First Taught Lesson
First Taught Lesson
First Taught Lesson
Brittany Fitzgerald
Grade: 5
Date: 11/3/2016
Desired Results
CCSS and/or NYS Learning Standards (Rubric Line 35 and 39):
Common Core Standard for Mathematical Practice #1
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Common Core Standard for Mathematical Content 5. NBT: Number and Operations in Base Ten:
Understand the place value system
5.NBT.1 Recognize that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much
as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left.
NYS Learning Standards for Health, Physical Education, Family and Consumer Science
Standard 1: Personal Health and Fitness
Elementary Family and Consumer Science Key Idea #1: Students will use an understanding of
the elements of good nutrition to plan appropriate diets for themselves and others. They will
know and use the appropriate tools and technologies for safe and healthy food preparation.
Essential Questions (Rubric Line 36):
How does the position of a digit in a number affect its value?
Enduring Understandings(Rubric Line 36):
Students will understand that
There is ten to one relationship between neighboring place values.
Objectives (Rubric Line 31):
Students will be able to ...
Students will be able to describe how many times larger a digit in one number is than that same digit in
another number. Additionally, students will have to create a new number that shows that a specific
number is a certain number of times larger than or as large as a given number.
number that has a 6 ten times larger than the 6 in the number 630. Make sure to show your work and
explain how you solved the problem.
Scoring Rubric (to be used on the material they write in their math journal):
10 pts Incorrect answer given
of Answer
Accuracy of 10 pts Explanation leads to
incorrect answer if
followed exactly;
explanation of method is
absent or incomplete
Correct answer given
Explanation includes
some unclear or
ambiguous steps that
may or may not lead to
the correct answer;
explanation of method is
Explanation leads to
correct answer when
followed exactly;
explanation includes a
correct use of method.
Other Evidence:
Areas of Child Development (Rubric Line 28)
Cognitive development is supported because children learn to make sense of place values.
Linguistic development is supported because students will have to explain how they know how much
larger a number is compared to another and explain how the number they created fits the prompt.
Learning Plan
Classroom Arrangement:
Get all the materials ready ahead of time.
Prepare the opening problem on an overhead or computer screen or flip chart ahead of time.
Note: Technology is integrated but not an integral part for this lesson in order to preserve a tight focus
on math and family and consumer science. (Rubric Line 30b)
Bag of Halloween candy
Smartboard, whiteboard, projector, or easel
Questions/prompts already made
Notecards with numbers written on them
Revised 1/20/16
Revised 1/20/16
Multiplying 40 times ten gives us 400. Thus 400 is ten times larger than 40. We could then say the
opposite, as well. If I move to the left by multiplying ten, then I can move to the right by multiplying
by one tenth. I can state that 40 is one tenth as large as 400. This example is to show students the
relationship between neighboring numbers on a place value chart.
I will demonstrate this concept of how much larger one number is compared to another a few more
times. I will write two numbers on the board and talk aloud how to go about answer the question,
How much larger is ____ compared to _____?
I will write the number 5 and .5 on the board, and pose the question. How much larger is 5 compared
to .5? I will talk aloud and say well the 5 in 5 is in the ones place and the 5 in .5 is in the tenths place.
Once again I will write the place values on top of the 5s. I will explain that I know the place value
system works by increasing by factors of 10, thus in order to get from .5 to 5, I have to multiply by
10. Thus 5 is ten times larger than .5. Once again I can go the opposite way and say that .5 is one
tenth as large as 5.
I will demonstrate solving these problems one more time following the same steps but with the
numbers .5 and .05.
The next few problems I will post one at a time on the board and we will work together, where I will
call on students who are raising their hands to answer my questions.
How much larger is the 2 in 20 compared to the 2 in 2?
How much larger is the 2 in 2 compared to the 2 in .2?
How much larger is the 2 in .2 compared to the 2 in .02?
The following questions will be posted on the board and the students will copy these problems into
their notebooks to be completed on their own and then we will go over them as a class.
How much larger is the 6 in 6,782 than the 6 in 678?
How much larger is the 4 in 4.5 than the 4 in .45?
How much larger is the 9 in 8.9 than the 9 in .89?
How much larger is the 7 in 734 than the 7 in 73.4?
