E-proceedings of the Conference on Management and Muamalah (CoMM 2014), 26-27 May 2014
Synergizing Knowledge on Management and Muamalah (E-ISBN: 978-983-3048-92-2)
E-proceedings of the Conference on Management and Muamalah (CoMM 2014), 26-27 May 2014
Synergizing Knowledge on Management and Muamalah (E-ISBN: 978-983-3048-92-2)
Later, to analyze the data, Pierinis (2007) model was selected. She proposed six strategies
that can be adopted to translate similes. Through comparing the English and Malay texts, the
type of strategy used for each simile was determined. The frequency of the strategies applied in
the translation was counted so that finally the percentage could be presented in the next subtopic.
Based on the data analysis, below is the percentage of strategies selected by the translator.
There are 4 strategies adopted by the translator. The strategies were: (1) literal translation, (2)
reduction of the simile, if idiomatic, to its sense, (3) retention of the same vehicle plus
explicitation of similarity feature(s) and (4) omission of the simile.
Table 4.1 Frequency (percentage) of simile translation strategies applied in the The Hunger Games
1. Literal translation (retention of
the same vehicle
2. Replacement of the vehicle with a
different vehicle
3. Reduction of the simile, if
idiomatic, to its sense
4. Retention of the same vehicle
plus explicitation of similarity
5. Replacement of the vehicle with a
6. Omission of the simile
45 (75%)
12 (20%)
2 (3.3%)
60 (100%)
The purpose of this study is to identify the translation strategies used by translator to translate
similes. The findings of the study show that among the six strategies proposed by Pierini
(2007) to translate simile, the translators applied the first strategy, literal translation, much
more than the other strategies and also another three strategies which are reduction of the
simile, if idiomatic, to its sense, retention of the same vehicle plus explicitation of similarity
feature(s) and omission of the simile. On the other hand, the other two strategies were not
used are, replacement of the vehicle with a gloss and replacement of the vehicle with a
different vehicle. Literal translation was mostly used in the translation because it still can be
understood and acceptable in Malay language. The translator has reduced the idiomatic
meaning of the simile to its sense thus omitting the simile because the similes were not used
in Malay language and it can be misunderstood by the readers. The other two strategies were
avoided by translator because they were quite hard for the translator to be replaced with
another similes that have the same meaning as the similes in the original text. To retain the
similes together with an explanation was not an option to the translator since it may reduce
the aesthetic values of the original text.
E-proceedings of the Conference on Management and Muamalah (CoMM 2014), 26-27 May 2014
Synergizing Knowledge on Management and Muamalah (E-ISBN: 978-983-3048-92-2)
E-proceedings of the Conference on Management and Muamalah (CoMM 2014), 26-27 May 2014
Synergizing Knowledge on Management and Muamalah (E-ISBN: 978-983-3048-92-2)
Example 4
ST: The community home would crush her like a bug. (page 32)
TT: Rumah komuniti akan memusnahkan semangatnya. (page 25)
In example 3 and 4, the translator reduced the idiomatic meaning of the similes and rendered
the meaning of the simile instead of translating it literally. Malay language is slightly differ
from English, especially in comparing the actions or gestures in literary text. So the translator
chose to render the real meaning of the similes. In this situation, the translator had changed
the form in order to convey the meaning of the similes into target language. If the translator
translated both sentences literally, it may sound unnatural in Malay language since it is
uncommonly used in Malay. This is because both languages have different ways of
portraying the behaviours.
4.4 Omission
Example 5
ST: But thats a dark and creaky thing that moves like a snail and smells of sour milk. (page
TT: no translation
Example 6
ST: Delly Cartwright is a pasty-faced, lumpy girl with yellowish hair who looks about as
much like our server as a beetle does a butterfly. (page 90)
TT: Delly Cartwright ialah seorang gadis berwajah pucat dan gempal dengan rambut
berwarna kuning yang kelihatan seperti gadis itu. (page 69)
In example 5 and 6, the similes have been omitted in the translation. The translator may
found it difficult to be translated or because it does not disturb the meaning of the story so the
similes was omitted in the target text. The meaning of source text still can be understood by
the target readers. If the translator translated the sentence literally it does not give the same
effects as the original text. That is why the translator chose to omit the translation in the
target language.
As a conclusion, there are few strategies that can be used in translating similes. In translating
The Hunger Games novel into Malay, there are only four strategies were used by translator to
translate similes which are literal translation, reduction of the simile, if idiomatic, to its sense,
retention of the same vehicle plus explicitation of similarity feature(s) and omission of the
simile. Literal translation seems to be the most strategy used by translator probably because
some of the similes can be understood and interpreted the same way in Malay. So, as
translators, they should be very particular in applying the suitable strategies when translating
similes. They have to remember that, not all similes can be translated literally. It is because
different environment and worldview will give different interpretation to similes. There are
certain images used in the simile are unknown to the target readers and if the translators do
not apply the suitable strategies it may lead to misunderstanding to the readers. So, translating
E-proceedings of the Conference on Management and Muamalah (CoMM 2014), 26-27 May 2014
Synergizing Knowledge on Management and Muamalah (E-ISBN: 978-983-3048-92-2)
similes is not an easy task. The translator should read and do some research in order to apply
the best strategies. In addition, the translator would also encounter problems in providing
same interpretation in the target language that comprises the same meaning as in the source
language. Thus, it depends on the translators whether they want to preserve the form or o
render the meaning by changing the form as long as the meaning is conveyed to the target
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