapshots from the same flow open-loop forced at
3920 Hz which produces multi-mode cavity resonance, and (3) combined
snapshots from the cases 1 and 2. A linear-quadratic optimal controller based on all
three models was designed to reduce cavity flow resonance and tested in the
experiments. The results obtained for all three flow models outperform those
obtained using open-loop control, and indicate that feedback control strategies
based on reduced-order flow models represent a compelling approach to subsonic
cavity flow control. Notwithstanding the encouraging results reported and
This work is supported by the AFRL/VA and AFOSR through the Collaborative
Center of Control Science. The authors would like to thank Hitay zbay, Chris
Camphouse, and Kihwan Kim for help and fruitful discussions.
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