Tetraamin Copper
Tetraamin Copper
Tetraamin Copper
large quantities (because its concentration should be about two million multiplied by
the square of the Cu 2+). Disproporsionisasi this would be perfect. On the other hand if
the Cu + kept very low (as in the slightly soluble substances or complex ions steady).
Cu2 + is very small and copper (I) to settle (Petrucci, 1987)
Copper forms compounds with +1 and +2 oxidation state, but only the copper (II)
stable and dominate in the solution. In water, almost all of the salt of copper (II) due to
the color blue by six coordination complex ion [[Cu(H2O)6] 2+.
The reaction of Cu 2+ ions with OH- to share depends on the concentration of the
method. Penambahanion hydroxide to a solution of copper (II) sulphate (0.1 to 0.5 M)
in bertetes with a speed of 1 mL / min resulted in a light blue gelatinous precipitate of
salts of copper (II) sulfate hydroxide, not precipitated Cu(OH)2 . (Sugiarto 2003)
Copper compounds are diamagnetic. Superficially oxidized copper sulfide in the air,
sometimes produces a green color layer hydroxo hydroxide carbonate and sulfate and
SO2, in the atmosphere of soluble copper in nitric acid and sulfuric acid in the presence
of oxygen. Kupro relative stability and cupric potential defined by Cu* = 0:52 V and Cu +
0.153 V. The relative stability depends on sulfate anions and ligands are quite diverse
with solvent / physical properties of atoms in the crystal neighbors. Solvent copper
carbonate hydroxide and so on, in the acid generating turquoise aqua ion written
[Cu(H2O)6] 2+. Among the various crystal hydrates is blue CuSO4.5H2O most prevalent.
CuSO4.5H2O can be hydrated into white anhydrous substance. The addition of aqua
ligands in solution causes the formation of complexes with the exchange of water
molecules sequentially with NH3. For example, species [Cu(NH3)(H2O)5]2+ [Cu
(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+ is formed in the normal way, but the addition of the fifth and sixth NH 3
molecules difficult. Sixth molecules can only be added only in liquid ammonia. (Cotton
and Wilkinson, 1989)
Manufacture of complex compounds can be performed by various methods.
Depending on the existing system and not all methods can be used for the synthesis of
a complex. Methods commonly used in the manufacture of complex compounds is
through substitution reaction (replacement). This method involves the reaction of a
metal salt in an aqueous solution (Mn+) with agency coordination (ligand) where there
is an exchange / replacement of the ligand. For example, the manufacture of [Cu (NH 3)
4SO4 can be done by mixing a solution of CuSO 4 in water with NH 3 through the
[Cu(H2O)4]2+(aq) + 4 NH3 (aq)
[Cu(NH3)4]2+ (aq) + 4 H2O(aq)
Dark blue
Salt complex [Cu (NH3)4SO4 happens dark blue crystals will form on addition of
Manufacture of complex compounds by recrystallization can be done with some
tekniksebagai following:
1. Evaporative cooling the solvent and the reaction mixture becomes more
concentrated in a water-bath salts that contain ice.
2. Adding slowly solvent miscible with the solvent of the reaction mixture, but does
not dissolve the desired compound.
6. Funnel glass
7. Burner methylated
8. The bottle of distilled water
9. Paper filter
10. Test tube big
11. Brace wooden tube
1. Crystalline solid CuSO4.5H2O
2. 10% concentrated ammonia 500 ml
3. Ethanol / Ethyl Alcohol 96%
E. Methods
Add 12,5 mL of
NH3 10%, stir it
F. Observation Data
1. The color of the solution at first :
: blue solution
: colorless solution
2. Changes that occur after both solution reacted :
The solution changes into dark blue
3. Changes that occur after the addition of alcohol :
Still dark blue solution. Alcohol covered the top of the solution
4. Changes that occur after the filtering :
The crystall : dark blue, like a needle, the color is constant after washed by NH3
The filtrate : dark blue solution
5. Changes that occur after the salt is dissolved in :
A little water : color of the solution is dark blue
Excessive water : the color becomes light blue
6. Changes that occur after the salt is heated
- There are NH3 gasses (alkaline)
- The color of crystal is black and shiny
7. Reaction that occur in this experiment :
CuSO4.5H2O(s) + H2O(l)
[Cu(H2O)4]2+ (aq) + SO42-(aq)
2H2O(l) + [Cu(H2O)4]2+ (aq) + 4 NH3 Cu(NH3)4 SO4(aq) + 6H2O(l)
G. Discussion
Mass of CuSO4.5H2O = 2,5004 gram
Mr CuSO4.5H2O = 249,68
n CuSO4.5H2O =
= 0.01001 mol
Reaction that occur:
Cu SO 4 .5 H 2 O+ H 2 O [ Cu ( H 2 O )4 ] SO 4 +2 H 2 O
0.01001 mol 0.01001mol 0.01001mol 0.02002mol
[ Cu ( H 2 O )4 ] SO4 +2 H 2 O+ 4 NH 3 [ Cu ( N H 3 )4 ] SO4 + 4 H 2 O
0.01001 mol 0.02002mol 0.04004 mol 0.01001 mol 0.04004 mol
[ Cu ( N H 3 ) 4 ] SO4
Mass of
= 227,5
[ Cu ( N H 3 ) 4 ] SO4
theoritical =
n Mr
= 2,277275 gram
Because mass of
[ Cu ( N H 3 ) 4 ] SO4
percentage of rendemen is
experiment mass
theoriticaly mass
1,2546 gram
2,277275 gram
a. Synthesis of Tetraamin Copper (II) Sulphate