Now I will instruct the students that instead of giving them two numbers, I will give them one number
and then they will have to create another number that fits the directions. I will demonstrate by writing
the number 3 on the board. I will pose/post the statement. Create a number with 3 that is ten times
larger than the 3 in 3. I will talk out loud to create the number by saying that I know that the 3 on the
board is in the ones place and I know that the place value system works by factors of ten. So I can go
up one place value and that will be the same as multiplying my number by ten, or making my number
ten times larger. Thus in order to create a number with a 3 that is ten times larger than the 3 in 3, I
have to go up one place value to get 30. So the 3 in 30 is ten times larger than the 3 in 3. I will then
ask the class if instead of 30, could I have written 35? The answer is yes, the 5 in the ones place does
not change the value of the 3 in 30 or the fact that it is ten times larger than the 3 in 3.
Revised 1/20/16
I will demonstrate this concept of creating numbers again but this time moving down the place value
chart. I will write the number 3 again on the board. This time I will pose/post the statement, create a
number that is one tenth as large as the 3 in 3. Once again I will talk through my steps aloud by
saying the 3 is in the ones place and I know that one tenth is the opposite of ten. I can expect that my
answer will be smaller than 3. I know that if I wanted to find a number that is ten times as large I
move to the left on the place value chart, but this time I am doing the opposite. Now I know that I
need to move to the right. Thus in order to find a number that is one tenth as large, I will move the
number a place value to the right. The place value to the right of the ones place if the tenths place, so .
3 is one tenth as large as the 3 in 3. Once again I will ask the students if I could have written the
number 4.3. The answer is yes, the 4 in the ones place does not change the value of 3 or the fact that it
is one tenth as large as the number 3.
The next few problems I will post one at a time on the board and we will work together, where I will
call on students who are raising their hands to answer my questions.
Create a number with a 4 that is ten times larger than the 4 in 40.
Create a number with a 4 that is one tenth as large as the 4 in 40.
Create a number with a 4 that is one tenth as large as the 4 in .4.
The following questions will be posted on the board and the students will copy these problems into
their notebooks to be completed on their own and then we will go over them as a class.
Create a number with a 4 that is ten times larger than the 4 in the number 5.04.
Create a number with a 5 that is one tenth as large as the 5 in the number 65,213.
Create a number with a 6 that is one tenth as large as the 6 in the number 846.2.
Create a number with a 2 that is one tenth as large as the 2 in the number 789.2.
DIFFERENTIATION: Since students are encouraged to solve in whatever way makes sense to
them, differentiation is built in to this lesson design. During direct instruction, accommodations will
be made for students who have hearing or vision difficulties by making appropriate technologies
and/or materials available to them. Students with IEPs will receive individual help to ensure that
their goals are being met.
Assessment (Rubric Line 32 and 37):
Post the assessment question on the board or flip chart for the students to answer in their math
Highland Park in Rochester covers about 630m2 of land. Ms. Fitzgerald measured our school and
found that our school measures 63m2. How much larger is Highland Park compared to our school?
Create a number that has a 6 ten times larger than the 6 in the number 630. Make sure to show your
work and explain how you solved the problem.
Revised 1/20/16
The students will find how many times larger Highland Park is compared to their school and create a
number that has a 6 one tenth as large as the 6 in the number 630. (Blooms Level 3 Application)
When students have finished, they will raise their hand so that I can check and then get them situated
for the closing activity.
Closing Activity:
Option 1: Write each of the following numbers on an index card and give one to each student. They
are going to play Find a person that I will give criteria as to the person they are to find and they
move around the class comparing their numbers with the numbers of their classmates. The rules are,
everyone must find a match, thus even if a student finds a partner right away, they may not stay will
their partner but may need to adjust so that everyone meets the criteria and has a partner.
Here are the criteria I will display on the front board.
Find a person that
has a 2 that is ten times the value of your 2
has a 4 that is ten times the value of your 4
has a 1 that is one tenth the value of your 1
has a 3 that is one tenth the values of your 3
has a 5 that is one tenth the value of your 5
Here are the numbers I will write on index cards and pass out to each student.
135.24 153.24 143.52 134.52 152.34 145.32 531.24 513.24 532.14 512.34
135.42 153.42 123.54 132.54 154.32 125.32 531.42 513.42 534.12 514.32
523.14 543.12 521.34 541.32 315.24 315.42 351.24 351.42 321.54 341.52
Option 2: Read the book Sir Cumference and All the Kings Tens: A Math Adventure by Cindy
Neuschwander and illustrated by Wayne Geehan. This fun math book discusses the concept of place
values and the relationship between each place value is a factor of ten. I will explain to the students
that we have created this system to make counting and representing amounts easier. (Rubric Line 30a)
Evaluation of Teaching *done after the lesson is taught*:
Comparing place values. (n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2016, from!
Checklist for Additional Items on Lesson Plan Rubric
Revised 1/20/16
Revised 1/20/16