In the process of making this salt, first dissolving 2.5 grams of powder CuSO 4.5H2O
is light blue with 5 ml H 2O in a beaker glass. The water molecule is used as a solvent
because it has a large dipole moment and can be pulled by all cations and anions to
form hydrated ions. From the results obtained mixture is light blue colored solution
derived from Cu2+ ions. The reaction that occur:
Cu SO 4 5 H 2 O+ H 2 O [ Cu ( H 2 O )4 ] SO 4 +2 H 2 O
After being dissolved then added 12.5 ml of 10% NH3 and stirred until
homogeneous. Stirring serves to accelerate the reaction, because its kinetic energy
increasing. In this mixing should be done in a fume hood. The purpose of addition NH 3
is to urge the H2O ligand of
[ Cu ( H 2 O )4 ] SO4
the color of the solution became dark blue. NH3 ligands stronger than H2O so it will be
easier for NH3 to replace H2O. The addition of hydrated ligands in solution causes the
formation of complex compounds due to the exchange of water molecules with NH 3
sequentially.the reaction that occur :
[ Cu ( H 2 O )4 ] SO4 +2 H 2 O+ 4 NH 3 [ Cu ( N H 3 )4 ] SO4 +6 H 2 O
In the solution was added with 4 mL of 96% ethyl alcohol slowly through the wall of
glass beaker, so the solution covered by alcohol. The purpose of the addition of ethyl
alcohol is to bind water molecules contained in a solution that may interfere the
precipitation process, thereby reducing the solvation energy of ions so the formation of
crystals can occur more perfect. Alcohol is used because alcohol is a good solvent for
ionic compounds. Moreover, the addition of ethyl alcohol serves to prevent the
evaporation of ammonia in solution.
Furthermore, the solution was covered with a watch glass to avoid contact with the
air and reduce the evaporation of ammonia, and then left to stand for 1 hour. The
solution should not be experiencing shock as stirred or shaken because it can affect
the deposition process. Then the solution is cooled in the refrigerator. This cooling
serves to lower the temperature resulting in reduced solubility and form precipitates
purplish blue or dark blue. In addition, when a liquid substance is cooled, the
translational motion of molecules into smaller molecules pull gets stronger, so after
crystallizing the molecules have a specific position in the crystal.
The precipitate obtained was filtered using filter paper. Filtering serves to separate
the filtrate from the precipitate. Then the precipitate was washed using concentrated
ammonia and ethyl alcohol evenly. The purpose of these additions is to remove
impurities and contaminants contained in the precipitate because ammonia solvent
molecules will attract residual ammonia molecules which may not react, while ethyl
alcohol will attract molecules of ethyl alcohol previously added. The precipitate was
dried until its water content is lost. Crystals formed dark blue. Crystals were weighed
and the resulting weight of 1.2546 grams. After doing the calculations on analysis of
data obtained yield of 55.09%.
b. Studying the Properties of Complex Salt of Tetraamin Copper (II) Sulphate
The next experiment after salt of tetraamin copper (II) sulphate formed is to test the
properties complex salts of tetraamin copper (II) sulphate. The first step is dissolving a
bit of salt results of experiments with 2.5 mL H 2O resulting dark blue solution.
Meanwhile, after being added with 10 mL H2O solution turned into light blue. This
happens because of the complex salt breaks down into its constituent ions. The
reaction is:
NH 3
N H3
2+ 2 H 2 O
2++ SO 4
Cu ( 4 ]
The resulting complex salt crystals from the first experiment heated over burning
methylated burner. Crystals change color to tosca. At that time also produced
ammonia gas, the reaction is:
NH 3
H. Question
1. Write al the reaction that can occur in the manufacture tetramin copper (II) sulphate!
[Cu(H2O)4]SO4 + 2H2O
[Cu(H2O)4]SO4(aq) + 2H2O(aq) + 4 NH3 (aq)
[Cu(NH3)4]SO4(aq) + 6 H2O(aq)
1. Copper is a metal that can form a complex salt, tetraamin copper (II) sulphate color
is dark blue
2. NH3 ligands serve to urge and displace ligands H2O
3. The properties of salt tetraamin copper (II) sulphate is when complex salts
dissolved in water, the compound does not break down into Cu 2+, but will produce
N H3
dissolved species in the form of complex ions
Cu ( 4 ]
which is stable
J. Suggestion
1. Practicioner should be more careful and meticulous during the practicum
2. Practicioner must understand the material before doing the lab
3. Should the tools that will be used sterilized beforehand
K. References
Cotton and Wilkinson. 1989. Kimia Anorganik Dasar. Jakarta: UI-Press.
Sugiyarto. 2003. Dasar-dasar Kimia Anoraganik Logam. Jakarta : UI-Press
Sukardjo. 1985. Kimia Koordinasi. Jakarta: PT. Bina Aksara.
Svehla, G. 1990. Vogel : Buku Teks Analisis Anorganik Kualitatif Makro dan Semimikro
Bagian I Edisi Kelima. Jakarta: PT Kalman Media Pusaka.
Tim Dosen Kimia Anorganik. 2016. Petunjuk Praktikum Kimia Anorganik. Semarang: